Planting thuja in western autumn. How to do it right. Photo. Planting thuja in the fall: planting and care technology, protection from pests, shelter for the winter How to properly plant thuja in the ground in the fall

Thuja will be a wonderful decoration for any garden or summer cottage, regardless of what type you prefer: a bush or a tree. It's evergreen ornamental plant the cypress family in any form looks very attractive.

Seeds or sapling?

Thuja can be planted with seeds or seedlings, and propagated by cuttings. The seed planting method is long and troublesome. After all, we want the tree to delight us with its beauty in the near future. Therefore, the choice should be made on seedlings.

To do this, you need to go to a nursery or specialized store. There they will offer you a wide range of thuja varieties and will definitely give you some advice on how to plant thuja correctly. Beginner gardeners can recommend the Smaragd variety. This thuja is shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, undemanding to the soil, and has a beautiful pyramidal crown. By the way, for convenience, thuja seedlings are sold in plastic pots. Therefore, you can wait a little longer with planting in the ground. First you need to decide where to plant the plants.

Choosing a landing site

The unpretentiousness of this plant allows you to realize almost any ideas for design garden with thuja. And yet, first you need to find out more precisely how to plant thuja correctly, and then get down to business. Despite her pickiness, she still loves light more than shadow. Lack of lighting can harm the plant: it will lose the attractiveness of its crown, which will no longer be lush. However, bright sun throughout the day is also not very favorable for thuja. You should choose the golden mean and plant the plant in partial shade.

Thuja also has no special preferences regarding soil. It can be planted in peaty, sandy, and clayey soil, the main thing is that it is not heavy, but easily permeable to water and air.

When choosing a place for young plant you need to know at what distance to plant thuja from other seedlings. If you want to make a hedge from thuja, then it should be planted more often - at a distance of 50 - 60 centimeters from each other, in all other cases the distance can range from 1 to 4 meters. Here the design layout already plays a role.

When is the best time to plant thuja?

Of course, the time to do this is in the spring, at the beginning of May. However, there are also no special contraindications for planting a plant in the fall; you just don’t need to delay this matter until the onset of cold weather. If you ask the question about when to plant thuja in the fall, then the answer will be clear - no later than September. The plant must have time to take root in its new location and become well established to withstand frost.

To do this, you must water the thuja once a week with one bucket of water under each tree, and if the weather is dry, then increase the frequency to twice a week, in an amount of up to one and a half to two buckets.

It is also useful for a young tree to spray the crown so that it can breathe better and remove dust and dirt from the leaves.

Preparing the landing hole

Now it’s clear when it’s better to plant thuja. It remains to be said that when buying a seedling in a store or nursery, you must definitely pay attention to the root system of the plant: make sure that the roots of the thuja are completely covered with soil. When transplanting it to permanent place it is necessary to preserve the entire earthen lump.

The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the root system. It should exceed it by 2-3 times and reach a depth of 1 meter.

If you have to plant thuja in heavy soil, where groundwater approach the surface close, drainage must be laid in the planting hole. Crushed stone, expanded clay, broken brick and other similar material. The drainage layer is 10 - 20 centimeters.

The composition of the soil is one of the main points of the instructions on how to plant thuja correctly. Sod soil, peat and sand are taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, everything is mixed and poured into the planting hole. For better rooting When planting a seedling, nitroammophoska (about 500 g) is added to the prepared soil mixture.

It is important to know

It turns out that at what time to plant thuja - in spring or autumn - does not matter in principle. It is more important to know that when planting, the root collar of the plant should not be buried or raised high. It must be carefully placed at ground level. Otherwise, the seedling may die.

For your information: the root collar is the place where the trunk meets the roots.

Plant care

Caring for thuja consists, first of all, of watering and irrigation, since the plant loves moisture. But this was discussed above.

The next step is loosening the soil. It should be carried out to a shallow depth, 8-10 cm, because the root system of the thuja is located relatively high. It is carried out after watering and weeding.

After planting, the soil near the trunk must be mulched with peat, sawdust or bark. This procedure will protect the roots of the thuja from drying out in summer, and from frost in winter. Thuja is fed in the spring. They use complex mineral fertilizers. Dry shoots are also pruned in the spring.

Preparing for winter

We found out whether it is possible to plant thuja in the fall. And if autumn planting has taken place, care must be taken to ensure that the seedling survives the winter safely. Mature plant He can handle this on his own, unless he needs to be tied up with a rope so that the branches don’t break off under the weight of the snow. But the young plant needs help during the first few years.

Before the onset of frost, the thuja is covered with fabric burlap, in no case synthetic. In addition, it must transmit the light that the plant requires for photosynthesis. After all, thuja is an evergreen plant.

The root system of the thuja seedling should be insulated with fallen leaves, sprinkled with soil. Such a cover is useful from many points of view. Firstly, it creates heat, secondly, it retains moisture, and thirdly, when they rot, it improves the composition of the soil.

Diseases that threaten thuja

The unpretentiousness of thuja still does not guarantee that it cannot get sick. Unfortunately, it is also affected by pests and diseases.

The causes of drying and yellowing of thuja leaves can be either a burn from the bright sun or damage to the roots by a fungal infection. In the first case, the plant is shielded from the sun, in the second, it is treated with fungicides, for example, Bordeaux mixture or carticide. Treatment consists of treating the crown and watering the plant at the root.

Pests such as false scale insects and aphids cause no less harm to the thuja. The needles on the affected thuja turn yellow and fall off. To combat insects, insecticides are used, for example, karbofos, decis, chlorophos, rogor.

As preventive measures Treatment with zircon is recommended, which will help the thuja resist fungal infections. And you can try to prevent the appearance of aphids by spraying trees with decis or fastak in early spring, before young shoots appear, and then after they grow.

So it is important to know not only how to plant thuja correctly, but also how to deal with its diseases. Only in this case will she be able to delight with her beauty.

Crown formation

In the first two to three years after planting, thuja should not be pruned. In subsequent years, it is better to do the procedure in the summer, after the buds have blossomed and the branches have formed. You need to use a good pruning shears for these purposes so that the branches are not severely damaged when pruning, and the cuts are tightened faster. The next pruning is carried out in August.

Forming the crown is best done when the plant reaches the required height. Then you can give it the shape that is necessary for your garden design project. Still, cutting off more than one-third of the shoot is not recommended, otherwise the plant may weaken and become easy prey for pests.

The variety of shapes that are given to the thuja during pruning is amazing: pyramidal and spiral, columnar and spherical, and also depicting animal figures.

Popular types of thuja

The main advantage of thuja is that all year round she is green and beautiful. In addition, it creates a healthy microclimate around itself: it makes the air cleaner, filling it with the aroma of pine needles, oxygen and phytoncides.

Thuja is one of the unpretentious, ornamental shrubs that can be planted and grown by any gardener and summer resident without any problems. At the same time, the conifer looks very beautiful and interesting in any area. The shrub can be used for single plantings, to create hedges, alpine slides, and rockeries.

There are 2 main types of thuja:

  • Eastern;
  • Western.

Exactly Western thuja is the most common in our country, because it is undemanding in care, easily tolerates the climatic conditions of many regions, especially cold winters, so it can be grown without problems in Siberia, the Urals, Leningrad region, Middle lane. Common varieties western thuja: Brabant, Smagard, Teddy, Danica, Wagnery, Holmstrup, Sunkist, Columna, Fastigiata.

Thujas vary in shape:

  • dwarf;
  • spherical;
  • columnar (pyramidal, conical).

By the way! If you want to drop off hedge, then it is best to use columnar specimens (Brabant, Smagard are suitable).

If you want to issue garden paths, then it is better to plant spherical specimens of the eastern and western thuja (Danika variety).

And to create small ones alpine slide, rockery, ridge, better to plant dwarf thujas(Teddy).

When to plant thuja in the fall: optimal timing

Note! As for the timing of planting in general, a thuja seedling with a closed root system can be planted in autumn, spring, and summer. However, in summer you should not plant the crop in hot, dry weather, because the seedling may die due to unfavorable conditions. If in July and August the weather is mild and not hot, then you can plant a seedling at this time without any problems.

When is it better to plant thuja in the fall, in what month, so that the seedling takes root and feels comfortable? As a rule, the procedure is carried out in September and October. The main thing that there were 2-3 weeks left before the first frost(this is enough for normal rooting in open ground). When choosing the time for the procedure, it is recommended to focus on weather conditions. The most comfortable and suitable temperature for rooting: 10-15 degrees Celsius during the day and 5 degrees Celsius at night.

Due to different weather conditions V different regions In Russia, the timing of planting thuja in open ground in the fall is very different:

  • Middle zone (Moscow region)- end of September and beginning of October;
  • Siberia, Ural, North-West (Leningrad region)- all September;
  • South ( Krasnodar region(Kuban), North Caucasus) - throughout October.

How to properly plant thuja in open ground in the fall: step-by-step instructions

The following step-by-step planting instructions, as well as a description of all preparatory processes, will help you understand how to properly plant thuja in open ground in the fall.

How to choose a good thuja seedling for autumn planting

Advice! It is best to choose a thuja seedling in nurseries, garden centers or specialized stores. Moreover, they must have a good reputation, positive reviews real buyers.

Firstly, they usually sell quality goods there. Secondly, if you have questions regarding planting material (variety, age, planting characteristics and cultivation techniques), you can ask them to the seller.

Today you can find 2 types of seedlings on sale:

  • With a closed root system (ZKS). In this case, the seedling is in the ground, and the earthen ball, in turn, is in a container (pot or other container), which is why it is often called “container type”. It is better to buy and plant just such a seedling: firstly, it is easier to plant, secondly, the chances of successful establishment are much higher, thirdly, it can be planted in spring, summer, and autumn. However, it also costs more.

Important! You can only remove an earthen ball with a seedling from the container immediately before planting: you cannot leave the earthen ball on outdoors more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, the roots will immediately begin to dry out, and this will negatively affect the condition, health and viability of the seedling.

  • With an open root system (OCS). The name speaks for itself: the roots of the planting material are open, they are sold without an earthen clod (for example, in a bag). It is cheaper than the first option, but it is more hassle when planting, and you also need to take care of its storage if you bought ahead of schedule planned landing.

Garden centers and nurseries mainly sell seedlings with a closed root system (in a container). It is rare to find a specimen with ACS.

Before you go shopping, you should know the rules that will help you choose a quality thuja fathom for autumn planting:

  • First of all, it is necessary to evaluate general state seedling: it must be healthy, have no signs of damage to the bark, shoots, needles, diseases, or pests.
  • Be sure to check with the seller the age of the seedling, it is best to plant planting material, having an age of 3-4 years (it will take root better and faster).
  • It is recommended to choose planting material that has a symmetrical shape.
  • A good adult specimen should have a lush crown.
  • The seedling must have a healthy, developed root system:
    • For a seedling with an open root system (ORS), the roots should be elastic, without damage, not dry, there should be no signs of rotting or mold (even just a moldy smell should alert you!).
    • To check the root system of a seedling with a closed root system (CRS), you should inspect the bottom of the container: the roots should not stick out strongly from the drainage holes (this indicates that the seedling has been in this pot for a very long time). Also, if possible, carefully remove the earthen ball of the seedling from the container. The roots should have a white-pink color, but the roots brown tint should be wary.
  • The needles of a thuja seedling must be healthy and have normal green color(except for varieties with yellow and golden needles). You should not buy planting material with brown needles, because, most likely, such a specimen has been poorly cared for and suffers from a lack of nutrients.
  • The needles should not fall off.

Exists simple trick, allowing you to check the condition of the thuja seedling. To do this, you need to gently squeeze the needles with your hand for a couple of seconds and then release. If the needles immediately straighten and return to their previous state, then everything is fine with them.

How to choose a suitable place and soil for thuja

Tui is unpretentious ornamental shrub, however, in order for it to show itself in all its glory during the growing process, it is very important to plant it in the most suitable and comfortable place in the garden.

Criteria ideal place for growing and planting thuja in the fall:

  • The site is open and well lit by the sun. You can grow the crop in partial shade and shade, but in such conditions the plant will thin out and gradually become less lush.

Advice! However, in regions with hot and dry summers (for example, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Rostov regions), cultivation in areas with slight shading is allowed.

  • If you want to plant a plant along a fence or any building, then a gap of 1 or 1.5 meters should be maintained between the bush and the fence or any structure or building.

  • The place should not be located next to trees, because in this case the latter will take away food and moisture, leaving the thuja “overboard.” The optimal distance between the thuja and any tree is at least 3 meters.
  • The planting site must be protected from wind and drafts (mainly from the north side).
  • Groundwater should not lie too high (no higher than one meter). You should avoid swampy, waterlogged areas, lowlands or places where moisture accumulates, because the shrub cannot tolerate waterlogging; it can cause rotting of the roots and death.

By the way! When choosing a place to plant a thuja seedling in the fall, it is important to consider favorable and unfavorable neighborhoods.

Concerning good neighbors , then the shrub looks very beautiful next to juniper, mock orange, astilbe, hydrangea, and hosta.

And as for bad neighbors , then, as mentioned above, these are fruit trees (and any trees in general).

As for the soil, the soil for autumn planting of thuja should be:

  • light;
  • fertile;
  • have good air and moisture permeability;
  • have a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5-6).

Advice! Do not plant coniferous shrubs on heavy, clayey, dense, waterlogged soil.

At what distance should thuja be planted?

Before you start making planting holes, you should find out at what distance you need to plant thuja in an open garden. unte. The optimal distance between thujas when planting in autumn: 3 meters (for large varieties it is better to leave a gap of 4-5 meters).

However, if you want to grow hedge from a bush, then between seedlings should be observed distance is about 50 centimeters.

You can also make a hedge when planting thuja staggered, in this case you must comply the gap between rows is 1 meter.

How to prepare a place and planting hole for planting thuja

It is recommended to start preparing the place for planting thuja 4 weeks in advance, or at least 2-3. So, you can prepare a hole for planting a seedling according to the following scheme:

  • First you just need dig a planting hole, its dimensions should be approximately 2 times larger than the earthen coma of the seedling. Approximate width and depth - 70 by 70 centimeters (with clay soil better 80-90 cm). The top fertile soil should be placed in a separate pile.
  • If your garden is heavy, clay soil or groundwater is located too close to the surface of the earth, then you should go to the bottom of the planting hole put a drainage layer. Optimal thickness layer - 10 cm. Crushed stone, broken brick, expanded clay can be used as drainage.
  • After this you need fill the planting hole halfway with soil mixture(in this case, you need to leave some soil to fill the hole when planting). For refueling, you can use one of the following options and recipes:
    • Special soil for coniferous crops (on the packaging it should be written “soil for coniferous crops” or “for conifers”).
    • High acidic peat (2 parts), fertile soil from the top soil layer (1 part), sand (1 part).
    • High acidic peat (1 part), sand (2 parts), humus (3 parts), leaf soil (2 parts).
    • Sand (1 part), turf soil (3 parts), high acidic peat (2 parts).
  • After filling the hole 1/2, you need to carefully mix all ingredients in it.
  • Water soil in the hole so that it settles.

Direct landing

Scheme for planting a thuja seedling with a closed root system (ZKS) in open ground in the fall:

  • First you need to prepare planting material. The seedling needs to be watered approximately 2 hours before the procedure. It is recommended to use not just water, but a growth and root formation stimulator, for example, Kornevin, Zircon, Epin-Extra, Heteroauxin (make the solution according to the instructions).
  • Now you need to carefully remove the seedling from the container along with the earthen lump, without destroying it (planting is carried out by transshipment). Convenient way removal: you need to place the pot on its side and lightly tap it with a shovel, then carefully pull it out bottom part trunk
  • Immediately after this, you need to plant an earthen ball of the seedling in the planting hole.

Important! You need to plant in such a way that the root collar (the transition point between the trunk and the root) was 3 centimeters above the ground level. It cannot be buried or raised too much, otherwise it will rot or, accordingly, dry out, which will lead to the death of the bush.

  • If the root collar is deeper or higher than the specified indicator, then you need to remove the lump of earth with the plant from the hole and add earth to its bottom (if the neck is deepened) or remove a little soil (if the neck is too high).
  • Now you should fill it halfway with soil, then water it generously and wait until the water is completely absorbed (this trick will contribute to better shrinkage of the soil).
  • After this, you need to completely fill the planting hole with soil.
  • Now we need to designate trunk circle and make a roller of earth 10 centimeters high around the seedling.
  • Water again using 2-3 buckets of water. By the way, in addition to ordinary water, you can use a solution of Zircon, Epin-Extra, Kornevin.
  • After the water is absorbed, compact the soil around the seedling.
  • Mulch the tree trunk circle. Can be used as mulching material wood chips, rotted sawdust, peat, compost, and even better, pine bark, pine litter (for additional acidification of the soil).

Plant a thuja seedling with an open root system (OKS) follows the same pattern as the ZKS. But there are slight differences in planting technology:

  • Before the procedure, you should soak the roots in a root growth stimulator solution (according to the instructions).
  • Then you need to make a mound in the center of the hole and place the seedling on it. Then straighten the roots so that they look down evenly in different directions: they should not bend upward.

Caring for thuja in open ground after planting in autumn

If you properly care for a shrub in the open ground, then it will undoubtedly delight you with its beauty, lush and fragrant needles. This is especially important in the first year after the procedure, because the thuja is vulnerable to external influences environment.

Features of caring for thuja after planting in open ground in the fall:

  • Immediately after the procedure it is recommended shade young shrub from bright sunlight for 10-14 days. To do this, place a frame or arcs on all sides and stretch a spunbond or camouflage awning over it, while the covering material should not come into contact with the plant. Shelter will help the seedling to survive stress more easily, take root, and avoid drying out.
  • The first 1-2 weeks after the procedure you need water young thuja in open ground for successful rooting. Approximately once every 5-7 days (more often in warm and dry weather, less often in cool and humid weather), you need to pour at least 10 liters per plant. Then the watering stops, and the autumn rains will do their job.
  • After landing, a few days later, check the soil: if it settles, then add more soil to the previous level.
  • As already noted in step by step instructions upon landing, upon completion of the procedure it is necessary mulch trunk circle. Mulch will retain moisture in the soil (and moisture is a necessary condition for normal rooting). Optimal size mulch - 10 centimeters. At the first frost, it is optimal from above cover with spruce branches.
  • Since the shrub has not yet grown a full-fledged root system and is quite weak, it should be tie to a support in the fall so that it does not bend or break under the influence of wind, snow, or rain. It is best to place a wooden peg and tie it with soft twine.
  • At the first frost you need to make shelter young thuja to protect it from freezing and bad weather. Mulch will serve as the main protection for the root system. Very small seedlings can be covered with a trimmed 5-liter bottle. And in order to cover the aboveground part of older seedlings, you need to wrap them with agrofibre. Agrofibre is excellent for these purposes: it transmits the sun's color, which is necessary coniferous bush throughout the year, because the processes of photosynthesis in the evergreen thuja occur constantly.

Tuya and others conifers give summer cottage special kind. Evergreen beauties with slender forms make the farmstead as similar as possible to natural, wild conditions. Moreover, growing them is not at all difficult. Thanks to their unpretentious nature, the crops develop well and winter well. However, in order for a small seedling to quickly stretch out and acquire magnificent shapes, it is important to know when to plant thuja. The landing location also matters. But even if it is perfect, a late landing can render all efforts in vain.

Like all shrubs and trees, thuja is planted either in spring or autumn. In general, both spring and autumn planting The culture tolerates well if carried out on time. After all, although thuja is frost-resistant, young immature trees suffer from sudden changes in temperature.

Regardless of the time of planting the seedling, it must be done by transshipment. This will help avoid injury to the root system and increase the chances of survival.

Dates for spring planting of thuja

Most gardeners prefer spring planting. In this case, the thuja has time to get stronger before its first winter in the open ground. Over the summer, the seedling grows additional roots and above-ground parts, its last year's branches become coarser. In this form, winter frosts are not scary for thuja.

The plant should be planted in early spring, in March, as soon as the air and soil warm up. If you delay, the seedlings will take root less well when it’s hot outside.

When to plant thuja in the fall?

Depending on the growing region, the timing of autumn planting of thuja differs slightly:

  • in the south, where autumn is usually warm and long, you can start working in mid-October;
  • in the central zone it is better to do this no later than September.

Timely autumn planting is the key to ensuring that the plant has time to take root before the arrival of persistent frosts. Among the disadvantages of planting in autumn, it is worth noting the freezing of seedlings during late planting or early frosts.

To summarize, I would like to add that some gardeners plant thuja in the off-season, at the beginning or end of summer. In principle, this is a completely acceptable option, but provided that the seedling is provided with regular watering. Otherwise, it will simply dry out from the heat.

Recently, thuja is increasingly found in parks and gardens. Thuja is perfect for beginners. It is very unpretentious to environmental and growing conditions. She doesn’t care about the urban climate, drought or frost. But, like any perennial, thuja has certain growing subtleties that must be taken into account. If you want to know how to plant thuja in the fall, then carefully study the materials in this publication. Know that they will be useful.

Description of the plant

Thuja is an evergreen tree or shrub, reaching a height of up to 10 meters. It lends itself well to cutting and shaping. Thuja needles are scale-like, soft, from light green in a young plant to dark in an adult. There are many varieties of thuja in gardening. For the most part, all plants are unpretentious and resistant to harsh climates.

Choosing a place for autumn planting of thuja

In order for the planting of thuja to be successful in the fall, special technology will be required, as well as step by step description, which you can see here. Thuja is a light-loving tree, but straight Sun rays are contraindicated for her. They can lead to dehydration of the plant, which will negatively affect its winter hardiness. The planting site should also be protected from cold winds and drafts, which the thuja cannot tolerate.

Soil for planting.

The best soil for thuja is nutritious fertile soil, although in general the plant is undemanding to soil. The soil can be enriched by adding peat, turf soil and sand.

We choose a seedling.

A correctly selected seedling is the key to good plant survival. Observe the following rules:

  1. Root system the seedling in the pot must be completely covered with the substrate;
  2. Pay attention to the bottom of the pot. The roots of the seedling should not stick out in the drainage holes;
  3. When choosing a seedling among the presented specimens, give preference to those whose root system is wrapped in burlap or is in a container;
  4. A healthy seedling has intact bark, green shoots and no damage or signs of disease.

Planting thuja

As you can see, proper planting of thuja in the fall is divided into several stages. Thuja is a southern plant, so its autumn planting should be approached responsibly. Don't neglect established rules, otherwise the probability that the thuja will take root will be no more than 10%.

First of all, you should properly prepare the planting hole. They prepare it in advance. The hole should be significantly larger than the root ball. Drainage layer at the bottom should be 15 cm thick. Crushed stone, pebbles, and broken bricks are used for it. A layer of black soil, peat or mature compost is placed on top of the drainage.

The thuja seedling is placed in the planting hole so that the root collar is flush with the soil. The root collar cannot be raised higher or deeper, otherwise the thuja will die. The root ball is covered with earth, which is compacted and watered abundantly. It would be useful to mulch the tree trunk circle with sawdust, wood chips or pine needles, without covering the lower branches.

If several specimens are planted, a sufficient distance is left between them for further development. Depending on the plant type optimal distance ranges from 1 to 5 meters.

  • It is good to add mineral fertilizers, for example, nitroammophoska, to the plant substrate;
  • Use root growth stimulants for better rooting of seedlings. Add Epin, Kornevin or Zircon to the water when watering;
  • Water the thuja regularly after planting, even if the fall is rainy. During the month you should water once a week;
  • Thuja is planted in the morning or evening;
  • Plant the purchased seedling as early as possible.

Wintering thuja in the garden

Planting thuja from cuttings in the fall was described above. With the onset of the first frost, watering the plants is stopped. Thujas are considered frost-resistant plants, but trees under 5 years of age need additional shelter. For this purpose, spruce branches are used, and the tree trunk circle is covered with peat. There is no need to cover adult plants, but mulching should not be neglected; it will protect the roots from freezing and drying out.

In regions with snowy winters, it is better to tie the thuja crown with twine to avoid breaking the branches under the weight of the snow. With the onset of spring, the branches are covered with non-woven material to protect against spring sun, which can harm young thuja needles.

Varieties and types of thuja

Western thuja.

The most common variety of thuja, which has many varieties. The most popular types tui:Brabant, Woodward, Smaragd, Erikoides, Danica.

Thuja Korean.

This variety of thuja has the shape of a wide bush. Korean thuja has very beautiful silver needles. The bush needs winter shelter.

Thuja diseases and measures to combat them

Thuja needles and shoots are susceptible to fungal diseases and pests. The affected plant's needles turn yellow and it looks bad. The most common diseases: cytosporosis, fusarium, brown schutte.

Good results in the fight against fungal infections are obtained with special preparations, such as “Kartotsid” or Bordeaux mixture. Spraying begins in early spring and is repeated until signs of damage completely disappear.

spoil appearance Arborvitae can also be pests. With their appearance, the needles turn yellow and fall off. To combat this scourge, Rogor, Karbofos, and Decis are used. The affected thuja is sprayed with these preparations several times. In the second half of August, additional treatment with Actellik is carried out once every 2 weeks.

Let's sum it up

Thuja – great option for landscaping a garden in the city. Experienced gardeners they create picturesque hedges and bonsais from thuja. This plant is quite hardy, but it does not tolerate proximity to peonies and asters. Decorative deciduous flowers and shrubs can be planted next to the thuja. It looks great in company with acacia, cypress, hostas, astilbes and hydrangea.

If you follow the rules described above, planting thuja will not be a problem. Growing thuja is a pleasure, and the aroma of pine needles has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The right place and good care will guarantee the health of your thuja. A healthy plant better resists diseases and pests.

Loved by many gardeners evergreen thuja often used in landscape design, or simply as a hedge that protects from winds and scorching sun. Most fans of this plant believe that planting thuja should be done in the spring. But if for some reason this event has to be postponed until the fall, then without complying with certain important rules You won't be able to get a healthy plant.

What is better to plant: seeds or seedlings

A plant planted too late autumn, with a high probability may die. The maximum period until which thuja can be planted is mid-October.

When choosing autumn planting, you should give preference to planting seeds. They are easier to bear cold winter and give early shoots in the spring. In addition, young plants require minimal care.

If a seedling is planted in the fall, its roots should be well insulated with leaves or compost. It is also necessary to ensure that heavy snow does not damage the tree.

Selecting a location

Thuja is not picky. But when choosing a place to plant it, you should consider some points:

  1. The tree must be protected from dry and cold winter winds.
  2. Thuja does not tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, in areas where groundwater comes too close to the surface, the tree may die.
  3. The place for planting thuja should not be under the scorching sun. It is optimal if the tree grows where bright sunlight alternates with shadow. This will help avoid dehydration of the conifer.

Did you know? Many people know thuja as a short tree or shrub, but in China and Japan, where it comes from,thuja can reach thirty meters in height.

Varieties for the garden

In our climatic conditions Only one type of thuja grows - the western thuja. In total, this plant has 6 species, but the western thuja is the most popular.

These evergreen coniferous plants are indispensable in landscape compositions. They do not lose their decorative effect all year round and do not require special care.

Among the large number of varieties, the most popular are:

Landing technology

Correct fit thuja in the fall guarantees that in the future the tree will need minimal care, will not get sick and will certainly survive winter frosts.

Selection of seedlings You can purchase a healthy plant adapted to the local climate only in a specialized nursery. It is not recommended to buy seedlings at spontaneous markets. The branches of a healthy tree should be elastic and free of stains and signs of disease. Needles good seedling does not crumble.

Pit preparation The diameter of the hole usually does not exceed one meter; it completely depends on the size of the tree’s rhizome. Peat or sand, nutritious turf mixture or leaf soil should be added to the bottom of the hole.

Drainage When planting thuja in heavy soil or in a place where groundwater is very close, special drainage should be provided. These can be medium-sized stones, small pieces of brick or expanded clay, laid at the bottom of the pit.

Planting a seedling The bush is carefully immersed in the middle of the hole, making sure that the root collar is at the same level with the soil, and trying not to damage the soil ball on the rhizome.

Substrate The hole is filled with a mixture of equal parts of soil, peat and sand. After which everything is compacted well and watered abundantly.

Video: planting thuja

Important! The root system of this tree is superficial, so it is necessary to either provide the plant with mulch or take care of regular loosening and weeding.


Despite its unpretentiousness, thuja still needs care - minimal, but regular. If it is absent, the tree becomes unattractive and dull, and a large number of cones.


For a month after planting the thuja, it needs weekly watering (1 liter of water per 20 cm of height). Also, daily sprinkling will have a beneficial effect on its growth. This is vital for a tree whose crown evaporates a large amount of moisture. In the hot season, you need to water the thuja at least twice a week.

Top dressing

In autumn, provide the plant with the necessary successful wintering Adding soil will help to provide a reserve of strength. For these purposes you can use or. This will have a beneficial effect on the soil around the tree and will provide the conifer with strong immunity in the future.

Also used to feed thuja:

  1. Complex fertilizers for conifers.
  2. Organic fertilizers (,) and various green manures.
  3. ( , sylvinite). This type of fertilizer allows you to avoid yellowing of the needles, which is caused by a lack of calcium in the soil. Potash fertilizers provoke intensive growth of thuja, so they should not be applied in the fall. They are suitable as top dressing for weak and stunted seedlings.
  4. - they provoke increased tree growth, so they cannot be used before autumn planting in the ground. This a good option winter feeding of thujas growing in pots or containers.
Video: fertilizers for coniferous plants The amount and frequency of fertilizing depends on the age of the tree and the composition of the soil. In any case, fertilizers should be applied in strict accordance with the instructions.


Decorative pruning of thuja can be done in early spring or late summer. This event involves removing no more than a third of the shoots. All dry, diseased and damaged branches are removed in the spring during sanitary pruning.

Did you know?Canadians use fresh thuja branches as fragrant brooms.

The most important thing when pruning thuja is regularity. The shape of the crown must be adjusted little by little, but constantly. This work should not be carried out during rain or wet weather. This will result in open wounds appearing on the tree that will not heal for a long time.

Preparing for winter and wintering

Before the onset of cold weather, the crown of an adult tree should be tied with twine. This will protect it from the destructive effects of wind and heavy snow. Young thujas are protected from winter frosts by wrapping them in special materials: spruce branches, craft paper, or one of the modern covering materials, such as Agroterm.

Defence from winter cold Roots also need it. To do this, a special cushion of leaves, mature manure or compost is placed under the crown. This will prevent soil freezing and possible root death.

Diseases and pests

Although thuja is almost not susceptible to disease, improper care and overwatering can lead to the development of various diseases.

  • Symptoms: The fungus attacks the roots. The plant withers and becomes colored grey colour, the root gives off a putrid odor and becomes soft and brittle.
  • Treatment: regular watering with fungicides for prevention. If the tree is already sick, it is better to destroy it and completely replace the soil.

  • Symptoms: This fungal disease appears in early spring and is manifested by yellowed scales.
  • Treatment: Constant feeding and sprinkling of limestone on the roots. From July to October the crown can be sprayed with a 2% solution. Prompt removal of affected shoots prevents the spread of the disease.
  • Symptoms: the onset of the disease is indicated by the appearance yellow spots on the bark, which, if left untreated, can cover the entire trunk.
  • Treatment: For treatment, drugs “Rogor”, “Antio” are used. In addition, when you notice the first caterpillars on the trunk, you can try to carefully clean them off with a knife so as not to damage the bark.

Schutte and rust

  • Symptoms: a disease that mainly affects young trees. It begins in the spring and develops throughout the year. It manifests itself as darkening and falling of the needles.
  • Treatment: The disease can be stopped by cutting and burning all affected branches. The tree can also be treated with a solution of the drug (40 g per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out for preventive purposes twice a season (spring and summer). A solution of the drug (15 g per 10 liters of water) is also effective in the fight against rust and rust. Treatment is carried out in the spring, as soon as the threat of night frosts has passed.

You can also use the familiar Bordeaux mixture to treat trees.

Important! After landing the thuja in autumn period it may turn yellow and begin to shed its needles. Do not be alarmed, this phenomenon is typical for a tree planted in the fall.

Among the pests, the greatest danger to these green spaces is:

Thus, planting thuja in the fall does not present any particular difficulties. Subject to certain simple rules and systematic care, the likelihood that the tree will not take root is minimal. Take care of it, and it will delight you with its beautiful and healthy appearance for a long time.