Country house projects: we are looking for an economical and durable option. Projects of country houses with a veranda Small country houses with an attic and a terrace

Anyone who has ever experienced building a house knows that it is a costly and very time-consuming undertaking. Projects of frame houses with a terrace are a solution for those who are limited in time and resources. They are erected both as a permanent home and as a seasonal house on the site. Ease frame buildings allows you to implement complex buildings with attics, balconies and terraces. Such structures will organically complement the architecture of the site and become cozy place for relax.

Design Features

The “skeleton” of frame buildings is made of metal or wood. It serves as the basis for all floors and walls of the building. Therefore, the material for the frame is chosen with special care. The easiest and most convenient way to work is with a wooden beam. To assemble a wood frame, a welding machine and complex fasteners are not required. In addition, sawing or extending beams to the right size possible right at the construction site.

Walls and ceilings are sewn onto a base of timber or metal. The material most often chosen for them is chipboard panels. They have two significant advantages - low cost and light weight. For external cladding For walls, it is best to choose thick panels.

It is impossible to live in a house made only of timber and panels, so it must be carefully insulated. To do this, a layer of insulation is laid between the frame beams. Mineral wool is considered one of the most functional and safe thermal insulation materials for humans. Compared to other insulation materials, the material is more expensive, but, in addition to high thermal insulation properties, it has very important advantage– non-flammability. The same cannot be said about polystyrene foam, which is very often used in frame construction.

Note! When insulating a house with mineral wool, you need to take care of vapor and waterproofing films. They will preserve the functionality of the material and protect the internal structures from rotting.

However, polymer materials can be used for insulation. Modified polystyrene foam is suitable for this. Fire retardants are added to the material, which stop the combustion process. When choosing expanded polystyrene, pay attention to the abbreviation of the name. U non-combustible materials Russian-made ones should have the letter “C” at the end.

Construction technology

Among the owners personal plots popular with terraces measuring 6x6 and 6x8 meters. This building is quite suitable for a small family or as a guest house.

The balcony or terrace in small houses is used for leisure, relaxation or preparing barbecue treats. An open terrace gives the room extra useful meters and visually increases the area of ​​the house.

There are two generally accepted technologies for constructing frame houses: frame-panel and frame-panel. Using the first method, you can assemble a house within a few days. The timber frame of the house is assembled directly on the site, and then covered with insulated factory panels. The method is very fast, but finished panels can be more expensive. During construction according to frame-panel technology First, the frame is assembled, then it is sheathed and insulation and moisture-proofing films are laid.

Protecting the building from moisture

If you decide to implement a wooden house project on your site, be prepared to spend money on moisture-proofing materials. Frame houses Most often they consist entirely of wood, so they need special protection.

In addition to waterproofing, when designing a frame building it is worth paying attention to the drain:

  • Moisture is removed from terraces and balconies using a drain. When choosing it, the slope and design features of the roof are taken into account.
  • The drainage capacity of the ladder may be impaired due to the small catchment area.
  • The waterproofing and the material from which the drain is made must be identical or compatible.
  • If you do not have skills in installing drainage systems, seek advice from a specialist. This is especially true for drainage rings.
  • If there is a closed parapet or other protruding structures on the terrace, it is necessary to install additional water collectors.

Note! If the water from the terrace does not flow into storm system, and in the sewerage system, the terrace is equipped with structures against unpleasant odors.

The difference between a terrace and a balcony

If you have not encountered construction before, you may not know the differences between a terrace and a balcony. However, this feature is very important when designing a house.

They call it a terrace open extension To home. It consists of a base, parapet and roof. The structure has considerable weight, therefore, a strip meco-buried foundation is made under it. If the terrace is being built at the same time as the house, a common foundation is built.

Most often, terraces are built on the ground floor of a building, on the side of the living room or kitchen. But there are also unusual projects with an extension on the second floor. In this case, the terrace is mounted on columns or supports.

The glazed terrace is already a full-fledged veranda. It is often used as a winter garden or summer kitchen. With sufficient insulation, the room can be turned into a full-fledged living room or relaxation room. In cold climates, it is recommended to build houses with a veranda. This technique reduces heat loss in the room. In addition, on glazed balconies and terraces there is no need to install a drainage system.

A balcony is a small platform supported by outrigger beams on the second floor. Often a balcony is located on the second floor, above the terrace. This allows you to reduce the load on the balcony beams. In addition, the superstructure over the terrace will become a kind of protection from precipitation.

Note! Remote balcony should not have a width of more than 1 m. However, if the structure rests on a terrace, the width is made equal to the width of the terrace.

Wood protection

Every day wood is affected by many negative influences, including:

  • evaporation from the ground and heating systems;
  • precipitation and melt water;
  • pests and fungus;
  • putrefactive bacteria;
  • sunlight, etc.

For guard wooden structures There are several measures. First of all – drying. Undried material under shrinkage can become severely deformed or crack. Therefore, buy timber only from trusted suppliers and do not chase low cost.

To protect the tree from insects, fungi and other pests, there are special antiseptic compounds. The wood is treated with them even before construction or at the stage of assembling the frame. Fire retardants will protect the house from fire.

In addition to impregnating the house, it is necessary to protect the terrace structure:

If you follow all the tips, building a frame house will not seem like a difficult task. The work of assembling such a home is very simple; if you have sufficient knowledge, you just have to start.

Even a small country house should have at least a kitchen and a recreation room. If you plan to spend the whole summer outside the city, in addition to often receiving guests, it makes sense to build a full-fledged building with all the amenities. We invite you to view photos of projects country houses.

Basic requirements of SNiP

The requirements for a building located on a garden plot are less stringent than for a residential building. However, if during the construction process you create discomfort for your neighbors, you may be forced to demolish the finished building.

Therefore, before choosing a project, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of SNiP:

  • even on a small plot, the building can only be located at a distance of 3 m from the neighbor’s fence
  • the minimum distance from public territory (road) is also 3 m, and if there is a passage 5 m
  • if there are other buildings on your site, in order to reduce the risk of their fire, the distance between block or stone buildings is left at least 6 m, between stone and wooden building 10 m, if both buildings are wooden - 15 m; when using wood only as a ceiling - 8 m
  • if there is a nearby power line, the distance from it is from 10 m; from high voltage line it is even larger up to 40 m
  • a certain distance (up to 4 m) must be retreated from tree trunks; 2 m is sufficient from low-growing trees.

Don't forget about building density. With standard dacha plot sizes of 6-10 acres, you have the right to occupy no more than 30% of the area with buildings.

The territory must have a mesh or lattice fence 1.5 m high. Solid fences are allowed only if this is agreed upon by the meeting of gardening members or both neighbors agree to this.

Do I need any permission?

According to Art. 51 clause 1 part 17 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the building is not intended for permanent residence, no special construction permit is required. But to obtain ownership rights to an already built garden house, as well as to other outbuildings, you will need to issue a cadastral passport and register with the Registration Chamber (according to a simplified scheme).

If it is planned to erect a residential building on a garden plot with the right to register in it, then it will be necessary to obtain a special permit signed by the executive authorities and a construction passport. As well as permission from the fire inspectorate. In the future, registration of ownership of the building will also be required.

Even a small building should last long enough

To make your country house as comfortable as possible, you should listen to the opinions of experts:

  • No matter how much you would like to build something unusual on your site, with little construction experience it is better to settle on a universal project that has already been tested over the years
  • when planning, you should immediately determine the size of the rooms and their location; this will allow you to immediately determine the supply of communications (sewage and water supply), which are laid at the stage of building the foundation
  • in order to economize own funds, the design of even a temporary structure must be thought out so that in the future it can be used as a bathhouse, barn or summer kitchen
  • be sure to consider the possibility of further extensions to the building additional premises: verandas, terraces, bathhouses and other buildings
  • even in a small house it is worth providing not only a relaxation room, but also a kitchen area
  • in the absence of other buildings, a separate place should be allocated for placing garden tools
  • the building must be durable enough to last at least 25-30 years

How much will construction cost?

Regardless of the size of the future garden house Before starting construction, you will need to calculate the cost of its construction. To do this you need to think about:

  • Main settings: length, width and height of the building
  • type of foundation and its height
  • the type of materials used to construct the walls and their thickness
  • roof type
  • materials used for flooring
  • dimensions of each room
  • heating methods (if planned)
  • types of finishing materials
  • communication methods: electricity, sewerage, etc.

There are enough programs on the Internet that can calculate the approximate cost of construction of any type of building. Most of them have a free trial period. You can also use online calculators for calculations. Please note that the cost of materials may differ from those in your region of residence.

Since prices are in the process of construction country house may increase if construction is planned for a long time, It is better to include a reserve of at least 10-20% of the total cost in the estimate. When calculating the cost, do not forget that such “little things” as roofing bolts, screws, primer, and plaster will also require considerable expenses.

It is better to purchase materials in one place - bulk purchases will be much cheaper.

Choosing a location on the site

Choosing the optimal location on the site

First you need to draw up a scale plan of the estate and mark the cardinal directions on it. We immediately mark on it existing buildings and large plants that are not subject to demolition. We shade all restricted areas on the plan (distances from the fence, power lines, etc.).

You should also not locate the building near compost pits and toilets - with the slightest breeze, unpleasant odors will enter the house. We mark favorable zones in dotted lines. Try to plan the site in such a way that even after construction there will be space for outbuildings (if they are needed), recreation areas, for example, a swimming pool, gazebos, playgrounds, etc.

In addition to the distances from neighboring buildings and roads established by SNiP, you should also focus on other factors:

  • It is better to locate a country house closer to access roads and sources of communications: loading and unloading crops and household items will not be a big problem in this case, and connecting to power supply and other communications will be cheaper
  • wind direction: to prevent the building from drying out quickly, you should not place windows and doors on the side of the prevailing winds
  • when the windows face south or east of the room in summer time will overheat quickly, it is better if the sun hits them in the afternoon
  • so that groundwater does not destroy the foundation of the building, the house is located on the most elevated place; on wetlands, if there is no alternative, you will need to consider a reliable drainage system and waterproofing the foundation
  • Pay attention to the appearance from the window, because comfort always comes from such little things.

Take your time choosing a project. Start development at least six months before the start of construction so that you have the opportunity to think it through thoroughly and make calculations without rushing.

We are drawing up a project

Of course, the design of a country house can be ordered from a specialized organization, but the prices for such services are considerable. When building a small house it is much easier to use already ready-made diagrams, which abound on the Internet, and supplement them with your own calculations.

Building plan

You will need several drawings. The first one indicating the location of all premises, entrance and window openings, as well as the thickness of walls and partitions. The second figure shows the layout of the foundation and the roofing scheme.

Small building project

It is impractical to build too large a structure on 3-6 acres of land– it will take up most of the site. A grandiose structure is not required even if you spend little time at the dacha. In some cases, a small building without a foundation and assembled from boards or even plywood is sufficient. However, such a house will not last long.

Inexpensive panel or foam block buildings on a pile foundation will cost a minimal amount and will even go to your grandchildren. A small country house can have standard size 3x3 or 4x4 m, and it will be possible to provide even a separate small walk-through kitchen-dining room. The second room will have one or two sleeping places.

A small house may have only one room with space for kitchen cabinets, a dining table and a sleeping area. But even to a small country house it makes sense to add a winter shelter glass veranda or a terrace along the long side of a building 2 m long. The veranda is erected on a common foundation or the foundation for it is poured separately.

Such a house can be made with a summer or winter attic. A medium-sized building will take at least free space on a plot of land, while the living area will increase. If there is an attic, bedrooms are located in it, and on the ground floor there is a kitchen and a bathroom.

Add such a building better veranda or a terrace where you can comfortably settle down to relax in the evening. For better heat retention, a vestibule can be provided in front of the entrance. A small summer shower will fit perfectly on the veranda.

If lightweight timber is used to build walls, and there are no problems with the soil (it is not too wet or loose, and groundwater does not rise too high), construction is sufficient strip foundation. The foundation for the stove is prepared simultaneously with the foundation of the house. For a veranda, a columnar base will be sufficient.

For a log house made of 150x150 timber, a strip of foundation 25 cm wide is prepared. The terrace is installed separately on pillars with a cross-section of 25 cm, buried in the ground at a distance of 60 cm. When building in marshy areas or erecting brick walls, you will need a full-fledged deeply buried foundation.

To save money, the foundation for the veranda can be made as a separate lightweight foundation (column or pile). It can be added after construction is completed. But the option with a separate foundation is suitable only if there is soil that is not prone to movement, otherwise the foundation will move.

Large house project

If the family is large, and the country house is planned to be used as a residence, including in winter, it makes sense to build a permanent building from rounded logs, timber or even bricks ready-made projects sizes 5.3x8.4 m, 7x8.4 m, 10x8 m and more. You can also order the development of your own non-standard project.

Such houses require a full strip foundation. It is laid below the freezing point of the soil, so that when seasonal temperatures change, movement and deformation of the structure does not occur.

A large country house can be two-story or consist of one floor and an insulated attic. It will have enough space not only for residents, but also for guests. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, bathroom and living room, and on the second floor there are bedrooms, children's rooms, an office and other rooms if necessary.

To avoid unnecessary problems with the supply of water, gas and sewerage, it is not worth moving the bathroom and cooking room to the second floor. It is also customary to arrange the living room on the ground floor, near the kitchen and away from the bedrooms.

If the building is planned to be used all year round, it is better to build not an attic, but a full second floor. Otherwise, almost the same amount of money will be spent on its insulation, wind and vapor barrier as on the construction of the second floor. It is also necessary to take into account heating costs - in the winter cold, solid walls will store heat much better than even well-insulated thin attic walls.

House with an attic

A country house with an attic will cost less than the construction of a full-fledged two-story building only if it will be used only in the summer. But even when arranging it you will need insulation. Otherwise, on sunny days it will be too hot. The heat insulation layer is made slightly thinner than for winter use.

If only the first floor is heated, only the walls of the building and the ceiling are insulated, leaving the attic cold. The door/lid intended for access to the upper floor is made as tight as possible and additionally insulated.

When constructing a conventional gable roof, the living space in the attic will not be enough. To increase the free space, the roof is made broken. However, its construction is more complex, and more materials will be required.

Another way to expand the space in the attic is to raise the walls just above the first floor. Such houses are called “one-and-a-half story houses.” By raising the walls, the area of ​​the premises will increase slightly.

Project of a house with a glazed veranda

The veranda can be attached to only one side of the house or run along two or even three walls. On heaving soils, it is better to build the foundation for it simultaneously with the foundation of the house. After all, when making a separate shallow foundation, you will gain only 1-2 m.

Most often, the veranda is completely glazed or the lower half of the wall is covered, and double-glazed windows or single frames are inserted along the top. You will receive a full-fledged room in which you can equip a dining room, living room or kitchen. In the warm season, the windows can be opened wide.

The veranda can also serve as a continuation of the living room. It can also be equipped with a small sports section, children's game room or even an office.

House with terrace

On the covered terrace you will not only be able to sit down for tea in the warm summer evening. On hot or rainy days, you can use it to do some current chores without littering the house. Often it is built upon completion of the main construction on a separate columnar foundation.

The garage is built as an extension to the house or is located on ground floor. The walls and foundation can be made of brick or concrete blocks. If the soil is wet or loose, the house is installed on a reinforced concrete pad.

Two-storey house

If the family is large enough, and the size of the plot does not allow building a large country house, it makes sense to build two-story building. In this case, you will be able to squeeze the maximum benefit out of even a small piece of land. The size of such a structure can be any from 4x4 m to 10x10 m or more.

The construction of a second floor will not cost much more. The load on the foundation increases by only 60%. Costs for flooring and roofing do not increase at all. Only the cost of materials for walls and interfloor covering. Thus, a square meter of area will cost less than in the case of a one-story building.

Experts do not advise overloading houses made of timber with an additional floor. It has enough advantages, but its strength has limits.

Country house combined with a bathhouse or sauna

If land plot does not allow you to allocate a separate place for the construction of a bathhouse; it can be easily attached to country house. Such a project is also economically beneficial - after all, building materials are separate building it will take a lot more. There will be no need for separate communications - light and water supply.

Very often, a bathhouse or sauna is added to a house after construction is completed. The foundation for it is selected depending on the type of soil and total weight building. To protect against moisture, the walls are carefully waterproofed.

Even if a bathhouse is being built simultaneously with a residential building, the foundation for it is made separate so that due to the difference in humidity, cracks do not appear and it does not move away from the general structure. The foundation must be built separately from the foundation of the house.

After all, because of high humidity cracks may appear in it, and the base of the bathhouse will begin to move away from the foundation of the entire structure. Sewer and water supply pipes are laid in it. A separate drainage pit is prepared at a distance of at least 3-5 m from the foundation.

To prevent moisture from entering the room, the entrances to the bathhouse or sauna and the house are made separate. Between them you can build a covered corridor-transition, veranda, gazebo, or at least a canopy - in this case, when moving from the bathhouse to the house in winter, the likelihood of catching a cold is reduced. Since the bathhouse and sauna are a source high humidity, you should carefully consider its ventilation system and waterproofing of the room.

In addition to ventilation holes, it is advisable to provide a window or small window for ventilation. The most acceptable option is to connect the steam room to a wall with a stove located in the house. In this case, the bathhouse or sauna will dry out much faster.

House with bay window

A bay window is a small part of a room protruding beyond the facade. Such structures will look ridiculous against the background of a building of a regular shape. A bay window will look harmonious only if there is complex architecture, unusual shape windows, roof or entrance area.

It can be built into only one of the floors or pass through two floors at once. The bay window can have any shape: from semicircular to trapezoidal or pentagonal. With its help, it is possible to expand the area of ​​the building - in such extensions there are dining areas, winter gardens or work rooms.

In the absence of experience in construction, it is hardly possible to create such a structure, and the project will need to be ordered from specialists. However, such a house looks very unusual.

It is possible to attach a bay window after the construction of the country house. In this case, cantilever slabs are used as the foundation, which are built into load-bearing wall. Such a foundation is buried to the same level as the foundation of the entire house. To lay out shaped protrusions, brick or profiled timber with a special locking system is most often used.

The protruding elements of the bay window lead to a weakening of the rigidity of the entire structure, so the frame of the house must be strengthened.

How much will it cost to purchase a finished building?

If you have no experience in construction, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made turnkey building. Depending on the allocated amount, you can buy either a simple panel structure or a full-fledged structure made of timber or logs. Since the cost of materials in each region may vary, it is better to find out the prices for such houses on the relevant websites.

  • For example, a small house made of 3x3 m timber with clapboard cladding will cost 60 thousand rubles.
  • An average-sized building of 5x3 m will cost about 10 thousand rubles.
  • A full-fledged log house with a veranda can be purchased for 270 thousand rubles.

Materials used for construction

The choice of foundation type depends on the type of soil and the total weight of the structure:

  • columnar or pile foundations made from concrete blocks, bricks, reinforced concrete, rubble stone in increments of 1-2.5 m; to combine them into one structure that serves as the support of the house, a grillage made of wood or metal is used; most economical option, more suitable for light timber or frame buildings, log houses; V dacha construction are mainly used screw piles, driving, stuffing and drilling are used less frequently;
  • strip foundation: a more durable support made of reinforced concrete, brick or rubble, such a tape runs along the entire perimeter of the house and internal partitions; is divided into two types: shallowly buried in the ground at 40-70 cm and deeply buried (used for heaving soils) 1.5-1.8 m below the freezing level; strip bases can be used for any type of house from cast, block to brick;
  • slab base in the form of a monolithic reinforced slab located on a sand and gravel bed; when the soil heaves, such a foundation is capable of lowering and rising without any deformation; such a base simultaneously serves as a subfloor; Suitable for all types of buildings, including large ones.

A columnar foundation on loose soils or with close groundwater passage is unacceptable. In these cases, strip foundations are used.

Most types of foundations are built on a 20-30 cm sand and gravel cushion, which protects the foundation from groundwater and capillary moisture. It is especially important in the presence of heaving (peaty and clayey) soil, which, when frozen, changes its volume and rises to the top. In the absence of a sand and gravel substrate, this can lead to warping of the foundation and cracking of the walls.

This cushion also helps to perfectly level the base before pouring the foundation. With its help, the pressure of the building on the ground is distributed more evenly. If it is absent and the structure settles unevenly, it may simply warp. Such a pillow is not made only on sandy soils or very wetlands.

When laying the foundation, sewerage and water supply pipes are immediately laid. Their depth is 0.5 m below the freezing point of the soil. If this is not possible, the pipes are additionally insulated. To ensure gravity flow of liquid, they are laid at a slight inclination of 4-7°.

Wall materials

The choice of materials for the walls of a country house depends on many factors: personal preferences, region of construction, duration of residence (all year round or only in the summer), project requirements and, of course, the allocated amount:

  • frame or panel buildings : their main advantages are low cost and ease of construction; The disadvantages include high flammability, low wind resistance and poor thermal insulation - a few years after the shrinkage of mineral wool or polystyrene foam laid between the frame posts, it will be difficult to heat the house; service life 30-40 years;
  • slag-cast: inexpensive buildings, for arranging the walls, formwork is prepared into which a mixture of cement and coal slag is poured; this method was even used in the construction of residential buildings several decades ago; the main disadvantage of this material is its low moisture resistance: inside such rooms, due to dampness, fungus quickly grows; service life up to 50-70 years;
  • lightweight houses made of gas or foam blocks: these inexpensive materials are 8 times larger than ordinary bricks, so the construction of the building will be quick, in addition, the blocks are easy to saw or drill; due to their high porosity they have high heat and sound insulation; the service life of aerated concrete is up to 50-80 years, foam blocks are slightly lower;
  • sandwich panel houses: unlike frame and panel panels, the strength element in them is not racks and crossbars, but the panel itself, filled with polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Such structures do not require assembly - fragments of the future building are delivered ready-made, all that remains is to assemble them; although such products are more expensive than panel and frame products, the disadvantages are the same - high flammability and short service life; although manufacturers claim that such a house can last up to a hundred years, in practice, within a couple of decades after the insulation shrinks, it will be problematic to live in the house permanently;
  • houses made of timber or log cabins: durable eco-friendly building; excellent heat retention; service life 100 years or more; garden houses made of timber can be purchased ready-made, “turnkey”;
  • brick or stone buildings: their construction will cost much more, but they will last 100-150 years or more.


For an inexpensive country house, it would be optimal to use a roof made of metal tiles or corrugated sheets. Such a roof is quite durable and not afraid of bad weather and can last up to 40 years. Rolled metal coated with a colored protective film looks quite aesthetically pleasing. Metal tiles are more convenient when arranging roofs of complex shapes.

The disadvantages of these two materials include a high noise level during rain or wind - the impact of every drop will be heard in the room. That is why it is worth considering soundproofing the ceiling.

Inexpensive polystyrene foam is a good heat insulator, but there is no point in using it as a sound insulator - it conducts sounds quite well. In addition, this material is flammable.

When using roofing felt as a roof, it is better to choose a material with an additional protective coating in the form of abrasive chips - it will last longer. However, the service life of inexpensive bitumen-based materials is short and is only 12-15 years. For euroroofing felt based on fiberglass, it lasts a little longer - 20-30 years.

Most optimal material For the roof of a building that is used not only in summer, but also in winter, slate is used. At a relatively low cost, it has excellent characteristics - it is not afraid of temperature changes, is chemically resistant, and its actual service life is up to 30-40 years. However, slate weighs a lot and increases the load on the foundation, so this fact must be taken into account when laying the foundation.

Arrangement of partitions

There is a rule in construction: partitions should not exceed the weight of load-bearing walls. The simplest inexpensive designs are frame, panel or plank. It is better not to use drywall in an unheated building - it quickly absorbs moisture and will warp over time.

In such a house it is better to use ordinary partitions made of boards, then covered with shingles and plastered with lime. Any types of partitions are installed only on the subfloor. After installing the frame, which is attached to the frames to the floor and ceiling, heat insulators are laid inside, with the help of which heat is more evenly distributed indoors.

When constructing walls from timber or logs, the arrangement of partitions begins only after the wood has settled. The timber will settle for at least 6 months, but it will take at least a year for the logs to dry out. Glued laminated timber almost does not shrink, so the installation of partitions can begin immediately after construction is completed.

Facade finishing

Facade plaster

Cinder block houses or cinder-cast structures can simply be plastered and then painted facade paint. Frame houses are covered with wood, finished with siding, block house (log panels) or thermal panels. It is also possible to plaster them.

If you have available funds, you can clad your country house with a ventilated facade with porcelain tiles or bricks. However, the cost of these materials cannot be called democratic.


If a heated building is not insulated sufficiently, this will lead not only to increased costs for coal or gas, but also to the appearance of condensation in the premises due to high temperature differences. Protecting the building from temperature changes and excess moisture by installing insulation will significantly extend its service life.

It is better to insulate a building only from the facade side, so that the dew point (the temperature at which water vapor turns into water) does not move inside the building. You will need to insulate both the foundation, the ceiling above the basement (between the joists or under the screed), the attic floor, and the walls themselves.

As a heat insulator, you can use inexpensive polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, sawdust or expanded clay. The last two are used as foundation insulation and attic backfill. Extruded polystyrene foam, resistant to rotting, can be used both for thermal insulation of walls and insulation of the foundation of a house.

To insulate the walls, a frame is prepared, between which waterproofing and a layer of insulation are laid. It is recommended to install a film on top of the heat insulator to serve as a wind barrier. Next, the frame is covered with any finishing material.

Buying a summer cottage is just the beginning. It needs to be planned, the optimal house selected, developed general concept its design. In this article we will consider a variety of country house projects. From the smallest for one room, to very spacious ones - for 100 square meters of usable area.

With veranda and terrace

When choosing the layout of a country house, they often try to find a project with a veranda or terrace. Such a covered area is good not only for relaxing or eating on outdoors. On a rainy or hot day, you can do a lot of things under a canopy, which, due to large quantity You can't create trash in the premises.

Relaxing at the dacha is no less important than work. What could be more enjoyable than relaxing outdoors?

On a common foundation

Projects of country houses with a veranda have a small area: the smallest have dimensions of 6 * 4 meters, and the veranda occupies 2 meters on the long side, and the house itself is 4 * 4 meters or 16 square meters (taking into account the thickness of the walls, even less).

Project of a 6*4 country house with a veranda and a bathroom

The project presented above provides winter use dachas To keep the house warm, there is an entrance through the vestibule. The entrance through the veranda can be used in summer. It is also good because it has a bathroom - a small shower, with sinks and a toilet. If there is no sewage system at your dacha, you can consider the option of a dry closet.

Another option - one room, in which space is allocated for several kitchen cabinets and a stove, costs a small dinner table and there is a sleeping place. This layout is ideal for one person. Two people will feel good in it. This option does not have a bathroom, so you will have to build a toilet separately.

Project of a small country house with a veranda under a common roof

The layout of a small country house (up to 40 meters) is quite simple: usually there are two rooms, the first of which is used as a kitchen and dining room at the same time. Most often it is a walk-through. The second room is living. You can more or less comfortably place two sleeping places here. So, projects of country houses with a 6*4 meter attic are designed to accommodate 1-2 people.

Project of a country house with a bathroom and an open terrace under pitched roof

If the construction budget is very limited, consider projects of country houses with a pitched roof. They are unusual for our country, but the cost of roofing for a small area is much less. You just have to choose correct angle roof slope (taking into account the amount of snow cover).

Country house with a covered winter veranda 8*8 meters, project with layout

A medium-sized country house is shown in the photo above. The project is interesting because the veranda here was originally “winter”, glazed. Most owners of open verandas come to the need to glaze it, and to build a gazebo for a pleasant time outdoors. IN this project the veranda is a continuation of the living room, but a partition can be installed here. In general, a convenient and comfortable house with a traditional layout, all rooms are separate, there is a bathroom, and a fenced off corridor. All conditions for year-round living.

On a separate foundation

Please note that the above projects of country houses with a veranda have a common foundation. This is reliable, since even with spring heaving of the soil there will be no movement. But the foundation costs are significant. Therefore, this approach is justified on complex soils prone to heaving. On normal soils, you can build a veranda on a separate, disconnected and lightweight (usually columnar or pile) foundation. One such project is presented below.

Country house plan 4*8 with attached veranda

In general, a veranda can be attached to any building. It can be laid at the design stage, or it can be added afterwards (as happens very often).

Small country house 6*4.5 with a veranda on a separate foundation

The veranda can completely occupy one side of the house, or it can cover two or even three of its sides. But there are options with a small open area (as in the photo above). In this case, the foundation may be separate, but there will not be much savings. For example, in the project above, only 1.1 meters of the main foundation were “gained.”

One-story house 7*7.5 with an attached terrace

We are so accustomed to comfort that even at the dacha we don’t want to have “convenience in the yard.” For many, the main selection criterion is the availability of a bathroom. Even the need for equipment individual sewerage doesn't scare them. Not all projects of small country houses can boast of such “excess”, but some have a bathroom (toilet and shower).

With attic

The idea of ​​increasing living space by adding an attic floor comes up often. It is believed that construction costs do not increase much, since most of the superstructure is a modified roof. In reality, if the attic is used all year round, the difference in the price tag for a two-story house and a one-story house with an attic will be small. After all, we must take into account that the area of ​​​​the attic floor premises is much smaller, and the costs will be high, since good heat, sound, and vapor insulation is required.

For some, a dream home looks like this

Attics under a gable roof

A country house with a summer attic will be really cheap. But it must be taken into account that on sunny days it will be too hot there without insulation, so thermal insulation is still necessary, but not as “serious” as for winter use.

Country house 6*6 with veranda and attic

A country house with a summer attic will be really cheap. But it must be taken into account that on sunny days it will be too hot there without insulation, so thermal insulation is still necessary, but not as “serious” as for winter use.

Small country house 5*4 for two living rooms with an attic

The country house projects presented above are intended for seasonal visits. They only provide living rooms. In the room on the first floor you can organize a kitchen corner.

Below is the layout of a small garden or country house measuring 5 by 5 meters with a dedicated kitchen. Please note that the porch is attached and is not on the plan.

5*5 cottage plan with attic and kitchen

All these houses are designed as frame houses. With minor modifications, these designs can be used for houses made of any other material. You just need to take into account the thickness of the walls and choose the right foundation.

Cottage with a covered veranda and attic 6*10 meters: floor plan

If desired, the covered veranda can be made open. Although, usually the opposite happens. Having built an open one, it is glazed or pushed out to half the wall, and single frames are installed. If you want fresh air, the windows can always be opened, and the area can be allocated for a summer dining room or kitchen.

How to increase the area of ​​the attic floor

All projects of country houses with attic floor made under gable roof. This is good in the sense that the snow will not linger on such steep slopes. The second advantage is the simple rafter system. Minus - small area a “full” room upstairs. Too much wasted space around the edges. You can make cabinets there, but this area is unsuitable for living.

If the attic roof is gable, a lot of space is lost

If it is important for you to increase your living space, you can make the roof sloping. It is more complex and more expensive, but the area of ​​the premises on the attic floor is much larger.

House project for a 7*7 dacha with an attic under a sloping roof and a bay window

Another way to increase the area is to raise the walls above the level of the first floor. They say to build “one and a half floors.” This option is good for dachas that are visited during the cold season. The roof can be made as you like, but a large area of ​​​​the rooms still turns out to be broken.

Example of “one and a half floor”

When choosing a project for a country house with an attic for periodic visits, it is better to make the attic cold and make the ceiling insulated. On the stairs that lead to the second floor, it is necessary to provide a door/cover that will separate upper tier. Otherwise, heating will take a lot of fuel and time. In winter, there are usually fewer people, and visits are short. Warming up both floors is too time-consuming and expensive, so this isn't a bad solution.

Projects of two-story country houses

Building a two-story house is not such an expensive undertaking. You still need one foundation, albeit a more powerful one, but its cost does not increase twice, but by 60%. The dimensions and insulation of the roof do not depend on the number of storeys at all, so there is no need to increase investments. The costs of the walls are added - their area is twice as large, but in general the cost per square meter of area is cheaper than when building a similar one-story dwelling. That’s why many people are looking for designs for two-story dachas.

Project of a small two-story house for a summer residence with an attached garage: living area 100 sq. m. m, total 127 sq. m, garage for one car

The above project is designed for aerated concrete or ceramic building blocks. Suitable for long areas. Attached garage very convenient to use - you can get into the house from the garage. Another plus: this option saves space on the plot, and there is always little of it at the dacha, no matter how big the plot you have.

In this layout option, there is a spacious terrace on the back side of the house. IN total area She doesn't come home. Interesting design makes the house different from others: big window on one and a half floors, a cubic garage and a canopy in front of the house - do not affect the price tag too much, but make the house unique.

Project of a two-story country house with a garage attached to the side

Another project for a two-story dacha with a garage attached to the side is presented above. This option is more suitable for square or wide areas. The building area in plan is 10*10 meters, living area is 108 square meters. The tall windows on the second floor give this house an unusual appearance. The selection of finishing materials and the combination of light beige and brown colors also contribute. Overall an interesting project.

Project of a summer house with a balcony around the perimeter of the second floor

A non-standard-looking two-story house with a balcony that encircles the entire building. On the back side there is an extensive open terrace. The roof is hipped, which complicates the design, but gives the building a special flavor.

With sauna

For many people, a dacha is associated with a bathhouse. A bathhouse, of course, can be built separately, but it is time-consuming and expensive. In a medium-sized country house, it is quite possible to set aside a room for a steam room. It is usually done with the entrance from the bathroom/WC, since water procedures are necessary. For true steamers, there should still be access to the street nearby: so that you can quickly cool off in a river or outdoor pool.

Project of a country house with a bathhouse/sauna in a Scandinavian style

The minimum size of a steam room is 2*2 meters, the optimal size is 3*3. Such rooms can be fitted even into small houses, but at the same time the amount of living space will be reduced. If you still need to have enough rooms, you can consider the option of an attic floor. One such example is in the photo below.

Project of a country house with a bathhouse and an attic

Pay attention to the layout. The first thing you should focus on is that the stove is installed in such a way that it is heated from the next room. In this case, it is the recreation room. The option is not very good, since the entrance is far away. You will have to carry firewood across the room, which is inconvenient and usually results in a lot of garbage.

Another drawback: this option does not have a kitchen. For country life this is a serious drawback. Kitchen Area can be organized in big room, the bedrooms should be placed exclusively upstairs. Another layout option is to make a kitchen in the current “furnace/recreation room.” It’s more convenient to relax in large room. It’s convenient to go in there after taking a shower.

Small and inexpensive

Small dachas are usually designed using the most inexpensive construction technologies. In our country, this is frame technology and wooden houses. Houses made of porous building blocks (foam concrete, aerated concrete) are in approximately the same category. But they are still not so popular.

Small frame house for a summer residence

Projects of country houses using frame technology

Small country houses are usually built using frame technology. You can build frames yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones - prefabricated ones. These are two technologies that, with minimal investment of money and time, allow you to have good holiday housing.

One-story country house 5*5 meters: project with layout

To optimize the budget for building a country house, look for projects whose foundation on the plan is a rectangle or square. The presence of any protrusions leads to an increase in the price per square meter. Not only do the costs of the foundation increase, the area of ​​the walls increases, and, therefore, the costs for them. The roof is also more expensive - the rafter system is more complex, there are more complex components.

Layout of a 6*4 country house with kitchen, toilet, summer veranda

One more point for those who plan to visit the dacha in winter. So that when walking back and forth from the house he does not “run away” warm air, it is advisable to make the entrance with a vestibule. If the area does not allow it to be built-in, make an extension. This will greatly reduce fuel consumption and the time it takes to warm up the house.

Beam and log

One of the most common building materials in our country: timber and logs. The advantage is that a small country house can be built very quickly. Minus - long-term shrinkage (from six months to a year, depending on the initial moisture content of the log and climatic conditions). It is not worth carrying out finishing work until the end of the period of active shrinkage, which delays the possibility of operating the building. This does not apply to standing log houses (ready-made kits) or laminated veneer lumber. But the price is significantly (twice) higher for such options.

A small country house made of 4*4 timber - a very simple project

If we talk about the smallest country houses, they measure 4 by 4 meters. Doing less simply doesn't make sense. The layout in this case is quite simple: it’s just one room. They can differ only in their orientation to the cardinal directions, the number and location of windows. Doors can also be located in the middle or on the side. All. The options have run out.

The house will be a little larger in area, 6*4 meters. Here in its “pure” form we have about 22 squares of area, place 14-15 in the previous version. The layout is still not very diverse, but you can already fence off the kitchen area.

Country house plan 6*4

If we talk about optimal costs, then the above country house projects are not the best option. The fact is that it is better to make timber or log cottages 6*6 in plan. The fact is that the standard length of both beams and logs is 6 meters. If the walls of your house are smaller, you need to either look for a non-standard length of suitable length, or saw off the excess from the standard ones. Yes, non-standard costs much less, but you will have to look for it in different sawmills. Even at the largest sawmill, it is more than difficult to find timber or logs 4-5 meters long in sufficient quantities for construction. So you will have to “iron” everything nearby. It is difficult to say what the quality of the material will be. Although, if it doesn’t work for you, you can buy the same non-standard logs for several years, put them in piles, bringing them to operating humidity. Overall, this is a good plan. It just takes a lot of time to implement.

Have you always dreamed of having your own cozy home at their summer cottage, but for some reason could not bring their plans to life? A step towards making your dream of country housing come true can be the construction of a summer house, which is ideal for seasonal living.

First of all, you need to purchase and. Its size and location can be any, the most important thing when choosing is your wishes and means. In most cases, people purchase plots that have already been cultivated, but for those who want to develop it from scratch, the option of virgin soil is perfect.

If the site is located in middle lane Russia, it is recommended to build housing in its northern or northwestern part. This will ensure maximum protection from cold winds and good lighting. In this case, a blank wall, which has a steeper roof slope, should face west or northwest.

Option for location of a summer house on the site

The porch and windows should ideally be directed east or southeast, that is, towards the main part of the garden plot. If you place them on the side of the roadway, then dust will become a permanent guest in your home.

House layout

Many summer house projects are distinguished by their simple layout and lower construction costs, since in them the options for heating and maintaining heat in the winter are not in the first place, unlike private residential buildings for permanent residence.

If you are planning to arrange a place to relax, then the house must have appropriate premises - a room, a veranda and a small kitchen. For those who like to prepare food for the winter, a spacious attic and basement will be simply irreplaceable. In addition, it is worth thinking about having a storage room for storing various garden equipment and inventory.

Simple layout of a summer house with a veranda (2) and an attic (4)

When drawing up the layout of a future house, it is necessary to take into account the number of people who will live in it. It is also recommended to link the project to the site according to all its components, including relief, area and wind rose. And, of course, remember about communications - energy supply and water sources.

What is better to build from?

The next stage is the construction of the house structure itself. In most cases, during construction they use. Wood is used as the main material for building walls. Traditional Russian technology involves the use log house– logs laid horizontally and connected at the corners by notches.

Summer country house made of logs

It should be taken into account that the logs should extend beyond the corner by approximately 25-40 cm, due to which the structure becomes reliably protected from bad weather. Cobblestone walls, unlike log beams, require less labor and less material used, but require higher quality insulation. Subject to the right technology construction can last more than a hundred years.

More economical frame walls will allow you to get a structure that will be the most accessible and optimal. The most simple solution is a prefabricated country house summer house small in size, which is built from individual wooden and metal structures.

Where to start drafting a project

In order to get a strong and beautiful summer house on your garden plot, you don’t have to pay a lot of money. You can build it on your own if you carefully study some and the process of compiling them in advance.

Construction of a simple summer house
  1. Consider the maximum number of people who will live in the summer house, as well as their requirements for living conditions.
  2. Remember that the features of the house design directly depend on the topography and location of your garden plot, the direction of the winds, and the location of the house itself.
  3. Think about whether it will be convenient and necessary to connect certain communications to the house: sewerage, water, electricity.
  4. Choose the interior style of your future building. If you want to make some pieces of furniture yourself, then you should acquire the appropriate tools in advance.
  5. Define functional purpose the buildings. A summer recreation room can easily do without a cellar and a kitchen, and a house for storing equipment and crops should include utility rooms and a storage room.

A small house without a kitchen measuring 4x4 m

Types of summer houses

Garden summer houses differ not only in general characteristics(type of material used in construction, size, type of external decoration), but also individual characteristics (doors, windows, structure of the house itself).

Read also

House projects by Canadian technology

Small summer house project

Prefabricated summer houses

Any summer resident will undoubtedly be delighted with reliable and complete housing, which, if necessary, can be easily disassembled, transported and quickly installed in a new location. This opportunity is provided by mobile modular structures.

Prefabricated houses are designed for family holidays, have a functional layout and a large area, and can be one or two floors. Such structures require the presence of a kitchen, rest room, bathroom, technical room. The houses are equipped with everything necessary: ​​heating, ventilation, electricity and air conditioning systems. When creating an interior layout, attention should not be paid to such elements as a shower stall, countertop, sink, water heater, suspended ceilings etc.

Modular prefabricated two-story house

Here's a team cozy house you can do it very quickly and inexpensively at your summer cottage

Stationary small summer houses

Stationary houses have a longer service life and increased level comfort. Wooden country houses are undoubtedly more reliable and comfortable housing for people. In addition, these structures are erected very quickly, since they are assembled from almost ready-made parts.

Summer country house made of wood - enough economical look housing that does not require the construction of a complex foundation. There is no need for special finishing works, since the material and, consequently, the structure made from it will be very beautiful and attractive.

Small summer wooden house

Summer house with terrace and porch

If you need a summer house, intended mainly for overnight stays for two married couples, you can use an option in which the building has two rooms, each of which has its own entrance. The first room can be accessed through a small covered terrace, which is located on the side of the facade, and the other through the rear porch, which is also located under a common roof.

You can easily use this house for your own needs, and not just for receiving guests (for example, in this case it will be very convenient to arrange a workshop and a summer dining room). When erecting the walls of this structure, it is recommended to use thin timber, and to cover the roof - soft bitumen tiles.

An example of the layout of a small 2-room summer house with a terrace

Project of a house with a summer veranda

When building a summer house with a veranda, you first need to think about the most optimal location for this part of the housing. In most cases, verandas are located along the facade of the building, due to which Entrance door the house is inside. The width and length of the structure are selected individually, but the most common are 3-6 m by 2.5 m. The veranda is supported by foundation pillars located under the corner posts of the frame. It is necessary to dig trenches under the posts into which a concrete foundation is laid.

Summer house with a beautiful veranda

After completing the construction of the veranda structure, it’s time to start finishing it appearance. Projects of houses with a summer veranda assume the presence of your own, individual design, which will become the highlight of the entire home. Basically, when decorating a room, various plants and flowers are used, for example, vines or in pots.

Project of a house with a summer kitchen

Arranging a summer kitchen, even with the simplest option, is accompanied by certain monetary costs for construction. In addition, it takes up a lot of free space, which can cause significant inconvenience when it comes to small areas. In this case, universal kitchen areas will be a real salvation, which, if necessary, can be easily converted from a summer option to a winter one. You can achieve the desired result if you equip the kitchen on the ground floor of the building and fence it off with a sliding wall.

This type of room is simple kitchen, which is combined with the outside space of the house (this will require the installation of ceiling-high glass doors). Due to hermetic sliding door systems, the interior space of the home can be easily and simply protected from the effects of rain, wind and other bad weather conditions.

Project of a garden house with a terrace

As a rule, garden houses with a terrace are practically complete housing for the summer season. Their designs include everything necessary premises except the kitchen. From the covered terrace there is an entrance to the hallway, from where you can enter the living room and then the bedroom. The living room can also be used as a dining room.

Layout garden house with terrace

During construction, one of the rooms can be equipped with a bathroom, which will make the house even more comfortable and functional.

The cottage is a great place to relax in nature. Most often, this building is small in size: one or two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

However, if you attach a veranda to a country house, it will expand its usable area and become a favorite place for all household members. The construction will provide an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and countryside silence without interference.

Types of extensions

There are two types of verandas: summer - open and all-season - closed.

Open structures

  1. The open veranda of a country house is used only in the warm season. The structure is very simple and most of all looks like a spacious porch.
  2. It is ideal for organizing family breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  3. Even when the house has been in use for a long time, such a veranda can be attached to it with your own hands at any time.
  4. You can put any light furniture . Usually this is a large one, lounge chairs or a sofa.
  5. An open veranda can have any shape, as well as size - small or large. If you make it cozy, comfortable and paint it a natural warm color, then it will become one of your favorite places in the garden.

Enclosed veranda

  1. Indoor buildings are suitable for spending time in any season of the year.
  2. Before you attach a veranda to a country house, you must take into account that in winter this room will be the coldest. Therefore, it is advisable to equip it with double-glazed windows and install a heating system, for example, “warm floors”.
  3. In order for the room to be filled with natural light, the windows in it should be large and run along its perimeter.
  4. A warm veranda can be turned into an office, kitchen, library, hallway, playroom etc.
  5. Based on this, when country houses with a veranda are built, their designs should take into account the purpose of the extension. For example, if it will serve as a kitchen, its walls should be lined with moisture-resistant materials, and only the top of the walls should be glazed.

If closed veranda not to insulate, then in addition to the obvious disadvantage of this fact, the solution will also have its advantages.
For example, the price of an extension will be less.
You can save here by reducing the thickness of the walls, not using thermal insulation, and using a lightweight foundation.

The layout of a house with a veranda can be varied, as it fits perfectly with the architecture of simple rectangular buildings, both one- and two-story. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment when designing.

Design and construction of a house

You can develop options for country houses with a veranda yourself or contact a design company.

Which way to choose

  1. In any case, this stage should begin with the selection of a site for development.
  2. A house with an extension should be designed taking into account the size of the plot, its topography and landscape, soil characteristics, and the presence of utilities.
  3. Projects of country houses with a veranda are divided into standard and individual. The first option is more economical, but the result of the work will not be original.
  4. The reason for the cheapness of standard projects is that they are developed according to a template and do not take into account the characteristics of specific cases. Here the designer only needs to link the documentation to your site.
  5. The main difference between original projects and standard analogues is that the house and its extension will be unique. Along with the advantages, this option also has disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the significant design cost.

Construction of an extension

If a country house was originally built without a veranda, one can be attached to it at any time. To do this, you can hire professional builders or carry out the work yourself.

They are not complex and are conventionally divided into three stages.

  1. Construction. Here it is initially necessary to accurately determine the building material from which the veranda will be built. Based on this, you should choose best option foundation.

A country summer house with a light-type veranda, built from wood, frame or plastic structures, can be built on a columnar type base.
If the extension will be made of brick, stone and other heavy building materials, then you need to think about a stronger and more reliable foundation.
For example, about a strip buried foundation.

  1. Construction of extension walls. The instructions warn that this stage construction work is the most difficult and responsible.
    When building a veranda, you can use a frame made of metal - steel or aluminum. It can then be sheathed with sheet plastic, moisture-resistant plywood, boards, or plastic or wooden lining.
    When extensive country verandas- adjacent to the house, can be used wooden beam, brick, stone.
  2. Finishing work consists of painting, varnishing, whitewashing, wall cladding different materials. This is a set of measures necessary to make the extension look aesthetically pleasing.

All of the above work, if you have the necessary skills, can be done on your own.


The veranda greatly increases the functionality of a country house. This extension is not so difficult to do yourself. The main thing here is to take into account the features of a residential building and arrange additional space based on your needs.

The video in this article will give you a lot of additional information.