Late planting of roses in autumn. When to plant roses in spring and how to do it. Brief instructions for planting roses

Definition optimal time for planting roses is a question that remains open for many gardeners. The unpredictability of climate forces us to approach this process creatively: focus on the variety planting material, the specifics of the variety, the characteristics of the site and many other factors.

When to plant roses: in autumn or spring?

There is an unspoken rule among flower growers: beginners plant roses in the spring, professionals - in the fall. The first are guided by the fact that in the spring it is easier for the plant to provide sufficient watering and care than in winter time.

Experienced gardeners, in turn, are convinced that autumn humidity, stable soil temperatures and cool nights - best conditions for plant survival. Specimens planted before frost take root well and begin to grow actively in the spring.

Another advantage of planting in the fall is that nurseries at this time offer many grafted seedlings of any variety. After winter storage, imported and domestic samples are greatly weakened, which makes it somewhat more difficult to select suitable specimens in the spring.

Selection of planting material

The first thing to do is select planting material. These can be plants with an open or closed root system, from local nurseries or foreign ones.

Roses with closed roots are planted both in spring and autumn, since they are sold during the active growing season and during good care take root easily.

It is better to buy domestic specimens in the fall, and from trusted breeders. Imported seedlings need to be carefully examined: if the buds have already begun to grow, it is better to postpone planting to spring. In general, planting material brought from abroad is less frost-resistant, so it is planted in the spring to acclimatize.

When choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to the flowering time of the variety. Roses that bloom in spring tolerate planting better in early autumn. If specimens are selected for a harsh climate, you need to pay attention to the frost resistance indicator, which determines in which zone the flowers can winter without shelter.

In reality, this information is not always confirmed, however experienced gardeners We are confident that with proper autumn planting and good shelter, even slightly winter-hardy varieties will take root well.

Thus, beginners who are not sure about choosing a variety need to pay attention to preparing seedlings for winter.

Planting roses in autumn: growing conditions

When choosing a location for a flower garden, you need to consider the following:

In dark places, roses grow weakly;

In the sun, the color of the petals fades, flowering ends quickly;

Can't stand roses high humidity And strong winds, and the dry air quickly affects the bushes spider mite;

It is better not to plant roses near trees with spreading crowns - after rainfall, dampness lingers there for a long time.

It is better to choose a landing site with a deviation to the southeast or west. You need to plant roses where a light shadow will fall on them during the afternoon, and moisture will not be retained in the soil. Groundwater should be no higher than a meter from the surface.

Roses root best at soil temperatures between 12 and 17 degrees. This process continues for three to four weeks, after which, with the onset of frost, the roses go dormant.

Rooting time can be reduced by soaking the root system in a growth stimulant solution for 24 hours before planting.

Planting roses in autumn: soil preparation

The soil should be neutral, fertile and drained. Peat is added to alkaline soil, and lime is added to acidic soil. Loamy soil is improved with sand and manure. Dry sandy loam soil is enriched with stone flour and mineral fertilizers.

The quickly drying and freezing soil is weighed down with clay (10 kg per bush). It is placed at the bottom of the pit (layer up to 7 cm).

In any case, when planting in autumn, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (potassium sulfate, bone meal, superphosphate, etc.) should be added to the soil. This will speed up the preparation of the plant for the cold.

The soil from the hole must be thoroughly mixed with additives, humus must be poured into the bottom of the hole and dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. Next, fill the hole halfway with the prepared mixture and water it so that it has time to settle before planting.

Planting roses in autumn: planting method

The hole should be of such a size that the roots can enter it freely and do not break or bend. The size of the pit depends on the selected variety: 40x40x40 cm for low growing roses, 50x50x50 cm - for parks and bushes, the depth of the hole for climbing plants is about 70 cm. In an area with clay soil, the dimension increases by 12-15 cm. The distance between holes is on average 80 cm, between rows - 1-2 m.

The hole can be prepared in advance so that the soil has time to compact, or it can be dug right away. In the latter case, it needs to be undermined a little and brought to the required level.

Planting is placed in groups, taking into account winter insulation. Near climbing varieties you need to leave room for laying for the winter. Bushy and hybrid tea roses are placed so that a common shelter can be organized for them.

The location should take into account the size of mature bushes: at least 1 m between park and climbing varieties, 55 cm between hybrid tea roses and Floribunda, up to 45 cm between low-growing and small specimens.

In areas with a harsh climate, flowers are planted sparsely. Thanks to this, the soil warms up better. If roses are grown for cutting, it is better to place the bushes closer to each other (about 25 cm), the distance between the rows is up to 50 cm. This way the plants stretch out more and develop long flower stalks.

Rose planting scheme in autumn:

Loosen the bottom of the hole with a pitchfork, pour in a mixture of soil and compost, and sprinkle with regular soil on top;

Trim the roots a little with pruning shears until fresh cuts are formed;

When planting in autumn, cut off the ends of the shoots;

Place the seedling in the center of the hole, straighten the roots, pour a little earth on top so that the root collar is 5 cm deep from the surface of the earth;

Water the seedling generously;

Compact the earth;

Spud the bush with loose soil, make a roller about 15 cm in height (when the rose starts to grow, it can be leveled);

In autumn, the ground around the bush should be mulched with compost or mowed grass.

Further care

Subsequent care for roses planted in the fall consists of controlling the air temperature, since there is no need for abundant watering. At a temperature of 5-7 degrees, it is recommended to cover the bushes with spruce branches and install semicircular wire frames under them. The structure is covered with roofing felt and polyethylene.

Optimal height structures - 40-50 cm. Its dimensions vary depending on how many seedlings there will be under it. It is important to remember that the more air there is under the shelter, the easier the winter will pass.

At a temperature of -10 degrees, the edges of the film need to be slightly pressed to the ground. In spring, the shelter is not removed immediately: first, light ventilation is provided to prevent sunburn.

Almost every garden plot you can find several roses. One has two or three copies, the other has a couple of dozen, but the rose is always a win-win for garden decoration. Every gardener's dream - rose garden. But not everyone has the opportunity and skill to raise this whimsical and luxurious queen. But it's still worth a try. You just need to follow a few simple tips, and success will be guaranteed!

There is no clear time frame for planting roses. Roses can be planted both in spring and autumn, depending on the weather conditions inherent in a particular region.

Planting roses in autumn begins in September-October. When planting roses in the fall, the main thing is not to rush into planting. If the plant quickly takes root and young shoots begin to grow, it will quickly weaken and will not tolerate frost well. If planting is delayed, the plant runs the risk of not taking root before winter. In spring, this problem disappears, so planting roses during this period is most optimal. Roses are planted in the spring, when the air temperature warms up to +10 o C, which usually happens in April.

Preparation of seedlings and soil

First, rose seedlings are soaked in water for a day. When starting to plant, choose sunny plot, which is sufficiently protected from drafts. Next, dig a hole measuring 50x50x50 cm and fill it with water.

It may seem like the hole is too big, but it is not. Gardeners often make the mistake of digging a hole the same size as the root of the plant. And then, after planting, the rose will feel cramped in space, the roots will have nowhere to grow.

And if you follow these recommendations, the roots will begin to form a mass of thin roots that absorb moisture, which will contribute to the development of a powerful bush. Having worked once to prepare a place for her pet, she will thank her a hundredfold abundant flowering further. So, after the water has been absorbed, 2-3 shovels of humus are placed in the hole and mixed with soil. It is also recommended to add a handful of wood ash.

Now you need to carefully examine the seedlings. All damaged areas of the plant are cut out. The roots of the bush are shortened, leaving a length of no more than 30 cm. 3-4 of the most powerful stems are left on the bush, the rest are cut out. The remaining shoots are pruned so that 3 formed buds remain on the stem. This action contributes to the development of a powerful, healthy bush.

Planting rose seedlings

The seedling is lowered into a previously prepared hole and the roots are laid. Slowly fill the hole with earth, supporting the seedling and slightly pulling it up.

Then the soil around the seedling is compacted. You should pay attention to the budding site, which is embedded in the soil to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. If the grafting site is too deep, the plant will not take root well and the seedling will have to be raised. And vice versa, if the rootstock is not covered with soil, then wild shoots will begin to grow. The shoots are cut out all at the base.

The soil around the seedling is filled with a bucket of water. This must be done, otherwise after the first heavy rain the bush may become deeply buried in the soil.

Hilling a rose

After planting the rose bush, they begin to hill it.

This action stimulates the rooting of the seedling, and during autumn planting, it largely protects it from frost. The plant remains hillocked until spring.

In spring, there is also no need to rush to open the plant, but this should be done in rainy or cloudy weather, or in the evening. If the plant was planted in the spring and hilled up, then after the young shoots grow, it is necessary to unhill it so that the earth warms up well enough.

Step-by-step instructions for planting roses:

  • the seedling is soaked in water for 24 hours;
  • dig a hole 50x50x50;
  • add compost or humus;
  • mix humus with soil;
  • add wood ash;
  • cut off roots and excess stems;
  • the seedling is held and covered with earth;
  • compact the earth around the bush;
  • trim the stems;
  • the soil around the seedling is filled with water;
  • Spud up.

A beautiful pink flower garden is every gardener’s dream! “Queen of Flowers” ​​pleases the owner’s eye from May to October. Planting and care rose bushes does not present any particular difficulties. Therefore, if you wish, you can always enjoy roses in your garden. Roses are planted in spring and autumn. Autumn planting, according to many experts, is even more preferable for roses. Experience shows that freshly planted roses after wintering in the spring grow at the same level as last year's.

Spring planting of rose seedlings

Let's figure out how to plant roses in the spring.

From ground cover roses you can create a real garden with flower beds, rose bushes and even trees. Along neat paths there are low-growing pink roses, cone-shaped pink trees from metal base and climbing roses. And all this - against the backdrop of a lush, trimmed green lawn

The best hedge or lawn dividing strip - multi-colored lush bushes roses An excellent composition of three flowers - a juicy yellow, delicate pink and rich red rose. It is better to plant bushes at a distance of 100-60 cm and maintain their spherical shape

Roses begin to be sold in early spring. You should not be afraid to buy rose seedlings, for example, in March. Purchased roses can be stored in the basement or refrigerator (at +4) in damp sand or special fabric. In a similar way, roses can be stored for no more than a month, then either planted permanent place, or bury the whole thing in the ground before the onset of heat (usually the end of April).

Choosing a landing site

  • Ideally for planting roses, a small slope facing south is suitable.
  • The place should not be the most exposed to direct sunlight. It’s not bad if there are bushes located near the rose flower bed, or if the shade of the house covers the roses at lunchtime.
  • Roses need good drainage, so it is better to plant them at higher elevations.

Well preparation

The planting hole needs to be prepared 1.5-2 weeks before planting the roses, so that the soil has time to settle, otherwise the seedling may go underground. As with any shrubs, the hole should be deep enough - 60-70 cm. This is necessary, since over time the rose builds up its root system and grows.

The hole for roses should be deep - 50-70 centimeters. When placing the seedling in the hole, make sure that the roots do not bend or point upward

Filling the hole depends on the soil:

  • If you have heavy “oily” soil, the soil must be diluted with sand and organic matter (manure, compost, ash and others).
  • If the soil is more sandy, in addition to organic fertilizers, you need to add a little clay.
  • If there was already a flower garden at the planting site, the soil must be completely changed, since the soil has most likely already lost the necessary nutrients.

Various manuals on growing roses indicate that these flowers are loved more clay soils. However, roses can be grown on any soil. It is only necessary to ensure good drainage and a sufficient amount of organic matter to retain moisture and nutrients.

Planting rose seedlings

There are 2 known ways to plant roses:

  1. Dry. The seedling is placed in a dry hole and covered with prepared soil. And watering is carried out from above. This method is good for regions with high humidity.
  2. Wet. Water mixed with soil is poured into the hole, and the seedling is lowered into it. This method is more suitable for arid climates and soils. With this planting, the roots are better enveloped in soil, and the rose takes root faster.

Make sure that the grafting site is underground; it should be buried literally to the height of two or three fingers

During planting, you need to monitor the grafting site (where the shoots begin). It should be just below the surface of the soil. Thus, the rose will be protected from frost and sunlight, and additional shoots will not develop from the bud, which can suppress the growth of the main ones.

After planting, you need to immediately water the rose so that the soil settles better at the roots. If the soil settles, add soil mixture to prevent holes from forming, otherwise the roots may rot from excess moisture.

It doesn’t matter what time of year you plant, after planting, the seedling must be watered abundantly so that there are no voids left in the ground


After planting, it is necessary to hill the seedling. Hill up with compost or fertile soil, pouring a mound towards the root. If the seedling is small, it is completely covered with earth for a couple of weeks to protect the shoots and buds. After 2 weeks, the hill is raked so that the shoots do not give up their roots, on which the rose grows much worse.

Hilling up must be done immediately after planting. This event will help retain moisture in the shoots, since in the bright sun in spring, roses can dry out quickly. But do not forget to remove the hill after 2 weeks, after the plant has taken root and the shoot has not had time to take root.

Now is the time to stimulate the growth of the seedling. To do this, you need to trim the tops of the cuts a little. After this, the rose must be watered with stimulants for another 2-3 weeks so that the plant grows actively.

Different varieties and shades of roses harmonize perfectly among plants coniferous garden. “Queens of flowers” ​​have always coexisted well with conifers. Small islands of pink, red and coral roses will enliven the decor and make the green needles even brighter and juicier

Pink flower beds laid out right in the middle of a green lawn look amazingly beautiful. The geometry of the garden is emphasized by evenly trimmed hedges and rectangular flower beds made of different varieties low growing roses. Such decorative solutions with roses are ideal for large garden plots.

Features of autumn rose planting

Now let's look at how to plant roses in the fall. Autumn planting of roses is carried out until the end of September. In autumn, when planting rose seedlings, the following problems may arise:

  1. When the autumn is long and warm, the seedlings begin to grow, but at the first frost, the young shoots freeze and the plant may die.
  2. It is very difficult to find high-quality planting material in the fall. Almost all of the seedlings are overexposed in pots, and their roots are often dry from lack of soil and moisture.

How to choose a seedling for planting in the fall

If you still decide to buy rose seedlings in the fall, pay attention to the following points:

  • pay special attention to the root system, it should look healthy and not be dry;
  • make an incision into the root with pruning shears; if it is white inside, the plant is alive and can be planted;
  • if the root is brown inside, it means it is not viable and needs to be cut off until the white center appears;
  • shoots must be intact, not broken and healthy;
  • if the seedling has leaves, make sure they are not affected by pests.

Late boarding

In October, nurseries begin selling rose seedlings with big discounts. There is nothing to worry about if you decide to plant roses at the end of October, as long as the plant is healthy. Please note that at this time of year you can purchase rare species roses by affordable prices, which were too expensive in the spring.

Large unkempt sloping area behind a short time can be turned into a piece of paradise on earth. To do this, you just need to sow it with lawn plants and decorate it with various varieties of climbing and ground cover roses. Small square flower beds of multi-colored roses can be densely placed around the perimeter of the site, and garden paths decorate with arches with weaving varieties of these wonderful flowers

Small scarlet roses can decorate mixborders, flower beds and front gardens large garden. These varieties love sunny places and mineral supplements. The brightness of the color depends on proper care behind these royal plants - roses

Pit for late landing cook as usual, go to sleep organic fertilizers and mix with soil. Replant an autumn rose from a pot carefully so as not to damage the root ball. The root collar is buried 2 cm into the ground. This is how protection against winter cold will be more reliable. After planting, thorough watering of the seedling is necessary.

Immediately pour out half a bucket of water and wait until it is absorbed into the ground. Then, water again. This helps remove voids in the soil and allow the roots of the seedling to take the desired position. Watering must be done regularly before the onset of winter cold.

Remember that the first year the pink buds on each shoot need to be cut off. The rose will bloom much better next season if it gains strength to grow, instead of wasting it on flowering. We wish you a lush and fragrant pink flower garden!

Roses that have adorned gardens since ancient times Ancient Rome, are represented by numerous varieties and hybrids, numbering several thousand. The queen of flowers cannot be named unpretentious plant. It is demanding regarding growing conditions and is moderately capricious, but generously rewards the gardener with lush flowering in gratitude for proper care.

Its successful development is influenced whole line factors:

  • Choosing a favorable season when it is better to plant roses: spring or autumn.
  • Planting and transplanting.
  • Pruning.
  • Watering.
  • Compliance with the rules of reproduction.
  • Feeding.
  • Disease prevention.

Each of the listed stages of care requires careful attention and has certain nuances and subtleties.

Planting material: features of the root system

The choice of the time of year when it is better to plant roses (spring or autumn or summer) depends on the type of planting material and the region.

Seasonal planting of roses is as follows:

  • In summer - only seedlings in containers (with a closed root system).
  • In autumn and spring - plants with a closed or open root system: in containers, in special packaging with a small amount of soil or with bare roots.

When purchasing seedlings with an open root system, the main selection criterion should be the roots: well branched, without damage or dried out areas. The stem of a quality plant is smooth and glossy. If you buy a rose in the spring, a little dryness is allowed in the upper part of the shoots.

If the rose is in a container, its branched roots should occupy the entire volume of the pot. Stems may be bright green or Brown color, leaves - with a uniform smooth surface.

Seedlings in cardboard or cellophane packaging can be purchased even in winter and stored until spring transplantation, if you transfer them to a box or leave them in the package and keep them in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5 0 C. After winter storage, the plants must be planted together with the soil covering the roots.

Choosing a season for planting

What time to plant roses? Spring and autumn are best for this.

The spring period is most favorable for planting material obtained by cuttings. The roots of such seedlings are not able to survive the winter cold, as they are still very weak. The end of April - May is the best period for plants grown from cuttings. At this time, the earth has already warmed up, the risk of sudden frosts is minimal.

Spring planting is also relevant for residents of the central part of Russia and northern regions, where winter comes earlier than in the south. In order not to risk the health of seedlings that may not have time to take root before the onset of frost, it is better to plant them in open ground in the spring, when the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees.

In other cases optimal time for planting - autumn. Gardeners often doubt whether it is possible to plant roses in September. It would seem that the earlier the plants are planted, the more time they have to take root and meet the winter in their prime. But that's not true. The plant quickly settles into the soil and, under the warm rays of the sun, begins to form the first shoots, which cannot cope with frost and weaken the plant. Early planting in the ground can lead to the death of a young seedling.

So that the rose has time to take root, but does not begin to grow, it should be planted from the second half of September to mid-October. Until the first frost root system will get stronger, the plant will go into winter rest strong and healthy, and in the spring it will begin to develop rapidly.

When deciding when it is better to plant roses (spring or autumn), you should take into account that the timing of autumn and spring planting may shift in one direction or another depending on the region and weather conditions. If cold weather has already set in and the seedlings are not planted, then it is better to bury them or leave them in a cool cellar until spring.

A place for a heat-loving beauty

An important condition for lush flowering- in what part of the garden.

Rose loves warmth and sun, but not heat, in which the flowering period is shortened and the shade of the petals becomes faded. The ideal side of the site for a sissy is southeast. The place is sunny, warm, without drafts and stagnation of air and moisture.

The sun is the basis of pink splendor. You should caress a rose at least six hours a day Sun rays. It is advisable for this to happen in the morning or evening hours. When planting in groups tall varieties placed in the background. Trees and bushes should be no closer than 2 meters from the rose, fences and high walls - no closer than 0.6 m.

Rose does not like drafts, but favors good air circulation - this protects it from insect pests and pathogens.

The soil

The rose is not as demanding on the soil as it is on the planting site and watering. The main condition is the absence of superficial groundwater, good drainage, pH-neutral environment and provision of nutritional composition during planting.

If the soil is sandy, add a mixture of manure and mineral fertilizers, if loamy - manure with sand.

Planting roses where there was already a rose garden is contraindicated. Previous plants depleted the soil, which created fertile conditions for fungal bacteria.

How to plant a rose: basic rules

For planting, dig a hole measuring 0.5 x 0.5 m. This depth and width will be sufficient for the free development of the root system. Compost or humus is placed at the bottom, a layer of soil is covered, a small mound is raised in the center of the hole and watered abundantly. Planting begins when the water is completely absorbed.

Before planting a seedling with an open root system, the roots are cut to 1/3 of the entire length. If the roots are in the substrate, then the substrate is not removed from the roots when planting.

After the seedling is placed in a hole on a mound, the roots are straightened, covered with soil 5 cm above the grafting site, a roll of soil is made and watered abundantly (a bucket per bush). After watering, the shoot is hilled up and left sprinkled with loose soil until the seedling takes root and sprouts its first shoots. Usually two weeks are enough for this. After this, the shoot is freed from excess soil in cloudy weather or in the evening so that the sun's rays do not burn the thin branches.

Watering after planting

An important factor influencing when it is best to plant a rose in open ground is the amount of water available to the young seedling. In spring, the soil is saturated with moisture from melted snow - this makes survival easier.

Subsequently, the rose is watered once a week at moderate temperatures. If the sun is active and the weather remains hot, then the amount of watering is doubled.

The norm for the volume of water for one watering is 1 bucket per bush. Water strictly at the base of the bush, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves.

Water must penetrate deep into the soil. Surface watering causes small roots to tend to grow upward, thereby slowing down their growth.

Mandatory rose care such as mulching will reduce moisture evaporation and retain it in the soil. Covering the base of the bush with humus will protect the roots from drying out and prevent the ground from becoming overgrown with weeds.

Pruning roses

Regardless of when it is better to plant roses: in spring or autumn, we must not forget about pruning them.

When planting in autumn, shoots are cut to 1/3 of their length. In spring, prune more heavily, leaving 2 or 3 buds on the stem.

Subsequently, pruning is done twice:

  • In early spring, diseased and dry shoots are pruned to improve the health of the plant. 4-5 healthy branches are left on the bush. This will allow you to form a beautiful bush of the correct shape.
  • In the summer, dried flowers are removed by cutting off the stem to 3-5 buds for hybrid teas, large-flowered polyanthas and floribundas, to 1-2 for small-flowered polyanthas, and for other varieties - up to 5-7 buds.

No pruning is done in the fall.

The general rules for pruning are:

  • Weak and diseased branches are cut off as much as possible or removed completely, strong branches are pruned minimally.
  • The instrument must be disinfected and sharp.
  • If you cut to the bud, which is located on inside stem, vertical shoot growth will begin. If you cut to a bud located outside, the growth of lateral branches will occur. The second option should be predominant so as not to thicken or shade the middle of the bush, as this leads to a lack of oxygen and lighting and contributes to the development of diseases.

Proper pruning helps beautiful view and the growth of the rose, and irrational, in violation of the basic rules can lead to the death of the plant.

Feeding roses

From early spring to mid-August, seedlings are fed with a mixture of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt. Then ammonium nitrate must be excluded from the composition.

If the seedling is in a stressful situation (stable heat, prolonged rains), spraying it with sodium humate, root or epin will help it survive the difficult period.

One of the best fertilizers for roses, manure (horse, cow) or bird droppings are considered. It must be kept for six months, since the acidic environment of fresh manure or droppings not only blocks nitrogen in the soil, but can also burn the roots of the plant.

Cuttings of roses

One of the most common ways to propagate roses is by cuttings.

It is better to cut cuttings in the spring, when pruning bushes after wintering. If we plant roses from cuttings in the spring, we adhere to the following rules:

  • taken middle part shoots more than 0.5 cm thick;
  • the stalk has from 2 to 4 eyes;
  • the lower cut is made 2-3 cm below the bud, the upper cut is made immediately above the bud;
  • the leaf at the bottom of the cutting is removed completely, while at the top leaf only half is removed.

It is recommended to cut the stems in the morning, when the branches are saturated with moisture. Prepared cuttings are stuck into weed-free and abundantly moist soil. This can be a specially prepared bed or a place with north side mother bush. To create a favorable microclimate, the cuttings are covered with trimmed plastic bottle or spunbond.

Spring planting in the ground

The cuttings have taken root, the first shoots have sprouted, and the question again arises about when is it better to plant roses: in spring or autumn?

It is better not to touch young plants, let them grow in their original place, under the protection of a mini-greenhouse or covering material. During spring, summer and autumn, the soil must be moistened regularly (without flooding!). For the winter, the seedlings are covered with earth and securely covered.

Safely rooted seedlings that have survived the winter unfurl their first leaves in the spring and throw out thin shoots. If the plant is strong, you can transplant it to a new place. If there is no urgent need for this, then it is better to leave the bush in the same place for another year so that it gains strength until next spring.

Planting young roses in a new place is done carefully and always with a lump of earth.

Autumn planting

If the rose has a strong root system, and the bush itself is strong and healthy, then convenient time for planting - autumn. The rules for planting roses with roots in the fall are no different from planting seedlings in the spring. Special attention should only be devoted to introducing phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which can ensure accelerated preparation of seedlings for winter conditions.

Main advantage autumn planting roses is that at this time nurseries offer for sale numerous grafted varieties and hybrids. in spring varietal diversity not so bright, and the plants themselves are weakened after wintering.

Among all plants, roses have become quite widespread, which is due to their attractive appearance and cultivation characteristics. Planting roses in the fall is done quite often. However, the process itself has some features that should be taken into account. Today they highlight great amount various wild growing and garden roses. Many gardeners engage in crossbreeding and breeding new varieties on their own.

Varieties of roses

You can plant rose seedlings in the fall different ways. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the classification of these flowers, because each variety tolerates planting differently autumn period. Thus, bush varieties of roses are divided according to the shape of the bush into creeping, spreading, drooping and narrow pyramidal.

Roses are also classified by height. The most common varieties are those whose height is from 10 cm. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Miniature varieties - up to 30 cm high.
  • Polyanthus roses reach a height of 45−60 cm.
  • Hybrid tea varieties - grow up to 90 cm.
  • Climbing roses - due to the support, the height of the plants can be about 6 m.

Roses also vary significantly in flower shape. There are simple, semi-double, double and densely double varieties. The classification may also be based on the environment in which the plants take root. Some varieties can only grow in greenhouse conditions, others are planted in open ground.

Reproduction methods

There are five ways to propagate flowers. To properly plant roses in the fall using one of these methods, you must take into account the characteristics of the variety and weather terrain. Roses can be propagated in the following ways:

You can plant roses with roots in the fall without fear of them dying off due to low temperatures. To do this, just place the plant in a deeper hole.

Features of planting in autumn

The question of how to properly plant roses in the fall is quite relevant. This is due to the fact that the autumn season is most suitable for growing the plant. Planting roses in autumn has the following features:

  1. Air humidity in autumn is suitable for planting roses. According to statistics, at this time the humidity level is 75−85%. In April or May the corresponding value is only 65%.
  2. There is much more rainfall in autumn than in spring. Thanks to this, when planting roses in the fall in middle lane Watering has to be done much less frequently.
  3. In autumn, the soil temperature is stable and comfortable for roses, since the earth warms up well during the summer.