Plant raspberries in the fall. When can you plant? The main thing is the roots

Almost every gardener knows that September and October are some of the most favorable months for planting shrubs and trees in the garden. Planting raspberries in the fall is also possible. Usually, after the end of the summer days, gardeners try to give this shrub greatest attention to get a wonderful harvest of delicious berries next season. However, not all summer residents know when it is better to plant raspberries so that they take root and prepare for wintering.

Boarding time

There is no exact recommendation for a specific time when it is better to plant this shrub: it all depends on the raspberry variety and climatic conditions specific region. To a new place in autumn period It is better to plant raspberries as soon as they ripen. How do you know when raspberries are ready for autumn transplanting? Everything is very simple: buds must develop on the root collar of the plant. So, if the raspberry variety is early, then the buds on it will begin to be visible by the second week from the beginning of September. On later varieties, the buds will be clearly visible by October. It is important to complete all planting activities 20 days before frost occurs. This time is enough for the shoots to take root and prepare for winter. Thus, the approximate recommended dates for autumn planting are from mid-September to mid-October.

It is also possible. However, it is more preferable to do this in the autumn. If you comply the right technology, then the raspberries will survive the winter well, and in the spring they will quickly grow, even outstripping a number of plants planted in April-May. In general, caring for autumn plantings is easier. The autumn weather is also favorable for this: in September-October there will be no heat, which can make it difficult for seedlings to take root.

Raspberry varieties

What varieties can you grow on your site? Gardeners especially highlight the following.

  • "Brigantine". Bushes of this variety grow up to 1.8-2 m. The leaves of the bushes are usually large and corrugated. The berries reach a weight of 3-4 grams. They usually grow large, with a large number of seeds. The variety has good resistance to fungal diseases. Resists frost well. On average, one bush of such raspberries can produce about 2.5 kg of berries.
  • "Brilliant Raspberry" This is one of the best and most popular varieties. It usually produces a heavy harvest, causing the shoots to bend towards the ground. It has medium-sized soft green spines. The leaves of this variety are slightly twisted and wrinkled. The raspberries on such bushes ripen large, red-ruby, with a characteristic shine. The seeds are also often large. One berry can weigh up to 4 grams. This variety tolerates hot weather well and is resistant to drought.
  • "Eurasia". This is the most famous remontant raspberry variety. It has good yield and accelerated ripening time. From one such bush you can get up to 2.6 kg of berries. Grows up to 1.6 m in height. The berries are dark in color and can be stored for a long time without changing their taste or shape. The variety has excellent frost resistance, is resistant to fungal diseases and some types of harmful insects. The berries on the bushes grow quite large and dense.
  • "Coral". This is a late-ripening dessert variety. The bushes grow up to 2 m in height. The berries of this variety have pleasant taste. Their color is usually crimson and their size is large. The variety shows good yield. Usually you can collect up to 3 kg of raspberries from one bush.
  • "Aborigine." Bushes of this variety usually grow 2 meters in height. The variety is upright and has no thorns. It has a high yield: up to 5 kg of berries can be collected from a bush. The weight of one fruit can reach 8 grams. The berries are red, conical in shape. They usually taste sour. The variety is highly resistant to diseases.

Culture requirements for soil and planting site

How to plant raspberries correctly in the fall? This culture is able to survive in the shade. However, if you choose a shady place for this shrub, then it may subsequently produce poor yields. In addition, when a plant is planted in the shade, its shoots become elongated, and full-fledged buds form only at their tips. As a result, there is a possibility that such a plant will not be able to survive the winter.

It is advisable to set aside a sunny area in your dacha that is protected from cold winds for planting this fruit-bearing shrub. Raspberry beds are best oriented in a north-south direction: when this orientation is present, the crop will receive a lot of sunlight during the day. This recommendation is especially relevant for the northern regions, where even in summer there are quite a few warm and sunny days.

Raspberries grow well in well-drained and fertile soils. This shrub will also take root on sandy and sandy loam soils, but in this case, the crop will require the application of a large number of organic fertilizers every year.

Not all novice gardeners know how to plant raspberries in the fall. This can be done either using the trench method or in pits. But the first method is recognized as the most popular and is used everywhere, although it is more labor-intensive. Trenches must be prepared in advance. It is better if this is done 20-25 days before planting. When carried out proper preparation trenches, the harvest will be rich and crop care will be simplified.

The selected place for raspberries must be fenced off by driving pegs along the edges. Recommended dimensions of a trench for raspberries: width - 0.5-0.6 m, depth - 0.4-0.45 m. The length should be selected based on the expected length of the raspberry tree. The number of trenches corresponds to the number of future rows with raspberries.

An important stage is clearing the soil for raspberries from perennial weeds. In a raspberry garden, the row spacing needs to be dug up or cultivated regularly. To ensure that there are fewer weeds in them, they can be covered with old linoleum.

  • compost or rotted manure about 10 cm thick;
  • mineral fertilizer (for example, superphosphate);
  • vermicompost.

You don’t have to add fertilizer to the trenches if the soil in the garden is sufficiently fertile. After laying the nutrient mixture, the top of the trench must be covered with a 10-centimeter layer of earth.

For planting, you should choose the most healthy plants. It is better if 2 people participate in planting: one holds the raspberry seedling by the trunk, and the second sprinkles it with soil. Seedlings should be placed at a distance of about 40 cm from each other. When planting them in trenches, you should straighten the roots, water them with water and sprinkle soil on top, compacting the upper layers.

To check whether the planting was done correctly, just try to pull out one of the seedlings. If it does not come out of the ground, this means that everything was done correctly, and if it is easily pulled out, then it is better to replant it.

Some people advise gartering raspberries after planting using the trellis principle. To protect the seedlings during the winter, it is recommended to cover them from excess moisture and cold weather. To do this, you need to cover the roots with fallen leaves, and the shoots with polyethylene, having first stretched it over the frame.

Bottom line

Raspberries are a fairly unpretentious crop, the planting of which is preferable in the autumn. To obtain good harvest, it is important to follow the correct planting technology and prepare the shrub for winter.

In autumn, along with planting, it is also possible to transplant raspberry bushes from one place to another.

Productivity autumn bushes will depend on several factors:

  • correct choice of variety;
  • appropriate place;
  • proper pre-planting preparation.

Raspberry seedlings planted in autumn give best growth and are more productive compared to those planted in spring. However, there are many factors to consider when planting. We'll tell you which ones exactly.

Most often, gardeners plant raspberries in the spring, but autumn planting has a significant advantage over spring - all other things being equal, planting seedlings in September-October will provide the berry with better survival rate and higher yield.

Raspberry planting dates in autumn

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of when to plant raspberries. Specific dates depend on several factors: climate zone, weather conditions, raspberry varieties.

It is necessary to plant seedlings 15-20 days before the onset of frost. IN middle lane The planting period for this shrub usually falls between the end of September and mid-October; in warmer regions it can be planted until the end of October.

The main criterion by which the readiness of seedlings is determined is the appearance of replacement buds on the root collar. U early varieties they can appear as early as mid-September, in later ones - by the end of the month.

If you miss the moment and plant raspberries too late, they will not have time to take root well and in a harsh snowless winter the seedling may die.

Preparing the site for autumn planting of raspberries

This berry bush will feel good in a sunny, well-protected corner of the garden.

Ideally, the place for planting raspberries is prepared in advance, 2 years in advance. If there is such a possibility, before planting the seedlings, green manure is sown in the selected area.

If the decision to plant raspberries was made spontaneously, and you don’t want to wait two years, choose areas for this crop where perennial grasses previously grew.

Raspberries cannot be planted immediately after strawberries and nightshades!

Raspberries prefer loamy and sandy soils. If your area is acidic, increased acidity needs to be corrected by liming. To do this, fluff, ground limestone, marl, burnt lime, and dolomite are added to the ground. Lime promotes the accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil and improves the structure of the soil.

How to choose raspberry seedlings?

Collateral great harvest There can only be healthy seedlings. A weak, diseased seedling will not grow into a strong plant that will produce a good harvest. Therefore, to choose planting material must be approached responsibly.

A high-quality raspberry seedling should be a 20-centimeter shoot with a diameter of at least 5 mm with a well-developed root system.

Purchased bushes should be placed in water for two days, and dried stems should be cut off before planting. Immediately before burying the seedling, its roots are dipped in a mullein solution (1:10).

Bush method of planting raspberry seedlings

Bush planting of raspberries (in a separate hole) is one of the most common methods. It is perfect if you don’t have room in your garden for a raspberry “plantation” and you plan to plant several bushes in different places.

First of all, it is necessary to make markings using twine, leaving an interval of 0.7-0.9 m between plants, and 1.5-2 m between rows.

After this, you should dig holes measuring 30x30x30 cm. Add 3-5 kg ​​of compost or humus, 30-35 g of superphosphate and 20-25 g of potassium salt into each of them.
Fertilizers in the pit are mixed with the top fertile layer of soil. Then depressions are formed in the ground. The roots of the seedling are lightly shaken and straightened. The seedling is placed in the center of the hole so that the root system occupies the entire space. Raspberries are buried so that the replacement bud is 2-3 cm below ground level.

After planting, the soil around the seedling is lightly trampled down, and 5 liters of water are poured under the bush.

Tape method of planting raspberry seedlings

Gardeners consider strip planting raspberries (in trenches) a convenient and effective way.

To mark the rows, ropes are pulled in the direction from south to north with row spacing of 2.0-2.5 m. Next, a trench is dug 40 cm wide and deep.

On 1 linear meter trenches consume the same amount of fertilizer as in one hole with bush planting(3-5 kg ​​of manure, 30-35 g of superphosphate, 20-25 g of potassium salt). Then the fertilizers are mixed with the top fertile layer of soil.

Prepared raspberry seedlings are placed in a trench at a distance of 30-75 cm from each other.

A tight fit speeds up the filling of the trench. But the most convenient for maintenance are belts with a width of 0.4-0.8 m.

Before planting, the soil must be loosened to rational distribution there is moisture in it. At tape method Raspberry seedlings are planted a few centimeters deeper than they grew before. Then the soil is trampled down well so that there are no voids left between the roots. The planted plants are watered at the rate of 0.5 liters of water per bush.

To preserve moisture in the soil, prevent the growth of weeds and protect seedlings from freezing, after planting the soil around them is mulched. Humus, hay, sawdust, crushed sunflower stalks and corn are used as mulch. Apply a protective layer no more than 5 cm thick.

To protect the seedlings from freezing, after the first frost they must be covered with a 15-20 cm layer of peat. In the spring, when the soil thaws a little, the peat must be removed. Further care of the bushes is usual: watering, fertilizing, pruning and preventive treatments against diseases and pests.

Raspberries belong to the Rosaceae family. It is an upright shrub with thorns. The color of the fruit can be very different: from light pink to almost black. There are also yellow raspberries. As for the variety, today, more and more often, recently bred varieties are being planted in garden plots. remontant raspberries, which does not require treatment with chemicals and is not susceptible to pests and diseases when proper care. In addition, if planting raspberries in the fall is carried out according to all the rules, the total harvest remontant variety It always turns out 2-3 times more than usual.

Planting raspberries: timing

The best time to replant raspberries is in the fall. The exact dates for planting raspberries are from the end of September to mid-October. The bushes planted during this period enter the dormant stage. This gives them the opportunity to completely rest and, with the arrival of spring, begin to grow with renewed vigor.

Another advantage of transplanting shrubs at this time of year is the prevalence of rainy, cool weather, which is ideal for rooting. Therefore, such terms for planting raspberries in the fall should be observed.

Preparation of seedlings

Young shoots coming from the root of the bush are selected for planting. In this case, planting raspberries in the fall should be done using exclusively strong seedlings with well-formed shoots. You can also dig up the entire bush, and then divide it into several parts so that at least one shoot remains in each of them. Young, strong seedlings can also be taken from an already mature bed. To do this, they are carefully separated from the main bush.

Before planting, the seedling must be shortened by cutting off the top of the shoot, and then cleared of leaves. The height of the seedling should not be more than 40 cm. This will allow the bush to take root better and, as a result, produce more harvest. If you neglect this rule, raspberries will not be able to form new shoots, since they will spend all their energy on the survival of the bush. And as a result, the harvest can be expected a year later.

Planting remontant raspberries: choosing a location

Planting raspberry bushes begins with a choice suitable place, which should be located in a well-lit area with sunlight. Lack of light increases the ripening time of berries, impairs the ripening of stem tissues, reducing its winter hardiness. In shading conditions, the plant is more often affected by diseases and damaged by pests. In addition, planting raspberries in the fall should be done in places protected from strong gusts of wind; this is an important condition when growing a remontant variety.

Raspberries, when compared with other berry crops, are absolutely not afraid of waterlogging. Moreover, moisture is the basis of its harvest. It experiences its maximum need for water during the period of fruit ripening and shoot growth. This crop grows equally well both on a flat surface and in low-lying areas.

The soil for raspberries should not only be moist, but also fertile. The final results of planting raspberries in autumn depend on its composition and the fertilizers applied.

Planting methods

There are two ways to grow raspberries:

  • bush;
  • tape

In the first case, several bushes are planted in one hole at once, and in the second case, the sprouted cuttings are planted in a row one at a time. Most often, gardeners use strip planting, planting bushes along the entire perimeter of the fence, creating a living green barrier. The main advantage of this method is the savings usable area plot.

Planting raspberries

Raspberries should be planted in rows, the distance between which if used different varieties at the same time there should be at least 4 m, and the distance between neighboring bushes should be 60 cm. This will allow in the future to avoid mis-grading. If there is not so much free space on the site, the distance between the rows can be reduced to 1.5 m.

Having decided on a place for planting, you need to dig trenches or holes 25-30 cm deep. A layer of loose humus must be placed at the bottom of the resulting hole.

Raspberry seedlings should not be deepened too much. It is best to place the roots horizontally, carefully covering them with earth without compacting them. When planting seedlings, you need to make sure that the tips of the roots are in no case directed upwards.

Mulching raspberries in autumn

Raspberries love mulching, during which free areas of soil near the bushes are covered with a layer of organic material. These can be weeds removed after weeding, grass, sawdust, shavings. Under the influence of microorganisms and worms, they rot over the winter, forming humus, as a result of which raspberries, which are easy to plant and care for, will grow faster.

The mulch is distributed around the raspberry bushes in a five-centimeter layer, without reaching the stems of the plant. Otherwise they will begin to rot. Shrubs need to be mulched within a radius of 40-50 cm. The timing of mulching, like the time of planting raspberries, requires strict adherence - this must be done once every 2 years in the fall.

Wintering raspberries

Experienced gardeners know that raspberries need to be bent down for the winter. This must be done before the onset of sub-zero temperatures. During bending, the shoots are stacked on top of each other, after which they are tied with twine or attached using homemade hooks to the ground. This work needs to be done in the afternoon. It is at this time that the shoots are more flexible and do not break. In spring, the twine is untied and the bushes rise.

It is wrong to bend the raspberry half a meter from the ground, leaving a high arc. In this case, planting raspberries in the fall will not bring the desired results, since the buds located in the central part of the shoot remain unprotected, as a result of which they simply freeze.

The quality of wintering is no less influenced by the state of the plant. Therefore, simply bending down the raspberry bushes and forgetting about them is not enough. This plant is also winter time demands to himself special attention. The first step is to constantly monitor how the bushes are covered with snow. If the winter turns out to be little snow, then it would be useful to add snow where there is not enough of it. In addition, raspberries need constant access to air. And when an ice crust appears, it will need to be pierced. For wintering to be successful, the bushes must be covered with a thick layer of soft snow.

Raspberry care: feeding

Caring for raspberries planted in autumn should begin as soon as early spring arrives. To do this, you need to clear the raspberry tree of snow and untie the bushes, and then conduct a thorough inspection of the shoots. If frozen shoots are detected, they are removed. This will help avoid the development of diseases.

Before the bushes begin to bloom, they must be treated with mineral and organic fertilizers. For spring feeding Urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are ideal. You can add mullein to urea. To do this, place a shovel of mullein in a bucket of water and matchbox urea. This fertilizer is enough for the entire growing season. It must be laid next to the growing stems, while avoiding falling asleep on the tops of newly formed shoots.

How to tie raspberries

Despite the fact that raspberries can grow calmly even in an abandoned place, if you don’t take care of them, they will go wild. To prevent this from happening, it must be tied up after winter. This technique increases productivity and makes caring for and harvesting fruits much easier.

To tie raspberries, just bury posts or pipes along the edges of the row, and then stretch a wire between them, to which you can later tie the shoots. In a very long row, additional stakes are driven in to prevent the wire from sagging.

Features of watering raspberries

Most of the raspberry roots are located within a radius of 30-50 cm from the trunk. At the same time, their depth is 10-20 cm. It is for this reason that raspberries are negatively affected by a lack of moisture in the soil. It needs to be watered at least 5 times per season. To determine the exact number of waterings, you need to focus on weather in one region or another. If the summer is dry, you need to water more often, if the summer is rainy, less often.

It is necessary to water before flowering, during the formation of ovaries, during the ripening of fruits and after harvesting. When watering, moisture should penetrate to a depth of at least 30 cm.

To obtain a rich harvest, it is very important to regularly remove ripe berries from the bushes. This should be done every other day, that is, at least three times a week. If this is not done, the berry will become unusable and crumble, resulting in harvested will decrease significantly.

You need to pick the berries carefully, carefully removing them from the bush along with the stalk, since raspberries, planted and cared for correctly, turn out to be very tender. It is advisable to do this in dry weather in the morning, immediately after the dew has disappeared. Berries picked in rainy weather quickly spoil. It is recommended to use wicker baskets as containers.

After picking, raspberries should not be left in direct sunlight. It is better to immediately take them to a shaded place. Without consumption or processing, they are stored for no more than a day. From raspberries grown on our own personal plot, can be cooked delicious jam, which will help fight colds in winter, or a fragrant compote rich in vitamins. It can also be frozen in freezer refrigerator to use in winter for making healthy fruit drinks or delicious desserts.

Features of post-harvest work

After the harvest is harvested, it is necessary to carefully cut out all fruit-bearing shoots. This will allow them to remove pests and pathogens from the raspberry tree. various diseases. Removal of shoots must be carried out at soil level. There is no need to leave the stumps.

As soon as the shoots are cut out, the soil in the rows should be loosened. But before that, put it into the ground charcoal based on 2 cups per 1 sq. m. As you know, raspberry roots lie quite close to the surface, so you cannot dig up the soil between the bushes.

Proper planting and care of raspberries will very soon bring the desired result.

It was drizzling outside, so we decided not to go to the farm through the slush, but to talk here, in the office. I was interested in how the man sitting in front of me learned to grow raspberries masterfully. And how did he come to this particular berry culture. In our area, farmers grow vegetables and herbs, but I haven’t heard of raspberries. And Vladimir Tabolin has such success...

The path to my current occupation was long. After graduating from the Kuban Agricultural Institute, Vladimir returned to his native collective farm “Russia”, where he worked as an agronomist for five years. It was here that his role as a specialist clearly manifested itself. The yield of grain crops increased every year. Tabolin's intelligence and efforts were clearly in demand in his native household. Things were going well until the disastrous nineties struck. “Dawn” went out, scattering into small farms. The agronomist became unclaimed. Vladimir Anatolyevich began to try himself in different companies, but it was not in his nature to work for someone else’s uncle. I decided to open my own business. Using his own savings and loan money, he bought the base of the former Agricultural Chemistry and calibration equipment for confectionery sunflower seeds. He sorted and packaged the seeds, selling them to companies that roasted the seeds. Things went well, a circle of acquaintances in the “fried” business emerged. But firms began to consolidate, their appetites grew, and prices for raw materials fell lower and lower. So it became unprofitable to engage in sunflower. Representatives of companies began to bypass the purchase of seeds directly from producers. In 2010, having calculated everything and realized the unprofitability of doing calibration, Tabolin decided to sell his company.

Raspberry berries lured me into a new business. With the money raised from the sale of his business, Tabolin decided to invest every penny in Agriculture. I reasoned this way: an agricultural specialist must work on the land, produce any product, but not be an intermediary in the purchase and sale. And he began to grow raspberries, beloved by everyone for their taste and beneficial properties. Other than that, there was little he knew about this berry before. Tobolin plunged into printed sources and went online. It turned out that raspberries can heal from any diseases, the berries of which even after heat treatment don't lose theirs beneficial properties! Why, there is no such person who, when he had a cold as a child, was not given tea with raspberry jam. By the way, a good friend advised me to grow this berry. Well, the price never falls, you won’t be left at a loss! If, of course, you approach the matter with all seriousness. Tabolin invested all the money he had into planting a plantation. It was laid on an area of ​​20 hectares using Western technology. I chose the Polish variety “Polyana”, which is high-yielding. The stem of the berry is stable and does not require a trellis. The berries are dense. Strong, with good keeping quality. Cooled to 0-2 degrees, they are stored for two weeks. In addition, this variety is intended for combine harvesting.

An American entrepreneur purchased the only berry harvester in the country. And his plantation turned out to be one of the largest in Russia. And he got down to business.

For four years, Vladimir Anatolyevich has gained good experience in growing raspberries. The plantation of this moisture-loving crop is equipped with a device for drip irrigation. Raspberries tolerate frost well, but they don’t like the Kuban heat. I had to verify this during last year’s merciless heat, which negatively affected both the yield and the size of the berries. The heat crushed about a third of the grown crop and firmly tied it to the stalk. You can't remove it with a combine. I had to bring in the harvest manual labor, and still many berries remained in the field. The visiting Polish experts suggested that the losses were caused by abnormally hot weather. They gave advice - to cover the plantation with a sun protection net. But this required money, and raspberries, unfortunately, were not included in the support program, so you have to find funds yourself. Entrepreneur Tabolin took global experience in selling products by purchasing necessary equipment. The berries are now sorted into first and second grades right in the field and packed in plastic containers capacity 250 grams. After picking, the packaged berries are sharply cooled within two hours after picking and only then sent to trading network. The owner has no problems with sales.

Today is the first year since Tabolin began selling raspberry seedlings. He doesn’t complain about life. And if an emergency situation arises, he simply looks for a way out of it. And always remembers folk saying: “You will be full from the earth.” Fairly said.

Raspberry is a shrub that can be planted in autumn or spring. However, planting raspberries in the fall is more advisable. Moderate air temperatures and autumn rains have a beneficial effect on the successful rooting of the plant. If you have time to plant the shrub three weeks before the temperature starts to drop, the plant will easily take root and take root. This article shows ways to properly plant raspberries in the fall and the timing of planting and caring for raspberries.

Many gardeners plant raspberry cuttings in the spring, however, planting in the fall is more effective because it has a number of advantages. Under the same conditions, planting seedlings in mid-autumn will provide raspberries with high survival rate and a bountiful harvest.

This occurs due to moderate temperature regime, the absence of scorching, hot sun, as well as the presence of heavy autumn rains. This promotes successful rooting of planted cuttings.

Planted cuttings take root in the fall, entering a period of calm. At this time they rest, gain new strength, and with the onset of spring they begin intensive growth. On the grown shoots, flower buds will form, which will subsequently bring a generous harvest. Therefore, autumn is the best time to plant raspberries.

Video “Autumn planting raspberries”

In this video you will see how to properly plant raspberries in the autumn.

When can you plant

There is no exact date when to plant raspberries in the fall. The favorable timing of planting raspberries in the fall is influenced by circumstances such as climatological zone, microclimate atmosphere, and raspberry variety. According to advice experienced gardeners when can you plant raspberries in the fall? ideal period It is considered to plant raspberry cuttings two to three weeks before the first frosts begin.

Planting and caring for berries will differ depending on the location of the site. In each geographical zone this happens differently: in the Moscow region and the northern parts of Ukraine much earlier than in the Kuban and southern regions of Ukraine. Regarding the approximate period of time when you can plant berries, usually from the end of September to mid-October, and in the south of the country you can plant them until the end of October.

Selecting a location

Having decided on the period for planting berries in spring or autumn, you settled on the second option. In this case, the main thing is to choose a suitable place.

How to plant raspberries in the fall? A proper location must be selected. Ideal place For a raspberry nursery, a flat area with gentle slopes of no more than 5° is suitable. This is an important condition, since on steep slopes the water, air and nutritional systems for the fruitful development of raspberry cuttings deteriorate.

At higher elevations, plants experience a lack of moisture even during watering or rain, the number and quality of shoots deteriorate, and root shoots grow slowly and become weak.
The area where the raspberries will grow needs plenty of sunlight. Lack or deficiency sun rays inhibits the ripening of fruits, slows down the formation of stem tissues, and reduces the frost resistance of the bush. This factor will further complicate the process of planting and caring for raspberries.

With significant shading, the raspberry bush will become more susceptible to disease and be attacked insect pests, which will significantly complicate caring for raspberries.

Abundant moisture in the soil is the key to a good and generous raspberry harvest. The shrub needs maximum moisture during the period of ripening of berries and development of shoots. But moisture alone is not enough; the soil for a raspberry plant needs to be loose, nutritious, containing useful minerals and organic components.

To many for amateur gardeners The following rule is known: the predecessor plants in the area chosen for planting raspberries should not contain crops of the nightshade family: tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, bell pepper, eggplants. The proximity of raspberries to strawberries is unacceptable.

But the area where currant bushes, gooseberries, plants from the legume family and onions grew are considered suitable.

By selecting favorable place To plant seedlings, you should follow the instructions on how to plant raspberries correctly.

How to prepare and plant seedlings

Before planting raspberries in the fall, you should select young, strong seedlings with mature shoots. In this case, annual raspberry bushes are used.

Selected seedlings must be pruned from the bush and prepared for planting and care.

Another planting option is to dig up a whole shrub, dividing it into parts so that each has at least one shoot. The roots of the bush are lowered into water, where they are saturated with moisture.

Young and strong seedlings are separated from the main bush and produced step-by-step preparation: a seedling is taken from an adult bed, which is carefully separated from the main bush. Root system The old bush is cut off, and the new roots are shaken and straightened.

Before planting, the seedling is shortened, the top of the shoot is trimmed, cleared of leaves.
The height of the seedling should be more than 40 cm. This length is considered optimal; it will allow the plant to take root more easily and ultimately bring a bountiful harvest.

Gardeners usually use two methods of planting and growing raspberry bushes: bush and strip.

With the bush method, several bushes are planted in one hole at once; as a rule, this is suitable for small seedlings.

When belt planting, raspberry cuttings are planted in a row one at a time. The main advantage of this planting method is the rational and economical use of the site area.

Raspberries are planted in rows, the distance between which should be at least 4 m, and the distance between neighboring bushes - 60 cm. To plant seedlings, trenches are dug, holes 25–30 cm deep. A layer of loose humus is laid at the bottom.

The plant must be planted in dry soil, carefully straightening the roots. They should fit tightly to the soil. During planting, the soil is gradually and moderately compacted layer by layer.

You should avoid excessively deepening the seedling into the soil, as there is a risk that new shoots will not grow.
At the end of planting, you should make sure that the seedlings are firmly fixed in the soil. Then you need to make a hole around the bush, which is watered abundantly on the basis that each bush needs 5-7 liters of water. In the following days, it is enough to spray the plants, and in the future, provide them with drip irrigation.

Mulching with rabbit droppings is considered an effective way to successfully root raspberry bushes; this retains moisture well, nourishes the soil, and prevents the appearance of weeds.

Preparing for winter

How to care for raspberries in the fall and how long before you start preparing for winter?

Experienced gardeners know that effective method preparing raspberries for wintering - proper bending of the bush. This procedure must be performed before the first, even minor, subzero temperatures. And in terms of time - ideally in the afternoon, then the shoots have maximum flexibility, and the risk of breaking them when tilted to the ground will be minimal.

When bending the bush, the shoots are stacked on top of each other, then they are fixed with string or twine.