Pumping the lateral abdominal muscles at home. How to pump up your side press

Elaborated oblique muscles press will emphasize a man’s athletic training and will be an excellent support for internal organs. Emphasis can be placed on the relevance of spine insurance. Forewarned is forearmed. Therefore, quickly familiarize yourself with the abdominal muscle training program and start exercising at home right now.

Effective exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles for men

The obliques are the largest abdominal muscles that many people don't pay enough attention to. You should know that they can be worked out both while sitting, lying down, and standing. This allows you to effectively work out this muscle group, both in gym, and at home. At the same time, no special equipment is required for the exercises, just a mat and a pair of dumbbells for weighting. This complex Exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles are designed for men to perform at home. Remember, beautiful abdominal relief is achieved only through uniform training of all abdominal muscle groups.

Complex for oblique abdominal muscles for men

Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
1 10
Standing side to side dumbbell swings 1 10
1 1 minute
2 10
2 10
2 15
2 15


    1. Lie on your side. Use your arm bent at the elbow as support. Legs straight, place one on top of the other.
    2. Exhaling, lift your pelvis from the surface. Visually, a single straight line should form.
    3. Inhaling, return to the starting position.

Don't forget to do the exercises on the other side.

Number of repetitions: 10 times for each side.

Standing side to side dumbbell swings

Description of the exercise. A simple but careful exercise. Do not make sudden movements to avoid spinal injuries.


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell or other additional weight in both hands.
  2. First, raise your outstretched arms to chest level.
  3. Then overhead to the right, lower down.
  4. Repeat for the left side. Try to keep your shoulder girdle motionless.

Number of repetitions: 10 reps for each side.


  1. Position yourself on your side.
  2. Legs should be straight. The lower elbow and side of the foot are your support. Watch your posture.
  3. Raise your body to form one line. Stay in this position for 1 minute.


  1. Starting position – lying on your back.
  2. Raise your legs perpendicular to your body.
  3. Slowly move them to the sides, touching the floor. Keep your upper body still.

Number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 reps for each side.


  1. Lie down with your back firmly pressed to the floor.
  2. Your feet should also be on the surface, with your knees bent.
  3. The arms are perpendicular to the body and palms down.
  4. Inhale and place your knees to the side, reaching them to the floor.
  5. Exhale and return to the original position.
  6. With your next inhalation, bend your knees in the other direction.
  7. It is important that your back and buttocks remain motionless while performing the exercise. Turn your head in the direction opposite to your knees.

Number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 repetitions.


  1. Starting position – lying with your back on the floor, shoulder blades lightly touching the floor.
  2. Keep your hands at your temples. Keep your legs suspended, bend your knees.
  3. Start rotating your body in different directions. Synchronously rotate your legs in the air like on a bicycle.
  4. When turning to the left, touch with your right elbow left leg. In the other direction - vice versa.

Number of repetitions:


  1. Lie on the floor with your back.
  2. Bend your knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Hands lie along the body.
  3. Turn your body to the side and touch your heel with your hand.
  4. Make a turn in the other direction. Do not lift your shoulder girdle off the floor.

Number of repetitions: 2 sets of 15 reps on each side.

Often, the hidden oblique muscles of the abdominal muscles of men are in excellent condition. Therefore, exercises are aimed at eliminating fat deposits. This means that you can really achieve results without leaving your home.

Hi all! Today we will pay attention to our abs. After reading this article you will know how to pump up lateral muscles belly. The topic is quite important, since sufficient development of these muscles will allow you to have a more perfect abs. You might even want to adjust your training program in order to better pump up your sides.

I will mention the most important reasons why this is important:

  • The development of these muscles provides protection to our spine in its lumbar part. As a result, you can avoid injury from slipped discs when lifting something heavy.
  • The lateral abdominal muscles give an aesthetic and complete appearance to the abdominal muscles, allowing you to create a beautiful and thin waist.

I think this is quite true important reasons to start training these muscles.

A little anatomy

First, let's look at the anatomy. This will help us understand which muscles we will train and where they are located in our body. Now we will take a look at the muscles that belong to the lateral group of abdominal muscles, and also find out what functions they perform. I will try to explain all this to you in an accessible, understandable and readable way, without unnecessary complex terms that you don’t need at all. So:

  1. Oblique external – a flat, wide muscle that is best visible. It is located on the side of the body and partially on the chest. It originates from the eight lower ribs. It works by bending the torso forward, bending our spine (provided that both muscles, left and right, are working). It also performs the function of turning the body (provided that either the left or the right is working). Maintains the vertical position of the torso.
  2. Oblique internal – located behind the external oblique muscle also on the side of the abdomen. Similarly, it participates in turning the body along with the external muscles (one of the muscles works). Flexes the spine in the lumbar region (both muscles work), and also participates in lowering the ribs.
  3. Transverse – hid even deeper, right behind the internal obliques and the deepest layer of the muscles of the lateral part of the abdomen. encircles our belly. Participates in turning the torso, bending the body, lifting the pelvis (if the chest is fixed), but its most important function is retracting the abdomen and reducing the waist volume, as the ribs are pulled together.

The oblique lateral abdominal muscles are also called abdominal muscles, like this...

I am sure that this anatomical information will be enough for you to have a general understanding of the functions of the lateral muscles of our trunk and their location. This is actually really important for effective training. Therefore, I propose to talk about the training itself.

How to prepare for training?

There is absolutely nothing difficult about this, you just need to try to stick to these simple tips. They help increase the effectiveness of exercise and help avoid unpleasant consequences.

  • Approximately 2 hours before class you should eat a light meal. This will give you strength and energy. But don’t forget about moderation - exercising with an overfilled stomach is harmful, it causes nausea and dizziness.
  • Intensive training should be preceded by turns, bends, jumps and running in place.
  • You shouldn’t overexert yourself; exercising 3 times a week will be enough.
  • During exercise you should feel muscle tension; if this does not happen, you need to increase the load.
  • It is not recommended to eat within an hour after class. Strong hunger at this time can be satisfied with an apple or a glass of water.

Top 14 exercises for men

Below are the most effective exercises on the lateral abdominal muscles for men. You can include some of them in your training program, combining them as you wish. In fact, all these exercises can be performed by ladies, but still they are more designed for men.

Approximate recommended number of sets of all these exercises 3-4. Approximate number of repetitions in exercises without additional weights 20-30, with weighting 10-15. There are no clear rules here and you can guide yourself by choosing the optimal number of approaches and repetitions.

1) TILTING TO THE SIDE. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your hands should be clasped behind your head. Try to bend to the sides to the maximum point. There is no need to rush or make sudden movements. You can use dumbbells to increase the load. The recommended weight of dumbbells is up to 10 kg.

ATTENTION: This weighted exercise should not be done by girls who want a narrow waist.

With constant practice, the oblique muscles become larger and this, on the contrary, increases the circumference of the waist. But for men who want to make their abs more developed and sculpted, this is what they need.

2) LATERAL TORSO RAISES. To perform this exercise, special benches can be used where you can fix your legs.

If you want to perform this exercise outside the gym, then a regular bench will do, but you still need to fix your legs somehow (let your wife sit on her legs, as an option). You need to take a position lying on your side so that your body is off the bench. Next, you can use a weighting agent.

3) LIFTING THE LEGS AND BODY. Lie down on a flat surface and place your right arm behind your head. Legs should remain straight. Simultaneously raise your torso and right knee so that your elbow right hand touch your right knee. Then change your hand and lift your left knee as you rise. In this exercise, the arm and knee are of the same name.

4) LIFTING THE CASE WITH TORSION. Take a lying position. Place both hands behind your head. Legs should be bent at the knees. Make turns at the same time as you lift your body. The right elbow should touch the left knee. Alternately change positions.

5) PULLING YOUR KNEES TO YOUR CHEST LYING ON YOUR SIDE. Lie on your side, resting on your elbow. Keep your legs straight. Do pull-ups with your knees to your chest. Your knees should not touch the floor. Change sides.

6) WEIGHTED INCLINES. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place the weight on the trapezoid. Bend to the sides as low as possible. Perform movements smoothly. Strong muscle tension will indicate the correct execution. Over time, the load can be increased, but at the same time make sure that the body remains straight and does not deviate from the vertical.

ATTENTION: Your back needs to be well-trained for this exercise, so beginners should hold off on doing it. This is more for the pros. Using heavy weights in this exercise and careless movements can lead to injury to the spinal discs.

7) TURNING WHEN TILTING WITH WEIGHTING. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with the weight still on the trapeze. Twisting your torso, bend forward and to the sides. During these techniques, point your right elbow towards your left knee. Alternately change directions.

ATTENTION: similar warning to exercise 6.

8) TURNING ON THE horizontal bar. In a hanging position, place your hands shoulder-width apart. Raise your straightened legs parallel to the floor. Try to hold them in this position and describe an arc.

Try to increase its amplitude each time.

9) SQUATS WITH A DUMBBELL. Take a dumbbell and throw it over your shoulder so that it is positioned vertically there. The elbow is at the level of the head. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Change your hand.

10) WALKING WITH A DUMBBELL (ONE-ARMED FARMER). Hold a dumbbell in one hand and squeeze your stomach tightly. Walk in this position around the house or wherever you are now.

11) SIDE PLANK. To do this, lean on your elbow, for example your right hand, and take a side plank position (torso straight). Stay in this position for as long as possible.

When you master the classic side plank, you can then lift one leg up to make the execution heavier.

12) T-ROTATIONS. Take a position as if you were about to do push-ups on your hands on the floor. Now turn your body and point one hand towards the ceiling. Standing on one hand, hold for 3 seconds. Change your hand.

13) WEIGHTED SEATED LATERAL TWIST (CORE STABILIZATION) Sit on the floor and pick up a weight (for example, some kind of pancake), stretch your arms in front of you. The legs are bent at the knees and the entire foot rests on the floor. Turn left and right. At the extreme points of the turn, linger for a couple of seconds, there will be fire.

14) “BEAR CURL.” Assume a runner's starting position. That is, place your arms outstretched on the floor, bend your legs at the knees and rest your toes on the floor.

Top 7 exercises for girls

Yes, girls have a little less exercise than boys. But in fact, nothing prevents girls from doing exercises from the boys’ list. It’s just that for girls they are simpler, some of them are taken from the practice of Pilates. Let's look at how a girl can pump up her lateral abdominal muscles at home:

To perform this, you need to sit down and lean back 45˚. The lower back should be flat. Bend your arms at the elbows and rotate intensively to the right and then to the left. This requires endurance. Or you can pick up the ball.

2) LOWERING THE LEGS TO THE SIDE OF THE LYING SIDE. Lie on the floor and spread your arms out to the sides with your palms facing the floor. Raise your legs and bend your knees 90˚. It is advisable to hold a small ball between your knees to create some distance.

Lower your legs left and right without your knees touching the floor. At the same time, the shoulder blades should not come off the floor, but the pelvis should.

3) LIFTING THE TORSO STRAIGHTLY LYING ON YOUR SIDE. Lie on your side and bend your knees slightly. Place one leg on top of the other. The hand that closer to the floor - place it on that one, and place the second one behind your head. Perform regular sit-ups straight. The oblique muscles here will work due to the position of your legs.

4) RAISING-LOWNING THE PELVIS ON THE SIDE. To perform this exercise, you need to rest your right hand on the floor and lift your pelvis until your body is straight. Left hand Place it at your waist or behind your head. Lower and lift your pelvis, using the oblique muscles.

5) "BOAT". Lie on the floor on your back. Hand along the body. At the same time, lift your legs and torso straight off the floor, as if you were trying to fold yourself in half. At the same time, you can extend your arms towards your knees. Hold this position for as long as you can. Make sure your breathing is even and don't strain your neck.

6) CRISPS ON A FITNESS BALL. Place your lower back on your favorite ball. Place one hand behind your head, straighten the other in front of you. If you have your right hand behind your head, then try to touch your left knee with your elbow. Change your hand.

7) PULLING THE KNEE TO THE ELBOW FROM THE “PLANK” POSITION. Take a plank position and simply alternately pull your knee towards your elbow. That is, for example, the right knee to the right elbow. At the same time, bend slightly at the side while performing.

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman - after every workout. If you are still able to move after your workout, take a few minutes to do this.

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Powerful abs in men and a flat stomach in women are integral elements of a good athletic figure. Their formation depends on the oblique abdominal muscles.

Thanks to them, the male figure forms the so-called “Adonis Belt” - lines converging in V-shape to the lower abdomen, and for women - a thin waist.

However, the development of the oblique abdominal muscles does not only aesthetic function. They are an important part of the core musculature that supports the spine, as well as internal organs in the correct position.

The function of the oblique abdominal muscles is to provide lateral rotation of the torso, participation in flexion and rotation of the spine and lifting of the pelvis. They play a leading role in the formation of the muscle corset necessary for correct posture.

The oblique abdominal muscles, located mainly on the sides of the torso and partly on the chest, are divided into external and internal. The largest is the external oblique muscle, below it is the internal one, which is most often invisible.

Combined, they form the largest abdominal muscle group. Now let's move on to a detailed consideration of the question of how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles at home.

Training the oblique abdominal muscles

This can also be done at home, although in the gym there are more opportunities for developing this muscle group, and there the process will go more quickly.

However, one important point should be taken into account: untrained people usually have a layer of fat above the muscles, which exercise will not affect in any way - it can only be removed with the help of a balanced diet.

In such a diet, the amount of protein should be increased and carbohydrates reduced to a minimum. Otherwise, training can have the opposite effect: due to the increase in muscle volume, the sides will become wider, because the fat has not gone away.

Most likely, at first you will not be able to perform the required number of repetitions (usually from 15 to 20, and sets - 2-3). Do your best, but still don’t overtrain your muscles.

Gradually, with each workout, increase the number of repetitions, controlling muscle work, but most importantly, focus on correct execution each exercise so that it produces the desired effect. Videos, of which there are many in this article, will help you with this.

Best ways losing weight

What exercises will help pump up the oblique abdominal muscles?

The optimal effect will be achieved by exercises that combine static tension and movements using the oblique muscles - these are mainly basic exercises: of various kinds and with rotation.

Lying lateral crunch: lie on your right side, bend your knees at a right angle, support your head by the back of your head with your left hand, place your right hand on your left side to better feel how the oblique muscles work.

As you exhale, lift your torso off the floor, pause at the top point of the lift, exhale and slowly return as you inhale to the starting position.

Repeat the steps immediately. After completing a certain number of repetitions on one side, change the position and do them for the other side.

Twist option: lying on your side, raise not your torso, but straightened legs, or both together.

Woodcutter: here a projectile is used - a medicine ball or a bag of sand. Suitable for a guy weight 5 kg, for a girl - 2. The position of the body is straight, the projectile is on outstretched arms above the left shoulder.

Tightening your abs, slowly lower them diagonally directly in front of your body to your right hip, bending your knees slightly. Immediately return to the starting position. Perform 6-8 times for each side.

Side turns: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, held in front of you, back straight. As you inhale, keeping your legs motionless, smoothly turn your body to the side. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Standing forward bends: feet shoulder-width apart, body straight, arms raised up. As you exhale, lower your body forward, slightly twisting your abs at the waist, and touch the toes of the opposite foot with your hand. Repeat for the other arm and leg.

: stand up straight, arms extended along the body. Begin a slow tilt to the right, arms sliding smoothly to your sides. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Raising the shoulder blades from a lying position: Lie on your back, place your right leg on the floor, and place your left leg on top of it. Extend your left hand perpendicular to your body with your palm up, and place your right hand under your head.

Tightening your abdominal muscles and pressing the back of your head onto your right hand, smoothly lift your chest to your left knee, without lifting your pelvis, until your shoulder blade lifts off the floor.

Smoothly return to the starting position. Switch arms and legs and perform on the other side. (This exercise has fewer repetitions - 8 in 2-3 approaches).

So, now that you know how to quickly and easily pump up your oblique abdominal muscles at home, all that remains is to wish you perseverance, perseverance and the fulfillment of your dream - a good slim figure.

All girls and men dream of having a flat stomach and a toned figure in general. To do this, you need to pump up your abs, not forgetting to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles separately. They look especially aesthetically pleasing on the male body, but also add grace to the female figure. What exercises can be used to pump up the obliques and what general functions do they perform in the body?

Anatomy and structure of the oblique abdominal muscles

To get beautiful and sculpted abdominals, you need to work hard on them by performing appropriate exercises. The anatomy of the human body is such that the lateral muscles support posture and form an attractive waist along with a broad chest.

This group consists of the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. The latter start from the lower ribs and reach the inguinal ligament. The internal oblique is located in the area of ​​the inguinal ligament and the iliac crest. It is attached to the pubic crest and lower ribs, passing over the abdominal wall. There is no point in delving into anatomy even more, but it’s better to move on to functions side press and its pumping.

The benefits of pumped oblique muscles

The oblique muscles are responsible for many movements, but the main task is to rotate the chest. This muscle group also supports physiological processes in the human body. For example, the oblique muscles help tighten the abdominal region during childbirth or bowel movements.

When the oblique abdominal muscles are well pumped, a person can easily bend his back in the lumbar region, bend to the sides and lift the pelvis forward. By doing oblique exercises, you can correct your posture, relieve excess tension from the spine, and even regulate the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract.

It is impossible not to mention that the obliques protect the internal organs in the abdominal cavity and protect the spinal column from displacement. This muscle group is also involved in the work when lifting weights, which can lead to injuries if the abs are not pumped up.

Why do you need to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles?

It is recommended to pump the transverse abdominal muscles not only for the normal functioning of the body, but also for achieving an aesthetic figure. Pumped obliques form an attractive silhouette and create a strong torso. People who perform exercises to pump up these muscles do not have unaesthetic folds hanging down their sides, and women maintain a thin and graceful waist longer.

Unfortunately, in ordinary life The abs hardly work, so you need to do exercises to pump them up. With the help of regular and proper training you can achieve the following results:

  • the torso will become stronger, slimmer and more toned;
  • in conjunction with proper nutrition sides and folds will disappear;
  • by pumping the obliques you can tighten your lower back;
  • the whole body becomes stronger and more resilient, and the posture is also corrected.

Girls need to approach the exercise correctly so as not to overdo it with pumping up the obliques, otherwise they will widen the waist and make it less pronounced.

  • When performing abdominal exercises, make sure that the internal or external oblique muscle is tense for as long as possible;
  • Do not take long pauses between repetitions;
  • the same goes for breaks between sets;
  • It is recommended to pump up obliques for girls and boys at least once a week, and preferably twice;
  • it is necessary to gradually increase the load;
  • allow your muscles to rest;
  • alternate between different exercises to shock the muscles and prevent them from getting used to the load;
  • Before training, be sure to warm up by twisting and bending your torso, as well as warming up on an exercise bike or treadmill.

Where to start training the oblique abdominal muscles: exercises for beginners

If you are not physically fit or have never done oblique exercises, we recommend starting with simple movements. Try to perform each of them at least 12-15 repetitions and in 3-4 approaches.

Side plank

A simple exercise suitable for home use. To do this, lie on the floor on one side, place your legs one on top of the other and rest on your elbow. Lift your pelvis so that your body is straightened from your heels to your head. Hold this position for as long as possible, then relax and switch sides.

Standing body rotation

Place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart and spread your arms out to the sides (you can take small dumbbells). Start turning your body in different directions, maintaining your posture, and gradually speed up.

Side crunches

Starting position: lying on the floor, hands clasped behind the neck, knees bent at a right angle. Start twisting, lifting your torso off the floor. Aim to touch your right elbow to your opposite knee, and vice versa. Alternately perform movements in one direction and the other. Do everything slowly and smoothly so that your abs are constantly tense.

Side bends

There is a more advanced version of the exercise with weights, but beginners should start with a simplified technique. Get down on your knees, cross your arms behind your neck and bend, trying to stretch your elbows as far down as possible towards the floor. If the exercise seems too easy, do it standing, holding a dumbbell in one hand and doing the same pendulum movements.

Exercises for experienced athletes

Let's now find out how to pump up the oblique muscles for people with the best physical fitness, for whom the above movements will seem too easy and ineffective.

Side crunches

Lie on one side with your lower arm extended forward and your legs extended or bent at the knees. With the hand that remains on top, lightly support your head. Reach your extended elbow toward your legs, contracting your obliques. At first, the exercise will seem uncomfortable, and you will perform it a little awkwardly, but gradually you will get used to it.

Swing your legs

Simple side crunches are quite simple, but you can make it more difficult. Lying on your back, straighten your legs, spread your arms to the sides and rest your palms on the floor. Raise your legs and begin to move them in a circular motion from left to right and back, as if drawing a semicircle.

Crunches on a fitball

A more complicated version of crunches involves the use of a fitball. The main advantage of the exercise is the increased amplitude due to the reverse bending of the body on the gymnastic ball. You need to lean the side of your torso (around the waist) on the fitball, and rest your feet against the wall. Place your hands behind your head and begin to perform the exercise, similar to side crunches.

"Lumberjack" on the block

This exercise requires a block machine, which should be in every gym. Grasp the handle with both hands and make a diagonal movement from top to bottom, as if you were chopping wood with an ax. In this case, you need to turn your torso in the direction of the swing and bend your knees. We recommend watching the video to understand everything clearly.

Lateral leg raises on the horizontal bar

While hanging on the bar, begin to raise your legs straight or bent at the knees, but not straight in front of you, but with a turn. For example, if your legs are bent, try to reach your right buttock with your right heel, and then perform the movement in the opposite direction. With straightened legs, the exercise is more difficult, but the principle is the same.

The desire to have a beautiful torso is completely justified. But any toned figure starts with a narrow waist and flat stomach. Therefore, many begin their first workouts with huge loads for the abdominal muscles. This approach will not help to make your waist narrow, since for this you need to work out much more abdominal muscles with exercises. One of the main places in the formation of the muscular frame is played by the lateral muscles. But how to pump up your side abs at home to get a thin waist in the shortest possible time?

It is necessary to understand that the amount of load should be normal on the abdominal and side muscles. Trying too hard can cause this area to grow. And if for men this indicator is not so important, then women and girls clearly do not need such a result after intensive abdominal exercises. Therefore, you should look for the optimal balance of load levels on various muscle groups, focusing on the result you want to achieve. The lateral press is very difficult to work out with exercises, and therefore the first volumes of loads should be determined only with the participation of a trainer. He will also ensure that each movement is performed correctly.

The basis of all lateral exercises performed in a vertical position is bending. They need to be performed by calculating and controlling every movement. Accordingly, tension is felt only in this area.

The oblique abdominal muscles require a special approach and careful execution of movements. This is the key to properly structured training. If you choose a training complex taking into account your own physiology, the results will not keep you waiting. Here are the basic side press exercises.

Exercise No. 1

IP exercises for lateral press: stand straight and as stable as possible. Place your hands behind your head, feet shoulder-width apart. If classes are carried out without dumbbells, then first bend to the right from this position. Then the same number of tilts to the left is made. The body should not lean forward or backward when moving. In this case, there should also be no painful sensations - only tension in the sides.

Exercise No. 2

IP exercises for the lateral press: as in the previous exercise, but the dumbbell is taken in the right hand, and the left one is placed on the back of the head, and bends to the right are performed. Dumbbell at head level. After performing a certain number of times, transfer the dumbbell to another hand and continue the workout. During the execution, pain should not be present in the lateral abdominal muscles. By the way, with dumbbells with insignificant weight there will be no pumping of the waist. This will only slightly increase the load.

Exercise No. 3

IP exercises for the lateral press: as in the previous exercises. Place your arms at shoulder level, extended forward. Bend your body forward, while trying to touch the toe of your left foot with your right hand, and then return to the IP position. Then bend over and touch the toe of your right foot with your left hand. This exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

Exercises No. 4

To work through bottom part oblique muscles, you can perform leg swings. IP exercises for the lateral press: stand with your right side to a support point (for example, the back of a chair or wall bars). Rest your right hand on it. After this, begin to raise your left leg to the side. In this case, it is necessary to control the amplitude of movement so that the limb does not deviate when performing exercises on the lateral abdominal muscles at home, neither forward nor backward.

Important! If it is not possible to exercise in the gym, then you can do a set of exercises at home, in front of a mirror, which will allow you to see how accurately you follow the recommendations.

This is enough simple moves for the side press, which should be performed as carefully as possible so that the load goes directly to the sides. Therefore, it is better to conduct the first training with a specialist.

Exercises from a horizontal position

A set of exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles (laterals) is also considered very effective. When performed correctly, it removes the load from most of the body, while during the movement, when performed correctly, the main share of the load falls on the trained areas - the lateral abdominal muscles.

Exercise No. 1

IP exercises for the lateral press: lying on your back, arms extended forward, legs bent at the knees. Twists are performed. Stretch your arms alternately to the left and then to the right, lifting your body slightly above the ground using the force of your abdominal and lateral muscles.

Exercise No. 2

Reverse crunches for side press. Place your hands on the floor in line with your shoulders. During the exercise, the shoulder girdle is positioned motionless, without lifting off the surface. The legs are bent at the knees at a right angle and raised above the floor with the abdominal muscles tense. You begin to perform the exercise: lower your legs alternately to the right and then to the left, trying to press your thigh to the floor on one side or the other. Movements should be smooth and measured, and the load mainly falls on the oblique muscles of the abs and sides.

Exercise No. 3

Another type of crunch for the side press. IP: lying on your back, stretch your arms along the sides of the body and raise them above the floor. Lift your shoulders off the surface so that your abdominal muscles tighten. The legs are bent at the knees and the heels are as close to the buttocks as possible. Now try, by swinging your body to the right to the left, to touch your palms inside ankles alternately (pendulum movements).

Exercise #4

IP exercises for the lateral press: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. When raising your body, you should try to alternately touch the left knee with the elbow of your right hand, and the right knee with your left elbow. Only the body rises, while the legs remain in their original position.

Exercise #5

IP exercises for the lateral press: lying on your side, lean as firmly as possible on the elbow joint of one hand and support the palm of the other in front of the chest. From this position, as smoothly and slowly as possible, try to raise both legs above the floor at once as much as possible. This must be done using the force of the lateral abdominal muscles. After several repetitions, change sides.

Important! During your first workouts, you should not overload your body. Otherwise, you won’t be able to study next time, which will lead to disruption of your study schedule. It is better to increase the loads gradually, and at first do it without weights.

As you can see, horizontal exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles are based on twisting the body. This is one of the best natural movements for the human body, which, when performed regularly, gives best results. How to properly pump up the side press at home can be answered in special video lessons suitable for both men and women.

Exercises while sitting and using a horizontal bar

From a sitting position you can also pump up your sides and abs. To do this, you should position yourself on the very edge of the seat so that your feet are on the floor, fixing the lower half of your body. IP: put your hands behind your head while sitting on the edge of a chair. Rotate your body left and right, while straining your oblique abdominal muscles. Remember that your feet must be completely flat on the floor. Also include the lateral abdominal muscles in the work. Despite its simplicity, this exercise gives an excellent effect.

Remember! It’s not a big deal if you get tired quickly during your first workouts. Weakened muscles develop gradually, and therefore this condition can only be overcome with perseverance and regular exercise.