The story of a city, brief summary. "The History of a City": chapter-by-chapter analysis of the work

“The Foolovites descended from the bunglers, next to whom lived tribes of bow-eaters, blind-borns, spinning beans, rukosuev and others. They were all at enmity with each other.

The bunglers went to look for a prince. Everyone refused to accept such incapable subjects; finally one agreed and called them Foolovites. Historical times in the city of Foolov began when one of the princes cried out: “I’ll screw it up!”

The author cites an ironic chronicle of the city's mayors. So, for example, at number eighteen is “Du-Charlot, Angel Dorofeevich, a French native. loved to dress up in women's dress and feasted on frogs. Upon examination, he turned out to be a girl...” Separate chapters are devoted to the most notable mayors.

This mayor sat in his office all the time, scribbling something with a pen. Only from time to time he would jump out of his office and say ominously: “I won’t tolerate it!” The watchmaker Baibakov visited him at night. It turned out that in the head of the boss there is an organ that can perform only two pieces: “I’ll ruin you!” and “I won’t tolerate it!” A repairman was called in to fix the damaged organ. No matter how limited the ruler’s repertoire was, the Foolovites were afraid of him and organized popular unrest when the head was sent for repairs. As a result of misunderstandings with repairs, even two identical mayors appeared in Foolov: one with a damaged head, the other with a new, varnished one.

The Tale of the Six City Leaders
Anarchy began in Foolov. At this time, only women aspired to rule. Fought for power were the “evil-minded Iraida Paleologova,” who robbed the treasury and threw copper money at the people, and the adventurer Clemantine de Bourbon, who “was tall, loved to drink vodka and rode horseback like a man.” Then the third contender appeared - Amalia Shtokfish, who worried everyone with her luxurious body. The “undaunted German woman” ordered “three barrels of foam” to be rolled out to the soldiers, for which they greatly supported her. Then the Polish candidate, Anelka, entered the fight with her gates previously smeared with tar for debauchery. Then Dunka Tolstopyata and Matryonka Nozdrya got involved in the struggle for power. After all, they visited the houses of mayors more than once - “for delicacies.” Complete anarchy, rioting and horror reigned in the city. Finally, after unimaginable incidents (for example, Dunka was eaten to death by bedbugs at a bedbug factory), the newly appointed mayor and his wife took over.

Hungry city. Straw City
The reign of Ferdyshchenko (the author changes this Ukrainian surname according to cases). He was simple and lazy, although he flogged citizens for offenses and forced them to sell their last cow “for arrears.” He wanted to “crawl onto the feather bed like a bug” to his husband’s wife Alenka. Alenka resisted, for which her husband Mitka was whipped and sent to hard labor. Alenka was given a “draded damask scarf.” After crying, Alenka began to live with Ferdyshchenka.

Something bad began to happen in the city: either thunderstorms or drought deprived both people and livestock of food. People blamed Alenka for all this. She was thrown from the bell tower. A “team” was sent to pacify the riot.

After Alenka, Ferdyshchenko was seduced by the “optional” girl, the archer Domashka. Because of this, fires started in a fantastic way. But the people did not destroy the archer at all, but simply triumphantly returned her “to the patronage.” A “team” was again sent to pacify the riot. They “admonished” the Foolovites twice, and this filled them with horror.

Wars for enlightenment
Basilisk Wartkin “introduced education” - he set up false fire alarms, made sure that every resident had cheerful look, wrote meaningless treatises. He dreamed of fighting with Byzantium, and amidst general murmurs, he introduced mustard, Provençal oil and Persian chamomile (against bedbugs). He also became famous for waging wars with the help of tin soldiers. He considered all this “enlightenment.” When taxes began to be withheld, the wars “for enlightenment” turned into wars “against enlightenment.” And Wartkin began to destroy and burn settlement after settlement...

The era of retirement from wars
During this era, Theophylact of Benevolensky, who loved to make laws, became especially famous. These laws were completely meaningless. The main thing in them was to provide bribes to the mayor: “Everyone should bake pies on holidays, not forbidding himself from such cookies on weekdays... Upon removal from the oven, everyone should take a knife in his hand and, having cut out a part from the middle, let him bring it as a gift. Let him who has done this eat.”

Mayor Pimple had the habit of setting mousetraps around his bed before going to bed, or even going to sleep on the glacier. And the strangest thing: he smelled of truffles (a rare delicacy edible mushrooms). In the end, the local leader of the nobility poured vinegar and mustard on him and... ate Pimple's head, which turned out to be stuffed.

Worship of Mammon and repentance
State Councilor Erast Andreevich Grustilov combined practicality and sensitivity. He stole from a soldier's cauldron - and shed tears looking at the warriors eating musty bread. He was very woman-loving. He showed himself as a writer of love stories. Grustilov’s daydreaming and “haberdashery” played into the hands of the Foolovites, who were prone to parasitism, so the fields were not plowed and nothing grew on them. But costume balls happened almost every day!

Then Grustilov, in company with a certain Pfeifersha, began to engage in occultism, visited witches and sorceresses and submitted his body to flagellation. He even wrote a treatise “On the Delights of a Pious Soul.” The “riots and dancing” in the city stopped. But nothing really changed, only “we moved from cheerful and violent inaction to gloomy inaction.”

Confirmation of repentance. Conclusion
And then Gloomy-Burcheev appeared. "He was terrible." This mayor did not recognize anything other than the “correctness of the constructions.” He impressed with his “soldier-like, imperturbable confidence.” This machine-like monster organized life in Foolov like a military camp. Such was his “systematic delirium.” All people lived according to the same regime, dressed in specially prescribed clothes, and carried out all work on command. Barracks! “In this fantasy world there are no passions, no hobbies, no attachments.” The residents themselves had to demolish their existing houses and move into identical barracks. An order was issued to appoint spies - Gloomy-Burcheev feared that someone would oppose his barracks regime. However, the precautions did not justify themselves: from nowhere, a certain “it” approached, and the mayor melted into thin air. At this point, “history stopped flowing.”

This article is dedicated to one of the greatest Russian writers of the 19th century - Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. Let's look at the most famous of his novels and turn Special attention on summary. “The History of a City” (Saltykov-Shchedrin) is an incredibly topical, grotesque and original work, the purpose of which is to expose the vices of the people and the authorities.

About the book

“The History of a City” is a novel that became the pinnacle of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s satirical talent. The work describes the history of the city of Foolov and its inhabitants, which is essentially a parody of autocratic power in Russia. The first chapters of the novel were published in 1869 and immediately caused a storm of condemnation and criticism of the author. Many saw in the work disrespect for the Russian people, a mockery of their native history.

Let's try to understand to what extent these accusations were justified by studying the summary. “The History of a City” (Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote the novel in just two years) is considered the crown of the writer’s entire work, so let’s take a closer look at this work. And at the same time, you can find out why the novel remains topical to this day. Surprisingly, the vices that were relevant for the 19th century turned out to be so ineradicable that they have survived to this day.

Summary: “The History of a City” (Saltykov-Shchedrin). Chapter 1

This chapter contains an appeal from the chronicler-archivist to the reader, stylized in an ancient style of writing. Then the role of narrator is alternately played by the author, publisher and commentator of the archive where the records of the history of the Foolovites are stored. Here it is indicated the main objective books - to depict all the mayors of Foolov who have ever been appointed by the Russian government.

Chapter 2

We continue to present a brief summary (“The History of a City”). “On the Roots of the Origin of the Foolovites” - this is the telling title of the second chapter. The narration here is of a chronicle nature, the author talks about the life and everyday life of the bunglers - that’s what the residents of Foolov used to be called. The prehistoric era described in the chapter seems fantastic and grotesquely absurd. And the peoples who lived here in those days appear completely narrow-minded and absurd.

In this part of the novel, the author clearly imitates the manner of presentation of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which is confirmed by the summary. “The History of a City” (“On the Roots of the Origin of the Foolovites” in particular), thus appears to be a very absurdist and satirical work.

Chapter 3

This part is a brief listing of all twenty-two mayors of Foolov with small comments, which contain the main merits of each official and indicate the reason for the departure of each from life. For example, Lamvrokakis was eaten by bedbugs in bed, and Ferapontov was torn to pieces by dogs in the forest.

Chapter 4

The main narrative of the novel begins, as evidenced by the summary (“The History of a City”). “Organchik” is the title of chapter 4 and the nickname of one of the most remarkable city rulers that the Foolovites have seen.

Brudasty (Organchik) had a mechanism in his head instead of brains that was capable of reproducing two words: “I will not tolerate” and “I will ruin.” The reign of this official could have been long and successful if one day his head had not disappeared. One morning, a clerk came in to report to Brudasty and saw only the body of the mayor, and his head was not in place. Unrest began in the city. It turned out that the watchmaker Baibakov tried to repair the organ that was in the head of the city governor, but could not and sent a letter to Wintelgalter asking him to send a new head. The events of this chapter unfold in a fascinating, but somewhat absurd way, which is reflected in its summary.

“The History of a City” (Organchik is one of the bright and illustrative heroes here) is not only a novel exposing the political system, but also a parody of the rulers of Russia. Saltykov-Shchedrin draws a hero who is able to utter only two lines, but his right to power is not disputed. On the contrary, as soon as the head is brought, it is put back in place, and the unrest in the city stops.

Chapter 5

We continue to present a summary. “The History of a City” (Saltykov-Shchedrin) is a work that colorfully exposes the absurdity of the life of the monarchy of Russia. And chapter 5 was no exception; it describes the struggle for power after the city was left without a divinely appointed ruler.

Having taken possession of the treasury, Iraida Paleologova takes the place of mayor. She orders all those dissatisfied with her rule to be seized and forced to recognize her power. But in Foolov there appears another contender for power who manages to overthrow Iraida - Clementine de Bourbon.

But Clementine's reign did not last long; a third contender for power appeared - Amalia Shtokfish. She got the townspeople drunk, and they captured and put Clementine in a cage.

Then Nelka Lyadokhovskaya seized power, and behind her was Dunka the Thick-Footed, and with her Matryona the Nostril.

This confusion with the authorities lasted seven days, until the mayor appointed by the authorities, Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov, arrived in Glupov.

Chapter 6

Now there will be a brief summary of the reign of Dvoekurov (“The History of a City,” Saltykov-Shchedrin) chapter by chapter. This active city ruler issued a decree on the mandatory use of bay leaves and mustard by Foolovites. The most significant thing Dvoekurov did was write down the need to open an academy in Foolov. The chronicle did not preserve any other data from his biography.

Chapter 7

The chapter describes six prosperous years in the life of the Foolovites: there were no fires, famine, disease, or loss of livestock. And all thanks to the rule of Peter Petrovich Ferdyshchenko.

But the satire that Saltykov-Shchedrin wields so masterfully has no mercy for officials. “The History of a City,” the summary of which we are considering, is not rich in happy times. And in the seventh year of his reign, everything changes. Ferdyshchenko fell in love with Alena Osipova, who refused him because she was married. Alena's husband, Mitka, having learned about this, rebelled against the authorities. Ferdyshchenko exiled him to Siberia for this. The whole city had to pay for Mitka’s sins - famine set in. The Foolovites blamed Alena for this and threw her from the bell tower. After this, bread appeared in the city.

Chapter 8

The events included in the summary (“The History of a City”) continue to develop. An excerpt (8th grade studies this point) from a book describing them is usually included in the school curriculum. The point here is that the mayor fell in love again, but now with Domashka the Archer.

Now the city is beset by another disaster - a fire, from which it was possible to escape only thanks to the rain. The Foolovites blame the city governor for what happened and demand that he answer for all his sins. Ferdyshchenko publicly repents, but immediately writes a denunciation against the people who dared to speak out against the authorities. Having learned about this, all the inhabitants of the city were numb with fear.

Chapter 9

Topicality, evil mockery and the desire to correct the deplorable situation in the country are manifested in the novel written by Saltykov-Shchedrin (“The History of a City”). The summary provides an additional opportunity to verify this. Ferdyshchenko decides to profit from the pastures. He is convinced that his appearance will make the grass greener and the flowers more magnificent. His journey begins through the meadows, accompanied by drinking and intimidation of the Foolovites, which ends with the mayor’s mouth twisting from overeating.

A new city governor is sent to Foolov - Vasilisk Semenovich Wartkin.

Chapter 10

A brief summary will be devoted to the description of the new mayor. “The History of a City,” an excerpt (8th grade) of which is studied at school, can attract young readers precisely with its satirical side.

The new mayor is different in that he is used to constantly shouting and thereby getting his way. I slept with only one eye closed, while the other watched everything. And he was a writer - he wrote a project about the army and navy, adding a line to it every day.

Wartkin first fought for enlightenment, then he realized that bewilderment can be better than wisdom, and began to fight against it. In 1798 he died.

Chapter 11

We continue to present the summary in detail (“The History of a City”). Saltykov-Shchedrin, breaking the narrative down chapter by chapter, made each part of the novel a separate milestone in the history of Foolov. Thus, tired of the war associated with education, the Foolovites demanded that the city be freed from it completely. Therefore, the reform of the new mayor Mikaladze (the ban on issuing any laws and the cessation of the fight against education) was to their liking. The only weakness of the new representative of power was his love for women. He died from exhaustion.

Chapter 12

Saltykov-Shchedrin (“The History of a City”) begins this section of the narrative with a description of the difficult times for the Foolovites. A brief summary (an excerpt of this chapter is often given in school textbooks) tells that due to the constant change of power, or even the complete absence of the mayor, the city was ruled by neighborhood guards, who led the Foolov to hunger and ruin.

Then the Frenchman du Chariot was appointed to the city, who loved to eat mince pies and have fun, but he was not interested in state affairs.

The Foolovites began to build a tower, the end of which was supposed to reach heaven, to worship Volos and Perun. Their language became like a mixture of monkey and human. The Foolovites began to consider themselves the wisest in the world.

An interesting summary of “The History of a City” chapter by chapter. Thus, the change in the Foolovites described in this part is reminiscent of the biblical stories about the city of Babylon.

The new mayor, Grustilov, favorably accepted the decline in morals of the Foolovites, considering this a true enjoyment of life.

Chapter 13

The summary is coming to an end. “The History of a City” (Saltykov-Shchedrin) is divided into chapters so that the penultimate chapter becomes a description of the death of Foolov.

The ideas of the new city governor Ugryum-Burcheev about equality turn the city into a barracks, where any free-thinking is immediately punished. This arrangement of life leads to the disappearance of Foolov and the death of the Foolovites.

Chapter 14

How does Saltykov-Shchedrin end his story? The history of one city (a summary of the last chapter is presented below) has ended. In conclusion, the author presents a set of works by the mayors of the city of Glupov on how subordinates should be managed, what duties the supreme authority should perform, and how a mayor should behave and look.

The story of one city(summary by chapter)

Chapter Contents: Organ

The year 1762 was marked by the beginning of the reign of mayor Dementy Varlamovich Brudasty. The Foolovites were surprised that their new ruler was gloomy and did not say anything except two phrases: “I will not tolerate it!” and “I’ll ruin you!” They didn’t know what to think until Brudasty’s secret was revealed: his head was completely empty. The clerk accidentally saw a terrible thing: the mayor’s body, as usual, was sitting at the table, but his head was lying separately on the table. And there was nothing in it at all. The townspeople did not know what to do now. They remembered Baibakov, a master of watchmaking and organ making, who had recently come to Brudasty. After questioning Baibakov, the Foolovites found out that the mayor’s head was equipped with a musical organ that played only two pieces: “I won’t tolerate it!” and “I’ll ruin you!” The organ failed, having become damp on the road. The master was unable to fix it on his own, so he ordered a new head in St. Petersburg, but the order was delayed for some reason.

Anarchy set in, ending with the unexpected appearance of two absolutely identical impostor rulers at the same time. They saw each other, “measured each other with their eyes,” and the residents who watched this scene silently and slowly dispersed. A messenger who arrived from the province took both “city governors” with him, and anarchy began in Foolov, which lasted a whole week.

The history of one city (text in full chapters)


In August 1762, an unusual movement took place in the city of Fulpovo on the occasion of the arrival of the new mayor, Dementy Varlamovich Brudasty. The residents rejoiced; Even before they had even laid eyes on the newly appointed ruler, they were already telling jokes about him and calling him “handsome” and “clever.” They congratulated each other with joy, kissed, shed tears, entered taverns, left them again, and entered again. In a fit of delight, the old Foolovian liberties were also remembered. The best citizens gathered in front of the cathedral bell tower and, forming a nationwide assembly, shook the air with exclamations: our father! our handsome guy! our clever girl!

Even dangerous dreamers appeared. Guided not so much by reason as by the movements of a grateful heart, they argued that under the new mayor trade would flourish, and that, under the supervision of quarterly overseers*, sciences and arts would emerge. We couldn't resist making comparisons. They remembered the old mayor who had just left the city, and found that although he, too, was handsome and smart, but that, for all that, the new ruler should be given preference for the sole reason that he was new. In a word, in this case, as in other similar ones, both the usual Foolovian enthusiasm and the usual Foolovian frivolity were fully expressed.

Meanwhile, the new mayor turned out to be silent and gloomy. He galloped to Foolov, as they say, at full speed (there was such time that not a single minute could be lost), and barely broke into the city pasture when right there, at the very border, he crossed a lot of coachmen. But even this circumstance did not cool the enthusiasm of the townsfolk, because their minds were still full of memories of the recent victories over the Turks, and everyone hoped that the new mayor would take the Khotyn fortress by storm for the second time.

Soon, however, the townsfolk became convinced that their rejoicings and hopes were, at least, premature and exaggerated. The usual reception took place, and here for the first time in their lives the Foolovites had to experience in practice what bitter tests the most stubborn love of authority can be subjected to. Everything at this reception happened somehow mysteriously. The mayor silently walked around the ranks of the official archistratigs, flashed his eyes, and said: “I will not tolerate it!” - and disappeared into the office. The officials were dumbfounded; Behind them, the townsfolk also stood dumbfounded.

Despite their insurmountable firmness, the Foolovites are pampered and extremely spoiled people. They love for the boss to have a friendly smile on his face, for friendly jokes to come from his mouth from time to time, and they are perplexed when these lips only snort or make mysterious sounds. The boss can carry out all sorts of activities, he may even not carry out any activities, but if he does not scribble at the same time, then his name will never become popular. There were truly wise mayors, those who were not alien even to the thought of establishing an academy in Foolov (such, for example, as civilian adviser Dvoekurov, listed in the “inventory” at No. 9), but since they did not call the Foolovites either “brothers” or “robots,” then their names remained in oblivion. On the contrary, there were others, although not that they were very stupid - there were no such things - but those who did average things, that is, flogged and collected arrears, but since they always said something kind, their names were not only listed on tablets, but even served as the subject of a wide variety of oral legends.

This was the case in the present case. No matter how much the hearts of the inhabitants were inflamed on the occasion of the arrival of the new chief, his reception significantly cooled them.

What is this? - he snorted - and showed the back of his head! We haven’t seen the backs of heads! and you can talk to us to your heart’s content! You caress me, touch me with caresses! You threaten, threaten, and then have mercy! “That’s what the Foolovites said, and with tears they recalled what kind of bosses they had before, all friendly, kind, and handsome - and all in uniforms!” They even remembered the fugitive Greek Lamvrokakis (according to the “inventory” under No. 5), they remembered how foreman Baklan arrived in 1756 (according to the “inventory” No. 6), and what a fine fellow he showed himself to the townsfolk at the very first reception.

Onslaught, he said, and, moreover, speed, leniency, and, moreover, severity. And, moreover, prudent firmness. This, dear sirs, is the goal, or, more precisely, the five goals, which, with God's help, I hope to achieve through certain administrative measures that constitute the essence, or, better to say, the core of the campaign plan I have thought out!

And how he then, deftly turning on one heel, turned to the mayor and added:

And on holidays we will eat your pies!

So, sir, how real bosses received you! - sighed the Foolovites, - what about this one! snorted some nonsense, and that was it!

Alas! subsequent events not only justified the public opinion of ordinary people, but even surpassed their wildest fears. The new mayor locked himself in his office, did not eat, did not drink, and kept scratching something with his pen. From time to time he ran out into the hall, threw a pile of scribbled sheets of paper to the clerk, and said: “I won’t stand it!” - and again disappeared into the office. Unheard of activity suddenly began to boil in all parts of the city; private bailiffs galloped off; the policemen galloped; the assessors galloped off; the guards * forgot what it means to eat, and since then have acquired bad habit grab pieces on the fly. They seize and catch, flog and flog, describe and sell... And the mayor still sits and scrapes out more and more new compulsions... The rumble and crackling rush from one end of the city to the other, and above all this hubbub, above all this confusion, like a cry bird of prey, an ominous reign reigns: “I will not tolerate it!”

The Foolovites were horrified. They remembered the general section of the coachmen, and suddenly everyone was struck by the thought: well, how can he flog an entire city in this manner!* Then they began to think about what meaning should be given to the word “I will not tolerate!” - finally, they resorted to the history of Foolov, began to look for examples of the city’s saving severity in it, found an amazing variety, but still did not find anything suitable.

And at least he would say in action how much he needs from his heart! - the embarrassed townsfolk were talking among themselves, - otherwise he’s circling, and to hell with it!

Foolov, carefree, good-natured and cheerful Foolov, became depressed. There are no more lively gatherings outside the gates of houses, the clicking of sunflowers has fallen silent, there is no game of grandmothers! The streets were deserted, wild animals appeared in the squares. People only left their houses out of necessity and, showing their frightened and exhausted faces for a moment, were immediately buried. Something similar happened, according to old-timers, during the time of the Tshin Tsar *, and even under Biron, when a prostitute, Tanka Gnarly, almost brought the entire city under execution. But even then it was better; at least then they understood something, but now they felt only fear, ominous and unaccountable fear.

It was especially difficult to look at the city late in the evening. At this time, Foolov, already a little animated, completely froze. Hungry dogs reigned on the street, but even they did not bark, but in the greatest order indulged in effeminacy and licentiousness of morals; thick darkness enveloped the streets and houses, and only in one of the rooms of the mayor’s apartment did an ominous light flicker, long after midnight. The awakened man in the street could see the mayor sitting, bent over, behind desk, and keeps scratching something with a pen... And suddenly he comes up to the window and shouts “I won’t tolerate it!” - and sits down at the table again, and scratches again...

Ugly rumors began to circulate. They said that the new mayor was not even a mayor at all, but a werewolf sent to Foolov out of frivolity; that at night, in the form of an insatiable ghoul, he hovers over the city and sucks blood from sleepy townsfolk. Of course, all this was narrated and passed on to each other in whispers; although there were brave souls who offered to fall on their knees and ask for forgiveness, even those were taken aback. But what if this is exactly how it should be? What if it is considered necessary that Foolov, for his sake, should have just such a mayor and not another? These considerations seemed so reasonable that the brave men not only renounced their proposals, but immediately began to reproach each other for troublemaking and incitement.

And suddenly it became known to everyone that the mayor was secretly visited by the watchmaker and organ maker Baibakov. Reliable witnesses said that once, at three o’clock in the morning, they saw Baibakov, all pale and frightened, leave the mayor’s apartment and carefully carry something wrapped in a napkin. And what’s most remarkable is that on this memorable night, not only were none of the townsfolk awakened by the cry of “I won’t tolerate it!”, but the mayor himself, apparently, stopped for a while critical analysis of arrears registers* and fell asleep.

The question arose: what need could there have been for the mayor of Baibakovo, who, in addition to drinking without waking up, was also an obvious adulterer?

Tricks and subterfuge began in order to find out the secret, but Baibakov remained dumb as a fish, and in response to all admonitions he limited himself to shaking his whole body. They tried to get him drunk, but he, without refusing vodka, only sweated and did not give away the secret. The boys who were apprenticed to him could report one thing: that a police soldier really came one night, took the owner, who an hour later returned with a bundle, locked himself in the workshop and has been homesick ever since.

They couldn't find out anything more. Meanwhile, the mayor’s mysterious meetings with Baibakov became more frequent. Over time, Baibakov not only stopped grieving, but even became so bold that he promised to give him up to the mayor himself without being considered a soldier if he did not give him a scale every day. He sewed himself a new pair of dresses and boasted that one of these days he would open such a store in Foolov that it would catch Winterhalter’s own nose.

Amid all this talk and gossip, suddenly a summons fell from the sky, inviting the most eminent representatives of Foolov’s intelligentsia, on such and such a day and hour, to come to the mayor for inspiration. The eminent people were embarrassed, but began to prepare.

It was a beautiful spring day. Nature rejoiced; the sparrows chirped; the dogs squealed joyfully and wagged their tails. The townsfolk, holding bags under their arms, crowded into the courtyard of the mayor's apartment and tremblingly awaited a terrible fate. Finally the awaited moment arrived.

He came out, and on his face for the first time the Foolovites saw that friendly smile for which they were yearning. It seemed that the beneficial rays of the sun had an effect on him too (at least, many ordinary people later assured that they saw with their own eyes how his coattails were shaking). He walked around all the townsfolk in turn, and although silently, he graciously accepted everything that was due from them. Having finished with this matter, he retreated a little to the porch and opened his mouth... And suddenly something inside him hissed and buzzed, and the longer this mysterious hissing lasted, the more and more his eyes spun and sparkled. “P...p...spit!” finally escaped from his lips... With this sound he last time his eyes flashed and he rushed headlong into open door your apartment.

Reading in the Chronicler a description of an incident so unheard of, we, witnesses and participants in other times and other events, of course, have every opportunity to treat it with composure. But let us transport our thoughts a hundred years ago, put ourselves in the place of our illustrious ancestors, and we will easily understand the horror that must have seized them at the sight of these rotating eyes and this open mouth, from which nothing came out except hissing and some kind of a meaningless sound, unlike even the chime of a clock. But this is precisely the goodness of our ancestors: no matter how shocked they were by the spectacle described above, they were not carried away either by the revolutionary ideas fashionable at that time* or by the temptations presented by anarchy, but remained faithful to the love of power, and only slightly allowed themselves to condole and blame their more than strange mayor.

And where did this scoundrel come to us from? - said the townsfolk, asking each other in amazement and not attaching any special meaning to the word “scoundrel”.

Look, brothers! I wish we wouldn’t have to answer for him, for the scoundrel! - others added.

And after all that, they calmly went home and indulged in their usual activities.

And our Brudasty would have remained for many years the shepherd of this helicopter city, and would have pleased the hearts of the leaders with his stewardship, and the townsfolk would not have felt anything extraordinary in their existence, if a completely random circumstance (a simple oversight) had not stopped his activity in its very midst.

A little later after the reception described above, the mayor's clerk, entering his office with a report in the morning, saw the following sight: the mayor's body, dressed in a uniform, was sitting at a desk, and in front of him, on a pile of arrears registers, lay, in the form of a dandy paperweight , a completely empty head of the mayor... The clerk ran out in such confusion that his teeth were chattering.

They ran for the assistant mayor and the senior policeman. The former first of all attacked the latter, accusing him of negligence and indulging in brazen violence, but the policeman was justified. He argued, not without reason, that the head could have been emptied only with the consent of the mayor himself, and that a person who undoubtedly belonged to a craft workshop took part in this case, since on the table, among the material evidence, were: a chisel, a gimlet and an English file. They called for the council of the chief city doctor and asked him three questions: 1) could the mayor’s head be separated from the mayor’s body without hemorrhage? 2) is it possible to assume that the mayor removed his own head from his shoulders and emptied it himself? and 3) is it possible to assume that the mayor's head, once abolished, could subsequently grow again through some unknown process? Aesculapius thought for a moment, muttered something about some kind of “governor’s substance”, supposedly emanating from the mayor’s body, but then, seeing that he had made a report, he avoided directly resolving the issues, responding by saying that the mystery of the construction of the mayor’s body has not yet been sufficiently explored by science .

After listening to such an evasive answer, the assistant mayor was at a dead end. He had one of two things to do: either immediately report what had happened to his superiors and meanwhile begin an investigation at hand, or remain silent for a while and wait to see what happens. In view of such difficulties, he chose the middle path, that is, he began an inquiry, and at the same time he ordered everyone to keep the deepest secret on this subject, so as not to worry the people and not instill in them unrealistic dreams.

But no matter how strictly the guards kept the secret entrusted to them, the unheard of news about the abolition of the mayor's head spread throughout the city in a few minutes. Many of the townsfolk cried because they felt like orphans, and, moreover, they were afraid of being held accountable for obeying such a mayor who had an empty vessel on his shoulders instead of a head. On the contrary, others, although they also cried, insisted that for their obedience they would receive not punishment, but praise*.

In the club, in the evening, all available members were assembled. They worried, interpreted, recalled various circumstances and found facts of a rather suspicious nature. So, for example, assessor Tolkovnikov said that one day he entered the mayor’s office by surprise on a very necessary matter and found the mayor playing with his own head, which he, however, immediately hastened to attach to the proper place. Then he did not pay proper attention to this fact, and even considered it a trick of the imagination, but now it is clear that the mayor, in the form of his own relief, from time to time took off his head and put on a skull cap instead, just like the cathedral archpriest, being in his home circle, takes off his kamilavka and puts on a cap. Another assessor, Mladentsev, remembered that one day, walking past the watchmaker Baibakov’s workshop, he saw in one of its windows the mayor’s head, surrounded by metalwork and carpentry tools. But Mladentsev was not allowed to finish, because at the first mention of Baibakov, everyone was reminded of his strange behavior and his mysterious night trips to the mayor’s apartment...

Nevertheless, no clear result emerged from all these stories. The public even began to lean towards the opinion that this whole story was nothing more than an invention of idle people, but then, recalling the London agitators* and moving from one syllogism to another, they concluded that treason had made its nest in Foolov himself. Then all the members became agitated, made a noise and, inviting the superintendent of the public school, asked him a question: have there been examples in history of people giving orders, waging wars and concluding treaties with an empty vessel on their shoulders? The caretaker thought for a minute and replied that much in history is covered in darkness; but that there was, however, a certain Charles the Simple-minded, who had on his shoulders, although not empty, but still, as it were, an empty vessel, and waged wars and concluded treaties.

While these discussions were going on, the assistant mayor did not sleep. He also remembered Baibakov and immediately pulled him to answer. For some time Baibakov locked himself away and did not answer anything other than “I don’t know, I don’t know,” but when he was shown the material evidence found on the table and, moreover, promised fifty dollars for vodka, he came to his senses and, being literate, gave the following testimony :

“My name is Vasily, Ivanov’s son, nicknamed Baibakov. Gupovsky workshop; I don’t go to confession or holy communion, because I belong to the sect of the Farmazons, and I am a false priest of that sect. I was tried for cohabitation outside of marriage with a suburban wife, Matryonka, and was recognized by the court as an obvious adulterer, which title I still hold to this day. Last year, in the winter - I don’t remember what date or month - having been awakened in the night, I went, accompanied by a policeman, to our mayor, Dementy Varlamovich, and, when I arrived, I found him sitting and with his head in one direction or another. in the other direction, gradually anointing. Unconscious from fear and, moreover, weighed down by alcoholic drinks, I stood silent at the threshold, when suddenly the mayor beckoned me with his hand and handed me a piece of paper. On the piece of paper I read: “Don’t be surprised, but fix what’s damaged.” After that, Mr. Mayor took off his own head and gave it to me. Taking a closer look at the box lying in front of me, I found that it contained in one corner a small organ capable of playing some simple musical pieces. There were two of these plays: “I’ll ruin you!” and “I won’t tolerate it!” But since the head became somewhat damp on the road, some of the pegs on the roller became loose, while others completely fell out. Because of this, Mr. Mayor could not speak clearly, or they spoke with missing letters and syllables. Having noticed in myself a desire to correct this error and having received the consent of the mayor, I duly wrapped my head in a napkin and went home. But here I saw that I had relied in vain on my diligence, for no matter how hard I tried to fix the fallen pegs, I succeeded so little in my undertaking that at the slightest carelessness or a cold, the pegs fell out again, and lately the mayor could only say: - I spit! In this extreme, they rashly intended to make me unhappy for the rest of my life, but I rejected that blow, suggesting that the mayor turn for help to St. Petersburg, to watchmaker and organ maker Winterhalter, which they did exactly. Quite a lot of time has passed since then, during which I daily examined the mayor’s head and cleaned the rubbish out of it, which I was doing that morning when your honor, due to my oversight, confiscated an instrument that belonged to me. But why the new head ordered from Mr. Winterhalter still has not arrived is unknown. I believe, however, that due to the flooding of the rivers, in the current spring time, this head is still somewhere inactive. To your honor’s question, firstly, can I, if a new head is sent, approve it, and, secondly, will that approved head function properly? I have the honor to answer this: I can confirm and it will act, but it cannot have real thoughts. The obvious adulterer Vasily Ivanov Baibakov had a hand in this testimony.”

After listening to Baibakov’s testimony, the assistant mayor realized that if it were once allowed that in Foolov there should be a mayor who had instead of a head simple styling, then, therefore, this is how it should be. Therefore, he decided to wait, but at the same time sent a compulsory telegram to Winterhalter* and, having locked the mayor’s body, directed all his activities towards calming public opinion.

But all the tricks turned out to be in vain. Two more days passed after that; Finally, the long-awaited St. Petersburg mail arrived; but she didn’t bring any head.

Anarchy began, that is, anarchy. The public places were deserted; There were so many arrears that the local treasurer, looking into the government box, opened his mouth, and remained so for the rest of his life with his mouth open; The police officers got out of hand and brazenly did nothing; official days have disappeared*. Moreover, murders began, and on the city pasture itself the body of an unknown man was raised, in which, by the coattails, although they recognized the Life Campanian, neither the police captain nor the other members of the temporary department, no matter how they struggled, could not find separated from head torso.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the assistant mayor received news by telegraph that the head had been sent a long time ago. The assistant mayor was completely taken aback.

Another day passes, and the mayor’s body still sits in the office and even begins to deteriorate. Love of Command, temporarily shocked by the strange behavior of Brudasty, steps forward with timid but firm steps. The best people go in a procession to the assistant mayor and urgently demand that he give orders. The assistant mayor, seeing that arrears were accumulating, drunkenness was developing, the truth was being abolished in the courts, and resolutions were not being approved, turned to the assistance of the headquarters officer*. This latter, as an obligatory person, telegraphed about the incident to his superiors, and by telegraph he received the news that he had been dismissed from service for an absurd report.

Hearing about this, the assistant mayor came to the office and began to cry. The assessors came and also began to cry; The solicitor appeared, but even he could not speak from tears.

Meanwhile, Winterhalter spoke the truth, and the head was indeed made and sent on time. But he acted rashly, entrusting its delivery to a postal boy who was completely ignorant of the organ business. Instead of holding the parcel carefully in weight, the inexperienced messenger threw it to the bottom of the cart, and he dozed off. In this position, he rode several stations, when suddenly he felt that someone had bitten him on the calf. Taken by surprise by the pain, he hastily untied the gunny bag in which the mysterious luggage was wrapped, and a strange sight suddenly presented itself to his eyes. The head opened its mouth and moved its eyes; Moreover, she said loudly and quite clearly: “I’ll ruin you!”

The boy was simply mad with horror. His first move was to throw the talking luggage onto the road; the second is to quietly descend from the cart and hide in the bushes.

Perhaps this strange incident would have ended in such a way that the head, having lain for some time on the road, would have been crushed over time by passing carriages and finally taken out to the field in the form of fertilizer, if the matter had not been complicated by the intervention of an element to such a fantastic degree, that the Foolovites themselves were at a dead end. But let’s not preempt events and let’s see what’s happening in Foolov.

Foolov was seething. Having not seen the mayor for several days in a row, the citizens were worried and, without any hesitation, accused the assistant mayor and the senior quarterly of embezzling government property. Holy fools and blessed ones wandered around the city with impunity and predicted all sorts of disasters for the people. Some Mishka Vozgryavyi assured that he had a sleepy vision at night, in which a menacing man appeared to him in a cloud of bright clothes.

Finally, the Foolovites could not bear it; Led by the beloved citizen Puzanov*, they lined up in a square in front of the public places and demanded the assistant mayor to the people's court, threatening otherwise to demolish both him and his house.

Anti-social elements rose to the top with terrifying speed. They were talking about impostors, about some Styopka, who, leading the freemen, just yesterday, in front of everyone, brought together two merchants' wives.

Where did you put our father? - the crowd, angry to the point of fury, screamed when the assistant mayor appeared before him.

Well done atamans! where can I get it for you if it’s locked with a key! - the official, overcome with trepidation, aroused by the events from administrative stupor, persuaded the crowd. At the same time, he secretly blinked at Baibakov, who, seeing this sign, immediately disappeared.

But the excitement did not subside.

You're lying, saddlebag! - answered the crowd, - you deliberately clashed with the policeman in order to get our priest away from you!

And God knows how the general confusion would have been resolved if at that moment the ringing of a bell had not been heard and then a cart had not driven up to the rioters, in which the police captain was sitting, and next to him... the disappeared mayor!

He was wearing a Life Campaign uniform; his head was heavily soiled with mud and beaten in several places. Despite this, he deftly jumped out of the cart and flashed his eyes at the crowd.

I'll ruin you! - he thundered in such a deafening voice that everyone instantly fell silent.

The excitement was suppressed immediately; in this crowd, which had recently hummed so menacingly, there was such silence that one could hear the buzzing of a mosquito that had flown in from a neighboring swamp to marvel at “this absurd and laughable Foolovian confusion.”

Instigators forward! - the mayor commanded, raising his voice more and more.

They began to select instigators from among the tax defaulters, and had already recruited about a dozen people, when a new and completely outlandish circumstance gave the matter a completely different turn.

While the Foolovites were whispering sadly, remembering which of them had accumulated more arrears, the city governor’s droshky, so well known to the townsfolk, quietly drove up to the gathering. Before the townsfolk had time to look around, Baibakov jumped out of the carriage, and after him, in the sight of the entire crowd, appeared exactly the same mayor as the one who, a minute before, had been brought in a cart by the police officer! The Foolovites were dumbfounded.

This other mayor's head was completely new and, moreover, covered with varnish. It seemed strange to some astute citizens that the great birthmark, which was a few days ago on the right cheek of the mayor, now found itself on the left.

The impostors met and measured each other with their eyes. The crowd slowly and silently dispersed

You have read the summary (chapters) and full text of the work: The history of one city: Saltykov-Shchedrin M E (Mikhail Evgrafovich).
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Classics of literature (satires) from the collection of works for reading (stories, novellas) of the best, famous satirical writers: Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. .................

Tatiana Chernyak

Retelling of the novel by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a City”

This document is a Chronicle of the city of Foolov, accidentally found in the city archives in the form of a voluminous bunch of notebooks. The Chronicle contains exclusively the biographies and actions of the mayors who ruled the city from 1731 to 1826. By reviewing these records, one can get an idea of ​​the city and its inhabitants, as well as how the presence of various mayors affected the history of the city.

The chronicle begins with a story about ancient people, called blockheads, so nicknamed because they had the habit of “banging” their heads on everything that came their way. But no matter what the bunglers tried, nothing good came of it. They then decided to look for the prince for themselves: “He will provide us with everything in an instant.” The bunglers searched for the prince for a long time and finally found him. He only warned that for the management the blockheads would have to pay him “many tributes”, go to war and not interfere in anything. And those who dare to disobey will be executed. And since the bunglers were unable to live by their own wits and wished for bondage of their own free will, then they will now be called not bunglers, but Foolovites. The bunglers hung their heads and agreed. Returning home, the bunglers founded the city, called it Foolov, and named themselves, after the name of the city, Foolovites.

During the time described in the Chronicle, 22 mayors ruled the city. Among them were an Italian pasta maker, a barber, a captain-lieutenant, and a fugitive Greek, as well as state councilors, a French marquis, a former orderly of Prince Potemkin, a stoker, a French viscount, a major and others. Not all mayors are mentioned in the Chronicle, but only those of them whose life activities most affected the life of the city and its inhabitants.

In August 1762, the mayor Dementy Varlamovich Brudasty arrived in the city of Glupov. He was silent and gloomy. On the very first day, he walked around the officials silently lined up in a row, flashed his eyes, and said, “I will not tolerate it!” and disappeared into the office. There he spent almost all his time, did not eat or drink, and just scratched his pen on paper. Only occasionally did he run out into the hall, throw scribbled papers at the secretary, shouting “I won’t stand it!” and locked himself in the office again. It soon became known that a watchmaker was secretly visiting the mayor. They started asking questions. However, the master did not answer any questions, but only turned pale and shook all over.

One day the most famous people the cities were invited to the mayor “for inspiration.” At the appointed time, Dementy Varlamovich came out to the guests, opened his mouth to make a speech, but instead something hissed inside him, his eyes sparkled and spun, and he could only utter “P...p...spit!” After which he quickly disappeared into his office. The amazed guests went home. And the next morning, having arrived at work, the secretary entered the mayor’s office for a report, and saw that the body of his boss was sitting on the chair behind the desk, and in front of him lay a completely empty head on a pile of documents. They called a doctor, but he could not answer anything intelligible, citing the fact that “the secret of building the mayor’s body has not yet been sufficiently examined by science.” In a matter of minutes the news spread throughout Foolov. Then someone remembered the local watchmaker who visited the mayor. The watchmaker was interrogated, and he admitted that he had repaired the mayor's head on his own orders. But this time the old head broke completely, so I had to order a new one. Due to the courier boy's oversight new head It was damaged during delivery to Glupov. However, the watchmaker painted it with varnish and attached it to the body of the mayor. After this, the residents of Foolov were gathered in the square. Despite the fact that Brudasty’s new head was heavily soiled with dirt and beaten in several places, he loudly barked “I’ll ruin it!”, which almost stunned the Foolovites. At this time, a cart stopped on the square, in which the police captain was sitting, and next to him... the same mayor! He deftly jumped out of the cart and flashed his eyes at the Foolovites. The crowd was dumbfounded. It is not known how such a dual power would have ended, but a messenger arrived from the province and “took both impostors and put them in special vessels filled with alcohol, and immediately took them away for examination.”

Soon, the newly appointed mayor arrived in the city - state councilor Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov, who ruled the city from 1762 to 1770. He was a true liberal, and his activities in Glukhov were very fruitful. He introduced mead making and brewing, obliged everyone to eat bay leaves and mustard, and also issued a decree on the need to establish an academy in Foolov. The academy was never built, but instead of it, Dvoekurov’s successor, Borodavkin, managed to build a house for rent, which everyone was happy with.

The reign of Pyotr Petrovich Ferdyshchenko turned out to be a happy prosperity for the city. For six years in a row there was not a single fire in the city; the Foolovites knew neither hunger, nor “endemic diseases”, nor the loss of livestock. The mayor did not interfere in anything, was content with moderate taxes, and often and easily communicated with both his subordinates and the townspeople. The Foolovites breathed freely and realized that living “without oppression” is infinitely better than living “with oppression.” However, in the seventh year of his reign, Ferdyshchenko was bewildered by a demon. From a good-natured and slightly lazy ruler, he turned into an active and extremely persistent official. The Foolovites associated this change with the fact that their mayor lost his mind over the local beauty Alena Osipova. Alenka belonged to that type of Russian beauties, when looking at whom “a person does not light up with passion, but feels that his whole being is slowly melting.” She lived with her husband in peace and harmony and rejected the mayor’s offer to live together. However, Ferdyshchenko did not let up. He exiled Alenka’s husband to Siberia, and scared Alenka herself so much that she had nowhere to go, and she resigned herself to her fate in tears. Such a fall from grace immediately affected Glukhov’s life. A drought began in the city, and there was no harvest that year. It became clear that there would be nothing to feed either the cattle or the people. At first the Foolovites were frightened, and then, when they had eaten up all their supplies, they began to die altogether. And they began to go to the mayor’s house. “But it’s not okay, foreman, what you’re doing is that you’re living with your husband’s wife!” - they told him, “and it wasn’t for this reason that the authorities sent you here so that we, orphans, would suffer misfortunes for your stupidity!” No matter how much he made excuses, no matter how much Ferdyshchenko promised the Foolovites to turn the situation around, he could not do anything with his passion. And soon such a pestilence began in the city that the corpses of those who died of hunger simply lay untidy on the road, because there was no one to bury them. And one day the Glukhovites, without saying a word, left their houses and came to the mayor’s house. "Alenka!" - they demanded. She, foreseeing the unkind development of events, seemed to go crazy. Regardless of everything, the Glukhovites grabbed her and dragged her to the bell tower, from where they threw her off. And there was nothing left of Alenka, for her body was immediately torn to pieces and carried away by prodigal, starving dogs. And as soon as this terrible bloody drama took place, a cloud of dust appeared on the road in the distance. “The bread is coming!” - the Foolovites shouted joyfully. Life in the city began to improve. However, the Foolovites did not amuse themselves for long. Because one day their mayor caught the eye of the maiden Domashka, from whom he immediately lost his head, for his heart was inflamed with her. Unlike Alenka, Domashka was “sharp, decisive and courageous.” Unwashed, disheveled and “half torn to pieces,” this girl constantly cursed and accompanied her swear words with obscene gestures. But he still took Ferdyshchenko home with Domashka, despite all her resistance.

End of introductory fragment.

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“The Foolovites descended from the bunglers, next to whom lived tribes of bow-eaters, blind-borns, spinning beans, rukosuev and others. They were all at enmity with each other.

The bunglers went to look for a prince. Everyone refused to accept such incapable subjects; finally one agreed and called them Foolovites. Historical times in the city of Foolov began when one of the princes cried out: “I’ll screw it up!”

The author cites an ironic chronicle of the city's mayors. So, for example, at number eighteen is “Du-Charlot, Angel Dorofeevich, a French native. He loved to dress up in women's clothes and feast on frogs. Upon examination, he turned out to be a girl...” Separate chapters are devoted to the most notable mayors.

This mayor sat in his office all the time, scribbling something with a pen. Only from time to time he would jump out of his office and say ominously: “I won’t tolerate it!” The watchmaker Baibakov visited him at night. It turned out that in the head of the boss there is an organ that can perform only two pieces: “I’ll ruin you!” and “I won’t tolerate it!” A repairman was called in to fix the damaged organ. No matter how limited the ruler’s repertoire was, the Foolovites were afraid of him and organized popular unrest when the head was sent for repairs. As a result of misunderstandings with repairs, even two identical mayors appeared in Foolov: one with a damaged head, the other with a new, varnished one.

The Tale of the Six City Leaders
Anarchy began in Foolov. At this time, only women aspired to rule. Fought for power were the “evil-minded Iraida Paleologova,” who robbed the treasury and threw copper money at the people, and the adventurer Clemantine de Bourbon, who “was tall, loved to drink vodka and rode horseback like a man.” Then the third contender appeared - Amalia Shtokfish, who worried everyone with her luxurious body. The “undaunted German woman” ordered “three barrels of foam” to be rolled out to the soldiers, for which they greatly supported her. Then the Polish candidate, Anelka, entered the fight with her gates previously smeared with tar for debauchery. Then Dunka Tolstopyata and Matryonka Nozdrya got involved in the struggle for power. After all, they visited the houses of mayors more than once - “for delicacies.” Complete anarchy, rioting and horror reigned in the city. Finally, after unimaginable incidents (for example, Dunka was eaten to death by bedbugs at a bedbug factory), the newly appointed mayor and his wife took over.

Hungry city. Straw City
The reign of Ferdyshchenko (the author changes this Ukrainian surname according to cases). He was simple and lazy, although he flogged citizens for offenses and forced them to sell their last cow “for arrears.” He wanted to “crawl onto the feather bed like a bug” to his husband’s wife Alenka. Alenka resisted, for which her husband Mitka was whipped and sent to hard labor. Alenka was given a “draded damask scarf.” After crying, Alenka began to live with Ferdyshchenka.

Something bad began to happen in the city: either thunderstorms or drought deprived both people and livestock of food. People blamed Alenka for all this. She was thrown from the bell tower. A “team” was sent to pacify the riot.

After Alenka, Ferdyshchenko was seduced by the “optional” girl, the archer Domashka. Because of this, fires started in a fantastic way. But the people did not destroy the archer at all, but simply triumphantly returned her “to the patronage.” A “team” was again sent to pacify the riot. They “admonished” the Foolovites twice, and this filled them with horror.

Wars for enlightenment
Basilisk Wartkin “introduced enlightenment” - he set up false fire alarms, made sure that every resident had a cheerful appearance, and composed meaningless treatises. He dreamed of fighting with Byzantium, and amidst general murmurs, he introduced mustard, Provençal oil and Persian chamomile (against bedbugs). He also became famous for waging wars with the help of tin soldiers. He considered all this “enlightenment.” When taxes began to be withheld, the wars “for enlightenment” turned into wars “against enlightenment.” And Wartkin began to destroy and burn settlement after settlement...

The era of retirement from wars
During this era, Theophylact of Benevolensky, who loved to make laws, became especially famous. These laws were completely meaningless. The main thing in them was to provide bribes to the mayor: “Everyone should bake pies on holidays, not forbidding himself from such cookies on weekdays... Upon removal from the oven, everyone should take a knife in his hand and, having cut out a part from the middle, let him bring it as a gift. Let him who has done this eat.”

Mayor Pimple had the habit of setting mousetraps around his bed before going to bed, or even going to sleep on the glacier. And the strangest thing: he smelled of truffles (rare, delicious edible mushrooms). In the end, the local leader of the nobility poured vinegar and mustard on him and... ate Pimple's head, which turned out to be stuffed.

Worship of Mammon and repentance
State Councilor Erast Andreevich Grustilov combined practicality and sensitivity. He stole from a soldier's cauldron - and shed tears looking at the soldiers eating stale bread. He was very woman-loving. He showed himself as a writer of love stories. Grustilov’s daydreaming and “haberdashery” played into the hands of the Foolovites, who were prone to parasitism, so the fields were not plowed and nothing grew on them. But costume balls happened almost every day!

Then Grustilov, in company with a certain Pfeifersha, began to engage in occultism, visited witches and sorceresses and submitted his body to flagellation. He even wrote a treatise “On the Delights of a Pious Soul.” The “riots and dancing” in the city stopped. But nothing really changed, only “we moved from cheerful and violent inaction to gloomy inaction.”

Confirmation of repentance. Conclusion
And then Gloomy-Burcheev appeared. "He was terrible." This mayor did not recognize anything other than the “correctness of the constructions.” He impressed with his “soldier-like, imperturbable confidence.” This machine-like monster organized life in Foolov like a military camp. Such was his “systematic delirium.” All people lived according to the same regime, dressed in specially prescribed clothes, and carried out all work on command. Barracks! “In this fantasy world there are no passions, no hobbies, no attachments.” The residents themselves had to demolish their existing houses and move into identical barracks. An order was issued to appoint spies - Gloomy-Burcheev feared that someone would oppose his barracks regime. However, the precautions did not justify themselves: from nowhere, a certain “it” approached, and the mayor melted into thin air. At this point, “history stopped flowing.”