The concept of literary language is the characteristics of a literary language. Characteristics of the main features of the Russian literary language

Characteristic literary language

Literary language is a system of language elements, speech means, selected from the national language and processed by wordsmiths, public figures, and outstanding scientists. These means are perceived as exemplary and commonly used. For native speakers, a literary language is highest form national language. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, science, culture, verbal art, education, legislation, official business communication, informal communication of native speakers (everyday communication), interethnic communication, print, radio, television.

Literary language is a form of historical existence of a national language, accepted by its speakers as exemplary.

Russian language.


If we compare the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), then the literary language plays a leading role among them. It includes the best ways to designate concepts and objects, express thoughts and emotions. There is constant interaction between the literary language and non-literary varieties of the Russian language. This is most clearly revealed in the sphere of spoken language. Thus, the pronunciation features of a particular dialect can characterize the spoken speech of people who speak a literary language. In other words, educated, cultured people sometimes retain the features of a particular dialect for the rest of their lives. Colloquial speech influenced by book styles of literary language. In live direct communication, speakers can use terms, foreign language vocabulary, words from the official business style (functions, reactsto work, absolutely, out of principle and etc.).

Literary language has two forms - oral and written. They differ in four parameters:

    Implementation form. Titles oral and written indicate that the first is sounding speech, and the second is graphically designed. This is their main difference. The oral form is original. For the emergence of written form, it was necessary to create graphic signs that would convey the elements of spoken speech. Both oral and written forms are implemented taking into account the norms characteristic of each of them: oral - spelling, written - spelling and punctuation.

    Attitude to the addressee. Written speech is usually addressed to an absent person. The writer does not see his reader, he can only mentally imagine him. Written language is not affected by the reactions of those who read it. On the contrary, oral speech presupposes the presence of an interlocutor, a listener. The speaker and the listener not only hear, but also see each other. Therefore, spoken language often depends on how it is perceived. The reaction of approval or disapproval, the listeners' remarks, their smiles and laughter - all this can affect the nature of the speech, change it depending on the reaction, or even stop.

3. Generation of form. The speaker creates, creates his speech immediately. He simultaneously works on content and form. Therefore, often those giving a lecture, taking part in a conversation on television, answering questions from a journalist, pause, thinking about what to say, mentally selecting words, constructing sentences. Such pauses are called pauses hesitation. The writer, unlike the speaker, has the opportunity to improve the written text, return to it several times, add, shorten, change, correct.

4. The nature of perception of oral and written speech. Written speech is designed for visual perception. While reading, you always have the opportunity to re-read an incomprehensible passage several times, make extracts, clarify the meaning of individual words, and check the correct understanding of the terms in dictionaries. Oral speech is perceived by ear. To reproduce it again, special technical means are needed. Therefore, oral speech must be constructed and organized in such a way that its content is immediately understood and easily absorbed by listeners.

When implementing each form of literary language, the writer or speaker selects words, combinations of words, and composes sentences to express their thoughts. Depending on the material from which speech is constructed, it acquires book or colloquial character. This also distinguishes the literary language as the highest form of the national language from its other varieties. Let's compare the following proverbs: "Desire is stronger than compulsion" And "Hunting is no longerwill." The idea is the same, but framed differently. In the first case, verbal nouns in - desire (desire, compulsion), giving speech a bookish character, in the second - words hunting, more giving a touch of conversation. It is not difficult to assume that in a scientific article or diplomatic dialogue the first proverb will be used, and in a casual conversation - the second. Consequently, the sphere of communication determines the selection of linguistic material, which in turn forms and determines the type of speech.

Book speech serves the political, legislative, scientific spheres of communication (congresses, symposiums, conferences, sessions, meetings), and colloquial speech is used at semi-official meetings, meetings, unofficial or semi-official anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, during confidential conversations between the boss and subordinates, in everyday, everyday, family settings.

Book speech is built according to the norms of the literary language, their violation is unacceptable; sentences must be complete and logically connected to each other. In book speech, sharp transitions from one thought, which is not brought to its logical conclusion, to another are not allowed. Among the words there are abstract, bookish words, including scientific terminology and official business vocabulary.

Colloquial speech is not so strict in observing the norms of the literary language. It allows the use of forms that are classified in dictionaries as colloquial. The text of such a speech is dominated by commonly used, colloquial vocabulary; preference is given to simple sentences, participial and adverbial phrases are avoided.

Literary language is the highest form of nationallanguage

So, the functioning of the literary language in the most important spheres of human activity, the various means for transmitting information embedded in it, the presence of oral and written forms, the distinction and contrast between book and colloquial speech - all this gives reason to consider the literary language the highest form of the national language.

The scientific linguistic literature identifies the main features of a literary language. One of the signs of a literary language is its processing. “The first who perfectly understood this was Pushkin,” wrote A. M. Gorky, “he was the first to show how to use the speech material of the people, how to process it.”

The reformist nature of A. S. Pushkin’s work is recognized by everyone. He believed that any word is acceptable if it expresses the concept accurately, figuratively, and conveys the meaning. Folk speech is especially rich in this regard. Acquaintance with the works of A. S. Pushkin shows how creative and original he is including colloquial words into poetic speech, gradually diversifying and complicating their functions. And in the future, Russian writers and poets took part in enriching the literary language. Krylov, Griboyedov, Gogol, Turgenev, Saltykov-Shchedrin, L. Tolstoy, Chekhov did especially a lot. Politicians, scientists, cultural and artistic figures, journalists, radio and television workers participate in the processing of the Russian literary language and its improvement.

“Any material - and language especially,” A. M. Gorky rightly noted, “requires a careful selection of all the best that is in it - clear, precise, colorful, sonorous, and - further loving development of this best.” This is what language processing is all about.

Other distinguishing feature literary language - Naliwhich written and oral forms, as well as two varieties - book and colloquial speech.

Thanks to the written form, the accumulative function of the language, its continuity, and tradition are realized. The existence of functional-style spheres of the literary language, that is, book and colloquial speech, allows it to be a means of expressing national culture (fiction, journalism, theater, cinema, television, radio). There is constant interaction and interpenetration between these two varieties. As a result, not only does the literary language itself become richer and more diverse, but also the possibilities for its use increase.

A sign of a literary language is considered availability of functionsnational styles, B Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved during communication, various linguistic means are selected and unique varieties of a single literary language, functional styles, are formed.

Term functional style emphasizes that varieties of literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case.

Signs of a literary language:


    availability of oral and written forms;

    presence of functional styles;

    variation of linguistic units;


Scientific works, textbooks, reports are written scientificlem; memos, financial reports, orders, instructions are drawn up in formal business style; articles in newspapers, speeches by journalists on radio and television are mainly conducted in newspaper and journalistic style; in any informal setting, when everyday topics are discussed, impressions of the past day are shared, it is used conversational everyday style.

The multifunctionality of the literary language led to the emergence of variable units at all levels: phonetic, word-formation, lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic. In this regard, there is a desire to differentiate the use of variants, to endow them with shades of meaning and stylistic coloring, which leads to an enrichment of the synonymy of the Russian language.

The variability of linguistic units, the richness and diversity of lexical-phraseological and grammatical synonymy distinguishes the literary language and is its characteristic.

The most important feature of a literary language is its normativity.

Literary norm

Literary language is a strictly standardized form of national social native language. All aspects of the language are subject to processing and normalization in a literary language: writing, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, word formation. The rules governing the use of words, their formation, combination, grammatical forms, pronunciation, spelling, sentence construction are called literary norms.

The literary norm changes and develops over time, and at different language levels the degree of mobility of the norm is not the same. For example, orthoepic norms (pronunciation and stress) underwent significant changes throughout the 20th century, while grammatical norms (rules for the formation of sentences, phrases and words) were more stable.

The literary norm is very important public importance. Without firmly established language norms, people would have difficulty understanding each other.

Also, the literary norm protects the national language from the introduction of everything random and private. Literary and linguistic norms are mandatory for the mass press, radio and television, and entertainment enterprises; they are enshrined in reference literature, dictionaries and textbooks.

A significant contribution to the development of literary and linguistic norms was made by N.M. Karamzin, M.V. Lomonosov, M. Yu. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkin and other classics of our literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. “Create a language,” according to V.G. Belinsky, is impossible, because it is created by the people; philologists only discover its laws and bring them into a system, and writers only create on it in accordance with these laws” [Belinsky 1988: 244].

Features of the literary language

Literary language has a number of distinctive properties. These include:

1) stability;

2) mandatory for every native speaker;

3) processing;

What is the meaning of language processing can be understood from the words of A.M. Gorky. He noted that “any material - and language especially, requires a careful selection of all the best that is in it - clear, accurate, colorful, sonorous, and - further loving development of this best” [Vvedenskaya 2001:34].

In the article “On How I Learned to Write,” Gorky notes: “It would be appropriate to recall that language is created by the people! The division of a language into literary and folk means only that we have, so to speak, a “raw” language and one processed by masters. The first who perfectly understood this was Pushkin, he was the first to show how the speech material of the people should be used, how it should be processed” [Gorky 1953: 491].

4) Another feature of the literary language is the presence of oral (sounding speech) and written forms of speech (graphically fixed).

Oral speech presupposes the presence of a listener, an interlocutor. Written speech is usually directed towards the absent. The writer can only mentally imagine his reader. At the same time, the reader’s reaction, his emotions, feelings do not affect written speech. Oral speech in most cases is interactive, i.e. depends on the perception of the listener - the reaction can change the nature of speech or stop it altogether.

The speaker creates his speech immediately. The writer can improve and correct the written text.

5) the presence of functional styles;

In accordance with the goals set during communication, a variety of linguistic means are selected and varieties of a single literary language are formed, that is, functional styles. The term functional style emphasizes that, depending on the functions that the language performs in each individual case, varieties of literary language are distinguished:

Scientific style (they write textbooks, reports, scientific works);

Official business (financial reports, orders, instructions);

Journalistic style (articles in newspapers, magazines, speeches on radio and television);

Conversational style (in an informal setting).

6) normativity;

Standards exist for both written and oral speech. For example, oral speech includes accentological norms (stress) and orthoepic norms (pronunciation); punctuation, spelling norms (spelling) are typical for writing. In all forms of speech, lexical, word-formation, syntactic, and morphological norms must be observed.

All of the listed features constitute a feature of the literary language as the highest form of the national language.

Modern Russian (like any other language) has two main functional varieties: literary language and lively colloquial speech.

Native speakers, representatives of every nationality or nationality, have been fluent in spoken language since childhood. Literary language, its laws, norms are learned during the period of human formation: learning at home, at school, institute, communicating with people who speak the literary language, reading literature various types and genres.

There are many definitions of the concept “literary language”. However, the definition proposed by V.V. is still the most complete. Vinogradov (in 1967): “ Literary language… - language official business documents, school education, written and everyday communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form, often written, but sometimes oral...”

Literary language the form of historical existence of the national language, accepted by its speakers as exemplary. There are several features of a literary language:

Politicians, scientists, cultural and artistic figures, journalists, radio and television workers participate in the processing of the Russian literary language and its improvement.

Another distinctive feature of a literary language is the presence written And oral forms. Depending on the developing speech situation, communication tasks, and selected language material, oral and written speech acquires book or colloquial character. Book speech serves the political, legislative, and scientific spheres of communication. Conversational speech is appropriate at semi-official meetings, meetings, anniversaries, personal conversations, and in family and everyday settings.

A sign of a literary language is the presence functional styles. Style is a type of language that serves any aspect of social life. It is called functional because it performs a certain function in society in each specific case.

Each style is characterized by the purpose of communication, a set of linguistic means, and the genres in which it exists.

Variation of language units, the richness and diversity of lexical, phraseological and grammatical synonymy is a distinctive feature of the literary language.

Normativity literary language is expressed by compliance with language norms. Standards exist for both oral and written speech.

Codification of a literary language is a systematization and classification of language and speech activity. Codification – fixedness in dictionaries of phonetic, spelling, lexical, spelling, grammatical, stylistic (speech) rules.

A culture of speech

The concept of speech culture is closely related to the literary language. The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, to speak competently, the ability not only to attract attention with one’s speech, but also to influence listeners, mastery of speech culture is a unique characteristic of professional suitability for people of the most various professions: diplomats, lawyers, politicians, teachers, radio and television workers, engineers.

Concept a culture of speech includes:

1) mastery of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, grammar, stylistics), as well as the ability to use means of expression language in different conditions communication in accordance with the goals and content of speech;

2) a section of linguistics that studies the problems of normalization in order to improve language as an instrument of culture (Linguistics. Great encyclopedic Dictionary, M., 1998).

Speech culture contains three components:

Speech culture is, first of all, correct speech, i.e. compliance with the norms of the literary language, which are perceived by its speakers as a model. Linguistic norm is a central concept speech culture, A normative aspect considered one of the most important. Mastery of language norms presupposes the ability to find specific content to express in each real situation verbal communication new language form.

Speech culture develops the skills of selecting and using linguistic means in the process of verbal communication, helps to form a conscious attitude towards their use in speech practice in accordance with communicative tasks. The choice of language means necessary for this purpose is the basis communicative aspect speech culture.

Ethical aspect speech culture prescribes knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in specific situations. Ethical standards of behavior are understood as speech etiquette (speech formulas of greeting, request, question, gratitude, congratulations, etc.; addressing “you”, “you”; forms of address, etc.). For use speech etiquette extralinguistic factors have a great influence: the age of the participants in the speech act, their social status, the nature of the relationship between them (official, informal, friendly, etc.), time and place of speech interaction.

Literary language - mutual language the written language of one or another people, and sometimes several peoples - the language of official business documents, school teaching, written and everyday communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form, often written, but sometimes oral.

Forms of literary language:

· writing and book

· oral-conversational.

The main feature of a literary language is normativity. The whole system The norms cover all aspects of the literary language: pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, morphology, syntax, spelling.

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More on topic 5. Literary language. Basic properties of a literary language:

  1. 1. The concept of literary language. Territorial and social differentiation of language and literary language. Normativity and codification as conditions for the existence of a literary language. Their historical variability.
  2. 3 National language and its main varieties. The concept of the Russian literary language. Literary language and dialects.
  4. 2. The concept of modern Russian literary language. Literary language, dialects and vernacular.
  5. 3. Language system, its levels. Social differentiation of language. Dialects. Vernacular. Jargon and argot vocabulary. Literary language. Multifunctional nature of language.
  6. 24. Functional styles of modern Russian literary language. The language of fiction. Fine and expressive means of language (tropes and stylistic figures).
  7. 2. The origin of the Russian literary language (to the question of the ethnopsychological foundations of the origin of the Russian literary language).

For a long time, there was an opinion among linguists that every literary language is a purely artificial formation. Some scientists even compared it to a greenhouse plant. It was believed that literary language is far from living (natural) language and therefore is not of significant interest to science. Now such views are completely outdated. Literary language, being the product of a long and complex historical development, organically related to folk basis. The words of M. Gorky are often quoted that “the division of language into literary and folk means only that we have, so to speak, a “raw” language and one processed by masters” (On How I Learned to Write, 1928). True, at the same time, sometimes the circle of people who are called “masters of words” is narrowed down, meaning exclusively writers and scientists. In reality, the process of processing the folk language also involves public figures, publicists, teachers and other representatives of the Russian intelligentsia. Although, of course, the role of writers and poets in this matter is most significant.
A literary language is the historically established highest (exemplary, processed) form of the national language, which has a rich lexical fund, an ordered grammatical structure and a developed system of styles. Converging at different stages of its development with either the book-written or spoken-oral form of speech, the Russian literary language has never been something artificial and completely alien. vernacular. At the same time, one cannot put an equal sign between them. Literary language is inherent special properties. Among its main features are the following:
  1. the presence of certain norms (rules) of word usage, stress, pronunciation, etc. (moreover, norms that are stricter than, say, in dialects), the observance of which is generally binding, regardless of the social, professional and territorial affiliation of the speakers of a given language;
  2. the desire for sustainability, for the preservation of the general cultural heritage and literary and book traditions;
  3. fitness not only to designate the entire amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity, but also to carry out abstract, logical thinking;
  4. stylistic richness, consisting in an abundance of functionally justified variant and synonymous means, which makes it possible to achieve the most effective expression of thought in various speech situations.
Of course, these properties of the literary language did not appear immediately, but as a result of a long and skillful selection of the most accurate and significant words and phrases, the most convenient and appropriate grammatical forms and constructions. This selection, carried out by masters of words, was combined with creative enrichment and improvement of their native language.


  1. modern Russian language. National language and forms of its existence. Literary language as the highest form of the national language.
  3. Multifunctionality of the Russian language: the Russian language as a means of serving all spheres and types of communication of the Russian people. Literary language and the language of fiction.
  4. Russian national (popular) language. Stratification of the common language. Codified literary language and extraliterary varieties.