Simple methods for making paths from saw cuts and paths from boards in the country. Wooden paths - how to add zest to the landscape design of a site? Paths on a summer cottage made of wood

All buildings and structures (gazebo, terrace, swimming pool, greenhouse, vegetable garden and different elements landscape design) at the dacha or personal plot communicated through paths.

What kind of path to make, or rather, from what material, everyone decides for themselves; specifically, within the framework of this article, we will consider making a garden path from chopped tree rings.

Among all the options (from boards, timber, panels, garden parquet, branches and bamboo), one of the most accessible in terms of material and the most complex in terms of design is paths made from wood cuts. The material is structured according to the principle of step-by-step instructions so that anyone can build such a path with their own hands.

A path made from wooden saw cuts can be called differently: from slices, stumps (die, block, stump, log, ends of logs), but the construction method will be identical.

Garden paths from cut wood - step by step guide

For work you will need materials and tools:

  1. Wood cuts (cuts)
  2. Rolled waterproofing or geotextile (geofabric)
  3. Sand, pebbles, gravel, water
  4. Level
  5. Hammer (preferably a mallet)
  6. Hand chainsaw
  7. Shovel, buckets, brushes

Step 1 - preparing wooden cuts

You need to start work with preliminary preparation of wood cuts (sections). Then they will be ready just in time for installation.

When choosing wood, you need to take into account how long the path is expected to be used and what load it will bear. When arranging garden paths from wood cuts at the dacha, it is better to give preference to hard types of wood. So, for example, oak will last you about ten years, pine - no more than seven. And larch is practically indestructible and will delight you for more than a quarter of a century.

But, most often, blanks for the path are made from those species that are available. It all depends on the budget; saw cuts from poplar will cost much less than from oak or larch.

To prepare the cut, you need to cut the log into pieces 150-200 mm high.

The rule that works here is larger diameter logs, the greater the cutting height should be. And of course, the height of all blanks should be approximately the same.

If the thickness of the cut is less than 100 mm, there is a high probability that it will not be fixed in the ground and may “pop out” when pressed.

To extend the life of the saw cut, it must be cleared of bark. Because it is the bark that will begin to peel off first.

In addition, it is better to avoid using saw cuts that have cracks. They will begin to deteriorate first and very quickly, and the crack may increase under the influence of loads on it.

The cut also needs to be pre-treated. The most common treatment is drying oil.

To do this, it is heated to a boiling point and the saw cut is coated completely. Please note that this work is dangerous, so it is better to buy special antiseptic solutions that will provide both moisture protection and biosecurity. The saw cut should remain in this solution from two hours to two days.

To further protect the wood from rotting, the bottom of the round timber must additionally be treated with bitumen. You can age wood using a solution of copper sulfate.

The treated saw cut must be dried thoroughly.

Step 2 - marking the path

The difficulty of this step is in determining optimal sizes tracks - 350 mm, sufficient width for one person to move freely. As well as its route - to ensure access to all required facilities.

Step 3 - preparing the base

In order for wooden garden paths to serve you as long as possible and be safe, they need to be securely fixed.

To do this, you need to dig a trench along the marked route of the future path. Its depth depends on the length of the hemp (cut) plus 50-100 mm. (depending on the type of soil and the expected load on the path).

The width of the trench is equal to the desired width of the path.

A waterproofing film is laid at the bottom of the trench (you can use polyethylene film used for greenhouses or geofabric).

Gravel or small crushed stone is poured on top of the film. This drainage is necessary to protect the wood from moisture. The height of the first layer of the pillow is equal to half of the required height (25-50 mm). It is important to compact it well.

The sand and crushed stone cushion must be leveled using a building level. This will significantly save time and effort when laying cuts.

Step 4 - installing curbs for paths (edges)

If a curb is provided, then they must be installed before installing the cuts.

Stones, bricks, sheet iron, wooden blocks or long logs can be used as border material.

But, in order not to disturb the harmony of the garden path, chibouks sawn lengthwise are used.

Step 5 - pouring the second layer of sand cushion

Sand is used as the second layer. The total height of the pillow is 50-100 mm.

To compact the sand well, a technique such as pouring water on it is used.

Material prepared for the website

Step 6 - diagram of laying wood cuts

The order in which the wood cuts are installed is not of fundamental importance. The formation of the pattern depends on the preferences of the owner.

It can be positioned so that there is as little space as possible between the cuts. Or, on the contrary, you can place them widely.

The main thing at this stage is to slightly “drown” the cut (compact) and also level them.

Step 7 - decorative design of a garden path from wood cuts

The space between the cuts can be filled with sand or soil mixed with seeds of ground cover plants.

Leave the saw cuts themselves in their original form or paint them with bright colors.

You can more clearly show how to make paths from wood cuts using a cross-sectional drawing of a path.

Caring for wooden paths

To ensure that a DIY garden path made from wood cuts does not lose its original appearance over time, it requires constant care.

To do this, you need to clean the cuts once a year with a metal scraper, treat them with an antiseptic and apply a special protective covering, drying oil or paint.

When you make a path, set aside a few cuts in reserve; in the future, you can replace individual elements during the repair process. In order to reduce the sliding effect after rain, do not heavily polish the ends of the logs before installation.

If you are interested in the process of making a path from wood cuts - a video illustrating how to make it yourself

Garden paths made from wood cuts - pros

  • cheapness;
  • high speed and ease of installation;
  • the ability to carry out the entire process independently;
  • do not accumulate moisture (do not create puddles);
  • have a natural look;
  • very repairable;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • the opportunity to make a unique garden path made of wood. After all, all cuts are different, which means that the design cannot be repeated;
  • the ability to use end-of-life logs as mulch or chop them up and add them to compost.

Country paths made from wood cuts - the cons

  • subject to rotting;
  • react to temperature changes;
  • require constant care;
  • become smaller after rain (evened out through the use of a special treatment compound).


Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear how to make a path from wood cuts with your own hands, without resorting to excessive expenses and outside help. Although, you shouldn’t rely too much on cheapness, even with self-production you'll have to spend some money, but this path is worth it

It is the paths that give your garden a neat, finished look. Nowadays, when people strive for environmentally friendly products and materials, garden paths made of wood are more relevant than ever.

Photo of combined styling.

Asphalt gets boring in the city and, when choosing which material is best for a path in the garden, you want something natural and at the same time unusual. We tried to consider the advantages of the most popular materials.

Design and purpose

First of all, it should be noted that the path should always lead to a specific place. Psychologists say that a path leading to nowhere or running into a fence can cause internal discomfort. Therefore, you should initially draw a sketch of the site, on which you should indicate the main parameters of the designed zones and indicate the exact location of the paths.

Paths in the garden are like arteries in the body. It is not at all necessary that they all be the same size, plus the material for garden paths can be combined depending on the functional load and type of landscape design of the dacha. So garden paths made of concrete or paving slabs are more suitable for paths with a large functional load.

Paving slabs on the lawn.

Wooden garden paths or plastic garden paths will not be able to support the weight of a car and will quickly deteriorate in areas between the house, garage and summer kitchen. But they are perfectly suitable for arranging the territory of the site. The beauty of such trails fits perfectly into most types of landscape design.

It is also important how to make paths in the garden. Square parallel-perpendicular lines correct form are now used extremely rarely. Their advantage is only in the simplicity of arrangement.

It is quite inconvenient to overcome right angles with a wheelbarrow, hilling up beds. Plus, the rectangular configuration visually makes the area smaller, so in landscape design such forms of garden path are used infrequently and only in large areas.

DIY concrete blocks.

The best option is round, arched shapes. In some cases, straight lines can be used, but they are laid diagonally. Unlike a square, a diagonal arrangement visually enlarges the area.

Important: I would like to warn you against overly winding paths. Intricate labyrinths will subconsciously irritate you; there is always a desire to go straight through. Therefore, for ease of movement, it is better to make the arc smooth.

Paths laid in dachas or on private property are conventionally divided into several types.

Natural stone flooring.

  • The most common are those built from rigid block material or concrete. This includes stone garden paths different types and configurations, paving slabs, brick or concrete screed. Such structures are distinguished by enviable longevity and endurance. But the cost of constructing such paths is usually quite high.
  • In some cases, owners prefer soft covering, this includes gravel, crushed stone, small pebbles, sand or tree bark. The only advantage of this coating is its low price and ease of installation. But these options are often abandoned over time. Since, due to the fine fraction, the soft underlying material is gradually spread throughout the entire area.

Colored gravel.

  • Wooden garden paths are now experiencing their rebirth; in our mighty country this material was used for at least 200 years, but with the advent of asphalt it was undeservedly forgotten. These structures make up for their relatively low durability with exceptional beauty and naturalness.
  • Currently, plastic modules for garden paths provide worthy competition to wood. Plastic can emit any material, including wood; plastic garden paths are easy to lay with your own hands and last a long time. The only serious disadvantage is that it is artificial; not every person, when escaping the city, wants to walk on plastic.

Subtleties of installing wooden paths

Before you make a garden path out of wood, you need to decide what kind of structure you want to assemble. The most common material now is wooden logs, laid vertically with the cut up. But sometimes you can find garden paths made of boards; the installation instructions here are a little simpler, although first things first.

Board borders.

Ring flooring

Flooring made from rings or wooden blocks is particularly beautiful, because the pattern on each ring is unique and such a covering lasts much longer than ordinary boards. This material for garden paths is also attractive because old, fallen trees can be found in the nearest planting, so the price of such a design will be minimal.

Experts recommend using deciduous wood for these purposes; oak, of course, is best, but larch or aspen are not much inferior to it. Conifers are considered less strong and, despite the abundance of resin, deteriorate faster.

Preparing the pit.

The height of the ring ranges from 100 to 250 mm. Rings that are too thin, especially those made from the barrel large diameter, can quickly break down. Since a lot of material is needed, it is better to use a gasoline or electric saw for cutting. It is advisable to remove the bark from the trunk, since it can contain many pests, and it will become an obstacle to the impregnating protective composition.

To save time, we recommend that you immediately begin treating the rings with a protective solution. As a rule, drying oil or waste machine oil is used for this. The substance should be heated to a boil and the workpiece should be immersed in it for a couple of minutes, after which the workpiece should dry.

There is another way of processing. Cold drying oil is applied to the workpiece twice. After the tree has dried, its lower part, located in the ground, is dipped into boiling bitumen and dried. Bitumen film will more reliably protect against rotting and pests.

Filling gaps with concrete.

Advice: if you want to artificially age the material, then there is a simple folk method for this. The tree needs to be covered copper sulfate.

While the material is drying, you can build a foundation pit for installation. The excavation depth varies depending on the height of the rings. Keep in mind that the flooring should rise 2–3 cm above the ground, otherwise it will gradually silt up. The size of the drainage pad under the posts is made around 100 mm.

When the pit is ready, the bottom should be well compacted and covered with geotextile; technical polyethylene is also suitable for bedding. If there is clay below, then you can do without litter, you will just need to compact it well.

Cuts of different diameters.

To prevent the wood from deteriorating less, it is laid and compacted drainage layer 100 mm of sand or gravel. While you are doing the preparatory work, the protective layer on the wood will dry and you can begin installation.

To ensure that the installation is as dense as possible, immediately prepare cuts of different diameters. Natural gaps between the workpieces are filled with sand or sawdust. To seal the gaps, the surface of the track must be periodically moistened.

Board on a drainage pad.

Important: it is advisable to completely eliminate direct contact of wood with the ground. Experts recommend installing curbs to protect the flooring from the sides and prevent the drainage layer from being washed out.

Using the board

Garden paths made of boards are a little easier to install. The preparation of wood and pit is carried out in the manner described above. The material used is timber rectangular section with dimensions 150x250 mm.

Such blocks are laid directly on the drainage and the cracks are filled with sand. The gap between the blocks must be at least 5 mm so that they do not crack in the winter cold.

Often the owners go more in a simple way using wood from pallets. It is also treated with a protective solution, but the length of the board on a pallet is 1 m and it is better to cut it in half. Timber from the same pallets is laid as guides on both sides. The entire structure is installed on a gravel bed and, if possible, waterproofed.

Garden parquet flooring.

Tip: on this moment The industry produces so-called garden parquet. Of course, it cannot be called 100% natural due to deep impregnation with polymer varnishes, but it has a decent appearance and lasts a long time. It is laid according to the same pattern as the circles.

In the video in this article you can see the intricacies of installation.


Diagonal board structures.

Wooden garden paths are a capricious material and require constant care. This kind of flooring needs to be treated on top at least once a year. protective compounds. If the instructions are followed in full, then such material for garden paths will last about 10 years.

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How to make a wooden path with your own hands at the dacha

Modern summer residents and nature lovers have often thought about beautiful wooden paths at their dacha. A wooden path must fit into the design of the site and the landscape of the area. Small paths in the dacha territory perform not only a decorative function, decorating general form. They also make moving around the site comfortable and convenient.

Wooden path in a summer cottage

There are many ways to wire paths: they can be connected to a gazebo, dining or play areas, to bathrooms, to a pond, bathhouse or greenhouses. Paths also serve to protect shoes from dirt and dampness and create an atmosphere of romance and comfort. Sometimes wooden paths border the entire perimeter of the site. In addition, this design of the territory is suitable for lovers of eco-friendly and natural materials. If you have a log wooden country house, such paths will harmoniously fit into your landscape design and will become the highlight of the design of the site.

Decoration of the dacha area

If everything is done correctly and the wood is treated well, in the summer you can safely walk barefoot along such paths. This cannot be said about country sidewalks made of concrete or stone. Wooden paths can be combined with a swimming pool, a beautifully trimmed lawn, planted trees and bushes various shapes. If there are large tree roots on the site, you can build paths on the logs. This way you will not damage the roots and create a beautiful design for the area.

Business idea 10. DIY garden path

Types of wooden paths by type of construction

A wooden path on a summer cottage is laid with your own hands using various types of wood:

  • Larch is considered the most durable. Its structure contains fibers of different directions, so the wood is stronger.
  • Coniferous wood is also used, but the structure contains only longitudinal fibers, so it is not as strong.
  • Paths made of oak, alder, pine and even aspen are popular.
  • Tropical wood is stronger and more durable than larch, but its cost is significantly higher than all previous ones.

All paths on a summer cottage can be built in various designs depending on the functionality, goals, ideas and characteristics of the territory itself. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • Structures on joists. First, we treat the side of the wooden panel in contact with the soil with a special substance (mastic). The remaining surface must be impregnated with wood antiseptics and then dried. All bumps and small protruding sharp particles need to be thoroughly sanded. This will help you sandpaper, an ordinary plane or gas-burner for firing. In the soil we need to lay sandy base with the addition of gravel. Then we begin to lay out on top of the base wooden joists longitudinally, and across we create fasteners using self-tapping screws with small planks. It’s not difficult to lay out wooden paths in your dacha with your own hands using longitudinal logs. Remember to make sure that the caps in the fasteners are all flush with the surface of the wooden board, otherwise you may injure your feet when using the path and walking along it. Once the structure is assembled, you can paint the wood or simply varnish it.
  • Structures without logs on the ground. You can lay a path directly on the ground, but it will not last as long as one raised above the surface. We dig a hole in the soil (depth from 25 to 35 cm), the layer of soil should be cut strictly along the selected width of our path. The surface at the bottom of the recess should be smooth, so it is necessary to compact the soil thoroughly and level the surface. Then we pour a layer of sand inside, compact it, and then do the same with gravel. Thus, we got a pillow that can protect against moisture. For greater reliability, geotextiles can be laid between a layer of sand and gravel.
  • Dug-in structures. Here we will need cross-cut logs; beams and boards will also do. We lay the log cuts, similar to washers, according to a predetermined pattern. They can be alternated with branches and small boards. Wooden garden paths are also laid with beams in a checkerboard pattern, the pattern is similar to brick wall. Remember to build the base first as described in the previous method. If you want to keep weeds from creeping up on your wood paving, lay a special geofabric down over the sand and gravel base. The finished path can be painted and varnished if desired. Fill all empty spaces with coarse sand or stone chips.
DIY paths at the dacha

Types of tracks by type of material

Depending on which tree or decorative element for laying is selected, all tracks are divided into the following types:

  • Wooden saw cuts. These are the ends of wood logs that are partially dug into the soil, leaving small protrusions on the surface.
  • Wood boards. Boards can be ordered in the desired shape or adjusted using electric planer. At the end, it is recommended to cover the entire structure with a protective layer of varnish or paint. How to make wooden paths yourself is shown in the video below.
  • Wood beams. The laying technology is similar to a plank walkway, but the timber itself is more durable and strong, and is also more stable. The beams can be laid out in a continuous layer, or alternated, filling the gaps with coarse sand, crushed stone, pebbles, granite or stones.
  • Garden parquet panels. They are made, as a rule, from separate boards, assembled into a single composition. Material – garden parquet flooring.
  • Figured design. These are wooden forms in the form of ornaments, drawings and figures. The modern assortment allows you to select such elements for the path to suit any style and landscape.
  • Wood bark (mulch). This coating is short-lived, since the bark quickly becomes unusable and requires replacement, but in some places this laying technology is successfully used. The downside is that the particles stick to shoes and pet hair, which contributes to dirt and debris.
  • Decorative design. There are no limits to imagination here; you can use nut shells, bamboo stems, small dry trunks of young trees, and unnecessary curly branches. You can lay the material in several tiers, imitate steps, and create an interesting texture.

Wooden paths in the garden can change the appearance of your site beyond recognition. Wood is an environmentally friendly natural material that is not difficult to acquire. Laying a path made of wood is not a quick process, but if you follow the rules and recommendations, you can create a real masterpiece.

Wooden paths of the “Frigate House”. DIY // FORUMHOUSE

Garden paths made of wood: 100 beautiful photos

Garden paths made of wood create a harmonious transition from areas near the house with a harder and more reliable surface to the beautiful lawns of the garden itself. In addition, such paths are used in areas that cannot or are undesirable to be paved - areas under trees, areas with complex differences between the house and the garden, on hillsides.

How practical are wooden walkways?

How practical wooden paths will be for your garden depends on the climate and the price of wood in your region. If the area is forested and the price of wood is affordable, then you have the opportunity to create a surprisingly harmonious design connecting the main building and the garden area.

If you want your paths to last, consider your climate when planning and choosing the surface. For garden paths made of wood, it would be ideal to sharply continental climate Siberia - with hot summers and cold winters.

For the European part of the country with warm winters and humid summers, wooden paths are less practical - the wood rots faster and on rainy days the surface of the path becomes slippery.

Paths made of wood. Choice of material.

Wooden sleepers are often used for wooden garden paths. For such paving, we recommend that you take only new sleepers - they have already been properly processed and, if properly laid on a sand bed in combination with crushed stone, will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Usage wooden sleepers bu, despite all the attractiveness of saving on price, threatens you with unpleasant troubles. On hot days, old sleepers release toxic residues of lubricants, which pollute the soil, stick to shoes and emit a rather pungent odor.

When choosing wood for garden paths, choose coniferous species that must be treated with protective coatings. To fasten boards together into panels, it is better to use galvanized nails than modern screws.

One of the most modern materials for a wooden garden path is decking or garden parquet. An old one is also suitable for installation. concrete path and just soil. The most important thing is that the surface is simply solid and the wooden tiles do not sag. This coating can be used for garden paths - it can withstand any weather. In addition, laying such paths is very fast - a weed film is placed on the ground and mounted on top wooden tiles, which simply snaps together.

Garden paths made from wooden saw cuts always attract our attention. This “rural pavement” is made from log cuts different diameters.

The saw cuts are laid like a regular pavement on a sand cushion made in a recess under the path lined with geofabric to protect against weeds, logs are laid vertically on the cushion, trying to keep the seams between them to a minimum, the seams are filled with wet sand or small crushed stone in several stages.

Beautiful combinations various types Path coverings add personality and style to your yard. The possibilities for imagination are simply endless. You can use wood in combination with slabs from natural stone, combine saw cuts with concrete or paving slabs.

When laying combined garden paths, it is necessary to take into account the different densities of materials, the different thicknesses of the wooden block and paving slabs. For such paths, it is necessary to select soil along the entire length to the same depth and make it for different materials different thicknesses a bed of gravel and sand.

For garden paths, you can use used wooden planks if they are well preserved.

At the same time, it is convenient to knock down wooden boards into boards, which serve as the surface of our path.

The paving sequence is as follows: a soil excavation is made, geotextiles are placed in it to protect against weeds, a frame of timber for the path is laid on it, it is covered with crushed stone, then it is mounted on top wooden boards so that the surface of the track is slightly raised by general level garden

There is another option for laying a wooden garden path, in which holes are dug in the ground for concrete supports and installed in wet concrete. wooden poles, to which beams are nailed, which serve as the basis for a wooden path. Before laying the path itself, it is necessary to carefully level the surface along the level. It is also important for such a path to take into account protection from weeds - you can lay a special film between the supports.

Do not be discouraged if your garden does not lie on a flat surface; with a skillful approach, the inconvenient slope will not irritate you, but, on the contrary, will become a starting point for creating a delightful place in the garden, where the difference in height will be skillfully played up by a wooden path.

Your garden itself will tell you how best to arrange wooden garden paths on your site. When planning your design garden plot Now you will have the entire powerful arsenal of stunningly beautiful wooden garden paths at your disposal.

The beautiful garden paths that we like so much in the photo can always be made with your own hands. You just need to understand the sequence of work, and then a high-quality result will please us long years.

And even if our garden path is not the same as in the professional photos landscape designers, she is still as sweet and charming as any objects into which we have invested our work and imagination.

DIY wooden garden paths

To decorate your garden plot in an original way, you can make your own paths from tree cuts. The production of such paths will significantly change the appearance of the site, and due to the fact that the material itself can be purchased for little or no money, significant cost savings are possible. This article will discuss exactly how to make garden paths from wood with your own hands.

First of all, you need to think about what purpose the path will be needed, for example, for walking or cultivating beds. If you want to create an eco-style at your summer cottage, then the use of this natural material will be ideal option.

Advantages and disadvantages

Garden path made from wood cuts

This article will help you see the advantages and disadvantages of this option for designing a garden plot. We will also look at instructions explaining how, step by step, you can pave paths from wood cuts.

Wooden paths have certain advantages:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • exclusive look due to the uniqueness of the design;
  • individuality of each track;
  • low cost and ease of manufacture;
  • material and tools can be found right at the dacha.

It is also necessary to mention the disadvantages of this material:

  • fragility is the main drawback;
  • susceptibility to rotting and damage by insects;
  • fire hazard due to prolonged exposure to open fire.

In fact, there are fewer disadvantages than advantages, and therefore you can safely get down to business.

Cutting the blanks


The saw cuts can be of two shapes: semicircular and round, 0.3−1 m in size, approximately 10 cm in height.

There are several paving methods wooden paths. The shape of the path can be arbitrary - in this design it will look much more beautiful and attractive.

In addition to paths, you can build a decorative ladder or bridge from saw cuts.

Paths made from wood cuts

Gasoline and electric saw

First you need to prepare the tools for work. In this case, you will need a chainsaw (or electric saw). Logs for cutting must be well dried in advance, otherwise (if laid in a damp state) they may crack and become deformed. If the material dries out while buried in the ground, then the appearance of such a path will be unattractive and it will have to be redone.

The service life of the structure, be it garden paths, bridges or stairs, depends on how thoroughly the material is treated with an antiseptic. Usually the treatment is carried out with drying oil, a solution of copper sulfate or used machine oil.

Processing the lower part of the cuts by working off

After processing, the material should dry well. Then it is necessary to treat the product with a layer of waterproofing made from melted bitumen. Bitumen should be applied to the very bottom of the cut, which will be immersed in the ground. There is another waterproofing option - immerse the bottom of the saw cut in a container with molten bitumen and gasoline added to it. After this procedure, you again need to let the wooden products dry thoroughly.

Ready-made impregnation containing protective substances is sold on the markets - this method will be more reliable.

Laying garden paths

In order to beautifully lay the saw cuts, it is necessary to mark the area using pegs, which need to be driven along the entire perimeter of the future path, then take a cord and stretch it between the pegs.

When the path is winding, markings are made using sand.

After preparing the markings, a trench approximately 30 cm deep is dug, in which a drainage system is installed, designed to protect the saw cuts from exposure to moisture. To do this, crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the trench and compacted. You need to put geotextiles on top and add sand. Each layer is watered and compacted well. In this case, the thickness of the resulting layer should not exceed 10 cm.

The space is filled with smaller cuts

Now you can start laying out the cuts, placing them closer to each other and selecting the diameter of the workpieces. Crushed stone, sand or pebbles are used to fill the seams between the cuts. Often, for beauty, the space between the paths is sown lawn grass.

You can decorate the edges of the path using higher cuts, decorative stones or by filling it with quality soil. Beautiful design There will undoubtedly be flowers along the garden path.

Garden ladder made from wood cuts

Unevenness in the garden plot can be hidden using a garden path made in the form of steps, especially if there is a slope on the plot.

It should be remembered that the garden path needs to be primed annually to protect the wood from rotting, which will increase the life of the path.

Paths made of boards

Garden path made of transverse boards

Alternatively, as a material for garden paths, you can use wooden planks. Most often, such a path looks like a continuous flooring. The planks are laid both transversely and longitudinally. To make the path winding, the edges of the boards are specially trimmed or laid in a special way.

Path in the form of parquet

Using this approach, it is possible to model various options, for example, a pattern similar to parquet.

The track design resembles railway

And if the boards are placed at a certain distance from each other and the space between them is filled with fill or gravel, then the structure will resemble a railroad.

Wooden walkway above ground

You can make a garden path from boards laid with continuous flooring. Such a path is made slightly elevated by about 10 cm. This has a great advantage - there is no contact between the tree and the soil, and the air space allows the tree to dry quickly after rain, which significantly contributes to the long-term use of the garden path.

To create a garden path from wood elements yourself, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort, but you can end up with a real masterpiece. Such a path will be a beautiful and extraordinary addition to your garden design.


IN last years paths with wood covering

Wooden paths from decking boards:


From wooden panels

The house is made of boards

Treated wood is not afraid of moisture

Beautiful garden path made of boards

Dry stream with wooden bridge

Garden path design

Garden option from boards

From longitudinally laid boards

When planning a suburban or summer cottage, you must pay attention to garden paths. These can be narrow paths winding between trees or wide alleys leading to outbuildings or vacation spots. Often, owners of large and small gardens want to make a path out of wood. This is all the more relevant since eco-style has not gone out of fashion in America and European countries for many years. It seems that the trend towards furnishing homes with natural materials will continue for a long time.

We got this name recently, but the cottages decorated in rustic style, have always been. Recently, garden paths made of wood have become very popular, which, on the one hand, is due fashion trends, and on the other hand, the relative cheapness of materials and the ability to do everything yourself.

Of course, a path in a country house can be made of asphalt, gravel, paving stones or paving slabs. But they are expensive, you need to invite specialists to install them, and in the summer the coating heats up, which adds extra degrees to the already hot air. Garden paths made of wood are environmentally friendly, simple to make, and easily fit into the design of the site.

For a summer residence or country house You can implement many options for wood coatings.

  1. Paths made from wooden saw cuts do not require large financial costs, since it can be made from uprooted trees.
  2. A wooden sidewalk is constructed from boards purchased or left over after construction or repair.
  3. Paths made of timber, which can be laid in a solid mass or like railway racks, will be more expensive.
  4. As a temporary measure, a covering of pallets is used, which are simply laid out in the desired direction. Pallets can even last for several years, waiting until the owners have the opportunity to replace them. Alternatively, the pallets can be disassembled, processed, and a permanent deck can be built from them.
  5. Paths made from tree bark or walnut shells are not much more difficult to make. They look great, but they quickly get trampled and become unusable, besides bulk material reaches for his legs and drags himself around the area.
  6. Unfortunately, wood is not one of the most practical or durable materials. An alternative to sawing or plank covering is decking - a decking board made from crushed dry wood and polypropylene.

Look at the photo to see what different styles and designs of wooden garden paths you can make yourself.

Materials for wooden paths

The choice of material for country paths. Wood is susceptible to rotting, and loads, moisture, frost and sun gradually destroy it. Larch is the best wood; it is guaranteed to last a quarter of a century, or even more. A wooden path made of hardwoods - beech, oak - will last a long time, which, with proper pre-treatment, will begin to collapse no earlier than after 10 years. But platforms lined with pine or poplar will last about 5-7 years, and only then if you’re lucky.

But hardwoods are expensive, especially larch, and pine is always at hand. Most often, to build a path from wood cuts, we use what is on the site. Usually these are logs left over from clearing up the garden.

It makes sense to make wooden paths in the garden from available material only if it is not affected by diseases or pests.

The cuts must be intact - any crack significantly reduces the service life. It is better not to use low-quality wood, but to buy it finished lumber or lay out a path with a different surface.

And, perhaps, the most important thing. All wooden materials must be well dried. Otherwise, you will have to change the coating in a year or earlier.

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Wood processing

In order for wooden paths in the country to last longer, they must be treated against rotting and provided with bioprotection (safety from damage by insects or worms). To save money, you can use drying oil or used machine oil for this purpose.

The drying oil needs to be heated to a boil, then the saw cuts should be dipped into it one at a time. This is an effective, but long, dangerous procedure that requires hand and respiratory protection. In addition, it is easy to burn yourself with heated drying oil. Using a brush, use used machine oil to treat all cuts at least twice, drying the wood well in between. This, of course, is simple and cheap, but you can’t run on a path of stumps etched in this way, and they don’t look the best. So it’s best to leave machine oil for fences or other vertical surfaces.

Much more expensive, but more practical to process wood by special means– antifungal drugs, special varnishes or paints purchased in hardware stores. They must be used according to the instructions, and then be sure to dry. Alternatively, stumps and boards can be treated with copper sulfate - this will not only provide protection, but also give the wood a noble dark shade.

Complete protection from the effects of negative factors by applying hot bitumen to the underside of the lumber.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden paths

Garden paths made from wood cuts have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are the most obvious advantages of wooden paths for your garden:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low cost;
  • ease of execution;
  • unique wood pattern;
  • You can make your garden path unique.

Lumber has disadvantages:

  • fragility;
  • susceptible to damage from moisture and insects;
  • Despite the treatments, wood remains a combustible material.

Sawed garden paths

It is quite possible to make a garden path from wood cuts with your own hands, although it is quite difficult. The principle here is similar, but instead of stones, wooden dies about 15 cm high are used, but the width will look better different.

If you use large branches, you can lay out a complex pattern and the path from the tree cuts will turn out not only dense, but also unique.

Using dies, you can build a narrow path that only indicates the direction, a wide alley with an original design, or even lay out the floor in a summer gazebo.

Preparation of material

First of all, dry wood, not affected by pests and diseases, must be cut into dies of the same height. It is best if it is 15 cm, but not less than 10. Otherwise, frost or rain will simply squeeze the saw cuts out of the ground, and the trails will have to be endlessly repaired.

Use a template, making sure that the cut is made strictly perpendicular to the surface of the log. Immediately discard all cracked rings - they will spoil very quickly, remove the bark, and for convenience, sort the dies by size. Treat them against destruction with one of the means described above. Dry well.

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Track markings

Before you make a path from saw cuts, you need to mark it. This is done using pegs and rope, and the complex configuration is sprinkled with sand. Consider the permeability of the coating depending on its functions:

  • non-main paths, for example, step-by-step, can have a width of 30 to 80 cm;
  • paths along which one person is expected to walk must have a span of at least 80 cm, or better yet, 1 m;
  • for a pair walk, bicycle, child stroller or wheelchair, the minimum width of the path is 1.2 m.

After marking, be sure to walk along the intended routes and think about whether you planned them correctly.

Preparing the base

Garden paths made from wood cuts must be laid on a base. For this:

  1. They dig a trench with a depth of at least twice the height of the dies.
  2. Level the bottom and cover it with waterproofing material: film, roofing felt or geotextile. It should completely cover the walls and bottom of the pit, and also lie freely on its edges.
  3. Fill the trench halfway with gravel, compact it and cover it with 5-10 cm of sand. For better shrinkage, water the hole and compact it well.

Installation of curbs

The paths on the site do not necessarily have to be equipped with a border; perhaps it simply does not fit into the landscape concept. But the fence will strengthen the base, make the contours of the path clear, and reduce the likelihood of sand or soil stretching from the seams across the area.

The border can be made of boards, thin dies made of branches, metal, curbs, tiles or other material. It is installed before or after filling with gravel and strengthened with sand.

Laying cuts

Laying out wooden blocks is a creative process. You can simply lay them close to each other, or you can create an original pattern from saw cuts of different sizes. To make it more decorative, especially if there are children on the property, the wood can be painted in different colors.

Place the saw cuts on a sand bed, compact them and level them. Fill the cracks with crushed stone or sand. In order not to redo the work several times, when arranging the path yourself, first place the largest “pancakes”, then the medium ones, and fill the remaining voids with circles of branches. This will make the flooring dense and durable.

Decorating the path

To give wooden paths in your dacha a complete look, they can be mulched with pebbles, shells, bark or nut shells.

If you fill the voids with fertile soil and plant trampling-resistant ground cover plants, you will only improve the appearance of your site.

Look at the photo showing the options for decorating the paths.

Garden paths made of boards

Ordinary boards with a thickness of at least 5 cm are perfect for garden paths. In addition, their arrangement will take less time than covering from saw cuts, since laying them out is much easier.

Preparation of boards and necessary tools

Boards for garden paths are prepared from wood in the same way as saw cuts, treated with an antiseptic or hot drying oil. Finally, they can be opened with varnish or paint - for greater decorativeness and additional protection. The boards need to be cut into identical pieces, and if complex masonry is planned, their size is selected individually.

To work with lumber you may need:

  • plane;
  • Sander;
  • nails or screws;
  • level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw.

It is not necessary that you will use all the tools when arranging trails; we have simply provided an expanded list.

Laying a country path from boards

The base of a path made of boards is no different from a cushion of crushed stone and sand used when arranging a path from wooden saw cuts. Lumber can be laid directly on the sand, it will look natural, but will not last long.

Garden paths made of boards can be placed on a special frame, which will increase the safety of the structure. It follows the contours of the base, but to enhance rigidity, transverse connecting elements made of wood or metal are installed every half meter. The boards are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws so that the caps are recessed into the wood and do not interfere with walking. They can be disguised with paint or pieces of wood.

The boards are laid lengthwise or crosswise and a pattern similar to parquet is created from them. Most often, lumber is fitted closely together, but can be spaced apart, like railroad ties. Here your imagination can work in full force - the main thing is that the resulting structure is stable.

A slight slope can be smoothed out when constructing the base, and steps can be installed on a steep slope. You will have to work hard, since the frame will need to be erected carefully, using a plumb line and level. For a winding path, the boards are cut or laid in a special way.

This is exactly how you can make a deck from more expensive timber.

It is worth remembering that the paths must be located strictly in the center. This technique will visually expand the space.

Watch a video designed to make the job of laying boardwalks easier for you.

Wooden sidewalk made from pallets

The easiest and fastest option for arranging paths in the country is to make them from wooden pallets. They may remain on site after delivery. building materials and it won't cost you anything. In addition, the boards on pallets are already cut to one size and fastened together.

If you need a temporary driveway that you plan to replace within a year, you can simply lay the pallets on the ground.

It is good if the boards are tightly fitted to each other. Of course, you can install them on a base, treat them with an antiseptic and paint or varnish them. Then the structure will last much longer than one year, you just need to pay attention Special attention the ends of the boards.

You can also disassemble the pallets, process, sort out, sand and use them as timber or boards.

Caring for wooden walkways

At the beginning and end of the summer season, wooden paths will require your attention. The saw cuts and boards are cleaned with a metal scraper, and an antiseptic, drying oil or other protective coating is applied. It is very good if you leave a few stumps or boards for the future. Individual elements may need to be replaced.

Wooden paths in the countryside look attractive, are inexpensive and easy to make yourself. It’s also nice to walk on them barefoot. With proper care, they will serve you for many years.

All photos from the article

Every owner, and even guests, is pleased when the estate is well-groomed and the exterior is beautifully decorated, therefore, by learning how to make garden paths from boards with your own hands, you can significantly change the design in better side. It doesn't even require any special construction or carpentry skills.

Here you need desire and at least a little imagination to bring this or that idea to life. To do this, we will tell you about necessary materials that will be required in this matter, we will show some compositions, and also, as additional material, you can study the video in this article.

Garden paths

Note. It is not at all necessary that the path on the estate of a country house or dacha be wooden - there are many other building materials for this.
But we want to draw your attention specifically to the board.

What materials will you need?

Using decking:

  • Of course, wood-polymer composite or WPC will be the best option among panels made from other materials, from which only a street face covering can be made;
  • There are not so many materials from which the decking is made– these are wood flour, thermoplastic polymers and technical type modifiers;
  • such boards contain at least 80% flour and the higher its content, the better quality, and, accordingly, the price of the product;
  • this same WPC does not rot, does not fade in the sun and practically does not break(in order to break it, you need to make special efforts).

Natural wood decking board:

  • also for paths on a personal plot it is possible to use different types of wood;
  • Of course, the best option here would be larch, but you can also use pine panels, which also resist moisture well;
  • In addition, a board made from any type of wood that is available on the farm may be useful, for example:
  • pine,
  • alder,
  • ash and so on.

Frame base:

  • may be needed for boards frame base, for which it is usually with one or another cross section;
  • in the case of decking, there is a special beam made from a homogeneous material - a wood-polymer composite.


  • the flooring does not have to be laid on the frame - this can be done directly on marble chips or small crushed stone, laid out in a certain area;
  • in addition, the base can be concrete, for the manufacture of which again you need crushed stone, and, of course, cement with sand.

Anyone, even a beginner who likes to delve into the garden, planting vegetables and fruits, thinks about how to make movement around their garden plot more comfortable. To do this, you have to make paths from various hard and durable materials, such as stone or concrete. One of the reasons for this lies in the durability of such buildings made of durable natural and artificial materials that are not destroyed by moisture.

Garden tools and other products in this Chinese store.

But with the advent effective means to protect building materials from moisture and other destructive factors, the popularity of wooden sidewalks has increased, which can last almost as long as their stone and concrete counterparts, while being in no way inferior to them in beauty, and in some environmental sense even surpassing them in beauty design and motivating gardeners to create a beautiful garden with their own hands. The ideas in the video below are also highly recommended to watch.

Self-construction of paths is justified. With it, there is no need to constantly clean your shoes, experience difficulties when moving, and easily move from one area to another, regardless of weather conditions.

Moreover, beautifully made paths will be a wonderful element to decorate the landscape, especially when you consider their appearance and combination with the design.

When choosing a material for the construction of paths, it is customary to comply with the general style of garden design and the budget that is calculated for the work. The peculiarity of wood as a material for building paths is its versatility. The tree harmonizes perfectly with lawns, flower beds, terraces; using it, it is not so difficult to make paths even for an inexperienced craftsman. A wide price range of boards, depending on the quality and degree of processing, allows you to significantly save money. Therefore, many who like to relax and work on their plots choose this method of giving a civilized look to the paths in the garden.

Advantages, disadvantages and manufacturing methods

Wood as a basis for making garden paths is not yet such a common material, but quite popular among gardeners due to its beautiful appearance, relative strength and availability. If you do not use a treated board, the cost of which is quite high, then a good alternative material I can be construction remains, which significantly reduces the price of the issue.
But even if you plan to use new boards, the simplicity of woodworking technology reduces costs compared to other materials. There are two options.

Layered paths

The surface is raised above the soil level, the frame is installed on the base. The flooring is raised above the ground level so that air can flow freely under the path. In this case, the service life of the sidewalk will be significantly extended and there will be protection from moisture. A specially created slight slope will drain water from the surface, so that even after heavy rain the tree will dry out faster.

A frame made of longitudinal varnish serves as the base for the flooring; crossbars made of boards or timber are placed on it using fasteners. It is allowed to alternate segments that are identical in length but differ in width, depending on the design. To avoid warping, a wide board is installed on several screws or nails; for timber, you can limit yourself to two screws. At the same time, the caps are deepened and hidden to ensure safety for the feet when walking on the flooring.

Track width from wooden planks depends on the design intent. For normal movement along it, a width of 80 to 100 centimeters with a thickness of 25-50 millimeters is sufficient. Such parameters will allow you to miss each other in oncoming traffic without any problems. If it is expected that people with a sufficiently large weight will walk along the path, or that heavy objects will be transported along it in a cart, another one is added - a middle lag. To protect lamps from moisture in places of contact with the ground, they are treated with liquid bitumen mastic or by other means. The crossbars are treated with antiseptics, after which they are dried and mounted on the frame.

There are two assembly options. Tightly without gaps and with equal spaces between parts. The underside of the flooring must be treated with mastic, the outer surface is coated with paint or varnish. A much better effect is obtained if parts of the structure are treated in advance rather than using bitumen and tinting after assembly. Given that the flooring can be laid on a flat surface and used without any protection, it is better to follow the correct technology.

There are two ways to prepare. Under the joists or across the entire width of the flooring.
Preparation is carried out in several stages: a layer of soil of 20-30 centimeters is removed, the bottom is carefully compacted. Sand is poured, compacted, watered, fine crushed stone is poured on top and compaction is done again.

If conditions permit, geotextiles are placed between the layers. This allows the materials not to mix and increases the drainage capacity of the pillow. If the sidewalk is laid temporarily, then a cushion is not necessary; geotextiles, roofing felt and similar materials are simply placed under the logs. To protect against weeds, treat the soil under the flooring with herbicides.

Budget wood flooring for a summer residence

The most economical a budget option– production of flooring from pallets. A pallet with a narrow span between parts is used. This wooden path is not particularly beautiful, but it requires a minimum of time and effort to install. To make the flooring made from pallets look decorative and durable, the pallets are divided into segments, treated with protective materials and made into a full flooring. The only thing is that you will have to spend more time and effort, but the result is much more interesting. But the cost here remains very low.

The opposite option is decking paths - wooden modules made from decking boards. The boards are laid on level base and in design they look much more interesting than homemade ones, but the cost of such a design is quite high, so this method is not used often.


The wooden parts in such paths are immersed in the ground at the same level with the surface or slightly raised above the ground, the voids are filled with drainage materials - sand, crushed stone. For the flooring, boards and thick timber with a length of 10 to 15 centimeters are used. Since the wooden materials are in contact with the ground in this case, there is a need to protect them from water. To do this, you need to use antiseptic or hot drying oil, cover the bottom with bitumen, top part can be coated with varnish or wax.

For beauty, small rounds are installed between thick rounds. When using timber, imitation brick is of interest.
The flooring can be laid directly on the ground, but dug-in paths require special preparation of the base, since the logs will be immersed in the ground.

To prevent water from stagnating and the sidewalk from wearing out, install drainage system made of sand and gravel more than 10 centimeters high.

After the trench is marked, it is compacted, sand is poured, which is also compacted and wetted with water, a layer of crushed stone is poured, and finally another layer of sand.

The saw cut is placed on a substrate; to make it decorative, the diameter dimensions alternate. The gaps are filled with crushed stone, sand, and clay.

One of the best materials for a wooden sidewalk is larch. Conifers and oak can also be used, but their service life is not very long. However, modern protective materials increase service life many times over. wooden parts tracks. Therefore, we can only proceed from the cost and availability of wooden blanks.
Let us remind you once again that it is important that the sidewalk looks in harmony with general style garden plot, so you need to immediately think about the design of wooden paths if you want to plan and make them yourself.