Sentences with there are examples. The rule for using the phrase there is (there are)

The phrase there is/there are in English is presented with examples.

This phrase in English serves to indicate the presence or absence of something or someone in a certain place. Thus, the phrase there is/there are names an object or person who is or is not in a certain place. Such sentences have the following structure.

Version there is / there are -> Subject -> Circumstance of place

When translating such sentences, the turnover should be translated as is, is, is available.

Study some examples.

There is a mistake in this text - There is (there is) an error in this text.
There are trees in his garden - There are (are) trees in his garden.
There is an interesting story in the book - There is an interesting story in the book.
There is a monument near my house - There is a monument near my house.

It should be remembered that if several subjects are placed after the phrase there is/there are, then the verb to be must correspond to the subject that is placed after it. Study some examples.

There is a park and two shopping centers near my office - Near my office there is a park and two shopping center(since the first subject - park - is singular, the phrase there is should be used).
There are five hospitals and a cemetary in our city - In our city there are five hospitals and one cemetery (since the first subject - five hospitals - is plural, the phrase there are should be used).

Let's consider the phrase there is/there are in the past tense, that is, in the Past Simple. In the past tense, there is/there are is changes to was, and are changes to were. Thus, the phrase takes the form there was/there were. Consider a few examples.

There was a restaurant in this area - There was a restaurant in this area.
There were fifteen chairs in that room - There were fifteen chairs in that room.
There was an airport and two railway stations in our city - In our city there was an airport and two train stations.

Let's consider the phrase there is/there are in the future tense, that is, in Future Indefinite. In the future tense, there is/there are is composed using the auxiliary verb will - there will be.

There will be three referees in the championship - There will be three referees at the championship.
There will be a new fountain here - There will be a new fountain here.

It is necessary to take into account that if the sentence contains the adverbial adverbial place there - there, then it is placed at the end of the sentence, despite the fact that the phrase there is/ there are is used at the beginning. This is explained by the fact that in the phrase there is/ there are, the word there does not have an independent meaning. Study some examples.

There are three visitors there - There (are) three visitors.
There was a candid camera there - There was a hidden camera.

Explore interrogative form turnover there is/there are .

In order to make an interrogative sentence, the verb to be must be placed before the word there. Study some examples of interrogative sentences in the present tense.

Is there a piano in your assembly hall? - Is there a piano in your assembly hall?
Are there hotels in your city? - Are there hotels in your city?

Consider interrogative sentences in the past tense.

Was there a poster in his room? - Was there a poster in his room?
Were there musicians in the restaurant? - Were there musicians in the restaurant?

Consider interrogative sentences in the future tense. Here you should note that will is placed before there, and the verb to be is placed after there.

Will there be your friends there? - Will your friends be there?
Will there be a manager at the meeting? - Will the manager be at the meeting?

If in such sentences the question is posed to the subject, then the interrogative pronoun what or who is used, which is the subject.

What is there in your room? - What is in your room?
Who is there in your room? - Who (is) in your room?

If the question is asked to determine the subject, then interrogative words such as how much, how many, and what are used, which must be placed before the subject.

How many students are there in the auditorium? - How many students are in the audience?
How much water is there in the swimming pool? - How much water is in the pool?
What pictures were in his room? - What paintings were in his room? (in such questions it is not necessary to put there).
There were old and new pictures - Old and new pictures.

Consider negative sentences with the phrase there is/there are. To make negative sentences, you must use the negative particle not.

Study examples of negative sentences in the present tense.

There is not a shop near my house - There is no store near my house.
There are not factories in our city - There are no factories in our city.

As you noticed, in such sentences the particle not is placed after the verb to be.

Study examples of negative sentences in the past tense.

There was not a manual in the box- There was no manual in the box.
There were not cars in the tunnel - There were no cars in the tunnel.
As in the previous examples, the particle not follows the verb to be.

It should be noted that in the letter and in colloquial speech the following abbreviations are used: there is not = there isn't, there are not = there aren't, there was not = there wasn't, there were not = there weren't.

Study negative sentences in the future tense.

There will not be many students at the conference - There will not be many students at the conference.
There won't be any journalists at the meeting - There will be no journalists at the meeting.

As can be seen from the above examples, to form negative sentences in the future tense, the auxiliary verb will is used in the negative form - will not, which is placed after the word there. In writing and in colloquial speech its abbreviated form will not = won"t is used.

To compose negative sentences with the phrase there is/there are, you can use not only the particle not, but also the negative pronoun no. It should be remembered that if no is used in a sentence, then the article is not used. This type of negation is mainly used in the case of uncountable abstract and real nouns. Study some examples.

There is no sugar in my cup - There is no sugar in my cup.
There is no time to go there - There is no time to go there.
There is no electric lighting here - There is no electric lighting here.

The phrase there is/there are is a speech construction that begins to be studied as early as initial stage teaching English. If you need to talk about the location of an object or person, then you will need to use this phrase. The phrase there is/there are in English means “there is, is located.” But for a correct translation into Russian, you need to study some rules for handling this construction.

General concept

So, the phrase there is/there are is used quite often in English, since we constantly need to indicate the position of this or that object. And this phrase helps to do this in the best possible way. For example, you need to say that there are three doctors in a certain room.

With the help of turnover we get the following sentence: There are three doctors in the room. In this case, we draw your attention to the order of words in the sentence.

There is (thr is)

There are (thr are)


We see that the phrase begins with a phrase, then an object is indicated, and only at the end the place where this object (or person) is located is noted.

Why does the turnover look this way? What is the difference between thr is and thr are? The answer is simple. The first option is used to describe one object or person, and the second to describe two or more objects.

  • Thr is a dog on the bed. - A dog is sitting on the bed.
  • Thr are dogs on the bed. - There are dogs sitting on the bed.

There is/there are: translation into Russian

It is important to understand that the sentence in which this phrase is used cannot be translated literally. The correct way to do this is to start at the end of the sentence. This will make you sound beautiful in your native language.

  • Thr is a book on the table. - A book is on the table.
  • Thr are dogs in the yard. - There are dogs running in the yard.

I would like to note that the phrase there is/there are has several translation options. It all depends on the specific object and situation. When translating, the main thing is to maintain correctness and plausibility, and not to deviate from the norms of the literary language.

Temporal features

The next thing to say when discussing the phrase there is/there are is different shapes the verb “to be” when using the phrase in different tenses. As you know, the strong verb to be has many forms, and in our case, a different form is used in each time period.

Present tense

Past tense


All of these forms can be part of this construction, since the phrase there is/there are can be used both in the present tense and in the past or future.

  • Thr is a kitten in the corner. - There is a kitten sitting in the corner.
  • Thr are students in the hall. - There are students in the hall.
  • Thr was a car near the shop. - There was a car near the store.
  • Thr were green trees in the center of the square. - There were green trees in the center of the square.
  • Thr will be a lot of pupils in the bus. - There will be many students on the bus.

We see from examples how the form of the verb changes and how the phrase changes. The translation style is also clearly visible: we change the meaning of the verb depending on the specific situation.

Questions, answers and denials

The phrase there is/there are, the rules of formation of which we discuss here, can be used not only in declarative sentences. We can also use it to pose questions, answer them and use it in negative constructions. Let's look at all these options in turn.

The construction of the question occurs by simple rearrangement of words. Depending on the type of question, the verb is placed in first or second place:

  • General question: Is thr a dog in the park? - Is there a dog in the park?
  • Special question: What is thr in the river? - What is there in the river?
  • Alternative question: Is thr a book or a pen in the bag? - Is there a book or pen in the bag?
  • Dividing question: Thr is a boy on the bench, is not there? - It's the boy on the bench, isn't it?

The answer to general or disjunctive questions using this phrase will be the option Yes, there is or No, there isn't (depending on the speaker's intention) or Yes, there are / No, there aren't, if the plural form was used in the sentence numbers.

Negative sentences can be constructed in two ways:

  • use of the negative particle not,
  • use of the pronoun no.

If we choose the first option, then in addition to the negative particle, we must use the pronoun any, which means the absence of something or someone.

  • Thr is not any dress in my room. - There is not a single dress in my room.
  • Thr are not any houses in this place. - There are no houses in this place.

By using the second option, we can do without unnecessary additional words, and the negative pronoun itself will relate more to the noun than to the verb:

  • Thr is no phone in my pocket. - There is no phone in my pocket.
  • Thr are no birds in this forest. - There are no birds in this forest.

Important points in using there is/there are

Translation into Russian of such a phrase is not the only feature that should be taken into account. There are a few more points that should not be forgotten when using this phrase. There are variants of proposals when we need to indicate the location of not one object, but several, that is, apply an enumeration. In this case, the following rule will apply: when listing several objects or people, you need to take into account the word that is located immediately after the phrase itself. The choice of verb form will depend on it:

  • Thr is a book, 2 pens and a bag on the sofa. - On the sofa there is a book, two pens and a bag.
  • Thr are 2 pens, a book and a bag on the sofa. - There are two pens, a book and a bag on the sofa.

This is easy to understand and remember, since in Russian this design also looks different (lying, lying).

It is also worth remembering about nouns that can be countable and uncountable. If a word cannot have a plural form, then only the form suitable for the singular should be placed in front of it, regardless of the accompanying words:

  • Thr is a lot of water in this glass. - There is a lot of water in this glass (water does not have a plural).
  • Thr are a lot of glasses on the table. - There are many glasses on the table (glasses can be used in the plural).


In order to always write and speak correctly, you need to practice using the phrase there is/there are. The exercises for this topic are simple and aimed at developing automatic memorization, as well as training to quickly select the correct form. For example:

  • Put correct form verb. Thr...a kite in the sky. - A kite is flying in the sky.
  • Put a question to the sentence. Thr are a lot of girls at the party. - There are a lot of girls at the party.
  • Translate the sentence. On the table there is a computer, many books and notebooks.

Have you ever heard about the situation with a fly in a bowl of soup? If (God forbid) this happens to you, then you should complain to the waiter and demand a replacement of the dish immediately! Waiter! There's a FLY in my soup! Woop!

The construction of the sentence seems quite simple, but, oddly enough, in English the phrase “there is” / “there are” often causes many difficulties both in construction and in translation and, accordingly, in use. So when is there is and when are there?

But since you"re with us! There"ll be no problems! You will forever remember this phrase and be on friendly terms with it, carefully reading and remembering this article, of course. So, check it out!

What does there is/there are mean?

The phrase “there” + “be” is translated, starting with the circumstances of the place, which usually comes at the end of a sentence:

There is a cat in the box.
There (is) a cat in the box.

If there is no circumstance, then during translation the sentence begins with the words “is”, “there is”, “exists”, “happens”, “is located”, etc. In principle, often “there is / there are” is not translated at all . Like this
“invisible”, but extremely necessary turnover.

When to use there is and there are

« There is" And " there are"is used when they want to say that something exists (does not exist) or is (is not) located in a specific place.

« There is" indicates the presence in a certain place of some kind one object (person). Also used with indefinite subjects (this is when the indefinite article (“a”, “an”) is used when there is no article, or the words “some”, “any”, “no” are used), and with indefinite pronouns like "somebody", "nothing".

There's something that makes me feel worried. - Something is bothering me.

« There are» indicates availability at a specific location several(many) objects (persons).

There are two cats on the couch. - There (are) 2 cats on the sofa.

note: the word “there” (there) in the phrase “there is/there are” has no independent meaning and forms an inseparable whole with “is/are”. If, according to the meaning, it is necessary to express the circumstance of place with the word “there” - “there”, then “there” is repeated at the end of the sentence.

There are so many boxes there. - There (are) so many boxes.

Sentence structure with there is and there are

To make everything clearer, we present to you simple formula and below is an example with numbers for clarity:

(1) " There is/there are" + (2) subject + (3) circumstance of place or time.
(1) There are (2) a lot of flowers (3) in the garden.

Affirmative sentences

There is one table in the classroom.
There are three cats on the couch.
There is a spider in the bath.
There are many sinners in Hell.

« There is» also used with uncountable nouns(uncountable nouns):

There is milk in the fridge.
There is some sugar on the table.
There is ice cream on your shirt.

The number of the verb “be” is determined by the number of the first noun after this phrase:

There is a table and two chairs in the room.
There are two cats and a midget in the car.

Abbreviations (contractions). “There is” in a simplified version becomes “ there's" Almost always in informal correspondence or in colloquial speech this particular version of the phrase is used.

There's a good song on the radio.
There's only one chocolate bar left in the box.

As you know, shortening can be done in different ways, but pay attention to the option with “are”:

there is not = there's not = there isn't/ there are not = there aren't. There's no contraction of “there are”. Pay attention!

There are nine cats on the roof.
There are only five weeks until my birthday.

When talking about informal communication, we can use “there's” even when we're talking about about the plural. But don't think about using it in formal correspondence or in an exam. This is forbidden.

There's three other people who are still to come.
There's lots of cars in the car park.

Usually " there» not used with a definite subject.

The door was open. - The door is open. (Error: “There was the door open.”)

Interrogative sentences

Questions are formed by the usual rearrangement (subject " there" changes places with the predicate " be»):

Is there Anyone at home?
Are there any cats on the floor?

When posing a question to define the subject, question words are used “ how many», « how much"how much and interrogative pronoun" what", which precede the subject:

How many cats are there on the couch?
How much water is there in the bottle?
What is there in the box?

In the answer to the last question, the verb “to be” can also be used in the plural if the fact of the presence of several objects or phenomena is stated (or, for example, in the case of their listing):

« How many" With " are there" If we want to find out the number of existing objects, then we use “how many” according to the following structure:

« How many» + plural noun + « are there» (+ addition).
How many dogs are there in the park?
How many students are there in your class?
How many gangsters are there in Chicago?
How many horror movies are there in your collection?

"There" can also be used in " question tags"(short general question, stating the question).

There'll be enough boxes for everyone, won't there?

Negative sentences

In negative sentences after the verb " to be" is used either " not"(when the noun following the negation is preceded by pronoun or numeral), or " no" (in other cases).

There is not(isn't) any money in the wallet. — There is no money in the wallet.
There is no money in the wallet. — There is no money in the wallet.

A short negative answer consists of the word “ no", followed by " there" and the verb " to be" in the appropriate form with a negative particle " not»:

Are there any cats on the couch? No,there are not(aren't).
Is there a dog in the supermarket? - No, there isn't.

There "aren't" with "any". When we want to talk about zero quantity of something, we use " there aren't any».

There aren't any people at the party.
There aren't any trees in my street.

The same goes for uncountable nouns:

There isn't any water in the swimming pool.
There isn't any sugar in my coffee.

« There" can also be used in sentences where " be" is an auxiliary verb in the form progressive or passive. Pay attention to the word order:

There have been more Americans killed in road accidents than in all the wars since 1900.
There’ll be somebody meeting you at the airport.

The construction can also be used with modal verbs:

There must be somebody inside - ring again.
There may be a mistake - check again.
There might be some prey running around — I should be attentive.

This structure should also be translated into Russian from the end.

Temporal forms there + be

What about other temporary forms? Or is it only the Present who is in charge here? Not at all!

"There" is used with various forms"be" in the most different times. Use it for your health!

There is / there are with countable / uncountable nouns
Singular countable nouns (apple)
Uncountable nouns (blood)
Plural countable nouns ( cats)
Affirmative There is / was / will be an apple on my table.
There is/ was/ will be (some/much) blood on the floor.
There are / were / will be three (many / a lot of) cats on the couch.
Negative There isn't / wasn't / won't be an apple on my table.
There isn't / wasn't / won't be (any/much) blood on the floor.
There aren't / weren't / won't be (any / many / a lot of) cats on the couch.
Questions Is / was there an apple on my table?
Will there be an apple on my table?
Is / was there (any / some / much) blood on the floor?
Will there be (any / some / much) blood on there floor?
Are/were there (any / many / a lot of) cats on the couch?
Will there be (any / many / a lot of) cats on the couch?
How much / how many How much blood is / was / will be there? How many cats are / were / will be there?
Short answers Yes, there is / was / will be.
No, there isn't / wasn't / won't be.
Yes, there are / were / will be.
No, there aren't / weren't / won't be.
There were fire-breathing dragons in the streets. ( Past Simple)
I think there"ll be loads of people at the festival. ( Future Simple)
There hasn't been many entries for the competition. ( Present Perfect)
The examination concluded that there had been no ill-treatment during detention. ( Past Perfect)
By the time he hopes that there will have been full consultation with the human rights bodies. ( Future Perfect Continuous).

It should be noted that in the question in the future tense before « there» is put « will", and the verb " to be" is put after him.

Will there be are your friends there? - Will your friends be there?

Difference between there is/there are and it/they

Take a look at the following suggestions. First, we become familiar with the essence of the proposal using “ there is / there are", and then we refer to what was mentioned using " it" or " they».

There's a good movie on channel 2. It starts at 10 o"clock (it = the movie).
There are 3 new students in our class. They"re from Brazil (they = the students).

The constructions “there is” and “there are” are used only in relation to new information. If anything already mentioned in context, then you should use “it is” or “they are”.

We also use " it» + « to be» + adjective + infinitive phrases ( infinitive clauses). In such sentences the emphasis falls on the infinitive phrase:

It's nice to meet you.
It's hard to hear anything with this noise.
Was it easy to understand him?
It"ll be difficult to fit into the box.


Today we repeated/studied the main nuances of using the construction “there is” / “there are” in different tenses and types of sentences.

We hope you won’t have any more questions on this topic!

Keep going forward like there's no tomorrow!

And stay classy!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

The further you delve into learning English, the more you begin to appreciate and love your familiar native Russian language. It seems to us that in Russian there are no confusing tenses, no regular/irregular verbs, no articles. Everything is simple and clear. But this, of course, is not true. And the Russian language has enough of its own complex rules and confusing definitions. In this article we will look at the slightly confusing construction there is/are, which is quite unusual because it is at the beginning of a sentence and is usually not translated in any way.

How and when to use there is/there are?

We use this construction when we need to say about location any item. That is, that something (someone) somewhere located. You need to immediately remember that we always put it at first offers. I think you have already guessed that we use there is when we are talking about one subject, and there are when we are talking about several.

We will literally translate the first sentence as follows: "There there is (is) book on the shelf". Of course, in Russian it sounds ugly, and no one talks like that in real life. But at the first stage it is important to understand meaning what we say .

This literal translation will help you speak correctly and, most importantly, understand the logic of this construction. But when you say this phrase many times and there is no need to translate it word for word, then you can move on to a beautiful literary translation: There are two books on the shelf.

Order of words in a sentence
with there is/are

Remember to put “there is/ there are” at the beginning when you talk about the location of something. This will help your interlocutor understand from the very beginning that we are talking about finding something somewhere. In such a sentence, each word is in its specific place. Let's look at the word order in a sentence.

1 place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place
There be (in the required form) What (who) is Where is
There is a cat in the room
There are cats in the street

Negative form c there is/are

The negative form is formed by adding a particle not. It is used when you want to say that something no/wasn't/won't be anywhere. We can cut there is not = there isn't And there are not = there aren't.

Also with the construction there is/ there are the word is often used no (No). But abbreviations in such phrases are not allowed, because not is a particle that can be abbreviated, and no is a word that cannot be abbreviated.

How to ask questions with there is/are?

The construction of questions with this construction follows the standard rules of the English language. To ask a question, just move the words is/are to the beginning of the sentence, before the word there. Let's look at an example of how to turn an affirmative sentence into an interrogative one.



A positive response will look like this.

At negative answer we add the particle not.

To reinforce this, let's look at another example.

How to ask questions using question words?

With the phrases there is/there are, you can also build sentences using question words. Here are some of them:

  • what - what,
  • which - which,
  • why - why,
  • how long - how long,
  • when - when.

In such questions, we put these words first, and then the sentence is built as in a simple question.

There is/are in past and future tenses

If you want to talk about something that was or will be somewhere, then for this it is enough to change form of words is/are (verb be). We will look at how this verb changes in great detail in the next article. For now, just remember that to change the tense using the construction there is/are, you need to change the verb.

Since there is/there are is mainly used to say where is this or that object, then you can easily practice using this construction. Take a look around. What do you see? Where are the things you are used to? So, There is...

Every person who studies English language. And already in reality entry level. Often this phrase causes difficulty, since there is no analogue in the Russian language. It is worth understanding that the structure of sentence construction in English differs from the grammar of the Russian language. To use the there is/are construction correctly, you don’t need to try to construct an English sentence “in Russian.” You need to start thinking in English. If you change your thinking, this turnaround will not be difficult.

Why is this turnover needed?

The construction is used if you need to indicate the presence or absence of a person or object in a certain place. In other words, if you need to say that something or someone is located, exists in a place you know, or happens at some time, you use there is or there are. For example:

There is a dog in the doghouse.
There (is) a dog in the kennel.

There are some trees near the house.
There (are) several trees near the house.

Please note that turnover is used when we are talking about some new (unknown) object that is located in a place already known to us.

Here are two similar proposals:

1. There is a map on the wall.
2. Map on the wall.

In the first sentence, in a place known to us (on the wall) there is an object unknown to us (a map). Therefore in English it will sound like this:
There is a map on the wall.

In the second case, we report where (in what place) an object known to us (map) is located. In English we will say:
The map is on the wall.

If you understand this difference, then using there is/there are will no longer be a problem.

Construction of a sentence

You, most likely, have already noticed that the construction there is/there are is at the beginning of the sentence, contrary to the rules of construction English sentences. The subject in this case is placed after this phrase. Schematically, this can be depicted as follows:

The order of words in such a sentence cannot be changed.

It is worth noting that the circumstance may be missing in the sentence:

There are two armchairs.
Here (here) are two chairs.

There is some milk.
Here (here) is milk.

If the subject is a countable noun in the singular, then the article is placed before it - a.

The pronouns some, any, a lot, many (with countable nouns), much (with uncountable nouns) are used with uncountable nouns and plural nouns. And also cardinal numbers.

How to translate a sentence

The meaning of the phrase there is/there are corresponds to the Russian “there is”, “is located”, “lies”, “is available”. It is better to translate the sentence from the end, that is, from the circumstances of revenge or time. The word there is most often not translated into Russian. For example:

There is a plant near the window.

We begin to translate from the circumstances: where? - by the window. Then we translate the subject: what? - plant. We get the following translation:

There (is, is) a plant near the window.

Is orare

Let's take a closer look at when to use there is and when there are. If the subject is singular and uncountable, we put – is. If the subject is plural, then you need to use – are. Everything is simple here.

But what if after the turn there are several subjects, that is, objects are being listed? In this case, the verb to be usually agrees with the subject that immediately follows it.

There is a cat and three kittens on the couch.
There is a cat and three kittens on the sofa.

There are three kittens and a cat on the couch.
There are three kittens and a cat on the sofa.

Various temporary forms

The phrase there is/there are can be used in the tense forms Indefinite and Perfect. The verb to be will always take the third person form:

Present Indefinite: there is/there are

Past Indefinite: there was/there were

Future Indefinite: there will be

Present Perfect: there has been/there have been

Past Perfect: there had been

Future Perfect: there will have been

For example:

There was a letter here. Where is it?
There was a letter here. Where is it?

There will be snow tomorrow.
It will snow tomorrow.

Formation of the question

For education general issue the verb to be in the appropriate form must be placed before the word there:

Is there a movie theater in this town?
Is there a cinema in this city?

Were there many visitors in the café yesterday?
Were there a lot of people in the cafe yesterday?

These questions can be answered briefly:

Yes, there is/are. - Yes.
Yes, there was/were. - Yes.

No, there isn’t/aren’t. - No.
No, there wasn’t/weren’t. - No.

With the phrase there is/there are, you can construct special questions. In this case, the question word is placed first in the sentence, and then the word order is the same as in a general question.

When posing a question to the subject, interrogative pronouns are used: What? or Who?

What is there for dinner today?
What's for dinner today?

A question to determine the subject can begin with question words: How many? How much? What? Which?

How many apple trees are there in your garden?
How many apple trees are in your garden?

Negative form

A negative sentence with the phrase there is/there are can be formed in two ways.

Firstly, using the negative particle not, which must be placed after the verb to be. In colloquial speech, the shortened negative form is usually used:
in the present tense there isn’t or there aren’t.
in the past tense there wasn’t or there weren’t.

IN negative sentence the indefinite article is placed before singular countable nouns, and the pronoun any before plural and uncountable nouns.

There isn’t an air bag in my car.
My car doesn't have (any) airbag.

There weren’t any messages for me yesterday.
There were (no) messages for me yesterday.

Secondly, negation can be expressed using the pronoun no. It is placed before the noun and is its definition:

There's no milk in this store.
There is no milk in this store.

There are no trains to Moscow today.
There are no trains to Moscow today.

The phrase there is/there are is used quite often in English. To make your speech competent, lively and interesting, it is important to learn how to use this turn of phrase in colloquial speech. To practice English, the channel “English – Speak Freely!” has been created. in a programme . On this channel you will meet like-minded people learning English and will be able to put your knowledge into practice.