Passage of the game Van Helsing. Learn more about The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut. The rest of the quests shouldn't be a problem.

The three-game series The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, which was developed by the private Hungarian studio NeocoreGames, received mixed reviews from gamers. Some saw plagiarism of more famous products in games, others complain about the copious amount of bugs.

The Hungarians decided to solve all the problems and make one big game out of three games by creating the final edition -. In this article, we will try to take a fresh look at all the components of the gameplay and talk about the main innovations that the developers have made to the product.

Sword, crossbow, cannon - everything is there

As many of the wrong people have already guessed, it tells about the adventures of a hunter for evil spirits, better known as Van Helsing. He must help people and destroy various monsters like mermaids (yes, mermaids), huge spiders, werewolves, etc. To do this, old Van uses all sorts of steampunk devices, depending on the class.

In total, the game offers six classes - an intercessor, a bounty hunter, an elementalist, a shadow lord, a phlogistonist, and a design engineer. Each of them has its own set of skills, appearance and weapons. Some use crossbows and muskets to destroy evil spirits, others rely on melee weapons like swords.

Since it refers to hack and slash, the mechanics of the combat system are appropriate here. The Hungarian product may remind someone, and someone will find similarities with. Be that as it may, this game only partially copies the famous titles.

Variety of Van Helsing

It is not worth talking about the storyline of the game at all - it is clearly for show and is of no interest. The quests themselves, although they do not shine with originality, can be of interest in general. Of course, they don’t offer us anything other than “kill-bring”, but thanks to the wide variety of enemies and interesting leveling of the character, you want to complete each new mission unquestioningly. By the way, about pumping - we can improve the character by such types as general characteristics, skills and abilities. In the first case, you need to choose which characteristic to add another plus sign to: survival, damage or mana.

As for skills and abilities, everything is a little different here. Skills are a wheel of eight different abilities. For example, in a bounty hunter, skills are mainly implemented as types of shooting attacks. You can pump over slowing shells, explosive, fiery, etc. It is worth noting that each skill was created quite thoughtfully, as it allows us to create all kinds of tactical goodies, thanks to which we can fight opponents in different ways. In addition, skills have several additional parameters that improve one or another attribute.

They close the system of pumping the character "skills". In order to get one skill point, you need to earn a reputation - we destroy monsters, then we go looking for new monsters and destroy them again. And so all the time, until you get bored. But getting bored does not give the excitement of getting each new level. Now the developers have allowed to upgrade their hero to level 100. The innovation, to be honest, is so-so, since it does not bring anything special except for the additional need to kill monsters.

A rather interesting and compelling component to sit at the game is the inventory. Pleased with its huge number and the ability to produce various improvements. In we will not run with one weapon for more than an hour, because the chance to get a cool "killer" of enemies is very high. Plus, this "killer" can be crossed with other similar ones, and then create something special.

More than two days of adventure

In addition to the single-player mode, it offers a network game. In it, you can move along the story together with other players, or test your Van for coolness in PvP battles. Naturally, these modes were previously available, and therefore nothing new and unusual appeared in the final edition. However, it should be noted that the online component in the game is clearly in place and does not have any drawbacks in the form of poor connection with servers or ill-conceived gameplay.

Returning to the topic of single-player mode, I want to talk about the overall duration of the game. We are offered as much as 50 hours of continuous destruction of monsters in the country of Borgovia (the setting of the game). And this is without taking into account additional quests, which are also lacking in the game. It is difficult to disagree that not everyone will master such a long adventure, but those who can still go through should be happy.

Intense gameplay, a sea of ​​all kinds of creatures, including those from Slavic legends, as well as good multiplayer make it possible to call it a quite good game, although not without serious flaws. One of them is the presence of bugs that the developers have not eliminated. Sometimes the game can crash to the desktop for no particular reason.

Adventure not without flaws

Graphics, unfortunately, can not boast. The character models don't look sharp even at the highest settings, and the combat animations don't evoke a sense of wow. Another thing is music - it is ideally matched to the gameplay. Sound effects also cause only positive impressions. But what is very upsetting is the poor localization. Characters can speak different languages ​​in the same scene, and at the same time, half of the dialogue becomes incomprehensible. The voices themselves are chosen well, but all the pleasant emotions are spoiled by terrible localization.

The developers have bet on several innovations and changes, such as the integrity of the entire plot, a redesigned ability wheel and the ability to pump a character up to level 100. Everything would be fine, but they still haven’t rid their game of old problems. First of all, this is not the best optimization. Well, if you close your eyes to this and understand English, then a worthy game about Van Helsing.

Chapter I. Road to Borgovia
Village search
The bridge is destroyed, which means we must find another way to Borgovia. Lady Katarina thinks we should continue along the mountain path that might lead to the village.
Find a village!
Talk to the head of the guard!
The search for the headman
The village chief did not return to the village. Maybe he got lost in the woods.
Find the elder!
Find the lair of the wolves!
Defeat the Vrykolak leader!
Talk to the elder!
Talk to the elder in the village!
Talk to the gypsy baron
Wandering gypsies have placed a curse on the village alchemist. I need his services, so I'll have to talk to the gypsies first.
Talk to the gypsies!
Kill the dangerous Snowpelt!
Return to the gypsy camp!
Talk to the alchemist!
Journey into the black
The well is a rift in reality leading into the blackness that extends beyond our world. A wave of blackness carried away the bag of the alchemist, which he really needs.
Get the bag in the black!
Return to the alchemist!
Scrap metal collection
A shopkeeper from the village offers good money for parts of old hunting machines.
Collected 0/5 rusty bombs.
Return to the shopkeeper!
Merchant security
A lone merchant wants to get out of the forest. He needs to get to the gypsy camp in order to pay for safe passage through the forest.
Escort the merchant to the gypsy camp!
mermaid attack
The mermaids have returned to the forests and are constantly attacking the village.
0 Protect the village!
Talk to the elder!
Finding the way to the mines
The headman talked about the black gates connecting the swamps and the mines. If I find them, I'll take another step down the road to Borgovia.
Find the black gate to the mines!
Power the ancient gates!
Go through the black gate into the mines.
Through adits
Find your way through the mines to the other side of the mountain.
Get to Borgovia through the mines!
cave worm
A huge mechanical cave worm has taken up residence at a loading station in the old mines. Undoubtedly, another "achievement" of Borgovian science. I have no choice but to fight him.
Defeat the cave worm!
Blacksmith's Request
The blacksmith asked to investigate the camp of the evil spirits in the Swamp of the Hangmen. It is likely that there is a mechanism that is powered by a mysterious substance that can be used to make weapons.
Get the Electric Essence!
Return to the blacksmith!
living ghost
I found a lost soul wandering through the Moaning Woods. I don't know how to free him from this torture.
Help the ghost!
Chapter II. City of machines and monsters
Find a shelter
My father had a secret underground hideout somewhere around here. I need to find the sewer entrance.
Find the entrance to the secret hideout
Starting the generator
Now I know why I was called to Borgovia: and I will need my father's refuge. It has many useful gadgets, but they will not work without the so-called electric generator, and it is broken. Someone needs to fix it.
Find an engineer
Find Electric Coils (0/4)
Return to the engineer in the hideout
Lost in the black
It seems that traveling through blackness sometimes leads to unpredictable results. Our last journey went wrong and threw us into an unknown place in the blackness. We'd better figure out how to get out of here.
Enemy in the tunnels
Now we can improve the defense of the shelter by placing; traps in the tunnels leading to it. However, first I need to clear these tunnels of monsters so that the engineer can work in peace.
Clear the tunnels around the hideout
Return to engineer
gas unit
Professor Fulmigati has invented a machine that can flood an entire city with a mind-affecting poisonous gas! This diabolical unit must be destroyed.
Destroy the gas unit
Return to Count Vlad
Saffy needs the rat bones for some kind of ritual that will help the resistance. Since most of the city's rats have turned into monsters that prey on people, she asked me to get the bones.
Find 5 rat bones (0/5)
go back to saffy
Water purification
A gang of smart mermen have taken over the only source of clean water in the Slums and are preying on people. I must empty the reservoir at all costs.
Defeat the merman gang!
Return to the thirsty
Dark Alchemist
A despicable alchemist, one of the Pale Masters, is experimenting with a dangerous flammable substance that seeps into the streets. You need to lure the alchemist out of the hole and deal with him. To do this, you will have to blow up the drain hole.
Find explosives
Blow up the sewer
Kill the dark alchemist
Talk to Zdravko Copper
monsters in the streets
Part of the creatures, carelessly created by the Dark Alchemist, dispersed throughout the Slums. I volunteered to end them.
Kill escaped spawn
Return to Zdravko Copper
Kill General Fulmigati
Fulmigati is going to poison the city's water supply and turn the people into mindless slaves. To prevent sabotage, I need to get through his troops and kill the general - a creature named Brida.
Destroy all enemy outposts
Destroy the bridge control mechanism
Get to the plumbing
Find Brida
Return to Vlad!
laboratory assistant
It looks like the lab assistant who worked with the Borgovian scientists is hiding somewhere near the Wastewater Treatment Plant. He has blueprints and documents that we might need. I must find him.
Get the generator blueprint
hidden treasure
I bought a map from a laboratory assistant, on which the place in the Cargo Port is marked, where the treasure is hidden. It won't be hard to find him.
Find the hidden treasure
King of the Beggars
I discovered that the poor of Borgovia have a king and they need to save him. I agreed to enter the blackness and help him
Save the beggar king
swamp lilies
I've agreed to pick swamp lilies for Saffy, which are needed for the ritual. It seems like I just can't refuse her.
Harvest 8 swamp flowers (0/8)
Return to Saffy
Load of weapons
The resistance is trying to smuggle weapons into the city, but the soldiers waiting for the last delivery have been killed. I have to get to the lighthouse and honk the boat.
Signal the smugglers from the lighthouse
Protect the load of weapons
Talk to the smuggler
Shelter Defense
Brida is attacking! His forces are deploying to attack the hideout, and we must prepare to defend him at all costs!
Drive back attackers (attacks left: 1)
Chapter III. Deathmatch
Palace of Machines
Fulmigati is working on the last stage of his plan - building the Doomsday Machine. I must sneak into the Palace of Machines - his headquarters - before he completes his work.
Go to the Palace of Machines.
Talk to the engineer about the energy barrier.
Interrogate the inventor of the energy barrier.
Use the portal through the blackness that Telsa has opened.
Find the black rapids that bypass Fulmigati's defenses.
Werewolf on the run
One of the electric werewolves has escaped his creators. Dr. Par wants me to capture him for further study.
Find a werewolf
Kill werewolf hunters
Return to Dr. Par
Surrounded by resistance soldiers
Several Resistance soldiers are locked in a castle on the island. They are surrounded by enemy units and must be rescued.
Save the resistance soldiers
The onset of blackness
The blackness unleashed many monsters into the nearby tunnels. They're heading our way, and once again I have to protect the hideout.
Protect the shelter.., again
Orichalcum supply
Fulmigati needs to get two new shipments of orichalcum to build new soldiers. I volunteered to disrupt this delivery
Steal a shipment of orichalcum
Move the ore to the hideout
Sam Fulmigati
We finally got to the villain. It's time to do what I came for.
Destroy the machine of one day

“I'm trying to save everyone I can!

Right. He has an experimental disease."

Gorgon Pass

Objective: The path to the gates of Borgovia. Village search.

At the end of the character creation, we begin the journey with the domestic traveler Lady Katarina. Robbers will immediately run towards us. Press the "E" button to switch between ranged and melee weapons. At a time when enemies at a distance we shoot from them from afar, at a time when they run up close we grab a melee weapon and fight with them.

In case you need to heal, use the "Q" key. It is possible to turn the corpses over and collect loot from them.

It is possible to lead a domestic companion. In the upper left corner, we can choose how she will attack from a distance or in close combat. It is extremely useful at a time when you or she is running out of fate, it is possible to change positions.

One shoots from afar, the second tanks enemies. Raised weapons and equipment from dead enemies can be put both on yourself and given to Lady Katarina.

At the end of each new level taken, we can distribute points between dexterity, willpower, physique, and discover new skills and abilities. With a domestic satellite, we can do the same.

We move through the robbers to the bridge. The bridge will be blown up on this basis, the path will be closed; we go along the path further, through the wolves. We get to the bridge over the river.

We pass through it, we destroy a huge camp of criminals at the altar, we improve domestic abilities, we search chests and corpses. We move along the path further on the way we will already meet mermaids, destroy them and go to the guard at the gates of Markovnia.

Markovnia. Groaning forest.

Main task: Find the headman

Main Objective: Find the Gypsy Baron

In the village, we can sell a whole lot of unnecessary trash from a merchant or a blacksmith, and buy the necessary things. We go to the head of the guard and the elder. After chatting with the elder, we will need to chat with the gypsies so that they remove the silence from the alchemist. The head of the guard will inform us that the way to Borgonia can be shown to us by the headman that he went to the Moaning Forest.

We go to the forest.

In the gypsy camp, we talk with the Baron about the alchemist, he will ask you to do a favor for him to kill the terrible Snowskin. We kill Snowskin and return to the Baron. He will remove the silence from the alchemist and allow the points to be redistributed.

We go to Markovnia, we speak with the alchemist, this task is completed. In the chest of the gypsies it is possible to find a relic 1 gem

In the forest we find a broken cart, which is protected by Zloknecht mechanisms, we destroy them. Van Helsing explores the place and finds werewolf tracks that lead to the werewolf lair. In we fight with Grumsh. At a time when he has very few destinies left, we will move to the second world.

From the calling symbol, wolves will invariably climb out, we destroy all the symbols, then Grumsh will appear again.

At the end of the victory over him, we choose to destroy him or not (I don’t know how the murder affects the game, I chose to spare him in the future at the power station, the wolf will give us a nice bun and in the location of the Dilapidated City he will help fight with his pack. View below). We speak with the headman and go to the village in order to meet him in that place.

He will tell us that it is possible to move to Borgonia, but through swamps and a metal mine.

Additional missions Moaning Forest

moaning forest map

living ghost

On the way to the werewolf lair in the Moaning Forest, we will notice a hanged man. Going further from it, we will notice a restless ghost, we take it with us, we return to the corpse. He will move into the body and decide that we are to blame for everything.

Let's destroy it. If you take him to the altar, he will not attack.

Trader security

To the right and a little higher from the broken wagon in the Moaning Forest, we will find a merchant who will ask for help and take him to the gypsy camp. During the skirmishes do not let him kill. Moving towards the werewolves' lair, the gypsy camp will be in the lower left part of the forest map.

The advance of the mermaids

Having released the headman, it is possible to take this task from him. He will ask you to protect the city from the attack of mermaids. We run to the points in the city: the church, the shop, the great statue, the northern, western and southern gates. We destroy all the mermaids.


In the stone in the Moaning Forest, we can find a protruding blade that needs oil. We kill the goblin from him we take away the old coin. At the end of which we go to the well of thirsts and throw a coin into it. monsters come out of the well, destroy them and take the oil, go and get the Excalibur blade.

To activate his abilities, you need to kill a certain number of mobs.

blade in stone - excalibur

terrible scarecrow

We easily go and activate the scarecrow, after which we will move with it to the second place, destroy it and collect all the good from it and the boxes.

Swamps of the Viselnikov. Mines

Viselnikov swamp map

Main task: Finding the way to the mines.

We need to find the dark gate to the mines. We find Doctor of Sciences Toad in the swamps; he will mark the location of the gate on the map. We go to the boss Judge Obesovsky and destroy him and his assistants, after which the dark gates to the mines will open.

Main task: Through the adits

We move through the portal to the mines, move through the spiders and kikimor to the railway roads. We go along them later, destroy the robots and go to the loading station.

Main Objective: Defeat the Cave Worm

We activate all the chargers at the station, in a circle, along with this, killing the invariably appearing spiders, after which we activate the device in the center, soon we run up to the worm and beat it until it is off for a couple of seconds. We repeat this a couple of times. And at the end of which we go to the abode of fear.

In the swamps, it is also possible to find 2 mysterious stones in a chest. Collect 4 bone relics that we can throw at the swallow statue and for each relic we will gain 200 experience points and 2 trait points.

  • bone relic from the electric beast in the blacksmith's task
  • in the task statue of frogs
  • having found the Borgovinsky firefly, we follow him, he will lead us into an ambush, we destroy all the fireflies, we select the relic
  • killing the merman shaman

Blacksmith's Request

The blacksmith will ask the Hanged Men in the Swamps to find an electrical essence for him. We go to the camp where there will be a bunch of robots and an electric beast. The beast rushes ahead of the robots at us, retreat and shoot at him, at the time when he dies, it is possible to move away from the robots and wait until health is restored, after which finish them all from a distance, slowly stepping back.

We will take a bone relic from the beast, which we can throw into the statue of the swallow and gain experience and additional points of brave traits. We turn off the power plant, a wolf will jump out of the cage if we did not kill their leader in the lair at the time when we rescued the headman, he will transfer the werewolf soul stone trophy from him. We take the electricity.

At the end of which it is possible to sell it to the blacksmith for 1500 gold or leave it to yourself.

Collection of scrap metal. collect 5 old bombs

This quest can be taken from a merchant. The merchant will ask us to collect 5 old bombs in the swamps. We go out to the swamps and move all the time to the right along the bottom of the map. Note the broken airship with a button and a device, if you press the button, robots will appear. We search near the airship, all five bombs should be in that place.

There are bombs that explode. Back to the merchant

frog statue

In the swamps, we turn the small frog statues to face the huge frog statue. They are all near her nearby and turn them around. Near the huge statue, two Aquatic twins will appear, destroy them from the corpse, a bone relic will fall out. We go further to the huge statue of the swallow, throw this bone relic into it, gain experience and +2 points of traits.

Curved Sword (not a quest)

A curved sword can be taken from a blacksmith by paying him 100 gold to try to forge a weapon with his tools. We will not be able to forge a sword and it will turn out to be a crooked sword. The blacksmith will offer to buy it from us for one gold, we can only choose to sell it or leave it to ourselves.

curved sword

In the city we find Moved Stefan, after which we can give him a crooked blade for which he will give us an irrational entity, or we call the blade a rabbit killer and leave it to ourselves. In the future, in the game through the portal, we will be able to move to the Lost and Found location in the Lost in the Black quest. Exploring the area we will find a mountain of a rabbit and corpses. It is possible to kill a hare with a simple weapon, or it is possible to try this (probably the prize is different).

For killing with a simple weapon, we will take a bone relic from him, which it will be possible to throw in the same place in the statue of the swallow.

Journey into the black

The task can be taken from the alchemist. He will ask us to go down into the well of darkness and reach out for him his bag. We move through the well into a dark cleft, get to the chest with a bag, a portal will appear through which we can return to Markovnia. On the way along the cleft to the bag in the box on the cliff, it is possible to find another 3 mysterious stone.

We give the bag to the alchemist and this task is completed.

In the swamps, click on all the Runestones, there should be 7 of them in total, at the time when you hear the roar, go to the bridge over the river in the swamps, fight the spirit of the forest.

Great Statue in Markovnia (not a quest)

After collecting three mysterious stones in the center of Markovnia there is a great statue. We insert three stones into it and get a mysterious key. As long as we carry it with us.

mysterious key from a statue in Markovnia

abode of fear

abode of fear map

Main task: Find a shelter

We move to the left on the map, killing thugs and robots, We will come across a detachment of grenadiers who surrounded the resistance fighter, we destroy them all, and then it is possible to trade with the fighter. We go further to the elevator along the road, destroying the enemies and collecting parts of the cars (will be needed at the end of how you start the generator). We go down on the elevators and there will be a shelter under the bridge.

In front of the shelter there will be a corpse, turn it over and under it there will be 4 mysterious stones.

In the shelter we speak with the vampire. He will offer us to look around in the shelter. Having looked around, we approach him again and he will give us a task.

In order to defeat the scientist who captured the city, you need to start the generator, but for this you need to find an engineer.

Main task: Starting the generator (find the engineer)

We move through the portal to the main square of the city. There is no other way to get in that direction, since there are force fields. We go to the right in that place and we will find a domestic engineer in the corner. To start the generator, he will ask us to find 4 coils.

All reels are marked on the map, so go to the points and collect them all. At the time when we collect all the coils, we go to the shelter and give them to the engineer.

slum location map

We purchase a task in the shelter from the girl Saffy next to the gypsy baron, you need to collect 5 rat bones. All 5 bones are in the slums under the dead rats. The map shows all the places where they can be found.

Water purification

In the slums, it is possible to meet a resident who will ask us to recapture a water tank from a gang of watermen. We go to the reservoir, destroy all the water ones and return to the resident, it is possible to pick up a hat from him for the work done.

black alchemist

In the slums next to the green slurry, we help out the peasant and talk to him. He will inform us about the fact that we need to find explosives. We give the poor money for the data.

The poor one will lead us to Arkady, a merchant of prohibited goods. Its location will appear on the map. We buy an explosive device from him.

At the end of which we blow up the sewer hole from which green mucus flows. The Dark Alchemist and a bunch of ghouls will appear - we destroy him. We talk to the man.

monsters in the streets

We speak with the same man who did the quest for the black alchemist. He will offer us to wipe out the escaped creatures from the face of the earth. On the map in the slums their location will appear.

We easily go kill them and return to the peasant to hand over the quest.

Fishing (not a quest)

Now about the fishing rod that you have the opportunity to discover locations. If you do not have bait, then approaching it you will receive dilapidated boots, which can be given to the poor. The bait can be found on the way to Arcadia, from which we buy a charger. Use the bait to catch the fish.

We feed the fish to the cat.

dilapidated tunnels

Attention: Before being sent to the dilapidated tunnels, it is possible to buy a gas mask from Arkady in the slums, which will perfectly protect you from poison.


Main task: Gas unit

We acquire the task from the vampire in the shelter. We make our way to the tunnels through the slums. In we need to wipe out special chemical aggregates from the face of the earth - phlogistons and monsters around them. It is recommended to destroy the aggregates first, since the monsters heal very quickly next to them.

We hand over the task to the vampire. The location is small and, based on this, there is nothing very complicated in it.


refinery map

Enemy in the tunnels

We get a job from an engineer. He will ask us to clear the tunnels near the shelter. We make our way to the tunnels through the slums. Right in the shelter we move to the corridors in which the monsters rub.

We destroy them all and go to hand over the quest to the engineer.

Task: The Beggar King

If you gave all the beggars in the locations a slum and a refinery, then the last poor will ask you to help their king. He will give you dilapidated runes and a portal to the shelter will open a little further, we go into it, make our way through the monsters to the king and rescue him from the surrounding enemies.

Main Objective: Kill General Fulmigati

We need to wipe out from the face of the earth all the control mechanism and outposts of the enemy by the bridge. From the shelter we go to the newly opened location Refinery. All bridges are raised on the basis of this, the path will be closed to us in many places, we first go to the control mechanism and activate it in order to lower the bridges.

We destroy everything that moves in places where tasks are flashing. We are heading to the industrial port to the water supply.

laboratory assistant

research laboratory

The task can be taken from the engineer at the end of the execution of the task "gas unit". He will ask you to find a laboratory assistant that has some documents of General Fulmigati. And find the drawing of the generator.

We go to the research laboratory, which can be reached through the refinery.

In the laboratory, we activate the switch in order to turn on the electricity and open the way through the force field. We approach the scientist and choose which drawing we want to take from him. This task has been completed.

In addition, at the end of the activation of electricity, it is possible to use the elevator and pick up another 5 mysterious stone in the chest.

Lost in the black

While moving through the portal. Van Helsing will be thrown into the Lost and Found location. We easily make our way through the monsters to the portal, collecting bone relics. It is immediately possible to find a hare and kill him with a crooked sword.

industrial port

industrial port

Main task: Find Brida

At the end of how we get to the water supply. We will have a task to find Brida. We go up. In that place, a bunch and an ambush of monsters awaits us.

We destroy them and return to the secret shelter. We approach the vampire, he will offer us when you are ready to secure the shelter.

Main task: Protecting the shelter

Having taken the quest from the vampire, we set the traps correctly. and fight off 3 waves of monsters. The last wave will be hard. Monsters will climb from all the cracks to the shelter. When we cope with all the waves, Brida will appear with electric wolves.

We destroy them all.

Load of weapons

In the port we will find a wounded resistance fighter. He will ask us to give a signal from the beacon for a boat with weapons. We go to the lighthouse, press the button, after which we go to the boat and protect the cargo.

The smuggler at the end of the task will give an epic weapon.

Werewolf on the run

Going to the doctor A few in the shelter (I don’t know exactly at the time when this quest appears, after the end of Brida I already had the opportunity to pick it up) it is possible to chat with him about werewolves. We accept the task and we will immediately be thrown into the slums. We find the corpse of a werewolf after which we find hunters for him. We kill them and take the note

lost treasure

At the time when we complete the task of the laboratory assistant. That this very laboratory assistant will stay in the shelter. buy a treasure map from him. In the industrial port, a mark with treasures will appear in the same place, we will find 6 mysterious stones

swamp lilies

It is possible to take Saffy from the girl in the shelter. She will ask you to bring her 8 Marsh Lilies. All flowers are in the industrial port.

It is easy enough to find them if you explore the area.

Old city. Palace of Automobiles

dilapidated city

Main objective: Get to the Automobile Palace

Location Dilapidated City is huge and full of mobs. In the same place there is a great statue into which it is possible to put the remaining three stones. There is also a dude with whom we can choose which blackness we will go to and a guessing ghost with his question what is the main thing in life (42).

We make our way through the mobs to the palace. Van Helsing, noticing the force shields, realizes that there is no further passage. We move to the shelter to chat with the engineer. He will send us to the cargo port for the inventor of this force field.

In addition, it is possible to meet Grumsh with a pack if we did not kill him in the Moaning Forest, he will help fight the mobs and clear the way to the palace.

Armed Resistance Warriors

At one of the points in the Old City we will find a resistance fighter. He will ask you to save the soldiers. Very close we pass along a small bridge to the towers, we break through the enemies, in that place there will be warriors.

The onset of blackness

Having moved to the shelter at the end of how we come across force fields in the Dilapidated City, we again beat off the shelter from the x waves of monsters.

Great statues in Markovnia and the Old City. (not a quest)

At the end of how we have collected all six mysterious stones, then in the great statue in Markovnia we insert three stones and acquire a mysterious key. In the dilapidated city, reach the second great statue, insert three stones into it. We will immediately be transferred to another location - blackness.

We destroy the enemies in the location and collect 4 stones. We find the corpse of the brownie from it we take two more stones.

We insert stones into the statues of the defenders. Protection from the main statue will fall through the ground, use the domestic mysterious key on it. Let's take the scepter.

Main task: Interrogate the inventor

Through the sewers in the shelter we move again to the industrial port - blackness. The port will be filled with monsters, we destroy them and get to the secret laboratory. In the laboratory, it is possible to allow the worker to eat, then he will show us the secret tunnel.

We get to the inventor. It is possible to choose three answers, if you choose the first and third, then in any case you will need to fight with his guns. At the end of the victory, he will open the portal, go to the pocket reality location and from it go to the dark gate and get into the new location Fronton. Through the Fronton we get to the next location - “Massacre on the Roof”.

Orichalcum supply

Heading to the inventor of the force field, we will meet a resistance fighter. He will ask us to steal a load of orichalcum. The map will show a marker where to go.

We take all the orichalcum ore and hand over the task to the vampire in the shelter.

Primary Objective: Fulmigati

We wet the enemies on the roof and get to the entrance to the Palace of Automobiles. The main boss of the game is waiting for us in the doomsday machine. We will always be attacked by enemies, but we need to wipe out all the mechanisms in a circle in the room so that the chief is weakened.

At the end we destroy the car. The finale of the game The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (Van Helsing New History).

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing #1 Walkthrough

Interesting entries:

    Quests at the end of the passage at the end Non-specialized tips: 1) Talk to everyone with whom you can chat, so as not to miss a serious or entertaining quest (for which they give experience, and sometimes quite ...

    Chapter 01: Colony It all starts with the fact that we are in a colony where we are tortured by two fighters. We kill them with the help of the domestic brother Vettel and start the escape. The door is opened by holding the key ...

"I'm trying to save everyone I can!

-Right. He has an occupational disease.”

Gorgon Pass

Objective: The path to the gates of Borgovia. Village search.

After creating the character, we begin the journey with our traveler Lady Katarina. Robbers will immediately run towards us. Press the "E" button to switch between melee and ranged weapons. When enemies are at a distance, we shoot from them from afar, when they run up close, we grab a melee weapon and fight with them. If you need to heal, use the "Q" key. Corpses can be turned over and looted from them.

You can control our companion. In the upper left corner, we can choose how she will attack from a distance or in close combat. Very useful when you or she runs out of lives, you can change positions. One shoots from afar, the other tanks enemies. Picked up equipment and weapons from dead enemies can be put on yourself or given to Lady Katarina.

After each new level obtained, we can distribute points between dexterity, willpower, physique, and discover new skills and abilities. With our companion, we can do the same.

We move through the robbers to the bridge. The bridge will be blown up, so the path will be closed. We go further along the path, through the wolves. We get to the bridge over the river. We pass through it, we destroy a large camp of bandits at the altar, we improve our abilities, we search corpses and chests. We move along the path further on the way we will already meet mermaids, destroy them and go to the guard at the gates of Markovnia.

Markovnia. Groaning forest.

Primary Objective: Find the Chief

Main Objective: Find the Gypsy Baron

In the village, we can sell all unnecessary trash from a merchant or blacksmith, as well as purchase the necessary things. We go to the head of the guard and the elder. After talking with the elder, we will need to talk with the gypsies so that they remove the silence from the alchemist. The head of the guard will tell us that the way to Borgonia can be shown to us by the headman who went to the Moaning Forest. We go to the forest.

In the gypsy camp, we talk with the Baron about the alchemist, he will ask you to do a favor for him to kill the dangerous Snowskin. We kill Snowskin and return to the Baron. He will remove the silence from the alchemist and allow the points to be redistributed. We go to Markovnia, we speak with the alchemist, this task is completed. In the chest of the gypsies you can find relic 1 gem

In the forest we find a broken wagon, which is guarded by Zloknecht mechanisms, we destroy them. Van Helsing explores the area and finds werewolf tracks leading to the werewolf lair. Inside we fight with Grumsh. When he has very few lives left, we will move to another world. Wolves will constantly come out of the calling sign, we destroy all the signs, after which Grumsh will appear again.

After defeating him, we choose to destroy him or not (I don’t know how killing affects the game, I chose to spare him in the future at the power station, the wolf will give us a nice bun and in the Old Town location he will help fight with his flock. Read below). We talk with the headman and go to the village to meet him there. He will tell us that it is possible to move to Borgonia, but through swamps and an iron mine.

Additional missions Moaning Forest

moaning forest map

living ghost

On the way to the werewolf lair in the Moaning Forest, we will see a hanged man. Going further from it, we will see a restless ghost, we take it with us, we return to the corpse. He will move into the body and decide that we are to blame for everything. Let's destroy it. If you take him to the altar, he will not attack.

Merchant security

To the right and a little higher from the broken wagon in the Moaning Forest, we will find a merchant who will ask for help and take him to the gypsy camp. During skirmishes, do not let him kill. Moving towards the werewolves' lair, the gypsy camp will be in the lower left part of the forest map.

mermaid attack

Having released the headman, you can get this task from him. He will ask you to protect the city from the attack of mermaids. We run to the points in the city: the church, the shop, the great statue, the northern, western and southern gates. We destroy all the mermaids.


In the stone in the Moaning Forest, we can find a protruding sword that needs oil. We kill the goblin from him we take away the ancient coin. Then we go to the wishing well and throw a coin into it. monsters come out of the well, destroy them and take the oil, go and get the Excalibur sword. In order to activate his abilities, you need to kill a certain number of mobs.

sword in stone - escalibur

Sinister Scarecrow

We just go and activate the scarecrow, after which we will move with it to another place, destroy it and collect all the good from it and the boxes.

Swamps of the Viselnikov. Mines

Viselnikov swamp map

Main task: Finding the way to the mines.

We need to find the black gate to the mines. We find Professor Toad in the swamps, he will mark the location of the gate on the map. We go to the boss Judge Obesovsky and destroy him and his assistants, after which the black gates to the mines will open.

Primary Objective: Through the adits

We move through the portal to the mines, move through the spiders and kikimore to the railway tracks. We go along them, then we destroy the robots and go to the loading station.

Primary Objective: Defeat the Cave Worm

We activate all the chargers at the station, while killing constantly appearing spiders in a circle, after which we activate the device in the center, quickly run up to the worm and beat it while it is off for a few seconds. We repeat this several times. And then we go to the abode of fear.

You can also find in swamps 2 mysterious stone in the chest. Collect 4 bone relics that we can throw into the swallow statue and for each relic we will get 200 experience points and 2 stat points.

  • bone relic from the electric beast in the blacksmith's task
  • in the task statue of frogs
  • having found the Borgovinsky firefly, we follow him, he will lead us into an ambush, we destroy all the fireflies, we select the relic
  • killing the merman shaman

Blacksmith's Request

The blacksmith will ask the Hanged Men in the Swamps to find an electrical essence for him. We go to the camp where there will be an electric beast and a bunch of robots. The beast rushes ahead of the robots at us, retreat and shoot at him, when he dies, you can retreat from the robots and wait until health is restored, and then finish them all from a distance, slowly stepping back.

From the beast, we will take a bone relic that can be thrown into the statue of the swallow and get experience and additional points of the hero’s characteristics. We turn off the power plant, a wolf will jump out of the cage if we did not kill their leader in the lair when we saved the headman, he will transfer the werewolf soul stone trophy from him. We take the electricity. After that, you can sell it to a blacksmith for 1500 gold or keep it for yourself.

Collection of scrap metal. collect 5 rusty bombs

This quest can be obtained from a merchant. The merchant will ask us to collect 5 rusty bombs in the swamps. We go out to the swamps and move all the time to the right along the bottom of the map. We will see a broken airship with a device and a button, if you press the button, robots will appear. We search around the airship, all five bombs should be there. There are bombs that explode. Back to the merchant

frog statue

In the swamps, turn the small frog statues to face the large frog statue. They are all around her nearby, just run around and turn them around. Near the large statue, two Water twins will appear; destroy them; a bone relic will fall from the corpse . We go further to the giant statue of the swallow, we throw this bone relic at it, we get experience and +2 points of characteristics.

Curved Blade (not a quest)

The Curved Blade can be obtained from a blacksmith by paying him 100 gold for attempting to forge a weapon with his tools. We will not be able to forge a blade and we will get a curved blade. The blacksmith will offer to buy it from us for one gold, we can only choose to sell it or keep it for ourselves.

curved blade

In the city we find Moved Stefan, after which we can give him a crooked sword for which he will give us an irrational entity, or we call the sword a rabbit killer and leave it to ourselves. Later in the game, through the portal, we will be able to move to the Lost and Found location in the Lost in the Black task. Exploring the area we will find a mountain of corpses and a rabbit. A rabbit can be killed with a simple weapon, or you can try this (maybe the reward is different). For killing with a simple weapon, we will get a bone relic from him, which can be thrown in the same place at the statue of the swallow.

Journey into the black

The task can be taken from the alchemist. He will ask us to go down into the well of darkness and get his bag for him. We move through the well into the black cleft, get to the chest with the bag, a portal will appear through which we can return to Markovnia. On the way along the crevice to the bag in the box on the cliff, you can find another 3 mysterious stone. We give the bag to the alchemist and this task is completed.

Spirit of the forest

In the swamps, click on all Runestones, there should be 7 of them in total, when you hear a roar, go to the bridge over the river in the swamps, fight the spirit of the forest.

Great Statue in Markovnia (not a quest)

After collecting the three mysterious stones, there is a great statue in the center of Markovnia. We insert three stones into it and get a mysterious key. As long as we carry it with us.

mysterious key from a statue in Markovnia

abode of fear

abode of fear map

Primary Objective: Find shelter

We move to the left on the map, killing robots and thugs, We will come across a detachment of grenadiers who surrounded the resistance fighter, we destroy them all, and after that you can trade with the fighter. We go further to the elevator along the road, destroying enemies and collecting parts of the machines (you will need them after you start the generator). We go down on the elevators and there will be a shelter under the bridge. In front of the shelter there will be a corpse; turn it over under it will lie 4 mysterious stone.

In the shelter we talk with the vampire. He will offer us to look around in the shelter. Having looked around, we approach him again and he will give us a task. To defeat the scientist who captured the city, you need to start the generator, but for this you need to find an engineer.

Main task: Starting the generator (find an engineer)

We move with the help of the portal to the central square of the city; there is no other way to get there, since there are force fields. We go to the right there and find our engineer in the corner. To start the generator, he will ask us to find 4 coils. All coils are marked on the map, so just move to the points and collect them all. When we collect all the coils, we go to the shelter and give them to the engineer.


slum location map


We get the task in the shelter of the girl Saffy next to the gypsy baron, you need to collect 5 rat bones. All 5 bones are in the slums under the dead rats. All points where they can be found are marked on the map.

Water purification

In the slums you can meet a citizen who will ask us to recapture a water tank from a gang of watermen. We go to the reservoir, destroy all the water ones and return to the townspeople, you can take a hat from him for the work done.

Dark Alchemist

In the slums next to the green slurry, we save the peasant and talk to him. He will tell us about the need to find explosives. We give the beggar money for information. The beggar will lead us to Arkady, a merchant of prohibited goods. Its location will appear on the map. We buy an explosive device from him. After that, we blow up the sewer hole from which green mucus flows. A bunch of ghouls and the Dark Alchemist will appear - we destroy him. We talk to the man.

monsters in the streets

We speak with the same man who performed the quest for the dark alchemist. He will offer us to destroy the escaped creatures. Their location will appear on the map in the slums. We just go kill them and return to the peasant to hand over the quest.

Fishing (not a quest)

Now about the fishing rod that you can find on the location. If you do not have bait, then approaching it you will receive old boots that you can give to the beggar. The bait can be found on the way to Arcadia, from which we buy a charger. Use the bait to catch the fish. We feed the fish to the cat.

old tunnels

Attention: Before being sent to the old tunnels, you can buy a gas mask in the slums from Arkady, which will protect you well from poison.

Main task: Gas unit

We get the job from the vampire in the shelter. We make our way to the tunnels through the slums. Inside, we need to destroy special chemical units - phlogistons and the monsters around them. It is recommended to destroy the aggregates first, as the monsters heal very quickly next to them. We hand over the task to the vampire. The location is small and therefore there is nothing particularly difficult in it.


refinery map

Enemy in the tunnels

We get a job from an engineer. He will ask us to clear the tunnels around the shelter. We make our way to the tunnels through the slums. Right in the shelter we move to the corridors in which the monsters rub. We destroy them all and go to hand over the quest to the engineer.

Task: The Beggar King

If you gave all the beggars in the locations a slum and a refinery, then the last beggar will ask you to help their king. He will give you the old runes and a portal to the shelter will open a little further, we go into it, make our way through the monsters to the king and save him from the surrounding enemies.

Primary Objective: Kill General Fulmigati

We need to destroy all enemy outposts and the bridge control mechanism. From the shelter we go to the newly opened location Refinery. All bridges are raised, so the path will be closed to us in many places, we first go to the control mechanism and activate it to lower the bridges. We destroy everything that moves in places where tasks are flashing. We are heading to the industrial port to the water supply.

laboratory assistant

research laboratory

The task can be obtained from the engineer after completing the "gas unit" task. He will ask you to find a laboratory assistant who has some documents of General Fulmigati. And find a drawing of the generator. We go to the research laboratory, which can be reached through the refinery.

In the laboratory, we activate the switch to turn on the electricity and open the way through the force field. We approach the scientist and choose which drawing we want to take from him. This task has been completed. Also, after activating electricity, you can use the elevator and take another one in the chest 5 mysterious stone.

Lost in the black

While moving through the portal. Van Helsing will be thrown into the Lost and Found location. We just make our way through the monsters to the portal, collecting bone relics. Here you can also find a rabbit and kill it with a crooked blade.

industrial port

industrial port

Primary Objective: Find Brida

After we get to the plumbing. We will have a task to find Brida. We go up. There we are waiting for an ambush and a bunch of monsters. We destroy them and return to the secret shelter. We approach the vampire, he will offer us as soon as we are ready to protect the shelter.

Primary Objective: Protecting the Vault

Having taken the quest from the vampire, we set up traps competently. and fight off 3 waves of monsters. The last wave will be tough. Monsters will climb from all the cracks to the shelter. As soon as we deal with all the waves, Brida will appear with electric wolves. We destroy them all.

Load of weapons

We will find a wounded resistance fighter in the port. He will ask us to give a signal from the beacon for a boat with weapons. We go to the lighthouse, press the button, after which we go to the boat and protect the cargo. The smuggler after completing the task will give an epic weapon.

Werewolf on the run

Approaching Dr. Par in the shelter (I don’t know exactly when this quest appears, after Brida I could already take it) you can talk to him about werewolves. We accept the task and we will immediately be thrown into the slums. We find the corpse of a werewolf and then we find hunters for it. We kill them and take the note

lost treasure

When we complete the task of the laboratory assistant. That same laboratory assistant will be in the shelter. buy a treasure map from him. A treasure tag will appear in the industrial port, where we will find 6 mysterious stone

swamp lilies

You can take Saffy from the girl in the shelter. She will ask you to bring her 8 Marsh Lilies. All flowers are in the industrial port. They are easy enough to find if you explore the area.

Old city. Palace of Machines

Main Objective: Reach the Machine Palace

Location Old Town is big and full of mobs. There is also a great statue in which you can insert the remaining three stones. There is also a dude with whom we can choose which blackness we will go to and a guessing ghost with his question what is the main thing in life (42).

We make our way through the mobs to the palace. Van Helsing, seeing the force shields, will understand that there is no further passage. We move to the shelter to talk with the engineer. He will send us to the cargo port for the inventor of this force field. You can also meet Grumsh with a pack if we did not kill him in the Moaning Forest, he will help fight mobs and clear the way to the palace.

Armed resistance soldiers

At one of the points in the Old City we will find a resistance fighter. He will ask you to save the soldiers. Very close we pass along a small bridge to the towers, we break through the enemies, there will be soldiers.

The onset of blackness

Having moved to the shelter after we come across force fields in the Old City, we again beat off the shelter from z waves of monsters.

Great statues in Markovnia and the Old Town. (not a quest)

After we have collected all six mysterious stones, then in the great statue in Markovnia we insert three stones and get a mysterious key. In the old city, approach the second great statue, insert three stones into it. We will immediately be transferred to another location - blackness. We destroy the enemies in the location and collect 4 stones. We find the corpse of the brownie from it we take two more stones.

We insert stones into the statues of the defenders. Protection from the main statue will disappear. Use our mysterious key on it. We'll get a scepter.

Primary Objective: Interrogate the inventor

Through the sewers in the shelter we move again to the industrial port - blackness. The port will be filled with monsters, we destroy them and get to the secret laboratory. In the laboratory, you can give the worker food, then he will show us a secret tunnel.

We get to the inventor. You can choose three answers, if you choose the first and third, then in any case you will have to fight with his guns. After the victory, he will open the portal. We go to the pocket reality location and from it we go to the black gate and get into the new location Fronton Through the Fronton we get to the next location - "Massacre on the Roof".

Orichalcum supply

Heading to the inventor of the force field, we will meet a resistance fighter. He will ask us to steal a load of orichalcum. The map will show you where to go. We take all the orichalcum ore and hand over the task to the vampire in the shelter.

Primary Task: Fulmigati

On the roof, we wet the enemies and get to the entrance to the Palace of Machines. Inside, the main boss of the game, the doomsday machine, is waiting for us. Enemies will constantly attack us, but we need to destroy all the mechanisms in a circle in the room so that the boss is weakened. At the end we destroy the car. The finale of the game The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (Van Helsing New History).

From the very beginning, it was obvious that The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing was divided into three games somewhat artificially. The episodes released in 2013, 2014 and 2015 differed in interface, role-playing system, set of heroes, as a result, NeocoreGames decided to bring all the parts into one, at the same time bringing them to a common denominator and polishing the gameplay. Meet The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut

Genre action/RPG
Platforms Windows
Developers NeocoreGames
Publisher NeocoreGames


HD textures, unified role-playing system, all 6 heroes, humor, chemistry between characters

Russian localization

All three parts of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing in one, and even in HD-format

It is gratifying that Final Cut turned out to be not just the sum of all the previous parts that we had already described in detail ( , ).

NeocoreGames got rid of the inconsistency in the interface and parameters. The role-playing system has once again been slightly changed in the direction of simplification, but the skill tree has acquired a fantastic look. It's a huge map that doesn't fit into the screen, so you'll have to scroll and zoom to see it. Learning all the skills of even one class in one playthrough is simply unrealistic, God forbid you open at least a couple of branches. And this despite the fact that the passage of the entire game will now take you a significant 50-60 hours, and the new level cap is set at level 100.

After completing the storyline in a single player or online campaign, an adventure mode is opened, similar to the one that was in. This is a separate menu with generated levels and various unusual tasks for them, with daily and weekly challenges, the chance of dropping epic items, etc. At the same time, you can enter the adventure mode during the campaign, it is not at all necessary to pump to the maximum level.

The development of the camp, manual gargoyle and Tower Defense have not gone anywhere. All this is optional, but it can diversify the gameplay if you suddenly get bored just chopping monsters. By the way, about this. Now, from the very beginning of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut, all six playable classes that appeared only in the third part of the saga are available to you, so choose. In this series, all the heroes are significantly different from the usual action/RPG characters. My choice is the classic Van Helsing hunter, although Phlogistoneer in his exoskeleton and Constructor with a brood of combat drones are also good. And of course, Lady Katarina is always there, where without the sarcastic comments of the beautiful ghost.

Here it is worth talking about localization. There is a Russian version in Final Cut, but the acting in it leaves much to be desired, in some places there are no Russian subtitles, and in some quests both the voice acting and the text remained only in English. So play better right away in English, get guaranteed pleasure from the brilliant dialogues of companions.

On top of that, NeocoreGames has added high resolution textures to The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut. Due to the already significant size of the distribution, HD content can be downloaded separately, as a free DLC, pay attention to this. HD textures transform the game - familiar locations look more detailed and colorful. Plus, some effects that were previously only found in the third part of the game are now in the first. Nothing was said about the HD version of the music, but either I finally heard the soundtrack, or NeocoreGames really did something with the sound engine, but it turns out that the series has just great music (except for a couple of overly intrusive tracks).