Room designs for a teenage girl. Room for a teenage girl: useful tips and interesting solutions. Size matters

A nursery for a girl aged 10-12 is a special world, every detail of which should awaken joy in the little inhabitant, inspire creativity and reflect her individuality. To create a masterpiece from an ordinary room, it is enough to find out what a child dreams of, and the ideas presented will help make his dreams come true.

Between childhood and adolescence

The age of 11-12 years, and sometimes a little earlier, becomes a turning point in a girl’s life - she is no longer a child, she wants to quickly join adult life, but at the same time it is a pity to say goodbye to childhood. And sensitive parents, when starting renovations, will try to treat their daughter’s opinion as carefully as possible, observing a reasonable compromise between her immediate desires and their desire to make the room “for growth.”

Advice: when choosing wallpaper for a nursery, stick to a delicate, harmoniously combined color range, you will instill good taste in a teenage girl.

From London to Hawaii

Which girl will live in this room: a thoughtful dreamer or a daring, sociable “life of the party”? Is she interested in dancing, music, dreams of being on stage, or loves playing with kittens and puppies? Depending on this, we will choose the interior design.


Informal in the spirit of urban romance, charming many children aged 11-12 years and older. Signs :

  • walls (or one wall) with imitation red brickwork;
  • furniture of simple shapes and deliberately rough texture;
  • wallpaper or paintings on the walls with motifs of London city streets, red telephone booths, double-decker buses;
  • avant-garde lamps, unusual carpet, pillows, bed linen with thematic images.


This design of a children's room will appeal to delicate natures, prone to playfulness, grace and aristocracy. Interior french style does not tolerate flashy colors and sharp angular shapes - only pastel shades, antique furniture, a lot of textiles and feminine trinkets. Required:

  • light plain walls or wallpaper with a discreet, elegant pattern;
  • watercolor drawings or black and white photos Parisian streets;
  • bed with canopy or canopy, chest of drawers;
  • mirrors in forged frames, flower vases, figurines.

A piece of France - Provence style

Hawaiian Islands

The main thing here is a sense of proportion, without overloading the children's room with bright details that become familiar six months after the renovation is completed. Hawaiian interior is ideal for girls who love animals, flowers, enjoy swimming, and have parties with their friends. This design features:

  • wallpaper in light and pure colors: yellow, blue, green;
  • furniture made of light wood, rattan. The hammock will fit perfectly, wall bars, and if the space allows - a sports corner;
  • many indoor flowers on stands or shelves, an aquarium with fish, bird cages;
  • Color images with views of the beach and sea - for example, will harmoniously complement the interior with photos from a family vacation.


At the age of 11-12, the character of a teenager is changeable; today he is interested in one thing, tomorrow he is interested in another. Ascetic allows you to create a chameleon room that will change along with the young housewife and adapt to her requirements. It is not difficult to make repairs in this style, but you need to use furniture and Decoration Materials excellent quality.

  • white stretch ceiling;
  • the walls are painted with light paint (option - white textured wallpaper);
  • a minimum of furniture - a table, a wardrobe, a bed - of simple shape, made of wood, metal;
  • high-quality flooring – parquet, laminate;
  • Curtains, accessories, a carpet, and large poufs instead of armchairs will add personality. With the replacement of parts, the teenage room will be transformed.


The “boho” or “bohemian style” design allows you not to maintain perfect order in the room. Bohemian chic will appeal to girls 11-12 years old who love travel, art, theater, are interested in painting or photography - in a word, creative people. In such an interior they live brightly, tastefully, with complete comfort and love for detail. Basic ideas of “boho”:

  • an abundance of pillows - sofa and floor, instead of chairs;
  • bright rich colors, silk-screened wallpaper, a variety of textures and a mixture of styles;
  • there are many open shelves with various souvenirs; beautiful oriental items will fit perfectly into the interior - Buddha figurines, netski, “wind chimes”, as well as a forged chandelier and candlesticks;
  • The boho design is emphasized by a colorful carpet on the floor and heavy silk or velor curtains on the windows.

Size matters

Small and cozy

The choice of design is influenced not only by the desire of the teenager, but also by your capabilities - that is, the size of the children's room. If the area is small, from 10 square meters and less, then the “boho” or Hawaiian interior will not suit. It’s better to stick to minimalism, the English or romantic French version. The wallpaper and ceiling are only light.

The most advantageous set of furniture will be a built-in wardrobe, a single bed with drawers for storing bed linen and various things, and a work desk by the window. A large mirror on the cabinet door will visually enlarge the space, and local lighting will indicate areas for work and relaxation.

Big and bright

The interior of a teenage girl can have any design if the area of ​​the room is more than 12 square meters. In such a nursery, you can already divide the space into zones - for studying, for sleeping, for receiving guests, and put not only a bed, but also a sofa. Surely girls will be pleased with their own teenage dressing room - it is not difficult to arrange it by installing a partition made of plasterboard.

To visually separate one zone from another, designers use different wallpapers in wall decoration, Spotlights, “transparent” shelves with books, indoor flowers, decorative items, screens and others.

photo:, Nomadsoul1, DanFLCreativo, kuprin33, epstock, mak_nt, natali_grafik81, VikaSnezh, kuprin33, vicnt2815

When a girl grows up, her tastes can differ radically at different age periods. As a child, a little girl dreams of a princess room, and as she gets older, she may become interested in gothic themes. Creating a cozy and stylish room, it is necessary to remember the characteristics of each age.

Interesting room design for a 12-year-old teenage girl: layout features

The age of twelve is the beginning of the transition period when the child begins to grow up. It is at this time that it is important not to suppress the personality, but to help express it. Your own room can become the place where your daughter will show her individuality.

Pink has always been a popular color among girls. But many modern girls prefer other shades. Teens want their room to feel more grown-up, with an appropriate color palette.

Let's consider interesting ideas to decorate a teenage girl’s room:

  1. Using warm colors;
  2. Using cool shades.

The first option involves the use of peach, yellow, and orange tones. With this design, it is worth using a large chandelier with plastic parts. Curtains need to be matched to the color of the bedspread and carpet. It is also worth decorating the room with fresh flowers.

The desk should be placed near a window where there is natural light. This has a positive effect on vision. In case of limited area you can purchase a folding furniture set, which, if necessary, will provide workplace. The choice of wall covering should be left to the child. These can be simple monochromatic options or wallpaper with a pattern.

When zoning a room, you need to take care of the play area, since many girls still play with dolls at that age. Carpeting must be provided in this area.

We must remember that this is a children's room. When choosing a design, you can rely on the child’s opinion, but do not forget about the safety and quality of the selected materials.

In the second option, you can use cold colors as a color palette. sea ​​colors. A turquoise color scheme will do. This interior resembles sea ​​style, you can create the atmosphere of a coastal house.

The room should have large mirror. Preferably on cabinet doors. This will save space and visually enlarge the room. The installation of a mirror is due to the fact that at this age the desire to admire oneself and select outfits begins to awaken. You can also install dressing table where personal care products will be stored.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the main color. It should be present in the decoration of the room and furniture, but in moderation. The furniture should be white or light colors, as well as the floor and ceiling.

Stylish room for a 13 year old girl: interesting design options

Girls at the age of 13 are actively trying to hide their childish nature and start adult life. Therefore, the room should reflect these motives.

The design depends on teenage hobbies. A girl may be interested in reading, playing musical instruments or drawing. Also at this time, girlfriends often begin to visit. Young girls relax on soft pillows. That is why you can buy armchairs in the form of pillows for your daughter’s room.

A beautiful room for girls should be made in delicate shades and with elements upholstered furniture. The bedroom must meet the following qualities:

  1. Spacious room, without clutter;
  2. Simplicity of form, without pretentiousness;
  3. Multifunctionality of furniture;
  4. Zoning of the premises.

When choosing furniture, base it on the child's needs. A 13-year-old girl is a schoolboy who spends most of her time studying. This is why it is necessary to install desk near the window.

A computer desk with a large number of drawers and shelves is suitable. It is necessary that the height of the table is suitable for full height child. We need to hang several shelves for the girl’s personal belongings.

An important detail is the choice of chair. It is better to choose a model that can be adjusted. This way the child can sit comfortably without hunching over.

For girls one of essential elements furniture - wardrobe. It should have enough space for all your outfits. Many people dream of having a dressing room, but it is not always possible to equip it, especially in a small room.

You also need to take care of the mirror. You can buy a dressing table along with a mirror and all the necessary drawers for personal needs. There are also some peculiarities in lighting. The light should be bright, but not blinding. It is better to install several point sources with soft lighting. The color of the room itself can be green, orange, blue, pink. All tones are calm, awakening activity. When choosing a style, be guided by the child’s wishes. Modern youth prefers an abundance of bright colors and upholstered furniture.

Original room for a 14-year-old teenage girl: design nuances

At the age of 14, adolescence fully comes into its own. The girl tries to surround herself with adult objects and this is reflected in the interior of the bedroom.

The following components must be present in the room of a growing girl:

  1. Comfortable bed. Some girls prefer a lot of pillows and soft toys on their bed.
  2. Wardrobe, closet or chest of drawers.
  3. A place to study in the form of a desk.
  4. Mirror.
  5. Shelves and shelves where you can place personal belongings, a diary, and textbooks.

A small apartment can be furnished with a ready-made corner or folding furniture that can be combined as needed. It is better not to clutter the space with unnecessary pieces of furniture.

The repair program must be selected carefully, without drastic changes. The child is just developing his own taste, so it is better to avoid fancy ideas. First you need to create a detailed project and plan.

Choose light shades of paint. One wall should be left clean. This will become a place for the child’s creative self-expression. You can hang a banner or poster there.

You can create the decor yourself with your own hands. It is he who will give the room originality and features. This way you can make a board on which important notes, schedules or pictures of desires will be hung.

Young ladies most often prefer a romantic style or Provence. Some rebels will like a loft.

Comfortable bed for a 15-year-old teenage girl: a safe choice

The preferences and tastes of growing girls change every day. The task of parents is to ensure the safety of the child.

That is why all lining materials and furniture must meet the basic requirements:

  1. Quality of materials: strength and reliability. Even at a relatively adult age, a child can be injured by allowing himself small pranks.
  2. Safety. All manufacturing materials should not adversely affect health by evaporating toxins. The furniture itself should not have sharp corners.

When buying a folding sofa, pay attention to the upholstery. It must be hypoallergenic. At the same time, cleaning the sofa should not be difficult.

A teenager's sleeping place should be suitable for his height. It should not be too short or narrow. At this time, posture is formed, so you need not to miss this moment. The mattress itself must be orthopedic.

There are several types of beds:

  1. Classic version;
  2. Sofa bed;
  3. Two-tier model;
  4. Loft bed;
  5. Built-in sleeping area.

Everyone can pick up perfect option for myself.

Modern interior of a room for a 16-year-old teenager: design features

A sixteen-year-old girl is already practically an adult, who is rarely interested in pink ruffles and plush toys. The interior should be practical, but not boring. Personality formation is at the most important stage, therefore best designer rooms - a teenager himself.

The ideal room for a girl can be a room in an eclectic style, when several styles are combined at once.

You can also arrange your bedroom in the following designs:

  1. Provence;
  2. High tech;
  3. Modern;
  4. Romanticism;
  5. Minimalism;
  6. American.

Can be combined different styles and create your own unique interior.

How to arrange a room for a teenage girl (video)

Growing up is accompanied by changing tastes and the formation of preferences, which is reflected in the style of the bedroom. It is better to avoid drastic colors and styles. The entire interior should be multifunctional and simple. The decor will add coziness.

Here you will find many original ideas and useful design tips for a children's room for a teenage girl aged 10-12 years.

A nursery is very important for a girl as a future housewife, and not only because here she will learn order and neatness. for a teenage girl it is like creating coziness and comfort in her own family nest for a woman. This will teach her responsibility and give her the opportunity to express herself.

The main requirement for a nursery is, in fact, one thing - once we're talking about about independence, let your child participate in its creation and make his own decisions. You can guide, use the advice of our article, but let your child’s opinion here be more significant than yours, then the room will turn out to be ideal.

Choice of colors

In order to choose the color of a room for a girl, let’s turn to the advice of psychologists. It is recommended to decorate the children's room with colorful, but at the same time calm, light colors, i.e. if it is yellow, then it is better to choose delicate shades of lemon and light beige; if it is pink, then pastel, peach or geraldine.

If you want something more rich in the interior, focus on bright furniture and decorative details, and leave the walls, ceiling and floor in neutral shades. This will make the room more comfortable, spacious and bright. But it’s better to consult with your young mistress about which tones and colors to use. We offer the following options.

Pink color

Traditionally, nurseries for little girls are decorated in pink tones. Many will say: “Only without pink!” Yes, in pure form this color can be quite annoying and dark (especially for walls), and for older girls (10-12 years old) it may seem too childish. Therefore, it is better to decorate the room with rich, stylish shades of pink:

  • Persikov;
  • Coral;
  • Lososev;
  • Faded scarlet;
  • Pastel;
  • Light pink.

These shades are suitable for decorating a nursery in Paris or glamor style.

Purple colour

Calm, light, cozy and fascinating color in the interior. It has a very calming effect on perception. For well-lit rooms, cooler and more intense shades are suitable. In small, dimly lit rooms, it is better to use warm, muted lilac tones. Among the shades of lilac we recommend:

  • Medium and light purple;
  • Violet;
  • Lilac;
  • Lavender;
  • Amethyst.

The contrast of pink and lilac shades with beige, white, delicate shades of green and turquoise, rich chocolate color. You can diversify the room with bright elements to match the walls - furniture, paintings, lamps, toys in plum, neon and hot pink, raspberry, fuchsia.

Green and yellow colors

A fresh and bright version of a girl's bedroom. These colors are not combined by chance, since they are very succinctly combined as in natural form, and in its various shades.

To prevent the room from becoming too colorful and boring, use a combination of derivative pastel shades of green and yellow. For example, green in herbal and mint tones, yellow in golden, straw tones. To add light to the room, dilute them with vanilla or champagne. , decorated in this way, will resemble a sunny spring meadow dotted with dandelions.

Light shades

Don’t think that calm beige, golden, and cream tones are not suitable for a child’s bedroom. Don’t forget that your girl is already and will soon become a girl. In such color scheme the room will a priori look more solid and, perhaps, your future owner will be more comfortable growing up here.

Light classics in various versions (champagne, biscuit, cream, almond, golden, caramel, warm beige and many others) are very practical option design, since, most likely, you will not have to remodel the nursery until your baby is fully grown.

A bright golden room always means a lot of light and space, as well as unlimited possibilities in choosing accessories.

Decorating the room and choosing materials

If you have decided on the choice of colors, it’s time to move on to choosing materials for decorating the walls, ceiling and floor.

Wallpaper selection

Adolescence is the most difficult age for a child, so during this period, decorating a room is a way of self-expression, and parents should help the child with this. Modern room for a teenage girl it should be as comfortable, cozy, functional as possible, it is not at all necessary to decorate it soft toys, lots of flowers, bows and frills. Psychologists say that design teenage room for children aged 12, 13, 14 years old should be discreet.

Color is a factor to pay attention to Special attention. Not all girls like the nursery pink color, so it's not always worth using it. When renovating a room in Khrushchev, it is better to decorate the walls and decor in neutral colors - beige, the color of baked milk, pastel shades of pink, orange, green and yellow color, as well as decor in the same colors. This design will appeal not only to girls aged 12-13 years, but also to older ones, 15, 16, 17 years old.

Leave the walls light, this is especially true for Khrushchev and small rooms, interior design with light walls will make the room more spacious visually.

If you make the main color of the room in Khrushchev neutral, then you can make the design interesting by adding bright accents, original decor. You can use bright pieces of furniture or make one wall a contrasting color. Photos of the interiors will help you choose the best option for you. Colors such as soft pink and lilac, baked milk with yellow, salad with bright green, pastel yellow with bright orange go well together. Such decoration will not only make the room more interesting, but will also allow it to be divided into zones, which is important for small Khrushchev-era apartment buildings. Adult 15-16 year old girls will especially like this.

There is no need to make the main color too bright, as this has an exciting effect on children aged 12-14 years. You should also not use wallpaper in the nursery with cartoon or comic book characters - teenagers quickly get bored with them.

You can resort to a new design solution and make the walls of the room light, monochromatic, and the ceiling and carpet bright, of a different color, adding original decor. It is quite possible to carry out such repairs yourself.

Room zoning

In the future, a room for a teenage girl will need to perform several functions, so it is worth immediately dividing it into several zones, when decorating each of which you should adhere to the rules, while at the same time maintaining the design of the room in the same style. The following must be present in the room:

  • sleep area;
  • work zone;
  • a place to meet friends;
  • beauty Studio;
  • wardrobe.

Each zone should be highlighted and create a mood for the activity for which it is intended. This will help with the color that you can choose for each zone.

Sleeping area

The sleeping area should contain a bed or sofa, as well as a bedside table or coffee table. This area is often combined with a meeting place for friends, equipped with a cozy sofa.

Work zone

In this place, a teenage girl will do her homework and also engage in her favorite hobby. A desktop, if possible with a large number of shelves or drawers, is suitable here. also in work area you need to try to arrange the shelves. There should be a comfortable chair or a work chair. It would be nice if there was a computer in the work area, without which it is impossible to imagine life today modern teenager. It is best to locate the work area near a source of natural light.

This area is often combined with the sleep area. Here you can place a comfortable sofa, cute ottomans or frameless chairs, which take up little space and at the same time look modern. A stereo or small TV would be appropriate here.

Beauty Studio

A teenage girl will need a small dressing table with a mirror and small drawers for small items. For a growing beauty, it is very important that she has a place to store cosmetics and all the necessary accessories.


If space allows, then a chest of drawers with drawers or wardrobe with mirrored doors. It is also worth providing a place where it will be convenient for the girl to store her shoes.

The color of furniture for the room of teenage girls aged 13, 14, 15 and 16 years should be chosen to match the wallpaper; you should not use more than two in the interior different colors. If you can’t decide how to properly decorate a room with your own hands and decide on ideas, there are many photos on the Internet.


When choosing the design of a children's room, you need to pay special attention to lighting. There should be a lot of light. When choosing curtains, give preference to thin materials; translucent or Roman curtains are suitable; they fit perfectly into the interior and are not only a decorative element, but a functional part of the room. The color of the curtains should fit into the concept of the room; if the whole room is light, you can make the curtains bright. There are examples in the photo where the color of the curtains matches the color of the carpet, pieces of furniture, or bright elements of the interior decor of the room. Don't be afraid to implement bold ideas and try making the curtains contrasting.

When carrying out renovations, you should ensure that the room has good artificial lighting. Regardless of how old a child is - 12, 13 or 15, good light is needed to study and maintain vision.

You need to hang a powerful lamp in the center of the room, add small lamps to the closet or dressing table, and hang sconces on the walls. Be sure to place a lamp on your desk.

Good lighting is not only good for vision, but also makes the design of the room more original. Lamps act as a decorative element.

Room decor

To decorate the room of a 14-15 year old girl, wallpaper with a large pattern or the option of combining wallpaper of different colors is suitable. Photos in frames and various posters that the girl can choose on her own will look good on the walls. If the owner of the room is fond of needlework, then her works can be placed on the walls in beautiful frames.

There must be places in the work area Wall Clock, as well as a reminder board. Girls love to make a “wish card”, which should also have a place in the room.

The world of a teenage girl should be bright and unique, so boring colors definitely have no place here. A variety of accessories, many of which can be made with your own hands, will decorate the room and create the comfort that a girl so needs at her difficult age.

Design ideas for rooms of different sizes

Since children in adolescence are quite complex in character, it is not easy to please them, so the task of parents is to combine their own wishes, the requirements of the child, the functionality of the room and the basic laws of interior design.

  • a children's room with an area of ​​10 sq. m. In a Khrushchev-era building there is little room for flights of fancy, but the renovation can be made modern and interesting by using original decor. You definitely need to buy a bed, a wardrobe, a table and preferably a nightstand. To save space, it is better to take a bed with drawers. Even a 12-year-old child needs to take a larger bed so as not to change it later. The table is placed near the window, which is possible even in a children’s room of 10 meters;
  • for a room of 12 square meters, you can come up with more interior options and interesting decor. Instead of a bed, a sofa is suitable, you can even put a small TV. For girls 15-16 years old this is especially important. You can hang shelves or put up a rack;
  • in a room of 16 square meters you can implement even more ideas. An excellent idea for the interior would be a loft bed, the sleeping place of which is on the second tier, and on the first there is a comfortable sofa for guests. Big square allows you to place everything you need for a girl aged 12-16 years. It can be spacious wardrobe, table, shelving and even a chair. This area also makes it possible to use different color schemes.

Examples of styles for teenage girls

When choosing a design, you must definitely find out what your child’s dreams are for the future room and what, in his opinion, the nursery should be like. Next, the area is taken into account, and it is important to understand that in an ordinary Khrushchev it is difficult to create a full-fledged room. But even small room, with help correct use free space and decor can be made very stylish and comfortable. There are many photos on the Internet that will help you take correct repair in the room of a girl 12-14 years old, both with her own hands and with the assistance of specialists.

The design style should be primarily functional. This style is as simple as possible, ergonomic and comfortable, moreover, it does not tolerate bright and pretentious accessories, which is important to remember when decorating a children's room. The main requirements in this style are space and a large number of natural lighting.

A teenage girl's nursery can be performed in a certain style, or you can implement the idea together with your child. Be sure to consult with your child; at the age of 14-15, a girl already has her own ideas and preferences, so if you implement them, the child will definitely be satisfied.

Teenagers are attracted to the styles of famous cities around the world, in particular:

  • design in the style of Paris. It's sophisticated elegant style without bright accents. The style is characterized by simplicity and grace. The basic design rules are white or light, plain walls, forged or carved furniture. The style will be complemented by cute trinkets that you can purchase or make with your own hands. You can use photo wallpaper, always black and white and with views of Paris. This style is suitable for romantic natures;
  • Children 15 years old love everything modern and informal. The New York style is very popular today, which is characterized by restraint and modernized elements. The characteristics of this style are a wooden floor, the presence of beams, and a distinctly primitive finish. This is combined with brick walls and antique furniture. You can complement the interior with bright, modern elements decor and a bright, fluffy carpet;
  • Many teenagers are fond of rock music. For them great idea will decorate the room in this style. You will need graffiti on the walls, simple, even primitive furniture, as well as blinds, posters, photos of your favorite performers;
  • The modern interior style is popular today. Simple, comfortable style, main feature which is functionality. Its features, judging by the photo, are the presence modern technologies finishes, soft colors, bright colors rarely used, easy finishing. Photos of this interior on the Internet are presented in variety. Important feature Art Nouveau is a combination of it with any other styles.

There are many ready-made ideas for renovating and decorating a room for a teenage girl. You can implement ready-made ideas, or think up your own. If you have difficulty choosing, there are photos of interior examples from which you can choose the best one.

When it comes to designing a room for a teenage girl, there is no universal option, because every young girl wants her personal space to reflect her own style. This carefully selected collection of photos of bedroom interior ideas for teenage girls will definitely help you choose what you need.

Modern style room design ideas for a teenage girl

Room designs for teenage girls require creative combinations of different textures, modern patterns, stylish accents and bright colors.

Design ideas for decorating a room for a teenage girl 12-13 years old

Modern teenage girls 12-13 years old are stylish and constructive. Young girls are already up to date fashion trends in decoration. Mixing teen decorations with adult decor items will create attractive, functional and vibrant room designs.

No matter the size, a teen's bedroom can be elegant, functional and comfortable for doing homework, sleeping or hanging out with girlfriends.

Beautiful interior of a room for a teenage girl 14-15 years old

Textures and color combinations in the room are important for teenage girls 14-15 years old. Adding a few statement pillows and a colorful floor rug or window curtains will transform your bedroom in no time.

A creative approach to modern interior design will allow you to achieve a compact... functional design without spending too much money.

Girls tend to love bright pink shades. You can bring this color into walls, furniture, decorative accessories or lamps.

Neon pinks, rich pinks, purples, blues and greens can be combined with warm yellows and practical browns to create a beautiful, romantic room for a teenage girl.

Stylish room for girls 16-17 years old

Nice textures and favorite room colors help girls relax in their bedrooms. Soft and glossy surfaces, fur carpets and pillows, delicate fabrics, plush and fringe add charming comfort and beauty to a room for girls aged 16-17.

Not all girls want glamorous pink and floral bedrooms - in fact, many teenagers prefer their bedrooms to reflect their more understated and formal style.

Your daughter's bedroom can combine classic and modern ideas, traditional and modern furniture, decorative accessories in stylish neutral colors.

Three functional zones - sleeping, study and entertainment, frosted glass and metal, stylish colors rooms and simple decor create a unique, surprisingly pleasant, comfortable and beautiful space.

Layout and design of a teenage girl’s room – photo

Teens' bedroom furniture can be quirky and fun, reflecting their personality and favorite colors. Original layout and design in rooms for teenage girls, modern lamps and interesting items will add style and a modern atmosphere.

Stylish and functional furniture for a teenage girl's room

Consider a few comfortable and attractive pieces of children's bedroom furniture. A modern floor rug, window curtains and extra space in the form of a small sofa are good ideas for decorating a teenage girl's bedroom.

Three elements of functional bedroom design for teenagers:

  • Comfortable bed.
  • Efficient storage furniture with shelves or cabinet.
  • School corner with modern computer desk and an ergonomic chair.

Bookshelves, organizers and built-ins lighting reading spaces create a wonderful space for your teen to learn, have fun and read.

When choosing a bed, storage furniture, wall shelves, table and chair for your teenager, find out whether these items are made from environmentally friendly and healthy materials.

Before purchasing furniture or decorative accessories for your daughter's bedroom, consider whether it will be easy to care for and clean. Uneven metal jewelry, glass surfaces table or wall shelves, porcelain accessories – not the best choice For modern design bedrooms for teenagers, especially if you need to decorate a small bedroom.

Which wallpaper to choose for a teenage girl’s room

Usage modern wallpaper- the easiest, most inexpensive and wonderful way to create unique interior rooms for your daughter.

Wallpaper allows you to experiment with dark or bright colors, adding personality to interior decoration. Modern patterns and inscriptions on vinyl sheets or photographs on wallpaper - great options for bedroom design for teenage girls.

Sand, beige, pale turquoise, blue and green colors, all soft and light pastels are ideal interior colors for a child's room. Brighter and more contrasting ones can be used for decoration.

Be sure to ask your daughter about her favorite colors and use them as inspiration for choosing wallpaper for her room.

Modern lighting design

Efficient and bright design lighting – good idea for a girl's room. Each functional area A teenager's bedroom needs good light. Chandelier, lamp ceiling lighting, desk lamp, wall sconces and night light create a beautiful and very convenient lighting design for children's rooms.

Beautiful and functional ideas for a small room for girls

A full-size bed and wardrobe take up a lot of space in a small girls' room and will make the interior design unattractive. Compact solutions for storing things, small bedside tables and beds with drawers are ideal for small spaces, especially in Khrushchev.

Light wall paints, large wall mirrors, striped wallpaper and diagonal decorations are practical ideas that visually enlarge small and narrow rooms.

DIY room decor for a teenage girl

Decorating a young girl's bedroom doesn't have to be expensive. Creative ideas, simple but convenient homemade decorative items create beautiful interior girl's room.

How to decorate a teenager’s room with your own hands - video