The process of tying screw piles for a foundation with wooden beams. How to properly frame a house with beams How to process timber frames on stilts

Today, foundations built on pile supports are very popular. Their advantages include the speed of installation of the constituent elements. Naturally, construction time depends to a certain extent on the complexity of the structure, but on average such a foundation is built in two to three days. Note that for the construction concrete base it will take at least one month, because you will have to wait for the concrete to dry completely. The pile structure is installed quickly and has low financial costs. In addition, such a foundation is suitable for areas with any soil composition. There is only one feature that is not recommended to be overlooked - tying the pile foundation with timber.

Features of the pile foundation

These types of foundations are considered popular for the construction of low-rise structures - objects made of timber or frame buildings that are lightweight.

This is explained by some advantages of pile foundations:

  • They can be installed in areas with heaving and complex soils. This condition applies to construction sites those with slopes, when the terrain features do not allow the construction of other foundations;
  • long operational period. If you fully comply technological features installation work and use quality materials, then when correct operation the pile foundation will serve you for at least a hundred years;
  • reasonable cost of materials and work;
  • ease of installation. Screw piles can be immersed in the ground within a few hours using special equipment. If there are a sufficient number of workers, this process is performed manually.

Laying screw pile foundation, you completely eliminate the need for earthworks, taking a lot of time and effort. It is only necessary to accurately determine the depth of immersion of the piles and the distance between them.

To carry out the calculation, the weight of the proposed object, the characteristics of the soil composition, the level of groundwater, freezing depth.

When installing a pile foundation, you will have to take into account the fact that the structure will not have continuous support, which will create certain difficulties during construction interior partitions. But this problem can be solved by tying the piles. If this procedure is performed in accordance with the requirements, the strength indicator of the finished structure will increase.

Types of strapping

If we consider the location of the strapping belt relative to the soil surface, the following types of strapping are distinguished:

  • recessed - immersed in the ground so that the upper surface is at the same level with the ground;
  • elevated – placed on the soil surface;
  • high - raised above the surface by fifteen centimeters or more.

Based on the materials used, strappings are divided into four groups:

  • channel;
  • I-beam;
  • reinforced concrete monolith strip;
  • lumber.

Metal strapping is more durable, but it is difficult to install. Reinforced concrete grillages are not inferior to their metal counterparts in terms of reliability; they can be built with their own hands, but they require a lot of labor. It should be added that they will increase construction time, because the concrete will need time to reach its final strength.

Erecting a private house made of lightweight building materials, it is recommended to use wooden beams as a strapping - a durable, inexpensive and easy-to-install material.

Why is it needed?

To understand why the foundation is tied with timber, you should clarify the technological features of installing a pile foundation.

Such foundations are often used for lightweight frame buildings with a low specific gravity. The pile foundation significantly benefits in terms of money, is reliable, and is not inferior to its other analogues.

Piles are represented by pillars immersed in the soil, located from each other at a certain distance. But no matter how reliable the supports are, they do not provide a 100% guarantee of strength and the elimination of distortions. In this case, you have to perform a strapping that allows you to ideally solve these problems.

The process of tying a pile foundation with timber with your own hands should include the formation of strong fasteners, with the help of which the installed supports are connected into single design.

With the help of this working stage, a reliable foundation is obtained, which allows you to equally distribute and withstand load impacts. Tying piles with timber is called a grillage and is recognized as the most effective auxiliary element.

Features of the harness

Before you begin tying the pile-screw foundation with timber, the wood should be treated with antiseptic compounds to reliably protect it from the formation of fungi and mold. An additional precaution would be to treat the timber with anti-foaming agents, which reduce the wood's flammability.

While the treated wooden elements dry out, caps are installed at the end sections of the piles - steel structures welded onto the screw shafts. The shape of the head resembles the letter “P”, and the gap between its legs is determined depending on the size of the timber section. It is also recommended to prepare holes for fasteners in advance.

To get a more reliable harness, it should be done in a double row. In this case, cuts will not have to be made, which will have a positive effect on the strength indicator. For the second row, a beam with a smaller cross-section is used (15 by 10 versus 20 by 20 cm). Installation of the second level is carried out on the edge; the connecting areas of the lower row must overlap.

The lower harness is most often made from coniferous material, which has certain advantages:

  • long operational period;
  • good strength indicator;
  • low moisture content;
  • reasonable cost.

When purchasing lumber, check it for cracks so as not to reduce quality assembled structure. In addition, in calculations of demand, an additional ten to fifteen percent of the total volume should be included.

Let's figure out what is better to use for tying on a pile foundation - timber or boards.

Approved in construction industry standards allow the use of solid timber with a cross section of 15 by 15, 15 by 20, 20 by 20 cm, or timber prepared by joining several boards and having cross-section dimensions of 5 by 20 cm. A stacked analogue perfectly replaces a solid element, according to certain indicators it is even considered more reliable. Three boards combined into one can replace a beam with a section of 15 by 20 cm, and four - 20 by 20 cm.

The timber material, the size of one side of which is 20 cm, is mounted on the pile heads with a smaller edge, and the height of the strapping belt in this case is 200 mm.

Each of the options is popular and considered correct. Note that after studying all the advantages and disadvantages of materials, developers in most cases use boards sewn together.

The solid form of timber is considered a heavy type of building material, and if the number of workers on the site is limited, it will be difficult to transport such elements to installation sites. In addition, solid beams have poor bending resistance, which reduces their practicality. But the boards have to be joined before installation, which entails additional costs.

Materials and tools

Before you make a timber frame for a screw foundation, you should prepare everything you need for the work. You will need:

  • level and tape measure;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • anchor;
  • roofing felt;
  • welder;
  • bolts for making ties;
  • hammer;
  • brushes and protective equipment for wood processing;
  • dry timber.

Stages of work execution

Let's look at how to properly make a timber frame for a columnar foundation. To do this, certain types of work must be performed.

Preparing pile heads

To make it more convenient to tie a columnar foundation with timber, it is necessary to equip the pile tops with square plates, the dimensions of which are 25 by 25 cm.

They are prepared as follows:

  • drill three to four holes, with the help of which the process of fastening the wooden beam with self-tapping screws is simplified;
  • A waterproofing layer is installed on the heads using roofing felt or bituminous composition. Cutting out pieces roll material, it is recommended to leave a two-centimeter margin on each side to facilitate the fixation process.

Due to the waterproofing layer, the wood is protected from the negative effects of water, the source of which is considered to be condensation that appears on the cool surface of the metal after changes temperature regime. Therefore, every effort should be made to keep the wood dry.

We fasten the timber

To facilitate installation work on tying the screw foundation with timber, wooden elements are first laid out along the perimeter of the foundation being built. This will allow you to comply with the dimensions determined by the design solution. The laid out beams must be joined to each other at right angles; perpendicularity is checked by measuring the diagonals of the corners, the dimensions of which must be the same.

Installation work:

  • installation begins at the intersections of the beams;
  • the timber is joined “in half a body”. Sometimes the “claw” connection option is used, which is more reliable. To ensure a tight fit of the beam, its end sections are cut evenly. It is recommended to coat the wood at joints with adhesive;
  • The beam is attached to the soles with self-tapping screws. It is better to use hardware with hexagonal heads - it is more convenient to screw them in from below. To facilitate such work, small-diameter holes are pre-drilled and the screws are tightened with a socket wrench;
  • inside the grillage perimeter, the beam cuts into “half the body.” Before this, the timber is equipped with grooves at the connection points. Then part of the end is trimmed so that the beam is immersed in the main frame.

The embedded element should fit into place as tightly as possible.

In order to increase the level of reliability at the joints, such areas are additionally fixed with metal brackets, the diameter of which is 8 mm. This measure is used when the length of the screws is insufficient for a strong connection of the beams.

The brackets are installed in the upper parts of the beam, opposite the connection points. The pointed ends are driven into the solid surface of the timber, which has no recesses.

It is sometimes difficult to completely drive in an eight-millimeter staple, and it is recommended to perform this procedure as follows:

  • marking is performed, for which fastener applied to the surface of the beam and outlined with a marker;
  • along the marked line, a groove is arranged at 1 and 0.8 cm in depth and width, respectively;
  • The places where the legs of the bracket are to be immersed are drilled. Pre-prepared holes of 5 - 6 mm in diameter will prevent the formation of cracks;
  • each groove and hole is treated with antiseptic compounds;
  • the driving of steel staples begins, which must be immersed flush with the wood surface;
  • At the points of intersection of beams, the “half-tree” joining option is used. Screws are screwed in from below, and four staples are hammered in so that they form a square.

Metal brackets protruding above the surface will create certain difficulties for subsequent installation work.

Developers quite often resort to using pile-screw foundations. It is most widespread in the construction of houses made of timber or light frame buildings. This type of foundation is supported by its low price and speed of installation. In some situations, a screw foundation is the only solution due to the special characteristics of the soil of complex terrain.

This type of foundation has more complex design. Its creation requires more time from builders. The width and height of the formwork are selected based on design calculations, which take into account parameters such as the weight of the roof covering and rafter system, as well as the height, width and material of load-bearing walls.

Reinforced concrete piping is performed in several stages:

  1. Installation wooden formwork along the perimeter of the external walls of internal load-bearing partitions. The strength of its bottom must be such as to withstand the weight of the poured concrete. During the installation of the formwork, the upper parts support pillars is passed inside her box. In this case, the box will not be mounted on the ends. However, this approach requires the creation of temporary supports, which will need to be dismantled after the solution has hardened. To arrange the formwork, board or plywood with a thickness of 15-20 mm is used.
  2. Covering the formwork box with waterproofing material. For these purposes, inexpensive roofing felt or polyethylene film is most often used. The waterproofing is attached to the edge of the formwork in several places. This is done so that during the pouring process concrete mortar the film remained in place and did not slide under the influence of the weight of the concrete to the bottom of the box. Adjacent waterproofing sheets are overlapped by 20-25 cm. Waterproofing the formwork also helps the concrete gain strength and prevents it from losing water.
  3. Reinforcement of the future grillage. First of all, this process is carried out in relation to piles. Reinforcing rods are inserted inside the supports. They must first be linked to frame structure special jumpers. After installing the reinforcement, the cavity of the supports is filled with concrete.
  4. Reinforcement of the remaining grillage structure. This is done only after the concrete has hardened in the piles. The grillage frame is attached to the parts of the rods protruding from the supports.

Creation of a reinforced concrete grillage
  • If the depth of immersion of piles in the ground exceeds 2.5 m, then sand must first be poured into them and compacted thoroughly. To make the base for the reinforcement rigid, crushed stone of a not very coarse fraction (no more than 20 mm) is poured there. Only after these procedures are completed, a tied or welded structure consisting of several reinforcing rods 120-150 cm long is inserted into the support. It is necessary that these rods protrude upward to a distance that allows them to be tied to top belt reinforcing frame tape.
  • In certain situations, it is possible to weld reinforcing bars to the outer surface of the pile. This is done in cases where the supports rise above the ground to a height of up to 35 cm. However, internal reinforcement is always a better option.
  • After completing the installation of the reinforcement structure, the opposite walls of the box should be fastened together using jumpers. This is done to give it rigidity.
  • To fill the formwork, concrete of at least grade 300 is used. To remove air cavities and obtain maximum density of the solution, it is necessary to vibrate it. After this, the surface must be leveled.
  • A prerequisite for a high-quality grillage is that all planes must be filled with concrete within several hours. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the required monolithic structure. You should think about this before ordering ready-made concrete or if you prepare it yourself.
  • After pouring is completed, the grillage must stand until the concrete gains strength and completely hardens. It is worth removing the formwork after 10-14 days. It is not recommended to begin subsequent work related to the manufactured belt earlier than after 30 days. At low temperatures air this period will be increased.
  • Gently cover the finished reinforced concrete grillage with an insulating layer and only then proceed with the following procedures. This is done by hot or cold laying strips of roofing felt on the horizontal planes of the grillage.

After completing all these operations, you can begin building the walls.

Ventilation in the reinforced concrete grillage

Another very important nuance should also be mentioned. Particular attention should be paid to foundation ventilation. If the concrete frame is located at a height of 30-40 cm from the ground, then it is not necessary to make ventilation holes in it. The air will circulate thanks to the vents in the intake, which is a structure that forms the base of the building. If the grillage is installed near the ground or on its surface, the above-mentioned holes should be provided in advance. This is done at the stage of formwork installation. Cut pieces of plastic are installed in the places provided for by the project. sewer pipes. Thus, when pouring the solution, through holes appear in the grillage. total area The cross-sections of such vents should be about 0.25% of the area of ​​the base.

Even with the availability of such a wide variety of technologies and materials that make it possible to equip pile foundation grillages, wood has still not lost its popularity. This is due to ease of processing, low price and relatively low weight. Also, the advantages of wood include the ability self-installation strapping without involving additional forces.

Harness screw piles timber is made using softwood lumber, for example, spruce, pine or larch.

Installation of timber is carried out on the heads. The presence of waterproofing “misfire” between wood and metal is prerequisite. To do this, a waterproofing material, for example, roofing felt, is placed on the heads.

Before installing the wooden frame, it is necessary to carry out processing wooden elements antiseptic composition. In this case, preference should be given to a composition that has a maximum service life, since the foundation has been in use for several decades. You can continue working only after the protective antiseptic has been completely absorbed and the timber has completely dried.

It is best to use timber that has undergone an atmospheric drying procedure to a “carpenter’s” moisture content, which is equal to 12% . Such timber is less prone to deformation during operation.

In any case, changing the dimensions of lumber is allowed. In this regard, regardless of the connection method and type of material, you should not immediately mark and cut it. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to first place the material on the heads and mark and saw in this position. The ends of the beams formed after cutting must also be treated with an antiseptic before installation.

Most often, timber measuring 200x150 mm is used for grillage. If you plan to build a large house with two floors on the foundation, then it is better to choose a beam measuring 200x200 mm.

A beam with a cross-section of 200x150 mm is mounted on heads with a side of 150 mm. Thus, the height of the strapping beam will be 200 mm.

The process of tying a pile foundation with timber

Let us assume that, according to the project, the house being built will have large area, and the pile supports are 70-75 cm above ground level.

Therefore, after screwing in the piles, a lower frame will be required. For this, profile pipes will be used. To fix the lower trim, a welding method is used.

The heads have a square shape due to its convenience for installing “packages” of boards or timber. The top plate, which serves as the “sole” of this element, has dimensions of 250x250 mm or 200x200 mm.

You need to drill several holes (3-4) on the “sole”. They are needed for fastening the frame beams and the head. A plumbing screw with a length of 120 mm and a diameter of 10 mm is usually used as a fixing element.

Next stage– laying waterproofing roll material on the heads. For this, roofing felt or one of modern materials, the basis of which is bitumen.

The cut pieces of waterproofing should be slightly larger in size than the head area by approximately 20 mm in each direction.

The presence of waterproofing linings helps protect the wood from moisture penetration. The main problem is that the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of metal and wood differ greatly in their values. In the event of a strong temperature difference metal surface Condensation accumulates. This is why the site becomes wet. And everyone knows that wood must be dry throughout its entire service life. The waterproofing layer is designed to separate these materials and prevent condensed moisture from penetrating into the wood, thereby preventing its biological decomposition and premature “aging,” which has a positive effect on the durability of the entire foundation.

With a head size of 200x200 mm, the square-shaped fragment of waterproofing should have a size of 220x220 mm.

To prevent the waterproofing from moving from the head to the site, bitumen mastic is first applied.

So, the place for tying is ready. It's time to start installing the timber.

  • As previously said, correct installation implies the decomposition of timber along the perimeter of the structure. After this, it is necessary to check the perpendicularity of the beams. This is done by measuring the diagonal of rectangular sections of the foundation. If they match, then everything is done correctly.
  • The installation process must begin with the fastening points of the timber at the intersection of the beams.
  • The connection of the timber is carried out “in half a tree”. This method is the simplest and far from the most perfect. Experienced craftsmen resort to more reliable connecting nodes, one of which is “in the paw”.
  • The ends of the timber after cutting should be smooth and neat. Otherwise, when joining them, it will not be possible to achieve a tight fit.
  • It is recommended to additionally lubricate the joints with wood glue.
  • Self-tapping screws with a hex head, which are used to secure the timber to the heads, are screwed in from below.
  • To make it easier to screw screws into wood, you must first mark the holes. This is done by creating a hole of a smaller diameter. This must be done after the timber has been laid on the heads. A socket wrench is used to tighten the screws.
  • The insertion of the timber located inside the perimeter of the foundation is carried out “half a tree”. Cuts are made at the joints and excess wood is removed. Then you need to remove part of the edge of the beam, which is supposed to be cut into the main frame. The fragment to be removed is 150 mm long and half the thickness of the beam.
A) Gusset; b) inner join
  • The embedded part of the beam should fit tightly in the groove. In this case, the jumper becomes flush with the surface of the main external trim.
  • For additional fastening of the connecting nodes, steel staples 25 cm long, made of rod with a diameter of 8 mm, are used.
  • These fasteners are considered optional. In some cases, the length of the plumbing screws may not be enough to ensure reliable fixation of thick beams to each other.
  • The bracket is driven into the beam at the beam connection points from above. The legs of the brackets are driven into intact parts of the beam, and not those that were weakened due to the selection of half-wood grooves.
  • Sometimes driving the bracket to the required depth (flush with the surface of the beam) can be extremely difficult due to its large thickness. In this regard, this operation is carried out according to the following algorithm:
  • Lay the bracket to the place of its installation and mark it.
  • Make a cut along the marked line. Cut width – 78 mm, depth – 10 mm.
  • In the places where the legs are driven in, drill holes with a diameter of 56 mm. This will prevent cracks from forming.
  • Handle drilled holes and pain with an antiseptic composition.
  • Place the staples in the places intended for them and drive them flush with the surface of the beam.
  • In connections at the crossroads of two beams, the joining is performed “half-tree”. Self-tapping screws are screwed from below, and staples are driven in from above, forming a square.
  • In places where staples are driven in, the surface of the timber must remain flat. Otherwise, protruding parts of the brackets can significantly complicate the process of building walls.
  • After completing the fastening of the beams to the heads, it is necessary to check the resulting structure for horizontalness.
  • To do this you will need a construction or water level. The building level is used when the sides of the foundation are not too long.
  • The installation of timber may have a difference in the line from one corner of the building to another within 5 mm. The linear parameters of the structure and its horizontality must correspond to the data presented in the design documentation.
  • If there are errors, they will need to be taken into account in further calculations carried out for the construction of walls.


Thanks to technical specifications some materials it is possible self-installation strapping without the involvement of a team of professionals and the use of complex equipment. But when constructing a massive structure and the owner of the site lacks experience, it is still recommended to seek help to specialists. When arranging the foundation, mistakes should not be made. This is not the kind of job to learn construction from.

Strapping in frame house designed to provide working together main load-bearing structures. The lower one plays the role of a grillage for a columnar or pile foundation, and the upper trim of an individual frame house takes on the function of the Mauerlat. Proper installation of these elements ensures high reliability of the building. It is necessary to consider each type separately.

Bottom frame of the house

The bottom trim is most often a wooden beam with a section of 150 by 150 or 200 by 200 millimeters. The section dimensions can be selected by calculation, but they should not be less than the thickness of the building walls. The main function of the lower frame is to ensure the joint operation of the free-standing supporting structures of the house, so it is not needed with a strip foundation.

The grillage can also be made from rolled metal, but this is usually prevented by the following points:

In addition, it is best not to combine wood with steel elements due to the difference in physical properties these materials.

When the strapping device can be neglected

In some cases, installing lower trim in the house will become an unnecessary event. These options include:

  • construction of houses on strip foundations;
  • construction using Canadian-American technology;
  • frame-panel construction.

When building a house in the second case, SIP panels (sandwich panels) are used. The system involves quick assembly of a house, similar to a construction kit. The disadvantage of this technology is the impossibility of building a house with your own hands.

Harness requirements

When doing work with your own hands, you must carefully monitor the following points:

Waterproofing diagram when attaching timber to the foundation
  • quality of lumber (wood is used for load-bearing structures coniferous species first or second grade, humidity according to regulatory documents should be 12%);
  • compliance with geometric dimensions;
  • reliable connection of all piping elements, including high-quality fastening to foundation elements;
  • reliable waterproofing in places where the strapping is attached to concrete or metal foundations;
  • mandatory treatment with fire retardants ( fire-fighting compounds) and antiseptics (prevent the appearance of mold and mildew on the surface of the wood), which is carried out for each element separately before installation work begins.

Material selection

As already mentioned, the lower frame of a frame house can be made of wood or metal. Wood is better suited, but when using it, the problem of choice again arises. There are two options for wood beams:

  • solid timber;
  • laminated veneer lumber.

The second option is characterized by increased strength and the possibility of use with large loads or spans. The price is higher than for a beam of the same section made of solid wood. To build a house with your own hands, the use of expensive laminated wood is most often not economically feasible, since ordinary timber is sufficient for light frame buildings.

Ultimately, we can conclude that for the construction individual house the best option would be a solid beam as a strapping.

Attaching the harness to the foundations

When the foundation of a house is made of concrete or brick, anchoring is used. At the stage of construction of foundations they provide anchor bolts with a diameter of 12-16 mm.

Anchoring to the foundation with your own hands

The length is selected to ensure sufficient fastening of the strapping beam. It should go into the wood at least 8-10 cm, but it is better to provide through fastening.

The timber is attached through and through to the piles using bolts with a diameter of at least 12 mm. As a second option for fastening elements, you can use metal studs the same section. It is recommended to treat the fasteners with protective compounds to prevent corrosion.

Strapping beam connections

When carrying out work with your own hands, it is necessary to ensure a reliable connection of the grillage at the corners, at the junction of the external and interior walls. If the building is long enough, the standard length of lumber may not be enough and you will need to connect the strapping beam along the length. Connections can be made in the following ways:

  • “in the paw” and “in the floor of the tree” suitable for increasing length;
  • "dovetail"(the most airtight, but difficult to implement) is suitable for connecting internal walls to external ones;
  • "root thorn" Best used for corners;
  • "butt"– the simplest type of connection, characterized by low reliability.

The length of the joints “in the paw” and “in the floor of the tree” is selected depending on the cross-section of the strapping beam. The connection size should be within 2-3 beam heights. For reliable fastening, dowels are additionally used.

Frame house floor

A rational and economical solution would be to use the bottom trim as an element of the floor of a frame house. The timber plays the role of load-bearing beams, between which effective insulation is laid. The first floor floor pie is mounted on top of the frame.

The required insulation thickness is determined depending on the construction area. On average, its size is 150-200 mm. The calculation is made according to the joint venture " Thermal protection buildings."

This beam is necessary to evenly distribute the weight of the roof and snow load transmitted by the rafters onto the walls. To simplify DIY work, the upper and lower trims are made of the same material with the same cross-section. The beams are fastened together in the same way as in the previous case.

Scheme of the upper trim of a frame house

Attaching the harness to the frame posts

Fastening can be done using notches or steel angles. When using the first method, it is necessary to calculate in advance the height of the racks, taking into account the cutting.

Mounting options vertical racks frame to the bottom trim beam

In the strapping beam, special grooves are provided for each rack, and they must coincide with the grooves for fastening the racks in bottom harness. Additionally, the structure is fixed with nails. When fastening with your own hands using the corners, the racks are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Attaching rafters to the top frame

The Mauerlat absorbs vertical and horizontal loads from the rafter system. He distributes the horizontal one evenly on the walls. The horizontal load is the thrust.
Fastening is most often done by cutting. After which the structure is additionally fixed with two nails on both sides. It is possible to provide for fastening using corners.

Installation of rafters to the top frame

When tying a frame structure with your own hands, it is imperative to control the quality source material and reliability of connections.

This guarantees the reliability and durability of the structure. If the technology is followed, the timber will reliably connect all the free-standing frame elements into a single strong system and ensure the stability of the wall posts and the uniform distribution of the load on the foundations of the house and on the walls from the roof.

  • Why is pile tying needed?
  • The process of tying timber on screw piles
    • Thread fit
    • Landing on clamps
  • Some useful tips

Do-it-yourself tying of screw piles using ordinary timber has become very popular in construction today.

To build a foundation on soft ground, especially on screw piles, strong and reliable fixation of the piles is necessary.

It is no secret that the tying process, due to its technology and labor intensity, is somewhat more complicated than the process of installing piles. Among other things, the quality of the foundation, and therefore the stability of the house itself, will depend on the quality of the piping.

Why is pile tying needed?

To better understand why strapping is needed, let’s first briefly look at the essence of a pile foundation. This type of foundation is usually erected for buildings where high weight loads are not expected in the future. At the same time, a foundation on piles is quite profitable in terms of money, since the cost of its construction is relatively cheap compared to other more reliable types of foundations. Moreover, time is saved, since a house on stilts is built much faster than other houses.

Piles are pillars firmly driven into the ground, which are located at a certain distance from each other. Even when placed on concrete, such columns by themselves cannot guarantee maximum strength and the absence of floor distortions in the house in the future. It is for this reason that strapping is required.

The tying process itself involves connecting the foundation columns together with strong, reliable materials. This will make it possible to get solid foundation that will withstand permissible loads. Tying piles with timber is called a grillage and is considered one of the most reliable tyings today.

Overview of strapping installation types and selection of tools

Scheme of tying a screw foundation with timber.

So, before you start the strapping process, you need to clearly decide on the type of installation and the choice of materials and tools. Today, there are 3 most effective and reliable options for installing strapping to piles.

Threaded fit. This type of strapping is great for wooden piles, which are quite thick and have high wood strength. The calculation of the thread is very important here, since if the thickness of the pile is insufficient, you can easily make a mistake.

Installation of the harness using welding. This method is one of those that are mostly used for piles made of metal. The fact is that welding in this case will be practically the only win-win option, since any other strapping will not hold firmly to the metal.

Fastening the strapping to the piles using clamps. This method is considered acceptable for almost any wooden piles. And it is also great even in cases where the thickness of the piles is not too large. For some types of metal piles, clamps are also used.

So, it becomes quite clear that the specific method of attaching the strapping will directly depend on the material, quality and thickness of the pile foundation. And, of course, it depends on your specific wishes and financial capabilities.

Scheme of the device for tying the foundation of a house made of piles.

Before you start working directly with tying the screw piles with timber, you need to purchase the calculated amount of wooden beam. In order for the work to proceed quickly and efficiently, prepare the following tools:

  • building level;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • small anchors;
  • hammer;
  • metal corners;
  • roofing felt;
  • drying oil;
  • device for welding.

The process of tying timber on screw piles

Experienced builders have found that the highest quality when tying screw piles using timber is achieved by a combination of two technologies - threaded and clamped. In this case, the timber will serve for quite a long time and firmly hold the pile foundation. The only additional thing that will be required of you is to saturate the entire tree with special antiseptic solutions to prevent rotting and destruction of the wood in the future.

Thread fit

Diagram of grillage arrangement options.

We begin the strapping process by fitting onto the thread. It will be most convenient to carry out this method if the screw piles are arranged in the form of a flange (the letter P turned down). We begin the process by taking a block of the required length and placing it between 2 posts. Before this, it is extremely necessary to place small roofing felt pads oiled with drying oil on all sides of contact with the pile. In this case, the beam is attached to the side posts using self-tapping screws, and to the lower base using small sizes anchors or through studs. After the block is secured, it is necessary to additionally knock it slightly with a hammer.

For additional strength, you can strengthen the connections at the outer corners using ordinary spikes or a small metal corner. It is best to select a corner exactly according to the size of the corner of the pile with the beam, and it is recommended to fasten it using self-tapping screws. Using this method, it will be necessary to make the strapping on absolutely all the piles, without leaving any untreated areas.

It should also be taken into account that if the piles under the foundation are installed in such a way that it is impossible to fasten small bars between them from below and along the edges (there is no flange shape), then they usually neglect the threaded connection process and proceed immediately to tying with clamps.

Landing on clamps

Scheme of cladding and finishing of the base.

The next stage of tying will be fitting onto the clamps. This whole process is as follows. Long rectangular beams will need to be placed directly on the tops of the piles. This can be done either using self-tapping screws if the piles are wooden, or by welding in the case of metal type piles. When joining, it is extremely important to ensure that the plane of the beam at the top is as level as possible. To do this, it is recommended to use a building level. We do this around the entire perimeter of the pile foundation.

After this, it will be necessary to place smaller U-shaped wooden blocks, which are usually called a clamp, between the pile beams and onto a horizontally attached beam. This is necessary for additional fixation of the result. The applied bar should point downwards. After that, these ends are fastened to adjacent pile posts using special corners or threaded connections. After fastening, the connection is checked to ensure that it does not wobble. This method is used to make the rest of the surface of the pile foundation.

Screw pile cap table.

Now it’s advisable to give a few simple tips so that the strapping is carried out efficiently and is minimally difficult for you. Following these simple rules and paying attention to them can guarantee your success in your future harness.

Before work, you must make sure that all piles are the same in height. This refers to the height above the ground. If some of them are lower or higher, you need to level everything right away. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve high-quality binding. And this will lead to curvature of the floors in the room of the future home.

When tying, make sure that when you fasten the pile to the beam, the connection with the self-tapping screw should be as central as possible. This will make the structure strong and will prevent the wood from cracking and damaging the foundation in the future.

Before you purchase timber for strapping, keep in mind that the width wooden block, applied horizontally to the posts, should be approximately 2 times the width of the pile. This will guarantee the strength and reliability of the structure.

So, the process of tying the foundation from screw piles using wooden beams can be considered complete. If you follow all the tips, it will not cause you much difficulty. The only thing you will need is patience and slow work.

Do-it-yourself tying of screw piles with timber (photo and video)

Do-it-yourself tying of screw piles with timber. The essence and types of installation of the harness. The process of tying piles with timber: fitting to threads and clamps. A few simple tips.

Do-it-yourself tying of screw piles with timber. Vacation home- this is a large-sized building, which means that the support must be strong, and this applies even to the case when the foundation is made of individual piles. Do-it-yourself tying of screw piles with timber is necessary so that the mass of the building is evenly distributed.

Thanks to such a reliable coupling, it will be possible to connect the piles into a single structure - the foundation.

Separately placed elements, which are placed along the line and do not contact each other in any way, will form the basis of the pile. In order to connect the piles into a single structure, which will serve as the basis for laying the foundation and support of the building, you should add a special cap to each pile, and make a strapping on it. And even more, such a strapping will help to align the entire line located on top along which the piles go into an even and uniform plane (horizontal). This is very important - the stability of the house will depend on it. We note right away that a pile-screw foundation is ideal option for making a base for construction.

Also, this type of foundation is considered environmentally friendly, is cheaper than many analogues, is lightweight and can be quickly installed compared to other types of foundation. A residential building from timber can be built and at the same time profitable. The house itself is built with your own hands according to the principle of a designer. When laying the foundation, screw piles begin to be screwed into the ground; the work is similar to screwing in self-tapping screws. There is a possibility of encountering certain difficulties when tying screw piles. Since during the installation process it is necessary to form a grillage. Remember that the result will depend on how well the job is done.

Performing Load Calculations

When installing a pile-type foundation on screw supports, you will have to work with the base for a small load. This scheme Perfect for small sheds, as well as for bathhouses and garages made of timber. The weak support is perfectly compensated by the speed of construction and low costs. The foundation on the frame of screw piles with timber is designed from supports that are installed vertically, as well as horizontally. Such a system usually uses 4 supports, but more can be used.

In this case, the harness is presented. I make it from a material that is suitable for making a beam. It can be wood, metal, concrete. Wood is laid at the base of the beam, a corner is made from metal, and blocks are made from concrete. The strapping helps connect the beams to the grillage and to each other. How long the process will last directly depends on how carefully you follow all the requirements of the installation and installation instructions.

At all costs, the heads of the piles must be on the same horizon line, and this is easy to check when the supports are immersed in the ground. The width of the beam must be 1.5 times greater than the diameter of the piles. Another mandatory condition is that in the center of the supports the axis must pass only through the center of the beam. The strapping helps connect beams and supports using a threaded connection, either clamps or welding.

How and what to tie?

Strapping material

The installation will depend on the characteristics of the material used to make the beam and the foundation. Tying screw piles with timber is a common option. But most are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to use technology using timber, if it is possible to use materials with greater reliability, metal or concrete. Let us note right away that timber is the best option for the construction of a frame house or a house made of wood, since timber has great strength and high resistance to temperature changes. When treated with an antiseptic, which helps protect the wood from rotting, the service life of the timber increases and becomes longer than that of steel beams. The tying of piles with timber is carried out using a technology that involves fastening beams to threads, or each part of the grillage is secured with a clamp.

Threaded installation

This technique is used only for foundations that are U-shaped. A beam must be installed in the depressions on the flanges and secured with a self-tapping screw. Roofing material is placed between the piles and beams. The beams are connected into a thicket or paw at the corners. The corner can be secured using spikes. For corners outside, elements in the form of corners are used. This technique makes it possible not to waste time on the system of grooves and ridges.

Note, that the best way to tie screw piles is to lay the fastener element on outer corner. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws to the beams.

Using a Clamp

This method of fastening is used in systems that use piles and do not have a flange. A platform shaped like a rectangle needs to be welded on top of the pile head, and a grillage tank is placed on top of it. A U-shaped clamp is placed on top of the beam, and its width must be equal to the width of the beam. The edges of the clamp that hang down should be connected by welding or threaded connection with support vertical type. At the corners of the beam, the connection is made using metal corners.

Using an I-beam and channel

If the structure is not heavily loaded, you can make a grillage from a channel. This type of structure may include a barn or a bathhouse. The metal grillage and piles are tied together using welding. The structural elements and base are attached to a circular seam. The assembly procedure involves installing the channel on the heads. The element can be strengthened in such a way that the side edges seem to look down. Channel tying of screw piles is also performed in the opposite direction, in this case the edges are directed upward.

With this arrangement of the channel, the resistance to loads on the transverse parts of the structure will be many times better. Thus, you get formwork, which should be filled with mortar, and you will be able to form wall masonry for the armored belt. In order to provide high strength to the harness, an I-beam of the same size is used instead of a channel. When beams and channels are joined at the corners, welding is used. After tying the supports, the grillage is coated with a product that prevents corrosion from forming.

Board tying

Do-it-yourself tying of screw piles with boards often involves using material made from larch, cedar, spruce or pine. In this case, fastening begins with the manufacture of a beam, which is based on boards. The elements should be glued together and secured with self-tapping screws or installed on a bolt system. When using thin boards in the construction of the foundation, they should be additionally pressed down with sheets of plywood. Be sure to ensure that all joints are located on different piles. We connect the boards together to form half a tree. The beams must be located on the edge and fixed with piles.

Tying piles using this technology is performed as follows:

Using profile pipes for I-beam piping

If you want, you can make a harness I-beam, and then choose a material with perforation holes. The I-beam should be welded as tightly and end-to-end as possible. The preference in choosing this material is its low weight and high strength. The profile pipe in this design will act as a spacer, which will increase durability and improve the performance characteristics of the building. For strapping profile pipe should be welded from the outside around the entire perimeter of the base.

Is strapping required during construction?

Quite often future owners own home they begin to think about whether tying screw piles is required or not. A foundation on piles is a structure made up of supports that are sunk into the ground. The installation of these supports is carried out extremely carefully, but even such supports do not always meet all the strength requirements and are not fully reliable. The floors may become distorted during the further use of the house, and the piping will definitely not allow the foundation of the building to lose strength, which will make it strong, and the house will serve for many years.

Important! The strongest ones should be used Construction Materials. The timber will make it possible to make a fairly strong foundation that can withstand heavy loads.

When selecting timber strapping, you should adhere to a certain order of work:

Helpful advice! You can check the geometry of the future building by measuring the diagonals of the frame using a simple rope or tape measure from the outside.

  • The joints of the timber should be laid according to the “foot-to-foot” principle from the end side.
  • When everything is checked, the beams can be attached to the supports using screws, which should be 0.8 cm in diameter and 15 cm in length, and must be screwed in with a wrench.
  • In advance, you should make a hole in the timber with a drill with a diameter of 0.6 cm and a length of ¾ of the length of the screw. This is necessary so that the timber does not crack.
  • More reliable way attaching the structure means using bolts with a diameter of 0.8 cm. To do this, make a hole in advance using a drill, it should be 1 cm deep. This is required to attach the bolt head and washers, the diameter should not be less than 3 cm.

Note, that when the tying of the screw piles with timber for the foundation is completed, you should check again that the geometry of the structure is correct and everything is in order with the diagonal, and then we can assume that everything is ready and you can start building the house.

Also called harness. On this moment he is the best option, which is of high quality and greater reliability when strengthening the foundation on piles. You can create a reliable support for your house with your own hands, but before starting work you will need to prepare roofing felt, a building level, and self-tapping screws. Don't forget about metal corners and a hammer. The selection of other tools and materials will depend on the technology; ideally, use technology when using clamps and threaded connections. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the correct strapping must also be treated, which will protect the wood from moisture and bacteria.