DIY ceiling in the kitchen: attaching plastic panels with step-by-step steps. Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen: choosing the material Do-it-yourself suspended ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen area is constantly exposed to high humidity and temperature changes. This most strongly affects the ceiling, since vapors, soot, and hot air rise up. In order not to have to deal with repairs every year, you need to make the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, taking into account these factors, choosing the appropriate materials.

What ceilings are suitable for the kitchen?

The ceiling in the kitchen must withstand high and low temperatures, have water-repellent properties, and can be washed easily. Do not use flammable materials or materials with a porous surface. Additionally, you should take into account the possibility of flooding from above and choose a structure that can retain a large volume of water. Or vice versa, choose the type of ceiling that is easiest to restore.

The easiest way is plastering and painting. and the painted ceiling does not lose its original appearance for a long time, does not warp when exposed to moisture, is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is easy to clean. If water leaks from above, the damaged area can be restored in a matter of hours. Both paint and putty are quite affordable, and you can do all the finishing yourself.

Plastic panels are considered an acceptable option for kitchen ceilings. They do not burn, have very low hygroscopicity, and are easy to clean. To avoid deformation from high temperatures, the panels should be fixed with movable fasteners - clamps. It is better to give preference to seamless panels with a glossy finish, on which less soot and dust accumulate. In addition, the plastic ceiling is not afraid of flooding: water almost does not pass through the tight joints and flows out at the corners of the structure.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are also well suited for kitchens. They look great, are not afraid of moisture and heat, are easy to clean, and most importantly, retain water when flooded. This coating also has its disadvantages: the film can be easily damaged by any sharp object, the cost of the canvas is quite high, it will not be possible to carry out the installation yourself.

The methods described are the most practical and easy to implement. Such ceilings are easy to care for and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. Of course, a lot depends on the intensity of use of the kitchen and quality. The less evaporation, the less impact on the ceiling covering, and vice versa.

Video - DIY kitchen ceiling

The kitchen is the room where you not only cook, but also spend most of your time chatting with family and friends over a cup of tea. This is why it is so important to create not only comfortable interior for preparing and eating food, but also comfortable from the point of view of being there. In addition, do not forget that this room still has an aggressive environment, which consists of various types of fumes, and as a result - increased humidity in the room. And for choice finishing materials, especially those used on the ceiling, appropriate requirements must be put forward.

Material requirements

There are a great variety of materials for finishing the ceiling. But not all of them are suitable for use in the kitchen. High humidity, high temperatures, soot in the kitchen with gas stove- all this negatively affects the ceiling coverings, as a result the entire appearance of the kitchen deteriorates. To prevent this from happening, when choosing, you need to consider the following:

  • We choose waterproof materials for the kitchen ceiling, with the ability to wash them, since according to the laws of physics with flows warm air from the stove, all contaminants immediately rise to the ceiling;
  • Due to the fact that they will have to be washed frequently, it is better to choose moisture-resistant and wear-resistant materials;
  • As in any other room, the ceiling in the kitchen should hide all irregularities, if any;
  • The ceiling should look aesthetically pleasing, fitting into general style kitchens.

Finding a ceiling covering that will meet all the requirements is difficult, but you still need to get at least somehow closer to the ideal.

Types of finishing

IN Soviet time In the Khrushchev era, the most popular ceiling decoration in the kitchen was painting it with enamel. This emphasized all the unevenness of the ceilings, thereby giving a terrible look to the entire kitchen as a whole. Then the ceilings began to be leveled, the enamel was replaced with water-based paint in different color solutions, and the look of the kitchen has changed for the better.

But time passes, fashion changes, new technologies are introduced, and in modern reality such coating fades into the background, giving the opportunity to more modern materials with the best parameters be used in the interior of the kitchen.

What kind of coating should be in your kitchen will be determined not only by the interior, but also by your wallet, because the budget for using this or that material for finishing the kitchen differs significantly.

Whitewashing or painting

Whitewashing ceiling tiles, whether in the kitchen or in any other room, has long been no longer relevant. New, more technologically advanced materials replaced lime and chalk. This is due to the fact that, firstly, whitewash was poorly tolerated aggressive environment kitchen, secondly, it could not be washed, and the yellowed coating had to be whitewashed, thirdly, the whitewash quickly began to crack and crumble. But using whitewash also had its advantages. It hid the unevenness of the ceiling well, it was easy to do the work yourself, a budget option.

Whitewashing was replaced by painting with water-based paint. This made the ceiling coating more resistant to moisture and temperature changes. It became possible to wash it. At the same time, paint ceiling tiles, no more difficult than whitewashing. But the disadvantages also remain. The paint coating also begins to crack after a short time. With time White color gets lost. If there is high humidity or if there is flooding, the paint will peel off the ceiling. It will not be possible to partially repair such a ceiling. If cracking or peeling occurs, you will have to repaint it completely.


The ceiling in the kitchen can also be covered with wallpaper. But it is not durable coating, even if washable ones are used.

The disadvantages of wallpapering a kitchen ceiling are as follows:

  • due to increased humidity at the joints, the wallpaper may deform and creep;
  • a very labor-intensive process - wallpapering the ceiling;
  • if your neighbors flood you, you will have to completely change the ceiling covering.

The advantages are that:

  • it is possible to wash them if they have the appropriate texture;
  • quite a budget option;
  • no surface leveling required;
  • You can do the finishing yourself.

If you still decide to wallpaper the ceiling in the kitchen, it is better to choose vinyl. Such wallpaper will perfectly hide all the unevenness, and can be easily washed with soapy water.

Nowadays finishing of the kitchen ceiling is gaining popularity. liquid wallpaper. They are more durable than regular ones and can be repaired if necessary.

Big choice will help you choose shades this type wallpaper to suit any interior, and plaque and yellowing will be almost invisible.

Ceiling tiles

Very popular as a budget option. It does not require preliminary preparation; the tiles are simply glued to the ceiling. This is a durable coating, and if you choose beige-colored tiles, the yellow coating will not be visible on them.


A suspended ceiling made of moisture-resistant plasterboard will look great. It will help not only level the ceiling, but also delimit the space between the kitchen area and the dining room. With the help of such a ceiling, you can implement almost any design project, play with lighting and decor.


The disadvantages include the fact that when installing this ceiling, the height of the kitchen decreases by an average of 10-20 cm. Also, the finishing coating will need to be updated periodically. In addition, constant humidity can cause cracks to form at the joints of drywall sheets. To avoid this, you need to use a CD moving ceiling system, but this is not cheap. And if there is flooding, even moisture-resistant drywall will deteriorate, and the entire ceiling will have to be completely redone.

You should order a suspended ceiling only from specialists, since its installation requires certain calculations. If done incorrectly, the entire drywall structure may collapse.


Ceilings made of plastic panels are very popular due to their practicality and durability. He is not afraid even of flooding. If one of the panels becomes unusable, it is easy to replace. Plastic panels do not require additional finishing. To complete the finishing, you will need guides, the panels themselves and a sealant that will be used to seal the joints. This is a relatively inexpensive material for finishing a kitchen ceiling.

But not everything is so rosy in the use of plastic panels. Cheap models can emit harmful substances, especially when heated slightly. Moreover, under the influence sun rays PVC materials tend to turn yellow. The surface of the panels must be washed frequently, since if the grease dries, it will be difficult to wash it off, especially since abrasive substances can scratch the surface.

Rack and pinion systems

The use of slats is another option for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. Depending on the chosen design, you can use this material in white, beige or metallic colors. The slatted ceiling can be plastic or aluminum, and last option preferable for the kitchen, but it is also more expensive.

Usually used in the kitchen this system arrangement with closed seams. This is due to the fact that fat and fumes will accumulate in open seams, and washing them out is very problematic.

You can assemble this type of ceiling yourself. It is made in the form of a designer.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are gaining more and more popularity every day, including in the kitchen. But installation of this structure can only be carried out by a specialist using certain equipment.

As a result of installing a stretch ceiling, we obtain a coating that meets the following requirements:

  • Durability. This ceiling covering will last for many years;
  • Moisture resistant. He is not afraid of fumes in the kitchen;
  • A perfectly flat surface, it will hide all ceiling defects;
  • It is possible to combine with other types of finishes. Attractive from a design point of view;
  • It can easily withstand even major flooding. To fix it, you just need to call a technician to drain the water from the ceiling.

But there are also disadvantages here:

  • High price;
  • Call a specialist for installation;
  • Reduces the height of the room.

When installing suspended ceilings, you should contact only well-known specialists who have positive experience in performing this type of work, since the installation is carried out using gas cylinders and there are frequent cases of explosions.

If you decide to install suspended ceilings in your kitchen, you will be offered many options. various colors and textures.

But the main question is which surface to choose for the kitchen, glossy or matte.

The glossy ceiling in the kitchen space is now at the height of fashion. It can act as the main accent in the interior, but it is unlikely to fit into all design solutions.

Features of choice

You should choose a ceiling for your kitchen after carefully weighing all the pros and cons. According to reviews, the majority vote for the use of tension covering. This is due to the fact that, unlike the others, it is much more practical, it can be chosen to suit any kitchen. But you can use other options. It just depends on your personal preference.

The kitchen is the most favorite place in the house. Therefore, it is its repair that is given the most attention, time and money. In this article we will tell you how to make a ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, and also show photos.

When choosing how to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen, you should consider the following features of this room:

  • high humidity;
  • frequent temperature changes;
  • the presence of soot, grease and other pollutants.

Types of finishing

There are many ways to finish the ceiling, which differ not only in appearance, but also in practicality, cost, and installation.

The most common types of ceiling finishes include:

  • painted ceiling,
  • ceiling tiles,
  • plasterboard ceiling,
  • slatted ceiling,
  • suspended ceiling,
  • from plastic panels.

Painted ceiling

This type of finishing is the most ancient, but we are not talking about painting with chalk and lime. Nowadays they use moisture-resistant paint and various textured coatings.

Advantages of a painted ceiling:

  1. Low cost of materials.
  2. Painting does not require special knowledge and skills and can be done on your own.
  3. Repairing the ceiling takes little time.
  4. Possibility of combining different colors, drawings and patterns.

Disadvantages of a painted ceiling:

  • The color quickly fades and fades in the sun, regardless of the type of paint.
  • Requires ideal surface. If the original ceiling is defective, leveling will require additional costs and may require the help of experienced remodelers.
  • There is no way to hide communications.
  • Greasy and dirty stains are difficult to wash off.
  • There is no possibility of installing spotlights.

Finishing the ceiling in the kitchen with paint is not the best the best option, since such a ceiling will quickly lose appearance and will require updating.

Ceiling tiles

The advent of expanded polystyrene tiles made a real revolution in the decoration of ceilings. The tile quickly gained popularity and became a guest in every second home, since you can quickly and inexpensively make a kitchen ceiling using tiles.

Advantages of tiles:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. Has good moisture resistance.
  3. Simplicity and speed of installation. Gluing tiles does not take much time and does not require special preparation.
  4. Variety of patterns, wide color palette.
  5. The convenient size of the plates and their light weight make the gluing process easy and facilitates delivery.
  6. Ease of restoration. It is enough to replace the damaged parts.
  7. Painting will allow you to quickly and without significant costs change or update the interior.

Cons of tiles:

  1. The ceiling does not “breathe” and good ventilation is necessary.
  2. The presence of joints between the plates.
  3. Fragility of the material. It is impossible to make a perfect cut, there will still be a difference compared to the production edge.
  4. Requires a perfectly leveled and primed surface. The presence of whitewash and residues of other materials on the ceiling will reduce the adhesive strength.
  5. At high temperatures it releases harmful substances.
  6. Pattern reliefs are difficult to wash.
  7. In a fire, the tiles do not burn, but melt. The risk of poisoning from a fire in such premises is much higher.

Tiles are widely used for finishing kitchen ceilings, but this choice is not based on naturalness and practicality, but on cost and availability.

Plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceilings never cease to amaze with their original designs. Ideal smooth surfaces do not require complex levels and puttying steps. Builders love this material. Is this type of ceiling covering suitable for the kitchen?

Pros of plasterboard ceiling:

  • Natural and environmentally friendly material.
  • Affordable price.
  • Does not ignite and does not emit harmful substances at high temperatures.
  • Perfectly smooth.
  • Allows you to hide communications, insulation, unevenness and defects in the ceiling.
  • Has good sound insulation.
  • Allows the installation of halogen lamps.
  • Gives you the opportunity to bring the most incredible things to life design solutions from simple classic ceilings to pompous and luxurious multi-level surfaces. Plasterboard ceiling able to fit into any room. Used to zone a room.
  • Not at all capricious at work. It is easy to cut and cut a variety of shapes from it.

Disadvantages of plasterboard ceiling:

  • It is afraid of moisture, quickly swells and loses its shape. For rooms with high humidity You will need moisture-resistant drywall and a powerful hood.
  • If it is heavily soiled, it is difficult to clean and will require new painting.
  • Requires precise patterns of parts to keep seams to a minimum.
  • Seam finishing is required after installation.
  • Capricious to store, vertical position and humid air are not allowed.
  • The weight of the sheets is quite large, which requires the participation of several installers.
  • It steals the height of the walls, so it is only suitable for high rooms.

A moisture-resistant plasterboard ceiling can be used for kitchen areas, but you should not expect much practicality or ease of cleaning.

Slat ceiling

Consists of a frame and slatted panels, refers to suspended ceilings. It is not used as often as plasterboard or tile, but is confidently gaining momentum every year.

Advantages of a slatted ceiling:

  • Moisture resistance. Excellent for wet areas.
  • Easy to clean and maintain.
  • High strength allows it to be installed for many years.
  • Easy installation and lightweight design.
  • Hides communications, insulation, insulation.
  • Hides unevenness and defects in the ceiling.
  • Does not require surface preparation.
  • Allows the installation of recessed lamps.
  • There are no problems with repairing the ceiling. It is enough to replace damaged slats.
  • Does not change color and does not fade in the sun.

Disadvantages of a slatted ceiling:

  • It steals the height of the room and is only suitable for kitchens with high ceilings; in a small kitchen such a ceiling will look bulky.
  • The design resembles an office space.
  • Quite a high cost.

A slatted ceiling is an excellent option for a kitchen, which is distinguished by easy care and high strength of materials. By installing this type of ceiling, you can forget about the problem of repairs for a long time.

Stretch ceiling

Beautiful and original, they attract the eye and become a decoration of the room. Is a suspended ceiling suitable for a kitchen?

Advantages of a stretch ceiling:

  • Easy to wash and clean.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • Excellent sound and thermal insulation.
  • Super-fast installation without dirt and other unpleasant things.
  • Huge selection of colors and designs.
  • Durable material is resistant to deformation.
  • Non-toxic materials.
  • Possibility of zoning space.
  • Long-term use. Companies provide a guarantee of at least 10 years.
  • They do not attract dust, do not absorb grease, soot, or odors.
  • When flooding, the top holds a lot of water well.
  • The cost has become quite affordable. Just a few years ago, stretch ceilings were considered expensive. The development and growth of stretch ceiling companies has changed the situation.

There are no eternal ceilings, and this primarily applies to kitchen ceilings, where the service life is largely influenced by the human factor.

Extreme methods of cooking in pans without water or with tossing pancakes, hunting for insects using any available objects, an unsuccessful attempt to hold a champagne cork in your hands - all these factors can lead to damage that requires ceiling repairs.

Unfavorable environment in a kitchen with high humidity, high temperature and fatty secretions significantly reduces the service life of any ceiling, and flooding, which almost every resident has experienced apartment buildings, can not only damage the ceiling, but also lead to its replacement.

Optimally, it is necessary to renew the ceiling covering at least once every few years.

Often, damage is caused by errors in installation: poor preparation of the surface of the floor slabs for the installation of the ceiling, errors in the installation of the installation profile, the use of too powerful lamps in lamps, etc.

When deciding how to repair the ceiling in the kitchen, you need to proceed from its appearance. Depending on the type of ceiling, you can repair it yourself or you will need the help of specialists.

Surface preparation

In addition to removing the old coating, before repairing the ceilings, it is necessary to prepare the base on which the ceiling materials will be applied. Preparation may include following works:

  • Removing contaminants. Defects from stains of rust, soot and grease, stains from leaks are removed using alkaline or acidic agents, you can also use by mechanical means, removing a layer of contaminated surface.

Often the ceilings in the kitchen, after many years of use, have a well-established yellow, which is quite difficult to paint over. In this case, you can use the inexpensive “Belizna” product, which contains active chlorine. It is diluted in water and applied with a roller to the ceiling several times.

  • Alignment of recesses. To properly seal a crack, it is necessary to widen it by 5 - 10 mm, removing weak or peeling areas, and then prime it. Filling deep cracks can be done using alabaster, cement-lime or gypsum plaster mortar, Rotband. Afterwards the surface is puttied and cleaned sandpaper.
  • Primer. Used in preparation for the repair of all types of ceilings with coating on the main one. To improve adhesion they are used liquid primers deep penetration (Ceresit CT 17), they are applied to the surface using a roller in two to three layers.

The name of the primers contains the word “colorless”, but in fact this is not entirely true. Primers have yellow and white opaque colors; for ceilings you should choose only white, similar to milk.

  • Putty. To level the kitchen ceiling, seal sinks, and very small cracks, putty is used. With this method, a special putty mixture is applied to the primed surface and, after drying, smoothed with sandpaper.

IN construction industry To grout ceilings, small plastic floats are used to finishing works with a thin porous layer of rubber glued on. Sandpaper or a special mesh is fixed to its working surface using special bolts with clamping plates on opposite side graters

Whitewashed ceiling

There are two ways to repair a whitewashed ceiling: by removing the old coating or redecorating with the application of a new layer over the whitewash. If the ceiling has not been repaired for a long time and the coating has turned yellow over time, saturated with kitchen grease and soot, then it is better to remove it.

A cracked ceiling is not only an unaesthetic appearance, but also a chance that over time, the whitewash will fall off

The ceiling should be whitened with the same material that was used in the previous coating.

There are several ways to apply whitewash: using a brush, roller, or spray nozzle, each of them has its own characteristics:

  • The brush could be used before the invention of the roller - a labor-intensive, ineffective method with low quality coverage (it leaves stripes and bristles on the surface).
  • Using a roller is suitable for most homeowners and provides average quality when applied correctly.
  • A spray gun is a method of professionally applying coloring materials. Gives best quality, but painting the ceiling requires professional skills. Also the method has significant shortcomings– during operation it is formed a large number of suspended dust, which leads to increased consumption of materials, contamination of all surfaces, requiring the use of protective equipment.

Chalk coating

Do-it-yourself kitchen renovations involving removal of the old ceiling covering are easier to carry out by first soaking the whitewash with water using a roller and then removing it with a steel spatula. The remaining small layers of chalk are washed off with a sponge. After drying, the ceiling is smoothed with sandpaper to level the surface, after which it is ready for whitewashing.

A ceiling cleared of chalk is not primed; if there are areas left on it that need to be leveled with putty, they must be cleared of chalk as much as possible to concrete base and prime, otherwise the putty will not stick.

It is quite easy to distinguish chalk from lime: when you run your hand across the ceiling, it will not get dirty if you use lime; if you use a chalk coating, its traces will remain on your hand.

To prepare a whitewash solution for painting 10 sq.m. 3 kg. chalk is diluted with water depending on the application method in a certain ratio (usually 2 liters of water per 1 kg of chalk), add 30 - 100 ml. PVA glue, 50 g. laundry soap, 10 - 20 g blue.

Before use, the chalk solution must be filtered through nylon, otherwise large solid particles contained in the chalk powder will remain on the ceiling.

Lime coating

Rarely used in kitchens, mainly used in bathrooms.

When removing the old layer, you must use a metal spatula, first tapping the area to be removed with a hammer. The use of water in the case of a lime coating is ineffective; it dissolves poorly, crumples and smears over the surface.

Lime is quite difficult to clean

After leveling and cleaning the lime ceiling (it is not primed with lime), you can begin painting it with a roller or spray.

Lime whitewash solution per 10 sq. m. prepared by dissolving in 4 liters. water 2 kg. lime with the addition of 100 g of salt and 45 g of blue.

Painted ceiling repair

Do-it-yourself kitchen ceiling repair will in most cases require repainting, even if the surface is painted with the same paint. This is due to the operating conditions of ceilings in kitchen areas, under which their surface quickly loses its original snow-white appearance.

In case of peeling paint, severe deep-penetrating contamination or mechanical damage to the ceiling, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the problem areas from old paint or putty, prime them, and then level them with new putty.

When sanding with sandpaper, you can level not only the putty, but also remove old paint V problem areas ceiling.

Used to paint kitchen ceilings modern materials: water-based, acrylic, latex paints, which are not washed off with water.

When carrying out painting work with your own hands, there is no point in using a spray gun: this will lead to a large consumption of paint without obtaining high quality, if the work is not carried out by a specialist.

The roller will not only save paint, but will also distribute it evenly across the ceiling

It is easier to use a roller with a synthetic attachment - a fur coat; for ease of work, it can be attached to a telescopic extension (fishing rod), which allows you to paint walls and ceilings from the floor. One more important element is to use a special tray into which paint is poured. When working, the roller is lowered into the paint and rolled over the flat surface of the tray, which helps to distribute the paint evenly over the coat.

Before the main painting, the corners of the room must be painted with a brush or small roller.

The surface is painted in at least two layers: the first is applied perpendicular to the lighting, the second after the paint has dried along the direction of the light.

Ceilings in the kitchen are usually painted with matte paints - this does not require a high-quality prepared surface and makes minor irregularities invisible.

Repair of wallpaper or polystyrene foam tiles

If the wallpaper is damaged or polystyrene foam boards as a result of flooding, the negative impact of polluted air in the kitchen, or their spontaneous peeling off, you can try to re-glue the loose sheets, having previously cleaned and primed required area floor panels.

In most cases, wallpaper or tiles lose their appearance during use and must be replaced.

An excellent way out of this situation is to paint the wallpaper. You can paint any type of wallpaper (even paper, if you don’t wet its surface too much); water-based, acrylic, and latex paints are suitable. The method is also convenient because after some time the wallpaper can be repainted, thereby obtaining a durable budget ceiling.

Repair of plasterboard ceilings

If the plasterboard covering is damaged small areas You can putty and clean it with sandpaper; in case of severe flooding, the sheets will have to be changed and all joints and their surface should be puttied. After preparatory work The entire ceiling will have to be repainted.

Ceiling made of PVC panels and slatted

After installation, the PVC ceiling will not need repairs, unless you damage it yourself

It is difficult to imagine a situation in which a slatted ceiling with a 50-year service life will need repair, unless after a fire. PVC panels are more susceptible to influence external environment, may change color and become deformed over time. Basic repair of rack and pinion plastic ceiling consists of replacing panels, and in plastic ones you will have to change them all.

Repair of suspended ceilings

In case of flooding or minor damage to the stretch ceiling fabric, you can use some options for its repair:

  • Using a special patch that is glued to inside ceiling and seals the hole, preventing its further spread. You can make cosmetic repairs by installing an additional lamp, an exhaust grille, or gluing an applique in place of the damage.
  • If the hole is located at a distance of no more than 10 - 15 cm from the wall, the ceiling can be tightened by heating it with a hairdryer.
  • If flooding occurs cold water, then it is enough to drain it through the holes in the lamps or simply dry the ceiling by dismantling the lamps and ensuring ventilation of its inner surface.

What parameters should you consider when choosing a ceiling?

1. The ceiling must be durable.
2. The ceiling should not be afraid of water, or it could be easily restored after a flood.
3. The ceiling must be in accordance with the design and layout.
4. The ceiling must have reasonable price for 1 square meter and installation.

The rest is just details. Every place has its own nuances, it all depends on whether you live in a private house or apartment, what your ceiling height is, whether the kitchen is equipped with a gas stove, what kind of lighting you plan, etc.

Also, a lot depends on the area. For example, on large ceiling The cassette one will look good, but in a small kitchen it will look like a caricature. Therefore, you need to know everything, and what is better to choose - decide for yourself when you find out the options.

Whitewashed ceiling

It would seem that in our 21st century, considering a whitewashed ceiling at the renovation planning stage is simply absurd. But this is if you remember the ceilings that are made in adobe huts. They are uneven, the stripes from the “muck” are clearly visible on them, they give off a bluish color due to the added blue...

Who forces you to apply whitewash exactly this way? If you whiten the ceiling not with a brush, but with the same roller, then the look comes out very nice. And, if you use a spray bottle, a song will come out!

The ceiling will look like it was painted with water-based paint (of course, if you previously leveled the surface with putty). You can add a little snow-white dye to the whitewash for greater effect.

What could be the downsides?? Honestly - none. If we were talking about walls, then yes, whitewashing would be a completely unsuitable option, since it “takes on” your hands and clothes. And who will rub against the ceiling?

Therefore, we can say that this option is quite suitable and working. In operation, this coating is simply ideal. It only needs to be refreshed once a year with a new solution, since soot and smoke in the kitchen will cause the whitewash to turn yellow. But to be fair, gas will turn anything yellow, not just whitewash. And, if an update here costs such pennies that you are too lazy to even count, then with other materials it will be more expensive.

Plain painted ceiling in the kitchen

Everything here is the same as in the case of whitewashing. The only thing, water-based paint costs a little more. Yes, there are expensive paints that can be washed. But to wash is said very loudly, frankly speaking. They can be lightly wiped with a damp cloth, and that’s it. Therefore, you won’t achieve any special cleanliness; you’ll have to repaint everything, and you’ll be wasting your money.

More great importance What matters in practicality is what kind of base the paint is applied to. If it’s directly on the putty, and it’s on concrete, then this is a good option for the kitchen. If it’s on a plasterboard box, the situation is worse if you live in a multi-story building.

Why? But because there are a lot of places in the kitchen where water can leak from a pipe that has burst in the neighbors above. And, if an ordinary ceiling just has red streaks that can be easily and simply painted over, it will sag and crack. The entire structure will have to be changed.

So, if you are not confident in your neighbors, then you should not do it in the kitchen plasterboard boxes, no matter how you want to place the spots. It’s better to get by with an ordinary chandelier, but protect yourself from the “pleasure” of suddenly having to repair a damaged ceiling. Even if your neighbors pay you for your work, why do you need this unnecessary trouble? And if they don’t pay (and this is what usually happens, the neighbors extend the loan for a year), it’s really a shame.
Judging by the reviews, this ceiling is the best choice.

Wallpapered ceiling

What can you say about the wallpaper on the kitchen ceiling? It's not the most brilliant choice. Not only will they darken from soot, but the seams will also crack. Both are not “loved” high humidity and warmth. And in the kitchen this will happen, and very often.

And after a couple of years, the seams on your ceiling will be clearly visible, and the wallpaper will “gather” in waves in the corners. No, this is not the best option, even if it is paintable wallpaper. You understand that no amount of fresh paint will save you from seams that have come apart.

And in the event of a flood, you will have to remove the wallpaper and re-clean the surface from any remaining paper. Then, hanging wallpaper well is beyond the power of a non-professional. Painting it yourself is easy, but dealing with wallpaper is not. The joints will still be visible, which is very ugly.

Well, the last argument is that it’s not fashionable, even if you want to hang some extra-new and unusual wallpaper.

Stretch ceiling

A glossy stretch ceiling is much easier to clean than a fabric one, as it is perfectly smooth. But it is difficult to get rid of divorces. But, if you use a special microfiber cloth, then anything is possible. More glossy ceiling, 100% not afraid of floods.

Fabric stretch ceilings are good because they look expensive and solid. They cannot be distinguished from a perfectly plastered and painted surface. But otherwise, from a practical point of view, they have no advantages for the kitchen. They let water through because rubber cover- extremely thin and it becomes covered with microcracks if it experiences high pressure (and it will in the event of a flood).

So, as you see, there should be no questions left, matte ceiling choose or glossy. People praise these same ceilings and according to reviews, this is quite a worthy choice.

Ceiling made of PVC panels

Plastic is last century, Honestly. Yes, it is quite practical and very suitable for the kitchen. And it is convenient to wash and in case of a flood it does not deteriorate. But what to do with the appearance?

His appearance is unpresentable and even burst! No, maybe you can find a plastic that doesn’t look like a public toilet, maybe. If yes, then it's easy perfect option for kitchen.

Ceiling made of polystyrene foam boards

What are the benefits of polystyrene foam boards? The fact that they are very inexpensive, you don’t need to perfectly level the ceiling for them, you can glue them yourself and the ceiling looks good. Even good.

The only thing you should not forget about is that they must be painted on top. Water-based paint is best suited for these purposes. This ceiling smokes just like others, but you don’t have to wash it, it’s enough to refresh it with paint once every couple of years.

If a flood happens, then nothing will happen to the tiles if they are glued with “Dragon” glue and not “planted” on the putty mixture. If they were glued to putty, then they would fall off, of course. But then you can glue them with glue and everything will be fine.

By the way, now there are already slabs that, when fastened, do not have seams. The ceiling looks cast and not made of pieces.

Wooden lining ceiling

Now it's very fashionable option. For example, ceilings in the Provence style are entirely made of lining, painted white. It's beautiful, they can be tinted when they get smoky...

But if your neighbors flood you, the lining will simply warp, it will lose its shape, and cracks will become visible. Replacing such a ceiling is very expensive. Therefore, think.

Aluminum slatted ceiling

In the kitchen, such ceilings look good if the appliances, work apron or furniture are also steel-colored. In terms of cost, such a ceiling is not cheap, but it is eternal. It is not afraid of water, it is convenient to wash (unlike stretch ceilings), nothing will happen to it if you catch it with a sharp object.

On the other hand, the design is somewhat aggressive, which means it will quickly become boring. Therefore, if you are not sure that aluminum slats on the ceiling are the limit of your dreams, it is better to refrain from such finishing. It will quickly get boring, and it will be a pity to throw it away.

Cassette ceilings (Armstrong type)

No, you don’t have to think that we mean the most ordinary, gray Armstrong, which is used in all supermarkets and offices in the world. A cassette ceiling is exactly the same technology, only the cassettes themselves can be any color you like.

There are some with pictures, some in silver, some in bronze... You name it! The option is not bad, but it all depends on what the cassettes are made of. If they are made of thin plaster, then the option is bad (remember about floods), but if they are made of plastic, you can take them.

The only negative here is that they “eat up” 10 - 15 cm of the wall height. This means that if you have a Khrushchev building with a ceiling height of 2.20 meters, then for you suspended ceiling- definitely not good.

Ceilings made of MDF panels

They do this too... But, in the end, the ceiling looks not like a kitchen, but like a bath (because the main pattern of MDF panels is wood-like).

This is a rough look and there is absolutely no practicality in it. MDF will swell from the flood, become smoky, it will need to be scrubbed vigorously, and it is afraid of abrasives... No, we cannot recommend such a ceiling.

Ceilings "Grigliato" (lattice)

Very cute and unusual ceilings. Yes, it is very original and modern. But a kitchen is a kitchen, and soot is soot. Not one, not even the most best hood, will not save you from a sticky ceiling.

Can you imagine what it’s like to wash these wonderful-looking “honeycombs”? Imagine and discard this idea. Grilyato is not at all for the kitchen, but for those rooms where there is and never will be soot.

Tiled ceiling

Some people make the ceiling out of tiles. What motivates these people is not very clear to us. But the view is very frightening and strange. Maybe they just had extra tiles and decided to use them? But, in any case, let's tell you about the disadvantages.

The tiles are the kind of thing that can fall off if the neighbors above start walking on the floor (for example, drilling something, also laying flooring or baseboards). And a tile that fell from the ceiling and landed right on your head... You yourself understand what it is.

Mirror ceiling

Also a stupid idea. This is both expensive and impractical. There is always something squealing and splashing in the kitchen, and no matter how you close the lid on the dishes, something will still end up on the ceiling.

And, if microspatters of grease are not visible at all on the painted ceiling, then everything is perfectly visible on the mirror. Therefore, if you do not plan to constantly jump under the ceiling and scrub it, it is better not to pursue beauty. Moreover, there is nothing really beautiful about a mirrored ceiling; there are more interesting options.


Let's be honest: we don't know which ceiling is best for the kitchen. All options have their pros and cons. Therefore, start from your material capabilities and taste. The main thing is that we showed you all sides popular types ceiling finishing. But still, the very best practical option- ordinary, painted ceiling.

In general, in our opinion, it doesn’t matter at all what the ceiling is. Where furniture is more important and accessories. Here they are - “they make the weather”, but the ceiling does not.