Program for calculating wooden stairs. How to make a competent calculation of stair steps. Calculation of the goose step staircase

Calculating the stairs to the second floor is a standard task for those who independently design their own Vacation home or a dacha. Fortunately, it is not as complicated as people say. At the right approach to the question, as well as studying the necessary literature, you can do the calculation of the stairs to the second floor with your own hands within just a few hours. In order for you to be able to cope with it easily and quickly, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic techniques of designing a staircase for your home. Let's consider it for various types of construction.


The technique used to calculate the stairs to the second floor of the house depends on such parameters as the type of structure, its angle of inclination, the number of steps, their width, as well as others design features sample. Before moving on to this matter, you will need to calculate:

  • The height of the structure;
  • Availability of free space for its installation (in some houses you can freely place ordinary flights of stairs, while in others only screw samples are free;
  • Type of materials used for this purpose;
  • Features of the operation of the finished model are the presence of small children or elderly people in the house, for whom steep stairs will become a real problem in the future;
  • The need to carry heavy things upstairs (the presence of a spiral staircase practically eliminates the possibility of moving large furniture to the second floor).

Of all possible options installing a metal or other staircase in a house with your own hands, preference should be given to the one in which the calculation will be the simplest for you, and the implementation of installation tasks finished product– the fastest. Therefore, it is always necessary to start studying and calculating projects with ordinary marching wooden stairs.

How to calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor

For example, consider the design of a classic wooden staircase in a cottage. The most simple option there will be a straight marching wooden staircase without turns with average size steps, as well as lifting height. The first thing to consider when calculating wooden stairs– this is the height of the second floor. This parameter will be central for further work.

Let's say it is 3 meters. A comfortable height of the steps should be about 19cm; if you make it larger, the staircase will turn out steep, and if it is less, the length of such a structure will be excessive. As for the depth of a straight staircase, you need to take a universal size of 30 cm - this is enough for a person to comfortably position his feet. The standard calculation of a wooden staircase in this case will consist of determining several parameters:

  • Loads on the supporting beam;
  • Permissible deflection of the main staircase structures;
  • Calculation of the opening height;
  • Structure height;
  • The number of steps, their width, as well as their depth;
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs.

How to do everything right necessary calculations for such a wooden staircase design will be discussed below.

How to calculate a metal staircase to the second floor

A metal staircase to the second floor for a private house is calculated using the same technology as a wooden one. However, it is unnecessary to make several amendments: this model allows for a smaller step thickness while withstanding the same load. In order to obtain the most accurate values, we calculate the maximum load on the step and beams and, in accordance with them, determine the parameters of our future metal stairs By general formulas as for a wooden structure.

Calculation of the number of steps

For getting exact value the number of steps of a straight staircase, initially you need to determine the number of ascents; it can be calculated using the following formula:

Number of lifts + floor height / step height.

If the average height of our floor is 300 cm, and the steps are 19, we will have the following calculation results:

300/19 = 15.7, round up to 16, taking into account the fact that our first and last steps may be lower.

Using the data obtained, we check the height of the step; to do this, we calculate the formula as follows:

3000/16=18.75 – round up to 19, we get the specified height of the steps.

So, the resulting number of spans is 16. The number of steps will be 1 less, since we do not count the first one in the frame, a total of 15 steps. In a similar way, you can calculate the number of rises both for a regular flight of stairs and for rotary and screw structures.

How to calculate the slope of a staircase rise?

Mostly stairs have an inclination angle of 23-45 degrees. Products with less inclination two-story houses are not used - they require a lot of space and in most cases are simply not functional. They can only be installed as an element of the facade group at the main march of the main entrance, nothing more. If we're talking about from attached or rather steep designs, it can vary from 45 to 70 degrees. Fire escapes may have a higher value for this parameter.

It is not difficult to calculate the existing angle of the stairs in the house. To do this, it is enough to know the length of the space allocated for it, as well as the height of the ceiling. We build a triangle in which the staircase will play the role of the hypotenuse and, using the available values, calculate its size, as well as the angles. This method The calculation is quite accurate and makes it possible to determine the angle of inclination of any staircase.

Depth and height of steps: do-it-yourself calculation and design

Determining how to calculate the number of steps on a wooden staircase is not difficult, especially if you already know the height of the future flight. The main requirement for the steps of a metal or other staircase is that they must be comfortable and safe for movement. Therefore, when designing them, the following details must be taken into account:

  • The height of the step should be no higher than 50 cm and no less than 10 cm;
  • The width of the step corresponds to 300 mm;
  • The overhang of the upper step over the lower one should be no more than 5 cm.

How to calculate a turning staircase?

Do-it-yourself turning stairs are a type of marching structures. Depending on the angle of their rotation, there are quarter-turn, half-turn and circular models (with a rotation of 90, 180, 360 degrees, respectively).

The calculation of a rotary staircase differs from the design of a conventional structure. When carrying it out, you should be guided by the following parameters:

  • The staircase must match the length of a person's stride. You need to take 63 cm as a basis.
  • The slope of the stairs should be from 30 to 40 degrees;
  • If the depth of the staircase is not comfortable enough for users, it can be increased by protruding the steps.

Also, when calculating a rotating staircase, you need to take into account such features as the height of the platform. It is most convenient to consider it as another step, but for this it must match the parameters of other staircases.

Calculation of a spiral staircase to the second floor

A do-it-yourself spiral staircase is one of the most requested designs, which can provide a fairly comfortable volume to the second floor if there is space for installing a conventional flight of stairs Hardly ever. Calculating a spiral staircase is also not very difficult. To obtain the necessary parameters for the future sample, you must:

  • Establish a center where the main support of the staircase structure will be placed.
  • The width of the span is measured as the distance from the base of the staircase to its border; the same value is used to calculate the length of the step.
  • The steps for such a staircase are made in a trapezoidal shape. At the same time, the width of their center should be at least 20 cm, and the widest edge - 40 cm. If you make this very edge larger, the stairs will most likely be simply inconvenient to use.
  • As for the installation height of the stairs, it remains the same as for other types of construction - from 10 to 50 cm. However, for such stairs it is also advisable to keep the distance between the steps small for ease of use of the sample.

Assembling such a staircase with your own hands is easier than any other one. It is enough to install the stand and evenly secure the steps in a spiral. With certain skills in working with wood or metal, doing this yourself is quite easy.

The difference between the calculation of structures with winder steps

Stairs with winder systems have several design features:

  • They can rotate at any angle up to 180 degrees.
  • The depth of the steps of such a staircase is not the same everywhere: it decreases towards the center and accordingly increases at the edges.
  • The narrowest end of the tread of such a staircase will be at least 10 cm.

Designs with winder steps are considered the most difficult to design, so their calculations are best left to specialists. If possible, you should not install such models in homes where there are small children or elderly people, since such a product will be inconvenient for them.

The given parameters are universal, but they are not really practical in all homes. Therefore, when calculating a staircase with your own hands, in addition to the “gold standards”, you must also take into account your personal characteristics of using the staircase. When creating a project, you can make the design more convenient and easier to implement using the following techniques:

  • If you need to install a staircase that provides convenient lifting of a stroller, including a child's one, as well as the safe movement of elderly people and children, and the design will have an angle of 23 degrees, the classic steps can be replaced with a sloping inclined plane - a ramp.
  • When calculating the load on the stairs, it is worth relying on the values ​​​​that are given when a person climbs to the second floor, since they are always greater than those that we get during the descent.
  • A comfortable staircase lifting angle of the structure cannot exceed 45 degrees. A staircase with an ascent angle above 45 degrees should be classified as an extension or folding one, and it is not practical to make it the main one for climbing to the second floor of a residential building. If conventional design with a smaller angle, the dimensions do not fit in your home, it is advisable to make it rotary or screw.

Computer programs for calculating stairs

It can be extremely difficult to design a staircase online with your own hands, especially a spiral or turning one, especially with little experience in this matter. In order to cope with this task, you need to use a special software. Such applications allow you to:

  • Receive accurate drawings of stairs from various angles, accompanied by all the online notes necessary for the implementation of the project;
  • Calculate the dimensions of each step, the parameters of the angles, the overall dimensions of the stairs, as well as the dimensions of the top of the steps on the bowstrings.

Although online program calculating stairs allows you to get fairly accurate data; some adjustments for installing stairs in your home still need to be made. It is especially important to take this into account in cases where your premises have irregular shape, there are differences in the height of the ceiling or floor.

Online calculator for calculating the stairs to the second floor

An online calculator is another program that allows you to get quite exact numbers to calculate stairs online in the shortest possible time. Working with the calculator involves indicating such parameters as the type of structure, the height and length of the opening, the width of the platform, the number of steps, as well as their depth.

The online calculator may have a slight error in calculations. In order to level them out, it is recommended to manually recalculate the values ​​relative to your home, and also consult with specialists who have been developing such structures for a long time. It is also advisable to use, in addition to the calculator, several different programs for virtual calculation of stairs. Their average indicators, as a rule, turn out to be the most reliable in further work.

When constructing any stationary staircase, certain standards must be adhered to in order for the structure to be safe, comfortable and durable. To do this, you need to calculate the staircase, and it does not matter whether it is made of wood, concrete or metal. The correctness of calculations depends on many factors, and in this article we will tell you how to correctly calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor of a house.

Before starting construction and calculations, it is necessary to study the structure of the staircase. Any design consists of a number of elements, some of which are mandatory (permanent), while others can be added depending on the design idea.

Any staircase consists of the following elements:

  • support beams (string or stringer);
  • support pillar (for a spiral staircase);
  • steps (treads and risers);
  • railings (balusters and handrails).

The string runs along the edges of the steps on both sides or on one side (if the staircase is adjacent to the wall on one side) and covers the ends. The steps are inserted between the support beams, and the treads and risers are “recessed” into the structure. If the staircase is based on a stringer, then the steps are laid on top of it. And if the design can have a maximum of 2 strings, then the number of stringers varies depending on design features and march width (1,3 or 4).

A tread is a horizontal surface that you step on with your foot, and a riser closes the gaps between the steps. Sometimes stairs are made without risers to give them lightness and airiness and not overload the interior. Railings are needed for support when ascending and descending. Their height is fixed, but can still vary slightly depending on the height of the residents of the house. Balusters are located between the steps and handrails, and the distance between them should not be less than 7.5 cm - according to fire regulations, this minimum distance, necessary for passing the fire hose. Usually 15-20 cm are left between the balusters, but if small children live in the house, then for safety reasons it is recommended to install them every 10 cm.

Types of stairs

The choice of staircase depends on the preferences of the residents, the size of the room, the style of the interior and the purpose. So, it is better not to make a spiral staircase in a children's room, but to give preference to elementary forms.

Calculation of a wooden staircase is carried out depending on appearance and design forms:

  • spiral (including stairs with winder steps);
  • marching - the most common type (stairs may include intermediate and turning platforms).

Spiral staircases are generally used quite rarely, since their main purpose is more decoration than functionality, but they can solve the problem of ascending to the second floor in conditions of limited space. You won't be able to climb them quickly, but they save space and decorate the interior. If you want to build a spiral staircase, keep in mind that it will not be possible to lift a bulky sofa or wardrobe. At the same time, calculating the rotation of a staircase with a spiral structure is quite difficult, especially if you have never done this before.

For beginners in the staircase business, it is better to give preference to marching structures. They are called marching because they consist of marches or flights of stairs. These are steps separated by platforms. The calculation of a staircase with a landing takes into account the additional space. The staircase can have from one to 3 or more landings, but 2 are usually enough to climb to the second floor. Marching stairs much simpler in construction and calculations, but at the same time they can have a wide variety of designs.

Unlike screw ones, marching structures take up quite a lot of space, so some owners, to save space, build three flights, calculating the staircase with a 90° turn or two flights with a 180° turn.

The march, in turn, can be curved with an angular approach to the stairs and turning steps. In two- and three-flight structures, turning steps can be installed instead of spans.

Before choosing the type of staircase structure, you need to measure free space, make calculations and make a drawing in accordance with them.

Calculation of stairs

Calculating a wooden staircase with your own hands consists of several stages, after which all the data is brought together and displayed in the drawing. Let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

Steps and risers

How many steps will there be in your future staircase? Their number depends not on the customer’s preferences, but on the design features of the staircase - its length, width, riser height, etc.

It is necessary to begin calculating the steps of the stairs by determining the height of the structure. To do this, measure the distance from the floor surface of the lower floor to the floor surface above. If you have not yet laid a finished coating, then you will have to measure “by eye”, taking into account the approximate thickness of the future floor.

Let's say the distance between the floor and the ceiling is 2.5 m, the thickness interfloor covering, including the floor on the top floor - 35 cm. To calculate the height of the stairs, we summarize the data and get 285 cm.

Further calculations should be made based on the height of the risers ( vertical elements stairs). In most cases, they are made with a height of 15.2 to 19.7 cm. In this range, a person will be comfortable moving up and down; if you make it smaller, the step will constantly get lost; if you make it larger, the person will get very tired. For ease of calculation, we suggest choosing an average value of 17 cm.

To find the number of steps, divide the height of the stairs by the height of the risers: 285/17 = 16.76, round to 17.

Then there are two options - either make a small lower winder step, or recalculate for a more accurate, but not entirely even, result. If you want to go the second route, divide the height of the stairs by the resulting number of steps: 285/17 = 16.76. Thus, you can make 17 steps with risers 16.7 cm high.

Tread for stairs

According to research and many years of practice, the smallest tread that will be comfortable for movement should be 22 cm wide. If you make it narrower, then it will be very difficult to go down such a staircase, and a person will most likely constantly slide down. The maximum width can reach 37-40 cm; if made wider, the step will be lost, the person will get tired, and the structure itself will take up a lot of space.

To make an accurate calculation, you should adhere to the following dependencies:

2a + b = 64 cm; a + b = 47 cm;

Here a is the width of the riser, and b is the tread.

We know the height of the riser - 16.7 cm. We calculate using the first formula: 64-16.7 = 47.3; since in condition 2a, then 47.3/2 = 23.65. This is too small and inconvenient width, so we will use the second formula: 47-16.7 = 30.3 (rounded to 30). A width of 30 cm is quite suitable.

March width

By and large, the width of the march can be any, but the number of marches in the structure depends on the amount of free space you have. The smallest width of a march that is convenient for an adult is 80 cm; if you make it narrower, then when carrying large furniture or when moving fat people difficulties may arise. The most optimal width is 100-140 cm.

It is desirable that the staircase structure looks harmonious and beautiful, so we recommend using one proven trick - making the width of the flight a multiple of the width of the tread. For our stairs it can be 90, 120 and 160 cm.

Stair length

Do not confuse the length of the stairs with the previously determined height. To calculate the length, you need to use two values ​​already known to us - the number of steps and the width of the tread. Multiply these two values ​​and get the length of the structure, while the last step does not need to be taken into account, since it will be one piece with the floor of the second floor.

4.8 m is quite a long length for a regular interfloor staircase, and it will take up a lot of free space. If the area does not allow you to “walk around”, then you will have to change the design of a single-flight straight staircase, making it two-flight with a turn of 180° or three-flight with turns of 90°.

To carry out calculations of such structures today it is best to use computer programs or online calculators. They are suitable for both beginners and professional builders. The most popular free programs are.

Distance above steps

Since the beginning of a flight of stairs is almost always located under the ceiling, the free distance above the head of a person walking up the stairs decreases with each step. If you incorrectly calculate the stairs to the second floor, then the person will constantly hit his head on the ceiling, or he will have to bend over.

To calculate the optimal clearance above the steps, calculate the distance from the very last step to the ceiling - it should be at least 195 cm. If the residents of the house are tall, then this distance is recommended to be increased to 220 cm.

Stringer for stairs

As a rule, stringers are made from strong boards with a thickness of 5 to 7 cm and a width of 25-30 cm. Agree, it is very difficult to find a product of such dimensions from whole piece wood, so they use laminated boards.

The calculation of stringers depends on the size of the steps and the slope of the beam. The slope should be as comfortable and smooth as possible, but at the same time save space and correspond to the length of the stairs.

From the image above you can see that the stringer can be inclined from 20 to 75 degrees, but this does not mean at all that any selected degree of slope from this range will be comfortable for a person. So, a slope of 40° and above will be too steep for small children and the elderly, to say nothing of 75°. Such steep sections of 40-45° can be used, but only on short sections of the stairs. The optimal slope that will be convenient for all residents is from 35° to 40°.

To calculate the size of the stringer, use the Pythagorean theorem, where A will be the height, B will be the length of the march and C will be the desired value. Perform calculations using the formula A2+I2=C2. Plug in the numbers for your ladder and determine the length of the stringer.

Calculating the step of the stairs is one of the decisive parameters. The step of an adult with a height of 165 to 180 cm is about 60-65 cm. For calculations, let’s denote the width of the tread as D, and the height of the step as H. For the staircase to be comfortable, 2 step heights and one tread width should approximately correspond to one person’s step, then there is 2H+D=from 60 to 65 cm.

We hope this article helped you understand how to calculate the stairs yourself. If we are talking about a single-flight straight design, then a beginner can cope with this task, but for designing more complex structures It’s better to contact specialists. The same recommendation applies to cases of using expensive wood species for the construction of stairs.

Finally, according to tradition, a training video on how to build a strong wooden staircase with your own hands:

To make a staircase comfortable for use, it is necessary to fulfill many requirements for its design and shape. It is also important to calculate the ladder for safety reasons, because it must withstand all the loads placed on it. Dimensions may vary depending on their location and room parameters. In this article we will provide you with information on calculating the size of stairs with all acceptable standards.

Why is it necessary to calculate the stairs?

At the house design stage, many calculations are performed, but we are only interested in those that relate to stairs. Calculation of the stairs to the second floor in an apartment or house must be done primarily for safety reasons and to save effort and money.

Performing calculations helps determine:

  • how much material is needed for construction;
  • what loads the materials must meet to give the required strength to the structure.

Regardless of whether it is a staircase to the 2nd floor, to the attic, to the basement or inspection hole in the garage, carrying out calculations will help not only do the work correctly, but also protect from injury, eliminating the possibility of structural destruction.

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor

Using, which you can find on our website, is one of the simplest methods of calculation.

You can also use the formulas from this article for calculations.

Ceiling opening size

Calculation of the ceiling opening must be performed to avoid inconvenience when using the stairs. The distance from the stairs to the edge of the ceiling opening should be such that a person does not need to bend over when descending and ascending.

Ceiling openings are classified according to their design and are divided into:

The width of the flight to the 2nd floor will depend on the functionality of the staircase:

  • For safe use The span width should be at least 90-100 cm.
  • To move furniture between floors and for two people to calmly move in the opposite direction, a width of 125-150 cm is required.

Length of string or bowstring

In order to determine how long the bowstring (kosour) should be, you must use the formula

a 2 +b 2 =c 2,

where a is the length of the march; b – height of the stairs; c – string length (stringer).

When calculating a staircase in a private house, you can start by determining the number of steps; it will be convenient to use the table below. It shows the dependence of the number of steps on the height of the stairs and riser. Dividing the height of the stairs by the height of the riser, we get a number, rounding which we get the required number of steps.

The size of the riser depends on the angle of inclination of the structure. The figure below shows optimal angles tilt for different types stairs and ramps. The optimal angle of inclination in residential premises is 24-37°, which corresponds to approximately 140-180 mm, the area is highlighted in green in the figure.

To determine the width of the step, it is more convenient to use the formula shown in the figure, the dependence of the step width (600-640 mm) and the height of the riser. There are a number of restrictions that must be adhered to when making calculations:

  • the edge of the tread should not hang down more than 50 mm;
  • The tread width should not be less than 100 mm.

The width of the steps based on the formula is: 600 - 2*160 = 280 mm.

If the width of the steps is less than the calculated one, this will lead to big problems when descending due to the fact that the leg will not fully stand on the step.

What can the parameters of the steps depend on?

The main parameter on which any straight staircase, turning or spiral, depends is the size of the room in which it is located.

If the area of ​​the room is not very large, into which you need to fit a straight single-flight staircase, you will have to change the angle of inclination of the structure to a steeper one in order to shorten the length of the string. Changing the angle of inclination directly affects all parameters of the steps, except their length; the dependence is presented in the figure.

To save optimal height riser, it is necessary to reduce the width of the step.

Calculation of the angle of inclination of the stairs

Depending on the angle of inclination, stairs are divided into:

  • ramps - tilt angle up to 30°;
  • For residential premises - slope 30-45°;
  • 45-75° - attached, steep;
  • more than 75° - evacuation, fire.

Knowing the principles of calculating the angle of a staircase, you will be able to design and build a comfortable staircase.

Features of the calculation of turning stairs

There are a number of methods. The calculation of a U-shaped staircase is practically no different from the calculation of a staircase with a 90° turn.

The most in a simple way calculation is the method of proportions; you can find calculation options by other methods on our website. You can also use the construction calculator on our website to calculate U-shaped and L-shaped stairs.

Graphical method

The method is based on the proportional placement of steps at the turning point; the calculation of stairs with a turn of 90 and 180° is identical. Let's look at the example of calculating a U-shaped staircase:

  1. Draw the staircase (top view) to scale, indicating the outer steps towards the turn and the central turning pillar.
  2. Place the axis in the middle of the stairs (in the center support pillar).
  3. On both sides of the axis you need to draw an equilateral right triangle.
  4. Divide the hypotenuse of the triangle into 3 equal parts.
  5. We connect the central turning pillar with the marks on the hypotenuse with lines, as a result of which each of the sides, separated by the axis from step 2, turns out to be divided into 3 parts.

Features of calculating spiral staircases

The principle is in many ways similar to the calculations of simple marching and turning stairs, but, of course, there are points that should be paid attention to due to design features.

When making a spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands, you should know that there are certain limits in the size of spiral staircases, beyond which it is not advisable to go for reasons of safety and ease of use:

  • the depth of the step in the center line is not less than 200 mm;
  • at a distance of 150 mm from the support post at least 100 mm;
  • in the wide part at the edge no more than 400 mm;
  • staircase diameter from 1300 to 3300 mm;
  • march width from 530 to 1430 mm;
  • opening diameter from 1300 to 3300 mm.

Let's look at the example of calculating a spiral staircase for a room 2700 mm high with a flight width of 1000 mm.

  1. It is necessary to calculate the diameter of the future staircase and, accordingly, the diameter of the ceiling opening. The main thing when calculating the double width of the march is not to forget to add the diameter of the central support column; with such a width of the march it should be at least 200 mm. As a result, we get: D=1000+1000+200=2200 mm. This size falls within the parameters described earlier.
  2. Let us determine the radius of the rise, which is equal to the sum of half the width of the march and the radius of the support. Rn=500+100=600 mm. We take half the width of the march because in the middle of the span the most optimal tread width is 200 mm.
  3. Knowing the lifting radius Rn=600 mm and the tread width 200 mm, we determine the number of steps per turn of the staircase using the formula: L=2πr/200=2*3.14*600/200=18.84. Having rounded the resulting number, we find out that one turn consists of 19 steps.
  4. To calculate the height of the step, it is necessary to determine the distance between the turns of the staircase. Let's consider an example of the use of a ladder by people whose height is no more than 180 cm. In this case, the distance between turns should be at least 200 cm. Thus, we determine that the height of the steps is 2000/19 = 105 mm.
  5. The number of steps for our room with a height of 2700 mm is 2700/105 = 26 pcs.
2000/160=13 pcs

steps, and, accordingly, the entire staircase:


This option will be more economical, due to the fact that the entire staircase will require 9 fewer steps.

Which of the proposed options to use is up to you. The difference is that the climb spiral staircase steeper than a simple march, and the use of less high steps makes the ascent easier.

How to calculate an attic staircase in a house

An attic folding ladder is calculated in the same way as a simple extension ladder, based on the fact that the angle of inclination is 65°. To determine the length of the stairs you need to use the formula.

Any stationary staircase in the house must meet certain standards so that its design can ensure safety, as well as comfortable conditions for moving along it. To do this, a calculation is made of a wooden staircase to the second floor, which is not much different from the calculation of a metal or concrete structure. Its correctness depends on many factors, but first of all it is knowledge and experience, the ability to navigate the standards prescribed in SNiP and GOST.

Basic designs of wooden stairs

Any wooden staircase is assembled from several components:

  • support beams, which are bowstrings or stringers;
  • support column mounted for screw structures;
  • steps, the elements of which are treads and risers;
  • railings consisting of balusters and handrails.

The strings are located on the sides of the stairs and cover the ends of the steps, which are inserted between the support beams and then fixed. The treads with risers are, as it were, recessed into the staircase structure. If we talk about the stringer, then the steps are laid on top of it. There cannot be more than two strings in a staircase, and stringers, depending on the width of the flight and its design features, can be found from one to three or four (main and intermediate).

The tread is the horizontal part of the step, and the riser is the vertical part. The second component of the stage may be missing in the design. The railing serves for support and safety of a person ascending or descending.

The calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor depends on its appearance and design features, and staircases are divided into two main groups:

  • curved, including screw and with winder steps;
  • marching - straight, with intermediate or turning platforms, as well as without them.

Which staircase will be installed is determined based on the size of the room, the dimensions of the staircase opening and the style solution.

How is the calculation made?

First you need to clarify exactly where the staircase will be located and make necessary measurements. To do this, define:

  • floor height between finished floor levels;
  • the length of the area allocated for the installation of the stairs;
  • dimensions of the staircase opening.

The type of staircase design depends on these parameters. Small sizes the opening and the area intended for its installation dictate the need for a spiral staircase, but in this case the calculations will be more complicated. Therefore, we will consider the simplest option - calculating a staircase on stringers with one flight.


At the first stage, the steps of the staircase are calculated - their number and size. The distance between the finished floor levels of two floors is taken as the height of the stairs. To determine the number of steps, its indicator is divided by the expected size of the riser. Its recommended height is 15-18 cm, although standards allow it to be reduced given size up to 12 cm or increase to 20 cm. The figure obtained as a result of division is rounded. This is the estimated number of steps.

It should be noted that one flight cannot have less than three or more than 18 steps. When obtaining a larger number, it would be better to divide the staircase structure into two or three flights, and provide intermediate or turning platforms between them.

Having finally decided on the number of steps, you can calculate the actual size of the riser. To do this, the height of the stairs is divided by the number of rises. The result is the calculated height of the step.

It is important to know that the dimensions of the height and depth of the steps must be the same within the same flight. This is done so that when a person moves up the stairs, his step does not go astray.

At the second stage, they begin to calculate the width (or depth) of the tread. Standards allow their sizes from 23.50 to 35.50 cm, but the optimal width is considered to be 28-32 cm. To more accurately determine this parameter, a formula for calculating stair steps is used, which indicates that the sum of the height (h) and depth (b) the steps in the plan should be 47 cm. In other words, the depth of the tread:

The result obtained is also rounded and taken as a basis if it satisfies optimal sizes. There is another ratio of height/depth of degree, which can also be used in calculations:

Stair length

You can calculate the length of a flight of stairs in a fairly simple way. To do this, you will need the previously calculated number of steps in the flight, minus one, and their calculated width (or depth). These indicators are simply multiplied together.

If the length of the staircase turns out to be too long, then it is made to rotate 90 or 180 degrees and is supplemented with intermediate platforms or winder steps.

An important role in the calculation and design of a wooden staircase is played by the height of the clearance between the horizontal plane of the step and the step itself. bottom ceiling structure located in front of the stairwell. The vertical distance here should be more than 1.90-2.00 meters so that a tall person climbing or descending cannot accidentally injure himself.

The calculation of a wooden staircase should be taken with full responsibility. Competent design and compliance with installation technology will ensure optimal conditions its operation.

Using an online calculator to calculate stairs is not at all difficult if you understand the operating instructions and enter the necessary parameters correctly. It is very simple to calculate the stairs to the second floor using a calculator, and this can be done from any device with Internet access, for example, a tablet, computer, and the like.

The ladder must be strong, stable and properly designed. In order to determine the size of the stairs in a private house, it is worth taking into account the space between floors or, in other words, the thickness of the interfloor slab. First you need to decide on the shape of the structure. It is quite possible to equip a structure for lifting with your own hands, but in the absence of special professional skills, you should choose the most common version of a straight staircase.

It will be reliable, convenient, and the construction process will not take much money and time. On average, such a staircase is suitable for rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5-3.5 m.

For the convenience of this piece of furniture, it is necessary that the flight of stairs be located on racks, and there should be free space under it. Thus, you can use square meters under shelves, placement of dark rooms and similar objects. To make the calculation correctly and independently, you need to use a simple and convenient formula, or in other words, simply take the optimal proportion - 2/1 relative to the length of the flight of stairs and the height of the room. For example, if the height of the stairs is 3 m, then the length should be 6.

To calculate the slope parameters, you need to rely only on personal preferences. Experts suggest choosing the most optimal tilt angles - 30 and 40 degrees. If the steepness is less, then the length will be very large, and in height it will look short.

What is an online staircase calculator?

Now many people have begun to use a computer method for calculating staircase parameters online. The program can be installed on an Android smartphone or on a laptop with any operating system. An example of recalculation is included in each application along with instructions for using the program.

In general, the development is quite convenient, functional and does not require too much time to calculate required amount material, width, including determining the slope.

The calculator table contains various columns and rows, each of which has a specific purpose. There is a calculator that designs the structure. In particular, by entering certain data into the table and clicking on the desired button, you can get an image of the future design in a couple of seconds.

The drawing will consist of:

  • Side and top views;
  • Drawings of steps;
  • Bowstring drawing;
  • Initial data.

Using the calculator, you can discover many new possibilities that will greatly simplify the development of your project. You can calculate and model a staircase on bowstrings, make the most accurate calculations of design details, get a diagram of the staircase in at its best and calculate the required amount of materials.

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor in a private house

Calculation and development methodology ordinary stairs It’s very simple and you can do it yourself. Namely, to design a staircase in your home, you need to accurately measure the ceiling opening. In particular, its width and length, including the height of the ceiling.

Planning of the staircase structure should be carried out taking into account:

  • Dimensions of the future structure;
  • Interior and general style of the room;
  • Use of a specific type of materials;
  • Load;
  • The direction in which the movement will take place;
  • The need to install additional support.

In any case, regardless of what types of materials will be used, the calculation of the staircase structure is carried out from measurements of the room. If the construction of a staircase is carried out at the time of renovation, then it is worth considering how the room will change, because the walls often become thicker, or the ceiling is slightly lowered. The dimensions of the stairs can be affected by the finishing of the floor, ceiling and other surfaces in the room.

Key Parameters of the Ladder Calculator

Thanks to modern technical developments It has become much easier to build houses, determine the location of pipes and stairs in the entrance, and more. Now anyone can independently make a 3D simulation and examine the future staircase practically from the inside.

It is through a computer that you can:

  • Eliminate errors in calculations;
  • Build the stairs correctly, taking into account the norms and standards of SNIP;
  • Make the staircase comfortable and convenient even at the construction stage.

There are a huge variety of programs and each has its own type of interface, features for entering parameters and similar characteristics. It is worth noting that improved application models help calculate even such little things as the amount of fastening material.

Before using the calculator to calculate the staircase, as well as to generate its drawing, you need to decide:

  • With the location of the structure in the house;
  • Overlooking the stairs;
  • With material.

In general, if the project is simple, then the calculations will not require much effort and time, because a direct structure can be installed anywhere in the room.

The design standards are the simplest, among which the following must be taken into account:

  • Safety;
  • Reliability;
  • Convenience;
  • Comfort.

Even when erecting a staircase in a private house, it is worth considering that it will be subject to great impact. For example, furniture, construction and Decoration Materials and it will simply rise a large number of people, children can run around and so on. That is why the stairs should be made as stable as possible and preferably with additional supports.

For compressed spaces and to save square footage in the room, you can use a spiral staircase.

It is worth noting that there are also staircase structures that are divided into double-flight and single-flight. They are large in size and are not intended for small rooms. Not only the base and middle of the building, but also the exit to the second floor must be thought out. The exit location or location of the hatch should be convenient so that there are no overhanging structures. For example, a sloping attic roof. This can cause serious head injury and more serious consequences. It is advisable to arrange a platform with railings at the top, which will protect the descent and make it more comfortable.

Rules for using the program: how to calculate the stairs correctly

The calculation of the rise to the top should be the most correct, regardless of what kind of staircase it is: straight, angular, vertical.

Other parameters are also not so important, for example:

  • What kind of entrance platform will it be equipped with?
  • Will it be convenient to wash the structure in the future?
  • What kind of mass will be used during construction;
  • Will the structure be made of wood or using metal panels?

The most important thing is that the structure must be safe and comfortable, as this can affect the health of those who will use the structure.

For example, too steep stairs and slippery steps can cause injury.

It is precisely in order not to spoil the future structure that you should use special programs, in which all the nuances are taken into account, including the size of the march, the height of the opening and similar parameters.

Calculation of the stairs to the second floor: screw design

Spiral staircases can rotate 180 degrees.

These designs:

  • Stylish;
  • Beautiful;
  • Compact.

It is the spiral staircase that is ergonomic and in a practical way, through which you can get to the second floor from the first. In addition, such structures are often chosen because of their aesthetic appearance, since they will look perfect in modern style or hi-tech.

To calculate the diameter of a spiral staircase, you need to multiply parameters such as the width of the flight by 2, and then add the size of the diameter of the base.

To determine the radius of the lift, you need to divide the width of the march by 2 and add the radius of the support posts. To make the staircase as comfortable as possible, you should not make it less than 800 mm. This way, you can move around without problems. As for the number and height of steps in a spiral staircase, they need to be calculated so that one person can freely ascend/descend and, if necessary, turn around on it. The height of the approach space is calculated by adding the average height of a person - 180 cm and the average depth of the tread - 20 cm. Next, all this is divided by how many steps one turn has. Then the height of the stairs is divided by the resulting value.

Staircase calculation program

The formula for calculating stairs depends on the type of structure, height, width, number of steps and material. For a private house you can choose stairs various types. In particular, curved ones, for example, helical, angular and different materials. It can be metal, wood, or plastic, but on wood or metal base. As mentioned earlier, screw structures are compact in size and add aesthetics to the interior. The calculation of the stairs is also influenced by the room and its features.

In particular:

  • What it is used for;
  • What parameters does it have?
  • What is the interior like?
  • How many turntables are needed?
  • What should be the configuration of the steps;
  • Where will the staircase be located?

Calculation of stairs (video)

Building a staircase yourself is a very interesting activity, because you can use your imagination, it’s not easy to do metal structure, but an original forged model. There can be a huge variety of finishing and construction options, but the main thing is to choose only proven calculation methods. For example, a special online calculator.