Problems with leaves and their treatment at home. How to identify and eliminate dangerous pests and aloe diseases

What aloe diseases do flower growers most often encounter? These are root rot, nematodes, thrips and spider mite. Often aloe leaves turn yellow, become soft or curl. Why do aloe leaves turn yellow, dry out, and curl? What to do? Experts solve a number of problems with growing aloe, and will also tell you how to professionally deal with pests and plant diseases. Photos of aloe will help you understand the signs.

Aloe diseases due to improper care

Due to improper care, aloe most often dries out and turns yellow. The plant's leaves also curl and turn red. Universal solution there is no problem, and therefore experts consider each case separately. So, what to do if the aloe leaves curl and turn yellow, or the plant itself dries out or rots? Consultation with photos from professional flower growers.

Why does aloe have thin leaves and the plant itself stretches out? In this case, the plant does not have enough sunlight. From a lack of lighting, aloe begins to grow rapidly upward, as if making its way to the rays of the sun, while spending a colossal amount of energy on growth. At the same time, the plant does not have enough nutrients to grow full-fledged green mass, and therefore the aloe leaves become thin. You can solve the problem by moving the flower closer to the window or placing it under artificial lighting (in winter time). If there is no artificial lighting, then it is recommended to reduce the temperature of the aloe and reduce the number of waterings. Thus, all physiological processes in the plant slow down and it will not stretch. With the onset of spring, aloe plants provide the necessary level of light. These should be windows on the east or west side of the house. If the windows of the house face south, then the plant must be shaded. The plant is also recommended in spring and summer time take it outside, but always with shade.

In aloe, the lower leaves became stained at the base and fell off. Reason: regular waterlogging of the soil, as a result of which the aloe root rotted, and the rot began to rise up the stem of the plant. What to do? The plant must be removed from the pot, all rotten parts removed to a clean cloth. A neat cut is made on the stem until the tissue at the cut site is completely clean. Next, the cut site is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, the cut is allowed to dry for 1-2 hours, then the base of the plant is powdered with root, and the aloe itself is planted in a small pot (volume 100-200 ml). The soil should have the following composition: 1:1 peat and sand (sand can be replaced with perlite). Watering is very sparse, water through a tray, wet only bottom part pot where aloe was planted. Only the bottom layer of soil in the pot should be wetted, followed by complete drying of the soil and again scanty watering. Do this until roots form.

Why do aloe leaves turn red?? Red or brown spots on aloe leaves are a protective reaction of plant tissues to bright, sunlight, that is, it sunburn. Red spots on aloe leaves may appear in the spring, when after short winter days the level of illumination increases. Over the winter, the plant has become unaccustomed to the sun and throws out the red pigment on the leaves for protection. Often red spots on aloe leaves appear if the plant is moved from partial shade to a windowsill under unshaded sun. Plant to bright light needs to be taught gradually. From excess sun rays Aloe leaves will not only turn red, but also wither or turn yellow at the tips.

Why do the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow? Massive yellowing of the lower leaves of aloe indicates errors in care. So, warm wintering under conditions of abundant watering and lack of light, it leads to depletion of the flower. As a result, the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow, when the crown becomes very elongated, and the leaves become thin and not so fleshy. What to do? If in winter it is not possible for the plant to receive artificial lighting for 12 hours, then reduce the temperature of its contents, down to +10 degrees (the plant must be accustomed to low temperatures gradually). At the same time, watering is reduced and aloe overwinters in almost dry soil.

Why does aloe turn yellow in summer? In summer, even in conditions of sufficient light, the lower leaves of aloe often turn yellow. This indicates violations of the root system, that is, the roots can rot from excessive waterlogging. Either the plant is watered too often or it is growing in a very large pot. If the aloe has stretched out and its lower leaves have turned yellow, you can re-root the top. In this way the plant is rejuvenated. The top is cut off, the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, dried in the shade for 1-2 days, then the cut is sprinkled with root and planted in a small pot. A 1:1 mixture of peat and sand is suitable here. Watering is very poor through the tray. Only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. Next watering only after the soil has completely dried out from the previous watering.

Why do aloe leaves turn yellow? Aloe leaves turn yellow if the plant is given a cold winter without reducing watering. Or they sharply reduced the temperature of the plant. In the first case, the roots of the flower begin to rot, in the second, the roots become overcooled and become stressed. In both cases, it is necessary to reduce watering. The next watering should be carried out only after the soil has completely dried. You need to gradually accustom the plant to the cold.

Aloe leaves are soft if the plant is in direct sunlight. In this case, from the surface sheet plate much more moisture evaporates than root system able to absorb. However, excessive watering will not help here, but will only worsen the situation. After all, an excess of moisture can cause the aloe root to rot. The solution to the problem is simple - move the flower under bright but diffused light. This could be a place near a window with a light curtain hanging on it.

Aloe leaves are soft if the root system is rotting. There can be several reasons for the rotting of the root system. This is regular waterlogging of the soil, or low temperature keeping the plant in combination with regular watering, or a large volume of pot for small flower. In any case, the aloe is removed from the previous soil. reduce the volume of the pot, plant it in a mixture of peat and sand, and carry out scanty watering through a pan.

Aloe leaves curl for two reasons. The first reason is poor watering, heat contents and dry air in the apartment. In the summer, when it is hot outside and in the apartment, you need to water the plant abundantly, but only after the soil has completely dried, spray it regularly, but after the sun has set. Otherwise, burns in the form of red spots will appear on the aloe leaves. The second reason is the hot winter. Aloe in winter is often placed on a window near heating devices. The air near the radiators is hot and dry, causing the aloe leaves to curl. In such cases, aloe plants are provided with artificial lighting away from heating devices, or they arrange a cold wintering.

Aloe leaves may curl if the root system rots. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball, inspect the roots. They should be elastic and light. If the aloe roots are brown and flabby, they are rotting and must be removed. What to do next with aloe is written above.

Aloe diseases, photo

In addition to improper care, aloe can be affected by diseases such as root or dry rot, and pests such as thrips, spider mites, and scale insects. So, how and with what to treat aloe diseases? Photos and detailed instructions from specialists.

Aloe has stopped growing even during the growing season, its leaves turn yellow, in some cases the aloe leaves fall off the stem, and the plant itself falls on its side. Aloe disease: root rot. Causes of the disease: excess moisture. The root system suffers (rots) from excessive watering. How to treat aloe? The plant must be removed from the soil and the roots carefully examined. Rotten and flabby roots must be trimmed. The soil from the pot is thrown away, the container is disinfected. A mixture of peat and sand is poured into the pot. Aloe is planted there for rooting. Watering is carried out very sparingly and through a tray. When watering, only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. It must be completely dry before the next watering. The lower the temperature of the plant and the less amount of sunlight (artificial lighting), the less watering.

In particularly serious cases, root rot affects the aloe stem. The leaves and stem of aloe are covered with large spots that are soft to the touch. Brown. The aloe root has completely rotted. Here you need to completely cut off the entire lower part of the flower down to the healthy tissue. Powder the cut area with crushed activated carbon. Let the cut dry for 1-2 days, then sprinkle it with root and plant it in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1). Plant care is described in the previous paragraph.

White spots like streaks appeared on the aloe leaves. They increase in size over time, and the disease spreads to other leaves of the flower and other plants. Affected aloe leaves turn yellow and dry out. Small black dots can be found on aloe leaves. Aloe disease: thrips. Black, small dots are excrement. How to treat? Isolate the affected plant. It is necessary to treat aloe with actara, according to the instructions. Treatment is carried out 4 times with breaks of 7-10 days. The higher the temperature in the house, the more often the treatment. For prevention, you need to spray the entire collection of flowers with actara.

Why does aloe dry out? From excess moisture when the root system is completely rotten. Aloe leaves dry out if the plant is planted in too heavy soil (clay-based). There is no air reaching the roots and there is a constant excess of moisture. But sometimes aloe leaves dry very quickly, without changing their previous color, that is, green aloe leaves dry. Cause: root rot. How to treat the disease? Dry rot cannot be treated, and the plant affected by it must be immediately thrown away and the pot disinfected. To prevent the appearance of dry rot, it is recommended to spray the entire collection with systemic fungicides once every six months.

The indoor aloe flower grows on the windowsills of many city residents, who use its shoots and juice as a natural medicine. The flower is relatively unpretentious and the only thing that causes trouble for its owners is aloe diseases. It’s quite difficult to deal with them at home if you don’t know when and how to do it.

Aloe root rot

This aloe disease usually occurs when the flower is kept wet in cool weather. If the disease is detected on early stages, then aloe is quite possible to save.

External signs of aloe root rot disease are a long-term retardation of plant growth, especially during its growing season. Also, rotting of aloe roots causes the flower stem to dry out and not respond to watering.

They fight aloe root rot as follows:
- if the rotting of the roots is partial, then all affected parts are removed, and the rest are sprinkled with coal powder or sulfur. The flower itself is transplanted into fresh soil with a high sand content and watering begins after three weeks, very carefully.

If the aloe roots have rotted completely, then you can save top part flower stem, rooting it like a cutting. In this case, only the strong, healthy part of the stem is cut off.

If the aloe is damaged entirely, then the flower is thrown away, along with the pot, but as a fungus in a pot it can live for many years.

Aloe dry rot disease

Dry rot of aloe occurs as a result of improper maintenance of the flower. Externally, the disease manifests itself weakly, the shape and color of the aloe does not change, but “suddenly” it turns out to be dry inside. This happens very quickly, and flower owners usually do not notice any early signs of dry rot.

This aloe disease progresses very quickly; no measures have been invented to directly combat it. It is only possible to periodically spray the flower with a fungicide to prevent dry rot.

Other aloe diseases

Usually, aloe ailments arise from mistakes that owners make when maintaining and caring for the flower. So at very frequent watering The aloe roots begin to rot, and with a lack of lighting, especially in winter, the aloe leaves stretch out, become small and their number decreases.

Aloe malaise can also be caused by planting the flower in severe clay soil, from which moisture evaporates poorly and in which there is no aeration.

Each of us or friends and relatives grow aloe on their windowsills. Old people say that this plant is very useful in healing various diseases. It should be said that plant care doesn't take much time. It is not demanding on water and easily adapts even in the most difficult conditions.

Aloe and its features

Many people say that aloe lives for more than 100 years, and blooms only once during this period. This is not true. Experience shows that this plant can bloom almost every year.

The bitter tasting juice is used for masks and the treatment of certain diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, choleretic, soothes burns and has a wound-healing effect. Moreover, the juice of this medicinal plant increases the secretion of digestive glands, improves appetite and digestion, increases immune and protective functions body.

Tips for caring for aloe

If you don't water the aloe for a month, it won't die. But if you want to have a healthy and large plant, must follow simple instructions care:

  • Use a light soil mixture with a low content of brick chips and charcoal for cultivation.
  • It is strongly not recommended to add peat to the soil, as this has Negative influence on the root system of the plant.
  • Do not over-water in the summer. I know this from my sad experience. It is better to leave it outside at night because it collects dew.
  • When it gets cold (below +10 C), bring the plant indoors. This can be a cool room with a temperature of 12-14 C. I personally place the pot in the hallway or on an insulated balcony.
  • You can fertilize the plant with fertilizers intended for succulents and cacti. Saturation of the soil with mineral and nitrogen-containing fertilizers from time to time.
  • Be careful when transplanting cuttings. Young plants should be replanted once a year, 3-year-old plants - once every 3 years. Plants that are more than 5 years old are called old. They are the most valuable because they contain a lot useful substances for good health.

Propagated by seeds, stem and leaf cuttings and division of tubers. Use propagation methods, this will not cause any harm to the plant. Never replant an aloe plant while it is in bloom.

Everyone knows that aloe is a light-loving plant. Thus, it is preferable to place it on southern windows, but in the spring it should be carefully accustom to direct sunlight to avoid burns.

Don't think he doesn't need light in winter! 12-15 hours a day, but if the daylight hours are less than this time, it is necessary to use additional lighting for normal growth.

remember, that spring sun may damage leaves. May cause redness and you will need to cut off damaged leaves to save the plant.

In addition, it is common knowledge that this is a plant grown on outdoors differs from plants grown in an apartment and have a more harmonious shape of the stem. Warm and dark rooms are not suitable for the plant, it becomes pale.

The most common diseases and pests of aloe

Root rot

As a rule, it occurs when watering is abused. It is possible to restore the plant in the initial stage of the disease. Signs: stunted growth and drying of trunks.

Dry rot

This can happen if aloe is not properly cared for. If the plant looks weak. The disease can be prevented by periodic spraying with a fungicide.

Basic rules for planting aloe

Now that you know how to care for a plant, you should also learn how to plant and prune it.

1.Do not water it before planting. The soil should be dry.

2.After removing the plant from the pot, clean the roots of the old soil by lightly tapping it.

3.If you find damaged roots, they must be removed without damaging healthy tissue. The chopped parts should be sprinkled with ground sulfur or charcoal. Trimming should be done with sharp scissors.

4.After transplanting the plant, it is important not to water it for 5-6 days. Place the pot in the shade. If you did everything correctly, the aloe will take root quickly.

Propagation by seeds

If you don't know how to plant aloe seeds, follow the instructions:

  • They are sown at 21°C immediately after ripening.
  • It is better to do this in February or March.
  • Use bowls of soil containing the following ingredients: leaf, light peat and sand soil, add some broken bricks and charcoal into the soil.
  • When small plant 2 leaves will appear, you can plant them in pots.

Leaf care

If you don't provide proper care for aloe, you may notice that the leaves curl or become covered with black spots. Use spray with clean water, clean them once a week in winter and twice a week in summer.

Dust can accumulate on the flat leaves, so be careful and mindful of your plant.

Aloe needs light to stay green and healthy. If it doesn't get enough light, it may turn yellow, pale green, or become thin. You must replant it or add fertilizer. Follow the care instructions to preserve the plant.

Aloe Vera is a useful medicine against many diseases

How to use aloe vera?

If you buy vitamins in pharmacies, you think that you are taking care of your health. Aloe Vera is much better than chemical nutrition. In addition, it treats dozens of diseases, with essential vitamins and minerals (calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc, vitamins A, B-group, C and E, folic acid and niacin).

With the help of this plant you can treat teeth and digestive problems, reset excess weight and gets your immune system working. Burns, cuts and other minor injuries can be successfully healed with the help of this magical plant. So if you want to have a doctor at home, start by planting aloe vera in your garden or windowsill.

It is recommended to take the juice of this succulent plant for treatment. The gel has a special bitter taste. The normal dose is 10 ml. You can also buy this drug at the pharmacy. Remember that you can only use old (at least 5 years old) plants to get a quality gel.

Hello, Lyuba.

Aloe, or agave, is a frequent guest in our apartments. This is one of the most unpretentious plants to grow; caring for it is quite simple if you follow a few rules.

Homeland of aloe

In nature, aloe grows in arid deserts and semi-deserts. Its homeland is Africa, the Middle East and South America, Madagascar island. These perennial herbaceous, tree-like or shrubby plants sometimes reaching a height of several meters. Long fleshy leaves, completely smooth or with small spines, arranged in a spiral, accumulate moisture and help aloe survive in severe drought conditions.

Home healer

have long been known medicinal properties these plants. Aloe juice contains substances that help restore damaged tissue and is used in the treatment of wounds, burns, infections and allergies. Aloe is a wonderful skin care product. Its juice is included in a wide variety of cosmetic preparations. At home, you can wipe your face with a cut leaf or make a mask of aloe juice and honey.

Features of care

Most often, tree aloe is grown at home; this species is what we call agave. Of course, he doesn’t live a hundred years, but when good care will please the owners for 20 years, or even more. The plant is quite tall - up to 70 cm, the leaves are bluish-green, velvety to the touch, with soft thorns. Aloe, like all residents of southern latitudes, loves sunlight very much, so it most often lives on windowsills. In spring, when the sun is especially active, it is advisable to cover the plant from direct rays to avoid burns. And on warm summer days you can put it on Fresh air or drop off at open ground. Watering is carried out 2 - 4 times a month, depending on air humidity. No need to spray the plant, excess moisture may accumulate in leaf rosettes, leading to rotting. Fertilizing is done 2 - 3 times per season. IN autumn-winter period aloe needs rest, watering is reduced at this time.
Let's figure out why your green pet got sick. There may be several reasons.

  • The pot is too tight. In this case, the roots will look out, and the lower leaves, not receiving enough nutrition, will dry out. Young plants must be replanted once a year in the spring into a slightly larger container, adults - once every 3 years.
  • Root rot. This occurs from excessive watering or stagnation of water. In this case, it is also recommended to replant the plant. A ceramic pot is best. Be sure to add drainage to the bottom so that the water does not stagnate. Inspect the roots, carefully remove the rotten and dried ones; the remaining ones should be treated with crushed coal.
  • Often the cause of leaf drying is shoots that have grown from the roots. They can be easily removed by simply pulling them out of the ground and replanting them in another container.
  • When replanting, use a special mixture for succulents or prepare it yourself, taking two parts of turf soil and one part each of sand, humus and leaf soil.

And finally, a few tips: you need to water aloe rarely, but abundantly, spilling all the soil; Pour out the remaining water in the pan. Carry out the next watering after the top layer of soil in the pot has completely dried. It is better to settle the water so that it is warm enough. For medicinal purposes, the lower, thickest leaves are cut off entirely, precisely those whose tips begin to dry out.

All the best.

Best regards, Olga.

What aloe diseases do flower growers most often encounter? These are root rot, nematodes, thrips and spider mites. Often aloe leaves turn yellow, become soft or curl. Why do aloe leaves turn yellow, dry out, and curl? What to do? Experts solve a number of problems with growing aloe, and will also tell you how to professionally deal with pests and plant diseases. Photos of aloe will help you understand the signs.

Aloe diseases due to improper care

Due to improper care, aloe most often dries out and turns yellow. The plant's leaves also curl and turn red. There is no universal solution to the problem, and therefore experts consider each case separately. So, what to do if the aloe leaves curl and turn yellow, or the plant itself dries out or rots? Consultation with photos from professional flower growers.

Why does aloe have thin leaves and the plant itself stretches out? In this case, the plant does not have enough sunlight. From a lack of lighting, aloe begins to grow rapidly upward, as if making its way to the rays of the sun, while spending a colossal amount of energy on growth. At the same time, the plant does not have enough nutrients to grow full-fledged green mass, and therefore the aloe leaves become thin. You can solve the problem by moving the flower closer to the window or placing it under artificial lighting (in winter). If there is no artificial lighting, then it is recommended to reduce the temperature of the aloe and reduce the number of waterings. Thus, all physiological processes in the plant slow down and it will not stretch. With the onset of spring, aloe plants provide the necessary level of light. These should be windows on the east or west side of the house. If the windows of the house face south, then the plant must be shaded. It is also recommended to take the plant outside in spring and summer, but always with shading.

In aloe, the lower leaves became stained at the base and fell off. Reason: regular waterlogging of the soil, as a result of which the aloe root rotted, and the rot began to rise up the stem of the plant. What to do? The plant must be removed from the pot, all rotten parts removed to a clean cloth. A neat cut is made on the stem until the tissue at the cut site is completely clean. Next, the cut site is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, the cut is allowed to dry for 1-2 hours, then the base of the plant is powdered with root, and the aloe itself is planted in a small pot (volume 100-200 ml). The soil should have the following composition: 1:1 peat and sand (sand can be replaced with perlite). Watering is very sparse, water through a tray, wet only the lower part of the pot where the aloe is planted. Only the bottom layer of soil in the pot should be wetted, followed by complete drying of the soil and again scanty watering. Do this until roots form.

Why do aloe leaves turn red?? Red or brown spots on aloe leaves are a protective reaction of plant tissues to bright sunlight, that is, it is a sunburn. Red spots on aloe leaves may appear in the spring, when the light level increases after short winter days. Over the winter, the plant has become unaccustomed to the sun and throws out the red pigment on the leaves for protection. Often red spots on aloe leaves appear if the plant is moved from partial shade to a windowsill under unshaded sun. The plant must be accustomed to bright light gradually. From an excess of sunlight, aloe leaves will not only turn red, but also wither or turn yellow at the tips.

Why do the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow? Massive yellowing of the lower leaves of aloe indicates errors in care. Thus, a warm winter in conditions of abundant watering and lack of light leads to depletion of the flower. As a result, the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow, when the crown becomes very elongated, and the leaves become thin and not so fleshy. What to do? If in winter it is not possible for the plant to receive artificial lighting for 12 hours, then reduce the temperature of its contents, down to +10 degrees (the plant must be accustomed to low temperatures gradually). At the same time, watering is reduced and aloe overwinters in almost dry soil.

Why does aloe turn yellow in summer? In summer, even in conditions of sufficient light, the lower leaves of aloe often turn yellow. This indicates violations of the root system, that is, the roots can rot from excessive waterlogging. Either the plant is watered too often or it is growing in a very large pot. If the aloe has stretched out and its lower leaves have turned yellow, you can re-root the top. In this way the plant is rejuvenated. The top is cut off, the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, dried in the shade for 1-2 days, then the cut is sprinkled with root and planted in a small pot. A 1:1 mixture of peat and sand is suitable here. Watering is very poor through the tray. Only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. The next watering is only after the soil has completely dried out from the previous watering.

Why do aloe leaves turn yellow? Aloe leaves turn yellow if the plant is given a cold winter without reducing watering. Or they sharply reduced the temperature of the plant. In the first case, the roots of the flower begin to rot, in the second, the roots become overcooled and become stressed. In both cases, it is necessary to reduce watering. The next watering should be carried out only after the soil has completely dried. You need to gradually accustom the plant to the cold.

Aloe leaves are soft if the plant is in direct sunlight. In this case, much more moisture evaporates from the surface of the leaf plate than the root system is able to absorb. However, excessive watering will not help here, but will only worsen the situation. After all, an excess of moisture can cause the aloe root to rot. The solution to the problem is simple - move the flower under bright but diffused light. This could be a place near a window with a light curtain hanging on it.

Aloe leaves are soft if the root system is rotting. There can be several reasons for the rotting of the root system. This is regular waterlogging of the soil, or low temperature of the plant in combination with regular watering, or a large volume of pot for a small flower. In any case, the aloe is removed from the previous soil. reduce the volume of the pot, plant it in a mixture of peat and sand, and carry out scanty watering through a pan.

Aloe leaves curl for two reasons. The first reason is poor watering, high temperature and dry air in the apartment. In the summer, when it is hot outside and in the apartment, you need to water the plant abundantly, but only after the soil has completely dried, spray it regularly, but after the sun has set. Otherwise, burns in the form of red spots will appear on the aloe leaves. The second reason is the hot winter. In winter, aloe is often placed on a window near heating appliances. The air near the radiators is hot and dry, causing the aloe leaves to curl. In such cases, aloe plants are provided with artificial lighting away from heating devices, or they arrange a cold wintering.

Aloe leaves may curl if the root system rots. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball, inspect the roots. They should be elastic and light. If the aloe roots are brown and flabby, they are rotting and must be removed. What to do next with aloe is written above.

Aloe diseases, photo

In addition to improper care, aloe can be affected by diseases such as root or dry rot, and pests such as thrips, spider mites, and scale insects. So, how and with what to treat aloe diseases? Photos and detailed instructions from specialists.

Aloe has stopped growing even during the growing season, its leaves turn yellow, in some cases the aloe leaves fall off the stem, and the plant itself falls on its side. Aloe disease: root rot. Causes of the disease: excess moisture. The root system suffers (rots) from excessive watering. How to treat aloe? The plant must be removed from the soil and the roots carefully examined. Rotten and flabby roots must be trimmed. The soil from the pot is thrown away, the container is disinfected. A mixture of peat and sand is poured into the pot. Aloe is planted there for rooting. Watering is carried out very sparingly and through a tray. When watering, only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. It must be completely dry before the next watering. The lower the temperature of the plant and the less amount of sunlight (artificial lighting), the less watering.

In particularly serious cases, root rot affects the aloe stem. The leaves and stem of aloe are covered with large brown spots that are soft to the touch. The aloe root has completely rotted. Here you need to completely cut off the entire lower part of the flower down to the healthy tissue. Powder the cut area with crushed activated carbon. Let the cut dry for 1-2 days, then sprinkle it with root and plant it in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1). Plant care is described in the previous paragraph.

White spots like streaks appeared on the aloe leaves. They increase in size over time, and the disease spreads to other leaves of the flower and other plants. Affected aloe leaves turn yellow and dry out. Small black dots can be found on aloe leaves. Aloe disease: thrips. Black, small dots are excrement. How to treat? Isolate the affected plant. It is necessary to treat aloe with actara, according to the instructions. Treatment is carried out 4 times with breaks of 7-10 days. The higher the temperature in the house, the more often the treatment. For prevention, you need to spray the entire collection of flowers with actara.

Why does aloe dry out? From excess moisture when the root system is completely rotten. Aloe leaves dry out if the plant is planted in too heavy soil (clay-based). There is no air reaching the roots and there is a constant excess of moisture. But sometimes aloe leaves dry very quickly, without changing their previous color, that is, green aloe leaves dry. Cause: root rot. How to treat the disease? Dry rot cannot be treated, and the plant affected by it must be immediately thrown away and the pot disinfected. To prevent the appearance of dry rot, it is recommended to spray the entire collection with systemic fungicides once every six months.