New leaders introduced. The metropolitan police are being cleared of the command of General Yakunin. Who is the head of the main department?

The Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Lieutenant General of Police Oleg BARANOV presented personnel new leaders structural divisions capital headquarters.

Police Major General Sergei Kuzmin has been appointed to the post of Deputy Chief of Police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Police Major General Yuri Devyatkin has been appointed to the post of head of the Drug Control Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

By order of the head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Colonel of the Internal Service Andrei Gluzdakov was appointed to the post of Head of the Fourth Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The head of the capital's central administration, introducing the new leaders, emphasized the professionalism, integrity and efficiency shown by them during their service in the internal affairs bodies.

Sergey Nikolaevich KUZMIN

Born in 1973 in Moscow. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies as a junior inspector of the criminal investigation department of the Special Police Department at the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate in 1994. From 2001 to December 2012, he served in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department in various positions. In October 2016, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. During his service in the internal affairs bodies, he was awarded departmental as well as state awards, including the Order of Courage and the Medal “For Courage.”

Yuri Vladimirovich DEVIATKIN

Born in 1976 in Trubchevsk Bryansk region. Graduated from Bryansk special high school police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. After training, he was appointed to the position of criminal investigation officer at the Trubchevsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the Bryansk Region Internal Affairs Directorate.

In 2000 he graduated from the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and from September 2000 to 2003 served in the Department Federal service tax police of Russia in the Bryansk region. Since 2003 he served in units of the Federal Service Administration Russian Federation for drug control in the Bryansk region.

In 2013, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in Moscow. Since July 2016, he has been acting head of the Drug Control Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Andrey Valerievich GLUZDAKOV

Born in 1972 in Novopolotsk, Vitebsk region Byelorussian SSR. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in 1993 as a policeman in a police platoon. special purpose Voskresensky Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region. From October 1994 to October 2002, he served in the criminal investigation units of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate and the central office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From 2002 to March 2005 he worked in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. Since April 2005, he served in the units of the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. From November 2010 to April 2014, he worked in the economic security and anti-corruption departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow.

From 2014 to 2016, he headed the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. In April 2016, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Department for Financial and Economic Policy and Provision social guarantees Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and since 2017 - to the position of Deputy Head of the Department for Logistics and Medical Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

He was awarded state and departmental awards, including the Order of Courage and the badge “Honorary Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”

Press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, photo by Nikolai GORBIKOV

The new chief police officer of Moscow, General Oleg Baranov, has started a personnel revolution: those close to the former head of the capital's Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anatoly Yakunin, are leaving the headquarters

For the last three weeks, since Oleg Baranov headed the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, there have been resignations and appointments at the police headquarters. By all indications, the new head of the Main Directorate is getting rid of the team of his former boss Anatoly Yakunin, who moved to the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Last Friday, the head of the New Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate, Colonel Sergei Ternovykh, was dismissed. He was also considered Yakunin's man. Life figured out where else in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow the people assigned to Yakunin’s team work, and who else might be affected by the resignation.

Even before the Day of Internal Affairs Worker, which is celebrated on November 10, a number of key appointments and resignations will occur in the leadership of the Moscow headquarters. Major General Oleg Baranov received from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or rather from Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, carte blanche for personnel reform, a source in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs tells Life.

According to him, Baranov intends to get rid of the “legacy of the Varangians” who filled the capital’s police headquarters back in 2012, after the appointment of Anatoly Yakunin as its chief.

Then Petrovka 38, many professionals from the MUR, UBEiPK and heads of district departments left, the officer says. - The turnover in the State Administration actually continued until the latest events, when President Vladimir Putin dismissed Anatoly Yakunin on September 23, and appointed Oleg Baranov in his place.

The metropolitan police are now undergoing personnel purges. On October 14, the head of the TiNAO Internal Affairs Directorate, Colonel Sergei Ternovykh, was dismissed.

– The formal reason for the resignation was the results of an internal audit of the activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate after the incident at the Khovanskoye cemetery. At the end of the summer of 2016 there was mass brawl, in which two people died and dozens were injured, says Life’s source in capital headquarters Ministry of Internal Affairs. – After all, it was after the fight on Khovanskoye that Anatoly Yakunin sent the entire leadership of the Internal Affairs Directorate to retire, except for his protégé Sergei Ternovykh. Then the colonel got away with only disciplinary action. Yakunin worked with Ternovykh at the Voronezh Internal Affairs Directorate and Novgorod regions and was always more lenient towards the colonel than towards the rest of his subordinates.

When Colonel Ternov’s subordinates found out about the resignation, they hung a sign with the name of the now former leader on the wall near the men’s toilet at the Internal Affairs Directorate.

“An order has already been signed to appoint Colonel Boris Sheinkin, who worked as the chief of police of the South-Eastern Administrative District and is considered Baranov’s man, to the position of acting head of the TiNAO Internal Affairs Directorate,” a source in the capital’s police told Life.

In addition to Sergei Ternovykh, another protege of Anatoly Yakunin, deputy head of the MUR, Colonel Mikhail Gusakov, will lose his position in the coming weeks. The colonel is married to the niece of Anatoly Yakunin, who heads the administrative department of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department.

According to Life, Gusakov went on vacation, after which he will most likely be transferred to the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is now headed by the former chief police officer of Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin. New personnel additions to the unit are expected soon.

“Another of his proteges is joining Yakunin from the capital police - the head of the press service of the main headquarters, Major Sofya Khotina, who worked in this position for about six months,” claims a Life source. - It was like this: Yakunin brought his friend’s widow to Moscow, former head police Voronezh region Oleg Khotin. And in 2016, after the resignation of Colonel Andrei Galiakberov as head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, he appointed Khotina to the vacant position. After his resignation, General Yakunin decided to transfer Sofya Khotina to work in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Perhaps, following Sofia Khotina, Colonel Gennady Golikov, deputy chief of the Moscow police, will soon transfer to Anatoly Yakunin.

– Golikov was once the deputy chief of police of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod region, when he was led by Yakunin. During their joint service, he began to trust Golikov as himself. Most likely, the colonel can take the post of deputy chief of the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who oversees the activities of the duty units of regional police departments - he already did this as deputy chief of the Moscow police, says Life’s interlocutor from the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the middle of last week, Oleg Baranov made personnel changes in the headquarters itself, on Petrovka, 38. Thus, the head of the UEBiPK, Major General Sergei Solopov, was appointed to the post of chief of the Moscow police, deputy head of the headquarters.

“Oleg Baranov was the chief of police, so in his place he appointed a person whom he trusted and with whom he worked in the Department for Combating Organized Crime,” says Life’s interlocutor from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

And on October 6, 2016, the head of the MUR, Major General Igor Zinoviev, was appointed head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. His predecessor, Major General Sergei Plakhikh, went for a promotion to Kaluga, where he headed the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Perhaps, in the coming days, the MUR may be headed by Colonel Maxim Vanichkin, the son of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Vanichkin. The current minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and the head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation (GUUR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Viktor Golovanov worked with the latter back in the 80s at the MUR.

For the last three years, Vanichkin Jr. has been working for Golovanov at the GUUR, so he asked Kolokoltsev to take a closer look at the young officer.

According to Life, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Major General Baranov, plans to conduct a secret check of all 125 district departments and 10 district police departments of the city by the end of 2016 and clear them of people in whom he is not sure.

“Oleg Anatolyevich is a tactful, competent operative who will conduct an audit of his new “economy,” but will not do it publicly,” says an officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. “At the same time, he is a tough person, so if the auditors find serious violations in the work of the departments, then the bosses will face resignation.

According to the head of the independent trade union of the capital's police officers, Mikhail Pashkin, General Baranov knows the situation in the territorial departments well.

“Oleg Anatolyevich has been Yakunin’s deputy since 2012, therefore, it seems to me, he is well aware of the real state of affairs on earth,” Mikhail Pashkin told Life.

Life was unable to promptly obtain official comments about the reshuffles in the leadership of the capital's main headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Nikolay Dobrolyubov

Your post. He announced this at a citywide conference call, specifying that he would soon receive a new appointment. According to various sources, he can go to work in the central apparatus, including heading one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; some experts predict for him the position of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Moscow Police Trade Union Mikhail Pashkin in an interview NSN, why Yakunin was removed away from Moscow.

— Why is the head of the capital’s department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs leaving his post?

“The fact is that in Moscow he turned everyone against himself: both bosses and employees. His methods of work, apparently, did not catch on so much that they decided to change him in this way. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin invested a lot of money in the Moscow police, but the attitude towards people became so bad that people began to quit and decided not to come. Districts like Northern - there are huge shortages there, people are fleeing from there. They are not fired at will: a person submits a report on his own, and he is submitted “according to the article” in order to keep him, that is, they created a slave system. And this is not only in the Northern District, in others the situation is similar, except for a few.

— Could someone have helped him leave?

- I think that there are still interests of the head here Ministry of Internal Affairs of Vladimir Kolokoltsev intertwined: after all, he worked in Moscow, looked at what had happened in Moscow, compared to what it was, he was horrified, and decided to move away from Moscow. It seems like a formal promotion (in case of transfer to the central office - NSN), but in fact there are 70 thousand people in Moscow, this is a city in which 80% of the Russian budget, well, they removed it from here.

— Where do you think Anatoly Yakunin will go?

- It seems that the traffic police expected him to be the head of the traffic police.

Anatoly Yakunin led an open struggle with the Moscow Police Union

— How do you assess Yakunin’s work in relation to the trade union?

“We asked for help many times, at first he helped, and then the guys who gave information about corruption began to be persecuted. He began to persecute the trade union, all sorts of libels began to appear in the newspaper under his jurisdiction: they brought up a case from 16 years ago, allegedly we were doing something wrong, although everything was legal. If they are already starting public organization strangle, which protects employees, this speaks of the agony of the manager.

— How did the previous manager work with you?

— I made an interesting analogy. Pronin was the head of the main department (Vladimir Pronin, ex-head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate - NSN), in 2009 we had a search on his initiative. They wanted to get lists and seized 2.5 thousand applications. A month later Pronin passed away (removed from his position on the basis of a report at his own request - NSN). A month ago, Yakunin launched an open fight against the trade union; a month later, Yakunin was gone. This leads me to very interesting conclusions that employees need to be protected, and not spread rot. I believe that this will be better for Moscow.

The head of the 4th Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his two deputies lost confidence in connection with the criminal case of major fraud of their colleague Colonel Maxim Rybkin, detained in April, and were fired.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Major General Oleg Baranov, dismissed the head of the 4th Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Yevgeny Monisov, and his two deputies, whose names were not named, due to loss of confidence. General Baranov signed the order for the resignation of three officers the day before.

As Kommersant reports, citing sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the reason for the “cleansing” of the police department, which investigates criminal cases in the space and nuclear industries and other high-security facilities, was the criminal case of another deputy head of this department. Colonel Maxim Rybkin was detained in April by FSB and Investigative Committee officers on suspicion of particularly large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

It is known that the colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs offered some heads of defense sensitive enterprises for 20 million rubles to “assist the closure of criminal cases initiated against them based on materials from the 4th Directorate.” He received the money, but Rybkin did not fulfill his promises, spending most of it on purchasing an apartment in Moscow. Still promising to close the criminal cases, the colonel returned 10 million rubles and wrote a receipt for the rest. However, those involved in the investigation turned to law enforcement with this receipt and a criminal case was opened against Rybkin, he was fired from the internal affairs bodies, and an internal audit was ordered against his management.

During its course, the inspectors had doubts about the veracity of the testimony of Colonel Monisov and his two deputies. After this, Colonel Rybkin’s immediate supervisor and his deputies were asked to take a lie detector test. According to Kommersant, the officers failed the polygraph test, as a result of which they finally lost the trust of the leadership of the headquarters.

The publication writes that the personnel of the 4th Directorate have already been introduced to the acting chief Gennady Tsutskov, the only deputy of Monisov who remained in the department after the scandalous case of Colonel Rybkin. Tsutskov has served in the 4th Directorate since 2014, but most likely will not be confirmed as the head of the department, Kommersant’s source notes. Now they are looking for candidates to replace Monisov among the heads of other departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

"New broom"

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow Oleg Baranov

In September 2016, Major General Oleg Baranov was appointed by decree of President Vladimir Putin as head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow instead of Anatoly Yakunin, who was relieved of this post, and headed the Operational Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. As The CrimeRussia wrote earlier, General Baranov immediately established himself as a tough and uncompromising leader.

In November of the same year new chapter The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the restoration of order in the Moscow police, noting that by the end of 2016, a secret check will be carried out in all 125 district departments and 10 district departments of the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was reported that the units were being “cleansed” primarily of police officers with a dubious reputation and the main appointees of the former head of the central administration, Anatoly Yakunin.

Anatoly Yakunin

Thus, immediately after his appointment, Oleg Baranov dismissed the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for TINAO, Sergei Ternovykh, with whom Yakunin worked at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh and Novgorod regions, then Anatoly Yakunin’s son-in-law Mikhail Gusakov, who served as deputy head of the MUR, as well as a former press officer, also lost his position. Secretary of the Metropolitan Police Sofya Khotina, with whose husband Yakunin also worked in the Voronezh region.

In March 2017, the head of operational management the capital's headquarters, Gennady Golikov, as well as the head of all precinct and police departments in Moscow, Mikhail Pavlichuk.

Colonel Mikhail Pavlichuk

Colonel Gennady Golikov

In addition, it is known that at an internal meeting in the spring, head Oleg Baranov harshly criticized the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, noting low efficiency operational activities, failure to meet deadlines in criminal cases and malfeasance of police officers. He compiled a “black list” of ineffective chiefs of the Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate, which included: Major General Sergei Veretelnikov (Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District), Major General Boris Pishchulin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Eastern Administrative District), Colonel Boris Sheinkin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the TiNAO), Colonel Shamil Sibanov ( Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District), Major General Alexander Bukach (Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District) and Major General Roman Plugin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District). Top police officers received various disciplinary punishments, from severe reprimands and termination of benefits in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per month to warnings about incomplete performance.

New boss of the capital's police, Major General Oleg Baranov plans to conduct a covert inspection of all 125 district departments and 10 district departments of the city by the end of 2016.

The new chief police officer of the capital, Oleg Baranov, began to take over the farm. First of all, he is going to understand what he inherited from his predecessor Anatoly Yakunin and what condition it all is in.

Moskovsko “My headquarters is very lucky with the new chief,” a colonel from the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who worked with Oleg Baranov in the early 2000s in the capital’s department for combating organized crime, told Life. - Oleg Anatolyevich is a tactful, competent operative who will conduct an audit of his new farm, but will not do it publicly.

According to him, Baranov himself is not a public person, therefore he will check the work of the regional departments and administrations entrusted to him without publicity.

Oleg Anatolyevich is considered a tough person, so if auditors find serious violations in the work of departments, then their chiefs will not escape resignation,” the colonel summarized in a conversation with Life.

Meanwhile, according to Life’s sources in the capital’s headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there has not yet been any particular activity on Petrovka, 38.

A week has passed since September 23, when the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev introduced the new chief Oleg Baranov to the leadership of the headquarters. The major general only had time to hold several meetings with the heads of key departments,” an interlocutor from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow told Life.

According to the head of the independent trade union of the capital's police officers, Mikhail Pashkin, General Baranov knows the situation in the territorial departments not in words.

“Since 2012, Oleg Anatolyevich has been the chief of the Moscow police, deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, and, it seems to me, he is well aware of the real state of affairs on the ground,” Mikhail Pashkin told Life. - There is hope that with the arrival of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow Oleg Anatolyevich, who is a dear person for the capital police, the situation with violation labor rights police officers will change in better side. After all, General Baranov has served in the Moscow police since 1989, rising from a junior operational officer to the head of the main department.

A colonel from the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation also agrees with Mikhail Pashkin.

Oleg Anatolyevich is an authority. He is known for several high-profile operations and was awarded medals “For Courage” and “For Excellence in Security public order". Heading the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, the general personally led the operation to free the son of programmer Yevgeny Kaspersky, Ivan, on April 24, 2011. And in February 2012, he personally neutralized an armed man in Moscow, who was shooting at his neighbors and wounding an 11-year-old boy. Baranov , being under the gunpoint of the criminal, for two hours he persuaded him to surrender, which ultimately happened, - recalls the colonel. - For this operation, Baranov received gratitude from the then head of the capital police, and now the Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

As Life's sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation note, it was the personal acquaintance of Oleg Baranov and Vladimir Kolokoltsev that determined the candidacy of the new capital sheriff.

The minister has known Baranov since the early 90s from operational work at the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, and later, in the 2000s, in units of the Department for Combating Organized Crime. It was for the courage and courage shown during his service in these departments that the general was awarded state awards, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

According to experts interviewed by Life, Vladimir Kolokoltsev is confident that it is precisely such a professional as Oleg Baranov, who has not tainted himself with ties to financial and commercial groups in Moscow, crime and familiarity among colleagues, who will be able to raise the prestige of the Moscow police, make residents and guests of the capital believe in it power and integrity.

A series of recent scandals that occurred under the former head of the central administration, Anatoly Yakunin, greatly damaged the image of the capital department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, says political scientist Dmitry Abzalov.

According to Life, it was the scandals in the Moscow police in 2016 that caused the resignation of Anatoly Yakunin from the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

So, in February, in the garage of the deputy head of the Khoroshevsky police department, Vadim Izmailov, a truck that was listed as stolen was discovered. There were also dozens of keys from other cars and documents with VIN numbers and PTS. Izmailov had to talk with the Department own safety Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But perhaps the most notorious incident occurred in May. A case that hit the image of one of the oldest and most famous departments of the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. On May 18, FSB operatives ran into the MUR and began searching all the offices. They were looking for evidence in the case brought against the senior detective of the 13th department of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Khramtsov. The lieutenant colonel, as the FSB believed, led a gang of “black” realtors, which included other MUR officers, as well as district police officers, social workers and even notaries - more than 10 people in total. For 11 years, they deceived lonely, mostly elderly, Muscovites, defrauded them of their apartments, and then resold them.

And in September, the deputy head of the Public Order Service of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Yuzhnoportovy District was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Andryukhov, according to investigators, established informal relationships with the owners of a local restaurant, from whom he received a bribe of 50 thousand rubles for some services or patronage.

According to Mikhail Pashkin, he really hopes that under Oleg Baranov, structural changes will take place in the Moscow police, and the performance indicators of police officers will not be determined by the number of criminal and administrative cases initiated.

Mikhail Pashkin recalled that, on September 23, 2016, introducing the new head of police Oleg Baranov to the personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev said that the criterion for police work is public opinion about the state of law and order, about the real picture that is emerging for today. Every person, every resident of Moscow judges first of all the level of their security, the level of security of the capital’s residents. None organizational issues, no statistical indicators can level the personal perception of a resident of the capital.

The words are absolutely correct. But, if the patrol service is required to have at least five reports per shift, the district police officer is required to have at least one criminal case per month. And if this does not happen, they will be punished for poor performance. If the situation in Moscow changes under the new boss Baranov, it will be very good. If Kolokoltsev’s words are followed throughout the country, then the reform can be considered successful,” says Pashkin.