Rabinovich Mikhail Danielovich The wagons backfired. A Russian businessman billed the government of Belarus. "Grand Express" is designed for passengers with big appetites

Anna Zibrova

From Russian Railways President Oleg Belozerov, who took over the company in 2015 after a decade of presidency Vladimir Yakunin expected rapid change. But even now the schemes built under Yakunin continue to work in Russian Railways.

KPMG analyzed the activities of the Federal Passenger Company (FPC, a subsidiary of Russian Railways) in 2013–2015; FPC placed an order for this work on the public procurement website almost a year ago. Vedomosti got acquainted with the KPMG report - it was presented to the board of directors of Russian Railways in the fall of 2016. In early 2017, the board approved a plan to eliminate the identified violations, a person close to Russian Railways knows: “But the main violations have not yet been eliminated.” “The board of directors will not return to this topic until June,” warns a person who heard about it from a board member.

KPMG auditors write that about 80% of contracts for the maintenance of FPC railcars are concluded with a single supplier. The validity of these purchases, the auditors continue, is of a formal nature - to the extent that, under contracts for different subjects motivation is the same. In some contracts, auditors see signs of fictitiousness. For example, the contract between FPC and Transremcom dated April 30, 2014 does not specify the place of work, the specification of electrical systems and devices that the cars should be equipped with. There is no decoding of the content of work in the contracts.

The auditors found that on average in 2013-2015. groups of interconnected companies (see) controlled 70% of FPC's material costs - minus payments to Russian Railways, wages and depreciation. The interconnection of all key counterparties - from the maintenance and repair of wagons to bed linen processing services and the supply of printed products - creates the opportunity to significantly influence the operating activities of FPC, KPMG expresses concern.

According to SPARK-Interfax, Vagon-Service, Vagonremmash are connected to each other, and through a chain of related persons they were connected with Andrey and Oksana Severilov. They, as KPMG discovered, are connected with Mikhail Rabinovich, a member of the board of directors of FPC's subsidiaries - RZD Tour and Travel Tour, as well as with Konstantin Filatov, a member of the board of directors of RTK, another FPC subsidiary.

Two people close to Russian Railways confirm that Rabinovich is connected to repair companies fulfilling FPC orders.

Rabinovich is not a stranger to Russian Railways. Two interlocutors close to the railway monopoly call him connected with former president Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. In 2006, Rabinovich was the general director of CJSC Industry Implementation Center new technology and technologies” (OCV). According to SPARK, 43.43% of OTsV belongs to Russian Railways, 49.9% belongs to Zheldorconsulting, whose head office is the Cypriot Zinagori. Zheldorconsulting owns 0.2% of Grand Express Service, the company that owns the Grand Express train. In 2005, the weekly Kommersant Dengi wrote that Rabinovich was the main owner of the Grand Express.

According to the public procurement website, in 2015 OCV received more than 8 billion worth of contracts from Russian Railways, and in 2016-2017. - by 1.9 billion rubles. “OTsV closed the service and maintenance of innovative products and systems used by Russian Railways: fire automatics, telemechanics, video surveillance and remote control etc., explains Mikhail Burmistrov, General Director of Infoline-Analytics: the contracts were transferred on a non-alternative basis to the OTsV, and not to organizations that directly carried out the development, production and installation. Usually, Burmistrov continues, warranty service for installed equipment and systems is carried out by the manufacturer. As a result, the cost of the service is significantly, often at times, overstated, he complains.

KPMG believes that in 2013-2015. companies associated with Rabinovich received contracts worth 37 billion rubles from the FPC. In addition, the auditors write, in 2014 FPC assumed a liability to Vagonremmash for more than 17 billion rubles. under contracts with a maturity not earlier than 2018. The company was unable to explain to the auditors why this was done.

In 2013–2014 FPC completed a thousand overhauls of railcars at the Vagonremmash plants for 2.1 billion rubles, i.e., the repair of one railcar cost 2.1 million rubles. on average, KPMG continues, - in FPC's own depot, the same repair cost an average of 1.4 million rubles, and at OVRK - 1.04 million rubles.

Under the contracts analyzed by KPMG, Vagonremmash in 2016-2019. should perform about 1,300 repairs worth 2.8 billion rubles. - FPC could repair these cars in its own depots for 1.6 billion rubles. According to KPMG, under some contracts, indexation of the price of work from the contractor is provided - depending on the index consumer prices, changes in prices for fuel, gas, energy and hot water, as well as labor costs and other economic indicators that make up the cost. This led to the fact that the price of works increased from 2013 to 2015 by 10%, while in their own depots prices decreased by 8%, auditors point out.

“Under some agreements with Vagonremmash and Vagon-Service, FPC is not entitled to reduce the contract price by more than 20% without penalties. Therefore, FPC is forced to reduce repairs in its own depots, KPMG notes. FPC still does not control the cost of spare parts purchased by the contractor, auditors continue, and the cost Supplies, replaceable parts, components and assemblies is included in the cost of work, and because of this it is impossible to reduce the cost of repairs through the introduction of own purchases of spare parts.

FPC does not comment on the work of consulting companies. With regard to maintaining economic activity FPC, it is regularly audited by regulatory authorities, including such audits were held in the period 2013-2015, commented a company representative.

RZD declined to comment.

Complex connections
Vagon-service owns 75% of Vagonremmash through ZhSA. Wagon-Service, in turn, is 44% owned by the Cypriot Midlake Holdings (another 56% belongs to Alexei Shumakov). It follows from the Midlake Holdings financial statements for 2014 that Vagon-Service, Transremcom and Lokomotiv Transservice act as related parties and guarantors for the loan that ZhSA received from VTB. Midlake Holdings owns 99% management company"VGS Group", until 2011 it was wholly owned by Oksana Severilova, then - by the Cypriot Antell Investment. Severilova, until September 2012, owned the Davinchi holding company, which is now 80% owned by Mikhail Rabinovich and 20% by Andrey Severilov. In Loco-Bank, Rabinovich has 13.3%, Severilov has 4.62%, another 13.35% belongs to Bulley Investment, whose beneficiaries are Severilov and other individuals.

CJSC "OTsV" together with the administration of Krasnodar will be engaged in the construction of residential complex. Has nothing changed since Vladimir Yakunin left?

An agreement was signed between the administration of Krasnodar and CJSC "Industry Implementation Center" (OTsV) on the removal from the city railway tracks. It is planned to build a light rail line, roads and housing at this site. This was reported by the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

The implementation of the project will help unload Krasnodar, which is constantly stuck in traffic jams because of this section of the railway line. But it's not just about good intentions. The project will require tens of billions of rubles, which will come from the budgets of all levels: federal, regional and city. And it will be possible to "saw" this money to your heart's content.

And if you attract investors and the right contractors, then the project will generally become a "golden" vein for several years both for regional and city officials, and for the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov, whose department owns 43.4% of the shares of OTSV. 70 hectares of Krasnodar land is a very tasty piece.

The OTsV was founded back in 1999 and there is no doubt that it participated in the schemes of the former head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, who headed the department for 15 years. Another founder of the OTsV is Zheldorconsulting, but its beneficiaries are Cypriot firms. Is Vladimir Yakunin behind them?

The main contractor of the OTsV is Russian Railways and its structures.

This is not the first time EFA has acted as a builder. Back in 2007, the company became a developer of 6 plots with a total area of ​​46 hectares in the center of Moscow, where it was planned to build 1.4 million square meters. m. And in total, Russian Railways and the Moscow authorities developed the concept of building 17 sections adjacent to the railway tracks.

So the Russian Railways has long worked out the scheme for working with OTsV. And this is evidenced by the number and amount of contracts. They worked under Yakunin, they work under Belozerov. And why change something if everything suits everyone?

Rabinovich - Yakunin's man?

In 2006, the OTSV was headed by Mikhail Rabinovich, and now he is associated with the Vagon-Service and Vagonremmash companies, which are engaged in repairs for the Federal Passenger Company (FPK), a subsidiary of Russian Railways. Very comfortably. For example, the repair of one car at Rabinovich's factories can cost 2.1 million rubles. , in FPC's own depot -1.4 million rubles, in the company OVRK -1.04 million rubles. Why repair yourself when you can get a "rollback"?

Planned for 2016-2019 it was planned to repair 1.3 thousand cars, which would cost 2.8 billion rubles. Repairing them in their own depot would cost 1.6 billion rubles. Is the benefit for Rabinovich and Belozerov obvious?

Companies associated with Rabinovich in 2013-2015 received contracts for 37 billion rubles from FPC. Was there anything to share? Probably yes, because Vladimir Yakunin now lives in Europe. And Mikhail Rabinovich apparently continues to earn money for himself and Oleg Belozerov. And, it is possible that part of them also falls to Yakunin.

The communication scheme of Rabinovich's enterprises is very confusing. "Vagon-service" owns 75% of "Vagonremmash" through ZhSA. And Vagon-Service itself is 44% owned by the Cypriot Midlake Holdings. From its statements, it is clear that Vagon-Service, Transremkom and Lokomotiv Transservice are related parties and guarantors for the VTB loan, which was received by ZhSA.

Midlake Holdings is 99% owned by the management company VGS Group. Until 2011, it was owned by Oksana Severilova, and then by the Cypriot Antell Investment. Severilova until September 2012 owned the Davinchi holding company. Now it is 80% owned by Mikhail Rabinovich, 20% by Andrey Severilov. They, apparently, are the main partners of Belozerov.

Old "saws"?

Having headed Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov not only retained the old Yakunin schemes, but also continued to work with partners of the ex-head of Russian Railways. One of these is the company "Transmashholding" Iskander Makhmudov.

In January, Russian Railways sold its stake in the Central Suburban Company (TsPPK) to an unknown firm, Route Systems, with statutory fund at 10 thousand rubles. A 50% stake in TsPPK was owned by the Moscow-Tver Suburban Passenger Company (MT PPK), which is directly linked to both Russian Railways and Transmashholding.

Back in 2012, Russian Railways sold a 75% stake in Zheldorremmash to Makhmudov's TMH-service company, and then provided it with an order for 50 billion rubles. This, apparently, was one of the schemes of Vladimir Yakunin's work.

Oleg Belozerov is following the same path, he sold his stake in the company, and now, apparently, he will provide MT PPK with orders. She has already completed them for 9 billion rubles. , will perform further. Schemes are old, but they work!

Oleg Belozerov did not change anything at Russian Railways. Yeah, he doesn't seem to need it. "Corrupt trailer" rolls by itself with Vladimir Yakunin's partners stuck to it. But is such a "head stuck" by Russian Railways itself needed?

Joint-Stock Company "OTsV" together with the administration of Krasnodar will be engaged in the construction of residential real estate on the site of the railways.

An agreement was signed between the administration of Krasnodar and CJSC "Industrial Implementation Center" (OTsV) on the removal of railways from the city. It is planned to build a light rail line, roads and housing at this site. The implementation of the project will help unload Krasnodar, which is constantly stuck in traffic jams because of this section of the railway line. But it's not just about good intentions. The implementation of the project will require tens of billions of rubles, which will come from the budgets of all levels: federal, regional and city. And it will be possible to "saw" this money to your heart's content.

And if you attract investors and the right contractors, then the project will generally become a "golden" vein for several years both for regional and city officials, and for the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov, whose department owns 43.4% of the shares of OTSV. 70 hectares of Krasnodar land is a very tasty piece. The OTsV was founded back in 1999 and there is no doubt that it participated in the schemes of the former head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, who headed the department for 15 years. Another founder of the OTsV is Zheldorconsulting, but its beneficiaries are Cypriot firms. Is Vladimir Yakunin behind them?

The main contractor of the OTsV is Russian Railways and its structures. This is not the first time EFA has acted as a builder. Back in 2007, the company became a developer of 6 plots with total area 46 hectares in the center of Moscow, where it was planned to build 1.4 million square meters. m. And in total, Russian Railways and the Moscow authorities developed the concept of building 17 sections adjacent to the railway tracks.

So the Russian Railways has long worked out the scheme for working with OTsV. And this is evidenced by the number and amount of contracts. They worked under Yakunin, they work under Belozerov. And why change something if everything suits everyone?

Rabinovich - Yakunin's man

In 2006, the OTSV was headed by Mikhail Rabinovich, and now he is associated with the Vagon-Service and Vagonremmash companies, which are engaged in repairs for the Federal Passenger Company (FPK), a subsidiary of Russian Railways. Very comfortably. For example, the repair of one car at Rabinovich's plants can cost 2.1 million rubles, at FPC's own depot - 1.4 million rubles, at OVRK - 1.04 million rubles. Why repair yourself when you can get a "rollback"? Planned for 2016-2019 it was planned to repair 1.3 thousand cars, which would cost 2.8 billion rubles. Repairing them in their own depot would cost 1.6 billion rubles. Is the benefit for Rabinovich and Belozerov obvious?

Companies associated with Rabinovich in 2013-2015 received from FPC contracts for 37 billion rubles. Was there anything to share? Probably yes, because Vladimir Yakunin now lives in Europe. And Mikhail Rabinovich apparently continues to earn money for himself and Oleg Belozerov. And, it is possible that part of them also falls to Yakunin. The communication scheme of Rabinovich's enterprises is very confusing. "Vagon-service" owns 75% of "Vagonremmash" through ZhSA. And Vagon-Service itself is 44% owned by the Cypriot Midlake Holdings. From its statements, it is clear that Vagon-Service, Transremkom and Lokomotiv Transservice are related parties and guarantors for the VTB loan, which was received by ZhSA.

Midlake Holdings is 99% owned by the management company VGS Group. Until 2011, it was owned by Oksana Severilova, and then by the Cypriot Antell Investment. Severilova until September 2012 owned the Davinchi holding company. Now it is 80% owned by Mikhail Rabinovich, 20% by Andrey Severilov. They, apparently, are the main partners of Belozerov.

Old "saws"?

Having headed Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov not only retained the old Yakunin schemes, but also continued to work with partners of the ex-head of Russian Railways. One of these is the company "Transmashholding" Iskander Makhmudov. In January, Russian Railways sold its stake in the Central Suburban Company (TsPPK) to an unknown firm, Route Systems, with an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. A 50% stake in TsPPK was owned by the Moscow-Tver Suburban Passenger Company (MT PPK), which is directly linked to both Russian Railways and Transmashholding.

Back in 2012, Russian Railways sold a 75% stake in Zheldorremmash to Makhmudov's TMH-service company, and then provided it with an order for 50 billion rubles. This, apparently, was one of the schemes of Vladimir Yakunin's work. Oleg Belozerov is following the same path, he sold his stake in the company, and now, apparently, he will provide MT PPK with orders. It has already completed them for 9 billion rubles, and will continue to do so. Schemes are old, but they work!

Oleg Belozerov did not change anything at Russian Railways. Yeah, he doesn't seem to need it. "Corrupt trailer" rolls by itself with Vladimir Yakunin's partners stuck to it. But is such a "head stuck" by Russian Railways itself needed?

The problem of processing and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) in megacities, and especially within the Moscow agglomeration, has become a source of social tension, as well as a headache (and, at the same time, shadow income) for officials different levels. According to Ministry of Ecology of the Moscow Region, out of 55-60 million tons of all MSW generated annually in Russia, one fifth (11.7 million tons) falls on the capital region (3.8 million tons - Moscow region, 7.9 million tons - Moscow). At the same time, 6.6 million tons of household waste are removed from the city outside the Moscow Ring Road. Thus, more than 10 million tons of garbage settle in the region. Now 85% of Moscow's garbage is taken to landfills, 14.5% is sent to two waste incinerators, the remaining 0.5% is separated during sorting and recycled as secondary raw materials.

Protests against trash objects regularly occur and Moscow region, and in neighboring areas, whose residents are afraid of the appearance of huge dumps or harmful enterprises for solid waste from the capital. Yes, in Vladimir region residents protest against the construction of a waste recycling facility on the border with the Moscow region. AT Kaluga region sound the alarm about the plans of the governor of the region Anatoly Artamonov launch a landfill in the Iznoskovsky district.

Having lost the opportunity to use the services of landfills, garbage trucks began to dump waste into ditches and forests or stopped taking garbage out of settlements.

The authorities seem to be reacting. Since 2013, 24 out of 39 landfills have been closed in the capital region, including four in 2017 following a complaint from residents Balashikha President Vladimir Putin during the direct line in June 2017. In 2018, four more landfills are to be closed in the Moscow Region. But this decision has created new problems. Having lost the opportunity to use the services of landfills, garbage trucks began to dump waste into ditches and forests or stopped taking garbage out of settlements.

Andrey Vorobyov, photo RIA Novosti, Vladimir Pesnya

The situation escalated after the release of garbage gas at the landfill Yadrovo near Volokolamsk and the poisoning of schoolchildren, which no longer gave rise to a protest, but a real social explosion, which dismissed the head of the district Evgenia Gavrilova and shook the position of the Moscow region governor Andrey Vorobyov.

Friendly family

At the same time, it seems that there are no special complaints against the entrepreneurs who operate the landfill. The landfill near Volokolamsk belongs to Yadrovo LLC. 75% of the enterprise belongs to the company CMPT, which has four co-owners, each of whom owns 25%. One of them - Alexey Voloshin, according to RBC, came into the garbage business at least 15 years ago. Other co-owner - Viktor Koshkin, manages LLC " Amalgam Rail Management”, controlled by the Cypriot Amalgam Rail Investments. Last spring, the offshore bought the freight car leasing operator Brunswick Rail. Koshkin confirmed to RBC that he is one of the founders of the CMPT, but "he is not involved in operational management."

At the same time, he is clearly "involved in the operational management" of the subsidiary company TsMPT LLC " Istra-Resource, of which he is the CEO. "Istra-Resource" received state contracts for the collection and disposal of waste from the municipal enterprise " Istra landfill for municipal solid waste", Which at one time was led by ... Alexei Voloshin.

There is no doubt that the co-owners of CMPT live together. But how does the beneficiary of Brunswick Rail react to the otkhodka of his general director? Vladimir Lelekov? It seems that Koshkin has a fair economy under his control, which requires full dedication from the top manager. brunswick rail is considered one of the largest players in the rail car operating leasing market in Russia. According to INF Oline Rail Russia Top, at the end of 2016, the company ranked second in this market with a fleet of 25.7 thousand railcars. Net profit for 2016 amounted to $124.3 million, but the total debt has also accumulated quite decent - $638 million.

Vladimir Lelekov

Most likely, Vladimir Lelekov refers to the garbage hobby CEO at least understanding. According to the corporate website of Brunswick Rail, “in 2014, Lelekov acquired a stake in LLC “ Liga-Trans" (included in largest companies in the sector of collection and sustainable waste disposal) and became the chairman of the board of directors of the company.

According to the database Rusprofile Liga-Trans has only one state contract with the MP "DEZ ZhKU" for a "pathetic" 389 million rubles. But the subsidiary company Ecoline» 299 contracts for 25.98 billion with the municipal enterprise Mosekoprom and several structures of the State Budgetary Institution « dweller» from the Central District of Moscow! Another "daughter" deals with solid waste in Dolgoprudny, "Ecoline-MO" is working on the creation of a landfill in Alexandrov(Vladimir region). For comparison: Profexpotrans and Proftrans, controlled by Amalgam Rail Management, have one contract with RZD-Logistics» by 5 million and 30 million rubles, respectively. It can be seen that the "junk" assets of Mr. Lelekov bring more railroad.

Seagull and others

In addition to Ecoline, several structures, the owners of which are also directly related to railway transport, were at the top of the capital's garbage pyramid. In 2012–2015 the mayor's office Moscow held nine tenders. For some reason, none of the previous players took part in them, but debutants appeared, who eventually divided the garbage market in Moscow.

The two largest lots in terms of the amount of 42.6 billion rubles were won by the company " charter". Officially, the director of the "Charter" was considered Alexander Tsurkan, unofficially controlled the company Igor Chaika. The son of the Prosecutor General of Russia is the main supplier of crushed stone and reinforced concrete sleepers for the needs of Russian Railways through the First Non-Metal Company and the BetElTrans enterprise. In addition, now Igor Chaika has a direct relationship with the carrier " UVZ-Logistic».

Igor Chaika, photo RIA Novosti, Maxim Blinov

Chaika formalized legal relations with Charter only at the end of 2017, closing the deal to buy 60% of the company's shares. The company plans to take control of Moscow-owned waste incineration plant No. 4 (MSZ-4). It is located in the industrial area Rudnevo” and is the largest waste incineration plant in the capital region, processing about 275 thousand tons of waste per year. MSZ-4 generates up to 60 million kWh. electricity, part of which it transmits to the Moscow power grid, and also fully provides itself with thermal energy. The media claim that Igor Chaika plans to take over the recycling business in Tula, Vladimirskaya and Yaroslavl regions so that, after walking along the "Golden Ring" of Russia, later delve into the regions. The businessman himself, in conversation with RBC noted that the company is considering the possibility of entering the MSW market of the Moscow region.

Contract for 40 billion rubles. for the removal and disposal of garbage was received by the company "MKM-Logistics". The company's capital was divided among three offshore companies: two from Cyprus and one from the British Virgin Islands. The beneficiary of one of the Cypriot offshore companies is Roman Abramovich. Market participants told Forbes that the success story of MKM-Logistics began in the summer of 2011, when the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin Roman Abramovich came with a presentation of a new waste sorting complex.

At the end of last year, the structure of OOO Abramovich and his partners controlled by Abramovich and his partners Enisey Capital» at NPF « welfare» 24.5% stake « Transcontainer". At the February meeting of the operator's board of directors, representatives of the new owners received two seats in the governing body of PJSC TransContainer. According to TASS, Enisey Capital also nominated the CEO of MKM-Logistics as a candidate Andrey Komarov, but the manager of the garbage giant was not included in the updated composition of the Board of Directors of TransContainer.

Another 12.4 billion rubles from the capital's waste has the company " Spetstrans", which is part of the corporation" Rostec", which is currently subordinate to" Uralvagonzavod". So far, Rostec has the most modest share in the Moscow MSW market, but Sergei Chemezov large-scale, and most importantly, real expansion plans in this area. RT-Invest, owned by Rostec, has won tenders for the construction of waste incineration thermal power plants (MTPPs) in the Moscow Region and Kazan, where it is also the owner of the largest garbage collection operator.

It is expected that four factories in the Moscow region will dispose of 2.8 million tons of waste in total, while generating 280 MW of electricity, which, by the way, will turn out to be very expensive. By 2023, this volume of recycling will reduce the level of waste disposal at landfills in the region by 30%.

Will RZD take it out?

It could not pass by such a rapidly growing branch of Russian Railways. The state corporation offered their services, estimating that the railway workers are able to take out up to 3 million tons of garbage from Moscow and up to 2 million tons from Petersburg. Russian Railways presented their initiative at a meeting with Moscow waste collection operators. As we have already, at the presentation of the project, representatives of the monopoly tried to justify the advantages of exporting solid waste by rail compared to road transport: large volumes, accurate schedule, environmental friendliness, comparable costs.

According to the plan of the Russian Railways, the operators must build the entire infrastructure at these sites at their own expense.

And here's a riddle for you: what kind of audience reception did the propagandists of the project expect, which is ruining the schemes debugged by the operators? In addition, the monopoly assumes that waste sorting complexes will be located at the hub cargo stations, where waste will be brought from different parts of the city, pressed and transported to other regions in wagons. Moreover, according to the plan of Russian Railways, the entire infrastructure at these sites should be build at your own expense.

The Russian Railways subsidiary "Industry Center for the Implementation of New Equipment and Technologies" was chosen as the operator of the waste disposal project ( IFA). According to the monopoly itself, the center belongs to it only by 43.43%, and 49.9% belongs to the company " Zheldorconsulting", which through a series of "gaskets" is connected with the entrepreneur Mikhail Rabinovich.

The Rusprofile portal counted 444 contracts with Russian Railways for the amount of almost 10 billion rubles. As the CEO noted, Infoline Analytics» Mikhail Burmistrov, OTSV closed the service and maintenance of innovative products and systems used by Russian Railways: fire automatics, telemechanics, video surveillance and remote control, while the contracts were transferred to the contractor on a non-alternative basis, although warranty repairs would cost less.

Previously, Mikhail Rabinovich officially headed the OTsV, and now he is associated with companies " Wagon-service" and" " Vagonremmash", which are engaged in repairs for the Federal Passenger Company ( FPC). Analysts KPMG considered that in 2013-2015. structures associated with Rabinovich received contracts for 37 billion rubles from the "daughter" of the state corporation. So maybe it was not Russian Railways that chose the "Industry Center for the Implementation of New Equipment and Technologies", but Rabinovich chose Russian Railways in order to infiltrate a promising market under its cover? In the end, why is Rabinovich worse than Abramovich ...

Moscow region introduces cremation

Director General of OCV Yuri Tyrtyshov confident in the profitability of the project. According to him, preliminary interest was expressed by the Moscow authorities, preliminary consent for financing was received from VEB. Also, according to the head of the IFA, the state could provide subsidies for this service, given that the transportation of waste by rail is more environmentally friendly, and restrictions can be imposed on transportation by road over remote distances.

The ideas of the OCW about where to take out the capital's garbage are distinguished by the same simplicity. It is believed that abandoned objects can become places of waste disposal Ministry of Defense and test sites where chemical weapons were previously destroyed. There are seven of them in Russia. True, it would be worth considering that for a start there needs to be reworked harmful substances remaining after the destruction process.

The head of the monopoly, Oleg Belozerov, admits that "so far there are negative elements in terms of economic calculations."

Quite soberly assesses the prospects of the garbage project Russian Railways monopoly CEO Oleg Belozerov. Speaking in February in Russian investment forum, he confirmed the readiness of the state corporation to ensure environmentally friendly transportation of garbage, but at the same time he actually admitted that the implementation of the project is a matter of an uncertain future. Belozyorov stressed that Russian Railways is ready to carry out such transportation if a special tariff is set. “Such a well-established mechanism will be worked out in the future.” At the same time, the head of the monopoly admits that "so far there are negative elements in terms of economic calculations."

Meanwhile, Russian Railways and Rostec are already trying to compete in the garbage market in southern Russia. According to Yury Tyrtyshov, General Director of the OCC, the management Krasnodar Territory instructed the heads of cities Black Sea coast select sites where it would be possible to organize the initial acceptance, sorting and processing of waste with subsequent removal by rail. Rostec is going to create three clusters in the south of Russia. The first of them, MTPP in Sochi, will be able to process 0.55 million tons of garbage annually. So the authorities Sochi There is a choice: burn or export.

As for the Rostec project near Moscow, it has already entered a decisive stage. At the end of 2017, Governor Andrey Vorobyov announced that the region could double (from four to eight) the construction plan waste incinerators. Now it is clear that the enterprises will be built even ahead of schedule. This is due to the lack of places for waste disposal due to the closure of most landfills and the conservation of the landfill " Malinki" in New Moscow. The conflict in Volokolamsk gave the process an additional boost. Just the other day, it became known that construction would begin this year, for which Rostec ordered equipment worth 20 billion rubles.

Mikhail Zadorozhny
Photo RIA Novosti, Maxim Blinov

The Council of Ministers issued two resolutions regarding the claim Russian company"Parallel.UK" to the Republic of Belarus. In both cases, the details of the case were not disclosed. TUT.BY tried to understand this mysterious story.

It is known that the claim is in the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The interests of the Belarusian government were entrusted to defend four lawyers of the Revera Law Office. This is all the valuable information contained in the documents of the Council of Ministers.

The press service of the government declined to comment, since these decisions are "for a limited circle of people." The International Commercial Arbitration Court does not disclose information on the case. The representative of "Parallel.UK" did not respond to the request. One of the Revera representatives declined to comment, citing attorney-client privilege.

Two well-informed sources told TUT.BY that the case concerns a “divorce process” at the Osipovichi Carriage Works (OVZ).

Recall that this company was established in 2008 on the basis of a car repair depot in Osipovichi. Its shareholders are the Belarusian Railways (BelZhD) (26% of shares) and the Russian company Grand Express (74%). The design capacity of the Osipovichi plant was to reach 2.5 thousand freight cars and 2 thousand tank containers per year. In 2011, an 8-year loan from the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) in the amount of $63.5 million was attracted for the construction of a new plant. But in 2015, Western sanctions against Russia, a drop in freight traffic and, consequently, demand for railcars, and increased competition from Chinese railcar manufacturers hit production in Belarus hard. It practically stopped. The Belarusian authorities believed that the Russian shareholder was to blame. Grand Express had claims against BelZhD and the Belarusian government regarding the fulfillment of its obligations to purchase railcars.

In the second half of 2015, the OVZ made a number of delays in paying the principal and interest on the EDB loan. As a result, the Ministry of Finance of Belarus had to repay the obligations, under the guarantees of which the loan was raised. The press service of the EDB confirmed to TUT.BY that the repayment of the debt was made by the Ministry of Finance of Belarus in full on June 1, 2016 in accordance with the obligations assumed. The bank "has no financial claims against the government of Belarus under the concluded agreement on the provision of a bank guarantee."

Further, the Belarusian government submitted claims to the HIA to cover the costs. By the bailiff of the auction, as a result of which all the liquid property of the plant was acquired by the Mogilev branch of the BelZhD. Plant workers moved to the Osipovichi plant transport engineering. This alignment caused in the Russian "Grand Express". “Thousands of items of various property, from real estate to unique machines, were evaluated in the shortest possible time. In the hastily organized bidding, several large car building companies, ready for market value purchase a modern railcar building complex and return it to full-fledged activity,” the general director of Grand Express is dissatisfied Olga Donik. It was not possible to contact the representative of "Grand Express".

Attempts by the Russian company to reach out to the authorities of Belarus and return some of the assets to themselves did not bring results. So they had to go to court.

As of March 2017, there were 39 business entities on the list of creditors of the OVZ, and the total debt of the plant to them amounted to over 240.8 million denominated rubles. At the same time, the obligations of the plant were 177 times higher than accounts receivable and ten times the value of his assets.

At the end of 2016, the Moscow Arbitration Court will recover the overdue debt for total amount more than $2.5 million in favor of the EDB.

According to TUT.BY, the main claims are made by Mikhail Rabinovich and his partners. Rabinovich co-founder of CJSC "Grand Express", and he had good relationship with the former head of JSC Russian railways» Vladimir Yakunin.

The law firm Parallel.YuK also became a creditor of the OVZ after it bought out the debts of one of the Russian banks, the anti-crisis manager of the bankrupt plant confirmed to TUT.BY Nikolai Shevkunov.

“To [Rabinovich's] group, the total obligations amounted to about 10 million dollars. But they turned on the meter and counted interest, penalties and other things. As a result, debts soared to $100 million,” said a source familiar with the case.

Founder of Parallel. YuK "is the general director of the company Andrey Vladimirovich Severilov, follows from the register of legal entities of the Russian Federation. A person with the same full name is a shareholder of the Russian Loko-Bank, like Mikhail Rabinovich. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the paths of Severilov and Rabinovich intersect in several more companies.

Andrei Kushnarev, who was the head of the Grand Express office in Belarus, was called Rabinovich's partner in the HVZ. In November 2015, the Eurasian Development Bank sold at a discount to Parallel.YuK the debts of Kushnarev, who acted as a guarantor for the HVD loan and payment of half of the interest, follows from the materials of the court. In August 2017, the Odintsovo City Court of the Moscow Region ruled to recover from Kushnarev in favor of Parallel.UK a penalty for failure to fulfill the obligation to pay half of the interest under the loan agreement and for violation of payment terms in the amount of about $2 million. According to TUT.BY, the debts have not yet been repaid. And the trace of Kushnarev, meanwhile, completely caught a cold.

In March current year OVZ was declared bankrupt, and liquidation proceedings were initiated against him. Auctions for the sale of property worth 7 million rubles are currently underway. A little more than three months are left before the end of the liquidation.