Proper care of Chinese rose. How to care for Chinese rose at home. What to do when the castings of a Chinese rose turn yellow

The desire to follow fashion and turn houses into flower greenhouses is good. Not everyone is able to grow such indoor flower specimens that surprise with their lush flowering and appearance. Why is this happening?

Because before buying a flower you need to find out about all the features of its growth. Without fertilizing, lighting and care, not a single plant will have a presentable appearance and will simply wither away in a dark corner.

People buy and want to grow hibiscus or Chinese rose for its large, lush, bright red flowers.

Flowers can be not only red, but also yellow, crimson, and white. Flowers are distinguished by shape - some are simple, some are lush, some are medium and some are large. The flower itself is large in size and requires a lot of space, unlike its colleagues that live on the windowsill.

At proper care hibiscus can grow up to 3 meters high and you will need to transfer it to the greenhouse. If there is no such thing, then you will have to immediately take care that the tree grows in width and not in height. The rules of care include pruning and shaping the bush.

Important! In order for the Chinese rose to bloom and there are many flowers, you need to follow all the rules for caring for the plant

Soil for hibiscus

The root system of a large plant requires a constant supply of oxygen. If the soil is heavy, it will make it difficult for the tree to aerate and absorb nutrients.

For good growth and future flowering, it is better to mix the soil yourself. To do this you need to prepare one part at a time:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • turf land;
  • ordinary garden soil;
  • rotted leaves.

You can add charcoal. To feed hibiscus, you need to mix it into the soil. wood ash– for 10 kg of soil 2 cups of ash. Ash also contributes to the loosening and flow of soil and at first there will be something to feed indoor hibiscus so that it blooms after rooting.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of a spacious pot - stones, pebbles, shells, expanded clay. Chinese rose does not tolerate stagnation of water in a pot. You may need to change your watering method and add water to the pan to dry the soil.

Lighting for Chinese rose

Hibiscus is a light-loving plant. You shouldn’t put it in a dark corner of the room and expect it to bloom. If the process of photosynthesis, which occurs only in the presence of sunlight, is disrupted, the absorption of nutrients responsible for the appearance of buds is disrupted - phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, you need to look for a place where there is a constant flow of light.

It could be balcony loggia or a place under the window. If the plant is small, it will fit on the windowsill.

In spring, hibiscus is taken outside to ventilate and get used to the sun's rays. At first you need to shade the leaves to avoid burns. When it gets used to it, open it completely.

Hibiscus pruning

In order for a Chinese rose to bloom, you need to prune it. Branches growing inward block light and make growth difficult. That's why they are cut off. The tops also need to be pinched.

Flowers form on young shoots, so it is important to have more of them. Old branches can be cut to 1/3 of their length. The tips of the shoots after flowering are cut off so that young side shoots are formed, on which buds will in turn appear. Thus, with the help of pruning alone, you can form hibiscus blooms.

Pruning is carried out at the end of winter or early spring. Although, the Chinese rose is not harmed by year-round regular pruning crowns

If indoor hibiscus is growing well and the upper branches are already touching the ceiling, they need to be removed. By pruning the apical branches, the growth of lateral branches is stimulated. To grow green mass, the plant needs nutrients. How to feed a Chinese rose at home?

Fertilizers for Chinese rose

Fertilizers for indoor hibiscus can be made independently from improvised means - tea leaves, eggshell, banana skins. But it is better to use proven methods - buy and use more nutritious products - mullein, chicken droppings, mineral mixtures.

Organic matter

The following organic materials are suitable for feeding hibiscus:

  • mullein infusion;
  • infusion of chicken manure;
  • wood ash;
  • bone flour;
  • green manure;
  • humus;
  • compost.

To avoid burning the hibiscus root system, it is recommended to use manure and chicken droppings in the form of a diluted infusion. Activities such as infusing manure should be carried out on summer cottage. The smell in the apartment can become unbearable.

To prepare the infusion:

  • fill bucket manure or chicken droppings by a third;
  • to fill with water;
  • insist 3 – 4 days, stirring so that excess ammonia evaporates;
  • liter of infusion from mullein dilute 10 liters of water , liter of chicken infusion - 20 l.

Green fertilizer is made as follows:

  • Fill the container one third with grass;
  • to fill with water;
  • leave for 3 – 4 days.

Water at the root. Infusions of mullein, dung and herbs contain nitrogen and potassium. But for phosphorus nutrition you will have to use other animal substances or plant origin. This is bone meal or wood ash.

Ash for hibiscus is used dry or poured with infusion - 300 g of ash per bucket of water. Ash solution is a source of potassium and phosphorus for roots and flowering. Ash has one drawback - low nitrogen content, since during combustion it evaporates into the atmosphere. Nitrogen fertilizers can be applied foliar. Dissolve 1 g of urea in a liter of water and spray with a spray bottle.

Important! You cannot add nitrogen mixtures and ash to the soil at the same time. These substances neutralize each other’s effects and become useless for rose nutrition.

Bone meal has an advantage over other organic fertilizers - it costs less, is applied less frequently, and lasts longer. The substance is rich in calcium, potassium and especially phosphorus. You can use it once per season, since the fertilizer completely decomposes in the soil within six months. For 10 kg of soil mixture you need to add 2 cups of bone meal.

Mineral mixtures

Mineral fertilizer for indoor hibiscus should contain potassium and phosphorus. Some gardeners do not recommend using nitrogen fertilizers, explaining that hibiscus does not like them. But in order for the plant to grow and stay green, nitrogen is necessary. There is no need to use excessively.

Video: Feeding for rapid growth and flowering of Chinese roses

If the plant asks for supplements, and this can be seen from the leaves - they become pale and lethargic, then you can spray with a urea solution or water with a complex mineral mixture. Watch for a couple of days. If the foliage comes back to life, then the plant needs nitrogen and can be sprayed again.

Hibiscus needs potassium and phosphorus to bloom. Potassium is responsible for the formation of buds. Phosphorus - for root growth. If the roots have not grown, the flower will shed its bud. This sometimes happens with small indoor Chinese roses that have been grown from cuttings. The hibiscus does not yet have enough strength to maintain flowering, so it refuses to bloom.

Chinese rose diseases

Hibiscus, like other plants, is susceptible to diseases:

  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • from a lack of microelements;
  • sunburn;
  • tracheomycosis (fusarium).

The fungus manifests itself by curling leaves and falling greenery. The reason is the proliferation of fungus in the soil due to insufficient disinfection. Spores are carried by the wind if the plant is outdoors in the summer. Nutrient imbalances contribute to fungal infections.

Fusarium is a very dangerous disease for hibiscus. It usually ends in death if the affected roots are not noticed and removed in time. The main reason disease is excessive watering, in which root system is rotting. Fungal spores in the soil penetrate into tissues. It is unlikely that such a plant will be saved.

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family and unites the most different types annuals, perennial plants, as well as trees and shrubs. Many types of hibiscus are not only beautiful, but also very useful. You've probably already tried the delicious and healthy tea hibiscus with a unique sweet-sour taste. Dried bracts of Sudanese rose flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa, rosella) are used to brew aromatic hibiscus tea. Leaves, roots, fruits, seeds of some varieties of hibiscus are used to produce medicines, dyes, household tools, fabrics for sewing clothes.

The unpretentiousness of some types of hibiscus, as well as the unique beauty of their large flowers, have long aroused the interest of professional breeders, who over the past decades have developed many miniature hybrids for growing at home. Some hibiscus grow well on open ground and are used to form beautiful hedges, as well as original landscape design. One of the popular pearls for garden decoration is Syrian Hibiscus (sometimes called garden tree hibiscus), which can be used to form landscape composition together with garden crops of roses, flowering geraniums, large-flowered begonias, and perennial garden violets.

But perhaps the most famous representative The genus Hibiscus is the Chinese rose (Hibiscusrosa-sinensis, Chinese rose, Chinese hibiscus). Even novice amateur gardeners can easily take care of this unpretentious flowering indoor plant at home. Photo different varieties this homemade hibiscus will help you choose the appropriate option for decorating your interior, and useful tips and video materials on caring for Chinese roses will help you grow a healthy and annually blooming evergreen shrub.

Hybrid varieties Chinese roses have dwarf sizes (40-50 cm in height) and are perfectly adapted for growing at home. The dark green shiny leaves of this indoor plant have a corrugated, elongated ovate structure. leaf blades with jagged edges. Large flowers(reaching a diameter of 14 cm) with five delicate petals can be either simple or double. The flower is decorated with long stamens, collected in an elegant elongated tube. The color palette of petals of different varieties of homemade hibiscus is very wide and is represented by orange, pink, bright red, yellow, white and many other shades (see photo below). The Chinese rose flower often serves as a model for our craftswomen to make with their own hands elegant kanzashi-style jewelry for hair bands, barrettes, hairpins, brooches, as well as flowers from corrugated paper, chiffon, foamiran and other available materials. Modern interior designers often add Chinese hibiscus to flower arrangement together with phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchids, with jasmine gardenia, with domestic gloxinia, with Persian cyclamen. In phytodesign, the Chinese rose will look interesting against the background of Ficus Benjamin, Dracaena Marginata, Yucca domestica, Dollar or Money tree.

By annually pruning and pinching the tops of domestic hibiscus, you can form a very beautiful standard tree with a straight trunk and a spherical crown. Some professionals know how to create cute miniature bonsai-style trees from Chinese roses, which are not inferior in beauty to fuchsia bonsai or decorative azalea.

In order to grow a standard tree from Chinese hibiscus at home, you need to choose young plant with a beautiful straight central shoot and tie it at regular intervals to a support. All side shoots should be pruned as the hibiscus grows. We leave the support until the trunk of the tree gets stronger and becomes thick enough. After this, you need to pinch the top of the central shoot to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots to form the crown of a standard tree. Continue pruning the lower shoots, and the upper branches of the tree should be regularly shortened and pinched until a dense spherical crown is formed.


Location and lighting.

Despite the fact that the Chinese rose is a light-loving plant, you can place this homemade hibiscus in the back of the room on a beautiful wooden flower stand. However, there is a high probability that hibiscus will not bloom in partial shade. You can place a pot with a plant either on the windowsill or next to the window on a stand on any side of the room except the north. But during high solar activity, shade window glass from direct sunlight. The best lighting for China rose is soft, diffused light.

Temperature conditions.

It is not at all necessary to create any special temperature regime in the room for successful cultivation homemade hibiscus. In spring and summer, the plant will feel comfortable at a temperature of 19-25°C. In the warm season, you can take the pot with the plant outside open air- for example, on a balcony or loggia. If possible, in winter period keep the temperature in the room in the range of 14-17°C so that during the flowering period flower buds are formed without problems.

Air humidity.

The best option for growing hibiscus is a moderate level of indoor humidity (40-50%). But high humidity will not harm this hardy plant if it is healthy and free from pests. During the flowering period, it is advisable to spray the plant with settled water once every 2-3 days (and daily in dry air).


For irrigation, soft, settled water should be used. Both excessive waterlogging and severe drying out of the soil can harm hibiscus. In autumn and winter, water the plant moderately (about once every 3 days), when upper layer the substrate dries completely. And during the period of active growth and flowering, you need to water the Chinese rose abundantly and every day. All excess water pour out of the pan immediately.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

The substrate for planting Chinese roses should be quite loose and nutritious. Earth mixture you can make it yourself: clay-der new soil, humus and coarse sand (proportion: 2:1:1). You can also add just a little bone meal and peat to the flower pot with this mixture.

To stimulate lush and long-lasting flowering, be sure to add mineral fertilizers with nitrogen content once monthly in the spring and summer. In autumn and winter, you can fertilize the soil with a half dose of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer once a month.


Frequency: for young plants annually, and starting from the age of three - no more than once every three years.
Be sure to trim shoots

There are many superstitions and legends that relate to the Chinese rose. It is believed that it is a symbol of health in the house where it grows. According to one version, he absorbs all evil and attracts men to a woman, and according to another - quite the opposite.

The indoor Chinese rose is a tall, beautiful plant with large bright colors various shades. This beautiful flower loved by both professional flower growers and amateurs. It is easy to care for, the plant does not require care and conditions, and these are the main guarantees of fast and problem-free flower growth.

Description and characteristics

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, is a shrub more like a small tree. Despite the fact that hibiscus has no relationship with an ordinary rose, its external resemblance is determined by its serrated leaves, similar to slightly enlarged rose leaves, and beautiful flowers reminiscent of rose hips during the flowering period.

  • Large rose flowers are presented in different colors, they are distinguished by the fact that the fused pistil and stamens, located in the middle of the large, wide-open petals, form one long rod that extends beyond the boundaries of the petals.
  • The bush is decorative. Bright dark green leaves cover the entire top of the plant, which looks like a small standard tree.

Under natural conditions, a rose can grow up to four meters in height, but at home this figure is slightly lower. The maximum height of a plant at home rarely exceeds one and a half meters.

But wide branches and a well-developed root system require enough space, which is why the plant is often grown in barrels, placing them on the floor.

How to care for a plant at home

For those who want to have a beautiful plant at home, but do not have the experience in caring for home flowers, the Chinese rose is perfect. The flower is unpretentious, so caring for a Chinese rose at home will not be difficult.

The plant can be planted in partial shade, where there are temperature changes and drafts. It will not die even if you don’t water it for a while.

In order for a rose not only to live, but also to bring joy with its bright colors, you need to follow a few simple rules:

You should not feed hibiscus with fertilizers containing nitrogen, it does not like it.

Replanting and pruning

Young specimens need to be replanted annually. First you need to prepare the soil into which the plant will be transplanted. To do this, mix 2 parts of soil from the garden, one part sand and the same amount of peat in a pot.

To replant an already mature plant, heavier soil is used. When the hibiscus is three years old, it can be replanted every two to three years, or it can not be replanted at all.

Pruning to form a flower is carried out every year, only after this the hibiscus will delight the owner with beautiful flowering.

Immediately after flowering, the ends of the shoots must be cut off, then lateral shoots will develop, on which new buds will form.

It must be taken into account that flowers appear only on young shoots, because of this, each shoot that is not trimmed in a timely manner is minus one flower during the flowering period.

In early spring, it is imperative to pinch all shoots, including young ones. However, pruning is carried out throughout the year; this does not harm the plant at all.

Shoots that grow parallel to the main trunk and shoots that emerge from branches and grow inside the plant must be pruned. Only if these conditions are met can you receive abundant flowering.

Propagation of domestic hibiscus

In the Chinese rose, reproduction occurs both by seeds and shoots. But growing roses with seeds is a rather complicated process for a beginner. This technique is labor-intensive and more suitable for professionals and breeders.

Growing hibiscus using shoots has undeniable advantages:

  1. This technique allows you to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.
  2. This is especially important for the amateur: with this breeding method, the flowering period begins already in the year of planting.

Propagation by seeds

It is best to sow seeds from the last ten days of January to the second ten days of March. Before planting seeds in the ground, they must be kept in a special solution. For planting, you need to prepare soil consisting of peat and sand.

After planting, the container must be covered with glass or transparent film to create greenhouse conditions. It is imperative to maintain the temperature at least 25-27 degrees.

It must be remembered that the greenhouse must be regularly ventilated and the soil with seeds must be sprayed.

When the sprouts have 2-3 leaves, they need to be transplanted into a separate container. A Chinese rose grown from seeds will bloom only in the third year.

Cutting method

Roses can reproduce by small shoots. In order for the cuttings to produce roots, they must be placed in water or soil. For rooting in water, you will need a separate container of water. The shoot is placed in it and covered with a cap, jar or plastic bottle. This is necessary to increase humidity.

The roots will sprout in about a month. As soon as the roots appear, the shoot needs to be transplanted into soil containing a large volume of peat. You can water the cutting special composition for rooting.

In order for the shoot to take root directly in the ground, you will need a mixture consisting of coarse sand and peat. It is necessary to remove all leaves from the shoot except the top pair.

Because of not very good luck Chinese roses are often grown not in apartments, but in the offices of various institutions. You shouldn’t believe omens, because falling leaves or unexpected flowering may be caused by improper flower care.

And one of the plants that will help you give your home the look of a greenhouse is the hibiscus - Chinese rose, one of the most popular types in the culture of the Malvaceae family.

Description of the plant

The Chinese rose (Hibiscus) looks a bit like a small tree, although it is a perennial flowering bush arnica In nature, it can reach a height of 4 meters and has a lush crown. It is found in Asia, America, and Europe.

Hibiscus is not at all like an ordinary rose, and it was named so, obviously, simply because hibiscus flowers are very beautiful. Perhaps they can be compared to blooming rose hips or mallow. With proper care, the diameter of the flower can reach 15 cm.

The flowers of the Chinese rose are single, large, with rounded petals, and have a wide variety of colors, although red hibiscus is most often found in apartments (see photo).

There are about 300 species of hibiscus, it can be regular or double, the types differ in height, flower shape, and flowering intensity.

At home, hybrid Hibiscus is mainly cultivated. This type of Chinese rose grows up to one and a half meters in an apartment, but you need to remember that this plant needs a large pot. With proper care, the Chinese rose will grow quickly, develop well and delight you with flowering all year round.

Hybrid hibiscus was bred more than 70 years ago by Soviet breeder Fedor Rusanov, who founded the Botanical Garden in Uzbekistan. It is this species that is most valued by Chinese rose lovers in our country. The Chinese rose is called the “tree of passion and love”

During the time of breeding at home, the Chinese rose has acquired a variety of signs and superstitions, which can be the most contradictory. Therefore, some gardeners await Chinese rose flowers with delight, while others wait with caution.

It is believed that a fading Chinese rose flower takes away the illnesses of its owners, and if this rose blooms profusely in the house of a young girl, she will soon meet her future husband. If hibiscus blooms in the house married couple, this is considered a sign of family well-being, and foreshadows joyful events - the birth of children, a successful vacation, new purchases. But if the plant develops poorly and languishes, illness awaits the household.

Selection of location and conditions of detention

The Chinese rose loves the sun very much, so the pot with the plant should be placed near a window located on the south-eastern side of the apartment.

In the shade, hibiscus may not bloom at all. However, direct sunlight is undesirable, so the Chinese rose must be installed in such a way that it is illuminated by the rays of the morning sun. If you are the owner of a very sunny apartment, then your hibiscus should be slightly shaded so that it does not get the bright sun at lunchtime.

If it is possible to place a flower pot on Fresh air(on a balcony, veranda or terrace), then in warm weather it is highly advisable to do this. The indoor Chinese rose loves such walks, but it must be protected from direct sunlight and drafts.

The most best temperature for hibiscus in summer 22-25 degrees (higher is possible), and in winter - not lower than 15 degrees. If the temperature drops further, the Chinese rose may lose its leaves. If you can constantly provide your hibiscus with a cool winter, then the Chinese rose can bloom for several decades.

Hibiscus loves it very much wet air, so it should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. This should be done especially often in winter months when the apartments turn on central heating, and the air becomes very dry.

From time to time you can place the Chinese rose under a warm shower; the hibiscus will gratefully respond to this procedure. However, you should water a Chinese rose from the shower when it is not blooming - if water gets on the buds, they may crumble.

To moisten and maintain the atmosphere necessary for hibiscus, you can place a pot with a flower on a tray with water or wet stones.

Caring for Chinese roses at home

Soil selection

The soil in a pot with a Chinese rose should always be loose and moist, this provides the plant with the necessary nutrition during the flowering period. However, excessive moisture should be avoided - hibiscus roots can rot if they are swamped. That is why drainage should be poured into the pot before planting a Chinese rose.

If we talk about the composition of the soil for Chinese roses, it should be noted that the soil should be light and neutral, acidic soils Hibiscus does not like it and will not bloom in them. Ideal for hibiscus is a mixture of turf soil, humus and sand in approximately equal quantities. You can add leaf soil, charcoal and peat to the soil.


Chinese rose requires abundant watering. In winter, it should be reduced somewhat, but there is no need to stop watering completely. Just make sure the soil has time to dry out between waterings. Water the Chinese rose, like any other plant, with settled water. room temperature.

Top dressing

Caring for Chinese roses at home involves high-quality feeding of your plant. Hibiscus should be fertilized only in the spring and summer, approximately once every two weeks. You can add fertilizer to the soil for flowering plants, which is sold in garden stores, or you can simply alternate organic fertilizer with mineral fertilizer.

In winter, during the dormant period, the Chinese rose does not need to be fertilized. The only exception is flowering hibiscus - then you need to add a little to the soil potassium-phosphorus fertilizers the entire flowering period. After the plant has flowered, feeding should be stopped.

Features of care

Despite the fact that the Chinese rose is considered quite unpretentious plant, she quickly reacts to improper care. Exist typical problems with this plant, knowledge of which will help you avoid difficulties when growing your Chinese rose. Knowing about them, you can easily adjust the care of your hibiscus.

What problems are most common when growing Chinese roses at home? There are several of them:

  • Hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off. This is the first sign that your plant is not getting enough moisture. Increase watering, spray the flower more often with a spray bottle and periodically give it a warm shower. These measures should help;
  • The Chinese rose has buds, but they do not bloom and fall off. This sign also indicates that the plant lacks moisture. If there is not enough moisture, the Chinese rose will protect it first of all by stopping flowering. The measures to be taken are the same as in the case of falling leaves, with the exception warm shower- buds do not like jets of water hitting them;
  • if watering is sufficient and the soil in the pot is moist, but the buds still fall off, this may be a consequence of insufficient or incorrect feeding. Nutrient medium is very important for flowering plant, it requires a lot of strength to form a flower. Please note that at least once a month (and preferably more often) fertilizer for flowering plants is added to the soil;
  • Buds and flowers may also fall off in the event of sudden temperature changes. If you take your Chinese rose to the balcony without waiting for stable heat, then during the day it will bask in the spring sun, and suffer from frost at night. The result of such changes and stress for the plant will be fallen leaves and buds. Therefore for temperature conditions the room in which the Chinese rose is located must be carefully monitored;
  • If your hibiscus leaves have shriveled, lost their glossy shine and become limp, this is an indication that the indoor air is too dry. In addition to watering, you need to spray the leaves of Chinese roses with water as often as possible.


Young hibiscus that grows at home must be replanted once a year, in the spring. With each subsequent transplant, the pot should be slightly larger diameter than the previous one.

It is necessary to pour drainage into the pot prepared for replanting - the roots of the Chinese rose do not like excess moisture, despite the fact that the plant requires frequent and abundant watering. If you neglect to drain the soil, the roots of the plant will simply rot from the moisture that will accumulate at the bottom of the pot. That's why good drainage- This required condition for proper care of indoor Chinese rose.

You should pour a little sand on top of the drainage, and then fill it with soil prepared as indicated above. The younger the plant you are replanting, the lighter and looser the soil should be.

Once the plant is three years old, it can be replanted once every two years. When the Chinese rose becomes even older, the transplant can be done once every three years; for an adult plant this is quite enough.


In order to provide your Chinese rose with abundant and long flowering at home, it must be trimmed. Decorative formative pruning is carried out in the spring, before transplanting the hibiscus into new pot, before buds begin to appear on the plant.

Using sharp pruners or just scissors, you should completely cut out dry and bare shoots, as well as shoots that grow inside the bush and parallel to the main trunk. Healthy stems just need to be shortened a little, by about a third.

If you are pruning an old plant that needs to be not only lightly trimmed and formed into a beautiful bush, but also qualitatively rejuvenated, you will have to remove all the shoots at a distance of approximately 15 - 20 cm from the base. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the remaining shoots have healthy buds.

After pruning, the shoots will begin to grow. It is better to remove the weak and thin ones immediately, then only strong, strong, healthy stems will remain on your plant.

In summer, you should also lightly trim the tips of the shoots, this will give the bush the opportunity to form new buds. In the same way, you need to trim the shoots after flowering. Pruning does not harm the Chinese rose at all; it can be done all year round; it will only benefit the plant.

Reproduction methods

Hibiscus is easily propagated by both seeds and cuttings. For propagation of Chinese roses, you can use cuttings that are left after spring pruning bush. When propagated by cuttings, the plant begins to bloom almost immediately, in the first year; in addition, the cutting will retain all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant, which cannot be said about the seeds.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

The cuttings that you have left after pruning need to be placed in water so that they develop roots. To do this, take a dark glass glass, place the cuttings there and cover them with a jar for additional moisture. Glasses with cuttings should be placed on a bright windowsill.

After about two to three weeks, when the cuttings have roots, they need to be transplanted into small pots with a nutrient mixture. Peat must be added to the mixture; it is very useful for a young plant.

After the cutting starts to grow and leaves begin to appear on it, and its roots fill the pot, you need to transplant it to permanent place into a container of suitable size, water, fertilize, and wait for flowering.

You can root the cuttings directly into the ground, having first removed almost all the leaves from it, leaving only the top ones - this must be done in order to avoid moisture loss. The cuttings should be rooted in a nutrient mixture consisting of sand and peat.

The disadvantage of this method of propagation is that it is impossible to control the development of the root system in a young plant. However, if the cutting grows and begins to produce new shoots, it is clear that everything is in perfect order with its root system.

Propagation by seeds

If you still decide to try to propagate your hibiscus with seeds, then this should be done no later than March. Before planting seeds directly into the nutrient mixture, they need to be soaked in water or Epin for a day.

The seed container should be filled with a mixture of sand and peat, and moistened well before planting. The seeds are placed on the soil and lightly sprinkled with soil. There is no need to deepen them much.

After this, the container with the seeds should be covered with film and placed in a warm, bright place. The temperature in the room where the seeds germinate should be at least 25 degrees. Since radiators work in apartments in March, you can place containers on the windowsill, then the ground will warm up from below. However, it is necessary to periodically remove the film to ventilate the seeds, and do not forget to moisten the soil.

When the first sprouts appear from the seeds and 2-3 leaves form on them, they can be transplanted into separate small pots. Such plants will bloom no earlier than the third year (sometimes the second), and the flowers may be completely different from those on the mother plant.

By observing these simple conditions, you can achieve abundant and long-lasting flowering of the Chinese rose, which will become a real decoration of your home.

Chinese rose is the name of one of the varieties of hibiscus. There are more than a thousand varieties of this plant.

At proper care and care, this flower can delight its owners with huge buds almost all year round. Hibiscus is not characterized by its capricious character or difficulties in growing. It is enough to follow a few simple rules, the implementation of which does not require spending a lot of time.

Conditions for Chinese rose

The Chinese rose is not one of the indoor plants that is picky about the amount of room lighting. A flower can feel comfortable in any of the available rooms. The main nuances that should be observed: direct Sun rays They shouldn’t get on the plant, but you shouldn’t choose a place that’s too dark either. Almost all varieties of hibiscus - heat-loving plants. The optimal summer temperature for them is from +20 to 25 degrees, winter - from +14 to 21 degrees. When choosing a place for a Chinese rose, you should give preference to those areas where air circulation occurs.

To turn a Chinese rose into a fluffy flowering bush, you must pinch out side shoots. Otherwise, the plant will only grow in height.

Almost any soil is suitable for Chinese roses, but in specialized stores you can often see special soil for hibiscus. If suitable option no, you can use any soil for flowering plants.

How to plant, prune and replant a plant

The Chinese rose is distinguished by its ability to quickly increase its size. IN spring period new shoots can appear almost constantly, and cut branches quickly sprout. During transplantation, old shoots are cut off by almost half. It is recommended to replant the Chinese rose at the end of winter or in the first spring months. Cut shoots can be used for hibiscus propagation, there is no need to rush to throw them away.

Drainage is an essential component for good growth of Chinese roses. It is poured into the bottom of the pot, and the layer should be at least 2-3 cm, depending on the size of the container. Any type of drainage can be used.

Hibiscus roots must constantly receive oxygen, therefore, after each watering, after planting or replanting, the soil must be slightly loosened. This procedure must be carried out regularly, preventing the soil from hardening.

Hibiscus is transplanted into new soil and pot every year. Mature plants can be left undisturbed for two years, but the soil must be partially changed annually. This procedure is easy to carry out: the top layer of soil is removed from the pot, and new soil is simply poured in its place. After transplant hibiscus, the soil should be watered generously with water at room temperature.

How to water a flower

Watering a Chinese rose is the most difficult moment in growing this plant at home. Hibiscus is very picky about water and its quantity. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out. In summer, the rose should be watered more often; in winter, the number of waterings should be reduced. The soil must be constantly moist. Perfect option– watering using special drip devices.

Almost all year round, Chinese roses need to be sprayed. This is especially necessary during the heating season, when the air is dry.

Watering and spraying is carried out only with settled water at room temperature. Wetting hibiscus foliage not only benefits it by saturating it with moisture, but also prevents the risk of many diseases and pests. During the flowering period Spraying of plants should be carried out with great care: moisture should be avoided on the buds.

How to propagate hibiscus

The standard method of propagating Chinese roses is cuttings. Rooting of shoots is carried out in water or a mixture of peat and sand (the components are mixed in different proportions). After the first roots appear, the young plant is ready to be planted in ordinary soil. For the first planting, select a small pot. In the future, its size must be increased annually.

To speed up process of root emergence, you can use the greenhouse method:

  • first, the cut shoot is immersed in a mixture of peat and sand;
  • the process is covered from above glass jar or a plastic bag to increase humidity levels;
  • in two to three weeks the first roots will appear, after which the plant can be replanted.

Hibiscus propagation seeds- the second method, but it is very difficult for ordinary gardeners to implement it at home. Most often, experienced breeders use such techniques to develop new plant varieties.

It is better to propagate hibiscus in February, so that planting is planned for the first months of spring. Immediately after planting the plant in the ground, it is necessary to trim each branch to form a bush. Feeding during this period will help strengthen the young rose and provide it with all the necessary components for normal growth.

Fertilizers and fertilizers for Chinese roses

There is a separate category of not quite ordinary hibiscus supplements. Experienced flower growers note that a tablespoon of blood left after cutting meat and diluted in water can benefit hibiscus. Half a teaspoon of sugar with a glass of liquid - ideal feeding in winter. The sweet solution can even heal Chinese rose leaves that have received sunburn.

All fertilizing and fertilizers must be used in accordance with the instructions. A lack or excess of minerals in the soil directly affects the duration and quality of flowering of the Chinese rose.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Regular yellowing of several leaves- a natural situation for a Chinese rose. Periodically, old leaves dry out and fall off. If their quantity cannot be called acceptable, then the causes of yellowing of the foliage may be a draft, lack of sun, excessive or insufficient soil moisture. The foliage first turns light green and then bright yellow.

Timely measures taken to eliminate the cause of the appearance of yellow leaves will save the plant and return it to its impeccable appearance in a short period of time. If the Chinese rose is in a draft or does not receive sunlight, then you need to choose a better place for the hibiscus.

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite;
  • scale insect.

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

The Chinese rose can bloom almost all year round. With proper care, the buds will replace each other. Distinctive feature In hibiscus, the flowering period of a bud is considered, usually limited to one day. In 24 hours bright flower begins to quickly lose its appearance and falls off. Light for the Chinese rose is the main reason for flowering. Plants that are in constant lack of sun bloom extremely rarely or stop doing so altogether.

Heat, excessive dry air and direct sunlight are factors that negatively affect the flowering of hibiscus. The plant may try to bloom, but the bud will fall off, without ever opening up.

The reason for this situation is the atmosphere unfavorable for the rose.

If the soil is over-fertilized, the Chinese rose may also stop blooming. The only benefit from fertilizing in this case will be abundant foliage.