Educational program “We build our own world. “We build our world ourselves All-Russian competition we build our world ourselves

Under this name, on July 29, 2016, in the Reftinsky SUVU, as part of the ongoing social project “WORLD city: Individual Rehabilitation Workshop”, a festive event “This is our WORLD” was held. The event was dedicated to the opening of the new city MIRgorod, during which the task of immersing students and workers (residents of MIR city) of the Reftinsky SUVU in the role-playing game “MIR city” was solved. Life in the MIR city will contribute to solving the main task of the project - the development of the personality of adolescents through active socially oriented activities.

For a whole year, the students of Reftinsky SUVU will live in a new city called MIR city, in the city of Youth, Initiative, Development. Each group of pupils will represent a house with residents, and in general it will be a community of city residents, teachers and pupils, with a total number of more than 300 people.

The holiday began with a funny exercise “The morning begins - the city wakes up.”

After breakfast, the guys went to the street greeting “Hello, new city!” They were greeted by life-size dolls Masha and Mitya.

After the greeting, residents of the MIR city were invited to the city concert hall, where the opening ceremony of the MIR city “Happy Birthday, city!” took place.

On solemn ceremony opening of the city's WORLD, its residents were introduced to the city's management structures in accordance with the City's WORLD Charter. This is the head of the city's MIR (director), the head's adviser (deputy director for educational work), the city's MIR Duma, the Ministry of Interesting Affairs, the Administration and the Council of Commanders of the city's MIR.

Part of the responsibilities for managing the MIR city is also assigned to the most active and enterprising residents who joined the councils of the Ministry of Interesting Affairs. Tips: Culture and leisure, Care and goodness, Order and labor, Health and sports, Printing and information.

To begin responsible work, representatives of the councils unanimously took an oath.

WORLD the city will live according to the Charter, under its own flag and emblem.

In honor of the founding of the new city, the head of the city presented each of its young residents with a passport with registration in the MIR city and gifts. In turn, the residents of each MIR city house prepared their own musical and unique hand-made gifts, which will be stored in the city MIR museum.

Residents of the MIR city were also congratulated by representatives of the Center for Social Support and Propaganda “Light to the World” (director Popov K.G., Yekaterinburg).

The opening ceremony of the city's MIR ended with the presentation of the symbolic Golden Key to the head of the city's MIR, which personifies the openness and trust of residents to peace and goodness.

After a festive lunch at the MIR restaurant in the city “Pir&MIR”, residents received tourist vouchers and all together went on an excursion tour of the MIR city “This colorful WORLD”.

They took part in demonstration performances of Sambo champions “SAMBO”, where at the same time they themselves mastered the elements of wrestling (Youth Sports School of the Association of Law Enforcement and Special Services Workers of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of the Sverdlovsk Regional Public Organization Vladimir Filippov, Yekaterinburg).

Then we visited the MIR ny cinema, where we enjoyed watching the humorous series “Give it, youth!” and “gobbled up” the popcorn.

The program of the excursion tour included a visit to the pizzeria “Italians in Russia”, where the boys themselves showed a master class on making pizza. The prepared pizza was a delicious treat at the festive dinner in the same MIR restaurant in the city “Pir&MIR”.

But even before dinner, residents of the MIR city, as part of an excursion tour, visited the “Success” factory, which was impossible to pass by. Her call: “In the city of MIR there is a factory “Success” - here they will teach everyone the craft!” attracted boys. The masters of the Cadet Corps “Spasatel” (Ural Technical School “Rifey”, Yekaterinburg) taught residents of the MIR city not a simple craft, but the craft of a firefighter: putting on a combat jacket, pulling and folding a fire hose, and taught other difficult elements of this craft. And everything had to be done quickly, in a matter of seconds, with “people’s lives at stake.” We also visited “Samodelkin’s Workshop” (Reftinskoye SUVU, master p/o Karpov O.V.).

The residents of the MIR city were also pleased by representatives of the contemporary street dance studio “FRESH” (coach Turlakov A.S.) of the Palace of Culture “Crystal” (Sukhoi Log), who gave a master class, and the boys became active and capable learners. “Let’s dance together, let’s all dance!” - that was the name of the 3-hour dance lesson.

The holiday was a success for residents who took part in an unusual football match “WORLD NEW RECORDS”, when the football players, so called “leg-tied”, attacked the opponents’ goal.

And in the evening, after the festive dinner, a festive city procession of residents of the MIR city “The future is us!” took place. Solidarity, friendship, pride in the successes achieved, a fountain of positive emotions, happy faces, slogans, balloons, applause, mutual gratitude through a triple “thank you” - all this was shown by the residents of the MIR city, marching in the same formation!

The “Move More” disco show is ahead!”

And this important and significant day for the residents of MIR city ended with the festive fireworks “Vivat, MIR city!”

Motto of the residents of MIR city


Children's brotherhood,

Union of Teachers,

Spiritual wealth -

We have a lot of it!

We are the children of Russia,

WORLDCity is our home!

We are in our soul

Let's save him!


First and unforgettable meeting

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Success on Vyatka land

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Our victories. Travel to Kurtamysh

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“Two Stars”, festive show program

On July 15, the entire staff of the institution gathered in the concert hall of the Reftinsky SUVU. The academic year has been successfully completed, exams have been passed, summer is in full swing! In a solemn atmosphere, students were presented with certificates of assignment qualification category by profession...

Media: "Beacon of Labor", Aleysk

Since 2017, the Bolshepanyushevskaya school has become one of the pilot schools of the Russian schoolchildren movement and created the Iskra volunteer detachment. History and social studies teacher Natalya Shabalina inspires the children to do new good deeds.

New times dictate new forms of work with youth. Volunteer groups came into school life to replace pioneer and Komsomol organizations. Whether it’s by chance or naturally, on the birthday of the Komsomol three years ago, the President of the Russian Federation signed a Decree on the creation of a Russian schoolchildren’s movement. One of its areas is volunteering.

Volunteers are people who are willing to voluntarily spend their time and energy to benefit society or a specific person. A synonym for the word “volunteer” is the word “volunteer,” explains volunteer team coordinator Natalya Shabalina. - Iskra employs students from grades 9 to 11. In addition to the desire of children to become volunteers, the opinion of parents is also taken into account. If earlier moms and dads were skeptical about the volunteer movement, now they are asking: “Expand the boundaries of age, take fifth- and sixth-graders into the squad!” But personal books are issued to volunteers from the age of 14.

A team, working together children change, become more responsible, socially adapted,” notes Natalya Sergeevna. - By volunteering, they grow up and learn to make decisions on their own. It is no coincidence that the detachment’s motto was the words: “We build our own world.”

Working with volunteers prevents the adult mentor from getting old and tired. The kids follow her in a crowd and ask:

How so? September has passed and we haven't done anything yet!

Therefore, we gathered our thoughts and decided, instead of last year’s “Give Mood” campaign, to hold the “Rock the World” campaign in October. Volunteers will give candy to passers-by with a note of wishes. Fellow villagers always rejoice at the children’s imagination and respond to all their activities. In addition to verbal wishes for good, volunteers reinforce their thoughts with concrete deeds. They take the initiative, consult with their leader, and she, in turn, supports them and guides them in the right direction.

It cannot be said that modern youth does not honor the traditions of the past. Volunteers of the Iskra detachment initiated the action “Not forgotten, not abandoned” and tidied up the graves with red stars on the monuments - the burial places of war participants. There are five of these in the village churchyard. They didn’t stop there and took patronage over all the abandoned graves of their fellow villagers. Another good action “We Remember” is intended to maintain the sanitary condition of memorial places and memorials. Volunteers do not forget to visit war participant Alexei Ponomarenko. Attention and care for the veteran is an indicator of the high morality of volunteers. That's how it should be. Without this, a person cannot be called a person.

Volunteer work is planned, but life makes its own adjustments. When an elderly, lonely village resident’s water supply froze last winter, volunteers brought her water from a tap all winter.

Volunteers have values ​​and traditions that you can’t escape,” says Natalya Shabalina. - On May 9th they always come up with something new. This year we held a bike ride “Thank you to grandfather for the Victory” with flags in the rain. Through their participation, volunteers expressed pride in the heroes and participants of the war, and joy in the generation of winners.

Volunteers care about everything. They will not pass by if something does not suit them. For example, to the delight of others and for the edification of environmental violators, the entrance to the village was cleared of garbage. It didn't take too much time, and the joy of what was done exceeded all expectations. The territory of Bolshepanyushevo is a territory of cleanliness.

We are interested in helping people and our home village,” says volunteer Kristina Besedina. - When we remove garbage, it doesn’t bring us much work. But this work is very serious and necessary.

Volunteering for schoolchildren is only beneficial. Volunteer Danil Grigoriev has been in the detachment for four years. According to him, schoolchildren in the volunteer group, engaged in landscaping and helping village residents, become even more friendly and feel needed by others.

When I’m a student, I’ll definitely continue volunteering,” Danil smiles.

They owe all their successes and good deeds to their leader, Natalya Shabalina. According to school director Snezhana Miller, even as a student she always knew how to organize her peers. Now he still supports the image of his native school at all levels: district, regional, federal. And it turns out: life in educational organization does not fade, but bubbles. This year, Natalya Shabalina’s work received a prestigious assessment. She was awarded a diploma of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In addition to volunteering, children in the groups of the Russian schoolchildren movement are passionate about sports, ecology, voting rights, and so on. Everyone chooses a business to their liking. The results are obvious. During the autumn holidays, five volunteers from the Iskra detachment were invited to All-Russian competition to Khakassia. They were among the top five at the regional festival of clubs (schools) of young and future voters and volunteer associations “We Choose the Future” in Rubtsovsk. In addition, the school took first place in the Aleisky district in passing the GTO standards. Environmentalists are winners of regional Olympiads.

My volunteers have a great future,” coordinator Natalya Sergeevna is sure. - They will grow up to be people, and we will always be proud of their successes. And the school volunteer squad “Iskra” gave them a start and a start in life.

Irina Simonova, Vitaly Subbotin (photo).

“We build our own world”

Nomination "My social action program"

Project "Do good for others"
Relevance of the project

In the process of upbringing, children not only learn to live in society, adapt to it, assimilating requirements and norms, but also at the same time learn to influence the life of society through participation in socially significant events of the city.

The relevance of this project lies in the need to create conditions for uniting the efforts of teachers, children and their parents (volunteers and volunteers) to jointly solve socially significant and socially beneficial problems for the benefit and prosperity of the Talnakh district and its residents.

In the Talnakh district of Norilsk on the basis of a municipal budgetary educational institution additional education children "Center for Extracurricular Activities" operates the "Council of Self-Government of Assets of High School Students of Talnakh District Schools "ReMIX" (children of the youth initiative creative council). To create this project, the guys conducted a social survey of district school activists in order to identify the motives that encourage children to engage in active activities. Among the socially significant initiatives of schoolchildren in the sphere of their free time, leisure and entertainment, the following are identified:

To be socially useful – 89%;;

Contribute to changes in the lives of schoolchildren – 50%;

Self-realization – 36%;

Search for like-minded people -36%;

Out of a sense of duty for helping in the past – 19%;

Interesting leisure time – 15%;

Solve your own problems – 10%.

The results of the survey showed the ReMIX Council the need to create a project that would promote the formation of civic participation skills, development and popularization of socially useful activities of children and youth to solve pressing social problems.

To date, a certain regulatory framework has already been formed:

- Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations”;

Federal Law “On State Support of Youth and Children’s public associations».

The problems of civic education of the individual are reflected in regulatory documents Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation:

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation” No. 122 of February 16, 2001.
Project goal and objectives

Target - promoting the strengthening of civil society and the implementation of social initiatives through the development and popularization of socially significant, socially beneficial and volunteer activities of children and youth.

Main goals:

1. Development of the socially active position of the personality of children and adolescents.

2. Formation of a positive attitude towards volunteering and charity.

3. Introduction of innovative forms and methods of work of children’s and teaching staff of additional education to form an active civic position and education of children and adolescents.

4. Promoting the creation of a positive image of the younger generation as involved in socially significant activities.
Project implementation period

Project implementation: October 2010 – May 2011.

Project participants

Members of the project are the “Council of Self-Government of Assets of High School Students of Talnakh District Schools “ReMIX”, secondary school students secondary schools, creative associations MBOU DOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities", city residents.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1 – “Let the light of goodness in the soul never go out” (October 2010).

This stage takes place on Senior Citizens' Day. The Council of Self-Government of Assets of High School Students of Talnakh District Schools "ReMIX" provides targeted assistance to elderly people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, widows, blockade survivors, prisoners of fascist camps: help around the house, purchasing food, hours of communication. A charity gala concert is being held with the participation of activists of the ReMIX Council and creative associations of the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children “Center for Extracurricular Activities” of the Talnakh district (Appendix 1).

Stage 2 – “In the circle of friends” (December 2010).

A theatrical play performance for disabled children, including concert performances by creative groups from the Center for Extracurricular Activities. Participation of volunteers of the ReMIX Council throughout the entire event (meeting children and parents, working with life-size puppets, helping children in the game program, accompanying them home) (Appendix 2).

Stage 3 – “A good mood will not leave you!” (March 2011).

Organization of an exhibition of children's creativity at the Center. The “We are always there!” campaign was held by the ReMIX Council. - collecting things, toys, stationery for children from low-income families and orphanages. Conducting a festive concert program for mothers of students of the Center's creative associations.

Stage 4 – “Veterans do not grow old in their souls” (May 2011).

Targeted assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, widows, blockade survivors, prisoners of fascist camps: help around the house, purchasing groceries, social hours. Participation of the ReMIX Council in the rally dedicated to Victory Day.
Expected results

  1. Development of the children's and youth movement in the Talnakh district of Norilsk through the implementation of the project “Council of self-government of assets of high school students in the Talnakh district “ReMIX”.

  2. Establishing creative cooperation among district school assets.

  3. Creating favorable conditions for the most complete satisfaction of the educational needs of children and adolescents.

  4. Formation in children of civil responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability for successful socialization in society through specific socially significant and socially useful activities.

  5. Improving skills and abilities independent work, activities for the development and implementation of the project on the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Norilsk.

  6. Increasing the employment of adolescents in leisure activities through the introduction of innovative forms and methods of work of children's and teaching staff of additional education to form an active civic position of children and adolescents.

  7. Formation of skills in organizing information activities in adolescents.

  8. Providing attention and support to veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, widows, blockade survivors, and prisoners of fascist camps living in the Talnakh region.
Annex 1


on the implementation of stage 1 of the project

“Let the light of goodness in the soul never go out”

(October 2010)

D The long-term project “Do good to others for the benefit” started on October 1, 2010 with the 1st stage “Let the light of goodness in the soul never go out.”

It was attended by activists from secondary schools that are members of the Council of Self-Government of Assets of High School Students of Talnakh District Schools “ReMIX”.

At the general meeting, which took place on September 28, 2010, the ReMIX Council created two working groups of children to provide targeted assistance to older people: on October 1, Elderly People's Day, they visited pensioners, congratulated them on the holiday and offered their help.

The second group (Grigory Volkov - “Secondary School No. 39”, Elena Kostina - “Secondary School No. 39”), having prepared verbal congratulations and a gift set, went to visit Anna Vasilievna Danilyuk (born 06/17/1926), who was very friendly towards guys. She invited her guests to taste tea and while drinking tea she told the guys a lot of interesting things about herself, about the time in which she lived, about the Talnakh region (how it was built before her eyes). Anna Vasilyevna needed help around the house and the guys gladly carried out her instructions: they cleaned the room and arranged the dishes. The guys listened carefully to all the further wishes of the elderly woman and took note.

Thus, stage 1 “Let the light of goodness in the soul never go out!” long-term campaign “Do good for others” was successful.

Appendix 2.


about the implementation of stage 2 of the project

“In the Circle of Friends” (December 2010)

On December 1, 2010, the 2nd stage of the “Do good for others” project took place - “In the circle of friends.” The form of the event is a theatrical entertainment and game program.

The children of the Council of Self-Government of High School Students’ Assets “ReMIX” took part in the festive entertainment and game program for disabled children “In the Circle of Children”: Anastasia Khokhlova (school No. 38), Anastasia Masyukova (school No. 38), Albina Kappusheva (school No. 27), Khokhlova Tatyana (school No. 38).

Their role in the event was as follows:

Meeting guests in the foyer using life-size dolls;

Helping parents with their wardrobe;

Games with the children before the start of the event;

- assistance to presenters during the event (distribution of prizes, removal of attributes for competitions);

Participation in a disco.

The children of the Council of Self-Government of High School Students' Assets "ReMIX" coped well with all the planned tasks, thereby showing a positive image of the younger generation involved in socially significant activities.

Thus, the 2nd stage of the long-term campaign “Do good for others”, dedicated to the Day of the Disabled Person, was productive and successful.

Project We build our own world ourselves

The purpose of youth in the modern world is that it is not so much an object of upbringing, education, socialization, but an active subject of social reproduction, the main innovative potential of society and an essential guarantor of its development.

It is the younger generation that acts as important condition further socio-economic changes, and as an innovative force for social development. With a different view of the younger generation, society is doomed to degradation.

Reforming Russian society, social and economic development Russia and its regions largely depend on the youth factor, including the quality and level of development and formation.

Among young people, separate groups can be identified, the organization of work with which requires special specifics.

The definition of these groups is associated with special research and justification, taking into account regional and local specifics.

The main features and leading characteristics can be :


- for young people aged 14-20 years - education,
citizenship, leisure;

- for young people aged 20-25 years - employment,
young family, housing;

- for young people aged 25-30 years - health, career,

- The subjects of youth policy are: young people aged 14 to 30 years; hlegislative and executive bodies of state power and local government, their institutions; state and municipal employees; youth and children's public associations.

Without detracting from the importance of areas of work with youth in the Belgorod region, it should be noted that the key social problems that require solutions in the context of youth policy are: ensuring the safety of youth; youth and adolescent health; creating conditions for normal demographic development; organizational and personnel problems.

In this regard, it is necessary to concentrate the efforts of youth affairs structures on achieving the following socially significant goals:

Firstly, improving the health of children and youth, social protection of young families;

Secondly, solving the housing problems of young people;

Thirdly, social prevention of all forms of deviant behavior: criminal activity, alcoholism, drug addiction and taxi addiction;

Fourth, promoting youth employment;

Fifthly, ensuring equal opportunities in obtaining education and advanced training.

State youth policy on modern stage proceeds from the fact that the main social problems of Belgorod youth need to be solved in the following three strategic directions.

The first direction is the realization of the right to life and healthy existence. The second direction is changing the living conditions of young people for the better. The third direction is the formation public consciousness youth.

The solution to these and a number of other problems of modern youth, as practice shows, is possible only on the basis of the development and implementation of state youth programs. This work requires a clear identification of the object of management influence, identification of the most typical problem areas of youth and integration within their framework of the efforts of all subjects of youth policy, consolidation of resources and their maximum targeted use.

It should also be noted that in conditions with limited resource capabilities, the implementation of these goals will be associated with certain difficulties. That is why today there is an increasing need to use new non-traditional, inherently innovative approaches to the development and implementation of youth policy in the region.

Only professionally trained, creatively thinking management personnel with the active participation of young people themselves will be able to propose and implement them. This, in turn, requires the formation of a regional system of staffing youth structures. This system should be considered as essential element work to build the human resources potential of state and municipal authorities in the region.

When organizing social work with young people at various levels, it is important to actively use the accumulated experience of social assistance to various groups of the population. Along with this, it is necessary to return to the practice of distributing graduates of educational institutions. Of course, it cannot become the same as it was before, but the use of its elements would make it possible to provide some social guarantees one of the least protected groups of young people. A system of real measures aimed at stimulating youth entrepreneurship and self-employment is needed.

There is a need to increase the efficiency of existing ones and form new areas of interaction between schools and parents, which will help provide social support for young people.

Among the areas of interaction it is advisable to highlight:

Creation of various parent community associations in order to implement the legal rights and obligations of participants in the educational process, search for new forms of their interaction;

Revival of the system of parental education, development
various forms of psychological and pedagogical education of parents, increasing their cultural and educational level;

Organization of public examination of innovative
educational programs, educational visual aids and
teaching aids for the protection of health and morals

Preservation and development of the system of additional education for children, ensuring its accessibility for everyone;

Expanding interaction between educational institutions and educational authorities with religious denominations traditional for our country in the education and spiritual and moral upbringing of the younger generation;

Combining the efforts of law enforcement and health authorities, the parent and pedagogical community, representatives of religious denominations in the fight against drug addiction, tightening measures of responsibility for the sale and distribution of narcotic and other psychoactive substances;

Despite the enormous work carried out by the executive authorities of the Belgorod region in relation to young families, it should be noted that there are still unresolved problems in this direction.

They are due to the following reasons: lack of resources that could be used to solve the problems of youth families; There is a shortage of social workers capable of providing qualified assistance to a young family.

Changing the situation requires taking a set of measures:

1. to intensify research into the problems of young families, which will highlight the most pressing ones and ensure public awareness.

2. organize financial support based on an individual approach to each family.

3. provide training at the regional level for social workers specializing in the problems of young families.

In order to effectively use new forms of social protection and services for the youth of the region, it is necessary to coordinate the interaction of business and public organizations, business and the state, and regional associations of entrepreneurs.

Business in the youth social sphere should not so much engage in charity as develop activities that are in demand by young people social services, forming them into capable citizens. At the same time, it must be profitable, like any other type of entrepreneurial activity.

It is also important to attach importance to organizing business participation in investment programs with sections dedicated to the youth social sphere, conducting federal, regional and municipal competitions, tender procedures to support housing construction programs for youth, sports and socio-cultural social projects, involving youth organizations in these activities, including those uniting young people with family and health problems.

It is necessary to strengthen the relationships between management structures and heads of large enterprises and organizations. To resolve this issue, it would be effective to introduce the position of a specialist in working with youth at large enterprises, whose functions would include:

Organization of festive evenings;

Conducting information days, lectures;

Conducting monitoring to identify pressing problems of young working youth.

In the Belgorod region, optimization of youth policy is largely achieved through social programming. In this sense, the regional youth program provides an opportunity to do public policy at the regional level consistent, highlight its main stages and determine the paths of advancement from one to another.

Today, long-term programs are being implemented in the region: “Youth of the Belgorod region” (2004-2008), “Patriotic education of citizens of the Belgorod region” ((2006-2010), “With faith in the Fatherland” (2006-2008), “ Comprehensive measures to organize the activities of labor groups in the region" (2004-2008), approved by resolutions and orders of the governor and government of the region.

Concern for improving the quality of life in each region is a problem, first of all, of local and regional authorities, and its solution can be achieved through the use of existing regional financial and economic potential within the established framework of common national interests and social standards.

For this purpose, a program to improve the quality of life of the population has been developed and adopted in the Belgorod region. For a program to have a positive social effect, it requires a clear orientation towards the object of implementation and maximum proximity to specific categories. It is also necessary to specify and clarify its provisions in relation to each social group of the population. Considering the special social role of youth in society, solving these problems requires maximum efforts of all stakeholders.

It should be noted that the “Youth of the Belgorod Region” program, approved by decree of the regional governor No. 35 of 02/02/04, and designed for 2004-2008, on the one hand, organically fits into the concept of the Program for Improving the Quality of Life of the Population of the Belgorod Region, specifying its activities, acting as a link between the Program itself and its recipient, and on the other hand, it allows us to solve the main social problems of young residents of the region, which determine their quality of life.

The implementation of project activities makes it possible to coordinate the activities of participants: representatives of government bodies, municipal structures, and the press. A kind of interested involvement of these subjects of regional management in the formation of youth policy is being carried out.

The expected and final results of the program will allow us to solve a number of pressing social youth problems and make real progress in the development of a system of current and future preventive and educational measures for constructive cooperation between authorities and public organizations with young Belgorod residents.

Unfortunately, when implementing youth programs, difficulties often arise in attracting large amounts of resources for their implementation. The issue of attracting investment is comprehensive.

Raising funds for an organization is a professional activity that needs to be learned; this profession has its own subtleties; it cannot be learned through pure practice. This activity requires full dedication.

The relevance of financed projects, promotions, problems is also an important issue. The need to develop fundraising (fund-raising) - a targeted, systematic search for sponsorship (or other) funds for the implementation of socially significant projects (programs, actions) and support of socially significant institutions.

More attention needs to be paid totargeted charitable fundraising events;
Grants are funds given free of charge by a donor (foundation, corporation, government agency) to a nonprofit organization or individual to perform specific work. Unlike a loan, a grant does not need to be repaid.

Work in this direction is actively carried out by the administration of the city of Belgorod. In accordance with the decision of the Council of Deputies of the city of Belgorod to attract public associations and non-profit organizations to solve social problems, support their statutory activities, and general interest, a competition was held in Belgorod to receive a municipal social grant. Applicants submitted 14 social program projects to the organizing committee for the competition.

The competition was held with the aim of attracting public associations, including youth, non-profit organizations to solve social problems of the city and supporting their activities in this area based on the development of public initiative, the activity of citizens in solving social issues, falling under the jurisdiction of the city administration and the city Council of Deputies.

One of the requirements that modern society places on a person is his high information competence, i.e. the ability to receive and process large amounts of information using modern multimedia tools.

New information Technology have great potential when working with different social groups youth. Projects focused on working with modern telecommunications are needed. They arouse the greatest interest among young people and are actively implemented by them.

These include projects in which new information technologies are the main means of interaction with teenagers.

1. Internet guide. This could be excursions, analysis of idols’ websites, searching for information on the topic of the project being carried out, during which teenagers are taught user skills for working on the Internet. This kind of training was carried out during the implementation of the “Teenage Independent Newspaper” project.

2. Thematic teleconferences.

The Internet provides an opportunity for organizing network communication, in which the child constructs an image of his “I”. This is very important when working with introverted teenagers, for whom speaking in front of an audience is a stressful factor, because in a chat or teleconference, you can come up with a pseudonym (nickname) and try different role positions. In addition, such forms contribute to the development of students’ skills to communicate and formulate their thoughts, understand the interlocutor’s text and express their point of view. The above projects were tested in work with adolescents with deviant behavior. During testing, their sufficient effectiveness was established. This can be judged both by the assessments of teachers and school teachers, and by the statements of the project participants themselves. Ways to improve this form of organizing joint activities were outlined.

3. New information technologies open up special opportunities when working with disabled children. This is also the possibility of organizing distance courses, holding teleconferences and chats between such children, since they are in conditions of low information availability. Communication on the Internet will also allow them to find many friends with similar interests and correspondence. Let us note that official statistics on the number of disabled children in Russia are very disappointing. Over the past five years, the number of children
disabled people.

Improving the development and implementation of youth programs in XXI century is associated with the transition to design practice in youth policy.


Today, a comprehensive system of social work with youth has been created in the Belgorod region, which includes specialized institutions and centers for social assistance to youth.

The goals and objectives set in our region for youth affairs bodies, public organizations, boys and girls make it possible to form a portrait of the youth of the Belgorod region in the 21st century: adapted to new market conditions, optimistic, patriotic, Orthodox, proactive.

But, undoubtedly, today they remain current problems involving youth in public life, attracting investors to implement social youth projects, solving youth employment problems.


1. Federal Law “On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognition of Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws “On Amendments and Additions to The federal law"About general principles organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2004. - August 31.

2. Federal Law No. 98 - Federal Law of June 28, 1995 “On state support for youth and children's public associations” // Russian newspaper. - 1995. - July 2.

3. Federal Law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 1995. - June 8.

4. Federal Law “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation" // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 1995. - December 10.

5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 14, 1995. “On the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation until 2000. ( National plan actions in the interests of children)” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 1995. - October 10.

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 13
2006 N 285 “On approval of the rules for providing subsidies to young families for the purchase of housing within the framework of the implementation of the subprogram “Providing housing for young families” of the federal target program“Housing” for 2002 - 2010” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2006. - May 14.

7. Decree of the Government of the Belgorod Region of June 9
2006 N 109-pp “On measures to support within the framework of priority national project“Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens” of young families in the region in the construction and purchase of housing by them.” // Belgorod news. - 2006. - June 11.

8. Alekseeva, L.S. Reference manual for social work / L.S. Alekseeva. - M., 2006. - 101 p.

9. ApatenkoS.N. Youth policy must be strong and vital // S.N. Apatenko Bulletin of youth policy. -M., 2004. - 24 p.

10. Basov, N.F. Social work with youth: Textbook. - N.F. Basov.-M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K", 2007. -328 p.

11. Grigoriev, S.I., Guslyakova, L.G., Gusova, S.A. Social work with youth: a textbook for university students / S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, S.A. Gusova. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 204 p.

12. Kolkov V.V., Shokhina, N.A. State youth policy and social work with youth. V.V. Kolkov, N.A. Shokhina. - M., 2003. - 145 p.

13. Kuzmin, V.P., Stepashin, N.S., Blinkov, Yu.A. Problems of social work with youth: Textbook / V.P. Kuzmin, N.S. Stepashin, Yu.A. Blinkov. - M., 2006. - 298 p.

14. Rostotskaya, T.K.Social work with youth. - T.K. Rostotskaya.-M.: Higher School, 2003. -294s.

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