The advantage of soft roofing over metal tiles. What is better, metal tiles or soft roofing? Comparison of technical characteristics, pros and cons of coatings. Structure and dimensions of metal tiles

When choosing reliable and durable materials with excellent aesthetic properties, the question often arises: what is better - metal tiles or soft roofing? At first glance, they have approximately the same performance characteristics, minimal price differences and relatively simple installation technologies. How does everything actually stand when you carefully compare them?

Structure and dimensions of metal tiles

Metal tiles are profiled sheets made from thin-sheet cold-rolled steel by stamping using special equipment. To protect against corrosion, galvanized layers, a passivation layer, a polymer-based decorative coating and a protective mounting film are applied to its surface.

Important! A roof covered with metal tiles looks very aesthetically pleasing and attractive, since many manufacturers use classic and unique profiles and textures, as well as color shades that can be easily matched to any facade design. Coating colors are available not only in solid colors, but also in textured ones. All shades are standardized and correspond to RR or RAL color cards.

The sheets have longitudinal and transverse stiffening ribs, which ensure their high strength and prevent irreversible deformation as a result of mechanical stress. At the same time, they are quite light (weight up to 6 kg/m2) and do not create a significant load on the roof.

The standard sizes of metal tiles are as follows:

  • length can vary between 0.5-3.6 m;
  • standard width is 0.5-1.12 m;
  • sheet thickness – 0.4-0.5 mm.

Structure and dimensions of soft roofing

Soft roofing is roofing materials made on a bitumen base with the addition of dyes. These include:

  1. Ondulin is a material obtained by pressing purified cellulose fibers impregnated with bitumen and ether resins. Externally, it is a rigid sheet with a wavy profile with dimensions of 2x0.95 m and a thickness of 3 mm. Available from minimum set color ranges, does not contain toxic elements, is resistant to high humidity.
  2. Soft tiles - are made on the basis of fiberglass or fiberglass with impregnation with bitumen, impregnation with dyes and the possible application of stone chips. The dimensions of the sheets are 100x33 cm with a thickness of 2-3 mm. It is highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, abrasion, mechanical stress and sudden temperature changes, and is available in a wide range of colors.

Important! The main advantage of using flexible tiles is the minimum amount of waste when installing any type of roof. Due to small sizes sheets, you can make accurate calculations of the material and save money.

  1. Ruberoid is an inexpensive rolled roofing material made from cardboard, fiberglass or polyester, which is impregnated with bitumen on both sides, and a layer of stone chips can be applied to the front side. Its dimensions are 1x10 m with a thickness of 1-3 mm. Able to withstand temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity.

Comparison table for installation, maintenance and operation conditions of metal tiles and soft roofing

A comparative table of the conditions for their installation, maintenance and operation will help determine which is better for roof cladding - metal tiles or soft roofing. It reflects the basic requirements and nuances of installation, allowing you to determine the possibility or necessity of using a specific material in certain conditions.

Metal tiles

Soft roof

Material processing methods

Cutting with scissors, a hacksaw or a grinder at minimum speed, followed by applying a protective coating to the steel.

Cutting can be carried out with any available hand tool cutting tool. No protective coating is required.

Laying base

Lathing with a pitch equal to or less than the wavelength of the profile or a solid base.

Only a smooth, continuous flat base.

Requirements for the levelness of the base

Deviations from evenness of up to 10 mm are possible.

Deviations of more than 0.5 mm are not allowed.

Mounting method

Self-tapping screws.

On nails, self-tapping screws, by melting the material or adhesive base, depending on the type of soft roof.

Minimum angle slope of the slopes

Depends on the type of material. For example, laying roofing felt is possible on flat roof with an inclination angle of 5°.

Possibility of moving on the roof

Permissible, but only with special shoes to prevent damage to the protective layer.

It follows from the table that it is very difficult to say unambiguously which roofing is better, since the requirements for their installation do not coincide perfectly; the materials have different requirements for the base and methods of fastening. However, when it is technically possible to install all types of materials, then metal tiles become the winner.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing a soft roof

Using one of the types of soft roofing as a roofing material allows you to obtain the following advantages:

  • the material has a minimal coefficient of thermal expansion, so it can withstand sudden temperature fluctuations without deformation or damage to the joints;
  • increased resistance to any precipitation;
  • high level sound insulation to reduce the noise of precipitation;
  • relatively simple technology installation, as it does not require the use special tools and the material is easy to process;
  • minimum amount of waste when covering roofs;

Important! If you need to cover a roof with a minimal slope or complex geometry of the slopes, then the answer to the question of what is more profitable from a financial point of view - a soft roof or metal tiles - then the choice is clear in favor of the first. It is easy to process and has minimum dimensions sheets and ensures tight contact with the base.

  • lack of windage, thanks to which the roofing sheathing is not afraid of any wind loads;
  • high level of tightness of the joints created;
  • long service life;
  • roofing materials industrial production there is no cheaper option than any type of soft roof;
  • no tendency to corrosion, fungus, mold or pests;
  • no need to update the decorative coating.

The disadvantages of a soft roof include:

  • lengthy installation process due to the small size of the sheets (with the exception of roofing felt) and the need to control the tightness of the joints;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which is fraught with loss of the original color shade;
  • high requirements for the base for installation;
  • minimal fire resistance;
  • impossibility of installation when negative temperatures environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

The main advantages of metal tiles include the following:

  • excellent decorative properties provided by a wide selection of sheet profiles, types of coatings and the availability of not only plain but also textured finishes;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes, all types of precipitation, chemically active substances and pests;
  • increased fire resistance;
  • absence of toxic substances and components;
  • good mechanical and plastic properties that can withstand significant mechanical loads;
  • service life up to 50 years;
  • choice technical characteristics material for any operating conditions and budget;
  • installation on uneven surface, including for the purpose of leveling the plane of the slopes.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are as follows:

  • minimum level of noise insulation;
  • high coefficient of thermal expansion, which can be fraught with deformation or depressurization of joints;
  • difficulty in transportation due to the need to prevent bending of the sheets, which can threaten damage to the protective layer and irreversible changes in the shape of the profile.

Comparison results

The question of which is better - metal tiles or flexible tiles, is multifaceted, since it is necessary to take into account many factors and nuances in each case. With a formal approach, taking into account the disadvantages and advantages, metal tiles are more profitable, since its disadvantages are insignificant and can be easily eliminated.

If you do not take into account the pros and cons of materials, but take into account only the technical capabilities of their installation and operation without taking into account decorative properties, then in this case a soft roof is the most justified choice.

1162 09/18/2019 6 min.

Soft roofing and metal tiles are roofing materials that are popular today and have qualities such as long service life, reliability and aesthetic appearance. When you need to choose one of the presented options, complexity arises and the developer gets lost.

To know exactly which material is best suited for a particular building, it is necessary to consider separately the positive and negative sides everyone.

Pros and cons of metal tiles

Metal tiles are roofing materials made from metal. Its surface is coated with zinc and colored polymer. In appearance, metal tiles resemble natural tiles. The main advantage of metal tiles is that they can be used for arranging any structure, even if it has too complex angles. The only condition is the presence of a slope angle (14 degrees). This will prevent precipitation from accumulating.

The photo shows a metal roof:

The advantages of metal tiles include:

  1. Long service life of 50 years.
  2. The material can be used for any climatic conditions. He is not afraid of temperature changes from -50 to +70 degrees.
  3. Installation of metal tiles can take place at any time of the year, as they are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.
  4. The weight of 1 m2 is 6 kg, thanks to which the material can be installed on the sheathing and for houses with a light foundation. In addition, the lightness of the sheets makes the installation process easier.
  5. A wide range of. In stores, metal tiles are presented in various colors and forms.
  6. Metal tiles are highly resistant to fire.
  7. The roof made from this material is durable, as it has a minimum number of seams.
  8. Roofing material is supplemented necessary components for installing not only the roof, but also drains, ebbs and other structural parts.
  9. Installation speed. Two workers can cover 2 m2 using special screws in one shift.
  10. There is no need to dismantle the flat roof before installing metal tiles. Installation of new sheets can occur directly on roofing felt or roofing felt, which will become an additional layer of thermal insulation.

In the video, which is better: metal tiles or soft roofing:

As for the disadvantages, they include:

  1. If the roof has a complex shape, then when cutting the canvases you need to adjust the pattern. This leads to waste of material.
  2. Low level of sound insulation. During heavy rain or wind, all sounds will be heard in the house. This problem can be solved by laying a soundproofing substrate.
  3. The metal tile has a relief so that snow does not roll off it. To avoid this, it is important to observe the angle of the roof during installation.
  4. Low resistance to mechanical influences. When installing sheets, scratches may occur on them, and this will lead to corrosion. Consequently, the service life of the material will be much shorter.

What types of Monterrey metal tile coverings exist and how to make them right choice. information will help you understand

Pros and cons of soft roofing

Soft roofing or bitumen shingles are another popular roofing material that has the following advantages:

  1. Long service life, which can reach up to 50 years.
  2. Low percentage of waste during installation. When installing the material on roofs with complex shapes, waste consumption will be about 5%.
  3. Large range of colors and shapes, so choose perfect option it won't be difficult.
  4. High level of sound insulation. You don’t have to worry that when it rains, all sounds will be heard in the house.
  5. Snow holders can be installed on a roof made of soft tiles, since the snow does not fall off like an avalanche.

On the video - which roof is better, soft or metal tiles:

The disadvantages of soft tiles include:

  1. High cost of installation. If you do all the work yourself, you can save money.
  2. Price. And although the price of the material itself is the same as metal tiles, you still need to buy a number of additional elements, which will result in a tidy sum. Installation of a soft roof can only take place on a flat surface. This will require additional costs for OSB-3 boards
  3. Weight. Soft tiles are quite heavy, 1 m2 weighs 15 kg.


To understand which material is better, you need to compare all of them. quality characteristics to then make your choice.


If we consider best material from an aesthetic point of view, both materials benefit. Soft tiles and metal tiles are available in a wide range of colors and shapes.

Although metal tiles can be presented in several textures: glossy, matte, embossed. But the soft roof has a layer of stone chips on top, which increases the strength characteristics of the material and gives the surface roughness.

Product weight

The weight of metal tiles ranges from 3 to 6 kg per 1 m2, and the thickness is 0.45-0.55 m. Since cold-rolled steel was used for the manufacture of the material, this thickness is excellent for a durable coating.

Flexible tiles weigh from 7 to 15 kg per 1 m2, and thickness is up to 5 mm. At the same time, both materials do not create a special load and can be used for lightweight roofing construction.

Strength and hardness

Here the leading position is occupied by metal tiles. This light material and durable, and the installation process can be carried out on a lattice frame without fear. Soft material will not be able to hold its shape, so it must be laid only on a solid sheathing, unlike other brands.

To do this, you will have to use plywood or OSB boards, and this increases costs.

Easy to install

The process of laying metal tile sheets is not that complicated, even if they are long. But if you use them for roofing complex shape, then it will be difficult to do this. 1/3 of the material will go into leftovers that cannot be used later. In addition, you will need to purchase auxiliary elements, which again will affect costs.

But soft tiles are perfect for roofing different shapes, even the most difficult. Although its installation can only be performed at temperatures above zero. But metal tiles can be laid at any weather conditions.


The manufacturer of metal tiles guarantees that they will last you 5-120 years, although in practice it reaches up to 5 years. The period depends on the quality of the polymer used to cover the sheets and on climate conditions.

But a flexible roof can last 30-50 years, since the material with which the sheets are covered does not corrode. Despite this, soft roofing does not tolerate cold well, and this limits its use.


If you buy metal tiles, then 1 m2 will cost you 200-480 rubles. If you use elite class material, its cost will be 1200 m2. Price flexible material– 230-570 rubles, elite class – 2000 rubles.

Metal and flexible tiles are today the most popular types roofing covering. Slate and seam roofing have long been considered obsolete, and more daring technological innovations, such as plastic or argil, are still too unusual. And why not give preference to a proven option, especially since a tiled roof always looks neat, harmonious and easy to maintain.

But then what is better: metal tiles or flexible tiles? What should you give preference to: flexibility or solidity, design or simplicity? There is no clear answer, but we will help you make an informed choice!

In this article we will look at a comparison of the characteristics of both types of roofing. And it is not surprising that manufacturers are so fond of comparing their flexible tiles with metal ones, as with something opposite in quality:

Structure: what you need to know?

Let's start with the structure of both coatings. Indeed, today many still prefer metal tiles only for the reason that soft tiles are considered something like an analogue of roofing felt, although in fact, in technical terms, they are much more complex and reliable, and at the same time have a much more complex structure.

So, what are flexible tiles? This is typesetting sheet material with standard sizes and curly cutouts. This product has a multilayer structure, in which the base is fiberglass (non-woven fiberglass) and material impregnated with bitumen.

Gaunts different manufacturers differs in such important parameters such as design, color palette, quality of bitumen binder, base strength, soil thickness and type of topping. A lot here depends on the bitumen itself. It is its qualities that my great-grandfather will dictate how flexible tiles will behave on the roof.

The main advantage of such sheets is their ability to withstand longitudinal stretching. And especially high strength characteristics of bitumen shingles with double reinforcement. In addition, even in the factory, shingles are treated with a special compound to protect them from mold and lichens during operation. Today, bituminous shingles are even available with aluminum, copper and zinc-titanium plates on top.

And here metal tiles has a fundamentally different structure:

Metal tile base – steel sheet, covered with an aluminum or zinc layer, and on top - an additional protective coating. So yourself layered cake, and the presence or absence of each of these materials will immediately affect the durability of the material.

Of particular importance is the most upper layer, see how immediately the characteristics of the sheet change in different options:

Let's summarize: both metal and flexible tiles have a complex structure, and their quality depends on what kind of material was used, how many layers were used and what manufacturing technology we are talking about. Those. Neither flexible nor metal tiles are inherently a simple analogue of seam or roofing felt roofing.

Color and design: what will please the eye more?

The second important point that influences the choice of a particular roofing covering is the aesthetic component. After all, there is no point in thinking through the exterior of a new house, the color of the facade, the shape to the last detail. window frames, and at the same time the roof spoils the entire appearance.

And here the difference between metal tiles and shingles is huge! Metal tiles are produced in a fairly large selection of colors according to the RAL catalog, but all of them, of course, are monochrome. But in nature there are no such pure shades, which is why metal tiles always look foreign, albeit stylish, against the background of the surrounding nature. But multi-colored metal tiles are not produced:

The situation is completely different with flexible tiles, which are produced today with two main types of top coating - basalt and slate chips. In addition to its decorative functions, this coating also protects the sheets from ultraviolet rays and many other factors.

The colors themselves are so beautiful and varied that achieving the desired fashionable style architecture is not difficult. And every year leading manufacturers release something new, actively competing with each other.

And, of course, such a roof covering looks harmonious both in urban latitudes and against the backdrop of the natural landscape:

Opportunities for project implementation: from simple to complex

Due to the large amount of waste, the lack of high-quality bending and the integrity of the sheets, metal tiles are well suited for simple projects, like roofs on two straight slopes and without frills. Aerobatics for metal tiles - hip and hip roofs, and even then you will have to tinker with sealing and arranging their ridges.

The fact is that metal tiles, with all their texture, require even slopes, and any bend or complex element results in a number of problems. Sometimes on unusual architectural objects the consumption of metal tiles exceeds more than 50%, while even on ordinary roofs it is never less than 15%.

But for flexible tiles there are no obstacles at all (except for a flat surface). Thanks to this, it produces beautiful roofs and simple, complex configurations - even bulbous and domed. And all thanks to the fact that flexible tiles are a piece material, and the integrity of the coating is never compromised due to one problem area.

When we're talking about O complex roof, beautiful corner elements You can’t make it out of metal tiles. And even with the special talent and resourcefulness of a roofer, it is still quite difficult to provide waterproofing to such elements. But with flexible tiles everything is completely different!

That's very interesting video about this theme:

Practicality: which tile will perform better?

If the aesthetic side is satisfied, think about the practicality of both types of roofing.

Soundproofing: will there be a rumble?

And now we move on to the main difference, which is so often talked about - sound insulation. So, if you want to convert the attic of your house into an attic, they recommend forgetting about metal tiles. After all high-quality insulation It only reduces rain noise by a small percentage. But flexible tiles are a completely silent material.

On the other hand, if you choose insulation with high sound insulation properties, and do not spare screws (metal sheets often rumble in the wind), i.e. approach the issue competently, then such an attic will turn out to be quite comfortable. For example, for this purpose, experienced roofers advise not to purchase screws for metal tiles on the market, where they sell “everything for everything.” It is better to order a set of these in a specialized store, with a rubber gasket based on rubber.

Well, if the attic is cold, and there is no question of insulation, then you will not care at all whether it is noisy under the roof in a rainstorm, because the sound will not reach the living quarters.

Snow retention: avalanche-like snowfall

The next point is snow retention. It is very important that snow on a residential building, especially abundant in the Russian climate, does not fall like an avalanche. After all, such a “hat” can not only ruin drainage systems, break expensive bushes growing nearby, damage a car, but also kill a dog passing below.

Therefore, it will be necessary to install snow guards on metal tiles. At the same time, flexible tiles do not need them, because their likelihood of such snow melting is minimal, and all thanks to the rough surface of stone chips. The only thing is that snow, especially wet and with pieces of ice, will from time to time scratch the bitumen shingles and tear off the coating from it, and it is necessary as protection from the sun's rays.

Environmental issues: dispelling myths

Regarding the quality of bitumen shingles, people often worry that this material is not very environmentally friendly. And that in the sun in the heat, bitumen will release toxic substances into the air, thereby poisoning the surrounding nature and people. But in fact, this can only happen with fake, low-quality tiles.

After all, for the manufacture of roofing coverings modern manufacturers They use only high-quality natural bitumen, which is popularly called “earth resin.” It was published that they coated housing with it for complete waterproofing.

This kind of bitumen differs from chemical bitumen in that it is saturated with oxygen and, in fact, is still natural material, and this is not at all the same material that is used to glue roofing felt to the slopes.

Budgeting: taking into account pitfalls

And now about the most sensitive issue – the price. Even with a limited budget, buyers still want to purchase high-quality material and not lose in terms of the appearance of the house. Flexible tiles, of course, are more expensive than metal ones, but not so much as to abandon the planned design.

Second point. Prices for metal tiles are more or less transparent and understandable: high-quality ones have their own price, while handicraft and super-thin ones, which are sold directly on the market, will cost less. But with flexible tiles, everything is a little more complicated: in fact, on the domestic market it is quite possible to purchase tiles that are twice as expensive, and at the same time twice as bad as their analogues.

For example, at one time on salequite strong and durable American bitumen shingles appeared, which in many respects were superior to European ones, but at the same time were more affordable.

And finally in the light modern politics import substitution Russian factories take quality seriously and use modern technologies manufacturing, while abroad often nothing has changed in production terms for the last 20-30 years. So it turns out that today some domestic tiles have the same quality as foreign ones, but differ significantly in cost.

Also, due to the lack of a monopoly on the market, prices for flexible tiles are quite reasonable, because manufacturers compete with each other through new collections and improving the quality of shingles. And in the case of metal tiles, the main prices are held by Grand Line and MetalProfile, and only representatives of handicraft production compete with them, with a few exceptions.

And finally, if we talk about price, then take into account the possible overconsumption of material. Although in total the prices for metal tiles are at least 40% lower than for flexible ones, everything is compensated by scraps.

Durable and easy to care for

In total, the guarantee for metal tiles is designed for a period of 10 to 20 years, although in practice it may well last for half a century if it has no scratches or chance of corrosion and all fastenings are made perfectly.

True, no one has tested this long term, because metal tiles are relatively new to the Russian market. But for flexible tiles the guarantee is given from 10 to 50 years, although in reality they last from 15 to 70 years. And again, this was not checked either.

Although you might be interested to see these small studies and tests of both types of coating:

Also in the future, care bitumen roof will cost much less, because it is considered the most maintainable. Let's compare: if a leak appears in some place, it is enough to use one nail puller to create a couple of shingles and replace them with new ones, but at the same time, metal tiles will either have to squeeze out several tubes of expensive sealant to the base, or remove them altogether and replace entire sheets. In addition, one problematic shingle does not affect the entire slope, but just one scratch on a metal tile causes corrosion throughout the entire slope.

Difficulty of installation: what will you have to face?

The next difference between metal tiles and flexible tiles is the design of the roof itself. Both types require absolutely different reasons:

The need for a solid foundation

If we talk about the need for a base, then depending on the thickness of the metal and surface coating, metal tiles usually weigh from 4.5 to 6 kg per square meter, and flexible - from 7.5 to 15 kg. This suggests that both materials are quite light and have enough power rafter system approximately the same is needed. If we talk about the insulated roof under which the attic is built, the roofing cake here will no longer differ too much in the number of layers:

Cold roof there is no need to insulate, but keep in mind that in the case of metal tiles, condensation will form from the inside when there is a temperature difference. There are no such problems with flexible tiles.

Working conditions and preparation

Both coatings also differ in installation conditions. So, you can work with metal tiles in almost any weather, except rain. But it is recommended to nail bitumen shingles only at a temperature not lower than 5° C, but not in the heat, and only in dry weather. This is due to the fact that in the cold, flexible tiles become brittle and break right during the installation process. The exception is SBS-modified bitumen, although there are certain recommendations for it.

If you still have to work at temperatures close to 0°C, then the shingles are prepared in advance and stored in a well-heated room. After this, they are served in small batches and quickly fixed, helping construction hairdryer bend shingles. It is also difficult to work with shingles in extreme heat: the bitumen softens slightly, and granules are easily swept away from it.

As we have already said, when working with shingles, the consumption is minimal, and those sheets that need to be cut can be used with ordinary scissors. But cutting metal tiles exactly to size is difficult, and not only because of the elaborate profile. The fact is that such sheets cannot be cut with a grinder, and a jigsaw also scratches the coating, and scissors bend the profile. Therefore, roofers have to pick up an angle grinder and then tint the cutting line.

Features of laying on slopes

The next point is the complexity of laying both types of roofing. With metal tiles, everything is usually simple: sheets of the same size perfectly match in color and profile. If the slopes are smooth, all that remains is to lift them onto the roof and securely fasten them there with special roofing screws.

But most often you have to tinker with flexible tiles. Firstly, not all series (especially budget ones) allow you to easily lay out row after row on the slope, and you have to independently think through a specific pattern according to the chosen pattern.

Those who have ever encountered this know how difficult it is. And it turns out that if some part of the roof is laid out with a new batch (purchased), then this place will stand out strongly against the general background. Therefore, experienced roofers know that they first need to unpack all the packs and mix them thoroughly. But even this does not guarantee perfect result. Of course, adding to its complexity is the fact that each shingle will have to be hammered in by hand (for this it is better to rent a nail gun).

But if you accidentally tear, cut or scratch one of the shingles, you can easily replace it with another. If you scratch the metal tile, it will at least need repairs. And because of this, she will already lose all her attractive appearance. If nothing is done, corrosion will immediately begin after the autumn rains. And scratching is quite easy: by stepping on it unsuccessfully or by dropping the instrument. The fact is that they carefully handle the sheets and comply with all technologies at the highest level - that’s another task. After all, for installers it is much more important not to fall from a height.

And finally, the most important difference between both types of tiles is fire safety. Both are considered relatively safe, but if over time stone chips crumble on the soft tiles in places and “bald” spots appear, just one spark falling on them can cause a fire. And therefore, if, despite all the arguments, you still haven’t decided what kind of roofing you want, do it simpler: if you have a chimney or fireplace pipe, then install safer metal tiles; if not, please yourself with the exquisite design of flexible tiles!

Developers begin to choose roofing coverings for the roof at the stage of creating a house project. Looking for optimal option most are guided by 3 requirements for a roof: durability, reasonable cost and attractive appearance. Many people fit this description. modern materials, including metal tiles and bitumen shingles. These coatings differ in release form, composition and installation method, but they are similar in practicality and long service life. In this article we will tell you what is better – metal tiles or soft roofing?

The roof is the most difficult structural unit, the quality of construction of which determines the service life of the entire house. The reliability of the roof is influenced rafter frame, composition of the roofing pie and finishing coating. Each of the materials has pros and cons that must be taken into account during installation and operation:

Important! When determining which roof is better, soft tiles or metal tiles, consider the pros and cons of the coatings. The choice is made based on the climatic conditions in the region of construction, the type and nature of the use of the building, the financial capabilities and taste preferences of the developer.


The composition largely determines the service life, reliability and attitude to environmental factors of the roofing material. It determines how long the roof will last, how reliable it will be, and how to maintain it. The compared coatings have the following composition:

Note! Deciding what kind of roof would be better suited for your home, consider climatic factors. A flexible roof has a rough, rough surface that traps snow on the slope. Metal tiles, on the contrary, are smooth, so snow slides off them. If the slope of a roof with a coating is 15 degrees, then it must be equipped with snow retainers.

Roofing pie

The final coating is just the visible part of the roofing pie, which consists of many layers that improve performance material. All components of the structure work together to extend the service life of the material. Depending on the type of roof, the roofing pie has the following features:

Many developers are tormented by the question of whether metal tiles or flexible roofing is better for installing the roof of a private house, guided by the price of the finishing coating. Flexible tiles cost only 15-20% more, but additional costs for reinforced sheathing and underlay carpet will increase the cost of roofing work even more.

Installation features

When deciding which roofing is better, you need to take into account the features of installation of materials, especially if roofing have to do it yourself. The complexity of installation affects the cost and duration of the process. The installation of the compared roofing coverings has the following features:

  1. Flexible tiles are glued using a self-adhesive layer, protected with silicone film, to the underlayment. The process of installing shingles takes a long time. In addition, it is recommended to work with this material at a temperature of +5-+15 degrees, since cold makes it fragile, and when high temperature bitumen softens. Therefore, installation of flexible tiles is carried out only in the warm season.
  2. Metal tiles are laid in all weather conditions, as they do not respond to temperature changes. The sheets are laid with an overlap to prevent moisture leakage. To fix the metal tiles, roofing screws with a rubber press washer are used to cover the holes. Installation is carried out only using the cold method, without using welding or a grinder, so as not to damage the polymer coating.

Experienced craftsmen claim that flexible tiles are more difficult to install, since laying the tiles takes a lot of time. However, if the roof has a complex shape, then working with soft material is easier and cheaper, so each coating has its own advantages.


Every homeowner strives to choose high-quality, beautiful, but inexpensive coating for the roof of the house. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a soft roof or metal tiles, both of these materials have excellent performance characteristics and are not inferior to more expensive analogues. To make a choice, you can rely on the following criteria:

  • Life time. The guaranteed service life of metal tiles is 20-25 years, in real conditions at proper maintenance it will last for 50 years. Flexible roofing lasts up to 70 years, as it does not suffer from corrosion.
  • Flammability. Metal tiles are non-flammable material, therefore it is used in buildings with an increased risk of fire. Bitumen roofing is highly flammable, so it is not used for the construction of bathhouses and houses equipped with fireplaces and solid fuel stoves.
  • Noisy. Metal coatings have a high resonating ability, so during rain or hail they increase the noise. Soft roofing, on the contrary, perfectly dampens sounds; it is used without additional sound insulation, even if the attic of the house is residential.

Important! When purchasing roofing material, pay attention to quality certificates of conformity, to GOST, according to which the products are manufactured. If the manufacturer does not provide such documentation, this is a reason to think about the quality of the coating.

Video instruction

The choice of roofing material determines the service life and design features rafter system and sheathing. What is better, soft roofing or metal tiles? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of each material: its cost, installation time and service life.

Soft roofing and metal tiles: main characteristics

The concept of soft roof includes a large number of building materials:

  • Ondulin
  • Bituminous shingles
  • Ruberoid
  • Linocrom, etc.

Each of them has its own performance characteristics. The most popular are bituminous shingles and ondulin.

Metal tiles are made from sheet metal by rolling. The difference between the types mainly lies in the color of the material, as well as the quality of the protective layer.

Cost of materials

Of course, there are a huge number of manufacturers producing both soft roofing and metal tiles, but if you comparative analysis materials of approximately the same quality, you can determine the most advantageous material for installation.

  • Metal tiles. From 330 to 360 rub. per m 2
  • Bituminous shingles from 420 to 540 rubles. per m 2
  • Ondulin in the range of 210-240 rubles. per m 2

Of course, it seems that the most profitable option is to purchase and install ondulin. But if you take into account the service life and appearance of the product, as well as the need to purchase additional roofing materials: wind strips, QSB slabs (for bituminous shingles), the preference for metal tiles becomes obvious. The price of the product is also affected by the thickness sheet metal, which is used in production, but in general the golden mean in the price-quality position remains the 0.5 mm material.

Cost of installation work

Another aspect that significantly influences the choice of roofing material is cost. installation work.

If you compare soft bitumen roofing and metal tiles, the advantage of the latter becomes obvious. So installation work will cost on average 30-40% cheaper.

Of course, the overall price you will have to pay for laying roofing material is affected by the complexity of the roof itself. So the cost of installing metal tiles may increase if you have to cover broken roof, and in this case, the costs of materials also increase. Where bitumen shingles can simply be bent, a metal sheet you have to trim and join together, covering this place with a special profile.

Therefore, when calculating the total cost, the following must be taken into account:

  • Cost of material including connecting, ridge and wind strips
  • Price for work taking into account the characteristics of the roof

How does sheet thickness affect cost?

The difference in soft roofing mainly lies in different technological processes production of materials. Metal tiles may also differ in sheet thickness and percentage zinc content in this material. These two criteria can significantly affect cost and performance and strength characteristics. What to look for when choosing metal tiles:

  • Coating. High quality material coated with special varnish protective agent. The budget and most common versions are coated with polyester (PE), more expensive materials (PUR), which significantly affects their durability. Matte protective layers (MatPUR, Purex, MatPE) have also appeared; products with this index are not only reliably protected, but also look more aristocratic
  • Zinc content. This coefficient is a decisive factor influencing service life. The best ratio is 275 g of zinc per square meter. This product will last at least half a century
  • Thickness. Affects damage received during transportation and installation work, as well as the duration of operation. The ideal thickness is about 0.5 mm

Layers of metal tiles

How to make a choice and take into account service life

The type of soft roof can affect its service life. So, for example, ondulin will last about 7-10 years. If the intensity of solar radiation is low, this period can last up to 15. Bitumen shingles, according to the characteristics declared by the manufacturers, can last a maximum of 25 years, but only if we are talking about expensive types of soft roofing. Metal tiles with a high zinc content and a thickness of about 0.5 - 0.7 mm will normally last about 40-50 years.

Appearance matters

To make a choice, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the appearance of the product. And not only what bitumen or metal shingles look like at the very beginning of operation, but how they will look several years after installation. Or bitumen shingles?

  • Ondulin. Loses color saturation. In case of strong solar radiation, it may lose its original attractiveness to a large extent.
  • Metal tiles. After a period of approximately 10 years, the paint will begin to fade and the roof will have to be repainted to restore its original appearance. At least that's what the manufacturers indicate. In practice, it is clear that even if the color fades a little, it is not enough to repaint the roof
  • Bituminous shingles. Appearance remains original even after decades throughout its entire service life

When calculating total cost products, it is necessary to take into account not only the costs of purchasing the material itself and components, but also its maintenance.

Installation work, which is cheaper?

If you need to cover a flat roof, definitely the cost of laying metal tiles will be cheaper than soft roofing. This is explained by the fact that the installation of bitumen shingles has to be carried out almost piece by piece, in small fragments, which significantly affects the installation speed. If there is a broken roof, the cost will be almost the same.

Before you start installation, you need to know. Not every the tool will do for this task. It is strictly forbidden to cut metal tiles with a grinder! This will lead to a reduction in the service life of the material.

By purchasing necessary tools, you can begin installing the roof. The basis for laying metal tiles is the sheathing. Read about how to make a sheathing for metal tiles. The article contains installation instructions, as well as expert advice.

  • Calculation of a rigid sloping roof must be made using the formula 1 * 1.5. The resulting area must be multiplied by this coefficient
  • Most optimal thickness metal tiles 0.5 mm. By choosing such material you can avoid unnecessary costs and overpayments.
  • When installing bitumen metal tiles, it is imperative to fix each fragment with special nails

Video about soft roofing and metal tiles

Comparison of soft roofing and metal tiles. Specialist in roofing materials will help you figure out which roof to choose.