Pinching petunias: step-by-step photos. How to pinch petunia - useful tips How to form a petunia bush

To pinch petunia correctly, you should use only clean tools. This avoids injury to the sprouts. Allowed rerun manipulations after a month. This is possible provided that strong side branches appear. Pinching is done at the tops of the plant. In order for large buds to form on new stepsons, suitable fertilizers are needed. It is necessary to water the crop well and remove dried flowers in a timely manner.

Why is pinching necessary?

Pinching the top of a plant shoot with your fingernails is called pinching. This procedure leads to the fact that the part of the stem that remains becomes woody. Becomes fat. The leaves become saturated with color. The sinuses of the kidneys enlarge.

This is done to obtain new stable shoots and give the plant a beautiful appearance. Tweezing should be done during the growing season.

It is advisable to adhere to the rules for pinching petunias. This will make it bushy. The flower will produce abundant buds for a long time.

Basic Rules

First of all, it is imperative to monitor the growth of seedlings from the moment they are planted. Pinching flower seedlings is not necessary; it is done on young shoots after 6 or 7 leaves appear. When the shoots become a little stronger, cut off the top. Two paired sheets are left in front of it - this will be the new point. New stems will branch and grow on it.

This period is considered the best for pinching. You can't miss it. Otherwise, the petunia will begin to stretch upward, and the shoots from the sides will not be branched. The rounded shape of the bush will be lost.

When planting in open ground The flower must first be rooted and only then pinched. In addition, before this you need to let the seedlings get a little stronger and adapt.

It is necessary to avoid crowding, plant the sprouts less often, leaving space between them. Otherwise the bushes will be small.

If planting is done in a greenhouse, the top is separated after picking. It requires watering and adding fertilizer to the soil. Several times a week. Spray with water twice a day. Pinching is repeated after a month. These processes will improve flowering. At the same time, the shoots are shortened on the sides to improve their shape.

Ampelous petunia

To pinch petunia correctly at home, you should stock up on tools for this manipulation. You will need scissors or pruning shears and a container into which the removed cuttings will be sent. Finally, you will need a strong seedling with five large leaves at the top.

Pinching the ampelous petunia is done twice. The first time you need to do this is after planting in open ground. The plant is given some time so that it can get stronger. After the planted shoots begin to grow and elongate, a second pinching is performed. Count out from 3 to 5 full sheets. Everything on top is cut off. This does not prevent the further growth of the flower. It slows down just a little and gives off side shoots. Flowers appear in the form of large buds.

What to do with the remaining cuttings?

The remaining cuttings should not be thrown away. You can use the cutting method and get new flowers.

Important and necessary:

  • Remove the lower leaves to prevent the cuttings from rotting.
  • Place the container in which the petunia is planted in water.
  • Wait for growth to accelerate.
  • Plant in open ground (ground).

​Similar articles​​It’s October outside - at night my petunia hides from the cold on the veranda, during the day I take it outside to enjoy the last warm days!​

Briefly about petunias

​I thought it was so simple and all flower growers know how to do it! I was wrong! I forgot about the newcomers again! This topic is not entirely clear to them! Where exactly should I pinch? Do I need to pinch all the stems? When should petunia be pinched? And how many times per season should this procedure be carried out?​

Petunias are amazingly colorful flowers that will make any flower bed bright and unusual. Today they decorate gardens and personal plots many housewives. Thanks to their rich color spectrum, these plants allow gardeners to create rich compositions. Despite the fact that petunias are quite common and serve as decoration for flower beds throughout the summer, they are rather fragile plants that require special care.​

Rules for pinching petunias


​Petunias, thanks to the efforts of breeders, are increasingly gaining popularity among lovers of decorative floriculture every year. Petunias are suitable both for decorating flower beds and for growing in small-volume crops (balcony flowerpots, garden vases, etc.).​

​B different stages Peonies require various nutrients throughout their life. Since flowering usually begins only in the third year, feeding newly planted plants is different from what they will need at a more mature age.​

​You need to care for petunia correctly, otherwise it will lose its decorative effect, stretch out and fall to the ground. Initially, seedlings should be planted densely, without leaving large spaces between the bushes. The plant responds well to fertilizing, which is best poured under the root. It is necessary to water the flowers constantly, and in hot weather, spray them twice a day. Before pinching petunia, you need to wait until it grows. If the plant stands still for a long time, you should use a growth stimulator.​

​Try to damage the sprout as little as possible.​

Overgrown seedlings are not suitable for pinching. Therefore, seedlings need to be closely monitored. As soon as the plants get stronger and produce five or six leaves, they can be pinched. The pinching process itself lasts only a few seconds - the apical shoot of the plants is cut off so that at least five leaves remain below. As a result, a new growth point is formed. Intensive branching of new young stems begins from it. Pinching petunias is accompanied by stopping the growth of bushes. But there’s nothing wrong with that; on the contrary, the plant becomes stronger. Along with the growth and branching of side shoots, the bushes acquire a rounded shape.​

​Petunia is perhaps the most popular flower that has become widespread in landscape design parks, streets, squares and personal plots. The variety of colors, shapes and colors of this plant is simply amazing.​

  • Well, that's all! This is where I end my review! I wish you all successful moments!​
  • ​Well, let's figure it out! But. before you start your short review, I want to warn you that I am not a “Guru” in this area. I just want to tell you what I do with petunia. What agricultural techniques do I use to make petunia lush?
  • Why should you pinch petunia? This is done so that the stem does not become too elongated and does not distort the appearance of the plant. Also, if the stem is too long, the flower usually falls or bends under its own weight. After removing excess shoots, new shoots appear at the cut site, on which buds grow, thereby making the bush thicker and brighter.​

​Despite the fact that petunia comes from South America, this flower takes root quite well in our weather conditions, and it can be grown not only on open ground, but also in pots and containers. This perennial, but it does not survive in harsh winters and does not sprout well if the seeds are planted immediately in open ground.​

  • ​Growing petunias is not particularly difficult, however, if you want to fully enjoy the decorative nature of these flowers, you need to know some “secrets”, one of which is pinching.​
  • ​More...​
  • ​Before experienced summer residents There is no question whether it is necessary to pinch petunia seedlings. Initially, you should select the tallest shoot, count three or five leaves from below, and pinch off the rest. The growing point of the petunia will change, instead of growing upwards, it will send out side stems. Of course, during this period the plant will not bloom profusely, because all its forces will be directed to the growth of side shoots, but as a result the buds will be larger.
  • ​A month after pinching, as soon as the plants get stronger and send out new side shoots, you can repeat the pinching procedure.​

Cuttings of petunias after pruning

​Pinning out petunia, which is intended for planting in open ground, is done only after the plant has been replanted and has been successfully rooted. The sprouts will need two to three days to adapt.

This decorative and easy-to-care flower grows almost everywhere. For many who do not know how to pinch petunia, the information in this article will be very useful.​

​The article was written for you by Alenamir​

​So! Usually, beginning flower growers (or those who still have their own difficulties with growing petunias from seeds) buy young seedlings - about this age.​

How to pinch petunia and is it always necessary to do this?

The process of removing excess shoots is quite painstaking, but it bears fruit. In just 2 weeks you will see the first result.​

​Therefore, if you want to decorate your flower beds with petunias, sow seedlings first. Sprouts should be planted in the 2nd half of May or early June, when the night frosts have passed and the ground has warmed up sufficiently. In order to receive lush bushes flowers, petunia must be pinched. This must be done while observing the basic rules.​



The easiest way to transplant irises is transshipment. Together with big lump their lands can be painlessly moved to a new location, both in the fall and at any time of the year. But this method is only suitable for the youngest plants. Adult specimens have to be dug out completely and separated.​

​Before pinching your petunia next time, you need to wait until the bush has grown well. To make it bushier, you can shorten some of the side stems. The resulting cuttings should not be thrown away in a hurry; by placing them in water, you can get an additional petunia bush. The removed shoot quickly takes root in water, and can be planted in open ground or a separate pot. Before planting, you need to tear off all the leaves on the plant, leaving only the top ones.

To ensure the formation of large flower buds, petunias are fed with special fertilizers.

​You can ensure high survival rate of plants using following conditions:​

​Petunia – amazing plant in the form of a bush with numerous flowers producing pleasant aroma. The birthplace of petunia is Montevideo. In our regions, this flower is grown as an annual. Petunia grows well and blooms on sunny areas, easily tolerates heat with frequent and abundant watering. In conditions of low temperature regime Petunia blossoms are not so lush. But even the slightest warming contributes to the resumption of this process.​

​Series of messages "Lianas, hanging flowers":​

​It is at this age of the plant that I begin to make the first pinching. As you can see in the photo, the plant has very few stems, 5-6 pieces.​

​It should be noted that not all varieties of petunias need to be pinched. Mandatory elaboration is required only simple varieties. It is not necessary to do this with plants from professional seeds, since breeders make sure that such flowers acquire their optimal appearance as quickly as possible.​

​Pinching should be done in a timely manner. This is done after transplanting into open warm ground. Make sure the plant is healthy and well established in its new location. In order for it to get stronger after transplantation, it should be watered and sprayed about 3 times a day. Once a week, apply fertilizer to the roots and spray with fertilizer.​


​To the beginning​

​More...​ ​You already know how to pinch petunia. In addition, you also need to monitor appearance plants. All faded flowers should be removed in a timely manner, because they not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also interfere with the formation of new buds. This is especially true for varieties with large inflorescences and double petunias. Such simple steps will allow you to get great pleasure from contemplating these beautiful flowers.​​Large apical shoots after cutting are excellent planting material for growing new plants.​

​Avoiding planting density by adhering to the agrotechnical characteristics of plants.​

​Today these are ampelous, double, one- and two-color varieties with a long flowering period. Almost all varieties of this plant bloom from mid-spring to late autumn.​

​Part 1 - Growing Climatis​

In order to develop side shoots, you need to trim, and it is best to pinch the tip of the shoot. A separated piece of shoot should be at least 3-4 cm. Why exactly that much and not less? If you remove only the tip of the shoot (and this will be the thinnest place on the stem), then growing side shoots at this place will often break off when strong wind, bad weather.​

​Some gardeners recommend removing excess shoots from professional varieties of petunias, since breeding plants produce new shoots faster and allow you to achieve the desired result sooner. This is also done to save space in the seedlings so that the stems do not stretch upward.

  • ​You can pinch petunia with your hands without using any equipment.​
  • ​Back​
  • ​Unlike other types of celosia, pinnate (​
  • ​Many flowers grown in pots require a special substrate. For example, soil for petunias should have good moisture permeability, be light and loose. This plant does not tolerate waterlogging, so the so-called soil soaking is completely unacceptable for it.​
  • For quick and successful rooting, they are dipped in a container of water. To prevent them from rotting, the lower leaves that come into contact with water are removed, leaving only a few leaves on top. After the roots appear, young plants are planted in the ground.
  • ​Regular moistening of the soil and spraying - at least three times a day.​
  • ​To achieve a magnificent and long flowering, petunias need to be given proper care and attention.​
  • ​Part 2 - Clematis - correct landing, care
  • ​After pinching in in the right place- you will ensure the strength of new shoots and then they will be resistant to mechanical damage. This is approximately what a pinch should be like (see photo).​
  • ​If you see that the bush is growing evenly without any intervention, then the plant does not need to be pinched.​
  • ​Before pinching the plant, make sure that the flower stem begins to grow rapidly and stretches up to 3 or 5 leaves.​
Celosia argentea f. plumosa


How to pinch petunia: video

​To form decorative and abundantly flowering bushes, plants require proper care and attention. From the moment the seeds are sown, petunias require twice picking, pinching and spraying of the aerial parts. In addition, do not forget about regular watering, fertilizers and removal of dried flower buds and shoots. New flower buds will appear in places where old flowers are cut.​

​Feeding the bushes both by root and non-root methods - at least once a week.​

​Getting beautiful and healthy bushes is not so difficult. First of all, it is necessary to properly plant the plant, as well as its formation. Proper landing seeds and picking seedlings are undoubtedly important steps in the process of growing these colorful flowers. But pinching petunias is considered no less important. Its essence lies in cutting off the upper shoots at a certain stage of growth.​

  • ​Next... How many times per season should this procedure be carried out? Pinching is carried out as the side stems grow. This means that as soon as the new side stems reach a length of about 10-15 (a little more is possible), pinching can be repeated.
  • ​Tips of the day - How to properly pinch petunias​
  • ​Count 3-5 leaves and carefully pinch off the top shoot. This will slightly slow down flowering, but soon new shoots will appear at the site of separation and the stem will begin to grow in width. Soon, instead of just 1, 3 or 5 large buds (maybe more) will appear on the bush. The branched structure will help the plant become much more resistant to mechanical damage.​
  • ​Forward​

​) has soft, bird-like plumage, paniculate inflorescences. The plant is an annual, and growing from seeds is the most affordable way propagating it on your site.

Do I need to pinch petunias?

​Buying planting material, the gardener usually receives rhizomes with roots and leaves already trimmed. In this form, storage of iris rhizomes can last no longer than two weeks if they are placed in a cool place. The only thing you should not do is put them in plastic bags or wrap them in any damp material.​

​Pinching petunias is the surest way to improve the quality, duration and abundance of flowering.​

​Pinching of petunia growing in greenhouse conditions is carried out after picking the seedlings.​

Pinching petunia is necessary for the growth of new stems, good bushiness of the plant and the formation of many flower buds.

​Part 19 - Do you know everything about clematis? Oh, I doubt it!)))​

How to properly pinch petunia

And do this until the bush becomes full. But, take into account the fact that with constant shortening of the stems and intensive growth of the plant, fertilizing is required. If you don’t do this, there will be a lot of new stems and they will be thin. You will not see abundant flowering. Only when good care, with timely watering you can achieve full performance from the plant.​

What should I do to make petunia grow like a ball? Super lush petunia!​

​Don't throw away old shoots. They can be placed in water, and soon they will sprout roots, thereby giving you new sprouts. Plant them in small containers with soil, having first removed all the leaves except the top 2.​

​To the end​

In the southern regions, celosia is sown in early May directly into the ground. But in middle lane, where at this time there is a high probability of night frosts, it is much safer to grow it through seedlings.​

​Recently, it has become very fashionable to decorate garden beds with colorful flowers, which delight with beautiful inflorescences throughout the summer. Petunia is one of these plants, and its many varieties allow gardeners to experiment and create interesting compositions. It should be noted that this flower is extremely whimsical, it is difficult to grow it from seeds, but even when you manage to get beautiful seedlings, this does not mean at all that the plant will delight you with its appearance. Everything requires care and attention, this flower was no exception.​

Some subtleties on how to pinch petunia:

​Probably not many people know how to pinch petunia correctly. To carry out this manipulation, you need young plants that contain at least five leaves at the top, sharp pruners or scissors and any container into which you can collect all the removed cuttings.​

​Part 20 - DIY container garden - it's so easy! Master class​
​Still very important point! Remove all wilted flowers in a timely manner, they take a lot of silt from the plant - forming seed plants. Here are all the important points!​

​Hello to all flower lovers! A few days ago I published an article about petunias. About the dacha beauty of one beautiful courtyard. My readers liked the message! You can view this article here. After this message, my email was flooded with questions about how to grow such petunias. But the most frequently asked question was the topic: How to pinch petunias?​

​Usually the 2nd pinching is done about a month after the 1st. Before pinching the petunia for the second time, you need to make sure that the bush has grown sufficiently. To make it even thicker, shorten some of the side stems.​

In order for your plant to grow well, not get sick and always enjoy flowering, you need to take care of it: remove dried shoots at the right time, fertilize and pinch.

Why do you need to do this? First of all, for rejuvenation of the bush and reproduction, as well as for the formation of the desired shape.

Petunias are often planted in hanging pots and flowerpots, in, are grown. This plant is quite common in...

Petunia lovers are constantly finding new ways to decorate using unusual varieties, and it looks simply amazing.

Pinching Instructions

You need to remove overgrown shoots of petunia (pinching them) on a strong bush with high upper shoots with 4-5 large leaves. Follow the rules below:

  1. The first pinching should be done at the seedling stage, when the plant has grown to five centimeters in height and has stronger leaves (5-6 pieces). This is done very simply and without even experienced gardener will be able to prune plants at home. If the shoots are not removed in time, the plant will bloom ahead of schedule even before planting in open ground.

    If this has already happened, you need to pinch off the flower. Don’t regret cutting the bud, because the plant simply doesn’t need it for such a long time. early stage development. First, the roots must become stronger and only then allow the flower to fully develop. If this is not done, the petunia will get sick and bloom less often in the future.
  2. Good to know: seeds are sown already in December and January, but only under the condition of round-the-clock lighting, otherwise the plant may lose its decorative shape or die altogether.

  3. You need to pinch petunia a second time after a week from the moment the plant is planted in open ground. This procedure can be combined not only with benefits for the flower, but also with benefits for the housewife and her garden. If you cut off the top shoots with several pairs of leaves, you can root them and get even more flowers.
  4. Note: There should be at least four or three leaves left on the parent stem.

  5. Rooting of cut shoots can be carried out in a glass of water, in peat tablet or in a light peat mixture. In order for the cuttings to take root, you need to plant them in the mixture, compact it after planting with your fingers and water with warm water. You need to make a small greenhouse over the plant using a bag or special film.
  6. To correct the shape of the plant, you need to pinch the petunia regularly, skipping a month between this procedure.

    Seedling care

    In order not to destroy the plant, you need to properly care for it and monitor each new shoot:

  • Seedlings should be planted in the ground in the second half of May, close to each other. The soil should consist of a mixture of humus and turf soil;
  • cuttings need frequent watering, and in the heat you need to add spraying from a spray bottle;
  • once a week you need to feed the cutting at the root and spray it (you can read about feeding petunia at home);
  • if your flower does not want to grow, you need to “help” it with this using growth stimulants;
  • try to remove dried flowers in a timely manner. This way the flower will develop faster and form new buds, and will have an attractive appearance in general.

Petunia is very beautiful flower with many different types, varieties and color palette. It will become one of the main accents flower arrangement in your garden.

To achieve good and timely flowering, the plant needs to be looked after. If you don’t do this, then achieving gorgeous flower beds will become an unattainable dream. So keep an eye on the condition of your petunias, pinch them on time, fertilize them, and they will thank you with bright blooms.

From the following video You will learn how to properly pinch petunia:

Petunia is ornamental plant the nightshade family. It is distinguished by a variety of flower colors, ease of care, and decorativeness. Petunia is native to South America. This annual plant with large and bright colors in the form of a bell. It is grown as a decoration for balconies, verandas, and windows.

Petunia leaves are entire and have short petioles. Depending on the variety they are various shapes and magnitude. The leaves are arranged alternately. The stems are branched and green.

On a note. The color of petunia flowers is very diverse, from white to black. The most popular among gardeners: pink, red, blue, purple shades. Sometimes the flowers have bright, variegated patterns. And the edges of the petals can be either regular or fringed.



Pinching petunias means removing the top shoots. It is produced for the purpose of forming a bush so that the petunia blooms beautifully.

When should you do this?

The most the right time for the first pinching - after transplanting the seedlings to permanent place residence. This can be open ground, a flowerpot or a container (you can learn about the intricacies of growing petunia in open ground).

It is important to meet several conditions here:

  1. After transplanting, you need to wait about two weeks for the plant to take root and become a little stronger. The length of the shoots should be approximately 8 cm. If the shoots are too small, it is better to give them the opportunity to grow.
  2. You need to make sure that the plant has “gone to the stem”, that is, a period of rapid growth has begun. If this does not happen, then you need to wait some more time.
  3. Be sure to give petunia root fertilizers and spray them as needed.
  4. Repeated pinching can be done after about a month. It is repeated pinching that promotes gorgeous and abundant flowering.

If the plant is not pinched it will continue to grow. That is, there will be abundant growth of green mass. Moreover, the growth will go in one branch. The shoots will become long and ugly, resembling whips. In this case, flowering will be sparse. Therefore, pinching can be called a mandatory procedure.

Important! You can only pinch healthy plant! If the flower looks unhealthy, is not strong enough or has not grown, then it is better to refrain from the procedure.

Many people wonder how to do pinching correctly, and especially over which leaf. For the procedure to be successful, several rules must be followed:

After pinching, growth may slow down slightly. And flowering will move back a little in time.

Growing and care after pinching:

  1. Regular and correct. This is one of the most important conditions. It provides both abundant flowering, and increasing green mass. This requires fertilizers containing nitrogen. You can use formulations containing equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or with a predominance of nitrogen. It is nitrogen that promotes the growth of green mass.
  2. To ensure abundant flowering you need to fertilize the flower with compounds containing potassium and phosphorus. Best option– “Bona Forte” and “Garden of Miracles”. The main thing is to remember the correct ratio of trace elements (NPK). Most often, liquid formulations are used for feeding. Less often - dry. But there is another type of fertilizer - long-lasting. They are usually available in granules.

    Such fertilizers are applied to the soil before planting. And then, when watered, they gradually dissolve and give back to the soil. useful material. It is enough to add them to the ground once, and they will feed the plant all season. But there is one serious drawback - the grower cannot control the saturation of plants with fertilizers. Therefore, the use of long-lasting compositions can lead to disastrous consequences.

  3. In addition to root feeding, the flower requires foliar feeding. This procedure is carried out by spraying the flower with fertilizer dissolved in water. This is done using a spray bottle. So necessary substances (vitamins, microelements, amino acids) enter the plant’s body through the stem and leaves.
  4. Correct and spraying. Petunia loves abundant, but not excessive watering. It is advisable to water it in the morning and evening. In this case, the water can be slightly acidified. If the weather is hot, the plant needs regular spraying.
  5. Temperature conditions. This will promote the formation of side shoots, as well as prevent growth into one branch. In order for the plant to have beautiful view in addition to pinching is required heat during the day and low at night. The best option– 15-18 degrees during the day and 5-10 at night.

Do you need to pinch petunia seedlings, why do it and when? I will share my experiments on pinching Petunia seedlings

Why pinch Petunia seedlings?

Pinching (German pinzieren - remove the end) - pinching, removing the top of a young shoot. This is done so that the side shoots grow, otherwise all the growth will first go to 1-3 shoots and the plant will become ugly and will fall over under the weight of these shoots. The process is labor-intensive and painstaking - but worth it. In the photo above, the petunia is already two weeks after pinching.

When and how to pinch Petunia seedlings?

Pinching must be done when the Petunia seedlings look like in the photo.

The optimal time for pinching is the beginning of the appearance of the third pair of true leaves. Using manicure scissors, you need to cut out the top bud as deeply as possible so that it looks like in the photo.

Do all varieties of Petunia need to be pinched?

Petunia from cheap seeds in amateur packaging should be pinched 100%. Pinching is a labor-intensive process, so breeders are focused on creating varieties of Petunia that would develop normally without pinching. I must say that the breeders succeed in this. Previously, I gave comparative photos of petunias from cheap and professional seeds, from which it was clear that it is not necessary to pinch normal varieties.

Modern varieties of Petunias for professional cultivation do not require pinching.

Why pinch back varieties of Petunias that don't need to be pinched?

Last season I tried pinching some plants from professional seeds and it turned out that such plants quickly acquired a normal appearance. I think if I had placed Petunia wide enough at once, pinching might not have been necessary. But you need to save space; the seedlings stand tightly and therefore stretch upward. Now I will try to perform pinching on as many plants as possible.

The result of pinching (pinching) Petunia seedlings.

An alternative to pinching seedlings.

To prevent seedlings from stretching, many nurseries use Atlet, which shortens the length of internodes. However, Atlet is an insidious drug and its effect is unpredictable. Below is a photo of petunia treated three times with Atlet. The delay in flowering of such petunia, in relation to the pinched one, was 2 weeks.