Positive conclusion of the state examination of engineering surveys. Examination of project documentation: what is it and what does it come with?

- the most important document accompanying the procedure for official registration of construction at the initial stage. Let's take a comprehensive look at issues related to this topic.

What is state examination of design documentation?

Construction is a complex and costly process that requires careful calculations (both technical and material). That is why any construction begins not with laying the foundation, but with the development of a project.

Project documentation is a set of text documents, diagrams and cartographic materials necessary to determine the architectural, functional-technological, structural and engineering characteristics of the planned construction project. However, simply developing design documentation is not enough. It is necessary that the completed design work be assessed by specialists. For this purpose, the design documentation is submitted for examination.

Expertise project documentation(can be carried out by both a government organization and a non-government organization) is a set of studies established by law, carried out in relation to the developed project to determine its compliance with current legislative and technical standards and requirements. During the examination, the following may be identified:

  • significant violations of current legislation;
  • violations that can cause loss of strength and destruction of the structure;
  • violations that are potentially dangerous due to possible emergency situations.
  • In addition, a necessary stage preceding the actual start of construction of the planned facility is the preparation and receipt of:
  • project documentation;
  • positive expert opinion;
  • building permits.

Thus, the purpose of the examination is not only to identify errors and inconsistencies made during the design, but also to obtain a favorable conclusion necessary to obtain a construction permit.

What is the result of the examination of project documentation (both state and non-state)?

Based on the results of the expert analysis of the project documentation, a conclusion is issued, which contains one of the following conclusions:

  1. The documentation complies with existing requirements, standards and regulations (this conclusion indicates positive conclusion of the examination of project documentation).
  2. The documentation does not meet the necessary requirements and standards (such a conclusion will be negative).

Issues related to the examination of project documentation, including the procedure for drawing up a conclusion based on research results, are reflected in sufficient detail in the legislation. The regulations governing this area of ​​construction include:

  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Government Decree “On approval of the regulations on the organization and conduct of non-state examination of project documentation...” dated March 31, 2012 No. 272;
  • Government Decree “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation...” dated March 5, 2007 No. 145;
  • Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia “On approval of the requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination of design documentation...” dated December 9, 2015 No. 887/pr.

In this regard, special attention is paid to the rules for drawing up the conclusion: in form and content it must comply with the rules established by law.

Form and content of the examination report

The conclusion is a document in paper or in electronic format. At the same time, the same form is provided for both positive and negative results of expert work. These conclusions differ only in the text on the title page, where the title includes both results: “Positive (negative) expert opinion” (the unclaimed option is crossed out).

The expert opinion consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Basis for the development of design documentation.
  3. Description of the materials considered.
  4. Conclusions.

Conclusions are what the examination is for. They indicate whether the design documentation complies with established standards and requirements or not. Moreover, each summary of non-compliance must be supported by references to regulatory documents.

In the conclusion, blots, additions, or any other corrections or damage to the text that do not clearly understand the result of the expert work are not allowed. The paper report must consist of numbered sheets stitched together and be certified by the seal of the organization that conducted the examination. In electronic form, the document is generated in PDF format.

The conclusion is signed by the experts indicating:

  • last name, first name, patronymic;
  • positions;
  • areas of activity according to the qualification certificate;
  • section of the project documentation on which the expert prepared his conclusion.

The document is approved by the head of the expert organization. If the conclusion is prepared electronically, then it is approved by an enhanced qualified electronic signature leader. Title page the conclusion is drawn up in accordance with the sample - appendix to order No. 887/pr.

How to increase the chances of receiving a positive conclusion?

In order to eventually become the owner positive conclusion of the examination of project documentation, you must first approach the development of this very documentation with all seriousness. The Urban Planning Code determines that project documentation can be prepared either by the developer himself or by a contractor engaged by him on the basis of a contract. At the same time, paragraph 4 of Art. 48 of the code establishes that types of work in the development of project documentation that affect the safety of capital construction projects must be carried out only by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities authorized for such work (this is confirmed by a special certificate). If the developer is not confident in the competence of his specialists, it is better to entrust the preparation of project documentation to professionals who provide such services.

The next step to obtaining a positive expert opinion is choosing the institution that will conduct the examination. Legislation, with the exception of a small number of cases when only state examination is allowed, leaves to the customer the right to choose an expert institution and the type of examination.

If the choice falls on a non-governmental institution that provides expert services, it is necessary to check whether the organization is accredited to conduct the examination. Accreditation is confirmed by a corresponding certificate issued Federal service on accreditation (Rosaccreditation), as well as the availability of data from the expert institution in the Register of accredited organizations. Information from the register can be obtained on the website of the Federal Agency for Accreditation at the address: http://fsa.gov.ru/.

What to do if the examination result is negative?

If the result of the examination, despite all the efforts made to prepare the project documentation, turns out to be negative, there are several options to correct the situation:

  1. With the help of lawyers, draw up a statement of claim and go to court, trying to challenge the results of the examination. However, you need to understand that this option contains 2 negative points:
    • the length and cost of legal proceedings;
    • lack of guarantees of obtaining a court decision in favor of the plaintiff-developer.
  2. Contact specialists and finalize the design documentation in accordance with the experts’ comments. The only negative aspect of this option is the additional costs for the services of professionals to finalize the design documentation.
  3. Appeal the expert opinion to the Ministry regional development in the manner approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated March 23, 2012 No. 126. According to this document, you can file a complaint about the result of expert research of the project within 3 years from the date of approval of the conclusion. In response to the complaint, the ministry organizes an expert commission of 5 specialists, which within 30 days (or 60 if the consideration period is extended) must make one of the decisions:
    • on confirmation of the expert opinion;
    • failure to confirm the expert opinion.

The decision of the expert commission is binding on the expert organization that issued the controversial conclusion.

As you can see, in order to obtain a positive expert opinion on project documents, it is necessary not only to conduct a serious and responsible preparatory work, but also to calculate the procedure for further actions to protect their rights and interests (in case the result of the expert organization’s work is a negative conclusion).

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State examination is important and effective method public administration and control.

Expertise means analysis, research, assessment, the result of which is a conclusion that meets the requirements of approved standards, norms and rules and meets the interests of society and the state.

The main goal, which expertise contributes to, is to reduce the likelihood of accepting suboptimal management decisions.

Unfortunately, there is no scientifically developed terminological dictionary in the field of expert activity; uncertainty in terminology in many cases gives rise to problems of interpretation. Expert activity is mixed with other activities and functions performed. In our view, expertise is a type of professional activity associated with the study of an object (problem) in order to increase the validity of decisions made in conditions of partial uncertainty, contradictions or conflict with the presentation of a reasoned conclusion. It is necessary to emphasize the functional affiliation of expertise to the process of making management decisions. The scientific nature of expert methods and the exploratory nature of the examination play a role important role in the system of scientific support for decision making.

State examination is carried out in an area that is recognized as significant from the point of view of state and public interests and therefore requires special protective guarantees provided by the state. The participation of experts is especially necessary when developing priorities for socio-economic, scientific, technical and technological development, and distributing taxpayer funds for programs and projects of targeted research and innovation-technological activities in various spheres of the economy and society. As practice has shown recent years, expert councils actively created in government bodies make it possible to successfully attract (almost on a voluntary basis) the scientific and managerial elite of the country and specialists with great practical experience. This allows you to save significant budget funds and eliminates existing disagreements on certain issues.

The social significance of expert activity, which in many cases is carried out with the participation of civil servants, seems to be virtually undisputed today. It is important to develop appropriate scientific, methodological, information, as well as personnel support, on which the efficient organization works

State examination is a legally established activity of authorized organizations (expert organizations) and individuals (experts), carried out according to government order on a contractual basis and related to the conduct of research, study, evaluation of a specific object (subject of examination), as well as the preparation and execution of conclusions, recommendations (expert opinions) on the subject of examination.

Currently, a multi-level system of expert service is being formed: expert councils are created and work in separate government institutions, in district authorities and information centers. Expert activity is also considered as an important component of professional activity: expert functions are introduced into job responsibilities a number of specialists. Developed and implemented learning programs vocational training experts.

1. The concept of state examination

Expert activity refers to research activities. The expert opinion and other results obtained during the implementation are considered the results of research activities.

The concept of "expert" intersects with practical solution pressing tasks. Dictionary foreign words defines an expert as “a knowledgeable person invited in controversial situations or difficult cases for examination.” Legal encyclopedic Dictionary, reflecting the specifics of the legal field, offers the following interpretation the term “expert”: “a person who has special knowledge and is involved by investigative bodies, courts and other state (for example, arbitration) and public (for example, arbitration court) bodies of affairs to conduct an examination.”

Expert assessment is a motivated expert judgment. Individual, group and collective expert assessments are possible. Individual assessments can be obtained using ranking, point and pair assessments.

Expert system - system artificial intelligence, which includes a knowledge base with a set of rules and inference mechanisms, which allows, based on the rules and facts provided by the user, to recognize a situation, make a diagnosis, formulate a solution or give a recommendation for choosing an action. Expert knowledge is the source of database formation.

Expert opinion - document, result expert assessment.

The expert method is a set of logical and mathematical procedures aimed at obtaining information from experts, analyzing and summarizing it in order to prepare and make a competent decision. The essence of the method is for experts to analyze the problem with qualitative and quantitative processing of the results of individual expert assessments.

The stages of expert assessment are interconnected procedures through which the expert method is implemented. First stage includes the definition of goals and tasks that must be solved by experts, measures of responsibility and rights working group, timing of the examination, selection of experts to conduct the examination, determination of their competence. The next stage is the most important The final stage expert assessment, providing the basis for a competent decision.

An examination situation is a situation when a subject is involved in a diagnosis (for example, the level of mental development of a person, the causes of deviant behavior of a teenager, the state of the criminal at the time of committing a crime, professional suitability, etc.) in a mandatory (compulsory) manner at an administrative request and perceives it as an exam .

Expert status is a set of rights and obligations, powers and responsibilities of an expert.

The method of expert assessments has logically interconnected stages, which are the main stages of the examination.

The initial stage (organization of examination) includes:

·Definition of the purpose and objectives of the examination, formulation of the problem.

·Determining the level of responsibility, rights and powers of the working group of experts.

· Establishing the timing of the examination.

·Selection of experts, formation expert groups(if necessary, determining their competence).

The main stage of the examination is associated with collecting data, conducting research work and expert assessment, analysis of available material. The technology of examination, the use of a set of methods and evaluation criteria depend on the nature of the examination and the scope of its application.

Expert assessment is the result of analytical activity, based on the ability to see and resolve contradictions, predict, anticipate and find non-standard solutions.

The final stage of the examination is a survey of experts (individual or group; personal, on-site or in absentia; oral or written), drawing up a document (report, certificate, review, etc.), adoption of an expert opinion - the basis for a competent management decision.

Another idea about the sequence of stages of examination is also possible. In connection with the development of new experience during the examination, the following stages are identified and implemented in detail:

Recording information about new experiences;

His phenomenal conceptual reconstruction;

Construction of the initial abstraction as a means of examination;

Concretization of abstraction as a means of examination;

Concretization of abstraction with subsequent control comparison of conceptual reconstruction with phenomenal-processual one.

It is known that in each specific field of activity, examination has its own specific tasks, methodology, criteria, organization and procedure. However, it seems possible to identify a number of common features that unite various special types of examination and allow it to be considered as a fairly independent type of professional activity.

Expert activity can be carried out in the presence of three main components:

· object of examination;

· customer of the examination;


State examination is a type of expert activity, where representatives of government bodies act as experts, and the examination process itself, in accordance with regulations, is mandatory.

2. State examination, its mandatory objects

To date, expert activity in Russian Federation regulated by laws: On environmental assessment, On chambers of commerce and industry in the Russian Federation, On assessment activities, On the protection of consumer rights, On certification of products and services, and so on.

But they do not solve the problem itself, because they cover only narrow areas of expert activity. However, many issues remain unresolved. For example, who has the right to engage in examination;

There are three possible forms of existence of expertise:

·state - the one that is carried out state-owned inspection and certification bodies;

· public - performing the functions of protecting consumer rights and representing an examination appointed by public organizations;

· independent - carried out by independent professional expert companies. Independent examination is not administratively or financially connected with government agencies, or with manufacturers or sellers of goods, or with supervisory authorities, or with anyone who could influence its activities due to an interest in the results. Expert organizations must have no other activity in their statutory activities other than carrying out expert and certification work.

The creation of an extensive network of independent expert organizations will not only significantly reduce the risk of errors, but also avoid as much as possible possible accusations of bias in decisions made and corruption.

The distribution of powers between state and non-state expert organizations is a problem that requires resolution. Currently, there is a tendency towards the creation of specialized expert services in each federal department. At the same time, each of the departments refuses to recognize the results of examinations made outside the walls of its department. This leads to the fact that today any official becomes the main expert in a particular field of activity.

The difference between state and independent experts lies in the subject of the examination, and the difference between assessment, forensic and environmental examinations is determined by the object of the examination. Thus, environmental, judicial, and assessment examinations can, under certain conditions, be state, independent or public.

Expert work is organized as follows. A manufacturer or supplier that wishes to participate in the competition or is involved in it (if the competition is closed) submits an application to an expert organization to conduct an examination of the quality of its products. The expert organization provides the competition participant with all the necessary documents for review. After this, the manufacturer enters into an agreement with the expert organization and pays the cost of the examination.

Samples for examination are selected by the experts themselves with the participation of representatives of the enterprise. The expert organization retains control samples or samples for storage so that in the future the enterprise does not have any complaints about product quality assessments. The shelf life of control samples corresponds to the warranty period.

Tests can be carried out in two stages: first directly from the manufacturer or supplier (if appropriate conditions are available for this), and then in the laboratory of an expert organization.

At the same time, experts check the production itself, including main and auxiliary technological processes, technical documentation, equipment condition, metrological support, level technical training personnel, environmental issues and much more. Based on the results of this work, an expert opinion is drawn up, on the basis of which competition commission and makes the final decision.

We will also define the legal problems of expert activity that are characteristic of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities:

The possibility of coordinating expert activities at different levels is not legally defined or established.

A serious problem is the insufficient level of training of experts, or rather, special training. When an expert works, the subjective qualities or characteristics of its creators and experts play a significant role: personal experience, worldview, not only professional, but also general culture, the ability to think logically, political priorities, even mood and state of health. On the one hand, we have to agree that this is inevitable. However, even here measures can be taken to reduce some Negative consequences influence of the subjective factor.

Firstly, it should be recognized that expert activity has its own characteristics and requires special knowledge. This means that the criteria for an expert, the required amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, must be determined.

Secondly, experts must be selected accordingly, and expert activities must be taught in the same way as assessment, audit, and crisis management are taught today, while issuing an appropriate certificate.

Thirdly, if a legal entity is involved in the examination, then it apparently must have the appropriate license to carry out examination in a specific area, as well as a specially trained employee who has the appropriate certificate.

Fourthly, the examination procedure itself should be as unified and normatively established as possible.

Subjects of the Russian Federation need enhanced methodological and methodological assistance in the implementation and organization of expert activities. By developing theoretical and practical issues of examination, special training and certification of expert personnel, creating a special information database, offering regions model projects of various legal acts, such a Center could make a significant contribution to improving expert activity in Russia. It is also worth noting the problem of corruption in the field of public administration, which also affects expert activities, for example, when there is an interest in obtaining a certain expert opinion or when officials of expert bodies use “administrative resources”.

The need is obvious scientific development examination quality criteria. Violations of procedures and legal techniques often lead to negative legal and social consequences. The examination itself cannot exclude incorrect actions of the subject, but it can be more effective:

firstly, in the case, as already mentioned, of a clear regulatory framework for the examination procedure and the responsibility of the subject of expert activity for ignoring its results;

secondly, in the case of a clear and uniform understanding among the subjects of expert activity about the criteria for assessing the decision made in terms of its quality.

The State Expertise of Russia carries out examination of construction projects:

·objects implemented at the expense of government capital investments, government loans;

·objects carried out abroad with the technical assistance of the Russian Federation;

· objects carrying out their activities jointly with other states or with the involvement of foreign companies;

·experimental and basic projects;

·potentially dangerous and technically complex objects according to the list established by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

In all cases, the Glavgosexpertiza of the Russian Federation provides a consolidated expert opinion with the participation of the state environmental examination and the state examination of working conditions, taking into account their conclusions.

In addition, Glavgosexpertiza carries out selective control over the quality of construction projects.

There are organizations of state non-departmental examination that carry out examination of projects implemented at the expense of the budget of territories, regions, republics, etc., and also conduct examination of projects carried out on their territory, regardless of the sources of financing of capital investments, types of ownership and affiliation; selective quality control of projects.

Construction projects are submitted by the customer to the state expert body. The completeness of the documents and their compliance in composition are checked by the expert body within five days, and the examination itself is carried out within no more than 45 days.

Key questions (to be specified depending on industry specifics, special conditions and types of construction) subject to verification during the examination:

· compliance of decisions made with justification for investments;

· availability of project approvals from interested organizations;

economic necessity and economic expediency planned construction based on social needs and competitiveness of the project’s products;

· justification of the enterprise's capacity based on the adopted design decisions for the provision of raw materials, fuel, energy and other resources and based on the need for products manufactured under the project;

· sufficiency and effectiveness of technical solutions and measures for environmental protection natural environment and by warning emergency situations and eliminating their consequences;

Ensuring the safe operation of buildings, structures and enterprises in general, compliance with explosion and fire safety regulations fire safety;

·compliance with norms and regulations on labor protection, safety and sanitary requirements.

The list of questions has been supplemented, as changes have been made to RDS 11-201-95 in No. 1 dated January 29, 1998:

· sufficiency and efficiency technological solutions on energy saving;

· the need to equip engineering systems with devices for monitoring, accounting and regulation of gas, water and heat;

·accounting additional requirements on thermal protection of enclosing structures;

·optimality of decisions made on engineering support;

·availability of waste-free (low-waste) production;

· reliability of determining the cost of construction;

·evaluation of investment efficiency.

Based on the examination of construction projects, a consolidated comprehensive conclusion is given, which indicates:

· brief description of the source data;

·construction conditions and basic design decisions, as well as technical specifications for construction;

·specific comments and suggestions or changes and additions made during the examination process;

general conclusions about the feasibility of investments;

The period for consideration by the examination bodies of documentation corrected based on its conclusions should not exceed 30 days.

Compliance with the project is under the control of the GUI or chief architect.

Currently, a package of documents is being developed regarding the new procedure for conducting state examination and approval of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation

In construction, a distinction is made between engineering and technical and technical and economic examinations.

Engineering and technical expertise includes:

1.Examination of the quality of work performed is one of the most common types of examinations. Its purpose is to establish the actual level of quality of construction, installation and repair and finishing works, as well as comparison of this level with the requirements of state and industry standards, design and estimate documentation and the customer. Like any other type of examination, a quality examination can be carried out at the request of any of the parties to the construction project or by decision of the competent government body: court, investigator, prosecutor's office. All parties involved in disputable legal relations have the right to raise their questions for resolution by an expert. If an expert is appointed by the court, the latter independently forms a list of questions in final form. The expert has the right to formulate additional questions if, in his opinion, they will allow obtaining more exact result. The production of such expert examinations is accompanied by the use of special measuring instruments, without which it is impossible to obtain accurate data.

Fixation of the scope of work. This type expertise is used when a dispute arises about the actual volume of work performed. At the request of one of the parties, an independent expert organization carries out a visual inspection and detailed measurements of the object; if necessary, a calculation of the scope of work is drawn up, which is then compared with design estimates and as-built documentation. As a result, the customer can be sure that his funds were not wasted. It should be noted that this type of examination is closely intertwined with the examination of the quality of work performed, since work performed in deviation from the required standards is not subject to payment.

Participation in the acceptance of both completed and in connection with a change of customer. This type of expertise is in demand, as a rule, by investors and management companies. Determining the quality and volume of work performed may be required both when preparing a facility for delivery and at intermediate stages, especially if we're talking about about changing the contractor. Only by recording the actual volumes at the time of changing the contractor can you be sure that in the future there will be no disputes with both the old contractor and the new one. However, it will be almost impossible to establish the truth after some time.

Inspection of buildings, structures and structures is a set of measures to monitor the technical condition building structures and engineering networks. An inspection of buildings and structures is carried out in order to assess the operational condition of the facility and make a decision on the need for current, overhaul, reconstruction or modernization of a building. Using non-destructive testing methods, our company’s specialists identify construction defects, assess the technical condition of building structures, determine the strength of materials, their humidity, and wear engineering communications, quality of welds and many other parameters. Non-destructive testing methods used when inspecting buildings: ultrasonic, radiation, thermal, visual, etc. Based on the results of the building inspection, a technical report is drawn up on the condition of the facility, indicating recommendations developed by our engineers. If necessary, design solutions are developed to strengthen structures, replace them and reconstruct them. Examinations are carried out in strict accordance with regulatory framework. The main regulatory legal acts in the field of inspections are SP 13-102-2003 “Rules for inspection of load-bearing building structures of buildings and structures”, VSN 57-88 (r) “Regulations on technical inspection residential buildings" and many others.

The result of the survey work is the preparation of a technical report on the condition of the object, which contains the data obtained and recommendations developed by engineers. Based on these recommendations, design solutions can be developed to strengthen structures, replace them or reconstruct them.

This service is especially in demand by property owners who want to reconstruct or modernize their property or change its functional purpose; investment companies in need of objective information about the condition of building structures for development investment projects; customers and general contractors for the development of design and technological solutions and many others.

Thermographic photography can hardly be called an independent type of examination; rather, it is auxiliary view instrumental research, which allows high accuracy determine the presence of construction defects. The method is based on recording thermal radiation with a special camera - a thermal imager. In this case, the areas of the surface being examined have different heating levels and, accordingly, different radiation intensities. In the image, areas of different temperatures are displayed in different colors, which allows you to determine the location of leaks, high humidity, thermal bridges, zones of abnormal overheating and other defects. Interpretation of images allows you to localize defects for subsequent detailed examination and determine the causes. The high resolution of the camera allows you to cover a large volume of the building in one shot.

Non-destructive testing is one of the types of research that is often necessary when carrying out a particular examination. Using various non-destructive testing methods (visual, thermal, acoustic), construction defects are identified, the technical condition of building structures is assessed, the strength of materials, their humidity, wear of utilities, the quality of welds and many other parameters that affect the safety and reliability of building structures are determined. .

Forensic technical examination is a collective concept for many types of examinations associated with the need for special knowledge in technical field. In our practice, we come across situations where judicial authorities in their definitions call examination by completely different terms. The name of the examination does not change its essence, which is aimed at establishing objective facts, the interpretation of which requires special knowledge. An examination ordered by a court or other government body differs from a simple examination in the need to strictly follow procedural rules.

Engineering and construction examination at the pre-trial stage may be necessary for the purpose of recording evidence, for example, when there is a possibility that in the future traces by which factual data in the case can be established will be lost. Also, a pre-trial examination may be needed to go to court in cases where the basis for making claims is not obvious and requires special knowledge. It should be noted that when ordering an examination at the pre-trial stage, there is a possibility that a repeat examination will be ordered in the future as determined by the court, since the pre-trial examination may not cover all the issues that require resolution.

Expert assessment of the conclusions of independent technical examinations. A very specific type of examination, which consists of assessing the facts and conclusions contained in the finished expert opinion. This type can be used to present counterarguments in court when assessing evidence. It should be noted that this type of examination is closely related to the concept of professional ethics of an expert. A critical assessment of other people's conclusions is a subtle matter that should not be used to harm or for selfish reasons. The question of the possibility of an expert assessment of someone else's expertise is considered each time on an individual basis.

Technical and economic examinations include:

1.Analysis of design and estimate documentation. Expert research is closely related to financial aspect construction and are intended mainly for professional participants in the construction market. Analysis of design and estimate documentation consists of determining the completeness of the documentation, based on the purposes of its purpose, the compliance of the adopted design decisions with the estimate calculations, and selective or complete verification of the estimate calculations. This type of examination allows the investor and/or customer to avoid overestimating the estimated cost of construction. It can also be used in terms of as-built documentation, when abuses are possible when closing stages of work.

Determining the validity of the customer’s design decisions, including in the financial sector. This type of examination is used to establish compliance of design solutions with customer requirements. It can be used in different volumes, that is, in terms of the use of certain materials in the project, in terms of performing work in a certain way (for example, laying communications through a barrier can be carried out in an open way, or closed (trenchless), which greatly increases the cost of construction and installation works), in part the need to implement certain activities provided for by the project. In this case, the project analysis is designed to save the customer and meet the design goals.

Inspection of real estate, recording the condition for the purpose of opening investments, mortgages or insurance. Inspection of real estate objects is in demand by insurance and credit institutions, investment companies that invest significant funds in real estate or on the security of the latter.

A timely inspection of the technical condition of a building or premises at the stage of preparation for a mortgage transaction will help the customer avoid additional technical risks and ensure the reliability and safety of the mortgaged property. For insurance companies, accurate data on technical condition buildings will help to more accurately calculate the insurance rate, reducing risks.

Expert assessment of construction management documentation. This type of examination is more of a documentary nature and consists of establishing the completeness of management documentation construction project and analysis of the content of this documentation. Such an event will help the customer reduce the costs of putting the facility into operation, since the initial permitting documentation will be in perfect order.

The main problems of state examination in construction:

1.One of the main problems that construction experts face is the inconsistency of regulatory documents. Each expert, as a specialist, himself chooses the scope of his research and necessary documents. There are proven methods only in the field of industrial safety; in all other respects, experts are forced to refer to fairly old documents that have long since ceased to be binding.

2. Qualifications and competence of the experts themselves.

The state examination mainly employs those specialists who have great experience project work. However, over time, many specialists went to work for private, non-state expert companies. The standards and criteria for assessing the experts themselves have not yet been established.

The problem of the parallel existence of state and non-state expertise. Currently, there are more than 80 regional examination bodies.

However, there is also non-state expertise in construction, and in the process of its development, many questions arise. If earlier expert bodies considered their main task to determine the feasibility of construction and economic feasibility, today issues of human safety both inside and outside the facility come to the fore. Unfortunately, there are no full-fledged examination bodies that would include specialists from a number of expert areas yet. Any examination body itself finds a way to conduct an examination and in what areas. The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation clearly states that a number of objects, especially low-rise housing construction and industrial facilities, the area of ​​which is no more than 1,500 sq.m., and up to two floors in height, are not subject to state examination.

Uniformity and methodological unity of the examination are necessary, regardless of the geography of its conduct. Today we do not have a body that would be fully responsible for methodological guidance. State examination is focused only on particularly dangerous, especially important, unique objects. And therefore, requests from the region regarding the methodology are simply not considered. However, the sooner we receive methodological guidance, the sooner we will get on the rails of responsibility for examination.

3. Stages of state examination

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on construction, state examination goes through the following stages:

Stage 1 - obtaining technical conditions:

To connect to sources of supply;

At the intersection with utility networks and communications;

Registration of acts of selection for the placement of objects with the passage of examinations by EIA, Rosprirodnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor;

Conducting a public discussion, forming public opinion on the need to build the facility.

Stage 2 - coordination of design documentation with all interested organizations, including compliance with previously issued technical specifications and design assignments.

Stage 3 - passing the state examination of project documentation:

Stage 4 - provision of finished design documentation to the customer in accordance with the contract.

Documents are checked for the possibility of conducting a state examination within no later than 3 working days. Within the specified period, the applicant is sent an agreement to conduct a state examination, or a reasoned refusal to accept the submitted documents.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2007 N 145 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results” (as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 N 970, dated 02/16/2008 N 87, dated 07.11 .2008 N 821) to conduct a state examination of both design documentation and the results of engineering surveys carried out to prepare such documentation, the following are provided:

a) an application for a state examination indicating identification information about the performers of the work, about the object capital construction, about the developer and the applicant:

b) copies of title documents for the land plot;

c) a copy of the urban development plan;

d) design documentation for the facility;

e) a copy of the design assignment;

f) results of engineering surveys;

g) a copy of the assignment for performing engineering surveys;

h) documents confirming the applicant’s authority to act on behalf of the developer, customer (if the applicant is not the customer and (or) developer).

The procedure for accepting documents for examination:

fill out an application in the prescribed form;

Receive on the application a resolution from the head of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service or the head of the State Expertise Department to conduct a preliminary examination;

Sign up to submit a project for preliminary examination directly in the preliminary examination sector;

Fill out the registration cards (card “Residential and public buildings and structures” and/or card “Industrial and municipal facilities”) on both sides in 2 copies and endorse them from the head of the estimate department;

Sign the “runner” in the security department environment;

At the appointed time, submit the above documents, a certificate of the cost of design and survey work, Project Documentation (PD) with an inventory and initial permitting documentation to the preliminary examination sector.

When resubmitting the PD within 14 calendar days for residential properties after receiving a negative conclusion, you must submit:

application from the developer for a re-examination with a visa from the head of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service or the head of the State Expertise Department;

inventory submitted to PD;

PD set (in accordance with the inventory for assigning a new number).

When re-submitting the PD within 14 calendar days for non-residential objects, it is necessary to submit an additional letter from the customer with a request not to return the PD, with a visa from the head of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service or the head of the State Expertise Department. A new case is not being formed.

In other cases, re-submission of PD is carried out according to the regulations for the initial submission of PD.

In the process of design and construction of buildings and structures, state supervision over compliance by construction participants with established rules and mandatory requirements are carried out by about 25 state supervisory and control bodies, which can be divided into four main groups:

state examination bodies;

state architectural and construction supervision bodies;

government agencies to ensure individual species safety (fire, sanitary-epidemiological, environmental, industrial, etc.) - special supervisory authorities;

government security agencies special objects(historical, cultural monuments, etc.).

Significant changes have occurred in the legislative regulation of state expertise. The new Town Planning Code dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ determines the procedure for its implementation. State examination of design documentation and state examination of engineering survey results are carried out by a federal executive body, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to conduct state examination of design documentation, or by state (budgetary or autonomous) institutions subordinate to these bodies.

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Part 5 of Article 49) clearly defines the subject of state examination of design documentation:

technical regulations (that is, summarized in general document requirements of all types of safety - sanitary-epidemiological, environmental, fire, industrial, nuclear, radiation and other types of safety requirements);

results of engineering surveys.

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation establishes a deadline for conducting state examination of project documentation, which should not exceed 90 days. If there are comments from the expert commission, the deficiencies must be corrected within 20 days.

The developer needs project documentation in order to obtain a construction permit, build an object and, having received permission to operate the object, become the owner of the object and use it for own needs or dispose of it for compensation in favor of other persons. The developer's intentions can only be realized if the design documentation meets all established requirements. The existence of such a correspondence is determined by verification. Therefore, checking design documentation is an action in which the developer is vitally interested. Verification of design documentation can be performed by different entities. The inspection can be carried out by private individuals - developers, customers, developers of project documentation, hired private experts, as well as representatives of authorized bodies public authority- bodies of state examination of design documentation.

On this moment ten such bodies have been identified that must conduct state examination in accordance with various federal laws (the list of bodies is set out in the sequence of adoption of these laws):

· examination of state fire supervision - in accordance with the Federal Law “On Fire Safety” dated December 21, 1994;

·state expertise in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations- in accordance with the Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies” dated December 21, 1994;

·state examination of the safety of nuclear installations - “On the use of atomic energy” dated November 21, 1995;

·state environmental impact assessment - in accordance with the Federal Law “On Environmental Impact Assessment” of November 23, 1995;

·state examination of industrial safety - in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” dated July 21, 1997;

·state examination of the safety of hydraulic structures - in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Safety of Hydraulic Structures” dated July 21, 1997;

·state examination of investment projects (state non-departmental examination) - “On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments” dated February 25, 1999;

· sanitary and epidemiological examination - in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999;

·state examination of labor protection conditions - in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Labor Safety in the Russian Federation” dated July 17, 1999;

·state historical and cultural examination - in accordance with the Federal Law “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” dated June 25, 2002.

4. Conclusion of the state examination, re-examination

State examination of projects is based on the principles of its independence, validity and objectivity of assessments and conclusions, as well as the centralized responsibility of experts by position. The obligation to conduct a state examination is established by law depending on:

·type of projects (pre-project, design or design and estimate documentation);

technical complexity of the future object related to its functional purpose and technological processes, planned (design) capacity (capacity, throughput), special conditions of the construction site (site, route), physical parameters and characteristics, etc.;

· sources of investment for planned intentions for urban development of territories or construction of a specific facility;

· other special or specific requirements for design solutions in terms of ensuring sanitary, environmental, fire and explosion safety, structural reliability and sustainable functioning of the designed facilities.

The result of the state examination is a conclusion on the compliance (positive conclusion) or non-compliance (negative conclusion) of the project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys, if the state examination of the design documentation and the results of engineering surveys was carried out simultaneously.

The conclusion of the state examination is signed by the state experts who participated in the examination, and approved by the head of the organization for conducting the state examination or an official authorized by such a head.

Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination are established Federal agency on construction and housing and communal services.

Project documentation cannot be approved by the developer or customer if there is a negative conclusion from the state examination of the project documentation. A negative conclusion of a state examination may be challenged by the developer or customer in court.

The result of the state examination is issued in person to the applicant or by sending a registered letter. A positive conclusion of the state examination is issued in four copies.

The Regulations provide for the obligation of the organization conducting the state examination to maintain a register of issued state examination conclusions.

The information contained in the register is open and is provided to any person within 10 days from the date the organization conducting the state examination receives a written request.

The procedure for maintaining the register and providing information is established by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services, and is currently under development.

In case of loss of the state examination conclusion, the applicant has the right to receive a duplicate of this conclusion from the organization conducting the state examination. A duplicate is issued free of charge within 10 days from the date the specified organization receives a written request.

Re-examination carried out after eliminating the inconsistencies indicated in the negative conclusion of the state examination. Repeated examination is carried out an unlimited number of times, carried out in general procedure taking into account established responsibilities.

The same set of documents is provided for the repeated state examination as for the primary examination. Additionally, a certificate of corrective measures is provided.

Construction and renovation work must be constantly monitored by the project coordinator. In order for construction to be completed successfully and the facility to be delivered to the customer on time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the terms of the project and fulfill all necessary rules. In other words, design and technical supervision is required at all stages of construction and repair.

Author's supervision was introduced to ensure compliance of decisions contained in working documentation, construction and installation work performed at the site. Conducted by the design organization that completed the design and working drawings throughout the entire period of construction and commissioning of facilities.

Author's supervision of design organizations is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded by the customer with the design organization - the general designer for the entire period of construction of the facility. The contract is accompanied by a schedule, cost estimate and a list of main works, in the inspection of which representatives of the designer's supervision take part.

The need for designer's supervision is determined by the customer and is established in the assignment for the design of objects. Author's supervision is mandatory in cases where the need for author's supervision is established by law.

According to the definition, designer supervision is a set of measures carried out to ensure compliance of technological, architectural, stylistic, construction and other technical solutions and indicators of a commissioned facility with the decisions and indicators provided for in the design documentation approved by the customer.

Architectural supervision involves a planned (once every few days) visit to the site by the coordinator to clarify the details of the project and enter relevant comments into the work log, as well as resolving questions regarding the design documentation that arise from the customer.

List of documents drawn up during designer supervision


Information about the persons responsible for carrying out field supervision.

M12291 5200023SNiP 3.01.01-85 Organization of construction production;

SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance into operation of completed construction facilities. Basic provisions.

In turn, SP 11-110-99 contains regulatory references to the following standards:

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements to text documents;

GOST 21.101-97 SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation.

The contract is the main document regulating the relationship between the parties, establishing their rights and obligations for the implementation of designer's supervision in the contract method of organizing design.

An administrative document (order) is the main document for the implementation of designer's supervision during the construction of a facility.

Author's supervision is carried out on the basis of an agreement (administrative document) and is carried out during the entire period of construction and commissioning of the facility, and, if necessary, also initial period its operation. The timing of the work is established by the schedule attached to the contract and administrative document.

The chief architect or chief engineer of the project is appointed as the head of the specialists carrying out architectural supervision.

The head of designer's supervision issues tasks to specialists and coordinates their work to conduct designer's supervision at the site. Specialists carrying out designer's supervision go to the construction site for intermediate acceptance of critical structures and inspection of hidden work within the time limits stipulated by the schedule, as well as upon a special call from the customer or contractor in accordance with the contract (administrative document).

When carrying out designer's supervision over the construction of a facility, a journal is regularly kept, which is compiled by the designer and transferred to the customer. Log keeping is carried out both for the construction project as a whole and for its launch complexes or individual buildings and structures. It must be numbered, laced, signed with all the signatures on the title page and sealed with the customer's seal. The log is transferred by the customer to the contractor and remains at the construction site until its completion.

The log is filled out by the manager or specialists carrying out architectural supervision, the customer and the contractor’s authorized person. After completion of construction, the contractor hands over the log to the customer.

Each visit to the construction site by specialists is recorded in a log. The record of the work carried out on architectural supervision is certified by the signatures of responsible representatives of the customer and contractor. The recording is also carried out if there are no comments.

The basic rights of specialists are as follows:

access to all construction sites under construction and places of construction and installation work;

familiarization with the necessary technical documentation related to the construction project;

control over the implementation of instructions entered in the journal;

making proposals to the bodies of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision and other bodies of architecture and urban planning to suspend, if necessary, construction and installation work carried out with identified violations, and to take measures to prevent violation of copyright in a work of architecture in accordance with the law.

Responsibilities of specialists:

·spot check of compliance of construction and installation works performed with working documentation and requirements building codes and rules;

·selective control over the quality and compliance with the production technology of work related to ensuring the reliability, strength, stability and durability of structures and installation of technological and engineering equipment;

· timely resolution of issues related to the need to make changes to working documentation and control of execution;

· assistance in familiarizing workers carrying out construction and installation work, and customer representatives with design and working documentation;

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On approval of the Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination of design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys

In accordance with paragraph 37 of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 N 145 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 11, Art. 1336; 2008, N 47, Art. 5481; 2013, N 39, Art. 4992; 2014, N 13, Art. 1479; 2018, N 13, Art. 1779), subclause 5.2.21 of clause 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1038 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 47, Art. 6117; 2014, N 12, Art. 1296; N 40, Art. 5426; N 50, Art. .7100; 2015, N 2, art. 491; N 4, art. 660; N 23, art. 3334; N 24, art. 3479; N 46, art. 6393; N 47, art. 6586, art. 6601 ; 2016, N 2, art. 376; N 41, art. 5837; N 47, art. 6673; N 48, art. 6766; N 50, art. 7112; 2017, N 1, art. 185; N 8, Art. 1245; N 32, Art. 5078; N 33, Art. 5200; N 49, Art. 7468; N 52, Art. 8137; 2018, N 24, 3537),

I order:

1. Approve in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. The order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2015 N 887/pr “On approval of the requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination of design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys” ( registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2015, registration N 40333).

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Kh.D. Mavliyarov.



at the Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

registration N 51946

Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination of design documentation and (or) engineering survey results


by order of the Ministry of Construction

and housing and communal services

Russian Federation

Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination of design documentation and (or) engineering survey results

1. These Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination of design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements) determine the requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the conclusion of the state examination of design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys in in relation to capital construction projects specified in parts 1 and 2.1 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Art. 16; 2006, N 1, Art. 21; N 52, Art. 5498; 2007, N 31, Art. 4012; N 50, Art. 6237; 2008, N 20, Art. 2260; N 30, Art. 3604; 2009, N 1, Art. 17; 2011, N 30, Art. 4591, 4594, 4605; N 49, art. 7015; 2013, N 27, art. 3480; 2014, N 26, art. 3387; N 43, art. 5799, 2015, N 1, art. 11, 86; 2016, N 1, Art. 22; N 27, Art. 4301; 2017, N 31, Art. 4740; 2018, N 1, 91; N 18, Art. 2559), as well as design documentation prepared for major repairs highways common use(hereinafter referred to as the expert opinion).

2. When the applicant submits documents in electronic form for examination, the examination conclusion is drawn up in the form of an electronic document in pdf format, as well as in the form of a paper document, if this is provided for in the application and (or) agreement.

If the documents for the examination are presented on paper, the examination conclusion is drawn up on paper.

3. Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for drawing up the examination conclusion are established in relation to the following objects of examination:

1) results of engineering surveys;

2) design documentation;

3) design documentation and engineering survey results.

4. The expert opinion must contain a title page, as well as the following sections:

1) general provisions and information about the examination conclusion;

2) information contained in the documents submitted for the examination of project documentation;

3) information contained in the documents submitted for the examination of the results of engineering surveys;

4) description of the reviewed documentation (materials);

5) conclusions based on the results of the review.

5. The title page of the examination report must contain the following information:

1) number of the examination report;

2) information about the approval of the examination conclusion (position, surname, first name, patronymic (the latter if available) and the signature of the person who approved the examination conclusion, the date of such approval, the seal of the organization conducting the examination);

3) the result of the examination (positive or negative conclusion of the examination);

4) information about the object of examination (object of examination, name of the object of examination in accordance with the design documentation, report on the results of engineering surveys).

6. With regard to expert opinions, information about which is subject to inclusion in the unified state register of expert opinions on design documentation of capital construction projects (hereinafter referred to as the Register) in accordance with paragraphs 7 and 16 of the Rules for the formation of a unified state register of expert opinions on project documentation of capital construction projects, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2017 N 878 “On the procedure for the formation of a unified state register of expert opinions on design documentation for capital construction projects and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2007 N 145” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, N 32, Art. 5068; 2018, N 1, Art. 365), the number of the examination conclusion specified in subclause 1 of clause 5 of the Requirements is assigned by the operator maintaining the Register when information about the examination conclusion is included in the Register.

This column is not included in the text of the examination report prepared in the form of an electronic document by the examination organization, and the number of the examination report is assigned by the operator maintaining the Register by generating an electronic document. The text of the examination conclusion, prepared in the form of an electronic document, signed with enhanced qualified electronic signatures of experts and approved by the head of the organization conducting the examination (or an official authorized by the head), and the number of the examination conclusion assigned to it when included in the Register are combined by generating an electronic document in xml format , signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the operator. Moreover, in the case of issuing an examination conclusion also in the form of a document on paper (if this is provided for in the application and (or) agreement on conducting a state examination), this column in the text of the examination conclusion must be filled out by the expert organization based on information about the number of the examination conclusion included into an electronic document.

7. In the expert opinion, information about which is not subject to inclusion in the Register, the number of the expert opinion is written in Arabic numerals and has the following structure:

a) in the first two squares the number of the subject of the Russian Federation is indicated, on the territory of which a capital construction project is planned for construction (reconstruction) (the numbers of the subjects of the Russian Federation are indicated in accordance with the Appendix to the Procedure for maintaining a unified state register of expert opinions on the design documentation of capital construction projects and the provision of the contained it contains information and documents approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 22, 2018 N 115/pr (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 26, 2018, registration N 50499) If the facility is located on the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation , the number "00" is indicated;

b) in the fourth square the form of examination is indicated (for state examination the number “1” is indicated, for non-state examination – the number “2”);

c) in the sixth square, the result of the examination is indicated (in case of a positive conclusion, the number “1” is indicated, in case of a negative conclusion, the number “2” (in the cases specified in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 34 of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of design documentation and engineering results research approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 N 145 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 11, Art. 1336; 2013, N 17, 1958; 2018, N 13, Art. 1779) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on the organization and conduct of the state examination), or the number “3” (in the cases specified in subparagraphs “a” and “c” of paragraph 34 of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of the state examination);

d) in the eighth square information about the object of examination is indicated (results of engineering surveys - number "1", design documentation - number "2", design documentation and results of engineering surveys - number "3");

e) in the tenth - thirteenth squares - the serial number of the issued conclusion (numbers are entered, starting from the rightmost square, while in the remaining free squares the number “0” is entered. The assignment of a number to conclusions is carried out sequentially, after the end of the current calendar year it is reset, numbered starts with the number "0001");

f) in the fifteenth and sixteenth squares - the last two digits of the year the conclusion was issued.

8. The section “General provisions and information on the examination conclusion” includes the following information:

1) information about the organization for conducting the examination;

2) information about the applicant, developer, technical customer;

3) grounds for conducting the examination (details of the application and contract for the examination);

4) information about the conclusion of the state environmental assessment (number and date of issue of the conclusion, the body (organization) that approved the conclusion (indicated in relation to objects for which the state environmental assessment is provided);

5) information on the composition of the documents submitted for the examination (list of documents submitted by the applicant for the examination).

9. Section “Information contained in documents submitted for examination of project documentation” includes:

1) subsection “Information about the capital construction project for which design documentation has been prepared”, containing the following information (filled out in accordance with the design documentation):

information about the name of the capital construction project, its postal (construction) address or location (if the capital construction project is located within the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation, the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation, municipal district (municipal districts) on whose territory relevant engineering surveys. If the capital construction project is located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including in internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, within the boundaries of the Russian part (Russian sector) of the Caspian Sea bottom and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the address (location) is indicated in accordance with the information contained in the project documentation);

information about functional purpose capital construction project;

information on the technical and economic indicators of the capital construction project;

2) information about buildings (structures) that are part of a complex object, in relation to which design documentation has been prepared (to be filled in in the case of preparing an expert opinion in relation to design documentation prepared in relation to a complex object (an object that is part of a property complex). Indicated sequentially name, postal (construction) address (location), functional purpose and projected technical and economic indicators of each building (structure) in accordance with the design documentation. If the capital construction project is located within the borders of the Russian Federation, the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation shall be indicated, municipal district (municipal districts), on the territory of which the corresponding engineering surveys were carried out. In the case of a capital construction project located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including in internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone Russian Federation, within the boundaries of the Russian part (Russian sector) of the Caspian Sea bottom and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the address (location) is indicated in accordance with the information contained in the project documentation);

3) information about the source (sources) and amount of financing for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of a capital construction project (if the work is expected to be financed in whole or in part from budget funds budget system Russian Federation, the appropriate level of the budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation is indicated in accordance with Article 10 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3823; 2007, N 18, Art. 2117; 2014, N 43, Art. 5795 , N 48, art. 6664; 2018, N 24, art. 3409); in the event that the financing of the work is expected to be carried out in whole or in part at the expense of legal entities created by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity, legal entities whose share in the authorized (share) capital of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity is more than 50 percent, the corresponding legal entity is indicated. The share of financing from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, as well as funds from legal entities created by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity, legal entities whose share in the authorized (share) capital of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity is also indicated is more than 50 percent, as a percentage of full cost project);

4) information about the natural and man-made conditions of the territory on which it is planned to carry out construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project (indicate natural conditions(including climatic region and subregion, wind region, snow region, intensity of seismic impacts, engineering-geological conditions) and technogenic conditions of the territory where it is planned to carry out construction, reconstruction of a capital construction project, indicating the presence of distribution and manifestation of geological and engineering- geological processes (karst, slope processes, mudflows, reworking of the banks of rivers, lakes, seas and reservoirs, flooding, undermined areas, seismic areas), as well as technogenic impact. If the design documentation has been prepared in relation to a capital construction project, the construction (reconstruction) of which is expected to be carried out partially or completely outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including in internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation , within the boundaries of the Russian part (Russian sector) of the Caspian Sea bottom and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the natural conditions of the territory are indicated in accordance with the information contained in the project documentation);

5) information on the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project (indicated if there is a section in the project documentation “Estimate for the construction of capital construction projects” in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 8, Art. 744; 2010, N 16, Art. 1920; 2018, N 18, art. 2630);

6) information about individual entrepreneurs and (or) legal entities who prepared the project documentation (indicated in relation to all legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs who participated in the preparation of project documentation (sections, subsections, parts of project documentation);

7) information about the use of project documentation in the preparation of project documentation reuse, including cost-effective design documentation for reuse (the date and number of the expert opinion issued in relation to the design documentation used are indicated);

8) information about the task of the developer (technical customer) for the development of design documentation (details of the design task are indicated (name of the body (organization) that issued the document, date, number (if any) if the design documentation was developed on the basis of a contract);

9) information on documentation on territory planning, on the availability of permits for deviations from the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects (details of the territory planning project, territory surveying project, urban planning plan are indicated land plot, as well as permission to deviate from the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects (name of the body (organization) that issued the document, date, number);

10) information on the technical conditions for connecting a capital construction project to engineering support networks (details of the technical conditions are indicated (name of the body (organization) that issued the document, date, number).

10. The section “Information contained in documents submitted for the examination of the results of engineering surveys” is filled in in the case of an examination of the results of engineering surveys and includes the following information:

1) date of preparation of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys;

2) information about the types of engineering surveys (indicated for basic and special types of engineering surveys);

3) information about the location of the area (site, route) for conducting engineering surveys (in relation to engineering surveys carried out within the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation, the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation, the municipal district (municipal districts) on the territory of which the corresponding ones were carried out are indicated engineering surveys. In the case of engineering surveys outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including in internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, within the boundaries of the Russian part (Russian sector) of the Caspian Sea bottom and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the location of the area (site, route) for conducting engineering surveys is indicated in accordance with the information contained in the documents submitted for the examination of the results of engineering surveys);

4) information about the developer (technical customer) who provided the engineering surveys (indicated if the developer (technical customer) who provided the engineering surveys is not the developer (technical customer) who provided the preparation of the project documentation);

5) information about individual entrepreneurs and (or) legal entities that prepared a technical report on the results of engineering surveys (indicated in relation to each person who participated in the preparation of a technical report on the results of engineering surveys);

6) information about the task of the developer (technical customer) to perform engineering surveys (details of the task to perform engineering surveys are indicated (name of the body (organization) that issued the task to perform engineering surveys, date, number (if any) if engineering surveys were carried out based on a contract);

7) information about the engineering survey program (the details of the engineering survey program are indicated (name of the organization that issued the engineering survey program, date, number (if any).

11. Section “Description of the reviewed documentation (materials)” includes:

1) subsection "Description of engineering survey results", containing the following information:

composition of reporting materials on the results of engineering surveys (taking into account changes made during the examination);

information on methods of performing engineering surveys;

information about operational changes made by the applicant to the results of engineering surveys during the examination process;

2) subsection "Description of the technical part of the project documentation", containing the following information:

composition of the design documentation (taking into account changes made during the examination);

description of the main decisions (measures) adopted in the project documentation;

information about operational changes made by the applicant to the sections of the design documentation under consideration during the examination process.

12. The information specified in paragraph two of subclause 1 and paragraph two of subclause 2 of clause 11 of the Requirements is indicated in accordance with Appendix C GOST R 21.1101-2013 "National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation", put into effect by order of Rosstandart dated June 11, 2013 N 156-st (M., Standartinform, 2013).

13. Section “Conclusions based on the results of the review” includes:

1) conclusions about the compliance or non-compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of technical regulations;

2) conclusions regarding the technical part of the project documentation, containing the following information:

an indication of the results of engineering surveys, for compliance with which the design documentation was assessed;

conclusions on the compliance or non-compliance of the technical part of the design documentation with the results of engineering surveys and the requirements of technical regulations (each conclusion on non-compliance with the results of engineering surveys and the requirements of technical regulations must contain an indication of the section (and, if necessary, a subsection, part of a section, book, volume) and a sheet of project documentation , in respect of which a conclusion of non-compliance has been made, a reference to a specific requirement of a technical regulation, other regulatory legal act or normative document, used to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, and (or) the results of engineering surveys, non-compliance with which was revealed during the examination (indicating the section, article, paragraph, paragraph of a regulatory legal act or regulatory document used to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations , or engineering survey materials);

3) general conclusions (the final conclusion about the compliance or non-compliance of the design documentation and (or) engineering survey results with the established requirements is indicated);

4) information about persons certified for the right to prepare expert opinions, who signed the expert opinion (last name, first name, patronymic (the latter if available), the direction of activity and position of the person certified for the right to prepare expert opinions (if the specified person is an employee of an expert organization, who prepared the expert opinion), or the name and details of the document that is the basis for involving the specified person in the preparation of the expert report. In the case of preparing the expert report on paper, handwritten signatures of the experts are affixed).

14. The information specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 8, subparagraphs 3 and 6 of paragraph 9, subparagraphs 4 and 5 of paragraph 10 of the Requirements includes the following data:

a) in relation to individual- last name, first name, patronymic (last if available), insurance number of an individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system, postal address, address Email(in the presence of);

b) in relation to an individual entrepreneur - last name, first name, patronymic (the latter if available), the main state registration number of the individual entrepreneur, postal address, email address (if available);

c) in relation to a legal entity, body state power, other state body, local government body - full name, taxpayer identification number, main state registration number, reason code for registration, location and address, email address (if available).

15. The expert opinion issued in relation to the materials specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 3 of the Requirements must contain the information provided for in paragraphs 5, 8, paragraphs three and four of subparagraph 1, subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 9, paragraph 10, subparagraph 1 of paragraph 11, subparagraphs 1, 3 and 4 of paragraph 13 of the Requirements.

16. The expert opinion issued in relation to the materials specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 3 of the Requirements must contain the information provided for in paragraphs 5, 8, 9, subparagraph 2 of paragraph 11, subparagraphs 2-4 of paragraph 13 of the Requirements.

17. The expert opinion issued in relation to the materials specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 3 of the Requirements must contain the information provided for by the Requirements in full.

18. The expert opinion must be objective, reasoned and evidence-based. The conclusions must have an unambiguous interpretation and correspond to the results of the examination.

19. The expert opinion is prepared and signed by persons certified in accordance with Article 49.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2005, No. 1, Art. 16; 2011, No. 49, Art. 7015; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477 ; 2017 N 31 Art. 4740; 2018, N 18, Art. 2559) for the right to prepare expert opinions on design documentation and (or) engineering survey results and those who participated in the examination (hereinafter referred to as experts).

The expert opinion, prepared in the form of an electronic document, is signed by experts using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

The examination conclusion, prepared in the form of a paper document, should not contain any blots, additions, crossed out words or other corrections, as well as damage.

The sheets of the examination report, prepared in the form of a paper document, must be bound (indicating the number of stitched pages), numbered and sealed with the seal of the organization conducting the examination. Handwritten signatures of experts (indicating initials and surnames) are affixed to the last sheet of the examination report.

20. The examination conclusion, prepared in the form of an electronic document, is approved by signing it with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the head of the organization conducting the examination or an official authorized by the head.

The examination conclusion, prepared in the form of a document on paper, is approved by signing it personally by the head of the organization conducting the examination or by an official authorized by the head, and by affixing the seal of the organization conducting the examination.

Application. Positive (negative) expert opinion


to Requirements for composition, content

and the procedure for drawing up the conclusion

state examination of design

documentation and (or) results



(position, full name, signature, seal)

"___" ____________ 20____

Positive (negative) expert opinion

Object of examination

Name of the object of examination

I. General provisions and information about the examination conclusion

1.1. Information about the organization for conducting the examination

1.2. Information about the applicant, developer, technical customer

1.3. Grounds for examination

1.4. Information on the conclusion of the state environmental assessment

1.5. Information on the composition of documents submitted for examination

II. Information contained in documents submitted for examination of project documentation

2.1. Information about the capital construction project for which design documentation has been prepared

2.1.1. Information about the name of the capital construction project, its postal (construction) address or location

2.1.2. Information about the functional purpose of a capital construction project

2.1.3. Information on the technical and economic indicators of the capital construction project

2.2. Information about buildings (structures) that are part of a complex object for which design documentation has been prepared

2.3. Information about the source(s) and amount of financing for construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project

2.4. Information about the natural and man-made conditions of the territory where construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of a capital construction project are planned

2.5. Information on the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project

2.6. Information about individual entrepreneurs and (or) legal entities that prepared project documentation

2.7. Information on the use of reuse design documentation in the preparation of project documentation, including cost-effective reuse design documentation

2.8. Information about the developer’s (technical customer’s) assignment for the development of design documentation

2.9. Information on documentation on the planning of the territory, on the availability of permits for deviations from the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects

2.10. Information on technical conditions for connecting a capital construction project to engineering and technical support networks

III. Information contained in documents submitted for examination of engineering survey results

3.1. Date of preparation of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys

3.2. Information about types of engineering surveys

3.3. Information about the location of the area (site, route) for engineering surveys

3.4. Information about the developer (technical customer) who provided the engineering surveys

3.5. Information about individual entrepreneurs and (or) legal entities that prepared a technical report based on the results of engineering surveys

3.6. Information about the developer’s (technical customer’s) assignment to carry out engineering surveys

3.7. Information about the engineering survey program

IV. Description of the reviewed documentation (materials)

4.1. Description of engineering survey results

4.1.1. Composition of reporting materials on the results of engineering surveys (taking into account changes made during the examination)




4.1.2. Information on methods for performing engineering surveys

4.1.3. Information on operational changes made by the applicant to the results of engineering surveys during the examination process

4.2. Description of the technical part of the project documentation

4.2.1. Composition of design documentation (taking into account changes made during the examination)




4.2.2. Description of the main decisions (measures) adopted in the project documentation

4.2.3. Information on operational changes made by the applicant to the sections of the design documentation under consideration during the examination process

V. Conclusions based on the results of the review

5.1. Conclusions on compliance or non-compliance of engineering survey results with the requirements of technical regulations

5.2. Conclusions regarding the technical part of the project documentation

5.2.1. An indication of the results of engineering surveys for compliance with which the design documentation was assessed

5.2.2. Conclusions on the compliance or non-compliance of the technical part of the design documentation with the results of engineering surveys and the requirements of technical regulations

6. General conclusions

7. Information about persons certified for the right to prepare expert opinions and who signed the expert opinion

Electronic document text

Main article image

Greetings, friends! Today on the blog I will start a new section on the topic “Examination of design documentation”. Please answer in the comments if you are interested this topic and whether it is worth mentioning it on the blog. For me it’s definitely worth it, but I still want to know the opinion of my readers.

From this article you will learn:

  1. What is examination of design documentation
  2. What is regulated by the examination?
  3. What projects are being reviewed?
  4. What is the difference between state examination and non-state examination?
  5. Examination deadlines

Honestly, before I came to work at the GSN inspectorate, I had no idea what an examination of project documentation was. I think many foremen and foremen, even OKS and technical maintenance engineers, also don’t know what it is. So let's start exploring.

Examination of design documentation— this is an assessment of the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations, including sanitary and epidemiological, environmental requirements, requirements for state protection of cultural heritage sites, fire, industrial, nuclear, radiation and other safety requirements, as well as the results of engineering surveys, and an assessment of the compliance of the results of engineering research requirements of technical regulations.

This is a rather dreary definition; to put it simply, examination is when certified specialists check project documentation for compliance with legal requirements.

Friends, the law, namely the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, establishes that design documentation is subject to mandatory examination. But this is not always the case, but we will talk about this below.

That is, after drawing up the project, you need to undergo an examination and only after receiving a positive conclusion can you approve the project for construction or reconstruction.

Availability of SRO permit design organization That’s not all, the project also needs to undergo examination. This is very important, friends, because without this conclusion you will not be issued a building permit.

It should be noted that not only design documentation is subject to examination, but also engineering surveys on the basis of which the project was developed.

What is it regulated by?

The master studies the project

The examination is described in detail in Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and in the “Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 No. 145.

Sample of a completed expert report

Below I have prepared for you a sample of a ready-made positive conclusion from the examination of project documentation, so that you have some idea.

What projects are being reviewed?

Here it is easier to say in relation to which projects the examination is not carried out. And which projects are not subject to mandatory examination are indicated in Part 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1 of Art. 49 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

And everyone else must undergo an examination, otherwise it will be a serious violation of urban planning legislation.

Friends, take the time to read article 49 and the above parts from this article. Since it makes no sense to describe everything that is written on the blog.

Well, briefly the projects do not pass the examination:

Here you should know that there are some other subtleties:

If construction, reconstruction of the above objects is carried out within the boundaries security zones pipe transport facilities, then examination is required.

And one more subtlety:

What is the difference between state examination and non-state examination?

Previously, there was no such distinction - there was only state examination. I’ll tell you a secret - there was much more order in the examination.

But at the top they decided that in order to speed up the process, it was necessary to allow non-state examination. And now the developer has the right to submit project documentation for state examination and non-state examination. This is indicated in Part 3.3 of Art. 49 Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

Excerpt from the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Part 3.3, Art. 49 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

But at the same time, you need to know that in some cases the project can only undergo state examination. This is indicated in Part 3.4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

Excerpt from the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Part 3.4, Art. 49 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Well, what are the differences?

The difference is that the state examination can only be carried out at the location of the land plot on which you are going to build. That is, if you decide to build in Chuvashia, go through the state examination in Chuvashia, if you decide in Tatarstan, go through it in Tatarstan. All clear? If not, then ask questions in the comments.

You can see this from Part 4.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

Excerpt from the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Part 4.2, Art. 49 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

But the non-state one can be taken in any region of the Russian Federation.

Well, the most important difference between these two examinations is that the price for conducting a state examination is set by the state. And below this price, state examination cannot be carried out.

This is where the beauty of non-state expertise for developers lies, since its cost is almost always lower.

I don’t know the exact difference in cost, but one developer once told me that for certain reasons he had to undergo a state examination and it cost him 480,000 rubles, while a non-state one was ready to carry out the examination for 180,000 rubles. I think the price order is clear.

And it very often happens that in non-state expertise they work much faster and the atmosphere is also generally more pleasant. Still commercial organization must withstand competition, and the service has not been canceled.


The deadlines for passing the state examination are established in Part 7 of Art. 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and it should not exceed sixty days.

Excerpt from the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Part 7, Art. 49 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Non-state usually always works faster. You know, competition doesn't let you sleep.

Previously, the period for passing the examination was 90 days and only the state one. Can you imagine how long this is? But you have to pay for renting the land, the money keeps flowing.

Friends, I have only superficially examined the issue of examination of design documentation and engineering surveys. I advise you to carefully read Article 49 of the Town Planning Code, where everything is written about this in detail. In fact, there are a lot of subtleties there. Well, if you have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Download for free:

P.p.s. Friends, I would also like to recommend to you "Generator and additional documentation - Generator-ID" from the site ispolnitelnaya.com. The program is so simple and effective that it will save a lot of time. I advise everyone to check it out!!!