Proper care of acrylic bathtubs. How to care for an acrylic bathtub at home Acrylic bathtub care

Perfectly clean plumbing is the desire of every housewife. However, when choosing at home, you should choose the right tactics. Otherwise, you can say goodbye not only to an unpleasant coating, but also to the plumbing itself. Therefore, we will consider at home and which products are completely unacceptable for this coating.

Rules of care

For regular preventive cleaning, you should use a soft sponge and a specially designed product (this at home will be discussed below).

The washing process is extremely simple. Initially, the surface must be moistened with water. After this, apply a cleaning agent to a soft rag or sponge and wipe the bathtub. The surface must be rinsed with water and wiped dry. To make it shine, you can use wax polish.

The more often you resort to regular surface cleaning, the less often you will think about how to clean an acrylic bathtub from plaque at home. It is recommended to repeat this procedure once a week.

Prohibited means

An acrylic bathtub has many advantages. However, she also has one significant drawback- it's not high mechanical strength. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash an acrylic bathtub at home in order not only to ensure its ideal appearance, but also to protect the surface from damage.

  1. Brushes with a metal or other hard coating.
  2. which contain substances: chlorine, ammonia, acetone, formaldehyde, abrasive components.
  3. Washing powders.

Products intended for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

For cleaning surfaces, it is allowed to use products that do not contain aggressive components. This will allow you to clean your plumbing quickly and easily.

There are also specially designed products for these surfaces. So, how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home?

Let's consider the most popular means:

  1. "Acrilan". The substance acts on the surface very quickly and is quite effective. It removes mold, rust, soap residue, and plaque. Does not leave behind microdamages or scratches. After using this product, the bath is covered with a light protective film.
  2. "Ravac." These are products that are used to remove grease, stains, rust, and scale. They perfectly disinfect surfaces.
  3. "Acrylic Polish". An effective remedy, designed for acrylic surfaces. It is characterized by low cost.
  4. "Tim-Pro." A modern product that does not contain abrasive ingredients. It allows you to achieve crystal purity and does not leave scratches.
  5. "Mr. Cheester." A fairly cheap solution that can effectively remove rust and plaque. In addition, this product has an antifungal and antibacterial effect.

Water Stone Removal

The main problem that arises for people who have installed an acrylic bathtub is plaque on the surface. However, eliminating it is completely easy. So, how can you clean an acrylic bathtub from plaque at home?

To remove water stone, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Fill the bath with warm water. Its temperature should not be higher than 30 C.
  2. Add vinegar to the water - 0.5 liters. Instead of this component, you can use citric acid. You will need 1 pack per bath.
  3. Stir the water with your hand. Leave the bath in this state overnight.
  4. When you wake up in the morning, release the water. Be sure to wash the surface. Then dry with a dry towel.

Such measures are quite enough to get rid of plaque. But what if there is too much water stone and it was not possible to completely eliminate it? How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home? The cleaning agents described above will perfectly remove plaque. For example, Acrylan or RAVAK Turbocleane liquids.

Getting rid of yellowness

Such defects are completely unusual for acrylic surfaces. Yellowness often occurs in bathtubs made from inexpensive plastic that has a protective layer.

Initially, it should be said that such stains appear from poor-quality water or a sudden change in the temperature of the liquid. It is to such situations that plastic reacts by forming stains. In addition, it is very important that acrylic is always dry. It is absolutely unacceptable for water to stagnate in the bathroom. Be sure to check the taps. They should not drip water onto the surface.

We should remind you once again how to wash an acrylic bathtub. At home, cleaning products specially designed for such coatings will perfectly get rid of yellowness. You can use the substance "Acrylan". An excellent liquid is Tim-Profi. This product effectively cleans even very neglected surfaces. In addition, it perfectly disinfects the bath.

Citric acid will perfectly remove yellowness. It is recommended to dissolve 1 sachet in 1 glass of water. Apply the resulting liquid to the acrylic surface. Then rinse it thoroughly. Your bath will become snow-white again.

Checking the tool

If you don’t have the necessary liquid at hand, you can use another one. However, how to choose the right one that will clean perfectly and will not harm the surface?

First, be sure to study the composition of the substance. The product should not contain aggressive components.

Next, to determine how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home, it is recommended to resort to a little trick. Apply your chosen liquid to a small area. Choose an inconspicuous area. For example, from the side. It is best to apply the product to bottom part baths. Leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse the area. Carefully examine how the bathtub reacted to this cleaning product.

If no defects were found, then the liquid is completely suitable and you can begin the washing procedure.

Bath disinfection

Acrylic surfaces generally do not support the growth of mold and microorganisms. However, even they need regular disinfection measures. Therefore, when planning how to wash an acrylic bathtub at home, be sure to think about such cleaning. This is especially true for families with children. Is it necessary to expose the crumbs to additional risk?

Bathtub disinfection is a fairly simple activity that is recommended to be carried out once a year.

To carry out the procedure you need:

  1. Fill the bath with warm water.
  2. Add a little disinfectant to the liquid. You can use the above-mentioned Tim-Profi liquid. Stir the water.
  3. The bath should remain in this state for 10-15 minutes. Then release the liquid.
  4. Be sure to wash the surface. All remaining solution must be removed. Don't forget to wipe the bathtub dry.

Disinfection with chlorine

There is another method to clean the surface. However, you should be extremely careful with it. Because high consistency may damage the surface.

To disinfect with chlorine, use the instructions:

  1. Fill the bath with water.
  2. Add chlorine to it. The solution should be 7%. Watch the consistency carefully.
  3. Wait a few minutes. Then open the drain.
  4. Rinse the surface thoroughly and wipe it dry.

It is strictly forbidden to wipe an acrylic bathtub with a pure chlorine solution. Not only will it damage the surface, but it will also leave behind yellow, disgusting stains.

look after acrylic bathtubs not particularly difficult. The main thing is to carry out all procedures regularly and use only those products that will not damage the surface.

An acrylic bathtub is convenient, stylish, comfortable and inexpensive. That is why more and more people prefer acrylic bathtubs to products made from other materials. One of the main advantages of acrylic is its lightness. If desired, an acrylic bathtub can be moved independently - its weight does not exceed 30 kg. In its turn cast iron bath you will have to pull with the efforts of several adult men.

An acrylic bathtub fits any interior - thanks to the plasticity of the material, acrylic can be used to make products of any shape and color. Acrylic, moreover, has poor thermal conductivity. This means that a full bath of hot water will take longer to cool, which is important. An acrylic bathtub is very pleasant to the touch - it has a smooth, even surface. If necessary, if the bathtub is scratched or damaged, the defect can be eliminated by treating the area with liquid acrylic.

To be fair, I would like to note that acrylic also has its disadvantages. One of the main ones is the impossibility of cleaning it with abrasive detergents. Any aggressive components can destroy the acrylic surface. To preserve it for as long as possible appearance your new bathtub, you need to know how to care for it.

How not to clean an acrylic bathtub

Before you start cleaning your plumbing, it is important to outline how you should definitely not do it. When cleaning the bathtub, never use hard sponges or abrasive cleaners. The smallest particles leave scratches on the surface of the bathtub, which spoil the appearance of the product. Of course, you can subsequently polish the bathtub and get rid of unpleasant scratches, but this is a very long and painstaking task. And in general, it’s better to prevent trouble than to fix it.

Do not use any chlorine-containing detergents. Chlorine has a very aggressive effect on acrylic, the surface darkens and becomes porous. The same effect is obtained when cleaning the bathtub with products containing ammonia, acetone and formaldehyde. Be careful when choosing acrylic cleaning products.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub

Best when purchasing detergent for cleaning acrylic bathtub find an inscription on the packaging confirming that this composition is safe for acrylic. Today, almost any detergent manufacturer has bath cleaning gels in their line.

  1. To begin with, the bathtub is watered with warm water to prepare it for the upcoming cleaning.
  2. The selected product is applied pointwise to several places on the surface of the bathtub, as well as on a soft cloth. Never use sponges, especially hard ones.
  3. It is best to carry out manipulations with rubber gloves so that the detergent does not dry out the skin.
  4. After this, you need to wipe every centimeter of the acrylic surface with a rag, thoroughly cleaning all dirt.
  5. If there are difficult stains or traces of rust on the surface of your bathtub, they can be removed using household acid - vinegar or lemon juice. Pour vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice or dissolved citric acid onto the stain. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rub with a cloth. The procedure can be repeated several times until the acrylic is completely cleansed.
  6. If acetic and citric acid do not help, you can use alcohol. It also perfectly removes some types of stains.
  7. After thorough cleaning, you need to leave the bath for an hour and then rinse off the soapy mixture.
  8. After washing, wipe the bathtub dry, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

This washing algorithm will allow you to clean the bathtub from various contaminants and do not damage the acrylic surface.

There are some nuances, the observance of which will allow you to preserve the shine and cleanliness of your acrylic bathtub for many years.

  1. Heavy contamination should not be allowed - order should not be restored, but maintained. With timely cleaning, you will not have to resort to special detergents. It is enough to lightly wipe the bathtub with a soapy cloth once a week to make it shine like new.
  2. An acrylic bathtub does not require abrasive cleaning agents, not because they damage its surface, but because acrylic does not need it. The special surface simply does not allow dirt to be absorbed into the structure of the material; the stain remains on the surface and is easily removed.
  3. If you rinse your bath regularly hot water, it will retain the shine of its polished finish.
  4. Before cleaning the bathtub with any means household chemicals pre-apply a little soap to small area baths. This will allow you to check the reaction of the surface to the components of the detergent.
  5. To prevent rust stains from forming on the surface of the bathtub, repair all faucets and close them tightly.
  6. To restore the lost shine of the acrylic surface, wipe the bathtub special composition for polishing furniture. It will hide all the smallest scratches and instantly transform the surface.
  7. If you bathe animals in the bathtub, be sure to place a rubber mat on the bottom to protect the surface from scratches from claws.
  8. Do not place metal basins or buckets in the bathtub to avoid damaging the surface. It is best to use plastic containers.

How to get rid of scratches on acrylic

It is not always possible to protect the bathtub from damage. Carelessly dropping metal objects or overzealous cleaning can cause scratches on the acrylic surface. But this can also be dealt with.

Scratches on acrylic appear as easily as they are removed. Therefore, you should not worry too much about them. Minor scratches less than a millimeter deep can be easily removed using a regular piece of felt, without special grouting agents. Take the felt and rub it on the scratches until they become invisible. This usually doesn't take much time.

Deep scratches and damage can be repaired using liquid acrylic. It is sold in construction and hardware stores and is a paste. Liquid acrylic is applied to the surface of the bathtub according to the instructions, after which you need to wait for it to dry completely. Then the surface of the bath is polished with the same felt to achieve a smooth and even layer. Liquid acrylic can be not only white - you can easily choose the shade that suits your bathtub.

An acrylic bathtub can be repaired even if you have a hole through it. But only if your bathtub is made of pure acrylic, and not plastic coated with acrylic. To do this, the back side of the bathtub is sealed with tape to secure it. Then with inside liquid acrylic is applied to fill the hole. After it hardens, the surface is leveled and polished. You can perform this procedure yourself; you don’t have to call a specialist for this.

Acrylic for bathtubs is a modern, durable and comfortable material that allows you to implement the most daring design solutions. Proper care of your acrylic bathtub will allow you to maintain its beauty and shine for many years.

Video: how to properly wash an acrylic bathtub

There is an opinion that caring for an acrylic bathtub is something specific. You can also hear that such baths cause many problems for their owners and require the most careful and delicate handling. Both are wrong. It is incorrect in the sense that when buying an acrylic bathtub, you will not get more problems than with many other things that have been actively used by us in everyday life for a long time.

An example is patent leather shoes. Doesn't it require special care and more careful treatment? However, we have been using it for over a century. TFT monitors, which replaced glass picture tubes, also require more careful handling, but we treat them calmly.

A more attentive and cautious attitude towards them does not seem to us to be something out of the ordinary. The demands are quite understandable, justified and cost us absolutely nothing. All of the above is fully true for.

However, as we know, there is no smoke without fire. Indeed, there are people who own experience at home, living conditions encountered problems using acrylic bathtubs.

The fact is that the definition of “acrylic bathtub” includes two types of products that differ from each other in their characteristics, like chrome leather from tarpaulin. The complaints are most likely addressed to bathtubs made of ersatz acrylic, the owners of which simply did not understand what they were actually dealing with.

Acrylic bathtubs are different - so is their care

To make bathtubs, one of 2 types of material is used, which determines necessary care behind an acrylic bathtub during subsequent use. The first material is a cast acrylic sheet, 4 to 5 mm thick.

This is the material that made acrylic plumbing products so popular due to its excellent performance, hygienic and aesthetic properties.

The second material is a combined sheet (sandwich) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). A cheap option, thanks to which the reputation of acrylic products was “tarnished”.

The thickness of the top layer of PMMA is only 0.4-0.5 mm. The remaining 95% is occupied by ABS plastic, the hardness of which is far from impressive.

Acrylic bathtub made of combined sheet

The main disadvantage of PMMA/ABS sheet is the fact that these materials have different expansion characteristics when heated. Uncoordinated operation during heating and cooling leads to microcracks appearing in PMMA plastic after 20 cycles.

The surface of the PMMA/ABS board has a roughness compared to cast acrylic (this is not visible to the naked eye). It is not difficult to put both facts together to come to the conclusion that such a bath requires more careful care. In addition, its service life will be very limited (only about 3 years).

An attempt to sand a PMMA/ABS bathtub after some period of use at home can lead to the destruction of the PMMA layer, resulting in yellow spots appearing on the surface, and the attractiveness of the bathtub will be completely destroyed.

A bathtub made from cast acrylic is fundamentally different from a bathtub made from PMMA/ABS. Among its undeniable advantages:

  • best surface strength among thermoplastics;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to water;
  • glossy, non-porous surface;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • preventing the growth of bacteria;
  • non-slip surface (unlike enamel)
  • holds temperature well.

An acrylic bathtub can always be like new - take care of it correctly

In fact, caring for an acrylic bathtub is completely simple. The only limitation is that you cannot use powder products to clean it.

Despite the fact that acrylic has the highest surface strength among thermoplastics, it is still household plastic, moreover, glossy, and exposure to any substance that has an abrasive effect will negatively affect its appearance.

Use liquid or gel cleaners. Ideal products specifically for acrylic products. There is no shortage of them. Similar cleaning products are produced by any self-respecting manufacturer of household chemicals. The acrylic bathtub is resistant to contamination, however, it is advisable to carry out thorough cleaning periodically.

Apply the cleaner to the bathroom walls and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. It is recommended to use a soft sponge or cloth. Another reason why it is worth using products designed specifically for acrylic is the polishing effect that manufacturers include in them.

If you didn’t pay attention and yellow streaks of water appeared on the bathtub, you still shouldn’t resort to powder cleaning products. Moreover, no chlorine, acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde or other aggressive substances.

There is no need to invent anything. Exist special means to combat rust on acrylic surfaces. For the same reason, you cannot soak laundry in an acrylic bathtub, since washing powders contain chlorine or other bleach, contact of acrylic with which is undesirable.

Acrylic is indifferent to household acids, so purely home conditions are not an obstacle to the fight against limescale (water stone). You can use acetic or citric acid.

Pour water into the bath, dilute the acid and leave for several hours. Then drain the water and wipe the bathtub dry. If you carry out preventative measures against rust and limescale regularly, this will preserve the original appearance of your acrylic bathtub for ten years.

It is advisable not to use metal objects(buckets or basins). Metal containers capable of scratching the surface. If there is a need to use large-volume containers, give preference to plastic ones.

If necessary, the acrylic bathtub can be easily sanded or polished. The maintainability of acrylic products is very high level. But if you are careful, you may need such measures no earlier than after 10 years (manufacturer’s warranty).

Video instruction

One of the main attributes of a bathroom is a bathtub. This type plumbing fixtures are not changed very often, so to keep it in proper form, it is necessary proper care. This article provides tips for keeping cast iron, steel, acrylic bathtubs, and wall tiles clean.

In addition, the article contains instructions on caring for the bathroom after restoration.

Cast iron bath

They appeared before everyone else and began to be popular cast iron baths. Their main advantage is stability (due to their heavy weight, about 100-130 kg).

A cast iron bathtub is less susceptible to corrosion, which increases its service life to tens of years, and also has thick walls, thanks to which the heat of the water is retained for a longer time.

Today, modern production allows you to cover a cast iron bathtub with beautiful and durable enamel different shades. Therefore, finding a bathtub that matches your interior will not be difficult.

Avoid sudden temperature changes. If you need to dial hot water– first draw warm water, and then gradually pour in hot water.

To avoid yellow spots and plaque, after each water procedure, wash the bathtub with a sponge liquid soap, which does not contain abrasive substances, and then wipe dry with a soft cloth.

If plaque does appear, use store-bought bathroom cleaning products. When choosing, pay attention to the composition and instructions for use.

If the product is not intended for cleaning the bathtub, then it should not be used for this purpose, otherwise the enamel can easily be damaged.

There are also traditional methods for cleaning the bath. The simplest of them is vinegar essence. You need to take warm water into the bath, add a glass of vinegar essence, leave for 4 hours, then drain the water and rinse the surface with running water.

Steel bath

More modern look bathtubs, characterized by a thin wall (3 mm) and low weight. Steel baths are cheaper than cast iron, but less durable - the service life is 15 years. These bathtubs are covered with enamel, just like cast iron ones, so their care is identical.

Cleaning a steel bathtub from rust stains with a folk remedy

Depending on the volume of the stains, take a certain amount baking soda, mix with water to a paste-like state, apply a thick layer on rust spots, leave for an hour.

At the end of the time, wipe with the abrasive side of the sponge, rinse with running water and wipe dry.

Acrylic bathtubs

The most modern type of bathtub, which appeared in Russia only in the 90s of the last century. Most people prefer such baths because of their lightness and ease of maintenance.

The service life is 10 years, but proper care an acrylic bathtub will retain its appearance for a longer time.

Caring for an acrylic bathtub

Since acrylic bathtubs are made from polymer materials, they do not corrode, which makes maintenance much easier. To save beautiful view baths, it is enough to wipe the surface dry after each water procedure, and wash it with a sponge and liquid soap once a week.

Although an acrylic bathtub is resistant to rust, it can easily develop limescale. You can get rid of it using store-bought or folk remedies.

Folk remedy for limescale

Dissolve 30 g in 0.5 liters of warm water citric acid, pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and evenly spray the surface of the bath. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water and wipe dry.

Bathroom care after restoration

If the old bathtub was restored with liquid acrylic, you should not be afraid to wash and clean it. This coating is not inferior to the factory version and may even be of higher quality. That's why special rules There is no need to adhere to bath hygiene.

In the case of restoring a bathtub with ordinary store-bought enamel, everything is different. The thin coating layer is very sensitive to abrasive cleaning agents and temperature changes.

Such bathtubs should be washed only with a soft sponge and liquid soap, and in case of severe contamination, use regular baking soda.

Proper care of bathroom wall tiles

Even though ceramic wall tiles is a durable, unpretentious material; in order to maintain its original appearance for decades, proper and regular care is required.

  • After water procedures Condensation forms on the tiles. It must be wiped with a soft cloth.
  • Once a week, wash the tiles with regular soap solution and a sponge.
  • Seams ceramic tiles It is recommended to wipe ammonia, or vinegar. This operation must be performed with rubber gloves.
  • Once a month, it is advisable to treat the walls with an anti-mold product.

Such manipulations will preserve the beautiful appearance of ceramic wall tiles and protect against mold and mildew.

Acrylic bathtubs are very popular among connoisseurs of comfortable conditions. This innovative piece of sanitary ware is heat-resistant and does not corrode. Acrylic requires proper care. Cleaning your bathtub is not difficult if you do it daily. The main thing is to choose the right tools. We'll look at the details in the article.

How and how to clean an acrylic bathtub without damaging the surface

Acrylic is wear-resistant inert material. Widely used in the manufacturing sector. Acrylic plumbing looks gorgeous, but there is a significant drawback. The material is not very durable and is easily damaged.

Daily maintenance of your plumbing fixtures will keep your bathtub in good condition. good condition. The delicate surface does not withstand cleaning agents based on caustic powder, abrasives, chlorine, alkali and acid. After such treatment, scratches remain on the coating, and the bathtub irreversibly loses its original appearance.

Brushes must not be used on metal base so as not to spoil the coating. Do not place on the bottom of the bathtub hard objects: buckets, basins, stools. It is not recommended to bathe pets in an acrylic bathtub. Even a child can scratch the delicate coating, not to mention cats and dogs.

Care products for delicate sanitary ware should have a liquid consistency. In the absence of a professional product, we will use, for example, shower gel.

We follow the sequence of actions:

  • distribute the liquid substance over the surface of the plumbing with a soft sponge;
  • wait about five minutes until the surface gets wet;
  • rinse with warm water, helping with soft material;
  • We evaluate the result and repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • dry the bath with dry wipes;
  • Rub the surface of the plumbing fixtures with a soft rag to make them shine.
Rules for caring for a delicate bath:
  • After each use, wash the plumbing item with warm water and a soft sponge.
  • After cleaning the surface, wipe the bathtub dry.
  • Do not soak dirty laundry in the container.
  • Avoid cleaning products that contain inappropriate chemicals.
  • Once every ten days we treat the surface of the bathtub with approved chemical solutions.
  • When bathing pets, place dense material on the bottom.
  • When purchasing a detergent, carefully read the ingredients.

Acrylic has dirt-repellent properties. Daily care will help maintain the appearance of the bath for a long time.

How to properly wash an acrylic bathtub: video instructions

In a short video, a housewife shares the secrets of keeping an acrylic bathtub clean and talks about the rules for caring for delicate sanitary ware. What cleaning products are best to use:

Bathtub cleaners with acrylic coating. Is it possible to use Domestos

In specialized plumbing stores you can get advice on professional products designed to clean capricious coatings:

A universal product that allows you to tidy up your entire personal hygiene room. There are no abrasive elements in the composition. There are no difficulties in application. Spray the product evenly over the entire surface. Wait a few minutes and rinse thoroughly.


The product is perfect for any acrylic surface. Ecologically pure product will save the plumbing from unpleasant odor and from persistent dirt. After processing Team-Profi, a dirt-repellent layer is created on the coating, giving plumbing items shine and newness.


Specialized foam that cleans acrylic plumbing fixtures from complex formations and outdated stains. After treatment, the surface of sanitary ware is formed protective film, protecting the delicate coating from the re-formation of water stone.


Inexpensive but high quality cleaning product. The only drawback is the pungent smell. Don't forget to use the funds personal protection when processing plumbing fixtures. Spray the product evenly. Wait no more than seven minutes and rinse thoroughly with running water. Wipe dry with napkins. Cinderella Can also be used to clean other bathroom items.


A universal product that will tidy up your entire bathroom. Used for gentle cleaning of delicate coatings from stains, grease, lime and corrosive compounds. The presence of acrylic polymer in the composition protects the surface of the bathtub from dirt for a long time, giving shine to objects.

Frosch "Green Grapes"

An excellent product will delight housewives with a gentle solution and a pleasant smell. Used as a cleaner for acrylic coatings and enamel dishes. Frosch is bought by connoisseurs of environmental cleanliness. The composition of the product is safe for people and pets. There is a minus - it does not cope with stubborn stubborn stains.

Housewives are concerned about the possibility of using Domestos, which has gained popularity due to its ability to cope with complex dirt and blockages (see also -).

Domestos can be used, but with caution. The composition contains acids that corrode even the glassy coating. Pour the product onto top part acrylic wall. Using a soft sponge, distribute Domestos evenly over the walls of the container. Waiting time – no more than 10 minutes! Let's go over the sponge again and rinse thoroughly with running water.

If it is possible to use another remedy, it is better to exclude Domestos!

How to get rid of yellowness and limescale

Yellowness on the delicate surface of plumbing fixtures is associated with the formation of lime or so-called waterstone. Complex deposits appear from the interaction of the coating with water of a specific structure.

Get rid of yellow plaque possible using professional tools, for example, Akrilan or Team-Profi. To simplify the task, let’s prepare the cleaning acid solution ourselves.

Pour one or two liters of low concentration acetic or citric acid into the bath. Spread over the surface and leave for twelve hours. We rinse the plumbing fixtures with running water under strong pressure. Dry the surface with a dry cloth.

The acid procedure will protect the acrylic bathtub from difficult plaque for a whole year!

Folk remedies

Let's prepare our own cleaning solutions.

Light contamination clean up toothpaste. Apply the product to the stains and scrub with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Rinse off with running water and dry.

Stains and stains are deleted baking soda, mixed with liquid soap. Apply the mixture to the contaminated areas and wait about twenty minutes. Wash off and dry.

In the fight against limescale and rust the solution will be used ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions.

Get rid of light rust possible using baking soda. Prepare a mushy solution and apply it to the coating. We wait twenty minutes. Wash off with water and dry.

Old rust will move away from saline solution. Apply table salt to the stain. We use the back side of the sponge, previously moistened with turpentine.

Complex contaminants clean with 1-2 liters acetic acid weak concentration poured into a full bath of hot water. We leave it until the morning. Drain the vinegar solution and rinse the container.

As an alternative, we will use 200 grams of citric acid. The procedure is similar.

What cannot be cleaned

During the cleaning process the following must not be used:
  • powdered products;
  • solutions for surfaces made of other materials;
  • products based on formaldehyde, alkalis, formic and phosphoric acid;
  • chlorine-containing products.
Acrylic sanitary ware decorates the bathroom. Before you buy luxurious bath, think about whether you have time to care for her. Capricious material requires daily attention! Try not to experiment. Buy professional cleaning products.