Supply valve in a house made of rounded logs. Exhaust ventilation in a wooden house: diagram and photo. Types of hoods in a wooden house: nuances of work

Every schoolchild knows that wood is a “breathing” material. Its fibers allow air and moisture to pass through, and there is no need to talk about environmental friendliness. However, this amount of air is hardly sufficient for residential premises. Additional ventilation in a house made of timber is not just needed, it is necessary there.

Is ventilation necessary in a house made of timber - opinions and arguments of experts

A wooden house is associated with warmth, coziness and comfort. Naturally, there should be no drafts and “siphonage” from the windows. If these conditions are met, then the natural ability of the tree to “breathe” is not enough. The house will not be properly ventilated, and this will lead to the appearance and proliferation of mold and various fungi. A material such as wood accumulates quite a lot of moisture and, with insufficient ventilation, very quickly undergoes the process of rotting.

You should not ask the question of whether ventilation in a house made of timber is needed by the employees of the company that is building the house. Most likely they will answer that this is not necessary and, if you really want, you can make a similar one natural ventilation. All they can offer is to cut a hole in the wall and insert a piece of pipe there.

There may be several reasons for this answer:

  • Competence, the company does not have enough knowledge and experience in this matter;
  • Deadlines. Installing ventilation significantly increases operating time;
  • Budget. There is no desire or opportunity to support an additional specialist;
  • Personal beliefs. The company's employees firmly believe that “wood breathes.”

In fact, being in a house made of timber is much more pleasant than being in a brick one. There is a special atmosphere, a smell and the lungs fill with air much easier. This feature is associated with the ability to absorb and release moisture, but this has nothing to do with air.

Some argue that previously all houses were made of wood, they did not rot and many have survived to this day. This is true, but in those houses there were real Russian stoves, which were responsible for ventilation.

If we consider wooden ends, they supply oxygen well, along with dirt, dust and extraneous sounds and odors through the cracks that appear. To avoid this, every self-respecting company pays Special attention processing of raw materials with sealants. Among other things, snow can get inside through cracks and cracks.

Special attention should be paid to ventilation in a house made of laminated veneer lumber. This material has a strong connection and has gone through several stages of processing. Glued laminated timber does not allow air to pass through at all, even a minimal amount.

Types of ventilation

Today there are 3 main types of residential ventilation:

  • Natural;
  • Supply and exhaust (forced);
  • Combined.

Natural ventilation is the flow of air through cracks and cracks in the walls, open windows, stove chimney, etc. This method will not allow for proper ventilation of the entire house, and any noise and debris will be a constant companion. Nevertheless, natural methods of ventilation have their advantages. For example, if the house is located near a forest and everything around is fragrant with flowers and herbs, then sit with closed windows Few people will want to be under artificial ventilation.

Supply and exhaust ventilation provides additional air purification. It is installed if the air is heavily polluted (the house is located in an industrial area of ​​the city or near treatment facilities). Another reason to install the system is the building material from which the house is made (various types of panels, etc.).

The name itself suggests that the system has an inflow and outflow of air. It works according to the following scheme. Clean air coming from the street is passed through an air filter. Another stage of cleaning and heating takes place there. At the same time, the outflow system collects “exhaust” air from all rooms, extracts from it the particles necessary for heating the fresh air, and discharges the rest to the street.

Both parts of the system work simultaneously, but autonomously from each other. The only place where they intersect is directly in the installation. Heat exchange takes place there. “Bad” air gives off heat to “good” air, and this significantly reduces the cost of additional heating.

Combined ventilation is a mix of natural and forced. TO this method resorted to in cases where one exhaust system cannot cope. Most often it is needed in very dirty rooms where there are a lot of foreign odors. Usually this is a kitchen, toilet and bathroom. If in timber house there is a boiler room or a basement, then there is also that.

Design and installation rules

Those who are engaged in construction on their own are probably planning to install ventilation without the help of specialists. It is not so difficult to assemble ventilation in a house made of timber with your own hands. The installation and assembly scheme is quite simple, which cannot be said about the design. If you plan not only to ventilate the house, but also to significantly reduce heating costs, then it is better to entrust this matter to specialists. Competent craftsmen can accurately calculate what the pipes should be, their diameter and quantity, where to place the installation, how much space is required, etc. The important point is total area houses, the size of living rooms, the number of people living, how many and what equipment will be used. Based on these data, the specialist will calculate how powerful the system should be and how much air it can replace throughout the day.

If everything is done according to the rules, then the design of air exchange should occur simultaneously with the drawing up of a house plan, even before its construction. In reality, what happens is that people only remember about hoods when the house is already standing.

Once the diagram is ready and all the material has been purchased, you can begin installation work. Any man with the right hands can handle this. No special skills or abilities are needed, the main thing is not to rush and strictly follow the instructions.

Another important point is the direction of air movement. It should go from the bedroom, children's room or living room to the work areas (kitchen, bathroom, basement). In no case is it the other way around. The main condition for high-quality air exchange is the absence of obstacles and creases inside the system.

Ventilation in a log house is not a luxury, but an extremely necessary thing. Don't be fooled by the initial costs; they pay for themselves very quickly due to heat savings. In addition, modern installations operate completely silently and will not disturb your peace.

A pre-thought-out and properly designed ventilation system will provide clean, fresh air to every corner of your home. It will be pleasant to be in such a home, breathe easily and get complete rest. Waking up in such a house, you will be full of strength, energy and Have a good mood, and these are mandatory components for successful and productive labor and social activities.

We are sure that many of you will say: why do ventilation in wooden house, because the tree breathes!

Great! What do you mean by the phrase “wood breathes”? Maybe he has lungs? Or does air pass through the wood? Or maybe wood-boring beetles make holes in the walls and everyone breathes full breasts?

Throw away your prejudices! Get rid of the fact that a tree can breathe, and so can you! This is complete nonsense and tales of ignorant fools!

One of the goals of any construction company is the construction of such country house, which retains precious heat as much as possible and does not “siphon” drafts. Otherwise, such a company will have neither clients nor orders. This is the ABC of construction!

A wooden house is no exception. Not only is it even more sensitive to moisture than stone, but it is also capable of absorbing much more moisture than a house made of any other building material. Without ventilation, i.e. proper ventilation, a wooden house rots in 5 years - thanks to moisture, fungus and mold!

Attention! Not a single construction company will recommend installing a supply and exhaust ventilation system in your (!) home. There are several reasons for this - the desire to reduce the price of the offer as much as possible, the reluctance to tinker with “small things”, delays in the design and conclusion of the contract, elementary ignorance of the issue, plus the denseness and illiteracy of “experts in their field”. The maximum that they will advise you is to install regular natural ventilation, i.e. a hole in the kitchen wall and a plastic vent on the roof, that's it! And of course they will add that “wood breathes (!), so you don’t even have to bother with this poor option - after all, this is a wooden house, and we are professionals, who to trust, if not us, the handsome ones, pay your money and breathe deeply in a brand new and... rotting house.” Everything will be exactly like this, 100% verified! This is such a sad story...

So is he breathing or not breathing?

The phrase “wood breathes” should refer to the tree’s ability to take in and give away moisture, but not air. It is truly more pleasant to breathe and generally be in a wooden house, because wood by default is a more comfortable material for our sensations than brick with plaster or drywall with glue and wallpaper. There are many reasons for this, they are well known, and our general nature You won't be fooled.

If in ancient times the ventilation function wooden house partially performed by the Russian stove, today the skills of the old stove school are virtually lost, and modern stoves and fireplaces are completely devoid of even a hint of ventilation. The norms remain, moisture too, to say for the hundredth time that any (!) house must be ventilated and the entire volume of air in it must be changed according to elementary sanitary standards, there is no point - this is obvious.

If you still want to know why you need supply and exhaust ventilation in a country house, read

Maybe he’s still breathing something?

We hear the last voice in defense of “breathing” wood - but what about the ends of wooden logs or laminated veneer lumber? After all, they really let air through! Let’s answer - of course, the ends of a wooden house really allow air to pass through, as well as moisture and dirt. It is the ends that are the first to crack, swell and begin to collapse, and behind them the wooden house itself collapses.

It is for this reason that the ends of high-quality wooden houses are covered with professional sealants and then painted or simply covered with boards. There can be no talk about ventilating an entire house through the ends - this is complete nonsense!

We won’t talk at all about the gaps between the crowns due to loose caulking or because of fallen tow, as well as about blown corners with heaps of snow in them in winter, this is “ kindergarten”, but about the properties of laminated veneer lumber (!), which is capable of letting something through - and even funnier!

It is important to know

Here typical example misleading builders of their clients:

This picture was taken by us from the website of one very “important” and “respected” construction company, which certainly “knows everything” - do you like THIS statement? They don’t even know that the air in a wooden house should be completely changed to fresh air every 1-2 hours, and not a measly 30% per day (!) - these are our “respected” builders...

By the way, take a little test: go to a wooden wall, lean your lips tightly against it and blow with all your might. Then again. And further last time. That's it, the test is over. You can never do this again, just as you can never listen to amateurs who say that wood passes air through its fibers in a volume sufficient to ventilate an entire wooden house.

What's the solution?

So should we build a wooden house or not? Of course, build! In general, a wooden house is certainly good, it deservesly takes the place of the most comfortable country house for a person to live in, its comfort and charm are unique.

Just do everything necessary for its health and longevity, don’t believe construction “fairy tales”, install a VENTYS supply and exhaust ventilation system with recovery in your house and it will easily give you a 100-year service life!

What is the price?

A trivial thing - the cost is determined based on the results of the design and discussion of details with the customer himself, but not otherwise!

But of course we can count on our fingers - basic minimum set necessary equipment for installing a supply and exhaust ventilation system with recovery in a wooden house with an area of ​​about 200 sq.m. such:

  • ventilation unit with a rotary heat exchanger for 400 cubic meters.
  • two air filters
  • sensor set
  • remote control with LCD display
  • VentyFlex flexible duct kit
  • two air distribution boxes for 6/10/15 pipes
  • set of ceiling/wall boxes for air supply and intake
  • set of anemostats for ceiling/wall boxes

All equipment is from Germany.

Cost of a basic set of equipment - 235,000 rubles.

Is it expensive or cheap? If we compare it with the absence of a ventilation system with recovery as such, then this is exactly 235,000 rubles more expensive. When compared with the cost of similar traditional equipment, it is 3-4 times cheaper, which has been tested many times by our customers!

Standard questions

What do I get as a result? Having installed a set of ventilation system with recovery in a wooden house for permanent residence, you will receive constant availability of clean fresh air without opening windows (health and well-being), significant savings on heating the house (money and satisfaction) and proper air exchange in the house (long life of the house itself).

Do I need to design a ventilation system in a wooden house? Our answer is YES! Only based on the design results, we will 100% accurately determine all the necessary equipment parameters, taking into account the features of your home (presence of second light, presence of a fireplace, swimming pool, etc.).

Can I purchase this equipment without design work? In principle, if the house is standard, with standard ceiling heights, the usual list of rooms (kitchen-dining room, living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a bathroom), then a basic set of equipment will be quite sufficient, in which case standard supply and collection points We will help you determine the air without a project.

Will I be able to install this equipment myself? Of course yes! If you are ready to spend a couple of days doing exciting physical work, you will be pleased with the result. Our VentyFlex air distribution system is assembled according to the Lego principle - everything is easy, intuitive and understandable. All you have to do is plug in the ventilation unit and you're done!

Can I order installation and commissioning of this equipment from you? Certainly! We are the best in our business, we know about ventilation in country houses All! We will help you avoid many mistakes during installation and save your time and nerves. Our qualified teams are at your service. Professional experience of 15 (!) years speaks volumes, and grateful reviews from beloved customers are the best confirmation of this!

Photo of installation of a ventilation system with recovery in a wooden house

Using the example of one of the small private houses in the Moscow region, we will show you the main stages of installing a ventilation system with recovery in a wooden house (laminated timber, 150 sq.m.). All wiring will be hidden; for this we use our unique VentyFlex air distribution system with flexible corrugated air ducts; the only visible elements will be ventilation grilles and air supply/intake poppet valves.

The customer's house is at the finishing stage; sewerage, heating and electricity have already been installed in the house.

It was decided to place the ventilation system in a classic place - in the attic, and to install hidden air supply and intake routes along the riser, in the floors and under the ceiling on the first and second floors of the house.

Installation of distribution boxes

We install distribution boxes with 10 slots each. One box will be responsible for supplying air, the other for removing it. These boxes, in addition to the main role of distributing air flows, play the role of an additional muffler; from the inside they are covered with a 2-centimeter layer of special noise-absorbing material. Outside the boxes, we provided access to inspection hatches in advance.

Installation of silencers and ventilation units with recovery

Next, we install 2 silencers and the ventilation unit itself with a recuperator. The installation wall can be easily removed for the necessary regular replacement of air filters. Then we mark and make a pass through the carrier wooden wall to the street to install an outlet that will take fresh air from the street for supply to living quarters.

Wiring the ventilation unit, connecting all its terminals

Now we connect the ventilation unit with noise suppressors, insulate the air supply and exhaust routes and install them. If we took air from the street into the side wall of the house, then we release the exhaust air through the roof. To do this, we install a passage element on the roof.

Installation of a passage element through the roof

We make a passage through the roof to install an insulated Finnish ventilation “mushroom”. After this, we will connect the exhaust air pipe from the installation to it. Below to the right, in the wall of the house under the roof, you can see the round air intake hole we made; later we will cover it with a ventilation grill.

Connecting taps to the installation

We connect the installation with an insulated pipe to the passage element in the roof - the exhaust air will be easily removed through a straight pipe upwards. We go into the wall with the adjacent curved insulated outlet - here we will take in fresh air from the street. A flexible corrugated pipe will connect the kitchen hood to the installation through a special fifth kitchen socket - the removed kitchen air, bypassing the air filters, will transfer the necessary heat to the recuperator and be directly removed from the system to the outside.

Installation of ceiling boxes

Now we proceed to the placement and installation of ceiling boxes. We install all boxes according to the ventilation design. Subsequently, the finishers will mount the ceiling, trim the protruding part of the boxes flush and install poppet valves for air inflow and outflow.

Preparation of flexible corrugated air ducts

Upon completion of the installation of the ceiling boxes, we prepare flexible corrugated air ducts - we outline the routes, measure the required length and cut them evenly.

Connecting ceiling boxes

We connect the prepared air ducts to the ceiling boxes; for this we use special rubber sealing rings and a set of strong latches. Unnecessary free slots and basic big hole We close with standard plugs.

Finished ventilation route

Then we fix the flexible duct and get the finished route. In the photo to the right of the white corrugated tube, a flat white route is visible - this is a flat ventilation duct for kitchen hood, which will be located on the opposite wall.

Installation of ceiling boxes

We continue to connect the ceiling boxes. Bathroom.

Ceiling box installed

This is what a fully connected ceiling box looks like. It is temporarily closed with a large standard plug, which is replaced upon completion finishing works a poppet valve will be installed, in this case for air intake.

Wiring and connection of air ducts

We continue to lay out the routes and connect them to the boxes. In this photo you can see the second type of ventilation boxes - flat through-wall boxes. These boxes are telescopic, they are easily adjusted to the thickness of the wall and fit perfectly into the interior of the house.

Flat pass box installed

We adjust the thickness of the flat passage box, secure and install the grille. White elegant metal lattice adds sophistication and aesthetics to the interior of a wooden house. By changing the angle of the grille louvers, you can easily direct the air flow in the desired direction.

Side Feed Wall Box

Flat wall boxes can be either straight (as in the previous version) or with a side supply - it all depends on the convenience of connecting the air ducts.

Flexible ducts connected to distribution boxes

We connect the second ends of the flexible air ducts to distribution boxes in the attic - each air duct to its own socket. Thus, one part of the air ducts supplies air to the premises, the other part takes it away. And so we continue until the very last track.

Installation and installation of the ventilation system is completed

And here is a happy moment - the last route is ready and the work on installing a ventilation system with recovery in a house made of laminated veneer lumber has come to an end. All that remains is to wait for the finishing work to be completed, install the air inflow/outflow disc valves and carry out commissioning of the entire system.

Upon completion of finishing, we begin to install poppet valves (air supply, wall)

We install poppet valves in other rooms (air supply, ceiling)

And the final touch is the installation of an outdoor ventilation grill, now that’s it, happy ending!

You can equip your home with the same modern system VentyFlex ventilation, it's very simple!

Ready solutions

We offer the best ready-made solution for your home - installation of a system that combines heating, ventilation and air cooling. As a result, a modern house that is sufficiently sealed and insulated can be successfully lived in all year round, without water heating or gas.

How we are working?

Our managers handle all logistics. All equipment is delivered after production directly to the site

In 1-2 weeks

Immediately upon receipt of the ventilation kit and its delivery, a team leaves for installation, assembly and debugging of the system.

The installers install the ventilation unit, route the air duct system around the house according to the design, and connect the pipe system to the distributor and muffler.

The walls of buildings made of natural wood retain forest aromas that have a beneficial effect on humans. Effective ventilation in a house made of timber creates the necessary conditions for a good rest.

In old buildings made of natural wood, air currents were moved by heat generated by stoves. Natural ventilation in a wooden house was ensured due to the presence of cracks.

The need for ventilation in timber buildings

Modern buildings made of wood differ from those built earlier by the absence of gaps between joints in the walls. First of all, builders are concerned about preserving heat and preventing drafts.

thanks to the tight mutual fit of the parts, the houses become almost airtight

Is ventilation necessary in a wooden house? A similar question is often asked by homeowners of private buildings. Without a flow of fresh air, stagnation occurs air flow in the space of the home. Wooden buildings require ventilation equipment.

Selecting a suitable system (forced or natural look) is carried out by the owners, since they are best familiar with the specific conditions of stay in their home.

Ventilation device in wooden houses

To successfully arrange ventilation in a wooden house yourself, you need to acquire ordinary tools for metalworking and carpentry work. Installation activities consist of the following steps:

  1. Design.
  2. Arrangement of ventilation ducts.
  3. Installation of air ducts according to the drawn up plan.
  4. Checking the system for functionality.
  5. Troubleshooting identified problems.

Features of designing a ventilation system

From the very beginning, the project is developed with your own hands. This event is held in accordance with the requirements building regulations and taking into account the location of the rooms.

Ensuring air exchange standards in the main rooms:

  • kitchen with gas stove – 70 m³/hour;
  • kitchen with electric stove – 50 m³/hour;
  • bathroom – 50 m³/hour;
  • living room – 30 m³/hour;
  • bathroom – 30 m³/hour;
  • utility room – 15 m³/hour.

Quality requires an accurate, justified project.

a competent drawing serves as the basis for determining the parameters of the ventilation system, since it takes into account the layout of a particular house

At this stage, correct marking of the location of system elements is required. You can invite a professional designer to perform this important task.

Installation of natural ventilation

With natural ventilation the most warm masses rise up through special channels located vertically. How to make ventilation with your own hands? Equipping a natural system is the cheapest yet most effective task and is easy to do yourself.

The work package begins with basements, since there is an influx of fresh outside air.

During the construction process, the walls of the house are equipped with special small holes for the passage of air flows

To ensure better draft, fresh air is supplied from north side. The entrance to the supply channel is made at the ground floor level.

Installation of exhaust ducts

Full natural ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands indoors is ensured by cracks specially left under interior doors, equal to 1.5–2 cm. Or by installing door ventilation grilles. Warm air randomly directed to the exhaust channels. In each room, a duct entrance must be installed in the ceiling area.

holes in the wall are masked with decorative grilles

Exhaust duct outlets must be installed above the roof. Pass-through air channels are equipped with special plugs or valves to regulate the air exchange rate.

To avoid the reverse draft effect during strong gusts of wind, ventilation in a wooden house involves installing separate ventilation ducts for each room. This means that the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom must be equipped with their own channels so that unpleasant aromas did not enter residential premises. The attic residential floor is equipped with the same channels for complete ventilation. Attics not intended for habitation are ventilated through holes made in the roof.

Traction force in the ventilation system of a wooden house

Ventilation in a private wooden house and its draft depend not only on the wind, but also on other factors:

  1. The ventilation pipe extends over the roof ridge.
  2. Square cross section the inside of the channel.
  3. Number of bends and turns.
  4. The quality of the system's thermal insulation.

The best result is achieved with a minimum number of obstacles in the form of: roughness, bends, narrowings, etc.

During the hot season log house the value of the thrust force approaches zero due to a slight temperature difference in the lower and upper layers ventilation channel. In such conditions the best solution To ventilate the room, you will use forced ventilation or simply open the windows.

Materials for ventilation shafts

Small wooden cottages there is no need to finish the shafts with bricks, since the surface of the internal channel will have unnecessary roughness where dust will begin to accumulate. In a small private house, it is recommended to use channel blocks made of smooth metal or plastic.

Forced ventilation

With natural air movement, the internal atmosphere of the room does not always have time to refresh. Homeowners often come to the conclusion that it is necessary to increase ventilation in a wooden house.

in order to increase productivity, existing system ventilation can be supplemented with a hood

The hood in a wooden house will improve if you install this device before entering the exhaust duct in the room where it is necessary to increase the air exchange rate (bathroom, kitchen).

Fan requirements:

  1. The fan dimensions must correspond to the diameter of the duct for convenient installation
  2. The power of the device must be sufficient to ensure effective ventilation

If there is insufficient fan power, an additional blower device is installed.

Unite forced hoods different rooms in one ventilation duct is not recommended for the same reasons as with natural ventilation.

Installation of ventilation in shower cabins

To improve the movement of air masses in a bathroom or shower stall, the doors are hung with a bottom gap of about five centimeters; forced ventilation is also used for this purpose. Ventilation of a shower cabin in a wooden house is installed both above the ceiling and in open form. When directly ventilating a room, the system turns on after a person leaves the cabin, so as not to catch a cold.

Installation of fresh air ventilation in a wooden house

For the purpose of strengthening, enhanced supply ventilation is used. With the help of this system, the most effective air exchange is carried out in all rooms, both in the living area and in the basements and attic.

Supply ventilation in a log house performs the following functions:

  • outside air intake;
  • dust removal using air filtration;
  • heating of incoming air masses;
  • removal of exhaust air from premises.

Supply ventilation equipment

The retail chain has a large assortment of ventilation equipment for houses made of natural wood. To make the right choice, you need to consult with specialists before purchasing fresh air ventilation.

A complete set of equipment consists of the following elements:

  1. Fan built into the duct.
  2. Electric heater for heating cold winter air.
  3. A device for humidifying dry air flows.
  4. Fan vibration damper.
  5. A set of filters for air purification.

Modern supply system ventilation in a wooden house is equipped with automation for ease of control and management.

Installation location of distribution equipment

The attic of a private house is the most preferred place to install equipment. To avoid the harmful effects of vibrations on interfloor ceilings working units are installed on special low stands. During installation, air routes are secured under the ceiling and inside the ceilings.

Checking system performance

Each wooden house, due to the special properties of the building material used, requires a careful approach to the quality of arrangement of any ventilation systems in both residential and office premises. Regardless of the type of ventilation that is installed in a log house, it must be effective.

A refined check of the quality of the system’s operation is carried out using a special device - an anemometer. The ventilation of a wooden house can also be checked with the help of improvised household products. A paper towel held near the ceiling vent should point towards the grate.

Installing ventilation in a wooden house is not a complicated undertaking. The most important and difficult stage can be called designing the system and calculating the necessary elements. It is recommended to carry out this work with the help of specialists.

Previously, traditional wooden residential buildings did not need a ventilation system. The circulation of air flows was carried out due to the so-called “breathing” walls, windows, doors, etc. Now, modern wooden structures have increased level tightness. This is done through machine profiling of wood. Thanks to this, the house becomes warmer, but significantly worsens its ventilation capabilities. Therefore, a ventilation system in a house made of timber is simply necessary.

Is ventilation necessary in a wooden house?

Almost every person has heard the mention that wood has the ability to “breathe.” This is true. In traditional wooden houses, ventilation was achieved through this and was supplemented by natural air circulation using the stove chimney.

However, modern wooden houses are created from beams glued together. In this regard, the tightness of the walls increases significantly, as a result of which there can be no talk of natural ventilation of the material. The main task of this type of structure is to retain the maximum possible amount of heat, which, naturally, negatively affects air circulation. Therefore, the question “is ventilation needed in a house made of glued timber” is incorrect.

Norms and requirements

Having minimal theoretical knowledge and basic skills in working with tools, you can ensure high-quality ventilation of a wooden house on your own.

The whole process can be divided into several stages.

  1. Design. In the process of developing a ventilation system, it is necessary to take into account air exchange holes and some design features your house. For rooms with different purposes, standards and requirements for air exchange differ (values ​​are indicated in cubic meters per hour):
    • kitchens with gas stoves – 70;
    • kitchens with electric stoves And hobs – 50;
    • combined bathrooms and toilets – 30;
    • bathrooms – 50;
    • bedrooms and others living rooms – 30;
    • utility and utility rooms – 15.
  2. The next step is to assemble the ventilation ducts according to the project developed at the previous stage. It is worth noting that in order to obtain accurate and high-quality channel surveys, it is recommended to use the services of a professional designer.
  3. The last step is to check the constructed ventilation system and correct any deficiencies found.

Natural ventilation of a wooden house

Installation of natural ventilation in a house made of timber is carried out at the stage of its construction. The design is created using special air ducts, the main task of which is to remove exhaust air masses outside the house.

Flow circulation in air channels natural system ventilation is carried out due to the difference atmospheric pressure and temperatures at the inlet and inlets and outlets of the system. The speed at which exhaust air flows are removed depends on the height of the ventilation duct. The higher it is, the faster it is. This occurs due to the increase in pressure with altitude.

When designing such a ventilation system, you need to use smooth air ducts of the same diameter. This will ensure the highest possible level of performance and eliminate dust buildup within the system.

The air flow in such a system is carried out due to natural openings and openings in timber buildings, such as windows, doors, etc. If the level of influx of fresh flows is not enough, then it must be compensated by additional forced-type systems.

The main advantages of a natural ventilation system are as follows:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation.

Obvious disadvantages include:

  • poor efficiency;
  • lowering the level of sound insulation;
  • inability to adjust operating power;
  • the need for periodic cleaning from dust and insects.

Forced ventilation of a wooden house

To provide additional fresh air flows, forced ventilation systems are used. It is based on the operation of special mechanisms (valves, fans, hoods, aerators, etc.).

How to make ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands? The first step is to check the performance level of the natural ventilation system. If the air flow is insufficient, it is necessary to design forced ventilation, powered by fans. In another case, the house may not have enough power from the exhaust ventilation ducts. This problem can be solved by installing exhaust units, which speed up the removal of used air flows from the room.

If your home does not have enough air flow and waste removal speed, then you will need to install a comprehensive supply and exhaust system. She will provide the premises required quantity fresh air and quick replacement them to new streams.

Application of the hood

Forced ventilation, based on exhaust mechanisms, is a system of air ducts that helps exhaust air flows leave the room. She connects to common system channels.

When arranging only one hood, the flow of fresh air is natural. When designing ventilation of this kind, it is necessary to ensure that the volume of exhaust air is equal to the volume of incoming air. In this case, the system will operate with the highest possible efficiency.

The main advantages of the hood are as follows:

  • high operating efficiency, ensuring removal of exhaust air masses;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • possibility of adjusting the operating power of the installation.

The only significant drawback of an exhaust ventilation system is that it does not retain heat in the room well.

Fan application

Providing fresh air flows using fans allows you to compensate for the lack of air flow naturally. A system of this kind is quite often used when designing ventilation in a bathroom.

To achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to create a system vertical system channels with a minimum number of turns and bends. Another important condition is that the outlet of the channels must be located at a height of at least 50 centimeters above the roof of the house. Otherwise, the exhaust air flows will negatively affect the integrity of the roof and roofing.

The advantages of fans look like this:

  • possibility of adjusting operating power;
  • ensuring inflow large quantity air masses;
  • high level efficiency;
  • affordable price.

Which type is most suitable?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which type of ventilation system is most suitable for a wooden house. It all depends on the type of material from which it is created, as well as on some other parameters.

Usually a natural ventilation system is sufficient. If there is a lack of fresh air flow, it is necessary to install additional fans; if the exhaust air mass removal rate is insufficient, a hood will come to the rescue.

Calculation and design

If you decide to arrange ventilation system in your home yourself, then you first need to carry out calculations and create a project. When creating channel diagrams and operating power calculations, the following factors must be considered:

  • location of ventilation ducts and outlets;
  • number of turns;
  • required air exchange rate;
  • diameter of the channels used;
  • thermal insulation material, etc.


Before installing the ventilation system, you need to decide on the type of equipment used and the type of ducts. In wooden houses, wooden, metal and plastic air ducts are used.

You can install the system yourself without any problems. To do this, it is enough to have basic skills in working with conventional tools and strictly follow the drawn up project. It is important to use the same fasteners throughout the process.

Thus, it can be understood that the additional ventilation system in modern houses made of wood is simply necessary. It will provide comfortable air exchange for life and keep the house warm.

The vast majority of owners wooden houses not needed too much complex systems ventilation of living space. At any time, a portion of fresh air can be obtained from a simple window vent. Not to mention the fact that any microcrack in the inter-crown connection of logs can serve as an invisible source of life-giving oxygen. And wood itself is a fairly heat-resistant, “breathable” building material that has sufficient vapor permeability and does not particularly require special arrangement of artificial ventilation systems. An important role in ventilation is also played by the presence of a stove in a wooden house, through the pipe of which the home is additionally ventilated.

  • Comfort from the constant presence of fresh and clean air;
  • The environmentally friendly materials used in this scheme provide a cozy atmosphere in the house, while at the same time having a positive effect on health;
  • If released into home air unpleasant odors, substances harmful to the body, the risk of being affected is minimized.

The main advantage of this scheme is the ability to control the air removed from the room.

Roof ventilation of a wooden house

Normal ventilation is needed not only for the rooms of the house, but also for the roof. If it is not there, then in the future you will have to expect significant problems, starting from the roof and ending with the ceiling. Only free air circulation in the attic will save the house from all these troubles, maintaining the required temperature and humidity conditions.

Our ancestors provided ventilation for the roofs of their houses by equipping dormer windows. Cold attic well ventilated thanks to holes in the ridge on the eaves and front dormer windows.

Ventilation ridge vents and under the eaves of the roof in modern houses form the most effective system, using natural heat and wind pressure.

For free flow of air to the ridge vents in an insulated attic A ventilation gap is made between the outer and heat-insulating layers of the roof. He settles between roofing material and waterproofing with a width of at least 5 cm.

The hood can be mounted not only in the form of ridge openings, but also in the form of pitched ventilation elements installed near the ridge.

It is believed that wood “breathes”, but the main reason lies not in this useful feature natural building material, but in the fact that it can absorb and release moisture. Therefore, the issue of ventilation in a bathroom in a wooden house is very important.

Passive ventilation is sufficient for standard one-story house with one, but in larger houses you will have to install a mechanical ventilation system (supply and exhaust ventilation). In wooden houses, ventilation ducts are usually designed separately for each room, especially for the bathroom and kitchen. The exhaust air is exhausted through them to the roof.

Let's give regulatory requirements for ventilation in bathrooms:

  • the highest air speed in this room should be 0.3 m per second;
  • Humidity (relative) should not exceed 65 percent;
  • air temperature in summer time should be +25 0 C, in winter ─ about +18 0 C;
  • for sufficient air freshening, the inflow/exhaust should be: in a regular toilet 25, in a bathroom - 50 cubic meters per hour.

For any plumbing fixture, it is necessary to comply with the air exchange rate (m 3 / h):

  • 75 for shower/jacuzzi/bathtub,
  • 25 for sink/bidet,
  • 50 for the toilet.

Since plumbing fixtures are rarely used at the same time, the capacity of the bathroom ventilation system may not exceed 110 cubic meters. at one o'clock.

Fan for bathroom. This fan is selected according to the following parameters:

  • noise level ─ no higher than 40 decibels;
  • presence of bearings;
  • device performance, depending on the cubic capacity of the room and the air exchange rate (bathroom ─ 8/10, bathroom ─ 7/8);
  • fan start option;
  • fan model designed for high humidity levels.

The main problems that arise when using the bathroom are excess humidity and heat, the consequence of which is mold in the room, wood material begins to rot, and metal parts become covered with rust. Ventilation will help restore a comfortable microclimate. It ensures proper air exchange and also maintains the most suitable humidity (relative) and temperature in a given room.

Toilet ventilation

The toilet, frankly speaking, is the strongest source of unpleasant odors in wooden building, and here mechanical ventilation, like nowhere else in the house, is necessary.

We have already written above about selecting a fan for the bathroom. Let us now dwell on the main features of the toilet ventilation scheme:

  • To ensure sufficient draft, supply ducts are laid near the floor, exhaust ducts are laid near the ceiling of the room;
  • It is optimal to install the exhaust device on the wall opposite the door;
  • Air ducts are selected with the smoothest internal surface possible;
  • They are stretched for each room of the house separately;
  • Ventilation ducts are laid as straight as possible, with minimum number smooth curves.

A more detailed diagram of the ventilation of a toilet in a wooden house is shown in the figure below.

In addition to other types of toilets, in a wooden house you can also often find a bathroom in the form of a backlash closet if there is no central sewage system. In this case, the toilet is connected to a waste pit, the manufacture of which requires a special insulated structure. The total volume of the pit is calculated based on the number of people living in the house. True, you will have to monitor the filling of the cesspool, and pay increased attention to ventilation.

Floor ventilation

Ventilation of wooden floors extends the period of trouble-free operation of this important part of the house. If the air stagnates, the main enemies of wood - fungi, mold and condensation - will eventually destroy it to dust.

There are two popular types floor ventilation:

  • through the air intakes,
  • through vents (windows of simple design leading from the underground to the street).

Floor ventilation scheme
1 - plank floor covering; 2 - vapor barrier; 3 - thermal insulation; 4 - slab floor; 5 - wooden logs; 6 - ventilation hole (vent)

Air intakes are arranged under the baseboards in the form of a system of holes, which creates air exchange between the rooms and the underground space. Thanks to it, the soil under the house and foundation does not freeze.

Sometimes floor ventilation is enhanced by stimulating draft in the holes. To do this, install a tin pipe or cut holes in the base. Electric fans are installed on one side of the house for the same purpose.

In winter, ventilation openings should be closed. The soil and wooden structures may freeze, and when it warms up, moisture condensation will form in the premises of the house. Not to mention the cold field.

Another important nuance of ventilation in a wooden house. When cold weather sets in, rodents begin to look for warm shelters for themselves, and under the floor they are created ideal conditions. Not only do they damage wooden structures, they destroy various diseases. In order to protect the base of the house from them, grilles are placed on the windows, which are replaced with wooden or clay plugs or bricks in frosty weather. The plugs are removed from the vents as the weather warms up after the snow melts.

Wall ventilation

A ventilated wooden facade allows you to solve the following problems in general:

  • additional insulation;
  • hiding visible wall defects;
  • additional decoration of the facade;
  • Strengthening;
  • increasing the sound insulation of walls;
  • simplifying their care;
  • extending the period of the next repair and operation of the building as a whole.

The wall “pie” looks multi-layered. It includes the following layers:

  • wooden wall surface,
  • moisture-proof membrane,
  • ventilation gap,
  • decorative finishing facing layer.

Any layer plays a strictly defined role in a ventilated facade, therefore, they cannot be replaced or removed. The selection of insulation and ventilation scheme are dictated by the size of finances, climatic conditions location of the wooden house. IN northern regions special attention is paid to insulation in combination with ventilation.

Installing ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands: To find out whether it is possible to install a suitable ventilation system in a wooden house yourself, follow the hyperlink to view the information in the video.