It’s possible to build a country house from sandwich panels with your own hands! Construction from sandwich panels - do-it-yourself house projects, how to build a private cottage House from sandwich panels

In the modern hectic world, where time has acquired unprecedented value due to the fact that it is constantly in short supply, and you want to get results immediately and immediately, even in construction technologies and materials, speed of execution, low cost and minimal operating costs have become valued. That is why those who want to quickly move into their own separate housing are increasingly choosing to build houses from sandwich panels. Such houses can be erected literally in a matter of days at any time of the year, warm up quickly and retain heat well, which reduces heating costs, have good sound insulation, and most importantly, their construction is very cheap. Let's figure out what sandwich panels are, whether it's worth building such a house and how to do it yourself. Babushkinsky district of Moscow is a great place to live.

Construction of houses from sandwich panels: advantages and disadvantages

Recently, advertising of houses made of sandwich panels does not stop for a minute. From every iron we are assured that these are the strongest houses in the world, everything collapses around, but panel buildings remain intact, that they are the warmest and most economical, do not deform or sag, and in general - it is simply impossible to find anything better. But the most absurd thing is something else: you can often find advertisements with the following content: “We are building houses from sandwich panels. ECOhousing for ridiculous money”, etc. So - a house made of SIP panels is by no means environmentally friendly and harmless to health. The only reason why such a house can be called ECO is that by living in it, you can save on heating, and therefore save Natural resources. Those. IVF from the word “savings”. Let's figure out what are the advantages of the technology of building houses from sandwich panels and what are the disadvantages.

Advantages of houses made of sandwich panels:

  • Very quickly built. The house box can be easily installed within a week or two.

  • Can be built at any time of the year. There are no restrictions on construction temperatures.
  • Thin walls, due to which the usable area inside the building increases.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. They warm up quickly and retain heat well, since the lion's share of the wall thickness is insulation.
  • Do not shrink or become deformed. You can proceed to the internal and exterior decoration immediately after the construction of the building, and then immediately move in and live.
  • The material of sandwich panels perfectly insulates sound.
  • The walls are strictly vertical and level. It is very easy to install the panels in a vertical position.
  • You can save on heating.
  • No reinforced foundation needed.
  • Durable. Withstands hurricanes.
  • Sandwich panels are easy to transport and assemble like a construction set.
  • Cheap. The price for a house made of sandwich panels is the lowest - and this is the most significant advantage of this technology.

As you can see, the list is rather long, but there are also flaws:

  • Fragility. The service life of sandwich panels is not as durable as wood, brick or concrete. Maximum is 25 - 30 years. Although the stated period is 50 years, let's face it and take into account our climatic conditions.
  • The strength of such a house is very relative. It may be able to withstand hurricanes, but cutting a hole in the wall with an ax is not difficult or time consuming.
  • Absolutely not environmentally friendly. Sheathing sandwich panels made of OSB (oriented strand board), which uses a resin binder and other additives. And the internal filling is insulation, for example, polystyrene foam, a completely synthetic product. Whatever one may say, during operation all this emits not the most “pleasant” substances. On the other hand, there are people who build houses from permanent formwork from the same polystyrene foam or simply insulate their houses with polystyrene foam, so it’s everyone’s choice. I like living in a thermos, no one can forbid it.
  • Absolute tightness. For creating normal conditions forced accommodation is required supply and exhaust ventilation. Otherwise, air movement and renewal simply will not occur. And these are additional costs that offset the low cost of construction.

  • Sandwich panels are on fire. We will leave all statements that the material has a G1 flammability class to the conscience of the manufacturers. Not only do they burn, but in addition, during combustion, polystyrene foam turns into a liquid state and simply drips or is poured from above with “rain of fiery lava.” Let us remain silent about the fact that during the burning of OSB and expanded polystyrene boards all kinds of toxic nastiness are released.
  • Require special type heating system- air. You can, of course, install the usual one - radiators under the window, but it will be impractical due to the complete tightness of the structure.
  • Due to improper operation and lack of proper ventilation in the panels Mold and mildew may form.
  • When selling such a house it the cost will be much lower than that of a brick one.

Now the choice is up to everyone, to build or not to build. Of course, the low cost of a house made of sandwich panels is a significant argument, which is why such houses are often built in summer cottages for temporary residence. If you decide that you need just such a house, let's look further.

Meet SIP panels (sandwich panels)

SIP(Structural insulated panel) or sandwich panels are a material consisting of three layers.

As outer layers durable used sheet material: OSB (oriented strand boards), magnesite boards, fiberboard ( fibreboards), wooden boards. The thickness of the plates is 9 mm or 12 mm. Most often in SIP panels For the construction of houses, OSB-3 (OSB-3) boards with a thickness of 12 mm are used, intended for use in load-bearing structures at high humidity.

core sandwich panel is insulation: polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or mineral wool. The thickness of the material varies depending on the customer's needs and can be from 50 mm to 250 mm. The most commonly used polystyrene foam is PSB-25 or PSB-S-25 with a density of 25 kg/m³.

The outer layers are bonded to the core under high pressure. The result is a new, durable composite material.

In the CIS countries, SIP panels of various sizes are used:

12+100+12=124 mm;

12+150+12=174 mm;

12+200+12=224 mm.


OSB (Oriented Strand Board) or OSB is made from wood chips with a diameter of no more than 0.6 mm and a length of no more than 140 mm. The chips are laid in three layers perpendicular to each other, a waterproof adhesive resin is added and the material is pressed under high pressure and temperature. The result is a material with increased bending strength and increased elasticity. The surface of OSB boards is waterproof, and the boards themselves are easy to saw with any woodworking tool. Distinctive feature OSB boards differ from other similar materials in that the ability to hold fasteners is provided not by the resin, but by the method of laying the chips.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is 98% composed of carbon dioxide, thanks to which it has its thermal insulation qualities. It burns, melts from an open fire and releases compounds. Mice love to live in polystyrene foam, gnawing nests in it. In SIP panels, polystyrene foam is covered on both sides with OSB boards, this ensures (albeit partial) fire safety of the structure. Used in SIP panels due to its low cost and lightness.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool with a density of 100 - 120 kg/m³ can also be used in SIP panels. It does not support combustion, does not burn itself and does not spread fire. During heating, it may release unpleasant odors binder, but, nevertheless, much more environmentally friendly than polystyrene foam. Rarely used in SIP panels due to their heavy weight (the panel will weigh 2 times more than with PSB) and high cost. The use of mineral wool as a core increases the cost of a house made of sandwich panels by 1.5 - 2 times.

Sandwich panel house projects

Having decided to build a house from sandwich panels, you first need to create a house project. Technology panel construction gives a large field for choosing a finished project and allows you to adapt other projects.

SIP panels are available in standard sizes 2500x1250 mm and 2800x1250 mm. This determines the typical height of the first and second floors of the house. Although you can build walls of any height, you will then have to sharpen the panels, which is not very beautiful or reliable.

The thickness of the panels 124 mm, 174 mm, 224 mm determines the area of ​​the internal space. For internal partitions panels with a thickness of 124 mm are used.

Without help construction organization this issue still cannot be solved. Making sandwich panels yourself negates all the savings and low cost of such a house, since this is not an easy and labor-intensive task.

By contacting a design bureau or construction company, you need to develop a project for your home. Then, based on this project, SIP panels of the required size and parameters are manufactured. Buying strictly standard panels and then customizing them to fit the project is also possible, but it is labor-intensive and time-consuming. When the order for the production of panels is completed, they are delivered to the construction site by truck and assembly of the house begins.

Foundation for a house made of SIP panels

A prefabricated house made of sandwich panels is a lightweight structure that does not require a heavy buried foundation. Most often, strip shallow foundations or slab, pile-grillage, strip-column foundations are used.

Consider the option of a shallow strip foundation:

  • We mark the site and excavate soil to a depth of 50 - 60 cm and a width of 40 cm.
  • We compact the soil, add a 10 cm layer of sand and compact it thoroughly, then a 10 cm layer of crushed stone and also compact it.
  • Then install wooden formwork for foundations up to 50 cm above the ground. We make holes in it for ventilation in advance.
  • We tie the reinforcement cage and lower it into the trench.

  • Cooking concrete mortar or we order a mixer and pour the foundation. Remove air bubbles using a vibrator.

Let the foundation dry completely for 28 days, then remove the formwork. We waterproof the surface of the foundation by laying roofing felt in 2 - 3 layers or hydroglass insulation, and coat it with bitumen mastic on top. It is better to do this shortly before the construction of the walls begins, so that the waterproofing layer is not for a long time open air.

Laying the strapping (crown) beam

We take a beam with a cross-section of 250x150 mm and lay it in the middle of the foundation. We carefully measure the horizontalness of its location.

We connect the timber in the corners using a “half-tree” or “paw” notch. Then we secure the connection wooden dowel. To do this, drill a hole in the beams with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 100 - 150 mm. Drive in a dowel slightly shorter than the hole. We finish it off with a mallet.

We secure the timber to the foundation using anchors. There are two anchors in the corners and at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from each other. The anchor length should be 350 mm, diameter 10 - 12 mm. Heads anchor bolts we recess the strapping into the timber.

Arrangement of floors and ceilings in a house from SIP panels

Features of construction Canadian technology is that you can build a house entirely from sandwich panels, including the floor, the floors, the attic floor, and even the roof.

But our domestic construction companies Nevertheless, it is recommended to install a regular wooden floor on joists in such houses, laying insulation between the joists. This will make it more reliable and durable; such a floor will be easier to repair and disassemble in case of unforeseen situations or breakdowns.

Let's consider the option of arranging a floor from SIP panels:

  • We prepare beams that will act as floor joists and tenon beams that need to be inserted between the panels. The length of the beam should be such that it can easily fit onto the foundation and into the groove in the strapping beam. The cross-section of such beams depends on the thickness of the sandwich panels: 150x50 mm if the panel is 174 mm thick, 200x50 mm if the panel is 224 mm thick.
  • We lay out the panels for the floor of the house. We cut them to the required size with a regular saw. If you need to remove the insulation, we use a homemade thermal cutter (some companies offer it along with the panels).

Important! The gap between the edge of the OSB board and the surface of the insulation inside the panel should be 20 - 25 mm. This is enough to tightly connect the panels with 50 mm thick timber.

  • We start the assembly from the corner panel, joining them lengthwise in a row. We foam the groove of the panels polyurethane foam and insert the beam inside. Press firmly and hold for several seconds. We fix it with galvanized self-tapping screws with a pitch of 150 mm or wood screws 3.5x40 mm.
  • Then we attach the second panel from the side of the beam. To do this, we also foam the groove in it. We put the panel on the beam and press it.
  • Repeating all these steps, we assemble the entire floor.
  • Then you need to fill all the remaining grooves around the perimeter with 25 mm thick boards. The procedure is not too different: the groove must be filled with foam, then the board must be inserted, pressed and secured with self-tapping screws.
  • The resulting structure must be laid in place for the floor using a lever mechanism or heavy equipment. The protruding parts of the beams/joists must be secured to the foundation with anchors using steel angles. Insert the logs themselves into the cutting places in the strapping beam.

Important! Sometimes they do it differently. The connecting beams have no protruding parts; they are the same dimensions as the dimensions of the future floor. After the structure is assembled from sandwich panels, into the grooves of which beams are inserted, the panels are also connected along the perimeter with a solid 40x200 mm trim board. Then this structure is installed on the beam bottom trim and is fixed with anchors.

Construction of walls from SIP panels

The next stage of building a house from sandwich panels is laying the guide board, also called a “lay board”. The dimensions of this board depend entirely on the thickness of the sandwich panel. Let us assume for simplicity that our sandwich panel is 224 mm thick. Then we will need a board 50x200 mm.

  • Place the board on top strapping beam or floor (depending on the method of installing the floor), we check the strict horizontal line and secure it with 5x70 mm self-tapping screws in increments of 350 - 400 mm. In this case, it is necessary to retreat 10 - 12 mm from the outer edge.
  • Having carefully studied the layout of the wall panels, we begin installation from the corner.

Important! When building walls from sandwich panels, it is extremely important to install the first corner panels evenly. All other panels will only repeat the spatial arrangement of these two, and it will be impossible to make a mistake and place them non-vertically.

  • We place two panels vertically in the corner. We first foam the bottom groove of the panel and put it on the bed. Align strictly horizontally and vertically. We screw the panels to the bed using 3.2x35 mm self-tapping screws in increments of 150 mm.
  • We connect the panels to each other. To do this, you can insert a board between them square section, or you can fasten them together directly, foam the grooves, press them tightly and screw them with 12x220 mm self-tapping screws in increments of 500 mm.

  • All other panels are mounted according to the same scheme. The groove of the installed panel is filled with mounting foam, the bottom of the installed panel is also filled, the latter is put on the bench. A timber/board with a section of 50x200 mm is inserted between the installed and installed panels. The connection is pressed tightly and fixed: from below to the bed with 3.2x35 mm screws, from the sides with 12x220 mm screws.

  • After the walls are completely assembled, the upper groove of the panels is also filled with foam, then the upper trim board/beam 150x200 mm is inserted into it. The beam is fixed to the panels with 4.2x75 mm screws, both panels are fixed to the beam on both sides with 3.5x40 mm screws.

Openings for windows and doors can be cut into already installed walls or in advance, which is somewhat more difficult to accurately calculate, except in cases where sandwich panels are ordered strictly according to the design at the manufacturer.

Floor beams are attached to the top trim beam in the standard way. There are several such fastenings: by cutting, using corners or brackets. You can choose any one.

Important! As already written above, the ceilings of the second or attic floor can also be completely made using sandwich panels in the same way as the floor. But this method is not strong enough and is more labor-intensive.

Installation of a roof in a house made of SIP panels

The roof for a house made of sandwich panels can be made with a regular rafter roof, where the rafters rest on the Mauerlat or on grooves cut in the tenon beams attic floor. Then the sheathing is stuffed onto the rafters and laid roofing material. If the attic is cold, there is no point in insulating it. If an attic is planned, then insulation is laid between the rafters and covered from the inside with a vapor barrier film. On the roof side, a waterproofing superdiffusion membrane is applied to the insulation.

But there are other ways. The photo showing a house made of sandwich panels shows that the roof is made entirely of sandwich panels. In this case, the roof is installed starting from one edge, gradually building up along the ridge. First, the first rafters are installed, which are fixed with self-tapping screws to the Mauerlat. Sandwich panels are then attached to them, just like in the walls.

Then the next rafter is installed, which is inserted into the groove of the previous panels, etc. This method more labor-intensive than installing a conventional insulated roof.

In general, assembling a house from sandwich panels is not a very difficult task. Two or three people can handle it in two weeks if the weather is favorable. In rainy weather, it is better not to work with the panels, since the edges of fresh cuts are unprotected and are susceptible to moisture. The most convenient way to install windows is standard sizes so that you don’t have to order individually later.

Sandwich panel houses: video tutorial

The widespread construction of houses made of sandwich panels began to spread in our country relatively recently. Western countries This technology has been used for many decades for the construction of not only private low-rise buildings, but also for the construction of high-rise buildings.

In this article we will look at what kind of material this is and what are the pros and cons of houses built using this technology?

What is a sandwich panel and what does it consist of?

The main idea of ​​the developers of this material is to get building element, with which you can build a house quickly and inexpensively. The technology of building houses from sandwich panels allows you to get full-fledged housing of any complexity in a short period of time, using a minimum of material and physical costs.

The term “sandwich” itself has nothing to do with fast food. Since this building material consists of several layers of sub-materials fastened together, this name arose more as an association with burgers.

Sandwich panel is a three-layer building material made of plastic, metal and insulation (wood, mineral wool, polystyrene foam). Usually, there is a special filler inside, which is covered on both sides with cladding. The result is a convenient element with which you can build walls, ceilings and floors. Also, this unique building material is used not only for finishing walls and roofs, but also for high-quality insulation and sound insulation of facades of finished buildings and structures, as well as to protect them from fire.

Various materials can be used as filler. Among the most popular options are the following:

  • Polyurethane foam– This is the most common filler for sandwich panels. The material does not burn or rot. At the same time, it is an excellent insulator;
  • Expanded polystyrene- This is a less common filler option. Such panels are slightly cheaper than the previous ones;
  • Fiberglass. This filler is used in those structures that will be installed in fire-hazardous buildings;
  • Mineral wool. Such sandwich panels are considered the cheapest. But even they are lightweight, easy to install and have good thermal insulation properties.

The outer layers can also be made of various materials. The most popular are OSB boards and metal. In principle, both options are quite strong and durable. However, OSB boards are slightly cheaper metal version. But the second option has a longer service life.

How are houses and cottages built from sandwich panels?

A responsible process before starting the construction of houses, according to technology, is the creation of a solid foundation and frame for covering it with sandwich elements.

The entire process of constructing a residential building can be divided into stages:

  1. Walling. The beginning of the process will be marked by laying the guide board, its dimensions correspond to the size of the sandwiches. To accurately position the board horizontally, builders use a building level;
  2. Installation of corner sandwich panels. The process should start from the corner. Installation of the first element is an important task; further work on installing subsequent sheets depends on it. The guide board is equipped with special grooves that allow each sheet of the sandwich panel to be securely fastened. Corner sheets are secured with self-tapping screws. The distance between fasteners must be at least 15 cm;
  3. Installation of sandwich panels. After finishing the corners, we begin to process the walls. The panels are fastened to each other with self-tapping screws, maintaining a distance between the fasteners in height of at least 50 cm and carefully ensuring that there are no gaps between the sheets. Using this technology, all subsequent sheets of finishing material are installed.

There should be no rush during the installation of houses made of sandwich panels; all work is carried out gradually. It is important that, before fastening, each subsequent element is compared in size with the previous one in order to immediately identify inconsistencies and correct them.

To fill the space between the guide board and the panel, it is sometimes used construction foam. After completing the finishing of the base of the house with sandwich panels, construction of other elements of the house begins.

Advantages of construction from sandwich panels

(1) First of all, this savings on foundation. It is known that about half of the costs of building a box house are related to foundation work. When building a house from sandwich panels, you can use columnar foundation, shallow-depth tape or light slab.

(2) Construction speed. Such a house can be assembled according to ready-made drawings in a few days. Typically, manufacturers of such structures bring the walls in finished form and fasten them together on site.

The box itself can be displayed at home in just one or two weeks. Of course, much will depend on the size of the building. But in any case, construction will take much less time than if you used conventional Construction Materials.

(3) The third advantage is savings on heating in future. Sandwich panels are warm enough to be used to build houses in the coldest regions of the country.

(4) Buildings made from sandwich panels are quite durable. Despite the fact that such houses are generally considered to be not the most durable compared to stone ones, practice shows that, with properly followed construction technology, they can be used for decades. Manufacturers of such houses use a special method to dry the timber to such an extent that the wood is practically resistant to aging.

(5) I have an opportunity increase usable area residential premises, since the thickness of the walls of cottages made of sandwich panels is much less than in houses built of stone or blocks.

(6) Sixth advantage - Sandwich panel cottages can be built in almost any weather conditions . Construction of a house can be carried out in winter, regardless of the ambient temperature;

(7) The seventh plus - unlike wooden houses, frame buildings do not settle. It means that Finishing work you can start immediately after erecting the box;

In addition, if necessary, it is possible to disassemble the house and reassemble it in a new location. In addition, do not forget about the cost. All materials and work will not hit your wallet too hard. Houses made from sandwich panels are much cheaper than their analogues. It is this feature that domestic developers really like.

Disadvantages of this material

First of all, it is worth mentioning environmental friendliness. Some unscrupulous wood-based panel manufacturers use formaldehyde resins to bind fibers. This substance, being very toxic, when evaporated, can greatly affect the health of people living in such a house. Make sure that the sandwich panel house manufacturer has an agreement with a reputable wood-based panel supplier.

Houses made of sandwich panels are significantly inferior in durability to wooden ones. brick buildings. Such buildings require overhaul after a couple of decades of operation. But even if you constantly maintain all structures in the required condition, you should not expect such a house to last a hundred years.

Another disadvantage, which also affects long-term use, is the possibility of mold. Sandwich panels are quite sealed, so air ventilation is poor. This creates places where moisture stagnates. The result of this is the appearance of mold. Therefore, such houses must be carefully protected from moisture and artificial ventilation systems must be created.

Well, don’t forget about fire safety. The materials used often burn well. A completely wooden house, if a small fire occurs, will burn to the ground in a matter of hours.

Often the manufacturer claims that the wood is treated with a special solution that makes it non-flammable. But know that such solutions do not exist in nature, and all such measures are carried out only with the aim of reducing the burning rate. It is also worth remembering about foam plastic, which does not burn, but evaporates. Foam fumes can also cause irreparable harm to health.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select a home heating system and it is highly advisable to install a modern fire protection system with a panic button.


It is possible to build a cottage or house from sandwich panels, and often this is the only reasonable option for a particular area, taking into account the available budget. However, it is worth paying careful attention to fire safety and ensure the quality and environmental friendliness of the panel material. You also need to carefully approach the selection of a construction contractor, make sure they have a license, relevant experience and positive reviews.

The scale of modern country house construction in recent decades has increased several times. Some people prefer wooden dachas, while others like powerful ones brick buildings. In addition, sandwich panels are widely used today.

Advantages of frame construction

Prefabricated dachas and country houses made of sandwich panels have undeniable advantages, namely:

  • acceptable price;
  • quick installation of a summer house with minimal costs;
  • there is no need to build expensive, powerful foundations;
  • the material has high heat and sound insulation properties;
  • environmental friendliness and hygiene;
  • positive consumer reviews.

Organization of construction of frame buildings

To build country houses, you need to lay a foundation. There are several options here. You can install the foundation on screw piles or pour out a monolithic base. Before starting work, it is necessary to lay all utility networks.

So, the basis for the future country house IR laid. The next step is building a house. Installation of sandwich panels is carried out on metal carcass. The construction of walls begins with the organization of corner panels. Initially, the outer stand is installed using self-tapping screws, after which they are mounted Wall panels future dacha.

Installation of upper levels

After completing the installation stage of the walls, they move on to the interfloor floors and roofing. The roof of the house is assembled in full accordance with the drawings. To avoid distortions, you need to evenly distribute the load on the floors. The photo shows the simplest designs of country houses. In addition to budget options, if you wish, you can order quality houses in which you can live all year round.

Sandwich panel technologies

About how popular frame houses, can be judged by the reviews of the owners. The uniqueness of the dacha is that its construction is very simple: sheet material is attached to the erected frame. In addition, such a house is easy to dismantle, repair and move. It is enough to remove the top sandwich panels, lay an additional row and reinstall the sheet material.

Disadvantages of frame technologies

As in any construction, in addition to the advantages, there are some unfavorable aspects associated with sandwich panels:

  1. At very high temperatures the inner insulating layer of the material may crumble.
  2. The service life of the panels is no more than 50 years.
  3. Another significant disadvantage is that frame cottages cannot be built higher than 2.5 floors.
  4. The exterior decoration of such a building cannot be postponed until later. It should be done in the same season.

Despite the simplicity of building a summer house from prefabricated materials, careful monitoring of the progress of work and the quality of materials is required. When carrying out construction yourself, it is advisable to watch videos and photos, and also carefully study the reviews of cottage owners.

When transporting sandwich panels, the panels must be securely strengthened to prevent them from moving. The blocks themselves must be cut using special saws. You cannot use an angle grinder.

When choosing materials for a summer house, you need to take into account the natural and climatic parameters and conditions in which the structure will be used. Special requirements are imposed on the topography and depth of groundwater.

With equipment frame cottages thermal insulation may not be necessary, since the slabs themselves have good insulating properties. Those who decide to build their own country housing and extensions have something to look at in the photo.

Easy and clean construction

Cottages made from sandwich panels are a striking example of energy-saving, low-budget and easily erected technologies. The maximum period during which the building will be erected is one to two months. There are many customers who prefer modern design and original solutions. Becoming the owners of comfortable and comfortable dachas, many owners choose a country lifestyle. This is confirmed by positive reviews from users. If you wish, you can look at the photos of finished or still under construction objects. This will allow you to start from the project you like and, with a little modification, create your own.

Housing made from sandwich panels is easy to maintain. Heating costs are minimal. Thanks to its compactness and small dimensions, there is no need to build an expensive massive foundation. During operation there is no subsidence of the dacha. Very important point: construction price and timing. The owner will not have to build long and expensively, and in winter pay twice as much for heating rooms made of cinder blocks.

Today, when the rhythm of our lives is steadily growing, when time is becoming less and less, it - our time - is acquiring more and more value. We need the result immediately, this very minute; and this principle works even in the construction industry: we value speed of execution, low cost and lowest operating costs. Therefore, wanting to acquire a private house, it is increasingly being built from -panels. They are good because these houses can be built in the shortest possible time, and at any time of the year. In addition, among their advantages: they are very easy and quick to warm up, and the heat in houses made of sandwich panels is retained for a very long time, which can significantly reduce costs. These houses have a very high level, but, of course, their main advantage is that it very cheap houses.

In this article we will try to understand what houses made of sandwich panels are, whether it makes sense to build such a house with your own hands and how this is actually done.

And so, lately you can notice that an endless stream of advertisements for such houses is pouring in on us from everywhere. Everywhere you go, people are trumpeting about the numerous advantages of panel construction, they say you won’t find a more reliable building - everything will collapse, but the panel house will remain, etc.

In a word, there is nothing in this world better than houses made of sandwich panels. But this is not the most absurd thing; it is much more interesting to see ads like: « Let's build a house from sandwich panels. Eco-housing fast, high quality, cheap».
In fact, such houses are not at all environmentally friendly and harmless to health.

The only reason why such a house, with some stretch, could still be called environmentally friendly is because, thanks to sandwich panels, you can save on, i.e. save natural resources. All!

Now we will try to understand the main pros and cons of houses made of sandwich panels.

Let's start with the advantages:

Let's look at the disadvantages:

  • Sandwich panels last less than the same wood, and accordingly, a house made of such material will last less. Typically, such houses last from 25 to 30 years.
  • The relative strength of such a house. Yes, he is able to withstand a hurricane, but a man with an ax will not be detained for long.
  • Sandwich panels are sheathed with oriented strand boards, which contain a lot of resins and other non-ecological additives. The internal filling, tobish, is made from completely synthetic products such as polystyrene foam.
  • Such houses are 100% airtight and in order to ensure the supply and constant renewal of air in the house (so as not to simply suffocate), it is necessary to carry out additional supply and exhaust on a forced operating principle. Which practically destroys all the declared low cost of tiled construction.
  • No matter what anyone says, SIP panels (sandwich panels) burn just fine. But this would be only half the problem if, during combustion, it did not transform into a liquid state of aggregation and would not pour down “like rain of fire.” In addition, when burned, the materials that make up SIPs release harmful substances.
  • As a rule, in panel houses it is better to install air system. As you might guess, this stems from the complete sealing of our houses.
  • Sometimes, for example, due to improper use, fungus may appear in the panels.
  • If you decide to sell such a house, it will cost much less.

Based on the pros and cons described above, everyone can decide for themselves whether they need to build a house from sandwich panels or not.

Perfect for building a house from sandwich panels . Slab, strip-column and pile-grillage structures are also suitable.

As soon as the type of foundation you have chosen is ready, you can begin laying the crown strapping.

We will need a beam with a cross section of 250 by 150 millimeters. The beams are connected using the “wood floor” or “paw” methods, and the connections themselves are secured with wooden non-gels. Why are holes made in the beams approximately 20 mm in diameter and 100-150 mm in depth. The nongel is driven in a size slightly smaller than the hole. We attach it to the beam with 350 mm anchors of 10-12 mm in diameter. The bolt heads must be recessed into the trim beam.

Floors and ceilings in a house made of sandwich panels

Can be arranged in two ways: technology and domestic. According to the Finns, the entire house, including the house, can be built from just sandwich panels. However, domestic construction companies would advise building the floor using the usual plank-and-lag method. And lay it between the joists. Such a floor will last longer and will be easier to disassemble and repair.

Now you need to lay the guide board, it is usually called a “laying board”. We select its dimensions based on the thickness of the sandwich panels. For example, a panel is 224 mm, therefore we need a board 50 by 200 mm. The board is laid on top of the strapping or floor. Then, using a level, we level it strictly horizontally and screw it in with self-tapping screws 5 by 70 mm, every 350-400 mm. We begin the installation of walls from the corner, having first thoroughly studied the layout of the partitions.

Before installation, foam the bottom groove of the sandwich panel and install it on the “flat”. Align the horizontal and vertical. The panels are screwed to the bed with 3.2 by 35 mm self-tapping screws, in increments of 150 millimeters.

Next, we insert a square board between the panels and fasten them together. The grooves are foamed, pressed tightly against each other and fastened with self-tapping screws 12 by 220 every 500 mm. We also install the remaining panels.

As soon as the walls are ready, the upper grooves of the panels are also foamed, and then the upper trim board is immersed in them - a 150 by 200 mm beam. Doors and windows can be cut out either in already installed walls or by preparing ahead of time.

We attach the floor beams to the top frame in the usual way: corners, brackets or notches.

For a house made of sandwich panels, an ordinary rafter roof is perfect.
will rest on the Mauerlat or on the grooves of the attic floor. We put lathing on the rafters and...

    What was done

    Project: the Innsbruck project was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer's family, and a solution was proposed to move the terrace.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect’s calculations, the house was built on a pile-grill foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, masonry with masonry glue. Windows are made to order, with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tiles.
    exterior decoration: walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered, finishing elements made of wood, manufactured locally, based on technical specifications visualization, painted. The base is laid out decorative stone.
    interior finishing: finishing was carried out according to the design project, where the combination was taken as the basis decorative plaster with stone and wood. False beams were installed on the ceilings.
    additionally: a fireplace has been installed and finished.

    What was done

    This is the very case when our Customer and we speak the same language and are inspired by the ECO high-tech style! Designer Ilya came to us with already finished Project your future home! Our team liked the project - after all, such unusual and stylish solutions are always a professional challenge!
    We prepared estimates for Ilya and developed unique Constructive decisions- all this allowed us to implement this project! Frame house made using our proven Canadian technology with 200 mm insulation along the entire contour! The outside of the house is sheathed with imitation timber. All windows are made according to individual order and laminated in colors according to the project. Additional accents are placed thanks to professional painting of imitation timber and selection of paints.

    What was done

    What does it cost us to build a house? Indeed, having a team of professionals and knowledge, building a house from scratch is a matter of time! But sometimes the task is more difficult! We have introductory ones - an existing foundation, or buildings on the site, extensions to existing buildings and much more! For the Matsuev family it was exactly this not an easy task. They had a foundation from an old burnt house, and a landscaped area around it! The new house had to be built in a short time on the existing foundation. Dmitry and his family had a desire to build new house in high-tech style. After careful measurements, a design was made that took into account old layout, but had a new one modern form with interesting innovations! The house now has an entrance area where you can sit at a table on cozy evenings and a complex but possible in our area exploitable roof. To implement such a roof, we called upon our knowledge and modern building materials, LVL beams, fused roofing and much more. Now in the summer you can have an unusual dinner on such a roof or watch the stars at night! In the decoration, our architect also emphasized the minimalistic and graphic high-tech style. Smooth plastered walls with painted plank details, and wooden beams at the entrance added personality. The inside of the house is decorated with imitation timber, which is painted in different colors depending on the purpose of the room! Large windows in the living room kitchen overlooking the site created the desired effect of illumination and airiness of the space! The house of the Matsuev family has graced our photo gallery in the section of country architecture in the high-tech style, a style chosen by brave Customers with excellent taste.

    What was done

    Olga and her family have long dreamed of a country house! A reliable, solid home for living that will fit perfectly into their difficult narrow plot! With the advent of children, it was decided to make the dream come true; children grow up quickly and in their own home in nature there are many opportunities and Fresh air. We, in turn, were glad to work on an individual house project in classic style made of red brick with a bay window! After the first acquaintance with our company in a cozy office, we invited Olga to take a look at our current construction site: evaluate the order and construction processes, storage of materials on site, get acquainted with the construction team, make sure the quality of the work. After visiting the site, Olga decided to work with us! And we were glad to do our favorite job again to make another country dream come true!

    What was done

    Project: changes were made to the San Rafael project and redevelopment was made according to the wishes of the Customer.
    floors: basement - reinforced concrete floor slabs; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs
    box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, masonry with mortar??? Windows have been installed.
    roof: metal tile
    terrace: rough fencing elements have been completed, flooring has been installed.

    What was done

    Dmitry contacted our company with an interesting preliminary design to calculate the cost. Our experience allows us to perform such calculations according to preliminary designs with minimal errors, no more than 2%. Having visited our construction sites and received the cost of construction, Dmitry chose us from many of our colleagues in the workshop to complete the project. Our team began to carry out a difficult and expressive country project with spacious premises and garage, large windows and complex architecture. After the project was completed, Dmitry chose us as a contractor company, and we, in turn, wanted to do further work on the same high level! Since the object is large, Dmitry proposed stage-by-stage cooperation, namely, upon successful completion of the foundation work, we began the second part of the project - walls + floors + roofing. Also, the exact timing of construction was important for Dmitry; in order to speed up the construction processes, the team was reinforced by 2 experienced masons.
    The box on a pile-grillage foundation was delivered right on time! The result pleased us and the Customer. All stages of the work were coordinated and worked out for Dmitry and his individual project, which benefited all participants in the process!

    What was done

    Project: The project of our company Inkerman was changed taking into account the wishes of the Customer’s family, the house was planted on the site, taking into account the existing situation on the site and the relief
    foundation: based on geology and the architect’s calculations, the house was built on a reinforced pile-grillage foundation.
    ceilings: wooden wooden beams, in places of large spans, installation of LVL beams. Basement ceiling insulated with 200mm basalt insulation; interfloor covering with 150mm sound insulation.
    box: box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, masonry with mortar. Windows have been installed.
    roofing: installation of metal tiles.
    external finishing: the facade is insulated with 100 mm basalt facade slabs, the facades are covered with facing bricks; color scheme proposed by the architect and agreed with the Customer.

    What was done

    The Krutov family decided to build a spacious house for the whole family to live in!
    Olga and other family members went from idea to implementation in several stages! The choice of technology, long work on the project, construction of the foundation, construction of the house with exterior finishing and then work on interior decoration! Frame technology was chosen as energy-saving, prefabricated and high-tech! Why did the Krutovs choose our company? They were pleased with the quality of work on our construction site and the workers who gave us a detailed tour! We also worked on the estimate for a long time, combining different variants finishes, comparing their costs. This allowed me to choose best option from a wide variety finishing materials and complete sets.
    The project was created by an architect friend, but we had to work out the constructive part of it. After which the most reliable and effective foundation was erected - USHP. Next, work began on the box. Frame house with 200 mm insulation along the entire contour and unique technology roof insulation 300 mm. For the exterior decoration, siding was chosen in a spectacular combination of colors - coffee and cream. Accents are placed thanks to powerful roof overhangs, an interfloor belt and large windows!

    What was done

    When you decide to become the proud owner own home and move to a new home for permanent residence, first of all, you think about what the house will be like; what to build it from; how much will it cost and most importantly, WHO will do all this?
    Alexander came to our company with the desire to move to his own country house. He liked the Avignon project and there was already a strip foundation. After the initial visit to the site, measurements and inspection of the foundation, we gave our conclusions and recommendations. Strengthen the foundation, change the project and adapt it to the size of the existing foundation! After agreeing on the cost, it was decided to build in winter. Alexander received a gift of reinforced concrete floors, one of the leading construction teams and a house according to the design he liked, which stood on a plot with exterior finishing by spring! Alexander observed every stage of construction, regularly visiting the construction site and was pleased with the result, and we were pleased with our work. This is an individually designed Avignon project, implemented in stone technology with external insulation and siding finishing!

    What was done

    Each house is a separate story of creation and implementation! One day we built a house for good people and they recommended us to someone else to a good person! Andrey Rumyantsev came to our company with the desire to build a one-story spacious country house with a fireplace for warm family evenings on the site of an old country house... It was decided to build the house from aerated concrete blocks so that the future handsome country man would delight the owner for decades! The customer voiced his wishes for finishing - and we, in turn, brought everything to life. Thanks to detailed visualization of the project, each element of the exterior decoration is a member of a friendly ensemble! Bavarian masonry, as the final stage of exterior decoration, looks noble and thorough. Without a doubt, such a tandem - aerated concrete and brick - can easily be called the best solution in the field of stone housing construction - warm, affordable, beautiful, reliable. Modern technologies have stepped forward so much that such unique configurations become available in a short time, because we built this project in winter months. The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and constantly replenish it!

    What was done

    Project: the project of a European company was taken as a basis and was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer’s family; a terrace and patio were proposed, taking into account the cardinal directions on the Customer’s site.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect’s calculations, the house was built on a pile-and-grid foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - wooden on beams with a 150 mm sound insulation device.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, masonry with masonry glue. Windows are made to order with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tiles.
    Exterior finishing: the walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered. Based on the visualization, facade panels under the Tolento stone were added. The enclosing elements of the terrace and balcony are made of wood, made locally, based on technical specifications visualization, and painted. The roof overhangs are lined with soffits matching the color of the roof.

    Vladimir Murashkin,

    The owner of a house “brought to life according to his idea and sketch!”

    House parameters:

    What was done

    When Customers come to us with bright, modern ideas future home, we light up doubly! After all, working on a new stylish project is always interesting and a challenge, how to implement all the bold ideas from a constructive point of view, what materials to use? Vladimir bought a plot of land with picturesque views of the Oka bank! This view could not be ignored, so an indispensable attribute of the future house was a dizzying terrace (51.1 m2) and large balcony oriented to beauty! Vladimir wanted to relax in nature in wooden house, and it was necessary to build a house in a short time and ideal solution became for such tasks frame technology construction! If we’re going to be different, it’s in everything! The house was made even more spectacular by the vertical finishing of imitation timber made of durable larch, painted in natural shades with emphasized wood texture. Laminated windows complement the modern look of the house! It turned out to be an excellent country house, with highlights and at the same time incredibly functional.

    It all started with individual project, found by the Customer’s family on a European website. It was with him that she came to our office for the first time. We made preliminary calculations for the project, took a tour of the existing construction site, shook hands and work began to boil! The architect improved and adapted the project to the site and the Client’s family; the foreman “planted” the house on the site. Based on geological surveys, it was decided to place the house on bored piles. The frame grew in a few weeks, then the roofing, insulation, exterior finishing! Behind winter period a house grew on the site. The customer invited a third-party technical supervisor who monitored the process independently of our multi-stage control. The color scheme for painting the imitation timber was selected by our manager and here in front of us is the bright and cozy country house of the Pushkov family’s dreams!