Sewing decorative pillows with your own hands. How to decorate a pillow with fabric applique. Soft heart for dear

A modern decorative pillow is more than just a bedding item. Today, this item is an exquisite addition to the interior and testifies to the owners’ ability to create unique style and comfort in the house. In such cases, every detail that affects interior decoration homes, color solutions, as well as the preferences of the inhabitants of the home.

A little history

The history of the origin of the pillow goes back to the distant past, to the era of the Egyptian pharaohs and Greek nobles. Of course, the modern pillow is significantly different from the item used by the rulers ancient egypt. At that time, they looked more like a kind of stand in the form of a curved plank, which was made from hard materials - stone, porcelain, metal. It’s hard to imagine what Pharaoh felt while resting like this!

The Greeks were more inventive and most likely loved comfort in all its forms. In view of this, in ancient Greece a soft pillow appeared, consisting of a leather or fabric cover and a filler, the role of which was played by feathers, sheep's wool, dry grass.

Over time, the pillow turned into a status item - the higher the position, the richer the pillows looked. To sew them, they used more expensive materials - lace, silk, and also decorated them with embroidery and various decor.

IN Ancient Rome and in India, the pillow was endowed with magical properties, believing that it protected its owner from evil spirits and various diseases. For greater persuasiveness, Asians filled the object with various herbs and leaves, thereby endowing it, as it seemed to them, with extraordinary properties. Probably, the custom of filling pillows with aromatic herbs is an Eastern tradition that still exists and is in extraordinary demand.

Pillows were also an item of luxury and prosperity in Rus', especially if they were filled with down. The poor population could not afford such luxury, and made do with bedding made of horsehair and dry grass.

Today, a pillow is one of the most popular textile decor items, which not only speaks about the character of the owner, but also about her creativity. After all, creating home decor items is a huge field for creative activity, where everyone can show their artistic abilities. All it takes is a little patience and ingenuity.

Making a decorative pillow: what you need to know

Sewing decorative pillows with your own hands will not be difficult. special labor for anyone, but before that you should study some important points in the work.

What is it common to fill pillows with?

Today, there is a huge selection of handicraft materials on the handicraft market. There is a huge variety of different fillers available. Pillow stuffing can be artificial or natural. The most acceptable option is to choose synthetic padding polyester, holofiber or foam rubber. Natural materials for filling are high-quality fluff, hop cones, buckwheat husks, and dry aromatic herbs.

What fabric is suitable for covers

Any pillow consists of a main cover, sewn from thick natural fabric. And an outer cover that can be decorated in a variety of ways.

How can you decorate a pillow?

Decorating a pillow is a very important creative part of the process, which should bring no less pleasure than the result itself. Due to the development of the handicraft sphere, more and more new directions are emerging that can be safely used to create and decorate the surface of a pillow. Among the most famous techniques:

  • patchwork;
  • embroidery with ribbons, cross stitches, beads;
  • knitted pillows;
  • decoration with felt flowers;
  • printing photographs on fabric;
  • pillow toys.

How to refresh your interior with pillows

When choosing pillows for home decoration, you should take into account the interior style, color scheme, furniture size and much more. The oriental style of the home will be decorated with satin or velvet pillows.

For classic style typical items are made of tapestry and fringe. The Provence style will be harmoniously complemented by pillows made in the style of patchwork or large knitting. pastel shades. But children's pillows in the shape of toys or decorated with bright appliqués would be appropriate only in a children's room.

We sew pillows with our own hands

Create original item Even a novice needlewoman can decorate with her own hands, depending on her skills and ability to master one or another type of craft. But even if you have very little work skills sewing machine, this is enough to create an original and cute little thing without resorting to the services of an atelier. It’s so nice to contribute to the creation of comfort and warmth that handmade objects give us.

To create a soft and beautiful object interior you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • thick fabric (cotton or linen);
  • filler (sintepon or down);
  • scissors;
  • pattern of decorative pillows;
  • threads, needles, pins;
  • lightning;
  • knitting needles, hook;
  • yarn;
  • fabric for the top cover;
  • lace, pieces of multi-colored fabric, buttons and other decorative elements.

Operating procedure:

  • The first stage of work is to create a pattern for the future pillow. To do this, draw a sketch on a sheet of whatman paper, cut out the template and transfer it to the fabric. Often the size of square pillows is 50 cm x 50 cm.
  • We cut out 2 halves of the cover from cotton (taking into account 2 cm allowances), carefully sew them together, placing them right sides together. A zipper should be inserted on one side.
  • Then we fill the pillow with padding polyester and close it.
  • We sew the second cover using the same principle, having previously decorated it at our discretion.

Original pillows with embroidery

Every housewife knows that sofa cushions should be comfortable and practical. Why not make them exclusive by decorating one of the sides with interesting embroidery. True, the practicality of such pillows is somewhat reduced. And it’s unlikely that anyone will want to lay their head down on voluminous flowers embroidered with silk ribbons. The same applies to paintings made of beads, which can be used to decorate soft interior items.

When embroidering with ribbons, it is worth considering the thickness of the fabric and the ribbon itself - the thinner the fabric, the thinner the ribbon should be. The drawing should be applied with a disappearing marker to avoid unsightly outlines at the end of the work.

pillows, cross stitch or satin stitch, are more practical in care, but you should not abuse it, because handmade– this is invaluable work. Therefore, let such pillows perform their function, simply decorating and enlivening the atmosphere in the house.

Patchwork style pillows

Patchwork is a handmade joining technique multi-colored shreds fabrics into a single fabric. This perfect option for creating pillows for the sofa, since they do not require such careful treatment as embroidery. The only thing worth working on is creating the necessary sketch and patterns for future patches.

To do this, apply the desired pattern to the paper pattern. These can be squares, triangles, rhombuses, that is, any shapes that subsequently need to be transferred to fabric and sewn.

When transferring figures to fabric, be sure to leave allowances (1 cm). After joining, the fabric should be thoroughly ironed with a hot iron from the wrong side.

The resulting multi-colored canvas can be decorated with lace, beads, buttons, that is, you can use all your creativity and imagination. Then sew 2 parts of the top cover, not forgetting to insert a zipper.

Knitted pillows

Craftswomen skilled in knitting or crocheting can also create decorative pillows with their own hands. Such homely and cozy little things will certainly make the atmosphere of your home warmer and more homely. To do this, you don’t need to get fancy with some complex patterns and invent ingenious combinations. It is enough to select the appropriate yarn and calculate the knitting density.

When choosing a pattern, you should stop your choice on the most simple version– “garter” or “stocking” stitch.

For correct calculation loops, you should knit a small sample and measure it. Then compare it with the dimensions of the pillow, not forgetting about the extra centimeters for the seams.

After the correct calculation has been made, you can begin to work. A knitted pillow can be square or rectangular. To do this, it is enough to knit only one half, which will be the front one. The second part of the pillow can be made of linen or cotton.

As for color preferences, you can combine 2-3 harmonious shades in one pillow, or knit several pillows in different colors. Crocheted flowers or felt appliques go very beautifully with knitted fabric.

Felt pillows

Lovers of romantic notes in the interior will certainly appreciate the decor of felt pillows. This versatile material is pliable and practical to work with, and can decorate any textile surface.

Applications in the form of hearts, butterflies, flowers, and simply bright colors will help to revive plain pillows. geometric shapes, skillfully selected in shape and color.

Pillows for little ones

No children's room is complete without soft small pillows in delicate shades. But imagine the surprise of a child if his pillow turns into his beloved fairy tale hero or a cute animal!

Pillows in the shape of various animals can be knitted or sewn according to a pattern. You can decorate a baby pillow with various buttons, ribbons and other bright decor.

Before you start making a pillow for your child, you should choose hypoallergenic materials. Under no circumstances should you fill a pillow with synthetic padding polyester or low-quality holofiber.

Tips for caring for decorative pillows

Any objects in the house, regardless of their location, tend to accumulate dust. And pillows are no exception.

What should you know before getting this cozy and beautiful, but a little capricious decor?!

Embroidered pillows should not be placed in areas exposed to straight lines. Sun rays. Even if the threads or ribbons are of the highest quality, after some time in the sun they will fade and lose their charm.

Both the outer and inner covers require periodic cleaning. If the inner cover needs to be washed at least once every six months, then the decorated pillowcase must be treated when it gets dirty.

Products with appliqués and embroidered patterns do not need to be pre-soaked; this can significantly deteriorate their appearance.

Decorative pillows should be washed by hand using a small amount. liquid powder for delicate washing.

To bright colors retained the color, add 1 tbsp during the last rinse. vinegar. Then the embroidery will retain its original appearance and will not lose color.

Pillowcases with embroidery are laid out on a light towel, straightening out the folds, and left to dry completely.

The sofa can be decorated with bright and original pillows

No matter how fashionable and thoughtful the design of the room is, over time the brightness of the colors and the novelty of sensations are lost. At this moment, the owners begin to think about a possible renovation of the interior. There are many ways to add freshness to your home decor.

The simplest and original idea lies right on the surface: DIY sofa cushions and a master class on how to create essential attributes hearth. There are no strict rules or boundaries in creating original hand made accessories that will emphasize the luxury of the living room, the comfort of the bedroom or the immediate atmosphere in the nursery. Use your imagination, choose the best creative ideas and create your own pillow paradise.

We sew textiles for the nursery

What is most important in decorating a children's room? This is a cheerful, rainbow mood, an atmosphere of spontaneity, lightness combined with serenity and a harmonious color palette. It’s great if the title theme is initially present: a princess’s castle, a land of fairies, a pirate ship or an island of adventure.

Baby pillows

Do not forget that the degree of environmental friendliness is important for a child’s room. Choose natural fabrics and eco-friendly hypoallergenic fillers for sewing products.

A beautiful thematic attribute made by yourself is not only convenient and functional. Designer textiles will help enhance the effect, emphasize the theme, correctly placing the necessary accents.

Baby pillow review

Try to become a designer for your home, sew your own collection of sofa pillows for the nursery.

Soft "cloud"

A pillow toy in the shape of a cloud will add lightness and spaciousness to the interior. The unusual shape is universal and will equally effectively dilute the decor of a room for both a boy and a girl. Soft and comfortable decor for a crib or sofa can be sewn in any color scheme, from any fabric.

Air cloud - pillow will give your baby a calm and carefree sleep

We offer to sew a decorative pillow and a master class on sewing it using an old sweater.

Let's start the preparatory stage:

  • Let's choose a sweater or sweatshirt made of cotton. Can be used similarly old T-shirt, as well as any other item of clothing. Avoid clothing with a high acrylic content; products with a high synthetic content may be unsafe for children. As for the shade, for kids, as we remember, bright, positive colors are optimal. Dark, acidic or “poisonous” shades are strictly prohibited!
  • It is recommended to fill beautiful decorative pillows with synthetic down or holofiber. These are the safest, hypoallergenic fillers, are easy to wash, and when dry, restore their original shape.
  • You will need a machine, a needle, and matching threads. It is better to take acrylic threads, they are the most durable, pliable, and glide smoothly under the foot. sewing machine.
  • Pattern. For the lucky owners of artistic talent, it will not be difficult to draw a blank with their own hands. For other needlewomen, ready-made stencils are offered.

The pattern can be drawn on plain paper

The preparatory stage is completed.Now, armed with an arsenal necessary tools and materials, you can start making a textile masterpiece for the children's room:

  • We turn the sweater inside out, attach the pattern to it with pins, and carefully trace it with chalk or a piece of soap. We cut according to the pattern, making a seam allowance approximately 1-2 centimeters wide.
  • We sew the seams along the contour, leaving a small hole for inserting the filler.
  • We turn the workpiece inside out and fill it tightly with synthetic fluff or holofiber. To make the synthetic filler pack more tightly, you can use a sushi stick, carefully pushing it inside. Sew up the hole with a blind stitch.

Beautiful, soft, unusual shape and the idea is ready. You can decorate the cloud by adding applique, multi-colored buttons, sparkling beads.

Sew a cloud with legs

Soft letters

Decorative pillows in the shape of letters are new fashion trend room decoration. From soft colored elements you can write not only names, but also entire phrases right on the sofa. If there are two kids living in the nursery, you can use these accessories to personalize the crib or chair.

Such soft letters can serve as both a holiday decoration and a pillow for your baby.

Making a soft letter is simple:

  • Let's prepare a template on paper. You can draw the letter by hand or use a stencil and print it on A4.
  • Let's transfer our pattern onto the fabric. If you are using the same material for sewing the front and back pieces, then fold the fabric in half face down and simply trace the pattern.

If different fabrics are used for the letter, make sure that the blanks do not “mirror”. The front part is transferred to the front part, and the back part is transferred from the wrong side up.

  • To make the product voluminous, we prepare the sidewall separately. This is a strip of fabric in a contrasting shade, it is calculated according to the formula: the length around the perimeter of the letter, plus a couple of centimeters - this is the seam allowance.
  • First we sew one piece to the side, then sew the remaining part. Don't forget to leave a small hole.
  • We fill it with synthetic down or holofiber and sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

In a similar way, you can make any soft letters, composing names and unusual inscriptions.

Master class on sewing pillow letters

Decorating the living room

It's hard to imagine a cozy family living room without sofa cushions.

The stores offer textile goods for every taste, but truly original, unusual and stylish products- these are the ones that are sewn with your own hands. Hand made decorations for home interior- This is a special category of goods that are always valued more. Author's idea, quality materials, handmade - all this adds a special touch to the design, making the living room truly stylish and exclusive.

Living room interior: decorative pillows

We offer several interesting and simple ideas how to sew a pillow for a sofa with your own hands.

Volumetric flower on the sofa

Volumetric textiles in the interior give it a special character. Depending on a particular shape, color scheme and texture, you can emphasize the design style. A flower in the form of a bright pillow blooming on a sofa or sofa is not only fashionable, but also convenient.

This pillow looks very much like a real rose.

Let's get started:

  1. Let's prepare ten flaps. Of these, five are fabric of the same color, and another five have a bright print.
  2. We cut out petals from the scraps, all of the same size and shape. For convenience, you can prepare a pattern on a sheet of cardboard and transfer it to fabric.
  3. We sew the petals together in pairs. In this case, we take one piece of plain fabric and sew it with a printed part. We leave a small hole at the bottom of each piece.
  4. Using a sushi stick, fill each petal with filler. It can be padding polyester, simple cotton wool or holofiber.
  5. We sew up the holes and sew all the petals together.
  6. Filling the middle. From two blank circles, the diameter of which is larger than the center of the flower, we will make a cushion. Sew it to the center on one side.
  7. To give the flower a neat and finished look, we sew a similar center pad on the back side.

A stylish, elegant and unusual pillow for the sofa is ready.

Sew a rose pillow

Experimenting with the shape and number of petals, color scheme and the texture of the fabric. You can create whole bouquets of beautiful and delicate flowers to decorate the living room.

Cozy "patchwork"

We've heard about the patchwork style, but not everyone knows how original and cozy such products are. Stylish, bright, a little provincial, but no less elegant, this textile accessory will decorate not only the living room, but will also make cozier bedroom. As a rule, such textiles are used to decorate country house or dachas.

Patchwork style pillows

If you want to create an island of silence, tranquility, and an atmosphere of easy ease in your apartment, then a hand-made patchwork style pillow is an indispensable part of the living room interior.

The operating algorithm is as follows:

  • Let's prepare a few scraps of fabric different color. It is best to combine printed and plain details. You will also need a sewing machine, a large button, strong matching threads and scissors.
  • We cut out several flaps from multi-colored fabric; in our case, the parts should have a triangular shape.

When creating a patchwork fabric, before sewing it is necessary to put together individual flaps, like a mosaic, so that together they form a single whole.

  • We sew the parts together, alternating plain parts with printed ones. We get two separate canvases - the bottom and top of the pillow.
  • We sew together the solid parts, leaving a hole for the filler.
  • We put padding polyester or holofiber inside and sew up the hole with a hidden seam.
  • We cover the button with matching fabric. We sew one stitch through the product and sew a button in the middle.

An original, bright and stylish DIY pillow for the living room or bedroom is ready.

Patchwork pillow

First you need to sew a basic piece:

  • We prepare a pattern on paper in the form of a square or rectangle.
  • Cut out two square pieces and sew three sides.
  • We lay the filler, pushing it tightly inside with a pencil or stick.
  • Sew up the hole with a blind stitch.
  • We sew a pillowcase in the same way; for convenience, you can sew a hidden zipper on the side.
  • We cut out many small petals from felt or any dense bright fabric, then sew them on one by one in a circle, closing the composition with a button or bead;
  • Cut out colorful circles from thick fabric different diameters, sew or glue them on the front side of the product;
  • We cut out a circle from felt and cut it in a spiral, fold it in the form of a rose, glue the edge, sew the decor randomly or in the form of a pattern on the front side of the pillow.

How to sew a patchwork pillow

There are many ideas for simple but original decor. Feel free to use ready-made creative ideas, giving them special features and character.

Even a beginner can sew a beautiful decorative pillow. Having mastered unusual needlework, you will not only uniquely decorate your home, but will also always be “armed” with stylish and sincere gifts for family and friends.

Nothing makes a home feel more cozy than cute pillows. In order to sew them, you don’t need to have any talents, just find the time and put a piece of your soul into the product!

Agree, the things you make yourself are own design, bring to the house an atmosphere much more cozy and pleasant than those that were purchased even in the most reputable store, released “in multiple copies.”

Homemade things turn out the way you want them to be. Have you ever thought about sewing a pillow? It's very simple! You can create a piece of furniture that perfectly matches the design of your room. In addition, such products can be considered truly exclusive, which means that you definitely will not find a similar product at home with friends or relatives. In this article we will tell you how to sew a pillow that will give you comfort, sweet wonderful dreams and a good mood.

It must be said right away that in general the creative process can be divided into two stages: this is the production of the pillow itself, as well as the pillowcase for it. Note that for one pillow you can sew several different covers at once and change them all the time depending on your mood or changes in the interior.

How to sew a pillow. Things to consider

  • So, we note that sewing a decorative pillow is practically no different from sewing regular pillow for sleep. By the way, let’s say right away that it is better to sew a product with a replaceable pillowcase, because this is practical, since from time to time any pillow needs to be washed.
  • You will need a variety of sewing supplies: needles, threads, pins, etc., filler (wadding, padding polyester, down and some other similar materials can serve as filler), and, finally, fabric for making the pillow itself.

  • First you need to prepare the pillow parts. There will be only two of them: either two rectangles or two squares, it all depends on the shape of the pillow you want to get. Carving individual parts, remember that you need to leave a few centimeters on each side for the seams.

  • Once the pieces are cut out, you place them right sides together and stitch on three sides. Then you need to turn the product inside out, stuff it with material to the required density (here you can safely rely on your own feelings) and carefully sew up the fourth side. That's it, the pillow is ready! Now you can safely decorate your own room with such an exclusive product. By the way, a homemade pillow can protrude a wonderful gift for loved ones. To make it, you can use the most various fabrics: satin, linen, velvet, velor, etc.

In order for your pillow not to seem boring, but to look different all the time, you, of course, need to sew several pillowcases. Their design depends only on you: you can make plain covers, with a pattern, embroidery, created from various scraps of fabric - in a word, in this case everything depends only on your own tastes and preferences.

How to sew a pillowcase for a pillow

In general, there are several main types of pillowcases: with buttons, with a zipper, or, finally, a simple pocket option.

For a pocket pillowcase, the pattern will be completely elementary. There should be only one part: the width is equal to the width of the pillow, and the length is two times the length of the pillow. Naturally, do not forget to leave a few centimeters for the seams. Fold the fabric in half, stitch on both sides, and leave the third open - it is into this hole that you will put your pad. Carefully finish the seams so that the pillowcase looks aesthetically pleasing, and voila - your exclusive hand-made product is ready!

As for the option with a lock, here the pattern will repeat the pillowcase-pocket, however, when you fold the fabric and sew two sides, you need to sew a zipper into the third. It can be hidden or, conversely, decorative - it’s up to you to choose.

Finally, when we talk about a pillowcase with buttons, we assume that buttons should be sewn on the third side, which serves as a hole for putting on, and loops for them should be prepared in advance.

Ways to decorate pillows

Most simple method The use of different colors of fabrics is considered. Can be sewn different pillows, different in color. For example, in the hall, you can sew products of different colors and textures. In a children's room, brightly colored cartoons or pillows featuring characters from a child's favorite cartoon look unusual.

More complex decor is considered:

  • relief;
  • applique;
  • embroidery;
  • knitting.

WITH decorative elements create original compositions for different styles interior

Applications in the form of flowers made from ribbons look great on pastel-colored material. It is better if the flower is satin with different petals. You can complement the pattern with sequins, beads, beads, and buttons.

How to sew a pillow. Photo ideas

Every woman is a craftswoman at heart, striving to create comfort and beauty in the family nest with her own hands. A good way to refresh the interior and give it originality is to make your own sofa cushions, which will not only serve as decoration, but also make your stay in the living room more comfortable. Or maybe they will even become the subject of fun pillow fights? In any case, creating a sofa cushion will not take much effort from you, but it will give you joy from the final result and admiration that your household and guests will reward you with. In this article you will learn best ways, how you can make decorative pillows for a sofa with your own hands, and see photos that inspire creativity.

How to make sofa cushions with your own hands

You can spend hours shopping and still not find pillows. suitable color, shape and size. But handmade sofa cushions are guaranteed to fit into the interior and will only emphasize the individuality and style inherent in your home. Handicraft allows us to experiment with design as much as we like, using independently selected and available materials. Among the ways to do beautiful pillows on the sofa, the following are especially interesting:

  • Painting old pillowcases and hand painting with various effects;
  • Sewing sofa cushions (from new fabric, from old clothes, creating appliqués, etc.);
  • Knitting a pillow for a sofa using a hook or knitting needles;
  • Decorating pillows using embroidery, buttons, pieces of fabric, etc.

We tried to collect for you here photos of the most stylish ideas which were brought to life with their own hands. Take note of the best ones!

We create decorative pillows for the sofa with painting

We sew pillowcases for sofa cushions with our own hands

The last part of the photos in this article will clearly show you how you can sew pillows on a sofa. Make sure that if you have a sewing machine, a lot of imagination or a ready-made pattern, you can also create stunning decorative sofa pillows that cannot be found in a regular store. This method is also suitable for those who do not want to spend money on new pillows, but only want to replace old pillowcases or disguise a stain. Look at the photo!

Also read:

Also read: Finally, useful patterns for sewing beautiful pillowcases for sofa cushions:

We hope that our article gave you at least a little inspiration for creativity. Create something beautiful with your own hands, it’s very interesting and exciting!

35 ideas to make your own sofa cushions updated: November 25, 2016 by: Evgenia Elkina

Surely, many homeowners have thought about how to refresh the interior of their home without repair work. And although some people think that it is impossible to do this, in fact, it is not so.

Using decorative pillows made with my own hands, you will not only bring new notes to the decor of the room, but also will not spend a lot of money on it. Profitable, isn't it?

In addition, we should not forget that a thing made with one’s own hands automatically becomes unique and inimitable. The pillows that the owner of the house personally worked on will become not only a worthy decoration of the apartment, but also a real source of pride.

Today, there are quite a few options for sewing decorative pillows for the home. And therefore, in this case, everything largely depends on your imagination and the budget you have.

The more money you can spend on a product, the more expensive materials and fittings will be used. However, we hasten to assure you that even if you do not have the funds necessary to purchase expensive materials, this is not a reason to abandon your plan.

Choosing budget options, you can also create a beautiful, elegant or extravagant product that will amaze everyone who visits your home.

A little about decorative pillows

Pillows were first used as a decorative element quite a long time ago. With their help, designers set accents using products with bright colors or prints.

Over time, this became quite popular, with most novice designers adopting the simple but effective method dilute the background of the room. Products made in different color palettes began to appear.

Note! Chandelier made of threads - how to make it yourself? Step-by-step instruction with photos and videos!

The model range has been replenished with products decorated with stones, rhinestones, and embroidery. And since they were quite expensive, housewives began to “parody” branded goods.

And after some time, the “parody” became more popular and in demand than the original. This surprised few people, because the desire to purchase something unique, and not a product from an assembly line, is quite normal and understandable.

Most often as a filler for decorative pillows use materials such as synthetic winterizer or holofiber. This choice is due to the fact that these materials hold their shape better than others and do not roll down.

It is impossible to achieve this using cotton wool or fluff as a filler. In addition, we should not forget that products made from them are quite heavy, while pillows made from the same padding polyester are not only lighter, but also comfortable.

Therefore, if you want to get not just a beautiful, but also a high-quality product, we recommend that you use the above materials for filling.

Decorative pillows come in different shapes. The choice regarding the shape of the product depends on the purpose for which you want to use the item.

If you plan to use the pillow not only as a decorative element, but also for its intended purpose, limit yourself to simpler shapes. A rectangle or square shape is ideal.

For those products that will be used only as decoration, you can choose absolutely any shape. Quite often you can find pillows not only in the shape of an oval or circle, but also in the shape of letters, animals, and other objects.

Such products look very creative and unusual. They can be successfully used to decorate a children's room.

Where to begin?

It occurred to you great idea Decorate your interior with decorative pillows and you're in a hurry to get to work? Then you should moderate your ardor and first think about what style your product will belong to.

Based on this, you can choose the most suitable shape, material and color palette. Always remember that the choice of fabric must be carried out according to the criteria and requirements that are directly imposed by the style.

The most popular are natural materials, which are most often used for sewing decorative pillows in Provencal or Scandinavian style.

And materials such as silk and satin are ideal for a classic style. For rooms decorated in country style, fabrics with natural colors and rough textures are very suitable.

If your house has rooms decorated in high-tech style, then it should be mentioned that the style itself does not accept the use of decorative elements. This means that decorative pillows should be used with extreme caution.

To harmoniously fit them into the overall design of the room, take enough time to select the appropriate color and shape. Most optimal solution, according to designers, in this case it is sewing a rectangular or square pillow from artificial material. The fabric must be smooth.

Particular attention should also be paid to the selection of accessories. Especially if it acts as a decorative rather than complementary element. After all, only French and romantic styles allow abundant use of fittings.

For other styles, this is completely unacceptable, since preference is given to a minimum of decorations. Of course, the product itself can be quite bright and catchy. However, there should not be an abundance of stones, rhinestones, buttons, or stripes.

Products decorated in this way will look ridiculous and inorganic. Therefore, if you do not want to violate the integrity of the style, you should not get too carried away in the decorating process.

Photos of decorative pillows in the interior