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When you become a parent, you are bombarded with a lot of questions. How to dress a child? Does he have enough milk? Where should he sleep? When should you take him for a walk? What if? Where to run? Whom to fear? It’s good that there is the Internet and knowledgeable people who generously share advice.

On June 30, especially for readers of the Antenna - Telesem magazine and the Woman’s Day website, pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky answered your questions in live on the site site. Watch the recording of the broadcast.

Photo @uakomar

So who is he?

Evgeniy Olegovich – Ukrainian pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, doctor highest category, TV presenter with the author’s program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School”, which can be watched on Youtube, writer. His most famous book is “The Health of the Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives.” Well, and part-time, he is the winner of the “Most Handsome Man in Ukraine 2010” award and simply a charming “mustachioed guy.”

What is he famous for?

In addition to beauty and charm, Komarovsky is famous practical advice, simple answers to the troubling questions of worried parents. He has his own website, pages in in social networks and a channel on Youtube. In 2006, Evgeniy Olegovich opened his own advisory center - the Klinicom clinic, where he successfully works. In addition, a new franchise is gaining momentum - Komarik kindergartens, organized entirely according to the principles of Dr. Komarovsky (we talk about them below). In Russia they can still be counted on one hand, but a start has been made.

Why Komarovsky?

Firstly, because of the rich experience. Evgeniy Olegovich has been in medical practice since 1983, when, as a student, he worked as a nurse. Then he treated children at the regional infectious diseases clinical hospital in Kharkov, worked in the intensive care unit and was the head of this hospital for 10 years. But he did not fit into the system, or the system did not fit into him... And this only added advantages to him and gave impetus to independent development, thanks to which we now have the opportunity to be happy and competent parents.

And secondly, because Evgeniy Olegovich has an undeniable advantage - the ability to explain to any mother in an accessible, reasoned, simple and humorous way how not to ruin the child’s health, which is given by nature.

Why should I trust Komarovsky?

It reduces unnecessary maternal worries. This is when you come up with a problem for yourself and walk around afraid until you get to the Internet. Evgeny Olegovich - for happy parenting with knowledge of the matter. When being a mother is not hard work and a burden, but an interesting adventure with a first aid kit in your purse.

What does it mean to raise a child “according to Komarovsky”?

This means using common sense. This means with understanding. If your child can be helped by drinking plenty of fluids, there is no need to give him antibiotics. If your child has a fever of over forty, you need to run to the doctor, and not sit on forums.

There are also several basic principles. Here are some of them:

  • do not bundle up the child, dress him according to the weather;
  • walk with him more often fresh air, harden;
  • maintain the temperature in the apartment no higher than 22 degrees and humidity 50-70%;
  • play outdoor games with your baby on the street, then a good appetite will not be long in coming;
  • Do not force a child to eat if he refuses to eat.

Dr. Komarovsky is wary of grandmothers who strive to impose their invaluable experience on young and inexperienced mothers, which is often irrelevant in modern conditions. A the best way The summer spent in the village helps restore children's immunity. Provided that grandmothers will not put a hat on their grandson at 20 degrees Celsius.

Does Komarovsky have children?

Evgeny Olegovich is not only a happy father of two already adult sons, Dmitry and Andrey, but also a caring grandfather of a three-year-old grandson and granddaughter.

Where and how does he live?

In your own house with a garden, but without a back-damaging vegetable garden. He is interested in fishing, which helps him put his thoughts in order and recover from stressful everyday life. Loves to travel and take photographs.

Does Komarovsky have any opponents?

How many people, so many opinions. Some pray for Dr. Komarovsky, others sharply reject him. But the truth is that Evgeny Olegovich does not impose his point of view on anyone. He gives information, explains complex things in simple and in clear language. What to do next with this knowledge is everyone’s personal business.

The health and life of a child is the sole responsibility of the parents, and not the guy on TV or even the local pediatrician.

Quotes from Dr. Komarovsky

  • 100% of the adult population knows how to make children, but 99.9% do not know what to do with children later.
  • A happy child is a child who has both a mother and father who find time not only to love this child, but also to love each other.
  • Children should be thin and with an awl in their ass!
  • Don’t waste time and nerves constantly looking for “irregularities” in your own child.
  • If your family has a frequently ill child, get a dog. They forget to walk with one child, but they walk the dog twice a day.
  • A happy child is, first of all, a healthy child and only then one who can read.
  • The child does not owe anything to anyone.
  • If your child has been sick for a whole year, has not had a walk and has suffered, a trip to the country (a village 30 km from the city, a forest, a river) can be much more useful than a holiday on the Mediterranean coast, even in a five-star hotel.

By the way, if you have any suggestions about who you would be interested in “talking” with in the same format, write them in the comments!

Today, Doctor Komarovsky is the head of his own school, TV presenter, program author, writer and creator of video messages to parents in Russia.

Candidate of Medical Sciences Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky lives in Kharkov.

Komarovsky not only writes a guide for sensible parents and calls for protecting children from the very first days of life, he also raises his children himself using his own simple method, which allows children to adapt to modern conditions life.

It is also interesting that Komarovsky in 2010 was recognized the most handsome man Ukraine.

“Nowhere without a wife”

Evgeniy Olegovich is very strongly attached to his family - especially to his mother and sister, who is 10 years younger than him.

In his article, he wrote that it was fear for his sister that spurred him to become a pediatrician.

Thanks to his sister, he understood exactly what he wanted to become and what he wanted to do in the future.

Thanks to his sister, he will enter the Kharkov Medical Institute at the Faculty of Pediatrics.

Komarovsky also created his most popular books “The Beginning of Your Child’s Life” and “The Health of the Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives” thanks to observations of his family.

The doctor's wife, Ekaterina, is also a pediatrician, a professional ophthalmologist with great experience work. The young people got married very early, after the fourth year.

And they were not mistaken about each other. They both know how important family is, what support it provides, what physical and mental strength mobilizes, finally, morally cleanses.

Perhaps Komarovsky and his wife are a striking example of what a real family and family hearth should be. Not devastating, but, on the contrary, giving energy to live, curing all diseases. This is what gave the doctor the basis to bring knowledge to other people.

“We love traditions,” says the doctor. Traditions are good psychological protection.

Without them, we get lost in this world, we lose our points of support. Indeed, according to the teachings of catathymic-imaginative psychotherapy, it is traditions that lay the basis for experiences hidden from consciousness. Komarovsky takes care of the health of his grandchildren not only from the point of view of spiritual growth, but also according to all medical rules.

Being one of the best pediatricians, even in life he uses the concept of the doctrine of “contagion,” an infectious substance that affects the health of the human body.

"Patients are my family"

Komarovsky spends a lot of time on individual approach to patients.

He examines each case as if under a microscope, and never tires of repeating “tendencies and predispositions cannot be cured!”

The doctor believes that children are born healthy, but inability to handle them makes them vulnerable to diseases, so he tries to give as much necessary information as possible that will help in the most basic care of babies.

The family is the shield of children's health. While the baby lives in the family, he matures, being created brick by brick, layer by layer. And the logical consequence of family influence is who a person grows up to be.

“My job is not only to treat, but also to educate parents.” Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that every parent should learn a simple and effective algorithm of actions that will help raise a healthy baby.

The doctor has two sons - Dmitry and Andrey, both fathers who gave Komarovsky grandchildren.

The doctor's family lives in a private house, and the noise and children's laughter never stops here - friends, patients and children with grandchildren come. Sometimes the doctor goes fishing with his family and friends, where he relaxes alone with nature.

As a conclusion

Today Komarovsky is 54 years old. He's one of the the best specialists in the field of pediatrics and neonatology, healthcare and pharmaceuticals; independently studies children's play psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, predispositions, diagnosis of conjunctivitis and lamblia, bacterial infections.

He has thousands of grateful patients who deservedly consider Komarovsky best teacher in teaching the discipline “how to be healthy.” Evgeniy Olegovich himself has no doubt that he has chosen the right path in life, because there is nothing more valuable than the smiles of healthy children.

Some simply adore this popular doctor, author of books and TV show host. Others consider it too harsh and harsh. Meanwhile, the book “The Health of a Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives” has been topping the bestseller lists for many years. The phrases below will give you the opportunity to understand how close the position of Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky is to you. And also, smile and think.

  1. The child’s body and behavior are surprisingly purposeful. The child will never do anything harmful to himself (scream, for example). But if, as a result of shouting, he makes his existence more comfortable, the habit of solving problems with his voice can last a lifetime.
  2. I wonder who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​what Nature can create? biological species, for whom a jet of air poses a formidable danger?
  3. When there is nothing to adapt to, the adaptive systems simply turn off. If during the first two or three months of life you create comfortable conditions for the child, then in the future it will be very, very difficult for him to exist without such conditions.
  4. Neither the quantity nor the quality of pediatricians can solve the problem of children's health. But it’s impossible, most likely because said health depends to a much greater extent on mom and dad than on all pediatricians combined.
  5. After all, hundreds of books devoted to caring for and raising children are written in such a way that the very process of communicating with a child is perceived in isolation from real life. Such “little things” are not taken into account, such as a hungry dad coming home from work, shops and clinics, a missing hot water, broken iron, wise mother-in-law, another pregnancy, number of days until salary, etc.
  6. A happy child is, first of all, a healthy child and only then one who can read and play the violin. A happy child is a child who has both a mother and a father who find time not only to love this child, but also to love each other.
  7. If you (and most often “you” is a young and nervous father) are going to the store for the first time, then it would be good to check with your wife what weight and gender your child is.
  8. Treatment of chickenpox with green chickenpox is so widespread that some young doctors are convinced that a spotted green rash is characteristic feature chicken pox.
  9. Remaking (reeducating, retraining) is much more difficult than doing the right thing from the very beginning. Therefore, do not bring your child to a state where only the most decisive measures will allow you to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.
  10. It is generally accepted that a man raising a child is able to achieve much greater success than a woman.
  11. And nature, and human nature, and the laws of logic, and indeed elementary common sense are not able to explain why a pregnant woman should not get tired, sleep more, not lift more than one kilogram, etc. After all, this same woman several thousand years ago in a similar situation would have continued to live according to the laws of the tribe.

10 brilliant quotes from the best pediatrician of our generation. Dr. Komarovsky knows his stuff!

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...