Pic for the installation of translucent fencing at a construction site. Construction portable fencing

It is necessary to install temporary fencing of the construction site before the start of construction processes on the territory allocated for construction.

— It is installed for safety reasons and is designed to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the construction site.

— Protect passers-by from possible emergency incidents (for example, it is rare, but heavy objects and structures fall from a height when they are transported to the installation site by a crane).

— To protect materials, structures, mechanisms and equipment from damage and theft.

The documentation for the construction of the facility includes a construction plan, where the design company draws a temporary fencing for the building area and links it to the plan.

Gates, gates, routes for movement of equipment and other things are indicated. Temporary fencing of the construction site is closely intertwined with the work of the preparatory period.

Stroygenplan, in turn, is integral part construction organization project, which is developed by a design institute taking into account all the indicators of the future structure.

Characteristics and types of construction site fencing by functionality

Signal- even the name indicates its main function - to warn others about the danger inside the fence.

  • It consists of posts driven into the ground, most often metal pins and a wire stretched over them, onto which scraps of red fabric are attached. It is carried out with a step between racks of up to 6 m and a height of 0.8 meters.
  • IN last years Caution tape, similar to that used by law enforcement agencies around crime scenes, is becoming increasingly common.
  • This kind of temporary fencing of a construction site is used to mark open trenches, small pits (for example, for a thermal chamber), when the installation of permanent fencing is impractical due to the short duration of the work and its insignificant volumes.
  • Trench under electrical cable will not be completely fenced wooden fence on both sides, but they will install a signal fence.

Safety fence– prevents access to the construction site by unauthorized persons, so as not to expose them to risk in the construction area.

  • The height of fences with a canopy should be 2 m; without canopies, 1.6 meters is sufficient. If fenced small area where work is being done, the height is 1.2 meters.
  • This may not be a continuous fence, but the degree of sparseness ( free space) between the slats should not exceed 100mm (except for mesh fencing).

Protective - security, which, in addition to blocking access of outsiders to the construction site, also serves to protect the integrity of material assets. The height is two meters.

It is installed on large sites where large volumes of work have to be performed and a long construction period is envisaged.

This is a continuous fence around the perimeter of the entire construction site. If necessary, it is equipped with canopies, sidewalk wooden flooring, railings.

This determines the constructive design of the fence:

With additional elements– if the construction site is located within settlement and construction or reconstruction is carried out along streets with migration of people.

There is a high probability of falling small stones, debris, etc., so the following is provided:

  • Protective visors covering sidewalk path and protruding beyond its edge at a distance of up to 100mm. The canopy is mounted at an angle of 20 degrees towards the sidewalk, thereby ensuring the drainage of rainwater and inadvertently fallen objects from the construction site.
  • Sidewalk passages are designed with a width of at least 1.2 m, the size of the gaps in the sidewalk flooring is limited to 5 mm. Sidewalks on the side of the roadway are fenced with railings, which are made with posts attached to the top of the canopy or fence.
  • The handrail is attached to the posts with inside at a height of 1.1 m from the sidewalk mark. The space between the handrail and the sidewalk is reinforced with a horizontal bar at a height of 0.5 m from the sidewalk.

No additional elements- This is a cheaper temporary fencing of a construction site and a less labor-intensive option.

Fences in your own way constructive solution divided:

1.panel, which can be structurally manufactured in a solid design or be sparse;

2.panel - rack-mount;


The panels must be rectangular with a length that is a multiple of 40cm - 1.2m; 1.6m; 2 meters.

Construction site fencing by type of material

The fencing material should not be traumatic, so that people passing by cannot cut themselves, prick themselves, drive in a splinter, etc. This can be a “major” fence or a lightweight one - made from sections with chain-link mesh, plastic and other options.

Reinforced concrete fencing

Reinforced concrete panels

For long-term construction, especially industrial facilities, reinforced concrete fences are used. They are mounted from panels (2.5 m high), which are inserted into a reinforced concrete glass.

Self-standing panels

The weight, of course, is decent, so installation is carried out by a crane. These panels are reusable and can be transported after construction to another construction site.

Today, a more modern modification is being produced - this is a self-standing reinforced concrete version with dimensions of 2.5 x 2.5 x 1 m (the last figure is the width of the supporting part). Reinforced concrete fences are expensive and labor-intensive, so they are used less and less.

Wooden fencing construction sites have found widespread use in the construction industry. Lumber is affordable, practical, and easy to process. These are mainly fences made of wooden shields, which are collected from edged boards and are attached to the posts. The elements are made from coniferous or deciduous wood no higher than grade 3.

Slate fencing Today it has lost its relevance, but, nevertheless, this option is used. Asbestos cement sheets, although inexpensive, are fragile material. It was replaced by a fence made of a metal counterpart.

Corrugated fencing

It has a number of advantages - light weight, availability polymer coating, which provides long term operation.

Low cost compared to the period of use, aesthetic appearance of the fence, multiple turnover. In areas with strong winds Such fences, due to their large windage, experience strong wind loads.

Corrugated fencing

Therefore, the corrugated sheets must be well secured to the racks, and the racks themselves must be securely dug into the ground. The pitch of the racks should not be more than 3 m.

Recently, preference has been given to sectional fences that are functional and mobile, since upon completion of construction they are disassembled and transported to another site.

Many options of this type have been developed, they are very convenient to use and are gradually gaining ground against the fencing we were accustomed to in previous years.

Temporary fencing must be equipped with gates and a wicket. If it is located closer than 1.5 meters from the sidewalk, then the gate opens inward.

The basic requirements for functionality, design, standard sizes, classification of fences are discussed above, I’ll add a few more words.

— The construction site fencing must be strong and easy to connect sections for quick installation and dismantling the structure. This is also true if it is necessary to repair or replace fence elements.

— Materials used for the manufacture of temporary fencing must have certificates of conformity and passports. The service life of temporary fencing elements is determined in accordance with regulatory documents.

The decision on which temporary fencing for a construction site to choose is made based on its purpose, location of the facility, duration of construction, cost of the fence, requirements building codes, GOST.

For construction work It is extremely important to comply with a number of requirements that will make the construction process safe not only for the workers themselves, but also for those around them. So, important element Any construction site requires fencing. As a rule, this is a temporary fencing of a construction site, since it must be dismantled after construction is completed. What should it be like? What types are there? We will receive answers to these and other questions in the material provided.

Fencing classification

All construction site fencing can be divided into several classifications:

  1. By appointment.
  2. By design.
  3. By execution.

Let's look at these features.

By purpose

Here we're talking about about the purpose of using temporary fencing for construction sites. So, they can be protective. Based on the name, it becomes obvious that their main task is to prevent damage to the health of others and workers. So, for this purpose tension is carried out façade mesh. The mesh used has excellent strength characteristics. This façade mesh is capable of retaining falling debris, tools and building materials. This is very important, because while working on scaffolding, something may accidentally fall.

There are also protective and security sections. In this case, we are talking about fences that prevent intruders from entering a construction site, for example, during a period when no work is being carried out at all. Such temporary fencing structures are widely used in construction and industrial settings.

Another type of temporary fencing is signal fencing. What benefits does such fencing provide to a construction site? First of all, the entire territory in which certain construction work is being carried out is visually separated. That is, a person or car that will move near this area will immediately understand that it is necessary to be extremely careful here, as work is being carried out. In this case, warning tape can be used. For example, it is stretched along the entire perimeter of the construction site.

By design

Among other things, temporary fencing at a construction site is divided by design. For example, these could be rack-mounted. There is also a type of panel. This means continuous protective and security fencing structures. And one more variety - rack-and-panel. In this case, a combination of the two listed protective temporary fences is used.

By execution

The last classification has differences in design. Often such structures need to be completed. So, such additional structures can be railings, struts, sidewalks, etc.

What should temporary fencing be like?

Of course, given the importance of this design, certain requirements and even standards are imposed on them. They are displayed in GOST. So, there are several basic points that you should pay attention to. The construction of certain enclosing structures must be carried out in accordance with the established state standard. To do this, you can pay attention to samples. Moreover, for construction fencing for temporary purposes, it is necessary to organize an entrance group. Thus, it should be taken into account that the entrance group should be designed for the passage of special equipment, cars and workers.

There are also requirements for design. Let us note the fact that similar products must have standardized connecting elements that allow, if necessary, to quickly disassemble or assemble the fence. According to the requirements of SNiP, the height of temporary fencing at a construction site must correspond to the following parameters:

  • Protective and security structures of at least two meters.
  • The structure without a canopy is 1.6 meters.
  • With a visor two meters.
  • The fence of a specific construction site is 1.2 meters.

As for the fence sections, they must have a rectangular shape. The distance from the fence to the sidewalk should be no closer than one and a half meters. That is, this distance is necessary in order to ensure free passage for pedestrians.

Important! The temporary fencing of the construction site must be durable and strong. For one square meter, it must withstand a load of up to two hundred kilograms.

Moreover, such fences must completely exclude sharp elements through which it is easy to get caught and fall. The worst thing is that these protrusions can harm human health.

Materials for temporary fencing

For this purpose, you can use a variety of building materials, for example:

  • Mesh fabric.
  • Orange ribbon.
  • Slate.
  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Plastic.
  • Metal concrete.

Each of the listed materials has its own technological features. Some will think about how plastic can prevent accidents and protect human health from damage. Modern technologies made it possible to use this material to create temporary fencing for a construction site. Considering this technological solution, we suggest you familiarize yourself with its features in more detail.

Features of plastic structures

As soon as such fences appeared, they can be seen more and more often on construction sites. And there are actually many reasons for this. For example, there is no need to spend significant funds to build them. For comparison: when installing reinforced concrete fences, it is necessary to involve a team of specialists and lifting equipment. As for plastic elements, there is no need for this.

They are very easy to install and dismantle. In this parameter, plastic fencing is also superior to slate, wood, metal and other materials. The product itself is lightweight, so you can easily carry it by hand. The plastic mesh is easy to see. This mesh is easy to install even when working on multi-story facades. Having installed the scaffolding, plastic mesh will not exert any serious burden or pressure. Moreover, thanks to the mesh structure, windage is completely eliminated, which also has a positive effect on the safety of all workers at height.

To increase the strength of such a fence, it is recommended to reinforce the bottom with wire. Due to this, it will not fly apart, but will fulfill its main purpose.

So, let’s highlight the advantages of plastic fencing for a construction site:

  • Convenient to use. This type of temporary fencing can be classified as inventory, that is, those that are easy to assemble and disassemble. So, one worker will be enough for installation. The main task is to install support posts with a certain step, and the hanging process comes down to very simple steps.
  • Long service life. Plastic fencing also falls into the durable category. It is resistant to corrosion, rotting and the like. It can be used with this temperature conditions, ranging from -40 to +60 degrees Celsius.
  • Does not require special care.
  • Has a very low cost.

So, as modern statistics show, the presence of protective temporary fences helps prevent a large number of accidents due to falling construction waste, construction tools etc. Therefore their presence is mandatory requirement. Moreover, it is unacceptable to begin the construction process without installing these structures.

Temporary fencing of a construction site: types and design

Any construction, especially within the city, poses a direct danger to others, since it cannot be carried out without special dimensional equipment and materials that are not able to fight the gravitational force of our planet (in other words, they constantly fall from a height).

Therefore, at the legislative level, all construction projects were required to be surrounded by appropriate temporary fencing, implying that such a structure would exist only while construction work was completed (and in practice, such “temporariness” could last for decades).

Requirements for temporary fencing

The regulations that directly regulate the need for a temporary barrier and what it should be like are also the standards of Soviet times (with subsequent amendments):

  • The norms and rules adopted in 1985, which are called “Organization construction production"(it is customary to indicate them abbreviated as SNiP 0.01.01-85).
  • The interstate standard “Inventory fencing for construction sites and areas for construction and installation work”, which came into force in the second half of 1979. Specifications"(its abbreviation is GOST 23407-78 group Zh07).

So, according to the requirements of part two of paragraph 1.3 of the above-mentioned building codes and regulations of 1985, it is impossible to begin construction of an object (or even part of it) before fencing the construction site.

All the requirements that apply to the technological aspects of such structures are enshrined in the GOST we cited above. Let's look at them in detail:

  • the fence must comply with approved samples;
  • the fence must have gates and gates so that vehicles and workers can move freely;
  • the fence must be “designer” (assembled and disassembled) with elements (parts, fastenings, etc.) of the same sample;
  • the height of the structure, racks, tilt of the canopies, etc. must correspond to the specified parameters;
  • panels should be rectangular in shape;
  • the length of the panels and the distance between the racks must comply with the specified GOST standards (from 1.2 to 2 meters, respectively, and the racks - no more than 6);
  • the degree of “sparseness” between the parts of the panel fabric of the fence (except for the mesh) must be maintained - 80-100 mm;
  • there should be no gaps in the pavement covering of more than 5 mm;
  • protective canopies must be deployed in the desired direction and cover people walking there with a reserve, and also so that water can flow freely over them;
  • on the sidewalk you cannot leave less than 1.2 meters for people to pass;
  • the railings must be attached to the canopy of the fence or to its upper edge and have a fence line from the roadway at a height of 0.5 and 1.1 m;
  • the structure must be designed in such a way that it can be repaired and removed, but at the same time so that it is durable;
  • the presence of a terrain slope should not be a threat to the fence;
  • care must be taken that it does not rust or rot;
  • the fence needs to be painted in a certain way;
  • it should not contain potentially traumatic parts (sharp corners, hooks, etc.);
  • the fence must be stable - withstand a fall on it a certain weight(at least 200 kilograms per square centimeter) or wind force, as well as the weight of snow;
  • it must be reliable - the materials used for its manufacture must comply regulatory requirements, and their manufacturers provide them with quality certificates of conformity;
  • the fence must be guaranteed to operate for at least 10 years, and if it is paving panels, then at least 5.

Types of fencing

The same norm divides barriers according to their intended purpose into:

  • signaling, that is, those that clearly and unambiguously indicate to everyone that construction work is being carried out in such a place;
  • protective– they protect people from possible dangers;
  • security, which are designed to prevent unauthorized people from entering the construction site.

The purpose of installing security fences is to prevent strangers from entering the construction site, so they are not much different from an ordinary fence that encloses any industrial facility or residential building.

Protective ones are designed to protect people from injury, which may well occur, given the nature of the work performed. Therefore, the most common type of temporary fencing here is façade mesh, which is quite capable of “catching” when falling everything that can fall from scaffolding(remains of materials, garbage, tools and even workers).

The signal's task is to visually mark the construction site and warn people about possible danger. Suitable for this special warning tape(analogous to a police one), which is stretched between pins fixed in the ground.

By design, the following types should be distinguished:

  • rack-mounted;
  • panel, which in turn can be sparse (for example, mesh) or solid;
  • a combined version of the first two.

If the fence serves for protective or security functions, then it can be exclusively continuous.

Also, the fencing of construction sites may require the addition of additional elements to it, which may be:

  • visors;
  • sidewalk, with railings;
  • struts.

All these nuances determine the different cost of the fence, along with what materials will be used for its manufacture.

Typically, a fence has three elements: supports, frame and its filling. It was already indicated above that each material that is used for constituent elements, must not only be of high quality, but also ensure that the structure meets regulatory standards.

Material options

Common materials that are used to make temporary fencing are:

  • slate;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • metal concrete.

Modern technologies have maximally diversified the options for choosing materials for temporary construction fencing, adding plastic to this list as well.

Advantage plastic structures is as follows:

  • established rules allow their use;
  • their affordable price makes them the most attractive;
  • using them instead of wood or steel has significant advantages (no workers or special equipment are needed);
  • they do not require additional painting;
  • easy to install;
  • In terms of durability, it is much preferable to others.

But there is only one drawback - unsuitable for large construction– significantly narrows the possibilities of using these barriers, where the norm is the use of continuous security fences based on metal and wood. The situation is similar with chain-link fences: their advantages (cheapness and simplicity of construction) are suppressed by GOST requirements.

The undisputed leader in recent times in demand is a fence made of corrugated sheets - ease of installation and relative cheapness, coupled with the absence of the need for maintenance (painting, anti-corrosion, etc.) determine such popularity.

The information we have provided and the statistics of accidents during construction work indicate that the issue of human safety must be taken seriously.

Neglect of established norms and rules can end sadly not only for the affected people, but also for the managers who are responsible for the construction.

About the production of temporary metal structures - see the following video:

According to the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, any construction site must be fenced, since work taking place on the site can be dangerous for passers-by and the builders themselves. Typically, construction sites contain a variety of materials and equipment, the inept handling of which can result in personal injury. In this regard, a law was passed requiring the fencing of work sites with temporary barriers. They are allowed to be removed as construction is completed. The use of temporary enclosing structures is regulated by GOST number 23407-78.

Materials for making a temporary fence can be:

  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Slate.
  • Plastic.
  • Metal concrete.

IN modern construction most popular plastic products. The price of such fencing is low, they are easy to install and maintain, mobile and durable. Service life of temporary plastic fences significantly exceeds other options.

Classification of fences

By functional purpose

Depending on the purpose of installation, construction barriers are divided into three categories:

  1. Protective fences, the need for installation of which is due to the safety of human health. The best option is tensioning the façade mesh. The material has the ability to retain litter, waste materials and tools that accidentally fall from scaffolding.
  2. Security sections installed to protect the territory from intrusion by unauthorized persons. Structures of this type are common at construction and industrial sites.
  3. Signal barriers. Their main purpose is to visually highlight the area where creative activity is taking place and warn people about a potential threat. This task is easily accomplished by a warning tape stretched between stable stakes.

By constructive decision

Based on the type of arrangement, enclosing structures are divided into several variations:

  • Rack-mounted.
  • Panel, which are additionally classified as sparse (like mesh) and solid. Protective and security structures are only solid.
  • Rack-and-panel - a combination of the two previous types.

By design

In some cases, the fencing of construction sites requires additional elements. Their role can be played by struts, canopies, railings and sidewalks with railings. The second type of temporary fence involves the absence of additional parts. Its cost is cheaper than the first type, and this explains the prevalence of a simple barrier.

Technical requirements for protective barriers

All requirements and standards, as well as the rules for operating temporary fencing at construction sites, are enshrined in Soviet-era GOST. The basic provisions have been preserved to this day since 1985, and they are called “Organization of construction production.” Few changes have been made to the document over the past decades.

Also relevant are the standards prescribed by legislative bodies even earlier - in 1979. These standards are known under the name “Fencing of inventory and construction sites and areas of installation and construction work.” They are still applied to most types of construction work.

General requirements

Having familiarized yourself with these documents, it is easy to identify the basic rules for constructing barriers that will surround construction sites.

  1. All enclosing structures must be erected in accordance with the rules of state standards and approved samples.
  2. The presence of an entrance group is mandatory in a temporary structure. Special equipment vehicles will pass through the gate, and workers will pass through the gate.

Design requirements

Based on them, foremen determine technical features temporary fences.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • Products must be collapsible and equipped with standardized connecting elements.
  • In terms of height, temporary fences for construction sites are prescribed by SNiP to be erected with a value of 2 m - this is for protective and security structures. If the protective barrier is installed without a canopy, its height is 1.6 m. With a canopy, the parameter reaches 2 m. Fences specific place execution of work is erected with a height of 1 m 20 cm.
  • Fence sections are only rectangular in shape. See the length above, based on the overall height of the product.
  • Canopies and sidewalks are placed as separate fixtures. They are rectangular in shape. The lifting angle of the protective visor is 20°. The climb slopes towards the road. The slope of the protective canopies is designed so that they protect people from rainwater flowing down the fence. The size of the visor should completely cover the person under it.
  • The sidewalk must be separated from the fence by a distance of at least 1.5 m. Its task is to ensure free passage.
  • Allowable cracks in sidewalk coverings are no more than 5 mm.
  • Despite the possible frequent installation and dismantling of the structure, the temporary fence must be strong enough. A fence is considered reliable if it square meter withstands a minimum load of 200 kg.

Construction fences should not have snags, sharp parts or anything that is harmful to health or poses a threat human life. They are erected in accordance with the nature of future work.

Plastic construction fencing

general characteristics

Often plastic fencing on a construction site are the most the best option protection. Their construction does not require significant expenses, the structures are easy to assemble and dismantle, they can easily replace temporary fences made of slate and metal sheets or wood.

The construction of plastic barriers at a construction site is a simple process that does not require the involvement of a work team or special equipment. The products are light and bright. The colorful plastic mesh catches the eye from a distance. Putting up a fence is not difficult. To do this you will need a net, plastic poles and rubber stands. We will not describe the process step by step, because... it's too simple.

To increase the strength of the temporary mesh fence, the upper and lower lines are reinforced with wire. The recommended material thickness is 4 mm or more.


Regardless of their length and purpose, plastic fences have a number of significant advantages over other fences:

  1. Ease of use. The assembly and disassembly of the mesh fence can be done by one person without assistants. Installation of plastic around the perimeter of the construction site is carried out in the same way as sports grounds are fenced.
  2. Durability. The simple material is not afraid of moisture, corrosion, or rotting. Plastic is hardy - it can withstand air temperatures that range from - 40 - + 60°C, and does not fade under the sun due to its resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. No need for special care. A temporary plastic fence can stand for years, but it does not require anti-corrosion treatment or painting.
  4. Cheapness. The low cost of plastic reduces the cost of installing a temporary fence.

Construction accident statistics show that safety issues must be taken seriously. Installing temporary fencing saves the lives of passers-by and protects the area where work is being done. Based on the type of construction, managers give orders for the installation of protective and security structures or the simplest fences that reliably perform their functions.