Full legal support for business. Accompanying a lawyer. Cost of subscription legal support services

Legal support for business is an effective alternative to an in-house lawyer, fully covering the organization’s needs in solving legal problems. It is also a convenient form of outsourcing for solving those legal problems of the company that are not technologically advanced (non-core) for in-house lawyers.

For whom is legal support in a company important?

Business owner/beneficiary

Director General/Commercial

Chief Accountant/Lawyer

An independent expert opinion from a third-party lawyer allows you to make more balanced decisions. management decisions and see an objective picture of the state of the business.

Legal outsourcing allows you to redistribute time from monitoring a lawyer to managing strategic development and formation financial flow companies.Allows you to relieve yourself of some non-core functions for an accountant or outsource to us the solution of non-technological tasks for a full-time lawyer.

Who in CG ETALON will deal with the legal issues of your company

From the first meeting, your company is handled by a lawyer, and his work is monitored by the Partner throughout the entire period of cooperation. To work in CG ETALON, all lawyers undergo a multi-stage selection (testing, interview, internship, probation, training, participation in local projects).

All Partners have been working for the company for at least 10 years. You will be able to evaluate the qualifications of lawyers during negotiations. Before the meeting, we will send you a portfolio of lawyers.

How much does legal support for a business cost?

The cost of legal support depends on the package you choose, which includes a certain amount of hours.

To make it clearer, we have given in the table sample list services that include

Approximate list of services included in the subscription package legal services: INITIAL packageBASIC packagePackage STANDARDOPTIMAL package
Cost per month:26,000 rub.45,000 rub.90,000 rub.134,000 rub.
Number of hours per month:16 hours32 hours64 hours96 hours
Oral consultationup to 2 per monthup to 3 per monthup to 6 per monthup to 9 per month
Written consultationup to 1 per monthup to 3 per monthup to 6 per monthup to 9 per month
Working with contracts
Development of an agreementup to 1 per monthup to 3 per monthup to 5 per monthup to 7 per month
Checking contracts provided by the counterparty, drawing up acts of disagreementup to 2 per monthup to 3 per monthup to 5 per monthup to 7 per month
Claims and litigation work
Claims work, preparation of statements of claim, reviews, complaints, representation in courtup to 1 vessel per month.up to 2 ships per month.up to 4 ships per month.up to 6 ships per month.
Participation in negotiations
Representation of interests in negotiations with counterpartiesup to 1 per monthup to 2 per monthup to 4 per monthup to 6 per month
Representation of interests in government institutionsup to 1 per monthup to 2 per monthup to 4 per monthup to 6 per month
HR records management, labor Relations
Development of local regulations, employment contracts, other personnel documents(check existing ones)up to 2 per monthup to 4 per monthup to 6 per monthup to 8 per month
Consulting on issues labor law, holding employees accountable, resolving labor disputes, including in courtup to 1 per monthup to 2 per monthup to 4 per monthup to 6 per month
Protection intellectual property
Support of trademark registration, development of license agreements, support of their registrationup to 1 per monthup to 1 per monthup to 2 per monthup to 3 per month
Protection of intellectual property rights in antimonopoly authorities and in courtup to 1 per monthup to 1 per monthup to 2 per monthup to 3 per month
Support for participation in public procurement according to 223-FZ and 44-FZ
Support for participation in procurement, challenging procurement results in the Federal Antimonopoly Service and in courtby additional agreementYesYes
Support of transactions with commercial real estate, rental relations
Support of real estate transactions, registration of rights to real estateby additional agreementby additional agreementup to 1 per monthup to 2 per month
Discount for advance payment for 6 months10% 10% 10% 10%

What if, for example, there is no contract work in the current month, but there are more ships than are included in the Package?

We will waste time in court. There may be more of them than indicated in the Package. Court cases vary in complexity, volume of documents, number and duration of court hearings, so the table shows an approximate number.

The lawyer’s industry qualifications and the number of hours are the main parameters when choosing a legal service option

  • The lawyer provides you with a detailed monthly report ( sample report), which shows which tasks have been completed and how much time was spent on each. If necessary, the report is provided more often than once a month (upon request).
  • You are the setter of tasks and prioritize the order in which they should be completed.
  • The lawyer records the time for completing each task. The experience and qualifications of the lawyer guarantee that the speed will be reasonably high.
  • When the volume of hours for the current month is selected, the lawyer informs you about it.
  • If the hours of the current month are over, but there are urgent tasks, additional hours are calculated at the average cost of an hour (for example, in the BASIC package - 1406 rubles / hour).
  • Hours not used in the current month do not accumulate.

Is it possible to change the Legal Support Package?

Yes. If the volume of tasks regularly exceeds the limit of hours included in the Package, you can upgrade to a higher one.

To switch to another Package, it is enough to notify the lawyer in writing 2 weeks in advance.

Can a lawyer work remotely?

Yes. A lawyer can work in the office of CG ETALON, using communication methods convenient for you: email, telephone, instant messengers. Or he can work in the office of your company on certain, pre-agreed days, for example, 2 times a week when choosing the “STANDARD” legal support package.

Is it possible to change a lawyer?

Yes. You may request a change of lawyer without giving reasons. We guarantee its replacement within 2 weeks. KG ETALON employs 26 lawyers - we will definitely find the one who suits you.

How does interaction happen?

We provide a detailed algorithm of work within the framework of legal support

In Moscow there is great amount companies that need comprehensive legal services. Each company from the moment of its inception enters into legal relations with state and non-state structures. The task of lawyers is to help resolve legal issues that arise during the activities of a commercial enterprise. This is our task, thanks to which you can increase the efficiency of the enterprise. Of course, you can involve a permanent lawyer in your work, but if you plan to increase the legal efficiency of your organization, then in this case it is more advisable to use comprehensive legal support for your business.

Express analysis of the situation - FREE!

Subscriber legal support for business

We offer you a specialized program that includes various services. In what specific cases may legal support for a business be required?

  • The specifics of business require lawyers with different specializations (criminal, corporate, antimonopoly, administrative law, etc.);
  • There is no full-time lawyer - legal support for the company’s activities is necessary;
  • In stock accounts receivable– the organization needs to ensure the repayment of overdue debt obligations;
  • Personnel documentation does not comply with the requirements of current legislation - legal assistance is required during the period of filing tax reports;
  • Litigation with legal individuals, government agencies.

Legal support for business will allow you to quickly deal with difficult situations arising in the course of the company's activities. Our company employs qualified lawyers with professional knowledge in many areas of modern Russian law.

Legal services are provided in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Cost of subscription legal support services (maintenance)

Contents of subscription legal support (service) service packages

Name of service package Service list
1 Base

2) Oral consultations.

3) Participation in trials with a 20% discount from the average market price.

2 Optimal

1) Contractual and claims work.

2) Oral consultations.

3) Written consultations.

5) Conducting one case in court - included in the package price.

6) A 30% discount is provided from the average market cost for the conduct of court cases not included in the cost of the service package.

7) A 50% discount is provided on the management of personal affairs of the business owner and director of the enterprise.

3 Business

1) Contractual and claims work.

2) Oral consultations.

3) Written consultations.

4) Preparation of claims, statements, petitions to courts, government bodies and structures.

5) Conducting two cases in court - included in the package price.

6) A 50% discount is provided from the average market cost for the conduct of court cases not included in the cost of the service package.

7) A 70% discount is provided on the management of personal affairs of the business owner and director of the enterprise.

4 Premium

By agreement –

depending on the volume and complexity of services provided

Legal support for business: main types of services

Experienced lawyers will help make your business profitable and successful. At the same time, legal services for businesses have a completely reasonable and economically justified cost. The company offers you the following services:

  • Legal audit in order to identify errors that arise during the functioning of a business, drawing up comments and recommendations for more successful activities enterprises;
  • Legal support for contractual work at the enterprise (acts, contracts, any legal documentation). Providing comprehensive services, ranging from consultation to legal support and conclusion of contracts;
  • Monitoring the correct execution of company documents regulating labor relations (orders, contractual obligations, job descriptions);
  • Audit of corporate and constituent documents, development and implementation of a unified document management system, drafting contracts, agreements, instructions;
  • Claim and claim work in courts of various instances. Preparation of claims and claims, representation of the company’s interests in arbitration courts or in courts general jurisdiction, participation on behalf of the plaintiff at all stages of the legal process, Legal support for control over the execution of a lawful court decision;
  • Optimization of tax payments, implementation of a company tax planning system. Legal services are used to increase efficiency tax policy, allow you to analyze financial condition companies;
  • Legal participation on behalf of the serviced company in tenders and protection of the interests of the company during the competition;
  • Legal services for businesses in terms of organizing personnel production in the company (working with personnel documentation, analyzing and creating orders, job descriptions, contracts, participation on behalf of the company in the process of labor disputes in courts and government agencies).

Legal services for business are profitable. Not every firm has its own lawyer on staff, especially when you are just starting out with your business. It’s easier to seek qualified help as needed in order to optimize the work of your own company.

Professional legal support for business (Moscow and Moscow region) only from experienced lawyers at reasonable prices! Legal outsourcing services will allow you to solve many diverse problems related to conducting own business, will improve its profitability and increase core revenues. You will be confident that your company is under reliable legal protection. We work with any tasks, ranging from a simple audit of the company’s condition to representing the company’s interests in arbitration proceedings.


Call the number provided at our address and sign up for a consultation. We guarantee the quality of our work, efficiency, timeliness and full competence in any matters related to law. Comprehensive legal services for businesses are a popular service. With us, legal services for business will become much easier; ask for qualified assistance.


Reviews from our Trustees

Organization legal work at the enterprise

Subscriber legal support (service) for organizations is an increase in the efficiency of an enterprise through outsourcing legal types activities.

The Moscow legal center “Lawyer Digin, Vorotnikov and Partners” has specialized in providing services for comprehensive subscription legal support for the activities of companies and organizations since 1997.

Currently, significant changes are taking place in the conditions of competition in Moscow and the economy of our country as a whole. Competition increases every year and, accordingly, the requirements for the level of organization of activities increase. modern company. The time of talented entrepreneurs who independently understood all aspects of the company’s operational activities and at the same time created a competitive business is a thing of the past.

Today, teams of professionals and complex organizations compete. No matter what talents a loner has, modern conditions competition - he is not able to withstand the teamwork of professionals highly specialized in various types activities modern organization. One of these types of company activities is legal work.

As you know, highly qualified specialists are in demand by the market, and therefore are highly paid employees. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that one, even a highly qualified employee, cannot be a top specialist in all areas of law. In other words, teams of narrow professionals compete in the legal field, and outsourcing is becoming increasingly in demand.


Subscriber legal support services for business

The cost (tariffs) of services of highly qualified specialists in the legal field is quite high. Therefore, outsourcing of legal activities of an organization – effective tool increasing the company's competitiveness.

Services for comprehensive subscription legal services for organizations in Moscow are becoming increasingly widespread. The implementation of a set of preventive (precautionary) measures aimed at preventing possible financial losses of the company in the future is a trend in modern management.

Subscriber legal support (service) for legal entities allows us to minimize legal risks and reduce the financial losses of the company.

Organization of effective outsourcing of legal services

In a nutshell, let's describe general principles functioning of such an outsourcing system. To do this, it is necessary to “tune” other company management systems to respond to a “weak signal”. Simply put, all company employees must promptly provide the outsourcing firm’s lawyers with information containing information about the company’s potential risks in the future. In other words, the problem has not yet arisen, but it may arise in the future, and the outsourcing firm’s lawyers, together with the company’s employees, are implementing measures aimed at preparing for the worst-case scenario.

If fears turn out to be unfounded, then this work is considered as part of activities aimed at reducing the risks of the company’s activities. If the worst-case scenario is confirmed, then the company will meet it fully armed.

In practice, the organization of this method of implementation legal activity as follows. The outsourcing organization's lawyers analyze the legal situation, prepare and collect written and other evidence that may be necessary in the event of a conflict and litigation.

The experience of our practical activities indicates that the savings that the company receives in connection with the reduction of these risks are twice as high as the cost of paying for subscription legal support services for business

Cost of subscription legal support services

The cost of services (tariffs) for subscription legal services for legal entities is determined by the volume and complexity of the legal work that needs to be performed by an outsourcing legal company for the enterprise. In any case, the costs of paying lawyers should not exceed economic effect, which a legal entity (enterprise) receives from their activities. In real terms, the monthly cost of subscription legal support services ranges from minimal tariffs to impressive amounts. For example, the price of three hour-long consultations once a month, and the organization of comprehensive subscription legal services large company involve the expenditure of various time, technological and human resources of an outsourcing law firm. Thus, the cost largely depends on the volume and complexity of the legal work performed. In addition, prices and tariffs are influenced by seasonality, supply and demand balance, urgency of execution and other factors.

Cost of subscription legal support services (maintenance)

Contents of subscription legal support (service) service packages

Name of service package Service list
1 Base

2) Oral consultations.

3) Participation in trials with a 20% discount from the average market price.

2 Optimal

1) Contractual and claims work.

2) Oral consultations.

3) Written consultations.

5) Conducting one case in court - included in the package price.

6) A 30% discount is provided from the average market cost for the conduct of court cases not included in the cost of the service package.

7) A 50% discount is provided on the management of personal affairs of the business owner and director of the enterprise.

3 Business

1) Contractual and claims work.

2) Oral consultations.

3) Written consultations.

4) Preparation of claims, statements, petitions to courts, government bodies and structures.

5) Conducting two cases in court - included in the package price.

6) A 50% discount is provided from the average market cost for the conduct of court cases not included in the cost of the service package.

7) A 70% discount is provided on the management of personal affairs of the business owner and director of the enterprise.

4 Premium

By agreement –

depending on the volume and complexity of services provided

Our center specializes in providing services for subscriber legal support (service) - legal outsourcing.

Lawyers and advocates of the Moscow legal center “Lawyer Digin, Vorotnikov and Partners” will help you ensure the effective implementation of the legal activities of your business. They have comprehensive and many years of experience in providing services for subscription legal support of organizations various forms ownership and industry affiliation.



Legal support for business in Moscow

The practice of providing legal assistance to clients of our law office has shown that many aspects entrepreneurial activity legal entities do not have proper legal development and protection. As a result, controversial and conflict situations, additional risks for business, which are expressed in litigation. Based on this, we offer our clients full legal support for their business.

Subscription services for legal entities (organizations) is a full legal outsourcing service that involves legal support of business in all aspects economic activity companies. Our office assumes the functions and responsibilities of a full-time legal department. At the same time, the costs of the enterprise are significantly reduced and the efficiency of document flow and legal protection of the enterprise increases.

Subscriber legal services include whole line benefits for clients:

  • You save on the formation of a legal service and do not create unnecessary jobs.
  • You reduce the tax base, you do not need to pay unified social tax, make pension contributions, pay for vacations and sick leave.
  • Our outsourcing lawyer will not learn from your mistakes. The employees of our bureau have various specializations and your specific problem will be dealt with exclusively by a competent specialist;
  • You do not need to equip workplaces, buy legal bases and legal literature;
  • the law firm will not leave for a “promotion” to competitors, will not get sick or ask for leave;
  • financial transparency of the work of the bureau’s specialists is ensured by a detailed elaboration of the agreement for comprehensive legal services for organizations (legal entities, companies) with a fixed hourly (monthly) fee and an agreed volume of work, as well as a strict obligation of the bureau to report on the work done;
  • Constant legal support of all aspects of an organization’s economic activity allows one to avoid many risks associated with the prospect of litigation with counterparties or government/law enforcement agencies, because any agreement or action of the organization receives proper analysis and identification of potential risks in advance.

Legal outsourcing includes the following types of services:

transaction support and contractual work:

  • development of schemes for the acquisition of companies, real estate, and other assets;
  • preparation of a comprehensive conclusion on the transaction, risk assessment;
  • participation in the negotiation process in order to obtain the best conditions;
  • preparation of any types of contracts, verification of contracts proposed by counterparties;
  • Preparation effective way securing obligations on the part of the counterparty;

comprehensive legal support for the business of an organization (company), including corporate governance, protection of the interests of business owners:

  • development of schemes for organizing subsidiaries;
  • organization of management companies;
  • development of employment contracts, job descriptions and regulations, including for general directors and chief accountants;
  • preparation and implementation of measures for dismissal and reduction of employees;
  • preparation and conduct general meeting joint stock companies

carrying out registration actions, supporting transactions with securities:

  • making changes to constituent documents legal entity;
  • analysis and execution of transactions with securities (shares, bonds, bills, bank certificates, etc.);

outsourcing of legal services in interaction with authorities:

  • representing the company’s interests in law enforcement agencies;
  • providing legal assistance during tax audits, searches, etc.
  • receiving permitting documentation(permits, certificates, attestations, approvals, etc.) in various government bodies;
  • appealing illegal actions of employees of executive authorities, appealing protocols, inspection reports, etc.
  • interaction with tax authorities, antimonopoly authorities (FAS), Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs authorities;

representing the company's interests in court:

  • pre-trial settlement of disputes, preparation of claims, negotiations;
  • preparation and writing of statements of claim and reviews;
  • representation of interests in Arbitration and other courts, participation in the process;
  • a specialist in legal support for clients participates in enforcement proceedings, including collection Money from the defendant;

One of priority areas the work of the JuvensisConsult company - subscription services for legal entities. We also provide one-time legal assistance for businesses. We guarantee strict confidentiality.

Subscriber legal services are a range of services on an ongoing basis, allowing you to solve legal issues arising in the course of business activities. This method of interaction makes it possible to receive qualified assistance from specialists at a competitive price.

Services within the framework of subscription legal services for firms are provided both to organizations with and without their own lawyer.

The work involves comprehensive support of the company. In this case, it is possible to transfer only part of the functions of a full-time lawyer. This may be joint or independent work for individual projects.

Subscriber legal services can be provided as large company, and firms in the small business segment. You just need to choose the most suitable package.

Advantages of subscription legal services

The stable operation of any organization largely relies on competent and timely resolution of current and unscheduled legal issues. Management should arrange for proper legal services. We provide comprehensive legal support for small, medium and large businesses. Enterprises from different fields of activity and forms of ownership contact us.

Several arguments for subscription legal services to firms at JuvensisConsult:

  • professional approach. Experienced legal specialists handle cases of client companies. We know the law very well, including current changes;
  • prompt solution of legal problems. When concluding a subscription service agreement legal entity Specialist help is always available. To contact a lawyer, just call him. All legal issues are resolved in a timely manner. This form of cooperation is better than hiring a full-time specialist (he can go on vacation, on sick leave, or quit at the most crucial moment);
  • A complex approach. The client receives qualified recommendations from lawyers and practical support in resolving issues of civil, corporate, administrative, tax and other areas of law;
  • financial savings. The price of subscription legal services is fixed in the contract. At the same time, the client no longer needs to arrange workplaces for employees and improve their qualifications;
  • guarantee of legality and strict confidentiality.

Legal support optimizes the financial sphere of your business.