Projects for two-car garages with an attic - stages of creation. Projects of garages for two cars with a utility block Projects of brick garages for two cars

IN modern world A car is no longer a luxury, but serves as a necessary means of transportation. As cars have become more affordable, most families have several Vehicle and owners of private houses are forced to build garages for several cars.

In this article we will tell you what the size of a 2-car garage should be and what needs to be taken into account when planning it.

What to consider when planning a garage

Many people, when planning a double garage, make a grave mistake, believing that to determine the size of the room it is enough to simply add the width of two cars and leave a small margin between them. However, these simple calculations are clearly not enough, since they do not take into account all the associated nuances.

When planning a garage, in addition to the dimensions of existing cars, you need to consider the following points:

  • Possibility of safe parking, as well as space for comfortable Maintenance cars;
  • Provide places for temporary or permanent storage of wheels (see), tool kits, related equipment and other equipment;
  • for vehicle entry and their number;
  • Consider the possibility of connecting the garage with living quarters (see);
  • The optimal size of a garage for 2 cars should provide for the possibility of purchasing a car that can have any dimensions;
  • Materials and type of roof covering so that there is no need to install additional columns in the center of the garage;
  • Consider the possibility of two cars arriving at the same time.

Important. Garage Doors and the size of the room should make it possible to freely operate one of the cars, without interfering with the departure and maintenance of another car. The best option would be to install separate gates for each car, as shown in the photo above.

Determining the size of the garage

When determining the dimensions of the room and drawing up a plan with your own hands, you need to remember that popular belief“the more, the better” is inappropriate in this case, since each extra meter costs a considerable amount during construction, and unused space indicates irrational use of space. Of course, you need to start from the dimensions of the cars, but you need to organize additional space around them taking into account that two people, a passenger and a driver, can get into the car at the same time.

From this we can derive the first rule, which states that the size of a two-car garage should provide such space on both sides that will allow the doors to be fully opened without resting against the walls of the garage or an adjacent car. A car with open doors should also have a reserve space of approximately 10-15 centimeters to compensate for uneven parking.

A car is not just a means of transportation; for its owner it is a reliable friend, a favorite toy and even a soul mate.

They are lovingly cared for by purchasing necessary details, care products, give them regular washes, technical inspections, and, of course, how can we do without a house for it, i.e. garage.

If you are not strapped for finances, you can afford to buy ready garage or hire professionals for construction, but the best and most reliable option is to build it yourself.


Garage made on our own, without paperwork it is considered an illegal structure (self-construction). The land for construction must also have appropriate documents.

But, in some cases, permitting documentation not required for construction:

All other building options and land plot must be legalized through documentation.

Types of garages

Garages vary depending on the owner's financial wealth, personal tastes and building site. A garage can be attached to the house or made instead of the first floor, or directly under the house.

A garage structure built instead of the first floor, the so-called built-in garage, is not very convenient. Nowadays, you can purchase structures that are assembled and disassembled, like a construction set. Or arrange a hanging structure in the yard.

The pricing policy for this option for garage construction is quite acceptable. But the structure itself is simple and unreliable.

The most common types of garages are considered to be separate buildings located near the entrance to the site in order to save precious square meters.

In this case, the garage door must face the street part. These structures can be of a permanent nature, built of brick with a roof, auxiliary - in the form of an outbuilding, or a prefabricated structure made of metal.

Construction of a garage on the site

Finally, the hot time has come to start construction, which will give you enough troublesome and pleasant moments, as well as good financial savings.

In the photo of constructing a garage on your own, you will see all the delights of such construction. But the result will undoubtedly be pleasant!

Project documentation

To begin any construction, a project is required, and the construction of a garage was no exception. You don't need a bunch of garage plans for this, but for a reliable and capital construction Some sketches and description are required.

At the beginning of the design, it is worth deciding on some details:


  • For what purposes will it be used: to shelter the car, as a repair shop, is a pit needed for inspecting the car. Write down your preferences on paper.
  • The size of the garage, which depends on its intended use, characteristic features plot and size of the building area.

A 3x6 size is suitable for a garage, of course, unless you are the owner of a large SUV such as a Hummer. An ordinary car will easily fit in such an area, and there will be space on the sides for free opening of doors and passage and in front for parking.

The optimal height of the garage for a car to enter will be 150-190 cm, and the ideal height will be 200-250 cm. If you still have an SUV, the size of the garage should be made larger.

If you want to organize a cellar or benchtop, the garage area will also have to be increased. And no one will argue, because there should be a place for repair and maintenance of the machine, a place to place tools and accessories, and to store parts.

When constructing a building for two cars, carefully think through the details and take into account all dimensions when calculating total area garage.


When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account the location of all existing buildings, regulations fire safety And sanitary requirements. Also provide the entrance in advance.


It is convenient to arrange a garage along all buildings or inside the site so that open doors cars did not create obstacles, no closer than 1 m from neighbors, so that water from the roof did not flood their land during rain.

When determining the location of the entrance to the garage, do not forget that the distance to neighboring windows should be at least 10 m.

According to fire safety requirements, the garage must be located at least 9 m from the house and at least 15 m from polymer buildings.

First, determine the location of the corner of the garage and the location of its shelter in relation to this point.

Necessary materials

Typically, to build a garage on your own, you use:


  • brick is the most popular and reliable material;
  • reinforced concrete, used for collapsible garages;
  • slag concrete is inferior in price and reliability to brick, but makes the work labor-intensive;
  • metal, for quick construction of the structure and an affordable option;
  • wood, not suitable for building a garage.

Preparing the ground and laying the foundation

Work to prepare the site for development is carried out using a shovel. A 40 cm wide trench is dug under the foundation. The depth of the trench depends on the climate of your region, but generally up to 1 m.

The bottom of the trench should be lightly compacted, and the walls should be leveled with a shovel. There are quite a few types of foundations, but in our case it will be a rubble concrete option, simple and inexpensive.

It is easy to do: rubble stone is placed in the trench in layers, and a cement solution is poured between them, and so on until the top of the trench.

You can make the solution yourself: mix cement 400 in the amount of 1 bucket with 2.5 buckets of sand, about 1 bucket of water.

Construction of the basement

Formwork is installed along the entire length of the trench along the level using boards 10 cm wide. On an uneven area, the horizon is marked from the highest point plus 10 cm to the basement level.

Do not forget about multi-layer waterproofing made of roofing felt so that the walls of the building are not saturated with moisture. Before starting to lay the walls, you need to install gates to secure them as the walls are built.


The most important thing in choosing a gate is its reliability and ease of use. They can be hinged, sectional, in the form of roller shutters, or lift-and-turn, opening automatically or mechanically.

In the modern world, automatic gates are increasingly preferred. During a power outage, it is worthwhile to provide a mechanical opening option.


When the gate is already installed, you can move on to the main masonry. The cinder block is laid in a chain manner from the corners. Next, a fishing line is stretched between them and the rest of the cinder block is laid. Gradually the corners are raised and the masonry is repeated.

Use a plumb line to control the vertical evenness of the walls, especially the corners. Level – their horizontality. Don't forget about the slope for water drainage. To do this, make the ends of the garage different in height with the top of the side wall cut at a slope.

The solution is made at the rate of: 1 bucket of cement (grade 400) per 4.5 buckets of sand with the addition of water until thick. For greater plasticity, add clay or lime.

Roof construction

Floors are made from metal beams 10-12 cm high with a lining made of wooden planks. They are perfect for covering a garage no more than 6 m wide, while the length of the beams will be 20-25 cm longer.

Step-by-step instructions for laying floors and roofs can be found on the Internet on websites about construction work or by consulting specialists.

Construction of the floor and blind area

Typically, a garage has a concrete floor 8-10 cm thick at the same level as the edge of the base. Before this, the ground is thoroughly leveled. Concrete is poured using tensioned cords to obtain a smooth surface.

WITH outside In the garage, a blind area 0.5 m wide is constructed with a slight slope to drain water.

Other improvements

The garage does not need decoration; it is enough to grout the walls with cement mortar, apply plaster and whitewash it.

You can insulate the walls with polystyrene foam; in case of severe cold, you will need to use heating devices. Optimal temperature for a garage 5-6 degrees.

The presence of ventilation in the garage is mandatory to remove various chemical odors and exhaust gases from the room.

To do this, they install either purchased ventilation systems or arrange natural air exchange through the deflector and supply grilles.

An inspection hole is a necessary component of a garage. It facilitates convenient vehicle maintenance and repair.

The entrance to the garage, as a rule, is included in the project, taking into account all sorts of nuances: type of coating, style of shelter, soil characteristics, presence of underground sources, local geology. But the main thing is comfort, hardness and evenness of the surface.

For a more detailed study of the construction process of all components of the garage, it is recommended to watch the video material, and you can safely begin construction!

The problem of safe car storage has existed since time immemorial and was solved by the most different ways, from purchasing a “shell” garage to renting a garage in the private sector of the suburb. If you have two cars, the number of problems increases progressively. Today the development of technology rapid construction light non-permanent buildings allows you to build a garage for two cars in a matter of days, moreover, with proper organization Most design work, including finishing, can be done with your own hands. It's about about the construction scheme frame options garage storage passenger car.

How to inexpensively build a two-car garage

Unlike stone buildings, lightweight structures allow you to get by with a minimal foundation, while the quality of car storage, subject to construction technology, will be no worse than the brick version. Using frame principle, you can relatively quickly and inexpensively build a garage for two cars in the following options:

  • The garage building is made of sandwich panels, it is necessary to assemble a steel frame from a galvanized profile and sheathe the finished “skeleton” with packages of pressed insulation and steel cladding. Using a crane, a two-car garage can be assembled in two days. Such a set for a garage for parking a car costs from 200 to 250 thousand rubles;
  • To make the garage space as comfortable as possible for the safety of the car, work and even for living in such a building, for example, from SIP panels, wooden lining, OSB boards. The quality of car storage will be much higher, but the price of the garage will also increase;
  • Assemble a garage structure for storing a car using a compromise scheme. The wooden frame is covered with a sheet of metal profile. The speed of construction and the price are the most attractive and depend only on the size of the garage and the dimensions of the car.

When designing a garage for two cars, the dimensions of the room are determined depending on the dimensions of the vehicles. For optimal garage size, it is recommended to use a two-door design. If necessary, it is quite possible to “shrink” the area for cars from 43 m2 to 32 m2, and instead of a design with two gates, each 2.8 m wide, you will need to use a design with one gate, 5.1 m wide. Departure of such apartments it will be more difficult to drive, but the size of the building will decrease by almost 15%. If necessary, the gate can be further reduced, but in this case, for normal vehicle movement, the garage will need to be lengthened or the position of the gate changed.

We assemble a simple garage for two cars with our own hands

The quality of construction for storing a passenger car is not inferior to the above-mentioned options, and the cost and labor intensity are several times less. The parking area for cars is spacious and bright; the lack of thermal insulation allows you to get rid of problems with condensation and corrosion of the car body.

Foundation and wall frame of a room for two cars

After marking the outline of the garage with dimensions of 7x5 m, you will need to assemble the foundation system of the building. To fix the frame on the ground, a system of vertical supports, 5 m high, is used in the garage structure. 6 wells are drilled along the markings of the side walls, 70-80 cm deep and 30-35 cm in diameter. Vertical support racks and filled with concrete flush with the ground.

While the concrete under the posts has not hardened, each support must be aligned vertically, check the identity of the dimensions, symmetry between the diagonals future box, we fix each support with struts.

After the mortar has set, the vertical supports are tied at several levels with magpie boards, and the lower and middle rows of timber are reinforced. The frames of future windows are mounted between the horizontal beams of the walls, the front side of the garage is sheathed, and a hole is made for the future entrance door, located away from the main garage door.

Grooves are cut out on the heads of the supports into which the upper reinforcing belt is mounted; from two rows of composite timber, the upper row serves as a mauerlat for the garage roof, the lower composite row serves as a load-bearing beam for the gate frame. Wooden racks for mounting are assembled on the front wall of the garage sectional doors. The garage building for two cars is quite spacious, with large size ceiling. To avoid buying expensive timber used for vertical supports, we replace it with a homemade glued version of two or three 50 mm boards.

We cover the assembled frame with boards and reinforce it with struts and spacers.

Roof and wall decoration

Frame gable roof made in the form ready-made assemblies rafters, tie-downs and struts. All elements are connected using nails through overhead steel plates. A package of eight trusses is lifted onto the walls, after which each structure is attached to the garage wall Mauerlat with nails according to pre-applied markings. The size of the floor span above the car parking area reaches more than 5.5 m, so it is better to lift long assemblies with three or four people.

Two ridge beams are attached to the upper part of the rafters, after which sheathing boards are stuffed under the roofing corrugated sheeting. The sheets are attached to the boards using roofing screws with silicone washers, which ensure tightness at the point of installation of the fasteners. The roof covering is laid without insulation, after which the ridge elements are laid, the soffits are hemmed, and a system of drainage gutters and drainpipes is installed.

Next, they proceed to laying wall sheets of corrugated sheets on wooden frame. Three-meter sheets are sewn onto the horizontal beams of the walls using similar self-tapping screws. Because of the gable roof, to cover the gable of a garage for two cars, you have to cut and adjust each sheet of corrugated sheets yourself. We seal the joint line between the corrugated sheets and the sheathing with sealant. Sewn in the same way back wall garage. The windows are made in a “blind” anti-vandal version; instead of glass, thick sheets are installed cellular polycarbonate, not resonating from the sound of car engines.

Before final finishing walls and box of a two-car garage will require pouring of the floor concrete mixture. Thickness concrete screed should be at least 10 cm. This is quite enough to withstand the weight of the machines. In addition to the garage floor, a blind area and a temporary parking area are concreted before construction.

Before installing sectional garage doors, it is necessary to cut the door opening to the size and install the door frame on the frame. cladding panels from thin sheet metal, after which you can begin assembling and installing the gate. For a garage for two cars, sectional doors are ideal, with an opening width of 4.5 m, this is enough to move the car with any type of turn. It is more expensive to use split double gates, and in this case you will need to abandon entrance doors. IN this project a garage for two cars clearly divides the internal space into two zones - service and utility. In the first zone, thanks to windows, it will be possible to service machines without using artificial lighting, which increases the comfort of working in the garage and reduces the load on the electrical network. The second zone will store machine parts and tools.

Due to the light weight of sectional doors, the lifting structure can easily be assembled with your own hands. To begin with, we will install vertical guides on the frame of the doorway. Before installing the section, it is necessary to assemble, install the docking units of the skew strips and the actual lifting mechanism. After which the sections are sequentially laid and secured to the base of the overhead gate lift.

Since the garage provides parking for two cars, in the future the gate mechanism will need to be equipped with a motion alarm so that one driver knows about the movement of the second car in front of the gate, to prevent a possible collision. After assembling the sections, the pins are installed in the docking loops, and the elevator cable is brought into engagement with the side fastenings of the sections.


Thanks to frame structure the room for the car will be light, durable and spacious. Due to the high ceilings, even with simultaneous operation of the engines of two cars, there will not be heavy gas pollution, since the main part of the air contaminated with exhaust gases will be removed through attic space. To avoid the formation and accumulation of condensation on the car body, the corrugated roofing will be lined with a superdiffusion membrane in the future.

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without a car. And even more so if this modern person lives in a private house outside the city. Therefore, garage projects are always in demand among homeowners. What if a garage was not provided during the construction of the house? In fact, the issue is resolved simply: our company is able to offer you finished project garage.

Garage size matters

It is believed that minimum size The garage is approximately 18 m2. There is simply no point in building a smaller garage. That is, you can build it, but it will be a garage for a motorcycle, bicycle, scooter... For anything, but not for a car.

When designing a garage, experts recommend maintaining the following distances: there should be at least 50 cm from the front wall to the car, 70 cm should be provided on the left and right, and 20 cm can be left at the back. As a rule, the design includes a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is necessary to make it convenient to get out of the car. Then on the right it is logical to place racks and shelves with tools and spare parts. Usually, the project includes standard size gate - 2.5 m. The height is designed for the height of an adult, which is approximately 1.8-2.0 meters.

Garage project: little things are important

When designing a garage, it is necessary to provide in advance for convenient and unobstructed access to racks with tools and spare parts, take care not only of electric lighting, but also provide for the presence of windows, albeit small ones. In addition, it is important to plan enough outlets so that you can turn on a vacuum cleaner, power tools, and, in the cold season, a heater, and maybe even more than one. If you plan to work with more serious electrical equipment, consider an outlet rated for three-phase current.

But what if there are two cars in the family? And this issue can be resolved simply: we are ready to offer you a garage project for two cars. This will allow you to solve all your car parking problems once and for all. In addition, you will not need to look for a place for a second garage. Also, perhaps you would be interested in a bathhouse or sauna in your home? - more details.

Garages for every taste and budget

Projects modern garages differ in their functional features, areas and, accordingly, have different prices. But our company’s specialists will select for you a project that would completely satisfy you. In this case, not only your wishes, but also material possibilities will be taken into account.

Build a garage for 2 cars - in modern construction This is no longer a surplus, but a need. In a private house or in a garage cooperative, in all these cases, a correctly completed project will help you get best option for several cars small area. Here you should take into account the capabilities and needs of the owners and the characteristics of the construction site.

Let’s take a closer look at what is important to consider when designing a garage for 2 cars.

Information you need when planning to build a 2-car garage

To compile project documentation You need to know several points on which the convenience and safety of using the box depends.

Types of garage boxes

A garage for 2 cars can be built in 2 types:

  1. Built-in. This type is intended for the construction of a building together with car installation sites. They can be installed in the basement or on the 1st floor. But when arranging a box below ground level, it is important to take into account the depth and ease of entry of cars. To do this you will need to provide optimal angle the slope of the driveway and the length of the driveway. When drawing up the project and layout of the building, you should take into account the maximum dimensions of the car; no one knows what kind of car will appear in your family. It is recommended to make a building with a canopy or a workshop.
  2. Detached building. The design of a garage for 2 cars, standing separately from the main building on the site or during construction in a garage cooperative, also takes into account the characteristics of the construction site and the size of the cars. If the box is being built on a courtyard, it can be connected to the main building with a warm passage or just a separate frame garage for 2 cars.

What to consider when making a plan

When determining the shape and type of structure, several points need to be taken into account:

  • external and internal dimensions of the box;
  • power and type of foundation cushion;
  • thickness and material of future walls and ceilings;
  • how many and what sizes will be the gate in a garage for 2 cars;
  • the diagram must take into account the type and material of the roof structure;
  • For convenience, the layout should take into account the location of communications.

The layout should take into account the ventilation system, noise insulation of the gate and the material of the walls and gates. If you carry out car repairs yourself, you need to equip the room with a lift or inspection hole. Here you should make a room with a workshop and convenient places storage of tools and accessories. If construction is planned below ground level, the angle of inclination and the length of the access roads are taken into account.

Building dimensions

  1. Dimensions of cars and determination of size by width. To determine the overall minimum width, you will need to add at least 500 mm on each side to the size of each car. This size will allow you to open the doors freely and feel confident when parking. If you plan to install shelving or install mechanic's workbench this dimension must be taken into account when determining the width of the box.
  2. Knowing the basic formula will help you calculate the dimensions of a garage for 2 cars by length - add at least 1500 mm to the size of your car. This clear distance will allow you to freely open the trunk and hood and walk around the car. Planning the installation of garage furniture, or if the side will have a canopy, should be taken into account when drawing up the drawing.
  3. The required height depends on the height of the tallest family member and the dimensions of the car. 500 mm is added to a person’s height, and when determining the dimensions, depending on the make of the car, the height of the body or the size from the floor level to the upper edge of the open trunk is taken into account.

The calculations take into account the average size of a two-car garage:

  • width and length of the building – at least 7 m;
  • height – 2.5 m;
  • total usable area – 50 m2.

These are the optimal internal dimensions of the building. When calculating external dimensions, it is taken into account minimum thickness building materials and finishing. If the building is made of brick, the minimum size increases by 100 mm, and for block construction by 200 mm. The thermal insulation layer will require an addition of 70 mm. Plastering finished surfaces increases the contours of the building by 15 mm, and plasterboard - up to 50-70 mm. When calculating a frame garage, you should take into account the thickness of the frame, finishing and heat-insulating board materials.

Gate size

A garage for 2 cars can be equipped with one gate, but such a design will require taking care of the safety margin and it will be necessary to increase the weight of the door and door structure. There is a high risk of the structure sagging over time and unpleasant situations in the future. Therefore, the best option is a building with 2 separate gates. In addition to width, it is important to take into account the height dimensions. They must exceed the maximum possible height of the car by 500 mm, and add at least 200 mm to the width dimensions.

When designing, it is important to immediately take into account the type and design of the sashes. Some models require additional space to arrange the receiving box. It is customary to make the second sash the same size as the first, regardless of the type and make of the car.

Designing additional space

You can make a frame garage for 2 cars with your own hands and make it with a canopy, but this will require you to foresee and plan the dimensions of the external walls on the site. This addition will prevent rain or snow from entering and will protect interior spaces from exposure sun rays. It is possible to additionally equip the box with utility rooms.

This solution is especially acceptable when designing a residential building with a built-in box. Such projects of garages for 2 cars are best done at the design stage of the entire residential complex. By equipping a box with a boiler room, laundry or bathhouse, you get the opportunity to save usable area main house. For convenient and long-term storage supplies for the winter will have to be equipped with a deep basement.

In conclusion, we note.

Only some of the data necessary for the design and dimensions of a garage for 2 cars are given. Such buildings will require knowledge of specific data, regardless of whether they will be with a canopy or with outbuildings. Therefore, it is better to entrust the drawing up of a plan and estimate for construction to professionals who will calculate the loads, select optimal size and the type of foundation, and the total amount of building materials.