The concept of what a smart home is. Composition of the “smart home” system. Market fragmentation and protocols

It is generally accepted that the concept of a “Smart House” (from the English smart house) originates in the middle of the last century, but due to the high cost of implementation, such projects have not become widespread. The situation has changed radically with the development of electronics, and at present such systems, although still not being implemented everywhere, are no longer perceived as a curiosity. We propose to consider what a “Smart Home” is, its range of tasks, as well as the possibility independent implementation such a project.

What is the Smart Home system?

This term means a software and hardware complex that allows you to automate and simplify management various systems, as well as other equipment of a house or apartment.

As an example, here are the functions that can be assigned to the “Smart house” (hereinafter SH):

Lighting system control, for example:

  • turn on the light based on a motion sensor signal;
  • imitation of the presence of the owners (lights are periodically turned on in different rooms);
  • change various options interior lighting;
  • remote control of light using a tablet or smartphone, etc.

Security system functional set option:

  • receiving SMS messages in case of activation, deactivation and operation of the system;
  • sending MMS messages from video cameras when signals are received from motion sensors;
  • the ability to view video recordings via the Internet, etc.

Climate control system:

  • maintaining the temperature at a given level, with the ability to set it remotely (for example, using a smartphone);
  • setting the maximum economy mode in the absence of owners, etc.

This is far from a complete functional set; it can be expanded depending on wishes and financial capabilities. Thanks to the development of wireless technologies, system scalability does not require overhaul.

What are the disadvantages of Smart Home:

  • Any electronics is not immune from failures or freezes. You need to be prepared for the fact that at any time you will need to reconfigure individual electronic systems and components manually;
  • Expensive. On the Russian and CIS markets, manufacturers sell systems at a minimum price of $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the “fillings” and the wishes of the customer.

How to make your home “Smart”?

Ideally, the implementation of such solutions should be carried out at the construction stage, but this option is due to various reasons not popular among developers. As a result, there are two automation options left:

  1. Contact a specialized company, where, based on the customer’s specifications, a project will be drawn up with its subsequent implementation. The minimum cost of such a solution varies, as mentioned above, in the range of $2000-$5000, the maximum depends on the functional set and the equipment used.
  2. Independently develop and implement the Smart Home system.

In the first case, the customer receives a ready-made turnkey solution. In the second, the cost of implementation can be significantly reduced, if not by an order of magnitude, then several times, especially if you use the Arduino platform for this purpose (we will talk about it a little below). We must warn you that programming skills will be required to implement the project, but the developers have tried to simplify this task as much as possible.

Briefly about the platform

The basis of the platform is a board with a microcontroller (hereinafter referred to as MK) and an electronic body kit for it. There are many issued to the controller various sensors and expansion cards with certain functions.


  1. Port for flashing (standard USB).
  2. Hard reset button.
  3. Reference voltage signal.
  4. Contacts for digital signals.
  5. TX signal.
  6. RX signal.
  7. Port for connecting an external programmer.
  8. Contacts for analog signals.
  9. Connecting external power.
  10. +5 V.
  11. +3.3 V.
  12. Reset signal.
  13. Connector for power supply.
  14. Microcontroller.

The peculiarity of the platform is that the process of programming the MK is simplified as much as possible. Firmware using the built-in bootloader program via the USB port on the board. In case of accidental “overwriting” of this program, it is possible to flash it using standard programmers.

For programming, a free shell (Arduino IDE) is used, compatible with the most common operating systems(Windows, Linux, Mac OS). This shell includes a text editor for writing programs, a compiler and libraries. A simplified version of C++ is used as the basic programming language. More complete information about MK programming can be obtained on the developer’s website and thematic forums. In these same sources you can learn everything about visualization of system management.

Arduino programming shell

The estimated cost of the original base module is $30-$50 (depending on the modification), Chinese analogues are $10-$16.

Examples of expansion cards and sensors

Here is a brief description of shields that may be needed during development. own project SH.

Module for connecting to a local network or the Internet using the standard TCP/IP protocol. The main element is the ENC28J60 controller. This device allows you to organize visualized system management from the website.

Connecting the network module to Arduino

The GPRS/GSM SIM900 module allows you to manage the system by exchanging data via the network of any mobile operator. To connect to the network, a standard SIM card. It is possible to send SMS and MMS messages; the module library supports other functions.

Electromechanical relay 10 A 250 V, can be used to control lighting or other related loads. When the power is connected, the red LED turns on; if the relay is activated, the green indicator additionally lights up. The signal can be supplied from any digital output of the MK.

Unfortunately, at maximum load or close to it with electromechanical relays, after a few weeks of operation the contacts may begin to stick, so they are not suitable for controlling the operation of electric heating system boilers. But don’t be upset, you can find modules for the Arduino platform for all occasions; in this situation, you can solve the problem using a solid-state relay, for example SSR-25DA.


  1. GND on base board.
  2. To digital output, e.g. D
  3. Power supply: 220 V.
  4. Load connection.

Please note that this module is implemented on a triac, and for its stable operation it requires heat removal, so we recommend purchasing a standard radiator along with the module.


Now let's look at several types of sensors that can also be useful for the project, starting with the HC-SR501 IR motion detector.


  1. Power supply from a source in the range of 5-12 V (can be connected to +5 V on the controller board).
  2. Signal coming from the sensor (connects to any digital input of the MK)
  3. GND is connected to the corresponding pin on the base board.
  4. Delay time (holding a logical one at the output) – from 5 to 300 sec.
  5. Sensor sensitivity (can be set from 3 to 7 meters).
  6. Switch to “H” mode (with a series of operations, a logical unit is set).
  7. Setting the “L” mode (when activated, a single pulse is sent).

No less useful is the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor (manufactured in sealed and regular versions). Their peculiarity is that the devices do not require calibration and each of them has its own unique identifier. That is, the sensor transmits temperature data and its unique number. Thanks to this, several sensors can be installed on one loop and the incoming information can be processed programmatically. The length limit for signal wires is 50 meters.

Concluding the topic of sensors, we present a module for measuring humidity; it can be used as a water leakage indicator or for organizing watering of indoor or greenhouse plants.


  1. Digital output, connects to any corresponding connector on the MK base board. Signals about humidity corresponding to the response threshold.
  2. Analogue output informs about the current humidity.
  3. Power supply +5 V.
  4. Sensitivity threshold control.

We have provided only three typical sensors compatible with the platform; in fact, there are many more. You can get acquainted with the variety of these products on the manufacturers’ websites.

Having finished with the review of the equipment, let's move on to designing a control and automation system; we need to start by stating the problem.

Definition of initial conditions

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the statement of the problem, that is, on the functionality of the system. Let's say we have studio apartment, which can be divided into the following zones:

  • Tambour.
  • Hallway.
  • Toilet combined with bathroom.
  • Kitchen.
  • Living room.

Task: to automate the control of lighting, boiler and ventilation system.

Let's set tasks for each of the zones.


In this case, you can automatically turn on the light when approaching front door. That is, you will need a motion sensor. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of illumination; accordingly, the automation should operate only in the dark. To do this, you will need a GY302 sensor or a similar one (we did not include it in the review, but finding a description will not be a problem). Turning the light bulb on and off (after the time specified in the program) can be entrusted to a low-power solid-state relay, for example G3MB-202P , designed for a load current of 2 A.


Lighting control in this area can be organized according to the same principle as in the vestibule. You can add the light to turn on when you open the front door. A standard door reed switch is suitable as a sensor.

Toilet and bathroom

The turning on of the boiler can be associated with the presence of owners in the apartment. If no one is present, the automation forcibly turns off the water heater using the SSR-25DA module. There is no point in monitoring the heating temperature, since these devices turn off automatically when a specified threshold is reached. Lights and hoods should turn on automatically when a person enters the area, and turn off after a certain time if no movement is detected.

Kitchen automation

The lighting control for this zone can be left manual, but it can be duplicated automatically, turning off the light if movement is not detected for a long time. When working electrically or gas stove The hood should turn on and off some time after cooking. You can control the operation of the hood using a temperature sensor, which detects the increase in temperature when the stove is turned on.

Living room

In this room, it is better to control the lighting manually, but you can implement the ability to automatically turn off the light when there is a sufficient level of illumination.

The given example is rather arbitrary, since everyone develops the algorithm for the operation of a Smart Home depending on personal preferences.

Features of thermoregulation

In conclusion, we will give some recommendations for heating control. The greater inertia of this system should be taken into account. There is a high probability that control by simply turning the heating on and off, in accordance with a given temperature range, can create quite uncomfortable conditions. In this case, you should use the PID regulation algorithm; a library with its implementation for Arduino is available on the Internet.

Without going into details, we can describe the operation of this algorithm as follows:

  • An analysis is made between the required and current temperature in the room, and based on the result, a certain power of the heating system is set.
  • Constant heat losses are taken into account. They may depend on the outside temperature or other factors. Therefore, when the set temperature is reached, the heating is not turned off completely, but is reduced to the level necessary to compensate for heat loss.
  • The last factor influencing the operation of the algorithm takes into account the inertia of the heating system, which does not allow the temperature to go beyond the set range.

Devices A “smart home” should be understood as a system that must be able to recognize specific situations events occurring in the building, and react to them accordingly: one of the systems can control the behavior of others according to pre-developed algorithms. The main feature of an intelligent building is the integration of individual subsystems into a single controlled complex.

An important feature and property of the “Smart Home” that distinguishes it from other methods of organizing living space is that it is the most progressive concept of human interaction with living space, when a person sets the desired environment with one command, and automation, in accordance with external and internal conditions, sets and monitors the operating modes of all engineering systems and electrical appliances.

In this case, there is no need to use several remote controls when watching TV, dozens of switches when controlling lighting, separate units when controlling ventilation and heating systems, video surveillance and alarm systems, gates and more. In a house equipped with a Smart Home system, it is enough to select one of the scenarios with one click on a wall key (or remote control, touch panel, etc.). The house itself will adjust the operation of all systems in accordance with the wishes of the person, time of day, his position in the house, weather, external lighting, etc. to ensure a comfortable state inside the house.


"Smart home" is often referred to as English. Smart House(IFA: sma:t house). English terms are also used. intelligent building, English smart home.


The concept of a "smart home" was formulated by the Intelligent Building Institute in Washington in the 1970s: "A building that provides productive and efficient use workspace..."

Smart home in Russia and Europe

The main difference in the systems is seen rather in their specific purpose and in the implementation approach.

In Europe:

  • Purpose: first of all, energy saving and only then comfort
  • Approach: maximum unification
  • Installation: in Europe, automation projects for private houses and apartments are prepared by the developer and manufacturer of the systems themselves; installation is carried out by ordinary but qualified installers who work strictly according to the scheme.

In Russia:

  • Purpose: comfort and image (for high-budget projects); the simplest security and fire alarm system, sometimes with a GSM alert function (for minimal budgets).
  • Approach: strictly individual.
  • Installation: installation is carried out by specialists. As a rule, they work with many manufacturers of automation systems, this allows them to select the system optimally for solving the tasks. These same specialists are engaged in the design, installation, sale and launch of the built smart home.

Currently, the situation has changed, Russian developments of high-tech systems and smart devices have appeared, oriented for use in Russia in terms of price and reliability.


The term “smart home” usually refers to the integration of the following systems into a single building management system:

  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system
  • Security and fire alarm system, access control system to premises, control of water leaks, gas leaks
  • CCTV system
  • Communication networks (including telephone and the local network building)
  • Lighting system
  • Building power supply system (automatic transfer switch, industrial UPS, diesel generators)
  • Mechanization of the building (opening/closing gates, barriers, electric heating of steps, etc.)
  • Control of audio, video equipment, home theater, multiroom from one place
  • Telemetry - remote monitoring of systems
  • IP monitoring of an object - remote control of systems over a network
  • GSM monitoring - remote reporting of incidents in a home (apartment, office, facility) and control of home systems via telephone (in some systems, you can receive voice instructions on planned control actions, as well as voice reports on the results of actions).
  • Remote control of electrical appliances, machine drives and all automation systems.

Electronic household appliances in a smart home can be combined into a home Universal Plug’n’Play network with the ability to connect to public networks.

Today, technology allows you to build home automation component by component - selecting only those smart home functions that are really needed. The modular structure allows you to create low-cost systems.

  • LanDrive is the most accessible platform today for building bus-based distributed control systems for indoor and outdoor lighting, power loads, electrical appliances, as well as systems such as heating, air conditioning, ventilation, security alarms, access control and water leaks. It is also possible to control audio and video equipment, home theaters, blinds, roller shutters, curtains, gates, pumps, and motors. It is mainly focused on use as part of a “smart home”, but recently it is increasingly used in systems for accounting and saving energy resources, access control, and security and fire systems.
  • EIB/KNX (European Installation Bus).
  • Helvar - uses the DALI and DSI protocol for lighting control systems.
  • X10 is a protocol for controlling electrical appliances. The signal is transmitted via electrical wires or in the radio range. Flaws - low speed information transmission and noise immunity, the problem of false alarms, lack of feedback receiver and transmitter, conflicts between X10 devices are possible different manufacturers and unauthorized access to X10 devices over the electrical network.
  • Z-Wave is a patented wireless communication protocol developed for home automation, in particular for monitoring and control of residential and commercial facilities. The technology uses low-power and miniature radio frequency modules that are built into consumer electronics And various devices, such as lighting, heating, access control, entertainment systems and household appliances.
  • ONE-NET - open protocol wireless network data transmission, developed for the purposes of building automation and distributed facility management.
  • 1-Wire is a technology that allows you to connect many sensors and devices into one network, the control of which is taken over by a personal computer. To transmit data in such a network, only one wire is used. It is inexpensive and easy to install.

It is important to note that all engineering subsystems of a “smart home” must be able to work autonomously. If one of the subsystems fails, then the entire system will not be able to correct the problem, since a “smart home” is a superstructure over other engineering systems.

see also


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    Cultural institution House of Scientists Complex of buildings: the palace of Count Tolstoy and the building of the art gallery of Count Tolstoy ... Wikipedia

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A smart home is a building in which all equipment (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) and various devices are integrated into a common network, which allows residents to use functions and services of a new level. A smart home system includes many factors.

In most cases, these devices can be controlled remotely via the Internet. Sometimes the phrases “smart housing”, “electronic home” and so on are used to denote this concept (from the English smart house, smart living, e-home).

The most important advantage of the Smart Home system is the more efficient use of energy resources - heat, electricity and water.

For example, if you load information about the cost of energy into a home management program, the system can automatically create the most economical consumption plan - without any participation from the home owners.

It will, if necessary, turn off the boiler or turn on washing machine or electric boiler at a time when cheaper electricity tariffs are in effect.

Another useful feature is monitoring security using tools such as home monitoring. The concept of a smart home also makes it possible to create an environment for the independent living of persons with disabilities; for example, a house can be adapted to the needs of older people.

Smart automation systems will minimize maintenance efforts engineering communications and home equipment, will help organize protection against water or gas leaks, fire, and intrusion by robbers.

In a word, a smart home is able to take care of both itself and its residents. At the same time, it is possible to equip a building with intelligence both at the stage of building a house and after completion of major work.

Integrated smart home control system

The main advantage of smart automation systems is the ability to control engineering systems. All big and a complex system control is reduced to one remote control. It is usually a touch screen with a logical and accessible interface. That is, in order to change the air conditioning or heating mode, you do not need to perform complex algorithms.

The smart home system uses so-called “scenarios”, where the roles of all connected devices are clearly described. By pressing just one button, a pre-programmed set of actions is triggered.

So, when choosing the “Evening” scenario, the curtains are closed, the overhead light is dimmed by 80% and the floor lamp is turned on. And when leaving the house, just press the “No one is there” button, and the lights will turn off everywhere, the taps will close, the climate control will switch to economy mode, the security alarm system will turn on.

You can manage your home remotely. To do this, just run special program on a computer, tablet or smartphone, enter a password and gain access to the control panel or, say, home surveillance cameras.

Well, another undeniable advantage of the “smart home” system is its flexibility. Here it is not necessary to install all the components at once: you can first organize, for example, only smart lighting, replacing numerous switches with one remote control, but at the same time provide for the possibility of further development.

In this case, the house will “get smarter” gradually, which will allow expenses to be distributed more evenly.

Smart home - a comprehensive solution

The main advantage of smart home systems is considered to be complexity, integration of all vital utility networks buildings into one interactive one. When choosing a company that offers to implement automatic control home, you should pay attention to the history and number of completed projects. It is also necessary to take into account the range of equipment provided by the seller.

Networks in smart homes are connected by logical automation systems.

So, one company may offer you high-quality light control, but it may not have a multi-room system (for more details, see the “Power over media” block).

Or vice versa, the company provides good management home theater and switching of audio and video signals, but does not provide full control of lighting, climate, and curtain systems. Of course, it is more convenient and reliable to work with those who implement all the components.

Smart home technologies: basic operating principles

To use the intelligent capabilities of technology, devices must be combined. Today, there are dozens of technologies for organizing a smart home.

Among them are:

  • solutions using a system bus - a special cable that is laid in a building to transmit control commands for smart devices;
  • technologies where control commands are transmitted via electrical wiring;
  • wireless radio systems.

Bus technology usually involves the use of three types of devices:

  • sensors and detectors (light, temperature, motion, etc.);
  • executive modules that execute commands from devices of the first group;
  • system devices (control units, power supplies, logic automation modules).

A smart home bus system can be controlled constantly or only for setup from a single center, or it may not have a central module at all.

In the second case, the smart system will work under the control of distributed intelligence, when the devices themselves detect the presence of other smart devices and offer certain operating scenarios.

Tire technologies, which are usually used during the construction phase, are distinguished by their reliability, ease of modernization, but also high price. If it is necessary to equip an already built house with intelligence, it makes sense to use other solutions.

In systems where signals are transmitted via electrical wiring, it is possible to equip any outlet with a transceiver - a receiver of radio signals from wireless remote control devices.

Transceivers connected to sockets, as well as automatic or controlled controllers, form commands for executive modules, which activate smart home equipment.

In the case of wireless systems, smart modules built into the equipment (controllers, control devices, sensors) can exchange signals, receive information from control panels and relay commands.

Photos from the Privatny Dom magazine were used in preparing the material.

The term “smart home” refers to a system for automating home processes. Its task is to ensure the safety and comfort of users, control the consumption of resources, and notify about the current situation in the home. In its advanced version, a smart home is able to respond to certain situations in accordance with pre-established scenarios. What does such a system consist of and what are its advantages?

Technical basis of the technology

The basis of smart homes in Europe, the USA and Russia is an automated home control system. Often this concept is replaced by the term automated control system, which is understood as a complex of automation of engineering systems.

The systems include air conditioning, energy supply, heating, ventilation, alarm and a number of others. In developed countries, almost all modern buildings equipped with automatic control system. Russia is coming to this as well.

Automation in smart home technology is divided into 3 levels. Each of them has specific functions:

  • Upper. At this level, the smart building complex is administered. It is where people (residents) interact with the system using an interface that is understandable to people.
  • Average. Here the connection between the individual components of the automated control system is carried out. This level includes switching equipment, controllers, switches, control panels, incl. remote.
  • Lower. This level includes actuators and sensors that respond to changes in indicators environment, as well as means for switching with the middle level.

Recently, standards have been in force in Russia that define aspects of the installation and configuration of a smart building system. In the rest of the world, this area is regulated by a set of standards labeled ISO 16484-XX.

Systems included in a smart home

As is already known, the term in question represents the complex work of the engineering systems of a house. Thanks to scalability, it is not necessary to connect all the systems in the house at once. If the budget is modest, or there is no need to control all aspects of the house, you can start automating with the important ones.

Modern smart home systems are capable of combining the following aspects of a building into a single whole:

  • Control. Wall-mounted remote controls and wall panels make it possible to remotely control the operation of electrical appliances, multiroom, and actuators.
  • Climate control. Automated or automatic regulation of temperature, humidity and other microclimate indicators. This applies to both individual rooms and the entire apartment as a whole.
  • Lighting. Light level control and automatic adjustment lighting fixtures. Rational energy consumption. Automated control of shutters and blinds on windows.
  • Energy supply. Ensuring uninterrupted supply of electricity to consumers. Connecting a reserve if necessary, switching to alternative energy, saving electricity.
  • Safety. Video surveillance, access control to an apartment or individual premises, telemetry. A smart home can simulate the presence of owners in the house to prevent intrusion from the outside.
  • Entertainment. Multiroom, which unites multimedia devices in the home and makes it possible to control them from any room. There is a speakerphone and remote intercom function.

It is noteworthy that in Europe, building automation is aimed primarily at energy saving, and only then at ensuring the comfort of residents. In Russia, the situation is exactly the opposite - the main task is to increase comfort and create an image, and only after that security, alarm and savings.

Technologies used

To control a smart home, various data transfer protocols, controllers, control panels and other devices are widely used. Some of them deserve special attention. Here they are:

  • Z-Wave protocol. This is a wireless communication protocol designed specifically for home automation. In practice, the protocol is implemented as compact radio communication modules built into smart home electronic devices. The protocol is optimized for the transmission of simple commands, which determines its speed and minimum latency, as well as resistance to interference.
  • KMX tire. This is a communication bus that is widely used in home automation systems. Smart home electronic devices are connected to this bus, after which they are able to exchange data with each other. Data transmission over the bus can be carried out using means such as twisted pair cable, power line, radio channel and Internet connection.
  • Integra control panel. This is a fire alarm panel from the manufacturer SATEL. An indispensable element of a smart home equipped fire protection system. Panels of this type are used to organize fire alarm on small, medium and large objects.

You need to understand that smart home technology does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Some protocols become obsolete and are replaced by new ones. Therefore, you need to follow the updates in order to keep up with life.

Composition of an automated home

We have already figured out what a smart home is and what you can do with it. It is equally important to understand what elements such technology consists of - this will help during selection, installation and further operation.

The design of a modern home process automation complex includes three categories of devices:

  • Controllers. These are administrative devices that switch individual elements systems into a single complex. The controllers also provide residents with the ability to control automation.
  • Sensors These devices read information from the environment and monitor its changes. Signals from the sensors are sent to the controller, it processes them and acts according to the automated control system script.
  • Actuators. This category includes actuators that execute system commands. These are mechanical drives, switches, fire sirens, valves on pipes and other devices.

To send signals from motion sensors and other sensors to the controller, radio communication is most often used. In home systems, standards such as 869 MHz, 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz are common. In addition to ordinary radio communications, data transmission via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth protocols is used. Transmission of information to the security console or the owner of the building is carried out using an Internet connection or mobile communications.

Types of sensors

Dozens of different sensors can be used as part of a smart home. They are classified into types according to their purpose. It is not necessary to install sensors of each type - you can limit yourself to one or two, and later add other devices if the need arises. The most common sensors used in automated control systems are:

  • Movements. They monitor the coverage area and track the appearance of moving objects. They are used in automated control systems for lighting, air conditioning, heating and alarm systems.
  • Presence. The operating principle is similar to the motion sensor, but the sensitivity is noticeably higher. Because of this, such devices are not used for security, but are often used in lighting control.
  • Temperatures. Indispensable devices for monitoring home air conditioning and heating. For more advanced microclimate settings, it is recommended to install temperature and humidity sensors.
  • Sound. Sensors respond to the sound of breaking glass, thereby tracking unauthorized entry of intruders into the house. For accurate operation, they are installed next to windows.
  • Opening doors. These sensors have a similar purpose to glass breaking sound sensors. When the house is set to alarm, opening the door instantly triggers the alarm.

Optional, but recommended for use, are sensors for gas leakage, dampness, water pressure and leakage. These sensors respond to events such as fire, room filling with natural and other types of gas, and flooding. The importance of prompt response in such cases cannot be overestimated. This also applies to fire sensors that warn of a fire.

Types of home automation

A smart home can easily work without actuators, however, their presence significantly increases the comfort of residents, and also simplifies some processes. The most commonly used types of actuators are:

  • Mechanical drives. They are installed on garage doors, doors and window shutters. After this, it becomes possible to close and open doors and windows without wasting a second of time.
  • Fire extinguishing devices. After detecting a fire, the controller sends commands to the actuators responsible for extinguishing the fire. Extinguishing can be carried out either with water or with a special powder.
  • Drives for curtains and blinds. This is one aspect of a multiroom and lighting control system. When you turn on the “Cinema” mode, the smart home automatically closes the curtains and blinds to make it darker.

This is not the entire list of actuators compatible with home automation. New species are constantly appearing.

Benefits of Automation

The technology in question would not have gained such popularity and demand in different countries world, if it didn’t have a lot of advantages. It is worth noting the advantages and capabilities of home automation systems:

  • Saving electrical energy due to more rational use of it day and night.
  • Convenient control of multimedia devices and electrical appliances from anywhere in the house.
  • Obtaining up-to-date data on the condition of housing and the people living in it at a great distance.
  • Remote control of people's access to premises, calling a response team in case of intrusion.
  • The ability to prevent fire, flooding, household gas explosions and other incidents.
  • Automation of watering plants, ventilation, heating of rooms, and other household processes.

It is noteworthy that you can make an automated system with your own hands. You can start with a simple Arduino-based controller, a couple of smart sockets and sensors that respond to movement. Even from this set it is possible to make a complex that will significantly increase the comfort of residents, allow you to turn electrical appliances on and off from a distance, and reduce energy costs. Then the network can be expanded.

Today, automation systems are no longer an expensive luxury, but a technology accessible to the general consumer. If you want to make life easier and more comfortable, consider implementing a home automation system.