Workplace for hairdressers: comfortable and functional. Organization of a workplace in a hairdresser Requirements for organizing a hairdresser's workplace

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and a chair. There are many designs of hairdressing vanities. Usually this is a table lined with plastic, with or without a sink built into it. The table has drawers for tools, accessories, perfumes and linen. A rectangular or oval mirror measuring at least 60x100cm is installed above the table.

The hairdressing chair must have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstery made of waterproof materials and be free to rotate around a vertical axis. It is also advisable that it be equipped with a load lifter so that, depending on the height of the client, it can be raised or lowered, as well as rotated to the desired position. For the convenience of clients, the chair must be equipped with a special footrest.

The location of dressing tables and chairs in the workroom of a hairdressing salon may vary depending on the area of ​​the room and its shape. Dressing tables are placed along the wall or in the center of the room. You can also group them in groups of two or three, etc. The main condition that must be met when placing equipment is compliance established distance between the chairs.

It is believed that the hairdresser’s working area should not be more than 90 cm away from the vertical axis of the chair. Therefore, minimum distance between the axes of two chairs - 180 cm.

If the work chair is located against a wall, the distance between it and the wall should be at least 70 cm.

When placing dressing tables and chairs in the hairdressing salon, each hairdresser’s workplace has sanitary standards at least 4.5 m2 of area is allocated.

On the desktop it is necessary to place toilet items in a certain order (from right to left): an alcohol lamp, a cotton pad, a jar of disinfectant solution, a powder compact, a powder bottle, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, etc. In this case, you should be guided by the basic rule - the more often this item is used in work the object, the closer to the master it should be. This will enable the hairdresser to reduce the number of movements to a minimum and, therefore, reduce fatigue.

The master is obliged to keep his workplace and toilet items clean. At the end of the working day, the dressing table and all accessories must be wiped with a 0.5% chloramine solution.

The hairdresser must follow the rules of personal hygiene so as not to become a carrier of diseases. Before serving each client, he is obliged to thoroughly wash his hands with soap, paying special attention to areas of the skin where dirt can accumulate (folds of the skin, intimate spaces, etc.).

Bleach is used to disinfect hairdressing salons and bathrooms. Treatment is carried out with a damp cloth moistened with a solution of bleach (add one or two glasses of bleach to a bucket of water).

Before starting work, the master must prepare the workplace to receive visitors. When preparing for work, you must ensure that you have the right tools, disinfect them, arrange them in a certain order, check the serviceability of the instruments. Prepare required amount linen, water, perfumes, medications.

The hairdresser must wash his hands before serving each visitor in his presence.

During all work servicing visitors in hairdressing salons, the master must use underwear that protects the client’s clothing from contact with the compositions used in the work, as well as cut hair. These are negligees, towels, napkins and capes.

The hairdresser's workplace is the “face” of the master, so you need to take care of the cleanliness of the workplace as well as you take care of yourself. Before talking about safety precautions, it is necessary to say what a hairdresser’s workplace consists of. A hairdresser's workplace consists of a variety of equipment. And these are not only armchairs, sofas, cabinets and bedside tables, but also mirrors, chairs for the master, sinks, hairdressing chairs, dryers, climazons, furniture for the hall and hairdressing salon, reception desks, showcases, tables, apparatus and lamps for manicurists, chairs and equipment for a pedicure room, massage chairs, tables, couches, as well as cosmetology equipment.

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and a chair. There are many designs of hairdressing vanities. Usually this is a table lined with plastic, with or without a sink built into it. The table has drawers for tools, accessories, perfumes and linen. An oval or rectangular mirror measuring at least 60 x 100 cm is installed above the table. The hairdressing chair must have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstery made of waterproof materials and rotate freely around a vertical axis. It is also desirable that it be equipped with a hydraulic lift, which allows, depending on the height of the client, to raise or lower the chair, as well as turn it in the desired direction. For the convenience of clients, the chair must be equipped with a special footrest.

The location of dressing tables and chairs in the workroom of a hairdressing salon may vary depending on the area of ​​the room and its shape. Dressing tables are placed against the wall or in the center of the room. You can also group them in groups of two or three, etc. The main condition that must be met when placing the equipment is maintaining the established distances between the chairs. The hairdresser's working area should not be more than 90 cm away from the vertical axis of the chair; therefore, the minimum distance between the axes of two chairs should be 180 cm. If the working chair is located against a wall, the distance between it and the wall should be at least 70 cm. According to sanitary standards, each hairdresser’s workplace is allocated at least 4.5 m2 of area.

On the dressing table, the tools and devices used are placed in a certain order (from right to left), taking into account the rule: the more often an item is used in work, the closer it should be to the master. This makes it possible to reduce the number of movements of the hairdresser and, therefore, reduce his fatigue. If the tabletop is small, you can install special carts with tools next to it. For more ergonomic work, craftsmen use special work chairs. The master is obliged to keep his workplace and tools clean. At the end of the working day, the dressing table and all accessories must be thoroughly disinfected.


When cutting and styling hair, it is necessary to comb the hair to distribute it evenly. For this purpose, combs are used, components which are the butt and teeth. Combs vary in length, width and frequency of teeth. Wide combs are used when working with wide strands of hair, small combs are used when working with small strands or when doing very short haircuts. A frequent arrangement of teeth causes strong tension on the hair, which does not occur with a sparser arrangement of teeth.

Based on the material from which combs are made, they are divided into metal, wood, bone and plastic. Metal combs, when combing wet hair, damage its outer scaly layer, as a result of which the hair becomes brittle, brittle and splits into two or more parts. Due to the fact that the hairdresser most often works with wet hair, the use of metal combs in hairdressing salons is strictly prohibited. Wooden combs do not harm hair, but they are not suitable for use in hairdressing salons. Bone combs are very expensive and most often come in the form of combs and various clips used as decorative elements. Plastic combs are the most common type of tool today. They differ in the quality of the plastic. All combs used for hairdressing must be made of high quality plastic with antistatic properties; in addition, they must be flexible and durable.

The scissors consist of three parts: two identical halves and a fastening screw. Each half of the scissors consists of a ring, a lever and a working blade. The working blade has a tip, an end and a butt.

There are three types of hairdressing scissors: straight, thinning and flag.

Straight scissors are designed for cutting hair, beards and mustaches, as well as for thinning. They differ from ordinary (household) scissors in the quality of the steel from which they are made, the sharpening angle of the working blades, and the presence of sharp tips.

Straight scissors can be with long, medium and short working blade. Scissors with a long working blade are most often used for haircuts in the men's room. Scissors with a medium working blade are universal and are used in both men's and women's rooms. Scissors with a short working blade are used for work only in the women's room, since cutting a strand when cutting women's hair is often done with inside fingers.

Thinning scissors are used to thin and shade hair. They come in two types: one-sided and two-sided. Double-sided thinning scissors have teeth on two working blades, while single-sided thinning scissors have teeth on only one blade. When working with thinning scissors, the hair that falls between the teeth remains long, and the hair that falls on the teeth is cut off. Therefore, single-sided scissors allow you to cut more hair than double-sided scissors.

Devices for hairdressing

The following devices are most often used for hairdressing work.

Spray bottle - for wetting hair when cutting and styling, as well as applying various lotions that create volume to the hairstyle.

Bowls - for preparing dyes, fixatives for perms and other hair care products.

Brushes - for diluting and applying dyes and other preparations.

Shaker - for mixing dyes.

Plastic and metal clips - for dividing hair into zones and strands when cutting, styling, treating and coloring.

A mask used to fix the hairstyle.

A timer, special collars, beakers, and rubber gloves are also used.

Hairdressing tutorial

  1. Introduction
  2. Organization of premises in hairdressing salons and types of equipment
  • Characteristics of hairdressing salons
  • Equipment
  • Organization of a hairdresser's workplace
  • Visitor Service Rules
  • Sanitary – hygienic requirements to the contents of the premises
  • Requirements for room lighting
  • Heating and ventilation requirements
  • Control questions
  • Washing and head massage
    • General information about hair
    • Hair types and texture
    • Hair washing technology
    • Head massage technology
    • Control questions
  • Materials Science
    • The concept and purpose of perfumery
    • Chemistry Basics
    • Vitamins
    • Perfumes, colognes, eau de toilettes, lotions and shampoos
    • Action chemical composition on hair
    • Control questions
  • Tools and devices for hairdressing
    • Adaptations
    • Cutting tool
      • Scissors
      • Hair clippers
      • Razors
    • Hair combing tool (combs)
    • Hair styling and curling tool
      • Curlers
      • Forceps
      • Bobbins
    • Control questions
  • Haircut
    • Haircut Basics
    • Basic concepts of haircuts
    • Characteristics of the main areas of the head
    • Classic version performing a simple haircut
    • Other options for a simple haircut
    • Basic types of simple haircuts
    • "Relatives" of the "simple" haircut
    • Hair growth on NZZ
    • Combining or composing a haircut
    • Recommendations
    • Recommendations (2)
    • Application
    • From the author
  • Hair coloring
    • Introduction to Dyeing
    • Hair physiology and coloring
    • Natural hair color identification
      • Hue and Saturation
      • Determining natural color level and tone
    • Paint selection
      • Selecting level, tone and color intensity
      • Eye and skin color analysis
    • Color theory:
      • Law of chromaticity
      • Dye for creating natural hair color
    • Classification of hair dyes:
      • Temporary dyes (for temporarily changing hair color)
      • Semi-permanent (or semi-permanent) dyes
      • Demi-permanent dyes
      • Permanent dyes
      • Natural dyes and dyes containing metal salts
    • Hydrogen peroxide
    • Hair lightening
      • Types of clarifiers
      • Action of clarifiers
      • The role of natural pigment
      • Time factor
      • Lightening undyed hair
      • Lightening regrown hair
      • Uneven lightening
      • Toners
      • Tinting regrown hair
      • Special Effects
    • Consultation
      • Preliminary test for hypersensitivity
      • Carrying out a preliminary test for hypersensitivity
    • Hair coloring procedures
    • Sedina: problems and their solutions
    • Control questions
  • Perm hair for a long time
    • The mechanism of changing hair shape during perm
    • Perm stages
    • Perm technology:
      • Basic methods and techniques of perming hair. Classic perm
      • Errors when performing perms that cause negative consequences
      • Hair care with perm
    • Control questions
  • Hair Styling
    • General installation information
      • Basic hairstyle elements
      • Hair styling products
    • Hairstyle choice:
      • Hairstyle classification
      • Modeling hairstyles depending on face shape
    • Cold hair styling
    • Hair styling using curlers
    • Hair styling using a hair dryer
    • Hair styling using electric curling irons
    • Combing and blunting
    • Control questions


    Hairdressing is one of the oldest types of human activity, which is aimed primarily at improving (beautifying) one’s appearance. The development and improvement of hairdressing art is closely connected with the evolution of human society, changes in living conditions, and an increase in the level of general culture. From century to century in different historical periods, man created new household items that reflected his ideas about beauty, individual taste and the general concept of the aesthetic ideal inherent in a particular era. Clothing, jewelry and hairstyles also changed. Depending on natural conditions, a person’s position in society and a number of other factors, each nation developed its own specific style and traditions, which were reflected in clothing and hairstyle. In each era, paying tribute to fashion, hairdressing masters created new shapes, lines and decorative elements of hairstyles.

    Concepts of beauty have changed over the centuries, and what seemed beautiful in one period looked ugly later and vice versa. This was most noticeably manifested in costume and hairstyles, which are closely related to the appearance of people.

    Ancient Greek women dyed their hair light brown with a red tint and made it into lush, beautiful hairstyles - korimbos. So, during antiquity in Ancient Greece, hairstyles from long curled hair were placed in cone-shaped buns, the hair should be arranged in waves or small curls, while leaving the distance between the eyebrows and the beginning of hair growth to the width of two fingers, because according to the aesthetic concepts of those times, it was believed that a woman’s forehead should be low. In the ancient world, the empress was the trendsetter in hairstyles. Court ladies and noble Roman matrons imitated her. With the arrival of German slaves, light brown hair became fashionable. During the late Middle Ages (XIV century), various hair dyes were widely used, except red, because... the red color was considered the curse of the devil.

    In the middle of the 16th century, an enlarged hairstyle was considered beautiful. To do this, the hair was beaten with a toupee. False hair was added if necessary. To create the hairstyle we used various devices: wire frame, ribbons, hoops.

    Later, natural hair was replaced by a wig, hanging over the shoulders and back in thick strands. This wig lasted a long time.

    In Russia, women and girls wore braids or loose hair. In the old days in Rus' there was a rule: girls wore one braid, braided low at the back of the head and decorated with a ribbon. When a woman got married, on her wedding day she intertwined her girl’s braid into two and placed them around her head like a crown. From then on, she was obliged to wear a headscarf all her life so that men - both strangers and family members - could not see her hair.

    In the upper classes, hair was curled. Later long braids braided at the crown and decorated below with ribbons, silk, gold, pearl tassels, triangular pendants and other decorations. Individual strands were tied with colored laces, for girls of the upper classes with gold or pearl threads. Ribbons were worn on the forehead, including jagged, wide ones, on a solid base, in which various decorations were sometimes hung - tassels, strands of pearls, rings. The crown was decorated on the forehead below - a net with pendants and precious stones.

    With the advent of Art Nouveau style (early 20th century), natural hair color was reversed with the help of intense dyes. A fashionable hairstyle is high, cone-shaped, curled with wide waves, falling low on the forehead, or smooth, parted in the middle. With wavy hair hanging low on her cheeks.

    Silhouettes and shapes of hairstyles were repeated after a certain time. Yes, hairstyles Ancient Rome began to be worn in the 19th century throughout Europe, and wigs 200 years later in the 60s of the 20th century. Each time brought something new, there was no exact copying. The development of basic forms of clothing and hairstyles occurred in direct connection with socio-economic, natural conditions, aesthetic and moral requirements, general artistic style, fashion.

    Cultural and business ties that began to develop successfully with many countries of the world had a great influence on fashion and hairstyle. In the 50s, the hairstyles of popular French film actresses Brigitte Bardot and Marina Vladi came into fashion. These hairstyles were different from each other, but they had one thing in common - common recognition among women from different countries.

    In the 60s, hairstyles became more monolithic. Bouffant has come into fashion. Hairstyles have increased in size and volume has appeared. They were missing small parts. The shape of the hairstyle could expand or contract. For this purpose, cut strands, crepe, and soft synthetic fibers were used. During this period, hairstyles such as “bell”, “clover”, “ponytail” came into fashion, colors reminiscent of metals were fashionable: copper, bronze, silver, brass.

    In the second half of the twentieth century, they began to wear hairstyles with fluffy hair, imitating the heroine of the film “The Witch” performed by the French actress Marina Vladi. Free-falling blond hair has been in fashion for a long time.

    In the 70s, the fashion for wigs passed, and “small” hairstyles with geometric cuts returned. The new wave was especially evident in the "Gavroche" hairstyle. The bouffant has finally gone out of fashion.

    The next popular hairstyle was the “pageboy” hairstyle, in which the haircut was made uneven, shorter at the top, above the forehead, longer from the temples, towards the neck. Natural “hair movement” is becoming fashionable. This is evident in the new haircut method of English hairdresser Vidal Sassoon. All his hairstyles are distinguished by a simple, but at the same time sophisticated movement of the hair. At the end of the twentieth century, two main trends were identified in general fashion: folk style (country style), paramilitary style during the war and post-war years (military style).

    Hairstyles have changed in the last decade. Voluminous hairstyles have been replaced by sleeker, smaller hairstyles with full bangs. Hairstyles have become more modest. Smooth parted hair is styled into elegant small buns. Sometimes they put nets on the hair and intertwine it with colored cords. Adding to the hairstyle are hairpieces colored lighter or darker than the natural hair color. They wear wigs, but they are not much different from natural hairstyles.

    In modern fashion great importance has a small touch that gives a special charm to the hairstyle - it can be a crimped strand on smooth hair, tousled bangs, or a highlighted highlight. Extra-fashionable shiny, even sparkling hair, which is achieved with the help of varnishes, emulsions and bleaching.

    In fashion are hairpins made of metal, tortoiseshell, silk, nylon, chiffon, satin and other bows, black velvet, nets, starched flowers to match the color of the dress, ribbons, cords. Modern fashion is so diverse that everyone can choose a hairstyle that suits them and suits them.

    Fashion designers today are trying to predict what hairstyles will be like in the next century. In Japan, the best hairdressers decided to “design” a masterpiece from 2084. The press responded about this work of art as follows: “... something between the loose tail of a peacock and a flowerbed.”

    Modern masters of hair design (fashion designers, hairdressers) take into account today's fashion trends when working, while at the same time using the rich historical experience of hairdressing. When developing their projects and creating models of modern hairstyles, they use individual elements hairstyles of past centuries.

    Making a person’s appearance more attractive is one of the goals of hairdressing. You can strictly obey the laws of fashion, of which there are many, but you will never achieve this goal if you do not take into account one important truth: each person has his own individual style.

    Hairdressing salons provide many types of services with the help of which professional hairdressing masters help shape a particular image of a person, emphasizing his individuality and attractiveness. The profession of a hairdresser is one of the main and most prestigious in the service sector.

    Hairdressing is a hairdressing technology that includes whole line technological operations for hair processing.

    Hairdressing combines several main types of work with hair: washing, drying, cutting, curling, coloring, styling, making and using hair products (wigs, braids, hairpieces, etc.), in the performance of which a variety of in various ways, methods and hair care products.

    Practical, long-lasting hairstyles that take into account both current fashion requirements and a person’s individual traits and create a harmonious image have a great impact on a person’s well-being and mental state.

    The ability to achieve an exemplary hygienic condition of hair and scalp, choose a hairstyle that matches the type of face, veil possible flaws in appearance and emphasize its individuality - all these are the main tasks when mastering hairdressing.

    The profession "Hairdresser" is intended to perform specific types of work with hair when serving adults and children in hairdressing salons different types(specialized salons).

    The nature of a hairdresser’s work depends on the type of services provided, the specialization of hairdressing salons and their halls (women’s, men’s), specific forms of work organization and methods of customer service (service by appointment, at home, provision of additional types of services, etc.), as well as on the applied technologies, materials and special-purpose tools.

    Choosing a profession is the most important event in the life of every person, and this happens at an age when life experience is just beginning to take shape, guidelines are not yet very accurate and the probability of error is high. To avoid mistakes, you need to know what the complexity of a particular profession is? What psychological demands are placed on her? What abilities should a person choose a particular profession have? Also, when choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your character and temperament, the degree of emotional excitability, impressionability, energy, etc.

    The main requirements for the profession of “Hairdresser” are:

    • Availability good condition health;
    • high sensitivity to color and shades;
    • good hand coordination;
    • good vision;
    • observation;
    • excerpt;
    • stress resistance;
    • ability to organize your workplace.

    To master this profession, you need knowledge from different subject areas: chemistry, materials science, drawing, hairstyle history, art history, communication culture, etc.

    The profession of a hairdresser should be chosen by people who have creative nature and a sufficiently developed aesthetic taste, in addition, they must have such personal qualities as sensitivity, attentiveness, responsiveness, as well as the ability to analyze the situation and the ability to find individual approach to every client.

    A hairdresser must also have the following qualities:

    • developed visual memory and operational thinking;
    • ability to quickly navigate and accept correct solution V conflict situations;
    • tactfulness, friendliness, discipline;
    • sociability, responsiveness;
    • respect for clients;
    • the ability to correctly assess the client’s actions and one’s own actions, the ability to foresee their consequences.

    A hairdresser must have certain knowledge of psychology, ethics, aesthetics and law. This information is necessary in his practical work For the right choice rational customer service tactics.

    Each client who comes to the hairdresser is unique and inimitable in his own way. To provide successful service, a hairdresser must learn to understand clients and communicate professionally with them. When solving this problem, it is necessary to be able to identify and take into account such character traits of the client as independence and determination, lack of initiative and passivity, goodwill and pickiness, talkativeness and taciturnity.

    Along with the temperament and character of the client being served, one should also take into account his gender, age, state of health and behavior.

    The most important indicator when assessing the success of a hairdresser and the level of his skill is his professional behavior.

    Professional behavior, like dress code, is designed to distinguish the service worker from those present in the salon.

    There are certain requirements for the professional behavior of a service worker. For example, he must be friendly and welcoming. These qualities should underlie the hairdresser's behavior, although this is not so easy to achieve. In response to cordiality and warm attitude, most clients behave in a similar way. They become more friendly and trusting towards service personnel. To win the client’s favor, you must try to show him your sincere interest in his concerns, singling him out from the general crowd of those present during the service. From the first minutes of being in the hairdressing salon, the client should feel like a welcome guest. This can be evidenced even by the tone of the conversation between the hairdresser and the client. The success of service often depends on the form in which the conversation with the client is conducted. We can say that the behavior of a service worker is in many ways similar to the performance of an actor.

    Professional skill allows a hairdresser to be not just a performer of his work, but also to be creative in his approach to it. A good hairdresser knows how to quickly understand the client’s wishes, even if the client himself does not clearly state his request for the nature of the haircut and hairstyle. A true hairdressing professional must be able to perform a haircut or hairstyle that meets the requirements of modern fashion, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client. This is what distinguishing feature hairdressing - a hairstyle should emphasize a person’s individuality, harmonize with his appearance and at the same time correspond to the spirit of the time.

    Hairdressing services are among the most in demand in everyday life and have the largest volume in the service market.

    1. Organization of premises in hairdressing salons and types of equipment

    o Characteristics of hairdressing salons

    Typically, hairdressing salons are located either in separate buildings or on the first floors of residential buildings and factories. household services, hostels, hotels, train stations, large enterprises. Currently, leading European, American and French companies (Vella, Barbers, Jacques Dessange, etc.) are participating in the creation of new salons.

    Depending on the equipment, perfumery and cosmetic materials and technologies used, as well as the qualifications of workers, all existing enterprises This area is divided into three main categories: luxury salon, hair salon, hairdresser.

    1. Luxury salon. Enterprises of this group provide the most complex comprehensive hairdressing and cosmetic services. In such exclusive salons, hairdressing and beauty services merge with medical and health services.

    The luxury salon features a wide selection of services (at least 15-20), including cosmetic and consulting services, as well as computer selection of hairstyles. Here they do exclusive hairstyles, makeup, manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions. In luxury salons they are used Newest technologies, progressive technological equipment and tools.

    In a luxury salon, at least 25% of hairdressers must be qualified as a fashion designer - artist, and the rest must be a 1st and 2nd class hairdresser.

    2. Salon - hairdresser. Enterprises in this category use branded equipment and materials. They employ fashion designers - artists and hairdressers of the 1st and 2nd classes (at least 50% of the total number). The cost of service in such salons is lower than in luxury salons.

    Salon - hairdresser provides artistic hairstyles, haircuts and other types of services.

    3. Hair salon. Such enterprises are not equipped with the latest equipment and have a small range of perfumes and cosmetics materials.

    Hairdressers provide all types of services. They employ hairdressers, cosmetic facial specialists, manicurists and pedicurists.

    o Equipment for hairdressing salons

    1. In a hairdressing salon, up to three workplaces do not require separate premises for disassembling and temporary storage of used linen.
    2. In hairdressing salons, separate storage rooms should be equipped with:
    • racks and cabinets for storing clean linen;
    • chests and dryers for storing and drying used linen;
    • racks and cabinets for storing perfumes.
  • To store clean linen, it is allowed to install closed cabinets with a hygienic coating.
  • Wardrobes intended for street, personal and work clothes must be equipped with individual cabinets for separate storage.
  • The room for rest and eating should be equipped with a sink with hot and cold water supply, a refrigerator, a device for heating food, as well as the necessary furniture.
  • During preventive maintenance of the hot water supply system, utility rooms must be equipped with electric heaters.
  • It is allowed to install kiosks selling perfumes and other cosmetic products in the lobby or waiting room; trade in consumer goods of other types is carried out only in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of Russia.
  • Cosmetic and cosmetic procedures associated with skin disorders should be carried out in separate rooms with hot and cold water supply. They must also be equipped bactericidal lamps, dry-air and small-sized steam, sterilizers, closed containers for pre-sterilization cleaning and disinfection of instruments, as well as for disinfection various surfaces. In addition, these rooms must have measuring containers for preparing cleaning and disinfecting solutions.
  • Cut hair should be collected in closed containers, which are installed in a utility room, from where it should be removed by special vehicles and disposed of.
  • Hair salons must have a toilet for visitors.
  • Currently, three main types of electrical devices are most often used in salons: dryer, climazone and infraheater.

    Sushuara– hair drying devices (Fig. 1). Various models of dryers are produced: wall-mounted, moving on rollers, attached directly to the workplace, but they all have almost the same structure. On the drying head of the dryer there is a time relay and a temperature regulator from 20 to 70 degrees Celsius. The existing thermal protection of the devices allows you to regulate both time, flow and air temperature for each client individually.

    Rice. 2 Climazon

    Climazon- acceleration device chemical processes during hair coloring and curling (Fig. 2). Climazon is most often equipped with a computer, which allows the master to choose the optimal heating temperature and holding time for the compositions, depending on the structure and condition of the client’s hair.

    Infraheater is an electronic infrared hood that allows the hairdresser to perform precise treatments that are gentle on the hair and scalp. Ideal for use with full hair coloring with any dyes, as well as for bleaching and dye removal. It is equipped with special generators that emit energy with a long wavelength in such a way that stimulation of the action of chemicals is achieved without high temperature. Like the dryer, the infraheater can be placed on a support with rollers or attached to the wall using a bracket.

    When working with electrical equipment, the following safety rules must be observed:

    1. Before connecting electrical devices to the network, it is necessary to check the serviceability of their wires and the presence of grounding.

    · Organization of a hairdresser's workplace

    Currently, there are many companies in Russia that traditionally design hair salons. Leading companies in this field from Germany, France, Italy and other countries pay great attention to the design of workplaces and equipment. However, whatever the design of the workspace, it traditionally consists of a dressing table, a mirror, a chair and a footstool for the client. Depending on the interior of the cabin, a sink may also be located at the workplace. The shape and size of the mirror can be different, but it should not be less than 60 x 100 cm. Dressing tables are also available various shapes. They can be permanently attached, or have additional mobile carts (Fig. 3) of various shapes, but in any case they must be equipped with drawers for storing tools. Moisture and hair should be easily removed from the covering of tables and carts, so most often they are made of plastic.

    Rice. 3 Mobile cart

    The hairdressing chair (Fig. 4) must have a back, armrests and a headrest. A semi-soft chair should be covered with a material that does not absorb moisture and hair, have a hydraulic lift and rotate freely around its axis.

    Rice. 5 Hairdresser's workplace

    Fig. 4 Barber chair

    Workplaces in the workroom can be located anywhere, but the distance between them should not be less than 1.5 m (Fig. m).

    The workplace can be supplemented with a special mobile chair for the master (Fig. 6), since many haircuts can be performed while sitting. The master's chair should not have armrests, it should be easy to move and have a device for adjusting the height.

    Rice. 6 Mobile chair for the master

    Currently, sinks (Fig. 7,8) are most often located in the workroom, but separately from the work stations. They are equipped with a special chair, a flexible hose and a special recess for easy washing of hair with the head tilted back.

    Rice. 7.8 Hair washing sinks

    Rice. 9 Washing machine "Oasis"

    o Visitor Service Rules

    Before serving visitors, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Before inviting a client, you need to clean the workplace, wipe down dressing table and chair, put dirty laundry in the utility room, sweep hair and clean the sink. Inviting the client to pass, the master stands to the right of the chair and turns it towards the client. During a conversation with the client, the master finds out what type of work (service) interests him, and, if necessary, can offer additional types of services. Next, the master must inform the client of the cost of the work.

    1. At the next stage, the master washes his hands and disinfects the instruments in the presence of the client.

    When working, a master must have three sets of tools: he uses one to work with, the second is disinfected, the third is sharpened or kept in reserve.

    2. Then, to diagnose the hair, the master combs it thoroughly. During the combing process, the master determines the type, quality, condition and direction of hair growth. If the master discovers any contagious disease of the skin or hair, he must refuse service to the client in a very correct manner.

    4. Preparatory work most often ends with hygienic hair washing. However, the type of main work may also determine the performance of other preparatory work, such as a skin sensitivity test chemicals, dilution of dyes, preparation of medicinal preparations, etc.

    5. Typically, a hairdressing salon uses four types of linen: peignoir, towels, napkins and cape.

    4. Peignoir applicable for all types of work.

    5. Synthetic peignoir is used for hair cutting, perm and hair treatment. Oilcloth peignoir is used for hair coloring. A disposable polyethylene negligee can be used for any type of work.

    6. Under synthetic and oilcloth negligees, you should always put a paper collar or a disposable cotton napkin, since they are used throughout the entire work shift.

    7. Towels used only when washing hair. Two towels are allowed per client.

    8. Napkins cotton ones measuring 75 x 40 cm are used for shaving the face and head, washing and cutting hair, as well as for fixing perms.

    9. Synthetic drape used for hair styling.

    10. Currently, when coloring and cold styling hair, special collars made of thin rubber are also used.

    11. After completing the main type of work, the master asks if the client is satisfied with everything, and, if not, corrects the shortcomings. Then he performs the necessary additional services (hair drying, styling, fixing with varnish, etc.), removes hairdressing underwear and receives payment for the services.

    · Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the premises

    In the premises of the hairdressing salon, a thorough wet cleaning. In addition, routine cleaning must be carried out during the working day. Cleaning of hairdressing salons is carried out using detergents and disinfectant solutions prepared and stored in accordance with the instructions for their use (Table 1)

    Table 1.

    Disinfectant Disinfection object Solution concentration, % Holding time, min Mode of application
    Alaminol premises, furniture, incl. pedicure table panel one-time wiping
    Internal surfaces of cabinets for clean and dirty linen Wipe twice
    Sanitary equipment, bathtubs, sinks, toilets, etc. One-time wipe
    Anolyte Premises, sanitary equipment 0,03-0,05 60-120
    Wexside 0,4 30 / 60 Single / Double wipe
    Septodorus 0,05-0,1
    Sokrena Premises, furniture 1-2,5 60-30 One-time wipe
    Chloramine Premises, furniture, containers for dirty linen Wipe twice with an interval of 15 minutes.

    As necessary, but at least once a month, you should carry out general cleaning and close the hairdresser for a “sanitary day.”

    Hairdressing salon workers must strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, always have a neat appearance and wear clean overalls.

    Before service begins, the client must be covered with a peignoir, under which an individual napkin or towel must be placed. At the end of the shift, negligees must be washed under running water using detergents.

    Visitors with changes in the skin (rash, spots, peeling, etc.), nails, hair are served at the hairdresser only upon presentation of a doctor’s certificate stating that the disease is not contagious.

    Serving clients affected by head lice is strictly prohibited.

    Each master must have three sets of working tools.

    To stop bleeding from cuts or abrasions, solutions of iodine or hydrogen peroxide are used. Disinfection of the cut site is carried out with iodine tincture.

    For personal prevention purposes, employees must have an anti-HIV first aid kit, which should include: the following means: 70-degree alcohol, iodine, dressing material, potassium permanganate solution, distilled water, container for diluting potassium permanganate.

    Removing cut hair from the neck or face should only be done with clean cotton wool or a napkin.

    It is prohibited to use brushes for this purpose due to the lack of methods for hygienic processing.

    After serving each visitor, the cut hair is collected with brushes into closed scoops directly next to the chairs and stored in sealed containers.

    At the end of the working day, brushes should be washed under running water using detergents.

    Clips and curlers must be mechanically cleaned of hair and periodically washed with warm water during a shift. detergents. Hair nets and perm caps must be washed after each use.

    The supply of linen should be in an amount that ensures its individual use for each visitor.

    The hairdressing salon should provide separate storage of clean and used linen.

    In the hall, used linen is collected in containers with tight-fitting lids.

    Tool processing after each client must be carried out in open form in disinfection devices after preliminary washing them under running water. When performing irradiation on one side, the instruments should be turned over to the other side after the control processing time has expired.

    The treated instrument must be stored in a special container.

    When organizing a hairdresser’s work area, one must be guided not only by considerations of aesthetics and common sense, but also by legal regulations. All standards that the state requires to be followed are spelled out in SanPiN “Hairdressing salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and contents."

    Requirements for workplace organization


    One of the most important factors for successful work is the lighting of the hairdresser's workplace. If the room has windows, then it is better to install workstations closer to them, of course, provided that the window openings are large and allow enough light to pass through. But in the absence of windows or in bad weather conditions You can’t do without artificial light. Properly selected lamps will create favorable working conditions:

    • The right light does not tire your eyesight, and the technician remains productive longer.
    • Hair color is not distorted when dyeing and cutting, which allows you to get an excellent result. The master sees all the nuances of his work.

    The light should be diffused. The lamps are installed in such a way that the light does not “shine” in the eyes of the hairdresser and the client, and does not create glare and shadows. Light at correct location The lamp illuminates the client in the chair, but does not fall on the mirror. It is worth installing additional lamps at each workplace to adjust the lighting.

    The ideal lighting for a beauty salon is diode fluorescent lamps with a color rendering index of CRI 90 and an illumination level of 500 lux.


    The comfort of the visitor and the hairdresser is determined by the microclimate in the room. If the salon is cold, clients forced to sit still in one position may freeze. And the heat and stuffiness will make the haircut process tiring for the hairdresser and visitors. Optimal temperature at 22°C is maintained using air conditioners or heaters. Moreover, it is necessary to think through their location in advance so that they do not interfere with the installation of furniture and evenly cool or warm the entire room.

    Do not forget that the room must be regularly ventilated. High concentrations of paint and styling vapors should not cause nausea or headaches. You can use special hoods above each workplace or centralized system ventilation.

    Area and dimensions

    The area of ​​the premises should provide free space for hairdressers’ workplaces, passage between them and quick access to equipment. The work area is located within a radius of 0.9 m from the chair. To ensure that two technicians do not interfere with each other while serving clients, the chairs must be at least 1.8 meters apart. If installed against a wall, the distance between them is at least 0.7 m. The total area of ​​the workplace should be 4.5 meters. According to the standards, the height of the ceilings cannot be less than 2.7 m. You also need to remember that the hairdresser must have a separate entrance. How more spacious room, the easier it is to stay in it for a long time and arrange all the necessary furniture and equipment.

    Equipment for a hairdresser's workplace


    This is the most important attribute of the workplace in a beauty salon. With its help, the client watches the work of the master and sees the result. In order for the process of cutting or styling to be enjoyable for visitors, the mirror must meet several criteria:

    • Size. Minimum size mirrors - 0.6x1 m. The larger the better. The master also needs to have a hand mirror in stock, of a convenient shape and size, in order to show the work done from all sides.
    • Illumination. It would be great if the mirror was illuminated. Especially if makeup is done with the hairstyle. Otherwise, there should be a source of diffused daylight next to the mirror.
    • Mirror surface quality. No defects such as scratches, dullness or distortion. A bad mirror distorts the reflection, so the client will not be able to see the real result of the hairdresser's work.
    • The appearance of the mirror, its shape and frame are selected to match the design of the room, but do not forget that too pretentious design will distract and tire visitors.

    The mirror must be securely mounted on the wall so that it does not injure the master or client if it falls due to a careless push.

    Chair for client

    Beauty salon supply stores offer a huge range of chairs. This is correct, because during a visit to the salon, the client can spend several hours sitting without the opportunity to stand up or change his position. When choosing a chair, you need to consider the following factors:

    • Ease of use. The chair is height adjustable, the backrest reclines, and the headrests can be removed. It is easy to move or fix in one place.
    • Visitor comfort. The chair should have medium hardness and a comfortable backrest. The presence of a footrest and comfortable armrests will also be a plus. For children, you can purchase special child seats. And if you need a more economical option or there is no extra space, then you can use a pouf pad that is installed in an adult chair.
    • Practicality. The upholstery and its parts must be resistant to damage. It is best to choose waterproof coatings that are not afraid of exposure to water, paints and other cosmetics.

    For craftsmen who care about the health of their legs and back, you can purchase a saddle chair. It has no armrests or back, easily moves in any direction and does not restrict movement.

    To provide a full range of hairdressing services, it is necessary to equip the premises with sinks. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about the supply of hot and cold water, sewerage, and the location of pipes.

    The client should feel comfortable while washing his hair, so it is better to choose sink models with recesses for the head or soft linings. A special chair may be attached to the sink; this option is much more practical. If the sink is spacious and equipped with a shower head, then rinsing thick hair will be much easier.

    In a hairdressing salon, at least 1 sink is required for 3 hairdressers. It’s good when each workplace is equipped with an individual sink. In this case, visitors will not have to wait in line to wash their hair.


    The set of furniture needed by a craftsman is not limited to a mirror, an armchair and a sink. To accommodate the materials and tools used by the hairdresser, the workplace is equipped with cabinets, carts on wheels, tables and shelving.

    Tables are placed near the mirror; the main set of tools and styling products are usually stored on them. A cabinet with drawers will allow the master to store rarely used items. A cart on wheels is needed so that you can move it towards you if necessary, and not run to the table for tools. The racks contain paints, towels, negligees, and other consumables.

    Furniture coating must be resistant to chemicals so that it lasts for a long time without losing its attractive appearance.

    You should not save money and buy uncomfortable furniture made from cheap materials. Poor-quality chairs not only reduce the hairdresser’s performance, but can also cause injuries.

    Important rules for organizing a hairdresser’s workplace

    Disinfection of a hairdresser's workplace

    You should start organizing a hairdresser’s workplace only after studying the specifics of the work of the craftsmen who will work in the beauty salon. You shouldn't buy too much, but from necessary equipment you need to choose the best price-quality ratio. Comfortable furniture will allow the master to show high level skill without experiencing any inconvenience during the work process. And the client will appreciate the environment created taking into account his needs and comfort.

    In the online store site you can buy a workplace for hairdressers. Our catalog contains offers from different price segments. We pay special attention to quality control, so all products presented on the site have the necessary certificates. If you need help choosing or would like to know the cost of delivery to your city, please contact the store manager. Take advantage electronic form feedback: Leave your question on the site and we will answer it as soon as possible.

    Which hairdressing mirror and table to choose?

    We offer you several options for organizing your workspace:

    • budget models. The most economical option is a hairdressing mirror with a small shelf for storing tools. It costs less than a mirror with a table and drawers. Its price starts from 5300 rubles. This option is convenient if your salon or hairdresser has a separate place for storing hair dryers, curling irons, combs and other improvised tools;
    • designer mirrors. They differ from the previous version in an unusual style. Equipped with a shelf for storing varnishes, waxes and other Supplies. In our catalog you can choose a stylish hairdressing mirror for any interior;
    • workplace with storage compartments. The hairdressing table with a mirror and a cabinet is convenient to use. There is space for tools and consumables on the countertop and shelves, as well as in the drawers. In some models, the shelves are “hidden” behind the mirror - this saves space. The price of hairdressing tables with cabinets starts from 10,500 rubles.

    When choosing a hairdressing table, rely on your own needs and financial capabilities. If your salon has enough cabinets and display cases to store products, you can purchase a budget mirror. In cases where you need a full-fledged workplace for a master, opt for a table with sections for storage.

    How to buy a hairdressing mirror and table?

    1. Decide on the price range and characteristics of the model.
    2. Choose the appropriate option yourself or use the help of a manager.
    3. Add your order to your cart.
    4. Make a purchase - leave your contact information.
    5. Wait for a specialist to call.