Presentation of a lesson on courage in elementary school. Cool with a presentation in high school “A lesson in courage. Glory to his glorious army

A lesson in courage

Courage- one of the virtues that reflects moral strength in overcoming fear. Courage often refers to the ability to endure suffering, including physical pain.

  • A courageous person does not have to be physically strong and devoid of fear.
  • A courageous person is one who can overcome himself.
  • Each of us is capable of demonstrating strength of character in our daily lives. You won’t be able to start right away with great deeds - you need to prepare for this.
  • Don't forget that every person has a different character. For many, even going to the dentist can be a small victory over their fears 

  • When hearing the words “defender of the Fatherland,” many people have associations with a soldier clutching a machine gun in his hands, vigilantly peering into the distance...
  • However, every famous warrior was once a child. And, of course, he became a hero for a reason. So what do you need to do to become a hero?

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

  • Named Alexander in honor of Alexander Nevsky. He spent his childhood on his father's estate in the village. Suvorov grew up weak and was often sick. His father prepared him for the civil service, but from childhood Suvorov showed a passion for military affairs and, using his father’s rich library, studied artillery, fortification, and military history. Having decided to become a military man, Suvorov began to harden himself and engage in physical exercises. General Abram Hannibal, a friend of the Suvorov family and great-grandfather of Alexander Pushkin, had a great influence on the fate of Suvorov. Noticing that while playing toy soldiers, Alexander had a good understanding of the tactical complexities of maneuver, Hannibal influenced his father to choose a military career for his son.
  • Thus, thanks to his iron character, Alexander Vasilyevich achieved fame and respect that have not faded to this day.

Timur and his team

The fact that strength of character must be demonstrated from childhood was very clearly demonstrated by Arkady Gaidar in his story “Timur and His Team.” The boy Timur and his friends have long been idols for Soviet youth.

Despite the fact that many people considered them hooligans, not knowing about their activities, they continued to secretly help the mothers, wives, and children of men who had gone to the front.

After the book was published, groups of “Timurovites” began to appear more and more often, who did a variety of good deeds absolutely unselfishly. This movement predated modern volunteer organizations.

Do not forget that courage is inherent not only in men, but also in women. There is a lot of evidence of this in history and literature.

Women fought in wars on an equal basis with men, treated the wounded, worked in the rear and died of hunger, giving their last to the front...

Nowadays, few people will be surprised by a female police officer or a female military man.

How to become a strong person

Get over yourself. Start small and you can achieve results that you will be proud of.

Play sports. At least do exercises in the morning. Courage does not lie in physical strength alone, but it never hurts.

Control your behavior and emotions. This doesn’t always work out, so you need to have the strength to be responsible for your actions. Not being willing to admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness will not improve you in anyone's eyes. Even in your own.

  • Help others. It doesn't matter if you save someone from an angry dog ​​or collect scattered apples from a torn bag.
  • Engage in self-development. Find an interesting hobby, read good books.

And the most important thing…

  • Always smile  A kind smile will cheer up those around you and yourself.

A lesson in courage

MBOU Chernomorskaya Secondary School No. 3

1 – B grade Teacher: Gafarova D.N.

was destroyed by a treacherous attack

fascist Germany. And in order not to end up in

fascist slavery, for the sake of saving the Motherland

the people entered into mortal combat with the treacherous,

a cruel, merciless enemy.

Let’s listen to an excerpt from the song “Holy War,” which became a kind of anthem for all residents of the country from the first days of the Great Patriotic War.

What feelings came over you when you listened to the song?

What did the words of this song call people to?

The entire people, young and old, rose up to fight the enemy.

From the endless Siberian plain

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose up,

Our great people.

He came out: free and right,

Responding war to war,

Stand up for your native state,

For our mighty country.

Crushing iron and stone,

He mercilessly defeated the enemy!

Victory banner over Germany

He hoisted his banner of truth!

He walked through fire and water,

He did not turn away from his path,

Glory, glory to the people - the hero!

Glory to his glorious army!

Not only adults, but also children fought. 20,000 children received a medal

“For the Defense of Moscow”, 15,249 young Leningraders were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”. And how many unknown young heroes there were in that war. Here are some of them.

Zina Portnova

Since 1942 she is a member of the underground

organization "Young Avengers". Since August 1942

scout of a partisan detachment. One day,

returning from a mission, she was captured

by the Nazis and identified as a traitor. During

During the interrogation, Zina grabbed the investigator's pistol and

shot him and two other Nazis with it.

She was captured and brutally tortured. Posthumously

assigned title of Hero of the Soviet Union .

Alexander Chekalin

In 1941 Sasha volunteered

to the extermination squad, then to

partisan detachment "Advanced".

Based on the denunciation of a traitor, he was captured

by the Germans and hanged after torture.

In 1944 the city of Likhtin, where he was

Alexander was executed, was renamed

V Chekalin.

Leonid Golikov

Was a scout in the partisan

brigade. He destroyed: 78 Germans,

14 bridges, 10 vehicles with ammunition,

2 food warehouses. Got it in

I'm fighting a very important package of documents.

For this he was given the title

1943 in an unequal battle in the village of Ostraya

Luka, Pskov region, died.

Marat Kazei

In 1942 the Germans hanged Marat's mother for

help to the partisans. The boy went to

partisan detachment. He was a scout.

Participated in raids and sabotage.

Was awarded for courage and bravery

orders and medals. Returning from

intelligence, was surrounded by the Germans. Marat

Kazei blew himself up and the Germans with a grenade.

In 1965, 21 years after his death,

Assigned title of Hero of the Soviet


Nadya Bogdanova

Nadya was a scout in the partisan

squad. When the war began, she was not

and 10 years. Small, thin, she

wandered among the fascists, remembering everything,

and brought the most valuable information to the detachment.

Together with the partisans, she blew up the enemy

headquarters, derailed the echelons,

mined objects. She was executed twice

the Nazis and fighting friends believed

Nadya is dead. There's even a monument to her

put. But she survived.

Devoted children to the Russian land,

You have become immortal on the planet.

Towards the sun with clean hands,

The banner of our victory was hoisted.

The woman, the mother, bore the greatest burden on her shoulders.

She not only saved, but bandaged the wounded. But she also shot with a sniper, blew up bridges, went on reconnaissance, took “tongue”, and also plowed and sowed, prepared warm clothes for the soldiers, worked in factories, and waited. And she survived.

Mom, I am writing these lines to you,

I send you my filial greetings,

I remember you so dear

So good - there are no words!

For life, for you, for your native land

I'm walking towards the lead wind,

And let between us now


You are here, you are with me, my dear!

In this war, our people accomplished a feat that combined the greatest courage of soldiers, the heroism of partisans, and the dedication of home front workers. And we must never forget what the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War and civilians did for us.

In honor of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the country announced the campaign “An apartment for all veterans of the Great Patriotic War.” The implementation of this program is strictly controlled by the President of Russia - D. A. Medvedev.

- What do people do to perpetuate the exploits of soldiers?

- They erect monuments

Obelisk “Glory to the Warriors” in the village. Black Sea

Monument to WWII soldiers in Mezhvodnoye

  • Our glorious army not only drove the enemy from our land, but also liberated other countries from fascist slavery.

How many children have their childhood restored?

Gave joy and spring

Privates of the Soviet Army -

People who won the war!

And in Berlin on a holiday

Was erected to stand for centuries,

Monument to the Soviet soldier

With a rescued girl in her arms.

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from edge to edge.

The world has won! The war is over!

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls to people:

Come on people, never

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

A lesson in courage Prepared by Smirnova T.A., primary school teacher at Nikolskaya secondary school, 2016

2 slide

Slide description:

Goal: acquaintance with new information about the Great Patriotic War, with the destinies of child heroes. Topic: The courage of our people.

3 slide

Slide description:

We are children of peacetime. We don't know the word war. But we remember our grandfather’s victories, And we inherit their courage. Thanks to the grandfathers for the ray of sunshine. Thank you for the trill of the nightingale in the spring, That bullets do not whistle over our heads, That we do not lose our fathers in battles.

4 slide

Slide description:

What is courage? Courage is courage, presence of mind in danger. Courage is a moral quality of a person, expressed in the ability to act decisively in a dangerous situation. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended their Motherland without sparing themselves, their lives, and not for the sake of awards. All their thoughts were aimed at winning. In the difficult situation of war, hungry, tired, wounded, they did not think about themselves.

5 slide

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On February 23, we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, the day of courage, heroism and patriotism of our people.

6 slide

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Wars happen on earth. Even now, when we live under a peaceful sky, somewhere there is a war and people are dying. And on our native land there have been battles more than once.

7 slide

Slide description:

The terrible war against the fascist invaders, the victory of which we celebrate every year on May 9, lasted almost 48 months (4 years). Children also participated in the war along with adults. We call them children-heroes, pioneer-heroes. They accomplished a feat, showed courage and bravery in the struggle for the liberation of the Motherland. Before the war, these were ordinary guys who raised pigeons, flew kites, played pranks, and helped adults. But suddenly the war began...

8 slide

Slide description:

Valya Kotik When the war began, Valya was 10 years old. Together with his friends, he decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the battle site, which they then transported to the partisan detachment on a cart of hay. When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Victor, went to join the partisans. The boy, who at that time had just turned fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, liberating his native land. He is responsible for six enemy trains blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War,” 2nd degree. Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously awarded him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. There is a monument erected in front of the school where he studied.

Slide 9

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Marat Kazei In the fall of 1941, Marat was supposed to go to fifth grade, but the Nazis burst into the village where he lived and turned the school building into their barracks. Marat's mother was hanged for helping the partisans. Together with his sister Ada, the boy went to the partisans in the forest and became a scout. He penetrated enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command. Participated in battles, mined the railway. For courage and courage he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit.” Marat died in battle. He fought until the last bullet, and when only one grenade remained, he let the enemies get closer and blew himself up along with them. For his courage and bravery, Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

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Zina Portnova The war found her in the village where Zina came for vacation (not far from Obol station). An underground organization “Young Avengers” was created in Obol, and the girl was accepted as a member of the committee. On instructions from the partisans, she posted leaflets, learned to shoot accurately, went on reconnaissance missions, got a job in a canteen, and poisoned a group of fascists. Zina was betrayed by a traitor. She was tortured for a long time, but she remained silent. During one of the interrogations, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and fired at point-blank range at a Gestapo man, killing another who came running to the fascist’s shots. I tried to escape, but to no avail. The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained steadfast and courageous. For her feat, Zina Portnova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Presentation for students in grades 1-2. Children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Contains a brief biography of pioneer heroes: Vali Kotik, Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova. Can be used in class and for extracurricular activities.
Target: expanding schoolchildren’s knowledge about the Second World War through stories about pioneer heroes, children of the war;
- cultivate respect for the feat of the native people; love to motherland;
- to form an idea of ​​courage and responsibility;
- develop cognitive activity; awaken patriotic feelings.
Equipment: laptop, projector, books about child heroes.

Progress of the lesson:

1 slide
2 slide

3 slide

We are children of peacetime,
We don't know the word "war".
But we remember our grandfather’s victories
And we inherit their courage.
Thanks to the grandfathers for the ray of sunshine,
Thank you for the nightingale's trill in the spring,
That bullets don't whistle overhead,
That we do not lose our fathers in battles...

4 slide

- What is courage?
Courage is courage, presence of mind in danger. Courage is a moral quality of a person, expressed in the ability to act decisively in a dangerous situation. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended their Motherland without sparing themselves, their lives, and not for the sake of awards. All their thoughts were aimed at winning. In the difficult situation of war, hungry, tired, wounded, they did not think about themselves.
5 slide

Wars happen on earth. Even now, when we live under a peaceful sky, somewhere there is a war and people are dying. And on our native land there have been battles more than once.
6 slide

The terrible war against the fascist invaders, the victory of which we celebrate every year on May 9, lasted almost 48 months (4 years). Children also participated in the war along with adults. We call them children-heroes, pioneer-heroes. They accomplished a feat, showed courage and bravery in the struggle for the liberation of the Motherland. Before the war, these were ordinary guys who raised pigeons, flew a kite, played pranks, and helped adults. But suddenly the war began...

7 slide

When the war began, Valya was 10 years old. Together with his friends, he decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the battle site, which they then transported to the partisan detachment on a cart of hay.
When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Victor, went to join the partisans. The boy, who at that time had just turned fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, liberating his native land. He is responsible for six enemy trains blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War,” 2nd degree.
Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously awarded him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. There is a monument erected in front of the school where he studied.

8 slide

In the fall of 1941, Marat was supposed to go to fifth grade, but the Nazis burst into the village where he lived and turned the school building into their barracks. Marat's mother was hanged for helping the partisans. Together with his sister Ada, the boy went to the partisans in the forest and became a scout. He penetrated enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command. Participated in battles, mined the railway.
For courage and courage he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit.”
Marat died in battle. He fought until the last bullet, and when only one grenade remained, he let the enemies get closer and blew himself up along with them. For his courage and bravery, Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

Slide 9

The war found her in the village where Zina came for vacation (not far from Obol station). An underground organization “Young Avengers” was created in Obol, and the girl was accepted as a member of the committee. On instructions from the partisans, she posted leaflets, learned to shoot accurately, went on reconnaissance missions, got a job in a canteen, and poisoned a group of fascists.
Zina was betrayed by a traitor. She was tortured for a long time, but she remained silent. During one of the interrogations, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and fired at point-blank range at a Gestapo man, killing another who came running to the fascist’s shots. I tried to escape, but to no avail. The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained steadfast and courageous.
For her feat, Zina Portnova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

10 slide

Mothers do not give birth to children for war:
For a peaceful life, for great achievements,
For happiness, for love, for adventure,
For peace in the world, mothers give birth to children.
We will preserve the memories of the great victories.
Let's not forget about the courage of our great-grandfathers,
We will protect peace and happiness
Our native land, where our mothers raised us.
Throughout life we ​​will carry a loud slogan:
“We need peace on the entire big planet!”
Let all children live under a peaceful sky,
Let their mothers rejoice in their successes.