Proper exercise: what exercises can and should be done in the morning. Morning exercises - a set of exercises

When we wake up, we are somewhat inhibited, because our body continues to be in a state of rest and sleep. It takes 2-3 hours to finally wake up. The process of washing helps to invigorate, allowing you to send impulses to the nerve centers. However, complete awakening is impossible without working the joints and muscles. This is what morning exercises are aimed at. Before we find out how to do exercises in the morning, let's figure out what its benefits are.

For physical training You should visit the gym 3-4 times a week, giving a thorough load to your muscles. Morning training, in turn, should have a healing meaning. Exercise will bring maximum benefit if over time the exercises included in its complex improve and become more complex. It is recommended to do it in a ventilated area, wearing clothes that do not restrict movement. It is best to end it with a contrast shower.

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious: it will help overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which is expressed in irritability, bad mood, decreased vitality, increased drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue.

Difference from other types of loads

Don't turn exercise into a workout. She has other goals. Charging is called so because it has the goal of charging you with energy for the whole working day. The training is aimed at tensing the muscles by exhausting the body. After it, the body wants peace, since a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without certain preparation, you can only bring harm to yourself.

Some people prefer to do a morning jog in combination with various strength exercises for arms, abs and other muscle groups. Such exercises last longer than exercises: about 40-50 minutes. It would be incorrect to classify this type of load as charging. Charging is called a complex physical exercise, designed to warm up muscles and joints.

Exercise can and should be combined with strength training, but their quantity, duration and type are determined individually depending on physical fitness, free time and desire. When is it better to exercise in the morning or evening? Optimal time Strength training for the body is in the afternoon, and for exercise - in the morning.

Charging rules

How to do morning exercises correctly? The body wakes up gradually and therefore any heavy load immediately after waking up causes the heart to abruptly switch to an active mode of operation, which is harmful to the heart muscle.

Some types of exercises can be done right in bed. But this includes warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. This will not be enough to make the day cheerful and active. Therefore, it is recommended to walk around, wash, drink at least a glass of water and then begin the main exercises.

Music for morning exercises is selected individually. If your complex includes intense exercises, you should choose music with a tempo of 140-170 beats per minute. Most modern songs have this tempo. If the exercise takes place in a calm rhythm, you should choose slower compositions. Choose rhythmic songs, as they help to properly organize movements and coordinate breathing with them.

The best morning exercise is the one after which you feel a surge of strength and vigor. The main mistake when charging is excessive load. The main idea of ​​exercise is to tone up the body. It does not have the goal of building muscle mass. The best way identifying a measure of the load is one’s own well-being: there should not be a feeling of tiredness or tiredness. If this happens, the load must be reduced.

Set of exercises

Exercises for morning exercises have various variations, but the main ones are the following.

Neck exercises

  • Turns the head right and left.
  • Tilt the head forward and backward, right and left.
  • Slow circular rotations of the head.

You should not close your eyes if you have problems with the vestibular system.

Hand exercises

Core Exercises

Leg exercises

Additional exercises

You can also add strength exercises to your morning exercise routine, such as:

  • abdominal exercises,
  • pushups,
  • rotation of a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop),
  • exercises with an expander,
  • exercises with light or medium weight dumbbells.

The effect of regular exercise

By doing the above exercises you will improve general state body, help it quickly switch to a working state.

Exercise in the morning activates the work of our auditory, visual, vestibular and other devices, mobilizes the central nervous system to work, which eliminates the state of lethargy that occurs after sleep. Regular exercise leads to beneficial physical changes: improved blood circulation, proper operation heart muscle, acceleration of venous blood flow. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs, the blood is saturated with oxygen, which leads to the activation of acid-reduction processes in the body, strengthening muscles and strengthening joints.

Perform a set of exercises daily for morning exercises, and you will prepare your body for the upcoming physical, mental and emotional stress of the working day. A properly composed set of exercises will lift your spirits and allow you to feel all the joys of an active lifestyle.

Exercising in the morning is a sore subject for many of us, and it became sore not because it is bad and unpleasant, but, on the contrary, because it is very useful, good, but always too lazy. If a person starts doing exercises in the morning, he automatically becomes, in the eyes of many, a strong-willed, purposeful person.

If you decide to do exercises in the morning, then the first thing you will need is to set a specific day for your first workout. Please note that you need exactly a SPECIFIC day, that is, a SPECIFIC date of a SPECIFIC month, and not next Monday, the first day of summer, etc.

In order to psychologically tune in to the selected start date for training, it is advised to set a repeating daily notification about this in mobile phone, laptop or any other equipment. Thanks to these notifications, you will know for sure that, for example, your training will begin in 3 days.

It is very good to post notices with the specified charging date in your apartment or house on mirrors, refrigerators and other items. The more reminders you come across, the stronger the effect of visualization will be, and the easier it will be for you to complete the exercises on the appointed day.

So that nothing interferes with your workout, it is recommended to get up at least 30 to 40 minutes earlier than usual on the day of morning exercises. Of these 30–40 minutes, at least 15 will be spent on finally waking up, “dispersing,” washing, drinking a glass clean water.

Despite the fact that many experts insist on a 25-minute duration of morning exercises, practice shows that you can warm up well and usefully in 15 minutes.

Being overloaded in the morning is also not an option, because:

  • you just got up, and your body, even 20 minutes after waking up, is not ready for intense exercise;
  • intensive training requires a lot of effort and energy, so doing it in the morning is not entirely advisable, because then you may simply not have enough strength to solve household, work and other issues during the day.

Basic rules for effective and healthy morning exercises

Morning work-out always starts with a glass of clean water. It’s probably not worth drinking more than one glass, since after all, you’re not planning to relax on the couch, but to do physical exercise.

note that we're talking about specifically about water, and not about juice, coffee or tea. I think you know that tea or coffee not only do not maintain or replenish water balance, but also contribute to the removal of fluid from the body. For this reason, such pre-workout drinks are not suitable for us at all.

Each new charging exercise begins at a slow pace. Slowly, focusing on each rotation of the neck, leg, arm, and torso, several approaches are performed. Slow first approaches are very important, since with their help you will “warm up” and stretch your muscles, preparing your joints for more intense loads.

It is necessary to think over such a set of exercises so that during the execution you can use all muscle groups. Exercises for one muscle group should not follow one another, they should be alternated. This will allow you not to “clog” the muscles, but to effectively stretch them.

What exercises are best to include if you are planning to do morning exercises

If you are planning to do exercises in the morning to improve your health, do not complicate your life by choosing exercises that are difficult to understand and implement. The best option in this case, the most common swings, bends, and stretches will become.

For the neck, they have not yet come up with anything more effective than turning the head to the right/left, tilting the head forward/backward, or slow circular movements of the head. If you have problems with the vestibular system, it is recommended to close your eyes when warming up your neck.

For the arms, rotational movements with fists, shoulders (together and alternately), and rotation of the elbows forward/backward are excellent.

You can stretch your core muscles by placing your feet shoulder-width apart and bending forward with your fingers/palms touching the floor. Effective, simple and enjoyable exercises are considered to be circular movements of the pelvis, bending to the side, and rotation of the torso.

It’s definitely worth setting aside time to do leg exercises. Here you can always swing your legs forward/backward, alternate lifts to the side of your legs, squats, etc.

For those who do not want to include exercise in their good habits, because they believe that doing it will require a lot of strain, there is great news: morning exercises do not aim to perform exercises at maximum strength capabilities. Each new approach lasts until you feel a little tired.

How effective is morning exercise?

If in your good habits morning exercises are included, you probably appreciated all the benefits that such exercises bring. During exercise in the morning, the work of hearing, vision, and the vestibular system is activated, the activity of the central nervous system is accelerated, drowsiness is eliminated, mood improves, and muscle tone increases.

Morning work-out - effective method acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, therefore allows you to achieve best results in losing weight. If you want to normalize blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscle, and get rid of shortness of breath, exercise in the morning will be a good guide for you in achieving these goals.

Morning exercise is a good habit for a highly effective person. By doing the simplest exercises for 15 minutes in the morning, you will provide yourself with vigor, health, and a great mood.

Everyone knows that physical exercise is very beneficial for the human body. Physical activity is generally associated with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle, in turn, begins with morning exercises. What kind of ritual is this? What are its advantages and disadvantages? These and other questions will be discussed in this article.

The main purpose of morning exercises

Immediately after getting up, our body is slowed down because it is still at rest. Full awakening occurs only after three hours. Washing with cool water and a cup of invigorating coffee helps the body to wake up a little, but while the joints are not working, the body is in a sleepy state, half asleep. It is to awaken the muscles and joints that morning exercises are aimed.

Do not turn the charge into a full charge strength training, her goal is different. It is so called because it should energize the body for the entire coming day, and not exhaust it. Strength training takes a lot of energy, and after it you want peace. And this is not at all what you want in the morning, right?

What benefits does gymnastics give in the morning?

The main purpose of the exercises, as already said, is awakening. During sleep, our body rests, at this time the pulse slows down, the blood thickens, and blood pressure decreases. After we wake up, the body needs time to restore all its functions and transition to wakefulness. Exercise helps the body to perk up faster, speed up blood circulation, and restore breathing and blood pressure. In this way we will physically prepare for the day ahead.

For slimming people, exercise in the morning is mandatory, as it speeds up metabolism, therefore increasing the number of calories burned. And as you know, if more calories are burned than consumed, then weight decreases. Over time, the body gets used to the weight loss regime: it prepares in advance for the upcoming loads, so it will become easier to wake up.

Features of morning exercises

If you choose running instead of exercise to exercise in the morning, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid cardio immediately after waking up. At this time, the body has not yet recovered from sleep; a sharp increase in pulse and pressure will negatively affect the functioning of the heart.
  • Running on an empty stomach increases your chance of getting an infection. This is due to the fact that in the morning the human body’s immune resistance is reduced. It is best to have breakfast, and after two or three hours go for a run of 3 kilometers. This will be enough to give you a boost of energy.

How to accustom your body to morning exercises

  • First of all, you need to understand with your head that morning exercises are needed to improve your health, and under no circumstances force yourself to exercise.
  • Sleep for 7-9 hours, then waking up will be easy.
  • Stop being lazy. The minutes you sleep after your alarm goes off can be spent doing exercise.
  • A good mood is the key to success.
  • Start exercising right in bed, doing various stretches, and gradually add regular exercises.

The benefits of physical activity in the morning

Let's consider the advantages of charging:

  • Exercise helps the body recover from sleep and cheer up. Blood circulation improves, the body receives a powerful incentive to work.
  • Morning exercises have a beneficial effect on muscle growth. This is due to the fact that during light exercises the muscles are filled with blood and active components.
  • Many fitness instructors agree that morning workouts help you fight extra pounds. In the morning, before eating, the body does not have enough nutrients. Therefore, in order to endure the exercise, he will take the missing energy from his fats.
  • IN winter time morning physical activity is extremely beneficial. In the morning, the streets are full of bundled up and sleepy people, and if you do a few exercises and drink a cup of invigorating coffee, then you will go out into the street in high spirits and in a vigorous state. Exercise gives a rush of blood to muscle tissue. A person warms up faster and is not afraid of any frost.

Lack of physical activity in the morning

Charging, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone. Let's figure out why:

  • Exercise negatively affects the cardiovascular system. At night, the body is at rest, the heart beats in a slow rhythm. Physical activity will dramatically increase your blood pressure and heart rate. The heart may have difficulty pumping large volumes of blood, which can lead to a heart attack.
  • Exercising on an empty stomach is bad for your organs.
  • After exercising on an empty stomach, you will most likely feel desire eat. This may lead to overeating in the future.

We can conclude that morning exercises are not suitable for everyone, but only for people with excellent health.

Basic Rules

To ensure efficient charging, follow these recommendations:

  • The load will require more oxygen from the body, so exercise with open window or in the fresh air.
  • Dress according to the weather. It's warm indoors or outdoors - shorts, a T-shirt or tank top will do. If it’s cool, wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants.
  • Take exercises that suit your fitness level. You should not do the splits if you did the splits before when you were six years old.
  • The level of load should be approximately the same from day to day.
  • Start exercising 15-20 minutes after waking up so that your body has time to recover from sleep.

Exercises for gymnastics

Surely everyone thinks that they know how to do exercises in the morning. But not everyone knows that jumping up, doing exercises and then running about your business is wrong. The entire workout should consist of several blocks: warm-up and cool-down lasting 2-3 minutes and main exercise. The warm-up can include smooth stretching and bending of the body, turning the head, rotational movements of the arms, and lifting on the toes.

There are many exercises that can be included in your morning exercises. The complex (approximately) might look like this:

  • Starting position standing. Raise your hands, clasp them together with your palms facing outward, and stretch your arms upward. Perform for 2-3 minutes.
  • Perform circular movements with your head, trying to touch your shoulder. Rotate your head only in a forward semicircle to avoid injury.
  • Rise on your toes, first on both legs simultaneously, then alternately.
  • Bend the torso to the sides. As you do this exercise, you will feel a stretch in your oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Bend your right leg and pull it towards you. Hold it in this position for a few seconds. Then repeat the same with your left leg.

All kinds of circular rotations of the joints, bends, and swings are good. After completing the exercises, stretch.

Features of morning exercises for children

Light exercise for little ones playing important role in the formation of the immune system and musculoskeletal system. By performing them to the music, kids will recharge with energy and good mood all day. There are recommendations that, if followed, can increase the effectiveness of gymnastics:

  1. The room should be well ventilated. In summer, it is better to exercise outside.
  2. You should start exercising after washing and brushing your teeth, but before breakfast.
  3. The duration should not exceed 10-15 minutes. During this time, the baby will not get tired and will get the maximum benefit from the classes.
  4. It is recommended to conduct classes while listening to children's songs or while reading a poem, so as not to get bored.
  5. Mom or dad should definitely monitor their child’s breathing. Inhalation should be through the nose, exhalation through the mouth.

Try to do all exercises in a playful way. You can imagine that you are fairy-tale characters or animals. Here are some examples of how you can beat boring exercises:

  • "Sun". Starting position standing. Raise your arms up and reach for the sun. You can greet the clouds at the top point.
  • "Bunny." Jump as if you are this big-eared animal. For variety, you can show where his paws, eyes, and so on are.
  • "Heron". Raise your knees high and walk like a heron. Then you can stand on one leg.
  • "Bike". Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your legs up and make movements with them that imitate riding a bicycle. This exercise is one of the most favorite for children.

Finish the exercise with a breathing cycle.

Morning exercises for men

Gymnastics for men is not only a way to keep their physical health, but also to maintain good health throughout the day. In addition, exercise will help keep your muscles toned. To do this, just buy dumbbells and spend 15-20 minutes in the morning.

The benefits of charging are undeniable:

  • Strengthening the muscle corset.
  • Reducing the percentage of body fat.
  • Improved physique.
  • Increased productivity throughout the day.

As you can see, you can get a beautiful silhouette at home by doing balanced exercises in the morning. A set of exercises for men should consist of exercises aimed at working different muscle groups. Here is an approximate block of what will suit any guy:

  • Deep squats (3 sets of 20 times).
  • French bench press – 20 reps.
  • Deadlift with dumbbells – 20 times.
  • Push-ups from the floor – 30 times.
  • Plank exercise.

Complete the exercise with several breathing cycles, then take a contrast shower.

Rules for effective charging for men

In order not to harm your health, males should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Start your preparation in the evening. Decide which muscle groups you will train and which exercises are suitable for this.
  • To avoid injury, be sure to warm up at the beginning and cool down at the end of your workout.
  • Do not hammer one muscle with several exercises in a row. So she will “clog.”
  • Use different dumbbell weights for each exercise.
  • Do exercises in the morning at home at a calm pace, do not overload your heart.
  • Consider the load level according to age. For adults, it is recommended to reduce the load by 15%.

As you can see, gymnastics is suitable for almost everyone. Healthy image Life consists not only of physical activity. Balanced nutrition, healthy sleep, hardening and refusal bad habits are also an integral part of it. If you started implementing a healthy lifestyle with physical activity, then remember that best charger in the morning - this is the one that is made at your own request.

Many people have been taught since childhood that morning exercises are good for health. But why? Let's try to figure it out: is it true that physical activity in the morning has a positive effect on the body.

There are many conflicting opinions on this matter - apparently, these are the consequences of the eternal dispute between "larks" who are eager to start the day actively and "owls" who value an extra minute of morning sleep.

Despite this, there are a decent number of factors indicating in favor morning exercises.

Stronger heart

Let's start with the fact that a gymnast in the morning strengthens the heart muscle .

The main task of exercise in the very morning is to transfer the human body from “sleep” mode to active mode.

After all, at night all systems function slowly.

And after charging there is a decrease blood pressure, and blood circulation is improving, thereby increasing the level "useful" cholesterol.


in people who regularly exercise in the morning, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is significantly reduced.

You think better!

Another pleasant bonus of such gymnastics:

if all systems in the body accelerate and blood flows faster, it means it supplies the hemispheres of the brain better.

Therefore, it is easier for a person to get involved in active work in the morning.

Down with the unnecessary

According to scientific research, those who regularly start their day with physical activity experience...

And your metabolism works better. Plus, sports exercises are simply beneficial. That is why I am a fan of morning exercises no problem excess weight.

Psychological moment

Getting up in the morning and starting to do exercises - this requires concentration.

And this is pleasant feeling of pride for yourself and the realization that you start your day cheerfully and actively and can move mountains.

During physical activity, endorphins (hormones of happiness) are released into the blood. They help cope with blues and depression.

As you know, mental health is closely related to physical health. And if a person is cheerful and happy with life, then, according to scientists, the risk of developing cancer is reduced. In addition, the ability to concentrate and do what is planned is useful skill, which will always come in handy.

Easier to plan

Most people are busy at work all day and only have free time in the evening. Admit it to yourself honestly: you don’t want to do exercises when you’re tired after working day. It is better to devote this time to relaxation and social activity.

Lack of time, fatigue and busyness are all... just excuses , not the real reasons. If you still don’t do morning exercises, then real reason- just laziness.

One more point:

do not confuse exercise with training, because excessive loads in the morning are not needed. Moreover, it is even harmful.

And you can start the exercises right in bed - stretching and tensing your muscles.

Thus, a little exercise and a healthy nutritious breakfast - and your day has begun. perfect!

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What burns fat faster: running or lifting? Many people think that lifting weights is much more effective than aerobics. Is it true? Let's find out a little below.

When newcomers come to the gym, due to their inexperience, they make many mistakes. Of course, there is a fitness instructor in the gym who will show you a number of exercises and correct any errors that appear. However, in this article we will tell you what exercises you need to do and how many approaches.

Following all diets and regimens correctly proper nutrition, you still won't be able to achieve an increase muscle mass. In order to achieve a certain result, there are only two options: go to sport Club or activity at home. Of course, the fitness instructor will select the necessary set of exercises and tell you about the diet. However, in this article we will offer you a method of building mass based on several exercises.

Surely many people remember how in childhood they were taught to do exercises before going to wash and have breakfast. Exercise is very important and beneficial for the human body. However, there is currently still debate as to when is the best time to exercise.

Most of the institute's specialists physical culture They believe that physical exercise should not be done immediately after waking up, but during the day. To be more precise regarding the question of when is the best time to do exercises, this process should be carried out after 15:00. Experts say that the fact that morning exercises can improve performance, increase flexibility and tone the body is just a myth. The only advantage is that you will wake up sooner.

Owls and larks

Those people who are early risers do not need to exercise at all. They can wake up quite easily in the morning even without additional physical exercise. But that part of the population that considers itself to be a night owl, instead of getting out of bed and starting to actively bend over and squat, is ready to lie down for another half hour so that the body gradually awakens on its own. Speaking about when is the best time to do exercises, it is worth noting that physical activity should coincide with the peak release of certain hormones.

Scientists conducted an experiment. Workers at the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports asked people who had never played sports on a regular basis to participate in the experiment. All members of the experiment were pre-divided into four groups, after which they were asked to do the exercises at different times:

  • the first group did exercises in the morning;
  • the second - during the day;
  • third - in the evening;
  • the fourth group did no exercise at all.

Ultimately, the best results were achieved by the group members who did exercises between 15:00 and 18:00.

Based on this, a conclusion can be drawn regarding when it is better to do exercises: both owls and larks should exercise in the afternoon, but not in the evening.

The difference between charging and other types of loads

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious: such exercises help fight hypokinesia syndrome, which is expressed in bad mood, irritability, increased drowsiness, decreased tone, fatigue and lethargy.

However, when considering when it is better to do exercises: in the morning, after lunch or in the evening, it should be noted that it does not need to be turned into a workout. Charging is called that precisely because the goal is to charge the human body for the whole day. The same exercises that are performed in the gym are aimed at straining muscle tissue by exhausting your body. After such training, the body needs rest, as a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without certain preparation, you can even harm the body.

Many people prefer to run in the morning, combining running with other strength exercises aimed at the muscles of the arms, abs and others. This type of training lasts longer when compared to regular exercise. Therefore, this type of load does not apply to morning exercises. Exercise is usually called a set of physical exercises that are aimed at warming up muscles and joints.

It can also be done in combination with strength training, but their quantity and duration should be determined individually, based on physical fitness, the amount of free time and the desire of the person. Therefore, when answering the question of what time is best to do exercises, the training schedule will also be important.

Charging rules

The human body begins to wake up gradually, so any physical activity immediately after waking up will force the heart to suddenly switch to an active mode of operation, and this is harmful to the heart muscle. Speaking about when it is better to do exercises, before or after breakfast, you should know that it would be wiser to warm up an hour and a half after eating. But light exercises can also be done before breakfast, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that after exercise it is not recommended to have breakfast for another hour.

There are some types of such exercises that you can do without getting out of bed. This should include warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. This is not enough to be active and cheerful all day. Therefore, it is better to walk around after waking up, drink at least 1 glass of water, wash, and only then do basic exercises.

To do means to do something after which a person feels a surge of vigor and strength. Quite often, many people make a mistake when doing exercises, which is excessive load. The main thing is to raise the tone of the human body. These exercises are not intended to build muscle or lose weight. Therefore, the question regarding what is the best exercise to do for weight loss will be inappropriate here. You just need to identify the measure of the load using your own well-being: during exercise there should not be a feeling of overwork or tiredness. If this happens, then you need to reduce the load. And if someone has a goal to lose weight, then more intense physical activity will be required, as well as adherence to a certain diet and diet.

Neck exercises

Exercises for doing morning exercises have different variations. The first of these involve performing exercises for the neck:

  1. Turns the head left and right.
  2. Slow circular rotations of the head.
  3. Tilt the head to the right and left, forward and backward.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a person has problems with the vestibular system, then there is no need to close his eyes while performing these exercises.

Hand exercises

Hand exercises include the following:

  1. Fist rotation to warm up your wrist joints. You can also do a rotation by clasping your hands together.
  2. Rotation of the shoulders - first together, then in turn.
  3. Rotation with straight arms.
  4. Circular rotational movements of the forearms. In this case, you must simultaneously bend your elbows, first towards yourself and then away from you.
  5. Circular rotations with elbows. In this case, you need to touch your shoulders with your fingers and keep your arms bent.

Core Exercises

Morning exercises necessarily include core exercises:

  1. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, and then bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingers or palms, if stretching allows this. It is worth paying attention to the fact that movements must be performed smoothly.
  2. Rotation of the pelvis. Hands should be placed on the belt, and movements should not cause pain or pinched muscles.
  3. Tilts in different directions. At the same time, for greater stability, your feet should be placed shoulder-width apart. Left hand put it on your belt, and pull the right one up. After several bends, change hands, and do the bend in the opposite side.
  4. Finally, you should rotate your torso. In this case, your arms should be bent at the elbows, your hands should be locked. Several turns are made to the left, and then several in the opposite direction. The legs should be in place, the feet should not leave the floor.

Leg exercises

The morning exercise ends with exercises for the legs:

  1. Swing your legs forward and backward. In total, you should do 15-20 swings.
  2. Alternately raise your legs in different directions. Approximately 15-20 times with each leg.
  3. Make circular movements in your knees, keeping them slightly bent.
  4. Do squats. The heels should not come off the floor. While squatting, extend your arms in front of you. 15-20 squats will be enough to start with.


When considering when it is better to do exercises (morning or evening), experts lean more toward the afternoon. There is no need to do exercises on a full stomach. It is also necessary to remember that exercise can never replace a hike. Gym, If main goal is burning fat or gaining weight.