Protein diet products. Protein diet is a champion in weight loss

Do you want to eat plenty, but at the same time lose up to 8 kilograms of excess weight in two weeks, and then not gain them again? Pay attention to the protein diet, which today is recognized as one of the most effective ways weight loss. People who have already tried its effect on themselves claim that they feel cheerful and active, like ancestors eating a piece of mammoth with plant foods. Of course, you will still have to eat less, but the feeling of hunger when eating foods rich in proteins is reduced due to longer processing of food.

What is this sensational protein diet?

Its main task is to cause stress in the body by repeatedly increasing protein intake and limiting carbohydrates in the daily diet. In other words, it is necessary to ensure an energy deficit. Carbohydrates are a kind of “fuel”. The human body, following a specific, “protein” diet, dramatically rearranges its metabolism.

Despite the fact that a sufficient amount of nutrition is supplied, carbohydrate “hunger” leads to the use of hidden reserves. First of all, glycogen reserves are used. Weight loss is felt already at first, but at first it is due to a significant loss of fluid. Fats and muscle mass begin to “melt” a little later, due to these reserves glucose is produced and energy deficiency is eliminated. The scheme is very simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated. It is necessary to strictly follow all the rules, draw up the menu correctly, and show real willpower.

The duration of the diet should be no more than two weeks; after this period, a person who is too carried away may face troubles in the form of dry skin and hair, fatigue and an unhealthy complexion. Despite all the benefits of a protein diet, this diet cannot be called balanced; it can be repeated no earlier than a year later.

Protein diet - what foods can you eat?

To start a two-week protein marathon, stock up on any meat, fish and eggs. You can add a small amount of lard, sausage, canned fish in water and lots and lots of raw vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, herbs and especially tomatoes. Since tomatoes contain lycopene, which enhances the effect of a protein diet, their presence in the menu is especially welcome. Salads are dressed olive oil or lemon juice. During the entire time that you have allocated to follow this diet, you will have to eat at least 5 times a day. Particular attention should be paid to water - you will have to drink a lot and often. You should drink a glass of water about half an hour before each meal. A lot of controversy about the presence of carbohydrate foods on the menu comes down to the fact that it is still worth eating buckwheat and oatmeal twice a week.

Protein diet - what foods should not be consumed

The main thing at this time is to limit your body from foods that can easily turn into fat.
First of all, you have to say goodbye to sweets. Even sweet fruits can negate all efforts, and even more so cakes, cookies, pastries - you will have to give up all of this completely. We also exclude pasta, bread and buns, and foods fried in large amounts of fat. Potatoes, butter, grains, side dishes and desserts will also not be beneficial.

Protein diet - menu examples

There are several options for a protein diet. The main menu is scheduled for two weeks, but there are options that use the menu of the first week in reverse order. The menu indicates three meals, however, if you follow this particular diet, you need to stretch this food out several times to get at least 5 meals a day. You will have to finish your daily meal at 18-19 hours. The diet begins with large quantity food, so the first days are especially difficult - you will have to mobilize all your will to get used to the fact that you limit yourself in certain types of food. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water; the feeling of hunger is better satisfied by warm water. Forget about sugar and salt - these are the rules of the game!

The most common protein diet option:

Breakfast: Prepare a cup of black coffee, without sugar, of course. This is the easiest breakfast you can imagine for any diet.
Lunch: boil 2-3 hard-boiled eggs, finely chop cabbage (boiled or stewed with vegetable oil),
Dinner: fried or boiled fish without side dish (you can eat until you are full)

Breakfast: crackers, a traditional cup of black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: fry or boil fish, prepare a salad of cabbage or other vegetables with vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled beef (as much as you can eat, about 200 grams), kefir 20 grams.

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar, crackers
Lunch: stew or fry zucchini of any size and apples in vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled beef (200 grams), 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad with vegetable oil (cabbage or tomatoes).

Breakfast: again just a cup of coffee without sugar.
Lunch: raw egg, boiled vegetables with vegetable oil (for example, 3 large boiled carrots), cheese (15 grams, except creamy varieties).
Dinner: as much fruit as you want.

Breakfast: raw vegetables with lemon juice (for example, carrots), lemon juice with water.
Lunch: fry or boil fish (300 g), tomato juice.
Dinner: unlimited fruits.

Breakfast: as always, a cup of black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: boiled chicken, carrot or cabbage salad.
Dinner: hard-boiled eggs (at least 2 pieces), raw carrots, grated on a coarse grater (10 grams) with the addition of vegetable oil.

Breakfast: coffee can be replaced with tea without sugar.
Lunch: boiled meat (beef, 200 grams), fruit, as much as you want, in unlimited quantities.
Dinner: you can repeat the same as on any day of the week, except the third.

Second week:

We repeat the Sunday menu.

Breakfast: again black coffee, no sugar.
Lunch: boiled chicken, vegetable salad flavored with vegetable oil and lemon juice, it is better to take fresh cabbage and carrots.
Dinner: hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs), prepare a salad of raw carrots (grated with vegetable oil).

Breakfast: grate carrots, add lemon juice, drink coffee as always, without sugar.
Lunch: fry or boil fish in unlimited quantities, tomato juice.
Dinner: apples, pears, plums, in general, fruit in unlimited quantities.

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar.
Lunch: boil carrots, chop and season with vegetable oil, 2 pieces of hard cheese.
Dinner: fruit in any form and volume, preferably fresh.

Breakfast: crackers and tea without sugar or black coffee.
Lunch: cook a large zucchini and a few apples in vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled meat, preferably beef (200 g), 2 eggs, fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.

Breakfast: a portion of black coffee without sugar, a few small crackers.
Lunch: boil or fry fish in oil, prepare a salad (fresh cabbage salad with the addition of other vegetables and vegetable oil).
Dinner: boiled beef (200 g), kefir.

Breakfast: a glass of tea or black coffee.
Lunch: salad of hard-boiled eggs with herbs, boiled cabbage with vegetable oil,
Dinner: greens, fried or boiled fish, eat as much as you want.

If you decide to experience the miraculous properties of this diet for yourself, remember that
It can only be used for two weeks. Continuation threatens kidney dysfunction, and a large amount of incoming protein can affect the level of cholesterol and calcium in the body. You can start a diet only when you are sure there are no contraindications. This diet is contraindicated for elderly and sedentary people, as the risk of blood clots increases many times over. It is also not recommended for people with kidney and gastrointestinal diseases. In order to reduce fermentation in the intestines, you can drink a glass of kefir or herbal tea without sugar in the evenings, and be sure to eat a lot of fresh herbs.

Restructuring of the body occurs when all instructions are correctly followed. According to reviews of people who have gone through this and achieved success, the third, fourth, fifth, as well as the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth may seem like the most difficult days. If you are a passionate person, lead an active lifestyle and have a lot of hobbies and can be distracted, it will be much easier for you to endure restrictions. In general, whether guaranteed weight loss is worth these inconveniences is something everyone decides for themselves, but there is no doubt that the effectiveness of a protein diet has been proven.

To get your figure in order and say goodbye for a long time to the hated kilograms that come out of nowhere, humanity is inventing imaginable and unimaginable ways. For the most part, these are fasting on a certain product, when you eat only it for 1-2 weeks.

As a result, you can become slim, but, unfortunately, at the expense of your health, because exhaustion, stomach problems, and stress are guaranteed in this case. And how good it is that nutritionists offer a more gentle regimen that does not entail such unpleasant consequences. This is a protein diet for weight loss, presented in various options.


Various protein diets for fast weight loss good because they guarantee a noticeable loss of kilograms in a short period of time. Their main principle- eating mainly protein foods. Carbohydrate or fat additives are allowed in different variations. A nutritionist will advise which type of fasting is right for you.

  1. The most effective protein diet is the classic (traditional) one, when the diet contains a lot of proteins with a small addition of carbohydrates.
  2. Strict protein diet: exclusively protein + reduced portion sizes compared to the classic diet.
  3. : + fruits, vegetables, berries.
  4. : + fats.
  5. : + vegetables.
  6. : + carbohydrates.
  7. : + fruits.

Any protein diet for quick weight loss is ideal for those who are afraid of feeling hungry. Weight loss occurs without this unpleasant sensation, since the body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients. Anorexia with such a system should also not be feared, because protein will prevent the muscles from atrophying. On the contrary, it will give them beautiful shape. But how will the process of losing weight happen? Due to what?

Through the pages of history. Food protein was first isolated in 1728 by Proust from the decomposition of cottage cheese and cottage cheese.

Effect on the body

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of a protein diet, since the mechanism of its action on a losing weight has been studied and scientifically proven. This nutritional system triggers processes in the body that promote weight loss.

  1. Fats and carbohydrates do not enter the body, and it begins to use up its own fat reserves on the sides, abdomen, and buttocks (for women these are the most problematic areas).
  2. It takes a lot of energy to digest protein, which helps burn subcutaneous fat.
  3. Protein foods enhance heat production, accelerating metabolic processes that promote weight loss.

So if you urgently need to lose weight without harm to your health, an effective protein diet is at your service. Choose the type that best suits your health and taste preferences, get acquainted with the product lists - and say goodbye to those extra pounds!

This is interesting! Proteins of animal origin are more easily absorbed than the same substances, but from plants.


The first question that you need to decide for yourself when choosing this type of weight loss is what you can eat on a protein diet, and what foods are strictly prohibited. This will largely depend on the type of hunger strike. But always stick to the following lists as a base.

Prohibited Products

Always have on hand a list of foods that are prohibited for consumption on a protein diet:

  • sweet juices, alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • fats: butter, lard, cream;
  • smoked meats;
  • baked goods, cereals, regular bread, chocolate, sweets, confectionery;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • sauces, sour cream, mustard, mayonnaise, seasonings, ketchup;
  • potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • grapes, bananas, apricots, persimmons, mangoes, melon, papaya;
  • corn, peas;
  • sausage, semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • sugar;
  • fatty meat: pork, beef;
  • fatty fish: halibut, herring, mackerel, burbot, sturgeon;
  • canned food

Authorized products

Feel free to include the following foods in your diet for a protein diet:

  • boiled eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, feta cheese, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt (natural, without dyes);
  • game: chicken, turkey (you need to remove the skin from them first);
  • veal, beef, rabbit;
  • fish (low-fat varieties): tuna, flounder, pink salmon, pollock;
  • seafood: squid, shrimp, oysters, crabs;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes: lentils, chickpeas, beans;
  • unsweetened fruits, preference is given to apples, pineapples, kiwis and citrus fruits: pomelo, grapefruit, tangerines, oranges;
  • weak coffee and tea without sugar and cream, protein shakes, infusions and herbal decoctions.

This is something you can eat as part of any protein diet. If we take its variants (fat or carbohydrate), this list will be expanded with new products.

To properly create a menu, you need to know what is included in the protein diet and what is strictly prohibited for consumption. The result of losing weight will depend on this. Determine in advance for yourself what you can eat, and which products you will have to give up and simply not buy them, so as not to be tempted.

Product table No. 1: speed of absorption

Product table No. 2: protein content (fat is also given for comparison)

The tables show foods that you can eat while losing weight on a protein diet. They are quickly absorbed by the body, they contain little fat, and enough protein to make the body slim, sculpted, and beautiful. But when choosing this type of fasting, do not forget to evaluate all of it weak sides, which may disappoint. Among them is an impressive list of contraindications.

From past. According to the writings of Pliny the Elder, egg white was used as a medicine in ancient Rome.


Any diet, including protein, is a serious burden on the body. Metabolism accelerates, fats are burned, toxins are eliminated, the stomach has to adapt to new nutritional conditions and unusual foods.

All this leads to the fact that increased efficiency is required from the organs. And if everything is not all right with them initially, the condition of the person losing weight worsens every day of the diet. The result is an exacerbation of existing diseases, poor health and the body’s refusal to get rid of extra pounds. A protein diet is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • kidney diseases;
  • old age: after 55 years;
  • strength sports;
  • cardio training;
  • pregnancy;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lactation;
  • significant mental and physical stress;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • cancer of any organ;
  • adolescence;
  • diabetes.

Any of these contraindications should be a stop signal for those losing weight who have chosen a protein diet. If you really want to try this particular system of losing excess weight, first you need to try to eliminate these factors. For example, you can avoid cardio and strength training for a couple of weeks without compromising your health. Lactation, pregnancy, adolescence will end someday - you just need to be patient. All other diseases need to be treated. And then you can safely declare protein fasting.

Did you know that... Is all life on Earth made up of proteins?


Once you have chosen the type of protein diet, think about its duration. He is very important. Your results and well-being can be hopelessly spoiled if you overestimate your strength and decide to go on a long hunger strike.

If this is your first experience, start small. Better yet, consult a nutritionist. He will offer you the following options:

  • 3-4 days: this duration is suitable for those who urgently need to lose a couple of kilos - don’t expect more results from a short-term protein diet;
  • a strict or low-calorie protein diet should not last more than a week, otherwise there will be no strength left even to lift a spoon; any nutritionist will tell you that - the most best option to test your strength;
  • - recommended for those who already have experience of fasting;
  • - if you need to lose at least 8-9 kg;
  • 21 days - a long-term protein diet is allowed only for those who have no health problems, but are overweight;
  • - an exception to the rule; if not followed correctly, it can result in health complications, so you need to get permission from a doctor.

You can always stop the protein diet, but it is better to calculate everything from the beginning, create a menu and gain strength for a certain period of time. Start small, and you can always continue if the results suit you and your health remains good. Some useful recommendations will allow you to lose weight quickly and pleasantly.

On a note. Nutritionists advise combining proteins of plant and animal origin within one dish. The most successful combinations, in their opinion: porridge with milk, scrambled eggs with beans, sushi with fish, meat with beans.

Nutritionists suggest how to lose weight on a protein diet without harm to your health and with maximum weight loss results. It turns out that it is not enough to follow the recommended diet: you need to adhere to several rules during fasting. These are the principles healthy image lives that can be taken into service in the future.

For health

  1. Before going on a protein diet, undergo a medical examination to check for contraindications.
  2. Get permission from a nutritionist and doctor to go on a hunger strike.
  3. Take multivitamins throughout your fast.
  4. If you feel bouts of dizziness and weakness, increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. You are allowed to eat oatmeal for breakfast.
  5. Know how to stop in time: if your health deteriorates significantly, it is better to abandon the protein diet.
  6. While losing weight, you should not take any medications.

By nutrition

  1. Create a menu with a specialist.
  2. Eat strictly according to the clock, at the same time.
  3. Have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime. If you have 6 meals a day, your last meal should be 2 hours before.
  4. Count calories: you need to spend more than you consume.
  5. Drink clean water 1.5 liters per day.
  6. Watch your weight.
  7. The protein diet should include steamed, stewed, boiled, or baked dishes. Frying is prohibited.
  8. Volume of recommended servings: 150 grams of any dish, 200 ml of drinks - at a time. Fruits approximately 100 g.
  9. Don't overuse salt.

By lifestyle

  1. Go to bed before 23.00.
  2. Sleep 8 hours a day.
  3. Walk daily in the fresh air.
  4. Leave strength sports and cardio training for a while.
  5. Do cycling, swimming, shaping, aerobics.
  6. Keep your spirits up and good mood.
  7. Give up smoking, alcohol, drugs and noisy parties.

It may seem that some points have nothing to do with the protein diet at all. In fact, in the process of losing weight, every nuance is important. For example, those who do not get enough sleep may break down and not complete the hunger strike, since the body needs strength to overcome this difficulty. So help him with this. And finally, one of the most important moments is creating a menu.

Keep in mind. Protein foods are better absorbed after heat treatment.

Sample menu

The protein diet menu should include products from the permitted list. As an example, we suggest you focus on the classic version, supplementing it with carbohydrates or fats, depending on the type of fasting.

First day

  • Morning: bran bread, boiled eggs, coffee (tea, water).
  • Lunch: green or yellow apple.
  • Lunch: spinach soup, steamed tuna, bran bread, protein shake.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Evening: shrimp with lemon juice.

Second day

  • Lunch: orange.
  • Lunch: fish soup, baked porcini mushrooms with vegetables, protein shake.
  • Afternoon snack: hard cheese.
  • Evening: vegetable salad.

The third day

  • Morning: chicken, bran bread, coffee (tea, water).
  • Lunch: grapefruit.
  • Lunch: egg soup, baked beans, protein shake.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Evening: cottage cheese casserole.

Fourth day

  • Morning: cottage cheese, bran bread, coffee (tea, water).
  • Lunch: tangerine.
  • Lunch: protein hash, zucchini in foil, protein shake.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • Evening: stuffed squid.

Fifth day

  • Morning: egg white omelette, bran bread, coffee (tea, water).
  • Lunch: kiwi.
  • Lunch: meatball soup, beef, protein shake.
  • Afternoon snack: fermented baked milk.
  • Evening: protein salad.

Sixth day

  • Morning: several proteins, bran bread, coffee (tea, water).
  • Lunch: pomelo.
  • Lunch: bran soup, chicken puff pastry, protein shake.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Evening: vegetable stew with Chiken.

Seventh day

  • Morning: cottage cheese, bran bread, coffee (tea, water).
  • Lunch: pineapple.
  • Lunch: yolk soup, omelet with tomatoes, protein shake.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • Evening: steamed fish.

As an option, there is a table that conveniently fits the menu of a protein diet for weight loss for 7 days. Decide to extend the hunger strike - you can simply repeat the diet.

When creating a menu for every day, take into account the portion sizes indicated in the tips. Do not exclude the possibility of changes: some product was not at hand, poor health forced you to eat a spoonful of honey or a bowl of porridge. Don’t be too strict with yourself, but don’t allow yourself indulgences in the form of sweets and fast food.

Only a competent approach to a protein diet will allow you to achieve truly amazing results. And to make weight loss enjoyable, study the protein diet recipes to make sure that this system can hardly be called fasting - it offers such a varied diet.

Do not overdo it. If the body senses excess protein, it will begin to convert it into fats, and your entire diet will not yield any results. So be careful and monitor your weight throughout the fast.


Selecting dishes for a protein diet can sometimes be very difficult because the list of products is limited. Several recipes will allow you to get your bearings and pamper yourself with nutritious salads, delicious soups and a variety of main dishes.

Protein salad recipe


  • egg whites 5 pcs;
  • squid 150 gr;
  • chicken (preferably breast) 150 g;
  • parsley 15 gr;
  • undiluted lemon juice 50 ml.


  1. Grind the hard-boiled egg whites into crumbs.
  2. Cut squid and chicken into thin and short strips.
  3. Mix.
  4. Add a pinch of salt.
  5. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.
  6. Season with lemon juice.

Chicken and Asparagus Protein Soup Recipe


  • chicken broth 500 ml;
  • chicken (preferably fillet) 300 g;
  • canned asparagus 100 gr;
  • corn flour 30 gr;
  • canned corn 100 gr;
  • chopped champignons 300 gr;
  • sesame oil (unrefined is preferable) 10 ml;
  • green onions to taste.


  1. Add mushrooms to the boiling broth and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Dilute flour in water until pureed.
  3. Pour into soup. Cook with constant stirring until it thickens.
  4. Chop the asparagus and fillet into thin strips.
  5. Add to soup. Add corn. Keep on low heat for half an hour.
  6. Before serving, add half a teaspoon of sesame oil and a little chopped onion to each serving separately.

Recipe for a protein second course: chicken puff pastry


  • chicken (preferably fillet) 250 g;
  • broccoli 150 gr;
  • yogurt 50 ml;
  • soy sauce 20 ml;
  • mustard seeds 5 pcs.


  1. Rinse the chicken and cut into thin layers. Beat it off.
  2. Boil broccoli, puree.
  3. Prepare the sauce: mix yogurt, mustard, and soy in a blender. Brush each piece of fillet with it.
  4. Place the chicken in layers on a baking sheet.
  5. Mix the remaining sauce with the cabbage puree and brush the top of the chicken pie with it.
  6. Keep in the oven at 200°C for half an hour.

Do not forget that recipes for protein diet dishes must correspond to the option you have chosen. If it is protein-fat, you need to eat pork and beef, fried in oil. When on a protein-carbohydrate diet, cook rice or buckwheat as a side dish. Adapt to your fasting system so that it is both effective and enjoyable. And upon completion, do not forget to exit the diet correctly.

Carefully! If the body has to process too much animal protein, toxicity can occur.

Quitting the diet

To consolidate the achieved results and prevent the return of the hated kilograms, which you managed to get rid of with such backbreaking work, you need a competent way out of the protein diet. It involves a gradual transition to a balanced diet, including fats and carbohydrates.

  1. On the first day after the protein diet, eat 100 ml of any porridge for breakfast, and 100 grams of a side dish (buckwheat, rice, pasta) for lunch.
  2. On the second day, you can increase these portions to 150 grams, and for dinner prepare a salad dressed with mayonnaise or oil.
  3. On the third day, include dark chocolate in the menu (start returning to sweets from this).
  4. Starting from the fourth day, eat pork, lamb, fatty fish, but initially portions should not exceed 150 grams.
  5. On the fifth day, alcohol is allowed.

If on the very first day after a protein diet you manage to restrain yourself and not eat ice cream and fast food, then you won’t have to regret that the lost weight returned so quickly. What results can you expect from this weight loss system?

Research data. Protein can cause high blood cholesterol.


Different types of protein diets produce different results, which will also depend on the duration of fasting.

Please note that a strict protein diet allows you to lose 10 kg immediately in a week, while the results after classic version weight loss is more modest. In order to objectively assess all the consequences of such fasting, you need to weigh all its pros and cons in order to enjoy the positive aspects and be prepared for certain disappointments.

Educational program. In different sources, proteins may be called differently: proteins or polypeptides.


Nutritionists and those who have already used such a system note that a protein diet for weight loss at home is good for the following reasons.

  1. You don't feel hungry thanks to frequent meals and a varied menu.
  2. The immune system is strengthened.
  3. Stress and depression are easier to overcome.
  4. Body weight is normalized.
  5. Muscle mass is not depleted, since there is a lot of protein in the diet. So, as a result of such a diet, you get a beautiful, sculpted figure.
  6. There are no stretch marks left on the skin.
  7. In general, the condition of nails, hair, and skin does not deteriorate, since the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.
  8. Ideal for athletes.

Along with these undeniable advantages, it is necessary to objectively weigh and evaluate all the disadvantages of a protein diet so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise.

Wow! The protein contains 22 amino acids, which are building materials for cells.


Find out in advance the dangers of a protein diet. Despite the fact that it does not cause serious harm to health, problems can still arise with prolonged fasting.

  1. Decreased performance due to low carbohydrate intake.
  2. Insomnia, high blood pressure, and impaired kidney function are a consequence of excessive consumption of vitamin C (citrus fruits are mainly present in the protein diet).
  3. Irritability due to lack of fat in the diet - building material for nerve cells.
  4. Problems with blood clotting (fats normalize it), the formation of blood clots.
  5. A protein diet is harmful to the stomach, which has to get used to new system nutrition. This may make you feel uncomfortable.
  6. Bad breath due to the abundance of protein foods.
  7. A lot of calcium is removed from the body.

This is why a protein diet is harmful, and it is better to learn about these points in advance in order to correctly assess and distribute your strength during fasting. If there are any doubtful or unclear points, it is better to consult a specialist nutritionist. Remember: sometimes determination alone is not enough to lose weight - you also need health and a competent approach. Only together, all these factors will allow you to achieve the desired results.

Protein diet- from the basic methods of many systems that provide for weight loss. The principle of nutrition is a minimum amount of fat in the diet, a lack of carbohydrates. The result is guaranteed weight loss.

The essence of a protein diet

This is the most popular and, most importantly, effective technique helping a person lose weight. Its essence:

  • eating only foods that contain a lot of protein;
  • complete refusal to consume foods rich in carbohydrates (sugar, potatoes, various types of pasta, products made from dough);
  • refusal of products containing pure fats (animal fat, mayonnaise);
  • the opportunity to eat fruits, fish, vegetables, eggs, vegetable oil, salads, dairy products (not fatty) without any restrictions.

As a result, a person gets a feeling of fullness from the diet. This is explained by the longer digestion of foods allowed for consumption than carbohydrate foods.

Operating principle

After a person begins to eat in accordance with the requirements of a protein diet, his body begins to consume glycogen from previously formed reserves. A significant amount of fluid leaves the body, which determines the rapid and strong weight loss during this period. Later, for the production of glucose (which is the main energy fuel in the body), fat and muscle mass begin to be consumed.

Weight, especially from the middle of the course, begins to decrease slowly, and sometimes remains at the same level. The first is always constant, the second does not mean that the nutrition system is not working - you will simply lose weight, losing, with a stable weight, volume in the hips and waist.

The protein diet is limited to two weeks. If you continue to use it further, you can plant the buds due to their overload. To avoid thinking about this at all, you need to drink enough water and consume more fiber. There is a lot of the latter in bran; non-starchy green vegetables are rich in it.

It is important to know

When following a protein diet, you should know:

  • that the proteins present in it saturate the body and give it necessary energy, strength;
  • that only those who constantly load the body with various exercises should “go on a diet”; Protein is designed to restore energy; the optimal training regimen, if you are on a diet and want to lose weight, is three times a week;
  • the protein fasting course is designed for a week, therefore the protein diet is considered fast; but even this short time, with correct calculation and implementation of all recommendations, is enough for the extra pounds to go away and your well-being not to be affected;
  • a protein diet means the absence of constant hunger, since with it you can eat without restrictions, but only permitted foods; the latter are enough to keep you from thinking about exhaustion;
  • One of the main disadvantages (for some people) is that you need to apply willpower and completely give up fatty foods, do not eat sweets and flour.

It has been proven by many who have used this nutrition system that it is much more humane for the body than most mono-diets, in which one product is consumed every day.

The benefits and harms of a protein diet


Among the advantages that are inherent in a protein diet is that, following it, a person does not feel hungry for a long time, although the body continues to work and spend energy, in particular, fat reserves. The fact is that the processing of protein in the body takes much longer than, for example, carbohydrates and fats. This determines the essence of such an advantage.

In addition, once you finish dieting, you do not risk gaining back the lost kilograms. Naturally, if you continue to maintain a balanced diet.

With a protein diet, the effect is especially noticeable in those people who have a lot of excess fat. They become slimmer quite quickly, see the effect and therefore rarely experience the desire to eat something sweet.


Losing weight is generally a process followed by restructuring different systems body. Therefore, when “going on” a protein diet, you need to take into account certain knowledge, requirements, and wishes.

If you consume protein without any restrictions, then water will quickly leave your body, and with it the microelement calcium. At the same time, the load on the kidneys increases, this is especially noticeable for those who actively visit gyms. As a result, you may experience dry skin, dull hair, your nails will begin to break badly, you may get tired quickly, and you will begin to sleep poorly.


In addition to what is described, the protein diet also has direct contraindications. People should ignore it:

  • with severe kidney disease, which does not allow increasing the load on the latter;
  • with liver problems, with cholelithiasis of a certain nature;
  • with severe gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with neoplasms of an oncological nature;
  • with severe heart disease;
  • women during pregnancy; It is possible to develop a special diet, but only by a specialist.

Types of protein diets


Many people know about the existence of such a diet, which is also called the astronaut diet. It is quite popular because it brings certain results if you want to lose weight. Its requirements include mainly products with high content proteins, and also consume vegetable fiber. Simple carbohydrates are prohibited from consumption at all, complex carbohydrates are limited. In addition to everything, there is also a requirement to drink liquid, and a lot.

The rules of the Kremlin diet are few, which makes it easy to adhere to for a long time. There are many mixed dishes in it, so some of those who try it become adherents of the food system according to it for life.

According to the Kremlin diet, you can eat fish and non-fatty meats without restrictions. It is prohibited to supplement your diet with rice, cereals, potatoes, and bread. Sugar is also taboo. Fruits, nuts, berries are strictly limited - no more than 40g per day. But lettuce, zucchini, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers - as many as you like.

The advantage of the astronaut diet is that the body gets used to this diet over time, which leads to a long-term weight loss effect. For those who are impatient, it is not suitable, since the maximum allows you to get rid of 1…2 kg per month. The result of the Kremlin diet is usually visible after 1…2 months.

Atkins Diet (Hollywood)

This weight loss nutrition system is better known as the Hollywood diet. Its effectiveness is confirmed by the excellent shape of many American actors and show business representatives. Although there are opinions indicating that the Atkins diet is not completely safe for those “sitting” on it.

One of the main features of the Atkins diet is a sharp decrease in carbohydrates in the diet and an increase in protein foods. You can eat high-calorie, fatty foods in it, but those that do not contain carbohydrates.

The diet is built on four stages and strict adherence to existing requirements in each of them.

The first stage is two weeks. Its task is to change the body chemical reactions. Carbohydrates are limited to 20g per week, so the metabolic process is replaced in the body by the process of ketosis. The latter leads to a sharp reduction in glucose production; Then there is a restructuring of metabolic processes to use fat deposits.

The second stage requires reducing carbohydrates in food per week by another four times - up to 5g. During this time, monitor weight loss and experiment with increasing the amount of carbohydrates in food. Find by weight fluctuations optimal value, above which carbohydrates are prohibited from being taken in the future. This phase lasts until you weigh as much as you want.

The third stage involves a gradual increase in carbohydrates in food per week by a maximum of 10g. They monitor their weight and determine the maximum amount at which the weight remains stable. This amount of carbohydrates becomes the norm for you in the future.

The fourth stage is considered final and involves consolidating what has been achieved for a long time. It also Special attention to the consumption of carbohydrates, sweets, chips, and fried potatoes are prohibited.

With the Atkins diet, you lose weight gradually and with weight control. If you follow it, you don’t feel hungry, since many foods are allowed, most often protein foods. This system good because it does not lead to weight loss loose skin and muscles.

The disadvantages of the Atkins diet are called dehydration due to the severe restriction of carbohydrates. The latter can cause kidney problems, including kidney failure. With such a nutritional system, brain activity may decrease, weakness and irritability may appear. There is a feeling of nausea after eating, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, and the threat of osteoporosis due to loss of calcium.

Ducan's diet

The diet was developed by a French nutritionist and took its name from his last name. In terms of popularity, it is one of the most sought after in the world. It includes four stages, at each of which they consume foods containing significant amounts of protein. The latter is considered by Dukan as the main source of energy for the body. Vegetables and fruits are allowed to appear in the diet only after passing the first stage.

My diet becomes more varied only at stages 3…4. Here you can already eat fruits and grains, but in small quantities. The system does not involve counting calories, you do not need to follow a nutrition schedule, or weigh what you eat. They eat as much as the body accepts and, if desired, around the clock.

Is in the diet important rules. There are three of them, and they must be strictly adhered to:

  • minimum water consumption per day – 1.5 l;
  • mandatory daily consumption of bran;
  • Be sure to do physical exercise every day; they may not be complex.

At the first stage - the attack - the most difficult test awaits the person. Its duration is individual - 3...10 days. Depends on the number of kgs you want to lose. The diet is varied, but predominate, and significantly, protein products. Dishes are prepared mainly by steaming fish, poultry, seafood, and meat. They eat dairy products (low-fat) and always oatmeal.

The second stage, which is a change in diet, involves alternating days on which only foods containing proteins are eaten with days when vegetables can be added to such foods. The stage lasts until the day when you begin to weigh as much as you intended.

The third stage is devoted to weight control. That is, the achieved result is consolidated. Its duration may vary and depends on how many kilograms you have lost so far. The menu is slightly varied, but there should still be one protein day every week.

Kovalkov's diet

This diet is very few years old, but it has quickly gained popularity. It was compiled by Russian Alexey Kovalkov, a doctor. For the first time in dietetics, he proposed a clear system of eating the right foods in the right volume, drinking plenty of (clean) water, and moving and exercising. The result of the diet is that the author himself was able to lose half a centner of excess weight. And in just 6 months.

The diet proposed by Kovalkov is safe, thought out even in the smallest detail. Today, tens of thousands of Russians have lost their hated kilos using it. For this they use the author’s books (Lose Weight Smartly, “Victory over Weight”).

Kovalkov’s nutrition system denies the benefits of sharp food restrictions when losing weight. His technique is based on three postulates:

  • it is necessary to understand the cause of excess weight gain;
  • understand that you are responsible for your weight;
  • set goals for yourself for the future.

Kovalkov for the fact that you need to lose weight without any executions on yourself. In addition, a person must take responsibility for what is happening, adopt some kind of weight loss plan and implement it. The diet proposed by Kovalkov works with the body gradually and immediately in all directions. It helps a person overcome food addiction. This is how he himself achieved real results, and he suggests that others do the same.

With the Kovalkov diet:

  • do not take into account calories consumed;
  • eat a balanced diet, consuming proteins, fats, and carbohydrates;
  • choose food themselves and create the right diet;
  • do not starve, do not limit themselves in food.

Kovalkov’s method distinguishes three stages:

  • preparatory: duration 2…4 weeks; at this time they get used to walking more, wean themselves off fast carbohydrates; They also clean the gastrointestinal tract and normalize its functioning; typical weight loss per stage is approximately 5 kg;
  • main: added to the loads from active walking strength exercises; food is not limited as much as in the previous stage; teach a person and his body to enjoy the consumption of the right foods and in balanced proportions; per day, on average, they lose weight by 200...4000 g;
  • final: duration 12…18 months; the human body gets used to living according to new rules; the body is kept slim and fit; The most important exercise is to walk; strength exercises are no longer necessary; eat according to simple rules, establishing a combination of products.

Sample protein diet menu

Menu for 7 days

With this weight loss system, food is taken five times a day. It contains more protein products. The diet itself is very varied, it includes simple dishes, which are not difficult to prepare.

The first day

For breakfast, eat cottage cheese (low-fat, 150g), drink coffee, tea.

An apple is a good snack.

For lunch, with a slice of whole grain bread, you can eat boiled chicken breast(150g).

The afternoon snack diet is yogurt (half a glass).

For dinner, a vegetable salad and fish, but steamed, are good.

Second day

For breakfast, take yogurt (unsweetened, 150g).

An orange is good for a snack.

For lunch you can eat beef stewed with vegetables (150g).

The afternoon snack diet is kefir (a glass).

Baked fish and fresh vegetables (200g each) are good for dinner.

Day three

For breakfast, you can eat egg whites (3 pieces) and drink coffee and tea.

A snack will be some kind of fruit (one).

For lunch, you can eat turkey (200g) with 4…6 tbsp of rice (brown).

An afternoon snack can be served with cottage cheese (not sweet).

For dinner, prepare cabbage salad and boiled beef (150g each).

Day four

For breakfast, drink kefir (low-fat) and eat two oatmeal cookies.

Buy grapefruit for a snack.

Lunch consists of asparagus and chicken fillet - both dishes weigh 200g.

Ryazhenka and kefir (a glass) are suitable for an afternoon snack.

Vegetables (150g) and boiled fish (200g) are prepared for dinner.

Day five

At breakfast they eat cottage cheese (150g), wash it down with tea and coffee.

An apple is included in the snack.

Lunch consists of whole grain bread (slice) and boiled fish (200g).

Getting ready for afternoon tea natural yogurt(no sugar, half a glass).

At dinner, the daily diet is completed with vegetable salad (150g), steamed beef (200g).

Day six

For breakfast, make an omelet from whites (2 eggs), prepare tea and coffee.

For a snack they eat a fruit (citrus, any).

For lunch, stewed beans (200g) are suitable for vegetables (150g).

Kefir (a glass) is traditionally prepared for the afternoon snack.

Dinner consists of salad (100g), boiled fish (150g).

Day seven

Finish the last day of the diet:

  • breakfast with cottage cheese (150g), tea or coffee;
  • snacking on an apple;
  • lunch with vegetable soup(plate), which is boiled in lean beef broth; They also eat whole grain bread (slice) and boiled beef (100g);
  • afternoon snack with curd cheese, which does not contain sugar;
  • dinner with salad and boiled beef - both dishes for 100g.

Menu for 10 days

The first day

Breakfast is sufficient: boiled eggs (2 pieces, without salt), two bread rolls.

For lunch you can eat fish (200g); a sauce is added to it, which includes herbs, natural yogurt; Instead of bread, crispbreads (2 pieces) are good.

A snack before dinner will be cottage cheese (low-fat), which can be mixed with herbs.

For dinner, a salad made from seafood is suitable: seaweed (200g), mixed, for example, with a “sea cocktail”.

Second day

Cottage cheese (100g, low-fat) is prepared for breakfast; it is mixed with herbs.

For lunch, two tomatoes and an eggplant baked in foil are enough. You can add boiled cauliflower (100g), mushrooms (200g).

For an afternoon snack, you can eat baked zucchini (250g), sprinkled with hard cheese (30g). Bread (2 pieces) will do.

Dinner can be seafood. In composition and volume, it corresponds to the dish that was prepared the previous day.

Day three

For breakfast, eat boiled chicken fillet (100g). Add greens and bread.

For lunch they allow themselves a stew, which includes green beans(200g), chicken fillet (100g).

The afternoon snack can be spent eating a vegetable salad, but it should be topped with yogurt.

Dinner involves low-fat cottage cheese (150g) mixed with yogurt (50g, natural). You can eat it with bread (2 pieces).

Day four

For breakfast - cottage cheese (low-fat, 150g).

For lunch - baked zucchini in foil. Lemon juice and spices are added. You can add eggs (2 pcs.).

For the afternoon snack they prepare mashed potatoes. Contains greens, cauliflower.

For dinner, a baked turkey (200g) is enough. Yogurt (natural) with the addition of herbs is suitable for the sauce.

Day five

Breakfast of eggs (2 pieces, boiled), bread (2 pieces).

Lunch of boiled beef (200g).

The afternoon snack consists of a vegetable salad dressed with yoghurt (natural).

Baked fish sprinkled with lemon juice goes well with dinner.

Day six

For breakfast, only yogurt (a glass) with bread (2 pieces).

Lunch – chicken fillet, cauliflower (100g each).

For an afternoon snack, low-fat cottage cheese (150g).

Baked vegetables for dinner.

Day seven

Breakfast includes boiled eggs (2 pcs.) and bread rolls (2 pcs.).

For lunch they eat a stew containing green beans (200g) and chicken fillet (100g).

In the afternoon, they interrupt their appetite with a glass of yogurt (drinkable).

A simple dish is prepared for dinner - boiled beef (200g).

Day eight

Breakfast again starts with a glass of yogurt.

Boiled chicken fillet (200g) is suitable for lunch.

At noon, yogurt again, but only low-fat and with herbs.

Dinner - seafood - a salad of them, as on the initial day of the diet.

Day nine

For breakfast they eat boiled eggs (2 pieces) and bread.

Turkey (200g) is baked for lunch. It goes well with yogurt sauce.

The afternoon snack is filled with yoghurt (drinkable).

At dinner, satisfy your hunger with a vegetable salad dressed with yogurt (natural).

Day ten

Breakfast, like the previous day, includes eggs (2 pieces, boiled), bread (2 pieces).

Lunch consists of vegetables, to which cheese (hard and a little) and lemon juice (a little) are added.

For afternoon tea, serve yourself cottage cheese (150g, low-fat). It is mixed with herbs.

Dinner consists of baked fish (200g), vegetable salad.

Menu for 14 days

If you decide to “go on a diet” for a couple of weeks, you can find, for example, on the Internet, a menu with a variety of dishes every day. You can make everything simpler - repeat the seven-day protein diet twice.

Menu for 30 days

Such a diet, due to the possible dangers inherent in protein systems, is rarely carried out. If you decide on it, then you can use the menu for a ten-day protein diet. Just repeat it three times.

Among the diets popular in our country today, the first places are occupied by the so-called protein ones, the most prominent representatives which are the Kremlin and Atkins diet. Strictly speaking, it is more logical to call them not protein, but low-carbohydrate, since the main restrictions relate specifically to carbohydrates.

Protein diets are quite difficult to tolerate: a deprived body requires carbohydrates.

These two diets have many fans, but they also cause no less controversy (especially among nutritionists). Popular publications extol their advantages to the skies, however, many advantages, in fact, turn into disadvantages.

Let's try to clarify the most controversial points and dispel the main misconceptions about "protein" diets.

Misconception 1: All evil comes from carbohydrates

This is exactly what Dr. Atkins and the unknown parent of the Kremlin diet say. They are partly right: carbohydrates from finely ground flour, ground cereals, as well as free sugars (glucose, sucrose, etc.) actively added to products by the food industry, actually increase the calorie intake and promote weight gain. However, there are also many useful carbohydrates - such as bound sugars of vegetables and fruits, pectin, polysaccharides, without which our body simply cannot function normally. After all, carbohydrates nourish muscles and the brain, regulate intestinal function, support beneficial intestinal microflora, and participate in protein metabolism and the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.

By depriving ourselves of carbohydrates, we expose our body to serious danger.

Misconception 2: Protein diets are easy to follow because you don't have to count calories.

According to the authors of protein diets, the calorie content of the diet really does not matter; only the content of carbohydrates is important. In the Atkins diet, you are allowed to consume no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day in the reduction phase, and 40 g in the maintenance phase. Kremlevka is more loyal: 40 g of carbohydrates per day for weight loss and 60 g to avoid weight gain. So you still have to count: not calories, but carbohydrates.

Special tables will help you find out how much you have eaten nutritional value foods that are in most cookbooks and diet books. You will also need accurate scales to determine the weight of food.

In fact, calculating carbohydrates is even more difficult than calculating calories: in many cookbooks And in magazines, the calorie content of a dish is indicated, but the content of nutrients, including carbohydrates, is not. For those who are trying to maintain a protein diet by regularly eating out, it is even more difficult. It is unlikely that a cafe or restaurant will provide you with accurate information on the “carbohydrate content” of a dish.

Misconception 3: Everyone loses weight on protein diets

Having given up bread, cereals, pasta and most fruits and vegetables, a person becomes hostage to a very meager diet. By reducing the caloric content of the diet, many people actually manage to quickly lose weight. excess weight.

However, there are exceptions. On initial stage In protein diets, the list of permitted foods includes mainly meat and poultry, fish, sausages and sausages, and rare dairy products. With such an “anti-vegetarian” diet, it is easy to exceed the fat quota. This means that the total caloric content of the diet may even increase, and as a result, weight loss will not occur. Lovers of sausages and frankfurters most often find themselves in this situation, because they contain little protein, only about 8%, but fat from 20 to 45%, so, unlike meat, these products can be called not protein, but fat.

Misconception 4: After protein diets you can eat everything and not gain weight

There are no diets that provide stable results after finishing them and switching to a normal diet. Returning to your usual lifestyle and diet is equivalent to returning to your previous excess weight. For some, this happens in a few months or even weeks; the luckier ones gain their initial body weight in 1-1.5 years.

Those who wisely begin to expand their diet to include vegetables, fruits and legumes find themselves in a more advantageous situation. Those who, the next day after completing the diet, gorge themselves on cake, washing it down with sweet lemonade, risk very quickly regaining their previous kilograms.

By the way, in the review National Register body weight correction (USA) showed that among people who managed to maintain a reduced body weight for a long time, very few adhered to the Atkins diet.

Misconception 5: You can stick to a protein diet for as long as you like.

There are only a few people who lasted a long period on Atkins or Kremlevka. Protein diets are quite difficult to tolerate: a deprived body requires carbohydrates.

Even when switching to a maintenance regimen, which involves consuming 40 or 60 g of carbohydrates per day, the body suffers from their lack. This is expressed in a disruption of all metabolic processes in which carbohydrates are involved, and a high content of proteins and fats in the diet does not improve the situation. As a result, he suffers appearance, immunity decreases, physical and mental endurance and activity decrease.

Refusal of plant foods leads to a deficiency of certain vitamins (C, P, group B) and microelements in the body. Lack of fiber causes dysbiosis and intestinal dysfunction. In addition, long-term and uncontrolled adherence to protein diets can lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, the deposition of “salts” in the joints and spine, and an increased risk of developing tumors.

Low-carbohydrate diets attract naive fat women with the opportunity to quickly part with a large number of extra pounds. The prospect of decreasing by a size (or even two) makes you forget about possible complications, especially since the authors of such diets report them in a very vague form.

Meanwhile, a reasonable restriction of carbohydrates through sweets means transferring cakes, gingerbread cookies or pastries into the category of festive rather than everyday dishes; Replacing regular bread with grain bread and giving up carbohydrate foods and fast food lead to no worse results. Of course, weight loss is slower than on protein diets, however, your health will not deteriorate, and the lost kilograms will not return.


I didn’t exactly go on a diet, but I just tried to eat less carbohydrates. She continued to eat vegetables and fruits and black bread, but not much. But I began to eat more meat, cottage cheese and stopped eating yogurts like Danissimo (they are very sweet and carbohydrate). I myself didn’t notice how I lost 4.5 kg. And I really didn’t count calories, moreover, my appearance improved, my nails began to grow quickly.

Comment on the article "Five Misconceptions about Protein Diets"

The doctor prescribed a protein diet for the children. First, read what products you can eat, and based on this, decide on a side dish and whether it is needed at all. It’s strange that the doctor did not give specific recommendations. To be honest, the doctor should have given a printout indicating LD table No.... in...


First, read what products you can eat, and based on this, decide on a side dish and whether it is needed at all.
It’s strange that the doctor did not give specific recommendations.
To be honest, the doctor should have given a printout indicating LD table No....
in accordance with the number there are clear instructions on what to eat, in what form and how much in grams.

cook vegetables: cabbage and cauliflower, and broccoli, and white cabbage (recipes are easy to find, there are plenty of them), vegetable stew, beets (boil, cut or grate, fry, green beans, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, vegetable stew (without potatoes).
you can cook chickpeas, beans or lentils with vegetables without meat.

Conference "Weight Loss and Diets" "Weight Loss and Diets". Section: Report on weight loss (all on Dukan) It’s a pity that in our city there are no places where you can buy something ready-made for a carbohydrate-free diet. They leave because it is impossible to stick to a carbohydrate-free diet for a long period.


I make sweets with stevia for myself. Lots and lots :) When traveling - chewing gum with a substitute :)

In general, now everyone is moving away from a carbohydrate-free diet, even bodybuilders who are cutting. Carbohydrates (complex) are needed by the body; you can’t live without them. Also, including carbohydrates in your diet eliminates unnecessary suffering.
In general, I cook myself for a maximum of 10 minutes, grilled meat or fish and rice or buckwheat. I can even have time to cook it in the morning.

without proteins. Need some advice. Weight loss and diets. The longer you cook, the rubberier it becomes. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. protein is found in milk, legumes, etc. So...


I've been on low protein for a long time. Firstly, age, I don’t want to lose calcium. Secondly, eating habits, I can’t eat so much protein food, it’s hard for me, and then I can’t replenish fluid losses, it’s uncomfortable for me and again it’s hard. Thirdly, I keep fasts. The other day I underwent a brief fitness diagnostic. I don’t know, maybe the data is unreliable (with a weight of 58 kg, BMI 21.5, muscle mass 33 kg), but the trainers noted that I have developed muscles and decent strength. Write what I ate yesterday?)) At the same time, I worked and trained, not counting the household chores - my son is visiting, he came from swimming))

How do you imagine this, physically?

Butter + sugar, what will you eat? Imagine for yourself what will happen if you eat only sugar and nothing else for a month. IMHO, vitamin deficiency.

Once a week, only sugar /// I don’t think anything will change. But why?

08/15/2013 03:08:32, masha__usa

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. I comply with everything without violations. I usually don’t eat up to the upper limit of calories. But the weight comes off very slowly from the very beginning.


Calorie deficit. With so many calories, the weight will soon come off completely. Well, 200 grams of protein is too much, and you can lose your health.
You need to eat healthy, varied foods in sufficient quantities and move more, that’s the whole secret. You need to lose weight comfortably, you don’t need to torture yourself like that :(

Medical studies of the effect of a protein diet on the body have shown that the weight loss effect occurs. Protein diets affect the kidneys and joints, sometimes causing very serious problems with health. The body has a need for a huge number...


Yes, you know, I’m really a very new Dukanite, but I have the same thing. The first week of alternation, the plumb line was simply gorgeous, and I had never dreamed of such a thing for a long time, almost 3 kg, I had already changed the ruler to 78.8, and was prepared (as Dukan writes) to weigh 1 kg per week. I comply with everything! Although it’s very difficult for me, sometimes it even brings me to tears. Instead of a plumb line - weight gain!!! The weight has returned, and even more. In terms of volume, I also haven’t lost a bit. Today I’m actually very upset: plus 900 g compared to yesterday! And this is with: a purely protein day, actually like an attack; hard day at work (I’m a masseuse at a sports center, yesterday I gave 4 sports massages in one hour, it’s a pretty hard massage and a lot of sweat) Besides work, I also have a swimming pool 2-3 times a week with a subscription. Nothing went away. It is very difficult, and above all morally.
After the discharge, I will go to the endocrinologist, although I was not so long ago, everything was fine.

Medical studies of the effects of a protein diet on the body have shown that the weight loss effect occurs due to a reduction in water retention in the body, and not due to the burning of fat deposits. Essentially, a person's obesity does not decrease even if there is significant weight loss. Thus, the real effect of losing weight occurs when the calorie content of food is reduced, regardless of what substances it gets them from - proteins, fats or carbohydrates.
One of significant shortcomings protein diets are poorly balanced due to the small number of permitted foods. This is quite harmful to the body.
Another danger is that limiting fluid intake not only creates the false impression of significant weight loss, but can also pose a significant threat to a person's health.
The harm of such diets is that there is excess protein consumption, and then intoxication of the body. This is expressed in poor health, constipation, which can subsequently lead to ketoacedosis - a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism: the smell of acetone appears on the breath, loss of appetite, the person is in an excited state. Protein diets affect the kidneys and joints, sometimes causing very serious health problems.
The body needs a huge amount of substances, and a bias in one direction can be very dangerous. So everything needs moderation.
As for sudden weight loss: 10 kilos in 10 weeks: you didn’t write what your initial weight was. If, say, 100 kilos, maybe it’s nothing. and if, say, 60, such a sudden loss can cause a lot of problems: hair loss, lack of vitamins and important microelements in the body, acne, peeling nails... and a lot of everything! Your body is simply defending itself. First he must get used to the new weight, a restructuring must occur, and only then can he continue to lose weight further. In addition, if the kilograms go away quickly, they can return just as quickly. It is much safer to lose weight gradually, a little at a time. at least half a kilo a week. But this result will be with you for a long time.

Diet-wise, it’s not possible, but I think it’s possible. I didn’t stay on the attack for long, I just started to desperately want vegetables, and I prefer to listen to my body rather than force it. I also follow the cruise as it is convenient for me - I eat proteins and vegetables every day, and not every other day.