Checking the effectiveness of natural ventilation. Ventilation laboratory: testing the efficiency of ventilation. at workplaces of production premises

Some regulations, confirming the need to check the efficiency of ventilation systems:




1.1. Ventilation systems for production premises in combination with technological equipment that emits harmful substances, excess heat or moisture, must ensure weather conditions and air purity, meeting the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88, at permanent and temporary workplaces in the working area of ​​production premises.

In the serviced area of ​​administrative and amenity premises industrial enterprises, as well as in the premises of public buildings, meteorological conditions must be provided in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations for the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.



3.1.2. Routine inspections and compliance checks ventilation systems requirements of this standard must be carried out in accordance with the schedule approved by the administration of the facility.

3.1.3. Preventative inspections of premises for ventilation equipment, cleaning devices and other elements of ventilation systems serving premises with premises of categories A, B and C, must be carried out at least once per shift with the inspection results recorded in the operation log. Any malfunctions discovered during this process must be corrected immediately.


( Excerpts)


4.16. The final stage of installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems is their individual testing.

By the beginning of individual testing of systems, general construction and Finishing work for ventilation chambers and shafts, as well as complete installation and individual testing of support equipment (electricity supply, heat supply, etc.). If there is no power supply to ventilation units and air conditioning according to a permanent circuit, connect electricity according to a temporary circuit and check the serviceability starting devices carried out by the general contractor.

4.18. When adjusting ventilation and air conditioning systems to design parameters, taking into account the requirements of GOST 12.4.021-75, the following should be done:

testing fans when operating in a network (determining compliance of the actual characteristics with the passport data: air supply and pressure, rotation speed, etc.);

checking the uniformity of heating (cooling) of heat exchangers and checking the absence of moisture removal through the drop eliminators of the irrigation chambers;

testing and adjustment of systems in order to achieve design indicators for air flow in air ducts, local suction, air exchange in rooms and determination of leaks or air losses in systems, the permissible value of which due to leaks in air ducts and other elements of systems should not exceed design values ​​in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-85;

checking the operation of natural ventilation exhaust devices.

For each ventilation and air conditioning system, a passport is issued in two copies in the form of mandatory Appendix 2.

4.19. Deviations of air flow rates from those provided for in the project after adjustment and testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed:

± 10% - according to the air flow passing through the air distribution and air intake devices of general ventilation and air conditioning installations, provided that the required pressure (rarefaction) of air in the room is ensured;

10% - according to the air consumption removed through local suction and supplied through the shower pipes.

4.20. During comprehensive testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the commissioning work includes:

testing simultaneously operating systems;

checking the performance of ventilation, air conditioning and heat and cold supply systems under design operating conditions, determining whether the actual parameters correspond to the design ones;

identifying the reasons why the design operating modes of systems are not ensured and taking measures to eliminate them;

testing of equipment protection, blocking, alarm and control devices;

measurements of sound pressure levels at design points.

Comprehensive testing of systems is carried out according to the program and schedule developed by the customer or on his behalf by the commissioning organization and agreed upon with the general contractor and installation organization.

The procedure for conducting comprehensive testing of systems and eliminating identified defects must comply with SNiP III-3-81. (replaced by SNiP 3.01.04-87)




1.7. Existing ventilation systems must be regularly checked by ventilation services or sanitary laboratories of enterprises within the following periods:

a) In rooms where release is possible harmful substances Hazard classes 1 and 2 - 1 time per month.

b) Local exhaust and local supply ventilation systems - 1 time per year

c) Systems general ventilation mechanical ventilation-Once every 3 years

Monitoring compliance with the frequency of inspections should be carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations.

In the case of reconstruction of ventilation systems, after changing the technological process, equipment and restructuring of the premises, the inspection should be carried out immediately after the reconstruction, regardless of the timing of the control.



4.6. Ventilation and heating

4.6.22. All ventilation units, both newly installed and put into operation after reconstruction or major repairs, must be tested to determine their effectiveness. Based on the results of testing and adjustment, a passport must be drawn up for each ventilation system.

4.6.23. Ventilation units must be equipped with devices (hatches, fittings, etc.) for monitoring and measuring speed, temperature, etc. in air ducts, and regulating air volumes.

4.6.24. Testing, adjustment and adjustment of ventilation systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP “Sanitary and technical equipment of buildings and structures” and GOST “Ventilation systems. Methods of aerodynamic tests”.

4.6.25. Monitoring the operation of ventilation systems and dust removal equipment should be carried out regularly. in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems for industrial premises", methodological instructions"Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems for industrial premises" and GOST "Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Methods for determining the speed and flow rate of gas and dust flows emanating from stationary sources of pollution."

4.7.1. Air working area The frequency and frequency of planned sanitary control is established depending on the hazard class of the released harmful substances. When harmful substances of class 2 enter the air of the working area - at least once a month, hazard class 3 - at least once a quarter.

Note: asbestos-containing materials are used everywhere, such as slate, asbestos cement pipes And. etc.



Ventilation of industrial premises

4.2.94 Checking the efficiency of ventilation systems should be carried out in in the prescribed manner And at least once a year.

6. RD


4.1. Supervision of the operation of gas facilities of industrial, municipal and agricultural enterprises and facilities

4.3.13. Serviceability and compliance with the project ventilation performance in explosive areas; availability of local suction, use exhaust fans only in explosion-proof version, availability check valves on air ducts supply system, equipment of the pump and compressor department with emergency ventilation in addition to supply and exhaust; presence of fan blocking exhaust systems with electric drives of compressor pumps and other equipment installed in explosive areas in accordance with the Safety Rules in the gas industry; the presence of alarms for gas contamination of premises in the explosive premises of the GNS, GNP and AGNS. Availability annual control check efficiency of ventilation systems by a specialized organization.

Note: In Omsk and Omsk region. Many gas boiler houses have been put into operation.


6.38. Preventive inspection and repair of ventilation and air conditioning systems of air ducts must be carried out in accordance with

approved schedule at least 2 times a year. Elimination of current malfunctions and defects must be carried out immediately.

6.39. Administration medical institution monitoring of microclimate parameters and chemical pollution is organized air environment, the operation of ventilation systems and the frequency of air exchange in the following rooms - in the main functional rooms of operating rooms, postoperative, maternity, intensive care wards, oncohematology, burn departments, medical and technical care, rooms for storing potent and toxic substances, pharmacy warehouses, preparation rooms medicines, laboratories, department of therapeutic dentistry, special rooms of radiology departments and in other rooms, in offices, using chemicals and other substances and compounds that can have a harmful effect on human health - 1 time every 3 months; - infectious diseases, including tuberculosis hospitals (departments), bacteriological, virus laboratories, X-ray rooms - once every 6 months;

- in other premises - once every 12 months.


1. Atmospheric air in urban and rural settlements on the territories of industrial organizations, as well as the air in the working areas of industrial premises, residential and other premises should not have a harmful effect on humans. And so on.

Note: There is a practice, state sanitary doctor issues orders to check the efficiency of ventilation systems. The inspection is carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological station or another involved organization. The validity period of the verification results is accepted. systems 1 year. (according to sanitary and epidemiological supervision).

9. SanPiN Hygienic requirements to the microclimate of production premises

6.4. When ensuring acceptable microclimate values ​​at workplaces:

· the difference in air temperature in height should be no more than 3°C;

· the horizontal air temperature difference, as well as its changes during the shift, should not exceed:

In this case, the absolute values ​​of air temperature should not go beyond the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 2 for certain categories of work.

6.5. When the air temperature in the workplace is 25°C and above, the maximum permissible values ​​of relative air humidity should not exceed the following limits:

70% - at an air temperature of 25°C;

65% - at an air temperature of 26°C;

60% - at an air temperature of 27°C;

55% - at an air temperature of 28°C.

6.6. At an air temperature of 26-28°C, the air speed indicated in the table. 2 for the warm period of the year, must correspond to the range:

6.7. Permissible values ​​of the intensity of thermal radiation of workers in the workplace from production sources heated to a dark glow (materials, products, etc.) must correspond to the values ​​​​given in Table. 3.

table 2

Acceptable values ​​of microclimate indicators

nand workplaces of production premises

Air temperature, °C



Air speed, m/s

work by energy consumption level, W

range below optimal values

range above optimal values

surfaces, °C

air humidity,

for a range of air temperatures below optimal values, no more

for a range of air temperatures above optimal values, no more**


III (over 290)

III (over 290)

*At air temperatures 25° From and above, the maximum values ​​of relative air humidity must be taken in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.5.

** At air temperatures 26-28° C air speed in warm period year must be accepted in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.6.

10. SP 1.1.1058-01. Sanitary rules. Organization and holding production control for compliance sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

II. The procedure for organizing and conducting production control

2.4. Production control includes:

d) control over the availability of certificates, sanitary and epidemiological reports, personal medical records, sanitary passports for transport, and other documents confirming the quality and safety of raw materials and semi-finished products, finished products and technologies for their production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal in cases provided for by current legislation;

III. Requirements for the production control program (plan)

3.3. Scroll chemical substances, biological, physical and other factors, as well as production control objects that pose a potential danger to humans and their environment (control critical points), for which it is necessary to organize laboratory research and testing, indicating the points at which sampling is carried out (laboratory tests are carried out research and testing), and frequency of sampling (laboratory research and testing);

21.07.2017 15:44

Why is ventilation measurement and analysis carried out:

  1. Commissioning of new or post-reconstruction facilities. Article 20 of the Federal Law No. 384-FZ dated December 30, 2009: “The design documents of buildings must provide for the equipping of premises with ventilation systems. It is possible to provide for equipping buildings with air conditioning systems. The amount of harmful substances in the air supplied to the room through ventilation and air conditioning should not exceed the maximum acceptable standards for similar structures or for work area industrial buildings."
  2. Compliance testing of ventilation systems regulatory framework Rospotrebnadzor and Rostekhnadzor, relevant GOSTs, SanPiNam, RD and other regulatory documentation.
  3. Ventilation research to develop a program to improve working conditions.

Equipment for analyzing ventilation efficiency:

  1. Vane anemometers or hot-wire anemometers are available in any research organization.
  2. The differential pressure gauge and PITO tube are unfamiliar to most but are easy to use and effective.
  3. A contact thermometer is a forgotten device, but almost everyone has it.
  4. Tachometer
  5. Temperature, humidity and air pressure meter.

There are also additional devices, but their complexity and price are not comparable to those already listed (Meteoscope, IR meter, thermohygrometer, air ion counter, barometer, pressure gauge).


The main thing a living organism needs is clean air. The purpose of ventilation systems is to provide an environment that meets sanitary and hygienic standards.

Methods for providing rooms with air:

  • Admission fresh air through an open window.
  • Ventilation with natural and mechanized draft.
  • Air heating systems, air conditioning systems.

Objects requiring ventilation

  • Gas-free and dust-free rooms, equipped with microclimate systems, in which people are constantly present. These are almost all modern offices and retail spaces.
  • Industrial premises where harmful substances are released into the air.
  • Buildings that are particularly demanding on air quality and microclimate (schools, preschool institutions, healthcare facilities).

Ventilation systems are used in almost all buildings and structures.

Ventilation is the final sanitary and technical tool of a set of measures to ensure a healthy atmosphere in isolated rooms. It helps fight excess humidity, heat, gas pollution and dust.

There are direct and indirect methods for analyzing the effect of ventilation systems

Indirect methods include an assessment of the compliance of the air in an industrial building with accepted standards for the content of harmful substances, temperature, humidity and movement of air masses, and thermal radiation.

Direct methods- speed of air movement, its temperature, productivity, pressure, speed of rotation of the blades of the ventilation unit, noise and vibration of fan parts, content hazardous substances in the influx of air flow.

Inspection of the effectiveness of the ventilation system is carried out by determining the speed and temperature of the air in the work area, openings and sections of devices receiving air flow, in transport and installation openings, in the supply streams of devices supplying air. Calculation of the performance of ventilation units, measurement of pressure in the air duct of supply and exhaust systems, measurement of the pressure difference in industrial buildings in comparison with adjacent premises.

Based on the results of the studies performed, a report or passport of the ventilation system is drawn up, which is the final stage certification.

That's all the knowledge that is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of ventilation: device, purpose, requirements, standards, working with equipment, maintaining documentation and accreditation.



    Purpose of the lesson:study different kinds industrial ventilation, hygienic requirements for the organization of ventilation of industrial premises of pharmacies; master methods for determining the required air exchange and its frequency in various pharmacy premises, hygienic assessment of the effectiveness of ventilation systems.

    In preparation for the lesson, you need to work out the following:

    theoretical issues.

    1. Sources of air pollution in industrial premises of pharmacies. Purpose and types of ventilation.

    2. Natural ventilation, organized and unorganized air exchange, aeration. Factors determining ventilation intensity.

    3. Artificial ventilation. Ventilation systems. Features of the organization of ventilation in industrial premises of pharmacies with the release of excess heat, water vapor, dust, toxic vapors and gases into the air.

    4. Hygienic assessment of the efficiency of ventilation systems of industrial premises. Determination of the required air exchange in various pharmacy rooms and its frequency.

    After mastering the topic the student must know:

    Stages of hygienic inspection of industrial ventilation;

    Determination of the required air exchange in various pharmacy rooms and its frequency;

    be able to:

    Choose the most effective types ventilation for specific production conditions in the premises of pharmacy organizations;

    Assess the effectiveness of natural and artificial ventilation in the premises of pharmacy organizations based on the results of studies for compliance with hygienic standards;

    Assess the efficiency of ventilation systems;

    Use basic regulatory documents and reference information sources on application effective systems ventilation to ensure optimal and acceptable meteorological conditions and air purity in pharmacy premises.

    Training material for completing the assignment

    Ventilation in production areas is extremely important and effective means protecting the health of workers and preventing diseases.

    In production facilities, many technological processes accompanied by the release of heat, moisture, harmful substances in the form of vapors, gases and dust. Along with this, indoor air is constantly polluted by carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, decomposition products of sweat, sebaceous glands, organic substances contained in clothing and shoes, as well as chemicals released from polymer materials. To maintain the specified parameters of the indoor air environment, it is necessary to supply fresh air and remove polluted air.

    The air of chemical-pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmacy production facilities can become polluted during the production and dispensing of medicines, during chemical analysis prepared drugs. For example, when hanging, dosing, pouring, packaging, chemical analysis medicines in the assistant's room, packaging room, and pharmacist-analyst's room, the air is polluted with dust, vapors and gases of medicinal substances. In washing, distillation and sterilization rooms, the air may contain excess heat and moisture. Long stay large quantity people in the trading floor causes changes in the physical properties and chemical composition of the air (temperature

    temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide content, number of microorganisms, etc.).

    Maintaining air parameters in industrial premises that meet hygienic requirements is carried out by various ventilation systems, the design of which takes into account the amount of released pollutants.

    Industrial ventilation takes important place in a set of preventive measures to improve the air quality of industrial premises, aimed at improving the working conditions of workers. Its immediate purpose is to combat excess heat and moisture, as well as gases, vapors and dust.

    According to the method of air movement, they are distinguished natural, mechanical and mixed ventilation systems.

    The stimulator of air movement during natural ventilation is the wind pressure on the walls of the building (wind pressure), ensuring air movement through the room in a horizontal direction, and the temperature difference between the room and outside (thermal pressure), causing the movement of convection air currents vertically and the removal of heated, contaminated air through openings in the upper part of the room.

    Natural ventilation can be used in the form through ventilation, carried out due to wind pressure, and in the form of controlled ventilation - aeration. Cross ventilation is usually used in industrial premises with a large number of workers and in the absence of harmful emissions (toxic dust, vapors and gases) in the air. Aeration is used only in rooms with excess heat (so-called hot shops) with a heat release of more than 23 W/m3. Outside air during aeration, it enters the room through open window openings and transoms, and contaminated material, carrying with it excess heat, moisture, and industrial dust, is removed from the workshop through upper openings or special devices. Local natural exhaust ventilation is organized in the form of exhaust shafts (pipes) located above places where hot vapors and gases are released (heating furnaces, forges) and brought to the roof of the building. To increase the efficiency of natural exhaust, deflectors of various designs are installed inside exhaust shafts.

    During mechanical ventilation, air movement is stimulated by special devices (fans, ejectors).

    Mechanical ventilation is divided according to direction air flow for supply and exhaust. They can be in the form of general (general exchange) and local (local) ventilation. General ventilation is designed to create optimal and acceptable meteorological conditions throughout the room. It is usually used if workplaces are evenly located throughout the room, and harmful emissions enter directly into the air of the work area. The incoming air must be distributed evenly throughout the entire volume of the room.

    General ventilation inlets, As a rule, they supply air to the lower (working) area of ​​the room. Air supply to the upper zone is possible in two cases: if there are constant sources of dust in the room (to avoid the rise of settled dust) and water vapor, which can condense in the cool supply air, so the air is supplied heated to 30-35? C to the upper zone of the room . Local supply ventilation(in combination with aeration or mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation) is used, as a rule, in hot shops in the form "air shower" supplying cool (18? C) air directly to the working person, "air oasis" which is a resting place for workers protected by a water film, into which cool air is supplied, and also in the form "thermal air curtain"(stream warm air not higher than 50-70? C in external doorways of production premises and at external gates). The speed of air release from cracks or openings of air and thermal air curtains should be no more than 8 m/s at external doors and 25 m/s at gates.

    Exhaust ventilation designed to remove air contaminated with harmful emissions from a room, for example, from a pharmacy washroom or an analytical chemist's room.

    General exhaust ventilation removes polluted air from the upper zone of production premises. Local exhaust ventilation is used directly in places where harmful substances are released during a number of operations (weighing, dosing, loading, etc.) to prevent their spread throughout the room. Local exhaust ventilation is the most effective way combating excess heat and moisture, gases, vapors, dust. Since the concentration of harmful emissions at the point of formation is higher, the consumption

    their removal requires significantly less air than with general ventilation.

    Local suction must meet the following requirements: high tightness, ease of maintenance, resistance to aggressive environments, low air flow rates, high efficiency trapping harmful substances. The designs of local suction systems can be completely closed, half open or open. Closed suctions are the most effective. They trap harmful substances as completely as possible with a minimum volume of removed air. These include casings and chambers that hermetically or tightly cover dust-producing equipment. In some cases, sealing shelters cannot be carried out for technological reasons. In these cases, suction with partial cover is used. (pull out drobe) or open: exhaust hoods, exhaust panels, side suction and other devices. Fume hoods almost completely cover the source of harmful emissions. Only the working openings through which air from the room enters the cabinet remain uncovered. Exhaust hoods used to catch harmful secretions rising upward. Umbrellas are installed above the accumulation of sources of heat and moisture and other sources of non-toxic hazards released along with the heat. Suction panels are used to remove harmful emissions in cases where the area of ​​harmful emissions is relatively large and it is impossible to organize a more complete shelter. Onboard suctions are installed along the perimeter of open baths containing technical solutions, from the surface of which harmful vapors and gases are released. The principle of operation of these suction units is that the supply air captures harmful vapors and gases and carries them into the exhaust air duct.

    Features of the ventilation system in pharmacies

    In pharmacies, ventilation and air conditioning systems are considered effective if they help maintain microclimatic conditions in the premises in accordance with the requirements of sanitary regulations and remove harmful substances from the air of the working area to MPC levels.

    In rooms with excess warmth the most effective is to maintain optimal and permissible air temperatures in general due to general exchange natural (aeration) or mechanical

    nic ventilation using local air flow in the form of air showering for individual workplaces. For “hot shops” aeration is the cheapest and reliable way ventilation.

    To ensure normal thermal balance of the body in rooms with excess moisture ventilation should help remove excess moisture and prevent the formation of condensation of water vapor in the air and on the internal surfaces of fences. For this purpose, sealed local exhaust devices in the form of suction units are the most rational. If it is impossible to use them, general supply and exhaust ventilation is used with the supply of heated dry air to the working and upper zones and the extraction of moist warm air from the upper zone of the room.

    For removing harmful vapors and gases The most effective is local exhaust ventilation with the organization of supply of fresh air to the upper zone of the room. If it is impossible to use it, general supply ventilation is used, which, when supplied clean air into the work area (at a height of 1.2-1.5 m from the floor) helps to dilute harmful substances entering the room to the maximum permissible concentration. In these cases, it is recommended to extract contaminated air from the zones closest to the places where harmful substances are released, and in case of excess heat, from the upper zone, even when heavy gases and vapors are released.

    To combat dust The only effective means of dust removal is local exhaust ventilation, which removes dust from the source of its formation. In cases where a condensation aerosol is formed or work is not performed at fixed workplaces, it is necessary to use general supply ventilation designed to dilute the aerosol.

    The rate of suction of contaminated air depends on the dispersion of the contaminants and the degree of their toxicity (hazard class). It is recommended to remove coarse dust at a speed of at least 4 m/s, fine dust - 2 m/s. To remove highly toxic vapors and gases, it is recommended to maintain a suction speed of at least 1.5 m/s, for low-toxic ones - 0.7 m/s. Air ducts for dust extraction should not have sharp corners where their direction changes and should not be combined with air ducts that remove water vapor or toxic substances, in order to avoid the accumulation of dust deposits and blockage of the air ducts.

    The ratio of the total amount of supply and exhaust air (air balance)

    Air balance is considered balanced, if the amount of air entering the room is equal to the amount of air that is removed from the room by exhaust ventilation during this time. If the amount of air supplied into the room in an organized manner is greater than the amount removed, increased pressure is created in the room; in this case the air balance positive. Typically, positive air balance is used in rooms where it is undesirable for polluted air from neighboring rooms to enter (“clean” rooms: aseptic block of pharmacies) or cold air from outside. Due to the excess air pressure in the aseptic block, the movement of air flows will be directed from this block to the adjacent rooms. If more air is removed from the room due to exhaust ventilation than is supplied forced ventilation, air balance negative(rooms with harmful emissions).

    Also in the aseptic unit, it is recommended, using special equipment, to create horizontal or vertical laminar flows of clean air throughout the entire room or in separate local areas to protect the most critical areas or operations (clean chambers). Clean chambers or tables with laminar air flow should have work surfaces and a hood made of smooth, durable material. The laminar flow speed is within 0.3-0.6 m/s with regular monitoring of air sterility at least once a month.

    Air conditioning. Air conditioning refers to the creation and automatic maintenance in enclosed spaces of the constancy of such indicators of the air environment as temperature, humidity, pressure, gas and ionic composition, odor and air speed. The device that carries out the required air treatment (cleaning, heating or cooling, etc.) is called an air conditioning unit, or air conditioner. With the help of air conditioners, the necessary microclimate is provided in the premises to create conditions of comfort and the normal flow of technological processes.

    Features of the ventilation air preparation system at pharmaceutical industry enterprises

    In connection with the introduction of GMP (“good manufacturing practice”) rules at many pharmaceutical industry enterprises, one of the main issues is the preparation of so-called clean production facilities (CPP), or “clean zones”, in which the most critical technological operations for the production of medicines take place.

    Clean rooms are the main consumer and integral part air preparation systems. The main possible sources of air pollution: personnel, equipment, technological process, particles released into the air that form an aerosol from solid particles suspended in the air, or fog from liquid ones. To remove particles that form aerosols or mists, a multi-stage atmospheric air filtration system is designed.

    One of the main documents describing the method of multi-stage air filtration is the “Standard ventilation air preparation scheme” developed by the State Scientific Center with the participation of GiproNIImedprom, modernized taking into account new requirements

    in 2002

    The air purification system in the proposed scheme consists of several filters: a coarse filter, a fine filter, and highly efficient final filters. After passing through the coarse filter, the air enters the central air conditioner, where it is sequentially heated, cooled and heated again in various stages, then enters the steam humidifier and through the fan into the fine filter, then into the highly efficient filter. Next, the air enters clean rooms various zones A, B, C, D, which are subject to appropriate requirements for the content of mechanical particles of 0.5 microns in size and the content of microorganisms (Table 46). In this version standard scheme a differentiated return of recirculated air is also carried out, which reduces the cost of air preparation. The system works with two air conditioners.

    Table 46.Technological parameters of ventilation air in clean production rooms

    Laboratory work “Hygienic assessment of ventilation of industrial premises”

    Student assignments

    In accordance with the data of the situational task:

    1. Select best option ventilation system for specific production conditions.

    2. Determine the performance of the exhaust ventilation system.

    3. Determine the air exchange rate in the room.

    Working method

    Determining the required air exchange in production premises

    Calculation of the amount of supplied and removed air is carried out based on the amount of harmful emissions that must be diluted to acceptable levels. When calculating the air exchange of rooms, the flow rate is determined supply air necessary to absorb excess heat, moisture, and harmful substances.

    The required volume of air supplied to the premises during gas evolution is calculated using the formula:

    If not one, but several different harmful ingredients (vapors, gases) are released into the air of the working area in a room, calculating the performance of general ventilation has its own characteristics. Thus, with the simultaneous release of chemicals into the work area that do not have a unidirectional toxic effect, the volume of general ventilation is calculated separately to dilute each component to the maximum permissible concentration.

    With the unidirectional action of chemical substances simultaneously released into the work area, the calculated air exchange is found by summing the volumes of air obtained from the calculation for each substance. In this case, those concentrations (C) that satisfy the condition are considered acceptable for design:

    The required amount of air supplied to the premises during dust emission is calculated by the formula:

    Calculation of the supply air required to dilute excess heat during aeration is carried out using the formula:

    If indoor air quality deteriorates only as a result of the presence of people, then the volume of ventilation is calculated based on the amount of carbon dioxide using the formula:

    Determining and assessing the efficiency of ventilation systems

    Certification of ventilation systems (in Tyumen, Omsk and Novosibirsk);

    Air exchange rate, including at excess pressure of 50 Pa, air permeability (air door);

    Checking the efficiency of ventilation systems;

    Adjustment of ventilation systems;

    Production control over compliance with sanitary rules;

    Drawing up a defective list of the ventilation system;

    Assisting customers in accepting the installation of ventilation systems after completion of work by the installation organization;

    Energy saving, energy efficiency, reasonable reduction of energy costs.

    Work on the examination of the operability and efficiency of ventilation systems must be carried out on the basis of the requirements of the “Inter-industry rules for labor protection when using chemicals” POT RM - 004 - 97 and " General rules explosion safety for explosion and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries" PB 09 - 540-03 clause 3.43. All ventilation systems must be in good condition and subjected to testing during operation when it is detected that the content of harmful industrial impurities in the air of the working area does not comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005, as well as after repair of ventilation systems. P. 3.44. Ventilation systems located in rooms with aggressive environments, must be checked for the condition and strength of the walls and fastening elements of the air ducts, ventilation devices And treatment facilities within the time limits established by the administration, but at least once a year.

    Some regulatory documents stipulating

    the need for certification and verification of the effectiveness of ventilation systems:




    1.1. Ventilation systems for industrial premises in combination with technological equipment that emit harmful substances, excess heat or moisture must ensure meteorological conditions and air purity that meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88 at permanent and temporary workplaces in the working area of ​​industrial premises.

    In the serviced area of ​​administrative and amenity premises of industrial enterprises, as well as in the premises public buildings meteorological conditions must be ensured in accordance with the requirements building codes and rules for the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.



    3.1. Requirements for ventilation systems during operation

    3.1.1. Ventilation systems that have fully completed commissioning and have operating instructions in accordance with GOST 2.601-95, passports, repair and operation logs are allowed for operation.

    The operating instructions for ventilation systems must reflect issues of explosion and fire safety.

    3.1.2. Routine inspections and verification of compliance of ventilation systems with the requirements of this standard must be carried out in accordance with a schedule approved by the administration of the facility.

    3.1.3. Preventive inspections of rooms for ventilation equipment, cleaning devices and other elements of ventilation systems serving rooms with premises of categories A, B and C must be carried out at least once per shift, with the inspection results recorded in the operation log. Any malfunctions discovered during this process must be corrected immediately.

    2. SP 73.13330.2012. Updated version of SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems of buildings(excerpts)

    8.1.3 Ventilation and air conditioning When setting up systems for design air flow rates, the following should be done:

    check the compliance of the actual execution of ventilation and air conditioning systems with the design documentation and the requirements of this section;

    testing fans when operating them in a network, checking compliance with actual technical characteristics passport data, including: air consumption and total pressure, rotation speed, power consumption, etc.;

    checking the uniformity of heating (cooling) of heat exchangers and checking the absence of moisture removal through the drop eliminators of irrigation chambers or air coolers;

    determination of flow rate and resistance of dust collection devices;

    checking the operation of natural ventilation exhaust devices;

    testing and adjustment of the ventilation network of systems in order to achieve design indicators for air flow in air ducts, local suction, air exchange in rooms and determination of leaks or air losses in systems.

    Deviations of air flow indicators from those specified project documentation After adjustment and testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the following are allowed:

    within ±8% - according to the air flow passing through the air distribution and air intake devices of general ventilation and air conditioning installations, provided that the required pressure (rarefaction) of air in the room is ensured;

    up to +8% - in terms of air flow, removed through local suction and supplied through shower pipes. For each ventilation and air conditioning system, a passport is issued in two copies according to the application form




    1.7. Existing ventilation systems must be regularly checked by ventilation services or sanitary laboratories of enterprises within the following periods:

    a) In rooms where the release of hazardous substances of hazard classes 1 and 2 is possible - once a month.

    b) Local exhaust and local supply ventilation systems - once a year

    c) General ventilation systems and mechanical ventilation - once every 3 years

    Monitoring compliance with the frequency of inspections should be carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations.

    In the case of reconstruction of ventilation systems, after changing the technological process, equipment and restructuring of the premises, the inspection should be carried out immediately after the reconstruction, regardless of the timing of the control.



    4.6. Ventilation and heating

    4.6.22. All ventilation units, both newly installed and put into operation after reconstruction or overhaul, must be tested to determine their effectiveness. Based on the results of testing and adjustment, a passport must be drawn up for each ventilation system.

    4.6.23. Ventilation units must be equipped with devices (hatches, fittings, etc.) for monitoring and measuring speed, temperature, etc. in air ducts, regulating air volumes.

    4.6.24. Testing, adjustment and adjustment of ventilation systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP “Sanitary and technical equipment of buildings and structures” and GOST “Ventilation systems. Methods of aerodynamic tests”.

    4.6.25. Monitoring the operation of ventilation systems and dust removal equipment should be carried out regularly. in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems of industrial premises", methodological instructions "Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems of industrial premises" and GOST "Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Methods for determining the speed and flow rate of gas and dust flows emanating from stationary sources of pollution ".

    4.7.1. Work area air The frequency and frequency of planned sanitary control is established depending on the hazard class of the released harmful substances. When harmful substances of class 2 enter the air of the working area - at least once a month, hazard class 3 - at least once a quarter.

    Note: asbestos-containing materials are used everywhere, such as slate, asbestos-cement pipes, etc.



    Ventilation of industrial premises

    4.2.94 Checking the efficiency of ventilation systems must be carried out in accordance with the established procedure and at least once a year.



    4.1. Supervision of the operation of gas facilities of industrial, municipal and agricultural enterprises and facilities

    4.3.13. Serviceability and compliance with the project ventilation performance in explosive areas; the presence of local suction, the use of exhaust fans only in explosion-proof versions, the presence of check valves on the air ducts of the supply system, equipment of the pump and compressor compartment with emergency ventilation in addition to the supply and exhaust; the presence of blocking of fans of exhaust systems with electric drives of compressor pumps and other equipment installed in explosive areas in accordance with the Safety Rules in the gas industry; the presence of alarms for gas contamination of premises in the explosive premises of the GNS, GNP and AGNS. Availability annual control check efficiency of ventilation systems by a specialized organization.

    Note: In Omsk and Omsk region. Many gas boiler houses have been put into operation.


    6.38. Preventive inspection and repair of ventilation and air conditioning systems of air ducts must be carried out in accordance with

    approved schedule at least 2 times a year. Elimination of current malfunctions and defects must be carried out immediately.

    6.39. The administration of the medical institution organizes control over the parameters of the microclimate and pollution of the air with chemicals, the operation of ventilation systems and the frequency of air exchange in the following rooms - in the main functional rooms of operating rooms, postoperative rooms, maternity rooms, intensive care wards, oncohematology, burn departments, medical treatment facilities, rooms for storing potent drugs and toxic substances, pharmaceutical warehouses, premises for the preparation of medicines, laboratories, departments of therapeutic dentistry, special rooms of radiology departments and in other premises, in offices, using chemicals and other substances and compounds that can have a harmful effect on human health - 1 time every 3 months; - infectious, incl. tuberculosis hospitals (departments), bacteriological, virus laboratories, x-ray rooms - once every 6 months;

    - in other premises - once every 12 months.


    1. Atmospheric air in urban and rural settlements in the territories of an industrial organization, as well as the air in the working areas of industrial premises, residential and other premises should not have a harmful effect on humans. And so on.

    Note: There is a practice where the state sanitary doctor issues an order to check the effectiveness of ventilation systems. The inspection is carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological station or another involved organization. The validity period of the verification results is accepted. systems 1 year. (according to sanitary and epidemiological supervision).

    9. SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises

    6.4. When ensuring acceptable microclimate values ​​at workplaces:

    • the difference in air temperature in height should be no more than 3°C;
    • The horizontal air temperature difference, as well as its changes during the shift, should not exceed:

    In this case, the absolute values ​​of air temperature should not go beyond the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 2 for certain categories of work.

    6.5. When the air temperature in the workplace is 25°C and above, the maximum permissible values ​​of relative air humidity should not exceed the following limits:

    70% - at an air temperature of 25°C;

    65% - at an air temperature of 26°C;

    60% - at an air temperature of 27°C;

    55% - at an air temperature of 28°C.

    6.6. At an air temperature of 26-28°C, the air speed indicated in the table. 2 for the warm period of the year, must correspond to the range:

    6.7. Permissible values ​​of the intensity of thermal radiation of workers in the workplace from production sources heated to a dark glow (materials, products, etc.) must correspond to the values ​​​​given in Table. 3.

    table 2

    Acceptable values ​​of microclimate indicators

    nand workplaces of production premises

    Air temperature, °C



    Air speed, m/s

    work by energy consumption level, W

    range below optimal values

    range above optimal values

    surfaces, °C

    air humidity,

    for a range of air temperatures below optimal values, no more

    for a range of air temperatures above optimal values, no more**


    III (over 290)

    III (over 290)

    *At air temperatures 25° From and above, the maximum values ​​of relative air humidity must be taken in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.5.

    ** At air temperatures 26-28° C air movement speed in the warm season should be taken in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.6.

    10. SP 1.1.1058-01. Sanitary rules. Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

    II. The procedure for organizing and conducting production control

    2.3. The objects of production control are production and public premises, buildings, structures, sanitary protection zones, sanitary protection zones, equipment, transport, technological equipment, technological processes, workplaces used to perform work, provide services, as well as raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, production and consumption waste.

    2.4. Production control includes:

    d) control over the availability of certificates, sanitary and epidemiological reports, personal medical records, sanitary passports for transport, other documents confirming the quality, safety of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and technologies for their production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal in cases provided for current legislation;

    III. Requirements for the production control program (plan)

    3.3. List of chemical substances, biological, physical and other factors, as well as production control objects that pose a potential danger to humans and their environment (critical control points), for which it is necessary to organize laboratory research and testing, indicating the points at which sampling is carried out (laboratory studies and tests are carried out), and the frequency of sampling (laboratory studies and tests are carried out).

    During operation, engineering systems are subject to repair, relocation, replacement of components and equipment, and other various jobs. All this can affect correct work systems, including possible calculation, design or installation errors, or a changed load on the system, or vice versa, an increase in efficiency in this case, an expert assessment of the system’s operation is necessary. Expert review includes a report on the operation of the system, including all evaluation results and recommendations for improvement.

    Ventilation systems research

    In order to form an opinion about the operation of the system, it is necessary to understand what state it is in, what equipment and automation is installed, and many other parameters; for this, access to all parts of the system is necessary.

    What is included in a ventilation system study:

    • Visual inspection of the system and equipment for defects
    • Checking the operating mode of the equipment
    • Equipment condition assessment
    • Checking the possibility of system regulation
    • Surveying customer employees about system problems at their premises
    • Instrumental air flow check
    • System design assessment
    • Checking the system's compliance with the design and analyzing the impact of possible deviations
    • Checking design calculations
    • Calculation of air flow and other system parameters at the time of inspection
    • Assessing system performance and possible upgrades or repairs

    A full range of examination will allow you to very accurately determine the current state of the system, and will also provide an understanding of what is best to change; in some cases, you can get by with rebalancing and reconfiguring the automation system, in others it may be necessary to replace ventilation equipment, in others it is possible to replace sections of air ducts or air distribution devices. If the customer does not have an operational service, then, with a very high degree of probability, there is practically no understanding of what is happening with the ventilation system. Therefore, we offer service work not only for ventilation systems, but also refrigeration equipment maintenance and others engineering systems buildings, the advantage of this approach is a complete and absolutely clear understanding of the state of the system.

    Instrumental measurements of ventilation

    It is necessary to dwell in more detail on measurements of ventilation systems; people’s feelings are individual, and therefore it is impossible to judge from them whether the system is working correctly or not, which is why instrumental measurements can show the real picture. Measurements are carried out using special device- an anemometer, which shows the speed of the air flow, it is also necessary to check the air temperature, this will help to correctly configure the automation, and will also show how well the insulated system is. Knowing the air speed and cross-sectional area, our ventilation system specialists can calculate air flow. Having taken measurements on internal gratings It is advisable to take measurements on the outer grille, this way you can find out how tight the system is.

    Checking the efficiency of the ventilation system

    One more important point, which needs to be discussed in more detail, is the efficiency of the system. In essence, efficiency answers the question of whether the system copes with the load placed on it, whether it provides normal air parameters in the room, which is very important in production. The answers to these questions lie in measurements and theoretical calculations, because it is the calculation in this matter that is decisive, and an error in it affects the operation of the system. A weak ventilation system will not provide the required air purity, and an oversized one will consume too many resources, this is how you can understand the effectiveness of the ventilation system. If the customer does not have a project for the required system, OVK-Group specialists can carry out work on restoration of the ventilation system project, heating, air conditioning and other engineering systems of buildings. On commercial properties where tenants change frequently, this is very actual problem, projects are lost or reconstructed, it is in such cases that audit and examination of systems is very necessary.

    By conducting system research and analyzing the results, you can understand how well or poorly the system is performing and where improvement is desired. Although the equipment is the most important part of the equipment and is responsible for the correct operation of the system, since almost all supply and exhaust systems are collected from sections, then, if necessary, these sections can be added or changed, improving the operation of the system. Recommendations for improvement draw attention to problems identified during the examination and show methods for solving these problems.