Predictions about Russia for the coming years. The Future of the World: Great Prophets

Many prophets and clairvoyants mention in their predictions about future fate Russia. Basically, all prophecies for our country are favorable. It will withstand various political, military and natural disasters and come out of all these troubles relatively safely. I will give some predictions on this topic.

In ancient runic monuments " Patriarsi" and "Ladoga Document“There are the following lines relating to Russia: “Rus is eternal, standing on bones, suffering from the times of Dir and Nabopolassar”; “Thrice fallen Rus' will rise.”

Prophecies of Paracelsus (1493-1541) . Philip Theofast Bombast von Hohenheim is a physician, naturalist, alchemist and astrologer, better known as Paracelsus. Mainly lived in France. Perhaps he visited Tibet. He wrote the book “Oracles”, where he describes the events of the future until the end of the 22nd century. He predicted the decline of the dynasty of French kings - the Valois, the reign of Henry IV of Navarre and the terrible fate of the Bourbon dynasty during the Great French Revolution. He predicted the seizure of power by Napoleon and the formation of the United States - “a state will arise on the other side of the ocean.”

Predictions of Paracelsus concerning the future:

1. The world will be divided into three camps.

2. China will rise.

3. The views of the country, sealed with seven seals, will conquer the West. The famous traveler Marco Polo in his writings called China “The Land of Seven Seals.”

4. Germany will never be free.

5. 400 years after the death of Paracelsus (1541 + 400 = 1941) there will be a period of great prosperity, prosperity and material wealth for everyone. After this time there will come a period of terrible crisis with many beggars, with the brutality of people, with anthropophagy even on the streets of large cities. Anthropophagy – cannibalism, cannibalism.

A period of great prosperity – a relatively prosperous era after the Second World War. Paracelsus was wrong by only 5-10 years. It is curious that many prophets called our time the happiest period in the entire history of human existence and the people who live in this era are extremely lucky. But happy " prosperity"will not happen again, even in the distant future.

Terrible crisis- perhaps a global tectonic cataclysm caused by the displacement of the inner core of our planet.

6. 500 years after the death of Paracelsus, a terrible danger will loom over the world. 1541 + 500 = 2041.

7. There is one people that Herodotus calls Hyperboreans. The current name of this people is Muscovy. Their terrible decline, which will last for many centuries, cannot be trusted. The Hyperboreans experienced both a strong decline and enormous prosperity. They will have three falls and three rises. The Banner of the Cross will be hoisted on one of the mountain peaks of this country.

Mountain peak- Almost all commentators on Paracelsus' predictions claim that this Ural Mountains. Nostradamus wrote in his quatrains that the Savior of mankind would come from Asia, and even indicated the coordinates - “he will come from 50 degrees.”

8. In this country of the Hyperboreans, which no one has ever thought of as a country in which something great can happen, the Great Cross will shine over the humiliated and outcast. This should happen 500 years after the death of Paracelsus. 1541 + 500 = 2041.

9. The Divine light will shine from the mountain of the country of the Hyperboreans and all inhabitants of the Earth will see it.

10. “The people that Herodotus calls the Hyperboreans... its current name is Muscovy... will experience both a terrible decline and incredible prosperity. One should not be tempted by his plight…. The Hyperboreans will survive three falls and will be exalted three times... In their land... in this very country of the Hyperboreans... the Great Cross will shine. This must happen in the year 2041. And all the inhabitants of the Earth will see this Cross. Then... the Golden Age will return."

11. The golden age will last only 50 years. This event will occur during the Second Kingdom of Saturn, which will begin 500 years after the death of Paracelsus.

Second kingdom of Saturn – according to the theory of chronocrats, set forth in the work Liber Rationum (XII century) by the Jewish scientist Abraham Avanezra, periods of world history are divided into cycles with a period of 354 years and 4 months. They are arranged in reverse order of the days of the week: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Moon, Sun. Medieval astrologers took 5200 BC as the starting point of the cycles, that is, the year of the creation of the world according to Eusebius of Caesarea. You and I live in the era of the Sun. Next loop(" second kingdom of Saturn") will begin in 2242. It is unknown which reporting point Paracelsus used, but according to his predictions, the Saturn cycle will begin in 2041 and last until 2395 (2041 + 354 = 2395). During this period of time there will be a short-lived Golden Age.

Prophecy of the medieval astrologer R. Nero (translated as “Black Spider”). In 1972, his manuscript, the so-called “Eternal Book,” was found in one of the monasteries in Bologna, which gives a forecast for the development of our civilization up to 6323 inclusive, that is, until the middle of the 7th millennium! In 1981 and 1984 In Italy, a book by B. Basher was published dedicated to the manuscript of R. Nero and provided with detailed comments. The prophet, in his predictions, oftenpredicts alternative paths for the development of the future and describes the probabilistic development of future events. He believed that change, correction of fate is possible not only for an individual, but also for entire nations and the entire civilization. There is always a better alternative for the future, but it is not given to people so easily, but only through conscious efforts and collective work of humanity on its mistakes.

R. Nero predicted many events that have already happened. I will give only his prophecies related to our future:

1. There will be a constant struggle between three big religions - the religion of Christ, the green religion ( Islam), the religion of the Sun and fire professed by the peoples of Arabia and Persia ( Zoroastrianism).

2. Christianity will pass through all times, the hour will come when Christians will live in caves.

3. There are no good angels behind the green religion, so it will die out.

4. In the 21st century, the religion of the Sun and fire will experience a victorious march; it will find support for itself in the northern country of the Hyperboreans ( Russia), where it will be revealed in a completely new quality. The site of her main temple is the green island of Erin. The time will come when this religion will survive only on the islands.

5. The religion of the great emptiness will spread throughout the East. Over time, this religion will die out. Its remnants will be established only on one peninsula, which will be compared with the islands of bliss.

6. There will also be three more religions - Hinduism, paganism and the religion of the Great Serpent. ( Possibly the beliefs of South American Indians. Feathered Serpent - Quetzalcoatl). The entire South will be embraced by the religion of the Great Serpent.

7. Each religion will produce its own type of person.

8. The Religion of the Great Void and the Religion of the Sun and Fire will eventually give birth to a new religion. Becoming her father and mother.

9. The religion of the Great Serpent, paganism, the religion of the Great Void, the religion of the Sun and fire will be combined and used by the religion of Lucifer (Satan).

10. The religion of Satan will emerge in 1925. I see a victorious procession, I see it as a temple, but there is no light in it. Everything is the other way around and only the pig's snouts are visible. Really, On January 31, 1925, Edward A. Crowley gathered his supporters and officially proclaimed the founding of the Satanic Temple.

11. At the end of the 20th century, the whole world will worship Satan, many white people will be seduced by this religion. The main center of seduction is the country of Tartary ( Russia). Currently, there are about 300 different sects and religious communities around the world. The number of sects in Russia, including Satanists of various kinds, is increasing significantly.

12. In 2075, the main banner of the Church of Satan will be taken up by the black peoples of Africa. Black banner, black trees, everything around is black.

13. Worshipers of Satan will learn to make sure that each person has many of his own likenesses - “prints”. The soul of a person will alternately inhabit these similarities ( cloning or regeneration of the human body using stem cells).

14. Two scary ones poisonous mushroom will rise above two cities. There will be seven such mushrooms in total. We are probably talking about the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the explosion of a nuclear reactor in the city of Chernobyl. Humanity has four more “poisonous mushrooms” to survive.

15. End of XX - a terrible cloud is visible over the East.Possibly a radioactive cloud that was formed as a result of the explosion of a nuclear reactor at Chernobyl (1986).

16. There will be terrible unrest in India. There will be a strong dictator in the north of India who will unite India as one.

17. In 1981, a new terrible disease will appear as a punishment for fornication. Perhaps we are talking about a disease that is sexually transmitted - AIDS.

18. At the end of the 20th century, deadly diseases will pass over Europe, killing half the population. There will be five new diseases in total. One of them is for the benefit of humanity.

19. In the early 90s of the 20th century there will be a demographic outbreak in southern people, living on many islands south of the equator. This will be a very strong people. In 1994, he will give birth to a terrible dictator who will start a war.

20. After this, the population will greatly decrease. France, Spain, Türkiye, and the Scandinavian countries will disappear. Tartaria ( Russia) will not disappear.

21. Huge temples in the form of cones will be erected. Sphinxes will be erected, and their huge horns will grow from the ground.

22. People with spotted skin will appear.

23. New species of animals will not obey humans. Pets will become enemies of man, as they will study his character and habits.

24. Insects will be the terrible enemies of humans in the 21st century. Scary spiders will destroy people. Locusts will fill the entire earth.

25. Humanity will be divided into two regions – black and light.

26. The Sun will shine on the island of Erin and the Savior will come from there. There will be three Saviors in total on earth. One of them will come from the mountains.

27. Malicious dwarfs will destroy people. Beware of those whose heads are larger than their bodies. They emanate great fear.

28. There will be scary ropes and chains. With their help people will communicate

29. Mushrooms will be larger than human height.

30. There will be cube-shaped fruits. Octagonal temples, flying mirrors in which people will be reflected. There will be scary shells that hear and speak with a human voice.

Sanaty Sem - Shanaev Shem , the legendary Ossetian storyteller and predictor, who was born 250 years ago in Zakkom. He left behind many predictions that are difficult to interpret. Some of them are preserved in folk legends:

1. There will be a self-propelled cart. There will be no soul in it, but it will move ( automobile).

2. It will be like a thread on a stick and will transfer words; I don’t know what it will be called ( telephone).

3. The time will come when a person will fly on wings (aviation).

4. The bag and the bag will become equal (?)

5. The last highlander will become a plainsman.

6. Subsequently, winter and summer will mix (displacement of the Earth’s rotation axis relative to the ecliptic plane).

7. Ultimately, everything will belong to the water and Russia.

Monk Abel(1796) predicted the dates and hours of death of Catherine II, Paul I, the French attack on Russia, and the burning of Moscow. In his book “Life” it is said: “Now from Adam are seven thousand and three hundred and the twentieth year, and from God the Word a thousand and eight hundred and the second by ten (i.e. 1812). And we hear in the Solovetsky Monastery, supposedly the king of the south, or the west, his name is Napoleon, will captivate cities and countries and many regions and will enter Moscow. And he plunders it and devastates all the churches.... Abel also predicted all significant events in the Russian Empire until the revolution of 1917, as well as the death of Nicholas II and his family. The prophet monk said about the heirs of Paul I: “ Alexander III will transfer the throne to Nicholas II, Job the Long-Suffering.” Paul I, having read the monk’s prophecy, sealed it with his own hand in an envelope and wrote: “Open to Our Descendant on the hundredth anniversary of My death.” On March 2, 1902, in the presence of representatives of the court, Nicholas II read Abel's will. According to the testimony of the Chamber Frau of the last Russian Tsarina, M.F. Goeringer, the message contained the following information: “To Nicholas II - the holy Tsar, like Job the Long-Suffering. He will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns; He will be betrayed by His people; as the Son of God once was. There will be war, a great world war... People will fly through the air like birds, swim under water like fish, and begin to destroy each other with foul-smelling brimstone. Treason will grow and multiply. On the eve of victory, the Royal Throne will collapse. Blood and tears will wet the earth with cheese. A man with an ax will take power in madness and the Egyptian execution will truly come... And then the Jew will scourge the Russian Land like a scorpion: plunder its shrines, close the churches of God, execute the best Russian people. This is God’s permission, the wrath of the Lord for Russia’s renunciation of the Holy Tsar. The Scriptures testify about Him, the nineteenth, twentieth and ninetieth Psalms revealed to me His whole destiny….“About the fate of the Russian state, there was a revelation to me in prayer about three fierce yokes: Tatar, Polish and the future one - the Jewish one. The Jew will scourge the Russian land like a scorpion, plunder its shrines, close the churches of God, and execute the best Russian people. This is God’s permission, God’s wrath for Russia’s renunciation of the holy king.
But then Russian hopes will be fulfilled. On Sofia, in Constantinople, the Orthodox cross will shine, Holy Rus' will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will flourish, like a heavenly krin (white lily - Slavic).

From the monk’s conversation with Emperor Paul: “Is this really the end of the Russian state and there will be no salvation for it, asks Paul? “What is impossible for man is possible for God,” Abel answers, “God is slow to give help, but it is said that he will give it soon and erect a horn of Russian salvation. And a great prince will arise in exile from your house, standing for the children of his people. This one will be God's chosen one, and on his head will be a blessing. It will be united and understandable to everyone; the very Russian heart will sense it. His appearance will be sovereign and bright, and no one says: “the king is here or there,” but “IT IS HE.” The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling. His name is DESTINED THREE TIMES in Russian history. If only there were different paths to the Russian mountain again...”

And barely audible, as if afraid that the walls of the palace would overhear the secret, Abel called the very name: “Fear dark force for the sake of this name, let it remain, hidden until time... Then Russia will be great, having thrown off the godless yoke, it will return to its origins ancient life her own, by the time of the Equal-to-the-Apostles, she will learn the mind of a bloody conversation... That is why she will suffer in order to be cleansed and kindle the light for the revelation of tongues...”

In the history of Russia there is a lot of information about prophets and clairvoyants, whose predictions in our country have always been treated with disdain - “There is no prophet in his own country.” Since the adoption of Christianity in Rus' and the Middle Ages, people who differed from ordinary people in their extrasensory abilities were executed, rotted in dungeons and burned at the stake in the hundreds. In this respect we are not behind the Catholic Inquisition. The fate of fortune tellers in Russia is difficult.

For his predictions, Abel was repeatedly imprisoned and spent about 20 years in prison. He predicted the date of his death 40 years before his death to the day. During his long life, the Prophet wrote three “Greatly Terrible Books” (according to other sources, four) with predictions of the future, but, unfortunately, they did not reach us. Perhaps the books were destroyed at the direction of the reigning persons or disappeared forever in the secret archives of the Secret Expedition.

Prophecies of St. Basil the Blessed (1464 - 1552): “And the Russian people cannot live without a whip. How terrible is my friend and bloodsucker Ivashka the Terrible, how many curses have been poured on his head, like ash from burnt souls, but they will honor him as a great autocrat.

There will be many kings behind Ivashka the Terrible, but one of them, a hero with a cat’s mustache, is a villain and a blasphemer ( Peter I– approx. S.V.),will once again strengthen the Russian state, although on the way to the treasured blue seas a third of the Russian people will fall like logs under carts.

And the third murderer will rule for a long time ( Stalin - approx. S.V.). And for the sake of the formidable order in the great power, this mustachioed king from the wild mountaineers will put on the chopping block all his comrades, and faithful friends, and thousands of thousands of husbands and wives.

Small and great temples will be burned and destroyed. And then they will rebuild them. But God will not return to them if they serve not Him, but gold in the new temples. And then the poor people will again turn away from our churches...

And Russia will live without a tsar for a whole century and will shed rivers of its blood. And then they will place an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven out of Rus'.

The great unrest will continue in the kingdom for a long time until it is stopped by a great warrior called by all our people.

In the very south of the black Arab kingdom, a leader in a blue turban will appear. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into ashes. But Great Rus' will come together and destroy this leader.

And the fourth sovereign will come, who will be called the great Horseman. If he is pure in soul and thoughts, he will bring down his sword on the robbers and thieves. Not a single thief can escape reprisal or shame. The Russian people will rejoice, but there will be evil spirits who will silently kill the great Horseman. And there will be great lamentation in Rus'.

And when terrible wars have passed, turning all living things in different countries into dust and ashes, a truly great Sovereign will reign on the throne, destined for a long and blissful reign, and our long-suffering Rus' will enter its golden age.”

Vasily Nemchin (XIV century) Russian soothsayer, native of famous family astrologers Nemchins. Almost nothing is known about his fate. Only historical information has been preserved that his nephew Nikolai Nemchin was the personal doctor and astrologer of Vasily II Ivanovich. There are references to other “stargazers” from this family - Ivan and Mikhail.

The book of prophecies by Vasily Nemchin has not survived. If it really existed. Despite some exact coincidences of the events predicted by the prophet, the reliability of his prophecies is questionable. Perhaps his predictions were fabricated by modern astrologers.

Based on the surviving fragmentary information, Nemchin predicted numerous events and wars, starting from the reign of Ivan the Terrible and ending with the distant future. The prophet foresaw the attack of Napoleon's troops (the "dwarf impostor") on Russia, the overthrow of the Romanov dynasty, revolution and world war. The last of the “three tyrants” in Russia will be the one who “will leave in such a way that no one will expect it. He will go through the labyrinth and the search for descendants who want to solve the mystery will be useless.” Here is what he wrote about our time: “... the northern people will receive three warnings about three reserved paths that they should not take, otherwise for a certain time they will feel terrible consequences and nothing will be able to change for 15 years.” For Russia, “there is only one last thing left,” the seventh 15th anniversary, when demons will rule Russia, but under different banners,” and under the guise of restoring ancient greatness, they will destroy the last thing that remains. However, everyone who strives for power will “hopelessly crash into a bear’s head and paws” ( perhaps the election of D. Medvedev as President of Russiaapprox. S.V.), in which the spirit of Russian ancestors will be embodied. After the departure of the “giant”, “several tyrants” will be replaced. Then will come “a ruler half bald and half hairy,” “a dwarf with a black face,” which will bring many disasters. The “marked one” will return for a while, and then a certain “helmet bearer” will appear, perhaps a military man. After him, the “golden-haired wife” will be in power and, finally, the “great Potter”, who will have a long and happy reign. According to the prophet's predictions, he will be the founder of a new monarchy and there will be “great joy - the return of the crown, and then the “acceptance under the crown” of the entire “big tree.” “Three branches (Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian) will merge together, and there will be a single tree.” There will be a unification of the leaders and a new powerful power will emerge.

In the 21st century, according to Nemchin, we should expect a war between the cross and the crescent in the south of Russia, in which the “blacks” will intervene. It will end with “the victorious march of the Frankish sovereign and two northern leaders.”

In 1889 Hudson Taylor, the famous English missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission, writes: “I had a vision. I saw a great war sweeping the whole world. I saw this war end and then start again, but in reality it was two wars. After this, I saw riots and uprisings affecting many nations, as well as spiritual awakening in some places...

There will be a comprehensive national spiritual awakening in Russia, so powerful that there will be no other like it. I saw how it spread from Russia to many European countries. Then there will be a worldwide awakening, after which Christ will come.”

U Nostradamus There is such a prediction of the relative future of the political system in Russia:

The law of the commune will be opposed to the old law.

However, the old order will first be strengthened,

Then it will tremble a little, weaken and roll down the slope.

And the ancient system of communism will be revived forever.

(translation by Zavalishin)

The Great Oracle probably meant by the words “the ancient system of communism” the concepts of the early Christian community, which are set out in the New Testament book “The Acts of the Holy Apostles”: “But all the believers were together and had everything in common; and they sold estates and all property, and distributed it to everyone, depending on the need of each... and, breaking bread from house to house, they ate food with joy and simplicity of heart... and no one called anything from his property his own, but they had everything in common.” In a letter to King Henry the Happy of France, Nostradamus mentions a certain northern country: “North of 48 degrees the Ancient Religion will be revered. The force of agreement and unity will be so invincible and powerful that the West, South and East will tremble. These northerners are equal by nature, and only their faith has set them apart.”

Famous American fortune teller Edgar Cayce wrote (1932): “Changes are already afoot, and it will certainly be an evolution or revolution of the ideas of spiritual thinking. And an example to the world will ultimately come from Russia; but no, this is not communism! But, most likely, it is basically the same as the teachings of Christ - its version of communism...

The world will pin great hopes on the revival of faith in Russia. Then the one country or group of countries that is most closely related to it can benefit from the changes that take place and the establishment of a final order by understanding how the world should be governed.”

“A new awareness of what is happening will come to Russia, and it will come to worried people... until there is freedom of speech, the right to profess religion in accordance with the dictates of conscience, until then the human soul will seethe.” (Edgar Cayce. 1938)

“The mission of the Slavic peoples,” said Edgar Cayce, “is to change the essence of human relationships, to free them from selfishness and gross material passions, to restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.” "Memories".

The seer also has predictions regarding other countries, including the United States: “What is the spirit of America? Most of its citizens proudly boast of “freedom.” Freedom of what? If you bind people's souls and hearts in all sorts of ways, is this really the idea of ​​freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from what? Until these principles are truly applied..., a person cannot feel free...

Yes, of course, America can boast of this, but more often than not this principle (of freedom) is forgotten... and that is America’s sin.

The same applies to England, where these ideas came from - not ideals - ideas, at least a little, but superior to others. You have to grow to such a size that you earn the right to be recognized, to earn the right to get something. This was and is the fall of England.

In this state, which was originally called Rome... what led to its collapse? Same as Babylon. Schism, slavery and a direction of activity with which only a few could agree and proclaim themselves the personification of higher powers. It seemed to these people that they were acting for the sake of a person, but it ended in death. This is Italy's sin.

What is China's sin? In a calmness that cannot be disturbed, the desire to maintain one's potential growth all the time. Over the centuries, there has been a slow strengthening of this country, which wanted to be left alone and allowed to be satisfied with what it had.

The same is true in India - the cradle of knowledge that has not found application anywhere except in itself. What is India's sin? In herself, in her selfish interests!

...What can we say about nations? The world associates its hope with Russia, but not with what is sometimes called communism or Bolshevism, no, it is associated with freedom, freedom. With the hope that every person will live in love with his neighbor! The principle has already been born. It will take years for it to crystallize, but from Russia comes hope for the whole world.” (Edgar Cayce. 1944) This is one of the last predictions of the great American oracle, who died in 1945.

Cayero(pseudonym) of the English Count Louis Gamon (1866-1936), who became famous for his surprisingly accurate predictions, also did not ignore Russia. “The day will come when Russia’s generous squandering of its blood—that blood which it has, like water, watered and will continue to water the earth with—will erect a “new paradise and new world. The mysterious era of Aquarius has already begun its rise above the horizon of the planet, and its first rays have already revolutionized Russia. The new idea of ​​government, spreading from Russia, will gradually revolutionize all of Europe and Asia, and Russia will turn into the most powerful power in the history of modern civilization.” (1926) Russia, however, having Aquarius as its zodiac patron... and Uranus, will recover much faster from revolutions and cataclysms and will move much more energetically towards achieving its goal..." (1931)

Rick Joyner's prediction: “Russia will be the site of the greatest awakening in the history of the world. Through this, the soul of the nation will rise and overcome many of the challenges it faces, helping many other countries to do the same.

Before this, Russia faces a very difficult path, which will be accompanied by tragic events. Over time, the path will become easier. The grace of God is extended to Russia and it was He who put Putin in the place of president. There have been times when Russia came close to the brink of anarchy, but she will grow in wisdom and stability to become a great leader of nations until the time of the end.

The Lord has prepared great leaders in government, business and church in Russia. All these leaders will take their places by developing wise and mutually beneficial interactions with their counterparts in other countries. Such interaction is very important for Russia's prosperity and it will need to resist myopia and the desire for isolation. The friendship between Germany, Poland and Russia will grow and will bring strengthening and great benefits.

Russia is destined to be the first to cope with the problems that will confront the world community. Pray for Russia for wisdom from above, which will show on what foundation to build in such a way as to withstand the coming pressure. Once Russia is on solid ground, the whole world will be safer, and it will help many other countries get out of the quicksand. The potential of the Russian soul is a great treasure. The greatest threat to Russia is not the resurrection of communism, but the emergence of fascism.”

Reverend Cindy Jacobs. " The Lord says: “Russia is at a decisive stage in its history. The nation will either experience a great awakening or enter a period of great darkness. This is a time of prayer and repentance in which I set the course of events for the nation. My will is that a great movement of the Holy Spirit will sweep this land that I love. For years I grieved as I watched the enemy destroy My beloved Russia. I am looking for a generation that will rise up to destroy the iniquity and strongholds of ancient times. For I, the Ancient of Days, am Greater than all the ancient sins of Russia. Do not allow your heart to become discouraged and think that I am unable to heal this great land. For My purposes, I have placed enormous responsibility on the nation and people of Russia. I have given you a very large portion of the land to guard and manage. I did this because I knew that in the hearts and souls of the Russian people there is the potential to be history makers. My plan is to send missionaries from Russia all over the face of the earth. In the hearts of Russian youth I have planted fearlessness in the face of adversity and unfavorable circumstances. I gave them the pioneering, missionary gift. They are Revolutionary Saints, and are unlike any generation that has ever lived on earth before. Regardless, a huge dark storm may rise against the church on this earth and against the Messianic Jews. This shouldn't happen. But the enemy wants to take away the freedom of worship that I have given to My people and close the houses of prayer. I call upon a militant generation that will rise up and fight for freedom. I have Joshua and Caleb whom I have prepared for this hour. There is an anointing in the hearts of My people that can and will withstand the attacks of the enemy if you stand up and fight in Heaven. For this war is not against flesh and blood, but against the princes and powers that have ruled Russia for centuries. You must pray for the authorities and principalities. Pray for the President and the Duma. Cry out for wisdom. Pray for the action of the Holy Spirit in all government agencies. Intercede for the military and those involved in judicial system. For I, the righteous Judge, will bring new justice to My land.

Forgive those who wounded and destroyed the people of Russia, starting with the leaders and those nations who opposed you and brought such destruction. I cannot act and bring awakening where there is unforgiveness. Repent of the nation's idolatry. Call together Solemn Assemblies throughout the land to pray in public places and cry out for mercy. For I am a merciful God and desire mercy, not condemnation. From sunrise to sunset, I, the Son of Righteousness, desire to rise on wings of healing over My people in Russia. I will bring revival and pour out My Spirit in signs and wonders and cover the Government with My glory if you will only pray and humble yourself before Me. The movement of My Spirit will come and dispel the dark clouds and hurricane of misfortune that is coming over the whole earth. For you are experiencing a decisive moment in history. There is little time left, but the course of history can still be changed."

Another prediction regarding the future of Russia is in the book Max Handel "The Cosmogonic Conception of the Rosicrucians." Here is what he writes, in particular: “From the mixture of different nations now taking place in the United States, the “seed” of the last Race of the beginning of the Sixth Age will come. Two more Races will develop in our Fifth Epoch, one of which is Slavic. With the entry of the Sun into the sign of Aquarius, the Russian people and the Slavic Race as a whole will reach a degree of spiritual development that will advance them much beyond their present state. Music will be a major factor in bringing this about, for on the wings of music the harmonious soul can fly to the very throne of God, which the mere intellect cannot achieve. However, the development thus achieved is not permanent, since it is one-sided and therefore does not correspond to the laws of evolution, which require that development, in order to be permanent, be balanced - in other words, that spirituality develops through, or at least on an equal footing with, the intellect. For this reason, the existence of the Slavic civilization will be short-lived, but throughout its existence it will be great and joyful, for it will be born out of deep grief and unspeakable suffering, and the law of compensation will lead in due time to the opposite. From the Slavs will come a people who will form the last of the seven sub-races of the Aryan Epoch.” Max Handel, The Cosmogonic Concept of the Rosicrucians (1911 edition), Volume 2, pp. 62-63.

Outstanding German Philosopher-visionary Oswald Spengler(1880-1936) predicts the emergence of a “Russian-Siberian culture.” “The Russian spirit,” assures Oswald Spengler, marks the promise of a future culture.”... Spengler predicts that the Russian people will give the world a new religion. This is a natural process of evolution.

In 1947, the fortuneteller Alice Bailey (USA) reported the following information regarding our country: “Great preparatory work was carried out in the last century, it continues in our century, and will continue in the future, until its good conclusion. The spiritual motto of the Russian people: “I connect two paths.” The task of the Russian people is to create a connection between East and West, as well as to establish a closer connection between the world of spiritual aspiration and the world of desire and to successfully resolve the following opposites: fanaticism, which gives rise to cruelty, and understanding, which arises from a feeling of love, developed materialism and perfect holiness, selfishness and selflessness. Beyond the closed borders of this mysterious and beautiful country, a great spiritual conflict continues, and the extraordinary mystical spirit and the correct religious orientation of the people are a firm guarantee of the emergence, in the end, of a true living religion and culture. From Russia - the symbol of the world Arjuna in a very specific sense - a new magical religion will come. It will be the product of the great rapid rapprochement between humanity and the Hierarchy... The whole world will be filled with the radiation of the Sun of Justice, flooded with the radiance of the Sun of Truth, emanating from two centers of spiritual force, saturating the light that has always shone in the East, and will now illuminate the West. I mean the emergence of a GREAT SPIRITUAL RELIGION, WHICH WILL JUSTIFY THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE GREAT RUSSIAN PEOPLE and will manifest itself and focus in the great spiritual Light, highly exalted by the living Russian representative of the true religion - THE MAN WHOM MANY RUSSIANS WERE WAITING FOR, AND WHO WILL CONFIRM THE ANCIENT PREDICTION... IN on a global scale, among others peoples, the Russian people are students - they are learning a new consciousness, an inner understanding of life. When Russia completes its internal training, it will surpass other countries. She will convey esoteric achievements to other peoples in a new way, without the imposition and violence of the old century, mainly by the example of (her) life. But Russia is not (yet) ripe to say a great word. SPIRITUALLY she is still too young to fulfill the GREAT MISSION. Adult, old nations are little capable of expressing themselves in the life of the new century, since their crystallization in the old does not make it possible to perceive the new. Russia, through a series of unprecedented upheavals, has been brought into the state of a kind of new nation, which needs to re-create (its own) worldview, way of life, customs and way of relationships with other nations... Russia is the birthplace of the emerging Revelation of a great spiritual value of common (universal) significance. Russia caused ferment in other countries before it itself understood correctly what the Revelation was, of which it was the custodian. Despite this, all nations look at Russia with anticipation, because they vaguely feel that something new will come from it, because Russia is growing and consolidating rapidly and will soon show that it can give the world a lot... What Revelation will Russia give to the world? Its key word is BROTHERHOOD. Russia is a giant beginning its journey, a young giant sensing great possibilities, animated by a deeply religious spirit, tasked with the difficult task of combining Eastern characteristics with Western goals, a giant distrusted by the rest of the world because its first efforts were started incorrectly. These efforts consisted of an attempt to interfere in the affairs of other nations in order to disrupt their stability and weaken them, so that they could more easily be drawn into the universal house that Russia is trying to build. Russia is motivated by the desire to establish brotherhood in life - motivated internally, but externally it still acts unconsciously. The task facing Russia above all is to give to the other nations of the world such an example of wise government, the free expression of individual aspiration, and the application of sound education, as other nations will readily accept. They will follow the example of Russia - present to the world a new consciousness, thanks to its actions in the crucible of (many centuries of) experience and experiment, a new planetary worldview will gradually emerge. This great nation, which is a synthesis of East and West, must learn to GOVERNMENT WITHOUT CRUELTY, WITHOUT SUPPRESSION OF THE FREE WILL OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Russia faces the great task of identifying spirituality in life, in other words, identifying all that is good, bright and beautiful, identifying law and order, excellent organization of education and upbringing, identifying humanity in relations between people, or TRUE BROTHERHOOD. The Russia of the future will reveal all the good traits of spirituality - and then the world, without any imposition on its part, will learn from its example. SO RUSSIA, FOLLOWING ITS DIFFICULT PATH, WILL ILLUMINATE ITSELF WITH A LIGHT THAT WILL INLIGHTEN THE WHOLE WORLD.”

American fortune teller Jane Dixon : “Russia will have an opportunity for development. Natural disasters will least affect Russia, and even less Eastern Siberia. The hope of the world, its revival, will come from Russia, and will have no connection with what communism is. It is in Russia that the most genuine and great source of freedom will arise. Then each person will begin to live for the sake of his ideas and his neighbors... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on a principle that will become the basis of a new philosophy of life...”

Prophecy from the book of Mores Theun: “From the cold North they will come, brave men and women from numerous tribes, forming a strong race and continuing to follow in the heart of their hearts the path of the Hidden Truth - although they will not remember either the reasons or the purpose of their voluntary exile. In their ancient quest to atone for a sin they did not commit, these people put aside the Sword of Power and retained only the Spear of Destiny. Before their appearance, the forces concentrated in this spear will destroy many of their beliefs and destroy the walls that have so long separated them from their fellow tribesmen. Because of the exile, because of this separation, the soul of these people will be marked by great poverty of the body and an all-consuming loneliness of the spirit. But it was precisely this poverty of body and loneliness of spirit that breathed into them a tremendous power of destiny and a deep thirst for life. Therefore, an insatiable fire of aspiration and passion burns in the hearts of these people, and this flame will allow them to be the first to hear the call that has been sounded. The coming of these people will cause fear to the rest of the world, but not for spiritual reasons. This fear will be based on reasons generated by ignorance, and therefore their true arrival will at first be unnoticed. That's why they will come unseen and take the world by storm. They will take it not with a Sword, but with a Spear, with the power of fate and the power of their passionate desire for life and for the One Truth. This power of destiny, this burning passion will sweep away everything in their path, like a huge unrelenting tide. They will hiccup in all minds and hearts of the One The truth and will not stop their search until they find the sound that eternally echoed in their hearts, and which they have been waiting for all this time. This sound will saturate their inner fire, and around it they will build a new empire - an empire based not on political power, but only on the One Truth - and spread it across all political and natural boundaries."

- So says the ancient prophecy. The reason why such prophecies seem unclear is quite obvious. And yet, for reasons already described, I feel that this prophecy is about the Russian people."

The prophecy of the American fortuneteller Ellen White (beginning of the 20th century): “Firstly, immediately before the Second Coming of Christ, when the Christian crowd in the form of a state - a planetary hegemon this time will begin worldwide persecution of true Christians - and the prediction about this is written in the Bible (Rev. 13: 15), - then Russia will be the last island of true freedom on the planet, and the time will come when some “wrong” Americans will save their lives in Russia;

Secondly, immediately before the Second Coming, the Russian Empire (USSR) will begin to fall apart.”

In 1917, near a Portuguese village Fatima wonderful things happened. This inconspicuous place has become the world's largest religious center. Over the course of three months, the Virgin Mary appeared to three small children and conveyed through them information about the near future of humanity. She warned of the upcoming revolution in Russia, which would occur in October 1917 and the beginning of World War II. The first two prophecies were published by Catholic servants of God only in 1942 after these events took place. The third prediction of the Virgin Mary is still hidden by church pastors (shepherds) from ordinary people, who are probably considered a flock of sheep.

In May 1947, a representative of the Catholic Youth of Russia received permission from the local bishop to meet Lucia Santos at the convent in Oporto, where she had lived since 1921. This is what a woman from Russia said (quote from the book “Fatima”, published in Brussels, 1991): “I really want to know about the future of Russia, and she, as if guessing my thoughts, tells me that Russia will be saved thanks to its great love for the Blessed Virgin; Russia must be dedicated to the Most Pure Heart of the Lady of the World; The Mother of God is waiting for this, and then the turmoil in the world will calm down. She talks about Russia with love, as if it were her homeland, and sometimes, when she talks about the suffering of our people, her eyes become moist... We still need to pray a lot, she says, we need to sacrifice ourselves to save the world and Russia. Say this to all Russians who can understand you... they can save Russia, and if she is saved, the world will be saved with her...”

In 1957, the Vatican received a letter from the last surviving witness of the appearance of the Virgin Mary, Sister Lucia Santos, in which she reveals the secret of the third prophecy. But it was never published. Only in 1974 did Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger let it slip that Our Lady’s third prediction concerned “the danger looming over the Earth and Christianity.”

In 1980, Pope John Paul II, speaking with German prelates, partially revealed the information contained in the third prophecy. He said: “If you read about the oceans that will drown entire continents, about the millions of people that will die, then you would understand why we are not divulging the third part of the message.” Please note that contrary to the will of the Mother of God herself, who is trying to warn humanity about the danger threatening the whole world, the servants of God diligently hide these prophecies from all humanity, as if they were servants of the Devil.

A religious fanatic-terrorist tried to reveal the secret of the predictions communicated by Our Lady at Fatima in a somewhat unusual way. In the spring of 1981, he hijacked a British airline jet to France. The hijacking was not carried out for political reasons, but with the goal of forcing the Vatican to reveal the third prophecy, but he never succeeded in his theological blackmail.

In April 1999, Cardinal Carrado Balducci, attending a conference of Italian ufologists, in a private conversation reported part of the prophecies: “It talks about the Third World War, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. It will use nuclear weapons. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people abandon their aggressive intentions and make peace with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the third secret predicts the crisis of the Catholic Church and the special fate of Russia. I can't tell you more."

It is noteworthy that among the information reported to the Vatican by Sister Lucia of Fatima there is the following information: “The earth lay on its side with its axis three times. Like the distant planet Uranus, and this ended in disasters for it three times.”

Osho(1931-1990) - Indian guru, foreshadowed the future for our country: “Russia, apparently, is destined to become a country that decides the fate of not only its people, but also the whole world. She was the first to rebel against capitalism; and everything is heading towards the fact that she will be the first to rebel against the dictatorship of communism. The future belongs to democratic communism, to communism rooted in human freedom...”

Prophecy of the Indian saint and mystic Thakur Bhaktivinoda “...Russia and Prussia will become the first countries that will live according to spiritual laws and restore daivi-varnasrama-dharma” ( a spiritual way of life in which everyone is engaged in exactly the activity that most corresponds to his inner nature, performing it as an offering to God and people).

Sri Heirakhan Wale Baba (Babaji, 1970-1984 ) – Indian spiritual teacher . Summary of predictions: “The current era, marked by the degeneration of morality and the triumph of evil, is coming to an end. The world is facing social and natural disasters that will radically change the face of the Earth, and only those who will rebuild their lives according to the cosmic laws of Truth, Simplicity and Love will be able to survive these cataclysms. Babaji associated the salvation of humanity, first of all, with Russia, which, together with India, represents the main stronghold of spirituality on the planet. According to Sri Muniraj, Babaji's successor, it was in Russia, in its northern regions, that the once legendary rishis lived, who wrote down and brought the sacred Vedas to India. Russia will not only survive the coming catastrophes, but will also become the cradle of a new race of people, the crown of the coming Satya Yuga or Golden Age. In Russia, Babaji considered Siberia to be the most sacred place, since, in his opinion, the Hanuman Temple was previously located here, and the events described in the epic “Ramayana” took place in these parts. Now here, in the village of Okunevo, 240 km north of Omsk, there is the main Russian ashram of Babaji “Omkar Shiva Dham” and the center of the International Organization of the Haidakhan Samaj in the Russian Federation.”

Babaji's predictions about Russia ( quoted from the book “Teachings of Babaji. Truth, simplicity, love, service to humanity": « Now I would like to tell you a little about the land of Russia.

There are prophecies, and these prophecies are quite widely known in India, that Russia must be reborn, Russia must become a country that will be based on new principles, on the principles of the true Faith. The history of Russia, and especially recent history, has taught the people of this country lessons in non-attachment to any worldview system. It’s as if the consciousness of the people of this country was specifically influenced by completely different ideologies and views.

For the consciousness of a person in embodiment, a rapid change of external ideological attitudes is like a hurricane or tornado. Any breaking of stereotypes of perception of reality is perceived by a human being as a catastrophe. And for a person, especially for his lower bodies, including the physical, such a change in ideology poses a great threat and is a cause of stress.

However, for the development of the human soul, such shocks play an extremely important role. A person who experiences such stress associated with the collapse of his previous worldview acquires a more expanded consciousness and is able to look at the world more broadly.

In this sense, Russia compares favorably with any other country in the world. Of course, India and Tibet are countries with rich spiritual traditions. However, precisely because these traditions go back many thousands of years, they hinder the development of people's consciousness.

What is good on the physical plane is not always equally beneficial for the development of the soul.

People who lived all this time on the territory of Russia and continue to live now, despite all the difficulties, received the highest initiations, comparable to the initiations that the greatest adepts of the past gave to their students.

And in terms of the number of people who have achieved Christ consciousness, Russia occupies a leading place in the world.

Therefore, Russia will be the country where people from all over the globe will come and undergo their training. The wealth that Russia has is not in the ground. This is not gold, this is not oil. The wealth of Russia has a much higher value, and it is concentrated in the minds of the best representatives of the peoples inhabiting this country.

And just as there is a lot of empty rock, among which nuggets of gold can be found, there are also many people who, for some reason, could not overcome their consciousness and undergo initiations. But those people who were able to do this truly deserved the best spiritual rewards and received recognition from the Ascended Hosts.

All these last hundred years, smelting has been going on in the Divine Furnace. And now we have the opportunity to observe the pure gold of Divine consciousness in the form of halos surrounding the heads of the light-bearers of Russia.

Everything that happened in Russia and regarding the initiation of many sons and daughters of this country was predicted. And this prophecy is hidden even in the very geographical names that exist on the territory of this country.

The rivers Om and Tara, symbolizing the unity of the male and female principles of the Divine, flow in the place where the revival of Russia will begin. First, people with the level of Christ and Buddha consciousness appear. They earn this consciousness by going through difficult initiations and trials. Then, through the consciousness of these people, the surrounding world changes and acquires qualities closer to the Divine world.

Now these people, these nuggets are hidden under a thick layer of waste rock. And an inexperienced eye is unlikely to discern these nuggets of the Spirit. However, if you cannot see gold in waste rock, this does not mean that there is no gold in it. You have simply not yet reached the level of discernment that will allow you to discern these nuggets of the Spirit.

Therefore the prophecy was spoken. And the prophecy must be fulfilled.

And even if you make every effort to ensure that the sun does not rise and illuminate the dark corners of your consciousness with its Light, the sun will still rise.

Therefore, get ready for the rising of the Sun of Knowledge, the Sun of Faith, the Sun of Divine Consciousness over the land of Russia.

I AM Babaji."

Vladimir Soloviev about the purpose of Russia:“The highest image of a slave in which the Russian person finds himself, the pitiful position of Russia in economic and other respects cannot serve as an objection to her calling, but rather confirms it. For that highest power that the Russian people must bring into humanity is a power not of this world...”

Maximilian Voloshin about the future of his country “From Russia - the symbol of the world Arjuna in a very specific sense - a new magical religion will come. It will be the product of the great rapid rapprochement between humanity and the Hierarchy... The whole world will be filled with the radiation of the Sun of Justice, flooded with the radiance of the Sun of Truth, emanating from two centers of spiritual force, saturating the light that has always shone in the East, and will now illuminate the West. I mean the emergence of a GREAT SPIRITUAL RELIGION, WHICH WILL JUSTIFY THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE GREAT RUSSIAN PEOPLE and will manifest itself and focus in the great spiritual Light, highly exalted by the living Russian representative of the true religion - THE MAN WHOM MANY RUSSIANS WERE WAITING FOR, AND WHO WILL CONFIRM THE ANCIENT PREDICTION... Russia is home of the nascent Revelation of the great spiritual values ​​of general (universal) significance... What Revelation will Russia give to the world? Its key word is BROTHERHOOD. The Russia of the future will reveal all the good traits of spirituality - and then the world, without any imposition on its part, will learn from its example. SO RUSSIA, FOLLOWING ITS DIFFICULT PATH, WILL ILLUMINATE ITSELF WITH A LIGHT THAT WILL INLIGHTEN THE WHOLE WORLD.”

The names of Nikolai Konstantinovich (1874-1947) and Elena Ivanovna (1879-1955) Roerichs are now known to many people in our country and abroad. Nikolai is a major artist, thinker, archaeologist, traveler, and public figure. Elena is a spiritual leader, ascetic, philosopher. Prediction by Nicholas K. Roerich: “My rod is over Russia. Russia is a country of future greatness. The Creator strengthens it with the benefits of spirituality.”

1923 “A new teaching will begin on My land.”

09/20/43: “I remember how the grandson of Charles Dickens wrote to us: “Your country is always great to us, because we know its purpose, and now it is great to the whole world. Truly, your country saved the world, but it is doing even greater things. In the future, Russia will lead the whole world.”

4. The second period of the cataclysm (short) – entry into the arena of heavenly forces.

5. The first period of the Dispensation - the bright reign of the Heavenly Emperor over the World - a political system, marked by the monism of religious cult and state affairs. This will be the hegemony of Light over the world with the existence of institutions of power that will be in place by that time.

6. The second period of the Dispensation is the emergence of divinely inspired rulers, representatives of science, technology, etc. This will be an earthly life without illnesses and sighs, a life illuminated by the light of Truth, Joy and Love...”

1935: “Russia is going through a great test, and it will learn its lesson before many others.”

1948: “The trials of mankind are not yet over, and new clashes on a large scale are being prepared. But we know for sure about the victory of our country (Russia) and the brevity of the upcoming clashes. Otherwise the world will not be able to bear it. I feel the victory of our Slavs, our great country.”

1949: “Hard times, hard times! But the best country will become the cosmic basis of balance in the world.”

1950 “Our country will be protected, it will be a victorious country: this is commanded in the star runes.”

The prosperity of Russia is the guarantee of prosperity and peace for the whole world. The death of Russia is the death of the whole world. Someone is already starting to realize this. Although until recently everyone thought the opposite, namely, that the death of Russia is the salvation of the world, and they made efforts to decompose and dismember it as much as possible. There was great fear of the growth of Russia, and if this fear essentially had a basis, then no one attributed it to the correct reason. They were so afraid of any takeovers from Russia, but no one was able to foresee the consequences of that explosion (many actively helped it), which was supposed to upset the world balance. The consequences of the explosion in Russia are great! Purified and revived on new principles of broad popular cooperation and free cultural construction, Russia will become a stronghold true peace"(E.I. Roerich. Letters, vol. 2, pp. 99-100. 12/17/1935).

Grigory Rasputin , who predicted the revolution in Russia, the death of the royal family, civil war and many other future events, in his book “Pious Reflections”, published in St. Petersburg in 1912, gives very accurate prophecies that surprisingly coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus. About the collapse of the USSR (“ Blizzard") and the USA (" Grayug") the “elder” wrote allegorically: “Two bloodthirsty princes will take possession of the Earth: Blizzard will come from the east and enslave man with poverty, Grayug will come from the west and enslave man with wealth. The princes will dispute earth and heaven with each other ( cold warapprox. S.V.). And the field great battle there will be four demons in the land. Both princes will be victorious and both princes will be defeated. But Grayug will enter Blizzard’s house and sow his ancient words there, which will grow and destroy the earth. This is how the Vyuga empire will end ( collapse of the USSR).

But the day will come when the Grayug Empire will also collapse, for both laws were wrong and both brought death. Even their ashes cannot be used to fertilize the land on which a new plant of the third world will grow.”

Rasputin has an allegorical prediction about the future fate of Israel, Greece, possibly France and Russia: “Four sisters are dressed in silk, but after three generations they will be dressed in rags. Peter's daughter ( Apostle Peter the first bishop of Rome was born in Galilee - Northern Palestine, Israelapprox. S.V.) stones will be torn out, and sheep will graze on the stones, and every stone will be split, burned and scattered, and only dust will remain of the glory. Daughter Luke ( Luke - author of the 3rd Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. According to Eusebius of Caesarea, he was born in Antioch, i.e. Greek ) Her eyes will be gouged out and her nails will be pulled out, and she will follow the same path as Peter's daughter. Henry's daughter ( perhaps the elder meant one of the kings who ruled under this name mainly in France, England and Germany) will release all the blood from the veins, and all its beauty will turn into a ball of fire. The roots will be different, but new crowns will grow from the roots. But their shine will be different. And the sisters will no longer dress in silk, but in rags. But they will still be princesses. But when Katerina's daughter ( Catherine the Great - Russian Empress) will pay tribute to the great seed of time, raise your head to the North Star, for from this star will come life, and with it time and happiness.”

In the book by Yu. Gogolitsyn “Predictions, magicians, astrologers” one of the modern astrological prophecies is given: “Light affirmation will soon begin on Earth. One summer will change a lot in the Earth's radial system. A hundred days will come... which will burn the Earth with fire. doomsday you will receive an avalanche. Gamma radiation is directed towards the Earth - it is deadly for the dark ones. Those who will be dim at the moment of a large light wave will die. One hundred days will produce strong flows of solar radiation. Summer will be terribly hot. It is necessary to avoid the radiation of the Sun; not everyone can withstand it. In order for the body to take the heat calmly, you need to take care of your spirit. A cataclysm of great power will soon occur. It is capable of not only changing the circumference of the Earth, but also moving the magnetic pole. The Earth will change its position - the Earth's axis rotates. This will cause constant disasters. Earthquakes and floods will become more frequent. Long fires will engulf the globe - it will be difficult to extinguish them. The great cataclysm will begin when Christ comes. It will be soon... The commandment says: through much suffering, the spirit is illuminated by Light. By the light of Jesus, Christ's feat. Christ has the Russian path under his feet. Russia will receive freedom of speech, the power of the Spirit, the energy of thought. She will raise the torch above the globe and begin to patiently rebuild the Earth. The new Russia will fearlessly discern the Voice of God with its heart, and Russia will be the first to enter a bright future.”

In 1984, mysterious events took place in one of the churches in Smolensk - repeated apparitions of the Mother of God. The Moscow newspaper “Russia” dated February 8, 1991 reported part of the information transmitted by the Mother of God: “Russia is a devastated country, temporarily handed over to the enemy. But this is faith, so as not to despair in despair... You are placed in bad circumstances so that you can see your sins.”

Prediction of astrologer Tamara Globa about the future of Russia: “The whole world knows that the future belongs to Russia, that a new Saoshiant will rule in Russia (Saoshiant is the ruler of the world), that light from Russia will go throughout the world. This is one of the reasons that an egregoric battle has flared up over us and in Russia - everyone wants to possess our territory, the minds, souls and destinies of our people. Uranus rules Aquarius. Aquarius rules Russia.

From 1995 to 2003 Uranus in Aquarius. Here he is in own home, manifests itself openly and freely. Seven years - the formation of events preparing a new, unique system of government, dramatic changes in thinking and consciousness, rethinking of old traditions, discoveries in the field of science, art, music, and means of transportation. Religion plays an important role. And finally, attempts to realize universal brotherhood will return; The slogans “Freedom - Equality - Brotherhood”, which appeared simultaneously with the discovery of Uranus, will come to life again...

Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga predicted: “The most ancient teaching will come to the world at the beginning of the millennium. First Russia, and then other lands, will be clothed with his sacred cover, like pure snow.”

“Now you are called the Union,” these words were said to her in the late 70s in a conversation with the Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov, who dreamed of writing a book about the future of our country and Bulgaria. “And then you will be called, as under Saint Sergius, Rus'. Like an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth and cover the whole earth with its wings. Everyone, even America, recognizes her spiritual superiority. But this will happen in sixty years” (at the end of 2030) “As far as I remember,” writes Valentin Sidorov, “three times we returned to this topic and three times it named the same period: SIXTY YEARS. And before that there will be a rapprochement between the three countries - China, India and Russia will gather their forces into one fist. Bulgaria will be with them only if it is with Russia. Without Russia, Bulgaria has no future. There is no force that could break Russia.

Russia will develop, grow, and become stronger. Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain imperishable - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too many sacrifices have been made, too many. No one can stop Russia now. She will sweep away everything in her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.”

The highest mission, she said, fell to the Apostle Andrew. He is the preparer of the ways of Christ in the commanded land.”

In the spring of 1996, in a conversation with a Russian businessman, Vanga said: “Russia is the ancestor of the Slavic powers. Those who separated from it will return to it in a new capacity. Russia will not deviate from the path of reforms, which will ultimately make the country strong and powerful.”

"Socialism will return to new form. It will happen again Soviet Union, but new. There will be cooperative farms. And Bulgaria will overcome difficulties. Bulgaria will move forward only together with Russia - she is our mother. Russia has been and will be a great power...

At the end of the 1980s (even before the collapse of the USSR), Vanga said: “The Chechen war will end when Yeltsin leaves...”.

According to her predictions, Russia should finally rise and become a world leader in 2030 -2040.

“The one who was Saint Sergius,” said Vanga, “is now the greatest saint. He is the leader of all humanity. Oh, how he helps humanity now! He turned into light, his body from light…. With solemnity in her voice, Vanga repeated more than once that: “A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear from Russia” (Sidorov V.M. “Lyudmila and Vangelia”).

“The politicians were afraid of Vanga - she told them the truth to their faces,” testifies Krasimira Stoyanova, the niece of the great prophetess.

“Back in the early nineties, Vanga told the new democrats who had just come to power what they had to do. She asked not to sell state enterprises, quickly return the land to the peasants and unite the owners into cooperatives, take care of decent pensions for the elderly and not quarrel with Russia. But none of Vanga’s advice was implemented! Vanga said that she sees the enormous spiritual potential of Russia: “God gave her strength!”

There is an ancient Indian teaching of the White Brotherhood. It will spread throughout the world. New books will be published about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth. This will be the Fire Bible. The day will come when all religions will disappear! Only the teachings of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the earth like white, and thanks to it people will be saved. A new teaching will come from Russia. She will be the first to cleanse herself. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and begin its march around the world. This will happen in 20 years, it won’t happen before. In 20 years you will collect the first one big harvest(Lyudmila and Vanga. 1978).

Left amazingly accurate predictions for descendants I.V. Stalin, some of which have already been fulfilled. Prophetic prediction by I.V. Stalin about Russia - the USSR, the Russian people and the East (quoted from the article by R. Kosolapov, “What is it, Stalin’s truth?” Pravda newspaper, July 4, 1998).

1939 , on the very eve of the war with Finland, I. V. Stalin invited the famous revolutionary (since 1915) Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai, the daughter of a tsarist general, who at that time was the plenipotentiary ambassador to Sweden (1930 - 45), to his office for a conversation. The conversation was very confidential and made an extraordinary impression on A. M. Kollontai. “When I left the Kremlin, I didn’t go, I ran, repeating so as not to forget what Stalin said. Entering the house... I began to write down. It was already late at night... An indelible impression! I looked at the world around me differently. (I turned to this conversation in my mind)I re-read it many, many times during the War and after it, and always found something new...And now, as if in reality, I see Stalin’s office in the Kremlin, there is a long table and Stalin in it... Saying goodbye, he said:

Be strong. Hard times are coming.They must be overcome... We will overcome them. We will definitely overcome it!Stay healthy. Temper yourself in the fight."

A recording of this conversation with I.V. Stalin was found in the diaries of A.M. Kollontai, which she kept for a long time. For the first time, these archival extracts were published by the historian and biographer A. M. Kollontai, Doctor of Historical Sciences M. I. Trush in collaboration with prof. R. I. Kosolapov in the magazine “Dialogue” for 1998

J.V. Stalin said:

“Many of the affairs of our party and people will be distorted and spat upon, primarily abroad, and in our country too. Zionism, striving for world domination, will brutally take revenge on us for our successes and achievements. He still views Russia as a barbaric country, as a raw materials appendage. And my name will also be slandered and slandered. Many atrocities will be attributed to me.

World Zionism will strive with all its might to destroy our Union so that Russia can never rise again. The strength of the USSR lies in the friendship of peoples. The spearhead of the struggle will be aimed, first of all, at breaking this friendship, at separating the outskirts from Russia. Here, I must admit, we have not done everything yet. There is still a large field of work here.

Nationalism will raise its head with particular force. It will suppress internationalism and patriotism for a while, only for a while. National groups within nations and conflicts will arise. Many pygmy leaders will appear, traitors within their nations.

In general, in the future, development will take more complex and even frantic paths, the turns will be extremely sharp. The point is that The East will be especially excited. Sharp contradictions with the West will arise.

And yet, no matter how events develop, time will pass, and the eyes of new generations will be turned to the deeds and victories of our socialist Fatherland. New generations will come year after year. They will once again raise the banner of their fathers and grandfathers and give us our due in full. They will build their future on our past.”

“All this will fall on the shoulders of the Russian people. For the Russian people are a great people! The Russian people are good people! The Russian people, among all nations, have the greatest patience! The Russian people have a clear mind. It’s as if he was born to help other nations! The Russian people are characterized by great courage, especially in difficult times, in dangerous times. He is proactive. He has a persistent character. He is a dreamy people. He has a purpose. That’s why it’s harder for him than for other nations. You can rely on him in any trouble. The Russian people are invincible, inexhaustible!”

From the book by Simonov V.A. "Prophets of the whole world about Russia." From "EXMO", 2010

Our world is on the threshold of great events. Many of them were predicted in the last century by the most unusual psychic in the history of mankind - Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce did his work while in deep hypnotic sleep. The archive of the clinic in Virginia Beach, within the walls of which Cayce prophesied and healed, contains 14 thousand sheets

The clairvoyant’s predictions come true with incredible accuracy and now we are witnessing a global change in the appearance and climate of our planet.

Edgar Cayce: 5. Then first: Soon a body must enter the world; which to many will be considered the representative of a sect or group, but will be beloved to all people in all places where the universality of God on earth is proclaimed, where the unity of God as Father is known.

Edgar Cayce: 7. Regarding physical changes that should be an omen, a signal that this is coming soon - as given by the ancients, the sun will darken and the earth will split into different places- then it must be proclaimed - through the spiritual channel in the hearts, minds and souls of those who have sought His way - that His star has appeared, and will show [pause] the way for those who enter the holy of holies within themselves. Because, God the Father, God the Teacher, God the Manager, in the minds and hearts of people, must always be in those who have come to know Him; for He is God to man as much as He manifests himself in his heart and in the actions of his body, man. And for those who seek, He will appear. (

Turning to the oldest book of humanity, the Bible, we will see that Jesus Christ warned that before His coming, in glory, to earth, such difficult times would come for people as have never happened since the beginning of the world. There will be various disasters: famine, pestilence, earthquakes, frequent wars. Lawlessness will increase; faith will weaken; many will not have love for each other. Many false prophets and teachers will appear who will deceive people and corrupt them with their harmful teachings. But first, the Gospel of Christ will be preached throughout the whole earth, as a testimony to all nations.

Just before the end of the world there will be great, terrifying signs in the sky; the sea will roar and be indignant; despondency and bewilderment will take over people, so that they will die of fear and from the expectation of disasters for the whole world. In those days, after that tribulation, the sun will darken, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then the sign of Jesus Christ (His cross) will appear in heaven; then all the tribes of the earth will mourn (for fear of God’s judgment) and will see Jesus Christ coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Just as lightning flashes in the sky from east to west (and is immediately visible everywhere), so (suddenly visible to everyone) will be the coming of the Son of God.

Edgar Cayce: 8. Again regarding physical changes: the earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is about to sink into the sea. Top part Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. Lands will appear off the east coast of America. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctic that will cause volcanoes to erupt in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift so that cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical and moss and ferns will grow there. These changes will begin in the period from '58 to '98, this will be the period when His light will be seen again in the clouds. (

On March 11, 2011, Japan was rocked by the worst earthquake in 140 years. The country was well prepared for natural disasters of all sizes, but even this did not help - the number of dead and missing exceeded twenty-seven thousand. A little later than the earthquake, an explosion occurred at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant and everything became even worse.

This catastrophe was also predicted by the famous American psychic Chet B. Snow, with whom Dr. Helen Wambach conducted hypnotic progression sessions (foreseeing the future in a trance state), in his book"Future. Your life after 2000", in it he cites numerous circumstances of the upcoming catastrophe associated with increased seismic activity in the bowels of our planet.

Question 12: “When will changes in earth activity become apparent?”

Edgar Cayce: Answer 12: “As soon as the first cataclysm occurs in the South Sea and the subsidence and uplift of land begins to be observed in almost the diametrically opposite part of the globe, in the Mediterranean, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bEtna, this will be the beginning.”

The terrible tsunami of 2014, which killed 200,000 people

Underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which occurred on December 26, 2004, caused a tsunami that was considered the deadliest natural disaster in modern history. The magnitude of the earthquake was, according to various estimates, from 9.1 to 9.3. This is the second or third strongest earthquake on record.

The earthquake caused a huge wave - a tsunami, which hit the island of Sumatra, Sri Lanka, islands off the coast of Thailand, the east coast of India, the Maldives and even the coastal area of ​​Somalia in East Africa. The height of the waves exceeded 15 meters. The 2004 tsunami claimed the lives of up to 300 thousand people and caused enormous material damage. According to the UN, this is the main natural disaster, which has befallen humanity over the past 100 years!!!

The earthquake was unusually large in a geographical sense. About 1200 km (according to some estimates - 1600 km) of rock shifted over a distance of 15 m along the subduction zone, causing the Indian plate to move under the Burma plate.

Earthquakes in Italy occur due to Mount Etna

In 2009, the Sicilian “fire-breathing Mount Etna,” the largest active volcano in Europe, continued to erupt for 11 months.

Later, the behavior of Mount Etna caused an earthquake in Abruzzo.

Eruption of Mount Etna in Italy

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 occurred on April 6, 2009 in central Italy. The hardest hit was the small town of L'Aquila in the Abruzzo region and its surrounding villages. In the disaster zone, about 10 thousand houses were destroyed, approximately 70 thousand people were left homeless. The number of earthquake victims has reached 207 people. It became the most destructive in Italy over the past 30 years. It is known that the earthquake was preceded by a period of anomalous geological activity of Mount Etna.

Question 14: “Will there be any changes to the land surface in North America? If so, which regions will be affected and how?”

Edgar Cayce: Answer 14: “We find that the whole country will undergo changes to a greater or lesser extent. The greatest changes in America, in our opinion, will occur in the north Atlantic coast. Be on the lookout in New York! (311-8; MS-7; April 9, 1932).

Edgar Cayce:“Geographical conditions in this country and throughout the world will gradually change. Many areas on both the East and West coasts will be destroyed, as well as the central part of the United States.

In the coming years, new lands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and many coastal areas will become the bottom of the ocean. Even many modern (1941) battlefields will be covered by the waters of oceans, seas and bays; New lands will arise with a new world order and a new course of events.

Many areas of the east coast near modern New York, or even most of New York itself, will disappear. However, this is the lot of future generations. Much earlier, the southern parts of the states of Carolina and Georgia will cease to exist.

The waters of the lakes (Great Lakes) will most likely flow into the Gulf ( Gulf of Mexico), and not into the waters (Gulf of St. Lawrence), as was recently discussed.

The area (Virginia Beach) where the entity is now located will be among the safe ones, as will areas in the modern states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, as well as most of southern and eastern Canada. At the same time, most of the western lands will be subject to destruction, which, of course, will occur in other countries" (1152-11; MS-3; August 13, 1941).

Edgar Cayce: “Fractures in the earth’s crust will occur in many places. In the beginning - on the west coast of America; then the northern part of Greenland will go under water; new lands will appear in the Caribbean. Destructive earthquakes will shake the entire territory South America all the way to Tierra del Fuego, where it is formed new land and a new strait" ).

11. (Q) What major changes or the beginning of what changes are expected to occur on earth in 2000 - 2001 AD?

Now n The shift of the magnetic pole of our planet causes a lot of concern among scientists. The magnetic pole is moving from North America towards Siberia at such a rate that Alaska could lose its Northern Lights within the next 50 years. At the same time, it will be possible to see the Northern Lights in some areas of Europe.

Previous studies have shown that over the past 150 years, strength magnetic field The land has shrunk by 10 percent. During this period, the magnetic north pole moved 685 miles in the Arctic. Over the last century, the rate of movement magnetic poles increased compared to the previous four centuries.

Edgar Cayce said the following about the future of Russia:

Edgar Cayce: 12. What about nations? From Russia will come hope for the world; this is not what is sometimes called communism, or Bolshevism, no; but freedom, freedom! Each person will live for his fellow man! This principle is born. It will take years for it to crystallize, but hope for the world will again come from Russia. Driven by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: “In God we trust.” (Do you use this in your heart when you pay your debts? Do you use this in your prayers when you send missionaries to other countries?) ( )

“The mission of the Slavic peoples,” Edgar Cayce also said, “is to change the essence of human relationships, to free them from selfishness and gross material passions, to restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.”

He saw Western Siberia as the center of a resurgent civilization, which would become a kind of Noah’s Ark for people who fearlessly opened themselves to evolution. “Yes, clean energy is already being accumulated in Western Siberia,” Casey predicted. “It will protect this land from the destructive effects of natural and energy disasters. Western Siberia will remain almost unscathed.”

Vanga’s latest prophecy regarding Russia is striking in its similarity. Baba Vanga’s future was pictured like this:

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir (meaning the prince who once baptized Rus'?), the glory of Russia.” “Too many sacrifices have been made,” Vanga said. “Nobody can stop Russia anymore. He will sweep everything out of his way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.”

“All religions will fall. Only one thing will remain: the Teaching of the Great Brotherhood. Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this people will be saved.”

Particular attention should be paid to Edgar Cayce's predictions regarding China:

Edgar Cayce: 17. Sin of China? There is a peace here that preserves itself within, dooming it to slow growth. There has been growth here, movements across the lands for centuries, but now there is peace, content with its own limits. One day there will be an awakening and he will cut off his hair! He will start thinking and doing actions! And here one day will be the cradle of Christianity. It is a long time for man, but only one day in the heart of God—tomorrow China will awaken. Let every soul, coming to understanding, do something in its heart. ( )

In the near future, China could overtake the United States in economic development in 20 years if it increases its GDP by 8% annually, Bloomberg reports, citing Justin Lin, chief economist of the World Bank.

According to him, China's advantage lies in the ability to borrow ready-made technologies created in developed countries with minimal risk and at low cost.

In February 2010, China overtook Japan, which occupied second place in the ranking of the world's largest economies. Thus, only the United States, the leader in terms of GDP, competes with China.

However, according to World Bank estimates, in 20 years China's economy could become twice the size of America's.

Most of Edgar Cayce's prophecies concerned the sunken ship, the existence of which will soon be proven; below are some excerpts from his prophecies regarding these events:

16. (Q) Who will reveal the history of the past in the records that were said to be near the Sphinx in Egypt?

Edgar Cayce: (Oh) As established in the records of the Law of One in Atlantis, three will come. With such experience on earth, and a balance of the spiritual, mental and material, that they can become the channels through which what is now stored in the earth (which is a shadow of the spiritual world God has prepared for His children) can be announced.

Question 2: “Tell me in more detail what is contained in the secret chamber?”

Edgar Cayce: Answer 2: “The records of Atlantis since the Spirit took form or flesh on this earth, and of the subsequent development of men; about the first destruction of the continent and the changes that took place; about the life and various works of the Atlanteans in other countries; about a meeting of representatives of all nations, all countries to develop joint actions in connection with the cataclysms in Atlantis; about the construction of a pyramid for initiation rituals; about who, how and where records will be discovered that are copies of the originals resting in the depths of the sunken Atlantis. For this continent must rise again in times of change.

Edgar Cayce: The hiding place is where the line of shadow (or light) will fall between the paws of the Sphinx when the sun rises over the waters. The Sphinx was erected later as a sentinel or guardian who would not allow anyone into the connecting chambers located behind his right paw, for they cannot be entered until the deadlines are fulfilled and the times of change come in this cycle of human existence. The cache is located between the Sphinx and the river" (378-16; October 29, 1933).

Many people want to know the future of the world. In the modern world, where information is the most important and expensive resource, there is knowledge that remains invaluable - this is knowledge about the future of all humanity or its individual parts. Of course, there are no guarantees that the information received from the prophets is reliable, but we have no other, and the only way to verify the reliability of this data is the previous successful predictions of this person. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of such people, so from their words we can at least roughly predict the near future of the world.

Jean Dixon (Pythia)

Throughout her life, Jean Dixon repeatedly showed herself to be a reliable predictor, as a result of which her words were trusted by the highest officials of the United States and other countries of the world. She predicted that at the beginning of the 21st century there will be a fairly large number of different natural disasters, entailing various global disasters, but Russia will suffer the least from them, and this is especially true for Siberia. Thus, the country will have the opportunity for extremely powerful and rapid development. The hope of the world, as well as its revival, will come from Russia, and there will be no connection between this and communism. It is in Russia that the most genuine and great source of world freedom will appear.


Zarathustra represents a well-known prophet who lived before our era. He predicted the future of the world and Russia in such a way that the era of the intertwining of Evil and Good will completely end in 2003, after which the Russian Empire will enter the era of the undivided rule of Good, which will end with a complete victory over Evil. In this regard, Evil represents, although a necessary, but still a temporary stage in the development of Russia and the world, but after a certain time, Evil will be completely exterminated.


Paracelsus imagined the future of the world as follows: there is a people that the great Herodotus called the Hyperboreans, but today they are usually called Muscovy. Do not under any circumstances trust the terrible decline of this people, even if it continues for several centuries, because then they will know a huge prosperity. In this country, which no one even perceived as a country where something truly great could happen, the Great Cross will appear over the rejected and humiliated people.

Alice Bailey

During her lifetime, she wrote quite a lot about Russia, as well as about how the global future of the world will unfold. In particular, she said that the main task of Russia was born and constantly nurtured by progressive idealists, regardless of which particular regime was in power, and when all the deadlines were fully realized, it would be defined in all its power and glory, bringing benefit to the whole world . The spiritual motto of this people is “Uniting two ways”, because its main task is to form a close connection between the West and the East.

On a global scale, Russia represents a kind of student who is learning a new consciousness, as well as a unique inner understanding of life. After this inner training is completed in Russia, it will surpass other countries by an order of magnitude, transferring esoteric achievements to other peoples using new methods, without trying to impose or use violence.

However, Russia is not yet mature for this; it is too young from a spiritual point of view in order to fulfill the great mission entrusted to it. Old and mature nations have little opportunity to express themselves in the life of new centuries, because they are too fixated on the old world and cannot normally perceive the new one.

Russia, due to a number of different shocks, is constantly becoming new nation, which needs to create from scratch a way of life, morals, worldview, as well as its own image of relationships with other nations. The Russian people are growing and consolidating quite quickly, so they will soon show what they can provide to other countries of the world.

The revelation that Russia will provide to the rest of the world is brotherhood, for this great nation will represent a synthesis of West and East. But she must learn to control people without cruelty, excluding the suppression of the free will of each person.

John of Jerusalem

John of Jerusalem predicted the future of the world this way: people will change their perception of the world, they will open their eyes in the new millennium. They will no longer be chained in their own heads and cities, they will be able to see from any distance and they will understand each other without hindrance.

They will understand that if a certain thing causes pain to someone, then it will cause pain to another. People will turn into one big being, and each of them will be a tiny part of it. Together they will represent the heart of a given being, using a single language used by all. This is how glorious humanity will emerge.

The millennium that follows this will be an era of illumination - this is exactly how John of Jerusalem predicted the future of our world. People will always love each other, share among themselves, and if someone dreams, then his dreams will definitely come true. Thus, a person will have his rebirth. First of all, the mass of people will be based on a spiritual principle that unites people into brotherhood, representing an era of new strength of faith. Days of ignorance will be followed by days of rejoicing, and man will again be able to find the righteous path.

Roads will appear connecting one end of the sky and Earth to the other, the forests will again be filled with dense trees, and the desert will be irrigated clean water. The earth will turn into a huge garden in which man will take care of every living creature, and he will be able to cleanse everything that he has polluted for a long time. Everyone will begin to understand that the Earth is their home, and will always have a sound mind about tomorrow.

Predictions of the future of Russia and the world look in such a way that a person will know absolutely everything on Earth, and first of all, he will understand his body. Diseases will be completely cured even before they appear, and everyone will try to heal not only themselves, but also other people. After long days of greed and secrecy, man will completely open his own heart and wallet to the poor to begin a new era.

After a person learns to share and give his own, the bitter days of loneliness will disappear, because everyone will be able to believe in spirituality. However, to achieve this, humanity will have to go through a huge number of fires and wars. After they are burned, a new era will reign.

Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is a blind woman who was recognized as a saint and at one time accurately predicted many events that happened in Rus'. Despite what other prophets said about the future of the world and Russia, she was the most accurate.

Literally a year before the Great Patriotic War began, she predicted its beginning and the death of a huge number of people, which would be the price of the victory of the Russian people. She knew that Russia would have to go through times of absolute unbelief, but at the same time she said that the Lord would not abandon this people, and subsequently they would come better times. Matrona said that there would be very few believers, and the people would be under terrible hypnosis. Previously, people constantly visited churches and wore a cross, protecting their homes with lamps and images, but over time, life will become worse and worse. After a certain time you will be forced to choose between bread and the cross.

If in the future a people does not repent, then in any case they die and completely disappear from the face of the earth, but Russia has existed at all times and will continue to exist in the future. The main thing is to pray, ask and repent, and then the Lord will not leave you, preserving the holy land.

Seraphim of Sarov

Seraphim of Sarov said that there would be an execution of the entire royal family, a revolution and heavy wars that would take millions of lives, but great glory awaited Russia. The great prophets predicted the future of Russia and the future of the world in exactly the same way.

In 1903, it was decided to open the elder’s grave, as a result of which he was canonized. In accordance with his prophecy, exactly one hundred years after the “acquisition of his relics” occurs, the revival of Russia will begin. In our time, this era began in 2003.

The Lord will lead Russia through suffering to great glory, but this can only happen after all the people repent. The letter of this prophet says that God loves the Slavs because they always maintain their true faith in him, so they can receive God's great blessing by creating an omnipotent language and the most powerful kingdom on earth. In other words, over time, Russia will rapidly become a world leader.

Lavrenty Chernigovsky

He predicted the future of Russia and the future of the world as follows: Russia, as well as all Slavic peoples and lands, will become a powerful kingdom, while all heresies and schisms will completely disappear in Russia. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Rus' because everything terrible happened in it in the time before the Antichrist. A great regiment of martyrs and confessors will shine forth, who will beg the Lord God, and one must firmly know that Russia represents the lot of the Queen of Heaven, who takes care of her and especially intercedes.


The famous Italian fortuneteller Mavis also predicted the future of Russia. The future of the world and Russia will be closely intertwined, but it is Russia that represents an extremely interesting country with an interesting future. Today, Russians are the most spiritual people, not only by origin, but also by purpose, therefore they will begin the rebirth of all humanity, creating new movements and teachings.

Up close, the procedure for the rebirth of the world is almost imperceptible, and only after a few centuries it will be possible to understand that it really took place. On this moment The attitude towards life will begin to gradually change, as well as the people themselves, and first of all the Russians will change. Over time, the people will develop a different mentality, and ultimately the spirituality of people will radically change, which will cause multiple changes, including even everyday ones.

It is worth noting that the financial future of the world will be somewhat ahead of Russia, but this will not last so long. A fundamental change in people's consciousness will cause significant changes in economic processes. Of course, money will not cease to be important, but the principles of the economy will become completely different. No one can even imagine how much things will change.

St. Petersburg will not be flooded, but it will be completely transformed, and it will no longer be possible to turn it into a second capital. Moscow will become smaller and quieter, but these changes will only be for the better, as life will become calmer, and much more less people will try to get into it. The province will need to come to life, because a large number of cities will appear on the periphery. Prophecies about the future of the world say that Russia will stop looking back at America, because its inhabitants will realize their own path and will understand that it is no worse.

Almost none of the current political figures will remain in power, and, despite the fact that Russia still has a very long way to go, it will be able to reach heights that no state can currently imagine. This will happen in the 21st century, that is, our children will already be able to see it. Russia should not look up to other countries, because it has a special future, and over time everyone will follow it.

Mavis on the future of humanity

To date, only one development path is known, but in fact there are more than a thousand of them. A completely new turning point in development has arrived, and previous paths are being replaced by new, as yet unknown ones. People’s worldview will simply change completely, and along with this their way of life will change. We should not think that something terrible awaits us in the near future, because humanity is not a small child that will need to be led by the hand. The confessional future of the world promises us only good changes.

There is a high probability of serious outbreaks of viral diseases completely unknown to our time in the southern regions, and political unrest will appear in Russia, but they are normal for it and will not have catastrophic consequences.

Photos from open sources

Vanga's early prediction in 1960:

“Even though your country is now called the Soviet Union, the time will come, and old Russia will regain its true name. And then everyone will recognize her spiritual superiority. But first, your country will go through a series of great cataclysms.

Your children and grandchildren will be alive at that time. The new times are marked by many signs that will begin to appear by 1990. There will be big changes in people's lives. People will change beyond recognition.

Natural disasters will shake the earth, disasters will occur everywhere and affect all nations.

Bad people will prevail, and thieves, informers and harlots will be countless.

Feelings will be completely devalued, and only pretense, vanity and selfishness will motivate most people into relationships. Usury will flourish everywhere.

A sign of the beginning of the apocalypse will be the coming to power of a black king in the west and two kings in your country.

And although this union will seem strong at first, it will be destroyed.

It will happen in North America great disaster on the water, made by man. The underwater currents will stop, and the winds will bring terrible heat and fires to the whole earth, and then severe cold.

The third world war will come from the east. At first it will be a small war, but then it will take over the whole world and then nuclear weapons will be used.

The American continents will become uninhabitable for a long time.

But in Russia there will be a civil war and they will start it simple people robbed by their rulers.

Will disappear different plants and animals. All religions will lose their power.

Then an epidemic of an unknown disease will begin.

People's feelings will become so intense that evil people who consider themselves smart will die. A lot of people will die. Others will lose their minds and will attack each other and eat each other alive like wild animals. There will be few people on earth.

Russia will be the ruler of the entire earth. ...

A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world...

Final peace will be achieved by 2040. »

This war of the world, perhaps the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia. After the resurrection of Russia there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. The winner will be Russia, the Russian Kingdom, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents.

Matrona of Moscow, a blind holy woman, predicted exactly all the events that happened in Rus'. A year or two before the Great Patriotic War she said, “The war is about to begin. Many people will die, but our Russian people will win. She knew that Russia would go through times of unbelief, but she predicted that the Lord would not leave Russia, and better times would come: “There will be few believers. The people were under hypnosis, not themselves, a terrible force came into action. Previously, people went to churches, wore a cross, and their houses were protected by images and lamps. Life will get worse and worse. Heavy. The time will come when they will put a cross and bread in front of you and say - choose!

If a people does not repent, it perishes and disappears from the face of the earth. But Russia existed and will exist. The Lord will not leave you and will preserve our land!”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, confessor of the Royal Family, made a prophecy in the 30th year of the last century: “Something will happen that no one expects. Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist...

John of Kronstadt:

“Russian people have stopped understanding what Rus' is! She is the foot of the Throne of the Lord.”

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote:

“The Russian idea, perhaps, will be a synthesis of those ideas that Europe is developing with such tenacity, with such courage in its individual nationalities” (PSS, vol. 18 p. 37).

The great writer, critic and patriot of Russia V.G. Belinsky wrote:

“In the future, in addition to the victorious Russian sword, we will also put Russian thought on the scales of European life.”

From the prophecies of the monk Abel, who served more than twenty years in three fortresses and six prisons for prophecies about the death of Russian monarchs: ... “Then Russia will be great, having thrown off the godless yoke, it will return to the origins of its ancient life, to the times of the Equal-to-the-Apostles, it will learn wisdom bloody conversation. The smoke of incense and prayers will fill and prosper like a heavenly crème. A great destiny is destined for her. That is why she will suffer in order to be purified and to kindle the light for the revelation of tongues...”

Paracelsus' prediction:

“There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the ancestors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - Aryans, which means “noble”.

The current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people is Muscovy.

The Hyperboreans in their turbulent future history will experience a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great flourishing with a great variety of all kinds of benefits that will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040.”

Prophecy of 1930 by St. Theophan of Poltava:

“What no one expects will happen, Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised... The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph...”

Predictions of the monk Ragno Nero in the 14th century:

“In the Northern Country of the Hyperboreans - in Russia, a new universal religion of Fire and Light will appear... The Religion of the Sun (Fire and Light) in the 21st century will experience a victorious march, and it will find support for itself in the northern Country of the Hyperboreans, where it will be revealed in its new quality.”

Predictions from 1996 by clairvoyant Valeria Koltsova:

“A huge tsunami wave will cover New York and all cities East Coast USA. A hysterical, terrible panic will begin in America, people will be urgently evacuated and relocated to other cities...

And from then on, the gradual but inevitable flooding of the lands of North America and Western Europe with ocean water will begin...

During this period of economic crisis and natural disasters, a “black” President will rule in the United States, and at the same time, against the backdrop of a depreciated dollar and the Economic crisis in the United States, not just mass unrest will occur, but real uprisings and truly revolutionary events...”

American clairvoyant Denton Brinkley:

“Watch Russia - whichever path Russia goes, the rest of the world will follow it in the same way.”

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon:

“The natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less.

Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development.

The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.”

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia.

It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the entire World.

And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be throughout the vast world, caused specifically by Russia.

In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery...

Russia will achieve this uniquely high level development, which does not exist now and even by that time not even the most developed state in the world will have...

Then all other countries will follow Russia...

The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.”

Prophecy of the prophet Max Handel:

“The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the current era, this will happen when a sufficiently large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to voluntarily submit to such a Leader.

This is how the ground will be created for the emergence of a New Race, and all current races and nations will cease to exist...

It is from the Slavs that the New People of the Earth will arise... Humanity will form a United Spiritual Brotherhood..."

Holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.

"...Before the end times Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints: “The terrible and invincible Kingdom of All-Russia, All-Slavic - before which all peoples will be in awe. ..

And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times predicted about him and his formidable dominion over the earth.

With the united forces of Russia and other nations, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured.

When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia...

...There will be prosperity in Russia Orthodox faith and the former rejoicing, but only for a Little Time, for the Terrible Judge, the Lord Jesus Christ, will come to judge the living and the dead.

Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Tsar.

Under the Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world... And all other countries, except Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and a number of other small countries and lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist..."

Saint Reverend Anatoly of Optina.

“There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed... A Great miracle will be revealed to the whole world!

And all the chips, all the fragments, by the will of God, will be collected and united and the ship - RUSSIA - will be recreated, in its beauty and will go its own way, intended by God!

So this will be a miracle that is obvious to everyone...”

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Prophecy of Russia by Lester Sumrall, Rick Joyner, TB Joshua, Tatyana Kop, elders

The prophecy about Russia by Lester Sumrall, read in October 1993, warns those who do not accept the necessary faith will perish. Calls to join him, his church. The great pastor Rick Joyner said that Russia has a great future ahead of it. She will witness a great awakening. At first, the difficult tragic road will become smooth. Russia, which was on the verge of anarchy, will grow to a high level of stability and wisdom. Will become a great power, the destiny of this country will be to solve the problems of the whole world.

In February 2014, Prophet TB Joshua said that a young leader with charisma will rise up. Urging everyone to pray for him, there is an airspace hazard on him. Perhaps this is an attack or movement from one country to another.

The elders prophesied sorrow and tears because people deviated from God. Because of the human race, birds, trees, sea, water, earth will mourn, everyone will be in grief and sadness.

The Fatima prophecy about Russia, Hudson Taylor, Bob Jones is simply clear and clear

The Virgin Mary, who appeared in Fatima in Portugal, told the little girls tending sheep, “When you see at night how unknown stars brightly illuminate the sky, know this is a sign that war will come soon.” In 1938, this light was seen in many countries; in order to avoid war, it was necessary to make the dedication of Russia to the Heart of Mary. Ultimately the dedication to Russia was completed.

In 1889, Hudson Taylor said: “I saw a war of enormous proportions take over the world, then it subsided and resumed its former momentum. Maybe it's 2 wars, I see damage to many nations. A spiritual absorption will come to Russia, which will swallow up many people. From Russia it moved to European countries. After awakening, I saw the coming of Christ.”

Bob Jones told how he saw an angel who intended to gather a huge army to rebel against the United States of America.

Predictions about Russia from participants in the battle of psychics, sorcerers and clairvoyants

Alexander Litvin, a participant in the battle of psychics, warns of difficult times for Russia. There will be reshuffles in the government, people who are not expected to come out of the shadows.

Predictions about Russia by the psychic witch Golunova and for the future from famous predictors Julia Wang, Ziraddin, Edgar Cayce

Elena Golunova predicted a dim future for Russia; on the one hand, the country will become great, it will be respected and feared. On the other hand, devastation, conflicts, and discontent will begin in the country itself.

The great Julia Wang predicts anarchy in the country. Dissatisfaction with exchange rates will entail a lot of irreversible events. In the Caucasus they will refuse to obey the Varangians who seized power into their own hands. In Siberia, a division of power will begin, conflicts between the people and the authorities, all of this will be successfully financed with money from China. By the end of 2016, she predicts civil war.

Ziraddin Rzayev predicts a rise in Russia, a way out of the crisis and stability. It will become a leader in the international market. Success and prosperity will not bypass this country. But regardless geographical location Tears, blood, despair await everyone.

Edgar Cayce said that climate change will affect the whole world, Russia will suffer the least. Moreover, she will lead civilization, Siberia will become the center. Whether to believe it or not, time will tell. But we should not forget that he once predicted two world wars.

Predictions about Russia by astrologer Pavel and Tamara Glob, Orthodox Russian holy fathers, saints and elders

Glob astrologers claim that Russia will become a privileged state. Judging by the forecasts, it will survive the crisis and remain a winner. Thanks to natural resources, large areas and the Russian character and mentality will overcome all troubles. John of Kronstadt foresaw the uprising of Russia and spoke of even greater power.

Predictions about the Russian Federation and Turkey

Many clairvoyants and psychics talk about the resumption of friendly relations between Russia and Turkey. They will no longer be the same as before; Russia does not know how to forgive offenders. The economic side is important for both countries.

Predictions for Russia by St. Seraphim of Sarov

He predicted great disasters. It is God who will punish for abandoning faith. Seraphim asked to have mercy on people, and to punish him, to which God replied: I will not have mercy, for they honor Me with their lips, but are far from Me in their hearts.

Elder Nikolai Guryanov predictions about the future of Russia

Nikolai Guryanov predicted the “abdication” of Yeltsin and the new military president.

Predictions about Russia and China, Europe, USA

A huge number of different prophecies speak of a war between Russia and China. Nun Makaria Artemyeva “The Chinese are worse for us. They’ll take half the land, they don’t need the other.” Joseph Terelya foresaw how the leader of Russia would start a war with China. Vanga predicted hard times for Europe; after the war in the Middle East, Muslims would go against the Europeans. She also talked about a chemical attack that would kill people. Vanga said that the United States would collapse, but did not give a reason. Edgar Cayce said the same thing about Western America. There are quite a few sources that talk about the power of Russia that captured America without military action.

Predictions about Russia by monk Abel, Buryat shamans, Grigory Rasputin

The prophecy says that demons will flee from Rus' after 70 years of desolation. Apparently the conversation is about migrants of the 90s to Israel and the USA. Russia will be on the verge of collapse and destruction. Predicted war in the Caucasus. He spoke of a little man sitting on the shoulder of a giant who would be unknown for a long time. Here we are talking about Yeltsin and Putin. Buryat shamans prophesy catastrophes that will change the world. They promise that the secret of longevity will be found. Rasputin said, “The world is waiting for three “lightning bolts” that will burn the earth to the ground. From the west, wait for a bloodthirsty prince who will enslave with wealth, from the other side a prince will come and enslave humanity with poverty.

The article offers an extensive selection of various humorous and interesting predictions of fate and the future, which can be used in various situations....