Congratulations to a high school graduate from a first-grader. Last call. Speech by first-graders at the last bell

Happy Knowledge Day, dear children. Today you became schoolchildren, today the very first bell will ring for you, today you will have your first lesson. And we would like to wish you, dear first-graders, to boldly and proudly take the first step into our school and also confidently continue your path to greater knowledge. We wish you to carry only A's in your briefcases, we wish you to be obedient and inquisitive during lessons, and playful and active during breaks. Best of luck to everyone, guys. strong friendship and bright smiles on your faces.

With each new day, the school will become closer and dearer to you. After 9 or 11 years, when you need to go on a free voyage, you will understand what important place She managed to occupy your life, what she taught and what she gave. Here, within these walls, you will learn not only to read and write. You will understand what it means to be truly friends, to help, support, to be a team and even one big happy family. The school will teach you about life and prepare you for your big journey into the adult world. Happy holiday, guys! May everything work out for you!

Our dear first-graders! On this festive sunny day, the school opens its doors for you! We are happy that you chose our school and believe that together we will move mountains and rise to heights! We hope that your classmates will become for you best friends, and teachers as second parents and mentors, whose advice you will sincerely trust. Remember this day, let it be one of those happy and bright holidays that you will want to remember for the rest of your life! Happy first bell, our dear first-graders.

Today we have a new addition to our school - new students, our first graders! I am sincerely glad to see your happy and inspired faces. On this day you set foot on a new path, open the first page of a book called “Life”. And we, teachers and students, will be with you from 1st to 11th grade. Together we will overcome difficulties and learn everything we need to become a good, real Person!

Today is a significant day. The day you first cross the threshold of school. Happy Knowledge Day, dear first-graders! This is your first step into the exciting world of science. So many incredible discoveries lie ahead, may this road be fun and enjoyable for you.

Dear first graders, today is one of important days in your life. Today you step on the threshold of knowledge, on the road of growing up, on the path of exciting discoveries! The school door has opened before you, which promises a lot of interesting, unknown and beautiful things. Learn, experience, communicate, absorb, lead by example. Congratulations on Knowledge Day, on the first academic year, on the first bell, on new changes.

Our dear first-graders, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. Today is an exciting day for both you and us. But we believe that such cheerful, friendly, beautiful and smart guys will succeed. We wish you from the first step, from the first lesson, to love this school and reveal all your talents here. Good luck to you, children, fun adventures and wonderful discoveries.

Happy Knowledge Day, our dear first-graders. Let this joyful and exciting day be a successful start to a fun school year for you. We wish you to become a friendly class - a class of brave children, we wish you to love this school with all your heart and run to your favorite lesson every day with joy.

You're a little worried.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.
Briefcase, and uniform, and bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
And wishes and advice
We are ready to give everything to you.
Learn to write, count, make friends.
And you can certainly
Even play around a little,
But... only during breaks!

A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new backpack behind me,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today main holiday is yours,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

The road is open for you,
The school meets you at the gate.
Having crossed its thresholds,
You will enter the school year of life.

Your first year is the most important:
Backpack, teacher, class, lesson...
But be brave
Until the bell rings!

And let your knowledge multiply,
The teacher admires his grip
And relations with the class will develop,
Parents are pleasantly surprised!

The road to knowledge is a difficult path,
Full of fun and adventure.
You, first-grader, don’t forget
That you are not recognized, but you are a genius!
You have control over everything around you,
A little bit of work, a little bit of patience -
And everything you can learn
Suddenly it will turn into achievements.
We also wish you magic
In your notebooks and albums,
Fun, happiness, mischief
At parties, school, at home.

Are you going to school for the first time?
You're a little worried.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

Briefcase, and uniform, and bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
And wishes and advice
We are ready to give everything to you.

Our dear first grader,
On the very first school holiday
We want to wish you
There are many joys in fate.

Knowledge is power, that's clear.
To make life wonderful
Know, read, learn,
Act boldly, don't be lazy!

Be smart and cheerful.
Let the school teach you
Think, argue and make friends,
Bright, interesting life!

First grader is cool!
First grader is awesome!
The first time you go to school,
First time and first grade!
With the boys in the yard
Will you play in the evening?
Well, knowledge in the morning
You'll get it at school!

The first flooding school bell,
The first teacher and the first lesson,
Your first textbook and your first class!
Good luck in your studies! IN good hour!
Study “excellently”, appreciate subjects
And love your first class with all your heart!
Let the smiles of your friends wait for you at school
And many wonderful and joyful days!

Parting words to first graders



On this page we have tried to collect short parting poems for 1st grade. Perfect for your pages on social networks, or for SMS or Viber.

On September 1st, all schools hold a solemn assembly dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. All students look forward to this day, but this is especially an exciting moment for the youngest first-graders, because they are taking the first step towards discovering a new life, interesting, but on the other hand, complex and responsible.

At the ceremony, a lot of parting words are said to all schoolchildren, but special attention is paid, of course, to school graduates and first-graders.

SEPTEMBER 1 is the most joyful and exciting day in the life of every first-grader. In order to set up a child for school and study, every parent must explain, give advice, and say parting words to their child. So, where to start the conversation:

Firstly: mom and dad must explain that school is the most memorable time in a child’s entire life. School is a class where people communicate, have fun, make friends, but most of all, they gain new knowledge that will be useful in everyone’s life. Parents must convey to their child that regardless of school successes or failures, mom and dad will always love and support him.

Secondly: parents need to explain that it is from school that a child’s new life very interesting and amazing, but at the same time, insurmountable difficulties may arise with which the child must fight, cope, and in case of failure, not be disappointed.

Parting words to first-graders from parents

- Children! This day is truly magical! You will remember it as the beginning of a new school life, new friendship, new knowledge. The big doors to the school are open for you, the teachers greet you with a smile, and we, parents, wish you to study excellently, delighting us not only with your grades, but also with your behavior! Good luck, have an easy and interesting study!

– Our little children, congratulations are coming to you today, because you have become schoolchildren and today a new path opens for you, called “school”. May this road be happy, easy, and interesting for you. I wish you to find true and devoted friends. Have a nice trip my dears!

– I congratulate you on the first of September, I wish you more excellent grades in your diaries and fewer difficult tasks, and let the lessons be interesting and educational for you.

You're on the doorstep today
The best school in the world,
Life here will be very bright,
Beautiful and cheerful.

Mom and Dad will be happy
And the grandmothers are delighted,
You just need to study
Well, of course, without the “tails”.

You are our first graders,
We give you parting words:
You study with straight A's
We look forward to seeing you at school!

A parting message for first graders could be something like this:

Read books, don’t offend guys,
Study for four or five.
Collect your briefcase, don’t forget anything,
Listen to the teacher, don’t draw on your desks.
And also the parting words will be:
Fighting, biting, kicking is bad,
Be friends, help, protect, respect -
This is good, keep it up!

Parting words to first-graders from the first teacher

Also not a little important role For first-graders, the words of the first teacher are played. It is the teacher who must interest and attract children to study. You can start with the following words:

– My dear first-graders, today the first school bell rings for you. And this means that you begin a new cognitive life, you become independent students. And in order for your parents, relatives, and teachers to be proud of you, you must be obedient and diligent students. As your class teacher, I will definitely help you all strive to achieve only the best grades.

– Today, my dear, beloved first-graders, I want to congratulate you on the holiday - September 1 and wish you excellent studies, many new friends. The school will become a second home for you, since it is here that a lot of interesting, educational, and surprising things await you. It is here that you will learn to write, read, count, draw, sculpt and much more.

– Finally, this long-awaited day has come for you, my beloved first-graders. Today you are standing there, such small, smart kids, with such huge bouquets of flowers. Some of you are smiling, some are frowning, joy is shining in your eyes, impatience to sit down at your desks and start learning. It is this time, the time of childhood, that is the most interesting and memorable. Appreciate every day spent at school, with teachers, with your classmates, as this moment will fly by unnoticed for each of you. And after eleven years, a new adult life with its own difficulties and victories awaits you. And today I want to wish you a good journey into your new school life, where, of course, you are loved and will always come to your aid.

– My dear first-graders, today, on this day of knowledge, allow me to congratulate you on the beginning of your first school year and wish you great luck, success in your studies, good mood, many victories and fulfillment of all your desires.

Parting words to first-graders from the school principal

“Our dear first-graders, this wonderful day has come in your life, September 1 - the Day of Knowledge. Let me sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. So your childhood has flown by, today you stand on the first step to a new life and are proudly called a first-grader, a schoolchild. School years are wonderful, this is the most best time in the life of every person. It is at school that you will find your first friends and gain a lot of new and interesting knowledge. School is a real miracle of knowledge. Remember that studying well and being a diligent student is the best investment in your future. Have a nice journey into the world of knowledge, dear first-graders!”


/Warmest wishes for first-graders and graduates./

September 1- this is the most important day primarily for first-graders and graduates, since some of them come to school for the first time, while for others this holiday is celebrated at school last time. The line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge goes as usual according to the script, it says a lot of wishes for first-graders, both from the school principal, from teachers, presenters, parents, and from school graduates.
Parting words to first-graders from school graduates:

– Today is a special day – the Day of Knowledge! For you, dear first-graders, this is your first holiday; you are going to school for the first time to gain a lot of new interesting knowledge. We would like to congratulate you today and, first of all, wish you success in your studies, the envy of many new friends, and the school as your second home. Bon Voyage!

– Our dear first-graders, look how smart, beautiful and a little scared you are today. Don't worry, you will really enjoy school. Your first teacher will be your second mother, who will help you and support you in everything. Listen to her and respect her. And we want to wish you to receive only 5. Well, if you couldn’t do something, then you can contact us graduates, we will definitely help you all resolve various difficulties. Happy holiday, dear students!

– A first-grader sounds great, because every student is one. Be proud of this title of “First Grader” today. Behind kindergarten and a new one begins for you, interesting life. You have become students, which means that you will soon learn to write, read, count, draw and much more, all this is very interesting and educational, and most importantly, it will be useful to you in your future life. Bon voyage my first graders!

– Happy holiday to our beloved students, today is a special day for you – September 1st. Soon you will get acquainted with notebooks, primers, learn to hold pens and write letters and numbers beautifully, I am sure you will be very interested. I wish you all a good journey in this difficult work, but you will definitely overcome it. And we will definitely help you with this.

– Dear children, today your first school bell rings for you, just as it did for us 11 years ago. Remember this moment forever, as this first call will never happen again. Now all of you will have new friends, new interests, hobbies. There is a whole school year ahead of you, try to spend it with dignity, please teachers and your parents with excellent studies and diligence in your behavior, because this is the main thing that you must learn in your interesting school life.

– Hello, dear students! Today, on this wonderful holiday, I would like to wish you success in your studies, build good relationships with your first teacher and classmates. Your classroom is your second home. Always be friendly, support each other and never fight. Have a nice trip, dear first-graders!

Poems from the first-graders themselves

I'm so serious
I'm not afraid of school at all
The whole family collected
I strive for knowledge.
I have a new briefcase,
It contains a pencil case and books,
I dream of going to school
And I want to sit down at my desk!
And dear teacher,
I'll give you my flowers,
The best and most beautiful!
I want to study so much!

I just studied in the summer,
I forgot about the cars
And I didn’t play on the computer,
I learned letters and numbers.
And he put on a beautiful suit,
And even a shirt, here,
And I didn’t forget the flowers,
Well, in the backpack, a sandwich.
An apple just in case
If I want to eat.
I'll be the best first-grader
Exactly, I’m telling you exactly!

White apron today,
My mother put it on me
Like on New Year's Eve
I was getting ready for school.
All kinds of pens, rubber bands,
Bright covers,
And funny pictures
And some sweets.
I already love school
I like the class
Can I come again tomorrow?

1. A first-grader is proud, with a backpack on his back
A first-grader is fashionable, simple in company
The baby is surprisingly smart and receives congratulations
He receives instruction, his eyes light up with emotion
When your cute little one goes to school first, then to university
Parents stand aside - proud and happy for their child!

2. It is a great happiness for a child to take part in his studies.
He is very, very pleased to receive all congratulations
And happy first of September, shout to friends and family
Now he will be like a big man, walking home from school on his own,
Then he will be off to class, running as fast as he can cheerfully!

3. First class, with the first initial call in my life
We rush to the right time with a huge cake
September: start of studies, you are at school
For now, but someday perhaps, student
Be happy, baby on a great journey,
I wish you to walk this path like a fairy tale!

4. Congratulations to the first class, on their first September
A photo for memory, a teacher with a pointer, a large family nearby!
The children are happy, because this is the first call in a schoolchild’s life,
Mom will cry, grandma will be nervous, so they took her to class
Interesting life will begin soon, desk, lessons, friends,
Well, then your studies will count for you, try hard, guys, not in vain!

5. To the first class, congratulations are very important,
The first of September, their day of surprise
We congratulate you and wish you good luck on your journey
Try, learn and find happiness!

6. First graders, I would like to congratulate you
Happy first important day of school, wish you
So that you can always rule through life,
Fear and success, to be in business
Punctual, smart
Sometimes, even so that you are always lucky in everything
If something doesn't work out, try
Make it better than before, to spite everyone!

7. Congratulations on the first of September,
This can be important and very prestigious
If suddenly you come from kindergarten to school jokingly
Get serious, make friends with the first book
You only come to first grade once
And the first teacher, you will remember after many years
We wish you good luck, go to first grade,
May bad weather pass you by!

8. Baby, almost quite big, with a new briefcase on his back
September is early and there is a red day on the calendar
For the baby, marked exactly, on the first number
We congratulate you, schoolboy, studying is a craft
You will learn it soon, and you will be your mother’s support!

9. Happy first of September, we congratulate the children
First class is standing there, completely confused
These children were, yesterday, next to their mother
Well, now the school doors are open
She invites them, they desperately need a step
Towards new adventures
Let's support them and wish them together
Always believe in the star of luck!

10. Good luck to first graders, happy first of September!
Congratulations to mom and dad, your whole family!
Accept congratulations,
And don't be bad at studying!

11. First-grader with bows
It’s important to go to school like this,
Well, her mother is at home
She bakes a delicious cake.

You need to pamper the girl,
She is a first grader.
To have a sweet life with studying
Showed herself to her then!

12. Congratulations, first grader,
You are going to school now.
With an important look, like a boss,
You realize a lot.

May you be lucky with your studies,
But be diligent yourself,
So that you are happy and pleasant
Your school journey was great!

Congratulations to first-graders

This page presents interesting wishes for first-graders and parting speeches from parents and teachers.

You are now a first grader -
And it sounds proud.
You are now a first grader -
And you walk firmly.

There's a new backpack on my back
It's pleasantly heavy.
And my hand trembles a little,
Which, of course, is understandable.

An important day in your life
Coming today.
Exciting, new
The school world awaits.

This world is full of knowledge
And wonderful discoveries,
Unusual acquaintances,
Adventures, events.

- Don’t be shy, come in...
Be open to knowledge.
Everyone will help you
All you need is desire!

Congratulations to the first grader

Today is your holiday
Our favorite first grader.
Will you sit at your desk?
Bright, clean and pleasant.

How long have you been to kindergarten?
Did you go and weren't happy?

You didn't want to sleep at lunchtime,
I didn't know how to dress
I waited for my parents all day
And I looked for friends in the garden.

And now you're great:
Finally learned
Doing everything completely without mom,
Listen, don't be stubborn.

We are all proud of you
You promise to study
On “4” and on “5”,
In general, just keep it up!

Guys! Congratulations!
How can you not congratulate on this holiday!
This day is ours once a year.
What else is there to add?

It's time for you to become disciples.
And you showed up to first grade.
And follow your dreams
You can walk with us!

We wish you on an autumn day
Realize how much is ahead.
And dispel all doubts!
After all, it’s time to find the light of knowledge!

Happy September 1st to you, first graders.
We wish you everything
What will help you become a little older.
This is the most important thing now.

We congratulate you as we let you into the school.
The new school year has begun.
To give force to a verb,
It is necessary for the flag of knowledge to fly.

Let the bonds of friendship unite,
May the years not pass in vain.
First class - everyone needs it in life.
This is for you to understand here.

The first day of September has arrived.
Congratulations on this, guys.
Each tree of knowledge has grown.
And you also need to nurture it.

Congratulations and may you forever
This day brings only joy.
Remember him, and trouble
Let him retreat, let him disappear completely.

Congratulations! Will change instantly
Your life, because you have become more mature.
Teaching has a sunny face.
Congratulations! Your year is coming!

In the window, an autumn face is visible.
He is both sad and beautiful.
Now the moment of learning has come.
After all, the face of ignorance is dangerous.

I want to study like this
So that everything in the world becomes clear!
After all, everyone here is an expert at something.
It's time for children to learn about this.

You are in first class. Such a day
Only happens once in a lifetime, kids.
And you are no longer in danger of robbery.
After all, there is a school in this world.

Guys, you are not kids anymore.
Today we will hurry to school together.
There you will learn about everything in the world,
Welcome to school, children!

The teacher will be the kindest,
And the school bench is comfortable.
We wish you to learn with ease and desire,
We greet all first-graders with adoration!

Congratulations on the first day of school,
Be children, first in everything,
And in adult life to build skyscrapers,
You must master what we ask you to teach.
Just do what you're told to do at home.
Just repeat the paragraphs baby,
And then you will reach any height,
You are now standing on the first step.
We wish you strength and good luck,
You have to be a diligent student,
Be a student, solve problems,
And grades, that's your reward!

Morning of a fabulous day
Everyone congratulates me
I became, I became a “student”
They know the street, my house.
This used to be a child
This is before, I slept for a long time,
Now I have received the books,
I became a first grader.
I promise not to sleep during the day,
Raise your hand exactly
And to the main questions,
I'll try to answer.
Well, the older guys
Let them give us advice,
How to run here, where is the canteen,
And what tasty things they give.
I promise that girls
I won't offend
Better than letters in a notebook,
I'll write thinly.
That's how school is
How much noise
How many friends will there be here!
I can’t wait to get off the line,
Get to the teacher's class quickly!

Address to first-graders from a teacher, head teacher, director or other persons educational institutions. You lure them into the world of knowledge, understand their excitement and offer your help in the future (in a beautiful and kind poetic form)

Today is a very bright holiday!
Today is too important a day!
I congratulate everyone who is a first grader.
You have moved to a new stage in life.

Now you have become a little more mature.
This means you need to open up to something new.
A little scary, I know, but later
You will definitely be proud of yourself!

After all, the world, it only seems simple,
But there are so many interesting colors in it.
Let's walk through them together,
Let's find stories for new fairy tales.

Can you imagine how funny that is?
They couldn’t even find out about something they couldn’t even think about.
See, explain, then say: “How strange,
That we didn’t take this into account before!”

My friends, such stories
You will meet and cannot be counted.
Do you know how many greetings
Will you have to read new ones?

After all, on the way on the road of knowledge
It's so hard to cope alone.
Remember that in every endeavor we undertake
The advice of comrades is necessary.

And the school will help here zealously.
Whatever the sequence of events,
That friendship that is born early,
It will serve you for centuries!

I just want to say one last thing:
Today your new journey begins.
It is not so much difficult as it is strong,
I will help you not to collapse!

Parting poems-congratulations to first graders

Lush dahlias in bouquets,
The chrysanthemums have bloomed grandly,
Multi-colored asters are already in the summer,
This autumn everyone tenderly said goodbye.

Like a fairy-tale flowerbed in a school yard,
Eyes glow with delight,
And among the first-graders there is an important debate,
And sparkle and beauty are everywhere!

The backpack is heavy for the first time.
A very nice student is dragging,
He is in a hurry, tired, because first class,
And the baby is not used to getting up so early.

You will learn quickly, believe me,
And wake up early and wash,
The door to knowledge is wide open,
It's a pity, but we have to say goodbye to childhood.

And the toys will wave affectionately,
Paws to you: happy journey,
And the kitten will say goodbye
You study, but don’t forget Whiskas.

You will be smart, and happy, important,
First grader - sounds so proud!
We say congratulations to you from the bottom of our hearts,
And the bell is already ringing for you!

Today we received from you,
Graduates, we are relaying the baton,
And sends a cheerful first class
Greetings to you today.

We wish you success,
Everything will be great - we know for sure
And you yourself are a worthy replacement
We grow up in our favorite school.

You were kids too
But time moves forward!
So you have become graduates,
So many impressions await you!

We wish you to do
To a desirable and prestigious university,
To receive training
Swinging knowledge around!

Accept from first-graders
Rather, these congratulations!
Shine joyfully with happiness,
After all, new achievements await you!

Let success follow you
So that every moment and every hour
All that was just a dream
It came true without any problems for you!

Today you are already graduates,
We all cordially congratulate you on this!
Your school days have flown by,
And we are just beginning our journey!

We wish you success in college,
May everything work out perfectly for you,
After all, happiness is in every minute lived,
Always think optimistically!

The last bell sounds
For you for the last time,
Congratulate graduates
Our 1st grade is in a hurry.

School path successfully
You were able to pass
And we still have
He's all ahead.

Let them be open
The roads are all for you,
Have a nice trip to you
Wants 1st grade.

Graduates, please accept congratulations.
From our first classes at this hour.
We express our admiration to you today,
We warmly welcome you!

It's time to leave school
We wish you good luck on your journey,
You always strive for good,
Then everything will be wonderful ahead.

Accept from first graders
Today, brothers, congratulations.
Your last bell is ringing,
Great achievements await you.

We wish you all success,
There are many peaks to conquer,
Always believe in your luck
And value school friendships.

Accept from first graders
It's more like a congratulations!
Live luxuriously and happily
May you be lucky!

We wish you could
Study at an excellent university,
So that you persistently pursue your goals,
We wish you to strive for the best!

On the Last Call we give you an order
Always remain as you are now -
Strong, with an intelligent sparkle in the eyes,
So that we can continue to look up to you.
We wish you happiness, strive for everything,
Be kind and keep trying.

Dear graduates, we wish you success in passing your exams and good luck in entering educational establishments, health and love. Don’t forget your home school and your teachers, and we will become your worthy replacement.

It would seem that there is nothing easier to compile sincere and sincere parting words to newly graduated students. After all, the main thing is to pronounce them from the heart. But it turns out that at the ceremonial assembly in honor of Knowledge Day, not all parting words for first-graders are equally good. There is an unspoken number of points that simply cannot be present in the solemn speech on September 1. Eg:

  1. It is better not to utter phrases about total disobedience, unlearned lessons and bad deeds. After all, kids, going to a new unknown world, are obviously positive and do not plan anything bad;
  2. Under no circumstances should new students be threatened with punishment for misdeeds and failures. After all, the guys are not yet at all confident in their abilities, and after hearing this they will completely lose faith in themselves;
  3. Also unacceptable are attitudes like: “you must be better (smarter, faster, more active) than others,” “you must study with excellent marks.” After all, a child’s happiness in adulthood does not depend on his performance at school. It is more correct to insist that everything children are skillful and talented in their own way. Some are smart, some are fast, some are strong, etc.;

At the same time, one can list whole line kind and positive phrases. They are ideal for writing parting words to first-graders in prose or poetry from parents, graduates, and teachers. Among them:

  1. Promises to children to always and everywhere support them: both in success and in defeat. This way, first-graders will become bolder and more relaxed, and will be able to cope with unfamiliar situations more easily;
  2. Little ones useful tips for the upcoming school life: if you listened - ask again, if you want to go out - raise your hand, if you offended a classmate - apologize, etc.;
  3. Good wishes to open up to friends and teachers, remain yourself, easily overcome obstacles, solve problems and believe in your own strengths;
  4. Words of congratulations on a new grandiose event in the children’s lives, the beginning of an exciting 11-year period, acquiring a more responsible and conscious status as a “school student”;

Parting words to first-graders from graduates on September 1

It is not so easy to understand the lively excitement and inner experiences of the “first-timers” on the long-awaited day of September 1st. Parents have long forgotten what their first day as school students was like. And teachers look at the situation from their own perspective, completely opposite side. Who, if not high school students, knows what is going on in the minds of little excited and partly frightened children. After all, just recently the 11th graders themselves were kids, with the same trepidation they were going to their first line, expecting real miracles and new discoveries. It is the graduates who should be the first to devote their parting words to first-graders on September 1. Only they, being role models, can confidently push children into the world of lessons, puzzles, and homework.

Choose beautiful parting words for first-graders from graduates on September 1 in the next section.

Examples of parting words for first-graders from graduates on September 1

Farewell ditties for first-graders from graduates

We're leaving for senior year
We leave it to you,
Dear teachers to all,
Be nice to them.

Desks, chairs - we tried,
Don't get dirty, don't break,
Well, if you don’t have enough -
You'll have to buy it.

We took flowers to school
To make us happy
Watered, wiped -
To remember us.

Don't hurt flowers
And water more often
They will remember you too
When you leave for high school.

During the holidays we performed:
Sang songs, danced,
We made everyone happy at school,
For fun and amusement.

May you still be kids,
But active and nimble -
You learn to sing, dance -
We will perform together.

Knowledge acquired -
And they read and wrote,
And now we are fifth grade -
Other knowledge awaits us.

You study well
To make it easy for you,
So that you have time to do everything
And they walked on the street.

We have a good first aid station,
He helped us out more than once
But also malingerers at once,
Found out, exposed.

There are different grades at school,
But for you we want,
get straight A's,
so that there is no trouble.

Good parting words to first-graders from parents in verse on Knowledge Day

No less important for first-graders are good parting words on Knowledge Day from their beloved parents: poems from touched mothers and prosaic lines from strict fathers. After all, parents are the most reliable support for their children. And in such an important matter as entering the long ranks of schoolchildren, one cannot do without strong support, friendly advice and the warm wishes of mothers and fathers. A good parting word from parents to first-graders in verse on Knowledge Day can be different: in the form of an instructive story from one’s own childhood, in the form of a summary of instructions and advice, in the format of congratulations and holiday wishes of just about everything. The choice depends entirely on the speakers.

Options for a parting speech in verse for first-graders from parents on Knowledge Day

For the first time in first class!
We congratulate you together.
You're on the right track
You should go for knowledge.

Are you all ready to hit the road?
Straight to the school door.
IN new form and with flowers -
Dad's pride, mom's joy.

New backpack on my back
The textbook in it is not simple -
That's an ABC book, and with it notebooks.
Have you forgotten them, guys?

You have to do well in school
Don't forget anything
And always learn lessons,
To get straight A's.

You will know a lot
You will be able to understand everything.
And study you then
Will always make you happy.

Well, are you ready to go?
The school is waiting for you. Come in!

Dear kids!

You have come to a wonderful home!

Lots of knowledge and skills

You will purchase in it.

This house is called a school

It will be your second home.

And today your friend will call you to class.

He will be your companion

Many, many years!

He will call you in a beautiful

A world of learning and pleasure!

I wish you to study perfectly without difficulty

And always follow the happy path!

Have a nice trip, guys!

Today is a special day in your life,

Your family-approved appearance:

Black suit , shirt like snow -

A young man is going to school.

Bow tie, bouquet of red roses,

He carried the brand new backpack himself.

Well, our dear, go in good time!

We wish you happiness and good luck now!

May the school accept you with all its heart,

And come home quickly!

The first parting words to first-graders from teachers at the ceremonial assembly in honor of the beginning of the new school year

While graduates at the school assembly experience a double feeling of mixed joy and sadness, teachers primary classes They look happily at the “first-timers.” It is to first-graders that teachers will give the first parting words at the line in honor of the beginning of the new school year. And then, they will carefully take the children under their care, lead them through the school corridors and open the heavy blind door to new world Sci. Over the next few years, teachers will protect, teach and raise their many sons and daughters, and after that they will carefully hand them over to subject teachers and the class teacher.

But that’s all later, over time! In the meantime, it is necessary to carefully think through and prepare the first parting words for first-graders from teachers at the ceremonial assembly in honor of the beginning of the new school year.

The text of the teacher's first parting word to first-graders at the school assembly at the beginning of the new school year

On a beautiful morning, in the hour of sunshine,

Come, baby, to your first class!

And I will proudly hand over the first copybook!

Try to always get A's

And don’t be shy, try to answer!

You will become friends, you will become a noisy crowd

I’ll take you to the dining room!

School will become like home to you,

We will always be waiting for you there!

Congratulations will be heard today for you, our little schoolchildren. Looking at how you stand in this elegant uniform, with huge bouquets in your hands. Everything is new for you today, your eyes are burning. Today, a road called school opens for you. She will guide you through life for eleven long years. During these eleven years, you will go hand in hand with your classmates. You will be prepared for adult life by experienced teachers who, in addition to the school curriculum, will teach you about life in general. Let this path become happy for you. I wish you to find true friends who will not abandon you in life. And decide on goals. Happy holiday to you our future!

Please accept congratulations

After all, now - students,

So we once upon a time

We went to first grade on the sly.

We were afraid and embarrassed

And we were a little upset

That I had to leave the garden

But here everyone was very happy to see us!

We will escort you to class together,

There is no need for embarrassment here.

We'll tell you everything, we'll explain it all

And we'll sit in the after-school period!

Good journey and good hour,

Be even better than us!

Official farewell message to first-graders in prose from the school principal and administration on September 1

And, of course, you can’t do without a solemn speech by the school administration. Having carefully selected the newcomers and distributed them among the first grades, the head teachers and the director can only say official parting words to the first graders on the bright holiday of September 1st. And then - carefully observe the successes and failures of your students in the educational field.

Read below for the most competent and official parting words to first-graders in prose from the principal and school administration on September 1!

Options for the official director's parting speech in prose dedicated to first-graders on September 1

The first of September, the first lesson, the first notebook, the pen, the first desk and.... The first bell. Everything today is for you for the first time, our first graders. This is the first time you are standing so all dressed up, with flowers and huge bows. Everything is a first for you. The hearts of your parents rejoice and grieve at the same time. After all, the joy is from how well done you are, and the sadness from how quickly you are growing up! May God grant you to successfully complete your entire school journey. Never fail in life, and always accept right decisions. May God give you true friends. Happy holiday of the first of September.

For our youngest schoolchildren, all congratulations are heard today. We are glad to open our school doors to you. We are glad to see you so smiling and joyful! Today you would like to say that may this day bring you only joyful emotions! Let him charge you with positivity and zeal for all eleven years of your school life. For you, today the school gladly opens its doors and invites you to your first lesson in life, which you will remember for the rest of your life. The pride of your parents cannot be compared with anything. Let the zeal that you have now for knowledge not disappear in ten years! God bless you.

With all my heart, I would like to congratulate the youngest and most sincere schoolchildren today! Our first graders would like to wish you a holiday! May your small, but such bright souls always have a feeling of celebration. I want to tell you that you must complete this path called school successfully, understanding that your entire future life will depend on this path! May your parents always admire you and rejoice in your talents. Find yourself true friends. And let this day be remembered forever. Happy September 1st, children!

Parting words to first-graders from parents, teachers and graduates is perhaps the most touching and emotional part of the holiday line-up for Knowledge Day. Both in prose and in poetry, parting words to a first-grader on September 1 always sound soulful and touching.

Fanfare sounds.


Why did it suddenly become a tradition?
Celebrate the change of years in December
After all, September is the beginning of all roads!
The year begins in September.


The school year is knocking on the window
A maple branch burning with fire.
We begin to learn life
On the day given to us by September.


First experience, example and tasks
And the read syllable in the primer...
All victories, mistakes, successes
It all starts in September.


Happy New Year, friends, teachers.
For others, the change of years is in December,
And for us New Year is coming,
It always comes in September.

1 presenter: Good afternoon guys!

2 presenter: Good afternoon, parents!

1 presenter: Good afternoon, teachers, guests,
You didn't come in vain
After all, today is a holiday at our school

1st and 2nd leaders (together): FIRST SEPTEMBER HOLIDAY!

2 presenter: A holiday of meeting with classmates and teachers after a long summer separation.

I: This is the last First Call for graduates of the 2015-2016 academic year. And for kids, this call symbolizes the beginning of an exciting journey through the Land of Knowledge. The first-graders will enter their beautiful, bright classroom for the first time.

2nd presenter: And Olga Nikolaevna Rudkevich will take them to class today.

1st presenter: ATTENTION school!
Attention, all our people!
Exciting holiday
For our entire school
It's walking across our site!

2nd presenter: And we invite you to a joyful holiday,
In honor of the first call in my life
You, the little ones,
Happy and different,
Excited, maybe a little!!!

I: So, to loud applause, we invite first-graders to join us.

To the song “First-Grader” (lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by V. Shainsky), first-graders and their teacher make a lap of honor.

I. Dear children, dear teachers, parents, guests! Let us consider our holiday dedicated to September 1 open!

It may sound fanfare, but it depends on us
All Russia. The love for her is mutual.
And not just a melody will ring out now -
The power and pride of the Russian Anthem!

The Anthem sounds Russian Federation, RB

I. Dear first graders, dear students! Today the new school year begins. How many interesting discoveries and meetings with teachers await you ahead. And now the most important person in our school - director Slivinsky Evgeniy Bronislavovich

Director's speech.

The floor is given to _____________________________________________


The floor is given _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

I. The first graders walked to our school today with special trepidation. Let's welcome them again! They are still so timid, but already very, very capable!!!

Ved 1: The first time you came to school,

For the first time in first class,

Ved 2: Everything is new for you today,

Everything worries you now.

Ved 1: Please tell us

A word to our kids.

Ved 2: Meet the first grade team!

(the melody “First-grader, first-grader” sounds- first-graders line up in pairs in the center of the square).

Performance by first-graders 2015

Ved 1: Well done, first graders! Bravo!

Success and glory await you!

Ved 2: Praise first-graders, just wait,

We don't know yet what lies ahead for them.

Ved 1: The Minister of Education gave us a task for a year

Monitor first-graders and report by the end of the year

About everyone who tried, and who was just messing around!

Ved 2: Remember that in class you need to listen and understand,

Don't chat and don't shake your head.

Ved 1: Don’t catch flies, don’t get distracted, but try and study.

(Music plays as the first graders return to their classes)

Ved 2: Eleven years ago, other first-graders came to our school.

Ved 1: But time is rapidly rushing forward.

Ved 2: And we are pleased to welcome you today, our highly experienced graduates.

Ved 1: A response for you, first graders,

Prepared by future school graduates.

Together: Eleventh graders!

(the melody “Back to school…” plays)- performance of 11th graders).

1st student. Dear first graders! You are lucky to get into a wonderful school! Now it will be your second home. We welcome you to our friendly family. Feel like masters here.

2nd student. Your first school year will fly by very quickly, and in the spring we will meet you again to say goodbye, because this school year is our last and we will have to part with our home school, with our ship.

3rd student. But this will be in the spring, but for now we have a happy year of sailing together, and we still have many discoveries to make. We want you to love our school as much as we love it.

J student.

This school has become our home.

Our class studied here for ten years.

And now, friends, it's a fun call

He will also invite you to lessons.

J student.

We have learned a lot in ten years.

Big mountain read the books.

And you on our way

There are still many years to go.

J student.

Do not repeat, do not sneak a peek,

What I once was seven years old,

And, collecting notebooks in a thin knapsack,

She stood frozen in front of the school doors.

J student.

You are only seven, and we are already seventeen,

And we will never get our childhood back.

Therefore, we now want to admit

That we envy the first-timers a little bit.

1. Dear first-graders!

Today is school for the first time

You will be led along the path of knowledge.

Please accept our congratulations

And many good wishes.

3. You will remember this day forever:

The school will accept you for the first time.

Will open its doors wider -

And the school week will begin.

4. And then the second, quarter, year...

Your school period will flow by,

He will walk, he will run, he will rush,

Just make sure you study well!

5. This is still in the future, now

You will go to first grade for the first time.

There is still a small reserve of knowledge,

But over the years you will overtake us.

6. On the birthday of the school year

I brought a gift for the guys.

And this five is wonderful

(shows a larger number 5)

Let it live in your diaries.

7. Here everyone will learn to take care of themselves:

Collect your briefcase and braid your hair.

8. We really believe that everything will work out for you.

So good morning!

All together: Have a nice trip!

J student.

We wish you all to study diligently

And never forget about it,

That you should be proud of our school

And it’s an honor to defend her everywhere.