Production line for jam. Types of jams, preserves and preserves. Jam production technology

Healthy eating it gradually becomes impossible fashion trend, but an important need. The preference for natural homemade products is quite capable of bringing the production of jams and preserves to the level of popular and.

Who will provide the demand?

There are many similar industries today, and the economic crisis is seriously pressing with high utility tariffs. However, even in conditions of a large supply and an expensive product, there are still consumers who are ready to purchase canned sweets. Here is a sample list of them:

  • city ​​dwellers;
  • large and small confectionery shops;
  • manufacturers of bakery products;
  • restaurateurs, cafe owners who prepare desserts in their kitchen;
  • private kindergartens and other children's institutions that provide meals;
  • grocery supermarkets;
  • stores specializing in the sale of eco-products.

Who is the “sweet” business suitable for?

There is no point in thinking about large production complexes right away. It is advisable to open small workshops or home production. This form helps you gradually improve your skills as a businessman and establish contacts with suppliers and consumers.

Jam production as a business is suitable for:

  • Culinary enthusiasts - lovers of gourmet and unusual recipes. Despite the saturation of the market, consumers love to try something new and unusual. Orange jam with lavender, candied ginger, elderflower jam - so unusual and delicious options desserts will decorate any table. Even the price won't scare you.
  • For housewives who love to collect grandmother's recipes and improve them, adding a special charm to ancient traditions. Of course, you will have to work a lot, but home kitchen will turn into a small workshop.
  • For summer residents who have a serious surplus of garden and berry crops on their plot. Home production will allow you to turn a loss into income. Even after selling the products to loved ones or turning them into gifts (and saving on purchases), it already makes sense to think about starting work. If you like the business, a kind of network of buyers will arise, which will expand itself.
  • Rural residents for whom the area allows them to grow a sufficient amount of raw materials or purchase them cheaply from their neighbors. Such products will be low cost and will easily withstand competition in the market.
  • Enterprising people who know cooks and gardeners. The work can be done by hired workers, but in this case, in order to be profitable, the production of jam or preserves must be carried out at least in a small workshop.


Not difficult. The tax authorities will take 3 days to complete the registration, equal to 800 rubles.

It is more difficult regarding the recognition of product quality. When distributing desserts among friends, you can rely on your reputation as a scrupulous housewife, but reaching any consumer from the outside will require official guarantees quality. For products to be competitive, certification is required.

The quality of desserts must be assessed according to GOSTs R 53118-2008 and 32099-2013 (jam and marmalade, respectively) by Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, the entire production technology must be documented and agreed upon, an operational conclusion, a conclusion on the final product and a manufacturer’s declaration must be obtained. The validity period of this package of papers is 3-5 years, then you will have to go through the whole process again.

Material base

For home production, a spacious kitchen with an area of ​​20 square meters is suitable. m. In this regard, houses in rural areas, where the premises are usually large, benefit.

The workshop will occupy an area of ​​200 sq. m., since it requires much more technical devices. You can rent a room in a basement or warehouse. The main condition is the presence of communications and the absence of harmful substances.

How to equip production

Preserves and jams should be selected carefully as it significantly affects the quality of the final product. Need to purchase:

  • intermediate bunkers;
  • refrigeration and freezing units;
  • lines for preliminary preparation raw materials and production;
  • washing baths, sterilizers, washers, rinsers;
  • machines for filling, seaming, labeling;
  • scales, containers and other additional equipment.

The room must be equipped with a powerful ventilation system.

How to start production with minimal costs

To launch a workshop with a daily production output of 1200 kg, it is necessary to spend an average of about 1.6-1.7 million rubles just for the initial launch. At the same time, monthly rent, government fees, purchase of raw materials, payment utilities And wages employees need to be prepared to spend another 250-300 thousand rubles; and this is subject to successful purchases of raw materials from the manufacturer with delivery at his expense.

home kitchen

If such tools are not yet available, it is easier to start production at home. There is no need to pay rent, but the cutting table and gas stove there will be. Communal payments cheaper for citizens than for individual entrepreneurs.

The production of homemade jam or marmalade will require the purchase of containers, equipment for sterilization, capping, and, if necessary, a bath for washing raw materials. The only expensive purchase may be large refrigerator With freezer– 15,000 rub.

Raw materials

You can also save significantly on raw materials. A picnic in the forest with the whole family will help you stock up on the necessary berries and herbs. Nuts, apples, cones and young shoots of pine, rose hips, elderberries, dogwoods, blackberries, strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries - all these are forest trophies. But the cost of ready-made delicacies is high.

At industrial production In order to reduce costs, artificial colors, flavors and thickeners are often added to preserves and jams. Modern consumers have begun to think about this and often prefer natural, healthy treats. In addition, high-quality jams and marmalade are often required to make delicious baked goods. So, we have a demand for the product, so let's look at the production of jams and preserves as an idea for building a business.

Home production

There are several options for starting a jam production business - from working at home to organizing a mini-factory. Let's start with home brewing. You don’t need any specialized equipment for the production of preserves and jams, except that you will have to buy a larger pan. The main expenses will be spent on the purchase of berries, fruits, sugar, and packaging. The only difficulty you will face in this business is finding a market.

To begin with, it makes sense to offer jam to your friends and colleagues. Word of mouth has not been canceled, and it often gives good results. Also good option will give its products for sale in grocery stores or points on the market. You don’t even have to try to enter large chains, and especially hypermarkets, with your goods. Firstly, you will be asked for all necessary documentation and certificates, secondly, will require large quantities of goods that are impossible to produce at home, and thirdly, in retail networks a complex system listing and retrobonuses, which will not leave a profit for the small enterprise.

If you take up the production of jam, do not bypass various exhibitions and festivals. At them, visitors will be able to taste the product and buy a jar or two. You might even find regular customers there.

Special item

You can increase profitability by offering customers an exclusive product. This could be the production of homemade jam, for example, with herbs or spices, jam from rose petals or dandelions.

You can find some old recipes and try to cook sweet goods according to them. An exclusive product will also require proper packaging. These could be some small pots or labels, stylized as antique ones.

Since the price for special jam will increase significantly, it is better to sell it in small containers - people will be more willing to buy it. In addition, to the already mentioned methods of market promotion, it will be necessary to add online sales. To do this, you will need your own website with high-quality, attractive photographs and a pleasant, unobtrusive description of all the advantages of the product. Promotion through special groups on social networks also gives results. If jam sales grow, you can open a small factory. The business, of course, will have to be officially registered.

Example from life

For example, you can go to the website of the company producing jam “Ekosbor”. They position themselves as a company engaged in the production of sweets from highly environmentally friendly raw materials collected near the reserve. The design emphasizes the authenticity of the product. You can come up with something of your own, the main thing is to emphasize the uniqueness of your own product.

Organization of a mini-factory

Jam production as a business can be implemented in another format - by organizing a mini-factory. Before creating this type of business, you need to decide in advance on the sales market, survey nearby bakeries and confectionery shops about who supplies them with preserves and jams for baking, whether they are satisfied with their suppliers, whether they would like to change them, how much they are willing to pay per kilogram of jam or jam, how much jam do they buy per month? If the market situation is favorable, you can start.

First you need to find suitable premises. It must have all communications: electricity, water, sewerage, equipped good system hoods. The area required for production is, depending on the equipment chosen, from 100 to 200 square meters. If necessary, the premises will need to be redecorated.

Production Line

Next, we purchase equipment for the production of jam. Depending on the capacity, the production line will cost you from 160 thousand rubles to 1.5 million (for a line with a capacity of more than 1 ton finished products per day) and higher.

You will need:

  • Washing facilities and intermediate bins.
  • Fruit pre-processing line.
  • Mini installations for production.
  • Packaging machine.
  • Seaming and packaging machine.
  • Freezers for storing raw materials.

Minimum required personnel: two sorters, two culinary specialists and one technologist. All employees must have medical records.

Don't forget about the small freight car for the delivery of raw materials and finished products.


From the legal side, you will be required to:

  • Register entrepreneurial activity(it will be most convenient to form an LLC).
  • Obtain a conclusion from the SES and fire inspection for the premises.
  • Obtain a conclusion from the SES that the equipment meets the production requirements food products.
  • Draw up a document on the manufacturing technology of the product - technical specifications(TU), with subsequent approval.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 N 982, jam is not subject to mandatory certification; a declaration of conformity from the manufacturer itself is sufficient. The production of jam must comply with the standard “GOST R 53118-2008 Jam. General technical conditions".

After the decision organizational issues all you have to do is find wholesale suppliers of raw materials and containers, order labels and start production. The easiest way to make purchases is at wholesale stores. As soon as you receive the first shipments of goods, you can begin to enter into contracts with customers. Do not try to sell the product at the maximum price: it is much more important to build mutually beneficial long-term relationships with customers.

Mistake in a million - jam production went wrong: Video

The period of craze for candy bars and factory-made cookies seems to be over. People increasingly remember with affection their grandmother’s jam and are happy to open a jar of cherry or apricot. In the West, the growth of consumer interest in products prepared according to home recipes began earlier. Many entrepreneurs have managed to make a good fortune from environmentally friendly products.

A few decades ago, homemade jam was in every home. Our mothers and grandmothers prepared strategic reserves of their favorite cherry, apricot and strawberry delicacies for their households. We were treated for colds with raspberry, and exotic jam from walnuts saved for special occasions.

Then sweets appeared on store shelves, which diverted our attention from homemade preparations, and more and more often there is not enough time for canning.

In the West, entrepreneurs have long noticed an increase in consumer interest in jam prepared according to home recipes. Some businessmen managed to make a fortune out of their passion for environmentally friendly clean products good condition. This market segment is still underdeveloped in our country, so we consider entering it promising. In addition to producing jam in jars, you can arrange supplies of your products to enterprises engaged in baking buns and filled pies, confectionery factories, Catering etc. Large manufacturers often resort to the use of artificial preservatives and dyes, so sweets without foreign substances are in constant demand.

Selection of production premises

For small production, an area of ​​about 200 square meters is sufficient. m. You can rent a room in which chemicals and toxic substances were not stored. Required condition– availability of hood, water supply, sewerage, electricity. If you can't find a location specifically designed for food production, you'll need to make renovations to ensure your facility meets sanitary standards.

Renting such premises in Moscow costs about 1,300,000 rubles. in year.


You won't be able to make jam in large quantities without special equipment. Be sure to purchase:

  • Intermediate bunkers – RUB 25,000.
  • Small production plant– 50,000 rub.
  • Conveyor line – RUB 35,000.
  • Fruit preparation line – RUB 21,000.
  • Filling machine – RUB 14,000.
  • Equipment for seaming and packaging – RUB 15,000.

Total: 160,000 rub. + payment for installation work.


It is advisable to hire people with experience in the food industry. The reputation of your enterprise will depend on the qualifications of the technologist and the accuracy of the staff’s performance of their duties. For a small workshop, the following staff of workers is sufficient:

  • Sorter-selectors - 2 people (15,000 rubles x 2 = 30,000 rubles).
  • Culinary workers preparing jam - 2 people (16,000 x 2 = 32,000 rubles).
  • Technologist – 1 person (RUB 42,000).

Payroll per year – 1,248,000 rubles. excluding vacation pay.

Technological process

  1. Fruits and berries enter the conveyor belt, where unsuitable raw materials are selected.
  2. At the next stage, the raw materials are washed and cleaned.
  3. The fruits are crushed.
  4. The crushed raw materials enter the boiling container. The process can be compared to cooking food in a pressure cooker - in a hermetically sealed container, the nutrients are preserved as much as possible.
  5. In one cycle, up to 300 kg of fruit can be processed; the cooking time depends on the type of raw material.
  6. The finished jam is cooled and packaged in containers.
  7. Jars of jam are packed into boxes and delivered to the warehouse.

Sales and payback

Natural and does not stagnate on store shelves, bakeries and confectionery shops also constantly purchase fillings for their products. In order for the sales channel to operate without interruptions, it is necessary to find solvent customers and conclude agreements for the supply of products. With increasing sales, production volumes can be increased and more profits can be made. Given its low cost and price, jam is in constant demand, which allows us to hope for good prospects for this business.

The investment will pay off as quickly as your sales are successful. The total investment for starting a business is about 3,000,000 rubles. Net profit from one sale is on average 30,000 rubles, profit for a week is 90,000 rubles, for a month is 360,000 rubles. Simple calculations show that in a year of uninterrupted operation an enterprise can earn 4,300,000 rubles, however, it must be taken into account that the demand for jam falls in summer and autumn. Net profit after deducting investments, staff salaries, taxes and other payments will be approximately 1,400,000 rubles.

After 24-26 months, the investment should pay off.

Any housewife can set up a mini business for the home production of jam products. A home mini line for the production of jam, marmalade and confiture includes equipment that is affordable for everyone who receives at least some income. A good microwave oven and a seaming wrench are all that your mini plant will be equipped with. The main equipment at home production There will be a microwave oven for desserts. Here it performs two functions: sterilization and the process of making jam. Today everyone has the opportunity to buy frozen fruits and berries at any time of the year. You can even buy exotic berries and tropical fruits. Therefore, there will be no problems with the supply of products for processing using the equipment. The price of frozen strawberries is $2 per kilogram. Sugar is cheaper to buy in bags, especially since it will be used up very quickly. The cost of a bag of sugar is $44, that is, $0.88/kg. It’s cheaper to buy containers in bulk - it’s quite affordable. Minimum order glass jars 0.5l. with the “twist” type of closure starts from 2000 pieces, the price is $340 per set, that is, $0.17 per jar. A twist-type lid for a jar will cost 0.04 per piece. From a kilogram of strawberries and a kilogram of sugar we get 3 jars of strawberry dessert with a capacity of 0.5 liters each. The retail price in stores for one half-liter jar of strawberry jam is $1.5. The benefit is obvious. We spent on recyclable products: $2 + $0.88 = $2.88. We spent on packaging: ($0.17 + $0.04) X 3 = $0.63. The total expenses were: 3.51. And we earned $4.5 from selling three jars at $1.5 each. Total: $4.5 - $3.51 = $0.99 net profit. In one day, it is quite possible for one person to prepare 120 half-liter jars. Of course, the prices given in the calculations change under the conditions of the summer and winter seasons. Prices for strawberries and jam in summer are significantly lower than in winter. You can make money from this additional income. The guaranteed shelf life of the jam is 24 months. When making jam in the summer, it is wise to make a small deposit for winter sales. In this way you can get double net profit. Try to repeat Fraser Doherty's success. Even during his school years, he was involved in the home production of fruit desserts. He built a whole business producing jams based on his grandmother’s recipes. Fraser Doherty founded the company SuperJam at the age of 14, and at the age of 16, he had already earned his first million. At first he sold his neighbors 12 jars a week. And then I cooked up to 1000 cans a week in my parents’ home kitchen.

We equip a mini production line at home

You can make jam using different kitchen equipment. List of suitable equipment for home jam production:

  • multicooker;
  • bread machine;
  • microwave.

Modern multicookers and bread makers support the “jam” function. You simply add all the necessary components and set the appropriate mode settings. The equipment comes with a recipe book that includes jams. Perhaps the most complex jam recipes cannot be easily prepared in microwave oven. But you need to start simple and to start a business it is rational to start production using a microwave oven. The reasons for the rationality of choice are as follows:

  1. The ratio of price and volume of production.
  2. Possibility to sterilize jars for subsequent preservation of finished products.

When home production begins to generate income, it is quite rational to think about purchasing additional equipment for modernization production line. Then it’s better, of course, to purchase a multicooker for production complex recipes. But if you already have a bread machine with suitable functions, great, it will fit harmoniously into the production cycle. Making jam in the microwave is very convenient and quick. Now you don’t need to constantly monitor, stir and worry that the jam will burn. First, let's return to strawberry jam. Place the strawberries (even when frozen) in a microwave-safe bowl. For the berries, you need to squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and put the peel directly into the bowl. Place in the microwave for 5-6 minutes at 800 watts. Add sugar to the hot strawberries, mix well and put in the microwave for 20-25 minutes. The jam will thicken and become completely cooked. Remove the lemon peel from the finished jam. You are using home equipment. For now, you have not industrial, but home production of dessert products. You should produce a wide variety rather than a large stock of fruit desserts. A wide range of products can significantly increase jam sales. Try making unconventional, exotic jams. Experiment and mix up your own recipe that will be unrivaled. Let's try to simply prepare quite complex orange jam in the microwave. We thoroughly wash the fruits from wax and place them in water for 5-10 minutes to remove unnecessary substances that are used to treat fruits. Using a fine grater, remove the zest (thin orange layer of peel) from three oranges and two lemons. Then we squeeze the juice out of the fruit, without throwing away the peel. We need pectin from the peel. Pour the juice into glassware, and wrap the peel with gauze cloth and lower it into a bowl of juice. Cook for 20-25 minutes at 800 watts. until the peel becomes completely soft. Then we take out the peel and squeeze out the remaining pectin from it. Then add sugar and cook for another 12-15 minutes until the product thickens. Ready-made jam is best served with pancakes with sour cream.

Launch of equipment for home jam production

Jam, marmalade and confiture can be prepared very quickly in the microwave. The main requirements for home business equipment are price, quality and performance. Therefore, it is better to choose a large microwave oven. For $620 you can purchase a Panasonic NN-CD997SZPE microwave oven with 42 liters of internal space. Besides this model equipment supports convection mode. The microwave oven is very convenient and high-quality sterilization of canning jars. Before sterilizing, carefully inspect the glass on the jars. Due to the slightest crack or just a chip, the jar will burst in the microwave. You need to wash the container well with baking soda and running water. Then pour water into the jars to a level of 1 cm. and place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at 700-800 watts. When the water boils, the jar is sterilized with steam. The more dishes in the microwave oven, the longer the sterilization time. The main advantages of sterilization in the microwave: fast, high quality and not expensive. Another plus is checking the cans for integrity. A jar that has a crack or chip will burst in the oven before preservation. So on early stage production, potential product defects can be identified. Jam jars that have cracks are likely to ferment and soon burst. A three-liter jar can be placed on its side. Lids, of course, cannot be sterilized in the microwave, so they cannot be placed in the oven metal objects. Use traditional equipment to sterilize caps. When you cook jams in the microwave, you sterilize not only the jars, but also the berries and fruit during the cooking process. Just like in industrial production. Buying a capping key for twist-off cans is not a problem at all. Price good key 3$.

Recipe and technological composition of canned fruit desserts

Before you start a home business, you should research it well. Using this technology you can produce preserves, marmalade, and marmalade. It is important to have a good understanding of the recipe in order to properly set up the equipment during the home production process. Let's consider the profile of the technological composition of canned fruit desserts. Jam– this healthy dessert dish is made from fruits or berries, which are boiled in concentrated sweet syrup. Jam can only be made from one type of fruit. All fruits in the jam must be entirely preserved in their shape and well soaked in syrup. The color and aroma of the fruit berries should be preserved. Properly prepared jam retains up to 50% of vitamin C in fruits, and vitamin P – up to 90%. Long-term storage of jam is achieved due to the high sugar content (up to 65%). All bacteria that cause spoilage of fruits and berries cannot exist in such conditions. For this reason, if you do not add enough sugar to the jam, it may ferment or become moldy during storage. These processes also threaten the jam if the containers for bottling the product are not sterilized. Another reason is damp, unventilated, damp storage conditions. Jam– has significant differences from jam. When preparing jam, berries and fruits should be beaten and completely boiled to a homogeneous, thick jelly-like mass. Different types of fruits and berries can be mixed into jam. You can combine to create your own different recipes. Sometimes you get the divine taste of a fruit dessert that seems to be incompatible fruits. For example: pumpkin, dried apricots and lemon. Jam is made from ripe or slightly unripe berries and fruits. Overripe fruits contain little pectin (Pectin is a large group of carbons, found in all plants, designed to support the firmness and elasticity of tissues), which is why the jam will not gel. Sweets made from berries, fruits or vegetables cooked in sugar are called confiture. When preparing confitures, all components are finely chopped and boiled in sugar, molasses or honey. Important Feature The point is that before preparing the confiture, all the fruits are left to sit for several hours until the juice is released. Due to instant cooking The confiture retains the natural color of all the components from which it is prepared.

Production of homemade wine from defective products

If some types of jam did not sell well and the jars sat for more than 24 months? What if you have a defective product and some jars of jam or marmalade have fermented? Don't rush to throw them away. You can make excellent homemade wine from old or fermented jam. The main thing is that the jam is mold-free! The recipe is simple and does not require special skills. You will need the following ingredients:

Heat the water and add jam to it while stirring. Then add raisins and sugar. On the surface of raisins there are many wine bacteria necessary for high-quality fermentation. This cocktail must be poured into a glass container filled 2/3 full. Then you should close it with a special lid with a fitting, to which a tube is connected at one end, and the other end of the tube is lowered into a glass of water. This entire structure must be left for several weeks in a warm place for fermentation. When the wine ferments, the glass of water will stop gurgling. It's time to strain through a triple layer of gauze and add half a glass of sugar. Then close the wine tightly with a lid and leave to settle for 2 months in a dark and cool place. After 2 months, the wine is ready to serve. Do not use moldy products for wine - it is dangerous! Thus, it is possible to reinsure a significant part of unforeseen expenses.

Home production gives rise to industrial business

Most likely, you already have everything in your kitchen to turn your culinary talents into a stable income. Try making one jar of jam for yourself and sell the other to your friends, even your neighbors. Then draw the right conclusions and act, expanding the circle of consumers and the range of products produced. sold his own products and proved that nave millionaires are born. Now SuperJam brand products can be found in all TESCO supermarkets. But even if you don’t manage to earn a million, as Fraser did, the additional income will still not be superfluous. The business idea is based on a concept that works effectively. And with the help of unique recipes you can compete with any major manufacturer. Believe in the product you produce and sell and you will achieve business success. Your product is healthy, tasty and can become unique. There are not many business ideas that start working with minimal investment. In addition, all such ideas are usually resistant to financial crises.

They are not very widespread and popular in our country, due to the complete absence of such projects or their small number on the market. This type of project includes the business of preparing and selling homemade jam. It does not require huge investments and unique knowledge in the field of cooking. On initial stage Jam can also be made at home.

If we turn to the practice of implementing such events, we should pay attention to the USA, where purchasing jams and preserves from private households is the norm; there is also an Internet resource where masterpieces of homemade sweets are presented.

It is absolutely certain that in our country there are people who, for certain reasons, do not have the opportunity to prepare such a delicacy on their own, but they would love to taste homemade jam with aromatic tea in a cozy home environment.

There are several options for purchasing the main ingredients, namely berries and fruits. You can farm on your own, or you can buy everything at the market. At the same time, it is always worth remembering that fresh berries are not able to retain their original properties for a long time, and therefore, by visiting the market in the late afternoon, there is a chance to buy everything you need in bulk and at a bargain price. Berries that have yielded juice and have lost their presentation are clearly not suitable for the next day of sale, but for jam these are the best raw materials. It is worth noting such an advantage of jam as its long term storage, which is more than profitable for sale.

A jam production business can be elevated to the rank of highly profitable if you think through ways to purchase both inexpensive raw materials and wholesale purchases of containers at the highest possible price. low prices. If we compare the sale of homemade jam and homemade honey, then by drawing a parallel we can come to the conclusion that such a project will be appreciated by a considerable number of grateful clients within a year. And if there is demand, then satisfying it will allow you to get the long-awaited profit.

If you successfully produce and sell homemade jam, you can rent a small workshop and open not a home business, but a serious business. In this case, you will need additional pieces of equipment, dishes, various containers and seaming machines. Hiring employees to carry out the entire process will increase production volumes, and over time, an organized fruit and berry garden will reduce the cost of finished products, thereby increasing profits.

The most important thing in this business is to find ways to sell homemade jam. The first step is to get your own online store, or, as a last resort, offer your product on various trading platforms and in in social networks on the Internet, thereby advertising it and attracting an interested public.

It would also not hurt to participate in thematic exhibitions and sales, for example, dedicated to the gifts of autumn or the products of small private farms. All this will certainly allow you to acquire your own circle of buyers.

In order to potential clients learned about homemade jam offered for sale, you should not stop publishing advertisements in print media, distributing booklets or business cards in public places, and another driving advertising force will be “word of mouth”, which could be organized by relatives and friends.

At the right approach to issues of the taste of jam, product advertising and sales, such a business can bring good income, despite the fact that the threshold financial investments at its initial stage it is extremely small; the business of making homemade jam is often classified as a business from scratch.