Biology project on the theme of autumn. Ecological mini-project “Golden Autumn. Autumn changes in wildlife

07.04.2015 19:31

Topic update:

Goal of the work: study the reasons for changes in leaf color in trees and

bushes before leaf fall.


V autumn period.

change color.

Object of study:

Subject of study: change in leaf color on trees and


Hypothesis: My guess is that leaves change color on trees and shrubs because the tree is sick or the leaves are afraid of the cold.

Practical significance


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“Research work “Why leaves fall in autumn””

Municipal educational government institution secondary general education

school in the village of Levintsy, Orichevsky district Kirov region

VIIregional conference of research works and junior projects

schoolchildren “I explore nature”


Completed the work: 4th grade student

Maltseva Alexandra

Head: Elena Evgenievna Chagina,

teacher primary classes

village Levintsy

Introduction ……………………………………………………… I. Literature review ………………………………………………………

1.1 Reasons for changes in leaf color in trees and shrubs

1.2 Leaf fall deciduous trees and bushes…………

1.3 Features of leaf fall different trees and bushes...

II. Research methods

2.1 Work steps

2.2 Research methods

III. Research results

Conducting research on the extraction of pigments from plant material, experimental results......

Bibliography …………………………………………….

Application …………………………………………………


Topic update:

I have always been interested to know where autumn comes from so many bright and varied colors. After all, in summer all the leaves are green. Why exactly in the fall does the foliage change color, and the leaves become yellow, red, purple. In the lesson “The World Around us” we studied seasonal changes in nature. They brought a lot from the excursion colorful leaves. But I never received an answer as to why all the leaves are different colors, so I decided to find out on my own.

Goal of the work: study the reasons for changes in leaf color in trees and shrubs before leaf fall.


1. Study literature on the topic.

2. Observe the color of deciduous trees and shrubs

during the autumn period.

3. Investigate why there are leaves on trees and shrubs in autumn

change color.

4. Find out why trees and shrubs shed their leaves for the winter.

Object of study: fallen leaves of trees and bushes.

Subject of study: change in leaf color of trees and shrubs.

Hypothesis: My guess is that the leaves change color on the trees and shrubs because the tree is sick and the leaves are afraid of the cold.

Practical significance: ability to independently obtain information on the right topic, find application of the acquired knowledge in Everyday life, development of aesthetic taste, interest in environmental problems.

Novelty The work is that no one has ever conducted such research at our school; there is not enough material in the literature on this topic.

ILiterature review

1.1 What is leaf fall

Leaf fall - the natural fall of leaves in woody plants and shrubs in the fall, associated with the preparation of plants for winter and caused by changes in day length. Only a few (for example, oak) leaves dry out and gradually collapse; usually leaves that have previously lost green color and having become yellow and red, they fall off. Leaves may fall en masse over a period of time or gradually, one at a time, over a long period of time. If a plant loses all its leaves for any period of time, they are called deciduous. Evergreens carry leaves all year round, changing them periodically 1.

1.2 Main autumn seasons

Autumn– one of the four seasons, between summer and winter. Autumn is a transitional season, when there is a noticeable decrease in daylight hours and the air temperature gradually drops.

Conventionally, autumn is divided into four subseasons.

1 sub-season- beginning of autumn. It begins with the appearance of the first yellow strands in the crowns of birch, linden, and elm, and it ends when the number of colored and green leaves becomes approximately equal, which often happens in the last ten days of September.

2 sub-season- Golden autumn. Lasts approximately from late September to mid-October. During this period, the foliage on the trees turns more and more yellow and intensive leaf fall begins. The forests are gradually becoming bare.

3 subseason– late autumn (October). With the end of leaf fall for birch, aspen and elm, deep autumn begins and lasts. It continues until the first snow (not flying in the air, but the one that covers the ground at least for a day or night).

4 subseason– pre-winter (first half of November). The last autumn subseason, which is also a transition to winter, is why it got its name. 2

1.3 Green leaf color

In summer, all trees have the same color - green. But in the fall, the same leaves take on different colors. Where do these colors come from?

It turns out that the leaves are green because they contain a special substance - chlorophyll. Scientists called this substance chlorophyll (from Greek words"chloros" - green and "phyllon" - leaf). Chlorophyll is considered the green blood of plants. It's like a tiny kitchen inside every leaf! This kitchen helps convert sunlight and water into food for plants. Science has proven that without a green leaf, not only can a plant not live, but there would be no life at all on Earth. It turned out that the most important transformations of water and carbon dioxide into sugar and starch. At the same time, the leaves release oxygen, which all living things on the planet breathe. The great Russian scientist Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev called the leaf the great factory of life. Timiryazev devoted most of his life to chlorophyll research. In his book “The Life of a Plant,” he showed with vivid examples how it feeds, grows, develops and reproduces. green plant. Chlorophyll plays main role V photosynthesis. 3 The process of photosynthesis can be depicted with this simple formula.



The leaves seem green to us large quantity chlorophyll grains located in the leaf. Along with chlorophyll, there are others in the leaf pigments 4 - CAROTENOIDS(yellow and Orange color), ANTHOCYAN ( red and purple). Chlorophyll in a living leaf is constantly being destroyed and formed again.

But this only happens in the light. Therefore, in the summer, when the sun shines for a long time, the formation of chlorophyll does not lag behind its destruction. And the leaf remains green all the time. At this time, other pigments “sleep”. By the end of summer - beginning of autumn, the days become shorter. Trees sense the approaching cold and begin to prepare for winter. Plants are already receiving less light. Chlorophyll is destroyed during the day and does not have time to be restored at night. The green light in the leaf decreases, and a yellow, crimson or red tint becomes noticeable. It depends on what coloring substance is in the withering leaf. Trees and plants prepare for winter, and give us the opportunity to admire their beautiful colors every time. 5

II. Research methods

2.1. Stages of work

Stage 1 – preparatory: statement of the problem, selection of an object, study of the territory, familiarity with methods and literature.

Stage 2 – experimental: collection of fallen leaves was carried out on the territory of the school site. Identification of unfamiliar leaves using the identification atlas, conducting experiments on leaf coloring.

Stage 3 – analytical: analysis of research results, finding out why leaves change their color in the autumn, experimentally finding out what the color of leaves on trees and shrubs depends on, isolating plant pigments.

Stage 4 – reporting: decor research work.

Stage 5 – informational: The results of the work were familiarized to the students of our class and the participants of the regional conference.

2.2 Working methods

2.2.1 Survey of classmates about the reasons for the change in leaf color.

2.2.2 Observations on changes in leaf color in different subseasons

2.2.3 Collection of fallen leaves of trees: silver birch, maple

American, aspen, mountain ash, gray alder; shrubs: rosehip

May, lilac, chokeberry ( chokeberry).

2.2.4 Conducting experiments to change leaf color

Experiments No. 1,2 Isolation of chlorophyll from lilac leaves

Experiments No. 3,4 Isolation of anthocyanin from red cabbage leaves

III. Research results

3.1 Results of the classmate survey

I read in the atlas-identifier A.A. Pleshakova “From Earth to Sky” information about each tree and shrub that I will study, and conducted a survey among classmates, trying to find out what they think about the change in leaf color before leaf fall.

Poll of classmates on the topic: “Why do leaves change color?”

3.2 Change in leaf color of trees and shrubs to different

subseasons of autumn


1 sub-season

2 sub-season

3 subseason

4 subseason

Silver birch

first yellow leaves

excessive yellowing of foliage

end of leaf fall

American maple

purple leaf color

leaf fall

yellow and bright red leaves

end of leaf fall

first red leaves

excessive reddening of foliage

leaf fall

Gray alder

leaves do not change color

leaves do not change color

leaves do not change color

end of leaf fall

Rosehip May

first red leaves

excessive reddening of foliage

leaf fall

leaves do not change color

leaves do not change color

leaves do not change color

end of leaf fall

purple-red color

leaf fall


3.3 Experimental results


Equipment and materials: lilac leaf, alcohol, flask

Progress: for the experiment I took a lilac leaf, because it contains only one pigment - chlorophyll. She put it in a flask, filled it with alcohol and began to observe what was happening. After 5-7 minutes, dark spots appeared on it. In the place where the leaf was slightly torn, a light green color appeared. The alcohol acquired a light green tint. I waited another 20 minutes, but the color did not become brighter.

Conclusion: The change in color of the alcohol occurred because chlorophyll dissolved in the alcohol.

EXPERIENCE No. 2Isolation of chlorophyll from lilac leaves

Equipment and materials: lilac leaf, alcohol, flask, cup, tripod, dry fuel, tray, matches

Progress: Now I decided to heat the flask with alcohol, in which there was already a lilac leaf, in a water bath. When the water in the cup is hot,

the alcohol began to turn green. After 5 minutes the alcohol completely changed its color

Conclusion: chlorophyll dissolves in alcohol, and when heated, this process occurs faster. Strong The alcohol extract from green leaves looks emerald green in the light.

(Appendix No. 1)


Equipment and materials: red cabbage leaves, saucepan, spoon, 9% acetic acid

Progress: For the experiment, I took red cabbage leaves, because they contain anthocyanin , put it in a saucepan and put it on the fire. When the water boiled, it appeared turquoise shade. Then the color of the water became more saturated. I dropped a few drops of 9% directly into the pan. acetic acid and the water in the pan acquired two different shades. Where the acid hit, the water turned pink, and the second part of the water remained turquoise. I stirred the water in the pan with a spoon, and the water turned bright pink. I took out a cabbage leaf with a spoon and saw that now it was not purple, but pale yellow. I spent 15 minutes doing the experiment.

Conclusion: Red cabbage leaves contain anthocyanin, which gives the leaves a pink color.

EXPERIENCE No. 4Isolation of anthocyanin from red cabbage leaves

Equipment and materials: red cabbage leaves, glass pan, plate, glass, 70% acetic acid

Progress: I took 3 leaves of red cabbage, put it in a pan with water and put it on the fire. When the water in the pan began to boil, the water began to change color. At first it turned light blue, then the water became greenish, and whitish spots appeared on the leaves. I decided to cook the leaves longer, after 20 minutes they turned dark green and the water turned a dirty red hue. I poured the water into a glass, dropped a few drops of 70% acetic acid, and the water turned bright red.

Conclusion: This experience proves that plant leaves contain a pigment - anthocyanin, which gives the water a red color.

(Appendix No. 2)

General results examination of leaves for the release of pigments:


carrying out



Experience No. 1

with lilac leaves

lilac leaf dipped in alcohol solution

the alcohol turned light green

chlorophyll dissolves in alcohol

Experience No. 2

with lilac leaves

the flask with alcohol was heated in a water bath

the alcohol has acquired an emerald green color

chlorophyll when heated

dissolves faster in alcohol

Experience No. 3

cabbage leaves were boiled in water, 9% acetic acid was added

the water turned red pink color

Anthocyanin was released from cabbage leaves

Experience No. 4

with red cabbage leaves

cabbage leaves were boiled in water, the water was poured into a glass, 70% vinegar was added

the water turned bright red

anthocyanin was released from cabbage leaves; the stronger the acid solution, the brighter the color

Conclusions from the study:

    Having studied the literature on the topic, I learned that leaf fall is a natural

falling leaves of trees and shrubs associated with preparation for winter.

2. Conducted observations of the color of leaves of trees and shrubs in autumn and

I saw that the leaves were colored differently.

3. After conducting experiments, I learned that the change in leaf color depends on

what pigment, besides chlorophyll, is in the leaf.

4. I found out that trees and shrubs shed their leaves to survive in

winter period.

My FIRST HYPOTHESIS, that the trees get sick in the fall and therefore change the color of the leaves, was not confirmed. But I realized that the autumn color of leaves depends on what pigment, besides chlorophyll, is in the leaves.

My SECOND HYPOTHESIS, that the leaves are afraid of the cold and therefore fly away in the fall, was also not confirmed. But I learned that it is beneficial for trees and shrubs to shed their leaves in order to survive in cold winter. The color of the leaves depends on the presence of one or another pigment, the content of which depends on the length of daylight hours.


    Pleshakov A. A., From earth to sky. Atlas-determinant [text]/

M.: Education, - 1998.- 84-91 p.

    Dietrich A., Yurmin. G., Why. Children's Encyclopedia [text]/

M.: Pedagogy-press, - 1993. – 182-184 p.

    Children's encyclopedia. Forest [text]/ - 2003 - No. 8. – 24-40 p.

    Graubin G., Why leaves fall in autumn [text] / M.: Malysh, - 1985. -

    Kurkova S. SM, Sidorenko V. N. The world around us [text]/ M.:

Parity, - 2004. – 27-28 p., 128-129 p.

    Kozhevnikov A.V., Spring and autumn in the life of plants [text]/ M.: Vlados, -1983. – 57-59 p.

7. Children's encyclopedia. The World of Forest [text]/ M.: Makhaon, 2008. 44-45 p.

8. Internet sites: www.

Material from Wikipedia - free


Appendix No. 1

EXPERIENCE No. 1 and No. 2 Isolation of chlorophyll from lilac leaves

Fig.1 Fig.2

Appendix No. 2

EXPERIENCE 3 Isolation of anthocyanin from red cabbage leaves

Fig.1 Fig.2

Fig.3 Fig.4


EXPERIENCE No. 4 Isolation of anthocyanin from red cabbage leaves

Fig.1 Fig.2



2 Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

3 Photosynthesis- the process of education in green leaves nutrients in the light.

4 Pigmentsorganic compounds, which are present in plant cells and color them.


Project on the theme "My favorite time year - autumn" is done in all grades of elementary school. In grades 1 and 2, the project contains poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about the seasons. In grades 3 - 4, observations of changes in nature and in the animal world associated with the characteristics of autumn are added.

Projects can be collective or individual. Sometimes children are given the task of preparing a project page with riddles or signs, etc.

If your child received this at school homework, then he can be asked to complete the project in the following form:

  1. Presentation (PowerPoint), on a flash drive
  2. Word document printed on A4 sheets
  3. Creative work done with your own hands (an example of such work is presented below)

For self-execution project you will need:

Riddles about autumn

The field is empty, it's raining.
The wind blows away the leaves.
The fog is creeping from the north,
Formidable clouds loomed.
Birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pine trees with my wing.
Guess what, dear friend,
What time of year is it? - ...

Came without helmets and without brush
And repainted all the leaves

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's simple...
(Leaf fall)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's simple...
(Leaf fall)

Proverbs and sayings about autumn

There is no September without fruits.

In autumn, the cat also has a pie.

Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.

In autumn, the sparrow has a feast.

In November there will be snow and bread will arrive.

Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.

Spring gives flowers, and autumn gives fruits.

Autumn has come and brought the harvest.

Autumn will give orders, spring will say its own.

There is no turning back from autumn to summer.

Autumn is coming and with it comes the rain.

Autumn is long, winter is long.

Autumn is a gathering, winter is a gathering.

Autumn - eight weather conditions.

Autumn frost will not squeeze out tears, and winter frosts will not squeeze tears out of your eyes.

Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.

Poems about autumn


The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning
And they fall under my feet like a bright carpet.
It's like they're terribly busy
Green, red and gold...
Maple leaves, oak leaves,
Purple, scarlet, even burgundy...
I throw my leaves up at random -
I can arrange leaf fall too!
Y. Kasparova


The yellow maple looks into the lake,
Waking up at dawn.
The ground froze overnight,
All the hazel is in silver.

The belated redhead shudders,
Pinned down by a broken branch.
On his chilled skin
The light drops tremble.

Scared away the alarming silence
In a lightly dormant forest
Moose roam cautiously,
They gnaw the bitter bark.

Various birds flew away,
Their sonorous chorus has ceased
And the rowan tree celebrates autumn,
Putting on red beads.
O. Vysotskaya



Leaves swirl over the path.
The forest is transparent and crimson...
It's good to wander with a basket
Along the edges and clearings!

We are walking, and under our feet
A golden rustle is heard.
Smells like wet mushrooms
It smells like forest freshness.

And behind the foggy haze
The river sparkles in the distance.
Spread it out in the clearings
Autumn yellow silk.

A cheerful ray through the needles
He penetrated into the thicket of the spruce forest.
Good for wet trees
Remove the elastic boletus!

There are beautiful maples on the hillocks
Scarlet flames burst into flames...
How many saffron milk caps, honey fungus
We'll pick it up in the grove in a day!

Autumn is walking through the forests.
There is no time more beautiful than this...
And in baskets we carry away
Forests are generous gifts.
A. Balonsky


Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in sun rays -
This dress is golden
On the shoulders of a birch tree.

At viburnum and rowan
Blackbirds fly in flocks...
Dahlias under the window
They are proud of their beauty.

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly... they fly... they fly...

Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle,
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.

Everything is flying! This must be
Our summer is flying away.
E. Trutneva

Autumn colors

Oh, how generous autumn is with colors,
For coolness and aroma.
The leaves are regal, like in a fairy tale,
They hover over the cooled earth.

I love this sad time
The air is fresh, transparent and clean,
Smoke from the chimneys rises up the mountain,
In the morning, the frost in the grass is silvery.

Every day the trees become more and more transparent,
Everything is softer than the carpet underfoot.
And the sorceress makes autumn
Multi-colored pattern of foliage.

Frosts will come soon
And the fields will be covered with snow,
In the meantime, I'm drawing birches
In the bright gold of amber.

Olesya Lykova

Signs of autumn

Warm autumn means a long winter.

Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.

A large harvest of mountain ash means big frosts.

The geese have flown - snow will fall soon.

Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter.

Indian summer is stormy - autumn is dry, Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.

If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn.

A lot of acorns on an oak tree - for a fierce winter.

If migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and if they fly low, there will be little snow.

If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

Squirrels make a large supply of nuts - wait for a cold winter.

Seasonal changes in plant life in autumn.

The most important sign of autumn is leaf fall. Leaf fall is the biological process of plants shedding their leaves, which helps them adapt to harsh winter conditions.

Yellow leaves are a signal of drought. Could there really be a drought in September? Is there really not enough water for the tree?

There is a lot of water, but the tree cannot take it. In autumn the ground became cold, and cold water roots cannot absorb. The leaves began to fall in the forest. In autumn, deciduous trees change the color of their leaves, they dry out and fall off.

Seasonal changes in the life of animals and birds in autumn.

Birds that are unable to provide themselves with food winter conditions, fly to warmer climes, where they find abundant food. This migratory birds, they mainly feed on insects.

Animals such as foxes, wolves, hares change their fur to thicker and warmer ones, and the squirrel, hare and ermine also change color. The hare turns white in order to be invisible in the snow so as not to fall into the paws of predators, and the ermine becomes less noticeable when hunting.

Mammals that are unable to obtain food in winter conditions hibernate. Before hibernation, animals feed heavily, accumulating fat. Bears, badgers, hedgehogs, and bats hibernate.

Preparing animals for winter begins in the summer. It has been established that the main condition for seasonal changes is changes in day length. Changes in day length throughout the year serve as a signal to animals.

For comprehensive development preschoolers in kindergarten and younger schoolchildren, it is extremely necessary to pay attention to the natural changes of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. For example, with the beginning of autumn and new school year You can conduct a lesson “Autumn changes in nature”, visually explaining the topic of teaching in the park during walks or in class using material collected in advance. Older children keep a calendar of weather changes by drawing icons and making comparisons with previous years. It records autumn changes in nature (pictures and herbarium are attached). On the topic of the lesson, children should pay attention to the following points.

Golden autumn

IN middle lane In Russia, autumn is truly “a charm of the eyes,” as the poet said. The heat and stuffiness of summer is replaced by a slight coolness. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer and darker. The first to react to these autumn changes in nature are to turn yellow and red, then slowly fly around, covering the entire area with a multi-colored carpet. The period of golden Indian summer begins, when nature still pleases with moderate sunshine, when late fruits are already ripening, filled with both sweetness and aroma, but the nights are already becoming colder and colder.

Leaf fall

And this colorful natural phenomenon is associated with biological changes that occur in almost all wild trees during the cold periods of the year. The foliage falls and thus allows the plants to rest and prepare for a long winter hibernation, when all life processes inside the tree are suspended and the juices stop circulating. Without leaves, trees spend a lot less water, do not accumulate a lot of snow on the branches during snowfalls. This means that the risk of mechanical damage is reduced. In addition, along with the leaves, plants shed all kinds of pests, which then die during the period when cold weather sets in. We can say that autumn changes in nature begin with the fall of leaves. But this is in (after all, trees are also living beings with the ability to breathe and grow). How are the autumn changes in inanimate nature associated with the imminent onset of cold weather?


Indian summer is a short period, usually ending with the onset of October. The first signs of inclement weather are already appearing. Fogs, thick, sticky, reminiscent of milk in appearance, fill the autumn nature with dampness and a musty smell. In its essence, fog is thick cloud, which as a result of temperature changes is formed at the very surface of the soil. As soon as it gets warmer, the fog will clear. The moisture will fall on the withered grass and foliage in the form of frost (if the ground has already cooled sufficiently).


The topic of autumn changes in inanimate nature also includes such a phenomenon as frost. Essentially, these are small particles of dew frozen in the form of snowflakes. They cover all surfaces with a thin, uneven, prickly layer. This indicates that the first frosts and negative temperatures have appeared in the atmosphere.

Winds and clouds

In autumn, the cold brings with it colder winds. The winds react to this and change their direction, intensify, bringing bad weather and precipitation. This time of year sometimes becomes slushy and long, causing autumnal changes in nature.

In turn, cumulus rain clouds bring with them great amount precipitation. If the temperature changes sharply enough, then you can feel the strong winds, see and feel rain and snow as a consequence of the appearance of a cold cyclone.

Ice drift and glaze

At the end of November, sometimes the air temperature drops to negative values. The water surface of various reservoirs is frozen by the first crusts of ice. This most often occurs in ponds and lakes where there is almost no current. The ice is not yet completely strong, so the wind and currents carry it away, forming the so-called autumn ice drift.

The ice that covers the soil in mid- and late autumn is formed by light frost, which prevents rain from turning into snow. The ground has not yet cooled enough to be covered with a blanket of snow, a harbinger of severe frosts.

By observing autumn changes in nature, you can learn how the transition to the winter period of life, cold and snowy, is being prepared. When everything around seems to freeze until next spring and the onset of warm days.

Autumn changes in wildlife

  • We already talked about leaf fall in trees and its importance for the life of plants at the beginning of the article. It should be emphasized that trees also belong to living nature, since they live and die, breathe and give birth. For plants, autumn is a thorough preparation for the winter period, when all of them (living in natural conditions) go into hibernation: vital activity and the exchange of juices decreases many times over.
  • With the onset of cold weather, insects hide and hibernate. This is a protective reaction to lower temperatures. Many insects (such as flies and beetles) crawl into cozy crevices and appear dead at first glance. But that's not true. When spring comes, they will come to life and fly again.
  • Cold-blooded animals "fall asleep" as a result of the fact that they cannot maintain the temperature necessary for existence. Snakes, frogs, reptiles and amphibians all fall late autumn into hibernation.
  • At the very beginning of autumn, birds prepare to fly to warmer climes. Then their flight begins. Wintering birds do not fly anywhere and feed intensively in the autumn forests.
  • Some mammals also hibernate in late fall and early fall. winter period. But this is most likely due not to the onset of cold weather, but to the lack of food supply for them in winter. Such animals include: bear, badger, marmot, hedgehog, some rodents (gopher, hamster, dormouse).
  • Wintering mammals intensively accumulate weight in order to winter cold use their own fat for warmth and nutrition.

Thus, animal world prepares for the approaching winter cold period, reacting differently to autumn changes in nature.

in biology on the topic " Autumn phenomena in nature".
Performed by Evelina Chukhmanova, a student of class 5A.
Purpose of the work: to observe changes in living and inanimate nature in the fall and draw a conclusion.
Equipment: notebooks, pen, camera for taking pictures of plants.
Project plan: 1. Changes in inanimate nature in autumn.
2. Changes in plants.
3. Changes in animals.
4. Conclusion.
Changes in inanimate nature in autumn.
In autumn, the length of daylight hours becomes shorter and the air temperature drops. The sun began to shine less and there was more precipitation. Frosts occur in the mornings, evenings and at night.
Riddle: Large, fractionally frequent,
He watered the whole earth. (Rain).
Signs: If the north wind means cold, the south wind means warmth.
Red sunset - towards the wind.
Thunder in September foreshadows a warm and long autumn.
Changes in plants.
First, the plants' fruits ripen, then the foliage changes color, the underground part of the plant dries out, and leaf fall begins. Its cause is the cambium layer, which prevents the passage of nutrients to leaf blade, vital processes slow down, then stop.... leaf fall begins - golden autumn!
The earliest trees to lose their leaves are linden, birch and elm. In some trees, for example, linden and poplar, the leaves of the large lower branches fall off first, the middle gradually becomes exposed, and the top of the tree flies last. But in elm, hazel, and ash, leaf fall begins from the upper branches. The foliage gradually melts, revealing the dark trunk of the tree.
Only the spruce and pine stand green, with their dark silhouettes enhancing the brightness and sonority of the autumn colors. Their leaves - needles - are not afraid of frost. Each needle, like a fur coat, was covered with a waxy coating.
Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;
They only show off in the distance, there at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees...
There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few berries - dry.
If the leaves fall soon, we should expect a warm winter.
Aspen leaves lie on the ground “face up” - towards the cold winter.
Changes in animals.
In autumn, all animals actively prepare for winter. Fill winter pantries with grain, seeds, roots, and nuts. They grow thick, fluffy fur, deposit a lot of fat under their skin, and change color. Some animals hibernate, such as bears and hedgehogs, because there is very little food in winter. Some animals begin to gather in flocks and herds. Birds are preparing to fly to warmer climes, gather in flocks and fly away. Some birds come to us. The fish sink closer to the bottom, become inactive, and store fat. Frogs, snakes, and lizards spend the winter near the pond. Insects lay eggs.
Packed up and flew
Ducks for a long journey.
Under the roots of an old spruce
A bear is making a den.
Wolves prowl in the dark night
For prey in the forests.
Between the bushes to the sleepy grouse
A fox sneaks in.
The nutcracker hides for the winter
The old moss nuts cleverly.
Wood grouse pinch the needles.
They came to us for the winter
Northerners are bullfinches.
Large ant heaps in the fall - for a harsh winter.
It will be a severe winter if the birds take flight together.
The abundance of autumn shades in the forest is for clear weather.
4. Conclusion.
While working on the project, we systematized our knowledge on the topic: “Autumn phenomena in nature.” We learned that living and inanimate nature changes, regresses, and falls asleep in the fall. During the excursion we realized the beauty of autumn nature. During the project, we worked with information: we looked for riddles, signs and poems about autumn. We prepared a report, presentation and speech on the topic of the project.

Attached files

Sections: Primary School

“Tell me and I’ll forget,
Show me and I will remember
Let me touch it and I’ll understand.”

Chinese proverb

Subject: Creative project. Seasonal changes in nature: autumn phenomena.

Target: formation of cognitive processes in lessons of the surrounding world and ecological culture of the personality of a junior schoolchild;

Children's project goal: collect as many facts as possible confirming the onset of autumn.


  • contribute to the formation of ideas about autumn and seasonal changes;
  • contribute to the formation of the ability to perceive the world alive, feel his beauty and defenselessness, empathize and sympathize with him;
  • contribute to the formation of the ability to participate in a conversation, engage in search work, and construct statements;
  • to contribute to the education of a young friend of nature in the Tisul region.


  • For the teacher:
    • record player;
    • audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “October”;
    • reproductions of paintings by I. Levitan " Golden autumn»;
    • I.S. Ostroukhov “Golden Autumn”;
    • I.E.Grabar “Rowan”;
    • audio recording “Forest ABC”.
  • For students:
    • photographs, illustrations about autumn;
    • cut-out pictures depicting living and inanimate nature;
    • cards with folk signs and riddles;
    • watercolor, landscape sheets of blank paper;
    • books about autumn;
    • observation diary.

Lesson problem: reveal the secrets of autumn.


I. Organizational moment

II. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Stage 1

The audio recording “Forest ABC” is played. “Suddenly” the postman brings a letter.

Where: Uryupinskaya average comprehensive school.
To whom: 2nd grade students
Return address: Hare glade in the forest.

Hello, dear second graders!

Yesterday a meeting of hares took place in the Hare Glade. We wanted to make a decision: is it time for us to change our gray fur coats to white ones? It turned out that one half of the clearing thought it was time, while the other hares said it was too early. Some shouted that the grass was still green, while others shouted that the sky was still gray. Some said that autumn had already arrived and winter would soon begin, while others thought that autumn was just about to arrive in our area.
We don't know what to do. Tell us please. After all, you are studying at school, and you will probably be able to determine whether autumn has come? They say that she is coming to us through your village. Tell us how far away she is when she is in the forest?
Only the Hare Glade meeting asks for convincing evidence! After all, changing coats is a very difficult task for hares!
Hope for your help!

Hare meeting.
Forest Glade.

– What do you guys think, has autumn come?
– So, our goal is to find out if autumn has come?
- What do I need to do?

Problem: Uncover the secrets of autumn.

III. Formation of knowledge, skills, abilities

– Who wants to take a trip to the forest of wonders?
– And there are many secrets in the forest, and for this we need to be divided into teams.

Game "Friendly guys"

There are four Pythagoras sets available. We need to collect pictures from individual parts. Guess the riddles, draw the answers, come up with a team name and put it in the chest of folk wisdom.
(“Plants”, “Animals”, “Health”, “Weather”).

Riddles on the theme "Plants"

I lost my dress
The buttons remain. (Rowan)

Nobody scares
And she's trembling all over. (Aspen)

They fled at the edge of the forest
Girlfriends in white dresses. (Birches)

Riddles on the theme “Animals”

A rope stretched across the sky. (Crane)

Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

In the fall he will climb into the crack,
And in the spring he will wake up. (Fly)

Riddles on the theme "Weather"

Largely, fractionally frequented,
He watered the whole earth. (Rain)

Little blue fur coat
Covered the whole world. (Sky)

The pike waved its tail
The forest was bent. (Wind)

Riddles on the theme “Health”

It looks like a wedge. If you unfold it, damn it. (Umbrella)

I'm sitting on horseback
I don't know who
I'll meet an acquaintance -
I'll jump off and pick you up. (A cap)

On one side there is a forest,
And on the other - a field. (Fur coat, coat)

"Welcome, autumn!"

Assignment to the teams: write a letter to the hares.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “October” is playing.

When you walk along a forest path,
Questions overtake you in a crowd.
One “why” rushes between the trees,
Flying on the heels of an unknown bird.
Another - a bee climbed onto a flower,
And the third is to jump into a stream like a frog.
“What” sneaks like a mouse under the leaves in holes,
“Who” is looking for a hidden rustle in the bushes,
“Why” sits on a green leaf,
“Where did it fly riding on a beetle,
“Why” climbed onto a stump after the lizard...
Question after question, and so on - all day long.
Let's go, my friend, along the path in a crowd
Look for answers under the autumn tent.

Working with the weather calendar

Stage 2

Stop "Autumn"

Reading poems about autumn that contain signs. These are signs of living or inanimate nature. We need to highlight them.


The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog was falling on the fields...


Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;
They only show off in the distance, there at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees...


Packed up and flew
Ducks for a long journey.
Under the roots of an old spruce
A bear is making a den.
Wolves prowl in the dark night
For prey in the forests.
Between the bushes to the sleepy grouse
A fox sneaks in.
The nutcracker hides for the winter
The old moss nuts cleverly.
Wood grouse pinch the needles.
They came to us for the winter
Northerners are bullfinches.


Why are there puddles everywhere?
Mom takes her umbrella.
Why? Why?
Because it's raining.

Physical pause


There is a rowan tree on the hill,
Keeps your back straight and level.
(Stretching - arms up)
It’s not easy for her to live in the world -
The wind turns, the wind turns.
(Rotation of the body to the right to the left.)
But the mountain ash only bends,
He is not sad - he laughs.
(Tilts to the side.)
The free wind blows menacingly
For a young mountain ash.
(Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.

Artists' Stop "Magic Letter"

We don't need ink on this letter!
Bright colors
With a brush in hand
We will write in this language:
Leaves on the tree -
With variegated paint,
Orange paint -
Autumn sun,
Blue paint -
Transparent sky
Birds and animals
Let's leave it colorful -
We'll make a whole story out of paints!
This story is ours -
About autumn, about the forest -
Children will read
In every class.
He will touch the soul
Any nation:
Not required

Artists must perform exercise– color the given picture so that it corresponds to the autumn season. The drawing can be supplemented with some details at the discretion of the artists.

Stop “Piggy Bank of Folk Wisdom” – experts folk signs, proverbs.


If the wind is north - cold, south - warm.
Red sunset - towards the wind.
Thunder in September foreshadows a warm and long autumn.


Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.
A river begins with a stream, and sport begins with health.
Any matter can be fixed if a person is healthy.


There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few berries - dry.
If the leaves fall soon, we should expect a warm winter.
Aspen leaves lie on the ground “face up” - towards the cold winter.


Large ant heaps in the fall - for a harsh winter.
It will be a severe winter if the birds take flight together.
The abundance of autumn shades in the forest is for clear weather.

Stop “Autumn Melody”- singing songs about autumn.


Music by M. Krasev, lyrics by M. Evensen (“Weather”)

Leaves are falling, falling,
It's leaf fall in our garden.
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.

Birds fly south
Geese, rooks, cranes...
This is the last flock
Flapping its wings in the distance.

Let's take each basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.
The stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn fungus.

"Skvorushka says goodbye"

Music by T. Potapenko, lyrics by M. Evensen (“Animals”)

Autumn is a bad weather.
The poplar has turned yellow.
Suddenly there is a squirrel on a branch
Sang a song.


The branch sways a little,
The rain doesn't stop
The old skvorushka is with us
Says goodbye until spring.

Let's go on a long journey
The skvorushka should fly.
Farewell song
How can he not sing?


Where are you, the spring sun,
Clear skies?
Above the empty birdhouse
Skvorushka sings.



The cat sat on the window
And she began to wash her ears with her paw.
Watch her a little
And repeat all the movements.
!,2,3 – come on, repeat it,
3,4,5 – repeat again (2 times)
Very good!

“There was a birch tree in the field”

Russian folk song (“Plants”)

There was a birch tree in the field,
There was a curly girl standing in the field.
Liu-li, liu-li, stood,
Liu-li, liu-li, stood

Someone to break a birch tree,
There is no one to wrangle the curly hair.
Liu-li, liu-li, stood,
Liu-li, liu-li, stood.

Stop “Visiting the Birds”

Stop "Listopad"

Collection autumn leaves. (Draw and cut out autumn leaves on colored paper).
At the end of the trip, the children make out a newspaper with drawings and stories about what they saw along the route. Each team prepares its own message.

IV. Lesson summary

Stage 3.


  • Defense of the project “Secrets of Autumn” (drawings, poems, stories);
  • Compiling a text for a letter from Zayaya Polyana;
  • Reflection “Magic Tree”.
  • Identifying the most friendly, savvy. Presentation of texts of songs about the forest.
  • Singing a song about rain. Music by Y. Entin (From the TV movie “Dunno from Our Backyard”)