Tomato tree or octopus: how to grow it at home. Tomato tree: a beautiful fairy tale or reality

Breeders – amazing people, capable of striking the imagination with the results of their work. Their new creation - a tomato tree - caused a storm of emotions among summer residents and gardeners.

Uninformed people may not even know that such a plant exists in nature. However, this is not a fairy tale, but a tomato hybrid bred by professionals. It was not called the octopus for nothing: as it develops, the bush, like the animal of the same name, entwines itself in the greenhouse. The tomato tree Octopus f1 is an indeterminate variety. This means that the possibility of hyperintensive growth is genetically inherent in it.

The plant realizes its potential only under proper growing conditions.

An adult tree is amazing: a height of 4 m is far from the limit for it, the diameter of the crown is up to 6 m. An ordinary-looking bush grows to such a size in just 1-1.5 years. It is incredibly productive - yielding up to 14,000 tomatoes (approx. total weight 1.5 t).

Every 2-3 leaves, clusters of 5-6 tomatoes are formed on the giant. Each weight is 0.1-0.16 kg. The round fruits have excellent taste. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. The giant is developing using hydroponic agricultural technology in a greenhouse that is continuously heated. The changing seasons of the Russian climate are detrimental to the bush. Without protection he will not survive.

When growing a tomato tree, the first 7-8 months concentrate on the active development of green mass. During this period, tomatoes are not allowed to ripen. After the crown has formed, the phase of intensive fruiting begins. There is no need to trim the shoots: they all bloom and delight with tomatoes.

The tree needs intensive nutrition. Susceptible to various diseases.

The tomato tree Octopus f1 is simply a fantastic tomato, the long-term cultivation of which will require the use of modern agricultural technologies.

An exotic plant can also be grown in ordinary greenhouses. The easiest way to do this is in the warm season: before the cold weather sets in, the bush will have time to stretch out enough and produce a harvest (up to 10 kg).

Variety f1 produces fruits before the first frost, tomatoes are stored well. Considering this, you can get fresh vegetables for 8-10 months.

Peculiarities seasonal cultivation plants:

  1. Seeds are sown early: in January or February. Additional lighting and heating will help the seedlings appear faster and ensure full growth of the seedlings.
  2. At the beginning of summer, it is time to plant young plants in open ground or a greenhouse.
  3. Pinching the main root will stimulate the formation of shoots.
  4. To ensure there is enough space for spreading bushes, plants are planted at a distance of 1.5 m from each other.
  5. Shoots do not take steps.
  6. The tree needs regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers.
  7. The culture loves abundant and systematic watering.
  8. Disease prevention is an important undertaking. The rhizome is treated with iodine solution: 1 bottle of the substance is poured into 10 liters of water.
  9. It is possible to propagate a tomato tree vegetatively. For this purpose, healthy stems are cut from the plant at the end of the season. They are used as cuttings and rooted in a greenhouse.

Even without special skills and special equipment, you can grow a tomato tree and reap a pretty good harvest.

To use this method, you will have to stock up on:

  • Continuously heated greenhouse equipped with fluorescent lamps.
  • Container for planting (height - not less than 0.5 m, area - 1-1.5 m2). An old bathtub will do.
  • A lid for the container that will protect the nutritional composition from high temperature in summer. It is made from sheet foam. A hole is made in the center for the wood.
  • Dishes for diluting solutions.
  • Compressors. They will saturate the nutrient fluid with air.
  • Specific fertilizers - components of the hydroponic solution (Chesnokov and Bazyrina).
  • Glassy. Planting cubes will be made from it.

Hydroponic technologies – best option for cultivating exotic plants.

Hydroponics: how to proceed?

The first stage is preparing a nutrient solution. For the substance you will need:

  • 0.2 kg ammonium nitrate
  • 0.5 kg potassium
  • 0.009 g iron citrate
  • 0.55 kg superphosphate
  • 0.003 kg boric acid
  • 0.3 kg magnesium
  • 0.002 kg manganese sulfate

It will be easier to work if you prepare the mother liquor first. You need to add a little water to all the components separately. Drain all liquids into one 10 liter container. Fill it to the top with water and mix everything thoroughly. When needed nutrient solution, 1 liter of the resulting concentrate is dissolved in 100 liters of water.

Further actions:

  1. Seeds are sown in August. They are placed in a recess made in a glass wool cube (20x20 cm).
  2. The blanks are moistened with the prepared nutrient liquid. Place in a container filled with the same solution. The cube should be half immersed in it. The surface of the glass wool should not be allowed to dry out: it should be moistened several times a day.
  3. Before sprouting, the cubes are hidden under a lid. They will appear in approximately 60 days. From this moment on, air supply tubes are supplied under each cube.
  4. The protection is removed. Seedlings develop until 5-7 leaves appear. For them, it is important to maintain optimal temperature conditions and lighting.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the seedlings will develop quickly. Soon the plants will need support. For this purpose, a mesh is stretched at a height of 2.5 m, which is entwined with tree shoots.

Using the hydroponic method requires considerable effort and considerable costs.

Maximum enthusiasm, love for everything unusual - and a fabulous tomato tree will grow in the greenhouse. In the open ground it will not become gigantic, but it will please you with abundant harvests.

More information can be found in the video.

The dream of any vegetable grower or just a tomato lover is to grow big harvest this tasty, juicy, useful product. But for this you need to plant great amount plants, care for them, so that later great pleasure pick red fruits, and then can them, process them into juices, and so on.

It may seem like just a fantasy to want to grow a real tomato tree, so as not to bother with dozens or hundreds of bushes, but to plant two or three such trees, care for them and collect tomatoes as they ripen. But there really is such a giant plant. Let's figure out how to grow a tomato tree in your garden.

Imagine a real tree, the crown of which is completely strewn with tomatoes. And its trunk is not like that of a baobab, but fragile, thin, which can break without tying it up. Fruits begin to appear on the branches after flowering. At first they are green, and then, after reaching a certain size and “maturity”, they turn red. Here it is unusual tree Can, having put in a lot of work and having patience, grow on your own summer cottage in the garden.

However, a tomato tree does not easily turn into a Klondike tomato. It doesn’t always take root everywhere. Climate and soil are the main conditions that can affect its “life.” Although even now enthusiasts manage to grow tomatoes in open ground, not to mention greenhouses.

The Japanese showed everyone who is trying to “make a fairy tale come true”, ensuring that from one tomato tree get a huge harvest that their efforts are not in vain. Back in 1985, enthusiasts from the Land of the Rising Sun grew a tomato vine from just one tomato seed in six months, on which, almost losing count, “Unbelieving Thomas” counted 13,312 fruits! Here, of course, there were some who were gaining strength computer technology. From the day of “birth” until “growing up,” i.e., until the moment ripe tomatoes appeared on the tree, it was monitored around the clock by computers that constantly regulated modes:

  • air;
  • drip irrigation;
  • lighting.

Tomato tree or tomato tree Octopus F1 – bred several years ago hybrid variety racem tomatoes, which has aroused great interest among farmers, gardeners and summer residents who like various innovations and wonders. Unusual plant is indeterminate, i.e. having no restrictions in growth, a hybrid with a well-developed ability to intensively form shoots. Its height can reach 4 meters or even more, and its crown area can be 40-50 square meters. meters. The annual harvest of Sprut F1 is simply fantastic - about 14 thousand tomatoes, the total weight of which is 1.5 tons.

The miracle tomato got its name for a reason - the tomato tree, like an octopus, entwines itself with the entire frame of the greenhouse built for it. The main features of this variety of tomatoes are enormous growth energy, power, productivity and disease resistance. He is genetically endowed with a powerful root system and well-developed surface leaf apparatus.

The brush of the hybrid Sprut F1 is laid after two or three leaves. Each of them produces 5-6 fruits with an average weight of 100-160 grams. Tomatoes are round in shape, fleshy, juicy, with excellent taste.

The growth process of a tomato tree lasts on average 1-1.5 years, so climatic conditions In Russia, productive cultivation is possible only in year-round heated and illuminated greenhouses. The first 7-8 months need to focus on the formation of the tree, not allowing it to bear fruit. There is no need to carry out pinching in the crown - all shoots should bloom and produce a harvest. Further, when the crown has already formed, a period of fruit formation and active fruiting begins.

Tomatoes of the Sprut F1 variety can be planted in both professional and amateur greenhouses. When grown in a regular greenhouse for three summer months beginner gardenercan get pretty tall plant, which will bear about 10 kg of fruit per season. But intensive mineral nutrition in addition to the most favorable conditions (enough heat and light) will allow you to grow huge tree with good yield.

When growing a tomato tree in a professional greenhouse, you should abandon soil and soil - potential breeding grounds and reservoirs of pests and diseases. Despite the good disease resistance of Octopus F1, it is advisable to exclude unfavorable factors that can harm the plant. For this indeterminate tomato, the hydroponic method is best suited, i.e. method of growing without soil on an artificial nutrient medium. It will provide good air permeability to the roots of the plant, which will prevent the entry of too much moisture and drying out. The tree will receive nutrition and moisture in doses. Glass wool cubes can be used as a substratum (solid soil substitute). For full development Octopus F1 Special attention should be given fertilizing with mineral salts.

It is also permissible to grow a tomato tree in open ground, but in this case the height and yield of the plant will be much more modest.

The tomato tree Sprut F1 is a miracle of selection that absolutely anyone can grow if desired. A little patience, enthusiasm and love for your work - and your greenhouse will be decorated with a luxurious plant, and your table will be decorated with juicy and tasty tomatoes.

The French call the tomato the apple of love, perhaps this is what inspired the breeders to create this miracle tree. In terms of external characteristics and size, a bush of such tomatoes is in no way inferior to an apple tree. Genetically, the “octopus” hybrid has the ability for intensive growth, and the height of individual representatives exceeds 5 m. For many gardeners, the tomato tree is something of a fairy tale; most simply have no idea that such a plant really exists. However, such a variety exists, although it was developed relatively recently. His productivity is amazing. Only it requires appropriate care. Let's try to figure out what kind of vegetable this is and how to grow it.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The Octopus tomato variety is difficult to confuse with any other. The bush grows for a long time; it reaches its maximum maturity and fruiting phase approximately in the second year of life. The height of an adult plant is over 4 meters, and long branches of the semi-liana type weave throughout the entire territory provided. The diameter of the crown of a tomato tree occupies an area of ​​5-7 meters. At the same time, fruits are formed on each branch and on each shoot. In total, one tree produces more than a ton of vegetables. The shoot is powerful and highly branched, all stems are partly lignified. Has a well developed

The tomato got its name thanks to its branches, which, like an octopus, entwine the entire frame of the greenhouse built for the tree.

The fruits of the octopus are medium in size, their weight does not exceed 200 grams. The shape of the tomatoes is regular and round. The pulp is juicy with a small number of seed chambers, covered with a thin bright red skin. The fruits are also suitable for consumption fresh, and for various preparations (pickling, juices, pastes, etc.). They are stored for a long time and retain their presentation.

Features of the variety

Of course, the tomato tree is one continuous feature; everything about it is unique and unusual. Firstly, this is the only variety that grows in woody form and forms perennial. Secondly, it's amazing productive variety. All its features were derived through long laboratory experiments and today they make farmers happy.

Tomato seeds “Octopus”

Country of origin, growing regions

Initially, the tomato tree could only be found in crop farms South America. Later they began to import it to Europe, where it was problematic to create the necessary conditions for it. A Japanese scientist-breeder began working on the octopus hybrid about 30 years ago, and the variety was introduced to the markets for general use only in the last decade. The variety spread throughout the world very quickly and became a real sensation among gardeners.

It can be grown almost everywhere, but only in greenhouse conditions. In open ground, the octopus can only be bred in a humid, hot climate, that is, in our country, the tomato tree can only be grown in greenhouses. Productivity is also significantly reduced in areas with short daylight hours or extreme temperature changes.

Octopus tomatoes were developed in South America

Advantages and disadvantages

The tomato tree has many advantages, which is why it has won such affection for it. In the foreground is its highest productivity. No other bush produces so many fruits (15,000 pieces) during the growing season. Excellent taste also sets it apart from the rest. Resistance to nightshade diseases and high shelf life of the crop also make it a favorite of gardeners.

However, those who want to try growing this variety of tomatoes need to know about the disadvantages that the octopus also has:

  • need in abundant feeding and many nutrients;
  • fruiting only in the second year after planting (in the first summer the bush will only gain growth and become covered with dense foliage);
  • the need to provide the bush large territory And complex design crown supports;
  • whimsical care;
  • negative reaction to cold temperatures(although the variety tolerates extreme heat without consequences).

The Octopus tomato needs special care, in particular, the allocation of a large area for cultivation

When growing a tomato tree for the first year, plant ordinary ones, since you will not get a harvest in the first season.


The advantages of a variety are only half the success; one of the most important factors affecting productivity is compliance with agricultural technology and all the rules for growing a tomato tree. This exotic plant requires particularly careful care and vigilant monitoring of the constancy of growing conditions. Before you buy octopus seeds (and they are not easy to find and they cost a lot), carefully read the instructions for cultivating it so that it does not become an unpleasant surprise later.

Read about how to plant tomatoes correctly.

Before you start growing, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of cultivating this plant.

By the way, this variety does not need any. All its shoots actively bloom and bear fruit.

In the open ground

If the climate of your region does not prevent this method , then you can safely sow the tomato tree immediately in a permanent place. It is not possible to plant octopus seedlings, since the seedlings have highly developed adventitious roots that can be damaged during transportation. One seed is planted on a bed with an area of ​​1 m * 1 m. The soil must be well warmed up, and do not forget (and before that, spill hot water for disinfection). The composition of the soil should include as many natural organic components as possible, such as humus, compost, and chernozem. The soil should be loose and have good drainage properties (at this point, gravel is poured into the bottom of the bed, and the main layer is mixed with sand).

The octopus should be planted at the end of winter - beginning of spring, focusing on weather. Remember that the plant is susceptible to low temperatures, especially in the early stages of growth. It is recommended to cover the young shoot with film at night until it gets stronger. Choose a windless place so that nothing prevents the crown from forming correctly.

When planting a tomato in open ground, you must immediately carefully select the planting site.

Tomato bushes do not tolerate drought, so in open ground conditions it is important to pay special attention to the watering regime.

In the greenhouse

In the first year of cultivation, it is permissible to use chemicals to get rid of pathogenic bacteria or insect pests. But when the bush enters the phase of active fruiting, such treatment is unacceptable; it can be harmful to your health.



  1. tomato tree, or octopus, actually exists and was bred by Japanese breeders.
  2. The yield of one bush of this variety exceeds the indicators collection from 100 bushes of any other type.
  3. Octopus is fastidious in care and needs constant temperature conditions, regular watering And large quantities nutrients to increase disease resistance.
  4. In our country it is best to grow tomato tree in a greenhouse.
  5. Think carefully before purchasing this variety. can you provide everything the necessary conditions for its proper development and high yields.

You can read about why tomatoes rot.

Japanese experts do not stop and continue to amaze own discoveries! Now they have brought amazing view tomatoes that grow on trees. This magic of selection is called a tomato tree, and it can be grown in any garden from one tiny seed.

tomato tree considered a mixed F1 plant. There are currently no analogues or identical hybrids in the world, remaining unique and exclusive. Of course, domestic breeders were close to the formation of such a phenomenon. At the end of the 80s of the last century, from the seeds of tomatoes of the Podarok variety, they bred tomato trees, from each of which they collected 13 kilograms of fruit. The project had to be stopped due to perestroika that came to the country. As a result, it remained unfinished.

Have you seen a huge tomato tree?

Yes, amazing plantNo Unfortunately

The tomato tree is considered an indeterminate plant. It will also be interesting to know:

  • That in 1-1.5 years its branches can increase by several meters in length. The crown area averages from 45 to 55 square meters, and the height of the tree varies between 3-5 meters.
  • It is considered a late ripening species; fruits begin to form 140-160 days after planting the seeds. For this reason, seeds for seedlings should be planted at the end of February.
  • In the form of a tree, the tomato variety can only grow in year-round greenhouses. When grown in open ground It is possible to purchase only an ordinary tall tomato bush.
  • The fruits of this variety are considered to be cluster fruits. Each cluster produces from 4 to 7 fruits, and a new cluster is formed after 2-3 leaves. Breeders notice that all tomatoes, without exception, turn out straight and identical in size. The moderate weight of each tomato remains between 110-140 g.

  • The tomato variety has a rounded shape, slightly flattened on top. The color is distinguished by the intensity and purity of scarlet color. The fruit usually consists of 6 chambers.
  • The dry matter content is approximately 2%, which is why the tomatoes have different taste qualities. Strong and fleshy tomatoes can be preserved quite for a long time in a cold room. The fruits are absolutely capable of staying fresh until the Christmas celebrations.

Growing in open ground

Many gardeners believe that a tomato tree at home should only be grown in greenhouses specially prepared for this purpose, but in practice this possibility of growing a tomato tree in open ground has been confirmed more than once suburban area. You just need to form the plant optimal conditions following specific tips:

  • Sowing of seeds should be carried out much earlier than in the case of other types of tomatoes, while autumn-winter period seedlings need additional unnatural lighting.
  • In order to enhance the growth of new roots, it is imperative to pinch the main root.
  • Planting of seedlings should be carried out according to the scheme 40x60x140 cm, since a bush-shaped tomato tree in a mature state can reach a diameter of 3-4 m (when grown in greenhouses, this value is larger); as in greenhouse conditions, pinching a plant in open ground is not required.
  • You always need to remember about fertilizing, which is carried out using the root method (the same forming agents as for greenhouse plants are excellent for the role of fertilizers).

  • Mandatory and constant prevention of plants from pests and diseases, which are often “guests” on it.
  • To increase crop productivity, yellowed, old leaves located at the bottom of the trunk should be eliminated as an integral part of the crop ( this process taken even during the period of fruit ripening per 1 flower cluster).
  • The tree loves heat very much, for this reason it is recommended to plant it in a well-lit place (low illumination of the plant is considered one of the main factors for the poor development of the ovaries of the upcoming fruits).

How to grow a tomato tree at home

Not so long ago, many gardeners got used to growing a tomato tree in an apartment, not only as a decoration, but also for fruit.

  1. It is possible to plant the seeds of this plant at any time of the year, but in general it is more correct to do this in the spring:
  2. For planting, it is recommended to use loose, nutritious soil with coarse sand.
  3. You can purchase this kind of substrate at any garden shopping center.
  4. Before planting, the soil is disinfected by sprinkling with a slightly saturated substance of potassium permanganate.
  5. Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm, sprayed with a spray bottle and covered clear glass or film.
  6. The best temperature for seedlings is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.

The initial rudiments will appear within 15-20 days, as well as:

  1. In the first period of life, the sprouts are not characterized by rapid growth.
  2. With excellent care and growing conditions, after a year it is possible to purchase a bush approximately 2 meters high.
  3. A month after sowing the seeds, the seedlings are transplanted into individual containers.
  4. Subsequent picking of plants is carried out every 3 months with a change of pot 3 liters larger than the previous one.

Considering that the tomato tree has a shallow root system, large and not very solid containers with drainage holes should be used.

Diseases and pests

The tomato tree is generally quite resistant to pests. The use of insecticides and vehicle sanitation measures are considered important criteria to reduce crop losses. Use biological methods pest control. The tomato tree is susceptible to cucumber mosaic virus and late blight.

Late blight


For a closer look at the tomato tree, you can view the following photographs.

As you can see, practically no specialized conditions are required for growing a tomato tree on your own plot; of course, in open ground it will most likely become a bush-like plant, while planting in a specially equipped greenhouse will make it possible to acquire an abundant harvest directly from the tree-like form of the crop.