Presentation Life of farmers and artisans in Ancient Egypt. presentation for a history lesson (grade 5) on the topic. Presentation "primitive farmers and pastoralists" Primitive farmers and pastoralists presentation game

The first farmers and cattle breeders.

Bow and arrows

Hunting smaller, faster-footed animals with a spear was much more difficult.

Therefore, people invented new weapons - bows and arrows.

Boats and nets

Rafts and boats appeared.

Nets began to be used in fishing.

Clay dishes.

Having learned to weave baskets from twigs, the ancient people tried to coat them with clay.

Then they discovered that the fired dishes became strong

Fabric clothing

People invented the simplest loom.

On wooden frame an even row of threads was stretched vertically. Other threads were passed transversely through this row.

People have discovered that if they sow the seeds of wild cereals, then after a while they can harvest the grains. They began to consciously grow crops.

Thus agriculture was born, and people became farmers.

The first farmers loosened the soil with a hoe - a wooden stick with a stone or bone tip.

The ears were cut with a bone or stone sickle.

They grew wheat, barley, millet and legumes.

To care for the plants, people began to build houses near the fields.

Equipped dwellings appeared.


Hunters sometimes brought young wild animals.

The small animals got used to the person and stayed with him.

The dog was the first domesticated animal

Cattle breeding – raising livestock.

Mountain goat

What new tools and objects did people have?

Houses, pottery, cloth clothes, bow and arrows, hoe, sickle, grain grater.

From appropriating the gifts of nature, people moved to production necessary products through agriculture and cattle breeding. This was the greatest revolution in the life of ancient people.




cattle breeding

  • Approximately 13 thousand years ago
  • The climate has warmed and the living conditions of people have changed again
  • There are fewer large animals
  • Small and fast-running animals appeared,
  • which were more difficult to hunt
The emergence of new tools
  • Therefore, at this time a bow appeared, the arrow from which flew further and more accurately than a spear thrown by hand.
  • A stone ax was also invented, which was a hand ax tied to a stick with animal sinews.
  • People took possession of rivers, lakes and seas, building from tied trunks wooden rafts.
  • Later they began to hollow out thick tree trunks boats.
Primitive farmers
  • Noticing that the seeds of wild cereals,
  • falling in loose soil, sprout,
  • forming ears of corn,
  • people started sow their.
  • So from collecting arose
  • agriculture
Stages of hoe farming
  • Men cleared the ground from bushes and trees with axes...
  • Drawing taken
Stages of hoe farming
  • …women loosened soil
  • hoe - a stick with a tip attached to it
  • made of horn or stone...
  • Drawing taken: Goder G.I. Didactic assignments in history ancient world. Moscow
Stages of hoe farming
  • ...and then they sown grains in the ground.
  • Drawing taken: Goder G.I. Didactic assignments on the history of the ancient world. Moscow
Stages of hoe farming
  • The ears were collected with sickles made of horn or bone, inserting sharp stones into them.
  • Hoe farming required great physical effort,
  • but it gave constant harvests.
  • It provided people with food better than gathering.
  • Drawing taken: Goder G.I. Didactic assignments on the history of the ancient world. Moscow
Primitive farmers and pastoralists
  • The most ancient villages of farmers
  • arose in Western Asia 10 thousand years ago.
  • The first agricultural plants
  • There were wheat and barley.
  • From Western Asia, agriculture spread to other regions.
  • Drawing taken: Goder G.I. Didactic assignments on the history of the ancient world. Moscow
Primitive farmers and pastoralists
  • Domestication has begun
  • animals.
  • The dog was the first to be tamed
  • who helped people
  • while hunting
  • and guarded a person’s home.
Primitive farmers and pastoralists
  • When the members of the clan had enough meat,
  • hunters didn't kill
  • all caught animals
  • leaving kids, piglets, lambs and other young animals alive.
  • People have tamed and learned raise pigs, sheep, goats, cows.
  • Thus, cattle breeding arose from hunting.
  • This happened approximately simultaneously
  • with the transition from gathering to agriculture.
Farmers' settlements
  • Farmers lived in one place, near their fields.
Primitive artisans
  • Transition to settled life
  • contributed to the development
  • crafts - making
  • products ( items), which
  • are not found in Nature.
  • People have perfected
  • stone processing:
  • about 7 thousand years ago
  • they learned to drill and
  • polish the stone...
Primitive artisans
  • ...began to make pottery scorched in a fire.
  • It allowed switch to eating boiled food.
  • wickerwork
  • first
  • pottery stage
  • manual
  • Potter's wheel
Primitive artisans
  • Started from flax and wool weave fabric, and from it sewed clothes,
  • lighter than skins.
  • Managed the affairs of the tribe
  • council of elders:
  • He distributed between births
  • hunting places,
  • grazing
  • and agriculture,
  • resolved disputes
  • between relatives.
  • To resolve particularly important matters
  • and the elders convened questions
  • meeting of all adult members
  • tribe.

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Slide captions:

1. The emergence of hoe farming. 2. Taming animals. 3. The emergence of craft. 4.Kin and tribe. 5. Worldview.

Fill out the table and draw a conclusion: What appeared main reason the emergence of new industries?

One day people noticed that the millet grains at the entrance to the cave sprouted. The women began to loosen the earth with a hoe and throw grains into the ground. This is how agriculture appeared.

In addition to the hoe, a stone ax and a sickle were used in farming. Using an ax, you cut down trees and bushes, then uprooted the stumps and burned everything. The ashes were mixed with the ground. It acted as fertilizer

The harvest was collected using a sickle made from bone. Stone blades were inserted into the sickle. The resulting grain was ground into flour, then it was mixed with water and the resulting mass was baked by the fire over coals.

At the same time, cattle breeding appeared. Men returning from hunting sometimes brought wounded animals or cubs. The first pet was a dog. Then pigs, goats, sheep and cows were domesticated. The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding became possible because people had a surplus of food. Why? The economy gradually began to transform from an appropriating one into a producing one. Now people's well-being depended only on their labor.

With the development of the economy, people began to pay more attention to the manufacture of tools and household utensils. Since ancient times, people have woven goats from twigs and coated them with clay. The clay got wet if water got into the basket. One day, when the basket fell into the fire, the clay burned and became hard.

At the same time, weaving appeared. A simple loom was invented. Threads were made from flax, or spun from animal wool. People began to have linen and woolen clothes and they became more protected from bad weather.

Ancient people mastered technologies that were quite complex for that level. The slide shows a primitive drilling machine. With its help, people drilled holes in stone axes and then inserted the shaft into them.

Tribal community Tribal community Tribe Marriages elder elder Council of elders

For people, everything in nature was animated. The world, in their opinion, was inhabited by spirits. The most powerful spirits were called gods. If everything around is alive, then you can come to an agreement with everything - you just need to make a request to the gods - a prayer. Images of gods were called idols. To appease the gods, sacrifices were made to idols

“Ancient ancestors of man” - Judging by the structure of the foot, the new hominid was upright. Cro-Magnons. A reasonable man. Numerous finds indicate the presence of a cult of hunting. Caucasoid. Character traits: Views based on the fact that man was created by God or gods. The Cro-Magnons had funeral rites. Theory of creation (religious concept).

“Ancient Cities” - Vladimir. Moscow. What cities were built in Ancient Rus'? Nikolsky Monastery. On clay tablets. Squad. Peasants. Posadniki. On paper. Boyars. Velikiy Novgorod. Pomegranate Chamber. Moat. Lock. Prince Vladimir. The Slavs were very proud. Fence. What was the name of the fortified center of the Russian city?

"Ancient Civilizations" - Ancient history Peru is known as Inca history. Babylon The ruins of Babylon in 1932. Fertile territories. Territorial possessions of the Aztecs. Figurine of a priest from Mohenjo-Daro, 3-2 thousand BC. e. The city of Tiahuanaco is located high in the Andes (today: territory of Bolivia). Qin Shi Huang, founder of the Qin dynasty and first emperor of a unified China.

“Development of ancient people” - Stages of human evolution. There was no continuous supraorbital ridge. They lived in caves and used fire. Ancient people (Neanderthals). Ancient people arose about 200 thousand years ago. Back. The first modern people (Cro-Magnons). The earliest people. Resources. To butcher killed animals, they used hewn stones.

“Ancient Cultures of China” - Much taken from Buddhism and yoga (e.g., the system of physical and breathing exercises). An official in a palanking. Chinese culture is one of the oldest. Acupuncture. In the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. China is experiencing rapid socio-economic growth. Science systematizes accumulated knowledge.

“Life of the Ancient Slavs” - In the corner there was a stove made of stones and clay. The Slavs inhabited vast areas of Eastern Europe. Collectors of honey from wild bees. They organized Ivan Kupala holidays in honor of the Sun. 1500 years ago. For roe deer. Russians. Who are beekeepers? Ukrainians. The walls were made of trees and poles. The roof was made of poles covered with straw.

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Slide captions:

The life of farmers and artisans.

Could other residents do without farmers and artisans?

NILE - life of Egypt


Before threshing, the owner fed the animals well. Why do you think?

The work of farmers. Winnowing. The threshed grain was full of chaff and all sorts of debris, so immediately after threshing they started winnowing: the grain was thrown up with their hands or small shovels. While it was falling, the wind carried away the lighter husks, and the heavier grains fell down. They tried to thresh and winnow in the morning and evening, when there was no sweltering heat.


Shaduf - system for watering gardens

Scribes collect taxes Scribes are very necessary for the nobles and the pharaoh. They will count and write down everything that they are ordered to do: how much grain is in the treasury, and what is the size of the fields cultivated by farmers, and what tax each of them is obliged to pay annually. Taxes are: 1) payment of something (money, part of the harvest or offspring of livestock, products made) to the lord by the dependent population; 2) products of labor that peasants or artisans gave to the treasury of the pharaoh.

10/5/2015 And farmers are afraid of scribes and complain about fate. But at the appointed time, a boat moored to the shore. A scribe and several guards with rods and sticks sit in it - woe to those who do not have enough grain. Scribes collect taxes

Residents of Egypt PHARAOH - ruler of Egypt, ruler, king GRANDBOYS - royal advisers, military leaders SCRIBE - tax collectors, clerks. FARMERS AND ARTISTS - ordinary residents of Egypt, taxpayers Priests - servants of the gods

Why were farmers and artisans at the very bottom of the power pyramid?

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