We sow cactus seeds and grow new interesting specimens. Growing cacti from seeds at home, tips Planting cacti with seeds

Growing some plants from seeds is not an easy task. At the same time, it gives such pleasure that one can only dream of. Growing cacti from seeds is a reality. You just need to know some nuances.

Flower growers who have been doing this for more than one year purchase special greenhouses in advance, where there are lamps with reflectors. Of course, firstly, beginners cannot afford to buy all this, and secondly, what’s the point of doing this if you just want to try once what it is.

True, if you want, you don’t have to have all this. It is much more important to carry out all stages of planting correctly, and then properly care for the seedlings.

Rules for planting cacti

You need to start the process by purchasing special soil for cacti.

  1. Remove the seeds and disinfect them to prevent the development of fungi. To do this, you need to take the planting material and place it in a manganese solution for 10-15 hours. It is important to note that the germination rate of swollen seeds is much higher. At the same time, you need to remember that the seeds will not sprout without heat and light, so in mid-February you can make a small greenhouse on the windowsill. A plastic or plastic box is suitable for these purposes.
  2. At the bottom of the found future greenhouse, it is necessary to make many small holes for ventilation. It would also be a good idea to find a pallet. It will come in handy if the box or box will be moved from place to place.
  3. Next you need to move on to the ground. When purchasing a soil mixture, it is important to ensure that coarse sand predominates in it. Its share must be at least 50%. The substrate will definitely need to be steamed in a water bath for half an hour. To do this, you can top the pan with hot water put a colander, line it with a cloth and pour some earth into it, and then close it all with a lid. Upon completion of steaming, remove the pan from the heat, but do not open the lid, because the substrate must cool in this way.
  4. Having previously disinfected the greenhouse with potassium permanganate or alcohol, it will be possible to fill it with ready-made soil. The layer of soil mixture should be shallow, a few centimeters will be enough.
  5. After this, the soil is well leveled, small grooves are made in it, retreating from each one by a couple of centimeters.
  6. All these grooves are filled with seeds. Some gardeners simply scatter planting material on top of the substrate. Of course, if you plant one species, then this can be done. If we are talking about different specimens, then it is much more convenient when there are separate holes.

Important! Before sowing, it is necessary to moisten the soil well with warm water using a tray. It is prohibited to pour water from above.

Considering that the cactus seeds are not sprinkled with soil on top, it will be necessary to immerse them well in the substrate. To do this, you can use a toothpick or tweezers. In this case, you need to take one seed at a time and carefully place it in the prepared groove. The distance between seedlings should be at least 1 cm.

After completing all the manipulations, the greenhouse must be tightly closed with a lid and placed on a lighted window. If there is not enough light, then you should think about an additional light source, which can be a regular desk lamp. Seeds should germinate within 10-14 days.

Rules for caring for seedlings

Perhaps some gardeners may think that they have planted seedlings and can forget about them at this stage. In reality this is not the case.

At this moment, special care begins, which boils down to:

By observing these points, you can be sure that cacti from seeds will soon appear.


In order for the planting material to sprout, a special microclimate must be maintained inside the greenhouse. So, during the daytime the temperature should be between +25 and +30 °C. At night, it is desirable that these indicators are at least 5 degrees lower. Ideally, if the temperature is from +18 to +20 °C. If the greenhouse is located on a sunny window, there will be no problems with heating, because the sun warms well even through the glass. Another thing is cloudy days. During this period, you can use a heater.

Important! The temperature in the greenhouse should be monitored daily by leaving a thermometer in the greenhouse.


Constant soil moisture is something without which there is no use planting material will not be. The tender roots are very sensitive to drought, so if you forget about watering for one day, you can forget about cacti. It should be understood that planting seeds is only half the battle; the rest depends on caring for them.

As for watering, it is best done from a tray. Some people use a sprayer, but this is not always convenient. In addition, sometimes in this way the planting material is “carried away” to neighboring holes. For the first month, watering is carried out daily with warm and clean water. Starting from the second month, there is no longer any need to partake. You can switch to watering first every other day, then every two, etc.

Light also plays an important role; there should be a lot of it. True, immediately after germination has occurred, it is recommended to take care of slight shading of the cacti. This is due to the fact that the “skin” of young plants is so tender that one ray of sun is enough for it to turn red and stop growing. If this has already happened, then the damaged young animals are put in the shade until the green color returns to them.

Fresh air

In order for young plants to grow and develop well, they need Fresh air. At first, of course, you shouldn’t open the lid, but after a couple of weeks you can move it a little so that it goes away excess condensate, and good ventilation was ensured. On a hot and sunny day, it is imperative to do this so that the temperature inside the greenhouse does not rise above normal, otherwise the crop will be bad, in the sense that everything may rot.

Important! Young seedlings, even in the warm season, need to be covered with a lid at night so that they do not freeze and disappear.

When the young animals grow a couple of centimeters, they will need to be planted, that is, seated at a greater distance from each other so as not to disturb the “neighbors.” In this case, the soil is used exactly the same as for sowing seeds. It must be remembered that the plants are very young and have not yet matured, so special care should be taken during the procedure.

At this stage, we can consider that a start has been made and it is almost possible to grow a cactus from seeds at home. Next, you will need to care for the seedlings until they turn into small, but full-fledged plants that can be planted in separate pots.

Growing cacti from seeds, microclimate, watering, lighting, picking - 1

Propagation of cacti by seeds

When you start collecting cacti However, it is not always possible to purchase ready-grown plants of the genus or species you are looking for. As a rule, the vast majority of cacti in our flower shops are made up of plants from Holland. And they are often hybridized seedlings; in this case, there can be no question of the species purity of the plants.

And then there is only one way left - to purchase seeds and start growing them yourself. the desired type cactus from scratch, that is, from a single seed. This is how you can assemble a good collection in a few years, including even very rare species.

Seed propagation of cacti is a rather troublesome task, but sometimes this is the only way to obtain the species you are looking for. In addition to arranging a mini greenhouse, this propagation method also requires careful records, keeping track of what was sown and under what number, indicating the date of sowing and the number of seeds, when and in what quantity they sprouted, dates of picking, etc.

But first of all you need to decide: where to buy seeds? You can look for them in the cactus clubs that exist in major cities. You can use the Internet and order seeds even abroad - from experienced and well-known European cactus growers. Such seeds, of course, are expensive, but there is a high guarantee of obtaining high-quality seed material. But the simplest and affordable option for beginners - buy a mixture of seeds in the store. They are inexpensive and just right for practicing this painstaking task.

I will tell you about my method of seed propagation of cacti.

When should you sow them? To obtain successful seedlings, the presence of two main factors is necessary: ​​heat and light in sufficient quantities. If you have fluorescent lamps, you can sow at any time of the year. I don’t have them, so I rely on the amount of light and heat outside the window. In our middle lane quite suitable conditions come from the end of February. March and April are also favorable for sowing seeds. By winter, cacti sown during this period will already be fully grown and strong and will no longer need greenhouse conditions. The plants shown in my photographs (see photo) were sown on February 14, and by the age of three months they had already reached a diameter of 7-8 mm, with spines sticking out in different directions of almost the same length.

First of all, for sowing seeds you need to prepare a suitable soil. It should be loose, well-permeable to water and air, and poor in nutrients. Because it develops better in poor soil root system cacti. The best option– store-bought soil for cacti and coarse sand in equal parts. You can increase the proportion of sand to 70%, it won’t make things worse. The soil must be steamed for half an hour, then sifted through a colander. Mix with steamed sand. Place large components of soil and sand on the bottom of the planting container for drainage, and place the soil mixture on top and compact it.

I will explain how I sterilize the soil mixture. I pour some water into the bottom of the pan. I place a colander on top of it, covered with a thin cloth, on which soil is poured. Cover tightly with a lid and place on low heat. After boiling water for half an hour, turn off the fire and leave everything until it cools. Steaming the soil is best done about ten days before sowing, so that by that time the beneficial microflora has been restored.

Seed preparation to sowing is also one of the important components of success. Seeds must be disinfected to prevent the development of fungal diseases. To do this, they need to be placed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10-15 hours. The seeds will swell and sprout faster.

Dishes for sowing should be disinfected with boiling water, alcohol or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Plastic bowls with a height of no more than 6-7 cm are ideal for sowing seeds; many drainage holes are made at the bottom, and the bowl is placed on a pallet. For example, I used plastic packaging By the way, the cake also has a lid. When the dishes are filled with soil mixture, use a ruler to make grooves. On the outside of the bowl you can glue a strip of paper on which to write serial numbers opposite each groove. In this way, we will avoid confusion with the types of cactus seeds planted. But if you have seeds different types from a store bag, then this is not necessary. Of course, this method of sowing seeds is not the only one. Many people use the carpet method, simply sprinkling the seeds thickly over the surface of the soil. But I somehow prefer this “orderly” way.

Now you can start sowing. Before sowing the seeds, the soil must be thoroughly moistened, very warm, up to 50°C, boiled water through the pallet. In order to place each seed in a groove, you can use a sharply sharpened match, toothpick or needle. Dipping its tip in water, attach a seed to it and carefully place it in the groove. All seeds are transferred in this way, taking into account the species numbers marked on a strip of paper, if they are known. I leave the distance between the grooves and between the seeds about 1-2 cm. There is no need to sprinkle them with soil. I cover the top with something transparent - glass, film or transparent plastic cover(for example, plastic packaging from a cake - very convenient option). The seeds germinate quite quickly, after 3-10 days.

Now the hardest part remains - provide the necessary microclimate for the proper development of seedlings. The temperature inside the greenhouse should be in the range of 25...30°C, but not during the day. There must be a difference between day and night temperatures. It is the coolness of the night that gives the seeds rest and stimulates their germination, so at night you need to ensure a temperature no higher than 18...20°C. You will have to move the greenhouse to another place overnight. There is another way to solve this problem. If you grow cacti under a fluorescent lamp, then simply turn it off at night, and a decrease in temperature is guaranteed. My greenhouse is located on the south window, during the day there is quite heat from direct sun, and at night it is cooler there.

Second important pointwatering. During the first month, the soil in the bowl should always be moist, especially upper layer. Drying out even for a day leads to damage to the tender young roots. And only from the second month do they begin to gradually accustom the seedlings to the usual watering regime, allowing the soil to dry out a little. It is best to water from a tray, because using a sprayer can scatter the seeds over the entire surface of the soil, which will lead to inevitable confusion. The water must be boiled and warm. It is better not to feed the seedlings with anything for the first six months. Feeding will lead to rapid growth, but at the same time the plants will grow weakened and less resistant to external factors.

Fresh air also very important for seed germination and good development seedlings. Therefore, there must be small holes in the lid; you can simply move it a little to the side so that the greenhouse is ventilated and algae does not grow there. Although there are different opinions on this matter. Some cactus growers recommend not opening the lid at all during the first month, and only from the second month begin to gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air. I did not open the lid only in the first week, then I gradually began to ventilate it, and a couple of times a day I completely removed the lid for a few minutes so that too much water condensation from the walls evaporated. Subsequently, I always left a small gap so that the cacti did not overheat on a sunny day. At night I covered the lid tightly. With this ventilation regime, no negative consequences were observed.

The next important point for the germination and growth of cacti is lighting. Light is vital for the proper development of these plants. Of course, young shoots need to be protected from direct sun rays. Their delicate skin is very sensitive and quickly turns red, and this slows down the growth of seedlings. Therefore, they need light shading. Reddened seedlings should be temporarily removed to a shaded place until they acquire a normal green color. In general, the greenish-brown color of the skin is quite characteristic of cacti located in a sunny place.

As babies grow, they will be needed several times. dive, each time increasing the distance between them. The picking technology is the same as for sowing: a bowl, grooves, numbering of species. Different sources recommend different dates for picking: at the age of one, two or three months. And it is advisable to carry out several pickings in the first year of life to stimulate the development of a strong root system. The soil mixture used is the same as for sowing seeds. It should be kept moderately moist. Each seedling must be carefully transferred using a small spatula or fork into a prepared hole with a lump of soil on the roots. The planting depth is chosen so that the cotyledons are on the soil surface. And the distance between seedlings is approximately equal to their diameter. Such, at first glance, tightness is simply necessary, because the seedlings then grow faster and are less affected by fungal infections.

The ending follows


How to grow cacti from seeds without a special greenhouse?

Growing rare plants from seeds is a real pleasure for a gardener. And growing something as exotic as cacti from seeds is something incredible. And yet, growing them is not special labor subject to certain conditions. And you will be guaranteed a lot of positive emotions from this process!

Experienced cactus growers have special greenhouses with lamps and reflectors designed for this sacrament. But to successfully grow your own cacti, all these attributes are not required, although they are desirable. It is quite possible to grow cacti from seeds without these “bells and whistles,” if you wish.

So, if you are not confident in your abilities, for your first experience you can use an inexpensive store-bought mixture of cactus seeds, so as not to risk expensive elite seeds. Seeds must be disinfected to prevent the development of fungal diseases. To do this, they need to be placed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10-15 hours. The seeds will swell and sprout faster.

Since successful germination requires two main factors - light and heat, it means that in the middle zone the right time begins around mid-February. At this time, the day is already long enough, the sun is warming up, you can build a mini-greenhouse on the southern windowsill. You can use plastic packaging from a cake as a greenhouse (although it all depends on the number of seeds available). Poke a lot of holes in the deep part at the bottom and place it on a strong tray, and use the second transparent part as a lid. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when moving the box bends under the weight of the soil, which is undesirable, which is why a solid pallet is needed in which the greenhouse can be safely rearranged.

To sow seeds, you need to prepare a soil mixture with a large proportion of coarse sand (50−70%). This mixture must be steamed in a water bath for half an hour: a little water is poured into the pan, a colander covered with a cloth and filled with soil is placed on top, and the lid is tightly covered. After steaming for half an hour, turn off the fire and allow the soil to cool gradually without removing the lid. This sterile soil mixture is used to fill a clean greenhouse, disinfected with alcohol (or a strong solution of potassium permanganate).

The soil layer should not be too deep, 2-3 cm is enough. It is leveled and grooves are made at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, slightly pressing the ruler. The seeds are placed in these grooves. Although many use the carpet method, simply sprinkling seeds thickly over the surface of the soil. But with the “linear” method, it is more convenient to mark by furrow numbers, where which species is sown, by gluing a strip of paper on the outside, on which to write serial numbers opposite each furrow.

Before sowing, the soil is thoroughly moistened with very warm (up to 50 ° C) boiled water through a tray. Cactus seeds cannot be covered with soil; they are sown only superficially. To do this, arm yourself with a sharply sharpened match, toothpick or needle. Dipping its tip in water, attach a seed to it and carefully place it in the groove. This is how all the seeds are transferred, placing them in grooves at a distance of 1 cm. The greenhouse is tightly closed with a lid and placed on a bright window. The seeds germinate quite quickly, after 3-10 days.

Now the main thing is to maintain the necessary microclimate for the seedlings: the temperature inside the greenhouse should be in the range of 25 -30 ° C, but not around the clock. A difference between day and night temperatures is necessary for better germination, so at night you need to ensure a temperature no higher than 18-20 ° C. When the greenhouse is located on a south window in sunny days the temperature in it rises to 30 °C and above, and on cloudy days you need to provide bottom heating, for example, using a heating pad. The temperature is monitored daily using a thermometer.

Another important point is watering. During the first month, the soil should always be moist. Drying out even for a day leads to damage to the tender young roots. It is best to water from a tray, because using a sprayer can scatter the seeds over the entire surface of the soil, which will lead to inevitable confusion. The water must be boiled and warm. And only from the second month can the seedlings be gradually accustomed to the usual watering regime, allowing the soil to dry out a little.

Light is vital for the proper development of cacti. Of course, young shoots should be protected from direct sunlight. Their delicate skin is very sensitive and quickly turns red, and this slows down the growth of seedlings. Therefore, they need light shading. Reddened seedlings need to be temporarily shaded until they acquire a normal green color. In general, the greenish-brown color of the skin is quite characteristic of cacti located in a sunny place.

Fresh air is very important for seed germination and good development of seedlings. Therefore, there must be small holes in the lid, or simply move it a little to the side so that the greenhouse is ventilated and algae does not grow there. Although some cactus growers recommend not opening the lid at all during the first month. But after a week you can start airing, removing the lid for a few minutes so that the abundant water condensation from the walls evaporates. And on a sunny day, be sure to leave a gap for ventilation so that the seedlings do not overheat inside. Close the lid tightly at night.

As the seedlings grow, they are picked, planted at a greater distance from each other. The picking technology is the same as for sowing: a bowl, grooves, numbering of species. The soil mixture used is the same as for sowing seeds. It should be kept moderately moist. Each seedling must be carefully transferred using a small spatula or fork into a prepared hole with a lump of soil on the roots. The planting depth is such that the cotyledons are on the soil surface. And the distance between seedlings is approximately equal to their diameter.

Conclusion: the devil is not as scary as he is painted. Cacti from seeds can be grown with a minimum of equipment at the right time of year. I wish successful sowing to the enthusiasts!

Rules for growing cacti from seeds at home

General rules

To grow cacti from seeds at home, you must first prepare. In addition to planting material, we will need a soil mixture and a container in which to plant.

You can get the seeds yourself or buy them at a specialty store.

In the first case, you need to wait until the cactus you want to propagate blooms. Minus this method can be considered, first of all, a lack of uniqueness, because you can only plant those varieties that you already have. In addition, you will have to wait a long time. However, in order to gain growing experience, this option is the best.

In the store you can buy seeds of those cacti that you do not yet have. There is no need to expect anything. True, you must find a conscientious seller who will sell you high-quality seed.

But it’s definitely better to buy store-bought soil mixture. Of course, you can prepare the soil yourself, but this procedure requires certain knowledge and experience. The finished soil will contain all the necessary microelements.

For planting, we will need a small box with a transparent lid, such as a cake package. You can, of course, take a disposable plastic box. In a word, you need a kind of small greenhouse.

Video “How to grow cacti from seeds at home”

In this video, an expert will talk about how to grow cacti from seeds at home.


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Further care

Growing cacti from seeds involves not only planting the seeds, you also need to properly care for the seedlings. First of all, it is the right temperature. If the place where the seedlings are located is not warm enough, the growth of the plants will slow down, and some may even die. During the day, the thermometer should show +25 °C, and at night +20 °C. This temperature will ensure seedlings germination and excellent growth.

You should monitor the temperature in order to take appropriate measures in time and prevent sudden fluctuations. When the seeds have sprouted, make sure that the sprouts do not come into direct sunlight and get burned. If adult specimens can tolerate the lack of moisture, then for young seedlings even short-term drought is disastrous.

Watering is carried out only from the pan. To do this, use soft water: boiled, settled or filtered. A month after the seedlings have sprouted, they can be gradually adapted to the usual watering, alternating with periods of dryness.

In order for the roots to develop well, the houseplant needs to be ventilated. The first time is ventilated 8 days after sowing. If the cacti are in a greenhouse, then you cannot remove the lid completely. Open it slightly, then enlarge the slit. After two months, you can make constant ventilation by making holes in the lid.

You can start fertilizing the “young growth”. At first you need to do this literally a little at a time. Fertilizer is purchased in specialized stores. Look carefully at the box and study the composition. The main condition is that the composition contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and calcium. As for nitrogen, it should be very small.

Transplanting sprouts

Sprouted cacti that already have spines should definitely be replanted. Young shoots should be planted together with a lump of earth so as not to damage the young roots. First, select a pot suitable for these purposes. It should be small, since cactus roots do not particularly like excess space. A plastic or clay pot is suitable.

They are preparing the ground. To do this, buy ready-made soil in a store or mix garden soil with river sand. Sand plays the role of a loosening agent here, since it is important that the soil is water- and breathable. Coconut substrate is also used as a leavening agent. Drainage holes should be made in the pot. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot - you can use crushed stone, broken brick, pebbles.

The pot must be at least one third filled with drainage. Fill the container with soil mixture from above. The surface is carefully leveled and a small hole is made, where the sprout is planted. The root system is lightly sprinkled with a layer of humus.

The “baby” is placed in a room where it is warm and light. The small plant is positioned so that it is protected from direct rays of the sun and drafts. Watering is carried out moderately. Under such comfortable conditions, the cactus will grow and develop well.

As you can see, growing a beautiful home cactus from seeds is not so difficult.

Growing cacti from seeds at home

Many gardeners prefer not to buy indoor plants in the store, but to grow them themselves at home. The advantage of growing plants at home is that you can create the best conditions and get healthy, strong plants for your collection. In addition, it is less expensive than purchasing plants from a specialty store each time.

By growing plants yourself, you can even acquire rare varieties and pure lines of indoor flowers. Cacti from seeds can also be grown at home. The main thing is to follow all growing recommendations.

Growing cacti from seeds

Anyone can grow a cactus from seeds at home. The process does not require large expenses or special knowledge, and if everything is done correctly, then soon new specimens will appear in the home flower garden. An important role in growing cacti at home is played by the time of sowing seeds.

The most favorable time is the middle and end of February. In February, the daylight hours are longer and the sun's rays are already warming up well. Experienced gardeners use professional tools when growing cacti - special lamps, greenhouses. But cacti can be grown using available materials.

Preparing for sowing

Cactus seeds will require greenhouse conditions for successful germination. Therefore, the most suitable container for this is cake packaging. It is wide, comfortable, and the lid should be transparent. You can purchase mini greenhouses at a garden supply store. All planting containers - trays and lids must be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and wiped with a cotton swab dipped in potassium permanganate.

This treatment will prevent the development of mold and fungi in the soil, which can cause significant harm to seeds and seedlings. You need to make holes in the bottom of the tray so that you can then water the plants through it. After preparing the planting containers, they begin to prepare the soil for the cacti.

It is pre-disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or placed in a hot oven. The soil can be purchased at the store; it should be intended specifically for cacti.

Sowing seeds

The greenhouse is filled with soil mixture. The layer thickness should be 2-4 cm, this will be enough. Before sowing, water the soil from a tray with boiled water at a temperature of about 50 degrees. Using a ruler, you need to level the soil, and then cut grooves every 1.5–2 cm.

Seeds are sown at intervals of 1 cm; for convenience, you can do this with a toothpick dipped in water or a needle. After sowing, the seeds do not need to be covered with soil. If they are different varieties, then it is better to sow them in different greenhouses, or, as a last resort, divide one in half with a paper partition.

After sowing, close the greenhouse lid tightly and place it on the windowsill. Shoots will appear in about 3–10 days.

After sprouting, it is necessary to carefully care for them so that the cacti grow healthy and strong.

Caring for cactus seedlings

To grow cacti at home, you need not only to sow the seeds, but also to organize good care for the emerging seedlings.


This is the most important point of care. If the conditions in the greenhouse are not warm enough, the plants may die or be stunted.

Therefore, during the daytime it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius, and at night not higher than +20 degrees. This difference between day and night temperatures contributes to the emergence of friendly shoots and good growth of cacti seedlings.

The temperature in the greenhouse must be measured periodically so that if there is a lack of heat, measures can be taken to increase the temperature. You should not expose the greenhouse to direct sunlight, especially when the seedlings have already appeared.

Soil and air humidity

Adult cacti can survive without moisture for a long time, but young seedlings are very susceptible to its lack. Even short-term drought can lead to their damage or death. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the soil in the greenhouse is always moist.

Cacti should only be watered from a tray. Water for irrigation should be boiled and warm. A month after the emergence of seedlings, you can begin to accustom the plants to regular watering and short-term droughts.


Greenhouse conditions deprive plants of access to oxygen, so the greenhouse with seedlings must be ventilated daily. This will promote good development of the root system. The first ventilation is done on the eighth day after sowing.

Do not open the entire lid all at once. First, they open it slightly, gradually widening the gap. In the second month, you can pierce holes in the lid so that the greenhouse is constantly ventilated.


After the seedlings grow a little and they feel a little cramped in the greenhouse, they are picked. Increase the space between plants. When picking, you will need one or two more greenhouses; they are prepared in the same way as when sowing.

They also disinfect the soil, level it and make furrows. You need to be very careful when removing plants from the soil, so it’s better to use a fork. The transplant is done together with a lump of earth.


In order for cacti to develop properly, they need good lighting. If the greenhouses are located on the windowsill, then it is necessary to shade them, avoiding direct sunlight. When exposed to bright sun, the skin on young cacti begins to turn red; in this case, you need to immediately shade the plants and after a while they will again acquire a green tint.

Growing a cactus from seeds is not as difficult as many may think. When growing, you can completely do without expensive equipment and use improvised means. In addition, this method of cultivation will allow you to have any varieties and types of cacti in your collection, not limited to the selection in flower shops.


Growing cacti from seeds. Part 1

You can grow a cactus from a seed. Moreover, in this case it is possible to grow a rare species of cactus, which is rarely found on sale. And cacti will not need acclimatization. But this requires time and patience. To you necessary:

  • cactus seeds
  • the soil
  • solution of potassium permanganate (dark cherry color)
  • container for sowing (preferably 10 x 10 cm)
  • glass for covering or polyethylene
  • labels
  • patience and skillful hands


They must be well-ripened, fresh, and stored in a cool, dry place. If you notice traces of wetness on the packaging, then these seeds are not suitable for germination.

The soil

There are many opinions on what soil to sow cacti in. This can be soil made from rotted leaves, mixed in half with coarse sand, plus one third of crushed charcoal, or a mixture of one third of washed river sand, a third of leaf humus and a third of ground peat. But it seems most reasonable to sow in the soil in which the cacti will live in the future.


You can sow seeds in any weather and at any time of the year. It is only necessary to provide the necessary temperature and lighting. It would be wiser to sow in early spring, but you can use artificial lighting by placing the bowl with seedlings at a distance of 10-15 cm from the lamp. Natural lighting should not be direct, otherwise the young plants will simply cook. The optimal temperature for growing cacti can be considered to be from +15 to +40C, preferably +25C. In addition, they benefit from the difference between night and day temperatures (the temperature difference prevents the development of mold on the soil).


Be sure to soak the seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for a day.
It is better to place them in a thick paper bag so that the seeds do not mix and float. The dishes are also treated with potassium permanganate solution, but more concentrated (1 g per 1 liter of water). Before sowing, the soil must be disinfected by calcining it in the oven at a temperature of 90 - 95 C for 20 minutes.

Sowing container

Seeds of different types can be sown in one container, separating the areas with strips of plastic. An area of ​​1 sq. cm is enough to grow 4-6 medium-sized seeds. This crowding is due to the fact that, being in a close group, the cactus babies develop better. The depth of the dish is selected on the basis that it must accommodate drainage from sand and stones with a layer of 1 cm, a layer of soil of 2-4 cm and a space to the cover glass of at least 2 cm. It is necessary to have holes for water outflow.

Sowing seeds

  1. Prepare the dishes by adding drainage and soil. Level the soil by tapping, but without compacting.
  2. Divide the soil into sectors, if you are going to sow different species, place tags with names.
  3. Spread the seeds evenly on the soil, or in groups.
  4. It is better to moisten the crops from below, immersing the bowl in water, but making sure that the seeds do not float to the surface. But you can also spray it with a spray bottle until the substrate is completely wet.
  5. Cover the crop with glass and place it in a permanent place.

Until germination, light does not matter, but you need to maintain constant humidity by spraying the soil with a spray bottle. The soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. After emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to increase illumination and reduce humidity, stopping spraying.

The germination rate of seeds of different types of cacti is different. Phyllocacti, Frailea and Astrophytum germinate the fastest (several days). The remaining cacti germinate in one to two weeks. But: the thicker the seed shell, the longer it takes to germinate. Prickly pears and epiphyllums take a long time to sprout - up to 6 weeks. Prickly pear seeds can be helped to germinate by soaking them in warm water for a day before sowing or by carefully treating each seed with a nail file. And some types of North American cacti (Sclerocactus and Pediocactus) also require freezing. To do this, a bowl with sown seeds of these species in a wet state is placed for several days in conditions with a temperature of -5 -10C. And the seeds of cacti that have juicy, sugary fruits must be treated enzymatically. To do this, the fruits of these cacti themselves are placed in a small amount of water for several days, where the fermentation process begins, which removes particles of the fruit from the surface of the seeds.

It is considered normal if more than half of the sown seeds germinate.

Seeds Exotic offers cactus seeds with delivery at affordable prices. Our catalog contains a large assortment of seed products from world breeders from Australia, the Czech Republic, South and North America. All products have high germination potential and are excellent for home growing. We do not recommend buying seeds from non-trusted sellers, as well as in China from Aliexpress.

cactus seeds

The Seeds Exotic online store offers a large selection of high-quality seed products. All the material presented in the assortment has good germination and is characterized by high growth energy, is resistant to temperature changes and tolerates transportation well.

We work directly with leading breeders, nurseries and manufacturing companies from all over the world. Therefore, we offer a large assortment of cactus seeds for every taste. With our products you are sure to add new exotic plants to your collection. Order cactus seeds in our store and receive a guaranteed gift.

Do you need help choosing seeds? Get help from a qualified consultant. A store employee will tell you about the varieties, care features and nuances of growing the cacti you like.

Delivery throughout Russia and CIS countries

Seeds Exotic are not new to the market. We use proven schemes and cooperate only with trusted suppliers. Therefore, the price offered for cactus is as affordable and profitable as possible. We provide our customers with a large selection of products and convenient payment methods. We also deliver seeds by mail not only to Russian cities: the geography of work of the Seeds Exotic company includes Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, European and foreign countries.

We have already made hundreds of deliveries throughout Russia, to cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Chita, Murmansk and many others.

Please note that delivery to the CIS countries is carried out by mail, only after making an advance payment of 100%. For more information on how to place and receive an order, you can contact our manager by phone.

Many gardeners prefer not to buy indoor plants in the store, but to grow them themselves at home. The advantage of growing plants at home is that you can create the best conditions and get healthy, strong plants for your collection. In addition, it is less expensive than purchasing plants from a specialty store each time.

By growing plants yourself, you can even acquire rare varieties and pure lines of indoor flowers. Cacti from seeds can also be grown at home. The main thing is to follow all growing recommendations.

Growing cacti from seeds

Anyone can grow a cactus from seeds at home. The process does not require large expenses or special knowledge, and if everything is done correctly, then soon new specimens will appear in the home flower garden. An important role in growing cacti at home is played by the time of sowing seeds.

The most favorable time is the middle and end of February. In February, the daylight hours are longer and the sun's rays are already warming up well. Experienced gardeners use professional tools when growing cacti - special lamps, greenhouses. But cacti can be grown using available materials.

Preparing for sowing

Cactus seeds will require greenhouse conditions for successful germination. Therefore, the most suitable container for this is cake packaging. It is wide, comfortable, and the lid should be transparent. You can purchase mini greenhouses at a garden supply store. All planting containers - trays and lids must be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and wiped with a cotton swab dipped in potassium permanganate.

This treatment will prevent the development of mold and fungi in the soil, which can cause significant harm to seeds and seedlings. You need to make holes in the bottom of the tray so that you can then water the plants through it. After preparing the planting containers, they begin to prepare the soil for the cacti.

It is pre-disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or placed in a hot oven. The soil can be purchased at the store; it should be intended specifically for cacti.

Sowing seeds

The greenhouse is filled with soil mixture. The layer thickness should be 2-4 cm, this will be enough. Before sowing, water the soil from a tray with boiled water at a temperature of about 50 degrees. Using a ruler, you need to level the soil, and then cut grooves every 1.5–2 cm.

Seeds are sown at intervals of 1 cm; for convenience, you can do this with a toothpick dipped in water or a needle. After sowing, the seeds do not need to be covered with soil. If they are different varieties, then it is better to sow them in different greenhouses, or, as a last resort, divide one in half with a paper partition.

After sowing, close the greenhouse lid tightly and place it on the windowsill. Shoots will appear in about 3–10 days.

After sprouting, it is necessary to carefully care for them so that the cacti grow healthy and strong.

Caring for cactus seedlings

To grow cacti at home, you need not only to sow the seeds, but also to organize good care for the emerging seedlings.


This is the most important point of care. If the conditions in the greenhouse are not warm enough, the plants may die or be stunted.

Therefore, during the daytime it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius, and at night not higher than +20 degrees. This difference between day and night temperatures contributes to the emergence of friendly shoots and good growth of cacti seedlings.

The temperature in the greenhouse must be measured periodically so that if there is a lack of heat, measures can be taken to increase the temperature. You should not expose the greenhouse to direct sunlight, especially when the seedlings have already appeared.

Soil and air humidity

Adult cacti can survive without moisture for a long time, but young seedlings are very susceptible to its lack. Even short-term drought can lead to their damage or death. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the soil in the greenhouse is always moist.

Cacti should only be watered from a tray. Water for irrigation should be boiled and warm. A month after the emergence of seedlings, you can begin to accustom the plants to regular watering and short-term droughts.


Greenhouse conditions deprive plants of access to oxygen, so the greenhouse with seedlings must be ventilated daily. This will promote good development of the root system. The first ventilation is done on the eighth day after sowing.

Do not open the entire lid all at once. First, they open it slightly, gradually widening the gap. In the second month, you can pierce holes in the lid so that the greenhouse is constantly ventilated.


After the seedlings grow a little and they feel a little cramped in the greenhouse, they are picked. Increase the space between plants. When picking, you will need one or two more greenhouses; they are prepared in the same way as when sowing.

They also disinfect the soil, level it and make furrows. You need to be very careful when removing plants from the soil, so it’s better to use a fork. The transplant is done together with a lump of earth.


In order for cacti to develop properly, they need good lighting. If the greenhouses are located on the windowsill, then it is necessary to shade them, avoiding direct sunlight. When exposed to bright sun, the skin on young cacti begins to turn red; in this case, you need to immediately shade the plants and after a while they will again acquire a green tint.

Growing a cactus from seeds is not as difficult as many may think. When growing, you can completely do without expensive equipment and use improvised means. In addition, this method of cultivation will allow you to have any varieties and types of cacti in your collection, not limited to the selection in flower shops.

Reproduction and cultivation of adenium from seeds at home Growing abitulone from seeds at home

This is the most troublesome and most interesting way to propagate cacti. It is from the seeds that the strongest and most beautiful specimens grow.

When to sow cacti

Theoretically, you can sow cacti all year round, it all depends on how and how fully you can provide the seedlings with the necessary conditions - light and warmth. Therefore, from a technical point of view, it is most convenient to sow cacti at the end of winter, beginning of spring: the days are longer, there is more sun, the heating is still on, which means the room is warm and you can use radiators to heat the crops.

Where to get cactus seeds

1. An ordinary flower shop sells mixtures of seeds of various types of cacti, for example, from the company Gavrish “Fidget Cactus”. Suitable for beginner cactus growers, because it’s cheap and cheerful - the mixture contains the most unpretentious species (mammillaria, rebutia, echinocacti, parodies).

2. Online stores sell seeds in mixes and various types separately. It is usually impossible to determine the authenticity or freshness of seeds based on their appearance. And since many suppliers have rather high prices for seeds, you should only purchase them from online stores with an impeccable reputation (read reviews of stores). When ordering, pay attention to the minimum order amount (if you cooperate with friends, you can save on delivery).

3. Get the seeds yourself if you already have flowering cacti of the same type.

How to get seeds from your cacti

To carry out cross-pollination, you need to have two cacti that are unrelated to each other, i.e. those that were themselves grown from cuttings or from seeds of different plants. The flowers from which the pollen will be taken must be fully bloomed, the pollen should be very easy to separate, so that it can be collected on a cotton ball or brush. Pollen from one flowering cactus is transferred to the flower of another, as a result, after some time a berry is formed in the place of the flower.

To obtain high-quality seeds, the berry must ripen. Then they carefully break it and take out the seeds, which can be stored in a paper bag, not forgetting to sign the name of the cactus and the date the seeds were received.

How to germinate cactus seeds

Conditions for germination of cactus seeds

For successful germination of seeds of many types of cacti, a daytime temperature of about +26°-30°C is required, and at night it is 7-10°C lower. Moderate soil moisture (not damp, not dry, but slightly damp) and high air humidity.

But as soon as the seeds germinate, there is an urgent need for the third and main growth factor - lighting. And the lighting must be very good!

Growth stimulants, which have proven themselves very well in rooting cuttings and germinating seeds of other indoor plants, are rarely used for cacti, since their effect on these particular plants has not been fully studied. If you want to try such a remedy, it is better to apply it to one cactus, and not to the entire collection.

What and where to sow seeds

To germinate and grow seeds, it is better to use a special greenhouse, which you can purchase in a store or make yourself. But if there is no opportunity to make or buy a greenhouse, then the seeds are simply sown in a bowl.

Drainage, approximately 7-10 mm high, is poured onto the bottom of a bowl (wide tray, low box). Then a layer of loose leaf soil about 2 cm high and a layer of well-washed river sand, about 1.5-2 cm high. The drainage is pre-drained with boiling water, and the soil and sand are fried in the oven or heated in the microwave for disinfection. Sand for sowing is suitable only from river sand, not from a sandbox and must be sifted to remove dust. It is desirable that the particle sizes be 1-3 mm. Unwashed and/or very fine sand, after getting wet, cakes, sticks together and forms a dense crust. This does not allow the nuts of the seedlings to breathe; they quickly die.

Before sowing, cactus seeds must be disinfected. The easiest way to do this is to use 3% hydrogen peroxide; just soak the seeds for 5-10 minutes.

Seeds are sown at a depth recommended for a particular species. Seeds up to 3 mm in size, especially small, dusty ones, are not sprinkled with sand; they are sown directly on the surface. Larger seeds can be sown in furrows no more than 3 mm deep. You have to sow cacti either by hand, selecting each seed individually, or sprinkle very small seeds on the surface of the sand with a pinch. It is advisable to sow seeds with a pinch, of which there are a lot and during germination it is not a pity to thin out the seedlings. If the seeds are rare or have a limited number, plant each one separately.

By the way, the most experienced cactus growers on our forum have already shared their secrets.

Caring for cactus crops

Now the seeds have been sown, now they need to be sprayed with a spray bottle. It should be adjusted so that no stream of water is formed, but only the smallest droplets. When moistened from a sprayer, the seeds naturally go deeper into the sand, and the soil does not erode.

In the literature, there are often recommendations to water crops or seedlings by immersing a bowl in water; this recommendation is usually reprinted from old books published in those days when flower sprayers were not yet on the shelves of flower shops, and watering from a watering can threatened to wash away all the work and hope. Therefore, forget about regular watering - it is best to spray cacti once or twice a day.

The bowl or box with the crops should be covered with glass or cling film so that the air humidity remains high enough. Ventilate at least twice a day. Regular ventilation is a prerequisite for normal germination and growth of seedlings. During ventilation, condensation from the film or glass must be removed. The fact is that humidity needs to be high, but not 100%, and condensation can lead to a short circuit if the lamp is inside the greenhouse.

By the way, with high humidity, which is created in a greenhouse or glass-covered bowl, blue-green algae inevitably appears. It looks like greening of the sand or the walls of the bowl. Blue-green algae itself is not harmful, but it can form a thick crust on the surface of the substrate, cutting off oxygen, and is simply an irritant. To reduce the formation of greenery (it is almost impossible to get rid of it completely) you need systematic ventilation. You can loosen the sand between the rows of crops. If there is a lot of greenery, it is easier to plant the cacti in fresh soil.

The time it takes to germinate depends on the type of cacti. Some take a few days, others will take a month or even several months to germinate. The timing of germination also depends on the storage period of the seeds. Typically, fresh seeds germinate faster than seeds that have been stored for more than a year. After the seeds sprout, they are seedlings with two well-defined cotyledons, characteristic of all cacti, so it is very difficult to immediately determine from the seedlings which cactus it is.

If you know that the seeds should already sprout, but this does not happen, the seeds are strong and healthy in appearance, then you can use the method that is practiced by many cactus growers. The bowl with the seeds is moved to a cooler place and not watered until the soil dries out. After two weeks or more, the seeds are again taken to a warm place and watered. This procedure stimulates seed germination. In some cases, you should forget about the seeds in a bowl for six months or a year and put them in a dry place with a moderate temperature. Try again next spring. Some of the seeds may sprout, although less strong plants will grow from this batch.

Growing cacti from seeds requires bottom heating (soil heating); most require a temperature of about 30°C for germination. The easiest way is to place the bowl with the seeds on a heating pad. It is also possible to use a battery if sowing is carried out during the heating season. But as soon as the seeds germinate, install lighting above them. There is another option - a thermal mat for a terrarium, or a thermal cord. There are thermal cords for completely dry terrariums, 3 meters or more in length. This is convenient if the crop plantations are large. The only note: you should play it safe and regularly check the soil temperature with a thermometer.

Lighting cactus seedlings is a very important point. All seedlings, without exception, are very demanding of light. If it is not enough, the babies stretch out, become weak, get sick, and die. Even on a southern windowsill, in most cases there is not enough light for seedlings. Think ahead and stock up on lamps or lamps. They need to be placed so that the distance from the crops to the fluorescent lamp(s) is no more than 10 cm. It is better to use tube lamps - with them the lighting is more uniform. Illumination duration is 8-12 hours.

Possible difficulties with crops

Sometimes the emerging seedling seems to lie on its side, and the young roots stick out to the side. You need a thin stick, you can use a pencil to make a hole under the roots, and lift the seedling so that the roots are in this hole, there is no need to press it with earth, it will fix itself in the soil or sand.

The seedling has appeared, but the stuck seed shell does not want to separate from the sprout - this happens quite often - you must carefully remove the remaining shell, if it holds on too tightly, then the seedling may have to be removed from the soil to remove the shell.

One of the seedlings has rotted - urgently check all the remaining seedlings, and remove the dead one along with the lump of earth or sand that surrounded it. If another seedling dies, then all remaining seedlings must be immediately planted in new, disinfected soil.

Picking cactus seedlings

The question of when to make the first pick is quite controversial among cactus growers. Some advise diving after the first thorns appear, others set the time - after a year or two. The fact is that cactus seedlings grow differently - some species grow very slowly, others by leaps and bounds. In addition, the growth rate depends on the conditions - those grown in a greenhouse in warmth, with good light and high air humidity grow much faster than without heating and additional lighting. Well, manual skill (delicate work) is also an important factor. Children are easily injured and are more likely to lose some crops. Therefore, sometimes it is better to endure slow maturation, but keep the crops intact.

I follow the advice of experienced cactus growers and pick my seedlings for the first time after something that looks like spines or even hairs appears between the cotyledons. Frequent picking, on average, after one and a half to two months, significantly accelerates the growth of cacti. Thus, I picked my cacti 6 times in the first year of life, and the next year they were already almost mature plants, and it was no longer picking, but rather transshipment into fresh soil in the spring and mid-summer. But sometimes, due to the rampant growth of blue-green algae, it was necessary to dive unscheduled.

Rules for picking cactus seedlings

  1. You cannot pull seedlings out of the soil by the crown. They carefully dig up, but it is better to hold the seedling with your fingers rather than with metal tweezers. You can use tweezers if you put rubber tubes from a dropper on the ends. Seedlings must be handled with extreme caution; every wound, even a microscopic one, can be disastrous for it.
  2. Before picking, the soil is moistened and depressions are made in it. The removed seedling is transferred to a new place along with a lump of soil. The soil is not watered, but only sprayed. The bowl is covered with glass and is in the same conditions, i.e. on heating and light, as before.
  3. If you want to remove seedlings from heating, then this should be done no earlier than two weeks after picking.

Among domestic plants there are many exotic species. Some are large in size, while others eat small insects. However, among them there is one undisputed leader - the cactus. This flower strewn with needles is present in almost every apartment. Many people find it quite attractive especially during the flowering period.

It's easy to grow cactus from seeds yourself

The cactus is also loved for its vegetative method of propagation. If desired, it is not difficult to grow a huge plantation at home.

Growing cacti from seeds has some peculiarities, but with a more detailed study on the site, you can figure out all the nuances yourself.

Preliminary work is an important step towards your own agricultural production. You will need to purchase equipment, study the relevant material and be patient. Under ideal conditions, the first cactus blooms 5 years after planting.

Only proven seeds from the most successful plantations are selected. The process of growing a cactus is long, so if the plant has defects, it will be very disappointing. There is no point in saving on seed purchases.

The first cactus will not bloom soon

The seeds themselves must be washed in an appropriate vessel. Particularly small species are placed on a gauze cloth and doused with warm water. Age remains an important point. You only need to look after fresh material for growing. The best choice remains a term of up to two years.

During germination, it is worth controlling the temperature and humidity according to the requirements of the selected type of cactus. They differ from each other, which makes the whole process complicated. The water needs of the sprout are taken into account. For adult species, moisture is not so critical, but for germinated seeds it is vital.

Cacti Cheerful family

The soil, poured into a wide pot, is a combination of perlite and coarse sand. The container needs to be filled more than half, but not to the brim. To prevent the cactus from being damaged by fungus, it is worth considering a drainage system to remove excess water. It is advisable to make several holes at the very bottom so that the main amount of water is retained in the soil.

It should be laid in a dense layer on top of the soil. fine brick, coarse sand or basalt. This protective layer will not allow the weed to enter the fertile soil. Cacti require increased protection from fungus and other dangerous plants that will multiply due to them.

The process of growing a cactus

We are building a mini-greenhouse at home. Due to the nature of their growth in the wild, cacti are accustomed to hot conditions.

Approximately the same conditions need to be created inside a homemade greenhouse. All breeders consider the optimal temperature to be up to +25 °C. Of the deviations, variations within 10 °C are allowed. In some cases, a temperature of +15 °C can be considered even useful, but not lower.

Important: breeders advise equipping mini-greenhouses with their own heaters and thermostats. Room temperature cannot be trusted to control cactus growth. Even a minimal draft slows down the growth process due to air cooling, only closed greenhouses with heating elements equipped in them.

Other requirements for a mini-greenhouse:

  • placement of the greenhouse is allowed only on the sunny side of the room
  • direct sunlight is contraindicated
  • When heating the air inside the structure with seeds, room temperature is taken into account
  • excess moisture should evaporate freely from the pallets

The process of sowing seeds

The seeds should be scattered close to each other. If you take an area of ​​2 by 2 cm, you should get up to 20 grains. The cactus is used to growing in families. Thanks to small groups, growth should be more intense than with a solitary planting. After placing the grain on the soil, lightly press it with a finger or other medium-soft object.

Soil is not placed on top of the seeds. The sun's rays during the day should fully illuminate the entire crop area. But in addition to light, you also need water. It cannot be filled with a regular watering can. Breeders take the entire cactus container and place it in a container of water. Only when the top layer is saturated can the moistening process be considered complete (water must flow through the drainage holes at the bottom).

Breeders' advice: 0.5% quinosol will help protect young animals from being affected by the fungus. To prepare the composition, one tablet is dissolved in 2 liters of water. It is not recommended to abuse chemicals.

Watching the growth of a cactus

The cactus itself will emerge from the seed no earlier than two weeks. All this time we water the soil or moisten it in any other convenient way. Moisture in the soil constantly supplies the plant with everything it needs, thereby accelerating its growth.

Don't forget about soil moisture

After four months, the need for a mini-greenhouse disappears. Now the cactus is taken out of the shelter to its usual place in the apartment, but with enough daylight. A window sill is not suitable due to the risk of ultraviolet rays penetrating the plant from direct sunlight. It would be optimal to place the pot on the table near the window.

It will take a few more months for the cactus roots to form. Subsequently, it can be transplanted to any other land. An already formed adult sprout does not require abundant watering. It is sometimes recommended to add potassium phosphate to irrigation water for prevention.