Complete walkthrough of the game mass effect 3. Side quests. Priority: Perseus's Veil

For throughout the action RPG Mass Effect 3 you will meet characters from previous parts of the trilogy. Not all of these heroes will become your friends and helpers, but those who agree to help you will definitely influence the course of the entire story. You will meet characters from the previous part of the game in the most unexpected circumstances. Who exactly you meet will depend on the results of the “suicide” mission and the second part and on what add-ons you have installed. Everyone who survived the last part will definitely contact you, including the crew of the Normandy. Each companion will make a contribution to the common cause, and thanks to this, at the end of the game you will be able to increase the available military resources by an order of magnitude, which will affect the outcome of the final battle with the Reapers and will be needed to achieve a positive ending in the game.

We bring to your attention a small guide that will help you find your companions from previous installments, save some game characters and even resolve a few conflicts.

Mass Effect 3 Characters - Brief FAQ

Search for old comrades
First of all, we should find our old comrades. I won’t mention those who were originally part of our team; everything is clear with them. But as mentioned above, in the third part of the game you can meet those characters from the previous parts who remained alive.

How to find Zaid
On the Citadel you can take on a quest about the volus ambassador, who is an agent of Cerberus. While investigating this case, Shepard will meet with Zaeed.

How to find Kasumi
To meet Kasumi, you need to complete a quest on the Citadel, which will be given by a salarian from GOR named Yodnum Bau.

Where to find Grunt
You will meet Grunt during the mission “Lost Scouts”.

How to find Miranda
Shepard will receive a letter from Miranda in which she will offer to meet. If you do not respond to the letter, you can only see Miranda on Horizon.

Where can you meet Jacob?
You will meet Jacob during the mission to rescue Cerberus scientists.

Where can you meet Samara Morinth
You will meet this character during the quest in the Adrat-Yakshi monastery.

Where to find Jack
You will meet Jake at Grissom Academy.

Where is Thane
You will meet Thane on the Citadel, in the hospital.

Where can I find Diana Allers? And how can she help me
You will find Diana at Dock D-24. You will meet her immediately upon your first arrival at the Citadel. Diana will help promote Shepard in the galaxy, which in turn will allow him to obtain additional military resources.

Where to find Kelly
If you previously had an affair with Kelly, you will find her on the Citadel.

Character Rescue in Mass Effect 3

As you know, characters often die in Mass Effect 3, which upsets some players. Next we will tell you how to avoid unwanted deaths of your companions.

How to save Miranda
To save Miranda, several conditions must be met:

  • You must talk to her three times before starting the mission on Horizon.
  • In Mass Effect 2, she must be loyal to you.
  • You must warn her about Kai Len.
  • You must give her access to Alliance data.

How to save Grunt
If Grunt remained loyal to you in the second part of the game, then he will survive even if you save Queen Rachni.

How to save Thane
Thane will die anyway. As he himself said, he already lived longer than the doctors predicted for him, and needs constant medical care.

How to save Mordin
To save Mordin, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Destroy Melon's records.
  • Eve must die.
  • Do not tell Mordin about the hole in the curtain until you are near the tower.
  • Convince him that it is too early to treat the genophage - this can be achieved if you have a sufficient number of reputation points.

In this case, Mordin will send the empty bodice and remain alive.

How to save Anderson
Anderson cannot be saved, you can only delay his death. Those. even if the Phantom does not kill him, the admiral will die from his wounds a little later.

What other partners can be saved from death?

Tali- will throw himself off a cliff if you did not reconcile the quarians and geth and allowed the Legion to give the data to the geth.
Rex- if you decide not to treat the genophage, he will get angry and Shepard will have to shoot him.
Kayden/Ashley- he/she can be killed during the mission "Hunt for Udina" if you cannot convince the companion that Shepard is good and Udina is a scoundrel.
Morinth turn into a banshee. You can kill her like a regular banshee.
Samara- will attempt suicide to save his remaining daughter when the Adrat-Yakshi monastery is destroyed. You need to have time to prevent this attempt.
Legion- will die in any case, regardless of whether you took the side of the geth, quarians, or were able to reconcile these races.
Kelly- will die if you leave her to care for the sick on the docks. You can save her if you ask her to change her appearance and personality.
Kasumi will die if the loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 is not completed.

Love line in Mass Effect 3

Everyone knows that in the last part of the trilogy, you can continue the romance that began in the previous parts (even if these characters are not among your permanent companions in Mass Effect 3), or you can start a new one.

Which of the new characters can you romance in the third part of the game?
You can't have a romance with all the characters:

WITH James Vega You can only flirt a little.
WITH Diana Allers there will be an opportunity to sleep after the second interview.
Samantha- Romance is possible if you play as a female character.
Lieutenant Cortez- Romance is possible if you play as a male character.

Is an affair with the Joker possible?
No, you can't romance the Joker, but you can romance him with EDI.

Is it possible to seduce Tali or Garrus if I didn't have an affair with them in the previous part?
No, romantic relationships with Jack, Miranda, Tali and Garus are only possible if you had an affair with them in the second part of the game.

Mass Effect 3 Diplomatic Tricks

How to reconcile quarians and geth
The possibility of reconciliation depends on a number of factors. In total you should score 5-7 points. If you score less, then it will not be possible to reconcile these races.

Influence in Mass Effect 2

  • By destroying the geth heretics, you will receive 2 points.
  • Reprogramming geth-heretics - 0 points.
  • Tali decided to stay in the navy - 2 points.
  • Tali's mission is not completed or Tali was expelled - 0 points.
  • You stopped the conflict between the Legion and Tali using the phrases of the Hero or the Renegade - 1 point.

Influence in Mass Effect 3

  • For saving Admiral Zaal"Koris you will receive 1 point.
  • For destroying a geth base - 1 point.
  • For completing the Legion mission in the third part of the game - 1 point.

If you have reached the required number of points, you will have to allow the Legion to begin transmitting data to the geth, then you will receive several new answer options that can lead to peace.

In Mass Effect 3, the third installment in Bioware's popular series, the fate of all humanity is at stake. The Reapers have launched a large-scale attack on planet Earth. As Captain Shepard, you will be in charge and coordinate the Earthlings' response to this looming threat to their existence. Like previous parts of the series, Mass Effect 3 is made according to all the laws of Hollywood: with intense action, exciting cutscenes and the fate of the world in the hands of a lone hero. But, unlike films, you will be able to control everything that happens on the screen and, perhaps, even save humanity.

Although the game has not undergone significant changes, there have been various changes in graphics and gameplay. In particular, you now have more options for how to play: ME3 can offer you a deep story with expanded RPG elements or more action - all depending on your personal preferences. In addition, you can import a saved character from Mass Effect 2 and play the multiplayer that crowns this wonderful gaming package.

In creating this guide, we had two main goals in mind. Firstly, to allow you to better understand and put into practice all the configuration options offered in Mass Effect 3, and secondly, to provide you with some advanced settings to enhance the overall gaming experience.

Before we continue, let's make sure your system meets the minimum requirements for this game (the recommended requirements are in parentheses):

  • Processor: 1.8 GHz (2.4 GHz) dual core CPU
  • RAM: 1GB (2GB) RAM for Windows XP / 2GB (4GB) RAM for Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Hard drive: at least 15GB of free space
  • Video Card: Pixel Shader 3.0 compatible (NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT or higher recommended)
  • Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7

In this guide, you will learn complete descriptions for all the settings available in the various options menus in Mass Effect 3, as well as learn how to use the configuration utility. In those places where there is a need to highlight the impact of changing these settings on the quality of the game image, we have posted comparative screenshots. Performance information will also be provided for each installation. However, do not forget that the exact impact on your particular system will depend on the specifications of its components, as well as game and system settings. We've tried to organize as much information as possible here so you can make informed choices (which settings to enable and which not to) that provide the optimal balance of image quality and performance for your preferences.

General system optimization

Just as important as any purely gaming setting is the correct configuration and installation of Windows. Game slowdowns, freezing, or even a complete “throwout” from the game can be caused precisely by internal Windows settings and some outdated or incorrectly configured drivers. Use our gaming-specific PC setup guide to get your PC in the best shape for ME3. Or at least make sure your graphics drivers have been updated to the latest version available.

performance measurement

To successfully implement all the changes, you will need some kind of tool to objectively measure your system's FPS (Frames Per Second) performance. The easiest way to make such measurements is to use the FRAPS utility. Download, install and run this program before you even launch the game itself. After this, you will see a yellow FPS counter in the corner of the screen. Constantly monitor its readings, paying special attention to scenes in which graphics are intensively involved: for example, during large-scale battles. If at the same time your FPS level drops to the lowest values ​​or constantly “floats”, then this is a sure sign that you need to adjust the appropriate settings. It would be best to raise the minimum FPS level to at least 25 units (or more) or simply stabilize the frame rate to prevent unpleasant visual effects.

Remember: In Mass Effect 3, vertical synchronization (VSync) is enabled by default and cannot be disabled through the game settings or configuration utility. Moreover, the game has a forced frame rate limit of 62 points. How to disable vertical sync and how to change/remove the upper framerate limit will be discussed in the “Advanced Settings” section of this guide.

General settings

Before we look at the many graphics-related settings (which have the biggest impact on gaming performance and image quality), let's take a look at the other settings. In order to find yourself in the game settings, you need to launch ME3, click “Extra” in the main game menu, and then click “Options”. This can also be done if you press the ESC button during the game, and after that select “Options”. Video settings will be covered over the next few pages, but first we'll cover general gameplay, controller and audio settings.

The options discussed below do not have any noticeable impact on gaming performance.


Combat Difficulty: This setting determines what level of difficulty your battles will be. Available options (in ascending order): Narrative, Casual, Normal, Hardcore and Insanity. The higher this indicator is set, the more aggressive, stronger and smarter your enemies will appear. At low difficulty levels, they will be weak and have little initiative, and you, in turn, will be able to inflict more damage on them. You can set the desired difficulty for battles at any time in the game convenient for you.

Auto Level-Up: This setting affects how your character and his squad will level up when they have gained the appropriate amount of experience points to move to the next level. If the setting is not enabled (Off is selected), then you need to press ESC during the game, select the “squad” option and manually distribute the available points between different abilities for yourself and each member of your squad: this way the most precise control over development is achieved character and squad in ME3. If the “Squad Only” option is selected, then although you will have to manually level up the character, points will be distributed automatically among all team members according to their strengths. When the Squad & Player option is selected, both the main character and his team members will receive points automatically distributed at each level up without the need for your direct participation in this process.

Squadmate Power Use: This option determines how your current teammates use their powers. When it's On, your teammates can use both offensive and defensive abilities. If it is turned off (Off), then only protective ones plus ammo reinforcement. Disabling this option is recommended only in cases where you intend to actively manage the distribution of forces among your partners during battle, since otherwise it may lead to less effective use of their abilities by squad members.

Autosave: If this option is enabled, the game will save your progress at a certain frequency into a special slot called Autosave. It is not associated with the slots in which you save games manually or with the Quick Save slots. However, every time the game is autosave, it is overwritten with the previous save in the Autosave slot. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you activate this option, since in this case the game itself will make saves quite often before important events or decisions. This means that you will always have an escape route if you forget to save manually.

Hints: When active (On), various text hints and tips will appear on the screen during the game. When inactive (Off), the prompts will disappear. It is recommended to enable this option initially (at least until you are completely accustomed to the game), or enable it whenever you have questions about a specific game situation. Please also remember that some hints at the very beginning of the game will still appear regardless of whether this option is enabled or not.

Action Icons: When this option is enabled, possible graphical options for your future actions will be displayed on the screen. For example, when you are ambushed behind a wall, a blue arrow may appear indicating that you can jump from your current hiding spot to an equally safe location nearby. Likewise, when you approach some wide gap (between buildings, fences, etc.) that you can jump over with a running start, this arrow will highlight the jump trajectory for you. These indicators can mainly be useful for beginners who are not yet completely familiar with all the actions available in the game. Turning this option off (Off) removes this kind of prompt from the screen.


Conversation Mode: This setting determines whether you will be able to select responses during conversations. When "Full Decisions" is enabled, at every opportunity in the conversation you will be required to choose your answer from the list below. When “No Decisions” is enabled, all answer options will be selected for you automatically, and you will not be able to influence them.

Subtitles: if enabled, subtitles will be displayed at the bottom of the screen during conversations. Disabling this option (Off) removes subtitles from the screen.

Shepard's Helmet: This setting affects Shepard's appearance during dialogue. By default, your character will wear a helmet (if he has one) during most dialogue and cutscenes. If you select "Off in Conversations", Shepard will not have a helmet on his head when he is talking with someone. This will allow you to monitor the captain's facial expressions and changes.

Squadmate Helmets: Similar to the above setting, this one determines whether squadmates will wear helmets during dialogue or cutscenes. "Default Off" means that in the vast majority of all game situations there will be no helmets. With "Default On" they will be clothed in most cases. And if the “Off in Conversations” option is selected, then your allies will be without hats only during dialogues.

VO Language, Text Language: These options allow you to select the language of the voice-over or displayed text (if subtitles are enabled).

Mouse and keyboard settings

You can customize the keyboard in a way that suits you on the Key Bindings tab of the Options menu. You can use the following options to customize your mouse:

Invert Mouse: when this option is turned off (Off), when moving the mouse forward, the hero raises his head, and when moving backward, he lowers it. If this option is turned on (On), then everything happens the other way around: moving the mouse forward, the hero will lower his head; and moving back - lift.

Mouse Dampening: This setting works as a kind of accelerator for the mouse. It reduces response time with fast movements of the manipulator and increases this time with slower/shorter movements. In theory, this could improve the accuracy of your shots, giving you the ability to aim accurately when the mouse is moving slowly. However, some players may experience the opposite effect, resulting in an inconsistent gaming experience due to unpredictability of mouse movements. If you do not need such acceleration, then disable this option (Off).

Mouse Sensitivity: This slider determines the level of mouse sensitivity to your movements. The closer to the right edge its position is, the more sensitive the mouse will be. But remember that if your mouse movements remain jerky even after increasing the mouse sensitivity level, then the first thing you need to do is check your frame rate. If its level consistently drops below 25-30 FPS, then you need to adjust the settings to increase the minimum FPS level and thus ensure sensitive operation of the mouse. Don't forget about the effect of the Mouse Dampening setting on mouse sensitivity. And since Mass Effect 3 has Vertical Sync (VSync) enabled by default, this can also cause decreased mouse response. How to disable VSync will be discussed in detail in the Advanced Settings section of this guide.

Sound settings

Music, Sound Effects, Dialog Volume: These sliders are respectively responsible for the volume level of music, sound effects and dialogue during the game. Install them solely based on personal preference, as they do not have any impact on performance.

Dynamic Range: This option determines how in-game audio will be processed. The High setting provides a wide sound range and is intended for high-quality headphones or multi-channel sound systems that can reproduce this range with high accuracy without distortion or loss of sound. The Low setting works well for cheaper headphones and smaller desktop (built-in) speakers.

Voice Mode: When playing Mass Effect 3 in multiplayer mode, you can use the microphone to communicate with other players. This setting sets the mode in which your communications will take place. “Push to Talk” means that every time you speak, you will need to press the talk key (by default it is Tab or B). "Always On" means that your conversation channel is always open to the airwaves: therefore, everything you say (as well as the noise around you) will be constantly broadcast. “No Voice” disables voice chat completely.

Force Voice Chat Audio: If enabled, this setting will continuously broadcast audio from voice chat, even if the game is minimized to the system tray.

Voice Chat Volume: This slider determines the overall audio level for voice chat. Customize it to your taste.

Voice Chat Input Device: This setting shows the name of the Windows recording device. Usually displayed as “microphone” indicating the manufacturer of the sound card. If this box is empty or displays incorrect data, then you do not have the ability to voice communicate in multiplayer.

Voice Chat Output Device: This setting shows the name of the Windows playback device. As a rule, this is the name of headphones or speakers indicating the manufacturer of the sound card. If it is not displayed properly, then you will not hear any sounds at all while playing ME3.

If you want to diagnose problems with any of the above options, or better yet, adjust anything related to audio in ME3, then you should do so using Windows Audio Settings.


Upload Gameplay Feedback: If this option is enabled, feedback will be automatically uploaded to BioWare, providing them with details of any bugs you encountered and giving them insight into the overall style of gameplay and your interaction with the game. This will help the developers to further improve the game. If you don't need this feature, you can disable it.

Graphic settings

A full list of graphics-related settings will be available when you run the configuration utility for Mass Effect 3 (MassEffect3Config.exe), which comes with the game. It is located in the Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect 3\Binaries directory. Launch the utility, and after it scans your system, select "Video" in the left panel to open a list of all available video-related settings for ME3. Some of these settings can also be adjusted while the game is already running: to do this, press ESC, select “Options” and then “Graphics”.

In this section, we will look at each of the graphics settings and analyze exactly what impact they have on the performance and quality of the game image.

The performance graph for each of the settings described below will start from the “base level”, where all settings are assigned maximum values, full-screen mode is enabled, and vertical sync and frame rate counter are disabled. From this baseline, we varied specific settings to measure their effect on performance and image quality.

Parameters of the system on which the game was tested:

  • GeForce GTX 560 1GB
  • Intel Core i7 940
  • 3GB RAM
  • Win7 64-bit
  • NVIDIA 295.73 WHQL Drivers


A comprehensive list of graphics settings that can be changed using the configuration utility for Mass Effect 3 is located in the \Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect 3\Binaries folder. All these settings will be discussed in detail in this section of the guide.

Windowed: By default, Mass Effect 3 launches in full screen mode. It occupies the entire working area of ​​the monitor and is recommended. If you want ME3 to run in a small window on your desktop, then enable this option. The size of the window will depend on your monitor's resolution settings. Running the game in small window mode is a good solution when you want to lower the screen resolution in order to improve performance without sacrificing image quality.

Window Mode: If you play in window mode, then using this setting you can set the frame for the game window or refuse it.

Aspect Ratio: This setting determines the aspect ratio of your monitor and also affects what options are available to you in the resolution settings. To avoid distorted images, you should choose a value that properly matches the aspect ratio of your monitor: for modern widescreen models, this value is usually 16:9 or 16:10. The correct ratio is usually set automatically, but if you're not sure, just pay attention to whether round objects in the game appear round (correctly) or oval (incorrectly). Please also note that even if you select 16:10, some cutscenes will still be displayed in a 16:9 aspect ratio with black bars at the top and bottom of the screen - this is normal.

Resolution: this option is responsible for the resolution of the game image. It is measured by the number of pixels vertically and horizontally (for example, 1920 by 1080 pixels). The number of available values ​​is limited by the capabilities of both your video card and monitor. It also depends on the Aspect Ratio setting described above. The higher the resolution level you choose, the more detailed the image on your screen will be when you play. However, high values ​​of this parameter can put a significant load on your system (especially on the video card), and therefore reduce the overall level of performance. The impact on performance can sometimes be quite significant, so if it does not improve after adjusting other indicators, then it is worth reducing the resolution. To obtain the highest quality images on LCD monitors, you can select the maximum resolution value within this option (the so-called “native” monitor resolution). If you choose a resolution below the maximum level, then select the “Windowed” value of the setting of the same name described above.

The graph shows the dependence of gaming performance on changing this setting:

From the graph presented above you can see that at high resolutions the FPS level will decrease. Therefore, resolution is one of the critical settings that affects overall performance in Mass Effect 3.

Anti-Aliasing & Motion Blur

Anti-Aliasing: When this option is enabled, an effective form of post-process anti-aliasing (AA), also known as FXAA, is used to smooth out the edges of jagged lines and reduce flickering and crawling during action scenes. . While enabling FXAA can result in overall blurriness in some games, using it in Mass Effect 3 works very well when you want to smooth out sharp edges while maintaining sharp images.

The above screenshots show the difference between antialiasing on and off in ME3. In the left picture, where AA is off, you can see the jagged edges. They are most noticeable on the frame of the glass balcony railing, floor tiles, and at the top and bottom of the windows. When anti-aliasing is turned on, despite the fact that in some places the jaggedness still remains, most of the lines have become noticeably smoother. The difference is even more noticeable during gameplay, because as you move, the jagged lines become even more noticeable. If you activate anti-aliasing, they will become much smoother. Also, when using FXAA, the overall picture becomes slightly blurry. But, as noted before, this is almost unnoticeable during the game.

If you would like to apply more effective forms of antialiasing to achieve even better image quality and clarity, please review the Improved Antialiasing setting in the Advanced Settings section of this guide.

How this setting affects gaming performance is shown below:

The graph clearly shows that despite the fairly effective changes that the setting brings to the game, its impact on performance in ME3 is not that significant. And of course, it is not as great as that provided by more effective, but also more resource-intensive forms of anti-aliasing: MSAA (Multi-Sample AA) or SSAA (Super Sample AA), which we will talk about later. This makes this setting the best solution for those players who want to reduce line jaggedness without causing a hit to FPS. However, if every unit of framerate is critical to you, then anti-aliasing is one of the first settings you need to turn off: the game image will be passable even if it is not activated.

Motion Blur: When this setting is On, a motion blur effect is used. Its essence is that any sudden movements will be blurred, thereby stimulating the effect of fast movement. Using this effect improves the perception of smooth movements at low frame rates, and also gives the overall picture a cinematic touch. However, its opposite effect can be expressed in “jerky” movements, especially during sharp turns.

These screenshots were taken as Captain Shepard quickly turned to the right. When motion blur is turned off, the scene looks absolutely crisp and clear. When the effect is turned on, Shepard's outline is still quite clear, while the surrounding area becomes blurred and gives the appearance of rapid movement against it. The degree of blur also depends on how fast you move the mouse.

The dependence of performance on changing this parameter is presented below:

By and large, motion blur has a minimal impact on performance, so its use comes down largely to personal preference. But you should still turn it off if you notice constant freezing of the game image when making sudden movements.

Dynamic Shadows: This setting controls whether animated objects in the game will cast shadows (both on themselves and on other surfaces) or not. When it is turned off, the above objects will not cast dynamic shadows, however, this does not disable all shadows in the game, since many of the objects are static. When enabled, dynamic shadows will be present both on the characters themselves and on the objects around them. Using this setting can cause significant performance degradation, especially in scenes with a large number of characters.

As you can see from the images above, even when this setting is disabled, the game scene is still riddled with static shadows. However, if you turn it on, additional shadows appear, noticeable mainly on the faces and bodies of the characters. The characters also cast shadows on the surface of the earth, which adds even more realism to the overall picture. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that using this setting will make the game even richer and more realistic. To learn how to manually adjust the appearance of dynamic shadows, see the Advanced Settings section of this guide.

The performance impact of changing this setting is shown below:

The graph highlights the significant impact this setup has on performance. Along with resolution, this is one of the most resource-intensive game settings. Although turning off dynamic shadows can significantly reduce the realism of the game, if you experience a lack of performance, and especially if you feel “slowness” during battles, then this setting should be disabled. If you are adamant about keeping this setting enabled, but at the same time want to improve performance, then you can reduce the shadow resolution as an option. How to do this will be discussed in the “Advanced Settings” section of this guide.

Number of Cinematic Lights: This setting determines the total amount of light that will be used simultaneously in scenes such as dialogue. Options for 1, 2 or 3 light sources are available to choose from: the greater the number, the more realistic the backlight and shadows will be in the scenes, but the lower the performance. If you still find that the characters in the “cinematic” effects are too shadowed, then increase the value of this setting.

In the screenshots above we can see the difference from applying three different levels of this setting during one of the dialogues involving Shepard. When only one light source is turned on, the captain's face is illuminated only in red and mostly on the right side. When two sources are already turned on, one more white light is added to the overall picture, illuminating the left side of his face and shoulder - this adds depth to the scene. When all three sources are turned on, another subtle beam illuminates the right side of Shepard's face, thus further increasing the realism of the picture.

The impact of this effect on game performance is shown below:

Although turning on this option does not have a negative impact on performance, the visual effect it provides is really noticeable. With one light source turned on, the overall picture still remains very dark. The “golden mean” recommended for most systems is “2”. With three backlight sources, the maximum realism of the picture will be accompanied by an additional “drop” in the framerate level, although during dialogues you can, in fact, not pay attention to FPS at all.

Use Spherical Harmonic Lighting: Spherical Harmonic Lighting (SHL) is a technique that adjusts the distribution of natural light to create shadows. If this option is enabled during gameplay, SHL will primarily be used to create more subtle and realistic dynamic shadows (provided the Dynamic Shadows setting is enabled along with it).

In the images above, you can see that when harmonious sphere lighting is turned off, Shepard has almost his entire face and body in shadow due to the Dynamic Shadows setting being active. If you turn on SHL, the first thing that will catch your eye is the sudden overall predominance of red. This is because in this particular scene there is a source of red lighting in front of Shepard (he is watching the Normandy from the captain's bridge of his ship). The fact that SHL accurately renders the red hue in this situation is only part of the positive changes this setting brings. Less noticeable, but still visible upon closer inspection, is that the shadows are softer overall: look at Shepard's face and forearm. Note also that the illumination of the rest of the picture has not undergone any changes.

The graph shows changes in the FPS value depending on whether SHL is on/off:

This setting will not have a noticeable impact on gaming performance, but it will largely depend on the ambient lighting. SHL is not the most critical setting, without which the game will not “run”. And if your system can handle Dynamic Shadows normally, then the minimal performance changes from activating SHL should go unnoticed by it. But there is (literally and figuratively) a significant improvement in the visual picture.

Anisotropic Filtering: Anisotropic Filtering (AF - Anisotropic Filtering) is a technique for filtering textures. In particular, it can be used to significantly improve the clarity of textures covering the ground. Available options: Off, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x. The higher the value used, the more distinguishable and crisp surfaces will appear both close and far away from the character.

The comparative screenshots show that even when moving from Off to 2x AF, the textures on the ground surface change noticeably: being initially blurry and unclear, they become noticeably clearer. Using 4x AF makes them even clearer (especially at medium distances), while 8x AF adds even more detail. There is no significant difference between 8x AF and 16x AF, except that in the distance to the left the textures on the ground are slightly more visible.

Please note that although you can change AF using the graphics card's control panel instead of doing it purely in-game, it doesn't make any difference to image quality. However, you should still check your AF settings in your graphics card's control panel to make sure you're using the highest level of texture filtering. Owners of NVIDIA video cards need to go to the “Program Settings” tab in the NVIDIA Control Panel, select the “Mass Effect III” profile there and set the “Texture filtering - Quality” parameter to “High Quality”.

The impact changing this setting has on gaming performance is shown in the graph below:

Anisotropic filtering has almost no effect on the performance of most modern video cards. For this reason and the fact that it significantly improves the appearance of textures, it is recommended that even on the weakest system configurations a value of at least 2x AF be used as a minimum. On more powerful builds, it is recommended to install at least 8x AF, since this will significantly improve the game image, and performance will not decrease.

Advanced Settings

Using the configuration utility described earlier, Mass Effect 3 gives players a wide range of options for debugging various graphics settings. But besides this, ME3 also provides additional opportunities to adjust settings that affect image quality and gameplay to suit everyone's personal tastes. In this section we will talk specifically about these possibilities.

Improved Anti-Aliasing

In Mass Effect 3, you can only apply FXAA using the in-game Anti-Aliasing setting, as described earlier in this guide. This is a fast and effective smoothing method that shows very good results. However, it also introduces some blurriness into the game image, and does not always completely remove the “jagged” lines. If you want ME3 to look significantly cleaner and sharper, you can try increasing the anti-aliasing effects in the game by using the "Antialiasing" settings in your graphics card's control panel. Through experimentation you will understand which of the suggested anti-aliasing modes will work best in ME3 using this method.

For owners of NVIDIA video cards, there is a more effective method that is guaranteed to work. Plus, it provides a lot more customization options. This is using the free NVIDIA Inspector utility. Follow this sequence of actions:

  • download and install NVIDIA Inspector. Important: You must have the latest video drivers installed because NVIDIA Inspector requires a Mass Effect 3 profile with the latest drivers to run.
  • Launch NVIDIA Inspector and click the small “Driver Profile Settings” button (with the image of a crossed wrench and screwdriver) next to the “Driver Version” box.
  • in the window that opens, click on the “Profiles” drop-down box and select “Mass Effect III”. If you did not find this profile there, then carefully read step 1 again.
  • edit the “Antialiasing Compatibility” setting by selecting “0x080100C5 (Mass Effect, Mass Effect II)” from the drop-down box.
  • in the “Antialiasing” section, select “None” for the “Antialiasing - Behavior Flags” subsection.
  • in the “Antialiasing - Mode” subsection, select “Override any application setting”.
  • in the line “Antialiasing - Setting”, decide on the antialiasing ratio mode that suits you. The “Multisampling” mode is considered a good compromise for maintaining high values ​​of both performance and efficiency. Therefore, we recommend choosing “4x” to begin with.
  • If you don't have performance problems, you can also activate Transparency Anti-Aliasing (TRAA). This setting reduces jaggedness on transparent textures, such as those with bright edges or parts of them that are visible through. Enable the “Antialiasing - Transparency Multisampling” setting for a less resource-intensive, and hence less efficient, form of TRAA. Or use one of the multiplicity modes available in the “Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling” line if you want to increase the efficiency of anti-aliasing (and, as a result, reduce performance).
  • Click the “Apply changes” button in the upper right corner of the window to save your settings. You can close NVIDIA Inspector after this, as the program does not need to be active for your settings to work.
  • Launch Mass Effect 3 to see your changes. It is highly recommended to completely disable the game anti-aliasing setting to avoid possible conflicts in the game and remove blur.

To undo everything you've done, click on the small green NVIDIA logo at the top of the NVIDIA Inspector profiles screen. This will return the Mass Effect III profile to its default values.

In the first image above we can see that all anti-aliasing (AA) settings are turned off: it's easy to see a lot of jagged lines, especially along the balcony in the distance. In the following image, Multisampling AA (MSAA) was applied using the NVIDIA Inspector utility: compared to the previous screenshot, all edges are much softer, and the jagged edges have begun to align (there are no blurry edges). Further, along with 4x MSAA, Multisampling TRAA was also enabled, but no noticeable improvements are visible compared to the previous image. Finally, to make the picture perfectly clear, we combine 4xMSAA with 4x Sparse Grid Supersampling TRAA. As you can see for yourself, the results are truly impressive: there are no jagged lines left at all, and the overall visual perception of the scene has become much more pleasant. However, the impact on performance has also increased significantly, significantly reducing the FPS level. Therefore, this combination of these techniques is only recommended for the latest generation of video cards and installations with multiple GPUs.

Changing the viewing angle

Field of View (FOV) determines how much of the game world you can see on the screen at once. The default setting in Mass Effect 3 is 70 degrees and cannot be changed using in-game settings. However, there is a very quick and easy way to do this using the Widescreen Fixer utility. The latest version (r398) comes with the profile for Mass Effect 3. To use it, follow these steps:

  • Download and unzip Widescreen Fixer.
  • Make sure both ME3 and Origin are closed.
  • run the Widescreen Fixer.exe file for the utility to start working.
  • From the “Select Game” drop-down box, select “Mass Effect 3”.
  • Click on the gear image next to the “Select Game” box. Here you can select a new viewing angle value for ME3 using the “Vertical Field-of-View in Degrees” slider. Click the "Save Settings" button and then "Close Window".
  • On the Settings tab, you can select a key to manipulate the FOV value. The default is the multiplication sign (*) on the number keyboard (Numpad).
  • let Widescreen Fixer be running in the background.
  • Launch Mass Effect 3 and make sure that the key you selected in step 6 now allows you to change the angle of view (this can be done even while the BioWare logo is on the screen).

Widescreen Fixer is the best tool available today for adjusting the field of view (FOV) in Mass Effect 3, as other methods can be quite glitchy. Also remember that you should not try to adjust the viewing angle while playing multiplayer, as you may be banned for doing so.

In the next section, we'll take an even closer look at how to manually configure Mass Effect 3.

The configuration file

The main configuration file, which contains all the settings for Mass Effect 3, is located in the \Users\\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\Config directory. This file is called GamerSettings.ini, and is used by the game to store your settings. Then, every time you start the game, this file is “read” and all settings work in accordance with the parameters specified there. You should back up this file before attempting to make any changes to it. You can edit the file using any text editor (for example, Windows Notepad). All settings that can be changed in this file are duplicated with those that you can change through the in-game options menus and the ME3 configuration utility. Therefore, there is little point in changing them here.

However, there are a few additional features that, when applied to this file, will provide very interesting improvements. We will describe the most useful of them below. Please note that none of the variables described here exist by default in the GamerSettings.ini file; those variables that you want to use must be written to the bottom of the section of the above-mentioned configuration file.

  • SmoothFrameRate=False
  • UseVSync=False

To limit the maximum frame rate to around 60-62 FPS, Mass Effect 3 has two factors working simultaneously. The first is a framerate “smoothing” system, which sets the maximum FPS level to achieve stable performance. It is controlled by the SmoothFrameRate variable. The second is vertical sync (VSync), which is controlled by the UseVSync variable. By default, both of these factors are active, so in ME3 you will never see anything exceed 60-62 FPS due to the fact that your system is initially configured that way. If you want to get rid of this limiter completely, then you just need to set both of these variables to =False as shown above. This will provide you with even greater performance due to the absence of frame rate restrictions (of course, only if your system can handle the load).

Disabling VSync not only improves performance and increases mouse sensitivity, but can also lead to a phenomenon called tearing: parts of the image may move relative to the main image. This does not cause significant harm to your system, but it can be very annoying. We would advise not to disable VSync, but to leave it enabled. And in order to neutralize the negative impact of this setting, you can enable Triple Buffering. However, remember that if VSync is active, the game will have a framerate limitation.

  • MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62

Regardless of whether you have VSync enabled or disabled, you can leave the SmoothFrameRate variable at its default value of True, and experiment with the maximum frame rate value it will use. This is made possible by adding a MaxSmoothedFrameRate variable: it can be set to whatever value (corresponding to the maximum FPS value) you wish. This way, the benefits of the framerate “smoothing” system are preserved, FPS jumps are prevented and the number of all kinds of image stuttering and jerking is reduced. However, do not forget that if VSync is active, the maximum FPS level will still be limited by the monitor's refresh rate, which for most devices is 60 Hz (=60 FPS). Therefore, if you want to assign some high value to MaxSmoothedFrameRate, then you will need to disable VSync.

In general, for most people it is recommended to leave both frame rate smoothing and VSync enabled. If you need to increase performance or are experiencing mouse lag, then enable Triple Buffering: this will almost completely fix the above problems. There is no reason to set the FPS very high in Mass Effect 3, as this will only lead to frame rate instability, which in turn will result in decreased mouse responsiveness and stuttering.

  • MaxShadowResolution=2048

This variable adjusts the maximum resolution of dynamic shadows in the game. The lower the value, the more jagged and rough the shadows become. As its parameters increase, the shadows cast by the characters on themselves and on surrounding objects become increasingly clear and detailed. This improvement in visuals comes at the expense of gaming performance.

The above images clearly illustrate the difference between two diametrically opposed levels of this parameter from the default value of 512. Look closely at the shadow on the ground that Shepard casts. At the minimum value of 64, it is indistinct and its edges are blurred. When 64 is replaced by 512, the shadows become much clearer, but their edges still “float”, and when moved, scars become clearly visible on them. To get rid of all these negative effects, try higher values ​​(1024, 2048, 4096, or even 8192).

In testing, we settled on 1024 because there were positive changes compared to the default: the jagged edges became smoother, and there was no big drop in performance. At 2048, as shown in the image above, the edges of most shadows became very sharp and they became clear. Further changes in this parameter (increasing from 2048) do not have significant visible changes. So, as a reasonable compromise (if you care about high performance and don't want to completely disable dynamic shadows), you can go with 64 or 128. If you want completely sharp shadows, try choosing 1024 or 2048.

There is also a MinShadowResolution variable that you can also use. But there is no need to change its default value of 64, as this may cause instability in the display of shadows.

  • ShadowFilterRadius=2.000000

This variable controls how "soft" the edges of dynamic shadows are. Higher values ​​will blur the edges of the shadows, while lower values ​​will make them sharper and clearer. By default, this variable is set to 2. You can use it in conjunction with MaxShadowResolution to fine-tune the appearance of shadows in the game. For example, try increasing the MaxShadowResolution to 2048 (this will provide great shadow detail), and also raise the ShadowFilterRadius value to 3.5 to soften the sharp edges of the shadows slightly without losing any detail.

The comparative screenshots show the difference with two opposite values ​​of this variable. Take a look at the shadow Shepard casts on the ground: in the left picture (1) it is quite clear, but in the right picture (10) its edges have become much more blurred.

  • DepthOfField=False

This parameter controls the Depth of Field (DoF) effect, which affects the display of objects depending on whether they are in focus or not. Those objects that are out of focus become clearer, and those that fall into it become slightly blurred. This effect is enabled by default in the game, but you can set the variable to False to disable it. This way you can improve performance and get rid of the DoF effect, which most often appears when you aim at something through an optical sight, as well as in various cutscenes. However, disabling DoF also disables diffuse lighting and reduces color saturation, making the game world significantly less bright.

  • Distortion=False

This variable controls the "heat" effect most commonly seen around the barrel of your weapon during firing or reloading (when spent shells are ejected). If you experience lack of performance during battles, then you can set this variable to False, disabling this effect and slightly increasing FPS.

  • DynamicDecals=False

This parameter is responsible for dynamic decals, which are marks (traces) that characters leave on surrounding objects (for example, bullet holes). If you really really need to improve your gaming performance during battles, you can disable such effects by setting this parameter to False. But this will have a negative impact on the realism of the game.

  • LensFlares=False

This parameter affects the blue glare effect that is characteristic throughout the game. It can be disabled by setting it to False. However, the negative side of such a shutdown is that along with the glare, you will not be able to see some important objects, such as consoles and tooltips. Therefore, try to turn off this option only when you want to record a video or take a screenshot.

In the comparison images above, you can clearly see the difference between having the flare effect on (default) and off: the blue glow disappears.

Before you add any of these variables to your configuration file, look at what changes it makes and how it affects your system. It is not recommended to simply copy someone else's settings into your GamerSettings.ini file. If you “messed up” the configuration file and you don’t have a backup copy of it, then simply delete it: the next time you start the game, this file will be created automatically with default values ​​inside.

Please remember that we have only covered settings in this guide that actually work, are useful, or make a noticeable difference to the quality of the game's image. Many popular settings from Mass Effect 1 and 2 do not apply to Mass Effect 3, or are already built into the game by default from the very beginning. Any other methods that involve making changes to key game files may carry a lot of risk and are therefore not recommended at all. Although they can be used to influence some gameplay parameters, they do not affect the quality of the game image, and on top of that, you can get a ban for using them during multiplayer.


Mass Effect 3 is one of the favorite games for fans of the sci-fi genre, and we can't believe that the journey is already coming to an end. Since this part of the series can be considered the best in terms of both gameplay and appearance, we will only have positive emotions from this journey.

By and large, even out of the box, the game looks very good and doesn't require anything more than a few minor tweaks to run perfectly. If you do not have enough system power to provide the required level of performance, then disabling Dynamic Shadows can help, of course, along with reducing the resolution. On the other hand, if your computer has hidden reserves, then you can significantly improve game graphics through thoughtful use of Anti-Aliasing, increasing shadow resolution, or even changing the viewing angle (FOV) if you so desire.

We go to the Citadel. A new location will be waiting for us. Here we will have a dialogue with Dr. Bryans. Next, we interrogate Hadley and try to find out what happened here. Next, we look around the room, looking for all sorts of clues from Dr. Bayanson, who left us in the laboratory.

We continue to study everything around, talk to EDI, as soon as we find something, you can also find various improvements around and more.

We explore everything, then return to the galactic map and place filters on it. Use the map to reduce the number of systems we have to study. As a result, we will only need to search one system.

Next, we return to the ship and, using the galactic map, go to the Horsehead Nebula, then go to the Aizur galaxy. There will be nothing in the galaxy, below the Sun you will need to scan until you find Magavid - the local station. We're landing. Once at the station, we go down on the platform, where the raiders and the creature are waiting for us. We need to find Garneau.

Next we will meet people who, apparently, are on vitamins. Well, you understand. Next, let's look around. Next we go up the stairs and go left, repairing the lift. A drone will appear, which we will escort. The drone will open access tomorrow, after which we take the lift and move on. We get to an incomprehensible laboratory. Let's study it. Next, we penetrate the mineral laboratory, where we will find a crowd of fanatics. Then we open the door behind them and find a data block with news.


Next we need to find the path of the security system, otherwise we will not be able to get through the door. Then we go back to the large terminal on the wall. Let's use it. Next is Garneau. Let's talk to him. Then we set off in pursuit of him. On the way we will start to come across huskies - we kill them. Next you will have to fight the raiders themselves. Banshees and Ravagers will appear later.


Next we will find Garneau, but it turns out that he was Leviathan and he is already dead - he will blow himself up. Next, we return to Dr. Brynson’s laboratory. We study his personal terminal, there are new messages there. On the ground floor, you can also find a key in the table and open a cabinet in the far corner of the room, where you can examine many important objects.

Next, we go to the map again and use two filters, after which we get the coordinates of Ann Brynson. Let's go to the Pylos Nebula. Then we go to the Zaerin system, scan it and near the Sun we will find the planet Namakli, which is not displayed on the map. We enter its orbit and scan it to find traces of Dr. Ann Brynson, after which we land on the planet.

The landing will not be pleasant. After we sit down, we go forward, we try to run quickly, otherwise they will fire at us. Next you will have to climb and jump on various buildings, a lot will be destroyed around. Later we fight the cannibals.


At the end of the path we run to the elevator, go up and a video awaits us. Let's find Ann Bryanson. We evacuate together with her. We return to the doctor's laboratory. Let's go back and watch the video. We communicate with Ann in her laboratory. Next, we use Ann as bait to find out the location of Leviathan.

Next, we go to the specified system to find Leviathan. In the system we scan space again, then we find planets, and then we scan the planet again to more accurately determine its location, after which we land.

In recent years, not so many truly resonant games have been released that “caught” all gamers without exception. A pleasant exception is Mass Effect 3. The passage of this game is quite difficult, and therefore we have prepared this article in which we will try to reveal the most interesting features.

Let us immediately warn you that it is preferable for beginners to choose simple and unambiguous answer options in game dialogues. This makes it easier not to get bogged down in side quests. Once you master Mass Effect 3, the passage can be made more detailed.

The beginning

It all starts with Admiral Hackett being alarmed by some activity observed in several galactic sectors at once. The perspicacious warrior begins to suspect that the reapers of ever-memorable reapers are to blame for everything. He immediately sends Anderson to pull Shepard out so that he can give the esteemed Council comprehensive advice about these unpleasant creatures.

One of the alliance members asks whether it is worth uniting in the face of such a formidable danger. Of course, we agree with him. Immediately after this, the reapers attack a lunar colony of earthlings and demolish a couple of skyscrapers on Earth itself. Shepard is thrown against the wall by the explosion. Hooray! Only after this do you have the opportunity to control the character. It should be noted that the passage of the game “Mass Effect 3” is largely characterized by the fact that some areas of the gameplay practically do not depend in any way on your direct participation.

Let's start to act

We quickly run after Anderson, dodging the falling pieces of the building. We meet with the Huskies, kill them with the pistol given to you earlier. We see a frightened child in the ventilation passage, we advise him to hide better. We finally catch up with Anderson and follow him. We listen to his reasoning about the injustice of life and the deaths that have happened, and we reasonably note that anything can happen in war. We stop near the device to replenish ammunition and get cartridges for our trusty pistol. There is another explosion, and you and Anderson are thrown against the wall, as if we are continuing the passage of the game “Mass Effect 3”.

Continuation of the fight

We crawl away and meet a couple of soldiers. We try not to get noticed by the superior enemy, but the cannibals still notice us. You have to waste precious ammunition to shoot these creatures. Anderson wonders if the soldiers have a radio with them. One of the guys replies that there is a radio on their downed ship, but there are enemies everywhere. Of course we'll go straight there.

First, we shoot all the enemies, and then we select the radio station, which is lying not far from the cliff. There we also find a good rifle. Don't miss the chance to take it with you. We are sending a distress signal. Immediately after this, containers with cannibals begin to fall from the sky. We courageously shoot back from them. An arriving ship saves the situation. Anderson says he will stay (to raise military spirit). He reinstates Shepard and wishes him luck in his future epic endeavors.


On the ship, it turns out that some important data about the reapers may be in the archives of Mars. You shouldn't be surprised that his employees don't get in touch. We'll have to go on a voyage to the Red Planet. We board the shuttle and hit the road. A surprise awaits us on Mars - Cerberus attack aircraft. We destroy them, go into the archive building and get into the elevator. When you come out of it, you will see a wonderful picture: Liara T’Soni, quickly running away from the stormtroopers and simultaneously killing them with the help of the singularity.

We help her finish off her opponents. And this is where our old friend suddenly greatly surprises you with her statement that in the Martian archives there are drawings of weapons that can upset the reapers to death. It is clear that the people of Cerberus need it here! After that, we send all opponents to the forefathers and go to the elevator. No wonder it's broken. However, you can use something else.

We go up to the second floor and look for the central computer there. It contains a video recording from a week ago, in which a woman can be seen. Here Liara T'Soni says that it was she who let Cerberus into the archive. We advise her to forget.

We go into the next room. There is a weapon modification right behind the door. If you're lucky, it will fit your gun. We go further, we meet a bunch of Cerberus fighters. To shoot them all, you will need to take advantage of Liara's singularity. We run to the transport squad section and smell an unpleasant smell as we approach. Liara says that's what disinfectant gas smells like.

We turn off the installation for pumping it and go into the room. It has modifications for a sniper rifle and a shotgun. Having mastered the remote control using the “poke method”, we open the doors. In the next room there is one big and unpleasant surprise - a stationary weapon. We go through a mini-game in which you will be taught how to use cover perfectly and avoid shots using rolls.

Having made our way into the next room, we destroy the stormtroopers and the Centurion that was there. There's a lot of useful stuff in the room, so take a closer look. Don't forget to disable the stationary weapons that caused you so many problems in the recent past. Then we turn our attention to the cameras.

Who do we see! This is the same girl who let Cerberus in! It turns out that her name is Dr. Eve. Liara states with concern that she has already managed to get to the archive, and it will be impossible to intercept the signal that Cerberus will send from there. To avoid this, we try to deceive the enemies by using a transmitter in the helmet of one of the dead stormtroopers. Under the helmet we find something that most closely resembles a Husky. We tell Ashley to stop being hysterical and stop worrying about us.

We call enemies using a transmitter and send an ambush to the meeting point. We destroy the enemies and go to the archives. A bomb awaits us, which the distrustful adversaries left just in case. We destroy a new batch of enemies, go to the archives. Fight again! We advise you to use all your upgraded skills, since without them it will be difficult to win. After you deal with them, feel free to go into the archive, where information crystals on which the drawings of the miracle weapon are written are eagerly awaiting you.

What a shame! We discover that all data has been erased, and the restless Doctor Eve has broken through Ashley to the shuttle. We need to hurry! We destroy Eve, take away from her information about the ancient weapon against the reapers. We're leaving on the Normandy. What else does Mass Effect 3 have in store for us? Citadel, the passage of which is advisable to carry out as carefully as possible, since during its course many important information will be revealed!


Upon arrival, Ashley is sent to the medical center, but we are not allowed to follow her. But Shepard has the opportunity to communicate with Avina, the local artificial intelligence. We study all the information that she provides us. Having talked enough with the smart computer, we go to the store and buy a large package of candy for Ashley (a thousand credits). Entering her room, we see two attending doctors. They report that our friend is strong and her life is no longer in danger.

At the same time, we are recruiting Doctor Chakwas for her further service on the Normandy ship. Since Ashley is still lying unconscious, we leave her some candy and leave the hospital. We go to the Embassy, ​​there we look for Bailey on the second floor. By talking to him, you can learn a lot about the Citadel itself. After this, you can go to Udina's room. From there we are taken to the Council chamber. As Shepard expected, its members do not express any particular willingness to help.

By the way, you can find out what influenced the decisions of some Council members in Mass Effect 3. Completing side quests provides answers to all these questions, so don’t waste your time on them!

But then Liara takes the floor, who will once again tell about a new weapon that can destroy the reapers. The Council is naturally indignant: if it exists, then why didn’t early civilizations put an end to this race? Liara says that the weapon lacks a certain "catalyst". However, this doesn't help. Almost the entire council does not agree.

But Shepard is soon found by a turian advisor. He says he knows someone who could help us solve this problem, but Shepard will have to perform one favor for his race. Without going into details, we have to save the Turian Primarch. We continue to describe the complete walkthrough of “Mass Effect 3”!


We are flying to the moon of Pavalen. After landing, without much surprise, we discover that all life on the planet is being enthusiastically destroyed by the reapers. Having made our way to the defending turians, we learn that their Primarch is already dead. We demand that a new one be appointed, because you need to complete the task of his people! The fighters are not against it, but they need permission from their high command. As one would expect, the only radio tower from which a signal could be sent has already been captured by a detachment of Husks.

Taking James and Ashley with us, we set out to solve this problem. Having dealt with the adversaries, we contact the command. There they report that Victus has been appointed as the new Primarch. He is popular with soldiers and likes to take the initiative during battle. Now we have to transport the newly appointed commander to a safer place.

Then a new wave of enemies comes at us, everything gets mixed up. Having fought back, we run to look for Victus. To put it mildly, he is not delighted with his new appointment. We inform the soldier that there is simply no one else to appoint to this position except him. Reluctantly, he agrees, but at the same time says that he is forced to hold a general military gathering, at which the Krogans will be present.

How can you diversify “Mass Effect 3” (walkthrough)? Aria T'Loak, shortly after completing this chapter, will ask you to unite several gangs of mercenaries under her command. It's worth helping an old friend!

Do you know what “Mass Effect 3 Omega” (walkthrough) can seriously surprise? Aria's sofa! An obnoxious person will ask you to find him! If you successfully complete this mission, a pleasant reward will not be long in coming!


Our new friend Victus asks us for one favor. We are talking about rescuing the crew of a fallen ship. The ship crashed on the planet Tuchanka. Upon arrival at the place, we learn two news: firstly, the ship crashed with the invaluable “help” of the reapers. Secondly, Victus’ son was part of the crew!

We sit down and look for an escape capsule. We arrange a hot fight there, in which we destroy all the enemies who are intensively pressing on the turians. We reach the son of the Primarch, who thanks us for saving us. Shepard demands that the fighters continue the task, to which they disagree. We pathetically tell them about the debt, after which Victus helps us persuade his subordinates.

We contact the command and find out that the Primarch hid something from us. We are trying to shake out of him the information hidden from us, but we are a fiasco. We are reminded that we must solve the problem of the krogan and turians. We again declare with pathos that we never forget about our duty, after which we go to the ruins of the city.

Important! What's the easiest way to kill enemies in Mass Effect 3? "Arena Armax Arsenal"! Completing this quest is rewarded by receiving the new Shadow armor, with which Shepard becomes virtually immune to attacks from many enemies.

City ruins

When we are on the ship, the younger Victus contacts us. He reveals that he uncovered a plot to stir up strife between the turians and the krogan. He also says that he is forced to disarm the bomb intended to carry out this dirty plan, and says goodbye to you, since disarming the detonator will cost him his life. We offer our condolences to his father, while simultaneously preventing a conflict between him and Reeve.

Let us draw your attention to the addition “Mass Effect 3”, “Omega”. The walkthrough, the text of which is outlined in this article, has been seriously expanded in this DLC. The fact is that when resolving conflict situations, you will have more response options available to you, so you can solve the problem without resorting to forceful options. Perfect for those players who want to keep as many members of their squad as possible.

Finally, don't forget about another distinctive feature of Mass Effect 3: completing side quests! Omega provides much more freedom in this regard than the original game! In fact, gamers get the chance to replay many game tasks.

Assassination at the Citadel

We fly to the Citadel. Then it turns out that she was already attacked by Cerberus troops. We destroy all enemies that come to hand. In the citadel itself we see the corpse of an employee whom someone killed by firing a bullet into the back of his head. Our suspicions were confirmed: Cerberus actually uses its agents in particularly sensitive cases!

Along the way, it turns out that Cerberus’s main liaison is Udina, who has already sent his advisers to Sharmal Plaza, where the killer is eagerly awaiting them. We quickly fly there by shuttle. On the way, some ninja falls on us and spoils the control system, causing the unfortunate shuttle to fall. So continues “Mass Effect 3” (walkthrough). "Leviathan", the second story addition to the game, involves him being found in one of the side quests.

We get to the Citadel and inform Bailey about the existence of some kind of super-killer. The commander ironically notes that they did not notice any traces of him. Shepard replies that the ninja will inevitably show up again soon. Will we have a chance to find this obsessive travel companion in Mass Effect 3? Completing the Omega DLC involves unlocking it, so buy the add-on and go for it!

Reaper base on Rannoch

We land on the planet and head to the geth base. At the same time, we destroy everyone who tries to attack you (and there will be many of them). At the base we learn that we need to break the geth connection with the reapers, otherwise our mission will fail. We call “Normandy”, but then some reaper quickly jumps out of the Gate. We destroy it and order the Normandy to fly away without you, since some other problems need to be solved.

We have to choose allies: if in the dialogue you choose the “Transfer code” option, then your ally, Tali, will throw himself off the cliff from grief. But you will have a huge army of geth at your disposal. If you click on "We'll let the geth die", Tali will still be alive, but you won't get nearly as many troops. What else can surprise “Mass Effect 3” (walkthrough)? “Leviathan”, that is, one of the plot additions, introduces many new characters and even quests into the gameplay, so don’t miss the chance!

Temple at Thessia

We land near the Asari squad. The soldier who is standing at the control panel of the stationary gun is immediately killed. As soon as the huskies and the Creatures are destroyed, we speak with Lieutenant Kurin. Your task is to persuade her to remain in her post.

We move on, constantly taking cover behind the ruins and destroying enemies. We meet a dangerous enemy - the Banshee, who can cause you a lot of problems. We destroy it and all the enemies accompanying the modified enemy, we go to the temple sanctuary. There it turns out that your mission has actually failed and that we will have to kill Kai Len. We contact the command, after which we are ordered to return.

Notes on Story Additions

By the way, you may be seriously surprised by the plot additions of “Mass Effect 3” (“Omega”)! The passage (the reactor in particular) of this DLC is especially different from the main part of the game in that the confrontation with Cerberus is much more fully revealed there.

Sanctuary of the Horizon

Let's take off. We are flying to the planet Horizon. Artificial intelligence hints that it would not hurt to find out the nature of the activities of the notorious Kai Len on the planet. We agree with him.

We enter the sanctuary, making our way through crowds of enemies. On the internal cameras we see how Cerberus specialists turn refugees into... husks! We soon learn that Miranda's father is behind everything. He created a system with which you can control the Husks and, perhaps, the reapers themselves. During the further battle, Miranda dies, but you manage to collect all the necessary information. Upon returning to base, the command thanks you. It turns out that the information you received indicates the location of the Cerberus base. “Measures” to destroy it are behind you.

In addition, one more thing becomes clear. It turns out that the catalyst for the ancient weapon against the reapers is the Citadel itself on Earth! So that’s why the warlike race fights for possession of the planet with such vigor! You have revealed the main secret of Mass Effect 3. The passage continues.

Earth, London

We arrive on Earth. Admiral Hackett immediately reminds us that the Citadel must be opened, regardless of losses. Let's go into battle. We are clearing the landing zone for the landing of the Hammer squad. Along the way, we wish all the fighters who are fighting shoulder to shoulder with you good luck. This boosts the morale of the defenders. We're finishing up Mass Effect 3. The citadel, the passage of which in this case is very difficult, will require your full calculations!

We destroy many enemies who will block the approach to the Citadel. In the last scene, you are hit by a reaper's combat beam. Shepard, half-dead, goes to Anderson. In the final scene you have to choose between two endings. Note! For players who didn't like the short length of the game: extend your playthrough of Mass Effect 3! DLS will help you with this. Of course, if you don't mind paying for additional chapters.

Surely you will like the game "Mass Effect 3". Completing it is quite worthy of you repeating it a couple more times!

In Mass Effect, the situation in the plot is escalated to the limit - there is no safe place anywhere, the situation is escalated to the limit. This is greatly facilitated not only by the invasion of ancient machines - the Reapers, who destroy developed civilizations throughout the Universe every fifty thousand years, but also by Shepard's former employer, Cerberus from Mass Effect 2 - the Illusive Man.

Besotted by the reapers, he seriously thinks that he can take control of them and bring unprecedented power to humanity, although the reapers, on the contrary, completely control him, annoying Shepard and his team - Cerberus causes a lot of trouble.

Don’t forget about the geth-heretics, who are also controlled by the reapers - these machines are capable of bringing a lot of trouble to organic beings, and not only to the quarians who created them.

As a result, thanks to the joint efforts of the reapers, Cerberus and the geth, absolutely everyone can die in Mass Effect 3, including Shepard and his team. True, this is a very sad ending, for which the player still has to try.

Throughout the entire passage of Mass Effect 3, the player prepares for an unequal final battle between advanced civilizations and their catastrophically technologically superior reapers. If this very preparation is insufficient, then there is a huge risk that everyone, everyone, everyone you know in the ME trilogy will die.

If you act more competently, then this outcome can be avoided. By excluding the sad ending that was lost on all counts, we can make sure that not so many characters in the third part can die. By the way, a number of destinies will be greatly influenced by your decisions in the first and second parts.

So, let's start with Shepard's squad - it involves Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams (depending on who you decided to keep with you and who to send on a dangerous mission in the first Mass Effect), Tali, if she survived the Suicide Mission in the second part, Garrus Vakarian ( similar to Tali), James Vega, Liara T "Sony, Javik and EDI - the artificial intelligence of the Normandy that has received a physical shell.

Of the listed characters, there are some individuals at risk. First of all, this is Kaidan or Ashley - during the Cerberus attack on the Citadel, with an insufficiently developed Hero or Renegade level, you will not be able to convince your former colleague, no matter who he/she is, that it is not you who are to blame for what happened.

In this case, either Shepard himself or one of his partners (if the captain, under the strict guidance of the player, does not dare) will be forced to shoot at Ashley or Kaidan. This will lead to the death of one of the specified characters. To prevent this, upgrade your reputation as either a Hero or a Renegade, but not both at the same time. Otherwise, the level is simply not enough for sufficient charisma.

The next character who can die in Mass Effect 3 is the quarian Tali. She will throw herself off a cliff if in the mission "Priority: Rannoch" you choose the side of the geth at the end, which will inevitably lead to the death of the entire quarian fleet and the quarians themselves, respectively.

As for the rest of the comrades, they can only die in the last mission, “Priority: Earth,” if the level of combat readiness of the galaxy is low. Together with the entire organic developed civilization.

We follow further - there we no longer have members of Shepard’s squad, but important characters. So, Miranda Lawson. According to the plot, the likelihood of her death in Mass Effect 3 is very high. For example, if you had an affair with her in the second part, but in the third you broke it off, the girl will inevitably die. In addition, if there was no romance, then certain actions must be taken to save Miranda.

First, a message will come asking for a meeting at the Citadel at the Normandy dock - see her, talk. After a while, she will get in touch again - you will need to talk to her through the Specter terminal on the Citadel, Shepard will mention the name Kai Len, after which Lawson will say that she will now be more careful. Finally, we will receive an invitation to her room on the Citadel, where she will ask for access to the Alliance network - do not refuse, we will be able to save it.

Admiral Anderson - unfortunately, he is doomed, there is no way to save him - he will die one way or another at the end of the last mission at the hands of the Phantom.

Kelly Chambers, an old acquaintance from the second part, may also die in Mass Effect 3 if in the sequel you saved her from the tenacious clutches of the Collectors.

EDI may also die - at the beginning of the game she will receive a physical shell and become a full-fledged member of the squad. In normal battles she will not die, but in the end, if Shepard solves the problem with the Reapers by eliminating all synthetics, she will inevitably die.

Kasumi Goto may die while saving the Hanar planet on the Citadel in 2186, but if she can be saved, she will join the creators of the Forge and provide additional military resources.

Jack may die in 2186 at Kronos Station during the mission "Priority: Cerberus Headquarters."

Kirrahe, who received a promotion and the rank of major in the third part, may also die. This trouble can happen on the Citadel.

A Drell named Thane Krios is terminally ill, so he will inevitably die, but how and when depends on Shepard’s actions. If everything is done correctly, he will die during Cerberus’ attack on the Citadel - Kai Len wounds him, and if the doctors can “fix” the wound, then his illness will progress even after the mission to the Sanctuary.

Grunt - may die in the battle with the Rachni (mission - "Attic Traverse: Rachni") if his loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 was not completed. If loyalty is won, he will not only provide cover for the retreating Shepard and his squad, but also will survive. And he will demand food.

Legion - may die on the quarians’ home planet of Rannoch if they refuse their request for permission to seduce the geth. The situation there is generally difficult, you often have to choose between Tali and the Legion, between the quarians and the geth - in order to preserve both of them, you will have to try very hard, otherwise the whole race will inevitably die.

Ghost - dies one way or another at the very end of the game on the Citadel. Either at Shepard's hands or at his own hands. If Shepard manages to convince him that he is wrong, the Illusive Man will shoot himself.

Zaid Massani - may die in battle with mercenaries on the Citadel in the mission "Citadel: Volus Ambassador".

Samara may also die in Mass Effect 3 - if you don’t stop her from committing suicide in the mission “Mesana: Distress Signal” in the Ardat-Yakshi Monastery using a “heroic” act. We need to react quickly.

Mordin Solus - unfortunately, saving one of the most colorful characters in the game is not so easy. In the mission on Tuchanka, where Mordin tries to cure the Genophage, everything depends on Shepard's actions.

If the captain refuses to sabotage the genophage's cure and reveals that the veil's equipment is damaged, Mordin will rush to the top of the tower to eliminate malfunctions. There he will inevitably die from the explosion of the tower, sacrificing himself for the sake of the krogans.

If you decide to sabotage the healing of the Genophage, Mordin will not like it, but with a high level of Hero or Renegade, you can convince him to remain silent, if not, then there is only one way to stop Mordin - shoot him in the back.

You can save Mordin if you killed Rex in the first part, did not save Malon’s data, have a lot of Hero/Renegade points and accepted the dalatress’s offer to sabotage the Genophage. Then there is a chance to persuade Mordin not to cure the Genophage, then Mordin will only fake his death, and at the same time help with the construction of the Forge.

Donnel Udina inevitably dies on the Citadel during Cerberus' attack on the latter. It turns out that Udina is directly involved in this very attack, so all that remains is to shoot him, or let Ashley or Kayden do it.

Urdnot Rex may also die in Mass Effect 3 - if you sabotaged the healing of the Genophage, he will find out about it and, when meeting on the Citadel, will try to kill Shepard. True, either the captain himself or C-Sec Bailey will get ahead of him in this situation.

There are also a number of less significant characters who may die in the third part of Mass Effect, but we have listed all the main characters above.