Professional retraining for mei. Technical and energy courses. “Estimating work and examination of estimates”

Refresher courses

(72 academic hours)

Training of specialists from industrial enterprises in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency

Tuition fee: 13,200 rubles

Training of specialists from budgetary institutions in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency

Tuition fee: 9,750 rubles;

Possibility of placing non-residents in the Akhtuba Hotel with a 20% discount.

Conducting energy surveys to improve energy efficiency and energy conservation;

The cost of training is 17,980 rubles.

Requirement for students: higher technical education.

Possibility of placing non-residents in the Akhtuba Hotel with a 20% discount.

  • In-laboratory quality control of chemical analyzes and tests;
  • Instrumentation and automation of boiler houses and thermal parts of power plants;
  • Metrological support: instruments and systems for monitoring and diagnostics of power equipment;
  • Maintenance, adjustment and operation of automated process control systems;
  • Operational management of the main equipment of electrical shops of thermal power plants;
  • Operational management of the main equipment of boiler houses and turbine thermal power plants;
  • Operational management of the main equipment of boiler shops of thermal power plants;
  • Operational management of the main equipment of turbine shops of thermal power plants;
  • Organization of repair maintenance of power equipment of thermal power plants;
  • Combined-cycle and gas turbine installations of thermal power plants;
  • Increasing the efficiency, efficiency and safety of thermal mechanical equipment in stationary and transient operating modes of thermal power plants;
  • Increasing the efficiency, economy and reliability of operation of power equipment of industrial enterprises;
  • Heat and water supply for industrial enterprises;
  • Operational management of the main electrical equipment of networks and substations of metallurgy enterprises;
  • Organization and implementation of maintenance and repair of workshop electrical equipment:
  • Physico-chemical test methods for monitoring industrial emissions and wastewater. Metrological support. Requirements for the competence of accredited laboratories;
  • Modern instruments and systems for monitoring and diagnostics of power equipment;
  • Construction and maintenance of relay protection and automation of thermal power plants;
  • Chemical water treatment and water-chemical regime of thermal power plants, heating networks and boiler houses;
  • Chemical-technological processes of water treatment at thermal power plants;
  • Chemical control at thermal power plants;
  • Energy saving in power supply systems.

Full-time and correspondence courses for advanced training (72 hours);

Organization of work when concluding an energy supply contract and its implementation: areas of competence and responsibility

Skills in drawing up design and estimate documentation for the design of power supply facilities using the Grand-Smeta software package (Group - 6 people).

Refresher courses (120 hours)

Technical English in Energy

Basic technical training aids:

Simulator PGU-450T

The simulator includes a model that simulates the operation of the automated process control system from Siemens TPTS-52. The simulator provides the implementation of various operating modes of the equipment.

Cross braced station simulator

The simulator simulates the operation of a power plant with a common steam pipeline. The thermal diagram contains all the necessary elements and connections that simulate the operation of a thermal power plant.

Water treatment training complex

The training complex is designed for targeted selection and professional training of personnel in chemical workshops of thermal power plants. All main elements of water treatment schemes are active.

Control and training complex "Protek"

The Protek control and training complex can be adapted to each position (profession) in the electric power industry. 12 exams for professions and 27 exams for positions in the electric power industry have been developed. Remote access provided.

Electronic Encyclopedia of Energy

Focused on service and repair of thermal mechanical equipment. There is an atlas of equipment. The encyclopedia contains a training course. The training course includes a heat networks simulator.

The Education Center provides:

  • Concentration of technical and technological information;
  • Using technical awareness of the current state of equipment;
  • Contributing to increasing the level of staff loyalty;
  • Organization of effective exchange of experience between specialists and managers;
  • Use of modern teaching aids and pedagogical technologies;
  • Reducing costs for retraining and advanced training of personnel;
  • Necessary work with the personnel reserve.

Conference presentations (for conference participants only): open .

The conference will be attended by leading specialists from development organizations and manufacturers of energy oils, oil-filled energy equipment, instruments and devices for quality control of fresh and operating oils, equipment for oil cleaning and regeneration. Experts from electric power industry enterprises and other industries will share their experience in operating oils.

The scientific and practical conference is intended for managers, designers, engineering, technical and operational personnel of electric grid enterprises, thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, specialized repair and commissioning organizations that use oils and oil-filled power equipment.

During the conference, new requirements for quality control and operation of oils will be considered, an analysis of the state of current regulatory documents will be presented, practical aspects of application, quality control, disposal, as well as issues of import substitution of the following types of energy oils will be discussed:

  • transformer oils;
  • fire-resistant working fluids;
  • turbine oils for hydraulic units, steam and gas turbines (including CCGT);
  • industrial, compressor and hydraulic oils.

Conference Organizing Committee:

  • Chairman - Rector of the National Research University "MPEI", Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences N.D. Rogalev;
  • deputy prev - K.A. Orlov, National Research University "MPEI";
  • V.L. Pelymsky, PJSC Rosseti;
  • T.D. Leimeter, RN-Lubricants LLC;
  • V.V. Buzaev, Rosseti PJSC;
  • D.V. Shuvarin, National Research University "MPEI";
  • CM. Aleksanin, RN-Lubricants LLC;
  • E.V. Shienkov, RN-Lubricants LLC;
  • secretary - S.A. Kolyshnitsyna, National Research University "MPEI".

Technical excursions (limited number of places):

  • Production of lubricants and oils OJSC NK Rosneft - MZ Nefteprodukt
  • International testing center for fuels and lubricants LLC "MIC GSM"
  • United Research and Development Center of OJSC NK Rosneft
  • Laboratory of fuels and oils of JSC "VTI"

Representatives of the following companies will take part in the conference:

  • "Chuvashenergo" Northern Production Association, Branch of PJSC "IDGC of Volga";
  • JSC "VTI";
  • JSC "Ekaterinburg Electric Grid Company";
  • JSC "Inter RAO - Electric Power Plants";
  • JSC "Mosoblgidroproekt";
  • JSC Rosenergoatom, Kalinin NPP;
  • JSC "Tyumenenergo";
  • JSC "Chelyabenergoremont";
  • Belgorodenergo, branch of PJSC IDGC of Center;
  • Berezovskaya State District Power Plant, PJSC Unipro;
  • Volzhskaya HPP, PJSC "RusHydro";
  • Vologdaenergo, branch of PJSC IDGC of the North-West;
  • "Votkinsk hydroelectric power station;
  • PJSC "RusHydro";
  • GPO "Belenergo";
  • Kazan CHPP-3, OJSC "TGC-16";
  • "Karelenergo, branch of PJSC IDGC of the North-West";
  • Kubanenergo, group of companies PJSC Rosseti;
  • Mordovenergo, Branch of IDGC of Volga PJSC;
  • Nizhnevartovsk Electric Networks, branch of JSC Tyumenenergo;
  • Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1), OJSC "TGC-16";
  • Novovoronezh NPP, branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC;
  • Novogorkovskaya CHPP, Nizhny Novgorod branch of PJSC "T Plus";
  • OJSC "Gazprom Energoholding";
  • LLC "GEH Engineering";
  • LLC "International Testing Center for Fuels and Lubricants";
  • LLC "RN-Lubricants";
  • LLC "Cityenergo";
  • LLC "SokTrade Co";
  • LLC "YugEnergoEngineering";
  • LLC IC "Energoprogress";
  • LLC NPP "Diatrans";
  • Sofex-Silicon LLC;
  • Orenburgenergo, Central Production Association of IDGC of Volga PJSC;
  • PJSC "Mosenergo";
  • PJSC "IDGC of the North Caucasus";
  • PJSC "Rosseti";
  • PJSC "T Plus";
  • PJSC "T Plus", Vladimirskaya CHPP;
  • PJSC "T Plus", Saratov Branch;
  • PJSC "TGC-2";
  • PJSC "Fortum";
  • PJSC "FGC UES" - MES Center, Rosseti;
  • PJSC Unipro;
  • Penzaenergo, branch of IDGC of Volga PJSC;
  • Penza CHPP-1, Mordovsky Branch of PJSC T Plus;
  • Pskovenergo, branch of PJSC IDGC of the North-West;
  • RUE "Minskenergo";
  • Samara distribution networks, branch of IDGC of Volga PJSC;
  • Saranskaya CHPP-2, Branch "Mordovsky" PJSC "T Plus";
  • Sverdlovenergo, branch of PJSC IDGC-Ural;
  • "Stavropol State District Power Plant, PJSC "OGK-2";
  • Surgut Electric Networks, Branch of Tyumenenergo JSC;
  • Tyumen distribution networks, branch of JSC Tyumenenergo;
  • Ulyanovsk distribution networks, PJSC IDGC of Volga;
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "MPEI";
  • Branch "Minskaya CHPP-4", RUE "Minskenergo";
  • Branch "Permskaya GRES", JSC "Inter RAO-Electric Power Plants";
  • Branch "CHP-5", RUE "Minskenergo";
  • Branch "Ufimskaya CHPP-4", LLC "BGK";
  • branch "Chelyabenergo", PA Central Electric Networks, OJSC "IDGC of the Urals";
  • Branch of JSC Tyumenenergo, Northern Electric Networks;
  • Branch of IDGC of Volga PJSC - Zhiguli Distribution Networks;
  • Branch of PJSC IDGC of the North-West - Arkhenergo;
  • Branch of PJSC "OGK-2" Krasnoyarsk State District Power Plant-2;
  • Branch of PJSC "RusHydro" - "Saratov HPP";
  • Branch of PJSC "FGC UES" - Yamalo-Nenets PMES;
  • Ulyanovsk branch, PJSC "T Plus";
  • Chapaevsky distribution networks, branch of IDGC of Volga PJSC;
  • Chelyabenergo, JSC IDGC of the Urals;
  • Cherepetskaya State District Power Plant, JSC Inter RAO-Electric Power Plants.

The cost of participation as a listener in the conference is 12,000 rubles. Conference participants are issued certificates of advanced training in the established form. Applications for participation as listeners are accepted until May 20, 2018 inclusive. Conference reports are accepted for consideration by the organizing committee until May 6, 2018 inclusive. Applications for sponsorship are accepted until May 20 inclusive.

Topics of events in 2018 (similar courses are planned for 2019):

  • Practical and theoretical aspects of chemical analysis at thermal power plants. Dates in 2018: 5.02-16.02, 5.03-16.03, 8.10-19.10, 26.11-7.12
  • Modern water purification technologies, water chemistry regimes and turbine oils. Dates in 2018: 12.03-23.03, 1.10-12.10
  • A modern approach to setting up and operating systems for chemical-technological monitoring of the water-chemical regime of thermal power plants. Dates in 2018: 29.01-9.02, 5.11-16.11
  • Issues of using oils in the electric power industry. Dates in 2018: 9.04-20.04, 19.11-30.11

Information on content and dates of courses:

Past events

Report materials:

From November 9 to November 10, 2016, the Russian National Committee of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Water Vapor (IAPWS) held a scientific and technical conference “Application of Film-Forming Amines in Energy” at the National Research University “MPEI”.

The conference discussed topical issues of the use of water chemistry regimes using film-forming amines in power units with combined cycle gas turbine units and drum boilers, issues of pre-start cleaning and preservation of equipment, presented the results of research and analysis of current regulatory documents, and also discussed practical aspects of application and quality control coolant under water chemical conditions using film-forming amines. The latest international research and IAPWS regulations will be presented.

The scientific and technical conference is intended for managers, designers, engineering, technical and operational personnel of thermal power plants, specialized commissioning organizations, design organizations responsible for the use and operation of steam power energy equipment.

Representatives of both domestic and foreign companies took part in the conference as listeners:

  2. JSC "Yenisei TGC (TGC-13) branch Krasnoyarsk CHPP-3
  3. JSC Zhambyl State District Power Plant named after. T.I. Baturova"
  4. JSC "Zarubezhenergoproekt"
  5. JSC "Institute Teploelektroproekt"
  6. JSC Inter RAO
  7. JSC Krasnoyarsk CHPP-1
  8. JSC Nazarovskaya GRES
  10. JSC "Siberian Engineering and Analytical Center"
  11. Main Directorate of OJSC "TGC-2" for the Upper Volga region
  12. GPO "Belenergo"
  13. CJSC "EnergoTEK"
  14. Izhevskaya CHPP-1
  15. Ministry of Energy
  16. National Research University "MPEI"
  17. OJSC "Generating Company"
  18. OJSC "TGC-1"
  19. OJSC Altai-Koks
  20. JSC "VTI"
  21. OJSC "Generating Company"
  22. JSC NPO CKTI named after. I.I. Polzunova
  23. OJSC "TGC-2", Main Directorate for the Upper Volga Region. Vologda CHPP
  24. OJSC "Fortum"
  25. JSC "Fortum" Branch of Energy System "Ural" Chelyabinsk CHPP-3
  26. OGK-2 branch "Novocherkasskaya GRES"
  27. LLC "TEK-Promgroup"
  28. Enex LLC
  29. AKODA Plus LLC
  30. Bashkir Generating Company LLC, branch of Zatonskaya CHPP
  31. Gazprom Energoholding LLC
  32. LLC "GEH Engineering"
  33. LLC Inter RAO – Electricity Generation Management
  34. LLC "Continent-Nauka"
  35. LLC "Reliability and Safety of Energy"
  36. LLC "Scientific Production Company "Travers"
  38. LLC "Siberian Generating Company"
  39. Cityenergo LLC
  40. LLC "Teploenergonaladka"
  41. TechnoKhimReagentBel LLC
  42. LLC "TechEnergoKhim"
  43. LLC "TechEnergoKhim-Group"
  44. Helamin Project LLC
  45. Huadian-Teninskaya Thermal Power Plant LLC
  46. LLC "Ekostrom-processing"
  47. PJSC Mosenergo
  48. PJSC "MOEK"
  49. PJSC "OGK-2"
  50. PJSC "T Plus"
  51. PJSC "T Plus" Branch "Samarsky"
  52. PJSC Unipro
  53. Pervomaiskaya CHPP of the Nevsky branch of PJSC TGC-1
  54. Production division "Efremovskaya CHPP" of the branch of PJSC "Quadra - Power Generation" - "Central Generation"
  55. RUE "Minskenergo" GPO "Belenergo"
  56. SGK Kemerovo Generation JSC Kemerovo State District Power Plant
  57. Severodvinskaya CHPP-2
  58. North-West Thermal Power Plant
  59. Sochi TPP
  60. CHPP-22 - branch of PJSC Mosenergo
  61. CHPP-25 - branch of PJSC Mosenergo
  62. Urengoyskaya GRES
  63. Ufa branch of Inter RAO-Engineering LLC
  64. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo State Energy University"
  65. Branch "Ivanovskie PGU" of JSC "Inter RAO - Electric Power Plants"
  66. Branch "Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2" JSC "Inter RAO - Electric Power Plants"
  67. Branch "Nizhegorodsky" PJSC "T Plus"
  68. Branch "Permskaya GRES" of JSC "Inter RAO - Electric Power Plants"
  69. Branch "Perm" PJSC "T Plus"
  70. Branch "Udmurt" PJSC "T Plus"
  71. Urengoyskaya GRES branch of JSC Inter RAO – Electric Power Plants
  72. Shaturskaya GRES branch of Unipro PJSC
  73. Branch No. 9 of PJSC "MOEK"
  74. Branch of OJSC "Generating Company" - "Kazan CHPP-2"
  75. Branch of OJSC "OGK-2" - Pskovskaya GRES
  76. Branch of PJSC "OGK-2" - Kirishskaya GRES
  77. Branch of PJSC "OGK-2" - Ryazanskaya GRES
  78. Branch of PJSC "OGK-2" - Cherepovetskaya GRES
  79. Company "ORGRES"
  80. Bartig Wasserbehandlung GmbH
  81. Helamin Technology Holding SA

Following the wishes of the participants of the 2015 conference, from May 25 to May 27, 2016, a scientific and practical conference “Petroleum oils in the electric power industry: current issues of application and quality control-2016” was held at the National Research University "MPEI".

The conference was attended by leading specialists from organizations developing and producing energy oils, oil-filled energy equipment, instruments and devices for quality control of fresh and operating oils, equipment for oil cleaning and regeneration.

The conference was attended by leading specialists from various industries involved in the use and quality control of oils, as well as diagnostics of the condition of thermal, hydromechanical and electrical equipment. The conference discussed current issues of import substitution, application and operation of the following types of oils:

  • transformer oils;
  • turbine oils for steam and gas turbines (including CCGT);
  • turbine oils for hydraulic units;
  • and etc.

The scientific and practical conference is intended for managers, designers, engineering, technical and operational personnel of thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, power grid enterprises, specialized repair and commissioning organizations, design organizations that are responsible for organizing the operation and quality control of oils.

As part of the event, a visit to the operating production of lubricants and oils, an oil analysis laboratory and an operating lubricant purification plant was organized.

A complete list of events is provided on this page.

General information on advanced training courses

Our mission is to develop the competencies of company personnel in the field of water purification, its use in the technological process and further disposal.

Our tasks are:

  • training and advanced training for employees of energy companies, industrial enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses in areas related to the preparation and conditioning of technical and drinking water, the organization and maintenance of water chemical regimes of equipment, wastewater and contaminated water treatment;
  • conducting innovative research work in the area of ​​activity of the department. Organization, generalization and dissemination of modern experience on current issues of water purification.

Advanced training courses are conducted by the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute with the participation of major specialists from various companies.

The duration of the full-time part of advanced training courses is from 1 to 5 days. Upon completion of training, certificates of advanced training of the established form are issued.

Additional education (vocational retraining), diploma of the established form from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

At our department you can receive additional education (undergo professional retraining) in a number of popular specialties in the field of management, business assessment, practical psychology, construction, and energy.

Additional education today is necessary for those who seek to strengthen their position in the labor market.

An important advantage of studying at our department is short period of additional education- Total 6 months and without compromising quality. Using a partially distance learning form, the student can gain knowledge wherever he is. Distance education requires only the Internet, a computer, and provides the opportunity to constantly consult with a teacher.

Upon completion of training (6 months), students receive a diploma of professional retraining with the right to conduct a new type of activity.

Studying at the ITTB department makes it possible to quickly obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the field of “Chief engineer (technical director) of thermal power engineering" Our graduates work in the chief engineer's service as specialists and managers.
Category of listeners: specialists with higher education, final year students.
Duration of training: 4 months.

Cost of education: 54,000 rubles, phased payment possible.

The purpose of training: professional retraining of students in order to obtain new competencies in the field of heat power engineering and heating engineering, preparation for work to perform a new type of professional activity.

Form of study: correspondence

Professional retraining under the “Human Resources Management” program makes it possible to master a sought-after, interesting profession and receive a diploma in 4 months.

Category of listeners
Duration of training: 4 months for all forms of training.
Cost of education: full-time and part-time - 42,000 rubles; in absentia - 35,000 rubles.

Second education (professional retraining) according to the program

“Estimating work and examination of estimates.”

The ITTB Department of the National Research University "MPEI" is recruiting for training under the program of additional professional education " Estimating and examination of estimates" volume 256 academic hours.

The course includes studying the basics of estimate business and the peculiarities of pricing in construction; students will learn to work with the regulatory and methodological framework for calculating estimate documentation and correctly generate reporting documentation.

After completing the estimating courses, students will gain in-depth practical knowledge and skills in drawing up estimates for all types of construction work, and will be able to analyze the process of drawing up estimate documentation.

Studying at the Department of EGTS (formerly ITTB) of the Institute of Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources (IGRES) of the National Research University "MPEI" makes it possible to quickly obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the field of " Chief Power Engineer Service: Safe Operation and Management»
Category of listeners: specialists with higher and secondary vocational education, final year students
Duration of training: 5 months

Cost of education: 54,000 rubles, phased payment possible

Start date of training: 03/16/2020

Studying at the ITTB department makes it possible to obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the specialty “HR Manager” in a short time. Our graduates work as managers in HR departments, HR departments and HR departments.
Category of listeners: specialists with higher education.
Duration of training: 4 months.
Cost of education: 42,000 rubles, phased payment possible.

Professional retraining under the HR Director program makes it possible to quickly master an interesting specialty and receive a diploma.
Category of listeners: specialists with higher education.
Duration of training: 4 months for all forms of training.
Cost of education: 54,000 rubles, phased payment possible.

Duration of training – 4 months. Form of study - evening, part-time and part-time, classes 1-2 times a week from 18:30 to 21:00. Classes are taught by highly qualified specialists with practical experience in this field.

The ITTB Department of the National Research University "MPEI" conducts professional retraining and provides a second additional education under the program "Industrial and Civil Engineering" (IGC). Duration of training - 7 months using distance learning technologies (DET).

  • Specialists with higher or secondary vocational education, as well as final year university students, can receive a second additional education and a standard diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 7 months!
  • A diploma of professional retraining gives the right to conduct a new type of activity in the direction of “Industrial and civil construction”
  • Tuition fee: 58,000 rub. ( step-by-step payment possible).
  • It is possible to pay for training in stages.
Classes are taught by leading experts, heads of construction and research organizations, and teachers of the department. Students are provided with methodological and regulatory materials on the topics of the classes.