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Free hosting

For sites with PHP and MySQL support. Install any software.

Use free disk space to store files.

Free hosting options

Virtualization OpenVZ

Intel Xeon processor 2 GHz 1 core

RAM 512 MB

Disk 10 GB

Control Panel

Not supported

Name server


you can use third-party free NS servers


Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS

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Free PHP and MySQL hosting - based service virtual private (dedicated) server VDS/VPS. The server is provided with a free operating system installed and access via SSH. Required services: FTP, Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. are installed by the client independently according to the instructions in the knowledge base.

Free hosting with dedicated IP address

The hosting is ideal for hosting free FTP, and a dedicated IP address will provide access to the VDS, even if the server is not opened by domain name. 10 GB of disk space will be enough to organize an average file hosting service, taking into account that you will not store media files there big size. Free FTP hosting on a virtual server means the safety of your data and prompt access to it at any time.

Operating systems that you can install on your new hosting: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS. These are free operating systems of the Linux family; only they can run a server with OpenVZ visualization. Use “VDS Warm-up” to familiarize yourself with and test these operating systems, to teach and demonstrate how they work in educational institutions, training to work with command line on server.

You can organize a separate MySQL database server or just a web server, you can combine any software that can run on this VDS/VPS.

Order a new one tariff plan, as soon as you feel a lack of server resources for further work. The capacity expansion service is not available in this tariff.

Website hosting with PHP and MySQL

The “VDS Warm-up” tariff is intended for free hosting of any website (including a website in PHP with MySQL) with a traffic of up to 5000 users per day. These are static information sites, blogs, online showcases.

Since you have a full-fledged virtual server, you can install any software, which corresponds to its system resources. Specifications This tariff does not allow you to run resource-intensive software, but allows you to work with PHP and its extensions, MySQL with a small database, Perl, etc.

VDS Warm-up does not include server administration services, so you will need to manage it yourself. You can always ask for help from the technical support service, which works for you 24/7; our specialists will help with advice and recommendations.

Free hosting limitations

    Additional resources are not provided (CPU, RAM, HDD, IP addresses). The values ​​indicated in the table with characteristics are the maximum for this tariff.

    You cannot change to another tariff. If necessary, you will have to transfer data to a new server yourself.

    The control panel is not supported (installed independently). Administration service is not provided. The owner independently manages the server.

    TUN/TAP interfaces are disabled. Proxying traffic (SOCKS, PPTP, OpenVPN) on OpenVZ virtualization is not allowed.

    We do not guarantee uninterrupted operation and data safety, but we do our best.

    The rate is not subject to any discounts or special prices.

Why do you need a dedicated IP? Can I refuse it?

The advantages of a dedicated (static) IP address for free website hosting and FTP hosting are as follows:

More high level reliability and data protection compared to a common IP, to which several sites of different owners are assigned at once. If a DDoS attack is directed at a “neighboring” site, then your site will also suffer damage if it uses the same IP address. Similarly, if a “neighbor” is subject to a block (“ban”), for example, from search engine, then it will also work on your site.

Availability of a dedicated IP address - necessary condition for working with SSL security certificates. If you want to immediately or later purchase such a certificate in order to provide a secure communication channel between the user and the server (browser and website), then you cannot do without a separate static IP address.

For online stores and sites with payment systems, having a dedicated IP address may be a prerequisite.

If you plan to use a virtual server for free FTP hosting, then with a dedicated IP address you will be able to access it at any time not only by domain name, but also directly by IP. If the NS servers are being updated or they are temporarily unavailable (this can happen if free name servers are used), then you will still have access to it using the server’s IP address. Similarly, if you use MySQL or another database server, connecting to the database is possible not only by name, but also by IP.

In addition, our SEO specialists believe that having a static IP address for a site gives it some advantages in SEO promotion.

To use our free website hosting or FTP, you need to order the “VDS Warm-up” tariff package and pay 90 rubles per month for a dedicated IP address for your virtual server. There is no option to refuse a dedicated IP address in “VDS Warm-up”.

Technical issues

How to install an FTP server?

Installation methods and commands are different for different operating systems. The following is how to install FTP on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS/RHEL. In all these OSes, the program that runs FTP is called VSFTPD (Very Secure FTP Daemon).

For Ubuntu operating system, run the command:

$ sudo apt-get install vsftpd

The result of executing this command will be to install and launch FTP.

Setting up vsftpd (2.3.5-1ubuntu2) ...
vsftpd start/running, process 1891

For Debian 7 operating system, run the command:

Apt-get install vsftpd

For the CentOS/RHEL operating system - commands:

Yum install vsftpd
yum install ftp

How to migrate an existing MySQL database to your server?

If your MySQL database is located on your local computer or remote storage, then to transfer it to the server you need to import the database through the console or database control panel you are using.

If the database is located on a remote server, then to transfer it to your new hosting you must first export the database to your local computer and then import it to your server with us.

Connect to the server that hosts the database to be migrated. Run a command that puts the database into a file

# mysqldump -u root -p myolddb > db.sql

where root is the user name, myolddb is the name of the database that is being transferred, db.sql is the file where the database will be placed on your local computer.

Copy the db.sql file on the VDS to your home directory.

Connect to VDS using the console. If MySQL server is not installed on the VDS, run the command:

# yum install mysql-server mysql;

Use an installer that matches your Linux distribution

Connect to the database server on VDS with the command

# mysql -u root -p;

where root is the username. Create a database into which you will transfer data from the existing database.

# mysql> CREATE DATABASE 'mynewdb';

where mynewdb is the name of the database.

Create a user for the database with the command

# mysql> CREATE USER 'newuser'2'localhost' IDENTIFIES BY 'newpassword';

Here newuser is the name of the new user, newpassword is the password.

Give the user privileges

# mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'mynewdb'.* TO 'newuser'@'localhost';

This command gives newuser full rights to the mynewdb database.

Import the database from the db.sql file to the MySQL server with the command

# mysqldump -u root -p mynewdb

Installing the free VestaCP control panel

Free control panel supported by everyone operating systems, installed on VDS Warm-up. 512 MB random access memory will be enough to run services under minimal load.

Run the command

Curl -O

Run the installation script

Free hosting is good opportunity place your first websites on the Internet. While there is no money for paid hosting, you can try almost all the features of paid hosting without paying a penny for it. There is even free hosting without advertising, that is, there will be no third-party advertising on your site.

For those who are not yet familiar with the basics of HTML, it is recommended to choose free hosting, where the creation of a website is based on the proposed templates without programming. This is, for example, hosting on UCOZ.RU and on Google

Those who know what programming is can host sites on one of the hosting sites that support php and mysql. You can choose both Russian and foreign free hosting. Below are some of the features offered by hosters.

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