Producing a competent speech. Exercises and techniques. Criteria that determine speech literacy

Competent speech is the key to success in life. After all, people are judged not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to correctly convey thoughts and write correctly. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, and construct sentences correctly, is always perceived more positively. Interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign a completely different, more high level life competence.

Have you ever lost or not gotten a job because large quantity writing mistakes or needing to clearly explain why you are the right person for the job? Development competent speech- one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you don't speak in public, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is valued by everyone. So, how to develop competent speech?

Read fiction

Reading quality fiction can hardly be called a waste of time. IN modern world We are exposed to a very large flow of information, mainly listening to the news or reading it on the Internet. But the network, entertaining reading and business literature cannot replace good books recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps to intuitively write correct, beautiful sentences and develops a sense of language. By reading fiction and scientific articles in special publications, a person expands his horizons and vocabulary. If you want to make your speech more lively and imaginative, read poetry. Identify the rhythm, metaphors and figures of speech that you would like to use.

Use dictionaries

Look for new words. If you hear or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is very interesting science. What if this becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a particular science. Use them all - and your vocabulary will begin to grow quickly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children acquire almost all their knowledge of language before the age of seven. A child develops competent speech with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques that allow you to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary and learn to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Make an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid to speak into a voice recorder or get an inaccurate result, ask someone close to you to record you during a normal conversation.

Evaluate your speech. Competent speech is always free from all unnecessary things. How accurately did you convey your message to others? Was she clear? Could it have been said shorter, clearer, more understandable? Are you pausing in the wrong places? Are you constructing your sentences correctly? Are your thoughts confused, are you jumping from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch the accents. Incorrect accents (call, jalousie and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) reveal an illiterate and ill-mannered person. There are two options: do not use these words or open the dictionary, textbooks and remember them firmly.

Edit what you've written

Have you written a letter, a message to a friend, a report to management or an artistic essay? Whatever it is, review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is great speech training. If you practice “cleaning” your writing, you will see results very soon. Besides, Speaking will also change significantly!

Once you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), and then return to the text with fresh eyes. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Does it have errors? How accurately is the thought expressed? Is everything clear to you as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech is always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that do not carry any semantic meaning. They often take up a third of the text, which is why your idea definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word, use it. You can also try reading it out loud (be sure to do this if you are preparing a speech that you will give).

Develop your voice

Not only grammatically and lexically correct speech is important for communication. Proper communication also includes using your voice. If you have applied all the methods outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice, devoid of any intonation, listening to you will be unpleasant and not very interesting.

It's worth developing your voice. Do exercises, listen to speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for a public speaking course. Even with little effort, the results will please you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Competent speech is not given at birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote very little effort and time to developing your speech, but reading becomes your good habit, you are guaranteed a more interesting and successful life.

Beautiful, literate speech is an indicator of education, a guarantee that you will be understood correctly. Therefore, the phrase “who owns the word, owns the world” is still relevant in our time. After all, literacy and figurative speech are characteristic world leaders, diplomats and other personalities. Therefore, if you can correctly and clearly convey thoughts and ideas to others, then a professional career provided for you.

Competent, beautiful speech helps us establish full communication with our interlocutor. And incorrect speech delivery with a large number of stylistic errors will negate all efforts, for example, when communicating with a boss or in conflict situation in family.

In addition, literacy is incompatible with swear words; even a good-looking person uses open swear words in his speech, but he still will not become a cultural intellectual. Therefore, good speech and verbal abuse and swearing are incompatible.

Moreover, literacy is not only the ability to accurately and clearly express thoughts, but also to speak to the point so that everyone can understand everything.

Trying to make your conversation literate, pay attention not only to your vocabulary, but also to culture. To do this, speak taking into account the rules and norms of punctuation, as well as the style of the Russian language.

Literacy is compliance with the rules of stress placement, the ability to raise or lower the tone at the right moment, maintain intonation, and the ability to withstand pauses.

Criteria that determine speech literacy

Speech culture:

  • relevance;
  • literacy of voiced information;
  • accessibility of expression;
  • use of epithets, metaphors and phraseological units;
  • variety of speech without tautology;
  • aesthetics.

Scarcity vocabulary and illiteracy repels the interlocutor and irritates. Even if you allow yourself to be tongue-tied at home, it is unlikely that you will conduct a business conversation correctly and will be able to express yourself competently when talking with your boss. And over time, when you have children, they will pick up illiterate words from you.

How to improve your speech

During the conversation, maintain a friendly tone and change your intonation depending on the situation. To make your tone and intonation richer, learn to read with expression.

How to develop speech correctly

Those who require literacy for professional growth will not be able to cope without specialized literature. In this case, use the works of Radislav Gandapas and the manual by I. Golub and D. Rosenthal “Secrets of Stylistics”.

Help from professionals

If you need a teacher, then a highly qualified teacher will give you a competent speech. But where can you find it? Contact your school teacher or to a familiar philologist, and if the opportunity allows you to take lessons from a teacher specializing in rhetoric, then it’s worth taking advantage of it.

Making your speech literate is no more difficult than losing weight, but to achieve this you just need to want it.

In order to become respected and successful person, you need to speak competently and beautifully, have an ideal reputation and look brand new. The last two factors are easier to implement than the first. Seriously: if you have suffered from silence and tongue-tiedness since childhood, how can you learn to speak competently? If you really want something, then nothing is impossible, just learn our advice and you will become a real speaker who will be recognized by everyone and everywhere.

What is competent speech?

Before starting training, we advise you to decide what constitutes competent speech. After all, it consists of many points that you might have missed while being bored in Russian language lessons and sitting at school. And if you think that competent speech is just the correct construction of sentences, then you are deeply mistaken; in fact, everything is much more serious. A well-constructed speech is

  • According to the plan, a logically structured speech, and not a jerky, chaotic speech without end and beginning.
  • A well-formed sentence.
  • Correctly combined words: you should understand that fun should not be fun and butter.
  • Use word forms correctly: what do you say - five socks or five socks?
  • Put the emphasis correctly: do you know, for example, that you need to say not blinds, but blinds?

So get ready for the fact that you will need to repeat morphology, syntax, vocabulary, phonetics - almost the entire Russian language course. Even if in this moment All these terms are a dark forest for you; if you study regularly, you will be able to understand all the nuances and master the norms of the Russian language. But how to comprehend this science and embrace the immensity?

How to learn to speak competently on your own?

If you do have basic knowledge of the Russian language, then you can learn to speak competently, without outside help. It is important to set aside a couple of hours a day and have the desire to study. Where to start, you ask. Here's what to do:

  1. Start reading fiction, preferably in prose: Pasternak, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and other Russian writers. This should be done for at least an hour a day, and more if you can. Methods for constructing artistic, beautiful Russian speech will be stored in your head. You yourself will involuntarily begin to build your speech more competently and beautifully, similar to those that you read.
  2. Go to the store educational literature and purchase a guide to speech culture. Now the most popular author in this field is D.E. Rosenthal: He explains everything in very detailed and accessible language. At the same time, buy a spelling dictionary, which you will refer to regarding the correct placement of stresses.
  3. Plan your lessons according to the table of contents of the purchased reference book: Practice word forms for a week, stress for a week, and so on.
  4. Practice making small speeches every day: any topic will do (for example, about the benefits of your own activities) and come up with a speech for 5-10 minutes. Be sure to record everything on a voice recorder, then listen and sort out all your mistakes. Very quickly you will see for yourself that mistakes are becoming fewer and fewer every day, and your speeches are successful among your friends and work team.

If you feel that classes are difficult, or you are afraid to resort to training on your own, then you should seek help from professionals.

Professionals will deliver a competent speech!

If you cannot do without a speech culture specialist, do not hesitate to look for a good teacher. Well, we can’t even talk about saving money in this option, since all teachers now take hourly pay. Who can work with you?

  • If possible (money, acquaintances, connections), conduct lessons with a teacher who specializes in rhetoric: nowadays this discipline is offered in most schools, and in philological faculties you can find people with academic titles on this issue.
  • Any Russian language teacher (philologist) has the skills to teach literate speech, so you can ask almost everyone for help.
  • Talk to your former teacher Russian language: this is the most best option, because he knows you and your abilities, and therefore will find the most optimal training option. And it will be easier for you to communicate with him.

If you decide to work with a professional, then be prepared not only to spend money, but also to conduct regular difficult practical exercises that will require additional effort and time from you.

Now you know how to learn to speak competently and be able to stay on top in any situation. You will see how your authority begins to grow in the company of friends and at work. You will quickly get the hang of it and will be happy to talk on all sorts of topics.

Beautiful and competent speech is the dream of many people of different genders and ages. Some people are endowed with the art of speaking correctly from birth, while others learn it throughout their lives. After all, competently talking man will be able to convince the interlocutor of his point of view, and his speech will sound much more confident. These abilities are important not only for public people, but also for common man. We'll tell you how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully.

Main steps to success

Speaking to colleagues

  • awareness of a problem in speech and a great desire to change it;
  • presence of patience, which is very useful when repeating exercises and training;
  • some time and place to study;
  • unlimited confidence in success;
  • assistance from family and friends.

Training program

The action program itself is very simple, interesting and effective. Having written the points of the plan on a piece of paper, you can safely begin to implement them.

Reading classical works is considered the basis of literate speech. They are imbued with original figures of speech that help to understand the heroes of that time, their thoughts, experiences, and spiritual values. Well-written dialogues give the reader a sense of the essence of the relationships of a certain period. Some phrases used to describe people and everyday objects of that time help to plunge into the atmosphere inner world heroes, in the development of their ideas.

Speech rate and listener attention

The pace of your speech and its impact on others can be easily felt when recording your speech on a voice recorder. When listening to yourself, it will become clear what prevents the audience from focusing on your speech and listening to it with interest to the end.

Most often, listeners are bothered by excessive monotony or, conversely, increased speed of presentation of the material. Without absorbing the content of the conversation, people instantly lose interest in it. And even the most unusual material, delivered in a monotonous speech, will not arouse the approval of the listeners.

The problem of choosing a speech tempo is not the most difficult task. The main thing is to feel the audience and change your intonation in time in order to periodically shake up the audience.

You can learn more about speech techniques in the video:

Use of decorations in speech

Any text that is dryly presented is difficult for the interlocutor to perceive. But add a little humor or precise sayings, and the audience is already full of attention. The secret here is simple - use humor and quotes wisely famous people Only a well-read person who is as close as possible to his listeners can. The speaker becomes an authority for them, a respected person who can be trusted in judgment. And this is already a big part of success with the public.

The surest way to add embellishments to speech is to develop your own style. To do this you need to read a lot and thoughtfully.

Public speaking to different audiences

A toast at a wedding is great practice!

It is impossible to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully without practical speaking. Unfamiliar listeners of different genders and ages are especially valuable. There is no need to be afraid to publicly express your point of view, voice your thoughts, even if the first experience is not as successful as expected.

There is no need to stop there, but, on the contrary, continue to speak publicly in front of people. With each new performance, confidence in own strength, and this is another stage on the path to success.

Record your favorite phrases, quotes and thoughts

By writing down in a notebook or notebook what you liked in a book or heard in a conversation, you can use it in your speech in the future. This is very helpful in analyzing your performances or the performances of other people. In this case, it is better not to record errors, but to write down best moments discussions.