Increased activity. Hyperactivity in children (ADHD): diagnosis or parenting problems

One of the most common diseases in children is hyperactivity. According to statistics, 20% of children aged 3 to 5 years have this diagnosis. This is when the disease manifests itself to its maximum.

A hyperactive child experiences inconvenience during learning and does not socialize well. It is difficult for him to establish contact with peers and concentrate on gaining knowledge. Pathology may be accompanied by other diseases nervous system.

In 1970, hyperactivity was included in the international classification of diseases. It was given the name ADHD, or attention deficit disorder. The disease is a disorder of the brain that results in permanent nervous tension. Children shock adults with behavior that does not correspond to established standards.

Teachers usually complain about students who are too active. They are restless and constantly undermine discipline. Mental and physical activity is increased. Memory and motor skills may remain unimpaired. The disease most often occurs in boys.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Most often, brain malfunctions begin in utero. Hyperactivity can lead to:

  • finding the uterus in good shape (threat of miscarriage);
  • hypoxia;
  • maternal smoking or poor diet during pregnancy;
  • constant stress experienced by a woman.

Sometimes pathology occurs due to disruption of the birth process:

  • swiftness;
  • a prolonged period of contractions or pushing;
  • use of drugs for stimulation;
  • birth before 38 weeks.

Hyperactivity syndrome occurs most rarely due to other reasons not related to the birth of the baby:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • family problems (conflicts, tense relationships between mom and dad);
  • overly strict parenting;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • violation of the diet.

The listed reasons are risk factors. It is not necessary that a baby with this syndrome is born during a rapid birth. If the pregnant mother was constantly nervous, often in confinement due to uterine hypertonicity or oligohydramnios, then the risk of ADHD increases.

Symptoms of pathology

It is quite difficult to separate excessive activity and simple mobility. Many parents mistakenly diagnose their children with ADHD when in reality this problem does not exist. Some symptoms may indicate neurasthenia, so you cannot prescribe treatment yourself. If you suspect hyperactivity, consult a specialist.

Before the age of 1 year, brain disorders manifest themselves with symptoms:

  • excessive excitability;
  • violent reaction to daily procedures (crying during bathing, massage, hygiene procedures);
  • increased sensitivity to stimuli: sound, light;
  • problems with sleep (babies periodically wake up at night, stay awake for a long time during the day, find it difficult to sleep);
  • delayed psychomotor development (they begin to crawl, walk, talk, sit later).

Children under 2-3 years of age may experience speech problems. She for a long time is at the babbling stage, the baby has difficulty forming word combinations and complex sentences.

Hyperactivity is not diagnosed until one year of age, since the symptoms described may appear due to the baby’s whims or work problems. digestive system or during teething.

Psychologists around the world have recognized that there is a crisis of 3 years. With hyperactivity, it is acute. At the same time, older family members are thinking about socialization. They begin to take the baby to preschool institutions. This is where ADHD begins to manifest itself:

  • restlessness;
  • chaotic movements;
  • motor impairment (clumsiness, inability to hold cutlery or a pencil correctly);
  • speech problems;
  • inattention;
  • disobedience.

Parents may notice that getting their preschooler to sleep becomes difficult. A three-year-old child begins to feel very tired in the evening. The baby begins to cry for no reason and show aggression. This is how accumulated fatigue makes itself felt, but despite it the baby continues to move, actively play, and talk loudly.

ADHD is most often diagnosed in children between 4 and 5 years of age. If mom and dad paid little attention to the health of the preschooler, then the symptoms will appear in primary school. They will be noticeable:

  • inability to concentrate;
  • restlessness: during the lesson the student jumps up from his seat;
  • problems with the perception of adult speech;
  • hot temper;
  • frequent nervous tics;
  • lack of independence, incorrect assessment of one’s strengths;
  • severe headaches;
  • imbalance;
  • enuresis;
  • numerous phobias, increased anxiety.

You may notice that a hyperactive student has excellent intelligence, but has problems with academic performance. As a rule, the syndrome is accompanied by conflicts with peers.

Other children avoid overly active children, because it is difficult to find them mutual language. Children with ADHD often become conflict instigators. They are overly touchy, impulsive, aggressive, and mistakenly assess the consequences of their actions.

Features of the syndrome

For most adults, a diagnosis of ADHD sounds like a death sentence. They consider their children to be mentally retarded or defective. This is a big mistake on their part: due to prevailing myths, parents forget that a hyperactive child:

  1. Creative. He is full of ideas, and his imagination is better developed than that of ordinary children. If his elders help him, he can become an excellent specialist with a non-standard approach or a creative person with many ideas.
  2. The owner of a flexible mind. He finds a solution not an easy task, making your work easier.
  3. Enthusiast, bright personality. He is interested in many things, he tries to attract attention to himself, strives to communicate with as many people as possible.
  4. Unpredictable, energetic. This quality can be called both positive and negative. On the one hand, he has enough strength for many different things, but on the other hand, it is simply impossible to keep him in place.

It is believed that a child with hyperactivity constantly moves chaotically. This is a persistent myth. If a preschooler is completely absorbed in an activity, he will spend several hours doing it. It is important to encourage such hobbies.

Parents need to understand that hyperactivity in children does not in any way affect their intelligence and talent. These are often gifted children; in addition to treatment, they need education aimed at developing the skills given by nature. Usually they sing well, dance, design, recite poetry, and enjoy performing in public.

Types of disease

Hyperactivity syndrome in children may have different symptoms, since this disease has several forms:

  1. Attention deficit without excessive activity. Most often this variety occurs in girls. They dream a lot, have a wild imagination, and often lie.
  2. Increased excitability without attention deficit. This is the rarest pathology, accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  3. Classic ADHD. The most common form, its course scenario is individual for each case.

Regardless of how the disease progresses, it must be treated. To do this, you need to undergo several examinations, interact with doctors, psychologists, and teachers. In most cases, children are prescribed sedatives. A consultation with a psychoanalyst is mandatory for parents. They must learn to accept the illness and not put “labels” on the child.

Diagnostic features

At the first visit to specialists, it is impossible to make a diagnosis. A final verdict requires observation lasting about six months. It is carried out by specialists:

  • psychologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist.

All family members are often afraid of going to a psychiatrist. Do not hesitate to come to him for a consultation. An experienced specialist will help you correctly assess the condition of a small patient and prescribe treatment. The examination should include:

  • conversation or interview;
  • behavior observation;
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • filling out questionnaires by parents.

Based on this data, doctors receive complete information about the behavior of a small patient, which allows them to distinguish an active baby from one who has disorders. Other pathologies may be hidden behind hyperactivity, so you should be prepared to undergo:

  • Brain MRI;
  • ECHO CG;
  • blood tests.

In order to promptly identify concomitant pathologies, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist, epileptologist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist, and otolaryngologist. It is important to wait for a final diagnosis.
If doctors refuse to refer you for examinations, contact the head of the clinic or work through psychologists from educational institutions.

Complex treatment

There is no universal ADHD pill yet. Children are always prescribed complex treatment. Some recommendations on how to help a hyperactive child:

  1. Correction of motor activity. Children should not play competitive sports. Demonstrations of achievements (without evaluations) and static loads are acceptable. Suitable species sports: swimming, skiing, cycling. Aerobic exercise is allowed.
  2. Interaction with a psychologist. Techniques are used to reduce the level of anxiety of a small patient and to increase his communication skills. Success scenarios are modeled and activities are selected to help increase self-esteem. The specialist gives exercises to develop memory, speech, and attention. If the violations are serious, then a speech therapist is involved in corrective classes.
  3. A change of scenery and environment is useful. If the treatment is beneficial, the attitude towards the baby will be better in the new team.
  4. Parents react sharply to behavioral problems of their children. Mothers are often diagnosed with depression, irritability, impulsiveness, and intolerance. Visiting a psychotherapist with the whole family allows you to quickly cope with hyperactivity.
  5. Auto-training, classes in sensory relaxation rooms. They improve the activity of the nervous system and stimulate the cerebral cortex.
  6. Correcting the behavior of the whole family, changing habits and daily routines.
  7. Therapy using medications. In America, psychostimulants are often prescribed for ADHD. In Russia they are prohibited for use, since this group of medicines has a lot of side effects. Doctors recommend nootropic drugs and sedatives that contain herbal ingredients.

Drug therapy is used only when other methods of treatment have failed. The use of nootropics for hyperactivity does not have an evidence base; they are usually prescribed to improve blood supply to the brain and normalize metabolic processes in it. Using these medications can improve memory and concentration.

Parents should be prepared for the course of treatment to last several months. Medicines They give a positive effect after 4-6 months, but you will have to work with a psychologist for more than one year.

No one can be diagnosed with ADHD without testing. Only a specialist can see signs of hyperactivity in children. You should not make a diagnosis or prescribe medications on your own. Do not neglect the recommendations of specialists and conduct regular examinations. Many people are interested in the peculiarities of life in a family with a hyperactive child - what should parents do - the advice of a psychologist in this case is as follows:

  1. Organize your day. Include consistent rituals. For example, before bed, give your baby a bath, change him into pajamas, and read a story. Do not change your daily routine, this will save you from hysterics and excitement in the evening.
  2. A calm and friendly environment at home will help minimize energy emissions. Unexpected arrivals of guests and noisy parties are not a suitable atmosphere for children with hyperactivity.
  3. Pick up sports section and make sure you attend classes regularly.
  4. If the situation allows, do not limit the activity of the baby. He will throw out his energy and become calmer.
  5. Punishments such as sitting still for long periods of time or doing tedious work are not suitable for children with ADHD.

Many people are interested in how to calm down hyperactive child. To do this, psychotherapists provide individual consultations based on changes in the educational process. First of all, keep in mind that with ADHD children deny any inhibitions.

Using the words “no” and “can’t” is sure to provoke hysterics. Psychologists recommend making sentences without using direct negatives.

Tantrums need to be prevented. This can be done by correcting behavior.

One more ADHD problem is a lack of control over time and frequent switching of attention. Gently guide your child back to the goal. Make sure that the task takes a certain amount of time to complete. Give directions or teach lessons sequentially. Don't ask multiple questions at once.

Spend a lot of time with overly active children and pay attention to them. Engage in joint activities with them: walk through the forest, pick berries and mushrooms, go on picnics or hikes.

At the same time, avoid noisy events that have a stimulating effect on the psyche. Change the background of your life. Instead of watching TV, turn on calm music and limit your time watching cartoons.

If a hyperactive baby is overexcited, do not yell at him and exclude physical violence. Speak to him in a calm and firm tone, hug him, take him to quiet place(away from other children and people), find words of comfort, listen.

Features of the learning process

Treatment of hyperactivity in school-age children should be carried out together with teachers. They must know about the student’s problems and be able to engage him in class. Most often, programs with creative elements in classes and simplified presentation of material are used for this purpose.

Nowadays, inclusive education is being developed throughout the country, which, with the syndrome, allows children to gain knowledge not at home, but in a group. Problems and misunderstandings cannot be ruled out. The teacher must be able to resolve conflicts in the classroom.

During the lesson, hyperactive children need to be involved in active actions. The teacher should give such students small assignments. They can wash the blackboard, take out the trash, hand out notebooks, and go get chalk. A little warm-up during the lesson will allow you to splash out the accumulated energy.

Possible consequences

You shouldn’t let pathology take its course. The child is not able to cope with ADHD on his own. He will not outgrow this syndrome.

In advanced cases, hyperactivity leads to manifestations of physical aggression towards oneself and others:

  • bullying by peers;
  • fights;
  • attempts to beat parents;
  • suicidal tendencies.

Often a hyperactive student with a high IQ graduates from school with unsatisfactory grades. He cannot get an education at a university or college and has problems finding employment.

In an unfavorable social atmosphere, the schoolchild who grows up leads a marginal lifestyle, takes drugs or abuses alcohol.

In a supportive environment, ADHD can be beneficial. Mozart and Einstein are known to have had this syndrome. However, you should not rely only on natural data. Help your child realize his importance and direct his energy in the right direction.

Ekaterina Kashirskaya, head of the children's psychological center "Education in Development" answered Mama.Ru's questions

Active or hyperactive?

“Hyperactivity” has become such a fashionable word that many parents are in a hurry to say something about their 2-3 year old child “he is hyperactive” and are even often proud of it.

Mobility, interest in the environment, restlessness, curiosity - these are natural manifestations of the baby’s character and his desire to understand the world around him. While hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADD), which are often combined with each other, are neurological-behavioral disorders that appear closer to 6-7 years of age and truly interfere with the child’s ability to learn and adapt in life.

Therefore, the baby’s activity, his desire to run and play, if it does not prevent him from developing according to his age and learning new things, should not be called hyperactivity. But if you notice that your child does not like and cannot listen to fairy tales, does not know how to concentrate on games (played for a minute and quit), and constantly requires your attention, this is a reason to consult with a psychologist so that attention problems do not become an obstacle for him in the future.

At what age is hyperactivity diagnosed?

It is difficult for hyperactive children to adapt; problems begin to arise in connection with the beginning of systematic education - in preparatory classes before entering first grade or already at school. It is difficult for such a child to understand what the role of a schoolchild is: to distinguish acceptable behavior from unacceptable, he does not know how to get along well with children and the teacher, cannot organize his work in class and at home, and simply “sit through” a standard lesson, he is excessively active there, that this is not appropriate - not on sports ground, and in the classroom when solving problems.

Therefore, if in preschool age restlessness does not particularly bother parents, then when entering school, learning problems and attention disorders come to the fore. It is during this period that parents most often seek advice from specialists. At the age of 6-7 years, these problems become critical for the child.

It is worth knowing that attention deficit and hyperactivity often occur in combination with some other problems - learning difficulties, fears, problems of a neurological nature (difficulty coordinating movements, motor impairment), they may be an adverse reaction to some medicine that one is taking child.

Ekaterina Kashirskaya: “In our country, parents themselves decide when to send their child to first grade. As a result, both children who have just turned 6 years old and those who will soon be 8 are coming to school. Before making a decision about readiness for school, it is always better to consult with a specialist. A neuropsychologist can, among other things, diagnose attention processes and determine:
the degree of readiness of the child for systematic learning;
is the school that his parents have chosen for him suitable for him (let’s say, they have a desire to send their child to a gymnasium with a complex program, but it is clear to the specialist that the child will not be able to master it);
what corrective program will help smooth out the child’s characteristics so that he comes to school without serious problems. Depending on the problem, he may recommend contacting other specialists: a child psychologist, a neurologist, a speech therapist-defectologist.”

Signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Whether a child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or not can only be determined by a specialist. But in order to turn to him, parents must understand how impulsiveness and inability to concentrate prevent the child from realizing his potential and adapting in kindergarten, school and any other group.

What situations should alert parents and may be a reason to contact a neuropsychologist? What can be truly disturbing is behavior that clearly sets him apart from his peers, interferes with his studies and communication and - which is very important - does not go away over time, at least for six months and does not depend on his location - that is, he behaves the same yourself at home, at school, and away:

1. Inattention:

It is always difficult for a child to concentrate on a task or game;
he often loses things, forgets about ordinary daily tasks (make the bed, get dressed, wash, etc.);
listens inattentively, even when addressed personally;
when performing tasks: cannot organize the order of his actions himself, is often distracted (drinking, looking out the window, etc.), often does not comply with the terms of the task and does not complete it to the end.

2. Impulsivity:

It is difficult for a child to wait his turn: he begins to answer without listening to the end of the question, interrupts others, gets into other people’s conversations, shouts “out of his seat” in class, it is difficult for him to play games with rules that imply that something must be done strictly one by one.

3. Hyperactivity:

It is difficult for the child to calm down - he fidgets in the chair, fidgets with his fingers, scratches himself;
talks too much;
gets up when he needs to sit (in class, for example), cannot play or rest quietly, constantly runs around “like crazy,” climbs everywhere, even if it is inappropriate.

Ekaterina Kashirskaya: “The task of a specialist who works with a child with the described disorders is to help him adapt to the conditions in which he finds himself (school program, specific level of workload). Correction methods can be completely different, depending on the type of problem:
cognitive behavioral therapy;
social support;
drug treatment (it can complement, but not replace other methods of work). It is important to understand that neither a psychologist nor a neuropsychiatrist can prescribe a child to take any medications; the decision on the need for such support is made together with doctors (neurologist).

Basic principles of construction correctional classes:
needs to be structured environment(order is important to a hyperactive child more than anyone else);
It is important to give the baby a visual representation important information, a visual representation of time;
talk a lot with him out loud (including describing what is happening at the moment);
As part of cognitive behavioral therapy, the child is taught problem-solving techniques, how to divide problems into parts, how to make a plan, and how to check for mistakes.

Like any other disorder, hyperactivity and attention deficit may be accompanied by new “outbursts” at an older age, therefore, as a rule, specialists observe such children until they graduate from school.”

Hyperactivity is a form of disorder that often manifests itself in children of the group preschool age, as well as in children of early school age, although a “transition” to further age groups in the absence of appropriate measures addressed to her. Hyperactivity, the symptoms of which are excessive energy and mobility of the child, is not a pathological condition and is often caused by impaired attention.

general description

Hyperactivity consists, in addition to the listed symptoms in the form of excessive energy and increased activity, the inability to concentrate on any specific subject, the impulsiveness and restlessness of the child, and the lack of control over one’s own actions.

The behavioral characteristics of children with hyperactivity are reduced, on average, in 70% of cases to the appearance of anxiety; similar indicators correspond to the relevance of neurological habits; in approximately 50% of cases, problems with appetite occur and in 46% - problems with sleep. In addition to this, you can indicate awkwardness, the appearance of annoying movements in the child, twitching.

In general terms, hyperactivity is usually referred to as attention deficit disorder, which determines the abbreviation for this condition as ADHD, that is, it corresponds to the designation “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” It should be immediately noted that attention deficit in this case does not indicate that the child is given little time and attention, but that he cannot concentrate his attention on anything.

Hyperactivity determines the need for a greater amount of effort aimed at teaching writing, reading skills, etc. Communicating with peers is almost without fail accompanied by communicative problems and conflicts when children are hyperactive. Educators and teachers treat such children as not very “convenient” individuals, which is caused by the problems that arise with them during the educational process due to the inherent characteristics of their behavior against the background of hyperactivity.

Based on research data, it is known that hyperactivity is relevant on average for 2-20% of children, while hyperactivity syndrome in boys is diagnosed up to five times more often than, respectively, in girls.

Due to the fact that the brain of children with hyperactivity processes incoming information poorly, a similar reaction on its part also occurs when exposed to external and internal stimuli. As a result, an inattentive child is “uncontrollable”, because neither persuasion, nor punishment, nor requests work with him. Regardless of the conditions, the child will act impulsively, without attention appropriate to a given situation. To understand your own line of behavior in relation to a hyperactive child, you should find out what exactly are the causes of hyperactivity.

To top it off, we add that hyperactivity and ADHD in particular in 30-80% of cases are accompanied by adult life patients. Moreover, it is precisely against the background of this disorder, not identified in childhood, there are subsequently problems associated with the inability to maintain attention, with the organization of interpersonal relationships and the general surrounding space, as well as problems associated with the development of new information and materials.

Hyperactivity: causes

Hyperreactivity syndrome can be triggered by complications accompanying the development of the child, in particular those that were relevant during the mother's pregnancy, during labor or during infancy. Let us highlight the main causes of hyperreactivity below:

  • the mother has chronic diseases;
  • toxic effects caused by poisoning during pregnancy caused by certain foods, smoking, alcohol, and medications taken;
  • suffering injuries during pregnancy, bruises;
  • transfer during pregnancy infectious diseases;
  • the presence of a threat of miscarriage, which is relevant, as is clear, during the mother’s pregnancy;
  • complications of labor, causing hemorrhages, asphyxia;
  • features of labor that exclude its natural course (caesarean section, stimulation of labor, rapid labor or, conversely, protracted labor);
  • features of the environmental situation in the region of residence;
  • transmission of certain diseases.

Hyperactivity: symptoms

As a rule, the first symptoms of hyperactivity make themselves felt at the age of 2-3 years, while parents are in no hurry to see a doctor with problems associated with this disorder. Because of this, any measures in this direction begin to be taken only when a critical point is reached, which in many cases occurs at the time of entry into school.

The main basic signs corresponding to hyperactivity can be identified as a triad of manifestations, and these are increased motor disinhibition, impulsivity and a deficit of an active form of attention.

A deficiency in the active form of attention consists, for example, in the inability to maintain attention on a specific process or phenomenon for a specific period of time. Focus is achieved by identifying a specific motivation to do so. The motivational mechanism is formed with sufficient personal maturity for this.

As for the next option, which is increased motor disinhibition, it acts as a manifestation of a condition such as fatigue. In children, fatigue is often comparable to overexcitation and a lack of ability to control behavior, which, as is clear, distinguishes it from fatigue in the usual sense.

As for such a manifestation as impulsivity, it consists in an unpreparedness to inhibit emerging impulses and desires. Because of this, hyperactive patients often commit certain actions thoughtlessly, only under the influence of a momentary factor, at a specific moment that led to the emergence of a specific impulse or desire. Children who are impulsive are unable to obey rules.

Enough characteristic feature children with hyperactivity is such a thing as cyclicality, it lies in the fact that the productivity of their brain is about 15 minutes of time, followed by a 5-minute “break”, which allows them to prepare for the next cycle of activity. As a result of such a switch, one can notice that within approximately the same time period corresponding to the indicated figures, the child seems to “fall out” of the process in which he was involved at the time of the “reboot” (communication, specific actions). A child can provide the opportunity to stay in the conditions of a specific reality by performing some third-party actions, that is, he can begin to turn his head, spin around - due to such motor activity, the constancy of the brain is maintained.

Being alone, a hyperactive child cannot concentrate, he also becomes lethargic, the actions he is capable of are mostly monotonous and easy to perform. Here the child requires external activation. Staying in a family or in small groups determines quite adequate behavior of a hyperactive child, but as soon as he finds himself in a larger group, in a public place, etc. – excessive excitement occurs, full activity becomes impossible.

Among the additional manifestations of symptoms, one can also identify the relevance of awkward movements, which are caused by weakness of motor coordination. In general, children can have good general intelligence, although its development is caused by certain difficulties due to existing hyperactivity.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of hyperreactivity is made on the basis of a general collection of information on a subjective scale, as well as on the basis of psychological and instrumental examination. The doctor’s appointment will include questions regarding the specifics of the course of pregnancy and delivery, as well as past and current diseases of the child. Diagnostics also includes a series of tests, based on which the parameters that determine the degree of his attentiveness are assessed. As for the hardware examination, it includes an electroencephalogram procedure, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Based on a comprehensive picture of the results obtained, specific individual treatment principles are determined.

Treatment of hyperactive children is complex in the nature of the implementation of measures; it is based on methods of drug therapy, on psychological and pedagogical influence and methods of influence through certain elements of psychotherapy. The drugs that can be prescribed in treatment do not help treat hyperactivity as such, but by taking them you can reduce symptoms (impulsivity, etc.), as well as improve learning and work abilities. Also, with the help of medications, it is possible to achieve improvement in coordination of movements, which is required in particular for writing, sports activities, etc.

Parents should avoid negation in sentences when communicating with their children. Conflict situations require the greatest possible calm on their part. It is important to designate any assigned tasks through clear formulations of actions; long formulations, on the contrary, are excluded, sentences should be short. The instructions given to the child should be built in their appropriate logical sequence; several instructions cannot be given at once. Additionally, it is important to make it clear to the child that regardless of the situation and where he is, his parents will always support him, helping him cope with the difficulties that arise.

If symptoms indicating hyperactivity appear, you should consult a neurologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Mental disorders, characterized primarily by decreased mood, motor retardation and disruption of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not pose any particular danger, which they are deeply mistaken about. Depression is quite dangerous look diseases caused by human passivity and depression.

Hyperactivity is an overly animated behavior of people, in which the person’s increased excitability is clearly visible. This behavior usually occurs due to an inability to control emotions. Therefore, hyperactivity syndrome is observed mainly in children and adolescents. If adults behave this way, we can talk about the presence of some kind of mental disorder.

Regarding hyperactivity syndrome in children and adolescents, experts have a different opinion. They believe that excessive activity and high excitability in this case are explained mainly by attention deficit. Attention deficit in this case means the lack of ability to concentrate on a specific object, sound or activity.

In addition, the reasons for such behavior in a child may be birth injuries, any infections, insufficient or improper nutrition, or poisoning with chemical poisons.

Hyperactivity syndrome is much more common in boys than in girls. Usually it makes itself felt already at two or three years. Today, increased excitability is observed in almost 10% of students primary classes. It is often accompanied by sleep disorders, speech defects, developmental pathologies, diarrhea, and enuresis.


Despite the fact that symptoms of hyperactivity in children appear in very early age, they most often get an appointment with a specialist by the age of 8-10 years. This is explained by the fact that initially those around them consider the child to be restless or simply do not give special significance his uncontrollable mobility. She starts to demand increased attention when it becomes an obstacle to studying at school and interferes with adaptation in society.

The main symptoms of hyperactivity in children are:

  • Inability to concentrate on something for a long time;
  • Lack of concentration, inability to concentrate attention on one subject;
  • Difficulty concentrating on one activity;
  • Reluctance to solve mentally demanding tasks;
  • Absent-mindedness;
  • Constant forgetfulness;
  • Regular distraction by extraneous noise;
  • Continuous fidgeting in the chair;
  • Frequent jumping up;
  • Impulsive flapping of arms and uncontrolled movements of legs during excitement;
  • Inability to calmly wait for something and listen to something to the end;
  • Constant desire to break away.

If such actions occur in a child’s behavior, there is a serious reason to suspect that he has hyperactivity syndrome. This may have Negative consequences, expressed in poor social adaptation and disruption of the normal learning process, excessive irritability and temper. Such children cannot concentrate, experience anger when they have to wait for something, and do not realize the consequences of an action at the moment of committing an action.

Manifestations of hyperactivity syndrome are especially risky in conflict-ridden adolescence. Boys and girls with this syndrome have a strong desire for leadership and often commit defiant, bordering on antisocial, actions. They start smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs early.

Children with symptoms of hyperactivity require a specific approach in education and supervision. Their behavior is not due negative traits character, but a violation of the reticular formation. This is one of the functions of the brain responsible for processing information and the degree of concentration. A failure in its functioning leads to excessive brain fatigue and an increase in emotional anxiety, against the background of which an uncontrollable desire to constantly move appears.

Treatment and correction

Hyperactivity in children does not lend itself to the usual strict control, since the child in this case is not able to respond to comments and adequately perceive the threat of punishment for his actions. The primary task of correction is to teach self-control. It is about directing energy in a safe direction. This can be sports or energetic and exciting games, combined with careful adherence to the daily routine and mandatory walks in the fresh air.

The process of treating hyperactivity does not allow for intellectual fatigue and prolonged presence of a person among large mass of people. The child should be protected from stress and emotional shocks. You cannot place too high demands on such children. But being too soft with them is also unacceptable. The child's nutrition must be correct, with sufficient trace elements and vitamins.

Therapeutic treatment of hyperactivity involves the use of nootropic drugs in combination with manual methods. Amphetamines are used as psychostimulants and can be taken once a day. If psychostimulants do not produce tangible results, antipsychotics and antidepressants are prescribed. However, the use of such drugs requires constant monitoring of the child, as it creates a risk of cardiovascular abnormalities.

Tranquilizers, sleeping pills and H1 blockers are also used. They are used in cases where other medications are ineffective and only after a painstaking analysis of the reasons for the failure of the previous method of treatment. Additionally, to suppress or correct hyperactivity, clonidine and a number of anticonvulsant medications are prescribed - carbamazepine, valproic acid, etc.

Or just active. Only a specialist based on certain symptoms will be able to determine your baby’s condition. Some say that hyperactivity is a disease, others believe that this is the child’s character. Where is the truth anyway? What is hyperactivity? What is your baby like? What to do with the activity of the baby in this case? You will now learn about this and much more.

What is childhood hyperactivity?

Children cannot be alike: one is active, the other is calm - they are all individual. Many mothers argue: if their baby is too active, it means he is hyperactive. However, this is not quite true. Hyperactivity is being overexcited and accompanied by too much activity.

This state is always typical for him, even at night. He cannot sit in one place, nor can he walk slowly. Everything is done very quickly and not always thoughtfully. At the same time, you never know what to expect from a hyperactive person in the next minute. He makes all decisions spontaneously. It is believed that such a child is not given enough attention. That's why he comes up with new pranks. Hyperactivity is It begins to express itself clearly at the age of two years, and by school age the momentum picks up, and then the baby becomes uncontrollable: he stops completely observing discipline, shows his aggression, and is rude to adults. There is no authority for such children. About 150 years ago, doctors tried to understand and solve the problem of hyperactivity. To date, some questions have been resolved, but not all. There are many books and advice on this matter.

What is the difference between childhood activity and hyperactivity?

Active children are very nimble, they are restless children who constantly want to know everything. They learn about the world thanks to their restlessness. But at the same time, they listen to adults; they can be captivated for a while by an interesting activity. For example, by sculpting, applique or folding puzzles. It all depends on the interests of the child. They rarely show excessive emotions. If active children are not bothered by anything, they are not hungry or sick, then only their laughter can be heard. Mobility often manifests itself only at home - when visiting or on a walk, the baby behaves differently, more modestly and quietly. An active child does not conflict with children, but if he is offended, he will fight back without hesitation. He himself does not provoke scandals. Physical activity is accompanied by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, energy, and obedience. The child gets very tired during the day, so he sleeps very well at night.

It is also possible to captivate hyperactive children, but for no more than 10 minutes. They never have a calm state. The baby demonstrates his behavior absolutely everywhere, does not know what shyness is. He speaks quickly, jumping from topic to topic. Asks a lot of questions. Without waiting for an answer, he asks further. In his speech it is noticeable that he does not finish the endings, he wants to say something so quickly. Sleeps in constant restlessness, spins, falls out of bed, possible Emotions and behavior are uncontrollable and uncontrollable. Physical activity quickly develops into aggressiveness. In a company, hyperactive children quite often conflict with everyone.

Hyperactivity in children: symptoms

Does your child have trouble sitting quietly in one place? There is no need to immediately run to doctors and think that he has childhood hyperactivity. First, pay attention to your baby's activity patterns:

  • restlessness and impulsiveness;
  • inattention;
  • aggression, nervousness and endless tantrums;
  • problems communicating with peers and adults;
  • resistance to learning;
  • clumsiness, inability to complete a task;
  • indiscipline.

All of the above signs characterize hyperactivity. The symptoms you have discovered should alert you. It may be worth taking some measures to improve your child's behavior. After all, aggression is shown too often and pronouncedly.

Any parents will get tired of fighting this behavior. These kids quickly lose contact with their friends; as a result, no one wants to be friends with them, and even adults try to avoid communicating with such individuals. If they receive a task, they will never be able to complete it completely, as they are overexcited, inattentive and may forget about the serious work assigned to them. Pay attention to hyperactivity in children. Their symptoms may vary. After all, as already mentioned, each child is individual.

Nutrition for hyperactive children

Everyone knows that the nutrition of every child should be complete and balanced, and most importantly, healthy. If parents allow ordinary children to eat chocolate or candy, then such a product should be excluded from the diet of hyperactive children. At the end of winter - beginning of spring, it is necessary to give a complex of vitamins to improve memory and brain activity. As soon as the first vegetables and fruits begin to appear in gardens and trees, be sure to include them in your daily menu. And in general, they should always be present on your table.

Fish once a week, or better yet twice, should be present in your baby’s diet. The same applies to all products that contain magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. But the child should not even see pastries, cakes, sausages, and store-bought dumplings. They are harmful not only to health in general, but also to the child’s behavior. This has been proven by doctors for a long time. In addition, it must be remembered that children with hyperactivity need to be given food only on a time basis. Many people do not believe that the baby’s behavior depends on the diet, but science has proven that this is so.

Why did hyperactivity appear?

Where did this behavior come from? Maybe it was inherited? Many parents think so. However, the reasons for hyperactivity must be sought elsewhere. Remember how your pregnancy progressed. Perhaps the mother was nervous a lot, was sick, or took medications that subsequently affected the baby. It even happens that a woman led an overly active lifestyle, thanks to which the baby began to get used to it while still in the womb. A difficult birth can also cause the baby to become hyperactive. In addition, quite often the reason may be a lack of attention from others. Perhaps the child’s relatives do not communicate or play with him enough. Then the children try to attract the attention of adults with their terrible behavior.

Factors that provoke hyperactivity

Parents are happy if their child is cheerful, cheerful and active. However, when a child develops aggression and incomprehensible behavior, adults do not understand what provoked this situation. First of all, pay attention to your own attitude towards your baby. Perhaps you are not kind and affectionate enough with him. This behavior is possible if the child often eats food that contains pesticides. It has a very harmful effect on the baby. Carbonated water is also on the list of prohibited foods.

Therefore, try to avoid eating junk food. Relationships in the family, inattention to the child - all this affects the state of the baby’s nervous system, remember this.

What do the doctor's say

Experts' opinions were divided. Some are sure that hyperactivity in preschool children is normal, others say it is serious illness. The pediatrician refers the patient to a neurologist and psychiatrist. European scientists believe that there is no such disease as hyperactivity. The child is just very nimble and restless, and over time he will definitely outgrow it. Hyperactivity is a myth, not a disease. It was invented in the early 80s to justify the increased activity of toddlers. In addition, it turns out that the age of the children also matters. The study showed that students' behavior changes by the second or third grade. They become calmer and more balanced. If a child is too nervous and inattentive, he may have a mental disorder. However, according to European doctors, children should not be given psychotropic and other drugs. The consequences may be undesirable. In the future, the child will no longer be able to feel normal without medication. This affects his psyche even more. It is better to achieve normal behavior of the fidget with gentle words and conversations. You should always remember: all the achievements or problems of a child are the fault of the adults themselves and the environment.

Games with hyperactive children

Any child needs to be able to attract. Games for preschool children are offered to be more active. This way the kids will spend their energy usefully. To develop attention and obedience, you can play the game “Do it the other way around.” The adult lowered his right hand - the baby raised his left. The adult closed one eye, and the baby closed the other, etc. Play the game “Edible - Inedible” with your child. Only the theme needs to be changed very often so that the baby doesn’t get bored. For example, you voice the names of the furniture - the child catches the ball, say another word that is not related to the topic - he hits it. Work with children with increased activity is carried out regularly. This way they will feel that they are receiving enough attention and will behave energetically, but without unnecessary emotions that no one needs. From time to time, play noisy and emotional games with your kids.

Thanks to them, kids develop dexterity and thinking. Active children love the game “Silent - Shouting”. An adult prepares 3 circles in advance, the colors of which correspond to the traffic light. Show the baby red, at this time let him run, scream, knock, etc. (2 minutes). Show the yellow circle - the child must talk and do everything very quietly. Green color means that you need to shut up and do nothing at all for 2 minutes. With each “session” the time increases. The following active, but quiet game will captivate children for a while. This “The sea is agitated once” is a fun game that has been known since ancient times. It shapes obedience and imagination in fidgets. For any age you can find Interesting games. Parents and educators interested in reducing a child's hyperactivity should learn to make noise, scream, run and jump with him. You'll see how the baby changes.

In case of hyperactivity, work with children is carried out regularly. They should feel constant attention from others. Organize a clear daily routine for your baby. Try to have him eat and go to bed at the same time. Be sure to listen to your child’s opinion, do not ignore him, even if it seems to you that he is saying absurd things. If you think that the baby is wrong, prove your point of view, just not harshly. The child will believe reliable facts, find and give examples. Try to formulate your request clearly, without shouting, in a friendly tone. When a child begins to be capricious or hysterical, try not to punish or beat him, but to distract him with play.

Even a banal kiss will calm a raging baby. If no requests and persuasion work, leave him alone - you will see that when he realizes that there is no one to throw tantrums, he will calm down himself. It is undesirable to often say the word “no” to a child. The ban must be formulated in such a way that it looks like a request. If you forbid him to put an object into an outlet, try to explain why it is dangerous. A punishment that is incomprehensible to a child will provoke terrible hysteria and scandal. There is also no need to order, it is better to just calmly ask. If a child does not want to apologize, there is no need to force him, since once again the nerves of each family member will be damaged.

As mentioned above, games for preschool children should be a compulsory activity, and they should play both with other children and with adults. Hyperactive children should not be given several tasks at the same time: after completing the first one, such a child will still forget what to do next. It is better to ask to complete this or that task step by step. Do not give your baby a sedative - it negatively affects him. general state. It is better to provide regular nutritious meals instead of medications, and do not forget about vitamins - there should be a lot of them. Firmness in education should be present, but only without negative emotions. Encourage your child to be able to complete things to the end without stopping halfway. Each child has individual signs of hyperactivity. An affectionate and kind attitude will change his behavior.


In the case of hyperactive children, remember that you need to use specific techniques education and play if you want to achieve the desired result. Parents and teachers should work together with such children. A kindergarten teacher or psychologist should explain to parents that the family can only have a quiet and calm environment, so as not to provoke tantrums in the child. From birth, you need to gently demand accuracy and obedience from the child. He must be able to respect others, communicate with them in the proper tone: not to be rude or rude. Hyperactive children are not very different from active tomboys. A little perseverance - and you can communicate with them quite normally. It’s just that every little person wants constant attention. The sooner teachers and parents start working on their child’s hyperactivity, the more effective the result will be.