Walkthrough of Tomb Raider. Guide and walkthrough for "Tomb Raider III: Adventures Of Lara Croft" Tom Rider 3 walkthrough

TR3: Complete Walkthrough

Lara Croft's house - secrets

Having appeared in the house, we immediately turn left, use the button to open the door - there are candles behind it. We go out into the main hall, run along the second floor to the door, next to it is the button that opens it. Behind the door we go up the stairs to the attic. There is a box there, you need to move it forward twice. We return to the main hall, left to the library. In the right cabinet you can see a book half pulled out - this is a lever. Turning it will extinguish the fire in the fireplace (for a short time). There is a wall with holes in the fireplace, we climb along it, on the wooden floor we move a box, there are candles under it. We move the other box aside, thereby opening the passage to the attic. And now the most difficult (not very difficult): by pressing the lever on the wall, you need to very quickly return through the open passage in the attic to the main hall, it is advisable to use acceleration (key / while running), there will be an open door in the main hall (it is shown after pressing the lever ). Having entered this door, maybe not the first time, but once we enter, we run along the corridor. We went out to a large swimming pool - we move the box and climb up from it. We jump into the pool and swim around the perimeter near the glass, you will soon notice the key. We take it and return back to the main hall. Now we follow the first floor through the training area to the pool, there is a button behind the “springboard”, it will open another door in the main hall. There is a lever behind the door, it opens the door opposite very a short time. To get into it in time, the easiest way is to do the following: after pressing the lever, immediately belay (the “END” key), run with acceleration when you hit the half-closed door - belay again. And here we are in the room. There is absolutely nothing useful in it :). But there is a collection of artifacts from previous parts of the games. Next we leave the house into the yard, to the left behind the horse there is a gate with a keyhole, it opens with the key from the pool. Here you can ride a small bouncy buggy. You can also go through an obstacle course near the house, shoot at targets and at the servant, but probably everyone knows that.

The secrets don't end there. There is still the opportunity to get onto the roof of the house. You can do this like this: we go through the usual training to the platform with the bungee, but we don’t go down it, but we go to the edge and to the right (you can walk slowly by holding down the Shift key) and turn 45 degrees to the right. Now you need to jump. Maybe not the first time, but you will find yourself on a higher platform. Now we jump onto the platform nearby, and from it, running (!), towards the house - at the intersection - there is only one there, and do not press Ctrl! Once on the roof (see screenshot 1), you gain complete control over the situation - from it you can see all the locations around the house, for example, a park (see screenshot 2) or a racing track (see screenshot 3).

Now let's get started with the game itself!

India: Jungle

We go to the left, jump down a little, and jump back towards the place where the level began, there is a gun and two clips for an ultrasound (secret No. 1). (If you collect all 59 (60) secrets in the game, the secret level will be available - All Hallows) Now we slide down the slope, jumping over the spikes and generally going to the left, where the platform is. Once on it, we go a little further so that the rolling stone does not crush us, then we collect ammunition. We jump over the tree (you need to jump, deviating to the left) and select cartridges for the gun and a crystal (secret No. 2). When we went down, go left, take the green crystal, jump over to the wall with waterfalls, - cartridges for a grenade launcher, a gun and a candle (secret No. 3). Then we go back to the passage through the bog, we came out into a clearing - there will be a monkey there, and we go into the passage disguised by leaves. We press the lever, jump into the water (there is a very strong current there) and there will be a tunnel under the water in the right wall, along it we swim to the surface and go out back to the clearing, run to the grate - it will immediately close behind us. After pressing the lever in this room, the spikes will move towards us, so we immediately jump into the niche opposite. In general, here and further I recommend using this technique - press the lever, then immediately press the End key (roll) and jump forward. Also, do not forget about the possibility of running with acceleration (while running /). Having moved, the spikes will open a passage in the wall - we go down the cable car to the other side. It will be shallow on the left, jump there. In the passage(!), when we activate the lever, you will need to dodge the rolling stone; the easiest way is to run forward and to the left. We go to the place where the stone rolled down, lower another lever and kill two tigers. Coming out into a clearing with fog, we collect various cartridges and kill another predator. We go further along the tree trunk, which is empty inside, because there is ammunition there (secret No. 4). Having taken the secret, we carefully jump down and go into the darkness, slowly pass through the thorns and climb out to the top. We are again in a clearing with fog. We repeat the previous part of our path, but now, having jumped from the fallen tree, we go forward into the passage. At the place where the spikes begin, we turn around and jump up. We take the crystal, jump onto the ledge and run to the next one, take the first aid kit. We move along the crack in the wall to the other side, climb up, go to dark corridor and at the end of it we activate the lever. When you go back along the corridor, a stone will roll behind you - it is better to run with acceleration. We return back to the end of the corridor - there is a gap at the top left, in it there is a rocket and harpoons (secret No. 5). We return down to the stakes (where we jumped after the secret in the fallen tree) and go through the opened gate. On the left you will notice a curtain of leaves, after running in front of which two stones will roll out. The third one is waiting for us behind it, so be careful. There is a hole behind the curtain; you can carefully go down into it and take (secret No. 6) - ammunition. Then we go to the river, run along its current and jump into the water - there is a tunnel. After swimming along it, we climb out onto the platform and lower the levers to the left and right, jump on the other side of the platform into the water, and swim further. Having reached the platform in the center of the next room, we do the following: go to the open door, press the lever there, then go to the closed door - on the same platform, around the corner, you need to move the stone block towards you. Now we go into the passage where the torches are burning - we will go out into a large room filled with water. You can easily take the crystal, but we still need to go left under the waterfall and climb the stairs up to the lever. By lowering it, you can very beautifully jump like a swallow down into the water. The underwater gate is now open, so we swim through it. We kill the tiger and climb up the stairs. The monkey apparently wanted to steal the key, but didn’t have time. We go over the ledge and shoot the tiger from above. We jump down and open the grate with the key, not forgetting to take the cartridges on the left in the niche. Level completed.

India: Temple Ruins

We go a little forward and to the right, take the first aid kit and kill two snakes. We lower the lever and jump into the hatch that opens in the floor behind. At the fork to the right, we kill the snake and go up to the river. You need to jump onto the platform in the middle of the river (there is a first aid kit on it) and then to the other side. We lower the lever on the right and jump into the water, into the underwater tunnel. Having emerged, we will see a large hill. We climb onto it halfway, there are cartridges for the Uzi on the right, then we go left along the curb into the passage that leads to the river with waterfalls. Take the green crystal and jump onto the tree branch. You can take cartridges on the left, but then you need to jump to the right to the next platform, and from it - over the waterfall. There is a first aid kit on the ledge on the right, then we climb on our hands along the crack to a horizontal surface on which there are cartridges for the gun. We crawl under the rock, shoot the snakes along the way, we must go down the descent to the right, as a boulder will roll on the left. We enter the room with the statue - to the left of it are cartridges for a gun, to the right we move the block - more cartridges, and passage to the next room. When we enter it, the statue in front will come to life; it only needs 6 accurate shots from a gun. We take the green crystal in the niche and lower the two levers there. A hatch in the floor opened, there was another lever and a stone block that needs to be moved forward - there are a lot of useful things behind it (secret No. 1). In the room where there was a living statue, we go into the opened grate (next to the place where we got out after the secret) and take a running jump into the quagmire, go until we get to a solid place. We jump higher from the hill, facing towards the quagmire, kill the monkey and when we lower the lever, we must run very quickly (with acceleration), since the walls with spikes will move. We went out into a room with four columns and golden bars in the middle, we kill two monkeys, on one of these central columns there is a lever. Having lowered it, we look for a block in the wall and pull it out, then we jump up from it, but not to where the door opened, but to the left. Having found the stairs, we climb up, take the cartridges and lower the lever - it is needed for the next secret (secret No. 2). We return to the columns and now jump from the block to the open door at the top. We lower the lever under water, swim along the tunnel to the end and there we lower two more levers to the left and right, swim back through the tunnel - halfway up the path we float up. We're in a room with a big pool in the middle. There is a lever on the wall closest to us - it opens the door opposite for a very short time, behind it is ammunition (secret No. 3). We return to the pool, lower the remaining two levers, they will activate the fire, which will make the transparent platforms above the pool clearly visible (that is, in principle, you can not touch these levers). We jump along the transparent platforms to the lever above the pool, after pressing it you need to quickly jump to the left, but not into the pool, but onto solid ground and run through the opened door before it slams. After pressing the lever in this room, you need to run very quickly to the opposite side of the room, take the key, and also quickly run out the opened door before it gets crushed by the spikes. We see that instead of water in the pool there is now dirt. We pass through the middle of the pool and climb up the hill. Having walked along the corridor and picked up the candles on the left, we notice a boulder opposite, which is ready to fall off as we approach. We back up in his direction, as soon as we feel the ground shaking - we run forward and to the left - he rolls past. At the fork, it is better to choose the right door - you won’t have to escape from the boulder. In the next room we take the green crystal and go down into the crevice (there is a staircase in it) - to where the revived statue was previously killed. Now we select the second door, go to the empty pool, and in the next room in the water we press the lever. We swim into the opened passage, be careful - there are poisonous needles. We found ourselves in a room with a very high ceiling, now the goal is to jump to the very top, which is quite tedious, but there are no technically difficult elements here. Having dealt with the cobra, from the next platform we jump into the cave under the ceiling and immediately dodge the boulder and crawl under a line of poisoned needles. We jump over the rift and take the green crystal. Now we jump over the gap back to the right (there is a first aid kit there) and go down to the sharp spikes, crawl into the hole, shoot the cobra and take the green crystal and ammunition (secret No. 4). We jump into the pool like a swallow and, alas, we have to repeat the ascent to the cave under the ceiling. Again we jump through the gap and move the block on the right in the wall. Move the next block in the niche until a green cave opens. In the passage we move the blocks until we see a lever that must, of course, be activated. In the green cave, we boldly run forward along the descent, not paying attention to the boulders rolling behind us, and jump through a crack with spikes, then into the water. We go back to the pool that we filled. We lower the lever in it and take the second key. We go with him to the large hall with the gate, to where we fought with the statue. We open these same gates with the keys, and having entered them, we very quickly climb up the wall, since a slab with spikes is lowered from above. Then you can pull out the block on the right side of the wall and jump from it to the second floor, where two levers are waiting their turn. Two boulders will roll out of the opened gate. We crawl under fire and in the large hall we kill the revived statue, take the golden scimitar from it, and insert it into the hand of the statue at the top. We deal with the next revived statue and use the second scimitar. The doors are open, let's move on. In the large hall in the middle, a... um... rather strange man was levitating in the air, under him lay a key. As soon as we took the key, we deal with the next statue. We go to the closed grate - it opens as we approach and dark room We quickly lower the two levers and jump into the hatch that has opened in the floor - before it gets crushed from above. Now you need to get the third key - to do this, we dive into the water and, bypassing the current, lower the two levers and take the key. Returning to the locks, we put all three keys and go out through the opened door. Level completed.

India: The River of Ganges

In the crevice next to the buggy you can find cartridges and candles. If you want to take ammunition (secret No. 1), then we go to the cliff and climb the stairs down and to the left. There are going to be a lot of jumps on the platforms, when we get into the room, we need to do this: we jump onto the first inclined plane, immediately do a backflip from it and then constantly jump. Taking the green crystal, first aid kit and cartridges, we return to the waterfall. Having saddled the buggy, we jump over the river, drive through the tunnel and pass the first hole, and you can go down into the second for ammunition (secret No. 2). We drive onto a hill and jump over to the other side, then without a buggy we jump into the tunnel on the left, kill the cobras, open the door by pressing the button next to it and drive in there on the buggy. At the fork we go left. In general, we go forward, jump and so on. When you reach the cliff and find yourself on a stone bridge in the middle of the river, get off the buggy - on the right on the ledge there are cartridges for the “steppe eagle”, and a little to the right there is a crevice containing ammunition (secret No. 3). Next, we drive along the ledges, jump from the platform with the green crystal across the river and get off the buggy. We jump onto the rock and then a series of jumps to the cave with ammunition (secret No. 4) (in the process of jumping back and forth you will have to jump onto inclined ledges, and from them onto flat platforms). We return to the buggy, crush two monkeys with it and go on foot to the left. We jump along the ledges and cling to the trecina in the rock. We crawl along it to the cave - there are useful things in it (secret No. 5). From there we jump straight into the water - there are no piranhas, and the current is calm. There is a first aid kit in the water, there is a tunnel behind the waterfall, we climb into it. Level completed.

India: Caves of Kaliya

It is better to immediately go right, unless, of course, you need candles. We roll down the slope, jumping, and run away from the boulder. We go left, as soon as the new boulder rolls, we run back into the niche in the wall. We go to where the stone rolled out and climb up into the narrow gap. There are three passages in front of us, in the left is a cobra, in the right are shotgun cartridges and a first aid kit. Then we go to the last one, straight and to the right, push out the block - it will open a passage, and go left. At the fork, go left again and go until you see a green hole in the floor. Next is one path, at the fork we go left, we will see a crystal, candles and a dark hole in the floor. It is better to light a candle and jump down in the middle, then you will stand in the center and the snakes will not get you. We run forward, a boulder will roll behind us, we need to run to the end and crawl into the gap in the right wall. Before going down, it is better to save, as there will be a meeting with the boss of this episode. It is placed with 8-10 shots from a gun, while it is better to constantly jump left and right, dodging the fire. When we are done with him, we take the grenade launcher, first aid kit and artifact. Level completed.

Nevada: Nevada Desert

Now we're heading to Nevada. We immediately kill two eagles; on the right, guarded by a cobra, there will be a rocket. Having taken it, we run past the lake and move the block in the passage - there are cartridges under it. We jump over the pit, and you can carefully fall into the next one for a crystal and cartridges (secret No. 1). You can return by pushing out the block in the wall. We go further, we come out to a black structure, approaching which a fighter will fly past. We jump on the platforms on the right until we climb onto this black box. We jump inside, swim and go out to the waterfall, jump down into the water. We collect cartridges there and climb onto the platform to the left of the waterfall (if you are facing it). We follow the templates and climb along the notches in the rock. We found ourselves at the very place where we jumped into the water. We follow the platforms to the right, kill the eagle along the way, and when we get to the very top, we jump over to the other side. Now you can go left, or you can go down along the notches in the wall and take the cartridges (secret No. 2), but then we still jump to the left. Having killed the cobra, we jump forward (it’s not visible where) and immediately grab the rock, move to the left and go out to the cave where blasting work is being carried out. We continue to move towards the waterfall - we go down into the notches in the rock below, grab new ones, follow them to the very top and do a backflip. We jump onto the inclined slab, from it to the first aid kit. We move along the crack to the right, slide and then back. We continue to jump on the platforms. When you get out onto land, on the left you can crawl under the rock (most likely you even need to) and take the Uzi with cartridges (secret No. 3). Next, we deal with the cobra and the man, climb onto the wheel and run along the empty canal to the reservoir. We shoot the living creatures, jump into the pool and lower the lever in the lower corner. The gate at the bottom of the pool opens, we swim into it, along the way we lower two levers and swim out into a small corridor, at the end of which there is a lever that activates the turbine. By pressing it, we return to the running water wheel. We go to the cave with the elevator (on the opposite side of the small waterfall, where the first man was), deal with another one and take the key. Now we return to the cave where the blasting work was carried out and blow up the detonator. Having dodged the boulder, we go down. We climb up the platforms and go out to some object. We go along the fence to a small(!) cave and climb up into it and jump into the water, where we lower two levers - one on the column, the other in the tunnel. Now we return to the object and go into the large passage that was previously on the right and enter the opened door - there we lower the switch. We return to the small cave and swim through the tunnel to the tower, and from the tower (you can get out of the water in two places) we jump into the base territory. We kill two guards, on the roof of a building with an inclined plane we take an access card (you can jump onto this roof either from a box or drive a buggy). Using the card, we open the door in the same house and turn off the electric fence with a switch. We open the gate in the courtyard with the switch next to it and ride the buggy into the large cave. We jump from a springboard over a fence. Level completed.

Nevada: High Security Compound

So, Lara was caught and put in solitary confinement. We approach the window - a guard runs in, and we run out of the cell and open all the others. The guard's prisoners will quickly calm him down. On the other side there is a chamber, the door to which was open, there we move a block in the wall, then another one, take the first aid kit (secret No. 1) and climb up. We run forward, jump over the barbed wire, press the switch and climb into the opened hatch. There will be a passage on the left, we go into it and the hatch collapses under our feet. We lower the lever, the prisoners will deal with the guard, he will leave behind cartridges and an access card. Use the card to open the grate and go through the toilet into a room with three drawers. We fit one of them under the hole in the ceiling, climb up and activate the switch - the room with the boxes will fill with water. We swim through another hole in the ceiling, run forward (no need to go down), and jump over the barbed wire. We open the room with the button and turn off the stove with the lever. We go to the kitchen (to where we could jump down). We open the door, then the right one, then the left one. The prisoners will deal with the guard, we go into the room from where he ran out. We press the button there and go into the kitchen - the grates are now raised. We carefully pass between the fans, take the crystal and jump forward, clinging to the crevice. Then down and into the gap on the right. The prisoner will open the door, we get out and climb up along the black mesh around the corner. When the guard passes to the left, we run to the right, then to the left past the machine guns and jump down. We open the door with the button and the prisoner will run to deal with the guard. We take the access card from the security guard and use it to open the door nearby. In the room we press the button, it turns off the machine guns. We go downstairs, go out to an open area - we see a guard on it. There is a tunnel on the left, at the end of the door - opening them will release the prisoners, who will deal with the guard. Taking the strange yellow key from him, we open the door with it. We run along the corridors, at the beginning of the second we climb into a low gap. When the guard runs, we lower the lever - he will be killed with a laser. We jump over the beam and run along the corridor, jump down, then run along the stairs and jump into the hole in the wall, run to the control room, press the button in it, it moves the radar away. We go out the door and repeat the path to the radar. We jump inside the tower and fall into the pool. Fighting against the current, we swim up and jump on the platforms until we reach the green gap, crawl along it and use the button to open the door. We return to the pool and swim into the corridor in one of the walls (not in the center). We carefully pass by the guard and run to the right. We climb up the stairs, then another staircase. We carefully pass the next guard to the right and cut into the gap for the key. We return to the first staircase and go to small room use the key - it locks the fan in the pool in the central hole. We swim into it, taking the crystal along the way, unlock the door with the lever and emerge onto the platform. We jump over the lasers and find ourselves in a room where the prisoner will lead us to the arsenal - standard pistols, and the "steppe eagle" - an excellent weapon. We return to the pool, basically repeat the path to the place where we found the yellow key earlier. Here we take the access card from the guard and open the door for it here. Here is the reward for loyalty - a grenade launcher! Now we return to the room in which the prisoner led us to the weapon. We run up the greenish corridor, sending guards to the next world along the way. The last one will have a blue key. In the corridor on the right there is a staircase, we climb up it and use the blue key, in the room that he unlocked, we press two buttons. Let's go down. Another guard with his dog is no problem, and we return to where we found the weapon. From the box we climb up a short ladder to the second floor, and along the ceiling we move up to the steps. We take the key from the guard and open the gate below with it. We deal with the remaining guards and get into the back of the truck. Level completed.

Nevada: Area 51

We go forward and quickly kill the guard before he sets off the alarm. We go along the corridor, there will be a room on the left - there is an MP5 with cartridges in it. In the corridor, we lower the switch and climb into the opened grate. We crawl to the right under the laser beams, crawl out to the guard and put him down with two shots from the “steppe eagle” - he does not have time to activate the lasers. We crawl into the hole on the right, and if we manage to kill another guard before he presses the button, then we get cartridges in a small room. At the end of the corridor there is a switch - we lower it and immediately put another guard - otherwise he will release the dogs and we will not get one secret. We jump down, lower the lever and fall even lower, take the green crystal (secret No. 1) and crawl into the gap opposite. We deal with all the guards, open the cell with the prisoner, then go to the open doors - they will close, and a sniper will run out from the right and left. We finish them and press the lever in the left room - a grate will open in the right room. We crawl, jump over the lasers, shoot at another guard. To the right, at the fork again to the right, where the rocket is in the launch silo, we kill the sniper and take the disk from him on the landing. We return to the fork and go the other way, go down into a large room with a rocket in the middle, insert the disk into the computer - the rockets will rise and you can jump onto the stairs. There is a first aid kit in the darkness, and next to a moving crane there are cartridges for a gun. At the top we take the key from the sniper and jump onto the platform over which the crane is moving. We shoot at the black blinds - a room with a crystal opens (secret No. 2). We return to the rocket in the launch silo. We go downstairs, run along the corridor to the end and use the key. Having killed the guard, we crawl under the rails and climb up the stairs - this is where the gun lies. We crawl back under the rails and in the right corner along the stairs we climb into the room where we press the button. We return to the gun and from there we jump onto the platform, from which we climb into the tunnel. We jump over the collapsing gratings, go down and don’t let the guard raise the alarm. We run up the corridor and run out to the flying saucer. We run around the perimeter of the fence and climb onto the boxes. We quickly place the guard. We climb onto the platform in the center of the room, and at the top we press two buttons, so quickly as to make it through the gate. Having run into them, we finish with the sniper and lower the first, second, fourth levers from RIGHT TO LEFT. We return to the flying saucer, press the button there. We climb up the stairs and after a series of jumps (or immediately, if you don’t mind your health) we jump onto the flying saucer, where we take the access card. With this map we return to the rocket in the mine, a little before reaching it there will be a descent down - there we use the map. By pressing the start button, we immediately run out of the room, otherwise it will burn in flames. We climb up and go into the mine from where the rocket flew away. We climb the stairs to the very top, open the doors, crawl into the gap and finally go out to open place. We remove the sniper on the tower, in the room from the guard we select the disk and lower the lever. We go down through the opened hatch, the road leads to a room with a flying saucer. In the room adjacent to it we use the disk, in the opened rooms we collect cartridges. Now you can climb up and jump in the beams until the door opens, which leads to a pool with a green crystal (secret No. 3). Then we go to the opened flying saucer, kill three more snipers in it and take the second artifact. Level completed.

South Pacific Islands: Coastal Village

In the water, next to the place where we appeared, we take the key to the hut. We find an island in the middle of the pond where the first aid kit is located. We jump from it onto the platform and there we take cartridges for the MP5 (secret No. 1). We go and open the underground in the hut, go down into it, take the green crystal. We remove the native from the far platform and kill two crocodiles. In the water directly below us lies a harpoon gun and harpoons for it. We jump on the platforms and move on our hands to the opposite bank. There, in the crevice, we take cartridges for the MP5 and jump onto the opposite platform, from it we move in our hands to the bridge where the Papuan died earlier. We jump onto an inclined slope, from a neko onto a flat path, take a running start, and jump over the spikes, grabbing the stairs. We kill the next Papuan, take the crystal and jump below to the platform. We jump and come out to a suspension bridge with fog around (I immediately remembered the game Turok). At the entrance to the bridge, jump onto the platform on the right and take the cartridges (secret No. 2). We cross the bridge, crawl under the sharp disk and immediately run to the right in the room (there is a button that turns off the traps). We take the first aid kit and the green crystal, being wary of poisoned needles. We jump into the water, fall down and jump from the ledge over the waterfall, taking the red stone there. From the waterfall we jump to the right (if you are facing it), climb a tree and in the distance we immediately see a second red stone. We take it and notice a crevice nearby, where there are cartridges for the “steppe eagle” (secret No. 3). We return to the waterfall and jump in the other direction from it. We climb up along the ledges, take the third red stone and use it to open the doors nearby in the cave. We roll down the slope, go out to the village and sew on a few more Papuans. From the lake with the waterfall we run to the left, go out to the swamp and turn the wheel there. We return to the lake and from it we go to the right across the bridge of stakes, and go out to another part of the village. To the right there is a cave with cartridges for MP5 and a gun (secret No. 4), despite the fact that the maximum secrets on this level are 3. In the left house on the hill, turn the wheel and climb onto the roof of the house (right where the spikes are). We carefully walk along the roofs to the tree house, there we press the button and kill another Papuan. We climb up the stairs to another house and from there we jump into the hole in the wall. We press the button, deal with the Papuans and run along the opened corridor, dodging the blades. We go back down to the village, run and dive into the lake, the grate into the underwater tunnel is already open - we swim through, climb up the stairs and jump over to the next house. Level completed.

South Pacific Islands: Crash Site

Now we have a map with crosses marking how to go through the swamp. We go down, go to the swamp, from the last hummock you can jump onto land, or you can into the crevice on the left and take cartridges for the MP5 (secret No. 1). We go further, we bring down the dinosaur, there is another one near the plane. Then in the dark cave on the right (near the tree) we collect cartridges, press two levers and shoot the little green ones. We return, move on and see the guys knocking down a dinosaur. We don’t disturb them in any way, we go to the last right passage (near the river) and there two people knock down another dinosaur. We climb up the wall, do a backflip from it onto an inclined platform and jump forward, clinging to a tree branch. We kill the dinosaur (and what is it doing on the tree?), jump onto a flat platform in the corner and climb higher, take the green crystal and remove another reptile. Near the place where the crystal was, we turn to the opposite bank and jump, clinging to the ledge where the tree bends upward - we take cartridges for MP5 (secret No. 2). We shoot at the dinosaur hanging on a rope and while the piranhas in the river are busy with it, we move to the other bank. We kill the dinosaur that jumped out, then another one. In a dim room, we lower three levers, after the first two we deal with the dinosaurs and climb up into the opened hatch. There we take the key and return to the plane. Near it, not far from the place where they shot the second dinosaur, there is a descent down - we go into it and find ourselves in a cave where one man knocks down two dinosaurs. On the tree branch we take the first aid kit and candles (secret No. 3). We go down below and after the puddles in the crater we take the second key. A huge dinosaur will appear, you need to quickly press the levers in two recesses, then the grate will open. By the way, if the man survived, he will help us with the big dinosaur, and for some reason this dinosaur does not touch him. We return to the plane, exactly to the place where the second dinosaur appeared. We jump onto a stone, from there we move further along the tree on our hands, we jump onto a vertical trunk with serifs and again we climb on our hands along the long trunk, a little before reaching the end we jump closer to the rocks. We go down the stairs (!), climb to the left on our hands and climb into the gap. Now we have to go through one of the most difficult moments in the game, so I will describe everything step by step. We crawl along the ceiling into the room on our hands; in the center there is a green crystal on a small platform. We jump lower and activate the first lever in the corner. We climb along the resulting ceiling ladder to the second lever, activate it and jump over to the pillar in the center, where the green crystal is. We jump from the pillar to the beginning and deactivate the first lever. We climb around the column along the newly formed ceiling ladder, go down the wall almost to the very end and do a back somersault. We lower the third lever. Again we jump onto the wall with notches and along it we get to a niche, from which we jump onto the inclined surface near the second lever and from it we do a backflip onto the pillar in the center (you can hang on the edge of the inclined plane, cling to it, and move on your hands so that the pillar in the center was exactly behind). After this, we go all the way up the stairs to the hole in the wall, then it’s no longer difficult to get on the plane. On the plane we kill the dinosaur and use both keys in the cockpit, go down, at the end of the corridor lower the lever, run to the cannon. And let the carnage begin! Dinosaurs will run out of several dark holes in large numbers, when they run out - shoot in the upper left corner - Brick wall will collapse in two places, take the green crystal and the first aid kit. Level completed.

South Pacific Islands: Madubu Gorge

We go forward, kill the green reptile (it spits poison), and climb into the house (there is a hole in the dark), take the first aid kit and cartridges. We go out, jump onto the ledge in the middle of the river, jump forward from it and cling to the inclined platform. We move along it on our hands to the right and jump to the ledge, behind which we press the button (it opens the hatch in the house where we previously took the first aid kit and cartridges). You can immediately return to this house, or you can crawl to the left in the same way, where we take the green crystal and press another button. At the bottom of the stone bridge we cross the river on our hands, crawl along the crack to the right and jump into the cave. We go down, jump over the spikes, go forward and press the button. We return to the opened door. We enter it, approach the very edge, look to the left - behind the waterfall there is a cave, there are cartridges in it (secret No. 1). Having taken it, we move further along the ceiling, slide and cling to the platform, you cannot jump to the next platform, it is a trap. We jump over it. On the left we take the first aid kit, go down the slope, move further along the ceiling, climb into the gap and go out to the river. We jump a little to the left along the ledge towards the river (there is a wooden platform there) and get to the house, where we take a rocket and a first aid kit (secret No. 2). We return to this platform, take a run from it and jump so as not to hit your head on the rock and you don’t need to cling while jumping, this is the only way to jump back. When we have done this, we return to where we climbed out of the crack and jump onto the wall with notches. We go out into the room where there is a canoe in the pool. We shoot the crocodiles, press the lever in the pool and get into the canoe. We try to swim to the right all the time and touch the green ropes, they turn off the trap (red ones are the opposite). We find ourselves in a room with a chain hanging from the ceiling, at the end of which there is a large plug. A stream flows into the same pool, we swim up it (directly against the current), we find ourselves in a small pool and climb out onto the shore. We kill the green creature and the crocodile. We go into the passage, make a long journey on our hands, trying not to get burned along the way, and jump onto the platform, then onto the next one. We take the rocket launcher, go down and jump to the waterfall, take the first aid kit, and on the next ledge there are cartridges for MP5 (secret No. 3). We jump back onto the stone on which the water flows (you can’t catch on to another) and climb up the wall. Along the ceiling forward past the fire, to the left - cartridges and candles, then to the right. We jump over to the platform where the knife works, from it immediately onto the wall, and climb up along it. We go down, run forward and crouch in front of each ledge - the boulders will not reach us. To the left, we jump over the fire and crouch in front of the last boulder. We jump onto the platform and climb along the wall to the next one. We crawl into the gap, jump to the rope and slide down it. We go down into the well and climb up its opposite wall. We shoot two green creatures and lower the lever, now the large plug in the pool is raised and there is a whirlpool. We run along the corridor where the torch is burning and go down to the right - here is our canoe. We sit in it and swim to the whirlpool, carefully descend into it. We climb out onto the shore, shoot the crocodile and lower the lever in the water. Having dealt with two more crocodiles, we go out through the open door. Level completed.

South Pacific Islands: Temple of Puna

We run to the right, quickly kill four Papuans before they spit a poisoned needle (two at once, two on the stairs). We go out to the room with rolling discs, take the first aid kit and go downstairs. We immediately run to the right or left to the wall, on each of which there are two switches. All of them must be pressed: if you stand to the left or right of each, the discs will not touch. When all four are pressed, the doors will open. We slide down, immediately pull out the block from the wall on the left, and the ceiling with spikes is no longer scary. We lower all three switches and leave the room, go downstairs. We take the first aid kit, lower the switch and run in the opposite direction, starting to apply acceleration, turn right without stopping: the second boulder will roll. Let's go further, deal with the Papuans and run to the left, where we were already, climb up - a room with an arsenal has opened under the ceiling (secret No. 1), where you can climb along the wall. We go back and go out through the opened door. In the hall we collect first aid kits, then we approach the throne and immediately jump back. We constantly flip left and right, it’s better to shoot from the “steppe eagle”, it takes 15-18 shots. When Pune is finished, we take the artifact that remains from him. Level completed.

London: Thames Whart

We jump over the inclined wall from behind - we run along it and jump. We take the cartridges, the green crystal and jump over to the yellow crane. At the end of it we go down to the roof, from it we carefully pass through the barbed wire into the corridor - we take a first aid kit and a rocket (secret No. 1). We return to the crane, jump from it onto the ledge and go out to the beginning of the level. We go down to the platform below, from it we fall onto an inclined plane and jump forward, we get out on the platform with a switch. By pressing it on the ceiling in our hands, we move to the cable and slide down it to the opposite side. We cling on, jump lower and climb onto the green platform. We finish the bad guy, jump to the other side of the room on a fragile slab and at the end of the corridor we take the key from the guard. We return to the room, go along the wall with holes to the right, and jump to the platform, where we lower the switch. We go down, take the green crystal and press the button. We climb up the stairs and move to the other side of the room. On the right we lower the switch, the green platform will lower, we jump down and examine the holes in the wall - there is a button on the left, and cartridges on the very right (secret No. 2). We go down to the very bottom, kill the guard and take the green crystal in the corner. We climb to the very top, to the beginning of the level. We go down to the platform below, but now from it we jump far forward and to the right, into a recess in the wall. We go to the button we opened and press it, a platform with yellow paint will rise. We jump on it, then to the door and open it with the key. In the room we press the button and, having passed the fire, we return to the beginning of the level, again we jump into the recess in the wall and go left. Before jumping down into the open hatch, we cling to the wall, take cartridges for the gun, then there is a rocket (secret No. 3). Now we go downstairs, take the green crystal, first aid kit, shoot the rats and the guard. Here we lower the switch and go along the corridor, take the second turn to the right. In the pool, lower the lever, return to the main room and use the same switch. We run along the corridor into the first turn, swim through the open hatch at the bottom of the pool and the fans, run along the corridor and climb into the gap on the right. We move the box to the center of the room so that the generator rests against a niche and burns out. We return along the stairs to the main room, press the button that opens and lower the switch. We run into the second turn and get to the second pool, dive into it - the alarm will turn on and the door will open, swim into it and press the button there. We return to the main room, press the second button that opens, run into the second passage into the second pool - a hatch has opened at the bottom. We swim through it into the room, get out, deal with the guard and take the green crystal. We climb up the stairs, jump onto the platform on the crane, from it to the roof, from the roof to the cathedral. We deal with the two guards, pull out the block from the column in the center of the cathedral twice, and climb from it onto the roof. We take the first aid kit, jump opposite and take the key (secret No. 4). From one of the corners of the platform on which the cathedral stands, a ladder descends; we climb up it and take the first aid kit (secret No. 5). Let's go back and jump down. Level completed.

London: Aldwych

When falling, we grab the platform and take cartridges for the gun. We get out of the water, run upstairs, shoot at the grate on the right and take the crystal. We climb up there, kill the guy with the club and collect useful things. We push the block towards ourselves and jump down onto the cash register. From the last ticket office we climb up the wall, take the key and first aid kit and go out again to the ticket office, then turn left into the far passage to the escalator. We jump over the tunnel, on the platform we kill a man with a club and a dog. Use the key to open the door at the end of the platform, take the cartridges and press the button. At the other end of the platform we select a coin (Old Penny). We get down into the tunnel that we jumped over a little earlier, run to the left and hide from the train in a niche on the right. We climb up the boxes and go out to the mine. Now there will be a difficult test: we slide down with our backs, cling, then a little lower, fall onto a weak platform and grab onto the left inclined plane, move to the left, do a back flip from it with a turn (Alt+End), cling, fall onto the fragile platforms (they will collapse - we immediately cling), backflip with a turn, cling and slowly fall lower, take cartridges for the MP5 and a green crystal (secret No. 1). There is a first aid kit at the bottom of the shaft. We climb up the blocks and ladders, do a backflip from the last one and press the button - the hatch in the room where we climbed up the boxes to the drilling rig will open. We return to the platform and again go to this room, climb into the hatch at the top. We kill the guard and his dog, take cartridges for the MP5 and fall down on a fragile platform. We move the block towards ourselves, climb into the opened hatch, run along the corridor to two buttons on the wall. We press the right one, run left into the second door (it closes quickly) and press the button there. We return to the two buttons on the wall, now press the left one and run through the first door. Along the ceiling we get to the crystal and the key. Through the underwater tunnel we return to the platform, get to the drilling rig and take the second key there. We return to the ticket office and buy a ticket from one of them (in exchange for a coin). We go down another escalator, at the end of the platform we shoot at the grate and behind it we take cartridges for the gun (secret No. 2). We go down to the rails, run to the right after the man, press the button and go through the opened door. We experiment with a lot of buttons and doors until we get into the gallery, and then into the hall. In the far left corner of the entrance behind the purple curtain we take the star, insert the keys behind the columns, and in the center we find the ultrasound. Two doors have opened, in one we take a hammer, go to the other and swim through the tunnel, climb up, and use the ticket to go through the turnstile. Use the star to open the room on the left (secret No. 3), climb up and walk along the corridor, take the green crystal and go back to the turnstiles, open the door with a hammer and press the button. At the top opposite, a hole has opened, we climb there and take the rocket (secret No. 4). We run towards the platform, along the way we jump into a hole and climb into the carriage, press the button and another hatch in the carriage opens. We go down into it, walk/crawl along the corridor and run after the man with a torch, there is no need to shoot at him, otherwise we will miss the last secret. We press two buttons in the room and return to the room with the boxes. At the very top we go through the open hatch and go into the room on the right. We kill the bad guy and collect the arsenal, go back (to where we pressed the two buttons) and go down the slope. Level completed.

London: Lud's Gate

We run after the guide, choose the left one of the two tunnels (if we choose the right one, we will be left without a secret). We roll down and immediately climb into the hole on the right before it is crushed by the spiked ceiling. We go down, press the button on the wall and go out into the cave. On the right we go down, go through the barbed wire to the left and climb into the gap - there is a leak and candles (secret No. 1). In the same room we climb up and go back out into the cave, run to the place where we pressed the button and climb up through the open hatch, moving to the left. Approximately at the second white line, we jump back with a flip and cling to the opposite wall (Alt + End + Ctrl). We climb into the gap (there may be a bug here - Lara will not want to climb there - then we simply release Ctrl and immediately hold it down again so that Lara does not have time to fall), take the rocket (secret No. 2). We go down a little lower and make the same jump back. To take the green crystal and cartridges above the secret, you need to perform an even more cunning combination: just below the third white line we jump with a flip and immediately repeat the flip so that Lara does not have time to slide down the inclined slope - Alt + End + End. Then we climb up the wall to the very top. We crawl, jump down, remove the guard, move the block to the opposite corner and go through the door into the Egyptian hall. Let's roughly divide it into floors - there are four in total. The algorithm is as follows: We climb the stairs to the third floor, there in the room we move the block, we jump higher from it and return to the hall. From the high block that has moved, we jump higher, climb into the gap, go out to a place before the hall and there we move the block back. We go into the hall, on the third floor we lower the lever. Now we jump from the second floor to the hanging staircase and to hands we go to the right, where we lower the second lever. We jump down and climb along the long stairs to the fourth floor, jump over to another block, jump from the inclined plane and go out through the opened door. We slide down, immediately jump further from the fragile platform and take the balm for mummification. We crawl into the gap, go forward, along the way we finish off the guard and crawl into the next hole, crawl out - we finish off the second one. We open the door with the button and take the rocket, then we go down into the hole and climb on our hands along the ceiling behind the green crystal, then we jump onto the sphinx. To take the green crystal and two rockets (secret No. 3), you need to jump towards the pillar (it is located on the opposite side of the tall white columns), there is a ledge there that is not visible from the head of the sphinx. You can do it another way - we jump onto an inclined slope, and from it immediately onto a pillar. From the pillar to the white inclined block and from there to the columns and the green crystal. You can get down from there painlessly by jumping on the sphinx and sliding down it. A guard meets us on the wide staircase; we’ll have to calm him down. We climb onto the platform, from it we jump back into the blue gap - there is a rocket and a first aid kit (secret No. 4). We climb onto the platform again, push the block out of the wall and climb up and to the right along the resulting staircase. We move the blocks, climb the stairs again and go out to the two pools where the level began. We put the balm for mummification in the niche and go out through the opened door. We take the bathyscaphe by the bridle and sail to the exit, climb onto the platform and take two bundles of harpoons. We jump into the water, at the end of the tunnel we lower the lever and swim out through the opened door. We press the button in the wall and swim to next door. There are two secrets in this warehouse, taking the last one is a rather complicated process. the main objective- kill the diver before he closes the secret, but it is impossible to shoot him on land. The figure schematically shows the sequence of movements.

So, as soon as we swam to the warehouse, without surfacing, we swim forward and to the right, in the left underwater cave we take cartridges for the “steppe eagle” (secret No. 5), in the right we lower the lever. If the alarm goes off, you'll have to replay the game. We swim back and to the right in narrow corridor, at the right end there will be a ledge - we climb there. We crawl around the boxes and jump into the hole, swim out and run left and back, climb onto the ledge and find ourselves in a dark corridor. At the end of the corridor there is a guard waiting for us, who will inevitably sound the alarm. Ignoring this, at the end of the corridor we run up and jump onto land, kill the scuba diver and jump into the water for four bundles of harpoons and a crystal (secret No. 6). There is also a bathyscaphe there. We emerge, kill everyone who is still left, and take the key from the second guard. We jump into the water and swim out to the flooded temple. There is air in one of the upper caves. We press the first lever in one of the lower caves, swim into the door, there we press the second lever, swim into the new door, the third lever will open the exit from the temple in one of the upper caves. We swim out into the high corridor, turn off the fire in the small pool with the lever and jump on the platforms. We go through the presses and along the ceiling we get to the gap in the wall, use the key and press the button. We return to the underwater temple and swim through the opened door, swim up and jump on the platforms, climb up and exit under the ceiling of a very high room. We jump to the opposite side, crawl into the gap, jump again and crawl further. Level completed.

London: City

We go out through the door on the right, there will be a ledge on the right - we climb up, walk on our hands to the next one and from the other side we go down into the gap - we take a rocket and a first aid kit (secret No. 1). We repeat the path, only now we climb higher and press the button, we climb into the opened hatch. We climb up the stairs and jump to the other side, hiding behind the transformer booth. We shoot at the shield behind her and Sophia Lee dies a painful death. We jump to the other side onto the wooden box, press the button that turns off the electricity and take the artifact. Level completed.

Antarctica: Antarctica

We jump onto the ice floe, from it to the shore and go out to a house with a red flag. We go forward, jump further across the strait, then onto the ice floe and from it to the shore. We climb up and climb onto the ship using our hands along the ledge. We go into the hold, press the button near the door. In the corner where the unit works, lower the lever. We go down the hatch, open the doors with buttons, go, get to the yellow pipe - there we press the button and see how the boat descends. We go out through the door onto the deck. Now you can jump down and get into the boat, or you can take the secret. To do this, as soon as we come out of the door, we immediately climb onto the block on the right, from it we jump over the inclined plane and go along the ladder. We climb higher, and on the left in the ice wall we jump into the hole. There we take the green crystal and cartridges for the MP5 or the MP5 itself, if you haven’t taken it before. We return to the ship, jump down near the boat and get into it. We swim around the ship and further into a long passage, but we notice a hole on the left side. We climb there, jump forward from the ramp, cling on and find grenades and a first aid kit (secret No. 2). We return to the boat (we'll have to swim), swim further along the passage and get out near the house with the guard. We deal with him and climb onto the block behind the house, crossing on our hands to the other side. Through the gorge we go out to a village with a tower, we run further along a dark corridor and come out to a water tower. We press the button and run to the house with slamming doors (faulty, or what?) and on the second floor we take a crowbar, having first pressed the button. We go to the tower, climb up the stairs onto it, lower the switch and use a crowbar to tear off the lock (after that we lift the crowbar from the ground). We crawl along the ceiling to the neighboring roof. Inside we look at the picture - the second and fourth turbines are indicated in green - we go down where the pipe from the water tower goes and turn the necessary valves. We climb up, a door opened next to us - we lower the lever there and go to the mesh fence where the dogs were - we press the buttons and go into the house. We take the key there and return to the place where we left the boat. There we break the lock on the door of the house, insert the key inside and press the button. We sail on a boat through the opened door, at the turn to the right there is an underwater cave, there we take the key. With this key we return to the very beginning of the level - to the house with the red flag. We open it with the key, take the crystal and candles (secret No. 3). We sail the boat back to the end, climb up and run to the house. Level completed.

Antarctica: R.X. Tech Mine

We climb into the hole in the wall and go along the corridor. If we go forward all the time, we will go in circles. After each creaking door, go back, and after 4-5 doors you will find the exit. We exit, press the button and move on. We go out into a large room with rails and trolleys. We go to the house upstairs, from the entrance to the right we kill the mutant, press the button. We climb onto the roof and on the opposite side we go down the stairs. We climb along it to the very bottom so that Lara holds on to the very bottom in her hands, and press the “up” button twice - Lara will rest her feet on the stairs. We make a U-turn jump (Alt + End + Ctrl) and crawl into a niche, there we take a first aid kit and two grenades (secret No. 1). We sit in the trolley at the middle level, drive forward, maintaining balance when turning, using the brake and deflecting left and right. Near the traffic light we hit the key - this will stop the trolley, and we get out. We go through the drills, go down the slope on the right and in a deep hole we jump down along the cracks. We crawl into the hole and emerge into a large hall with a lake in the center. We take a crowbar (on the bridge), find a hole in the wall and climb onto the hill on the right. From it on our hands (we jump and cling directly to the wall), we climb there and press the button. We climb back out, jump along the ledges and leave the hall. We climb up, pass by the infernal mechanisms and find ourselves on the rails. We run to our trolley. We go further, switch the arrow and return to the beginning of the path. Again we climb onto the building from above and in the same gap we go through the open door. There we take the green crystal, cartridges for the MP5 and the “steppe eagle”. We return to the beginning of the tracks and sit in the lower trolley. We turn left, exit and press the button in the corridor on the right. We go through the opened door. We run, slide down, crawl - in general, we get to the lake, at the bottom of which we take the starter from the winch (Winch Starter). Now we return to the trolley and get to the beginning of the tracks. At the middle level, we break open the door with a crowbar and take the battery behind it. We sit in the upper trolley and get to the lake with the bathyscaphe. We insert the winch lever into the device and the battery on the other side, jump and swim into the submersible. After catching our breath, we swim deeper into the tunnel, you can catch your breath there too. We float high up and go out to the bridge. We go down to the platforms, jump along them to a small cave and there we take cartridges and a first aid kit (secret No. 3). We return to the bridge, go to the house, open the door with the button and go inside. Level completed.

Antarctica: Lost City of Tinnos

We leave the room into the hall, in the far left corner we climb up the stairs. We lower the lever and from there we jump down into the niche, where we take the key (Uli Key). Now we climb onto the curb in the yard, where we lower the other lever. We open the grate below with the key, climb up the stairs and lower another lever. We go to the right, roll down and there again lower the next lever. We leave the opened doors and go into the passage, where there are five buttons on the second floor. Press first, second and fifth. You can understand this choice by looking at the images next to the buttons. They depict the relationships between people, animals, fish and birds. The third and fourth buttons say that trees eat animals and fish eat birds. This is incorrect, which means these buttons should not be pressed. We go through the opened door, we reach the destroyed bridge, fighting off huge bees (by the way, you can kill them all - about 20 of them in total). We jump to the left, take the green crystal, climb up along the ledge on the left and jump to the top of the bridge. Now you can jump down, or you can take the secret. If we jump from where we are now with a lit candle towards the gap, we will see a transparent platform. Using this method, we get to the bees’ nest and take the cartridges (secret No. 1). We return to the bridge and go further into the back passage. At the entrance to the temple we kill two monsters, and look: at the bottom left at the base of the bridge between the columns there is a gray door, behind it is the third secret. We can’t take it yet, so we move on. We pass between two swaying lights, notice and remember the stairs at the top. Let's go right. We find ourselves in a room with a pillar of light in the center. There are open bars on four sides, behind each we need to get an elemental mask - earth, wind, water and fire. The order in which you visit the rooms is not important.

Earth room. We walk through the mud, keeping to the right side all the time. We climb onto the ledge on the right, jump onto the platform on the mountain in the center, from it to the right and climb into the gap. There we lower the lever. We return to where we crawled out of the mud and go into the cave, there we take the earth mask. An earthquake begins, we run back, jump over the lava on the left (where the bee will be). We go out to the mud, jump onto the mountain ledge in the center, from it to the right and into the cave. We slide down the slope, pass between two lights and climb up, first lowering the lever on the right. We approach the grate (it will open) and return to the room with a pillar of light. Now you can return to the room where you remembered the ladder and jump onto it from the block. At the top we take cartridges and crystal (secret No. 2)

Air room. We enter the labyrinth and go, deviating to the right. After some time we reach the ascent. We jump to the left and immediately back - the first spikes will roll down, then to the right. Now we jump to the left again, run up and as soon as the second spikes roll, somersault to the right, the next ones will roll back. We take the air mask and through the door on the right go back to the room with a pillar of light.

Water room. We jump down, trying not to touch the blades, and swim along the corridor. There are four holes in front of us, we swim to the left (there you can catch your breath and then press the lever, it will open the door in the right hole for a short time). We swim into it to the very top (there is air there), then we swim through the blades and lower the lever in the cave, return, swim in the opposite direction into the opened grate and go out onto land. Take the water mask, the green crystal and lower the lever. We swim into the cave where the underwater lever was lowered (through all four blades) and swim into a room with four holes, this time we swim into the bottom one. We return to the room with a pillar of light in the center.

Fire room. We jump onto the left platform, then take a running start to the far one near the wall. From it (again with a running start) to the next one towards the passage. Then to the one with the first aid kit and from there into the passage. Once in a room with fiery heads, we approach the edge and jump forward, grabbing the transparent platform with our hands. When the flames subside, we climb onto it and take a running jump forward across the platform, and climb again when the flames subside. We jump to the exit and immediately jump back, hanging by our hands. We climb in and take the mask of fire. We return to the room with a pillar of fire in the center.

From the room with the pillar of fire in the center, we return to the one where the second secret was (where we memorized the stairs) and go to another passage - to the left. We go out into a room with two swinging lights and holes. At the highest level, in two niches we place the levers. We go down to the very bottom and press another lever. We deal with the bees and climb onto the blocks, get to the lever in the middle of the wall, lower it - the slab below us will fall through. We climb to the very top and, opposite the hole from where we appeared, return the lever to its previous position. We jump along the platforms to the one under the bridge and climb on our hands to the lever that opens the doors below. Above the bridge is a lever that opens the third and final secret in the game. We go out through the opened doors, in the next room on the left we take the key, and in the far right corner we climb up the stairs. We press the lever. Now you can return to the room with the lever that opens the third secret at the bottom of the bridge, lower it and jump down into the water. We quickly run from the open doors into the next room, climb up the stairs (we don’t pay attention to the bees all this time - too little time), run to the passage next to the grate into the Earth room and get out to the bridge. On the left we go down and go into the room where we take the green crystal and cartridges (secret No. 3). We return to the room with the pillar of light, insert all four masks and the key. Let's go down. Level completed.

Antarctica: Meteorite Cavern

Now we have to fight with the main boss of the game - the spider, mutated by the scientist Willard. We shoot at him, preferably with a “steppe eagle”; as soon as he falls, we quickly run into the nearest corridor and grab one of the artifacts. When we take all four, we take out a rocket launcher, or, at worst, a grenade launcher and shoot until the winner (3-4 shots from the rocket launcher). We climb up the stairs, turn left in the corridor and climb along the ceiling to the next platform. We climb up to the starry sky and run into the tunnel. We deal with the remaining guards and go out to the helicopter. The level is completed, and with it the whole game.

All Hallows

If you have heroically collected all 59 (60) secrets in the game, then welcome to the All Hallows secret level! While sliding along the ramp, make a flip jump (Alt + End) and cling to the edge of the ramp. We let go of our hands and cling lower. We move to the left, climb into the cave - take the green crystal and candles. We get out, climb up the platforms, and from the very right (if you stand facing the entrance, there are candles on it) we jump to the center of the room, to the top of the dome (before this you need to have 100% health, because the fall will be painful). The floor collapses beneath us and we find ourselves in the temple. We jump onto the platform, down and to the left from it, then onto the path near the bookcases. In the corridor, lower the lever and jump down onto the platform. Take the first aid kit, jump to the next platform, then right and climb into the crack in the central structure. We get out in the niche, jump out of it with a running start and cling to the crack, move along it to the left and lower the lever. We jump to the very bottom and go through the opened door. We jump forward from fragile platforms so that the latter does not collapse. We lower the lever and go back into the hall. We climb up into the corridor where we lowered the first lever and jump from it, clinging to the ceiling. We get to the ledge, climb up the stairs and take the key. We go down and slide down the cable, having time to jump to the inclined slope, otherwise, alas and ah... We jump into the gap and go down next to the spikes. We move forward along the ceiling, but in order not to get fried, you need to climb only on the right side. Immediately after the spikes we jump down into the water. We swim past the press, get out of the water and climb into the gap, press the button. Now we climb up the stairs, onto the block on the right and fall into the water. We swim out, unlock the door with the key and jump into the water again. We swim through the tunnel to the right, get out, deal with the guard and his dog and climb up the stairs. Level completed.

P.S. If we start now new game, then all weapons with unlimited ammo will be immediately given.

The rights to the text belong to . For publications or quoting the text in whole or in part, permission is required.

Tomb Raider 3: The Adventures of Lara Croft

Lara Croft's house - secrets

Having appeared in the house, we immediately turn left, use the button to open the door - there are candles behind it. We go out into the main hall, run along the second floor to the door,
next to it is a button that opens it. Behind the door we go up the stairs to the attic. There is a box there, you need to move it forward twice. We return to
main hall, left to the library. In the right cabinet you can see a book half pulled out - this is a lever. By turning it, you will extinguish the fire in
fireplace (for a short time). There is a wall with holes in the fireplace, we climb along it, on the wooden floor we move a box, there are candles under it. We move the other box too,
thereby opening the passage to the attic. And now the most difficult (not very difficult): by pressing the lever on the wall, you need to very quickly through the open passage in the attic
return to the main hall, it is advisable to use acceleration (key / while running), there will be an open door in the main hall (it is shown after
pressing the lever). Having entered this door, maybe not the first time, but once we enter, we run along the corridor. We went out to a large swimming pool - we move the box and from it
let's climb up. We jump into the pool and swim around the perimeter near the glass, you will soon notice the key. We take it and return back to the main hall.
Now we follow the first floor through the training area to the pool, there is a button behind the “springboard”, it will open another door in the main
hall There is a lever behind the door; it opens the door opposite for a very short time. To catch it, the easiest way is to do the following: after pressing
lever, immediately belay (the "END" key), run with acceleration, when you run into a half-closed door - belay again. And here we are in the room.
There is absolutely nothing useful in it :). But there is a collection of artifacts from previous parts of the games. Next we leave the house into the courtyard, to the left behind
The horse has a gate with a keyhole, it opens with a key from the pool. Here you can ride a small bouncy buggy. You can still
go through an obstacle course near the house, shoot at targets and at the servant, but probably everyone knows that.

The secrets don't end there. There is still the opportunity to get onto the roof of the house. You can do this like this: we go through the usual training to the platform with
bungee, but we don’t go down it, but go to the edge and to the right (you can walk slowly by holding down the Shift key) and turn 45 to the right
degrees. Now you need to jump. Maybe not the first time, but you will find yourself on a higher platform. Now we jump onto the platform nearby, and from it,
run up (!), towards the house - to the place of intersection - there is only one there, and do not press Ctrl at the same time! Once on the roof (see screenshot 1), you get full
control over the situation - from it you can see all the locations around the house, for example, a park (see screenshot 2) or a racing track (see screenshot 3).

Now let's get started with the game itself!

We go left, jump down a little, and jump back towards the place where the level began, there is a gun and two clips for an ultrasound (secret
No. 1). (If you collect all 59 (60) secrets in the game, the secret level will be available - All Hallows) Now we slide down the slope, jumping over
spikes and generally going to the left, where the platform is. Once on it, we go a little further so that the rolling stone does not crush us, then we collect ammunition.
We jump over the tree (you need to jump, deviating to the left) and select cartridges for the gun and a crystal (secret No. 2). When we went down, we go left,
take the green crystal, jump over to the wall with waterfalls, - cartridges for a grenade launcher, a gun and a candle (secret No. 3). Next we go back to the passage
through the bog, we came out into a clearing - there will be a monkey there, and we go into a passage disguised by leaves. We press the lever, jump into the water (there is very
strong current) and under the water in the right wall there will be a tunnel, along it we swim to the surface and go back to the clearing, run to the grate - it
will immediately close behind us. After pressing the lever in this room, the spikes will move towards us, so we immediately jump into the niche opposite. In general, here
Next, I recommend using this technique - press the lever, then immediately press the End key (roll) and jump forward. Also, one should not forget about
the ability to run with acceleration (while running /). Having moved, the spikes will open a passage in the wall - we go down the cable car to the other side.
It will be shallow on the left, jump there. In the passage(!) when we activate the lever, you will need to dodge the rolling stone, the easiest way is to run forward and
left. We go to the place where the stone rolled down, lower another lever and kill two tigers. Going out into a clearing with fog, we collect different
cartridges and kill another predator. We go further along the tree trunk, which is empty inside, because there is ammunition there (secret No. 4). Taking the secret
We carefully jump down and go into the darkness, slowly pass through the thorns and climb out to the top. We are again in a clearing with fog. We repeat the previous one
part of our path, but now, having jumped from the fallen tree, we go forward into the passage. At the place where the spikes begin, we turn around and jump up.
We take the crystal, jump onto the ledge and run to the next one, take the first aid kit. We move along the crack in the wall to the other side, climb up,
we go into the dark corridor and at the end of it we activate the lever. When you go back along the corridor, a stone will roll behind you - it’s better to run with
acceleration. We return back to the end of the corridor - there is a gap at the top left, in it there is a rocket and harpoons (secret No. 5). We return down to the stakes (there,
where we jumped after the secret in the fallen tree) and go through the opened gate. On the left you will notice a curtain of leaves, after running in front of
which two stones will roll out. The third one is waiting for us behind it, so be careful. There is a hole behind the curtain; you can carefully go down into it and take
(secret No. 6) - ammunition. Then we go to the river, run along its current and jump into the water - there is a tunnel. Having sailed along it, we climb out onto the platform on the left and
on the right we lower the levers, jump on the other side of the platform into the water, and swim further. Coming out onto the platform in the center of the next room, we do
the following: go to the open door, press the lever there, then go to the closed door - on the same platform, around the corner, you need to move the stone block
to myself. Now we go into the passage where the torches are burning - we will go out into a large room filled with water. We can easily take the crystal, but we still
you need to go left under the waterfall and climb the stairs up to the lever. By lowering it, you can very beautifully jump like a swallow down into the water.
The underwater gate is now open, so we swim through it. We kill the tiger and climb up the stairs. The monkey apparently wanted to steal the key, but didn’t have time. Let's go
behind the ledge, we shoot the tiger from above. We jump down and open the grate with the key, not forgetting to take the cartridges on the left in the niche. Level completed.

India: Temple Ruins

We go a little forward and to the right, take the first aid kit and kill two snakes. We lower the lever and jump into the hatch that opens in the floor behind. At the fork to the right,
we kill the snake and go up to the river. You need to jump onto the platform in the middle of the river (there is a first aid kit on it) and then to the other side. Omit
lever on the right and jump into the water, into the underwater tunnel. Having emerged, we will see a large hill. We climb on it halfway, there are cartridges for the Uzi on the right, then we go
go left along the curb into a passage that leads to a river with waterfalls. Take the green crystal and jump onto the tree branch. You can take cartridges on the left, but
then you need to jump to the right to the next platform, and from it - over the waterfall. There is a first aid kit on the ledge on the right, then we climb on our hands along the crack
to the horizontal surface on which the gun cartridges lie. We crawl under the rock, shoot the snakes along the way, we need to go down the descent to the right,
because a boulder will roll on the left. We enter the room with the statue - to the left of it are cartridges for a gun, to the right we move the block - more cartridges, and the passage to
next room. When we enter it, the statue in front will come to life; it only needs 6 accurate shots from a gun. We take the green crystal in the niche and there
lower the two levers. A hatch in the floor opened, there was another lever and a stone block that needs to be moved forward - there are a lot of useful things behind it
(secret #1). In the room where there was a living statue, we go into the opened grate (next to the place where we got out after the secret) and take a running jump
into the quagmire, we go until we get to a solid place. We jump higher from the hill, facing towards the quagmire, kill the monkey and when we lower
lever, then you need to run very quickly (with acceleration), since the walls with spikes will move. We went out into a room with four columns and golden
bars in the middle, kill two monkeys, there is a lever on one of these central columns. Having lowered it, we look for a block in the wall and pull it out, then
We jump up from it, but not to where the door opened, but to the left. Having found the ladder, we climb up, take the cartridges and lower the lever - we need it
for the next secret (secret #2). We return to the columns and now jump from the block to the open door at the top. We lower the lever under water,
we swim along the tunnel to the end and there we lower two more levers on the left and right, we swim back along the tunnel - in the middle of the way we float up. We are in
room with a large pool in the middle. There is a lever on the wall closest to us - it opens the door opposite for a very short time, behind it
- ammunition (secret No. 3). We return to the pool, lower the remaining two levers, they will activate the fire, which will make them clearly visible
transparent platforms above the pool (that is, in principle, you can not touch these levers). We jump along the transparent platforms to the lever above the pool,
after pressing it, you need to quickly jump to the left, but not into the pool, but onto solid ground and run through the opened door before it slams. After
pressing the lever in this room you need to run very quickly to the opposite side of the room, take the key, and also quickly run out into the opened
the door until it was pressed by thorns. We see that instead of water in the pool there is now dirt.

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz
AMD Athlon64 X2 2.1 GHz
Intel Core i5-750
AMD Phenom II X4 955
Video card Nvidia GeForce 8600
AMD Radeon HD 2600XT
512 MB, DirectX 9
Nvidia GeForce GTX 480
AMD Radeon HD 5870
1 GB, DirectX 11
12 GB 12 GB
operating system Windows 32-bit: XP/7/8.1 Windows 64-bit: 7/8.1

Tips for the game:

1. Not all places and secrets can be explored on your first visit to a location. In some cases, you will need new equipment, which can be obtained further in the story. You can return to a previously explored area using the central “Quick Transit” button in camps that are marked on the map with a tent icon.

2. Collect spare parts according to the map. Some boxes contain modifications to improve weapons.

3. When you first visit a location, you can earn experience by hunting animals. At a certain point, we will receive a message that further hunting in this region will bring less benefit. Hunting large animals brings more experience points.

4. Treasure maps are found in treasure chests in tombs. They indicate all the places for collecting collections.

5. First, you should study the “Survival” branch, in particular the skills associated with accelerating the acquisition of experience. In the future, you will have the opportunity to improve all other skills.

Passage of locations

The main character is a young girl, archaeologist Lara Croft, who went as part of an expedition to one of the tiny islands of southern Japan in search of the remains of an ancient civilization. But things didn't go according to plan when the expedition reached a section of ocean known locally as the "Dragon's Triangle". The ship "Endurance" was caught in a severe storm and crashed, and we only miraculously managed to survive. On the shore we see other survivors, but an unknown person will stun us and drag us into a cave.

1. Scavengers' Den
Tomb Raider (2013)

Willpower: Find a way out

We come to our senses. We are tied and hung upside down in a cave with altars. To get out, we swing from side to side. So we push the nearby hanging bag onto the candles, and it will light up. The fire will spread to the adjacent beam, now we swing in the other direction to hit this beam and set fire to our ropes. Of course, this will end in a fall, and onto a sharp metal rod, which must be removed by quickly pressing the “E” button.

We go through the cave. On the way we will find a Torch, with its help we burn the wooden barrier on the way. Our torch was extinguished by the water, so we set it on fire again at the lamp. We can examine all the active objects in the room (Q key). We climb onto the wooden platform on the left, set fire to the fabric, and it will cause the barrel on the other side to explode. We crawl into the hole. A savage attacks us, we fight him off by pressing left and right.

Puzzle: burning boxes. It is necessary to blow up barrels and mines, it is dangerous to do this close, and if you set fire to the boxes from afar, they will be extinguished by a waterfall. Solution:

1. Set fire to the pole with the rope to release the hanging cage.

2. We climb into the cage, it will lower, and the boxes at the top will fall out of the bucket into the cage on a hill.

3. Set fire to the boxes inside the right cell.

4. Then push the right cell. Burning garbage will roll past the waterfall and set fire to the barrels.

The cave will begin to collapse from the explosion, we quickly run through the tunnel towards the light. We jump over chasms along the road. As soon as the scavenger grabs us again, we resist (left, right) and then kick him (press the "F" button in time). Then we climb the slope, dodging stones flying from above. We got to the surface.

Welcome to Tomb Raider.

2. Coastal forest

Signs of Life: Find traces of other survivors

We walk along the shore and walk along a log. We will see a stuck wartime plane, we climb along it to the other side (places that you can cling to are highlighted in white). We climb onto a high ledge, pushing off from the wall (all places for such a double jump are also highlighted in white). Let's enter the empty camp where the survivors are staying, here in the backpack we will find video camera, matches, walkie-talkie.

Signs of life: Find shelter from the storm

The storm is not over yet, so we hide from the rain in a dry place under a rock, there we set up our first camp of our own. Lara will light a fire and watch a video about the beginning of the expedition.

Woman in wildlife: Find food

In search of food, we descend into a forest clearing. We'll see a skeleton hanging on a tree with a bow behind its back. We climb onto the roof of the bunker, jump along the hills, and from a tree branch we can reach the skeleton. This is how we get Homemade Bow.

Having received a weapon, we can start hunting local wildlife. Our prey is birds, rabbits and deer. Using the “Survival Instinct” (Q key) you can highlight objects of interest to us. Having shot the game, you need to go up and pick up the meat. You can also collect additional arrows and berries on the bushes in the clearing.

After a successful hunt, we return to the camp, where Rott will contact us. He will report that he is gathering survivors in the depths of the island, and we need to move towards him. Now the door to the bunker will be open, before entering you can do some additional hunting or look for artifacts.

Secret. In a forest clearing, like in any other location, there are many different types of secrets: documents, artifacts, caches. You can look for them right now, but it’s much easier to first improve your “survival” skills, and then we’ll see all the secrets on the map. Because of this, ordinary secrets are not described in the walkthrough; you can easily find them yourself.

Auror Challenge(Ghost Hunter)

In addition to the usual secrets, the game also contains challenges. This is the collection or destruction of unusual objects. Challenge item locations are not shown on the map, even with all skills. We are looking for them ourselves. In the coastal forest you need to find and shoot 10 hanging pagan totems in the form of the sun:

1. Even before the first camp, on the side of the path.

2. In the southwestern part of the clearing, near the stone.

3. To the south in front of a hill with several steps.

4. In the northeastern dead end, under the bridge tree.

5. On the tree in front of the bunker.

Find Rott: Find your way out of the forest

We go down into the catacombs of the bunker. We come across a locked door. To open it, we burn through the rubble nearby and find a Pickaxe. With its help, we open the door (press E many times) and get out in the northern part of the forest.

We will find our Japanese friend Samantha and stranger Matios. Sammy will start talking about the empress, whose descendant she is, and at this time we will fall asleep by the fire.

Waking up from thunder, we find the camp empty. We run out in search of newly discovered friends, and immediately fall into a trap. This is also overshadowed by the fact that wolves scented us. We prepare the bow, wait until the predators jump out of the bushes, and then shoot at them. As soon as 3 wolves fall to the ground defeated, the Endurance crew will find us. After a short conversation, the team is divided into two groups, one goes to look for Samantha and her friend, and Wilson and I go to meet Rott.

Find Rott: Catch up with Whitman

A new area is available for us to hunt and explore. But you should be careful, because now wolves will hunt us. In battle with them, you need to dodge at the moment of attack by pressing “Shift”, after which we immediately press again to make a roll. Also, now with the help of a pickaxe we can open wooden boxes with spare parts, they are needed to improve weapons. We collect 50 spare parts, go to the fire, improve the pickaxe so that it can be rotated by mechanisms.

Auror Challenge(Ghost Hunter)

6. The totem hangs under the central bridge.

7. Just north of the central bridge.

8. Near the eastern broken bridge.

9. On the western hill, near the wall.

10. To the right of the gate with mechanisms.

Loadable Tomb – Traveler's Tomb

Located in the Coastal Forest location in the southern dead end. In the tomb we find a plane stuck in the trees. The treasure is on the top floor of the temple. To get there, we perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Set fire to the left support with a white cloth. To do this, we shoot at the hanging lamp.

2. On the right we shoot at the lamp above the boards where the skeleton hangs. We push the platform towards the plane.

3. We climb to the hill ahead. We take a portable flashlight, throw it into the hanging part of the plane from the bottom side, and the boxes inside will burn.

4. We go up through the empty body of the plane, and climb along the tail to the roof of the building.

We will receive 250 experience, 1 skill point, a map of secrets throughout the location.

3. Mountain Temple
Lara Croft Tomb Raider (2013). Walkthrough

Meeting in the mountains: Do everything so that your escape is not noticed

After we open the doors of the temple, we fall into the trap of bandits. While they are catching the rest of the survivors, we escape with hands tied. They search for us with flashlights, we hide from enemies behind shelters.

We sit down in front of a small stone wall. As soon as the first enemy passes, we rise higher. There are two more bandits on the way, but as soon as they turn away, we can run past them to the left. Then we go right to wooden building. We wait for the bandit to come down from the mountain, then we go up the slope. We enter the next building.

One of the main sectarians will still find us and try to kill us. We resist (press F, F, shoot from a pistol, dodge left and right, press E many times, and make another shot). So we will kill the first person, and we will get a weapon. An old pistol, but for now without cartridges.

Meeting in the Mountains: Fight off the inhabitants of the island

At the next collision we will be noticed, but we will find a clip and will be able to shoot back. After the shootout we continue to move higher. Along the way, we will be taught silent killing from the back (key "F", then "E" for strangulation). Silent kills give more experience.

Meeting in the Mountains: Climb Even Higher

We climb up the rock along the long stairs and find ourselves in an abandoned temple. Near the waterfall we can jump into the river and there we will find a passage into a cave; inside there is a map of the secrets of this location. There are several more bandits here, you can eliminate them silently. At the end we go east, climb up a narrow crevice between the rocks.

4. Mountain village

To the rescue: Find Rott's backpack

At the top we will meet the wounded Rott, the leader of the expedition, his leg was bitten by wolves. He manages to report that his backpack was stolen by wolves, and loses consciousness. The backpack contains a first aid kit needed by a wounded commander and a walkie-talkie with which you can call for help.

Moving away from the camp, we see a wolf howling on the slope, and we head there. The village is a central location, we will return here more than once, so we don’t pay attention to the fact that many paths are still closed to us, we just make our way up the plane to the cave in the west.

Having entered a dark cave, we carefully reach a huge pile of bones and pick up the backpack. On the way out, a huge wolf will attack us. We resist (left and right, strike with the F key, then press E).

To the rescue: Climb to the source of the waterfall

We go down to Rott and treat his wound. When he comes to his senses, he reports that he cannot go. We alone must climb higher and send out a distress signal. To do this, Rott will give us his Ice ax. Now with its help we can climb uneven walls. This is exactly what you need to get to the very top of the village to the pass to the road to the base.

Tomb of the Scorned

Located in the “Mountain Village” location, at medium altitude, near two waterfalls. A tomb built in honor of the priestesses of Pimiko.

1. We jump onto the platform on the left and immediately to the other side, light the torch.

2. Set fire to three bags on the hanging platform on the left.

3. We push the box standing on the ledge on the right.

4. The platform will rise higher, now we can jump along it to the uneven wall. Using an ice ax we climb to the top.

Illumination Challenge(Illumination)

You need to light 10 lamps in the hands of the statues. At first it is impossible to do this completely without a lighter. We will do it on next visits.

Nest Destroyer Challenge(Egg Poacher)

You need 5 bird nests with golden eggs. Usually found on the roofs of houses and on high cliffs:

1. House at the very bottom of the village.

2. Big house near the plane.

3. Eastern peak, on the side of the cliff.

4. In the center on an island between the waterfalls.

5. Big house, southeast.

5. Road to base
Tomb Raider. Game of 2013

Help: Find a bunker

We stop by the fire, watch the video camera, learn more about the other surviving people. We go to the radio point where we need to send a distress signal. It is located in an abandoned base, guarded by local bandits. At the entrance to the base there will be spotlights that can be bypassed if you act quietly and carefully.

6. Mountain base

Help: Find the radio remote control

In the bunker we will reach a locked door. In order to bypass it, we need to close the valve that will be on the left. After this, gas will stop flowing in the passage below, and we will be able to penetrate into the next room. There will be bandits talking in the corridor, who can be expertly blown up by shooting at a barrel.

Puzzle: Room behind glass

1. Climb into the hole at the top;

2. Open the gas with the valve;

3. We climb back out and throw a lamp into the window. The gas will explode, killing the bandit and destroying the glass. We take the Old machine gun from the deceased enemy.

In the next room we will be ambushed. At the moment of slowing down time, we can shoot most of the enemies with a machine gun. We destroy the spotlights so that enemies can be seen better. We are in no hurry to move forward, as reinforcements are already running around the corner. After the victory, we can climb to the 2nd floor, along the right wall, to set up a camp there.

Let's go to the radio room. As expected, it was destroyed. But we learn from Rott that the signal can be sent from the engineering console, which is located on the antenna itself. We climb into the passage with hot pipes.

7. Base area
How to beat Tomb Raider

To the rescue: Climb the radio tower

It's snowing outside. On the bridge a sectarian will try to grab us, we quickly kick him away. Next you will have to participate in several shootouts. In the latter we meet a big guy who uses a shield. We need to dodge his blow (press shift and to the side), and then shoot at him while he is still open.

After the victory, we go to the tower and begin to climb to the very top. Having reached the remote control, we connect the walkie-talkie and begin to rotate two toggle switches to remove interference on the air and find the international SOS wave. As soon as communication is established, Lara will call rescuers, but they cannot land until a signal is given from the ground.

To help: Light the signal fire

We go down on a cable to gas station. We find Flint in the warehouse, now we can get fire anywhere. We pour gasoline from the tank and set it on fire.

The explosion will attract the attention of the plane, but as soon as it lands, a thunder cloud will fly in and shoot down the plane with lightning. The wreckage of the plane is falling to the ground and is about to overtake us. We begin to slide down the slope, dodging fences and stakes. So we will quickly slide towards the village.

8. Village on the rocks

Slippery Slope: Find the way to the mountain village

The location consists of many flimsy buildings built over an abyss. We see how one of the pilots, parachuting down, gets stuck in the branches of a tree near one of the buildings. We move towards it through the buildings. This must be done quickly, as buildings begin to collapse.

Having reached the pilot, we see how he is desperately trying to get out, but a bandit with a shield overtakes him and kills him. We take revenge for the pilot.

Slippery Slope: Join Rott

In the village we will fall into a trap, they will hang us upside down. In this position, we shoot back from three enemies, and then shoot at the block that is holding us.

We take the Rope from this trap, and now we will be able to release “Comets” - arrows with ropes. With their help, you can shoot at places that are tied with ropes in order to pull them towards you and bring them down or move them.

If we shoot the Comet near the white pillar, Lara will make a rope with which you can get to the other side.

9. Mountain village. 2nd visit
Tomb Raider (2013). How to get through the tomb

Guilt: Reach the Signal Light

We return to the wounded Rott. Lara will begin to blame herself for the failure of the expedition and the plane crash. To make amends, we go to rescue the co-pilot, he landed a little to the east.

Now, thanks to the ropes, the high-mountainous part of the location is available to us. We climb higher and higher, laying new rope paths. At the top of the eastern rock we will find the entrance to the tomb.

Tomb. Ascension Hall

It is located in a huge gorge, which is why the strongest wind blows here. Entering the temple, we see two levers. One raises the platform and the other closes the shutters on the windows. Our task:

1. We close the shutters on the left, run up to the other lever;

2. We are not doing anything yet. We wait until the first shutter swings open from the wind, only then do we begin to turn the mechanism;

3. Using the left wooden structure, we quickly climb onto the raised platform, it will slowly go down;

4. When all three shutters are knocked out, the wind will pick us up and swing us towards the right wall, at this moment we jump and cling to the cornice.

We will receive 1250 experience, 1 skill point, and the “Mountain Village” secret map.

Having passed through the gorge, we find ourselves at the “Pass” location, which leads to the mountain monastery. The pilot lies wounded at the foot of the temple, we try to run up to him. But all this turns out to be a trap for Matios. The bandits stun us and take us prisoner.

10. Mountain Monastery

New troubles: Find a way out

We wake up in limbo, among a heap of corpses. We swing left and right, after which we break the ropes. We climb into the gap and do it just in time, as one of the Japanese Oni demons enters our room. We go through the ruins, and in the hands of one of the corpses we will find an Old Shotgun. It can be used to destroy wooden barricades.

Let's enter the Empress's tomb, where her mummified body lies. From the drawings we learn that there is a certain ascension ritual in which a woman is given over to fire. This is a way of transferring power. They notice us, there is a fight with a group of bandits.

You can take a break at the camp. The further path lies along the wall of the temple above the abyss. Wooden structures are collapsing, and we must quickly get to the entrance to the sanctuary.

Puzzle: bell

Inside, after the fight with the bandits, we must make a passage in the floor, for this we use the bell:

1. Open one of the two shutters, use the comet to swing the weight and break one of the bell supports.

2. Close one shutter, open another. We swing the load again, now it will be blown in the other direction, and it will break the second support.

3. Having defeated a group of opponents, open both shutters on the windows, swing the load, it will hit the bell directly. The whole structure will collapse down, we jump down there after.

The building will begin to collapse, and we need to quickly get out of there. Dodging obstacles, we run along the corridor. At the end we slide down the slope, along the way we need to break through fences with shotgun shots. We fall into the water.

A friend in need: Find the way to the brotherhood base

As soon as we get to small island ok, Samantha will contact us. She is in captivity at the brotherhood base, where they want to perform a “Fire Rite” on her. We need to save her.

We returned to the central location "Mountain Village", but now from the eastern side. We move towards the barricaded chapel. In it, Samantha will contact us again, but the conversation will be short, as she will be discovered. We slide down the rope and come across another group of bandits. Having defeated them, we have to cross the river. You will have to wade.

11. Mountainside
Tomb Raider (2013). Wiki

A friend in need: Go down to the brotherhood base

It will not be possible to get to the other side; we will be washed away by the current. While going down the river, we dodge obstacles and, where necessary, shoot barricades with a shotgun.

At the end there is a waterfall on which an old bomber is stuck. If we fall inside onto the windshield, it will begin to crack under us. We manage to grab the parachute, and the glass breaks down. At the moment of the fall, we open the parachute, but it does not work, after which we pull it again to open the spare one. The second time we succeed, the wind picks us up and begins to carry us between the trees. You need to dodge large branches on the way. As we approach the slums, a hard landing awaits us.

12. Slums

Open wounds: Find a first aid kit

Lara is wounded, jumping and rolling brings her hellish pain. We need to find a first aid kit. Entering the slums, we see a crashed helicopter and begin to move towards it. To do this we go through sewer drain under the house, where we hear bandits torturing one of the survivors.

When we get out, we will have a meeting with these bandits. You need to shoot accurately, since Lara's health is low now. We make our way forward to the helicopter, simultaneously getting rid of oncoming enemies.

Having reached the helicopter, we shoot the “comet” at the mount and open the cargo compartment. There is a first aid kit on the plane, but it does not contain the medicines we need. We search the pilot's corpse and find the Lighter. We use it to cauterize wounds. Now we can use Fire Arrows.

Road to Hell: Reach the gate under the bridge

We contact Rott, inform him that we are moving towards the fortified palace. At this moment we are discovered by a large detachment of bandits. We need to shoot back while standing on the balcony and using new types of arrows. We shoot at puddles of gasoline, red barrels and fortifications with fabric. All this can ignite and cause trouble for opponents. After the victory, you can rest in a camp nearby, and then start exploring this entire location.

Test "Silence"(Silencer)

You need to destroy 4 mechanical alarms with handles:

1. Near the western puddle.

Rest in Peace Challenge(Laid to Rest)

It is necessary to destroy the stuffed animals with white cloth. First, we shoot at them with fiery arrows, then we drop the pillar, hooking it with a rope arrow.

1. North of the helicopter.

2. A little south of the helicopter.

3. Near the entrance to the “Well of Tears” tomb.

4. Near the western puddle.

5. Behind the east central building.

Tomb. Well of Tears

Before entering the tomb, they trap us by grabbing our legs with a rope. We need to shoot back while hanging upside down. At the end of the battle, we shoot at the rope fastening to free ourselves.

Then we hook the rope on the floor with a “comet” to open the tunnel down. In the well we will find a high hanging platform and 4 canisters. Solution:

1. Take the canisters and throw them onto the platform, which will gradually begin to descend from their weight;

2. As soon as it is below, we go onto the platform and throw out the canisters from it;

3. We quickly climb onto the neighboring building and jump onto the rising platform. Before it sinks again under our weight, we jump onto the ledge, behind which the treasure will be waiting for us.

Road to Hell: Find your way through the gates

Having reached the gates of the slums, we will be ambushed. The fight will be long. After this, we need to open the gate: we burn the fabric on the gate, then turn the mechanism.

Road to Hell: Get into the Palace

Having opened the gate, we find ourselves in the second part of the slums. We go down and pass through a small lake, after which we see sectarians running after Grim. Let's run after.

On the approach to the tower, sectarians will find us and cut off the path to the rest of the survivors by blowing up the stairs. Sitting in cover, we shoot back. As soon as the assault stops, we climb up the cable. We need to get to the cable car leading to Grim.

Having gone upstairs, we walk along the structures to the station. We will meet sectarians. We use a bow and a machine gun. Near the station there will be an entrance to the tomb.

Test "Silence"(Silencer)

2. Alarm on the building south of the lake.

3. On the building north of the lake.

4. On the northern building with hanging cabins.

5. Behind the building to the northeast of the lake.

Rest in Peace Challenge(Laid to Rest)

6. Scarecrow north of the lake.

7. On the southernmost building.

8. In the west behind the destroyed bridge.

9. In the east at the end of the northern river.

10. To the north are buildings with hanging cabins.

Tomb. Courtroom

There are several balconies with canisters around. In the center of the floor there is a metal sheet swinging from side to side.

1. We collect 4 canisters, destroying the balconies under them. We throw extra canisters on the left, and the platforms will not support the load. On the right we swing the load on the rope;

2. Place the canisters on a swinging sheet, closer to the exit;

3. Having created a counterweight, we can run up the inclined sheet and jump from it to the cliff. With the help of an icebreaker we will climb up.

Liberator: Find the way to Grim

Having climbed into the station, we sit in any booth. We will take the cable car to the next platform. Upon arrival, we will see that old Grim has been captured by enemies, and we are forced to drop our weapons. But Grim refuses to give up and starts a fight, resulting in both the bandits and him falling off the cliff. There is no time to mourn him, since we are again besieged by bandits.

After the victory, the survivors will try to grab us, but Rott will intervene in time with a sniper rifle. Now, under his cover, we need to get to the entrance to the brotherhood’s palace.

We do not abandon our own: Find the entrance to the citadel of the brotherhood

We climb the structures. Having reached the bridge, we decide to crawl under it. We move until the shooting starts. During the shootout, we listen to Rott’s commands on the radio, he will tell you when we can move on. The bridge will begin to collapse, we quickly jump along the beams, and as a result we will reach the entrance to the cave.

13. Cave entrance
Tomb Raider (2013). Walkthrough

We don’t abandon our own: Free the prisoners from the Endurance

In the cave we pass to the hall in which a crowd of sectarians is already conducting the ritual of sacrificing Samantha. We are trying to prevent this, but the enemies have numerical superiority, we are quickly stunned and disarmed. They try to burn Samantha, but the wind saves her. We are taken to prison. On the way, we break out and jump from the bridge into the lake with the blood of the victims, and go ashore.

14. Caves

Having lost all the weapons, we were able to get the bow back. With its help, you can pass through a stream of gas; to do this, you need to shoot a burning arrow. After the explosion, the road will be clear for some time.

In the caves we find ourselves in a section where the sectarians keep prisoners. The prisoners have already gone crazy and are eating all the new arrivals. It is worth remembering that all our weapons were taken away and now we have few arrows. But here we will encounter only a few opponents who can be dealt with with the help of an ice ax or a Comet. To get out, you need to break the gas hydrant and blow up the gas. The explosion will knock out the grate.

Near the camp there is a building with gratings on top; you can climb there along the boards of the side wall; at the top there is a map of the location.

Along the way you will come across sectarians, whom you can get rid of silently. We use arrows to distract attention, and gas to get rid of groups of enemies, especially in the place where they pray to the totem.

At the end of the “comet” path, we turn the pole with the rope so that the cage is closer to the gas. We explode the gas with a fiery arrow, the cage will fly off and break through the doors.

Puzzle: Rescue of colleagues

In the last cave we will find members of the Endurance team, they are locked in a suspended plane. As soon as we get rid of the guards, we will need to get them out of there.

1. We break the valve under the cage, shoot fire arrows into the gas.

2. So we freed the platform, climb onto it, and from there onto the cage with prisoners.

3. It is necessary to blow up two gas sources in series. First we shoot at the near gas, then immediately at the far gas. The suspended cage will be carried to the side by the explosions, and it will knock down a large counterweight projectile. Let's fly higher together with the plane's body.

4. We climb onto the upper platform and break 2 more valves. Here they need to be detonated simultaneously with one shot. To do this, stand in the corner on the right so that both gas sources are on the same line, and shoot. The survivors are saved, and we get out along the platforms.

15. Fortress of Brotherhood
Tomb Raider (2013). Walkthrough site

Into the Heat: Find Sammy

Having got out of the caves, we will find ourselves in the cult fortress. A fire started here from explosions in the caves. We make our way through collapsing buildings, shooting sectarians along the way. In one of the rooms we will have time to grab records of the ceremony.

Having gone through all this, we will meet the chief archaeologist Whitman, who is freely walking around the enemy palace. We have no time to talk to him, and we go into the throne room where Samantha is being kept.

Into the Heat: Survive the Ambush

By killing the guard Dmitry, we will get all our weapons back. Immediately after this, groups of enemies will begin to attack us. We hide behind the columns. At the end of the battle, armored sectarians will come towards us. They can be killed by destroying the armor on their body.

Into the Hell: Escape from the Hell

Samantha has left a dangerous place, let's go after her. As soon as we get outside, Nikolai will see us and open fire from a stationary machine gun. Running from cover to cover, we approach it.

At the end we climb onto the balcony and descend on a cable directly to the enemy. Nikolai will throw us down and start firing at us with a pistol. Let's pick up a fallen grenade launcher on the floor, shoot from it, and the enemy will die. After the victory, we mount the Grenade Launcher on our machine gun. With its help, we will be able to blow up metal barricades, and shootouts with enemies will become much easier.

Behind the next camp we approach the wall of the fortress. As soon as another machine gun notices us, we run from cover to cover. We get to the closed balcony on the right, from there we shoot with a grenade launcher behind the enemy fortifications, and the machine gunner will be killed.

16. Fortress tower

Get to the helicopter: Walk across the bridges

After talking with Sammy, we climb the wall and go down the cable to the bridge. Matthias will start firing cannons to destroy the bridges and prevent us from reaching the rescue helicopter. Let's run forward. The bridge will begin to collapse. A sectarian will grab us, we throw him away with an ice ax. We continue to run and dodge explosions.

Once in the tower, you need to climb higher. We climb the beams and outer walls. At the very top we run up and jump into the helicopter.

17. Mountain forest
Tomb Raider (2013). All tombs

Loneliness: Find a way out of the forest

Unfortunately, the helicopter is also knocked down by a storm and we fall into the forest. Lara loses consciousness. Rott is the first to come to his senses and tries to pull Lara away. At this moment the sectarians attack. Rott shot almost everyone, but there wasn’t enough ammunition for Matthias. Matthias throws an ax, and Rott shields Lara from him with his body.

We come to our senses after the death of a friend and continue our journey through the mountain forest. In the large valley we will come across many patrols of bandits. You can carefully eliminate them one by one. If there is any noise, you will have to fight a large group of sectarians.

"Silent Hunt" Challenge(Red Cap Roundup)

You need to find 10 mushrooms in the forest. Grows only on grass:

1. To the right of the first fork in the forest.

3. On a narrow path to the central clearing.

4. At the northern wall of the central clearing.

5. Near the north bridge, just below the bridge.

6. On the western bank of the river, near two islands.

7. In the southwest of the clearing, on a rock.

8. At the southern border of the clearing.

9. In the east under the broken bridge.

10. In the west, on the right before exiting the clearing.

Tomb. Temple of the Guardians

Located in the northern part of the Mountain Forest.

1. Set fire to a pile of wooden debris using fire arrows;

2. Behind the rubble, we detonate the gas with fire arrows;

3. We quickly run up and climb using an icebreaker.

Solitude: Escape the Forest through the Wolf's Lair

We reach a cave in which sectarians breed wolves. Having climbed onto the platform, we use the “comet” on the suspended deer, twice, so we will turn the pillar around and be able to jump onto the pole and onto the next wall.

Leaving the cave, we find ourselves in the upper level of the slums. We move along the cables to the large cable car, which leads to the shore. We climb into any cabin and go down.

18. Cable car

Accelerated Descent: Reach the Survivor Camp

Our platform will stop before reaching the end. We use the “comet” to move to the nearest support. From there we move onto a whaling ship suspended over the abyss.

Here we have to have a hot battle, at the end of which a machine gun will start firing at us. Dodging shots, we climb up the collapsing ship. As a result of the fire, the ship will finally begin to fall. We grab onto several cables one by one and slide down between the trees. We need to jump from one cable to another in time so as not to fall into the wreckage. We go down to the river, after which we go ashore.

19. Shore of Sorrow
Tomb Raider (2013). I can't get through

A Pirate's Life: Reach the Galleon

Having reached the camp, we learn that the survivors are going to leave the island, all that remains is to repair the boat. Programmer Alex went to the wreckage of the Endurance to get tools, and we need to find the rigging on the galleon in order to remove the engine from the boat. Let's go there.

We run along the wreckage of the southern pier and jump into the wooden ship. Along the way, we shoot the bandits. Having reached the bow of the ship, we shoot upward at the anchor fastening. This way we get Rigging, with which you can pull up heavy loads. We climb back along the fallen mast.


You need to destroy 5 dolmens - helmets on small sticks.

1. To the right of the entrance, we place two tanks on the water, jump over them to the rock, and destroy the first dolmen at the top.

2. On the hill south of the entrance path.

3. On the eastern hill.

Challenge "Demining"(Minesweeper)

You need to shoot 10 old sea mines in the form of spiked balls. It’s better to shoot from a shotgun, only the farthest ones are undermined by machine gun shots. They are on the surface of the water, a couple of them have washed up on the sand.

1. On the eastern sandy slope.

2. On the southeastern coast.

3. At the beginning of the southern pier.

4. Behind the second fragment of the southern pier.

5. On the southern pier, to the left of the wreckage of a wooden ship.

Having reached the camp, we will meet the chief archaeologist Whitman, who supposedly miraculously escaped from the enemies. Alex still doesn’t come back, so we go looking for him. Hunter Jonah will give us a Composite Bow, with its help we will be able to hook “comets” to uneven rocks. We make our way further east along the shipwrecks. Having walked along the shore, we climb onto the tower, and from there along the cables to the passage to the bunker.

Test "Ravage of the Dolmens"(Cairn)

4. On the southeast path, on the second large shipwreck.

5. On the mountain east of the previous location.

Challenge "Demining"(Minesweeper)

6. On the southeast path, near the first large piece of debris.

7. On the southeastern path, near the second shipwreck.

8. South of the second shipwreck.

9. On the mountain east of the second fragment.

10. In the eastern clearing.

Tomb. Flooded cache

The cache is an abandoned laboratory.

1. First, turn on the power upstairs, then open the entrance gate.

2. Having gone inside, we see that the water is energized, which comes from a lamp suspended from the ceiling. We unhook the platform standing nearby.

3. We stand on the right, break through the boards, use the “comet” to pull the raft closer to us, and jump over it to the right bank.

4. Use the “comet” on a suspended weight that holds the lamp. This will cause the lamp to rise, the current in the water will temporarily disappear, we quickly run to the other side. The lamp will slowly fall back into the water.

5. You need to lift the lamp again, and then pull the raft directly under it. The lamp will fall onto the raft and will no longer touch the water. We can calmly walk through the water to the stairs around the corner.

20. Bunker on the rock
Tomb Raider (2013). How to save Alex

Missing: Reach the Endurance

From here we see our ship, which is being dismantled into pieces by sectarians. We use the “comet” and climb to the opposite side into the bunker. There will be many bandits here, with whom we deal as we move upward. We climb out through the platform into the hole in the ceiling. Now we need to go down the cables to our ship.

Boss: Brute. We find one of the Russian brothers on the ship, who uses Zhumar to automatically tighten the ropes. To defeat him, you need to use dodge (shift) and counterattack (F key), then hit him in the face with an ice pick. Having won, we go down.

Puzzle: Alex's Rescue

After examining our cabin, we go to the back of the ship. We find Alex, who was crushed by debris. The path to it is blocked by a switched-on generator. To open the path, you need to move the hook under the ceiling. We can use the zhumar to move it back and forth, and it moves left and right if we climb onto its side ladders. Solution:

1. We need to put the hook in the extreme right position, there we can move it to the central cross rail. Then we climb onto the hook on the right, and it will roll up to the central staircase. We climb under the ceiling, there we tear off the pipe that is interfering with us.

2. We need to move the hook closer to the exit, there we can move it to the central longitudinal rail. From there we pull the hook towards Alex, the obstacle will be broken. Pull the hook back to get through.

Having reached Alex, we will see that he suffered greatly. He was able to find the tool, but the attacking bandits do not give him the opportunity to help him. Alex decides to sacrifice himself to save Lara. We escape from a sinking ship. We use a zhumar on the cable to automatically climb up the rope. Now we need to go back.

21. Shore of sadness. The way back
Tomb Raider (2013). What to do

Missing: Return to the shore, to the survivors' camp

Now with the help of zhumar we can destroy strong barricades (white rope on steel doors). At the entrance we pull together a heavy load to break through the floor and return to the bunker. Inside, we open the strong doors to collect the remaining secrets. We return to the sandy shore.

Chasing the Wind: Begin the Ascent

While Race is repairing the boat, we go to the scientific station to find out the cause of these storms. To the left of the camp we open the road to the elevator and climb onto the rock. We move along the cables to the cable car, from which you can climb onto the cliff where this station is located. There is a big climb ahead.

22. Research station

Chasing the Wind: Explore an Ancient Tomb

Having reached the entrance to the bunker, we will get inside the laboratory. We reach the elevator, which cannot go down. We need to break all 4 gears that move the elevator. To do this, we raise the elevator to different floors and break the gears through the holes.

Puzzle: Elevator

1. Call to the 2nd floor, destroy the gear while standing on the box.

2. We call you to the 3rd floor.

3. We call to the 3rd floor, climb up the vertical stairs.

4. We lower it to the 3rd floor. By pressing the call button on the 4th, we jump into the elevator and jump onto the uneven rock. As soon as the last gear is destroyed, the elevator will collapse, opening the way for us further.

On the lower floor we can climb over the boxes to take secrets from dead ends, and a map of all the secrets is hidden in the same way. We will find ourselves in an ancient tomb, where the commander of the thunder guards made a sepukku. From the note we learn that this mummified body of the empress does not make it possible to escape from the island.

Chasing the Wind: Leave the Research Station

Immediately in the hall, sectarians begin to attack us. Having defeated everyone, we can get out. We hear on the radio that the camp is under attack. We quickly return there along the cables.

In the camp we will find only the wounded Race and Jonah. As it turned out, the archaeologist Whitman betrayed us, and during a bandit attack he took Samantha to the sectarian Matthias. The boat is ready, but on it we will not escape from the island, but will go up the river to save our friend.

23. Pass
Tomb Raider game

Return: Enter the monastery

Having reached the place, we rise to the entrance to the citadel. From afar we will see how Matthias sent Whitman to meet with the thunder guards. Of course, the ancient Japanese could not understand him and killed him in cold blood. Matthias used this as a distraction and ran into the monastery with his hostage Sammy. We follow him, but the bridge will collapse, so we use the cable on the rock on the right.

24. Citadel

Return: Find Samantha in the monastery

Once in the citadel, we see living thunder guards; we can try to kill the first two. As soon as we reach the ceremonial room, we move quietly, there are too many enemies there. We go forward along the wall, from above we move to the other side along the beam, they won’t see us. Then we crawl along the ledge to the center of the hall. They will notice us, but we will have time to climb through the window.

We run along the burning corridor and jump into the courtyard. We will meet several guards on the way; these are ordinary warriors, dressed in armor. We shoot them with weapons and dodge their blows.

Return: Rescue Samantha from Mathias

Let's go out into the open. Here we will have to storm several lines of defense of the fortress, with a whole army of guards against us. At first, only archers on the towers, then they will bring down the column, and the samurai will come at us in close combat. At the main entrance we will be met by the main samurai hunter, but this time we will avoid battle, the enemy will be blown away by a powerful stream of wind. We take advantage of this opportunity and enter the temple.

25. Temple over the gorge
Tomb Raider (2013). How to get

Puzzle: Cage

Several artifacts can be found in the temple. In the next room we will find a cage suspended on a chain and a couple of mechanisms nearby. Decision:

1. Turn the mechanism on the right to open the cage on the floor;

2. The mechanism on the left will lift the cage;

3. We stand in front of the entrance, using the jumar we pull the cage towards us. She will break through the rock ahead;

4. Use the right mechanism to close the grille;

5. Use the left mechanism to lower the cage;

6. We climb onto the balcony of the upper floor. We pull the cage towards us and jump onto it. We will be carried by inertia towards the gap, and when we are close, we jump into the gap in the rock. Here we learn that the Empress is alone, and that she uses the priestesses as vessels for her soul.

(The game scares us with a “point of no return” before entering the last temple, but this is only until we complete the game to the end. After completing the story, you can return to any location and continue collecting secrets).

26. Ziggurat

Before us is the snow-covered tomb of Queen Pimiko. Matthias takes Samantha inside, and we need to look for a workaround. We climb up external wall temple. The path will be blocked by a gate with broken shutters; we must pull the bell hanging nearby. The wind will pick it up and direct it towards the gate. Climbing higher, we will see thunder guards on the bridge, who were held back by Race and Jonah, they are running into the temple. We climb higher.

At the very top, the ritual has already begun - Pimiko's soul slowly passes into Sammy's body. The path to the center is blocked by a storm, we must move around the altar, shooting at the cultists. After two skirmishes, the demons kill the bandits, and now we have to deal with them.

Boss: Guardian Stalker. To defeat him, we dodge his blows from top to bottom in time and shoot at his unprotected back. After he weakens, we hit him in the face with an ice pick. After the third such blow he will be defeated.

Boss: Mathias. We enter the center of the altar. The battle with the cultist Matthias will only take place in the format of quick button presses. First, he will shoot off our bow, then we will try to hit him with a pistol, but he will knock us to the ground. We throw Mathias off of us with an ice ax, after which we grab his pistol and shoot with both hands at once (this is where Lara Croft from previous games in the series begins to be recognized). A few hits and Matthias will fall off the cliff.

We thrust a torch into the empress's mummy, and it will fly into pieces before it can move into Sammy. Immediately after Pimiko's death, the storm over the island will begin to subside, and the rays of the sun will break through the sky. A small team of four people leaves this island by boat.

This is just the beginning of the adventure.

Achievements . Questions and answers.

Game description

Third game in the series. An addon was released for the game on PC Tomb Raider III Gold: The Lost Artifact, adding new level, consisting of 6 locations.


In ancient times, a meteorite fell to earth and changed the climate of the planet. The peoples of Polynesia began to worship him and even erected a sanctuary where Antarctica is now located.

In 1834, during the expedition of Charles Darwin, a sanctuary was found in Antarctica. 5 meteorite fragments were also found in it. The fragments were lost over time in different parts of the world. While exploring the hidden corners of India, Lara finds ancient artifact, the so-called Infada Stone, one of five ancient artifacts belonging to the ancient cult of the Polynesians. She meets a man named Willard, who is busy researching this cult and the meteorite. He also tells Miss Croft this story, recorded in the ship's log of the very ship that made the discovery during the expedition. The Tomb Raider cannot stay away when she faces ancient mysteries and sets off on a journey in search of the remaining three fragments. The story of the fifth fragment is told in the addon.

About the game

There are a lot of innovations in the third part of Lara's adventures. Graphically, everything began to look very nice compared to the previous parts. New movements, weapons, enemies, vehicles. Total added. During the journey, you can choose which level to play next. You can choose from: Nevada Desert, southern islands Pacific Ocean, London and Antarctica.

The save system now works in two modes. In the easy one, you can collect crystals and record anywhere, but in the difficult one, when you find a crystal, you can save it, but you cannot take it with you.

The trap system has become much more cunning and extensive. It could be a wall with spikes, a swamp that will drag you to the bottom, or a stone that suddenly rolls down on you from the ceiling. Complex new enemies have also appeared, with whom you will have to tinker and stuff them thoroughly with lead. You can hide from some enemies and go unnoticed.


For experienced “Tomb raiders” it will not be a problem - everything remains the same as in the first two series of the game. The new items are very entertaining and colorful, but not fundamental. Lara now has a new set of vehicles, and in addition to her existing skills, she can perform sudden dashes, run and sprint, and crawl on her knees.

Beginners will be able to find out almost all the necessary control keys from the main menu (you need to click on the pink glasses, bringing them to the foreground with one of the keyboard arrows - right or left in a circle). Unfortunately, the game authors did not describe some control key combinations. They are:

Shift+ "forward" arrow - move not by running, but by walking;

Ctrl+ forward arrow -

a) overcoming a low obstacle,

b) the ability to grasp a suitable surface above your head followed by moving in a hanging position on your hands using arrows (the so-called “monkey swing”);

Ctrl + Alt- jump up with the ability to grab something with your hands;

Ctrl + Alt+ forward arrow - jump up and forward with the ability to grab something with your hands;

Ctrl + Alt + Shift- grabbing something with her hands, Lara does a handstand;

Shift+ arrows “right” or “left” - moving sideways without turning the body;

At the same time, the “forward” and “backward” arrows - a somersault with a turn in the opposite direction.

Here are some new features from Tomb Raider III:

Dot (Russian Yu) + arrows - squatting or kneeling;

Shift + Alt + forward arrow - an elegant, but sometimes dangerous swallow jump with a somersault over the head;

First the forward arrow and then the / key (next to YU) - movement at sprint speed, but only in a straight line.

According to the plot of the game, certain secrets (the same first aid kits, cartridges, etc.) They are extremely important, and it is advisable to find all 59 pieces , since missing even one of them, although it will not affect the success of completing a particular level, will deprive you of the opportunity to participate in the final game at a special, Prize level.

The creators of the game propose to start with Lara's journey through India and end with the icy Antarctica. The intermediate three episodes can be completed in any order. We will also follow this advice.


The combat in the game has not undergone significant changes. One of the key actions you need to remember when fighting multiple enemies is to release the fire key after you have destroyed one enemy. This will allow Lara to change the target of fire, and not shoot non-stop at a dead body. Even jumping from side to side, she aims very accurately, so try to move as much as possible to minimize damage from enemy actions.

Will meet in the game a bunch of dark places, and therefore always have a supply of lighting cartridges (let's call them candles) on hand and do not waste them. By the way, weapon shots also illuminate the darkened area, even if only for a few moments.

The gun is good where you have to fight and hit a group of opponents or cause significant damage to a single enemy at close range.

The Desert Eagle is a more powerful weapon than regular pistols. In this series of the game, it is a kind of equivalent of the “magnum” that appeared in previous series. The weapon is very effective in close combat when you need increased fire power.

The need for multiple reloads makes the harpoon effective enough only for a single shot under water (the exception is shooting from an underwater scooter - it is almost automatic). Usually they can stop the enemy for a short time in order to sail to a safe place or get to land. And the ammunition for harpoons is extremely limited, so take care of them and use them only when absolutely necessary.

"Uzi" is best reserved for the most powerful opponents and the last levels of the game.

The grenade launcher is capable of causing serious destruction, but remember that grenades only explode after flying about 15 meters, which, by the way, is good, since you don’t want to fall victim to your own weapon. Immediately after the shot, do not run forward, but wait for the gap.

The missile launcher will destroy anything it hits, but its ammunition capacity is extremely limited, so take care of every shell.

The MP-5 replaced the M-16 from the previous series, since it is truly the latest modification of the automatic rifle. This weapon is ideal for long-range shooting. While shooting from it, you can neither run nor jump.

Before you start the game itself, don't forget to practice once again in Lara's house - there is a lot to learn and do there, including using the more spacious gym and even shooting at the annoying butler. Don't miss the special key you'll use to unlock the motorcycle so you can ride it around the house.


In the playthroughs of the previous series of the game, no attention was paid to this object, since there was really nothing to do in the house itself. In this game, Lara's house is a kind of mini-level, where there is something to do and something to solve. The interior and exterior of the building have undergone some changes so that Lara can demonstrate her new abilities.

You start in the bedroom, and this time the gun cabinet is unlocked. Open it and take the box of candles, then go to the main stairs. At the far corner of the landing there is another door leading to the attic. Enter it and light the cartridge. You will find a box that needs to be pushed twice. Then go down to the library located next to the room where the TV and piano are, turn right and find a book jutting out on the shelf. Push it so that the fireplace goes out and you can enter it and climb up. There, move the boxes and take a new package of candles. You will now see a hall. Turn the switch to briefly open the door downstairs in the hall leading to the training room. Now hurry up to get there before the door closes, to do this, cut the corners where necessary and jump. It is preferable to move as described below.

After pressing the switch, run through the hall back to the attic, along the stairs down to the second floor landing. Coming out of the attic door, jump over the railing and continue running, going slightly to the right. Run towards the gym, using sprinting to fly into the door just before it closes.

Since you are using sprint (only when running in a straight line), you will have no problem getting to the bottom of the building. There you will find a box that you need to slide under the hole in the ceiling and climb from the box into the hall above you. Go to the aquarium. Swim in it to find and take the coveted RACE KEY, which will unlock the labyrinth, now a track for Lara's motorcycle - it's time to set a new speed record!

Before you leave the house, you might want to visit one more secret room. Go to the pool and press the button located behind the diving board. This will open the door at the back in the main lobby and reveal a switch. Clicking on it will open the door directly behind you, but also on Very a short time. Sprint and dive, trying to get past the door before it closes. A cute trophy awaits you above the fireplace.

There are also some new things on the outside, for example, in terms of display martial art Lara. In one place, her faithful butler Jeeves runs around in a Kevlar bulletproof vest, a helmet, but with a tea tray. Of course, you can knock him down, but you can’t kill him.



Before you start sliding from the starting point, go forward to the end, jump over to the slope to your right and slide down onto a flat area. Take a running jump to the left over the main slope and crouch down to find secret #1 - a gun. Now start sliding down the long slope, jump up and grab onto the log. Spare the monkey, it is quite harmless. Carefully jump down without getting too injured on the sharp stakes, move to the left and slide onto a flat area with a first aid kit. It is possible that a large stone will roll towards you in this place - if you hear an increasing roar, step or jump to the side to avoid colliding with it.

Jump to the area behind the tree to grab the Healing Emerald and Secret #2 - Ammo. Complete the slide down the slope and head left. Pick up another emerald and climb onto the column that is located immediately behind it. Jump down. On your left, pick up grenades - secret number 3 - and go to the wall with a waterfall. In the left gap, where water is flowing, there are candles, and in the far right are cartridges. Now move right to the dirty swamp - this is a dangerous quagmire - and through the arch you exit into a spacious clearing. To your left you will see a harmless little monkey, do not kill it. Take a left and look for a passage that leads to a lever. Click on it and go past the tree back into the gate that just opened.

Go through the gate, jump into a small hall - a little to your right there will be a lever, and to your left there will be a moving wall with sharp stakes. Click on the lever and quickly jump into the niche behind you to avoid death. When the wall passes by, go left and climb into the hole. Find a rope with handles attached to it, and slide along it to the base of the square stump. Climb onto it and jump over into the passage leading to the clearing. If you do fall into the river, do not resist the current - let it carry you to the green tunnel leading to a small pool, where you can go to dry land. And watch out for piranhas!

A beautiful but deadly tiger attacks you right at the entrance, so have your pistols ready. Find a tree with a large hollow, press the lever inside it, but be careful: it will roll towards you big Stone. Dodge him, then follow his route up to another lever, which will open the door on the left around the corner. Proceed there and kill the second tiger. Go right through the dense thickets and find the cartridges on a small ledge on the left, return and follow in the same direction.

Go to new zone, where the tiger is waiting for you again - another target for your fire training. Continue forward until you see a slight haze from sun rays. There is a hole with stakes where they fall to the ground. Avoid it. Turn right and look for ammo between the trees. Walk along the wall to the right, crawl under the fallen tree and kill another tiger, then heal with the emerald. Walk up the trunk of the fallen tree, jump to the left at the column and pick up the magazine for the MP-5 rifle.

Return to the tree trunk, go to its end, stand with your back to the edge, jump off, hang by your hands, unclench them and immediately grab the edge of the lower ledge again, then pull yourself up. Climb onto the trunk for secret number 4 (candles and grenades). Sharp stakes lie in wait for you below, so hang by your hands and carefully fall down onto one of the sloping slopes, which you can jump over different directions. Move in one direction and you'll soon be able to get past the stakes. Pick up a magazine for the Desert Eagle rifle in two stone niches, jump into the dark tunnel and walk between the stakes. Pull yourself up, leave this area and return to the end of the tree from which you recently jumped down.

Now slide off it to the left and go to the left golden grate, past it - along the passage studded with stakes. From a running start, jump onto the stone block, pick up the first aid kit, turn right, jump again, and at the end - again, this time onto the green slope. You won’t be able to hold on to it, but as you fall, grab its edge and use your hands to move to the right, where you can pull yourself up and take the emerald.

Move back, jump to the platform a little lower and from it jump forward to the wall, along the ledge of which a monkey is wandering. Grab onto the edge of the rocky split in front of you and move to the left on your hands, pull yourself up, crawl on your knees to the left, straighten up, turn around in the opposite direction, jump onto the stone block, and from it - down to the entrance to the dark passage. You can light a candle and go forward - to the left, to the lever that will open the gate below. But the same lever will release the huge killer stone, so turn around sharply and quickly run out of the passage. When the threat has passed, go back inside and look above the lever for a hidden entrance to the cave. Climb into it and find secret No. 5 - harpoons and rockets, then carefully jump from the ledge down to the ground. Kill the tiger and go through the brown gate.

Immediately turn left and move forward. You will see three stones rolling sequentially one after another. Wait until the last stone passes, go up the slope and go deeper into the bushes. Pick up the first aid kit, find a hole in the ground and jump into it, but immediately grab the edge of the lower passage again so as not to bump into the stakes below. Pull yourself up and enter the passage leading to secret number 6 - a pack of candles and an emerald. After saving your game, experiment with the exit method.

Go back to the three stones, go past them until you find yourself on the river bank. Run through the shallow water to the right - there on the shore you will find ammunition for the Uzi machine gun. Jump to the small island on the other side of the river, jump again and pull yourself up onto the green ledge above your head, where you press the lever and thereby open the door, which is still at a distance from you.

Dive into the river and swim through the tunnel into a spacious hall, in the middle of which there is a platform with two levers opposite each other. Click on both, dive again and swim through the opened door into the next room. Take the candles from the platform in the center and look around. There are two open passages in the hall - one with a door, the other without a door. Once you enter the one without a door, you will find yourself in a spacious area with a lot of columns and pedestals, but there is little you can do there. Return to the hall and go to the passage with the door - at the end of it there is a lever. Click on it and the entire aforementioned area will be under water.

Swim to the distant waterfall and get out of the water. Find a passage behind the stream of water, follow it to the stairs and climb them. Go through the water again and climb up another rock covered in water, then take a running jump to the previous waterfall. Enter the corridor and press the lever that opens the underwater gate.

Jump into the water below and look for green stone steps. Go out and climb onto the high stone pedestal, then take a running jump to the next pedestal, where an emerald awaits you. Jump back into the water and swim through the gate that you just opened - it is under the black wall bas-relief. After a short swim you'll end up in the next room with some ammo in the corners. After dealing with the striped predator and taking the ammunition, climb the stairs to the top.

Turn the corner and without hesitation, pick up Indra's key (if the monkey gets ahead of you, unfortunately, you will have to shoot it). Go around the green area, find the exit, go down a little, shoot the tiger from a safe height and jump down. As you make your way to the right passage, try not to get into the brown quicksand. Before using Indra's key and opening the gate, pick up a pack of cartridges in the small niche on the left. Enter the gate, watch the video and complete the level.