By order of the head of the capital's Main Directorate, a deputy chief of the Zelenograd Internal Affairs Directorate, the chief of police, was appointed. The head of the Moscow police Anatoly Yakunin announced his resignation from the post of the Chief of Police of the city

New boss of the capital's police, Major General Oleg Baranov plans to conduct a covert inspection of all 125 district departments and 10 district departments of the city by the end of 2016.

The new chief police officer of the capital, Oleg Baranov, began to take over the farm. First of all, he is going to understand what he inherited from his predecessor Anatoly Yakunin and what condition it all is in.

Moskovsko “My headquarters is very lucky with the new chief,” a colonel from the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who worked with Oleg Baranov in the early 2000s in the capital’s department for combating organized crime, told Life. - Oleg Anatolyevich is a tactful, competent operative who will conduct an audit of his new farm, but will not do it publicly.

According to him, Baranov himself is not a public person, therefore he will check the work of the regional departments and administrations entrusted to him without publicity.

Oleg Anatolyevich is considered a tough person, so if auditors find serious violations in the work of departments, then their chiefs will not escape resignation,” the colonel summarized in a conversation with Life.

Meanwhile, according to Life’s sources in the capital’s headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there has not yet been any particular activity on Petrovka, 38.

A week has passed since September 23, when the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev introduced the new chief Oleg Baranov to the leadership of the headquarters. The major general only had time to hold several meetings with the heads of key departments,” an interlocutor from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow told Life.

According to the head of the independent trade union of the capital's police officers, Mikhail Pashkin, General Baranov knows the situation in the territorial departments not in words.

“Since 2012, Oleg Anatolyevich has been the chief of the Moscow police, deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, and, it seems to me, he is well aware of the real state of affairs on the ground,” Mikhail Pashkin told Life. - There is hope that with the arrival of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow Oleg Anatolyevich, who is a dear person for the capital police, the situation with violation labor rights police officers will change in better side. After all, General Baranov has served in the Moscow police since 1989, rising from a junior operational officer to the head of the main department.

A colonel from the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation also agrees with Mikhail Pashkin.

Oleg Anatolyevich is an authority. He is known for several high-profile operations and was awarded medals “For Courage” and “For Excellence in Security public order". Heading the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, the general personally led the operation to free the son of programmer Evgeny Kaspersky, Ivan, on April 24, 2011. And in February 2012, he personally neutralized an armed man in Moscow, who was shooting at his neighbors and wounding an 11-year-old boy. Baranov , being under the gun of the criminal, for two hours he persuaded him to surrender, which ultimately happened, the colonel recalls. For this operation, Baranov received gratitude from the then head of the capital’s police, and now the Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

As Life's sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation note, it was the personal acquaintance of Oleg Baranov and Vladimir Kolokoltsev that determined the candidacy of the new capital sheriff.

The minister has known Baranov since the early 90s from operational work at the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, and later, in the 2000s, in units of the Department for Combating Organized Crime. It was for the courage and courage shown during his service in these departments that the general was awarded state awards, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

According to experts interviewed by Life, Vladimir Kolokoltsev is confident that it is precisely such a professional as Oleg Baranov, who has not tainted himself with ties to financial and commercial groups in Moscow, crime and familiarity among colleagues, who will be able to raise the prestige of the Moscow police, make residents and guests of the capital believe in it power and integrity.

A series of recent scandals that occurred under the former head of the central administration, Anatoly Yakunin, greatly damaged the image of the capital department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, says political scientist Dmitry Abzalov.

According to Life, it was the scandals in the Moscow police in 2016 that caused the resignation of Anatoly Yakunin from the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

So, in February, in the garage of the deputy head of the Khoroshevsky police department, Vadim Izmailov, a truck that was listed as stolen was discovered. There were also dozens of keys from other cars and documents with VIN numbers and PTS. Izmailov had to talk with the Department own safety Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But perhaps the most notorious incident occurred in May. A case that hit the image of one of the oldest and most famous departments of the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. On May 18, FSB operatives ran into the MUR and began searching all the offices. They were looking for evidence in the case brought against the senior detective of the 13th department of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Khramtsov. The lieutenant colonel, as the FSB believed, led a gang of “black” realtors, which included other MUR officers, as well as district police officers, social workers and even notaries - more than 10 people in total. For 11 years, they deceived lonely, mostly elderly, Muscovites, defrauded them of their apartments, and then resold them.

And in September, the deputy head of the Public Order Service of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Yuzhnoportovy District was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Andryukhov, according to investigators, established informal relationships with the owners of a local restaurant, from whom he received a bribe of 50 thousand rubles for some services or patronage.

According to Mikhail Pashkin, he really hopes that under Oleg Baranov, structural changes will take place in the Moscow police, and the performance indicators of police officers will not be determined by the number of criminal and administrative cases initiated.

Mikhail Pashkin recalled that, presenting on September 23, 2016 personnel The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, the new head of police Oleg Baranov, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev said that the criterion for the work of the police is public opinion about the state of law and order, about the real picture that is emerging today. Every person, every resident of Moscow judges first of all the level of their security, the level of security of the capital’s residents. None organizational issues, no statistical indicators can level the personal perception of a resident of the capital.

The words are absolutely correct. But, if the patrol service is required to have at least five reports per shift, the district police officer is required to have at least one criminal case per month. And if this does not happen, they will be punished for poor performance. If the situation in Moscow changes under the new boss Baranov, it will be very good. If Kolokoltsev’s words are followed throughout the country, then the reform can be considered successful,” says Pashkin.

The chief Moscow police officer, General Yakunin, is building a house “for five hundred thousand dollars, plus the price of the land.”

The Moscow region village of Veshki, located just outside the Moscow Ring Road, is a convenient access route along the Altufevskoye Highway, just two kilometers from Moscow, and has been known for the scale of cottage construction for a dozen years. And now in Veshki, or more precisely, in that place, which is indicated on the map as “the valley of the Zveronozhka River,” construction equipment is roaring with might and main.

The largest mansion is built of red brick. At the sight of a stranger with a video camera, the workers dropped their tools: some hid in the forest, others in a construction shed - apparently they mistook the NT correspondent for an FMS inspector who had arrived to check for registration and work permits.

“You’d better go to the foreman,” the tanned head that appeared in the doorway of the cabin immediately advised.

We managed to find the foreman in a foreign car with Ukrainian license plates.

“Who is building here?”

“General,” the foreman responded.

"Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich ( Head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate.-NT). He comes here every two weeks,” the foreman explained before his car began to gather dust in an unknown direction.


General Yakunin’s closest neighbors turned out to be the commander of a submarine and a Siberian businessman, whom, as NT managed to find out, local police were looking for for non-payment of alimony.

The general himself is building a house on a grand scale, for centuries. “There are 450 square meters of cladding here, all expensive, one brick costs 70 rubles, 400 cubic meters of concrete alone were spent on the basement,” one of the workers, who came out of his “hiding”, reported the details of the estimate. Total cost He estimated the construction at “one thousand five hundred dollars, plus the price of the land.” The scale is normal by Veshkin standards, the worker made it clear: “Look, the neighbor submariner built for the same money.”

According to an extract from Rosreestr, a plot of land called “Zveronozhki Valley” was originally intended to “locate a consumer service facility.” But in 2009, trucks suddenly appeared here and in four years filled the valley with a two-meter layer of soil.

Then this land became the property of a dacha established in Mytishchi non-profit partnership(DNP) "Dalnie Veshki", which leased land plots until 2060 - at a price of 690 rubles per year.



The construction of General Yakunin’s mansion is being carried out by M-2 LLC with a legal address in the Rumyantsevo business park on Kievskoye Highway. The owners of the company are Russian woman Marina Makarova and Ukrainian citizen 61-year-old Miron Kastran.

Mrs. Makarova, originally from Pyatigorsk, positions herself as a hereditary architect, conducts seminars on Russian architecture and took part in work on large objects in the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories.

According to SPARK, the “hereditary architect” Makarova, together with Kastran’s youngest son, Evgeniy, founded Proektstroyservis LLC in 2014. General Director At that time, the newly formed structure included Alexander Kudimov, who was wanted for beating a minor Muscovite. By the way, 14 more commercial structures were registered on Kudimov’s passport.

According to Ukrainian builders, they have never seen Mrs. Makarova herself in Veshki, and the construction is directly supervised by Miron Kastran and his son Evgeniy.

Castran the father, as NT found out, was born in Western Ukraine, and in the early 1990s, together with citizens of Slovakia, he registered the Euro-Carpati partnership in Uzhgorod.

In 2001, under the patronage of the then Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation Nikolai Aksenenko, the Ukrainian company began building a sports complex in Mineralnye Vody. In two years, the team completed about half of the construction and installation work, but at the beginning of 2002, Aksenenko fell into disgrace: he was accused of misuse of extra-budgetary funds from Russian Railways, fraud with apartments, and the Prosecutor General's Office calculated the total damage to the state at 11 billion rubles. Without waiting for a criminal case to be initiated, Aksenenko went to Germany for treatment, where he soon died. Funding for the construction of a sports complex in Minvody was, naturally, stopped - the unfinished facility, into which they managed to invest about 250 million rubles, now stands abandoned.

Soon the surname of Castran Sr. appeared in constituent documents company "Rozkishni Budinki Ukraine" ("Luxury Homes of Ukraine"). Her assets include the construction of an elite residential complex on the “Ukrainian Rublyovka” - in the village of Kozin near Kiev, where the family residence of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is located. In addition to Castran, the management of Luxury Homes included Muscovite Sergei Ponomarenko, well known among Russian luxury real estate builders. Thus, on the website of the Moscow company “Luxury Design” you can find out that Mr. Ponomarenko built several fashionable villas and palaces in Barvikha, Istra and Domodedovo with the participation of French, Italian and German consultants.


According to Ukrainian media, Miron Kastran was an assistant to Verkhovna Rada deputy from the Party of Regions Sergei Kivalov, and at his order he allegedly built a 4-story mansion in Odessa with a tennis court and a yacht pier, popularly nicknamed “Harry Potter’s Castle.” Officially, the owner of the building is the International Humanitarian University, but Odessa residents mention the “castle” as the residence of deputy Kivalov. Under President Viktor Yanukovych, he enjoyed considerable influence in government structures. After the change of power in Kyiv, Kivalov again entered the Verkhovna Rada - from the Opposition Bloc.

On August 30, 2015, Maidan activists stormed the “Harry Potter Castle” and found, among other things, portraits of the deputy Kivalov himself, busts of Stalin and chess sets with golden pieces.

Now employees of the Main Directorate of the Fiscal Service of Ukraine ( analogue of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.- NT) are conducting an audit of the financial and economic activities of the International humanitarian university” and find out with what funds the pompous building was built.


Meanwhile, Mr. Kastran, apparently having lost lucrative contracts after the change of power in Ukraine, did not lose heart: as indicated on the website of M-2 LLC, in addition to country house General Yakunin, he built several mansions for officials in the Odintsovo district, a club hotel in Nalchik and a new educational building Russian University cooperation in Mytishchi near Moscow.


Kastran’s current employer is the head of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, General Anatoly Yakunin, a native Oryol region, where he worked his way up from a district inspector to the head of the criminal police of the regional police department. Long years power in the Oryol region was held by criminal authorities, corrupt officials and policemen, and only one family was considered untouchable - governor Yegor Stroev, who even bought his socks at the expense of the state budget. In 2007, the Oryol police was headed by the future head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev: at his instigation, 74 criminal cases were opened against high-ranking police officers, officials and businessmen close to them, and, in the end, Stroev was sent into early retirement.

Kolokoltsev did not forget the executive Yakunin: having headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2012, he recommended to Putin to put the Orlovets in charge of Moscow. True, as a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told NT, soon the generals allegedly began to have conflicts, and Yakunin was often noticed on Old Square, in the reception room of Putin’s old colleague at the station in the GDR, Evgeniy Shkolov, who now oversees all Russian security forces.

One way or another, over these few years, General Yakunin managed to settle well in the capital. According to the income statement for 2015, he himself earned 2,221,501.67 rubles, and his wife Irina, who works as the head of the department social development And corporate culture in NK Rosneft - 9,715,556.27 rubles. The family owns an apartment in Moscow (142 m2), a UAZ Hunter car, a BMW K 1600 GTL motorcycle (1 million 800 thousand rubles) and a rented one land plot in Veshki with total area 20 acres.

The general's daughter, 29-year-old Ekaterina Yakunina, in April 2016, by Putin's decree, was appointed head of the Main Directorate of Housing and Social Welfare of the Presidential Administration, whose tasks include operational management of the activities of the President Hotel, the hotel " Golden ring" and FSUE "President-service".


As already mentioned, Russian officials and security forces have long chosen the elite Veshki. Here are the mansions of the former head of the Internal Security Service of the Prosecutor General's Office Valery Naniya, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Closed Administrative District of Moscow Andrei Puchkov, plots former general FSB Filimon Sinyakov and several employees of the central office of the National Charitable Foundation (NBF), created in 1999 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin and which is the largest grant recipient from the Russian government. (The main core of the NBF employees are people from the KGB-FSB; the supervisory board includes Patriarch Kirill, businessmen Vagit Alekperov, Mikhail Fridman, Viktor Vekselberg, Oleg Deripaska, etc.)

And just recently, the head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Makarov, acquired expensive real estate in the village.

Moreover, if the outlines of Anatoly Yakunin’s future mansion are not yet entirely clear, then the special officer’s house is not just his house, it is his fortress: massive gates, a high stone fence, external surveillance cameras everywhere. At the same time, judging by the declaration for 2015, General Makarov earned 3,150,645 rubles, and his wife has no sources of income.

NT sent an official request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about what, strictly speaking, “shishi” the head of the ministerial “personal unit” built on. Soon the standard answer came: “Family savings and cash received as a bank loan."

But, perhaps, what amazes more than others with its scale and scope is the huge mansion registered in the name of a relative of the former deputy director of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) Denis Naumchev: a 2-story house with columns looks more like a railway station or administrative building, in which the entire administration of the Mytishchi district could easily fit. Rumor has it that Naumchev was going to build a personal chapel, but the neighbors were very indignant, and the construction had to be postponed.

However, now Mr. Naumchev has completely different concerns: he is a defendant in a criminal case about embezzlement of funds allocated for tax inspectorates in Crimea, and is hiding in France.

P.S. While working on this material, the editorial office received several calls from the capital's police headquarters. At the other end of the line they asked to remove the publication, citing, in particular, the fact that if criminal authorities find out the place of residence of the head of the main department, they will blow up his house. I also had to listen to accusations about the ordered nature of the article. Finally, Anatoly Yakunin himself invited the author of the material to Petrovka-38. During the meeting, he stated that he was ready to account for every penny invested in Vacation home, and send an estimate of expenses to the editor. And in general, they say, due to lack of money for construction, he even had to sell his favorite BMW motorcycle.

The situation is clear - it happens. However, at the time of publication of this publication, the editors had not received the promised estimate.

square 2.5 thousand sq. km population 11,612,943 Operations created January 19, 1722 served ~80,000 managers Lieutenant General of Police Oleg Anatolyevich Baranov plots control (((control))) website Official site

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is subordinate to the Head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and he is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation. The main tasks of the department are to ensure the security, rights and freedoms of citizens, suppress and solve crimes, and protect public order.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is headed by a chief, who is appointed and removed from office by the President of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the Minister of Internal Affairs. Before submitting a candidacy to the President of the Russian Federation, the opinion of the Mayor of Moscow is clarified. Control over the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the mayor, the Moscow government and the Moscow City Duma. Currently, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is Police Lieutenant General Oleg Baranov (appointed on September 22, 2016).


The need to create special bodies dealing exclusively with criminal investigation was realized in Russia by the beginning of the 20th century. In July 1908, a law on the organization of the detective unit was adopted, according to which detective departments were created in city and county police departments. Their task included conducting inquiries in criminal cases with the necessary operational investigative measures. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian criminal investigation department was recognized as one of the best in the world, as it used the latest techniques in its practice. For example, a registration system based on systematization of information about individuals into 30 special categories. Albums of photographs of violators were actively used (the first Russian photography cabinet was organized back in 1889). At a time when the methods of photography and fingerprinting were just being mastered by intelligence services in the West, the Russian police already had at their disposal more than 2 million photographs and 3 million fingerprint cards. Moreover, the system of centralized circular search for criminals introduced in the criminal investigation Russian Empire by January 1, 1915, was borrowed first by Scotland Yard and then received general recognition.

Second operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow

2nd operational police regiment of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate (2nd OPP) - formed in 2004 by the merger of three operational regiments of the Moscow police, which at one time were parts of the city patrol (PG) - the basis of service 02.

The activities of the 2nd OPP are aimed at ensuring the protection of public order during mass events in Moscow. Also, employees of the 2nd OPP are used to provide force support to various criminal police units.

The unit reports directly to the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of Operational Operations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - the Department for the Protection of Public Order.

It is the second largest unit in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow after the Moscow OMON.

Zonal Canine Service Center

The Zonal Canine Service Center is the largest center for training dogs and employees for work. Dogs are trained according to different directions: search for drugs, explosives, search for firearms and for arrest. The dogs are kept in enclosures separated by areas of work. Weapon detection dogs live separately from detention dogs. The following breeds are used: German Shepherd, Labrador, and others. On the territory of the center there is a veterinary unit, a training area for detention, a training area for searching for explosives, a “maternity hospital” and “ kindergarten”, as well as a “nursing home” for retired dogs. One dog handler works with one dog. They work together all their lives.


The position of Chief of Police was introduced in, reporting to the Governor General. He supervised the activities of police chiefs, was responsible for peace and order in the city, headed the fire department, supervised trade, urban improvement and the sanitary condition of Moscow, monitored compliance with laws and regulations of higher and central institutions, and the implementation of decisions of judicial authorities. The position was abolished in connection with the establishment of a city government in Moscow.

Moscow chief police chiefs

FULL NAME. Title, rank, rank Time to fill a position
Grekov Maxim Timofeevich colonel, brigadier 11.04.1722-23.12.1728
Pozdnyakov Ivan Davidovich State Councillor 03.11.1729-1731
Grekov Stepan Timofeevich brigadier, police chief general 17.02.1731-22.12.1732
Obolduev Nikita Andreevich Colonel 11.01.1733-1739
Golokhvastov Ivan Martynovich State Councillor 1749-1753
Divov Ivan Ivanovich 09.01.1762-1762
Yushkov Ivan Ivanovich Privy Councilor, Chief of Police 10.1762-17.04.1764
Arsenyev Taras Ivanovich Colonel, State Councilor 17.04.1764-10.02.1765
Tolstoy Vasily Ivanovich count, brigadier, state councilor 1765-1770
Bakhmetev Nikolay Ivanovich foreman 1770-1771
Arkharov Nikolay Petrovich colonel (major general) 1771-01.01.1781
Ostrovsky Boris Petrovich foreman 1781-1785
Tol Fedor Nikolaevich colonel (major general) 1785-1790
Glazov Pavel Mikhailovich colonel, brigadier 1790-02.09.1793
Kozlov Pavel Mikhailovich brigadier, major general 22.10.1793-1796
Kaverin Pavel Nikitovich State Councilor (actual State Councilor) 31.03.1797-09.12.1798
Ertel Fedor Fedorovich major general 09.12.1798-12.03.1801
Kaverin Pavel Nikitovich actual state councilor, major general 12.03.1801-13.12.1802
Spiridov Grigory Grigorievich brigadier, actual state councilor 13.12.1802-20.12.1804
Balashov Alexander Dmitrievich major general 20.12.1804-24.11.1807
Gladkov Ivan Vasilievich major general 29.11.1807-17.04.1809
Ivashkin Pyotr Alekseevich major general 17.04.1809-08.03.1816
Shulgin Alexander Sergeevich major general 08.03.1816-02.08.1825
Shulgin Dmitry Ivanovich major general 02.08.1825-06.04.1830
Mukhanov Sergey Nikolaevich colonel, aide-de-camp 06.04.1830-27.09.1833
Tsynsky Lev Mikhailovich major general 29.11.1833-01.02.1845
Luzhin Ivan Dmitrievich Colonel, His Majesty's Retinue Major General, Adjutant Wing 13.12.1845-12.05.1854
Timashev-Bering Alexey Alexandrovich major general 12.05.1854-31.12.1857
Kropotkin Alexey Ivanovich prince, guard colonel, major general, aide-de-camp 01.01.1858-12.11.1860
Potapov Alexander Lvovich His Majesty's Retinue Major General 12.11.1860-15.12.1861
Kreutz Heinrich Kiprianovich Count, His Majesty's Retinue Major General (Lieutenant General) 16.12.1861-03.01.1866
Arapov Nikolay Ustinovich His Majesty's Retinue Major General, Lieutenant General 03.01.1866-14.10.1878
Kozlov Alexander Alexandrovich His Majesty's Retinue Major General 14.10.1878-13.08.1881

Article updated 01/08/2019.
Do you want to know what types of police uniforms there are? In fact, this is important to imagine who you are dealing with on the road or in the city, but rank can only be determined by shoulder straps. Police representatives will not always state their rank and first and last name, although this is mandatory.

Why understand militia (police) ranks?

Imagine you are driving along the road in a car and an inspector stops you. How to contact him if he hasn’t introduced himself? You can simply say “comrade policeman,” but it’s much better, of course, by rank. The same applies to situations on the street if you are walking. In general, knowing your ranks and shoulder straps is a must. Moreover, they have changed a little in appearance, after the militia was renamed the police.

Picture with shoulder straps

To make it easier to understand, look at the picture below:

Here I divided the shoulder straps into two rows for clarity, so let’s follow.
In the first row (top), from left to right, we have the following titles:

  • Police Private;
  • Lance Sergeant;
  • Sergeant;
  • Staff Sergeant;
  • Police Sergeant;
  • Police ensign;
  • Senior Warrant Officer;

All of this was junior command, with the exception of the “private”, of course. The second row is much more interesting, since the ranks of the middle and senior squads are represented here. Also from left to right, bottom row:

  • Junior police lieutenant;
  • Lieutenant;
  • Senior Lieutenant;
  • Police Captain;
  • Police Major;
  • Lieutenant colonel;
  • Police Colonel.

The last three belong to the senior command staff, the rest to the middle. Now you will be aware if an employee suddenly stops you and demands something from you. You can determine his rank by his shoulder straps.

Senior management. Generals' shoulder straps

Many people asked in the comments to supplement the article and add general's shoulder straps. Fair point. Although, of course, the general will not stop you on the street, but for general development You need to know what his shoulder straps look like:

As you can see, they differ from ordinary shoulder straps in their unusual shape. Let's list what titles are presented here (from left to right):

  • Major General of Police;
  • Lieutenant General of Police;
  • Colonel General of Police;
  • General of Police of the Russian Federation;

Now you know everything about the ranks of modern police. Share the link to this article with your friends, it will be useful to them.

plots control (((control))) website Official site

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow(Main Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow), formerly the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow - territorial body executive power in Moscow, part of the system of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The main tasks of the department are to ensure the security, rights and freedoms of citizens, suppress and solve crimes, and protect public order.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is headed by a chief, who is appointed and removed from office by the President of Russia on the recommendation of the Minister of Internal Affairs. Before presenting a candidacy to the President of Russia, the opinion of the Moscow mayor is clarified. Control over the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the mayor, the Moscow government and the Moscow City Duma.

Currently, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow is Police Major General Oleg Baranov (appointed on September 22, 2016).


From the moment of its foundation until his death in 1844, the chief of the gendarmes and the head of the III Division was Alexander Khristoforovich Benkendorf. The reform of 1880 turned the Ministry of Internal Affairs into the dominant element of the state apparatus, a role in which it remained almost until the fall of the autocracy. Due to the enormous workload of the minister in managing subordinate institutions, the functions of managing the security police were performed by his deputy - comrade of the minister, head of the police and commander of the Separate Corps of Gendarmes. He was directly in charge of the Police Department.

The need to create special bodies dealing exclusively with criminal investigation was realized in Russia by the beginning of the 20th century. In July 1908, a law was passed on the organization of the detective unit, according to which detective departments were created in city and county police departments. Their task included conducting inquiries in criminal cases with the necessary operational investigative measures. 

Second operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow

2nd operational police regiment of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate (2nd OPP) - formed in 2004 by the merger of three operational regiments of the Moscow police, which at one time were parts of the city patrol (PG) - the basis of service 02.

The activities of the 2nd OPP are aimed at ensuring the protection of public order during mass events in Moscow. Also, employees of the 2nd OPP are used to provide force support to various criminal police units.

The unit reports directly to the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of Operational Operations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - the Department for the Protection of Public Order.

It is the second largest unit in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow after the Moscow OMON.

Zonal Canine Service Center

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian criminal investigation department was recognized as one of the best in the world, as it used the latest techniques in its practice. For example, a registration system based on systematizing information about individuals into 30 special categories. Albums of photographs of violators were actively used (the first Russian photography cabinet was organized back in 1889). At a time when the methods of photography and fingerprinting were just being mastered by intelligence services in the West, the Russian police already had at their disposal more than 2 million photographs and 3 million fingerprint cards. Moreover, the system of centralized circular search for criminals, introduced into the criminal investigation department of the Russian Empire by January 1, 1915, was first borrowed by Scotland Yard and then received universal recognition.


The position of Chief of Police was introduced in, reporting to the Governor General. He supervised the activities of police chiefs, was responsible for peace and order in the city, headed the fire department, supervised trade, urban improvement and the sanitary condition of Moscow, monitored compliance with laws and regulations of higher and central institutions, and the implementation of decisions of judicial authorities. The position was abolished in connection with the establishment of a city government in Moscow.

Moscow chief police chiefs

FULL NAME. Title, rank, rank Time to fill a position
Grekov Maxim Timofeevich colonel, brigadier 11.04.1722-23.12.1728
Pozdnyakov Ivan Davidovich State Councillor 03.11.1729-1731
Grekov Stepan Timofeevich brigadier, police chief general 17.02.1731-22.12.1732
Obolduev Nikita Andreevich Colonel 11.01.1733-1739
Golokhvastov Ivan Martynovich State Councillor 1749-1753
The Zonal Canine Service Center is the largest center for training dogs and employees for work. Dogs are trained in various areas: searching for drugs, explosives, searching for firearms, and for arresting. The dogs are kept in enclosures separated by areas of work. Weapon detection dogs live separately from detention dogs. Breeds such as German Shepherd, Labrador, and others are used. On the territory of the center there is a veterinary unit, a detention training area, an explosives detection training area, a “maternity hospital” and a “kindergarten”, as well as a “nursing home” for retired dogs. One dog handler works with one dog. They work together all their lives. 09.01.1762-1762
Divov Ivan Ivanovich Privy Councilor, Chief of Police 10.1762-17.04.1764
Arsenyev Taras Ivanovich Colonel, State Councilor 17.04.1764-10.02.1765
Tolstoy Vasily Ivanovich count, brigadier, state councilor 1765-1770
Yushkov Ivan Ivanovich foreman 1770-1771
Bakhmetev Nikolai Ivanovich colonel (major general) 1771-01.01.1781
Ostrovsky Boris Petrovich foreman 1781-1785
Tol Fedor Nikolaevich colonel (major general) 1785-1790
Arkharov Nikolai Petrovich colonel, brigadier 1790-02.09.1793
Glazov Pavel Mikhailovich brigadier, major general 22.10.1793-1796
Kozlov Pavel Mikhailovich State Councilor (actual State Councilor) 31.03.1797-09.12.1798
Kaverin Pavel Nikitovich major general 09.12.1798-12.03.1801
Kozlov Pavel Mikhailovich actual state councilor, major general 12.03.1801-13.12.1802
Ertel Fyodor Fyodorovich brigadier, actual state councilor 13.12.1802-20.12.1804
Spiridov Grigory Grigorievich major general 20.12.1804-24.11.1807
Balashov Alexander Dmitrievich major general 29.11.1807-17.04.1809
Ivashkin Pyotr Alekseevich major general 17.04.1809-08.03.1816
Gladkov Ivan Vasilievich major general 08.03.1816-02.08.1825
Shulgin Alexander Sergeevich major general 02.08.1825-06.04.1830
Shulgin Dmitry Ivanovich colonel, aide-de-camp 06.04.1830-27.09.1833
Tsynsky Lev Mikhailovich Mukhanov Sergey Nikolaevich 29.11.1833-01.02.1845
Major General, His Majesty's Retinue Major General Colonel, His Majesty's Retinue Major General, Adjutant Wing 13.12.1845-12.05.1854
Luzhin Ivan Dmitrievich major general 12.05.1854-31.12.1857